Passiflora outdoors. Passiflora overwintering outdoors

Engineering systems 02.06.2019
Engineering systems

Passiflora or passion flower- an evergreen liana, with flowers of indescribable beauty. Seeing them once, you will certainly want to grow it in your garden. Passiflora flowers are huge, shaped like a star. In Russia, passionflower is called the "cavalier star", since the flower bears a great resemblance to it. She comes from the warm regions of Asia, Australia and South America. Some types of passionflower form edible fruits (passion fruit is the fruit of passionflower).

V vivo, this is a deciduous plant, but in interior conditions it is evergreen. The leaves are alternate, oblong, palmately dissected. Flowers solitary, large (up to 10 cm in diameter), five-lobed, star-shaped, with a bright perianth. Near the pistil and stamens there are original filiform outgrowths. The corolla is violet-blue, but there are species with red and pink flowers.

How to grow passionflower in your garden? Passiflora is a fast-growing vine, and in our area, it can be grown not only indoors, but also in a garden with bright lighting. In order for passionflower to grow successfully under open air, choose the most unpretentious variety, this is "passiflora blue". It can be left for the winter in open ground. Even if the aerial part freezes, it forms root shoots.

The ideal place for passionflower in the garden is under a tree that she likes to climb. But the crown of the tree should not be thick, so for flowering, passionflower needs light. The ideal summer air temperature is 18-25 °C. A higher temperature adversely affects the decorativeness of the plant, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the buds do not form.

How does Passiflora reproduce? The easiest way to propagate passionflower seeds . Sow seeds for seedlings in February-March. At high humidity and a temperature of 25 ° C, the seeds germinate in two to three weeks. You can also speed up seed germination using the scarification method. That is, each seed, on both sides, lightly rub with a stone or sandpaper. This will destroy their strong shell, and the sprouts will hatch more easily. Use a loose and nutritious soil mixture for seedlings, consisting of leafy soil, humus, peat and sand, in equal proportions.

For sowing, use cups or seedling boxes. Cover containers with crops with glass or film, pour over and place in a warm place. Ventilate daily and spray as needed. As soon as the first shoots hatch, move the containers with crops to the lightest window sill, remove the shelter. When the sprouts form two true leaves, pick the plants into separate pots, at least 8 cm in diameter.

Practiced and reproduction by cuttings. To do this, in the summer, cut cuttings from lignified stems so that each has two nodes with leaves. Place them in a container of water and keep them on the windowsill. In order not to change the water, put a piece of charcoal in it. Roots are formed after two months.

Passiflora can also be propagated by root offspring during transplantation.

When and how to plant passionflower? Passiflora can grow on any soil, but a mixture of soddy, deciduous soil, peat, sand in equal parts is still ideal. Plant young seedlings or seedlings in the garden in the month of May, and shade from direct sunlight in the early days. To keep the plant until next year (the plant freezes during frosty winters), plant passionflower in containers or large pots. With the onset of cold weather, they can be brought indoors. And if the plant has survived the winter in the open field, it still needs to be transplanted to a new place. Transplant every year - in the spring. During transplantation, cut the branches by a third.

How to care for passionflower? Passiflora needs light and sufficient moisture. It needs watering from early spring to late autumn. The root zone should always be in a slightly damp state. V winter time(keeping it indoors), water only so that the earth ball does not dry out. Passiflora really likes spraying, but only in the morning and in the evening, so that direct sunlight does not fall on the dew droplets. During the season, feed passionflower five times, with complex mineral fertilizers, with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

In the first year after planting, the plant grows vegetative mass, forms the main climbing shoots. Therefore, provide support for the vine, as it grows, tie the strongest shoots to it. Shorten smaller shoots annually. Start pruning at the age of two. Flower buds are formed on annual shoots.

In autumn, in late September - early October, dig a bush with big ball earth (if it did not grow in a pot) and transplant into a container that you bring into the room. Keep it in a bright and cool room, with a temperature in the range of 12-15°C. Higher temperatures encourage yellowing and leaf drop. In the open field, only blue passionflower can winter, its roots withstand frost, and in early spring they already form many shoots. After the first autumn frosts, cover the blue passionflower with a covering material, dry leaf or agrofibre.

