Page of pentacles meaning in love scenarios. The meaning of the page of tarot pentacles in different layouts

Reservoirs 28.06.2020


Brief description of the card

As usual with Waite's Court cards, the card's description provided by the author is very superficial and not detailed. Of the many details depicted on the map, Waite saw fit to mention only "the young man staring at the coin as he hovers between his raised palms." The Page depicted on the map does not notice anything around. But it always remains a mystery what red and yellow berries grow under his feet, what is sown in the field in the background, what trees the grove consists of and what is the name of the lonely mountain. Well, maybe, in fact, these details are not so important for understanding the map.

An interesting point is made by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin in their book The Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot. They noticed that the Pages of Swords and Pentacles are dressed in tunics without a pattern, and the tunics of the Pages of Cups and Staves are decorated with the symbols of the corresponding elements. What is the reason, it was not possible to find out.

Map keywords

  • Student
  • Scheme
  • Knowledge
  • Studies
  • Obedient

Key map ideas

  • Logical and rational
  • Study before using or acting
  • The child is like an old man
  • Methodical research

The main meaning of the card

It must be admitted that the meanings of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card proposed by Waite are not too different from modern ones. Waite offers the following meanings in this card: “Discovery, exploration, learning; knowledge of the rules of action, management ”. For the inverted position, the meanings are a little strange: "Waste, liberality, luxury and bad news."

The modern meanings of the Tarot Page of Coins emphasize learning and creating all sorts of plans and schemes. The semantic formula of the Page of Pentacles "Don't do it because you don't know." The card suggests, before acting, to study the issue, to learn special techniques. That is, one way or another to be in the role of a student. It should also be added that the Page of Coins is a very dependent card, not associated with leadership qualities.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Page of Pentacles

The value of the card in a relationship

Open - closed card

The significance of the Page of Pentacles in relationships shows that this is a very hole card. If he had the opportunity, he would prefer not to enter into any relationship with anyone at all.

Relationship intensity

Since the Page of Coins seeks to avoid relationships, the higher the initial energy of the relationship, the faster he will try to end them or reduce them to the zero option.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Consider the meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card in matters of love relationships and events.

An android, a biorobot that tries to become human by mechanically copying Carnegie's book How to Win Friends. As for me - a horror movie.

Normal Pages of Coins practically do not know how to distinguish shades of human behavior, intonation, semantic layers of a statement.

The absent-minded professor, nerd nerd, nerd are standard types of the Page of Pentacles, played in numerous comedies. Realizing intellectually that the behavior of people is irrational, Page Monet, nevertheless, seeks to rationalize it, to catch patterns, to build schemes. As a result, another comedy is being filmed. But this is a comedy for those around him, and for the Page - a tragedy.

An ideal subordinate and one of the worst bosses. Valt Coin's card has negative charisma. As a boss, he tries to compensate for this in some way. As a rule, the most ineffective of all conceivable ineffective methods is chosen.

Now consider the Page of Pentacles Tarot card in card combinations.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • card combination: Lack of knowledge
  • combination with card: Happy childhood
  • combination with the card: Long-long study

Psychological condition

Page of Coins often resembles a well-oiled mechanism that performs a clearly fixed and finite set of actions.

Let me remind you once again that we are not talking about living people, but about some ideal models.

Mechanisms cannot have emotional states by definition. The Jack of Coins will not humanize its machine or machine. For him, only the correct functioning of the mechanism is important. And about the same it refers to living beings, girls, dogs, canaries ...

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • in conjunction with: Successful passing of the exam should be noted
  • combined with: A well-deserved success based on knowledge
  • combined with: Harmonious union of knowledge and power

The value of the card in health matters

In matters of health, the Page of Pentacles indicates the work of an incomplete organism, which is capable of functioning normally only in a very narrow range. Everything is fresh, nothing salty, spicy, sour, and so on. The Page of Pentacles indicates that the body is not ready for heavy physical exertion.

Possibly poor coordination, poor joint function. At the same time, Jack of Monet does not talk about diseases or any critical malfunctions in the body.

Combined with suit of Cups

  • in combination with: Friendship in the educational team
  • in conjunction with: Friends-fellow practitioners
  • combined with: A school romance, whatever that means

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Jack of Coins indicates a stable financial situation. But to control her and control her Valt of Pentacles is beyond her powers.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

This is the only page who is involved in financial activities. But he is at the learning stage, he is only trying to master the topic. To accelerate, he needs to become an apprentice to understand how the business is done, where the money comes from and where it goes.

The general state of finance and trends of change

The Jack of Pentacles tends to indicate an opportunity for improvement. But its movement from zero to plus has just begun. For other Pages, at best, everything will remain as it is.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Pentacles in matters of work indicates that in order to increase income, one should learn to work with money, study disciplines that somehow contribute to increasing income. Perhaps learn the secrets of your craft.

