Where is the best place to put a violet. Is it possible to keep violets at home - is it good or bad: folk signs, superstitions

Decor elements 24.05.2019
Decor elements

In the article you will learn about all the signs associated with indoor violets. Also read information on how best to keep them at home.

Many legends are known among the people about various flowers, in particular, and there are quite a few invented folk signs and superstitions about domestic violets. Unfortunately, these judgments do not always carry joy, happiness, grace. Violets are said to have a negative effect on the privacy of the owners of the apartment. Even though the flower looks very cute and beautiful, the Old Believers say that such a beautiful plant should not be grown in the house. To what extent this is correct is up to you to judge.

Is it true that violets are the flowers of loneliness, husbands and destroy personal life?

If we judge women who are fond of breeding these pretty indoor flowers, then personal life does not depend on the presence or absence of this plant in the house. The hostesses themselves claim that the violet can only give warmth and joy in the apartment, especially when it blooms.

What is interesting is that many women who have such plants are married and have children. Therefore, the myth that flowers affect personal relationships and are husbands is most likely an invention. Much depends on the mental attitude. If a girl is set up for loneliness, then she herself models the future for herself.

Violet home - signs

Is it possible to keep violets at home - is it good or bad: folk signs, superstitions

According to superstition, violets provoke negative reactions, more details:

  • They have a bad effect on the emotional mood, in particular, flowers provoke Bad mood, quarrels, conflicts in the family.
  • They carry a strong female energy, as a result of which the ladies living in the house feel useless, and the men become depressed and spineless.
  • For some reason, such flowers are also considered to be grave flowers; earlier they were planted in a cemetery to calm the souls of the dead. Therefore, carrying these plants into the house is a bad omen.

Despite all of the above, there are still signs from the past and the opposite of the negative ones, in particular:

  • According to Eastern signs, the presence of violets in the house contributes to the reign of peace, harmony in the family hearth. The flowers of the plant pacify others, smooth out conflict situations.
  • If there is an acute shortage of money in the family, then the flower attracts flows of monetary energy. This is the statement of the Eastern sages.
  • Flowers white color- drive away suffering, relieve the owners of the house from bad thoughts.
  • To attract money and pacify your appetite, "acquire" violets with red flowers.
  • Blue violets have a positive effect on people with creative potential, inspire them to create new works of art.
  • Among other things, to drive out uninvited guests - ants - from the house, put a violet on the windowsill. You will never see these annoying insects again.

Violet bloomed: a sign

If the flower in the house is fragrant and blooms almost all year round, then you are taking proper care of it. Provide timely watering, fertilize the soil correctly and the plant receives exactly as many rays of the luminary as it needs. Blooming violets are able to improve the mood of the household and the state of health by their appearance. Especially active people - they normalize the balance of energy.

In addition, if you have multi-colored violets in your house, then they say:

  • if it blooms White flower , then the girl is waiting for a date with a young man
  • if pink violet blooms, then you will succeed among friends, you will be adored
  • red blooms - to romantic love, passion
  • lilac portends a very important meeting for you
  • purple- warns of a series of events that will turn your life upside down.

IMPORTANT: Violets are not picky plants, it is not at all difficult to achieve their flowering. The main thing is to choose the right place for their location,.

Violet was presented: a sign

What girl doesn't love being given flowers. It is especially good if these plants are in a pot, then they will delight the hostess with their flowering and beauty for a long time.

  • If a beauty is presented with a white flower, then she will meet her beloved in the near future. The girl on giving should talk to the flower every day. To find out the guy will become her husband or not, you should ask the plant. In the case when the violet throws out new flowers, then yes, if it starts to fade, then no.
  • If a woman is presented with a plant, and a new flower of a different shade appears in the pot, then the beauty will soon become a mother.
  • If a guy gives a pink violet to his girlfriend, then this flower will feel how their relationship develops. The plant will get sick if the lovers quarrel or part.

Violets: benefits for the home

First of all, the presence of violets in the room changes the atmosphere. After all, these flowers are very beautiful, you can admire them. Even animals have a positive attitude towards these plants and choose their favorite flower. Yes, and the violets themselves become attached to one of those living in the house. They say that if a person is sick, then his plant begins to wither.

The benefits of home flowers

How violets affect health: signs

Flowers do not affect health in any way, as mentioned above, they simply feel the pain of a person. Also, if the energy in the room is positive, then the violets feel great, they grow well, the leaves become healthy, beautiful. In this room you can make a nursery. Your child will grow up healthy and strong.

