How to make windows on the attic - to light and warm! Select the windows in the attic.

Reservoirs 14.06.2019

Leaving the object, the measureer often not only performs its own direct responsibility, but also advises the client on the issues of building themes, helps to navigate with the choice of interior design. Of course, you have to tell a lot about the features of the installation of attic windows. Sometimes the measureer is forced to disperse in the vain hope of the Customer for a certain result, which man saw in a magazine or television program - since the initial data of the house and the client's financial capabilities are very different from those that have the owner, whose house or apartment turned out to be an inspiring picture.

Today, we will get acquainted with the reviews of people who have already established mansard windows and admissive by the results of the transformation of space under the roof.

Since the arrangement of the attic is taken into account with the set of nuances: the number of windows and the size of window openings, and the direction of opening, the material of the structure, etc., then with the help of someone else's experience, you can avoid common errors and achieve the desired with less consumption of forces and means


With attic, we are all familiar from childhood. Who is not "hiding" there together with Carlson and the baby, reading about their joint adventures in the house under the roof? Or did not "observed" for the communication of Kaya with the Herd, who also lived in individual attic and growing there beautiful roses? For the first time, the space under the roof began to use as a residential from the second half of the 17th century, when the Frenchman Mansar, the famous enterprising architect, drew attention to the empty "territory".

Most European attic have been fulfilled on Finnish technology. In Russia, attic began to be carried away relatively recently - with the emergence of interest in the individual, affordable, durable and hermetic housing.

For the attic typical when the windows are located in the roof. Because of this, the installation of structures, and the frame, must comply with certain specifications. The most popular manufacturers of mansard windows for the European market Danish Velux, Polish Facket, German Roto. It is these names of firms most often found in discussions on thematic forums.

We study on the reviews of the disadvantages of mansard windows

The most active discussions on the forums relate to various difficulties with the installation and operation of mansard windows. Sometimes there are also very negative statements from people who have renovated with the renovation of attic.

On the advantages and disadvantages of mansard windows in the video:

Possible problems and solutions


"... in winter, snow mats on the window, the whole season is poured-freeze, then it starts to flow. In place of connecting the window and frame, Flame is growing. And the condensate suffered - I clean the snow systematically, and the window is still crying ... ". In response, such statements often write about suspicion that the window has become a problem due to the installation by the owners themselves, and not by experts. And this Council refute hard - hire specialists to solve complex construction tasks.

Increased temperature in the summer

"... I would like to achieve that in the attic of the parent cottage in the summer there was a good one ...".

The problem can be eliminated by one of the following methods:

  • due to the extension of the heat insulating layer under the roof;
  • using blinds, reflective film or curtains;
  • change the shape of the roof to summer time Svet pledged the window.


"Everything suits in the attic window: it does not blow anywhere in the interior fit successfully, it is convenient to use. But the price! Twice exceeds the cost of ordinary glass package. "

What manufacturer's products you give preference - this is fully your choice. You want the quality better, you will have to pay more expensive.

What is the advantage of mansard windows: we study the experience of owners based on feedback

Attractive view

"Mansard rooms have become much cute. At night, all the stars of the world are yours! "

Saving electricity

"Dersighted windows put in the office and bedroom. The comfort and light accurately added. "

The expressions of this user are confirmed by scientists: due to the angle of location, the inclined windows transmit light more than ordinary, i.e. standing vertically (somewhere 40%).

Placing the handle taking into account the wishes of the user

The location of the installation of the handle is better to choose taking into account the age and physical characteristics of the inhabitants of the attic. For families with children, it is better to give preference to sash with handles installed in such a way that the children are extremely difficult to use the levers, without substituting the staircase or a high chair. And even safer use handles with locks closing on the key.


For the equipment you need a separate type of fittings and can not be bought in retail. They produce its same firms as the producing windows for the attic.

If you need to replace or update some item, the application must be sent to the window seller.

Despite the similarity with the accessories for ordinary PVC glass accessories, the mansard has some technical differences.

Mansard windows are a good option For the arrangement of office and residential premises. What are the designs like users and what to pay attention to to stay satisfied with their choice?

What problem can be encountered

Installation of mansard windows by non-specialists is absolutely typical and growing phenomenon, given that the flow of complaints for flowing recently increases steadily. And with the arrival of heat, the number of displeased will increase, since it is a natural phenomenon, when the technology of installation of windows under the tilt is broken. However, the leakage can be observed after flawlessly carried out. What could be the cause of the seeping of moisture under the frame?

"Yesterday I received an application from the client P, complaining about to flow in the attic windows. Losening moisture is observed under the lower entrance window sash. The calling claims that the installation of glass accumulations carried out experienced specialists. "

After arrival at the specified address and inspection, it turned out that the installation was really made professionally. The cause of leaks was an excess of snow mass on external surface Window glass. Under the sunny rays, the snow fell, and the resulting water escaped along the inclined plane to the lower frame. With a decrease in temperature, the water was frozen and increased the load on the seal. Over time, he was somewhat deformed, and the water was able to leak into a little.

The key to solving the problem is to clean the window from snow and eliminate all moisture on the surface of the glass by the usual wiping with a clean rag.

To restore the functionality of the seal, a lubricant is required in the composition with liquid silicone.

After a while it turned out that the recommendation fully justified itself: no leak appeared. The problem was eliminated by "low blood" due to the fact that the attic window was established by the rules. If the technology was broken, then the owner of the house would have to suffer much large costsWhat was spent to call and consult a specialist.

About technology installation of mounting windows in video:

Real review of owners about mansard windows

Getting acquainted with the dialogues on the forums where the attic windows are discussed, it becomes clear that the leading topic of conversations is related to the problem of leaks. Someone claims that it will not be possible to avoid seeping moisture to anyone, someone insists that the double-glazed windows from the normal manufacturer can only take it in the event of an unprofessional installation. Others argue that neither a corporate brand, neither the qualification of installers will not save from the leaks - even the expensive double-glazed windows begin to pass water.


When you hear the statements, the essence of which "Velux windows or, let's say, Roto 10-15 years old serve and never flowed," you start thinking that today's glass windas do not make any firms in Denmark or Germany, and somewhere in Egypt or Even near the town of Old Brinks.

Where do your feet grow for such suspicion? Everything is simple: the majority of the squirrel windows complained that the designs were set by experts, and do not understand what employees. It turns out that the root of problems is a factory defect. And the fact that double-glazed windows pass the water not in the rain, but after the formation of a land, this is confirmed.