The negative influence of this card is manifested in the fact that the Knave of Pentacles is not proactive, not inclined to take decisive actions, to take responsibility for himself. It is difficult for him to take advantage of the chance that has turned up because of constant doubts and lack of confidence in his abilities.

Page of Pentacles - Junior Arcane

From the standpoint of astrology, the Page of Pentacles corresponds to the Moon, symbolizing concentration, practicality, the use of experience and the ability to harmoniously combine theory with practice.

Other names for the Page of Pentacles: Page of Denarii, Page of Coins, Page of Money, Jack of Pentacles, Jack of Coins, Jack of Denarius, Jack of Money.

Brief description of the Arcana: Chance of getting material, Fertility, Opportunities for increasing prosperity, Gaining experience, Study.

Description of the Page of Pentacles

The classic deck is represented by the Arcanum, which depicts a young man standing in the middle of a cultivated field with densely piercing sprouts. He focuses on the coin, which he holds tightly in his hands. The young man is not dressed in the clothes of a gardener, he is wearing rather noble clothes.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, the image on the Arcana is almost identical to the classic one, except that the emphasis is not on the surrounding circumstances, but on a young man in aristocratic clothes, holding a shining coin and looking into the distance in front of him. He sees prospects and is ready to strive for them.

The sacred meaning of the Page of Pentacles

To gain a deep understanding of the Arcana, you should remember the lesson of the Ten of Pentacles. There we saw a strong, happy and wealthy family, in which there were several generations. One of the characters was a little boy receiving lessons from a patriarch of this clan.

And now this boy has grown up and inherited the state of the family, the experience of his ancestors, a certain freedom of choice, as well as his own Arcanum. So, he has an initial capital - a coin that he holds in his hands. There is a cultivated garden that will bring the harvest. There is the experience of generations of his kind and you can always use it in your life.

In order not to miss what was given by birth, in order to take advantage of this chance and increase his wealth, a young man needs to hold his fortune firmly in his hands, be very attentive to the little things, maintain the order established earlier by his ancestors and observe traditions. Even if the ancestors left the physical world long ago, they will still help through the experience gained and established traditions.

Not to miss your chance, not to let your family down - this is the essence of the Page of Pentacles.

Mythological correspondence of the Page of Pentacles

In mythology, the Page of Pentacles corresponds to the story of Janson, who, following the thread of Ariadne, finds the Golden Fleece.

The meaning of the direct Page of Pentacles in the layout

The Page of Pentacles in layouts, first of all, like all Arcana-pictures, denotes a person. Most often, this is a young woman of the astrological sign of the Earth. No wonder in some decks this Arkan is presented by a woman in an interesting position. This is a girl filled with ideas. But if the card describes a young man, then this is most likely a young man with refined taste, gentle habits and endowed with a pleasant femininity.

This means that a serious, thoughtful assistant will appear in a person's life, who will either prompt a way out or show by personal example. In addition, the appearance of this card may mean the need to develop such qualities in oneself.

The Page of Pentacles in the layout personifies projects and ideas that are implemented into something material related to finance. It indicates that a person has a chance to make something very large out of something small, insignificant.

Traditionally, this Arkan says that a person has very good opportunities to solve financial issues for the benefit of himself. This is only the beginning of the process, but the appearance of this card in the layout indicates that with the right attitude to the question, the result will be excellent.

Essentially, Arkan is warning that it's time to start something new in your life. In which of the aspects of life you should resort to changes - the neighboring Arcana will tell you.

The meaning of the inverted Page of Pentacles in the layout

The Inverted Page of Pentacles indicates that a person may often be surrounded by a narcissistic and selfish girl, less often a young man with characteristics that will influence the course of events, bringing a number of troubles or disappointments. Sometimes this can mean the appearance of such qualities in the person himself, on whom the fortune-telling is carried out.

In the inverted form, Arkan indicates a carefree life, which can lead to a loss of chances and financial losses. It is also a reluctance to learn anything, even if the circumstances call for it.

The card symbolizes gossip, condemnation of a person for some actions, most often because of greed.

The appearance of an inverted Arcana may mean the lack of a competent logical analysis of the situation, hence the mistakes made that lead to negative results. Since these are Pentacles, it should be understood that in any situation a person will suffer financial losses.


The Page of Pentacles in the layouts for work indicates the presence of some kind of activity that is of a practical nature. For business, this Arkan predicts good chances, but they need to be realized only with the participation or help of other people. Since, according to its personal characteristics, the Page of Pentacles strives for order and legality, it should be understood that success will come only when the business is completely orderly and within the framework of the law. It is important here to carefully check, as they say, each signature and proofread each document in order to achieve the set goals.

If we are talking about a new project or a new direction, then the Page of Pentacles speaks of very tempting prospects that promise the development of the original idea into something grandiose and large-scale. Arkan is also a harbinger of some kind of beneficial contract or mutual cooperation.

For a person looking for a job, Page of Pentacles promises a very good financial offer.

