Treatment with kerosene in folk medicine for fungus. Kerosene cures cancer and other diseases

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Currently, the interest of citizens in the treatment of natural products has increased significantly. This is due to the fact that many medications have pronounced side effects on the body, and they also have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, it is understandable why people want to be cured of ailments by the means recommended by healers. In light of this, I will consider for you, dear reader, such a tool as kerosene. It would seem that it is used for completely different purposes. However, according to healers, he also heals. Why is kerosene useful in folk medicine, what is its treatment and application.

Kerosene - use in folk medicine

The use of kerosene in folk medicine improves immunity, accelerates metabolic processes in cells, in addition, it thins the lymph, promotes the resorption of adhesions, and also dilates blood vessels.

It is used in its pure form, as well as diluted, together with other components for the following ailments: sprains, bruises, dislocations, sinusitis, skin pathologies, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sciatica and osteochondrosis, with bronchitis and colds, tuberculosis, in addition, as a rejuvenating agent, as a general tonic, as well as in the complex treatment of oncological pathology.

It is worth remembering that the use of kerosene in traditional medicine should be carried out after a test for the so-called allergic reaction of the body to this substance. To do this, it is recommended to lubricate a part of the skin on the forearm with pure kerosene and follow it, if after 30 minutes there is no redness, itching, or a rash, then you can use it to spread the skin.

Treatment with kerosene in folk medicine

For external use, kerosene is used in the form of lotions, lubrications, applications, compresses, as well as therapeutic rubbing. For compresses, a cotton cloth is required, it is moistened in a mixture of kerosene and vegetable oil (olive, linseed and other oils). Then put the fabric on the sore spot and wrap it up.

Aviation kerosene is used for oral administration, it is subjected to additional purification at home. To do this, a liter of kerosene and a liter of water of 70 degrees are poured into a jar. The container is then tightly closed and shaken vigorously, the lid being occasionally opened to relieve pressure buildup. Then the drug should settle, leaving a precipitate, after which the supernatant is carefully drained and used for medicinal purposes.

External use of kerosene

With osteochondrosis, kerosene and vegetable oil are taken in equal amounts of 50 milliliters, a quarter of a piece of laundry soap and soda are added to them, in the amount of a teaspoon. Then all the components are stirred together and the container is left in a dark place for three days, after this time the drug can be used for medicinal purposes.

With sciatica, you can prepare the following drug: 100 grams of salt, 50 grams of mustard powder and the same amount of purified kerosene. All these components are kneaded to a creamy mass, which is recommended to be rubbed into the skin. This procedure should be done before going to bed.

For rheumatism, compresses are used. To do this, the fabric is moistened in kerosene and applied to a painful place, and a towel is placed on top and tightly fixed with a bandage or other material. With a strong burning sensation, the compress can be slightly weakened. On average, it should be kept for two hours. At the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with Vaseline.

With a heel spur, this treatment is recommended. You should cut an onion into two parts, and then drop two drops of kerosene on the cut and bandage such a vegetable to the sore spot. The procedure is carried out at night until the cure.

Warts can simply be lubricated with a mixture of celandine juice and kerosene in a ratio of 1 to 5. Weeping lichen can also be treated with kerosene, and a positive effect can be seen after three or four days.

Internal use of kerosene

With oncological pathology, in particular with stomach cancer, traditional medicine recommends such a recipe. One teaspoon of kerosene is consumed on an empty stomach a couple of hours before meals for five days.

With angina, it is recommended to take 50 milliliters of water and 10 drops of kerosene, it is recommended to gargle with this drug after eating for a week. Or you can directly lubricate the tonsils with pure kerosene for three days or five days.

With a runny nose, you can insert cotton turundas well soaked in kerosene into each nasal passage for about two minutes before going to bed. This procedure is carried out every other day. In total, three, five procedures should be carried out.

For the prevention of diseases, as well as to increase the protective forces twice a year, you can use 15 drops of kerosene, which are applied to a piece of sugar. Weakened people are advised to reduce this dosage to three drops and gradually increase it.