How is the leakage in the latter case:

  • due to heavy snowfall on the outer glass, a snowdrift is formed;
  • after thawed under the falling snow in the evening, it is formed to form, reliably "scorched" into the window frame;
  • because of the heat from the windows, we gradually melts, but formed because of this water, there is nowhere to run - from above ice crust;
  • if there is a slot between the frame and sash - if the glass collecting assembly at the factory was conducted with a violation of the technology - water seeps under the seal.

The sealer can start passing water and due to the long operation of the glass unit without preventive work. If the seeping of the water is caused by the old age of the seal, then the streams will leave the dark sublifting, and if the resulting moisture is transparent, then the cause of the problem is a poor-quality assembly.

In order to do not lose its properties over time, it is necessary to lubricate it. But even thorough care is powerless before time - then replacement for the new one way to avoid leaks. What is interesting, in double-barakers with sash, opening on the principle of the hatch, sealing gum serve longer.


Of course, the mansard windows have a lot of advantages! No one has not complained about their weak thermal insulation or drafts. The owners of the latest models of the production of Aereco do not form the presence of pre-installed systems in the form of a self-regulating supply valve providing ventilation.

Embedded reviews of double-glazed owners with wooden frames.

Unlike the usual of the same material, the first is absolutely not afraid of rotting, they do not pick up and do not require systematic painting, since they are processed by a special impregnation and have a protective coating.

Pleases users and durability of mansard windows, proven in practice: among the dialogues of the forum dialogs, there is a description of the mini-incident that led the storyteller to financial expenses, but convinced it in the strength of the glasses in such windows. Due to the lost key, a man was forced to penetrate the house through the locked mansard window, in which the attempts to split it for a long time.

Like the owners of the windows and the loyalty program of manufacturers Fakro, Velux'om, Roto to its customers, expressed in the opportunity to replace the defective elements to the attic glass packages for free.

Dersighted windows: Choice with baseline characteristics

Like any person acquiring some product, the squirrel window buyer expects the quality of the glass package to correspond to the amount paid. Most special double-glazed windows for installation in the attic is available at a wide range of consumers, and at the same time happy with the democratic rate of rates.

By purchasing such a mansard window, you get:

  • goods with a high security coefficient;
  • a reliable product whose functional characteristics will provide protection for the premises from drafts, low temperatures, excessive humidity;
  • durable design with 10-year warranty period.

Glass of high-quality attic windows are made of triplex. In addition to the strength, this material has a valuable property: with a crushing blow, the glass is not sprayed with springs splashes, but cracks, covering the web cracks of different lengths, but remains in the window opening.

Glasses of mansard windows dissipate the sun's rays, so the light inside the room will be pleasant to the eye and harmless to things prone to burnout.


If we were engaged in the construction of housing for themselves with a periodicity of 5-10 years, then when preparing the third project, we would have significant experience in arranging homes under their requests. But since such a feat we do much less often, you have to seek practical recommendations on a variety of building issues. Further, we will present a lot of applied information about the attic windows, collecting valuable information with the help of Prosarovskaya Marina, working as chief engineer. If we missed something, then later ready to answer all the questions sent by you.

In general words

What is the difference between the mansard window from the usual vertical glass package? What are the advantages of the first? Is it possible to build a regular glazing at an angle in the attic roof?

The main difference of windows is their appointment. Vertical double-glazed windows are mounted purely into the window openings of vertical walls of various purposes.

Dersighted windows are designed to mount the roof, therefore, the loads are capable of carrying similar to what the roof is experiencing.

The procedure for mounting windows into the roof also has a number of nuances that are not needed to install conventional double-glazed windows.

The cost of the square meter of the attic window and the price difference between it and the usual

The cost of mansard windows is determined not by the number of square meters in it, and the combined amount for all the elements constituting the structure. The larger the area, fully complete set and the newer model of the attic glass package, the higher the price of it.

For example, let's say that the basic design without salary with a size of 78 x 118 will cost the client of 9,800 rubles. What is the purpose of the salary? This is an element for connecting the glass package with the roof of your home. If it is profiled, then you need to choose a special salary worth of 4,150 rubles. But the specified amounts are the price for each of the products. The work, additions in the form of sets providing heat, hydro, vaporizolation, is paid separately.

In most cases, pine woods are on the manufacture of mansard windows of the northern regions. Preference to this material is given due to its special density and heat-conducting qualities.

If you prefer glass windasters from PVC, we recommend choosing the product of the production of Roto or a factor. Either take advantage of an absolutely innovative offer - to choose structures made of wood covered with polyurethane over the outer layer. It protects wood from the impregnation of moisture, is not afraid of the impact of heat, does not yellow and resistant to mechanical effects.

Algorithm for mounting mansard windows in video:

Why vertical windows do different technology

They have different appointments and different volumes of loads. The roof must have the same heat loss coefficient throughout the area, therefore the windows in the roof should be a reliable obstacle to the outlet of the heat out of the room.

Is missing?

All modern double-glazed windows belong to the enclosing structures and have similar condensate problems. Therefore, this is a manifestation excess moisture It may be observed even in the most high-quality structures.

How to deal with the resulting condensate:

  • thought out air convection organization;
  • creating a ventilation gap if technology is broken when creating slopes.

The fact is that the upper slope of the attic window should be horizontal, and the lower - vertical.

Then the warm air flow raised from the heating element under the window opening, parallel to the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic window will be distributed. If the lower slope turns out to be horizontal, then there is a need for a ventilation gap from special lattices.

Special requirements

Often these windows are hanging over people located indoors.

Therefore, special safety requirements are put forward to the designs:

  • internal glasses must be made of triplexthat will save the people near the window in case of damage to its transparent elements;
  • exterior glasses must belong to the type of hardenedwhich are much stronger than ordinary.

What is a triplex technology is a complex of two bonded glasses with a layer between them in the form of a film. It is she who does not give glass to "explode" by fragments when you hit the window.

To familiarize yourself with the part of the characteristics of the glass package, purchased or already mounted on a permanent place, learn the data on the plate available on the window end.

To get to it open the leaf so that it top part She began to look inside the room. Typically, the plate with the information you are interested in (class, type of glass package, size) is located on the right. More detailed about what you can find out by reading the information on the nameplate (sign), find out in a special section.

