Where to find out about the probable injuries of a WWII participant. Databases for searching information about ISV participants on the Internet

Landscaping 20.10.2019

ABDRAKHIMOV Batyrgarei Akhmetovich,

Born in 1911, sergeant, dismissed in 1944

Born 1907, harvest D. Novousman, sergeant, demobilized in 1945

ABDRASHITOVA Kamila Sultangaleevna,

Born in 1922, harvest With. Starosubkhagulovo, sergeant, dismissed in 1945

ABDULLIN Gaifulla Khamitovich,

Born in 1923, harvest With. Makar Ishimbayskiy district, sergeant, dismissed in 1945

ABDULLIN Minnulla Abubakirovich,

Born in 1925, harvest With. Mrakovo, Kugarchinsky district, private, demobilized in 1949

ABDULLIN Mukhametzrif Yusupovich,

Born in 1913, harvest Kugarchinskogor-na, lieutenant, dismissed in 1946

Born in 1914, harvest v. Baygazy, st. Sergeant, dismissed 1945

year of birth __.__. 1904, guards. Red Army soldier,

ABDULLIN Khusnutdin Sharafutdinovich,

Born 1909, harvest village Syrtlanovo, Yumaguzinsky district, private, demobilized in 1945

ABDULMANOV Khusnetdin Sharafutdinovich,

Born in 1909, private, demobilized in 1947

ABZELILOV Ibrahim Ishbulatovich,

Born in 1911, harvest Orenburg region, st. Lieutenant, dismissed 1945

year of birth __.__. 1908, guards. ml. lieutenant, in the Red Army from 03/06/1942,

place of service (name of the unit): 33 Guards. jn 11 guards sd.

ABUBAKIROV Badretdin Khairetdinovich,

Born in 1913, harvest v. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

ABUBAKIROV Mingazh Gallyamovich,

private, dismissed in 1946

ABUBAKIROV Khazhimukhamet Garifovich,

Born in 1896, harvest v. Atik, private, demobilized in 1945

AVKHADEEV Shagali Avkhadeevich,

Born in 1911, harvest With. Starosubkhagulovo, private, demobilized in 1945

AGAMULIEV Ashraf Hasan-oglu,

Born in 1911, harvest Baku, private, dismissed in 1943

Born in 1918, harvest Kulgan village, private, dismissed in 1943

Born in 1925, harvest d, Atik, private, demobilized in 1948

Born in 1925, harvest v. Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1946

AETBAEV Ishbuldy Mutallapovich,

Born in 1921, harvest v. Novosubkhangul, dismissed in 1944

Born in 1925, harvest v. Novosubkhangul, private, demobilized in 1949

AETBAEV Mukhamet Murtazovich,

Born in 1922, harvest v. Muradym, private, dismissed in 1943

AETBAEV Nuriakhmet Murtazovich,

Born in 1925, harvest v. Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945

AETBAEV Sultangali Khalilovich,

Born in 1905, sergeant, demobilized in 1946

AETBAEV Ulmasbai Khalilovich,

Born in 1896, private, demobilized in 1945

AETBAEV Yumaguzha Sadrievich,

Born 1901, harvest village Muradym.

AETKULOV Gafur Shirgaleevich,

Born 1903, harvest D. Baynazar, private, dismissed in 1946

AZANGULOV Mukharryam Davletovich,

Born in 1921, harvest v. Baynazar, private, dismissed in 1945

AZANOV Sharif Gataullovich,

Born in 1926, harvest Sverdlovsk region, private, demobilized in 1946

AITKULOV Salman Khabirovich,

Born 1902, harvest the village of Baynazar.


Born in 1896, harvest d. Irgizla.

year of birth __.__. 1923, Red Army soldier, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

AKNAZAROV Gayzulla Sagitovich,

Born 1907, harvest D. Timir, private, dismissed in 1945

Akartibaev Sadykbas,

B. 1901, p. Starosubkhangulovo.

ALEXANDROV Dmitry Prokhorovich,

Born in 1926, harvest Irgizla village, private, demobilized in 1950

ALIMGULOV Gabit Khaibullovich,

Born in 1911, harvest Suyush village, private, dismissed in 1944

Born 1903, harvest Suyush village, private, demobilized in 1945

ALLABERDIN Abdulhak Mukhamedyanovich,

Born in 1916, harvest Yumaguzinsky district, private, demobilized in 1946,

born __.__. 1925, Red Army soldier, in the Red Army since 05/10/1943,

place of recruitment: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

ALLABERDIN Mutagar Nazhmetdinovich,

Born in 1924, harvest D. Timir, sergeant, demobilized in 1947

harvest. D. Timir, lieutenant, dismissed in 1950

ALLABIRDIN Ibrahim Galyautdinovich,

Born in 1899, harvest D. Timir, private, demobilized in 1946

ALLABIRDIN Khazhmetdin,

Born 1904, harvest D. Timir, private, demobilized in 1946

ALLABIRDIN Murtaza Gallyamovich,

Born in 1924, harvest v. Timir, private, demobilized in 1941

ALLAGULOV Razhap Dautovich,

Born in 1921, harvest v. Akbulat, private, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1916, harvest D. Timir, captain, dismissed in 1945

ALTYNBAEV Nigamat Galievich,

Born 1901, harvest D. Timir, private, demobilized from injury in 1944

ALTYNBAEV Faskhetdin Gadelevich,

Born 1901, harvest D. Timir, private.

