Beautiful and unusual garden plants shrubs. The most unpretentious and beautiful ornamental shrubs for summer cottages and gardens

landscaping 22.05.2019

The average climatic zone of the Russian Federation is characterized by capricious weather conditions: in winter, the thermometer drops to -30, and in summer it soars to +35 C. Not every plant can withstand such harsh conditions, and today we have collected the best low ornamental flowering shrubs that are frost-resistant. These beautiful plants are ideal for the Moscow region and the middle climatic zone of the Russian Federation. Read our descriptions with names, characteristics and photos to create a landscape design on suburban area.

How to choose and combine shrubs in a summer cottage

There are a lot of types of frost-resistant shrubs, but you should not plant them spontaneously. When planting and selecting plants, you should be guided by the following rules:

  1. The size of the plot and the area that is reserved for shrubs.
  2. The compatibility of the shrub with plants and trees already on the site.

Ornamental shrub is of interest throughout the year, and it can be distinguished by bright leaf color, shape, flowering and even berries. Some shrubs look great in a single copy, other species are good as a decorative low hedge.

Choose a shrub so that it combines with other neighboring plants

Shrub - a universal plant used for such purposes in landscape design:

  • delimitation of the territory;
  • creation of hedges, borders, flower bed dividers;
  • creating an emphasis on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site;
  • dust protection.

The shrub can be cut into any shape to fit the general idea of ​​the site.

Shrubs undersized: classification and types

For hedges, unpretentious plants are chosen that are frost-resistant and hardy. Minimum Height bushes starts from 10 cm, the maximum can exceed 2.5 m.

The shrub can be flowering and prickly, we will consider the latter:

  • Sea buckthorn, which is planted along the fence. Orange berries framed by green leaves look amazingly beautiful, and you can cook a vitamin cocktail from the harvest.

Sea buckthorn

  • Roses are also shrubs, of the undersized ones the most beautiful are wild ones. The low bush is completely covered with small buds that emit a delicate aroma.
  • Japanese low quince is a low-growing shrub whose branches are covered with prickly thorns. The plant is not only beautiful, but also functional: it protects the site from the penetration of animals and strangers. After flowering, the shrub is covered with golden fruits, and from them you can cook jam or compote.

Japanese quince

Also, a classic shrub hazel, honeysuckle, jasmine are often planted at their summer cottage, as an addition to undersized varieties. They go well with the undersized yellow-orange cinquefoil and graceful action.

evergreen rhododendron

Rhododendron is used to create fences on the north side of the site. This plant tolerates winter well, but can burn under the first rays of the sun. The most hardy species is the rhododendron of Smirnov and Ledebour, able to survive the winter with temperatures below -50C. If the winters in the region are snowless, but frosty, it is better to grow Canadian, yellow or Yakusheman rhododendron.

Any species is planted on a site well protected from the wind with a minimum number of direct sun rays. Shrubs love moisture, but they also cannot stand stagnant water. It is optimal to water them after the topsoil has dried, every autumn mulching the rhododendron with pine litter.


The most beautiful are the following varieties:

  1. Album Novum is a spherical shrub that tolerates temperatures up to -30 C. It blooms with pink flowers, the shade of which smoothly turns into white.
  2. Elite, characterized by lilac-pink flowers and leaves with the aroma of bogulnik.

Magnificent Magonia

Mahonia is a gorgeous shrub with glossy leaves and fragrance when flowering. The smell of mahonia flowers resembles a lily of the valley, and the berries are suitable for food and winemaking. Flowering occurs in November-March, even during severe frosts.

Magonia is planted in the shade of trees, combining several bushes. Before the onset of winter, the roots of the plant should be covered with spruce branches or needles.

Advice! Magonia leaves can be cauterized by the spring sun, and with direct exposure to the rays in the first few weeks, it is recommended to shade the shrub.

The most beautiful types of mahonia:

  • Holly - drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant. Reaches 1 m in height and 1.5 in width, leaves with a red tint, the flowering period falls in the spring, and the berries ripen by autumn.

  • The Vanger variety is similar in characteristics to the holly species.
  • Creeping mangonium is the shortest shrub, reaching half a meter in height.

Important! Magonia is the most unpretentious shrub that takes root perfectly in acidic, sandy and moist soils. It is not susceptible to pests, the exception is fungus damage.

Ornamental heather shrub

Heather is especially amazing during the flowering period, when it is covered with snow. The average growth of heather reaches 1 m, and color options shrubs are diverse - these are yellow, white lilac and blue shades.

Consider the types of undersized heather:

  • Pink heather that grows only 90 cm. The stem of pink heather is straight with stiff branches, the flowers are small, and their color can be white, pink or tinged with red.
  • Variety Beal with green leaves and light pink flowers.
  • Golden, characterized by lilac blooms. The leaves of this species are golden yellow in the heat, and during frosts their hue turns red.

  • Plenums of Elbe is a snow-white heather with green leaves and double flowers.

Abundant flowering, a variety of colors and unpretentiousness make heather a desirable inhabitant of the suburban area. Heather is used as an ornamental flowering shrub, which can be used to delimit plantings or create a real heather field.

Heather looks most impressive in an ensemble with coniferous trees, a lawn flowering meadow and flowering undersized shrubs.

Summing up

Shrubs do not require transplantation, even undersized ones protect the site from drafts and dust, and some species will bring good harvest delicious fruits. Some types of shrubs bloom 3-4 years after planting, but after the first flowering they delight the eye for many years.