How to enjoy in a hot season

Summer space under the roof is the hottest area of \u200b\u200bthe house. All heat coming to us with sunbeams is directed to the roof. Understanding the source of the problem, manufacturers of mansard windows offer to fight it due to the use of glass reflecting the sun, internal curtains, roller shutters, blinds, labels. Choosing suitable optionRemember that using roller shutters, you will be forced to illuminate the room with artificial lighting, because such protection completely shakes the room.

If the roof has sufficient heat insulation, then the atmosphere under the roof on a hot day is heated to 26 degrees. With poor insulation, this indicator increases greatly and the presence of a window on the southern side of the roof will only aggravate the problem. Everything protective methods Reducing the amount of heat incoming through windows is able to reduce it no more than a degree. Therefore, it is advisable to put the windows in the roof, provided that its slope goes to the northern side of the world. Otherwise, in summer without air conditioning in the attic it will be quite tight.

Operation in winter

If the house is heated, then the attic windows will not freeze. But due to their inclined location, snow mates can accumulate over the glass. If the precipitates are weak, then there will be no trace from snow quickly. And with significant snowfall - the drifts must be periodically shaking, so that the amount of light penetrating into the room has not decreased and the wind visibility has been reduced.

Due to the temperature difference outside the window and indoors, condensate drops are formed on the glass. Stacking down, they can cause the formation of a mini lake on the floor under the window. If you do not know about it and some time do not visit the attic, then you can be before the fact of strong wetting of the carpet, parquet or furniture, located directly under the window. As prevention unpleasant consequences You can use a thick towel or rug.

As for difficulties with care for mansard windows. Yes, they are faster than dust, because on the inclined surfaces, dust and dirt is better held. However, it is easier to wash the sash of such glass bottles because of their location. Provided that the window is located in a residential room, and not high above the staircase. In the latter case, cleaning without telescopic mop will not be easy.

If we are afraid that children will try to use the attic window as a lazium on the roof, use accessories with a key constipation system.

Reliability and duration of the operational period

Based on the above, we can conclude that when choosing a high-quality attic window, you will get a reliable and easy-to-use design that will delight your eyes and the soul is not one year old. Confident in its product manufacturers indirectly confirm the quality of products twenty-year-old guarantees on glass. At the same time, emphasize the need for systematic lubrication of accessories available to moisture and is recommended to periodically refresh appearance Ram paint.

What problems may face the owner of the attic window?

Do not believe that there are no problems with mansard windows? Right. Any design can serve not so flawlessly as I would like if it is possible to violate the recommended rules for use.

For example, for the long service of the attic glass, it is imperative to comply with the installation technology: take into account the angle of inclination of the roof, the floor level, professionally mounted the design to a permanent place. Often, if errors are made, they are noticeable even to a person who does not have experience in construction.

If the developer is inexperienced, an incorrect project was used with the arrangement of the house, then the result could be, for example, the unavailability of free review - when it is not to get to the window without a chair, or you need to get started into three arcs to look out on the street. Such a situation is observed on the attic one of the forum users. Given the project parameters, she ordered mansard glass windows The size of 78 x 140, and in practice the last indicator was to be 160 cm. As a result, for the review of the situation on the street, the owners of the room should be tilted, which is not very convenient, no matter how cool.

To avoid inconvenience, calculate that the lower edge of the glass package is in removal from the floor at a distance of 80-110 cm. A more specific reference point: when the line is located on the chair, when you look right in front of yourself, it must match the lower edge of glazing. You need to take into account your height: if you are inserted, you should not be afraid of hitting the open window sash.

Don't miss the choice the desired design The next memo will help: determining the window length, take into account the angle of inclination of the roof. If an angle of 30 degrees (or 35), then between the bottom and the upper edge of the sash should be at least one and a half meters. If you suspect that you can miss the size of the attic window because of the errors in the project, then before choosing a specific design, do not be lazy to carry out the mansard measurements on their own or inviting an experienced measurer. Then you will definitely believe that the attic windows will decorate the room, and will allow you to admire the beautiful landscapes, without requiring unnatural bends of the body.

If the attic is located in the house with attic walls, then the expediency of glass windows in question. You can't admire the views through them, except to study the sky. But significantly save on electricity. In general, the choice is always yours if you wisely approach to solve any task.

On the use of mansard windows in winter In the video:

Hello, dear readers and subscribers!

Measurers when leaving the object, it is often necessary to work and consultants for construction, and advisers for style and interior of premises. Many questions arise in connection with the installation of mansard windows.

Inspired by ideas from magazines and television shows, the client does not always clearly imagine the final result of the work. When choosing mansard windows, professional opinion is especially important.

Not only their size and quantity should be taken into account, but also the location of the openings, the design material, the opening methods and other important nuances. Therefore, on the agenda - mansard windows, more precisely, the reviews and opinions of those who have already had the opportunity to get acquainted with the type of transformation of the premises under the roof of the building, and today is divided by their experience.

In childhood, we all so wanted to visit the house on the roof and slightly shake with Carlson. But he lived in a typical attic. In the attic of related homes, Kai and Gerd lived, the characters of the tales of the city of H. Andersen "Snow Queen". The invention began its procession in the Paris quarters in the second half of the 17th century, with light hands enterprising French architect Francois Manzar.

In modern Russia, the attic boom began at the beginning of the 21st century, when demand for individual and at the same time inexpensive accommodation appeared. Mansards are built throughout Europe, Finnish technology is used. These are interesting metamorphoses occurred over 300 years with this cozy room under the roof.

Windows in mansard floors is often located right in the roof. Such an inclined design makes special requirements for quality. The strength, tightness, the production of mansard windows is engaged in Roto (Germany), Veluxes (Denmark), Ferro (Poland). Building forums are usually discussed by products of these European firms.

Visitors to specialized forums are primarily worried about the problems that may occur and actively discuss the shortcomings of the design. Therefore, on sites you can meet negative, very emotional saturated statements. Our review will start with the minuses.