In a team with such a card, mutual respect, friendliness, but not complete openness reigns. People are busy with their own business, passionate about work and do not find time for friendly gatherings. If an individual employee in a team is considered, then the Page of Pentacles characterizes him as thorough, responsible, erudite and pedantic in the performance of his duties. He has a great chance of getting a higher position, a pay raise, or even moving to a new, more profitable job.

In addition, the Page of Pentacles may indicate admission to school.

The Inverted Page of Pentacles indicates that a person has taken up a business in which he does not quite understand. Maybe he initially did not calculate all the risks or bureaucratic subtleties and now he has to work hard to somehow direct his business on a smooth track.

The inverted Arcanum suggests that for a successful business, a person will need additional cash infusions, otherwise the business will decline, and the person himself will suffer losses.

In a team with an inverted card, there is no order, people condemn each other or discuss any actions. Such an Arkan says to an employee that he is too greedy, is aimed at material things at any cost, while he does not want to take responsibility, does not think over his actions, changes plans. He is greedy and envious of the success of others, and he himself does not strive to raise his level.

Self-development direction

The Page of Pentacles shows that earlier the seed of knowledge, understanding, spiritual development was laid, and now the time has come for this harvest to ripen. If a person is attentive to information coming from outside, then the harvest will be rich, which will lead him to success.

This is the time for organizing everything in life, as well as putting in order of thoughts. Only when they represent a coherent picture, then you can make the right decisions and grow in all directions.

Inverted Arcanum says that a person simply does not want to receive life lessons, does not strive for improvement. He uses the knowledge already obtained earlier, taking it for the final version because of his laziness to improve.

Personal relationships

The relationships that are characterized by the Page of Pentacles are distinguished by the sensuality that is at the heart of the relationship. Partners are very kind to each other and nevertheless, they painfully perceive resentments, which often leads to small disagreements. But here, rather, the darlings scold - only amuse themselves.

Arkan says that relations are moving on to the next phase, and their development is quite positive, satisfying the partners. However, here, in addition to sensuality, life experience also appears. This is nothing more than the realization of your dreams. For example, a serious relationship or a desire for marriage. The map itself does not give direct indications of marriage, but indicates that such an idea is quite feasible.

If initially problematic relationships are considered, then the Page of Pentacles speaks of the possibility of a favorable resolution of conflict situations and the search for a reasonable compromise.

For spouses planning a baby, the Page of Pentacles brings good news of a possible pregnancy.

If the card falls on one of the partners, then it should be said that he is very sensual, gentle, but too painfully perceives any insult, closes in himself for a long time, does not strive for a quarrel, but does not maintain normal relations either. He may stop talking or even disappear for a while. He will not be the first to go to a truce.

The Inverted Page of Pentacles shows a very unpleasant relationship in which partners do not respect each other, and sometimes even outright ignore. Relationships become boring, routine, they lack the previous interest.

Relationships are influenced by the greed of one of the partners, and sometimes both at once. There may be unreasonable planning of financial spending, leading to losses and mutual discontent. Quite often, this is followed by attempts to control each other's spending and making claims.

If one of the partners is being considered, then it is he who is that stingy and at the same time wasted. He tends to lead a double life - to find fault with his partner about every waste of money, and he himself is wasteful of finances.

Personality characteristic

The Page of Pentacles characterizes a refined, aristocratic personality. She has a discreet, but very beautiful appearance. This type of people is characterized by one feature: they remain outwardly young for a very long time, and then instantly acquire the features of old age.

The Page of Pentacles Man is very reliable, you can always rely on him. He has superbly developed logic, and he translates this ability to order his entire living space, thus his life is subordinated to logic. With her, he verifies the actions of others and is guided by her in his own actions. In many respects, this is required of him by the responsibility that he possesses: if he has promised something, then he must fulfill it, so he always weighs everything well before promises and subjects everything to a logical justification.

In addition to logic, he also has a superbly developed intuition. He delves into the essence of the problem, parses it to pieces with the help of logic, builds a chain of cause-and-effect relationships, and then, when everything becomes clear to him, he calmly solves everything. This bundle of qualities gives him another advantage: he understands a lot intuitively, and when he sees the slightest confirmation physically, he receives a huge charge of inspiration and active work of the brain for creation.

Despite the fact that we are talking about Pentacles, the person is still quite undemanding and modest. He is more focused on the idea than the material. Hence his passion for creative processes. He is laconic, but his every word has its own weight. In company, he shines with wit, but still secretive and uncommunicative.

Due to introversion, secrecy and self-depth, it is rather difficult for him to build relationships with the opposite sex. It is very easy to injure him, he quickly takes offense and keeps grievances in himself for a long time. Offended, he becomes silent for a long time and then additional efforts are needed to get him to talk. He will not be demonstratively silent, but the answer will be very monosyllabic.

The Page of Pentacles is by nature a fighter for justice. He is seeking it not with the aim of punishing, but with the aim of restoring. In fact, any forceful pressure is alien to him, whether it be in his own address, whether in the address of someone else. He himself will never put pressure on anyone, and if he feels pressure on himself, then he simply leaves. Faced with a difficult situation, he will prefer to relinquish responsibility for it and find someone who will resolve it. In such cases, he becomes indecisive, but at the same time he never panics.