Violets - impact on health

What violets are better to keep at home?

In another way, flowers are called - Saintpaulias. You can keep any plants of this name in the house:

  • white- give strength to a woman to maintain order in the hearth
  • red- get rid of excessive squandering, gives lazy people the strength to work
  • blue- get rid of boredom, depression
  • purple- activate the process of wisdom, harmony in the family.

Best gift. violets

Can violets be grown at home?

Based on all of the above, violets are not only possible, but also necessary to grow at home. Of course, this process will be useful only to those flower growers who love and want to deal with plants. If you do not have time to care for them, then it is better not to grow flowers, they will simply wither over time without attention.

How to place violets if there are a lot of them?

In order for the plants to be comfortable, they grew well, they should be properly positioned. But it happens that there are so many violets that there is not enough space on the windowsill. In this case, you should make racks or buy shelves. In addition, each flower needs appropriate lighting. To do this, experienced flower growers install fluorescent lamps on these racks.

Homemade violets - superstitions

So, if you decide to get yourself such a flower, then act, you should not listen to superstition. The flower does not affect personal life, and even more so, it cannot be a husband. If there are quarrels, strife in the family, then you need to look for the source of the cause in another. Perhaps it would not hurt you to reconsider your views on life, change in better side. Then all adversity will bypass your house.

Video: Violet on the windowsill: a sign

Uzambara violet.

Family Gesneriaceae - Gesneriaceae.

Genus Saintpaulia hybrida - Saintpaulia hybrid.

African violet saint paulia hybrid.

Placement of violets in the apartment

Placement of violets in the house.

According to the observations of most flower growers, the successful growth of a plant does not depend on the composition of top dressings or any secrets of growing, but on the main development factors: optimal temperature, uniform good lighting and normalized moderate watering. When planting violets in a room and further care behind them, you need to pay attention to several conditions:

The main condition: the flower loves bright light, the brighter the room, the more abundant the flowering and the brighter the color of the flowers. But no sun, you should especially beware of the burning midday rays, from direct sun rays violets must be shaded regardless of the direction of the world. Violet does not tolerate direct sunlight; this can cause burns on its leaves. From direct sunlight, burns in the form of yellowish weeping spots appear not only on the leaves, but also on the flowers. White-flowered violets are especially susceptible to burns. Violet grows well on any window sill, but north, northeast and northwest windows are best for growth.

The glass of the window is sealed to such a height that the sun does not fall on the violets standing on the windowsill, a little more than a third of the glass. Used for shading covering nonwoven fabric, as well as tulle, densely gathered or hung in two additions. sun protection film, with a small dimming, is fixed with adhesive tape to the frame along the edges or is glued to the water. Blinds are good for shading in extreme heat.

In every digital camera There is a built-in exposure meter. He knows how to perfectly measure the illumination. This allows you to use the camera to measure the illumination of violets. You can buy a used exposure meter from old photographers. The exposure meter must be with frosted glass: Putting the glass on the exposure meter, you can place it between the violets with the glass up. Pointer exposure meters are especially good. They can be set once on a scale of 800/2500/5000 lux and then with one glance at the scale you can determine whether your violets suffer from a lack or excess of light.

In the evening, of course, the sun may appear on the windowsill, but these are the rays of the setting sun, and they do no harm. In case violets are planted on the southern and western windows, because there is no other place, then the violets must be shaded - stick on the bottom window glass tracing paper or hang gauze curtains between the glass and the plant. It is better to use thick tulle curtains, then the direct rays of the sun do not threaten the violets, and, on the other hand, such curtains let enough light into the room.

To room violet bloomed all year round, you can use artificial lighting, lasting at least 12 hours a day. Violets should also be protected from sudden fluctuations in temperature and drafts and kept at an air temperature of at least 18 degrees. At temperatures below 15C, lighting does not bring tangible results - all processes in plants slow down. In winter, on cold window sills, it is necessary to protect pots with plants from the effects of cold by covering them with any heat-insulating material. In winter, watering should be slightly limited.

If you have wide window sill, then for maximum results, arrange a lamp over the violets daylight at 36 watts. Now on sale led strip, which do not blind the eyes, but comfortably illuminate the violets and the room. Determine if you have space for adult violet bushes with a diameter of at least 30 cm and how many such rosettes will fit. And don't try to put it in there large quantity. If space does not allow, stop at growing semi-miniatures and small standards, they are incredibly beautiful and compact.