Plant delivery across Ukraine (Kyiv, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kremenchug, Ternopil, Uzhgorod, Krivoy Rog, Luhansk, Odessa, Kherson, Sumy, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Poltava, Lutsk, Kirovohrad, Cherkassy, Khmelnitsky, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Nikolaev, Rivne, Yalta, Melitopol, Mariupol, Belaya Tserkov).

Passiflora is a perennial and annual herbaceous plant or an evergreen climbing shrub that naturally grows in the Mediterranean, Australia, Asia, and the tropics of Peru. This flower has other names - "royal star" and "passion flower". Anyone who has tried the delicious exotic passionfruit fruit will probably be surprised that this is the fruit of one of the types of passionflower. A tropical plant is willingly grown at home by flower growers, admiring the flowering of unusual flowers and even collecting fruits from it.

Passionflower is characterized by smooth stems, the length of which can be more than ten meters. It has whole or lobed dark green simple leaves and long pedicels, on which unusual star-shaped flowers up to 10 cm in diameter are formed. The flowers have five sepals, five petals and large bracts. In the center of each bud are three stigmas, which are surrounded by five stamens with fairly large anthers.

When does the passion flower (passiflora) bloom? Flowering begins in July and continues throughout summer period. In some species, after flowering, large edible fruits are formed. Both flowers and fruits have a pleasant aroma.

According to signs, passionflower is a flower of fidelity and reverence. Popular rumor says that if a fan gives a woman a passion flower, then he offers her a long relationship that will be sensual and trusting.

Passiflora - types, photos

Exists a large number of species of this plant, the cultivation of which can be practiced not only at home, but also in the garden. Some of them perfectly withstand frosts down to -15 degrees.

The most popular types include:

Passiflora - home care

Growing a passion flower requires certain conditions and rules for caring for a flower. This plant loves good lighting, so you need to place it at the southwest or southeast window. You can put a flower on the southern windowsill, but in summer it should be shaded so that the leaves and buds do not burn direct sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

In the warm season, a tropical liana will grow well and bloom on open balcony or in the garden.

At home, the air temperature should be within + 24 ... + 27 degrees. Such a tropical plant does not tolerate intense heat, drafts and stagnant stuffy air.

In winter, the passion flower has a dormant period, in which it needs to provide an air temperature of +15 to +18 degrees. At this time, he is gaining strength before flowering.

Passionflower loves high humidity air, so every evening its leaves are sprayed with water at room temperature. It is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the flowers.

If in winter the liana is kept at room temperature with heating radiators turned on, then in addition to spraying, it is recommended to arrange a warm shower for the bush once a week. This should be done carefully so as not to break the shoots.


When growing passionflower at home, its large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, which is why the plant should be watered regularly. No need to wait for the soil to dry out. After watering, be sure to drain the water from the pan.

In winter, in cool conditions, watering is reduced. Moisten the soil only after the top layer has dried out.

top dressing

During the growing season, that is, from spring to autumn, the flower is fed every 10-14 days. To do this, alternate complex mineral and organic fertilizers. Potassium affects the quality of flowering, and for the growth of vines and the formation of leaves, more nitrogen. During the dormant period and if the plant is sick, fertilizers are not applied.

Support and trim

The long stems of the creepers grow quickly, so they need support. Shoots should be regularly directed towards the support. Without it, under the weight of leaves and flowers, the shoots will break.

pruning passionflower

Home care for passionflower involves pruning. It is held every year, which stimulates intensive growth and branching of the vine. The first time pruning of the shoots is carried out when the plant reaches the age of three.

Trimming procedure:

  1. In the spring, last year's shoots are cut off by 1/3. Young shoots do not need to be touched, since it is on them that buds will form.
  2. In summer, growths grow at the base of the bush, which takes strength from it. It needs to be cut out.
  3. When the plant ceases to bloom, secondary bald long shoots are cut out completely, and the remaining ones are shortened by 3/4 of a dyne.

Dormant period

For a passion flower, a period of rest is very important, during which it gains strength. For this flower, the following conditions are provided:

  • cool bright room (insulated loggia or veranda);
  • minimum frequency of irrigation;
  • the plant is not fed, do not illuminate and do not spray.