Sometimes leak

"The mansard windows flow. In winter, snow melts, freezes, melts again, starts dripping. Frame is formed between the frame and the window. Still gets condensate. Already the snow cleaned, and he still formed. How to be? "

This question is most often revealed on the forums. And the answer to it gives users. "It seems to me that all sorts of trouble, somehow drafts and leakage, are associated in most cases with an independent installation. And then people sin on poor quality windows, and not on hand. Guys, the boots should mark the shoemaker, and the pies oven confectioner, then there will be much less problems, believe me. "

Hot in summer

"That's the summer in the attic it is cool that you will tell you. Parents in the country attic in the summer is stuffy. "

This question is also solved quite simple, and even in different ways:

  1. Increase the thermal insulation layer under the roof,
  2. install reflective screens on windows (for example, foil), dense curtains or blinds,
  3. competently design the roof (in the winter the sun is constantly shining in the window, and in the summer, the ozo roof creates a falling shadow).

Dear stand

"Installed a mansard wooden window, successfully entered it into the interior, not attracting attention, it looks harmonious. But, the price of two and a half times the cost of the usual plastic design. "

This question every consumer decides for yourself, choosing an acceptable combination of price and quality.

Owners: Dignity of mansard windows

Aesthetic appearance

"Rooms on mansard floor I took shape very effectively. I personally have a very convenient to live in them! Nice to admire at night starry sky Through windows in the roof. "

Large surface of light absorption

"Installed four attic windows in the bedroom and office. It became light and cozy. "

Indeed, according to the calculations of specialists, inclined attic windows are passed by 40% more light than vertical. The viewing angle is quite wide and from the situation sitting and standing. It is important to correctly calculate the size, the number and height of the windows.

Transitive arrangement of handles

The question of where it is more convenient to have a handle rightfully can be considered sore. For many, it is preferable to the option when the handle in the top of the sash, others, for that it be blinked much lower. In addition, it is not clear what kind of discovery mechanism is optimal.

Many manufacturers make windows opened by turning the handle. You can meet the attic window systems that are opened by tensioning a small lever. One thing is clear if there are children in your family, then in order to safely choose the top arrangement of the handle.

Choosing accessories

For mansard type windows, special accessories are used, which differs from traditional plastic windows. This species is not coming separately how it is usually practicing window firms offering accessories for ordinary windows.

Accessories for mansard windows are manufactured under the order and it is impossible to meet it in a wide sale. By the way, the attic fittings are not only a window handle along with controlled by it constipation. it whole systemwhich is similar to the locking system of modern PVC windows.

Mansard windows are a universal solution for residential buildings and for office buildings. What do their owners appreciate in these designs and from which future buyers warned?

Downtown problems

IN the last days There are many citizens with complaints about headaches about the current water of attic windows established by unspecified persons. Of course, it is impossible to ignore this problem and it begins to acquire the scale of the epidemic while increasing the temperature outside the window. It happened this time. Here is how it was.

Yesterday, about 16 hours a citizen K. was addressed to me with a complaint that the attic windows, established on all the rules of science and technology, flow in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower coating of the window sash. The question of the formation of condensate on the inner surface of the glass unit disappeared due to the absence of such an atmosphere of this house in sufficient quantities.

Departure was made to the object. The words of a citizen K. were confirmed by the most objective reality of this problem. Inspection of the window design of defects on one did not install, the installation errors have not been detected. The problem was in the excess snow layer, which accumulated on top of the window.

The thick layer of snow, formed as a result of the current winter, led to the fact that with an increase in the outdoor temperature, snow melts on the surface of the glass occurs. In this way, water flows along the inclined surface of the glass on the surface of the window block and freezes on it into a solid aggregate state, giving a load on the seal. After some time, this leads to the fact that the ice deforms the sealer and water begins to go inside the window block, which we observed once again.

After a set of procedures, the problem of this headaches disappeared and no longer appeared. Thus, the method of eliminating this problem is recognized as effective in the absence of errors in the installation of an attic window and errors with the thermal calculation of the attic roof, and the presence of sufficient ventilation indoors. Citizen K, the owner of the house and mansard windows, as a result, suffered expenses in the amount of the cost of the work time expert spent on the road and to inspect, which is an excellent result.


If you look at almost any forum on the attic windows, it turns out that the discussion goes mainly, for one occasion: mansard windows flow 100% or only 50?

And some users claim that over time, products of all mansard windows are started, others hint that something depends on the brand of the window and the professionalism of the installers:

"Dear windows also begin to flow. Only a year and a half or two years later later cheap. "

Cons of mansard windows

The dissonance sounds on the attic windows of the type: "A friend of the windows of 15 years, washes the glass once a year, happy to madness", or "Velux 10 years old, do not flow!" (Site Sti-Club). Injury, you begin to think about the fact that 10-15 years ago, Velux was supplied to Russia from Denmark, Roto - from Germany, now - from Egypt or with a former Sukonno-Kamvolna factory somewhere under old spots.

Where does the foundation say so? - Analysis of posts on the forums suggests that the attic windows flow, nevertheless, not because of the flaws of the installers, on which all the troubles are taken, and because of the factory assembly defects. After all, mansard windows do not flow during showers or snowfall.

The flow mechanism is different:

  • in winter, after heavy snowfall, the snow is delayed on glazing;
  • in the afternoon, under the sun, it fell, and after the evening freezing on the window, it is formed to go out, firmly "paved" with a window frame. Under it, it is snow and ice begin to melt from the heat-running heat from the inside;
  • but the stroke of thawed water does not give the resulting ice crust.

As a result, the water fills the gap between the sash and the frame and seeps through the seal - either unreliablely fixed when assembling, or a poorly fitted frame beloved during the opening cycles and closing.

This is evidenced by the black color of the moisture occurring inside; If the leap is more transparent, it suggests that the window was "collector" condensate.


Conclusion: The seal must be periodically lubricated and change. In addition, it is noticed that the windows hatch flows less than the windows with opening around the central axis. Therefore, it is better to buy windows with opening around the upper axis or axis, located at an altitude of the window: they have a sealing gum beaten less.

Pluses of mansard windows

Have, besides minuses, mansard windows and pluses. At least, no complaints about bad thermal insulation or purge. Moreover, users note the care of manufacturers about the introduction into the design of mansard windows effective systems Road and on the launch of the Velux-Aereco program (Aereco - French company, who managed to implement the design of a completely self-regulating air ventilation valve).

There are posts, the authors of which (site put manufacturers of ordinary wooden windows In the example of products of mansard manufacturers from a tree: the latter are not completely susceptible to rot, serve without painting, etc. care. The exhaust impregnation technology and applying protective coatings affect.

Admiration appears the strength of attic windows. One of the forum users (from the site) describes the case he tried to get home through the attic window - the castle is jammed. Break the glass only with great difficulty.