If you want violets to grow not only in natural light, but also receive artificial lighting, then equip shelves on the window. The number of shelves and height can be varied as needed. Another very good thing is the blinds on the windows. In summer, in the heat for violets, this is just a salvation. I make horizontal plates obliquely so that the sun's rays are reflected, but it would be light for the flowers. There is light, no sun - perfect for violets. In the evening, you can not curtain the windows, just close the blinds tightly.

Assess the conditions for living in your apartment favorite violets. Where is it warmer, and where is it cooler, where is the best daylight where drafts are created during ventilation. At what time the direct sun enters your windows, and on which wall it shines. Try to install additional artificial lighting.

All violets have individual adaptability to external factors impact, and you can place them where each violet will be more favorable. You can pick up varieties of violets, both for very bright window, and for the window, where the sun is a rare guest. Using artificial lighting, you can partially solve the location of racks and shelves in the back of the apartment, away from windows.

Violet enjoys special love and popularity among flower growers. And if you consider that the small and pretty violet has about 500 species, then lovers indoor plants create entire home collections of these flowers, which do not require complex care and are an adornment of any interior.

Charming violet was born in hot Africa, and feels good wherever reigns temperate climate. A bright and unknown flower was discovered by Baron Saint-Paul, who lived in the nineteenth century. The baron sent a blue flower with a yellow core to his collector father rare plants, and later the botanist Wendland recorded the violet in a separate genus, naming it in honor of Baron Saintpaulia. Therefore, in Russia, a miniature violet began to be called Saintpaulia. There are many legends and myths about it, many signs and superstitions are associated with this flower.

Violet brings harmony, prosperity and stability to the house. This small flower copes with big tasks, namely, it absorbs all the negativity that can reign in a homely atmosphere.

Optimistic flower growers love and respect violet, which cannot be said about young and suspicious young ladies who decided to decorate and ennoble their home with the help of indoor plants. Due to bad superstitions regarding personal life, girls are simply afraid to bring Saintpaulia into their home.

For people who want to find family happiness, one of the signs strictly forbids breeding violets of any kind. In the people, this flower is called "husband". That is, the saintpaulia will not allow the young mistress to arrange her personal life and will drive away any man who crosses the threshold of the house of a marriageable girl.

Hearing about this stupid superstition, many women who grow violets on their windowsills assure that the violet will only strengthen marriage or romantic relationships. This flower is able to create an atmosphere of comfort and love in the house. It all depends on the mood of the girl, who may simply be afraid to build love relationship and subconsciously set to lead a life of loneliness. In this case, even a violet thrown out of the house will not help the pessimist.

Therefore, psychologists advise girls to fall in love with this flower, as creature, then Saintpaulia will repay you with the same coin, and pleasant changes will occur in life.

Signs and superstitions about violets

From negative signs, it is known that violet quarrels people and couples. Given that Saintpaulia has the strongest female energy, then men living in a house with Saintpaulia become too soft, and girls begin to think that they are not capable of anything. They are considered among the people as cemetery flowers, they were carried to the grave of relatives so that their souls would calm down, so keeping a violet at home is a bad omen.

They say that violet just works wonders! She is able to charge the home with positive energy.

A blooming flower brings happiness to the family, and Saintpaulia with small sprouts will improve financial affairs. If the Saintpaulia is placed near the crib where the newborn sleeps, then this will strengthen the health of the newly born baby.

If you get up on Monday before the sun has risen, find a saintpaulia and pick it, then a person will soon find a soul mate. It is very good if a married woman gives a violet to a single girl. This means that a single person will soon get married.

If a woman notices that the Saintpaulia flowers in her flock pot are different in color, you can buy a pregnancy test. According to the sign, this suggests that the owner of the flower is expecting a child.

If the work team often quarrel and try to survive each other, then the violet in the office will reconcile the workers.

Benefits and harms in the house

Like any other plant, violets have both positive and negative qualities.

