Where to plant fir in the country. Growing fir on the site: planting, care and beautiful varieties and species

Garden equipment 22.05.2019
Garden equipment

Choosing a site for successful cultivation

Common fir is a rather undemanding tree. Too young plants cannot tolerate abundant Sun rays, because of which the rooting site of the cuttings should be shaded. For successful rooting and growing of fir on garden plot, in the country, or in any other place, it is necessary to take care of the quality of the soil in advance (the soil must be fertile) and make good drainage. Ideally, the plant does very well near bodies of water.

The grown trees should already be transplanted to a bright area. The tree tolerates windy weather, thanks to its powerful root system, which takes root deep underground.

Seedling selection and planting

At the time of planting in the soil, the seedling must be at least four years old. If you plant younger seedlings of a tree, there is a high probability that they simply simply will not be able to take root. On this moment, fir can be ordered on the Internet, purchased in special nurseries, or on the market. At the time of sale, root system the seedling must be in a special container. When choosing a seedling for planting, you must definitely pay attention to the color of the needles - in a healthy plant, it should have a rich green color... If there are places with yellowed needles on the tree, it is better not to buy such.

How to plant fir (process description)

As described above, autumn or spring is considered the best time to plant fir. First of all, you need to prepare the landing site (in the country, at personal plot etc.). Given the diameter of the root system, it is necessary to dig an appropriate hole. 2 buckets of water are poured into the landing hole. After the water is absorbed into the ground, a layer of soil should be removed from the bottom of the hole, about half the bayonet of a shovel. Instead of the removed ball of soil, a layer of broken brick or crushed stone (about 5 centimeters high) is poured, which will play the role of drainage.

After carrying out these manipulations, a fertile mixture should be introduced into the pit, about half of the dug hole. 200 grams of nitrophoska and 10 kilograms of sawdust are added to the prepared soil. 2 weeks after preparing the hole, a future tree can be planted in it. The roots of the seedling need to be straightened, free space filled with soil, the pit is compacted and watering is performed.

If several trees are planted on the site at the same time, the distance between the seedlings should not be less than 3 meters. Planting fir to create an alley of several specimens - the distance between the planting holes is at least 4 meters. Their future development will depend on the correct arrangement of trees, since the availability of the necessary space ensures that the fir receives all the necessary nutrients.


Caring for a fir does not require much effort, but in order to grow it in your country house or plot beautiful tree, you need to follow a few simple rules. Caring for young seedlings consists in regular watering, loosening the soil, weeding and applying organic fertilizers.

Watering... Fir does not like an excess of moisture, which is why many species of this tree can get by with natural precipitation. But, for example, some varieties of this coniferous tree need regular moisture, they should be watered about 2-4 times per season. It is enough to pour 2 buckets of water on one tree.

After each infusion of water, it is necessary to loosen the soil to a depth of 10 centimeters in order to ensure the normal passage of air to the roots. So that cracks from drying out do not appear on the soil, you can mulch the earth around the trunk with peat or sawdust. It is not recommended to use decorative crumb, because of its negative impact for the correct development of the seedling.

Top dressing. Young seedlings, which are grown for only 1 or 2 years, do not require top dressing, since they are placed in a sufficiently nutritious soil during planting. Top dressing is best done in spring, with the help of mineral fertilizers, applying 100-120 grams of fertilizer around the trunk circle.

Pruning. The crown of fir is very sensitive to sudden changes in weather conditions, as a result of which the branches of the tree are damaged and dry out. It is recommended to prune the tree in early spring, before the onset of sap flow. During pruning, all dry, diseased, as well as branches that stick out in different directions are removed. Such actions help to form a compact crown.

Transfer. Unlike many other plant species, fir is distinguished by a special degree of survival rate, and easily tolerates the transplanting process. In order for the transplant to be successful, everything must be done quickly and correctly, you need to be especially careful with the root system.

The process of replanting a young tree is very simple. First, you need to shovel the soil in a circle from the trunk, the distance from the tree to the line of the circle should be 30 centimeters. After that, the shovel is deepened under the pierced circle, so that it would be possible to touch the plant from below. As a result, the fir is removed along with the root. If this procedure is performed correctly, the earthen lump will not crumble, and the tree will easily take root in a new place.

Transplanting an adult tree is a little more difficult than transplanting a young specimen. You need to start bayonetting the ground a year before the transplant (so that the damaged roots have time to recover), and the distance should not be 30 centimeters, but about 50. It is very difficult to transplant a perennial tree, since you will have to extract a fairly massive earthen lump with roots. Given such conditions, at least 2-3 people are needed for a transplant. The main condition for a good transplant result is the preservation of the earthen coma.

Preparing for winter. Work in the fall

In order for the fir to overwinter successfully, it is necessary to begin preparations in the fall. The first step is to cover the spruce tree near the stem ball of soil. Adult specimens do not require shelter. When the frost is nearing completion, and the weather becomes more sunny and hot, it is necessary to cover the crown from the sun's rays with some kind of non-fabric material.

Diseases and possible pests

This conifer tree very resistant to the influence of diseases, but in some cases a loss of decorative effect of the crown may occur. A similar picture is often observed under the influence of a pest (spruce-fir hermes) - a type of aphid. They negatively affect the crown of the tree, which is why it turns yellow. It is possible to carry out the destruction of Hermes with many drugs, for example, "Antio", "Rogor". The period of activity of female aphids begins with a wound in the spring, and it is during this period that treatment is recommended.

The appearance of yellowing on the needles may indicate that the tree has been damaged by rust - a fungal disease that begins with young fir shoots and spreads to lignified branches. To combat this disease, it is necessary to prune all affected areas of the tree, and treat open wounds with pitch. In the fight against rust, a 2% solution of Bordeaux liquid has proven itself well.


Many gardeners are interested in how to grow a fir, on their own plot or in the country on their own? The tree can be planted using two methods: by seed (method suitable for specific fir), and by vegetative propagation (more suitable method for ornamental species).

Reproduction using seeds. Seeds are best harvested at the beginning of the bud's ripening period. Due to the fact that the cones grow on the top of the tree, getting them is not an easy task. But, if, nevertheless, it turned out to pluck an unripe cone, first it should be dried and only after that the seeds should be removed. You can store them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that they undergo stratification. It is best to sow seeds in the fall, but you can also in the spring. The seeds must be immersed in the soil to a depth of 2 centimeters, and then cover the planting site with a film (so that the growth process takes place more quickly).

Around the third week of growth, the first shoots should appear. The film is removed and the first watering is performed. During the germination of small sprouts, you should monitor the growth rate, remove weeds in time and loosen the soil. Young seedlings are very sensitive to frost, so they are covered with spruce branches for the winter.

Vegetative propagation (using cuttings). To produce successful rooting, it is necessary to prepare an annual stalk from the top of a tree, with one bud, 5 centimeters long. It must be with a "heel", for this it should be broken off, and not cut off with a pruner. You need to pull out the handle with a sharp movement.

For a more successful cuttings, it is best to wait for cloudy weather. It is recommended to break off a twig from the middle of the crown, preferably from the north side. Before planting in the soil, it is immersed in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for 5-6 hours. For planting, a mixture of leafy earth, humus and sand (in equal proportions) is prepared in advance, the cutting is placed in this mixture and covered with a jar. After a while, the jar must be raised to ventilate the cutting and remove condensate from the jar, since rooting is a very long process, and moss may appear on the surface of the soil.

In order for the rooting process to complete more quickly, it is advised to make the bottom heating. In the first year of planting, white convex dots should form on the lower part of the cutting, roots begin to appear only from the second year.