If you want the shrub to bloom faster, then you should choose early-ripening hops, a fast-growing variety Highlander Aubert or clematis. If there is no time to care for the bush, then ideal option will become mock orange, snowberry or Schmidt's currant.

The main thing is to carry out sanitary pruning of old branches every 3-4 years, to prevent stagnant water that can harm the plant, and every autumn add up to 5 cm of coniferous mulch.

Flowering ornamental shrubs: video

Shrubs to give: photo

In the hands of caring gardeners, berry bushes can become a real decoration of the site. Lovingly grown fruits will delight you with a delicious harvest throughout the season.

Arranging a garden plot is not complete without fruit and berry bushes and trees. In a garden with a beautiful landscape design, there should be a place for a berry bush: raspberries, gooseberries, currants, sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, blackberries, blueberries, shadberries. We offer you an overview of the most popular shrubs.


Surely you have heard about the wonderful. It is hard to imagine that raspberry bushes used to grow exclusively in forests. And only a few centuries later they began to breed it in garden plots. Raspberries have many advantages, in the garden it is simply necessary. Shrubs, depending on the variety, have red berries, yellow and purple-black are less common.

Varieties of raspberries

  • Traditional varieties of early, medium and late ripening. Adapt to any conditions. The disadvantage is low productivity.
  • Large-fruited are considered high-yielding. Allow to grow berries weighing up to 12 grams each.
  • The most popular are remontants. Fruiting begins in the first year.

Features of care

Berry shrub requires regular watering, loosening and. Landing is done in spring or autumn. For the winter, the soil around the bush is insulated. In the spring, it is necessary to trim and garter. All of the above measures will be useless if you do not protect the bush from diseases.

Harvest with gloves, as the bushes of many varieties have thorns on the branches.


Gooseberries are often called northern grapes or Russian cherry plums. unpretentious culture gives good yields. Bushes feel great in lighted areas. Afraid of shade and waterlogging. You can find gooseberries in almost all regions. Bushes begin to bear fruit from the third year. Berries can be green, yellow or red-brown. There are at least 1500 varieties

Unlike currants, gooseberries are not afraid of drought.

gooseberry varieties

  • European varieties - praised for their high palatability. The disadvantage is instability to disease and frost.
  • American - not afraid of drought, give a good harvest. The size of the berries are inferior to European varieties.
  • Hybrid - combine all the best. In garden plots are considered the most common.

Features of care

Gooseberries do not tolerate acidic soils; it is recommended to add garden compost and lime to the planting trench. Bushes are planted in September. When planting in the spring, the plant may die. Old and dry branches must be pruned. Harvest gooseberries as they ripen. Because of the thorns on the branches, it is best to do this with gloves.


In the garden, blackberries are grown relatively recently, before they could only be found in the wild.

In terms of taste, it surpassed raspberries. A shrub with a perennial rhizome was not in demand because of the sharp thorns. However, thanks to the breeders appeared. It has an external resemblance to a black raspberry. Tastes sour.

Blackberry varieties

  • upright blackberry- is considered the most common. Bushes give a good harvest and save space on the site.
  • Semi-creeping varieties are extremely rare. Experienced gardeners recommend planting this variety.
  • Repair blackberry - allows you to harvest 2 crops per season: June, August.

Features of care

Gives a rich harvest on well-fed land. In straight-growing varieties, it is necessary to tie up young stems. Blackberries are planted in a trench strictly along the line, otherwise care may be difficult. During the fruiting period, the bushes need to be watered abundantly.


Edible varieties of honeysuckle are popularly called "rejuvenating berries". The name appeared not by chance, since the berries contain the element of youth - selenium. Shrubs bloom beautifully, so they are often used for decorative purposes. However, to a greater extent, the berry is valued as a useful storehouse of vitamins.

Ripens in mid-May. The berry has a slightly bitter specific taste.

Varieties of honeysuckle

  • Long-fruited honeysuckle - medium-sized bushes are distinguished by a cylindrical shape of berries.
  • Hybrid varieties - bred by breeders by crossing varieties of berries.
  • Mid-late varieties - allow you to harvest honeysuckle until late autumn.

Features of care

Bushes do not tolerate shade well. When choosing a landing site, it is better to give preference to sunny places. Suitable for planting, both in autumn and spring. In the spring, this must be done before the start of the growing season. Honeysuckle grows slowly so that the bush takes root and bears fruit well, it is fed.

Bushes aged 6-8 years require sanitary pruning. Dead branches must be removed. Young shoots do not need to be pruned.


Perennial currant shrubs can be found in garden plots and forest plantations. Berries are famous palatability And useful properties. Unpretentious care bushes allow you to collect rich harvests. It is almost impossible to choose one single variety for the site. The best option would be to grow several species at once. Seedlings adequately overcome the harsh natural disasters in a cold winter.

Varieties of currant

  • Blackcurrant of early, medium and late ripening. Large-fruited varieties are considered the most popular.
  • Red currant - differs in more weighty clusters. Bushes can grow without transplanting up to 20 years.
  • White currant - the variety is not inferior to red in taste and benefits.
  • Hybrid varieties - bred by breeding varieties of gooseberries and currants.

Features of care

Yields well in well-drained soil. Cannot be planted in an acidic environment. During the growing season loosening of the soil is required. Do not allow the soil to dry out; in dry weather, it is necessary to provide watering.