  1. If there is Saintpaulia on the windowsill, then there will never be ants and cockroaches in the house.
  2. The plant has a very good effect on the psyche of young children. They become balanced and obedient.
  3. Violet charges the house with positive energy, charging with which people are able to move mountains!
  4. Fortunately, there are a lot of types of Saintpaulia in various shades in stores. By choosing the right one, you can decorate your interior with natural beauty.
  5. There is a violet, consisting of three colors. People call her pansies. An amazingly beautiful plant! This flower is used in cooking, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the skin and lungs.

Is it possible to keep a violet at home and where to put it according to Feng Shui

For those who believe in good omens associated with violets, this flower is a must! But before buying, you need to decide what exactly you want from life. For example, a white flower is able to calm and relax the whole family from nervous overstrain, white Saintpaulia has a beneficial effect on children. In general, white violet will bring peace to your home.

Pink or red violet will not let the owner overeat. Red saintpaulia will make you active in life.

Purple or blue violet helps teachers, writers and people of other creative professions cope with stagnation at work, such a flower will not only give inspiration and wisdom, but also save the whole family from conflicts.

The ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui approves the appearance of Saintpaulia in the house. She symbolizes only the best things, having the ability to renew love. Therefore, violet can live in any room, even in the bedroom it will not cause any harm, but will only improve relations between spouses, and give lonely people happiness in love. It is especially good to put a flower in the children's bedroom, which will protect the baby from health problems.

Signs on the state of the flower

If a violet died in the house, this indicates both a very tense psychological atmosphere in the house and the fact that they stopped caring for it.

If the violet began to fade, it means that it takes away the illness of one of the household members. It may be time for someone in the family to seek medical attention.

If the Saintpaulia has bloomed - it's just wonderful! Firstly, you take good care of her, and secondly, she gladly gives you positive energy. If the snow-white flower of Saintpaulia bloomed, then the girl can count on a date. If pink saintpaulia blooms, expect adoration from others. If blue or lilac Saintpaulia blooms, wait important meeting. Blooming purple saintpaulia promises to turn your whole life around!

flower care

Fragile violets love warmth and lots of soft light, but they hate direct sunlight, so protect your pet with a loose curtain. She will be most comfortable in your kitchen, where it is always quite humid.

The pot should be chosen not too large, its diameter should be three times smaller than the Saintpaulia rosette.

Remember that no bad omens will crumble when they meet with your sincere faith in all that is good. If you decide to bring a violet into your home, then ensure it is properly cared for and treat the flower with love. Then your violet will not forget to thank you.

Violet (saintpaulia) - a classic among indoor flowering plants. If your collection of home flowers has not yet replenished with violet or if you have problems growing this plant, we recommend that you pay attention to the information provided in the article.

Description of flowers

Violet is a low perennial herbaceous plant, which has a main shortened stem with numerous pubescent leaves planted on long petioles.

Varieties used to obtain new interesting specimens are combined into groups according to the shape of flowers, among which are:

  • fringed;
  • terry;
  • simple;
  • ampelous.
The flowering of Saintpaulia can be either one color (pink, red, white, blue), or several (with different combination shades of the indicated colors and patterns). Violet buds are small in size, usually their diameter reaches 3 cm.

Hybrid Saintpaulia varieties may have more large flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter, which abundantly cover the plant during the flowering period (more than 70 flowers can appear on 1 copy). Petals of some varieties may have a border, spots, dots, stripes of various shades.

Did you know? Violets are used in traditional medicine, some species of this plant help treat kidney disease, whooping cough, bronchitis and dermatitis.

The leaves, depending on the type of plant, can be heart-shaped, round or oval, with solid or serrated edges. The color can also be different: from light green to dark green, with patterns (border, spots, stains) of white, red, gray.

The leaf plate is densely covered with short villi, which create a “velvety” surface.

Basic rules for growing violets on the windowsill

So that the Saintpaulias please you for a long and lush bloom, in the process of growing, follow the basic rules:

  • create comfortable conditions and the necessary indicators of the microclimate in the room;
  • follow care instructions;
  • carry out in a timely manner preventive treatment from common diseases;
  • regularly inspect the plant for pests or diseases and take measures to cure;
  • timely pruning of old leaves is carried out to preserve the decorative appearance and better nutrition young sheets;
  • after 2–3 years of life, the plant is rejuvenated (using a cutting or rosette of several young leaves).

Caring for violets on the windowsill

For the normal growth of the green part, the abundant formation of buds and long flowering saintpaulia needs to create suitable growing conditions, as well as high-quality care, so consider this information more.