Do you like firs? Now they are in great demand for landscaping personal backyard plots and park areas. And this is not surprising. On sale you can find seedlings of a wide variety of types of fir, from very small to those that will eventually turn into a real forest beauty.

In addition to those types of fir that have always grown in Russia, many decorative forms have now appeared. Of course, before buying a seedling, you need to find out what an adult tree will look like.

But let's say you have already chosen a seedling. How to grow a fir correctly, where do you need to start? First, with the choice of a place for the tree. Let's take a look at where and how you can plant a fir. There are several options for placing these trees: firstly, fir trees can be grown in groups of several specimens. Secondly, with the help of firs, you can arrange an alley leading to the house, or an access road. Third, they can be used to create a green hedge.

What you need to know when planting fir

In each of these options, trees are located at a certain distance from each other. When creating a green hedge, they are placed in checkerboard, with a distance of two and a half meters between them. When decorating the alley, the distance increases to 5 meters. When planting firs in groups, there should be 3 or slightly more meters between trees. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of one or another type. Small trees can be placed at a closer distance.

The next question is about soil. What soil is most suitable for growing fir? It turns out that firs of all kinds prefer to grow on loamy and well-drained soil. With stagnant water in the area, their growth slows down, and they can be affected by various fungal diseases. Although, in arid areas, fir also grows poorly.

Fir trees are not very demanding for light; both shady and sunny places are suitable for them. However, in winter, the needles of young trees can be damaged by the sun. This must be taken into account when growing fir closer to spring. When daylight hours increase, the tree should be protected from the sun's rays.

The place where you decide to plant fir must be protected from strong winds. This is due to the fact that the roots of the tree are shallow, and when the fir grows up, a strong wind can turn it out of the ground.

The best time to plant fir is spring, namely early or mid-April, or the first half of autumn.

Having decided on the place and time, you can start planting. In order for the fir to grow well, you need to dig a large enough planting hole for it. Its size depends on the size of the earthen lump around the roots, but on average the depth of the pit should be 50 - 80 cm. The bottom of the planting pit should be loosened by half a shovel bayonet. If the soil is poorly drained, large rubble is placed on the bottom of the pit as drainage. Then it is filled with a soil mixture with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

The soil mixture should include leaf humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. Sawdust and 300 g of complex mineral fertilizer are added to this mixture, everything is mixed well and laid out in a slide on the bottom of the planting pit. The roots of the seedling are spread along the top of the hill and covered with garden soil. When planting, the root collar of a fir should be at the level of the soil.

When growing young fir, do not forget to water it. During the first year in the summer, it is watered about once every two weeks, moderately moistening the soil. When the tree is well rooted, watering is carried out only in hot and dry times. Fir does not like waterlogging.

The trunk circle of a young tree needs to be loosened from time to time, freeing from weed... You can mulch it with peat or sawdust, leaving the area near the root collar free of mulch. Fir trees grow slowly. During the first 10 and even 15 years, they are not pruned in order to form a crown, but dry or diseased branches can be carefully removed.

Once a year, preferably in spring, the fir should be fed using a complex mineral fertilizer or “Kemiru universal”.

Fir planting instructions:

    Plants with an open root system are planted in spring or autumn, while those grown in containers are planted throughout the season, from early spring to late autumn.

    A planting pit for fir trees should be prepared in advance. Its size should be 50x50 or 60x60 cm. Also, before planting, you need to prepare a special soil of the following composition: clay, leafy earth or humus, peat, sand (2: 3: 1: 1).

    Planting depth - 60-80 cm, it depends on the clod of earth around the roots of the seedling. It should be remembered that the root collar of the fir must remain at ground level. The distance between plants in alley plantings is 4-5 m, in loose groups - 3-3.5 m, in dense ones - up to 2.5 m.

    If the soils are heavy, drainage from gravel or broken bricks is required, poured onto the bottom of the pit with a layer of 20 cm thick.In addition, during planting, mineral fertilizer (nitroammofoska) is added at the rate of 250-300 g and up to 10 kg of sawdust per pit.

    The best time for planting fir: in spring - April, in autumn - end of August - September. It is worth remembering that seedlings from 5 to 10 years old take root faster.

Treatment and prevention of fir diseases

Like other conifers in the pine family, firs can be damaged by disease and insect pests. With such a fungal disease as rust, they must be treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. When a tree is damaged by pests such as fir cone leafworm, fir shoot moth and fir bark aphid, trees are treated with insecticides. In order to prevent diseases, you can carry out treatment with these drugs in the spring.

Fir - trees are quite unpretentious and do not require any special conditions when growing. These cold-resistant and beautiful trees look elegant and attractive when fulfilling not very onerous maintenance requirements. If you want to have a fir on your site, be sure to purchase it. Good luck in decorating your site!

Coniferous trees are among the most popular and ideal landscaping objects. In addition, their presence near your home brings and huge benefit- kills all nearby germs and purifies the air. Unlike ordinary pines and spruce, fir is more slender and lush. No wonder she is called the queen among conifers. Planting a fir near your home means adding sophistication and beauty to the site at any time of the year. At the same time, the very process of growing this beautiful tree will not cause you great difficulties.

In this article, we will consider the main characteristics and description of the excellent representative of the Pine - fir. Let us note the main features of the species and varieties of this tree, and also talk about the nuances of agricultural cultivation techniques.

Characteristics and description of fir

Fir is an evergreen plant that belongs to the large Pine family. The fir tree is distributed in various latitudes: temperate, subtropical and tropical. The natural habitat of this coniferous tree is the territory of the Eastern and Central Europe, Eastern and Central Asia, Of the Far East and Siberia, in some areas North America and North Africa.

Fir is very ornamental plant, which does not lose the color of its needles even in winter. This tree stands out from the total mass of conifers - its cones grow vertically upward and resemble beautiful and original candles.

Many people confuse fir with ordinary spruce. However, there are many differences between these two members of the Pine family. One of them is that the fir needles are very soft and do not prick at all. The fir got its name from the German word Fichte, which means "spruce" in translation. That is why many often refer to both trees as spruce.

Description of fir:

  • Like pine, spruce, larch, fir belongs to the conifers of the large pine family.
  • Fir is an evergreen plant that can grow to varying heights. Of the 50 species of fir, you can find low plants 50 cm in height, and there are real giants - up to 80 m. Very tall trees grow only in nature. Small fir varieties are predominantly chosen for use in landscape design.
  • This is a monoecious plant that is shade tolerant, but does not grow well in extreme cold conditions.
  • Fir roots are very long, going deep into the ground. The root system is pivotal.
  • The trunk of the tree is covered with thin grayish bark, smooth to the touch. This is typical for young fir. With age, the bark becomes thicker, it cracks. The trunk can reach 50-400 cm in diameter.
  • A distinctive feature of fir from other conifers is that its crown begins at the very base, practically touching the ground.
  • The shape of the crown is conical.
  • The branches on the trunk are almost horizontal and densely covered with needles.
  • Fir needles consist of soft, flat needles that taper at the base.
  • Fir has male and female flowers. The male ones are cone-shaped earrings, and the female ones are ovoid or cylindrical cones that grow vertically upward.
  • Inside the cones are the ovules.
  • Fir can be pollinated by the wind.
  • This tree is long-lived. In one place, with proper care, it can live up to 300 years.
  • Unlike many other members of the family, it does not tolerate gas pollution in the air, so it is not suitable for landing in cities near active roads.