ALTYNBAEV Fatkhulla Yagafarovich,

Born in 1919, harvest D. Timir, private, dismissed in 1942

ALTYNBAEV Afzal Faskhetdinovich,

Born in 1927, harvest D. Timir, private, dismissed in 1951

ALTYNBAEV Faskhetdin Gadelovich,

Born in 1892, harvest D. Timir, private, dismissed in 1942

ALTYNSHIN Muzhavir Gibatovich,

Born in 1895, harvest v. Kiekbai, private, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1926, harvest v. Kiekbai, private, demobilized in 1945

1918 r., harvest. v. Kiekbai, private, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1927, harvest Kiekbai village, private, dismissed in 1951

ALTYNCHURIN Timirgali Munasipovich,

Born 1905, harvest village of Kulgan.

AMINEV Nazhmetdin Fazletdinovich,

Born 1908, harvest D. Galiakber, private, demobilized in 1948

AMINEV Nurmukhamet Sultanovich,

Born 1906, harvest v. Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945

AMINEV Uildan Gilmanovich,

1917 r., harvest. D. Galiakber, sergeant, dismissed in 1942

AMINEV Shakir Iskanyarovich,

Born in 1924, harvest v. Atik, st. Lieutenant, dismissed 1947

AMINEV Sharifulla Iskanyarovich,

Born in 1926, harvest v. Atik, private, demobilized in 1950

AMINEV Eganur Gilfanovich,

Born in 1927 Galiakberovo village, private, dismissed in 1951

AMINEV Akhmatulla Salakhitdinovich,

Born in 1905, harvest, Galiakberovo village.

AMIROV Zinnur Yulmukhametovich,

Born 1920, harvest D. Staromunasip, private, dismissed in 1941

AMIRKHANOV Mukhametdin Kirametdinovich,

Born 1901, harvest D. Staromunasip, private, dismissed in 1944

Born in 1925, harvest v. Aralbai, sergeant, demobilized in 1948

year of birth __.__. 1912, art. technician-lieutenant, in the Red Army from __. 06.1941,

place of recruitment: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

AMIRKHANOV Khakimyan Mukhametdinovich,

harvest. d. Staromunasip, private.

ANANIEV Mikhail Ivanovich,

Born in 1922, harvest Kuyurgazinsky district, corporal, demobilized in 1946,

ANDREEV Pavel Frolovich,

Born in 1916, harvest Voronezh region, private, demobilized in 1945

ANTONOV Grigory Ivanovich,

Born in 1915, harvest Irgizla village, private, dismissed in 1945

ANTONOV Mikhail Ivanovich,

Born in 1922, harvest Irgizla village, private, demobilized in 1945

ANTONOV Fedor Ivanovich,

Born in 1925, harvest Irgizla village, private, dismissed in 1945

year of birth __.__. 1920, Guards Red Army soldier, in the Red Army from 01/01/1941,

place of recruitment: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district

place of service (name of the unit): 43 oyptad 222 SD 49 A 1 BelF.

ARALBAEV Nuriman Kasimovich,

Born in 1899, harvest v. Kildigul, private, demobilized in 1945


1906 r., harvest. D. Yakshigul, private, dismissed in 1943

Born in 1912, harvest Kulgan village, private, demobilized in 1947

Born in 1925, harvest D. Kutan, private, dismissed in 1944

ASKAROV Muzhavir Askarovich,

Born 1908, harvest Kulgan village, private, demobilized in 1946

ASYLBAEV Garif Sharafetdinovich,

Born in 1897, harvest v. Yaumbai, private, demobilized in 1945

ASYLBAEV Ilyas Shayakhmetovich,

Born in 1921, harvest v. Yaumbai, private, dismissed in 1945

ASYLBAEV Shagimardan Shayakhmetovich,

Born in 1926, harvest v. Sargaya, corporal, drafted on 03/15/1945, dismissed on 11/10/1950.