Optimal conditions

Depending on the time of the year, the temperature in the room should have certain indicators: in winter, the range of +18 ... + 20 ° C is considered to be a suitable temperature for Saintpaulias, in summer - + 20 ... + 25 ° C. Humidity, regardless of the season, must be maintained at 50%.

Important! The plant reacts very badly to cold or constant drafts, so only insulated window sills are suitable for growing violets in winter, otherwise the flower is moved to a warmer place.

Saintpaulias bloom all year round, so the lighting should be good both in summer and in winter. To keep flowering in winter, Saintpaulia is illuminated with fluorescent lamps to extend daylight hours up to 10 hours a day, and if possible, up to 12.

The flower prefers to grow on well-lit windowsills of the western or east direction, there is the possibility of growing on the south window, but subject to shading from direct sunlight.

Watering mode

You need high-quality soft settled water at room temperature. It is better to pour water into the pan, but you can also under the root, trying not to get on the green part of the plant or flowers. If water regularly enters the center of the rosette of leaves, the flower may rot and die.
When watering in a pan, excess water is drained after 15 minutes to avoid rotting of the root system due to constant waterlogging of the lower soil layer. In summer, violets are watered every day with a small amount of water, and in winter - 2 times a week.

At low air humidity, spraying Saintpaulia from a spray bottle is allowed, but only during the period of absence of flowering. Flowers react very poorly to spraying, they can fade, rot or crumble.


Violets growing for the first 3 months in a new nutrient soil do not require top dressing. As the soil is depleted, after the specified time, you can begin to apply fertilizer to stimulate flowering. Ready-made complex fertilizers of the same name, which are sold in flower shops, are well suited as dressings for violets.

Depending on the manufacturer, instructions for the preparation and use of nutrient mixtures may vary, so read the label carefully before use. Fertilizing is carried out under the root, and 2 hours before the application, the soil is pre-moistened so that the fertilizer does not burn the roots of the plant.

The violet suffers from an excessive amount of top dressing, so the frequency of use of nutrient mixtures should be regulated by the grower independently. Pay attention to appearance flower: if the leaves are healthy, large, flowering is regular and abundant, feed rarely - 1-2 times in 6 months.

Plant transplant

Flower transplant can be carried out different ways, depending on the circumstances. If an urgent transplant is required, when the saintpaulia suffers from a large number of shoots or an overgrown root system, transshipment is carried out.
During the transfer to new pot bigger size(3 cm in diameter) pour a good drainage layer (3–4 cm) and transfer the violet from the old pot with the full preservation of the earthen clod.

Transplantation can also be carried out with a complete replacement of the soil, if it has completely depleted over time, the root system has suffered from an excess of moisture or has been affected by diseases and pests. To transplant a flower, choose a pot of the same size or slightly larger (1-2 cm in diameter).

New soil is prepared for transplantation (especially for violets). The bottom of the pot is covered with a drainage layer and a small amount of substrate.

The flower is carefully removed from the old pot and the roots are freed from the soil, which are then carefully examined for damage, rot or dead parts, and if they are found, they are carefully cut off with a sharp knife and sprinkled with activated charcoal.

After that, the saintpaulia is installed in a new pot and the voids at the roots are filled with soil, periodically shaking the container for a better distribution of the earth.

The most popular is a transplant with a partial replacement of the soil. Such a transplant is performed when it is necessary to propagate the plants, separating the children if they have filled almost the entire space of the pot. For transplantation, pots of small diameter (up to 5 cm) are prepared in order to seat children in them.

The mother plant is planted in a larger pot (2 cm). The earthen ball is slightly destroyed in order to free root system babies and carefully separate them. All plants are placed in pots with a drainage layer and filled with soil.

Trimming and forming a rosette

Violet pruning is done in order to preserve decorative look plants by removing old, yellowed leaves, or form a beautiful rosette for the proper growth of leaves and flowers. mature plant constantly releases new outlets, which over time greatly thicken the plant, so they are recommended to be removed in a timely manner.

Remove leaves or rosettes completely with cuttings, a sharp clean knife. On each plant, 3 rows of younger leaves are left, and the rest, the lower ones, are removed.

Violet constantly reaches for the sun and therefore has deformed rosettes, so in order for the plant to be symmetrical, periodically turn the pot in different directions.