Variety of species and varieties of fir

Fir is a rather capricious plant, but there are varieties that are popular with landscape designers in Russia and other countries. Let's take a closer look at their features and the most common varieties.

Balsam fir

North America is considered the birthplace of this type of fir, where this tree grows in large numbers. Feels great in the shade and tolerates frost rather firmly. It can reach a height of 15-25 m, the trunk is even and straight. In thickness, it can reach almost 1 m in diameter. Balsamic fir cones are greenish-purple in color, ovoid or spherical in shape. In length, they can reach 5-10 cm. As they mature, they become brown in color. Green needles are 1.5-3 cm long.

Popular varieties:

  • Balsam fir "Nana". A dwarf fir of this species, in height it can reach only 50 cm. The crown grows up to 2.5 m in diameter. The branches are arranged horizontally, densely covered with short green needles. The underside of the needles has a slightly yellowish tint.
  • Balsam fir "Hudsonia". It is also a dwarf fir. It has a wide and spreading crown, which is formed by numerous branches and short shoots. The needles are short, from the upper part they are black-green, and from the lower part they are bluish-green.

Korean fir

The homeland of this type of fir is the territory of the Korean Peninsula, hence the name. Feels great on the hills. In nature, it can grow in pure fir forests or mixed ones. In height, this tree can reach 5-15 m. Depending on the age of the tree, the trunk is covered with ash or chestnut bark. The trunk can reach 80 cm in diameter. The crown is rather wide, conical in shape. The crown is formed by branches, which are arranged in layers. The branches are covered with rather dense needles. The needles are slightly curved, rigid, dark green in color, slightly silvery underneath. The buds are up to 7 cm long and have a beautiful purple color. Korean fir is a popular species in Russia.

Popular varieties of Korean fir:

  • Variety "Piccolo". This is a dwarf form of Korean fir, reaching a height of only 30 cm. Perfect for landscaping rocky gardens and terraces. The crown is very dense and spreading, it can grow up to 1.5 m in diameter. The needles are also dense, tough, two-colored.
  • Blue Standard grade. The crown of this fir has a spherical shape, which is formed by marsh-green needles. The needles are looser.

Siberian fir

This type of fir is found in nature only in Siberia. It is a protected species in Russia. It is rarely used in landscape design. This tree reaches a height of 30 m. The crown is of a narrow pyramidal shape. The needles are slightly lowered down. The needles are narrow and soft, short in length - only 3 cm. The cones are also small in size, only 5-8 cm. They are cylindrical in shape.

Fir monochromatic

The natural habitat of this species of fir is the territory of North America. It grows into a rather tall tree - it can reach 60 m. The trunk is quite powerful and thick, about 2 m in diameter. The crown is conical in shape, formed by rather dense needles. The color of the needles can change, from blue to grayish-green, the needles of fir in the fall can become yellowish. This type of fir is one of the most unpretentious, it tolerates drought well and can tolerate frost with shelter.

Popular varieties:

  • Variety "Violacea". The tree is small in size - only 6-8 m in height. The crown is characterized by a wide conical shape. The needles are white and blue. It is a rather rare form of a single-colored fir.
  • grade "Compact". It is a dwarf form with blue needles.

Caucasian fir or Nordmann

The natural habitat of this species of fir is the territory of the Caucasus and Turkey. It can reach a height of 60 m, the thickness of the trunk is 2 m. The needles are quite dense, slightly lowered to the ground. The color of the needles is dark green, below it has a slightly silvery shade.

White fir or bud-scaled fir

In nature, it grows in the mountains of the Far East, Northern China. A fairly slender tree up to 30 m in height. The crown shape can be conical or pyramidal. The needles are dense, dark green in color. This species is quite hardy, can grow in urban conditions, and is winter-hardy.

In addition to the above types of fir, there are also the following: veich fir, mayra fir, Sakhalin fir, subalpine fir, whole-leaved fir and others.

Fir breeding methods

Fir can be bred independently, the main thing is to know that the seed method is suitable for species forms. And in the case of ornamental fir species, you need to use the method of propagation by cuttings, since when propagated by seeds, young plants will not inherit maternal traits. Some types of fir can lower branches to the ground and thus root on their own. For example, Siberian fir.

Propagation by cuttings

  • The optimal time for harvesting cuttings is early spring before the start of sap flow. Cut the cuttings in the morning or evening.
  • The stalk should be 5-7 cm long.
  • The main condition is that the cuttings should only be from young trees from annual shoots, not older.
  • It is also important that there is only one bud at the top of each cutting.
  • High-quality planting material is cuttings with a heel.
  • To obtain a cutting with a heel, it is better not to cut it, but to tear it off with a sharp movement with pieces of bark.
  • Before planting on all cuttings, you need to inspect the heels and clean them of various burrs.
  • For disinfection planting material, it must be placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours.
  • Next, prepare a suitable container and fill it with a soil mixture, which should consist of sand, leafy earth and humus.
  • The cuttings are rooted in the soil and covered with foil.
  • For better rooting, cuttings need a temperature a couple of degrees above room temperature, so it is advisable to provide bottom heating of the container.
  • It is also important to place the containers in a bright but not very sunny place.
  • Caring for cuttings consists of daily airing and moisturizing.
  • In the spring, the container can be taken out into the air.
  • Rooting takes a long time, roots appear only in the second year.
  • Fir seedlings grow very slowly over 10 years.

Seed propagation

  • Fir seeds ripen in cones, which ripen very high, so it is difficult to get them.
  • In addition, when ripe, the wind immediately spreads them around.
  • It is necessary to get a slightly unripe bump and allow it to dry out.
  • Then remove the seeds from it.
  • Before planting, the seeds must be stratified. To do this, you need to wrap it in a damp piece of cloth and place it in the sand. Refrigerate the container for several months.
  • You need to sow seeds in April.
  • Usually they are sown directly into open ground, where before that you need to break a small bed.
  • For sowing, a soil mixture consisting of sand and turf is suitable.
  • Seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm.
  • You do not need to water, the bed is immediately covered with a film.
  • The first shoots appear within 3-4 weeks.
  • For the winter, fir seedlings must be covered, and next year you can start planting in a permanent place.

Stages of fir preparation before planting

For a beautiful and healthy fir tree, it is important to prepare thoroughly before planting. The main thing is to take seriously the purchase of planting material, and also to find the most profitable place for the full growth of fir. And before planting, do not forget to prepare the soil well.

Selection of seedlings

Fir seedlings are best bought in specialized stores or nurseries. Before buying, it is important to consult with specialists at the point of sale about more acceptable varieties for planting in your area. Choose fir types that are good winter hardiness. You should not risk purchasing seedlings of rare decorative forms with a low level of frost resistance, so you can lose the plant in the first year.

When choosing seedlings, carefully examine it for damage, signs of disease, dry shoots. They must be at least 4 years old. The soil in the container must be moist and clean.

Also, when choosing planting material, think in advance about the garden composition that you want to get as a result. The specific variety, and accordingly the size of the fir, will depend on the planting site.

Choosing a landing site

Fir of all types prefers to grow in slightly shaded areas, especially in young age... For seedlings, the presence of shade is a must. It is also important that the site is protected from strong winds.

When choosing a location, be guided by the desired result. Fir can be planted singly against the background of a lawn, it also looks good in group plantings, as well as for decorating alleys. It must be remembered that firs do not tolerate dry air and the presence of a large amount of gas pollution. Therefore, planting these trees in urban areas and near highways will not give a good result.