It must be remembered that kerosene can have a medicinal and toxic effect on the body, which will be determined by its dosage, therefore, it is important to adhere to proven recommendations for treatment with this substance.

Purified kerosene can be used to treat a variety of diseases. Below we give medical recipes using kerosene.

Respiratory diseases

Angina (tonsillitis)

Angina is an acute general infectious disease with the most pronounced local inflammatory process in the tonsils. The palatine tonsils are most commonly affected.

Angina is more often observed in spring and autumn (during the transitional season with unstable air temperature).

Treatment methods:

10 drops of kerosene are diluted in 50 grams of warm water. The resulting solution is gargled after meals every day for a week. Then a break is made for 1-2 weeks (depending on the result).

The use of kerosene in the form of a compress: a cloth is wetted in heated kerosene, then squeezed out and wrapped around the neck. A scarf or woolen cloth is applied on top. The compress is held as long as possible.

For the treatment of angina, lubrication with kerosene is also used. To do this, wrap cotton wool on a thin long stick and dip it in purified kerosene. Inflamed tonsils are lubricated with kerosene every half hour. In the case of an advanced form of tonsillitis, when abscesses have already formed on the tonsils, it is strongly not recommended to lubricate them with kerosene.

Rinsing with a weak solution of purified kerosene is often used. For this purpose, in a glass of warm boiled water (the temperature of which should not exceed 25 ° C), you need to dissolve half a tablespoon of tea soda. 1 tablespoon of kerosene is added to the resulting solution. The course of such treatment is 6-8 days, the frequency of rinsing is 4-12 times a day.


Dandruff (oily seborrhea)

Method of treatment:

A mixture of vodka, kerosene and onion juice, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, is rubbed into the scalp.

Another remedy: 1 part kerosene, 2 parts castor oil and 10 parts alcohol. Mix and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.


Lichen is a group of diseases that occur for various reasons and affect the skin, mucous membranes and nails.

Method of treatment:

Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of fish oil and 1 teaspoon of kerosene. The resulting substance is applied to four-fold gauze and applied to the skin affected by lichen.


Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the scabies mite.

Method of treatment:

Prepare an ointment of the following composition: 6 ml of kerosene, 1 g of green soap, 6 g of purified sulfur, 5 g of chalk and an ointment base (for example, wax ointment). Rub itchy areas of the skin.


Furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle caused by staphylococcus aureus.

Method of treatment:

Lubrication of the affected areas of the skin with purified kerosene. By the way, some authors argue that it is permissible to treat furunculosis of the skin of the face with this method, others categorically do not recommend doing this.


Method of treatment: lubrication of warts with Todikamp.


Method of treatment:

The feet or hands are placed in kerosene for 10 minutes every evening. Then douse them with cold water and wipe dry.


Treatment methods:

Kerosene ointment is used to heal wounds. To prepare it, you need to take 2 yolks, a piece of beeswax the size of a bean, one teaspoon of kerosene and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Boil the oil, add wax to it and boil for another minute. The mixture is cooled to a warm state and kerosene and yolks are added to it. Then mix well. The ointment is applied to non-healing wounds (including surgical ones).

Another recipe for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds. Take 1 liter of sunflower oil, 30 ml of freshly squeezed celandine juice and 100 ml of purified kerosene. Mix thoroughly and infuse for a week in a dark, cool place. The gauze impregnated with this mixture is applied to the wound surface. Bandage change - 2 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.

There is evidence that with the help of kerosene, you can also pull out a splinter. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the skin with kerosene and seal it with adhesive tape.

Alopecia (baldness)

Method of treatment:

Mix olive oil with kerosene in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting mass is rubbed into the hair roots once a week for 2-3 hours before washing.


Papilloma is a benign tumor of the skin or mucous membrane that looks like a papilla or "cauliflower".

Method of treatment:

Spend 1-2 times a day lubrication of papillomas "Todicamp".

