How to water home flowers banana leather. Banana peel for indoor plants

Decor elements 23.06.2020
Decor elements

Banana skunk is saturated with potassium (k), magnesium (Mg), calcium (CA), contains phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N). These substances are important for the development of many cultures. Therefore, it is often used as a natural fertilizer for gardening, gardening, indoor plants.

Pluses of banana subordinate

  1. The undoubted advantage that the Bananova denunciation for indoor plants has the ability to saturate the soil with the useful trace elements necessary for the growth of cultures, the development of their root system and a strong, lush greenery. In its composition, it is not inferior to complex mineral fertilizers, while remaining natural, vegetable raw materials;
  2. The use of a banana compost satuates the soil by the organica, improving its fertility;
  3. Magnesium, contained, contributes to photosynthesis, which is especially important for indoor plants grown on windowsill with a small amount of sunlight;
  4. The effectiveness of banana infusion in the protection of the leaf from the Tly;
  5. Availability of this product and simplicity prepare various fertilizer options.


  1. In the process of growth and ripening banana, many times are treated with pesticides. To slow down the ripening of fruits collected during the period of technical maturity, they are bathing in preparations containing chlorine, ammonium sulfate. After transportation, for speedy ripening, bananas are treated with ethylene. All these substances are delayed in the thickness of the banana skins, so it is impossible to get rid of them even after thoroughly washing in the soap solution. Therefore, for feeding of vegetable, berry, garden crops, it should be used with caution. The minimum one-time doses of harmful substances are not scary for humans, but as they accumulate in the body, they can lead to severe diseases;
  2. Nutrients present in the hose of bananas in excess can become a good reproduction medium not only useful microorganisms, but also pathogenic bacteria, rot and fungi. Therefore, it is not recommended to lay it on the surface of the soil or apply as mulch;
  3. The sucrose, contained in the dressing for domestic flowers from banana peel, can involve ants, flies, bees and other insects-sweet.

For which plants fit banana feeding, and for what no

From garden crops such fertilizer is suitable for complex color (Topinambur, Sunflower) and Poleinov (tomatoam, potatoes, peppers, eggplants). These plants assimilate all useful substances, and when harmful trace elements hit, they accumulate them in their peel and do not miss the edible pulp. This is thus the harmful effects of chemicals contained in the banana skirt.

For, decorative shrubs, flower beds, flower beds, banana scooter-based feed can be used without restrictions.

The feeder for indoor flowers from banana peel happens in the form:

  • Fresh housings;
  • Frozen;
  • Sophisticated, dried;
  • Powder;
  • Infusion;
  • Branch;
  • Compost.

Fresh skin

It is used both with whole stripes, and chopped in small pieces. The skin is laid out on the drainage in the capacitance for seedlings or in the wells when transplanting colors on the flower, so that there is a layer of soil between it and roots. Such feeding is useful because as the temperature of the Earth increases, which is good for thermal-loving colors, the necessary substances are highlighted in the soil gradually. For vegetable crops, fresh peel is used only when growing seedlings. It cannot be used to fertilize bulbous crops.


It insists feeding only in clean water to avoid fermentation. Water can be used to be melted, distilled or boiled, cold to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. A glass jar in which feeding from banana peel will be pronounced, pre-sterilize. The clean peel of one banana with a cut fruit, a whole or chopped slices, soaked in a liter of warm water. After 2 days, infusion is filtered, diluted with water in proportion 1: 1 and immediately use, watering the soil under the roots of the plant.

This fertilizer is brought once a week. The dosage depends on the type and need of the plant. Usually for flower beds and garden crops from 100 to 200 ml., For room 2 tablespoons per liter pot. It is still successfully used to combat the soot. For this, the affected plant spray from the sprayer.

Dried or dry skin

Drying in summer it is better to carry out in the fresh air. The peel is dissolved on the ribbon, 2 cm wide., Ride a thread and hang in the sun. In winter, the peel strips are put on the baking sheet, leave on a central heating radiator to complete drying. The dried peel becomes thin, light, homogeneous brown. Store it in tissue or paper bags, plastic or glass containers.