Users satisfying the program for the free replacement program that came into disrepair and defective elements of the windows, which is now adopted by all three world leaders of the industry - Roto, Fakro and Velux.

Choosing a mansard window. Main characteristics

The price corresponding to the quality is that a mandatory minimum that expects the owner of the attic, the gathering to buy the windows. Products that have an acceptable cost at an existing level of quality. As for windows, mansard structures, despite quite democratic prices, are provided with all the desired advantages:

  1. They are safe. Unlike standard metal-plastic windows, mansard windows are made from the unbreakable glass triplex (installation of the same is carried out on windshields cars). With a significant damage to the window, the glass is not scattered, the cracks form a web, while remaining in the window plane.
  2. They are reliable. Downtown windows at the stage of production were tested on the influence of all sorts of weather conditions. So installing them on the eve of the winter will provide you with complete insulation from winds and frosts, windows transfer dozens of cycles of frozen frost. In summer, the days of the rays of the sun are scattered through the glass, preventing burning furniture and stratification wooden elements interior. A thorough choice of materials for the production of windows provided a well-deserved reputation and recognition from buyers.
  3. They are durable. The manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on all original mansard windows. You can buy them in Russia now on Vekro. Build a career, start the family, mansard windows will be with you!


Answers and frequent questions about mansard windows

Most people faced the construction of the house one - twice in life. Therefore, it is not surprising that every person who has decided to build a house, many questions and clarifications appear. In this section, we collected the most frequent questions about the attic windows, which was replied by the chief engineer Provarovskaya Marina.

If you did not find an answer to your question, send it to us and we will answer you.

How does the mansoring windows differ from the usual vertical window? What are the advantages of the first of them? Is it possible a regular plastic window to put obliquely into the roof?

The first principal difference is, of course, the scope. Vertical windows are used for mounting into vertical walls of premises - residential, administrative, public, etc., and mansard windows are installed directly into the roof. From here there are all other differences.

In particular, the special design of the attic window, which can withstand the same loads as the roof. Also a special system for the installation of mansard windows in the roof using salary. Vertical windows are not intended for installation in the roof.

How much is the square meter of such mansard windows compared to vertical?

Talk about the cost of 1 m² of the attic window, in our opinion, it is inappropriate, because we sell a whole constructive element, and not its separate fragments. This value depends on the size and modification of the attic window.

For example, the base model of an attic window of 78x118 costs 9800 rubles. This is the cost of the window without salary.

Salary is designed to connect a window with roofing material. For profiled roofing materials Salary 78x118 costs 4150 rubles. This price is without the cost of setting kits -igidro-heat and vaporizolation.

What materials are used in the manufacture of mansard windows? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?

The main material from which the attic windows are made are wood northern pine. It is this material that the smallest thickness of the annual rings, and due to this tree it turns out a dense and warm. In addition, this is the most common type of wood in our country and is popular.

Plastic indoor windows from PVC produce Faro and Roto. But we have a model that is fundamentally different from the classic attic wooden windows and mansard windows from PVC - a tree in polyurethane. The core is made of glue wood, and outside the entire profile is covered with polyurethane.

This model is designed specifically for wet premises so that the moisture does not penetrate into the structure of the plant of the attic window polyurethane - the most dense and durable material that does not crack when heated does not turn yellow.

Why do not use mansard windows manufacturing techniques for vertical windows?

We must talk about appointment of windows. If we talk about the heat engineering of the whole building, the main heat loss occurs through the roof. And to avoid heat loss, it is necessary to put warmer construction on the roof.

Downtown windows are also vertical, are a fencing design, so the condensate situation is similar. Since the mansard window, no matter how good it is, heat engineering A little lower than that of the roof, we are also faced with the problem of condensate education. Ways solutions are similar.

First, the correct organization of air convection. Based on this, the position of the location and installation of the internal slopes on the attic windows flows: the lower slope from the attic window must be made strictly vertically, and the upper one is strictly horizontally.

It is with this position that the movement of the air around the surface of the attic window is provided with the help of the lower heating device. In the case when the bottom slope is still horizontally, we form the ventilation gap in the design of the windowsill and make the grille to the stream warm air Hit on the entire surface of the attic window.

What are the features of double-glazed windows installed in mansard windows?

Features arranged from the destination of the attic window installed in the roof of the house. In this case, a person is directly under the attic windows. Therefore, there are increased security rules for double-glazed windows.

  1. First, as an outer glass on the attic windows is established strained glass, more durable than standard bulk.
  2. Secondly, the inner glass on the attic windows was done using Triplex technology - two glasses are bonded between themselves, and the film is located between them. When breaking the glass, which happens extremely rarely, it will not crush, but remains on the film. It is enough to replace the glass, and the mansard window will serve on.

To select a new glass unit or accessories on set windowYou must read the information on the plate located on the window window. To do this, you need to open the window and the upper part of the window drops into the room and on the right on the end there will be a chamber (nameplate) on which the class and the size of the window and the type of glass is specified.

The photo shows the nameplates from the old window (310 are size 78x160) and from the new window (M06 is size 78x118). Detailed information about double-glazed downtown windows are in a special section.

What are the mansard windows

They got up before choosing an attic window or you just wondering what kind of mansard windows are - we will tell you about the views and types of mansard windows.

IN modern construction, mansard windows found wide application In the roofs. They bring natural lighting, create the ventilability of the room, comfort and comfort.

It so happened that the construction industry of the 21st century is actively developing, bringing new technologies and materials. Also, the windows in the roofs acquired significant additions, modernization and improvements.

But first things first.

Types of windows for roofs

To begin with, to share windows by type, you can consider all companies that are mansard windows manufacturers. By the way, they are not much on our continent.

Mansard windows manufacturers

Velux - Denmark

Velux (Velux) for the production of attic windows was founded in Denmark in 1941. Veluxe is the global leader of this industry.

Fakro - Poland.

The origins of the company "Faro" lead by 1986. Fakro is a positive example of how the joinery workshop has become a famous manufacturer of attic windows and stairs in a continental scale.

Roto - Germany

The production of mansard windows Roto is also set in Poland and in Russia.

Window by type of material:

  1. Wooden windows

The most common and popular. The frame and sash windows are made of glued bar.

  1. Polyurethane coating windows

A wood frame made of polyurethane, which over time does not fade and does not yellow.