Read more about the human papillomavirus.

Cancer diseases

The possibilities of using kerosene for the treatment of cancer cause (for obvious reasons) the most heated debate between supporters and opponents of this method of therapy.

Cancer is a malignant tumor of epithelial origin. A primary cancerous tumor can develop in all organs of the human body where there is one or another type of epithelium. Most often, cancer occurs in the lungs, stomach, uterus, breasts, esophagus, intestines, and skin. A characteristic feature of cancer is its unlimited growth: once having arisen in one or another organ, the primary cancerous tumor grows steadily and unceasingly, germinates and destroys the surrounding tissues and from here it is transferred through the lymphatic pathways to other organs, forming new cancerous tumors (metastases) in them. Cancer metastases can occur in all, without exception, organs.

Symptoms at the initial stages of tumor development, as a rule, are absent. There is no spontaneous cure for cancer. The most radical method of treatment today is surgery (removal of the tumor). But even after these operations, relapses often develop and metastases occur. Along with surgical methods of treatment, official medicine also uses chemotherapy (treatment with cytostatics - drugs that suppress the growth of both sick and healthy body cells) and radiation therapy, which also do not guarantee a complete cure.

Tumor growth is a disorderly reproduction of body cells. It is still not known exactly what its cause is, but there are a great many theories. Below are the most "popular" of them.

  • The carcinogenic theory states that exposure to certain substances (carcinogens) can cause cancer.
  • According to the Rous virus theory, tumor growth is caused by viruses. In addition, according to Zilber's virus-senetic theory: in addition to ordinary viruses, there are oncoviruses that cause tumors.
  • The fissural theory states that cancer occurs when tissues are squeezed.
  • According to the theory of disembryonic rudiments, the rudiments of embryonic tissues remain in the human body, which, under favorable conditions, develop into cancerous tumors.
  • And finally, the polyetiological theory says that cancer occurs under the influence of a variety of factors. That is, to put it simply, it is easier to name the causes that do not cause cancer than those that cause it.

Methods of treating cancer with kerosene:

  • Treatment with Todikamp. 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 4 weeks. Number of courses - 3, with breaks of one month.
  • Birch mushroom (chaga) with purified kerosene. You must first prepare the infusion of chaga.
    Dried chaga is crushed and poured with cold filtered water (1:3), after which it is infused at room temperature in a dark place for 4 hours. Then the water must be drained into a separate container, the softened pieces of chaga must be grated, poured with five glasses of warm water and infused for two days, after which the infusion is poured into a glass vessel and mixed with water in which the chaga was originally infused.
    Chaga is taken orally simultaneously with a piece of refined sugar soaked in purified kerosene. Chaga is consumed with kerosene in the morning, just before breakfast.
    The course of treatment with kerosene with a solution of chaga lasts 26 days. For the next 30 days, only an infusion of birch fungus is taken, one glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. After that, the course of joint treatment with chaga and kerosene is resumed.

Other healing properties attributed to kerosene

Recently, such effects on the human body as rejuvenating, cleansing and restorative effects are often associated with some preparations of kerosene. In this regard, Todikamp is most often mentioned.

For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is advised to take "Todikamp" 2-3 drops per 1/2 cup of warm boiled water 2-3 times a day for a prophylactic course of 6 weeks.

And here is another "elixir of longevity":

“Add 3 tablespoons of purified kerosene to 0.5 liters of fresh apple cider vinegar. The resulting drug should be taken 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiled water 1-2 times a day. It is only necessary to shake the vessel with the prepared "elixir" immediately before use. The prophylactic course of recovery lasts from 6 to 3 weeks.

To achieve the effect of cleansing the body, it is recommended to take "Todikamp" 8-10 drops in 2 tablespoons of honey once a day before meals. The course of treatment is not limited.

At the same time, when using a sparing scheme, it is recommended to take kerosene immediately before meals, and using the full scheme - half an hour before meals.