From the regular removal of leaves from the lower part of the plant, the central stem will be exposed and spoil the decorative look. To solve the problem, the violet is transplanted, deepening the bare part of the stem into the ground, or rejuvenation is carried out.

Anti-aging pruning involves cutting the stem "under the root", keeping the length of the bare part at 2 cm, so that there is room for the formation of roots. The stem is placed in water and waiting for the moment when roots appear on it, then planted in the soil.

Reproduction methods

The vegetative method of reproduction gives a good result and allows you to relatively quickly get beautiful plant which will bloom soon. There are 2 ways to propagate Saintpaulia vegetatively - by leaf and by children. Let's consider them in more detail.

The easiest way to propagate saintpaulia is by children, which are formed in the form of rosettes on the mother plant.
If they are not separated in time, the flower begins to turn yellow, wither and cease to bloom. In order to prevent such a development of events, the children are separated and planted in separate containers (5 cm in diameter).

It is better to separate the children during transplantation, carefully unraveling the roots.

Important! If, in the process of separating the children, the roots are broken or injured, the plant will not take root well, so the roots are dipped into the Kornevin solution, and the pot is covered with polyethylene on top.

Children should be planted in a special soil for violets, and 1 cm of expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom of the pot.

When the violet is still young and does not have additional sockets (children), it is propagated by a leaf. Suitable material for propagation - young, healthy leaf from the second tier of the outlet. The leaf is cut at an angle, keeping the length of the cutting 5–6 cm. The cut material is placed in water and the roots are waiting for it to appear.

After roots 0.5–1 cm long have formed on the leaf, it is planted in a substrate for violets, providing drainage (1 cm) from expanded clay. The pot is chosen up to 5 cm in diameter. Care for the cutting should be the same as for an adult plant, but do not fertilize until at least one rosette of leaves appears and grows a little.

Diseases and pests of violets

Sometimes home saintpaulia is affected by diseases and pests that can appear on any part of the flower and cause a loss of decorativeness or even death of the plant.

Among the common diseases of Saintpaulia stand out:

  1. powdery mildew- defeat of the ground part of the flower with a white coating. The cause of the disease is problems with lighting, keeping in a cold and damp room. For treatment, the drug "Fundazol" is used, a flower is sprayed with a solution based on it, which allows you to overcome the disease. The preparation of the solution and the processing of the flower should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for the preparation.
  2. late blight- rotting of the root collar of the flower, the appearance of brown spots on the leafy plates. The cause of the disease is regular drafts and waterlogging of the soil. It is very difficult to fight the disease, most often the affected plant dies soon after infection. You can try to save the flower by processing "Fitosporin", according to the instructions.
  3. Botrytis(mold fungus) - manifests itself in the form of a fluffy gray-brown coating on leaves or cuttings. The disease is fungal in nature and develops due to improper care, high humidity and low growing temperature. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is possible to save the flower by treating it with Teldor according to the instructions. If the plant has more than 50% of the affected leaves, the probability of retaining the violet is greatly reduced.

The pests that most often affect violets include:

  1. Spider mites- small insects that cause yellowing and falling leaves. It is possible to determine that a plant has been struck by a tick by the presence of fine web on leaf plates. The reason for the appearance of insects is the dryness of the air and the high temperature in the room. You can save the flower by processing "Fitoverm", according to the instructions.
  2. thrips- small insects that infect leaves and cuttings. To overcome the pest, use "Aktellik", according to the instructions.
  3. Mealybug- a pest that settles in the soil and feeds on plant sap. It is possible to detect a worm only when the plant is transplanted. At in large numbers pests, the plant begins to turn yellow and wither. overcome mealybug You can treat the plant with Aktara, according to the instructions.

How to place a violet on the window: signs

There are many superstitions about growing violets in an apartment, so if you believe in omens, it is better to read the information below before buying a flower:

  1. There is an opinion that violets are not suitable for growing single people, as these flowers destroy personal life (there is a decrease in the likelihood of meeting a soul mate). For couples on the contrary, violet brings happiness to family life, harmony and strengthens the senses.
  2. You can often find information that it is impossible to keep a violet in the bedroom. Let's see why. The fact is that violet produces oxygen only in the daytime, and at night it consumes and produces carbon dioxide, so often, waking up in the morning, a person feels weak and has a headache.
  3. Despite some Negative influence violets, it strengthens the immune system well, therefore it is recommended to be placed in the children's room (but at night it is taken out to a room where people do not sleep). Violet also brings prosperity and prosperity to the house. Its scent repels ants and other insects.