  1. PVC mansard windows

Windows with plastic (PVC) profile - for installation in rooms with high humidity - Bathrooms, kitchens.

  1. Armored windows

Armored attic windows have a significant weight, and as a rule, are installed in "concrete roofs" (made of monolithic concrete structures).

Manufacturing and delivery of armored windows occur prepaid within 1-3 months.

Standard windows

Standard mansard windows have rectangular shape. They consist of a frame and window sash. The main difference is considered to be the type of opening.

Opening window windows:

  • Mansard windows with top axis turn
  • Mansard windows with raised turn axis
  • Mansard windows with central axis turn
  • Mansard windows with two axes of rotation
  • Mansard windows with side axis turn

A swivel-folding mansard window (a window with two axes of rotation) has two opening systems controlled by one handle. The folding position of the sash is a safe and comfortable access to the open window. The sash does not enter the room and does not protrude beyond the limits of the window opening. The axis of turning of the flap in the window heights guarantees efficient ventilation and allows you to look out from the window, standing in full growth. Security guarantees automatic locking of the sash in the window to wash the window, and the inflow of fresh air is a two-stage ventilation gap.

All the aforementioned standard mansard windows with manual opening. But in the modern era, the attic windows were globally automated. They appeared - "smart windows".

Smart windows

Damage windows with remote control. Work from the console, solar energy and not only!

Modern "smart windows" in the roof allow you to save the installation on the remote and enjoy the fresh air by pressing the button.

You can also connect not only windows, but also shutters, curtains, and even blinds.

The rain sensor automatically closes the window when the first raindrops appear, while the vent valve remains open and allows you to air the room.

All these mansard windows for installation in pitched roofs with smooth planes. Installing both one window and two-three and more nearby are possible.

Separately, it is worth saying about the arc attic window.

Arc window

Arc windows represent a design, in which, depending on the roof arc radius, a box of the window, its sash, double-glazed accessories and fittings are curved. The arc window fits perfectly into the arched and vaulted roof, allowing you to create an original and modern architectural composition of the building.

Combined windows

Direct combined window:

Facade or cornice windows:

The windows placed on the facade compounds make it possible to implement individual attitudes of the attitudes of the attic. Combine properties of both ordinary windows and attic. This type of solution is always an element of attracting attention and add a special charm for the whole house. The use of such solutions gives more lighting and opportunities for interior design. Standard transverse rejection ensures optimal water duct and prevents facade clogging.

Facade windows can be combined yet with additional:

Mansard windows as a hearing window

Dersighted windows and vertical window elements can be used as an alternative to a traditional auditory window, passing a larger amount of daylight and carrying out natural ventilation of the room.

Balcony windows (balcony window)

Useful space under the roof over the first floor can always be used rationally. Why do you need a non-residential Cold attic when, when a reasonable approach can be turned into a full-fledged residential room? The design of the attic will require attention, investment, as a result you get an additional area, it can be turned into a bedroom, living room, office or cinema hall. Insulated attic to save up to a quarter of energy, which is usually used to heating at home.

Second floor design

Previously, the attic was not intended to stay. Later there began to place a servant. Today to do under the roof itself residential Rooms It became fashionable.

If for the equipment of the attic floor it is necessary to reconstruct slinge systemThe services of professionals may be required. When heating, ventilation and electricity are already present, the interior can be thought out independently.

The moments that need to be taken into account when creating an interior of a house with an attic:

  • Mandatory insulation, availability of all engineering communications. In matters of arrangement, you need to be very pricious, in their decision to be technically savings.
  • Well think about how to use walls, beams, rocks in the interior of the room.
  • It is rational to approach the vertical windows or located in Lugarny, with their help to achieve maximum light.
  • In the finishing apply those materials that show the greatest moisture resistance.
  • Not to get involved in a large number of furniture, unnecessary details, accessories, remember the rule: low ceilings Require the same low furniture.
  • Take the use of natural finishing materials.
  • Rationally dispose of space, in the process of passionland designer development and not make it closer.

Little mansard

Modest room size is not an obstacle to creating stylish interior. The beveled ceilings are selected by a large share of space. It is always possible to beat, the volume and area will be added using successful lighting, enlarged as much as possible and width of window openings, harmonious color gamma.

Bedroom on Mansard

Depending on the degree of inclination, the room under the roofs adapt to different purposes. At low angle of the attic will be an ideal place For location there is a bedroom. Its comfort, romanticism will only win, it will become quieter, warmer, through the windows it will be a starry sky.

For the design of space choose traditional style, shutdown it in an eastern or aristocratic manner. In any case, first will have to be repelled from the height of the room, do not chase behind large parts, stop at more compact. First, it will be necessary to place the most necessary furniture, the remaining place to fill out by other details.

When choosing finishes based on those materials that were used in the design of the house. The bedroom will naturally look an ecosil where there is a lot of wood, classic finishing with wallpaper, which will emphasize the beauty, comfort. Special attention - Textile. He will put accents, give a unique look.

What can be done if the ceiling indoors is very low? Even in such a situation you can equip a cozy bedroom. The bed is "tatami" will be out of position, and the entire interior must be withstanding in the style of eastern minimalism. The ceiling will be visually raised if it is in bright colors.

Living room in the mansard room

The cozy living room in the attic can be done by spending the minimum effort. The main thing is that the guest room is spacious and solid. Carefully thought out design is capable of even the very large room to turn into a reception center.

To visually expand the narrow scope of attic, you need to strive for light tones in everything: use plastic, transparent glass furniture, the walls are also made as light as possible.

The first right for accessories will be the unity of all the details. For windows, translucent fabrics are best suitable. Not bad will look tight curtains, blinds.

The style of the living room must fit your interests, mood, to harmonize with all the decoration of the house. Choose among the following directions:

  • Classic. She is inherent in luxury and grace. Good furniture, carpets, chandeliers will be required. The main decoration of the interior should be a fireplace zone. No bright colors, everything is ordered.
  • Modern modern. Functionality, simplicity, practicality. In the atmosphere of the room, warm pastel shades depart, there are dark elements. All details are subordinate to harmony.
  • Retro. The situation is characteristic of the end of the last century. The living room is furnished and decorated with paintings of that time. Instead of the fireplace, you can build a cast-iron oven or its stylization.
  • Provence. The popular destination is due to its sophistication and romanticity. Finishing and furniture is subject to antiquity. The room is warmed with warm southern tones.
  • High tech. For modern attitudes. In the finish, everything corresponds to the most recent fashion. Many chrome, glass details. Strict forms, monotony, minimalism.