In autumn, you need to rejuvenate the bushes by trimming outdated branches.


In many regions, it is considered a rare growing berry. More often it can be found in the wild. Among gardeners, there is a growing interest in growing on their plots promising varieties. Thanks to proper care you can have a good harvest of useful berries.

Blueberries look like blueberries.

Varieties of blueberries

  • Tall varieties - feel good as a hedge. Their bushes are branched, the berries have an intense, blue or blue color.
  • Low-growing blueberry - blooms luxuriantly in spring, pleases with excellent yields and neat bushes.
  • Southern varieties - were eaten out by hybridization for growing in arid climates.

Features of care

At home, it is better to grow not wild, but more adapted cultivated varieties. Bushes take root well, regardless of the method of planting by seeds or by dividing the bush. Pruning is carried out on adult bushes, starting from 5-6 years of plant life.

Blueberries are very whimsical to the soil, it needs to create fertile conditions.

Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn bushes can be found near water bodies, which is why they are often called "sea thorn". Experienced gardeners manage to successfully grow it on their plots. The use of berries is very wide, they are mainly used in medicinal purposes. Sea buckthorn oil is considered especially valuable.

Sea buckthorn varieties

  • Early, middle and late ripening - garden varieties sea ​​buckthorn.
  • Botanical grade - practically has no thorns.
  • Large-fruited varieties - sweeter in taste, do not have thorns.

Features of care

The bush will bear fruit if a female and male specimen of sea buckthorn is planted nearby. For the winter, it requires shelter of the soil; it does not tolerate severe frosts very well. Pruning is carried out in the spring. A bush aged 8-12 years requires rejuvenation under the stump. Watering the plant is not necessary, except in drought.


A beautiful plant is often used as an ornamental shrub. And only a few know how useful berries grow on it. Having once tasted the berries of the irgi, the gardener will definitely want to plant a bush in his area. The plant is not only useful, but also winter-hardy, withstands harsh weather conditions.

The taste of irgi berries is somewhat reminiscent of cherries.

Varieties of irgi

  • Alder-leaved irga is a shrub that blooms profusely in spring. Leaves turn in autumn bright color. From a plant you can get up to 10 kg of berries.
  • Canadian shadberry is a tall tree-like shrub. The berries are fleshy and pleasant in taste.
  • Irga blood-red is a slender, medium-sized shrub. The berries are very juicy, with a thin delicate skin.

Features of care

It is considered an unpretentious plant, practically does not require care. Shrubs love abundant watering, especially during the growing season.

The first 2-3 years, it is necessary to form a bush by cutting. At a later age, the plant is rejuvenated.

Berries attract birds, the harvest must be harvested in a timely manner as they ripen.

By planting several varieties of shrubs, you can diversify the range of fruit seedlings in the garden. Regarding the choice of plants, it is so large that it will not be possible to advise something with confidence. Species and varieties must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of plants.

Good day to all!

Now almost everyone has their own summer cottage. Someone grows vegetables, berries on it, someone is engaged exclusively in floriculture.

But everyone, one way or another, gives their site an aesthetic appearance by planting ornamental shrubs on it.

Now in many magazines, and on the Internet, it is told how to do it correctly.

Scientifically, this is called landscape design. Our task today, of course, is somewhat different, we will not touch on this topic much, although we will touch on this aspect a little. And we will consider what shrubs exist in general, and what they are.

I think that this information will help you decide what to plant and what not to plant in your free zone. And to begin with, I would like to give some advice on choosing these plants.

  • When choosing, pay attention to the region in which one or another species can be grown. What climatic conditions are suitable for it.
  • Be sure to pay attention to whether you are purchasing seedlings that are sun-loving or shade-resistant. Plant accordingly. So, for example, the latter are often planted in the shade of the former. Or cook for them special places according to the distribution of light throughout the day.
  • More important is the size of the plant. So, if the site is small, then it is not worth planting heavily sprawling, lush plants that require a lot of free space in such areas.
  • If you are planning to do hedge, then undersized representatives of this species are perfect for her.
  • Recently, many stores sell many beautiful arches. For their design, you should choose climbing plant species.

Perennial, summer-blooming shrubs for a summer cottage

Many people try to plant these types of plants on their plots. As a rule, they are quite unpretentious and therefore do not require constant care. And if at the same time they also bloom all summer, or most of it, then such a plant will be just perfect.

Of course, not all of them bloom all season, but placing them correctly with those that bloom most warm season, you can achieve such an effect that the garden will be beautiful throughout the summer season.

Let's take a look at the most good options for planting in the garden. And let's start with perhaps the most beloved and frequently used.


This magnificent plant is planted almost everywhere. The peak of its flowering occurs in May and, a little in early June. Its pleasant spring smell will delight anyone, and a sprig of lilac, placed in a vase at home, always gives an element of spring mood.

Lilac is not only purple, but also with white flowers, and also distinguish varieties such as simple, terry and super terry.

Even when it has already faded, its leaves are always fresh and beautiful, and it is very much in demand in plantings.


Another name for this beautiful and interesting plant is mock orange.

This shrub is loved for its incomparable aroma. During the flowering period, it attracts many insects to the garden - bumblebees, bees ... Its sizes are different, and depend on the variety and species, and can reach a height and width from one to four meters.