Did you know? AT Ancient Greece violet was considered the flower of death and sadness, so it was used to decorate the deathbed and graves.

To get a positive effect from growing violets at home, you need to know which window is best to put a flower on. The plant is called an energy vampire, but if you put the pot on a well-lit windowsill, the plant will feed on solar energy, not human energy.
Thus, the violet is unpretentious, beautiful flowering plant and is well suited for growing on a windowsill. In order for violets to bloom for a long time and plentiful, it is necessary to follow the basic recommendations for caring for her and placing her in an apartment.

Violet... What to do with it? How to care for violets? It is clear that different flowers, like different breeds Animals need very special care. There is nothing to do - we will learn how to care for violets.

Violet transplant

Like any other living being, a plant experiences stress when it enters a new environment. After all, compared with the previous conditions, the composition of air, temperature, lighting, water has changed. Therefore, violets should be transplanted into a new, larger pot no earlier than a month later.

Where to put the violet pot?

Violet grows well on any windowsill. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. On the windowsill, cover it from the sun with a light curtain, parchment or paper. You can put flowers on a table or shelf next to the window, while the light intensity is reduced. In order for the rosette to form symmetrically, you need to turn the plants 90 degrees in a circle 2-3 times a week.

How does light from lamps work? electrical sockets for a violet?
Violets also do well under fluorescent lighting. You can make a shelf by installing fluorescent lamps. One lamp is enough for a shelf measuring 120x25 cm, on which there are several pots. From the bottom of the lamp to the top of the violet pot, the distance should be 25-35 cm for large rosettes and 15-25 cm for small rosettes and children.

Is there enough light for the violet?

The violet itself will tell you if it has enough light. With a lack of it, the leaves stretch upwards, with an excess, they bend down over the edges of the pot. For abundant and long flowering, the plant should receive enough light for 10-12 hours a day. With a smaller light day, full flowering will not be achieved.
The most optimal temperature for violets is 20-22 degrees. At this temperature, violets grow strong, bloom profusely and for a long time. On the onset summer heat in July-August, the flowering of violets stops. These flowers are preferred wet air with a relative humidity of 50-60% and grow well in the kitchen, where steam is introduced into the air during cooking. In winter heating season when the air in the apartment is very dry, violets pots can be placed on trays with moisture-retaining material. It can be sphagnum moss, expanded clay or a layer of newspapers. Avoid drafts carefully.

How to water a violet?

For watering violets can be used tap water letting her rest in open dishes 1-2 days to remove chlorine. Then the water should be boiled to remove excess salts and cooled to room temperature. You can water from above, avoiding water on the growing point, and from below into the pan under the pot. In any case, excess water should be removed from the pan 15-20 minutes after watering to prevent root rot. Violets tolerate some drying of the soil more easily than waterlogging. Violets should be watered when upper layer the soil will become slightly dry to the touch. Once every one and a half to two months, to remove dust, it is recommended to wash the leaves of plants under the tap with slightly warm water, preventing it from falling into the pot.

What land do violets need

In Russia, for the cultivation of violets, land mixtures are usually used, containing the violets necessary for growth and flowering. minerals. If you transplant violets twice a year, changing the soil, then the plant will receive enough nutrients With new ground and additional feeding is not required. When using soilless mixtures or when violets are in land mixture without a transplant, she needs top dressing 1-2 times a month. You can use liquid mineral fertilizers for indoor plants containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as trace elements. The dosage is indicated on the label, but it should be borne in mind that excessive amounts of fertilizer can damage the plants.
Soil for violets should be airy and retain moisture well. To make the soil moisture-intensive and breathable, natural minerals are added to it - perlite and vermiculite. Violets love sphagnum moss, so it is advisable to add it to the soil. It is useful to add a small amount of finely crushed charcoal.

What pots for violets are better!

Pots are easier to use plastic. The diameter of the pot is gradually increased with each transplant as the plant grows. It is believed that the diameter of the plant should be three times the diameter of the pot. Do not use pots with a diameter of more than 10 cm, this will prevent abundant flowering violets. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot, which ensures the penetration of air to the roots of the plant and prevents them from rotting. Sphagnum moss, expanded clay or perlite can be used as drainage.

We hope our tips will help you care for violets, and their flowering will please your eye.

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