Folk remedies for the use of kerosene in the treatment of various diseases are becoming more and more popular. Kerosene itself has some generally recognized healing properties:

  1. It warms up well
  2. Destroys harmful viruses and bacteria
  3. Dries weeping wounds (even purulent ones)
  4. Breaks up phlegm and lymph
  5. Completely destroys adhesions,
  6. Relieves all types of inflammation
  7. Has a strong anesthetic effect,
  8. Strengthens the immune system
  9. Expands blood vessels
  10. Accelerates metabolic processes, etc.

Before using kerosene for medicinal purposes, it must be cleaned.

  1. Mix in equal proportions kerosene and water heated to 60 C. Then shake the tightly sealed jar for several minutes. Don't forget to open the lid from time to time to reduce the kinetic pressure! Let the liquid settle and pour off the kerosene, being careful not to disturb the sediment at the bottom of the jar. Remember safety precautions when cleaning kerosene. Accumulated gases can cause serious poisoning or cause an explosion.
  2. Prepare a mixture of kerosene and hot water in equal proportions, stir thoroughly, after the mixture has settled, drain. Pour half a glass of salt into the resulting substance and shake it, leave for 24 hours in a secluded place. Then filter several times through activated carbon. Now the kerosene is ready to use.
  3. Pour 50 g of rock salt into any container, filter kerosene through several layers of gauze and pour it there. Within 90 minutes, the jar with the mixture is heated in a water bath. You can not close the jar with a lid. It is better to carry out the purification of kerosene in the fresh air, since this procedure emits an extremely unpleasant odor. At the end of the procedure, carefully remove the jar from the pan and carefully pour the contents into a clean, opaque container. When tightly sealed in such a container, kerosene can be stored for up to 2 years.

Sometimes, instead of self-purified kerosene, it is recommended to use aviation kerosene, it is believed that in terms of its healing properties it is much more effective.

Healing tinctures on kerosene

Nowadays, a tincture of kerosene is more used on young walnuts that have barely reached milky ripeness. Such treatment gives good results even in the treatment of oncology.

It is possible to prepare the tincture on your own. Pour chopped nuts into a glass jar by about two-thirds. Top up with kerosene here. Put the jar in a closed cool place for a period of 21 days, always closed with a tight lid. After that, the liquid is filtered several times, and the resulting mixture is stored in a dark place, tightly closed, for up to one year.

The use of this tincture allows not only to get rid of chronic diseases, but also to increase immunity. Some factors will influence the dose of the drug: age, physical condition of the patient, severity of the disease, etc. For prophylactic purposes, the tincture is used in an increasing pattern, starting with one drop in half a glass of water 30 minutes before meals, increasing the intake by one drop per day up to 24, and then decreasing to one. If desired, and if you feel unwell, repeat the reception, but not earlier than in a month.

How to take drugs on kerosene

First of all, you should know that official medicine does not recognize kerosene treatment, and there are no official methods for such treatment. Therefore, first of all, weigh the pros and cons of using kerosene for medicinal purposes.

Further, before embarking on serious treatment with kerosene, it is necessary to conduct tests on the body's reaction to kerosene. To do this, rub the place behind the ear and on the bend of the elbow with tincture or purified kerosene. If there is no reaction, then you are not allergic to this substance and you can try treatment.

It must also be remembered that kerosene is a highly flammable substance and can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

For warming compresses and dressings, a mixture of kerosene with any vegetable oil should be used. The fabric is better to take linen or cotton. Change dressings regularly, constantly monitoring the condition of the skin.

Inside, kerosene is taken drop by drop, diluted with water or tea, it can be dripped onto sugar or taken as a tincture.

It is very important: the daily dose of kerosene should not exceed 20 grams, otherwise the treatment may result in injury to the body and the consequences of the treatment will lead to new problems.

Treatment of diseases with kerosene


Treatment of angina with kerosene is considered to be the most effective remedy in the fight against this disease.

