How to create an original design for a living room in Khrushchev? Living room in Khrushchev - we make out a stylish design in a small living room (80 photos) A budget version of the interior of the Khrushchev hall.

The buildings 30.08.2019
The buildings

High-rise buildings being built today often have quite spacious halls of about 18 m2. However, this cannot be said about those five-story buildings that were massively built in the so-called "Khrushchev times". Such a room as the hall of the Khrushchev apartment is almost always very modest in size, and in order to make a successful repair here, you need to try hard and apply original ideas.

The main disadvantage of the hall of a two-room apartment in Khrushchev is its small size (not the standard 18 meters, but only 12). When considering the design option for such an interior, remember a few important rules:

  • the interior of the hall should be cozy and comfortable for all family members without exception;
  • the atmosphere in the hall should be focused on the interests of all family members;
  • the amount of free space and space occupied by furniture in the hall should be in the ratio of 50:50.

You can also use tricks to visually expand the space:

  • build two-level suspended ceilings with glossy surfaces;
  • choose furniture with mirrors;
  • decorate the walls with light shades or apply a vertical pattern to them;
  • use translucent textiles on windows.

Repair using these techniques will achieve the effect of a visual increase in the hall space of 12 square meters in two room apartment, and it will look like a hall of 18 squares.

Lighting Options

Proper lighting of the hall in Khrushchev allows you to compensate for the insufficient amount of natural light in the evening. But this is far from the only purpose of lighting fixtures. With their help, you can perform a successful zoning of the space of the hall, make an accent, or, conversely, veil some flaws in the layout of the room, create an original design of the room. For a 12 sq m hall of a two-room apartment in Khrushchev, lighting ideas are relevant, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

The nature of the lighting Advantages Flaws
Central A chandelier suspended in the center of the ceiling of a 12 sq. m hall provides a fairly bright light, provided that a transparent curtain is used. Many designers refuse this type of lighting in the hall, since with such lighting not the whole room is illuminated evenly.
Spot Embedded in suspended ceiling spotlights evenly illuminate the space of the hall Requires the organization of suspended ceiling structures, which provides for an increase material costs to refurbish the hall
LED Lighting of this kind is characterized by low energy consumption, which means that you will have to pay less for light. We also note that with the help of such lighting devices it is possible to realize unique ideas on the ceiling surface: create unimaginable patterns, lighting effects Like the previous option, LED lighting must be built into suspended ceilings.


Successful zoning of the hall space in a small apartment in Khrushchev allows you to endow this modest space with high functionality, aesthetic appeal and comfort. Apply original ideas for the interior of the hall of twelve square meters so that it looks like a standard hall of 18 meters of area. Here are the following zones:

  • rest, as in the photo. It will include a comfortable sofa and chairs, a small table with magazines, where you can also put a cup of coffee. In order to delineate the boundaries of the space for relaxation, you can use finishing materials that differ in color from the rest of the hall space;
  • for window work, including desk(it is better to place it in a corner and prefer a corner design with shelves and drawers), a chair-chair and so on. At the same time, you need to hang transparent curtains on the window so that natural light falls on the desk as much as possible. So that your eyes do not get tired, it is better to put an additional lighting fixture on the table. And if the hall is a walk-through, this zone can be separated from the rest of the space by means of a screen or shelf-partition. Then nothing will prevent you from concentrating on work;
  • will complete the image of the interior and give the whole space a single design idea - the unity of textiles on window openings, floor and sofa. You can pick up a rug, curtains and bedspreads on the sofa in the same color and pattern, so that in a small room it is incredibly convenient to relax and work.


Since the hall is 12 sq m in a two-room city apartment of a five-story Khrushchev building, it does not differ large sizes, it will not be possible to fit a lot of furniture here. Also, bulky curtains are not needed here.

For a hall in a city apartment in a five-story Khrushchev building, you should choose:

  • slides and walls are relevant in the hall and 12 meters of living space, and 18. It is better to choose models with glass or plastic doors with a glossy surface if your hall is small in size. Both ideas work to expand the space. In the first case, the design looks neat and light, does not overload the space of a small room. In the second version, the gloss reflects light, which visually expands the narrow space;
  • sliding wardrobe design, as in the interior in the photo. Such models are compact even in open form, because their doors do not swing open, hiding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but move apart. But the functionality of the compartment is very high, because inside such a cabinet you can fit a convenient, practical, durable system for storing things and shoes, take a place for storing an ironing board and other aesthetically unattractive, but necessary accessories for a person. It is good if the color of the door matches the color of the furniture in the hall;
  • upholstered furniture - it is advisable to choose such models of sofas and armchairs that have the ability to fold out to organize an extra bed. If the room has a furniture-free corner, adopt good design solutions. You can choose the corner design of the sofa, as in the photo below. Such a piece of furniture will be very compact, comfortable and at the same time highly functional;
  • shelves - let them be open hanging products, without bulky doors, dense walls. Open hanging shelves are hung on the wall. They look easy, do not overload the space, but they can fit quite a lot of decorative accessories, books and other items. They are hung on the wall in a cascade, one above the other, randomly. Then the design of a room of 12 square meters is not overloaded with unnecessary details, it looks simple, concise.

Floor finish

Given the fact that the hall of the apartment in Khrushchev is modest in area, you should not try to use several materials at once for finishing the floor. For example, ceramic tiles and parquet. It is better to stop your choice on one material. The most popular options today are parquet, laminate, linoleum.

The parquet differs in high esthetics, durability and a practicality. But its organization will require a considerable investment, since parquet today is not cheap. Although 12 squares, this is not 18. And the volume of the floorboard that is relevant here is not so large.

No less interesting appearance laminate, which is slightly cheaper than parquet. This is a practical option for the hall, however, it is afraid of a large amount of liquid, so special protective compounds. In addition, the hall is not a children's room, where children can spill water on the floor during the game.

For those who do not dare to make the flooring with parquet or laminate, linoleum can be offered. This is the most practical finishing material for the hall, which, for all its merits, is inexpensive. A design with a similar floor decor can be seen below in the photo.

Ceiling decoration

To finish the ceiling surface of a hall of 12 sq m in a two-room Khrushchev apartment, you can apply the technology of creating suspended plasterboard ceilings. Drywall allows for a quick time to make the surface of the ceiling smooth, to organize different types lighting, can be painted several times in a row, is relatively inexpensive, and lasts for many years without losing its original beauty.

To finish the ceiling of a small hall, you can use suspended stretch ceilings with a glossy film. This option of finishing the ceiling surface is able to reflect light, which visually creates the effect of expanding the living room space. Due to this reception, the room looks much more spacious.