The character of the Page of Pentacles makes him a good researcher, but a very mediocre entrepreneur, which is why he definitely needs an assistant in achieving goals related to financial issues. Then he will easily receive material benefits by taking advantage of the chance.

This person gravitates towards impeccable observance of laws and formalities, follows traditions, prefers to have order in everything. Moreover, in any area of ​​life, including personal relationships. For him, habits that do not allow to break are of great importance.

The Inverted Arcanum shows us a person aimed at material, and in its worst manifestations - greed, selfishness. He neglects the spiritual, is not inclined to pay attention to the sensual side. He is petty, lazy, completely uncommunicative.

One of the most negative traits is the unwillingness to learn anything, and he himself is poorly trained. He lacks authority, which is why he does not know how and does not want to listen.

The inverted Page of Pentacles has a very changeable mood. He may surprise with his illogical actions, which he himself does not even try to explain, no matter how this explanation is “squeezed out” of him. He is wasteful and does not know how to value money at all.

Often such a person is gloomy, unsmiling, which is why even his beautiful facial features become unattractive. Poor health is inherent in him.


The Page of Pentacles speaks of good health, but on condition that a person constantly hardens his body, trains muscles and leads a correct lifestyle. Health itself is rather weak without support. Problems with metabolism are especially felt, and hence - with metabolism.

Inverted Arcanum shows the presence of depression, extreme fatigue, physical and psychological exhaustion.


In situational layouts, the Page of Pentacles says that a person has an excellent opportunity to bring the situation to the desired result. It may well be that he will need help from some reasonable, experienced person who thinks logically and can find the most rational way out. It can be a young woman or, less often, a young man.

Whatever situation is considered, money or something material will always participate in it - directly or indirectly.

Arkan also indicates good news, good promising acquaintances, gaining new experience, knowledge, skills. All this will help a lot in any situations that arise, so the Page of Pentacles can be safely considered a positive card in situational layouts.

The Inverted Page of Pentacles carries a warning about the negative development of the situation. This may be due to selfishness, wastefulness, stinginess, greed, or illogical actions. But here you still need to be attentive to the environment. It may well be that the problems arose because of some young man or girl with such characteristics.

The card speaks of losses, waste, losses, buying something expensive with a low budget. Due to the inability to plan a budget, when the Page of Pentacles is turned upside down, there will always be a shortage of money.

Card of the day

On this day, the Page of Pentacles promises a good chance, which is even somewhat unexpected, to resolve the main issue. The main thing is to notice it in time and react correctly. It is today that you can give a good start for future success.

Inverted Arcanum says that because of his greed and obsession with the material, a person will miss a serious opportunity, which will be literally presented by fate. We'll have to correct the situation, although it was possible to get everything without much difficulty.

Map of the Year

Good opportunities for the realization of their endeavors will be provided this year. It is important to be very attentive to the little things and to organize the incoming information in a timely manner. The year can also give a good, competent and reasonable assistant in business.

This is a year of losses, losses and troubles associated with finances, however, only your own inconstancy, lack of rationality in any issue, the desire to spend more than you do, will have to blame for everything.

Arcana Council

The Page of Pentacles in tarot has the meaning of material well-being. The lasso represents a young man standing in the middle of a grassy field. Beneath the bright yellow sky, the rich landscape behind the youth appears tiny and insignificant. The young man walks at a slow pace, not noticing the beauty of the surrounding nature. He holds a gold coin with both hands, raises it above his head for a closer look. The scene is peaceful, it is dominated by the calm look and state of the young man.

The total value of the card in a straight position


  • studies;
  • scholarship;
  • news, information, messages;
  • awareness of material aspects;
  • hard work, loyalty, sustainability;
  • stability;
  • raising animals;
  • education of talent;
  • initial stages;
  • good health results;
  • the beginning of a love affair;
  • stable partner;
  • the first step in building relationships;
  • Agriculture;
  • good news of inheritance;
  • hard work;
  • occult student;
  • school;

The pentacles are a symbol of the wealth of the tarot deck, but they also represent the material plane of existence - all possessions and a practical approach to self-sufficiency. The card represents the younger generation with its immaturity. But immaturity soon disappears, as a person realizes that a coin in his hands can give him something more than he can achieve on his own. There is an awareness of the material aspects and the setting of priorities.

The Page of Pentacles signals the moment when people understand that money is a tool for acquiring things that are part of the world - and the real world is here and now.

The page of this suit is an indicator of new financial opportunities. This could be a promotion, a promotion, a new job, or starting a new project. A new way to make money or good news about your financial situation. The card can also represent a diligent student or internship. This is a committed and conscientious person who takes responsibility for learning his craft.

The Page of Pentacles is a stable and reliable personality with qualities that you can always rely on, someone who is professional, ambitious and energetic. This person is tenacious, practical, responsible, patient.