Method number 1. Lubricate the inflamed tonsils with kerosene two hours before meals every 5-6 hours. Procedures should be carried out for at least a week. But with purulent sore throat, this method of treatment is strictly prohibited, especially if abscesses form on the tonsils. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Method number 2. Dissolve 5 g of baking soda in a glass of warm water, add a spoonful of purified kerosene there. Mix the liquid well and gargle with the resulting solution at least three times a day one hour before meals.

Method No. 3. If you suffer from frequent sore throats, then as a prophylactic, you can gargle with kerosene mixed with water: 10 drops of purified kerosene per 50 g of warm water an hour after eating for at least 7-8 days. After a two-week break, repeat the course.

Acute bronchitis

Treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis should be carried out in a complex manner. To do this, you need a head of garlic, honey, half a glass of port wine and 50 g of purified kerosene. Before going to bed, smear the soles of the feet with crushed garlic and put on thick socks, rub the chest with kerosene and apply a warm compress, then drink warm port wine with a teaspoon of honey and immediately go to bed and cover yourself well. The use of this procedure will allow you to get rid of the annoying cough quickly and for a long time.

Runny nose

Going to bed, rub the feet with purified kerosene, put compresses on them, also soaked in kerosene, wrap them in plastic bags and pull on woolen socks. Usually 3-4 procedures are enough to completely stop the runny nose.

Inflamed lymph nodes

Before starting the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes, you need to cleanse the whole body, then drink kerosene, starting with five drops and gradually increasing the dose to twenty. Lymph nodes gradually decrease, the general condition improves.

weeping lichen

To begin with, kerosene must be filtered twice: the first time through coarse river sand, the second through cotton wool wrapped in gauze. Then kerosene lubricates the skin affected by lichen. Lichen disappears without a trace within a week.

Strengthening the hairline

Earlier in the villages, young girls and women could boast of beautiful hair. To strengthen the hairline, they used the ancient method: a mixture of kerosene and onions was rubbed into the scalp, massaged well, and after half an hour they thoroughly washed with a simple alkaline soap. The result is stunning: it happens that hair begins to grow even in completely bald people.

Oncological diseases

In oncology, it is recommended to take walnut tincture in accordance with the lunar cycles. From one new moon to the next (lunar cycle - 28 days) 1 tsp. three times a day half an hour before meals. You shouldn't drink anything. Sometimes it is recommended, in parallel with taking the tincture, to make a warming compress on the liver for no more than 20 minutes. Rest during one lunar cycle and then repeat the treatment. In total, you need to spend three full courses, and then rest from three to six months and, if necessary, repeat all the procedures.

Kerosene some time ago was widely used for residential lighting. The name of this liquid comes from the Greek language, this word is translated as "wax". In addition to household and industrial purposes, kerosene has found application in folk medicine, which suggests its healing properties that help against various diseases.

Treatment with kerosene

During the use of kerosene for medicinal purposes, treatment rules and recommendations have been formed. Kerosene is used not only for external diseases, but also for many internal pathologies. The list of diseases that traditional medicine offers to treat with kerosene is quite extensive. These include:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • pathology of the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • various colds, including tonsillitis;
  • diseases affecting the thyroid gland, such as diffuse goiter;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • migraines and headaches;
  • damage to the skin, such as boils, wounds that do not pass for a long time, abscesses, trophic-type ulcers;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, for example, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and others;
  • sciatica, lumbalgia, sciatica;
  • pathologies that disrupt the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, which include complications of myocardial infarction, the consequences of a stroke, atherosclerosis, and others.

Adherents of treatment according to prescriptions offered by alternative medicine argue that if the recipe and the rules for preparing a remedy are followed exactly, then poisoning and other undesirable side effects are completely excluded.

It is worth remembering that the use of kerosene for colds and other pathologies in children is unacceptable.

After carrying out external procedures using products prepared with kerosene, the skin on all parts of the body that have come into contact with such an agent should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. This measure will help prevent peeling and damage to the skin. For each individual disease, its own special recipe for using kerosene is suitable, some of them are listed below.