I would especially like to note the repair of a small hall (12 sq m), where the ceilings are made using a combined method. The ideas are as follows: drywall layer is combined with sections of stretch film. And the original lighting only adds charm to the surface. Such an interior is shown in the following photo.

Wall finishing options

For wall decoration in a small room, standard ideas are used, namely, wallpaper. However, more and more often you can meet precisely adherents of plaster on the walls in a city apartment. Wallpapers are really affordable, they offer ample opportunities regarding the choice of color, texture, serve for a long time, but design possibilities in terms of application plaster solutions decorative type are much wider, exciting and interesting.

Plastering allows you to show your imagination, quickly make wall decoration, create an individual design that is unlike any other Khrushchev hall project. Such materials are safe for human and animal health and are easily applied in practice even without the help of a professional team of builders.

Quite a new material for the hall is a decorative stone. In previous years, it was used exclusively for finishing the facades of buildings, but modern design offers many interesting ideas for decorating a small hall with its use. However, it is not necessary to trim all the walls in a room of this nature with a decorative stone. Experienced designers advise limiting yourself to one wall, corner or area that you want to separate from the rest of the space.

Color solutions

The photo below shows Beautiful design hall of a small area with a good color scheme. As you can see, light shades should prevail in a narrow space, because they are able to visually expand it, giving a person the feeling that he is inside a spacious, well-lit room of 18 squares.

This also applies to the curtains on the windows in the hall. They should be light translucent. But the door and furniture in the hall can be medium-dark, but should be in harmony with each other.

When choosing the main color of the design, it is important to consider the side that the windows face. If we are talking about the north side, then the cold daylight can be softened with yellow, beige, orange tones. For the sunny side, such cold tones as blue, gray, purple are acceptable.

Decor and accessories

Be sure to think about how to furnish the interior of the hall of small parameters in Khrushchev. Carefully you need to arrange not only large pieces of furniture (wardrobe, shelves, tables, sofas), but also small decor in the form of accessories. The design of the space with many books, figurines, photo frames will be filled with warmth and comfort. They can be placed on hanging shelves, suspended on the wall of the hall in a cascade or one above the other.

Do not forget about the corners, which often remain empty. Here will be appropriate:

  • a small floor lamp or oblong floor lamp;
  • painting;
  • big vase.

You can decorate the door in the hall. If it is not there, and instead of it there is an arch, then the beauty of the arch can be emphasized by hanging thread-curtains in the opening. This version of the curtain, as in the photo, looks very interesting.

Soft accessories, handmade crafts, light curtains are important for decorating an apartment. They look so incredibly interesting in the apartment Stuffed Toys handmade with all kinds of decor in the form of ribbons, beads, braids, leather straps. They can be “seated” on a sofa or armchairs, supplemented with small pillows sewn in the same style and color scheme. Curtains are also an element that should be given attention, because with the right choice they can become a real decoration of the room.

The Khrushchev hall is not a children's room, games are not appropriate here. However, various interior accessories are now at the height of fashion. The modern design of the hall in a city apartment fully allows the use of such extraordinary decorative solutions.

Khrushchev is a common housing option. Such an apartment, as a rule, has a small rectangular living room. This room is the hallmark of the whole house and a reflection of the characters of its inhabitants. It is here that solemn events and receptions of guests take place. Therefore, when creating a design, it is necessary to take into account all the little things in order to get a comfortable, beautiful and comfortable room. Here it is important to correctly combine the personal preferences of family members with the general rules for creating interiors. The design of the hall in Khrushchev is an important issue that requires a thoughtful and analytical approach. Do not make hasty decisions and use the living room design principles suggested below. Then the main room of the house will delight you and your guests for many years.

What should be considered before starting the repair?

When compiling a design project for a living room in Khrushchev, one should take into account the preferences and characters of all household members. Surely, everyone has their own habits and hobbies. It is necessary to think about this together, having heard the opinion of everyone. Thus, it will be possible to create an interior suitable for all family members. In such a hall it will be pleasant to spend evenings, talking and relaxing after work and study.

Also consider for what purpose the living room will be used. It is worth considering how often you receive guests and how you like to spend your free time. So, if you are sociable and hospitable, and in your house there are often big companies, then it is necessary to provide places for accommodating people. In this case, it would be nice to provide additional beds, which can be used as sofas and transformer chairs. If you like privacy and silence, then you can get by with a minimum amount of furniture, freeing up space.

At the very beginning, you should decide on stylistic direction hall design. For Khrushchev, minimalist directions are best suited. But if you are close to the classics or other styles with curvaceous shapes and many curves and patterns, then you can bring a special mood with the help of decorative elements.

light walls, snow-white furniture, dark floors and a two-level ceiling

striped floor and gray furniture

decorative columns, abundance of light, waves on the wall and curtains

contrasting version with bright yellow backlighting, small carpet and text print

space expands overaccount of a white ceiling in several levels and a light floor

lighting and other objects are reflected in the white stretch ceiling

decorative partition instead of a wall and white furniture

Principles of successful hall design

Color solution

The design of the hall in Khrushchev is best done in light colors. This technique will make the room visually wider, fill it with light. But so that the room does not look boring and monotonous, you can add bright color accents. In the case of a long, narrow room, smaller walls should be painted a darker shade. This will balance the proportions. If the room has a more comfortable shape, then such a technique is not required, and you can get by with colored elements to give a special mood - these can be curtains, decorative pillows, furniture pieces, paintings, etc.

The walls are better to make plain. But if such a design looks boring, then you can use wallpaper with a small non-contrasting pattern. Also interesting modern solution is a scale image on one of the walls. AT this case it is advisable to use not too contrasting and bright colors, otherwise it can visually reduce the space.

When choosing the main shade, you should consider which side the windows face. If this is the northern part, then during the day the hall will be filled with a chilly light, which can be softened with the help of beige, yellow, orange shades. If you have a sunny side, then you can safely use cold gray, blue, purple.


For a small living room in Khrushchev, you should choose compact and functional furniture, avoiding bulky elements and lush ornate decor. Try to find golden mean. Currently, there are many different offers, among which you can find almost everything. In addition, there are many companies that produce custom-made furniture.

As for cabinets and shelves, built-in models are best suited here, which, due to the lack of rear walls, can free up usable space.


Much depends on the ceiling. To create a feeling of free space, it is better to perform it in the lightest colors. Mounted multi-level structures are undesirable. You can only make a small side around the perimeter, in which the lamps will be hidden. This solution will visually "raise" the level of the ceiling.