Born in 1925, harvest v. Kutan, private, demobilized in 1946

Born 1908, harvest v. Yaumbai, private, demobilized in 1946

ASYLGUZHIN Akhmadulla Gubaidullovich,

Born in 1911, harvest Verkhniy Nugush, private, demobilized in 1946

ASYLGUZHIN Kunakbay Gubaidullovich,

Born in 1927, harvest v. Upper Nugush, sergeant, demobilized in 1951

ASYLGUZHIN Mukhamadulla Gubaidullovich,

Born 1906, harvest v. Verkhniy Nugush, private, demobilized in 1945

ASYLGUZHIN Khabibrakhman Gubaidullovich,

Born in 1924, harvest Verkhniy Nugush, private, dismissed in 1944

AKHMETOV Khaibulla Gaifullovich,

Born in 1924, harvest D. Galiakber, private, dismissed in 1942

harvest. D. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1947

AKHMETOV Khalil Ataullovich,

Born 1905, harvest D. Galiakber, private, demobilized in 1945

AKHMETOV Nabiulla Akhmetovich,

AKHMETOV Gaizulla Khairullovich,

Born in 1899, harvest e. Galiakber.

year of birth __.__. 1924, guards. ml. sergeant,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

place of service (name of the unit): 136 Guards. joint venture 42 guards sd.

born __.__. 1925, Red Army soldier, in the Red Army since __. 01.1943,

place of recruitment: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

Born 1908, harvest v. Gadelgarei, private, demobilized in 1945

Akhtyamov Sayfulla Gubaidullovich,

Born in 1925, harvest village Mindigul, st. Sergeant, demobilized 1950

Born in 1921, harvest D. Mindigul, private, dismissed in 1944

AYUPOV Khusnetdin Khusainovich,

Born in 1923, harvest e. Novomunasip, private, dismissed in 1944

AYUPOV Nuritdin Nurgaleevich,

Born in 1927, harvest D. Staromunasip, private, dismissed in 1951

BADAMSHIN Vakhit Zaripovich,

Born in 1900, harvest village Timir.

BAIGAZIN Minnigani Khammatovich,

Born in 1925, harvest Burzyansky district, private, demobilized in 1948

Born 1902, harvest Meleuzovsky district, private, dismissed in 1945

BAIGUZIN Aglyam Nizamovich,

Born in 1927, harvest Buzdyaksky district, private, demobilized in 1951

BAYGUZIN Shakir Nizamovich,

Born in 1916, harvest Buzdyaksky district, private, demobilized in 1946

BAIGUZHIN Zakir Fatkhetdinovich,

Born in 1900, harvest Nabi village, private, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1923, harvest Old boy, private, demobilized in 1947

BAIGUSKAROV Gimalitdin Bagautdinovich,

Born in 1926, harvest Old boy, private, demobilized in 1950

BAIGUSKAROV Sayfetdin Zainetdinovich,

Born in 1914, harvest Old boy, private, demobilized in 1945

year of birth __.__. 1918, art. lieutenant, in the Red Army from 10/16/1938,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

place of service (name of the unit): headquarters 15 A 2 Far East Fleet.

BAIMURATOV Salimgari Khaybrakhmanovich,

Born in 1924, harvest Burzyansky district, private, dismissed in 1945

BAIMURZIN Afzal Abubakirovich,

Born in 1910, harvest D. Staromunasip, lieutenant, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1897, harvest village Timir, private, demobilized in 1945

BAIMURZIN Zainulla Gizzatovich,

Born 1904, harvest v. Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1914, harvest D. Staromunasip, corporal, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1911, harvest D. Staromunasip, Jr. Sergeant, demobilized 1945

BAIMURZIN Shagigali Kinyagulovich,

harvest. v. Staromunasip, private, demobilized in 1945

BAIMUKHAMETOV Gali Abdulgalimovich,

Born in 1918, harvest Kulgan village, lieutenant, dismissed in 1946

Born 1902, harvest v. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

BAIMUKHAMETOV Giniyat Khidiyatovich,

Born 1904, harvest v. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

BAIMUKHAMETOV Sayfulla Gibatullovich,

Born in 1925, harvest v. Atik, sergeant, demobilized in 1950

BAIMUKHAMETOV Sibagat Khidiyatovich,

Born in 1926, harvest D. Atik, foreman, dismissed in 1950

BAIMUKHAMETOV Gadiyat Gazizovich,

Born 1907, harvest D. Atik.

BAIMUKHAMETOV Yusup Zinnatullovich,

Born in 1900, harvest D. Atik.

BAINAZAROV Aetbai Giniyatovich,

Born in 1925, harvest v. Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1950

Born 1903, harvest v. Abdulmambet, foreman, demobilized in 1945

Born 1906, harvest v. Baynazar, private, dismissed in 1944

BAYNAZAROV Saitgali Zulfarovich,

Born in 1922, harvest v. Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1945

BAYNAZAROV Abdrazak Giniyatovich,

Born in 1923, harvest D. Baynazar, private, dismissed in 1946

Born in 1921, harvest D. Baynazar, senior lieutenant, dismissed in 1946

BAYRAMGULOV Yusup Abdulkhakovich,

Born in 1914, harvest v. Abdulmambet, private, dismissed in 1944

Born in 1924, harvest D. Abdulmambet, junior sergeant, dismissed in 1949

BAISHEGUROVA Zulkhiza Galeevna,

Born in 1924, harvest D. Kutan, corporal, demobilized in 1945

BAKANOV Vasily Sidorovich,

Born 1927, harvest Irgizla village, private, dismissed in 1951

Born in 1925, harvest v. Novosubkhangul, private, dismissed in 1945

Salyakhetdin Gilazhetdinovich BALDYBAEV,

Born in 1925, harvest v. Novosubkhangul, sergeant, demobilized in 1950

Valit Galliamovich Baldybaev,

Born in 1893, harvest Novosubkhangulovo, private, dismissed 1945

Born in 1900, harvest village Novosubkhangulovo.