Such fertilizer is entered into the soil in the same way as fresh raw materials. Moreover, during the flowering period, it is recommended to use feeding only from the dried peel or powder. From her they are preparing scales and infusions.


The so-called banana tea is prepared from dried skins or powder. A teaspoon of raw materials poured a glass of boiling water, insist to cooling. Use the decoction as well as infusion.


Banana powder is obtained by grinding the dried banana skins in a blender or a coffee grinder. It is easy to dose, which is important when caring for plants and the preparation of complex fertilizers. It is well stored in a glass jar. It is used in pure form no more than 1 time per month.

When picking, transplanting flowers to a new tank or seedlings on a flowerbed in each well need to add a teaspoon of banana powder. As a feeding, it is plugged into the ground and gently stirred. It is necessary to conduct this procedure after irrigation. Powder is also used for the manufacture of infusion, decoction, as a component for compiling complex fertilizers.


Some gardeners prefer to store a banana skin in a frozen form. For which it is frozen in the freezer, put into plastic containers, plastic bags. After defrosting, it can be used in the same way as fresh peel.


Thanks to the ability to quickly decompose, the banana compost can be prepared in just a month. To do this, it is necessary to peel (without fruits) from 10 bananas and 10 kg of garden land to pour the drug "Baikal", in the proportion indicated on the label, mix thoroughly. Compost is suitable for both seedlings and adult plants. The use of such a compost on the flowerbeds, the garden plot attracts rainworms that produce natural humus, contribute to an even greater increase in soil fertility.

Recipes feeding for flowers

Banana skin raw materials are used to prepare combined plant fertilizers:

  1. Banana-tea decoction. 1 h. Banana powder and green tea brewed in 200 grams. boiling water. After cooling, flowers are watered on the root every 2-3 weeks;
  2. Vintage banana infusion. The dried grape brushes are poured with clean water and insist the day in a warm place, mixed with a banana infusion. Before use, diluted with the same amount of pure water. Also make both bananan-nettical infusions;
  3. Fertilizer from egg shell and banana skuffs. 1 h. The crushed shell and powder (or crushed dry peel) is mixed from 10 g. magnesium sulfate, pour 2.5 tbsp. Water, stirred. This infusion spray the leaves of plants every week;
  4. Orange banana cocktail. The lithric container on the 1/3 part is filled with orange and banana leather, poured 1 tsp. Sugar, poured clean water. They insist a month in a dark place, filter, dilute 1:20.

From the foregoing, summarize: Banana skins can be used as feeding for domestic flowers and some other plant species. The homemade fertilizer will not give way to its properties and efficiency of expensive chemicals purchased in the store. The main thing is not to forget about the measure and comply with the preparation instructions.

For active growth, all plants need regular feeding. A good replacement for shopping drugs will serve a remedy based on banana peel. Banana contains many nutrient elements that improve the growth and general condition of the plants. The presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium makes the peel with an excellent fertilizer, the advantage of which is that it is easily and without much costs can be prepared at home.

Fertilizer from banana peel for indoor plants can be made in the form:

  • dry powder;
  • infusion;
  • or joining the soil of fresh skins.

To use the peel as a fertilizer, the banana should be carefully flushed before cleaning, and after - remove the remnants of the pulp.

Dry powder from banana peel

Skirt from bananas is good to dry: cut it into pieces and decompose on the light window sill or on the battery, to unwind the newspaper. It is necessary to lay the peel in such a way that the inner side is above. You can also pack a little peel in the oven.

Finished dry skins are crushed into a coffee grinder or mortar to the state of the powder and store in a glass jar under the lid.

During the flowering period of indoor plants, the powder scatter on the surface of the earth in the pot, after which the flower is watered. For one Vazon bring 1-2 tsp. (Depending on the volume of the pot) with periodicity once a month. Dry peel is also added to the substrate when transplanting colors - for one pot of 1 tsp.