The Page of Pentacles is a messenger carrying ideas that can become the basis of new material possibilities. You may not have gained experience yet, but given your potential, enough time, patience and effort, you will reach heights.

The card can indicate good news that will change your life in a positive way. It is possible to meet with a positive person who will be interested in your projects, evaluate them and assist in their implementation. It will be a productive and prosperous union. Financially, Arkan indicates a new hobby or interest that can turn into a profession or a way of acquiring money.

The card is directly related to study and further education, encourages continuous self-development. If you are a student, then Page of Pentacles promises high results in tests, exams, an increased scholarship for excellent studies, loyal and friendly attitude from teachers and fellow students. You are not a nerd or an upstart, you just are doing well, and you share your positive energy with others. You are loved for your simplicity, and no one thinks of using it against you.

Inverted position


  • anxiety;
  • disappointment;
  • riot;
  • boring;
  • incorrect;
  • misfortune;
  • unfavorable news;
  • lack of motivation;
  • dive down;
  • lack of an exam;
  • unmotivated.

The Page of Pentacles upside down represents a person living in constant vanity, or vice versa, a dreamer who hovers in the clouds. He also tends to be melodramatic, moody, controversial, and prone to bouts of depression. The main characteristic features are waste and unwillingness to accept the obvious, to reckon with the opinions of others. You should not deal with such a person, otherwise the questioner will get material problems. Such people are accustomed to hack-work, their negligence in their duties and inability to learn from mistakes, makes people irresponsible and useless. His views and opinions are not appreciated or respected by those with whom he is surrounded.

In the general context, the Page of Pentacles can be a bearer of unpleasant news - plans are canceled, projects remain unfulfilled, many opportunities remain unused. However, it is often an indicator that your current problems are not related to some external or invisible force, but rather are the result of your own behavior or inaction. This may indicate that a lack of goals or necessary follow-up may hold you back and prevent you from expressing your potential. If you want to achieve your dream, you need to take advantage of all the available opportunities. Describing the personality as such, the Page of Pentacles in reverse position represents a person who is young at heart, lazy, immature, irresponsible, morose or rebellious, but he has no common sense and prospects for the future. These include the signs of the Earth: Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn.

This is the worst time for loans, large purchases and financial projects. Inverted Arcanum talks about outstanding debts, bills or fees that must be paid immediately, otherwise the problem can get out of control, leading to even more debt. The Page of Pentacles reflects a person who is materialistic and thirsts for luxury and comfort, but in an inverted form his constant companions - waste, irresponsibility, lack of morality, extravagance, desire to live a beautiful life at someone else's expense. If you are a student, you may already be a "former", because you missed the chance to safely correct your grades, build relationships with teachers, and continue your studies. If you decide to become a businessman and start your own business, then the type of activity you have chosen will bring you nothing but losses.

Strong combinations

  • With a chariot: vision of the next steps at the end of the project, extreme focus.
  • With 2 pentacles: slow decision making, contemplation, time to contemplate your research.
  • With 10 wands: the work is stressful, you work hard. Never give up, no matter how hard it is.
  • With the queen of swords: meticulous work on the project. There is nothing stopping you from completing a new project.
  • With 2 bowls: you are happy while learning new and interning.
  • With 10 bowls: the launch of a new family.
  • With the ace of pentacles: working on a new goal.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

In the context of love, the Page of Pentacles is interpreted as the acquisition of missing experience, either through new relationships and feelings, or through an existing connection by strengthening it. In the upright position, the card is always positive. A fortuneteller should not worry about his personal life, you are not in danger of divorce proceedings, or conflicts with a partner, even minor quarrels will bypass you. Your relationship will gradually move to a different phase, to a higher level. Trust, respect, mutual understanding, sensuality in relationships, the desire to give your partner joy and happiness - all these aspects are harmoniously combined in your relationship.

If a card falls out to a person who is thirsty for love, then it only pushes you to action: seduce, conquer, fight for feelings, study a person, try to impress him, or even better discourage him. Your unpredictability, in a (good way), will help melt the heart of a potential partner.

Sometimes the Page of Pentacles accuses a person of being overly obsessed with a partner. You seem to be afraid to breathe on your relationship. Do not forget that too intrusive signs of attention to your partner can seem stifling. Stop, catch your breath, your love object is near, just go hand in hand.

If you are in a relationship, Arkan advises to bring the relationship to another, more serious level, stop wasting away in the "candy-bouquet" period. You will have to take a deliberate, conscious and psychologically difficult step for this, but don't you want happiness and strong love? Especially if the card opens the way for this.

Inverted position

The Page of Pentacles in an inverted position indicates a disrespectful relationship between partners. Criticism, constant nagging and clarification of relations, distrust, unwillingness to share anything both materially and spiritually, indifference, lack of common interests. People live under one roof, but on different planets.