It is mostly a southern plant. Although there are certain varieties that grow in the Urals and Siberia. There are quite a lot of species and varieties of jasmine (about 60). And on the site you can plant several different seedlings. This is due to the fact that all of them can bloom at different times.

Basically, of course, jasmine blooms from mid-June to late July. One of the most popular varieties is fluffy mock orange from North America.

However, there are many other popular species, among them frost-resistant. Let's look at them too.

Mock orange(has a very fragrant aroma). He hails from Western Europe, but it has taken root well with us. It is distinguished by a fairly high and spreading crown up to 3 - 3.5 meters, abundant flowering. Its peduncles have a pleasant slightly creamy, more white hue. Able to withstand frosts up to 25 degrees.

Chubushnik Schrenk- Its homeland is China and the Far East. It's also quite large plant capable of growing up to 3 meters in height. The flowers are pure white, beautiful, with an incomparable aroma. It begins to bloom around mid-June, and blooms almost until mid-July, but the average flowering period is 25 days. It is also quite winter-hardy, and will be able to overwinter with temperatures of -25 degrees.

Odorless mock orange- the name speaks for itself. Alas ... but the flowers have no smell at all, although they are quite beautiful and at the same time they are also collected in tassels. The flowering period is quite large, begins at the end of June, and is 30 days. This winter-hardy shrub, reaching a height of 3 meters, also came to us from North America.

Chebushnik fluffy- also a native of North America, but a little lower than his "countryman", and reaches a height of 2 meters. The flowers are light, almost white with a slight creamy tinge of inflorescences, which, unlike the congener, have a faint pleasant smell. It blooms at the end of July, that is, later than all representatives of this species.

Chebushnik Gordon- the tallest of all, its height under good conditions of detention can reach 5, and even 6 meters. It begins to bloom from the second half of July, the flowers are delicate, white, with a slight pleasant smell.

tree peony

Almost every gardener grows a peony on the site. But this herbaceous plant there is a shrub relative - called a tree peony.

This beautiful plant not much different from the herbaceous relative. Blooms a little earlier. Reaches sizes up to 1.5 meters.

There are a lot of varieties of it and they differ in the color of peduncles: there are burgundy, and yellow, and pink. And all of them are gorgeous and incredibly beautiful.


If you are a lover of roses, then you will definitely like this plant, because its flowers are somewhat similar to rose flowers. If you properly care for him, then he does not skimp on flowering and delights the owners with his appearance for a long time.

By the way, camellia also feels good as a potted plant in the house.

The bush, of course, does not grow as huge as in the garden, but the flowers are also pleasing, however, like the camellia itself as a whole.


This is another plant that gardeners love to plant in their area. He is loved not only for his beauty abundant flowering, but also for the fact that these flowers subsequently give abundant harvests of useful fruits.

In fact, this made viburnum almost a permanent "tenant" in the dachas.


This plant has a very nice pleasant aroma. In addition to decorative properties, this shrub also has medicinal properties, which makes it planted in the country.

Elderberry has one most useful quality - mosquitoes and flies do not like its smell. Therefore, by dropping it under the window, you will protect yourself from uninvited guests.

The only thing, many do not like to grow this plant because of its high growth. Height can even reach 10 meters. However, if you cut it correctly, you can not only give a decorative beautiful shape but also adjust its height.

Flowering begins in May, sometimes in June, depending on the weather. Please note that the fruits are red and black, but only black ones are edible.

Black elderberry juice is useful for maintaining health, and is widely used in folk medicine. The range of application is quite wide - it is a tonic, antipyretic, expectorant, antiviral and antifungal agent.


This plant has recently become very popular and loved by gardeners and summer residents. This beautiful perennial shrub with curving branches, full of flowers. At the same time, one plant can have only one white flowers, and there can be both white and pink.

It all depends on the type of seedling.

Unlike the tall elderberry, the tallest spirea can only reach a height of two meters. And there are also undersized varieties, which many give their preference to.

By the nature of flowering, spirea is spring-flowering and summer. Therefore, it is best to plant different varieties so that its flowering is constant.

She also has different shape- this must be taken into account when landing, choosing a permanent place for it. Creeping and weeping forms differ, both are beautiful.

Very beautiful and varieties with decorative foliage. These even without color look very impressive.


This perennial, which not only blooms beautifully, but also gives the first tasty berries. Of course, they are somewhat specific in taste, but they have a lot of useful properties.

This shrub is represented by both straight and curly forms, which makes it decorative application more varied.

For example, curly forms can be grown on arches. It looks just amazing.

Honeysuckle berry is very useful. She's good as in kind, and in compotes and jams.


The shrub is thorny, and therefore it is good to use it as a green fence. It is often planted not only on the site, but also outside it. When it is necessary to enclose something.

Unlike other shrubs, hawthorn needs to be trimmed periodically to give it the desired shape. This way it looks more beautiful.

The hawthorn berry is also very useful, and has wide application both in folk and traditional medicine.

Rose hip

We know this plant as the most common one, which can grow both in the forest and wherever it wants. However, in planting and designing plots, it also has its own special decorative purpose.

Its value cannot be overestimated - it is beautiful when it blooms, useful when it bears fruit. And also just as good as a living beautiful hedge.

It is more prickly than a hawthorn, and therefore a rosehip hedge from uninvited guests will become much more effective.

And as you know, wild rose is wild Rose and who doesn't love them?! Therefore, garden shrub roses were brought out.

shrub rose

This plant is available in almost any suburban area. It can be planted both as a hedge, and simply in flower beds; both separately and in complex plantings. And also they are very beautiful on special arches.