Kerosene treatment for colds

Treatment with kerosene of tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other pathologies of the throat

Method one

Clean hot water is mixed with kerosene purified and thoroughly filtered with a cotton wool or blotter in a ratio of 3: 1. The resulting remedy must be shaken well, and then used to gargle twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Method two

For this tool, you can use not only purified, but also ordinary kerosene. They lubricate all the inflamed places on the palatine arches and tonsils. This procedure is carried out several times a day, about an hour before meals. Usually, complete recovery with such treatment occurs in 5-7 days. The use of kerosene to lubricate sore tonsils can be combined with injections or antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

Method three

It is necessary to take about 100 grams of green walnuts, place them in a three-liter jar, then pour purified kerosene into the same place so that its level is about 7-8 cm below the neck. A jar of nuts and kerosene is hermetically sealed, you can roll it up with a lid, after which it must be placed in a cold place. Experts advise to drip the jar into the ground to a depth of about half a meter, after pressing down the lid with a load of about 10 kg. In this position, the remedy is left for three months.

Apply the resulting medicine as follows. A dense gauze or cotton swab is soaked in one small spoonful of kerosene infused with nuts, and then applied to the sore spot, covering it with parchment paper or polyethylene on top. Another layer of cotton wool is applied to it and fixed. Such a compress can be left on the skin for up to 5 hours. After it has been removed, a layer of aerosol anti-burn agent is applied to the affected area. A second procedure can be carried out only after at least three days after the restoration of normal skin color. For a complete cure, 4 to 6 procedures will be required.

Compresses with kerosene from colds can not be carried out with skin cancer. In such cases, a different mode of action is used: a teaspoon of the product is poured into the palm of the hand and gently rubbed on the affected area. The procedure can be repeated after a couple of hours.

This medicine is also used as a prevention of complications of the disease. It is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment, even if there is an improvement, as this can lead to the return of the disease in an even more severe form.

In some sources, it is advised to apply ice to the throat after the procedure; this is absolutely impossible to do.

Method Four

To cope with diseases of the throat, gargling with a solution of kerosene is used. To prepare it, you will need a large spoonful of purified kerosene and a small spoonful of ordinary soda. They should be dissolved in a glass of heated clean water. As a result, a film of kerosene forms on the surface of the liquid, which should be stirred before rinsing. During the procedure, a thin film of kerosene remains on the mucous membrane of the larynx, which has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. The duration of the course of treatment is about a week. Several rinses are carried out daily (from 5 to 12).

Kerosene to get rid of the common cold. To cope with a runny nose, you should lubricate the feet with kerosene and wrap them with a rag soaked in this remedy. Warm thick socks are put on top. After that, the patient should wrap himself well with a blanket. It is better to carry out the procedure at night, by morning the runny nose will most likely disappear.

Treatment of dry cough with kerosene. To prepare a remedy, a small amount of honey is diluted in 100 ml of port wine. Then you should peel and chop the head of garlic. Before going to bed, the feet are rubbed with crushed garlic, and the chest is rubbed with 40 ml of kerosene. Thick woolen socks are put on the feet, and warm underwear is put on the body. After that, the patient should drink prepared port wine with honey and go to bed. The procedure can be repeated the next day if necessary.

Kerosene against chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis can be treated with purified kerosene. A gauze pad is moistened in it and applied as a compress to the chest area, while not affecting the part of the skin opposite the heart. Such compresses are carried out every other day for two weeks. The duration of the procedure is determined by individual characteristics and tolerability of kerosene. The compress can be left on the skin for 1-4 hours.

Patients with hypersensitivity to kerosene, before starting to apply a compress, should put wax paper on the skin as a protection. Kerosene compresses are used not only to get rid of chronic bronchitis, but also to prevent this disease.


30 and 3 years lay on the stove - drank kerosene and went. Everyone wants to believe in such a fairy tale, but the realities of life make us be wary of exotic treatments. The Internet does not cease to post information about the treatment with kerosene. Even the book "" was published.