If there is no possibility for the plant to create such conditions, then it is left in its place and cared for as usual. But at the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off.


Young plants are transplanted into new pot every year, and adults - once every 2-3 years. The pot is selected small. The new container should be only a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. Otherwise, the plant will grow roots and greenery, and flowering will have to wait a long time.

Passiflora soil can be bought at the store or mixed independently from the following components:

  • peat land;
  • leafy land;
  • sod land;
  • sand.

All components are taken in equal parts and mixed. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the new pot, then a layer of soil, on which, together with an earthen clod, a bush is carefully placed. The roots around and above are covered with soil, and watered with water at room temperature.

Attention! During flowering, passionflower cannot be rearranged from place to place, otherwise it will drop the buds!

Reproduction of passionflower

Homemade passionflower can be propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Passiflora from seeds at home

  1. First of all, you need to damage hard shell seeds, for which they are rubbed with a fine sandpaper.
  2. Soak for two days planting material in warm water with a temperature of +25 degrees.
  3. Floated seeds are thrown away, and swollen ones are gently pressed into the prepared moist soil.

From above, the crops are sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle and covered with cling film, polyethylene or glass. In such a greenhouse there will be the air humidity necessary for better seed germination. Seedling containers are placed in a warm place (+20 ... +25 degrees) with diffused light. During the care of crops, they must be ventilated every day and, as necessary, moisten the soil.

Seedlings may appear in a month or even a year. When the seeds hatch and seedlings appear, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are provided with 12 hours of daylight. To do this, you can use additional lighting.

After the appearance of two true leaves on young plants, a pick is carried out. Seedlings are planted in separate containers along with an earthen clod. In order not to disturb them with a pick, you can plant the seeds in peat tablets.

Passionflower grown from seeds will flower in about eight years.

In spring, young shoots can be cut and used for propagation. Each cutting must have a growing point and at least four leaves.

The process of rooting cuttings:

After about one and a half to two months, when the roots grow, the shoots are planted in pots with soil for passionflower.

Growing problems

Passion flower care requires compliance with all the rules, otherwise you may encounter some problems.

Passiflora not blooming

The flower needs a dormant period during which it gains strength for flowering. When grown in winter in warm home conditions, flowering may be scarce or absent altogether. Also, if the passion flower does not bloom, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Is the lighting good?
  • does the plant have enough moisture and nutrition;
  • excess nitrogen in fertilizers leads to foliage growth, and buds may not form.

Passiflora leaves turn yellow

The yellow leaves of the plant should first of all be inspected for the presence of pests on them. Dry air in the apartment and others unfavourable conditions can cause spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs and thrips to appear on the vine. All of them feed on the juice of the plant, as a result of which the leaves first turn yellow, then dry and fly around. You can destroy pests by treating with special insecticidal preparations.

Other causes of yellowing leaves include:

  • insufficient lighting;
  • lack of trace elements;
  • excess moisture, in which yellow spots first appear on the leaves.

Don't worry if old lower leaves turn yellow and fall off in an adult bush. This is a natural process.

Dry and darken the tips of the leaves of passionflower

This means that the humidity in the room is low, causing the plant to suffer. In such conditions, he needs regular spraying.

However, the leaves may darken due to overdrying or waterlogging of the soil. If the darkened leaves began to fall intensively, care should be reconsidered.

droplets on leaves

A natural feature of the creeper is the appearance of sweet nectar in the form of droplets at the base of the leaves. But it can stand out abundantly if the room is stuffy and hot or the pot is in the sun, which causes the soil to overheat.

Passion flower dropping buds

During the flowering period, the plant does not like change, therefore improper watering, draft, lowering the air temperature and moving the pot to another place can cause the buds to drop.

The second reason why the passion flower drops buds is the lack of light and nutrition.

Passiflora properties

Known for a long time medicinal properties passionflower, which have a sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic effect. Passiflora preparations reduce nervousness and irritability, improve memory, increase potency and efficiency. They are successfully used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction, as the properties of the passion flower compensate for the effects of amphetamines.

The medicinal properties of passionflower can be used both for the treatment of adults and for children, since tea and other preparations from the plant do not have any side effects and are not addictive.