Soil preparation

All types of fir prefer to grow on well-moist, well-drained and nutritious soils. The soil is perfect near water bodies. It is desirable that the soil is loamy and moderately moisture permeable.

Before planting, the site must be carefully dug up.

The process of planting fir in open ground

After all the preparatory stages, you can proceed to the very process of planting fir.

  • The best time to plant fir is April or September. In addition, it is necessary to pick up warm and cloudy days, and ideally with a little rain.
  • The landing site must be prepared in advance, about 10-14 days in advance. Dig planting holes 60-80 cm deep and 60 cm wide. The dimensions will depend on the dimensions of the root system along with the earthy clod. When planting an alley, observe the distance between seedlings of 4 m, for group planting - 2.5-3.5 m.
  • Further, all the pits must be watered abundantly with water, about 2-3 buckets per landing hole.
  • A drainage layer must be placed on the bottom to prevent long-term stagnation of water at the roots. Broken brick and crushed stone can be used as drainage.
  • Prepare potting soil consisting of humus, clay and sand. Add 10 kg of sawdust and 200 g of nitrophoska fertilizer to it. Fill the hole halfway with this soil.
  • After two weeks, you can start planting.
  • The seedlings are placed on a mound. In this case, you need to be careful with the roots, do not damage the earthen lump.
  • Next, fill the seedlings with a nutrient mixture and carefully compact. At the same time, make sure that the root collar is flush with the surface of the garden.
  • Water all seedlings liberally after planting.

Agrotechnics for growing fir

Fir does not belong to whimsical plants, but you need to try a little to get a beautiful and decorative coniferous tree.


Firs are moisture-loving plants, but you should not overdo it with watering either. you need to find a middle ground. Optimal mode watering is the following frequency - for young seedlings 1 time in 2 weeks. In this case, it is better to use such a method of irrigation as sprinkling. Once the tree is rooted, water only during the driest periods.

Loosening and mulching

Fir care includes regular loosening of the trunk circle. It is recommended to carefully loosen the soil to a depth of about 10-12 cm. Be sure to remove the weeds. Young seedlings need to periodically add a layer of 5-6 cm of dry mulch to the near-stem circle to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and the formation of a crust on the soil. Use dry sawdust, peat, or tree bark as mulch. It is important that the mulch does not cover the root collar of the tree.

Top dressing

Fir loves to grow in fertile and nutrient-rich soils. Fertilization will only be needed two years after planting. In spring, before the active growing season, add 100 grams of Kemira to the trunk circle of each plant. Then spill it with water. Top dressing should be carried out at least once a year. You can also re-fertilize, but only in the fall. Use mineral fertilizers for this.

Pruning and sheltering for the winter

Firs really do not like to be disturbed by transplants and trimmings. However, sanitary pruning can be done in the spring before sap flow begins. During this pruning, carefully remove damaged and dry branches with garden shears. The fir has a beautiful and compact crown, which practically does not need its formation, especially in the first 10 years. However, if urgently needed in the spring, you can cut the shoots by no more than a third.

Most of the fir varieties grown on our territory are winter-hardy, but it is better to cover young plants for the winter with spruce branches. In this case, the trunk circle must be sprinkled with a layer of peat.

Disease and pest control

Fir is quite resistant to the appearance of various pests and diseases, and with proper care this risk can be minimized.

Fir pests:

  • Spruce-fir hermes. This pest causes yellowing of fir needles and shoots. To combat it, you need to use special preparations- insecticides, for example Rogor. Processing must be carried out in the spring.
  • Fir moth. To combat this pest, insecticides such as Rogora or Antio are also used.

Fir diseases:

  • Rust. This is the most common and serious disease, and when it appears, you will have to remove all damaged places and burn them, and treat the whole plant with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.

The use of fir in medicine and landscape design

  • Fir is used to make essential oils.
  • Used in cosmetology. Fir oils have been proven to increase skin firmness and overall appearance.
  • It is widely used in medicine for asthma, pneumonia, sore throat and flu.
  • With the help of fir oils, you can carry out various procedures: inhalations, lotions.
  • Fir is also in great demand for landscape design.
  • Taller varieties are suitable for large areas squares and parks. However, in urban areas, these plants are greatly affected.
  • Landscape designers prefer dwarf forms and low forms of fir.
  • And they are used to decorate rock gardens, rocky gardens.
  • Fir can also be used to create alleys, hedges and for group plantings.

Photo of fir in landscape design

You can more clearly see the features of the use of fir in landscaping a site in the photos below.

The use of fir in group plantings:

Fir in landscape design:

Planting fir near the reservoir:

Fir is the queen of all conifers, which attracts attention with its bright appearance... She, like a Christmas tree with candles, will become the centerpiece of any site.

Recently, few people have not heard of such a coniferous tree as fir. Its main geography of distribution is cedar and mixed forests, but thanks to medicinal properties and for its beautiful appearance, fir has found application in decorating garden plots. Why is fir so good and why has it gained such popularity?

Fir: what is it and how is it different from spruce?

Fir represents evergreen tree, having a dense crown of a narrow conical shape. Branches often descend to the very ground, which allows the fir to use one of its breeding characteristics: when the branches touch the ground, the latter take root in the ground and take root, which in turn makes it possible for a separate fir to germinate.

Fir is often confused with spruce, especially from afar. This does not apply to decorative varieties that have an easily recognizable appearance. However, there are a few major differences between the two trees:

  • The first difference is the needles. Fir trees have rather thorny needles. While the fir, on the contrary, the needles are soft and velvety.

  • The second distinctive feature is the appearance and location of the buds. In the spruce, they hang on the branches and are directed strictly downward, and in the fir they grow vertically.
  • Fir gives off a softer and more pleasant scent.
  • For planting on the site, fir is better suited, since it has the correct symmetrical shape and dense structure, which allows it to be used as windproof and ornamental plantings.

Recently, fir has been successfully replacing spruce from the position of a New Year's holiday tree. Despite the fact that in the CIS countries they still prefer Christmas trees, many Europeans are switching to more beautiful and sophisticated fir, because, unlike the first, fir needles do not crumble even when they dry completely.

The most common types of fir

The specified genus of conifers has about 50 varieties, but it is worth considering and characterizing those varieties that have gained the most popularity:

  • Siberian fir: This is the most widespread and frequently seen species. It is distinguished by high frost resistance, but at the same time it is quite thermophilic and demanding on conditions. Especially appreciated for its decorative properties, since in the spring the color of the cones acquires a combination of purple and bright yellow shades.
  • White fir. It got its name from the color of the needles: two white stripes run along the entire length of the green leaf. This color is great for decoration. Since this variety is sensitive to air and soil pollution, in terms of distribution it is inferior to the Siberian and Caucasian varieties. Moreover, at temperatures below -25 ° C, the stock freezes, so this variety is not suitable for most regions.

  • Monochrome fir. Useful variety, which is characterized by insensitivity to conditions, including urban pollution. In addition, it is distinguished by a wide variety of decorative varieties. It has found its wide application in landscaping and landscape design.
  • Dwarf fir. It is one of the most beloved by gardeners, since it is preferable to plant it in small areas. Such firs are distinguished by slow growth and attractive appearance, so it is good to use it for decorating flower beds.
  • Caucasian fir, which is also called Nordman fir, is most popular among Europeans during the Christmas period as a festive tree for decoration. According to legend, it was from the wood of this fir that the famous Trojan horse was built.

How to plant fir trees?