For example, such a wonderful hedge turned out when planting different varieties of roses. It's hard to take your eyes off this beauty.

It looks great in the garden, and just decorating the wall on the street.

These were popular and common plants. But there are other species that you may have only heard of.

However, they are very beautiful, bloom well and will decorate any garden.


There are a lot of species and varieties of hibiscus. There are annuals - these are single flowering plants, and perennials - beautiful shrubs.

Among all species, the Duc de Brabant variety is popular. It blooms very profusely and beautifully.

While young, hibiscus is a tall shrub. As it matures, it takes on a woody form.

By the way, another name for it is the Chinese rose.


This plant is very loved in China, and it comes from there. It is very beautiful, and when flowering has quite large flowers.

Magnolia is starting to bloom in early spring when the first leaves had not yet appeared. And it always looks just great, I want to look and look at this miracle of nature.

According to the color of flowers, magnolia can be pink, white, and yellow. If you want something exotic, then magnolia is just what you need!


This shrub is quite unpretentious, and it can often be found not only on garden plot but also on the street and in the park area. It is often planted there as a hedge.

It blooms beautifully and profusely, and by autumn produces colorful numerous berries, which also makes it quite attractive.

There are a lot of types and varieties of cotoneaster, so it can be planted on the site in different zones in accordance with the task.

When creating hedges and trimming it in time, you can get such a wonderful appearance.

Such hedges can be used to create a classic design.


This sprawling plant with reddish branches can reach a height of one and a half meters, while thorny branches can occupy a fairly large space.

Flowering is plentiful, begins in summer, and can last quite long time. And by autumn, red, not very large fruits appear on the branches.

It looks very good in the neighborhood with other plants, especially conifers. Therefore, this is taken into account when planning landings.

It can be cut, while creating quite acceptable shapes and sizes.

In this chapter, we have considered different types shrubs, but unfortunately, not all of them can take root in a cold climate. Therefore, we will specifically focus on plants that are not afraid of the cold and survive any winter perfectly.

Decorative frost-resistant shrubs for the garden plot

In the last chapter, we have already considered plants such as spirea and barberry. They are not afraid of frosts, and they winter well, so they like to plant them in cold regions. But here are some other plants worth paying attention to.

Derain white

An interesting frost-resistant plant that grows well and looks beautiful, pleasing to the eye.

The plant is characterized by bright red bark. To maintain this color, the bush must be cut every year so that only small stumps are above the soil.

At the same time, it also gives wide thickets.

Derain is not picky about growing conditions, grows on different soils, both in the shade and in the sun. This unpretentious plant can be grown both separately and in joint landings with other shrubs, and also as a hedge.

The red shoots of this plant look best in winter.

Agree that for a gloomy, gray-white winter, this color looks quite positive, and it may well cheer you up from simply contemplating it.


This plant has a rich geography. Some of its varieties come from Japan, others from China, and still others are completely brought from North America. And perhaps only the latter can survive the cold winters.

Therefore, no matter how much you would like to plant southern beauties on the site, do not give in, and get the necessary seedlings that are not afraid of cold wintering.

The flowering of hydrangeas is very plentiful, starting around mid-summer. With timely top dressing, the inflorescences are large, consisting of many individual flowers.

The bush has a rather voluminous beautiful view, this is due to dense and juicy foliage and of course large flowers.

Hydrangea requires abundant watering, develops and grows well in the sun, but can also exist well in the shade.

It can be planted as a separate bush, and in the vicinity of other plants, including flowers.

The plant is just fabulous! It can have a completely different color of flowers - these are white and blue. and red, and all their shades. And if you plant them next to conifers, it always looks amazing.

Vesicle viburnum

This is a fairly large, tall and spreading shrub. It can have golden or purple leaves, which separates it into two different types.

Flowering begins around mid-summer, the flowers are small and can range in color from white to pink.

A remarkable feature of cultivation is that the plant is completely unpretentious, grows well in the shade, and also tolerates dry summers remarkably, without needing special watering.

It is often grown in the shady zone, where nothing else grows. However, it is worth knowing that hedges can also be perfectly created from it.

As you can see, it looks quite decent and quite beautiful.

Potentilla shrub

This plant is better known as herbaceous, although there are also species that belong to the category of shrubs. The most famous among them are five leaf tea and Kuril tea.

Bush varieties of cinquefoil can reach a fairly decent height of one and a half meters. And they especially love it for flowering, although the flowers are not very large, there are always quite a lot of them, and Potentilla is simply strewn with yellow petals collected in a simple inflorescence.

Blooms from summer until autumn.

It is worth noting that this is a light-loving plant, and if you plant it in the shade, then it probably will not want to grow there. However, it tolerates drought very well, which is a plus.

If it is not possible to plant it simply as a separate seedling, then you can use the plant as a border, separating the backyard path with it.

We have considered some varieties of plants, but there is another category. which you do not want to deprive of attention - these are berry representatives of this species.


This is a shrub up to 3 meters high, with upright shoots. Sometimes they think that this is a tree, but in fact it does not belong to those.

It blooms from late spring, blooming very beautiful flowers. It is a valuable honey plant and always gathers a lot of bees around it.

With the onset of autumn, the irga is painted in multi-colored shades, which makes it very picturesque.