In general, it is better to make the lighting point and zone. But the chandelier will not be superfluous. It is best to give preference to concise models. If possible, bulky hanging structures should be avoided. It is desirable that the lamp is located under the ceiling. In reading areas and other necessary places, be sure to provide additional floor lamps or sconces. Make sure you have enough natural light as well. In the daytime, it will fill the room with warmth and comfort.


With the help of decorative elements, you can give the room a special mood, as well as make color accents. In this case, you have almost complete freedom of choice. However, in order to create harmonious interior, it is necessary to carefully select colors so that they blend well with each other, and also not to overload the room with details. Place only the most necessary things in the living room, because order and minimalism are the main conditions for a good arrangement of a small room.

pleasant yellow-green color of the walls, brown furniture and wood floor

large corner sofa, a small table, a two-level ceiling and a black pattern on the wall

minimalism in light colors

original lamps, bright sofa, drawings and paintings on the walls

smooth lines without sharp corners and calm colors prevail

bright orange sofa, unusual lamp and bright hues

mirror cabinet and multiple light sources

using bright red to decorate one of the walls

To make a high-quality design of the hall in Khrushchev, no special skills are required. It is only important to take into account all the features of this room and techniques for expanding the space. Personal preference is also important - create an interior in which you will be cozy and comfortable.

Built in the 50-80s, panel high-rise buildings still make up most affordable housing in the open former USSR. Apartments in these houses are not distinguished by comfort, but even they can be made cozy and modern. Often, interior improvement begins with the hall, because it is in this room that people usually relax and spend time with loved ones. For ideas and examples of how the updated living room design in Khrushchev might look, see this article!

Features of the living room in Khrushchev

In the days of developing socialism, the state set plans for builders to provide workers with cheap housing in short time, but at that time they hardly cared about the convenience, quality and aesthetics of apartments. Who does not know the problems with thin partitions, extraneous sounds from neighbors, poor layout, cramped rooms and low ceilings in apartments of this type?

The design of many looked almost identical - in all the living rooms of the country there was a wall with books and services, a TV, a standard spring sofa and an invariable brown-red carpet with the same patterns.

But time does not stand still, and now, thanks to a huge selection of finishing materials, technologies, as well as furniture, everyone can create at home the atmosphere that will best reflect his individuality and personal preferences.

How to enlarge a small living room?

A small area of ​​​​the living room in Khrushchev in itself is not a particular problem, because even 6 sq.m. is enough for a sofa, coffee table, several shelves and a flat-screen TV. However, people feel freer in spacious rooms. There are two main ways to expand a small room: this is a real increase (re-planning) and a visual increase (a number of techniques that create a visual perspective).

Redevelopment of the living room in Khrushchev

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to completely or partially remove the extra walls between the rooms. Unauthorized destruction brickwork load-bearing structures can lead to an accident, so any changes in the layout must first be agreed with the relevant authorities. But if any of the internal partitions are still allowed to be demolished, it will be possible to significantly save space and place functional areas more thoughtfully.

The most common options for redevelopment of the living room in Khrushchev are - combining with a hallway, kitchen and balcony. Thus, an open studio apartment is obtained, in which it is difficult to recognize typical Soviet housing. A very unusual, but convenient solution is sliding sliding walls between the kitchen area, the hall and the bedroom.

Mirror surfaces

The reflective properties of shiny surfaces make them indispensable if you need to add visual volume or height to a space. This is how mirror cabinet doors, glossy stretch ceilings and smooth decor elements work.

Wall mural

Properly selected wallpaper can transform even a small living room in Khrushchev, creating a realistic illusion. Best suited for this purpose are landscapes with an opening perspective and a noticeable play of light in the picture (rays of the sun, lights of a night city), as well as 3D scenes.

Interior style for a living room in Khrushchev

In order not to overload the space with unnecessary details, it is recommended that the owners of a small living room decorate this room in a restrained style. The choice of directions is quite large, the main thing is to observe harmony and moderation.

Tradition lovers may like the calm classic style, provence or country. In such an interior, natural harmony and quiet tranquility are always felt.

Among the truly urban, urban options for the design of a living room in Khrushchev, a laid-back and rough loft, futuristic high-tech, as well as laconic minimalism stand out. All these styles have a great advantage - they do not overload the space with details and are done in restrained colors.

The strictness of lines, accuracy and airiness are also characterized by the Japanese and Scandinavian styles that have been very popular lately. Unobtrusive ethnic motifs will give the living room a feeling of home comfort and warmth.

Color solutions

With their own physical and aesthetic qualities, colors have a great influence on the perception of the interior. So, properly selected shades can turn the living room into a comfortable area for relaxation and recuperation, and dissonant combinations of colorful colors can sometimes tire.

white living room

Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hall in Khrushchev is usually small, light decoration is one of the best options. White, as well as related pastel colors, expand the space, filling it with radiance and freshness. This color matches perfectly with the rest of the palette, thus acting as a blank canvas for any design ideas.

gray living room

The completely gray design of the living room in Khrushchev looks quite gloomy. Nevertheless, this color is very suitable for laconic compositions in an achromatic range, and also favorably emphasizes the brightness of small decorative elements of saturated color (curtains, cushions, paintings).

Beige living room

In its neutrality, this color is similar to gray, but blotches of brown and pink give it some warmth. Against such a background, furniture in bright natural shades and wood in calm cold colors will look beautiful.

blue living room

Blue color is the best choice for decorating a relax zone. It will fill the "Khrushchev" living room with air and the desired coolness, help you quickly relax, and relieve fatigue.

green living room

Nature itself surrounds people with green colors. Herbal, olive shades, the color of leaves or needles are familiar to perception, but they are usually not enough for modern city dwellers. To give your eyes a rest after working at the computer and traveling around the metropolis, you can just spend a few hours in the green room.

red living room

For a small living room in Khrushchev, the scarlet color is too active, but more restrained shades of red, such as wine, burgundy or berry tones, will beautiful accent surrounded by an achromatic black-gray-white palette.

yellow living room

If the room lacks solar heat, it can be brought into the interior with the help of yellow paints. It can be as rich saffron, sand, banana or golden color. The best addition to this design is white and brown details.

purple living room

Lilac and violet tones are not very common in the interior, but with their help you can create a truly sophisticated living room design in Khrushchev. A very interesting combination of purple is obtained with pink, white or light gray.

orange living room

Cheerful orange will look great in the decor of the living room. orange curtains, sofa cushions, paintings, vases will create a friendly and cheerful mood, illuminating the space with their brightness. A huge advantage of this color is compatibility with all, without exception, shades.

Using lines in living room design

Graphic drawings often help to visually increase the space of a small hall in Khrushchev. So, for example, horizontal lines seem to “push apart” the walls, making them wider. And vertical ones raise the ceiling higher.