Born in 1922, harvest D. Atik, captain, dismissed in 1944

year of birth __.__. 1907, guards. Major, in the Red Army since 08.1941,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

place of service (name of the unit): 47 Guards. AP 21 Guards SD 3 Ud. A.

BASHAROV Adigam Gazizovich,

Born in 1910, harvest v. Yaumbai, foreman, demobilized in 1945

Born in 1924, harvest D. Timir, private, dismissed in 1943

Born in 1918, harvest v. Baygazy, sergeant, demobilized in 1945

BAYAZITOV Ishdavlet Zainullovich,

1901, b., Harvest. e. Novomunasip, private, dismissed in 1943

BAYAZITOV Mihran Fazullovich,

Born in 1921, harvest v. Baygazy, foreman, demobilized in 1946

BAYAZITOV Mukhametzakir Khalfetdinovich,

Born in 1914, harvest v. Timir, private, demobilized in 1945

BAYAZITOV Mukhametsalikh Khalfetdinovich,

Born in 1919, harvest D. Timir, drafted by the Burzyansky RVK in 1940, Kuban Cossack regiment , private, demobilized in 1946

BAYAZITOV Sitdik Fazullovich,

Born 1909, harvest Baigazy village, private, dismissed in 1943

BAYAZITOV Yarulla Fazullovich,

Born in 1911, harvest Baigazy village, private, dismissed in 1943

Born in 1918, harvest Tuimazinsky district, ml. Lieutenant, dismissed 1946

Born in 1925, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district, place of service (name of the unit): 361 joint venture 156 rifle division.

BERDIKAEV Badretdin Shaikhutdinovich,

Born 1909, harvest With. Starosubkhagulovo, private, demobilized in 1946

BERDIKAEV Minnigali Birgaleevich,

Born 1909, harvest With. Starosubkhagulovo, private, dismissed 1945

year of birth __.__. 1909, art. sergeant, in the Red Army since __.__. 1941,

place of recruitment: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

BIEMBETOV Ahmadi Atangulovich,

Born in 1923, harvest v. Atik, private, demobilized in 1947

Born in 1921, harvest v. Atik, st. Lieutenant, dismissed 1946

BIEMBETOV Zaki Atangulovich,

Born in 1898, harvest D. Atik.

BIKBAEV Hakim Yusupovich,

Born in 1925, harvest Burzyansky district, private, demobilized in 1947

BIKBULATOV Bagautdin Abdrakhmanovich,

Born 1908, harvest v. Akbulat, st. Lieutenant, dismissed 1945

BIKBULATOV Galimyan Abdullovich,

Born in 1924, harvest D. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1949

BIKBULATOV Magafur Gatic,

Born in 1913, harvest Makarovsky district, private, demobilized in 1946

BIKBULATOV Uildan Gilmanovich,

Born in 1924, harvest D. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1947

BIKBULATOV Harras Gatic,

Born 1901, harvest Makarovsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1946


Born 1903, harvest Makarovsky district, private, demobilized in 1946

BIKISHEV Bulyakbai Nabiullovich,

Born in 1918, harvest v. Verkhniy Nugush, private, dismissed in 1945

BIKKININ Gilman Suleimanovich,

Born 1908, sergeant, dismissed 1943

BIKMUKHAMETOV Zagretdin Khairullovich,

Born in 1914, harvest D. Timir, private, dismissed in 1943

BILALOV Fazylgumar Sharafetdinovich,

Born 1906, harvest D. Gadelgarei, dismissed in 1945

BIRGANOV Ibrahim Shagiyanovich,

harvest. d. Staromunasipovo, private.

BIRDEKAEV Khusain Khalfetdinovich,

Born in 1927, harvest With. Starosubkhagulovo, private, demobilized in 1951

Born in 1918, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district, place of service (name of the unit): 1032 joint venture 293 RD

BOTIN Petr Lavrentievich,

Born 1909, harvest Irgizla village, private, demobilized in 1945

BULYAKBAEV Mukhametkhan Davletkildinovich,

Born 1906, harvest Novomusyat, private, demobilized in 1945

BULYAKOV Nurulla Nigamatovich,

Born in 1916, harvest Aurgazinsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1946

BURANBAEV Sultangari Lutfullovich,

Born in 1920, harvest e. Novomunasip, private, demobilized.

BURANOV Abdulla Ataullovich,

Born in 1929, harvest d. Staromunasip, private, demobilized in 1946

Born in 1920, harvest D. Staromunasip, senior sergeant, dismissed in 1946

BURANOV Sufiyan Mingazhetdinovich,

Born in 1900, harvest D. Staromunasip, dismissed in 1945

BURANOV Mutallup M.,

Born in 1893, harvest e. Staromunasip.