Flowering and foliage are not all that this plant has. She also bears fruit profusely. Berries have a remarkable, incomparable taste. In addition, not only tasty, but also useful.


The height of the plant can reach 3 meters, although it grows quite slowly.

Magnificent red flowers, collected in buds, bloom at 3 years of age. During this period, she is incredibly beautiful and attractive. It is photophilous and drought-resistant.

The only thing is that quince prefers specially prepared soil. Preparation for winter includes hilling and bending down the lower branches.

But you can trim the plant only once every five years.

It grows quite widely, therefore it requires free space. Keep this in mind when boarding.


Despite its toxicity, this plant is the height of fantasy garden landscape architecture. Just look at these photos.

It is by trimming boxwood that you can create various figures and entire compositions. You can also use it as a hedge.

The plant is exceptionally shade-loving. This is an evergreen plant that winters under the snow. It is preferable to plant it in the spring.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for growing in a summer cottage, so choose not only what you like, but also those plants that will grow best in your climate.

Features of planting plants on the site

Planting shrubs in the country provides for their placement according to a specific planning. But the main thing is the compatibility of plants.

That is, it is better to plant such plants nearby that get along well with each other. The compatibility of some garden representatives is shown in the table below.

Green and White color- plants are compatible, red - not compatible.

The placement of shrubs, beds, and other things on the site is now called landscaping. Although people have always been doing this kind of action.

When purchasing a plot, we first of all begin to plan what and where will be built and planted.

Even just fruit and berry plants planted in a certain order and vegetable crops, will already give your site a very attractive appearance.

And the placement of paths, recreation areas in the form of a gazebo, a pool or a mini pond will give the site a more residential look.

When planting shrubs, two methods are used: geometric and landscape.

When using the geometric or regular method, the plants are arranged in symmetrical shapes, such as squares or rectangles.

Alleys are also made, between which there are paths. Very well suited placement in a checkerboard pattern.

Landscape style is also called natural. In this variant, plants are planted as they grow in nature, i.e. somewhat chaotically, without a definite, pronounced plan.

This style is ideal for areas that are not completely flat in terms of terrain.

The main thing is to draw a site plan, which indicates what and where will be planted. You can, of course, do without a plan, but then you can just get confused.

When planning a site, at the beginning, decide whether you only have a garden, or whether you want to allocate at least part of the territory for a recreation area.

Then, in such a territory you need to place either all or part of the listed elements: a gazebo, or another recreation area, a pond, a pool, a barbecue area, or a barbecue, or maybe a summer kitchen.

One of the concerns of any site owner is the fence, namely, what it should be. Some light up different building materials, others choose a hedge.

This is also worth thinking about when planting all your green pets.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. Here you need more imagination and desire, and everything will work out. And of course, landscape design is a whole science. This is a very interesting topic that requires knowledge, imagination and desire to do it.

Video on how to form landings at your summer cottage

And if you are interested, then finally a short video on country landscape design.

See if you can get some ideas for your garden. After all, all this is incredibly interesting and exciting!

And that concludes our story today. It turned out not small, but I hope useful and interesting. After reading about shrubs and looking at their many photographs, you can easily find plants that will delight your eyes.

A dacha is not only a place for growing vegetables of various varieties and having fun over barbecues, but also a corner of nature that should aesthetically attract and restore peace of mind. It is difficult to imagine a site without planted flowers, fruit trees and, of course, shrubs. The latter can act in different capacities, for example, make up a hedge or frame a path to the house, or simply grow in a certain order - it all depends on the chosen variety and imagination.

In order for these beautiful plants to please the eye for more than one year, they must be selected in accordance with the climate. In most of our country, it is best to plant frost-resistant ornamental shrubs.

Criteria for choosing a suitable variety

In order to choose an ornamental shrub for the garden, you need to determine what soil and climatic conditions correspond to a particular area. Based on this, a plant variety should be selected. Experienced gardeners do just that, and this compliance is called the main criterion for choosing.

The second thing that must be taken into account before buying a shrub for a summer residence is its location on the site, which depends on the characteristics of the plant variety itself. If the place is sunny, then a light-loving variety of shrubs is selected, if on the contrary, then under such conditions it can actively grow shade plant. If the gardener is just starting his journey in such a difficult matter, then you should pay attention to less whimsical varieties of shrubs. In general, there is a certain classification of places for landing:

  • With direct illumination of the site by the rays of the sun at noon for more than 3 hours.
  • FROM big amount midday shade, but with more than 3 hours of light in the morning and evening.
  • With limited lighting except for three hours at noon.
  • With discharged lighting, that is, partial light on the site throughout the day.

Important! Some flowering shrubs in the shade may take on a less saturated color.

When choosing, you must take into account overall design garden. A small area will not tolerate tall spreading shrubs. It is better to choose something less tall and compact with a dense crown. One of these shrubs is the columnar juniper, which is notable for its not particularly whimsical and elegant appearance.

If there is a need to arrange a hedge, then you need to purchase low varieties of shrubs so that later a high planting does not appear instead of a neat fence. Bushes with thorns and flowering ornamental shrubs are perfect for this option.

For group plantings, it is better to choose varieties such as Oleander, Buddleya, Spirea and Weigela. They give emphasis to the plants in the neighborhood. If you need to arrange an arch or gazebo, then the best option climbing varieties of shrubs will become.