To make the room seem larger, you can use the stripes on the floor. It can even be just a parquet board, a darker laminate or a carpet. It is believed that lines parallel to the window visually make the room wider, while lines perpendicular to it lengthen it.

Proper lighting

To emphasize the beauty of the design and highlight some areas, you definitely need to take care of good lighting in the living room.

In the everyday version, this can be an interesting chandelier (preferably a ceiling-mounted one, given the low ceilings in Khrushchev), spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling or in the upper part of the walls, LED lighting of shelves and TV niches.

For evening gatherings at the TV screen, you should use unusual colored lighting (blue, purple, green, orange). This will allow you to create the atmosphere of a real home theater in the living room with one click of your fingers.

The soft illumination of plasterboard structures and other decorative elements looks very unusual. LED strips, partially hidden behind the protruding edges, will create a cozy and relaxed evening atmosphere in the hall.

Living room design in Khrushchev - photo

In this photo gallery, we have collected for you the best interior design options for a living room in Khrushchev. We hope that here you will find new interesting solutions that will help improve the design of your small hall, as well as make it more pleasant and comfortable!

The high status of the living room requires a special design from the premises, emphasizing both the status of the owner and creating a cozy atmosphere in the apartment. That is why it is recommended to allocate the most spacious room for the living room, which allows to accommodate as many people as possible.

In the "Stalinist" apartments, the living rooms were distinguished by their large dimensions, often resembling huge halls. However, the premises in Khrushchev cannot boast of their large size: often the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main room of an apartment is 16-19 sq.m. In addition, such rooms can be walk-through, as well as have low ceilings that do not contribute to creating a comfortable atmosphere in the apartment.

The first step in the design of the living room in Khrushchev

The first step to achieve this goal is redevelopment. which often involves combining a living room with a kitchen or a loggia. To combine rooms, it is not at all necessary to demolish the walls - on initial stage only doorways can be removed. The use of a dark background in the room visually reduces the already small footage of the living room, so it is appropriate to use light shades of color.

  • Ceilings are preferable to do lighter than the walls, in which case they will appear taller.
  • It is better not to experiment with color contrasts, since for small rooms in Khrushchev it is necessary a large number of Sveta.
  • It is advisable to choose a creative chandelier as a light source, which can be supplemented with wall or floor lamps.
  • The ceiling and wall surfaces do not need to be overloaded with decorative elements or plasterboard delights.

Perfect for wall mirrors, as well as a glossy variation stretch ceilings contributing visual magnification space. For finishing the floor, it is preferable to use materials such as light-colored floorboards or laminate.

The interior design of the living room also involves the use of decor, but the small dimensions of the room significantly limit the total number of accessories. Therefore, it would be preferable not to clutter up the living room with both large and small attributes, so that the room always remains spacious and bright.


The living room in Khrushchev is not very large in size, but, as a rule, its area is at least 14-15 sq.m. therefore, if it has only a single function - receiving guests, then arranging furniture and choosing a general design direction is not difficult. First of all, decide on a set of furniture. which you would like to see in this room.

If this room is intended only for relaxation and receptions, then you need a sofa or armchairs, coffee table, furniture necessary for storing things and in the presence of a dining area, a table-transformer and chairs. However, the table can stand in the kitchen and be in the living room only at the right time. The rest of the furniture you can purchase at will.

For the correct arrangement of furniture, take a sheet of paper and draw your living room in a reduced scale. This will help you correctly calculate the dimensions of the furniture that you will purchase.

The sofa is a must. Even if there is not much space at all, you should choose a sofa designed for at least three people. small sofa will save space, but even you yourself will not settle comfortably on a smaller sofa. Even when receiving guests, in our time, everyone tries to accommodate comfortably in comfortable places, and not sitting directly on hard chairs.

And then think about how many guests you receive most often? As a rule, these are two people, not counting the owners. According to this principle, it is worth buying upholstered furniture. How many people come to you, plus two people, such a sofa should be bought. If you have a living room - a bedroom. it will be even more convenient.

Storage furniture.

Remember that various reflective surfaces have the ability to expand the space, so in a small room you should use this property most actively. When purchasing furniture, look for shiny, smoky, or reflective material.

These can be: wardrobes with mirrors, frosted glass and smoky plastic facades, sliding doors made of the same materials, sideboards for storing souvenirs or collectibles. If possible, use built-in wardrobes up to the ceiling.

It seems to many that such a concept as a wall has long been out of use, but this is not so. Modern walls have been modernized, they have become lighter and more mobile, it has become possible to compose your own set from different modules. It can be both angular and straight, with cabinets and glass shelves You can even hide a wardrobe. And it won't be a straight wall Brown color and the same size for all, but a great module with a modern look.

And the best thing about these walls is that they beautifully and stylishly beat the TV area. That is, it will not just hang on the wall or stand on a cabinet, but will be beautifully integrated into the overall interior of the room. And of course you can add space for a small (or large) library and space for collection items, usually these are modules with transparent or frosted glass. All of these items are made to order.

Color solutions.

  • Of course, if the room is small, use light colors. but remember about calm deep ones.
  • Shades olive, green, purple beautifully accentuated volume small room. However, living rooms in Khrushchev can be 18 and 20 sq.m. Here your imagination is limited only by your budget. Do not forget about accessories, it is better to let them be bright spots on a uniform background. These can be pillows, curtains and curtains or other textile items.

When selecting materials for repairs, pay attention to the height of the ceiling. In such houses, it is usually small. To finish the ceiling, use a glossy paint in white or light beige. A glossy stretch ceiling would also be an excellent solution, although it will take a couple of centimeters of height, but due to the reflective effect, the ceilings will appear higher, you can make a plasterboard ceiling.

The most common and economical material for walls is wallpaper. But the living room is the face of the house, its facade, because it is this room that people enter, so do not be shy in choosing the material, you should not save here. Lay out part of the wall artificial stone or make a photo frame collage to make your room stand out from other living rooms. Textile or liquid wallpapers look beautiful and unusual, even if they are on the same wall.

Lighting. For rooms with low ceilings, such as Khrushchev, one light source at the top is not the best option. Try to have light sources in different places and different intensities.

In order to make direct and clear lighting for receiving guests or soft and relaxing for relaxing after work, actively use wall lamps and sconces, this will add style and comfort to the Khrushchev interior.

If the ceiling in the room is glossy, several light sources will be reflected in it like in a mirror, this creates the effect of light reflection in the water, a rather romantic atmosphere is created.