In a relationship, there is an inability to rationally calculate the total income, plan joint affairs, both partners are stingy and greedy, trying to control each other's spending. Even at the very beginning of relations between people, love and tenderness sparkled, but everyday life, routine, despondency, the burden of household chores and small problems, erased past feelings, leaving only disappointments in each other.

Cheating can also take place in a relationship. At the event level, the card warns of an interrupted pregnancy (miscarriage), or late complications. In financial terms, due to the waste and extravagance of one of the partners, Arkan predicts financial problems. You may have been misinformed, which could also cause trouble.

If you are single, Page of Pentacles does not advise you to start a new relationship in the near future, since you are not fully ready for it. Be honest with yourself and your potential partner, your time has not come yet for a serious relationship.


Direct position

In the professional field, Page of Pentacles means stability in finances and constant improvement and self-development in the activity that you have chosen. The person to whom this card falls is not chasing wealth and material wealth, he is also not interested in fame. He quietly and slowly does his job: he improves his qualifications, gains experience, reads a lot and collects the necessary information. He does not set conditions for raising wages and issuing bonuses, as he is sure that his great day will soon come and he will be able to amaze everyone by jumping over the heads of his colleagues and climbing up the career ladder.

The Page of Pentacles reflects the desire for learning, diligence and diligence, and in the end the result is not long in coming. The map indicates that conservatism in work is not appropriate, which means that new ideas, fresh information, the use of more innovative methods and techniques will allow you to succeed and achieve your goals.

In the traditional sense, the Page of Pentacles represents professionalism as such. A person can be anyone - a locksmith, a doctor, a janitor, a jeweler, a lawyer, a builder, a tattoo artist, but it is knowledge, the correctness of actions and the desire to improve that make him an excellent specialist.

Inverted position

The characteristic features of the Page of Pentacles in the reverse position are lack of demand, pettiness and pedantry. The person ignores any job opportunity. Disregards his duties. In this case, a person is described whose egoism and narcissism make him a consumer giving nothing in return. He is lazy and ambitious, unreliable, inclined to waste money in nowhere. The card warns of financial problems.

You do not cope well with your work duties, allow yourself absenteeism, often let your colleagues and management fail, sign documents without understanding their essence. Your negligence in the work is reflected in its quality - the loss of a client base, disrupted negotiations, misunderstandings with partners, the onslaught of competitors. To prevent the moment when it will be too late, pull yourself together, use logic, rational approach and common sense. Check any information in detail, do not trust your superficial knowledge. Expect bad news or a call, be prepared for the blows of fate, but remember, your innate abilities are not given to you in vain, use them and catch your luck by the tail. If we consider the interpretation of fortune-telling "yes or no", then the answer is: yes, if you agree to further improve and hone your skills. Answer: no, if you do not want to self-develop and improve your qualifications, falsely assuming that you have mastered your craft.


Direct position

The Page of Pentacles in the context of health is a very favorable card, indicating a young and healthy body, regardless of age. But you should not rely on Mother Nature, you need to monitor your health and not run it. Proper nutrition, fitness, fresh air, and if you put in the effort, you will always be in good shape. Remember that the map is connected with the Earth, so hiking and rest in the mountains will be useful for you. Try to eat mostly plant-based, fresh food, without various additives and dyes. The Page of Pentacles is also referred to as birth or pregnancy.

It is worth paying special attention to the gallbladder and bladder, as there is a danger of stone deposits. Take care of your joints, keep your feet warm, and take massage courses to prevent salt build-up. Remember, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are afraid of movement and plant foods, change your diet, eliminate salt and spices.

Inverted position

Inverted Arcanum warns of accidents, with bruises, fractures, sprains. Nervous disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, insomnia, depressive conditions, and a number of other psychological problems are also allowed. The reason for all this may be fatigue caused by work overload. Do not take on everything at once, all that is required of you is diligence and patience, and even if you are somewhere, do not have time for something, do not worry, the world will wait. It has long been proven that most diseases are from the nerves.

The card advises to determine the desires, intentions and goals. The material world offers a large number of values, deal with them and set priorities for yourself. In any business, show rationality and a serious approach. Improve your skills and abilities, replenish your knowledge box, apply new methods and technologies. Beware of remaining in the role of a "constantly beginning" assistant, and marking time in one place, not noticing the life around you. Look for new directions in work, learn, do not be afraid to make mistakes, because without them the process of cognition is impossible. Do not rely on someone else's confidence and knowledge, check the information personally, rely on facts.

Pages in the Tarot layout represent immature youth and inexperience, but at the same time, the potential for realizations. The Page of Pentacles is traditionally depicted as a youth wearing simple, natural-colored robes. The main element of the suit is the Earth. On the Page of Pentacles card, it is especially manifested. The young man is surrounded by a plowed field on which small sprouts have recently broken through. The idea of ​​the image is some kind of undertaking, as indicated by the young growth. At the same time, this means patience, since nature cannot be rushed, over time it will manifest itself in full. In the hands of the young man is a pentacle, which personifies the still unrealized potential.