Banana infusion

Infusion make using fresh banana peel. In a three-liter bottle, put skins from three bananas and pour warm water. Let break 2 days. Water flowers, diluting infusion with water, in a 1: 1 ratio. This will help get rid of Tly. The same solution is recommended to water seedlings.

The finished infusion is stored in the refrigerator no more than 10 days.

Banana compost for bulbous plants

For the preparation of the fatty compost, you will need a lot of skins and the Baikal preparation. Shkins are crushed, mix with the ground and pour the specified preparation. Leave for one month so that the peel decomposed. After the specified time, the procedure is repeated by adding more peel.

Ready Fresh Fertilizer

Finely chopped fresh banana skins are put in a pot when planting or transplanting indoor plants. However, it is worth considering that such a soil is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting a flower, as the peel should be completely decomposed. To speed up the process, you can pour the prepared soil with an infusion containing the organic. Such feeders contribute to the active build-up of deciduous mass.

The banana peel can be frozen in the freezer and to further use it in the same way as in the fresh form.

Banana Hubber Fertilizer - Video

Bananas, although not growing in our country, have already become a familiar, popular fruit. They are loved for a pleasant taste and aroma, as well as useful properties and high energy value. But not only this fruit is famous for this. An excellent banana fertilizer makes from the banana peel, which is well suited for any kind of plants. Now, knowing it, the banana will become fruit for you without waste and will benefit plants on the windowsill and health.

For which plants are suitable banana feeding

The fertilizer from the banana peel is great for indoor plants. With that for completely all. The exception will be only a fertilizer in the form of raw scooters of a banana, such a feeding will not fit: grain, bulbous, fruit cultures. But for vegetable seedlings, roses, cyclamen, ferns, and especially the begonia such fertilizer will be useful, will give more active growth.

Processed in one way or another, the peel is also suitable for garden colors and plants. Especially actively, eggplants, tomatoes and sunflower are responding to such fertilizer. With proper use of a banana housing, tomatoes will be larger, and the bush itself is higher. The same effect will be for eggplant. But for sunflower, the fertilizer will cause larger seeds.

Fertilizer from bananas well suits not only for indoor flowers, but also for plants that grow in a greenhouse. No matter how surprisingly it did not sound, the banana is able to synthesize or highlight the light. And plants growing in a greenhouse, especially in the period of early spring, lack of sunlight, so fertilizer will serve not only as a growth stimulator, but as a substance synthesizing vitamin D for seedlings and other greenhouse inhabitants. With humid skin, it highlights a huge amount of heat, it is also favorable for greenhouse plants.

Banana skins like fertilizer

Banana fertilizer, although not the most common means, but as fertilizer for indoor flowers and other plants is good. Use for this skin, in which a large number of potassium, is what the fruit peel is famous. Nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus are present in a slightly smaller quantity. All these substances are the most useful, in demand for the growth and good development of indoor plants.

Fresh peel, used in general or sliced. A thoroughly washed skirt as a whole, you can put on the bed of greenhouse plants near the main trunk. Sliced \u200b\u200binto small pieces, a thin layer lay out on drainage during plants transplantation. Such feeding is also good because the useful substances come gradually, thereby harming the plant is almost impossible.

Of the fresh peel of the banana make infusions. This method is good because the fertilizer will be stored longer, if necessary, it can be frozen. Use it, just watered a plant. A good skin and in the dried or brveling form, with a crushed or whole skirt, knit in the oven, or dried in the sun. Purge peer inside upstairs. In winter, you can use the battery for drying. It is possible to store in the package, glass or plastic container hermetically closed, in a dark place. This type of peel is used as a mulch.

Banana fertilizer is also prepared from the pre-dried, and then crushed skins. To do this, the skin is dried hard and grind in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Pre-cut into small pieces, the skirt is frying in a pan on a small fire. Such fertilizer is added simply into the container with flowers, directly to the ground, one tablespoon once a month. You can less often, but not more often.