How to use design techniques to design a living room in Khrushchev

The living room allows you to create the first impression at the entrance to the apartment, and therefore many people try to choose a design for it that would be not only original, but also comfortable and practical. Owners of housing in Khrushchev are no exception, but due to the small-sized layouts and small areas of rooms with low ceilings, the task is significantly more complicated.

Features of interior design planning in Khrushchev

The interior of the living room in Khrushchev, depending on the number of rooms in the apartment, can vary significantly. This is due to the fact that for housing it is necessary to equip different zones in the room and the smaller the total usable area, the more you need to compress the space in order to maintain the required functionality.

In accordance with the layouts, the living room in Khrushchev can be equipped as a separate zone, a walk-through or an isolated room. In each case, the approach to creating a design should be individual.

Arrangement of the interior of the living room in the form of a separate zone

AT one-room apartments, where there is a catastrophic lack of space due to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is only 18 square meters. m, you will have to equip the living room only by zoning. For a family of two, there is enough space to arrange a bedroom, living room and work area in one room.

In this case, you should use multifunctional transformable furniture and look for non-standard solutions on the equipment of places for storage of things. But if the family consists of three or more people, then more drastic measures should be used, which consist in redevelopment of the living space.

The best option is the interior of the living room in Khrushchev, created by combining the kitchen, living room, corridor and balcony into one room.

To increase the space, you need to abandon separate furniture, the use of dark colors and dim lighting. The room should look bright, light, uncluttered and stylish. Therefore, it depends on how thoughtful the interior will be. overall design premises.

Small and colorful patterns with high detail in this case should be replaced with large ones with simple geometry and light colors. Decor elements should also be installed with care so that they do not create contrast, but, on the contrary, stand out slightly against the general background.

Furniture is placed in the minimum required quantity and not close to the walls, which will create the illusion of freedom of space. It is advisable to use it for several purposes, so that while there are no guests there is an opportunity to use the living room, for example, as a bedroom. Low cabinets should be replaced with one spacious wardrobe, which is desirable to be built into the wall so that the appearance of its dimensions does not cause a feeling of shrinking space.

To equip the living room, it is quite enough to install a soft corner with a small table or a folding sofa with armchairs, which can serve as a bed for adults or children. It is desirable to separate the living room from other areas by using various shades when finishing walls and ceilings, or use a mobile decorative partition for these purposes.

The design of the living room in Khrushchev does not accept contrasting transitions between zones, since in such an area the eyes will be very tired. You will also need to perform different lighting for each zone, which will allow you to create different perceptions and tune a person in a certain way.

Raising the floor level or installing false ceilings is not the best solution in this situation, as this will lead to a clear feeling of isolation and stiffness.

Using different floor finishes will lead to the effect of visually reducing the space, so you need to find the optimal coverage and make it the same throughout the room.

Large drawings and patterns when finishing should be avoided, but, on the contrary, replaced with smaller ones.

Related video: Living room interior design 18 sq. m.

Living room design

The walk-through room in Khrushchev is only 14-17 m 2 in area, so its interior should be equipped according to the same principle as in the case of zoning. This will help not only economically and functionally use the available space, but also separate part of the room for a nursery. You won’t be able to install a lot of furniture, but this disadvantage can be easily compensated for by decorative elements so that the room does not look monotonous.

Blind corners in the interior of a small living room in Khrushchev can be decorated with small cabinets with flower vases or figurines, hang pictures or portraits on the walls, and install a floor lamp.

To separate the reception area from the rest of the room, partitions with a glossy or mirror finish should be used. As a result, additional reflections of natural light will be created and the room will take on a completely different look and feel more spacious.

Additional space for the installation of overall furniture can be freed by installing sliding doors or remodeling. The use of various ways to increase space can also create the illusion of spaciousness: the use of warm light colors, the placement of large mirrors, wallpapering with horizontal contrasting stripes, the installation of high-quality lighting.

It is also allowed to use glossy stretch ceilings. However, the simultaneous use of reflective coatings in several planes can create multiple reflections when light rays fall on them and the situation will lose its attractiveness.

We create the design of an isolated living room. A full-fledged design of a room in Khrushchev can be realized only in a three-room apartment: completely abandon zoning and begin to bring all design ideas to life. Although the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small, but using multifunctional and transformable furniture will not be mandatory requirement when creating an interior.

In the decoration of the walls, it is allowed to use more saturated tones, but not as the main color, but as an auxiliary one, creating contrast or for other purposes. Compliance colors against the background of other rooms in order to create a unity of style will achieve overall harmony and comfort.

To decorate the living room, in addition to the minimalist style, you can use the following:

Scandinavian. It is a combination of minimalism and country and therefore involves the use of minimal required amount furniture and decor elements, as well as finishing only with natural materials. The predominant color of the interior should be white or its shades. The use of textiles in curtains, rugs, curtains is welcome. The amount of light should be a lot, but without the appearance of glare and additional reflections.

Japanese. The room, as in the case of the Scandinavian style, should be bright and spacious, with a minimum amount of furniture. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of simple lines, severity in shades and the absence of detailed drawings. The decor should be concise and simple.


Secrets of good living room design in Khrushchev

The main room in Khrushchev is the living room. This is the center of home life: due to the small space and the small number of rooms in the apartment, the living room often performs several functions - a place for receiving guests, a bedroom at night and an office - during working hours. So, in order to make repairs in the living room, you should carefully consider all the details in advance.

The initial algorithm of actions may be as follows:

  1. clarify for yourself functional purpose rooms subject to all conditions,
  2. decide what furniture you can not do without,
  3. we choose furniture that takes up minimal space and, preferably, can be folded when not in use or changes its purpose (this applies more to the sofa, tables and chairs),
  4. we especially carefully choose a sofa: when folded, it must contain at least three seats and be arranged in such a way that it does not create problems during transformation (the “book” and “click-clack” mechanisms are not always convenient: the former need to be moved away from the wall to avoid damaging it, the latter from all other objects in general due to complex manipulations when unfolding sofa),
  5. fighting for free space: if possible, we exclude all unnecessary shelves and cabinets from the living room,
  6. if, nevertheless, other rooms cannot cope with the placement of clothes, books and other things, opt for such shelves and cabinets that will visually expand the living room and decorate it to the maximum: open, corner shelves, cabinets with glass and mirrored doors, perfect option- Wardrobe up to the ceiling.

If life stuck

Remember that the days when the room was filled with low and clumsy cabinets, which were piled on top of additional shelves, household appliances and vases with figurines, are in the past. Today it is not customary to crush small space to many small parts, and people are increasingly paying attention to the laws of the interior. Otherwise, how to get rid of the feeling of clutter in the living space!