BYKOV Afanasy Evdokimovich,

Born in 1900, harvest Beloretsk district, sergeant, demobilized in 1945

The Great Patriotic War brought a lot of destruction to the entire Soviet Union. And the biggest losses were people. Families who still want to find their relatives have been destroyed.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

For this, such an opportunity as the search for WWII veterans by last name in Russia (Great Patriotic War) in 2019 works.

What you need to know

In the Russian Federation, there is a problem of finding those citizens who were participants in the hostilities. Basically, these are the dead and missing heroes of Russia.

The search may be of interest to those who are looking for data about their own relatives. And it is possible that some records in the databases will help to find the places of their burial or the last place of their stay. In addition, the bank of unreceived medals is still full.

In 2019, there are many online resources that allow you to search for information, depending on the amount of data that a citizen has in his hands.

Thanks to these systems for searching and storing information, everyone can freely search and find data about their own relatives or help other people find their own. Because cases about them may have been forgotten in the archives more than 20 years ago.

Important concepts

While exploring this topic, the average user may have difficulty understanding a number of terms. Their decryption in advance will allow faster processing of the necessary information:

Concept Its designation
Veteran The title that is awarded to a person for services to the country and state. It can be service in military units, or hard work in production
WWII The Great Patriotic War, which began in 1941 and ended in 1945. It was part of the time period of World War II, although it began earlier - in 1939 and ended later, with the surrender of Japan in 1946
Reward A badge of distinction that is used to express a special degree of gratitude for certain merits
Portal A large site located on the Internet and includes a collection of information intended for general use and is open to access from anywhere in the world

Where to begin

Initially, you should understand that the search will be carried out on several sites and portals. Separate pieces of information are collected on different resources.

And if the first time you didn't manage to find a relative, then you can try another site. Required components of the search should be information about the participant in the war.

Various resources allow you to find data of this nature:

  • about the dead and missing;
  • working in the rear;
  • received awards;
  • those killed in German concentration camps;
  • about awarded living combatants.

All of these metrics can be searched. Therefore, you need to decide in which area this operation will be performed. After that, you can turn to select the required portal for the search.

It is better to make a list of several - this will increase the options for matches, information verification. Plus, on some sites there may be an incomplete database and the absence of any details.

The legislative framework

The Immortal Regiment in Russia acts as a public patriotic organization. In this regard, their work, and the work of the resources of these institutions is subject to accounting from the point of view of Federal Law No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations”.

This normative legal document allows the creation of international relations between societies - in accordance with article 46. This makes it possible to exchange information and information on various issues.

Many discrepancies exist in the framework of the activities of such resources with the Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. Article 8 defines the categories of sources of such information that are available to all people. These can be considered reference books and databases. In this case, it will be mandatory to obtain consent to the publication of information.

In most cases, Internet resources post data based on requests from citizens - relatives of the victims who want to enter information about their ancestor.

But there are also situations when declassification of documents of a state nature is carried out. In this case, Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law“ On Personal Data ”” is in effect. Article 9, paragraph 7, refers to consent in the event of a person's death.

How to find WWII veterans by last name

Searching by last name is one of the most difficult options. The fact is that the more information there is about a citizen, the easier it is to find him. Plus, the last name can be quite common.

And this complicates the search, since the spread will be large. It should be borne in mind that on different sites the databases consist of different amounts of information about people. So, the data ranges from 9 to 13 million people.

In order for the procedure to be successful, it is worth clarifying the following list of data in advance:

  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • date of birth - year, month and day;
  • place of residence or from which locality he was called to service, in which unit he served.

This is the minimum set of data that will allow you to find the required WWII veteran. Further, it will be possible to decide on the option of the search method. Since there are a lot of them for 2019.

Through the archives of the fighting

Archival documentation allows you to find information about those who served in different years, in accordance with the type of hostilities in which they took part. The veteran's history can be traced back to his records.

Such data is mainly stored in Moscow:

These are the main archives, but there are many of them throughout the country, therefore, you should search in accordance with the place of service of the citizen. This can be done by contacting the military commissariat that called him.

Mechanism of action through sites

Thanks to the sites, you can get information about a person without leaving your home. In this case, you only need a set of existing information and time. Next, you need to select the portal through which the search is carried out. And after that, information about the person is entered into the search form.

For example, Ivanov was drafted in 1943. The system generates a list, by looking through which you can find your relative. If such an operation did not give the desired result, you should try using another site.


HBS Memorial allows you to find information about a citizen using a short list of data:

  • year of birth;
  • rank.

Based on this information, they receive data about the fate of a person - whether he is in the database of the dead or missing.

Photo: search for WWII veterans by last name on the Memorial website

There is also an advanced search option, which includes entering data about:

  • in which documents to search;
  • place of call, burial;
  • date and place of disposal;
  • what hospitals he was in.