Kitchen and dining room under the roof

Wonderful if this idea comes to mind at the stage of laying a building. Cuisine's arrangement will require relevant communications. We will need not only light and insulation, but also to summing up the gas, water.

The thoughtful attic interior with a kitchen and dining room can be the most comfortable and beautiful, the selection of stylistics, furniture, taking into account the nuances of the planning of the room, the height of the ceilings, the shape of the floors.

Where the ceiling is beserved, lay the cooking surface, install a sofa and a table with washing. To give preference to modular systems, cabinets with inclined walls. Optimal option - Multi-level furniture, preferably on wheels, no massive heads in the style of classicism. The functionality of the avant-garde and techno with bright flower accents, unusual furniture will be more appropriate.

When developing the interior of the kitchen, you need to consider that:

  • natural lighting will best provide small-sized mansard windows;
  • better to purchase furniture bright flowers, walls and ceiling to withstand in pastel colors;
  • with the appropriate layout, the kitchen furniture is placed at the wall that perpendicular to the skate;
    dining table It will be good at the window;
  • the colors of the kitchen zones, the dining room must be combined with each other, even better, if contrasts between them are opposite.

The design of the windows on the attic floor, where the kitchen will be, can dictate the complete absence of the decor. The most convenient option will serve rolled curtains, blinds.

Children's room

"Dead zones", the inconvenience of planning is those claims that usually impose in the process of working on the design of the attic floor. In the case of children's pallets, not quite accessible angles may opposite to create additional features. Features of the relief of the walls, the height of the ceilings can be used well. Highly located windows are safer than traditional.

First of all it is necessary to think about good insulationThe challenge of all materials used, convenience of planning.

The child will like to be the one-chased owner of a separate room, which he can objural at his own discretion. The room will be a good observation point away from the close parental supervision. It is easy to organize several zones: for recreation, games, storage of many toys, things, creativity classes.

For children, it is important for the presence of an abundance of light, bright accents. In the interior well will fit unusual furnitureOn the bedrooms, motley textiles, all sorts of soft flooring, many interesting colorful lamps in different zones of space.

Cabinet, workshop or library

In a small private house, it is always difficult to allocate separate room under the office or workshop. On the former attic you can organize a cozy zone for privacy, reading, favorite hobby. Large space will not be needed, several square meters. In the absence of restrictions in meters, impressive racks for books will fit here, soft sofa or fluffy rug with many cozy pillows For recreation, a rocking chair in a separate corner with a lamp.

An attic room is made up with open shelves or closed racks for books, tools, use all the space to the maximum.

In order not to reduce the expanses of the attic floor, you should not sew the massive wooden beams with plasterboard. This will not give the narrow-limited space, give the interior of the individuality, the atmosphere of the cabinet with a large number of equipment and electronics will become warmer.

Bathroom on mansarde

The attic floor, by virtue of its specifics, beveled ceiling, walls with different levels, is infrequently used in functional purposes. In a large metropolis, the whole apartment may be an attic area. When creating an interior country house The utilitarian premises can also be placed under the roof.

There are nuances here, in the preparation of the design project of the attic to the settlement takes not only the size of the room, the growth of hosts is taken into account, ergonomic patterns. It turns out a convenient, practical bathroom, it is better to place it above the kitchen area. It will simplify the work of water supply and sewage systems. To the inclined wall, the toilet, bathroom is most often installed. If the dimensions of the room are small, then it is better to put a shower room instead.

Plumbing, furniture must be compact, often used washbasins built into the cabinets, lockers, various suspended structures. It is better if the surface and doors will be made of materials with a light, glossy, mirror surface. Outdoor tile - appropriate.

With the impressive size of the walls, the walls are decorated in any tones if it is close, stopped on the bright range, which should visually expand the space. With the same purpose, it is worth abandoning the idea to hide the designs and save on this area. We decorate them, make interior accent.

Home Cinema

Usually one of the most large rooms On the first floor combines the functions of the dining room, living room, kitchen. It is convenient, zoning helps not infringe each of the segments.

The current design of the attic room, if there is no sharp need to save useful space, implies the possibility of planning on the second floor of the cottage or private house of a full home cinema. This room places a large sofa, TV, a projector screen to the entire wall. Wires, acoustic system hide as beautiful wall panelswhere discs, other attributes, also be comfortable.

In the presence of funds, rich fantasy, a bar rack is added to the arsenal, a refrigerator for drinks, a car for popcorn, coffee cooking. If you make the furnishings of the mobile, the room is useful for holding parties with dancing, other mass assembly.

Wardrobe under the roof

To arrange a storage system on the first floors due to the eternal lack of place is unprofitable. Establish a room for such purposes under the roof, let even a small area and with a specific form, a very good solution. This can be reached by the things of all family members. Non-standard layout, with a well-thought-out approach, pay yourself in a plus.

Asymmetry, all sorts of ceiling bellows will not always allow the store an assortment of furniture on the attic area. But you can think about how to use every angle with cabinets, racks, shelves made to order.

High walls are installed cabinets and niches for long items. Near the walls under the slope, the wardrobe with sliding doors. Next to low wall fragments, you can equip low stands, benches for which it is convenient to sit down, store seasonal things there, shoes with a vacuum cleaner.

Fireplace room

Mansard is a non-standard space. Inordinate people to create an atmosphere of romance and creativity are not quite suitable for heated floors, electrical radiators. The fireplace can play both a purely practical role and perform purely decorative.

Traditional wood fireplace is a massive structure. Since the scenery of the attic floor, the structure in half-way is unlikely to endure, preference is given to compact models with a slight weight. Contraindicated cladding with heavy stone, ceramics. The most appropriate stylistics of Heytec, steel, glass, cast iron parts, simple forms without decorative excesses.

The design of the fireplace in the attic room is very individual, necessarily takes into account the degree of load, the ventilation system. If the overlaps in the wooden house are stopped on electrical models or those working on biofuel.

Important! If you want a fireplace on the attic to be, prior to the storage of solid fuel. The system of removal of smoke is required, but is associated with additional financial load. Using electric models You need to choose the most powerful. The fan heaters pull a lot of energy, do not withstand fire safety requirements, the air is overly dried.

Materials and ceiling design

When choosing a ceiling finish, consider all the nuances of its structure, your future comfort depends on it.