Page of Pentacles Tarot: meaning and interpretation in the general scenario

What does this card mean? The main meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot carries as the threshold of something new, which is more connected with the financial sphere or professional. A map in the layout may indicate a change of job, mastering a new profession, the implementation of a new project. The map indicates an unstable situation, since, on the one hand, mastering something new always requires some experience, which may not yet be available, so a new business should be approached with caution. At the same time, the card indicates that it is necessary to show some determination in order to easily overcome all the obstacles that will undoubtedly be encountered on the way. Do not be afraid to set goals and conquer new heights.

Page of Pentacles for those looking for work

The meaning of the Page of Pentacles of the Tarot in the layout may indicate the need to acquire certain experience or skill. And this can be achieved only as a result of hard work on yourself. The card indicates that it is also necessary to learn in the process of work. The main thing that a job seeker must understand is that no one wants to hire an employee without work experience. But at the same time, a person will never get this experience if he does not work. Therefore, for a start, you just need to do something on a voluntary basis. If the Page of Pentacles card falls out in the layout for a job search, then the questioner will have the opportunity to get into such an organization, in which he can also undergo the necessary training and gain the necessary skills and experience. We can say that this card symbolizes practical training in something. On the other hand, the map indicates that you should not begin to act until the essence of the matter is fully understood and a clear plan of action has not been developed. Especially if the questioner wants to know how to properly manage his finances.

in unlocking the inner potential

The suit of Pentacles or Coins is inextricably linked with the Earth. Most often, this card in the layout suggests that it is necessary to bring something new into your inner life, refresh your feelings and fill your heart with new emotions. You should pay special attention to studying everything that is around. This can be learned from children who comprehend the world around them with special curiosity and openness. You should also think about your connection with the elements of nature. The card indicates the importance of receiving not only physical, but also aesthetic pleasure. Page of Coins helps to develop new skills and habits, which over time firmly settle in the mind and become second nature to a person, making it possible to gain additional energy for new affairs.

As a rule, Pages indicate the development of communication. Specifically, the Page of Pentacles may exhibit the ability to transmit any information to others through writing letters, telephone, or the Internet.

Page of Pentacles: Divination for Love

Although the cards of Coins are not directly related to heart issues, if they fall out in love hands, they most often symbolize purity and sensuality. Especially if the Page of Pentacles Tarot card falls out. Meaning in love - romantic relationships, falling in love, stirring up passion. Typically, the card indicates the beginning of a relationship. But if the relationship already exists, then the card may indicate that more decisive action should be taken. If the card falls out to those who are already tied by the knot, then this may mean that the time has come to resolve controversial issues. And when all of them are resolved, the relationship can reach a new level.

Significance in the layout for the development of relations

There is also an opinion that in the layout of love, the meaning of the Page of Pentacles of the Tarot may indicate the appearance of a person in life who will be interested exclusively in money, that is, a gigolo or a kept woman. However, this is not entirely correct interpretation. It takes place when it comes to the relationship of a rich elderly man and a young girl. But in most cases, the card indicates that a love union was created not only for the sake of intimate relationships for a short period. Rather, it speaks of the seriousness of the relationship, but this is just the beginning and not always it is associated with an upcoming engagement or wedding. But at the same time, the card can also portend a serious long-term union. In any case, it is necessary to take into account the value of adjacent cards in the layout.

I would like to note one more feature of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card - its value in friendly relations. The card can tell about friendship, which in the future can turn into a more long-term and kindred union. For example, two families who have been friends for a long time and are going to marry their children may become related. However, all actions will, rather, be aimed at meeting their material needs.

Reverse card meaning

In this position, the Page of Pentacles warns about the complete loss of practicality in life, the possible destruction of plans, expectations and the loss of purpose. Moreover, the questioner himself may become the culprit. Difficulties come in mastering something new, it is impossible to systematize information. Patience and interest in something important can quickly become lost. Thus, you can miss a valuable opportunity. There may be a loss of interest in something that used to be very attractive. Sometimes the card indicates an intensive search for errors and shortcomings in some important matter.

Since the card is associated with finances, its inverted position indicates that a person becomes a slave to money, he puts it in the first place in his life. It also indicates an unhealthy attachment to loved ones or acquaintances. Sometimes this suggests that a person takes on too many things that he simply cannot cope with.

Opening up new potential. Inverted position

In some cases, the Page of Pentacles of the Tarot is important for understanding that everything material should be relegated to the background and immersed in thinking about spiritual truths. Internal development is now much more important than any external activity. There is a high likelihood of finding a new hobby, such as fortune telling, practicing spiritism, or mastering magic. But it is better to keep it a secret from others. The deepening of innermost experiences is also indicated by the inverted position of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card. The meaning for personal relationships in this situation speaks of the birth of pure love.

The Page of Pentacles is one of the minor arcana of the Tarot deck. As with a deck of ordinary playing cards, there are four suits in the Tarot deck. The page is related to the Jack card from the regular deck.