It is possible to search for prisoners in the camps:

Photo: search for prisoners in camps on the Memorial website


This site was created for the 60th anniversary of the Victory and has more than 1.5 million WWII veterans. Includes information about those who were in Russia and those who are now considered a citizen of another country.

The search has a standard form, which offers to write the name of the veteran and select the region of his residence:

There is also an interactive map of military operations on this site. With its help, you can view the progress of the troops. And each of the stages is accompanied by a detailed commentary.

Photo: interactive map of hostilities on the site Winner

The feat of the people

This Internet resource contains more than 12.5 million records of exploits and for 2015 statistics established that more than 500 thousand unreceived awards with the help of this site found their owners.

The portal contains three divisions:

  • people and awards;
  • documentation;
  • geography of military operations.

All known data can be used for the search. There are both standard and advanced searches:

Photo: search for veterans of the Great Patriotic War by last name on the site feat of the People

Initially, you need to go to the organization's website and click the people and awards button. Then a standard search will appear, making it possible to expand it and enter more information about the veteran.

Other options

The My Regiment website involves searching not only for the military, but also for those who lived in the rear and worked. Here you can find data on the dead, missing and living people.

Photo: search for veterans of the Great Patriotic War by last name on the website My regiment

At the standard level, you can enter any information about a person, and then conduct an augmented search indicating titles, place of residence, and so on. Plus, you can tell your story about a WWII veteran from your own family. To do this, they register on the site and write a story.

Is it possible to search by awards

It is the easiest way to find a veteran in terms of awards. If there are insignia left or it is known about the assignment of any rank, then such a search will be effective. After all, this will make the request of a citizen unique and a more thorough search will be carried out in the database.

On this page, we have collected resources that will help you find a soldier (deceased relative or friend), search for those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

Volunteer project "Archive Battalion"

The Archival Battalion volunteer project to restore information about participants in the wars of the 20th century accepts and processes applications for researching the combat path of participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Memory of the people

The Memory of the People project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instruction of the President and the Decree of the Government of Russia in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents on the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War, the WDS Memorial and the Heroic Deed of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

The feat of the people

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource of open access, filled with all the documents available in the military archives on the progress and results of the main military operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. As of August 8, 2012, the databank contains information about 12,670,837 awards.

Generalized data bank "Memorial"

The generalized databank contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland, who died and went missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The work was done on a large scale: tens of thousands of documents were collected and transferred into electronic form, with a total volume of more than 10 million sheets. The personal information contained in them amounted to more than 20 million records.

Immortal regiment of Russia

All-Russian public civil-patriotic movement "Immortal Regiment of Russia" collects stories about the participants of the Great Patriotic War. The base is updated daily. Here you can not only add your veteran soldier to the all-Russian "piggy bank", but also search for existing ones.

Electronic memory book "Immortal regiment - Moscow"

"Immortal Regiment - Moscow" together with the centers of state services "My Documents" collect information about the inhabitants of the capital who took part in the Great Patriotic War. Now there are more than 193 thousand names in the archive.

"Soldat.ru" - a database of those killed in the Second World War

Soldat.ru is the oldest portal of the Russian Internet for establishing the fate of dead and missing servicemen and searching for their loved ones.

"Winners" - Soldiers of the Great War

With our project, we want to thank the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War living next to us by name and tell about their heroism. The Winners project was created for the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Then we managed to collect lists of more than a million veterans living next to us.

The site also contains a stunning interactive and animated map of the Great Patriotic War military operations.

Electronic memorial "Remember Pro"

On the PomniPro social site, each registered user can create a memory page, a photo gallery of a deceased loved one and a dear person, tell about his biography, honor the memory of the deceased, leave words of memory and gratitude. You can also find a deceased relative and friend, search for the dead and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

Memorial of the Great Patriotic War

The site is conceived as a people's encyclopedia, a virtual memorial to the fallen participants of the Great War, where everyone can leave their comments on any entry, add information about the Participant in the war with photographs and memories, and turn to other project participants for help. There are about 60,000 project participants. More than 400,000 cards have been registered.

MIPOD "Immortal regiment"

The site has a large database of participants in the Great Patriotic War. The chronicle is maintained by community members. Now there are more than 400 thousand names in the archive.

Find a soldier. Memo for those who are looking for their heroes

1. Check the data on the website "WBS Memorial"

Checking the data about a person, open the "advanced search" tab and try, typing only the last name, then the last name and first name, then the full data. Also try to check the information by setting the parameters of the last name, and the first and patronymic names only by initials.

2. Send your request to the archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The request must be sent to the address: 142100 Moscow region, Podolsk, Kirov st., 74. "Central archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation".

Include letters in the envelope, in which you clearly state the information you have and state the purpose of the request. Include one blank envelope with your home address as the recipient's address.

3. Check the data on the "People's feat" website

If you do not have information on awards, you can refer to the "People's feat" website. In the "People and Awards" tab, enter the data as requested.