The process itself is not laborious and does not require special knowledge. All that is needed is to follow practical advice and remember about the peculiarities of the conditions provided to the seedlings. It is preferable to divide the work into several stages:

  • Preparing for landing. Under the seedling, it is necessary in advance, two weeks before planting, to dig a hole no more than 80 cm deep. The diameter of the hole should correspond to the size of the root system of the seedling.
  • The fir, pictured below, shows a poor placement example. The distance between trees must be sufficient for free growth.

  • A nutrient mixture for seedlings is prepared, consisting of the following components:
    • two parts of clay soil,
    • three pieces of leafy earth or humus,
    • one part of peat,
    • one part washed fine sand.
  • After the mixture has been prepared, it is worth adding another 10 kg to it sawdust and 200 g of nitrogen fertilizers.
  • At the bottom of the planting pits, especially if the land is characterized by high level groundwater, it is necessary to lay a layer of broken brick or crushed stone of different fractions, at least 20 cm thick.
  • The bottom of the pit is loosened to a depth of 15 cm and weeded in advance to clear the ground of weeds and natural debris.
  • It is recommended to plant fir trees either in early spring, in April, or in autumn, during September. The best choice will be those seedlings that are at least 5 years old, since almost all varieties of fir are slow growing. When planting, it is important to pay attention to the soil: it must have sufficient moisture. It is advisable that the work on planting fir trees on the site was carried out on a warm cloudy day, right up to work in the rain.
  • When a hole of the appropriate size has been dug, the seedling is placed on a nutrient mixture sprinkled with earth. Fir roots are arranged horizontally, with the root collar placed at the depth of the ground level.

  • It is advisable to place fir seedlings at a distance of at least three meters; in the case of planting decorative species, it makes sense to place them in a checkerboard pattern. It is important to know that almost all varieties of fir prefer well-moistened soil in the form of loam, which, in addition, must be provided with top dressing and fertilizers in a timely manner. In addition, firs have a developed root system, which ensures their wind resistance.

As you can see, planting a fir is quite simple and does not differ much from similar actions with other trees. However, it is also important to provide proper care so that the seedling is provided with everything it needs during its development.

Important: fir seeds are not suitable for reproduction, since it is extremely difficult to germinate them at home. Therefore, only seedlings are used.

Growing and caring for fir

A useful quality of fir is its undemandingness to careful care. However, this does not mean that simple periodic watering is sufficient for good growth of the seedling. It is important to know about some of the intricacies of ensuring proper care so that the fir has a long life.

  • The planting site should be the first and last, since almost all varieties of this coniferous tree do not tolerate transplants.
  • Fir seedlings need to be watered every two weeks, while it is advisable to use such a watering method as sprinkling. It means irrigation of the land through a system of nozzles, through which water is evenly sprayed over the surrounding area.
  • The soil near the seedling trunk must be loosened in a timely manner to a depth of 10 cm to counteract the growth of weeds.

  • It makes sense to periodically cover the soil surface near the fir seedling with sawdust, while preventing clogging of the root collar.
  • In the spring, it is best in April, to fertilize the fir with mineral fertilizers. As a rule, it is recommended to do this at least once a year. If necessary, it makes sense to fertilize a second time no earlier than the onset of September.

Fir, the cultivation of which will take more than one year, will become a useful acquisition at a summer cottage. Considering their lifespan, which in some varieties reaches 700 years, you should be sure that the results of good work will be visible to subsequent generations.

Winter care requirements

In addition to these actions, the fir must be prepared for wintering. Despite the fact that many varieties of this coniferous tree are frost-resistant, it makes sense to take care of the protection of young growth in order to avoid further drying out during frosts. Often a problem arises when the needles are affected by bright sunlight, which evaporates moisture. At the same time, cold has a detrimental effect on the root system. All of the above can lead to burning needles in the spring, and in order to resist this, it is advisable to cover the young plantings with a protective fabric or spruce branches. Dense polyethylene is also suitable for this purpose.

Pest control measures

  • Winged aphid. The main sign of its appearance is the occurrence white bloom, characteristic of its fluffiness. In case the affected areas have small area- then it is enough to cut them off. If the infection has gone deep, then it is recommended to subject the needles to processing chemicals class of insecticides.
  • The false shield is another common pest, a characteristic feature of which is the appearance of shiny marks on the needles and its further shedding. Some areas will also begin to change color - from juicy green to brown. As in the case of aphids, it is necessary to use preparations for treating needles. Also, gardeners recommend wearing protective belts made of burlap, impregnated with the so-called caterpillar glue, on which the larvae of the pest will fall.
  • The spider mite is one of the biggest threats. When it appears, the fir needles change color and subsequently fall off. In addition, the spider web covers the surface of the branches - which is immediately noticeable. The first method to counteract the appearance of a mite is to timely moisten the fir, since the mite appears in dry climates and insufficient processing. Dandelion tincture also represents effective remedy fight and, importantly, does not contain any chemical components that can be harmful. It is easy to prepare such an infusion: it is enough to grind 300 g of leaves and pour 10 liters of warm water, after which the infusion is kept for three hours. Next, it is necessary to process the fir needles with the resulting product.
  • Caterpillars are another frequent visitor. Their presence is indicated by the presence of mucus on the branches of fir. The phenomenon is unpleasant, but fortunately, they can be easily overcome with the help of vegetable infusions. For example, onion or tomato. Onions are one of the easiest to prepare: 10 g of finely chopped onions are used for 1 liter of water. The infusion must be kept for 7 hours, after which processing can begin. Tomato infusion will require more careful preparation and the presence of 4 kg of roots and leaves of the indicated vegetable crop, which must be poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. After that, the resulting brew is filtered and diluted with fresh water from the proportion of three parts of water to one part of the infusion. A useful addition will be the use of 40 g of liquid soap in it.

In addition, it is climatic conditions, sudden changes in hot and humid weather, as well as depleted soil that cause harm to fir. Therefore, it is important to timely cultivate the land and young growth with useful organic additives.

The use of fir and its beneficial properties

The fir plant is valuable not only for its decorative properties. Popular rumor attributes to her unusually broad properties: from strengthening the body with the help of tinctures to treating pathologies. If you believe this, then it turns out that fir is able to fix almost all health problems. And despite the obvious advertising effect, experts have confirmed that fir infusions and oils are capable of exerting a strong therapeutic effect on inflammatory processes. In addition, fir is recommended for the following problems:

  • cough,
  • diphtheria,
  • colds, including various forms of flu,
  • inflammation of the gums,
  • rheumatism.
  • prostatitis,
  • external skin problems
  • treatment of wounds and much more.

As you can see, fir is not only a valuable decorative, but also a very useful plant, widely known for its healing properties.

Why did our ancestors not plant conifers near the house? Let's look into the past and understand the reasons for this belief. Why are conifers not planted near the house, what is this connected with? Each newly-made owner of a summer cottage, or a private house, sooner or later asks the question of what trees to ennoble the garden, a personal plot.

For this purpose, deciduous trees, shrubs, including fruit-bearing ones are often used. No less relevant conifers... Many when choosing “ green decorations”Do not think that some of them are energy vampires, and some, on the contrary, willingly share positive energy. Today we'll talk about coniferous vampires. Naturally, it is unreasonable to plant such plants near the home itself.

This is a well-known evergreen tree used as the main symbol for the New Year. However, you cannot plant this tree in the garden, as it belongs to the group of energy vampires. A spruce tree planted near the house will take away the vitality of its inhabitants, bringing down terrible troubles on their heads.