It is difficult to find words when talking about passionflower. Even the most detailed description this amazing creation of nature cannot convey the beauty and originality of its colors. This is a must see!

Passiflora flowers are unique. Each opens on a long pedicel and consists of several tiers. The outer row is made up of petals and sepals. Above the petals, a separate row forms a brightly colored crown, which is inherent only to representatives of the passion flowers. Above the crown are five large stamens. And this complex structure is completed by three curved stigmas of the pestle.

Due to the peculiar structure of the plant flower, it received another name - the Cavalry Star. Unfortunately, passionflower flowers are short-lived: depending on the species, some bloom only for 1-2 hours, others - for 1-2 days.

If cross-pollination occurs, then no less exotic fruits can be expected, which, depending on the species, are diverse not only in shape, but also in size, color and taste.

The most famous of the edible passionflowers - passion fruit and granadilla - are successfully grown on window sills by collectors.


I do not have the opportunity to keep passionflower in the house, but this beautifully flowering weaving plant grows beautifully in open ground, decorating summer gazebo. V Krasnodar Territory for its cultivation there are all conditions.

For the successful growth and flowering of passionflower, bright lighting is necessary, so I prepare a sunny place for planting, but always protected from wind and drafts. I pour a mixture of sod, peat and humus soil (1: 1: 1) into the planting hole, and immediately install reliable support, because at good care the liana grows literally before our eyes, reaching more than 3 m per season. In the spring I open and cut the shoots to half the length. I do this in order to regulate its growth and stimulate flowering, since flowers appear only on young shoots of the current year. To see even more lush bloom I pinch it multiple times.

During the period of growth and flowering, I water the vine regularly, because even if the soil is dried out once, the passion flower will shed its buds or die completely.

Top dressing is also very important throughout the season, so every 10 days I feed the vine, alternating complex mineral mixtures and mullein infusion (1:10).


The plant can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. I buy seeds in garden centers - they have good germination. I plant in late February - early March in a substrate of equal parts of leaf, peat, humus soil and sand. To maintain high humidity, I cover the crops with glass. In the phase of two true leaves, I carry out a pick, transplanting the plants into separate pots. I place seedlings on the southern windowsill, but at first I shade young plants, gradually accustoming them to sunbeams. In open ground, I transplant only after the threat of returning frosts disappears.

I rarely use cuttings, but I still have some experience. In June-July, I cut off matured cuttings with two leaves. I plant in plastic cups or pots filled with a mixture of peat and sand, moisten and cover with a plastic bag. After the buds begin to grow, I remove the package and plant it in a permanent place with great care by transshipment to prevent damage to the root system. I often spray a young plant and maintain soil moisture. In our area, it is warm for a long time in autumn, so root system manages to get stronger. I cover the young plant for the winter, and the next spring the plant blooms.

You can not plant immediately in the ground, but bring the pots into the house for the winter, defining a bright, cool place for them with a temperature not lower than + 12 ... + 15 ° C. If you prevent the soil from drying out and maintain air humidity, the young plant will calmly survive the winter. With the advent of heat, plant in open ground or transplant into a new pot and leave on a balcony or loggia. And, perhaps, then your passionflower will not only bloom magnificently, but will also delight you with fruits.

Natalia Karkacheva, Krasnodar Territory

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Passionflower is an evergreen liana with flowers of incredible beauty, and once you see it, you will remember it all your life. The beauty of passionflower cannot leave anyone indifferent, and in case proper care, the vine will delight you with flowers of extraordinary luxury for a long time.

Passiflora has bright large flowers, the shape of the flowers is very similar to a star. They brought passionflower to Europe from the South American continent, as well as from Australia, South-East Asia and the islands of Madagascar.

The Spaniards associate passionflower with the crown of thorns, the Japanese with the clock, and the Russians gave this flower the name "cavalier star", and this name most accurately speaks of the essence of the plant. Passiflora is actually very similar to the order, and in the people this flower is also called a passion flower.

By the way, passionflower is known to you thanks to the edible fruits of its individual species, which are part of yogurt - passion fruit and granadilla.