In the article:

Page of Pentacles in Tarot - the meaning of the card

In an upright position such a symbol usually means some kind of potential. Since the Pentacle suit almost always belongs to the material life spectrum of a person, the meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card most often speaks of the potential associated with obtaining monetary benefits.

A sign can speak of a certain profitable deal, the conclusion of a contract, the receipt of important advice or valuable experience. You may receive a job offer that interests you. A way out of a difficult state is also possible, and the outcome of the situation will be the most beneficial for you. The interpretation can apply to you personally, to your business, and to the people you work with.

Such a Page upside down speaks of the worst manifestations of the material side of life. This is selfishness, greed, unwillingness to look at the spiritual side of life, extravagance. The possibilities are far from what is needed to bring the idea to life. Plans and expectations do not live up to expectations. Loss of interest and patience is the reason for the loss of good chances and somewhat illogical behavior.

The value of the Page of Pentacles card in the layout for work and business

This Page is in the Tarot when he is in an upright position, informs about the possibilities. This is working on ideas, plans, as well as getting new assignments and assignments. Significant assistance will be provided in these tasks. It is also possible to change jobs for a more profitable one, as well as to move up the career ladder.

This card also speaks of the conclusion of a profitable deal, but at the same time it also serves as a warning of carelessness. The fortuneteller should be attentive to the documents that he signs, and pay attention to all the details of the contract. Even the smallest nuances can play an important role in the future.

The meaning of the tarot card Page of Pentacles upside down talks about some of the difficulties. As a rule, if they concern a business, she warns that a greater amount of investment may be required in order for the enterprise to function as intended. The card can also warn about the fact that the fortuneteller does not understand the business he is doing well. In addition, it is a warning that bureaucratic difficulties may turn out to be more serious than you thought.

In general, this inverted card warns of problems that you have not considered because you do not have specific experience or knowledge. Difficulties should be expected precisely in those nuances about which you know nothing.

Page of Pentacles in Tarot - meaning in the layouts of health

Map in an upright position speaks of a positive dynamics of recovery. If you are sick and wondering when the period of health problems will end, then there is not too long to wait. If this card is in an inverted position, the dynamics of recovery can be called medium-positive. That is, the disease is receding, but more slowly than possible.

With regard to health problems, this card in an upright position means the deposition of stones in the gall or bladder. Joint problems and related diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, can also be found.

In an inverted position This Page warns of a high likelihood of getting a dislocation or sprain. With it, it also means nervous exhaustion, which occurred as a result of long and hard work, as well as depression, stress and other psychological problems caused by fatigue.

Page of Coins in Tarot - meaning in relationships

The main value in the relationship of the Tarot card Page of the suit of Pentacles is the opportunity to gain some experience. At the same time, both the emergence of new relationships and feelings and the strengthening of the existing connection can become a lesson for the fortuneteller. The interpretation is always positive if the card is in an upright position... It is unlikely that a fortuneteller is threatened with a divorce or a quarrel with a loved one. Usually this sign heralds the transition of relations to a new level.

If the fortuneteller is in a relationship, the cards advise him to take a difficult step and take the relationship to a new level, make them more serious. Such a card can also mean the resolution of conflicts and disagreements that have accumulated over the years. The transition of relations to a new level in this case has an extremely positive meaning.

In an inverted position this Page says that you have ceased to respect your partner, or even never felt respect towards him. Perhaps there is mutual disrespect. In addition, the card can talk about boredom and routine, in which this pair is mired, on which the alignment is carried out.

Since Coins are a suit associated with the material aspect of life, in a relationship it can mean inability to plan a family budget, stinginess of one of the partners, hoarding, excessive control of the partner's spending.

Page of Pentacles - Tarot combinations

A lot can be written about the combination of Tarot cards, like about, which can also change values ​​depending on the interpretation of neighboring cards. When it comes to combinations in the Tarot, Page of Pentacles is no exception. There are several interpretations of the combinations of this card with others.

So, for example, the Pages of Wands and Pentacles, which fell out side by side, have such a meaning - to receive news of the possibility. This can be both information about an open vacancy for a prestigious position, which there are good chances to take, or an offer of a rather lucrative one-time part-time job.

The Mage and the Page of Pentacles is an interesting combination. It does not speak about the situation, but characterizes a certain personality, which is associated with what the alignment is for. This is a person who has a passion for collecting and has good experience in this business. Most likely, he has an impressive collection. You can understand this meaning both literally and figuratively. In an inverted position this card near the lasso the Magician speaks of a narrow outlook.

The value of the tarot card Page of Pentacles in assessing personality

Page of Pentacles means a dark-haired and dark-eyed guy or girl. This person was born under one of the zodiac signs related to the elements of the Earth. It can be Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus.

Wherein in an upright position this card speaks of an inquisitive person who is young at heart. He is constantly in search of something new that can interest him. For a fortuneteller, this is a positive character who can become a messenger of good news. He is distinguished by refinement, sensitivity, interest in beauty, good education and erudition.

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