So where do the legs of certain superstitions come from, and what, in the end, to believe? The fact is that the spruce has long been considered a funeral tree: it is material for coffins, the dead were buried under it, its branches were covered with the last path of the deceased from home to the cemetery. Many were scared off by the purpose of this plant and over time various negative properties were attributed to it.

To some extent, such fears are justified. But the spruce is terrible for another reason - a powerful root system damages paths, communications and even the home itself.

In some regions, it is also believed that this tree displaces men from the house. It's about divorces. According to popular superstition, sharp spruce needles provoke quarrels and conflicts. Spruce trees planted near the newlyweds' house deprive them of their heirs. There is an opinion that a spruce, the height of which is greater than your home, promises a quick death to the person who planted it.

It should be noted that in regions where spruce is a very common greenery, such signs are not given importance. They believe that these plants, on the contrary, are useful for humans: they exclude family quarrels, negative emotions, and normalize peace of mind.

So if you want to plant a spruce in the garden, then keep in mind that the distance from the planting site to buildings must be at least 10 meters. This is also justified for safety reasons: in the summer there is a high probability of fire, and conifers are instantly engulfed in fire. If they are located close to the house, and the house itself is built of wood, then the fire cannot be avoided.

Differs in intensive growth, not demanding to care, unpretentious to growing conditions, and perfectly tolerates air pollution in industrial cities. Therefore, it is often used in landscaping yards and roadside areas. However, these beautiful evergreen trees with soft needles and neat cones are too infamous to plant in the immediate vicinity of your home.

Thuja is a tree that is especially liked by the departed. Therefore, it is associated with grief and sorrow, and is planted mainly in cemeteries. Perhaps the only positive property is that it drives away evil spirits and malevolent people. However, this is too little to cover all the negative signs associated with thuja.

So, by folk beliefs, planted next to the house - it will bring great misfortune to the family. A girl who grew up in a house that has this tree will never marry and will not know mutual love. Thuja, which is higher than the house, leads to the death of family members.

At the same time, the Indians called thuja the Tree of Life, and many diseases were treated with its cones and needles. When this tree was brought to the Old World, European healers were amazed at its healing powers.

As you can see, these superstitions arose due to the fact that once someone decided to plant these trees in cemeteries. Perhaps they do not affect people's lives negatively at all. So if you want to plant a thuja near your house, then do it, but only use small varieties of this tree. In this case, it will not grow taller than the house, and the negative omen will not work.

It is famous for its incredible height (up to 40 m) and power. According to modern beliefs, the cedar, which is higher than the house, attracts misfortune and death.

Among the Slavs, the cedar was considered a symbol of wealth, strength and prosperity. The inhabitants of Siberia had a tradition during the construction of housing to plant a small cedar near the log house of the future hut. This made the dwelling strong and stable. According to Siberian folk beliefs, cedars have the same biorhythms as the human body.

Over time, this tree began to be treated with caution. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the cedar in the customs of some peoples is a symbol of sadness. Many European peoples had a custom after the funeral to bring home a cedar branch and set it “in the corner of sorrow” for a certain period of time. Therefore, today planting a cedar near the house and even just bringing its branches into the room is a very bad omen.

Modern esotericists agree with the ideas of the past, but fans of decorating the garden with evergreens are offered an alternative - planting cedar as far as possible from buildings and closer to the hedge. Naturally, decorative varieties are a priority. Several reasons why you should not plant conifers near your home:

  1. Pine, spruce, cedar, thuja are a fire hazardous object, it burns strongly, burns out quickly from a small spark, the fire can easily spread to the house.
  2. Conifers drink a lot of water, draining the soil, and have very powerful roots that can turn out entire layers of soil from the site.
  3. Bioenergy scientists say that conifers produce negative energy... Over time, from such a neighborhood, a person can become depressed. Spruce, moreover, is a breeding ground for fungal diseases.
  4. If you plant a spruce or pine near the house - next to the tree at a distance of 5-6 meters, nothing will grow - there will be one dry land.

Above, we have provided generalized information collected on the basis of the beliefs of different peoples and times. Many omens that came to us from antiquity are irrelevant today, but people continue to believe in them. Instead of a conclusion, we will give you good advice - when landscaping a site, be guided by your attitude to a particular coniferous plant.

Many are interested in whether the blue spruce on the site is bad or good omen, since it is believed that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near the house. It is important to understand whether this tree really attracts unhappiness, perhaps it is just prejudice.

Before you figure out why planting a spruce is a bad omen, you need to know what kind of energy comes from trees. The ancestors believed that absolutely any plant has its own energy that affects humans. Trees with negative energy include oak and willow, as they impair health and bring failure. These trees are called vampires as they consume positive energy from the environment.

In addition, there are healer trees that attract good luck, normalize well-being. They should be planted near the house. It can be absolutely any fruit trees: larch, acacia.

Is a blue spruce on the site a bad omen? A question that many are interested in, because no one knows for sure what effect this tree has on a person. According to the signs, you can determine the plants that can be grown on your site and which cannot. The energy of plants is very difficult to check, but it is better to refuse trees with a branched root system. It is often so powerful that it can even destroy the foundation of a house.

It is believed that oak has bad energy, since it is too powerful and heavy. The tree draws out vitality from people suffering from various diseases. There is another belief according to which you should not plant an oak near your house. It is believed that this tree can bring death to the head of the family.

In addition, it is not recommended to plant birch near the house. According to signs, spirits that can be good or evil live in the crown of this tree. There is a belief that if a birch tree grows near a house, then a woman may suffer from female diseases or infertility.

A bad omen is a spruce in the garden. The tree brings bad luck, destroys crops and even attracts death. There is a perfectly logical explanation for this. Since ancient times in Russia, the dead were surrounded by fir branches, so the tree caused fear. Spruce is very flammable, which poses a great threat to wooden houses.

A blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, and this tree is also found in a variety of legends. The Slavs were sure that if you plant this tree on their site, then failures will surely begin in the family. It was believed that the wife would not be able to get pregnant or would only give birth to daughters. It was believed that if you plant such a tree near the house of a lonely woman, then she will be alone all her life, and will soon die.

They used to think that if you plant a tree next to your house, and it suddenly dries up, gets sick, or lightning strikes it, then all the inhabitants of the dwelling will soon die. It was believed that during bad weather or thunderstorms, one should not hide under the spruce, since lightning would strike it.

According to legend, this tree was planted by the first colonists in Finland. People revered him very much and were afraid of anger. Initially, the entire harvest was shown ate, only after that people gathered food.

However, as soon as 1 branch dried up on a blue spruce, one of the colonists who arrived in these lands was sure to die. This continued until the moment when only one old woman survived. After the dead tree collapsed completely, she also died. Only the descendants of those people who first came to conquer this land remained alive.

According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the most useful plants are flowering and fruit-bearing shrubs and trees. They attract vital energy to themselves, becoming powerful enough emitters of joy.

A bad omen is a blue spruce on the site, according to feng shui. According to this teaching, a tree is capable of attracting good energy to itself. The worst option is considered to be a lone spruce growing right in front of the house. In this case, the tree will literally saturate the entire surrounding space with bad energy. If there is a desire to plant an evergreen in front of the house, then it is better to opt for a pine tree, and not ate.

Skeptical designers believe that a spruce in a summer cottage presents only one danger, because it can fall from strong winds, and it also has a superficial root system. However, this problem can be easily solved by landing undersized varieties coniferous trees.

Designers do not think that blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, since this tree thinns nutrients throughout the site, so flowers will bloom even more brightly against its background. But everyone decides for himself whether to plant this tree on his site or not.