Banana skin in the fight against tool

In addition to the smell, the wave does not tolerate potassium in the kidney, and this microelement in the leather is a lot. If we are talking about the treatment of indoor plants, there is a good infusion of fresh banana skins. The recipe for such a banana fertilizer is simple: one-liter of water accounts for one thoroughly washed skirt. Street 3 days in a dark and cool place. Next, dilute with water at the rate of 1: 1 with water, watering under the root. TLL will begin to disappear in front of her eyes.

Preparing raw materials for feeding

The main and most importantly rule in the preparation of banana fertilizer is thoroughly wash the peel. Usually do not only in this case, but just before use of the fruit. It is necessary that the banana worked as a fertilizer, and not vice versa. The fact is that before transportation, for longer storage, every bunch of bananas is treated with harmful substances that can be a dura group, these are dangerous carcinogens.

Manufacturers perhaps not all soaked bananas in special compositions containing chlorine and ammonium sulfate. Such a solution allows you to "sterilize" bananas and remove the emulsion. It may well be that bananas are processed by ethylene, some suppliers resort to such methods for faster ripening of fruits. All these substances adversely affect the health of an adult and can even be dangerous for children.

Therefore, bananas, before use and before the start of the preparation of fertilizer, need to be thoroughly washed, preferably with soap or with a special means for washing fruits, vegetables, in warm, running water. And white fibers, which sometimes remain on the banana when cleaning the peel, always need to be removed, there are not worth it. All plantations, on average, 65-70 times a year are treated with chemicals (pesticides) to eliminate pests, weeds and diseases.

Cooking brazers and info

Standard and universal infusion make from fresh shkins. To prepare such a fertilizer, it is necessary to chop finely clean and put into the container, which can be closed tightly. It is advisable to use a glass container. Banana skuffs should be slightly more than half of the tank. Then you need to pour it with water, and insist the peel in a dark cool place of the day. After that, the water is drained, parts of the banana are ejected, the infusion is again transfused into the same tank and diluted with water to the edges. The infusion is best stored in the refrigerator or basement. Water under the root instead of ordinary water.

You can cook the decoction and water the flowers in such an infusion. For this skirm, you should dry as a whole or crushed at the battery. If these were whole skins, you can grind them after drying. Store such raw materials is best in a paper or tissue bag. Brew skins as ordinary tea, and the cooled solution is used for watering colors. Remains can be stored just in a dark place. This method is convenient because it is possible to press the peel and to feed the plant at any time.

Fried skin

To prepare this type of fertilizer, the peel is frying in the oven. We will need a baking sheet or any other refractory dishes, the bottom of which needs to be applied to foil or baking paper. Skins are laid out by the yellow side down and shine in the oven at a temperature of 160⁰ until ready. Readiness is determined by the complete drying of the raw material. Next, they should be cooled and after grinding in a coffee grinder to the powder state.

Such fertilizer is good to use when accurate calculations are needed for fertilizer. For intense and fruitful feeding, a single teaspoon of such a powder is sufficient, which should be mixed with the soil. Store this banana fertilizer follows in a thoroughly closing capacity, pre-speaking into a paper bag.

Compost from banana skins

This is perhaps the best fertilizer that can be made from banana raw materials. But at the same time, the same is not easy to prepare. It will take time, a little effort and additional tool.

  • At the bucket of the soil, you need as much banana skuffs.
  • Additional means will be the fertilizer "Baikal". Earth, crushed banana skins and "Baikal" need to mix thoroughly.
  • After a month, it is necessary to re-add a banana component and fertilizer, and just mix everything.

And after a month or two, it turns out nutritious, fat and black compost with Baikal and banana skins.

Freezing waste

In order to be at hand, the main component of the banana fertilizer in the fresh form of the skins can be simply freezed. The washed and well dried from moisture part of the banana is better to cut into small pieces and laying up on the horizontal surface to send to the freezer to full freezing. After the pieces to assemble and store in a plastic container or package. All useful substances after defrosting are saved and with skins can be done anything.