4. Check the parameter information

There are additional methods that can also assist in finding and identifying information about your veteran. The site "Soldat.ru" contains a list of search technologies, we would like to draw your attention to some of them:

  • Database of Internet links to school museums of the Russian Federation, which have expositions about the combat routes of units and formations of the Soviet Army
  • How to establish the fate of a serviceman who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War
  • Information on materials held by the International Red Cross Tracing Service
  • Forms of requests for search, evacuation and search of graves through the Tracing and Information Center of the Russian Red Cross (

With the help of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an electronic bank was created "The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." which is located at podvignaroda.mil.ru, on it you can find information about the exploits and awards of your fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers by name and surname. The search is carried out according to military archival documents that have been digitized and entered into the site's database.

How and where to look?

The site "Heroic deeds of the people" is the most complete and up-to-date database on the participants in the Great Patriotic War - there is information about almost all the soldiers. At the first stage of digitization from 2010 to 2015, 30 million records were made on the awarding of orders and medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit", as well as information on 22 million Orders of the Patriotic War of I and II degrees for the 40th anniversary of Victory, and also 200 thousand archival files with a total volume of 100 million sheets!

Such a huge amount of work has been done for the main goal of the project:

The main goals of the project are to perpetuate the memory of all the heroes of Victory, regardless of the rank, scale of the feat, the status of the award, the military-patriotic education of youth on the example of the military exploits of their fathers, as well as creation of a factual basis for countering attempts to falsify the history of the War.

There are 3 main search options:

  1. Search for people and their awards
  2. Search for decrees and orders for rewarding
  3. Finding data by place and time

To find a person, use the first search option, for this open the site http://podvignaroda.mil.ru/ and go to the "People and awards" tab and enter the last name and first name of the person whose awards you want to find.

To search for decrees and data on the place of hostilities, we advise you to use another site - "Memory of the People", which will be described below.

If you want to search by the award number, you will not be able to do this, because the award numbers are not indicated in the awarding documents.

If information about the fate of a person is not known, then the "People's feat" site will not suit you, because it does not contain data on the dead or missing. Such information should be found on the website www.obd-memorial.ru, trying different spellings of surnames and first names. wartime documents could contain errors in the name or date of birth.

Recall that the initiator of this project is the Department of Information and Telecommunication Technologies Development of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and technical support is provided by the ELAR company. Thanks to them for this site!

Information is taken from two funds: the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CA MO) and the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsVMA).

Memory of the people

Later, a more modern site https://pamyat-naroda.ru/ "Memory of the People" was opened with documents of the Second World War, which has a nicer design and, most importantly, more information, maps and historical data.

With the help of the "Memory of the People" portal, it has become even easier to restore the combat path of your grandfather, to find documents on wounds and awards.

The Memory of the People project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instruction of the President and the Decree of the Government of Russia in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents on the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War, the WDS Memorial and the Heroic Deed of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

On the page https://pamyat-naroda.ru/ops/ you can see plans for 226 operations with detailed schemes on the map. Each page about the operation contains the names of the commanders and the numbers of the military units, as well as a description of the result of the operation.

Figure 1 - Modern map of military operations during the Second World War.

On the page https://pamyat-naroda.ru/memorial/ you can find military graves in your city. It is enough to enter the name of the city and click the "Find" button. In total, there is information about 30,588 burials around the world, except for the United States.

Figure 2 - Military burials with names and surnames.

The page about the burial contains information about its condition (good, bad, excellent), the type of burial, the number of graves, the number of known and unknown burials. Also on the page is a list of buried persons with names and dates of birth and death.

It should be noted that the search for a burial place or the combat path of your grandfather / great-grandfather is a long, sometimes difficult, sometimes expensive business. From the very beginning, you need to tune in to the long painstaking work of collecting information and analyzing it.

However, in general it is a simple and straightforward process.

Data collection

Specify the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, place of birth, place of residence before the war, the military registration and enlistment office, which is called up, the address of relatives, place of service, military rank, party affiliation, if there are letters - find the field mail number in them, if we are looking for a deceased or missing missing - specify the date of the last known letter.

Read the letters carefully, they may contain important information: about the type of troops, about the military unit, any details of the movements.

Type of troops, military unit - regiment, division, army - this information is sometimes the key to a search, for example, a burial

Primary search

The base is unique, there are no analogues in the world. About 14 million sheets of archival documents have been scanned and posted. The work on filling the base continues. Therefore, do not be surprised if there is no data on your relative yet.

Here you can find all possible (taking into account the fact that the database is being filled) mentions about a person: Books of memory, reports of losses, lists of buried, etc.

The base contains almost all military graves where soldiers and commanders of the Red Army are buried. From Murmansk to Crete.

Additional information can be obtained on the "People's Feat" website. There is information about the awards.

If you know about the awards of a relative, then from the award documents you can find out information about the military unit, place of birth, etc. And of course about exploits.

In addition, the "Heroic Deed of the People" has a section on the Geography of War. In this section, you can find information about the combat path of the military unit.