Many people think that a spruce in a summer cottage is a bad omen. The superstitions associated with the coniferous tree are based on the knowledge gained by ancestors who noticed the events taking place around them. It should be noted that many of these beliefs remain relevant to this day.

Often it is not the very presence of this tree on the site that is considered negative, but its height. The ancestors believed that if the spruce grew taller than the roof of the house, then someone in the house would soon die. In some countries it was believed that the person who planted the tree would die, but this will happen when it grows higher than it.

One of the existing superstitions is based on the qualities that are attributed to this plant. It was believed that spruce has the ability to draw out all the vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people did not even doubt that the plant would drink from them all vitality and joy.

Disputes as to whether to plant a spruce near the house, a bad omen or not, continue to this day. Some psychics claim that this plant absorbs someone else's energy only in summer period time, and in winter the tree is actively sharing the accumulated forces. That is why in winter, when impotence and vitamin deficiency are observed, you just need to walk through the spruce forest and you will immediately increase your strength.

The ancestors believed that a blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, especially one that grows to human growth. She can mysteriously influence the occupants of the house and bring death. It is likely that the opinion about this coniferous tree was formed due to the fact that it ignites very quickly: where there is fire, there is grief.

However, despite all the superstitions and prejudices that have existed since ancient times in Russia, today the cultivation of pine and spruce on a personal plot is considered a fairly common phenomenon. It is worth noting that many bioenergy specialists believe that conifers trees are capable of producing negative energies that have a negative impact on humans.

This tree has long been considered female, so it was not accepted to plant it near the house. Like any other plant associated with the weaker sex, it easily survives from the house of all men. Not too much good relationship to the coniferous forest is also caused by the participation of this tree in the funeral rite, since the road to the cemetery was covered with thorny branches so that the soul of the deceased could not find its way back, did not bother his relatives. The Christmas tree has a particular influence on the atmosphere of the house. Esotericists are sure that it purifies the energy of the house, eliminating any essence.

It is believed that a live tree or pine tree near the house is a bad omen, but all this can be explained from a scientific point of view. It should be noted that this tree has a very powerful root system, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. In strong winds, the plant can bend over, which is dangerous for housing. Consequently, experts recommend planting spruce farther from a residential building.

Almost every superstition can be explained scientifically. Signs about Christmas trees are no exception. In Russia, people will not allow themselves to plant such trees near the house, because they catch fire even from the slightest spark. And since the houses were completely wooden, the fire was guaranteed. Indeed, lightning can hit the spruce, but not because it is a cursed tree. It often grows separately from others, in isolation. Do not take bad omens for granted. In Russia, it is a very common practice to plant blue spruce near buildings.

It is undesirable to grow poplar, spruce and oak near the house. Many superstitions associated with plants can be explained scientifically. However, there are also various trees with good energy. If you want to grow a tree with positive energy, then you should pay attention to the following plants:

  • juniper;
  • acacia;
  • maple;
  • Rowan;
  • pear;
  • rose hip.

In order for the energy in the house to be only positive, then on your personal plot it is worth growing trees and flowers that can only bring benefit.

In addition, many do not like to plant a spruce next to residential buildings due to the fact that it grows tall with a dense crown. During a strong wind, the spruce could cover the chimney with branches, which caused the residents of the house to burn out.

It's good if birches are already growing in the yard, bird cherry is a familiar plantation. And some people like unusual plants near the house. For example, spruce, pine, fir. Of course, these trees look very beautiful on the site. While they look like small, neat bushes, you can create an original hedge.

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Conifers grow for long decades to become powerful trees. Many plantation lovers are wondering: is it worth growing conifers near your home? And what kind of conifers can be planted on the site?

Gardeners are sure, if there is a desire, why not ?! You just need to figure out what breeds of conifers to grow. After all, each of them has its own preferences for the place of stay and care. Some people like the shade, while others like a sunny place. For each type or variety you need optimal conditions... We will understand the variety of their types and landing features.

Spruce is the most common coniferous tree in the plots. Herringbone fits nicely and neatly into any free space. And on New Year's holidays, you can dress it up right in the yard! It is believed that spruce feeds on positive energy in summer and gives it back to us in winter.

The downside is that trees have a huge root system. As it grows, it becomes stronger and takes up a large underground space. Biologists believe that long, strong roots can damage structures. And it is advised to plant spruce farther from a residential building. If the territory allows it, that's great.

Breeders develop special garden varieties of fir trees. They are short and compact for plots. They are easier to care for. Fir trees love shaded areas and moist soil.

Pine is a mighty tree. Rarely seen in courtyards. Pine is not recommended to be planted close to the house. It has a negative property - to take moisture from the soil. A luxurious root system requires a lot of moisture and deoxidizes the soil. And you can't plant conifers next to other garden pets. The pine tree will leave them dry. Itself will live and develop, and destroy everything else around.

Pine trees grow into very tall trees. Growing fast. In this there is a danger for residents of neighboring houses. Strong wind or lightning can cause the tree to break and collapse. Pine is more susceptible to lightning strikes than other conifers because of its height. Since its trunk is resinous, it is easily ignited. There are many dangers.

If you still want to have a pine tree, you need to know a few rules. It is necessary to plant conifers in a sunny place. There are varieties that can live in partial shade. Any soil is suitable, but without excess moisture. You can regularly prune the tree without letting it grow up. And plant no closer than five meters from housing. Or near the fence.

The needles crumble, and this brings inconvenience. There will be a lot of rubbish on the territory.

Also a beautiful tree. It is increasingly grown in yards. Juniper is a light-loving plant. In the shade it becomes a pale tree. It has no special requirements for the quality of the soil.

Some superstitions that came from grandmothers are associated with juniper. Those who believe in omens believe that this tree near the house can protect from evil power, damage, and the evil eye. The plant attracts good luck and love.

This type of conifer is considered the most suitable for garden plots. Enough unpretentious plant... Any place is suitable for thuja - in the shade, in the sun, in dry or wet soil. She has the ability to adapt to all kinds of conditions. The plant has a dense bark and can withstand severe frosts.

The tree does not like too much sun. Create partial shade for the tree. Can grow in moist soil. A hedge made of thuja looks very beautiful. To do this, it is planted along the fence, at a distance of one to five meters. As they grow, the seedlings will expand and cover the site with themselves, like a real fence.

Another representative of coniferous beauty. Looks unusual in gardens. Because of its beautiful conical shape. For lovers of conifers, several decorative varieties have also been bred. Fir is able to withstand severe Siberian frosts. It is recommended to purchase seedlings that are at least five years old. Plant in April-May or autumn, in wet weather.

The plant does not like windy places and drafts. Decorative fir attracts gardeners with its short stature. These varieties will not grow taller than 8-10 meters. It grows for a long time, and to wait for flowering up to thirty years.

Medicinal tinctures and decoctions are made from the leaves and bark of the tree. Coniferous connoisseurs advise planting fir close to housing. Even under the windows. The tree gives off useful substances, and we breathe this air.

Experienced gardeners advise not to buy coniferous seedlings anywhere, on the highway or in the market. You can run into scammers selling ordinary forest branches. There are many trusted stores, online stores with positive feedback licensed to sell.

Thus, we conclude that conifers can be planted on the site. Just make the right choice. Consider the size of the garden, the moisture content of the soil, and your options.

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Is it really a bad omen to plant a spruce? Residents of villages are often convinced that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near the house. But can the appearance of a tree on the site really entail various misfortunes, or is it just another prejudice?