Crushed fresh skin

It can be crushed simply cutting it into large and small pieces just a kitchen knife. Fresh peel can be chopped in a blender. If you add some water to the resulting Cashitz, get ready-made fertilizer, such a banana cocktail. In the crushed form of a banana peel to quickly deteriorate, it is bad, the maximum of day it can fly in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is better to prepare fertilizer or freeze from it right away, or dry.

Dried fertilizer

Arrange parts of a banana or on the battery, if it is cold season, or in special drying machines. In the summer they dry them simply outdoors in the shade. With any kind of drying, the skins are put on a white side up. If the drying occurs in the open air of the skins, it is better to lay on paper (you can use the newspaper) and cover the gauze on top, fixing it along the edges. Dried skins need to be stored in a hermetically closed container or in a paper package.

Recipes feeding for flowers

Recipes for banana fertilizer a lot. But all the diversity is one recipe, which is considered the best. We'll figure it out how to make a fertilizer from banana peel with egg shell.

For cooking you will need:

  • Skirts of dried bananas - 4 pcs.
  • Magnesium sulfate - 20 g
  • Estimated water - 900 ml.
  • Crumpled in the blender of the eggs of eggs - 2 ppm

Cooking method:

  • Parts of the banana are also crushed in a blender.
  • Next, all components are mixed and one container.
  • Fertilizer will be ready immediately as soon as magnesium sulfate is dissolved.
  • Store such fertilizer should be in the refrigerator.
  • Apply it, spraying on the foliage and trunk of the plant, no more than once a week.

No less good fertilizer is an aqueous ink from the banana peel (tincture) the recipe that is higher. And do not forget about the amazing compost with the addition of "Baikal", from such fertilizer, any plant will grow faster and delight their gardeners and gardeners.

Contraindications and precautions

It will be poisoned and to harm your health as you like, but as they say: "Even the poison in small quantities is useful." With banana fertilizer with respect to plants the situation is the same. There are no special contraindications in fertilizer from bananas. But, the banana peel has a feature, it works as a filter, protecting the fruit itself and its seeds from harmful substances and accumulating them into themselves. Some of them (chemicals), even after careful washing remain in the peel, as they soaked through it.

But this does not reduce the beneficial properties of banana fertilizer. Just observe precautions. Fresh peel, experienced gardeners and gardeners advise to use more for fruit trees and seedlings. And the prerequisite will prevail the touch of fresh skins about the roots of the tree or other parts, as this can lead to the combustion of the plant. It is necessary to abide by the dosage of the banana component in the formulations of various fertilizers and use not more than recommended.

Banana peel is very useful as a fertilizer for home flora. It fell to many gardeners due to the fact that it contains a mass of nutrients that contribute to growth, as well as strengthening the root system. In banana peel there are potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as nitrogen. It is these substances in certain quantities necessary by home plants.

Make a fertilizer from banana peel for indoor plants will not take much of your time and effort. You may not worry that the plant will receive a chemical burn, because the banana peel will share its nutrients immediately, thereby not harming the flower.

We will dedicate this article to feed banana skins, and consider several fertilizer options.

As a fertilizer for indoor plants, banana peel should be keenly dry. In order for the powder to succeed in enough, one and a half kilograms of peel should prepare in advance. It must be chopped and put it on the windowsill, pre-inspired clean sheets of A4 format.

Be sure to lay the peel on the windowsill inner up to the pulp can dry faster. It will not be superfluous to dry it in the oven. After it is ready, grind it in a blender or in a coffee grinder. It is necessary to store the cooked fertilizer in a glass jar and be sure to cover the lid.

Feel the bedroom flowers follows during their flowering. On one flower pot of medium sizes, two teaspoons of powder are required. Evenly crush the powder on the surface of the earth and make a pretty water.