What is most disturbing about this book:

  1. A wide range of various diseases that kerosene treats.
  2. The so-called "real" life stories. The reader, taught by fake information, immediately feels the deceit, but the desire to save health, and sometimes life, makes him listen to dubious advice.

Cancer patients "grab at any straw." Exploiting their grief is the edge of cynicism. If kerosene really helped, then there would no longer be cancer patients all over the world.

On the Internet you can find information about the healing properties of tincture of green walnuts on kerosene called "Todikamp". Even the drug. The information is intended for people who have lost hope. Such clinical trials cannot be called objective - there is no control group, namely: analyzes of patients who were given the drug, and the results of examinations of those who did not take it. Another information that hurt to tears, the drug was given to patients who were treated with radiation therapy, that is, traditionally, and the producers of the potion took credit for themselves.

How to drink kerosene?

First, we learn the physico-chemical properties of kerosene from. Kerosene is an oily liquid with a density of 0.81 g/cm3 and a flash point of +28°C.

How is it advised to be treated with kerosene? For example, he proposes to treat bronchial asthma by dropping 9 drops of kerosene into a glass of water and taking it orally. But . Due to the low density, the oil distillation product floats to the surface, forming an oily film. As rightly noted, a person still swallows undiluted kerosene, which leads to toxic damage to the body.

In the same source we find a very revealing proposal for the treatment of eczema. The instructions say that "dandelion and sucker roots" are added to kerosene. Although the sucker is a genus of trees and shrubs, subtle humor can be traced here.

Another dangerous indicator is a low flash point. Risky handling of fire can cause a house fire. The press reported that. And the kerosene caught fire right on the baby's head.

What is the basis for the assumption that kerosene heals?

It turns out that it was found that . Experiments were carried out in a test tube. But the human body is not a glass tube. This describes the effect of kerosene, which had to save patients. The doctor notes: “The poisonous substance dissolves in the blood and reaches every organ. The consequences of using kerosene can be so severe that they lead to kidney failure and the patient will have to take pills for life.

A specific example is required, what can treatment with kerosene lead to? The article "" (Portal "Anticor") notes that a dead man was found in the capital, who did not go to the doctors and self-medicated with kerosene. An autopsy revealed severe pneumonia, signs of a disease of the cardiovascular system, and a chronic stomach ulcer.

Toxic properties of kerosene

The older generation trusts the research of the Soviet era. In 1976 a handbook for chemists, engineers and physicians was published.

Take, it would seem, the safest - the treatment of skin diseases. What bad things can happen from compresses with kerosene? We read the handbook: "With insufficient protection of the body, skin lesions often occur in almost all workers." Lesions lead to the development of skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, etc.

Not like drinking, breathing kerosene vapor for a long time is dangerous. After staying in a poorly ventilated room for 5 weeks, workers experienced headaches, dizziness, coughing, heart palpitations, and weight loss.

And how kerosene affects the gastrointestinal tract, American scientists answered in the article "". The scientists' conclusion is clear: "The histological findings of the stomach indicate chronic gastritis."

It was published on the portal of toxic substances. Numerous observers have reported the accidental poisoning of children by the use of kerosene in the most backward countries. It is documented that kerosene causes vomiting, diarrhea, stomach swelling, irritability, etc. If there is heavy breathing, then kerosene has entered the lungs - this happens with profuse vomiting.

It remains to clarify the use of kerosene as a means of removing lice. One can understand when he puts such a question. But in our civilized society, the pharmacy sells more effective and safer products.

Kerosene is a fuel, not a medicine. Do not be fooled by eloquent advertising, do not experiment on yourself.

Chemical analysis of unknown substances and medicines

If you still bought an unlicensed drug from a "folk healer" - do not risk your health. It is better to give questionable medicines for research at. Specialists will conduct a chemical analysis of the "potion", determine its composition, find out if it contains toxic elements that can harm health. You will have complete information about such "drugs" and then decide for yourself whether to take them or not. Trust the experts.

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