The modern design of the room is light and airy, which is best served by tall cabinets: they kind of capture and organize the space, while at the same time accommodating everything that you decide to hide from your own and prying eyes.

To not crush the ceiling

It is known that the word "ceiling" has, in addition to its direct meaning, a figurative meaning: they say so if a person is faced with a limitation in his abilities, has reached a dead end. But a similar feeling can also arise in the "Khrushchev" where the ceiling sometimes seems to press on you, causing bouts of claustrophobia. How to "raise" it?

Literally, of course, this cannot be done. But there are ways to lighten the picture visually. For this it is best to use White color and Construction Materials(paint, ceiling plinth, wallpaper, etc.), which will make the surface of the ceiling glossy.

Surprisingly, even stretch ceilings, which actually take a few centimeters of height from the walls, become more transparent in the glossy version, so that the room visually not only does not decrease, but also pushes its boundaries.

Color, light and accents

Color is of fundamental importance in a small living room. A good color is everything: mood, harmony, comfort. The best solution in our case is painting the walls in pastel colors or decorating them with the same wallpaper.

A large drawing on them is unacceptable, only small and barely noticeable, but it is better if it does not exist at all. And again, a glossy surface is a priority.

The light colors of the walls, like the ceiling, will make your living room bigger, and the mood in it will be positive and peaceful. And let soft light pour from the window at any time of the day. To do this, hang not too thick curtains.

Related video: living room design in an apartment of 18 sq m real design a photo
Take care of the multi-level lighting of the room for organizing holidays: a single lampshade over the guests' heads can quickly tire and visually narrow the space. In recreation areas (above armchairs and above the sofa), attach elegant sconces. Thus, you will make the necessary accents and diversify the lighting.

And a little more about accents: if you want to make the room cheerful and welcoming, dress up sofa cushions in deep or bright fabrics of olive, green, purple, now trendy blue or bold red. Hang a matching picture on the wall. Well, the little things for decor will be good, which guests will be pleased to look at.

A few rules for placing furniture to separate zones

  • work zone ( computer desk, racks for CDs and books) should be located separately from the recreation area,
  • convenient and efficient to upgrade space organize working area near the window and seize the corner,
  • a book table and a coffee table on wheels, the position of which can be changed, place in the recreation area, decorate with ikebana,
  • hang a large mirror over a sofa or table, thanks to this the impression of weightlessness and festivity will be created.

Related video: living room design photo in an apartment of 18 sq m photo
It will also be your additional source of light in the daytime and evening, from which the sun's rays and light from the lamps will be reflected. The mirror surface of the furniture also plays an important role in lighting the room. After all, she will play with light and there will be even more of it.


Design of a small hall in Khrushchev

The hall in each apartment is the most important and functional room in the apartment. It hosts guests and relatives, celebrates various holidays and events, or just relax. Since this room is multifunctional, the interior in it should be appropriate. The main problem that apartment owners often face is a small area - 16, 18, 20 square meters. meters. To enlarge the hall, you need to know some design nuances.

The main goal is to make the design of the hall bright and modern. Designers recommend sticking to the classic and modern style minimalism that has clear forms. Furniture should be simple and functional.

It is better to lay out the floor with parquet or laminate to lengthen the room. Wallpaper should be plain and light. A mirror will help increase the space.

Hall design 20 sq. m. can be arranged using various partitions, with their help the hall can be divided into several zones: a work area, a recreation area, and a sleeping area. In a hall of this size, it is better to make an English or Scandinavian style. To make the room bright, the walls can be pasted over with bright wallpaper, it is better to lay parquet or carpet on the floor, you can decorate the room with paintings.

When planning the interior of the hall, there may be a problem with an incorrect and disproportionate layout. To remedy the situation, you need to redevelop, combining the hall with a kitchen or bedroom, and dividing it into two zones.

Divide the room into zones using partitions or flooring, wall color. When making the interior of a small hall, stick to the minimalist style, both in terms of furniture and new repair technologies.

If the room is relatively small, then it is not necessary to make plasterboard columns or other complex structures in it, such as a fireplace. It is enough just to make the walls and ceiling smooth and paint them in light colors, you can decorate it with a mirror, or a panel, with bright paintings.

When choosing paint for walls and ceilings, it is better to pay attention to different tones of the same color scheme, but it is better not to experiment with contrast. You can make the interior design of the hall light and airy with the help of proper lighting, the more lamps, the better.

What style to choose for the hall

Empire style with chic furniture, multi-layered window decoration and intricate decor is the best option to make a beautiful design of a small room. Minimalist style - will also look great in a small room. Several factors influence the choice of style: size, lighting, ceiling height, as well as the shape of the room.

Small furniture, and a compact chest of drawers instead of a huge cabinet, a neat niche instead large closet, small shelves instead of many bedside tables on the floor are the best option for a small room. When decorating the hall, you can use some of the design features of the room so that the disadvantages of the room turn into advantages.

How to make a cozy room out of an irregularly shaped room

Built-in furniture, opening partitions, sliding wardrobes make it possible to make the room cozy and multifunctional. Can pick up artificial lighting, visually decorating the room.

For a room of 18 sq. meters difficult to choose a design, as it has rectangular shape, and the size of adjacent sides is several times different. In this case, you can apply a differentiated finish, paint the walls in light colors or paste over with light wallpaper, and make the ends of the room bright. Thus, you will get the hall more elongated in proportion, and the atmosphere will be more harmonious.

Before starting the repair, you need to calculate all the costs, determine the scale, if you have the knowledge and experience, then you can do the repair yourself, or use the services of specialists. If you can make repairs yourself, then for the design and selection of materials for a small room, you better consult a designer.

When developing the design, one should take into account its dimensions, what areas will be mainly, the amount of furniture, the color that can complement a harmonious interior.

Minimalist style

To date, the style of minimalism is the most relevant, it is often used in small rooms. If the room is square in shape, then colorful accessories and various objects will give the room a special style.

The hall, which has a rectangular shape, is designed so that it does not seem so long, furniture is symmetrically arranged or different wall decorations are used.

For a small room 16 sq. meters it is rational to make artificial lighting: a suspended ceiling with built-in lights will visually transform the space.

If the room has 20 sq. meters, then it can be divided into zones in this way: with the help of partitions, deaf and open. They are able to divide the room not only into zones, but also serve as additional storage places.

You can divide the room with the help of finishing materials, they can be different both in texture and in color. For the design of a room of this size, it is better to use no more than 2-3 colors.

In our time created great amount wallpaper that allows you to decorate a room of any size in different styles, and gives it a beautiful individual style. Choosing wallpaper for the hall. you need to take into account the previously chosen style of the room, its location, shape, features, and most importantly, how much it is lit.