In the form of tincture

Feed the floral plants and a special tincture of banana crusts. For this you need not dried, but fresh peel. Prepare a bottle, desirable desirable for three liters. Pretty rinse it and put the skins of bananas (three or four), then fill with warm water. Give this tincture to stand two days.

After the desired time passed, you can start watering the plants in the room. For domestic flowers, one to one to one with dilution of infusion should be adhered to the ratio. This fertilizer is recommended to water seedlings.

In latest form

Fresh peel must be put during or the first planting of the plant. Remember that before you sit down or transplant the flower, you must prepare the soil. All this will go about two or three weeks. Banana peel must be fully decomposed during this time in the soil.

Such fertilizer helps to build a foliage plant very well.

As compost

For the preparation of this fertilizer, quite a lot of banana skins are required, as well as a special preparation (you can take "Baikal"). Corks need to clean carefully, mix with the ground and pour the drug. All the Earth should be left for about a month so that the banana crusts are completely decomposed. As soon as this time passes, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

Combined recipes

Any gardener will not miss the chance to get natural organic matter for their garden, creating at the same time. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Nourishing tea

For its manufacture you will need:

  • one teaspoon of leaf green tea;
  • banana skins powder - two tablespoons;
  • one liter of boiling water.

You need to mix powder with one teaspoon of leaf green tea and pour boiling water. Insert until the tea is completely cooled. If your plant cares, it will be enough and fifty milliliters so that it began to revive. For room colors, such an hour is ideal.

Refreshing souls

In order to prepare a solution, you will need:

  • two tablespoons of crushed eggshell;
  • six peel powder spoons;
  • twenty grams of magnesia;
  • nine hundred milliliters water.

All dry components pour water. Be sure to mix thoroughly so that magnesium sulfate is dissolved. Store the resulting liquid in the refrigerator. Spray this solution should not be too often.

Thanks to this nutritional and refreshing soul, your plants will be much better feeling.

Video "Fertilizer from banana peel"

From this video you will learn how to make a fertilizer from banana peel.

Each novice gardener must try to try out the fertilizer from banana peel for indoor plants. Often it is simply thrown out, although it can bring a lot of benefit, since it has a large amount of nutrients (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium). All of them contribute to the rapid growth and strengthening the root system. Make a fertilizer from banana peel can be independently at home.

Cork from Banana has long been used by lovers to grow a variety of plants at home. This is a natural product that does not harm the plant and gradually shares with it its nutritional properties. You can use such a feeder for watering the garden, fertilizer of greenhouse crops or at the cottage per season. The main methods of applying waste from banana in crop production:

Included in magnesium, potassium and nitrogen are particularly useful to cultures that constantly experiencing lack of sunlight. Therefore, most often banana skins are used as fertilizer for home plants. In this case, they get full nutrition, and the soil is structured to ensure good work of the roots. In addition, the banana is often used to combat aphids, as well as for feeding fading plants, supporting seedlings after a transplant.

The fertilizer from the banana is used for plants of almost any kind and size. It is better to use it during the formation of buds or in spring, when it lacks useful components for normal growth. In this case, you can provide lush and long-lasting flowering. Banana feeding is largely universal. Raw skins are more often used for the following plants:

  • Fern.
  • Seedling vegetables.
  • Roses.
  • Begonia.
  • Cyclamen.

But fresh waste specialists in the field of growing colors advise not always. In the processed form, banana skins as a fertilizer for indoor plants on the windowsill are more suitable for the following cultures:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Eggplant.
  • Sunflower.
  • Any houseplants.
  • Garden flowers of any kind.

A good result gives the use of such feeding in a greenhouse, because there the plants also often, as in the apartments, suffer from deficiency of ultraviolet rays. In this case, it is better to use a recycled skirt. The dried or roller coating soil is often melted, and the powder is added to the ground no more than once a month to maintain growth. It can be done even during flowering.