An important aspect when choosing a shrub is its decorative effect. Now there are a lot of extraordinary beauty varieties of plants with various colors foliage and flowers. In addition, there are shrubs with a bizarre crown shape that can decorate any area. The choice is truly huge, so you can choose the variety that best suits the landscape design of the site.

Frost-resistant shrubs for summer cottages

There are many territories in Russia where the number of cold days exceeds the number of warm ones, so it is better to plant there hardy shrubs. We will talk about some of them next.


This shrub fell in love with many for its relative unpretentiousness and stunning appearance that can decorate even the most boring site. The color of barberry leaves can be very diverse: green, yellow, red purple, spotted, with a border around the edges, depending on the variety chosen. But the plant is interesting not only for its appearance, but also as a raw material for different kind drinks, jams, traditional medicine remedies.

It is very convenient that the variety of barberry can be chosen for a plot of any size. There are both tall and very low shrubs, no more than 30 cm high. Barberry is a semi-evergreen shrub with an abundance of thorns. Barberry blooms small fragrant flowers yellow or orange color solitary in inflorescences. The shrub is an excellent honey plant, which is very attractive to bees. Due to this feature, nearby crops will be pollinated faster.

Barberries are planted in the spring after the soil has thawed, but before buds appear on the shoot of the shrub. Very rarely landing is made in the fall. The planted shrub is unpretentious, therefore it can be located in an open area where there are drafts and strong winds. It is worth noting that the purple color of the foliage of the shrub will look more saturated in the bright sun.

If you plant shrubs singly, then the distance between them should be from 1.5 to 2 m. If a barberry hedge is supposed, then no more than 2 shrubs should be planted per 1 linear meter of area. Pits for bushes are made 40 * 40 in size, in the case of planting a hedge, the trench digs 40 cm deep. Sand is poured into the bottom to improve aeration. After that, the seedling itself is lowered into the hole, sprinkled with soil, compacted. On top of the shrub, mulching with peat is carried out. After planting, all ground shoots are cut off, leaving only those on which there are from 3 buds.

The barberry does not require special care, so even a novice gardener can handle its cultivation. The shrub does not require watering, only in the case of a very dry summer. But for better growth, you can moisten it under the root with warm water. Mandatory care work includes: loosening the soil, timely pruning and top dressing.

Barberry is considered a frost-resistant variety, but with the onset of cold weather, it still needs care early. In the fall, mulching is done around the trunk with loose soil, for the winter small plants are covered with spruce branches, and high ones are insulated as they are done with roses - the branches are pulled together with twine, a metal cylinder is put on the bush, inside which dry foliage is poured. The entire structure is covered with a covering material.


Another name is evergreen holly. This is very beautiful appearance shrub with dark green leaves. The whole bush is covered with bright berries of red, white, yellow, black or orange, depending on the variety. The flowering of the holly is not particularly beautiful - these are small flowers of light color in the axils of the leaves.

Important! For the formation of berries, it is necessary to plant male and female bushes close to each other.

The leaves of the shrub are covered with thorns, which are so sharp that they do not lose this property even on already fallen leaves. During autumn cleaning, you can easily damage your hands, even if they are protected by gloves.

Holly is divided into several types:

  • Holly holly - shrubs with green-yellow leaves of a speckled type with almost no thorns. The berries on the plant ripen red.
  • Altakrensky holly is a frost-resistant and hardy shrub with almost no thorns. This variety is perfect for cottages located near busy highways or not far from the city, as it perfectly resists air pollution.

There are also other varieties of holly, including broad-leaved holly, whorled, American, deciduous.

Holly does not require special care, it grows on sandy or clay soil, but only if it passes moisture well. Shrubs of this variety perfectly tolerate drought and lack of light, but those that have several flowers in the foliage open up more beautifully in direct sun. Holly needs pruning, those shrubs that have a foliage color of 2 colors need to be pruned only where pure green leaves show through.

Holly trees of any variety in the garden will be a great shelter for insects, and their berries are excellent food for birds. It is thanks to the feathered holly seeds that they spread throughout the site and the bushes often grow where they should not be. Perfect plantings of holly of any variety perform the function of protection from the wind. Having planted a hedge from shrubs, you can not be afraid that an uninvited guest will enter the garden, since it is very difficult to get through such thorns, one might say, impossible without injury.


Due to the variety of forms of these shrubs, depending on the variety, you can arrange any corner of the site without much difficulty. They are weeping, creeping, cascading, erect, hemispherical, pyramidal. Shrub varieties differ in color and shape of leaves, most of them change the color of foliage in autumn.

Spirea begins to bloom very beautifully: small flowers gather in inflorescences various shapes, depending on the variety. Some varieties of shrubs have single flowers. The color ranges from white to crimson. Inflorescences can occupy the entire shoot or be only at the top.

If you choose the varieties successfully, you can enjoy the flowering of spirea from the beginning of May to the middle of the summer months.

The shrub is unpretentious in care and undemanding to the soil. You can plant hedges with such shrubs, shrub compositions, and are also great for creating borders. The variety does not impose requirements for illumination, it feels great in the shade or in the sun.


Shrub flowers can be not only white, but also variegated. The aroma of both varieties is simply amazing, which does not let go throughout the flowering.

Shrub compositions of mock orange look great, as well as single plantings.

Important! Mock orange will not be able to grow in highly moist soil with stagnant water.

Watering the plant is needed only in dry weather, but top dressing is required every spring and autumn. You need to cut off old shoots every 5 years, and thickening ones - at the end of each summer.