If you want to know where your grandfather fought, who lived to the end of the war, this is the main tool. But only if he was awarded.

Memory Books

In every region of the Soviet Union, including Ukraine, a multivolume "Book of Memory" has been published. The Book contains information about those who did not return from the war. But! Information at the time of publication of the Book, and the information that the regional commissariat had at that time. Some Books have been reprinted.

The "Memory Book" is kept in the regional military registration and enlistment office. It is necessary to contact at the place of call your relative ..

There is an easier way to access the "Book of Memory" - to contact the Council of Veterans. There active grandparents will give you the "Book" and give you some more tea.

Memory Books can also be electronic. Then the link to them should be looked for on the websites of the central authorities of the region.

Most of the Books of Memory have been digitized and are kept in the Memorial HBS. In the "Advanced Search" section, you can search for these Books.

Request to TsAMO

If the previous search did not give the necessary results - send by registered mail request to the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense - 142100, Moscow region, Podolsk, st. Kirov, house 74.

The request looks like this:


142100, Podolsk, Moscow region

Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


on the search and establishment of the fate of a serviceman

1. Surname, name, patronymic (wanted)




2. Year and place of birth (region, district, village, city) _______________________________

3. Where he lived and worked before conscription (indicate the detailed address and name of the institution, enterprise) _________________________________________________________________


4. What military enlistment office is called, when and to what part is _____________________



5. Military rank ______________________________

6. Type of troops (by conscription and service) _______________________________________________

7. Party membership _________________________________

8. When the written communication stopped (year, month, day) _________________________

9. The address of the military unit at the last place of service (last letter) ___________

10. Who requests (surname, name, patronymic, relationship, home address)




Applicant's signature - _________________

Reception was conducted by __________________________

"______" _________ 20___

Request as a word file.


After some time, you will receive an official certificate of the burial place.

It will say:

1. Killed (indicating the place of burial)

2. Killed (without specifying the place of burial)

3. Died of wounds (indicating the place of burial)

4. Died of wounds (no indication of the place of burial)

5. Missing in action.

If the burial site is known, then take one more step:

After receiving an official certificate, write a request to the military enlistment office of the burial place (depending on the accuracy of the indication).

Head of the military registration and enlistment office of the Demyansk district of the Novgorod region

We ask you to establish the place of burial _______ Full name ______, check it with the passports of burials on the basis of the information we have from

1) Notice of death ____________

2) OBD Memorial (list of documents) _____________

I attach copies of documents _____________

In the absence of data on the full name in the burial passport, please enter the full name in the burial passport and immortalize his name

Copies do not need to be certified, ordinary copies are sufficient.

If a specific burial is indicated in the certificate, then you are looking for it using the Memorial HBS - Advanced search, Search for burials

If the burial place is unknown, then we do the following:

Died of wounds

Request to the archive of military medical documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (191180, St. Petersburg, Lazaretny lane, 2) and a repeated request to TsAMO with a request to clarify the location of the hospital for the period of death of the wanted person.

Very often, the passport of military graves (if it is hospital) contains information about the hospital.

If there is any information about the hospital, then - a guide to the deployment of hospitals in the Red Army in 1941-1945.

Killed or missing.

This is where the fun begins. You should be aware of the unit your grandfather fought in. This will be in the certificate from TsAMO or in the combined database "Memorial". Your task is to establish the combat path of the division / brigade / regiment. Not an army, but a division / brigade / regiment.

If there are letters and they contain the field mail number, then we decrypt this number.

If a part is known, then further - memoirs, maps, reports of hostilities, and so on. You can search in TsAMO and reports, orders for a narrow period of time. It is quite realistic, for example, to establish the fate of a separate tank, and from aerial photographs to suggest the place of its death, and after interviewing the local population, establish a previously unknown grave. But this is a jeweler's work, and most likely the local search team can do it.


Sometimes, the military registration and enlistment office cannot give a complete picture, especially about the battles of 1941-1942. The maximum that they can give in this case is a map of the burials of the area. But there may be dozens of them.

Keep in mind that the burials were enlarged. Consolidation campaigns were carried out in the country 2-3 times. They are carried out now, the main reason is transport inaccessibility and the impossibility of leaving.

The history of the burials can be traced to the Memorial HBS. Sometimes, lists of burials are posted on official websites.

It may be that the burial was transferred only on paper. And where she really is - everyone has forgotten.

The mass grave, created in 1941 and noted in the documents, can simply "dissolve" on the ground during 2 years of occupation. Or it may be that the desired person will be listed in several graves.


School and regional studies. No matter how strange it may seem to someone, but school museums exist and are actively working on specific subdivisions and parts. The most complete list of school military history museums is located.

Search squads

It is necessary to contact the search squad of your area / city, as well as the search squad of the area where your relative died / disappeared without a trace.

By request in Yandex, such as "Demyansk search unit", usually everything is also found.

If there is no information on the Internet, call the department for youth affairs of the required region and you will be given all the available information on the search units of the region.

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