The use of non-recycled waste from the banana has its own characteristics. It is recommended to use them most often when transplanting plants, as well as for feeding young crops to maintain them during the growth period. In the process of rotting, the skin highlights enough heat for this, even more than manure. The method of cooking fertilizer from fresh waste:

  1. The peel is cut by small pieces.
  2. Mugs into the ground for a small depth. When transplanting it is better to lay it out after the drainage layer.
  3. 10 days later, there will be no trace from the banana in the ground, the type of plant should be significantly improved.

Store banana skins will not work for a long time, so it is better to use them immediately or recycle one of the most convenient ways. In this case, the bait can be used at any convenient moment. Some craftsmen roas them in the oven or dried on the battery (thus, all the necessary useful substances and components remain in the composition), or freeze them in the refrigerator. For this, a separate tray in the chamber is highlighted. But there are other methods of workpiece.

For the preparation of infusion, fresh waste from fruit will be required. They are thoroughly cut and sent to a liter bank. It is poured into it ordinary water, it is possible even from under the tap, and it is possible to strengthen within 24 hours. Usually the fluid appears an unpleasant odor, so it is better to keep fertilizer in the barn, on the balcony or other well ventilated room.

From fresh waste can be easily prepared powder. This method is the easiest and most universal, and also allows you to make a blank of feeding for a whole year. Prepare it from any number of waste. This is done as follows:

  1. It will be necessary to take a banana skirt, rinse it carefully and put it dry in the sun or on the battery.
  2. After complete drying, the solid pieces are thoroughly shared in a stage or a coffee grinder.
  3. The resulting powder is laid out into dry dishes with a hermetic lid. It will be stored in it. It can be used as needed.

For plants in pots in the season, half a teaspoon of such fertilizer are used. It is distributed as evenly uniform on the surface of the soil, after which the plant is watered. This will take it every month. Powder is convenient to use in combined recipes, it is often mixed with other fertilizers to obtain good growth of new processes.

Beginner gardeners and professionals in this business are popular with combined feeding. They consist of several natural ingredients and are aimed at maintaining plants and stimulating its growth. Here are some proven recipes:

Such simple recipes allow you to get excellent organic fertilizers for indoor plants. To grow your favorite types of cultures at home will be easier and more convenient.

Rules of watering plants

Properly prepared infusion or powder is used for watering room plants. But it is necessary to do this in compliance with simple rules to eliminate the negative impact on the root system. Watering flowers should consider the following recommendations of specialists:

Installing the banana peel into the ground, it is important to exclude its "peeling", since this site will quickly cover mold. The more carefully the waste will be cut, the easier it will be mixed with the soil. In addition, the humus is formed faster, and the plant will better receive all the useful components necessary for the growth.

Banana peel is used not only to saturate the plant with useful substances, but also to combat insects. The biggest pest in the house and the preservation site is the word. To get rid of it, you will need to prepare the following solution:

  • You need to take a three-liter jar and peel from three bananas.
  • Ground waste is flooded to the top of the top with clean water.
  • The mixture will be required, it is usually done for 4 days.
  • The finished solution is frozen to remove unnecessary skins, and diluted with water in the proportion of one to one.

The resulting composition spray plants or water soil once a week. If flowers were amazed, then the part of the peel is buried in the ground, it also contributes to the scaping of insects. Do not use such a way if there are ants nearby, as it will only attract them to enjoy sweet skin.

Banana peel is a natural product, so many people think that it is completely harmless, but it is far from that. When growing culture, pesticides and other harmful chemical compounds are used, so before use of bananas, it is necessary to wash carefully. It is better to use a greenish eye in the preparation of fertilizer for seedlings or in the period of growing plants. It still contains the substances necessary for reinforced fuel supply. It is also important to know about banana feeding before use the following:

It is also important to remember that it should not use the feeder too often, as this will lead to the oversaturation of the soil, it will not benefit the plant, but, on the contrary, it can seriously harm. The first sign of the excessive amount of fertilizer is the yellowing of the leaf, as well as the oppressed type of plant.

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