If you have chosen a classic style, then it includes restraint and nobility, you do not need to use bright colors. For such an interior, it is better to purchase wallpaper with a combination of several colors and discreet fantasy or floral ornaments. If the room is bright, then you can take bright colors, and if it is dark, then it is better to choose light wallpapers.

Decoration of the hall in ethnic style with exotic elements

When making a hall in an ethnic style, you can use different items for decoration, such as figurines, handmade carpets, various interesting minerals, animal figurines and unusual plants that accentuate the interior.

But do not load the room very much, do everything in moderation: unusual furniture, and a few items will make your room comfortable and cozy.

This style is suitable for those who like to travel and bring some souvenirs and funny little things from different countries. In any case, when choosing the interior of the hall, consider your style, taste and, of course, financial capabilities.

What to choose curtains for the hall

The window in the hall can be decorated with a curtain or transparent tulle without thick fabric curtains. When designing a window, you need to take into account the style of the room and its color palette, as well as the degree of illumination. If the room is well lit by the sun, then you can combine blinds and curtains for the hall. especially if it is a hall - a bedroom. If the room is decorated in dark or light colors, then it is better to use curtains in bright colors.

How to decorate the walls in the hall and the floor

The most spectacular way to finish the walls is to paint in rich or pastel colors that will be combined with the general style of the entire room. Walls can be wallpapered by doing beautiful decor. The floor is usually laid with laminate or parquet of different colors.

What ceiling design to choose for the hall?

The most optimal ceiling option is a ceiling made of plasterboard or stretch hall ceiling with elegant illumination of different colors. When choosing a ceiling, you also need to take into account your preferences and characteristics of the room. If the room has a low ceiling, then it is better to refuse complex structures, as they can make it smaller, and a laconic finish will look great.

You can also hang wallpapers of different colors on the ceiling, depending on the style of the entire room. If the room is small, then it is better to choose small lamps and chandeliers, and if it is large, then large beautiful chandeliers will be appropriate.


The original design of the hall in Khrushchev 18 sq. m: photo and main criteria

The design of the hall in Khrushchev is based on such a base:

  1. It is best to install spot lighting. Correct location light will help visually enlarge the space.
  2. A small number of decorative elements. It is best to focus on practicality and functionality.
  3. Reception of zoning - a good option in small apartments. With the help of screens or compact furniture, the hall can be connected to an office.
  4. Redevelopment is used when there is a significant need to increase the number of rooms or create a studio.

It is also very important to properly place the furniture. Designers advise placing furniture along free walls so that the center of the room remains unoccupied. Instead of conventional cabinets, it is better to use built-in structures that will be equipped with sliding door facades.

A combined living room with a balcony is a good option for expanding the room. When removing the partition, you should not forget to level the floor and replace the old windows with high-quality double-glazed windows. It is better to decorate the walls of the room with wallpaper in beige tones, and on the balcony, use the zoning technique to highlight the study area.

The interior of the living room of 18 meters, made in chocolate and beige tones, will look very warm and cozy. For example, decorate the walls with dark chocolate-colored inserts, hang light cream-colored curtains on the windows, and the furniture will be decorated with contrasting decorative elements.

In the whole room of 18 squares, the minimalist style is ideal. This style allows you to make the interior as functional as possible. Furniture made in this style has many compartments and compartments that are hidden from the outside eye, and it can also be transformed. Furniture-transformer today is in great demand among buyers.

Repair of the hall in Khrushchev 18 squares

You need to start repairs in Khrushchev with a clearly drawn up estimate, which will indicate the amount of materials and the necessary cash. The estimate is needed in order to clearly represent the scope of the future repair.

After determining the style and selecting the necessary materials, you need to follow this sequence.

When people hear the word “Khrushchevka” when choosing a new home for their family, they immediately dismiss it as something that has not been habitable for a long time. However, the brainchild of the famous Khrushchev does not go anywhere and continues to take in new residents who know which side is better to approach the space provided to them so that their small apartment becomes cozy enough, as well as ultramodern and comfortable.

To do this, you do not need capital investments of finance at all, you just need to connect a little imagination and take an extraordinary look at things. So, how to make a place where you want to spend time with family and friends from an apartment with small narrow rooms and a small kitchen? In particular, in this article we will talk about how to design a Khrushchev living room.

Creative approach to space

Khrushchevs are rather cramped apartments with small rooms and a bathroom, in which even two cannot pass each other. The easiest way to solve this problem is to remove the walls. Of course, not all, but only those that will help make the space of your home wider and more comfortable. An apartment with a living room-studio is a modern protest against the established rules of housing planning.

A fairly common solution is the partial and complete destruction of the wall between the kitchen and the living room. By combining these two rooms, you will simultaneously enlarge the kitchen and expand the space of the room. To separate the functional areas, you can slightly raise the floor in the kitchen or use different materials for finishing.

Often walls are replaced with transparent or translucent materials. Thus, the visual division of the space is very obvious, and the rooms seem larger and brighter.

In one-room Khrushchevs, where the living room is almost the entire apartment, there are quite a few problems with arranging a place for each family member. A full-fledged bedroom is what is really missing in a small Khrushchev, especially when there are children in the family who also need their own corner. Modern design gurus have been able to find a lot of answers to this question.

By combining the spaces of the kitchen, corridor and living room, we get enough big room, in which we can select the zones we need. The bedroom area for adults or for a child can be separated using a sliding system, a thick curtain or a drop-down wall.

Advice: original solution will organize the bedroom literally "above" the living room.

Of course, we are only talking about a bed that can be placed on a hill, under which you can place, for example, a work area with a computer or a children's play area.

Loft-style apartments are very popular now. In this case, absolutely all interior partitions are removed, opening the entire space at once. Agree, having visited such housing, no one will remember that it was just Khrushchev. Large windows will help make your loft even brighter. You can also expand the windows if you wish, but you need to be extremely careful with this and consult with experts about working with load-bearing walls.

Secrets of decoration for the Khrushchev living room

After the room has already been planned, it's time to choose the finishes. The success of the entire project depends on it. Every detail is important here: colors, materials for direct repair and artistic decoration.

What to make the floor

Floor materials in the design of a modern living room should also be modern. Old wooden floors should be removed. Having carried out waterproofing and leveling the floor, you can proceed to the choice of coating material. It will be more practical and cheaper to lay linoleum, but it is worth remembering that it is short-lived. Laminate or parquet will serve you much longer if you do not neglect the rules for caring for it.