Signs and beliefs are a real storehouse of knowledge and wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors. Among all the beliefs, the most popular are wedding ones associated with the seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring), with animals, birds and, of course, plants.

There are signs about health, money, love, and so on. In some beliefs, a logical chain is clearly traced, it is easy to draw completely understandable conclusions. Others do not get tired of striking us with their spontaneity.

If we talk about the signs associated with Christmas trees, then most often it is believed that planting such a plant on their site is a bad omen, people living in areas where there are no spruce forests. In areas where the tree is not a rare guest, there are no such horror stories.

Spruce is also found in various legends. The Slavs were sure that if such an outlandish plant was planted near the house, then misfortunes would begin in the family. It is possible that the wife will not be able to give birth or will only give birth to daughters. Planting a tree near the house of a lonely woman meant that she would be lonely for the rest of her days or would die in the near future.

It was also believed that if, nevertheless, a tree was planted next to the house, but it suddenly dried up, fell ill, or was struck by lightning, then all the owners of the house would very soon go to the next world. It was believed that during a thunderstorm and bad weather it was by no means possible to hide under a spruce, since lightning would hit it.

Such superstitions were widespread not only in the territory of Ancient Russia, but also in European countries. For example, legend says that it was this tree that was planted by the first colonists in Finland near Lake Keitele.

People revered the tree very much, they were afraid of its anger, the entire harvest was initially shown to him, and only after the tree saw the fruits of their labor, the products could be taken for themselves. It was among the Europeans that the spruce was considered a symbol of harvest and good luck. However, things were not so smooth.

It turns out that as soon as 1 branch dried up on the tree, one of the first colonists would surely die. This continued until only one old woman survived. And as soon as the withered tree collapsed, so she died. In the settlement, only the descendants of the people who first came to this land remained alive.

Modern signs are based on the knowledge that our ancestors received, noting the events taking place around them that preceded any result. Surprisingly, most of these beliefs are still relevant in our world. But why is the spruce on the site a bad omen?

In most cases, it is not just the presence of a plant on the site that is negative, but its height. It was believed that if they grow larger than the roof of a building, then someone will die in the house. In some other parts of our vast homeland, the belief has been slightly changed. It was believed that the person who planted the tree would die if it grows taller than him.

One of the beliefs is based on the amazing properties that were attributed to the plant. It was believed that it is actually evil, insidious and drinks all happiness, juices, vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people believed that the couple who planted the tree will part in the near future, as the plant will drink all the joy out of them.

Our ancestors believed that the spruce has an extremely negative attitude towards men, therefore, mainly male representatives await grief, or the plant simply will not let men into the house (that is, girls will not be able to marry).

Some of the beliefs are quite easy to explain. In ancient ancient times, the bodies of the dead were completely covered with spruce branches. This explains the superstition that this plant carries the dead, death. Our people have many signs about what trees can be planted in the courtyard of the house.

Disputes regarding such a magical tree continue to this day, since many modern psychics and bioenergetics claim that the plant absorbs other people's energy only in the warm season. In winter, the tree is actively sharing the accumulated forces. That is why if you walk through a spruce forest in winter, during a period of vitamin deficiency and impotence, then you will have more strength.

Almost every superstition can be explained in terms of logic. Signs about Christmas trees are no exception. In Russia, people could not afford to plant such trees near the house, since spruce lights up from any spark. And since the houses were wooden, the fire was assured.

Indeed, this plant could often be struck by lightning, but not because it is a cursed tree, but because most often it grew alone.

Another logical explanation for the dislike for Christmas trees - the tree grows very tall, with a dense dense crown, and, having become taller small house with a chimney, during a strong wind, the plant could simply close the chimney and the inhabitants could get fired up.

Accordingly, all these horrors that were previously attributed to the plant have a very logical justification. However, they do not work as of today. In the 21st century, people are no longer afraid of terrible omens, they are not afraid of crows that fight through the window, plant fir trees on the site, which were previously considered a tree of the dead, they are not afraid to break a mirror, and so on.

Of course, it is stupid to ignore the wisdom of their ancestors, but for the most part, with such superstitions, they tried to explain everything that happens around them, the world in which they lived. Perhaps this is what helped them maintain harmony with the surrounding nature.

Each person can decide for himself - to believe in superstition or not, a tree in the yard is a bad omen or a good one, or in general, appearing on your site, this tree will not change anything.

estimates, average:

I grew up in a village, and when I was growing up, I heard a lot of different signs from my grandmothers. So, according to signs, a spruce tree can be planted next to the house, but only if it is not fenced off. If the spruce is planted in the garden, then the owner (man) will not live in this house. You cannot plant pines either, since the owner of the house will be sick, but larch trees can.

Then I did not believe in these signs, but the field of what happened, which I will describe to you, still had to believe.

My sister and her girlfriends and friends at one time were engaged in landscaping their gardens, they dug all kinds of small trees in the forest, brought them to houses and planted them in a certain way. So a friend brought several trees and planted them in the garden, while my sister - pines. A couple of years later, my friend's father died (cancer), but my dad got sick (encephalitis tick, almost completely paralyzed to this day, since the 96th).

Coincidence or not, I still don't know, however, almost all other friends who planted their gardens with similar trees, fathers also either became seriously ill or died in the next 5 years.

I give you advice: do not plant trees near the house, if you want to plant greenery, then plant it outside the garden. Plant either larch or fir near your home.

My sister in the country planted lok and ugh, tfu.

I bought a forest plot with lacquers and what am I supposed to do, cut all the lacquers? What nonsense!

The neighbors have a huge spruce growing in the yard next to the house. They have a huge family, grandchildren come - you can't count, so the belief that death brings sorrow is definitely not about them. The spruce is very beautiful and very old.

In principle, if the signs about spruce are scary, you can plant larch.

Be sure to plant a spruce! Not only is this a very beautiful tree, it still exudes phytoncides that are harmful to harmful microorganisms. However, this is a property of all conifers. But spruce has the ability to take away excess energy, mostly negative. If you have a headache, sit under the bow. Calmness comes next to her, thoughts flow more slowly. And on New Year's Eve, you can dress it up and not spend money on buying a yellowed broom.

Recently they showed how they live stars stage and cinema. They have their own private large mansions and in the yard, along the wide paths, spruce trees grow.

They know that there is such a sign by which it is impossible to plant spruce in the yard own home or not, but they are doing well.

For example, Nikita Mikhalkov buys every year for the New Year live spruce in a large pot, and in the spring it plants them in the yard of the house. He has more than 10 of these spruces.

You don't have to believe in any signs, then nothing bad will ever happen.

Yes…. It turns out that you can't plant in the garden ... .. My parents bought a house in 93 and planted two blue spruces in the garden…. After 4 years, my father was forced to go to work in Vladivostok and never came back to us…. The house was left without an owner ... .. So you don't believe in omens ... ..

The signs are exactly those that remained from the King of Peas (such as spilled salt, a black cat and a fallen fork). Plant whatever you want (I also have larch and linden, mountain ash, maple and a lot of other things), and this year I will definitely plant a couple of spruces and 2-3 lions. I know people who generally have a fenced (private) forest near their house. Birches, bird cherry trees, chestnuts and their own mushrooms grow right there (every year) - they live for themselves, they smile when they meet with their neighbors, but they don't want to hear about omens)

I heard from my grandmothers and grandfathers that a spruce tree cannot be planted in the yard, as it brings sorrow and grief. And often this tree accompanies tragic events (funeral, serious illness). Therefore, such a tree, being next to a person's dwelling, affects him negatively.

As far as this is true, I don’t know, but my old men say so

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