This well-known shrub also belongs to winter-hardy varieties. Inedible fruits grow on shrubs of some varieties, while others can be used for medicinal purposes. The genus viburnum consists of 200 varieties, some of which are evergreen. Therefore, among the variety, you can choose exactly the variety that is suitable for the garden.

The most common viburnum is common, which features dark green leaves in spring and green with red veins in autumn. Bush in this outfit looks just amazing.

Viburnum is unpretentious, frost-resistant, perfectly tolerates shading. The bush is distinguished by high decorative qualities throughout the season, regardless of the variety chosen. Kalina perfectly takes root in groups with coniferous plants, grows well alone.

The only problem is the frequent damage by pests, which can only be eliminated with additional processing with special means.

Other ornamental bushes

Other decorative frost-resistant shrubs shown in the photo with the names.

Rose hip




In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the days become longer and the sun brighter, we begin to think about how good it is in nature! But only those who have their own dacha can arrange this corner of nature according to their taste, and even their color. The choice is wide: you can plant lawn flowers, enjoy blooming spring fruit trees, and of course, flowering shrubs for summer cottages enliven the atmosphere very much - and here it is, your place where you can escape from the bustle of the city and enjoy the silence and smells of wildlife.

ornamental shrubs can be coniferous, evergreen, for example, thuja or juniper. It can be fruit plants, such as raspberries, currants. And there are those that delight and decorate life with bright colors and a delicate smell.

It is incredibly difficult to choose from the endless variety of luxurious flowering wonders of nature, so we present to your attention the 10 most beautiful and popular flowering shrubs for central Russia. Almost all are winter-hardy and beautiful in their own way. Surely you can pick one to your liking!

1. Lilac (lat. Syringa)

Probably, there is not a single city, village, town or garden where this lilac splendor would not be fragrant in May! Well, which of us did not look for five petals in childhood? Well, which of us in our youth did not return home with armfuls of fragrant branches? Probably for all of us, lilac is the most main symbol spring and flowering in May. Although in some countries, for example, in England, rich in its traditions landscape design, lilac is unpopular. In this country, bad omens are associated with this flower.

Lilac features:

2. Rosehip (lat. Rōsa)

A lot of varieties from common rose hips to numerous species garden roses extraordinary beauty. Starting from the medicine up to the branches winding along the supports, capable of creating arches and galleries. This is not only a flowering, but also a fruiting shrub, the fruits of which are used as a folk remedy.

Rosehip features:

3. Hydrangea (lat. Hydrángea)

One of the most beautiful perennial garden shrubs. These ornamental flowering shrubs delight the eye with unusually late flowering of lush bright inflorescences.

Hydrangea features:

4. Kalina (lat. Viburnum)

Kalina is a native Russian plant, closely connected with folk traditions. These flowering frost-resistant shrubs have long been considered a symbol of girlish innocence and beauty. Kalina is valuable not so much for its lush white flowering as for its red, tasty and healthy berries.

Viburnum features:

5. Chubushnik (lat. Philadelphus)

Mock orange, which is also called garden jasmine for its resemblance and strong characteristic smell. However, this is a different plant. The name comes from the word "chubuk", in the old days, chibouks for smoking pipes were made from shrub wood.

Chubush features:

6. Spiraea (lat. Spiraea)

There are spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties of spirea. With skillful care, shrubs bloom all summer.

Spirea features:

7. Rhododendron (lat. Rhododendron)

A close relative of the room azalea. The leaves of some varieties may remain green all winter. "Stranger" in Central Russia, therefore, requires special care.

Features of rhododendron:

  • flowers: white, red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, lilac. Large;
  • flowering time: May-June, but some varieties re-bloom in the fall;
  • can be both dwarf varieties and in the form of trees several meters high;
  • not frost-resistant;
  • prefers shade and moisture.

Rhododendron. Flowers up close.

8. Forsythia (lat. Forsythia)

She's a forsythia. very unusual and beautiful shrub. A symbol of early spring in many European cities, because when none of the trees are in bloom yet, bright sunny flowers appear. And the leaves appear only when the shrub fades. And in autumn, when the leaves turn purple, the shrub again pleases the eye.

Forsythia features:

9. Honeysuckle (lat. Lonicera)

Another perennial shrub, both ornamental and fruitful. Blue berries are slightly bitter, but appear relatively early. True, there are some types of honeysuckle that are grown only to decorate the garden, their fruits are inedible.

Honeysuckle Features:

10. Heather (lat. Calluna vulgáris)

Another perennial shrub with which many legends and stories are associated. A special place in the culture of the British peoples. Allegedly, the heather was the only one who agreed to grow on the barren rocky slopes of the hills, for which he was awarded by the gods beautiful flowers and qualities of a honey plant. Heather honey can be brewed in autumn, flowering occurs at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. In many Slavic languages, the name of the month of September has been preserved - Veresen. This undersized shrub creeping along the ground pleases the eye with flowering until late autumn. And even dry heather flowers are beautiful.

Heather Features:

  • flowers: white, pink various shades to dark purple;
  • flowering time: August-September;
  • shrub low, creeping along the ground;
  • grows well on rocky soil;
  • unpretentious to lighting, but in shady places heather flowers become pale.

Heather. Flowers up close.

Plant flowering shrubs in the country to decorate the yard, fill it with a pleasant aroma! Some of these shrubs can also be used as a hedge (fence).

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