For ultra-modern apartments, whose owners strive to stand out from the gray mass, self-leveling floors are suitable. This coating does not require special care, is not afraid of moisture and visually expands the space of the room even more. In addition, the choice of color and design of such a floor today is so great that everyone can find a suitable solution for themselves. So, for example, you can choose a floor with any 3D pattern, which will help emphasize the design style of the room and your personality.

Advice: If the room is very small, then it is more rational to use a self-leveling floor of light shades, then the light will be reflected from it, and your room will seem even larger.

How to decorate the ceiling

Everyone knows that Khrushchev's "machine" apartments do not differ in the height of the ceilings, which is why you feel like in a box in them. If you have begun to expand the space, then you should not ignore the theme of the ceiling, whitewashing it in the old fashioned way with lime. With the right ceiling finish, you can also separate the functional areas in the studio apartment.

Using drywall is not a good solution, as it will make your ceiling even lower, and the living room itself can turn into a box. However, if you properly organize the lighting and choose the right pattern for the design, then maybe you can play on this.

Most the best option for an apartment with not very high ceilings there will be a PVC film. In this case, it is better to choose a glossy finish, as it will visually add space, even if you consider that the structure for it is also mounted below the ceiling level. By designing separate lighting for different functional areas, you will divide the space equally.

An important nuance - the designs of stretch ceilings today are also quite diverse - from plain canvases to whole paintings. The latter option is more suitable for spacious living rooms, and for Khrushchev it is worth choosing a plain film or coating with a geometric pattern or an abstract pattern with smooth lines.

What colors to use

Light colors will always be a win-win solution. They make the space more transparent, wider. It is not at all necessary to paint the walls white, although in some styles it is color solution will be the main one.

Definitely, the color scheme completely depends on the chosen style of interior design. However, the general rule is to use warm pastel shades of light colors. Peach and beige, light blue and light green, pale yellow, pale pink look great in the living room.

When you choose fairly light colors in the main colors of the living room, be sure to beat them with bright splashes on small, but the most noticeable parts of the wall. These can be elements of a bright painting on one of the walls, for example, above a sofa or TV, or just a decoration. opposite walls contrasting shades.

Important! No need to saturate the room with bright and saturated colors, because they visually make the room more closed, languid.

The task of repairing the Khrushchev living room is completely opposite - to fill the room with light and air, making the lines not clear and bright, but translucent and streamlined. The exception is loft apartments, where the style involves the use of natural shades of wood, metal in combination with the same materials.

What furniture to buy and how much

The furniture in your living room should be exactly as much as you think it is necessary to put in order to feel good at home. You will definitely need a sofa, a place to store something, a table. It would seem quite a bit. However, small living rooms in Khrushchev houses are sometimes not able to fit this modest set. So what to do without a sofa or a table? Not at all, it’s just worth choosing the “right” furniture.

AT modern designs(with the exception of classic interiors) it should be as functional as possible. This means that every millimeter must be put to good use. Furniture-transformer copes with this task today.

So, a comfortable sofa for guests can easily be transformed into big bed. You can use a more daring solution - a wardrobe that transforms into a comfortable sleeping place. During the day, it will be able to serve you as a place to store any things, and in the evening one of the panels will lower, turning into a bed. So you will not sacrifice your comfort due to small area.

In general, any cabinet and segmented furniture is an excellent solution for a Khrushchev living room. Usually it involves dividing into separate segments, which can be placed in any way you want. On such furniture you can find a place for a TV, and for speaker system, and arrange a place to store any other things.

For a Khrushchev room, it is better not to buy massive furniture structures. classic design. They will clutter up the space, taking up usable space. It is better to use furniture with strict clear lines. Models of original design, extraordinary forms are also suitable. Translucent furniture or one that has transparent elements looks great in the living room. We are talking primarily about the table, chairs and the necessary shelves.

Advice: Another great solution for a small living room is mirrored surfaces. Mirrors on cabinets and walls make the space appear larger. In addition, light is reflected in them, so it becomes even more in the living room.

How to arrange lighting

The key to successful design is proper lighting. This is especially important for the living room, especially Khrushchev's, with its low ceilings and small dimensions. Absolutely all design decisions will be useless if there is not enough light in the room or it is organized incorrectly.

Here are a few rules for lighting a living room in Khrushchev:

  1. Do not use massive chandeliers or other sources of lighting concentrated in the center of the room.
  2. Disperse small lamps around the entire perimeter of the living room.
  3. Use parallel light sources on the floor and on the ceiling, so the space will be visually stretched.
  4. The main lamps should emit diffused light, and additional directional ones, so it will be easier to highlight separate functional areas in the room.

The color of the light in the room also matters. Yellow will be oppressive, but transparent white light, on the contrary, will help create an atmosphere of spaciousness.

decorative elements

The successful design of any room is impossible without small details that will fill the room with comfort and life. The living room serves as a place where friends and relatives gather, and in the evenings the whole family has the opportunity to spend time together. That is why the room should be filled with details that would not only emphasize general style rooms, but also spoke about the characters and interests of the people who live in it. The only caveat is that the details should not clutter up the space.

It would be nice to have some photos of the best moments of your life in the living room. They can be placed in bright frame on the shelves or make a small panel out of them on the wall. There are many ways to use photography in living room designs, such as:

  • figured panel on the central wall;
  • diptychs and triptychs;
  • large photos without frames, located separately.

In a small living room it is better not to abuse large indoor plants. However, if necessary, it is better to give preference to small trees that can be placed on the floor or small flowering flowerpots dispersed around the perimeter of the room.

In small living rooms you can not use massive items, however, items should be bright and stylish. There shouldn't be many of them either - think and decide what exactly you would like to demonstrate to your guests so that they can get to know you better.


Textiles in every home create a feeling of home comfort. The use of textile elements in the design of a modern living room of a small area should be subject to the norms of the style that you have chosen for your apartment.

A lot of textiles are used in country style design. This country style implies the use natural materials and, of course, plenty of fabric with floral or geometric prints. Light curtains and curtains made of natural fabrics, handmade embroidered tablecloths, homespun rugs - all this is appropriate in a country living room. Pastel shades will give a warm, calm coziness to your room.

In more strict styles - modern, hi-tech, the presence of fabric elements should be minimized. It is worth abandoning tablecloths and massive curtains, preferring light tulle or curtains made of multi-colored glass. If there is more than one in the room big window, and a few small ones, then you can use Roman blinds. So more light will enter the room.

Advice: In loft-style apartments, it is better to abandon textile curtains altogether, using thick roll-curtains at night.

The design of a small Khrushchev living room requires submission to certain rules. Following our little tips, you can create a cozy and spacious, and most importantly modern room. One has only to discard stereotypes and keep up with the times!

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