The range of materials for work is quite wide. All known design types can be used. Stretch surfaces are suitable, out of lining and plasterboard, most importantly - take into account the roofing device. Sometimes the design does not allow you to embed wiring with the lamps, the best alternative will be made of a tail or suspended ceiling.

Stretching coatings are applied only when the vertical wall is present. Otherwise, considering a small area, close location The objects of the situation are risk of damageing the surface. Stretch systems do not lose design, are good for all the shapes of the roofs, they simply hide any communications behind them.

The most common and affordable methods of finishing are plasterboard and lining, it is also easier to mount decor elements.

Mansards look very original, in which the ceiling is saved by wallpaper of light tones with a delicate pattern.

The effectively multi-level plasterboard ceilings with height drops, lots of unexpected protrusions. That's right, the tricky broken roof slightly adds beauty and originality to the whole interior.

Finishing of Mansarden walls

The most popular material and here is a tree. No others will compare with it. It is distinguished by the uniqueness of the wood aroma, created only by the microclimate, serves as additional thermal insulation.

The simplest solution is a trunk finish, which has several types of profile and methods of location on the surface.

Frequently used wooden panels made of array or from the same lining. A budget option - laminated and veneer panels, MDF with wooden or bamboo veneer. The attic interior with such panels is more suitable for the office, the athletic room, so it is better to resort to a combination with wallpaper, staining or decorative plaster.

Very winning looks relatively new material called Wooden Wallpaper. Like traditional, they stick on the wall. This decoration of the attic "under the tree" is very decorated.

A large drawing, the dark color of the walls in the small attic space is not quite appropriate. It is better to dry the walls with white wallpaper. The soft color of furniture and spots of bright accessories will live in the interior.

A completely recent novelty in the mansard finish is the HPL panels, high-pressure plastic, with which you can embody the most spectacular design solutions.

Of the modern technologies it is worth mentioning the last "squeak" - the drapery of the walls by fabrics. Exquisite textiles are decorated not all walls, but two or one in the center of the room.

Important! With the arrangement of the attic floor, it is necessary to ensure that the technical requirements for the thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls are performed. If insulation and ventilation will not comply with all standards, there is a risk that the roof and windows in the cold time will be covered by condensate. Dampness and its consequences - fungus are able to cause discomfort, household diseases, premature damage to furniture.

Floor facing materials

However, the floor is arranged on the attic, always high demands. This is due to two very important requirements: good heat and noise insulation. Traditional methods Finishes These tasks are not solved. To satisfy all requests is designed to build not only dry, but also the installation of a "floating" base.

For reliable insulation use mineral Wat, glasswater. Also very important good waterproofing. Outdoor coating requires a special basis, the role of which is performed by boards from fir, pine, larch treated with special antiseptics.

The final cladding can be any: linoleum, laminate, parquet, chipboard, carpet, depending on the tastes of the owners, their views on the future function and stylistics of the room.

It is not worth saving on the floor covering, because the materials of poor quality will crack, burn out, publish foreign sounds. Mandatory thick layer of insulation material. Decoration additional insulation Carpets will serve, they are more than appropriate on the attic floor.

Choose mansard windows

One of the main issues in the construction of the attic is to ensure a high level of natural lighting. There should be at least one window for each room, better if there are several of them, it is very good when they are not on the same wall. The width of the windows can be given, not wider than the distances between the rafters. Length is limited to the upper and lower edge, depends on the roof slope.

Modern design

More recently, the windows on the attic were deaf, did not open, they simply crashed into the roof. Now the double-glazed windows have at least two glasses. The outer glass to increase strength is amenable to hardening, the internal method is processed to crash, it has not disintegrated into pieces with sharp corners.

Modern frames are able to rotate in a particular axis, directly in the middle, 2/3 from the edge. Rotary devices work both in manual mode and using the remote.

Forms of mansard windows are several:

  • vertical;
  • inclined;
  • designed for flat roofs.

Work on the installation of mansard windows is not for a beginner, so it is better to charge it to professionals.

How to choose correctly

Compare the ratio of floor areas and glass surface. If the windows are planned to be put in the room where many daylight is required (nursery), then the window opening area to the floor should be 1: 8. In the bedroom is allowed 1:10.

Moisture-resistant glass is needed in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, dryer, sauna).
Outdoor glass must be done hardened. Then even a strong hail will not be terrible.
Ventilation built into the attic window must have the shape of a labyrinth, to be adjustable, give fresh airBut not to skip the cold to the room.

Not only visible, but also hidden from eyes space in the design of wooden windows must be closed, it is a guarantee of protection against humidity.

Make sure the lower slopes of the window are perpendicular to the floor, and the upper was parallel. It will prevent the formation of condensate, contribute to better lighting.

Artificial lighting

The organization of the light supply system depends on the zoning of the space, from the way there is furniture in the room, the number and size of the windows, the features of the roof structure, the ceiling.

Light on the attic should be a lot. For this purpose, Local lamps are used: sconce, all sorts of floor lamps, portable lamps and rotary, point devices. The ceiling chandeliers of varying degrees of power will not be superfluous.

From the usual chandelier, you can refuse, set point lamps only in the most used zones. In the bedroom it is allowed to leave only point lighting. In the living room where fees and events are planned, install lighting General and local type.

To create a romantic ceiling pattern, fiber optic lighting threads are used. In the attic room, any variants of local light are good.

Color solution

Since the attic is a specific room, the color gamma in its design is of an important meaning. Colors are preferred bright, which is especially relevant for small interiors under the roof. The overall color range needs to be kept on all surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceiling, floor. Finishing materials should also be harmonized between themselves, to constitute a single whole.

The space with a deep ceiling needs light and glossy surfaces that would reflect the light. It will be visually expanding the color contrast of the floor and walls. Dark floor and dazzling white walls that do not have borders with the ceiling will create an illusion of infinity. Ceiling beams that harmonize color with outdoor coatingwill become an original part of the design.

When choosing textiles and furniture, it is also worth a preference to light pastel colors. Small premises It will become even smaller if it is abused in the design of dark colors.

To somehow revive the interior, bring bright strokes. Transparent curtains will not be a barrier light, but the shadows will add a game, they will create the necessary comfort.

The choice of destination of the room and the style of its design is always the prerogative of the owner of the house. What to choose - depends on its tastes, financial opportunities, lifestyle.

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