Passiflora and its growing conditions

It should be well remembered that passionflower grows extremely quickly, it is unpretentious and is successfully cultivated both in enclosed spaces, and in gardens, but in those where there is a lot of light. To grow passionflower in open ground - you need to pick up correct view plants. V middle lane and in the southern regions it is better to take the "passiflora blue" variety. This variety is unpretentious, and it can be cultivated as a perennial even in open ground, since root growth can also be obtained in case of frost. For outdoor cultivation of blue passionflower, the best places are under trees, on which they could climb.

The optimal conditions for growing passionflower are summer, when the temperature varies from 18 to 24 ° C, the main requirement for cultivation is the presence of sufficient illumination. In the event of a sharp increase in temperature, passionflower leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, the number of buds is significantly reduced, and the plant itself quickly loses its decorative properties, and then dies.

Passiflora and its reproduction

It is preferable to propagate passionflower seeds, and you need to start in February-March. Seeds of most species of passionflower, mainly blue passionflower, give good seedlings under moderate humidity conditions and t 25 ° C, and germinate 2 weeks after sowing. To accelerate the germination of plant seeds, the dense shell must be softened, and then scarified. Scarification involves gentle double-sided rubbing of the seeds with sandpaper, then the seeds are soaked in a special solution - fresh juice of any citrus fruits for 24 hours, and then sown in peat cups or in a special soil mixture.

Soil mix preparation:

  1. It is required to mix sand, peat, leaf substrate and humus in equal proportions.
  2. As soon as the soil mixture is ready - it should be disinfected - put for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C.
  3. Cool the soil mixture, fill it peat pots and sow prepared passionflower seeds in them.

Sowing in pots

  1. The pots are covered plastic wrap and put in a warm place where the temperature should be about + 25 ° C.
  2. Passiflora crops should be ventilated daily (5 minutes is enough), if the soil needs moisture, then it is sprayed.
  3. When the first sprouts appear, pots with passionflower are placed in a well-lit place, and the film is removed.
  4. When 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings of the plant are dived into separate pots (7 cm in diameter).

Passionflower seeds can give excellent germination if they are germinated in glass containers, where hydrogen peroxide is poured, and only then they are planted in pots. This is called seed disinfection.

How to disinfect seeds

  1. For this, seeds are soaked for a day in a container into which distilled water is poured.
  2. They get rid of the floating seeds, and the rest are laid out in a small container, where there is a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. The seed coat begins to burst, and the planting material is disinfected.
  4. Then the seeds are placed in a glass container with a solution: 50 drops of hydrogen peroxide per 100 ml of water, the lid is tightly closed and placed in a dark, warm place for 7 days.
  5. Before the emergence of seedlings, you can not open the container.
  6. The hatched seeds are carefully removed from the solution with disinfected tweezers and planted in the prepared substrate.
  7. The seeds that remain are poured with a "fresh" solution and sent back to dark place before further growth.

The acceleration of the germination of passionflower seeds can be achieved as follows:

  • Pots with sown seeds are covered with plastic wrap and transferred to a place where there is enough lighting, and the difference between day and night temperatures should be moderate.
  • During the day, temperature variation is allowed within 22-26°C, and at night about 9-15°C. It is this temperature difference that gives a powerful stimulus to the active growth of seeds.
  • After the shoots of the vine appear, the film is removed, the plant is watered, and, as in the 1st case, when 2 true leaves appear, a pick is carried out.

Passiflora can also be propagated by cuttings. In the summer, lignified cuttings are cut, but so that there are leaves and two knots on the handle. The "blank" is placed in a glass container with water and waiting for it to germinate. After a month or two, the roots will already be visible on the cuttings. During the whole time of germination, the water does not change, but a certain amount of charcoal should be put into the water (a small piece is enough).

Planting Passiflora

Passiflora feels comfortable in any soil. But ideally, there will be a soil mixture for it, which includes sand, deciduous, soddy soil and peat. All "ingredients" are taken in equal parts.

You can not bury a passionflower seedling when planting. The main thing is that the seedling after planting should be covered with a glass container, which is removed after a couple of weeks.

If your plans include the cultivation of passionflower as perennial plant, then its transplantation is carried out 1 time a year and in the spring months. The plant is cut off about 1/3 of the length of the branch before transplanting.

Passiflora Care

Passiflora needs sufficient lighting and abundant watering. Its watering is carried out from early spring until late autumn. The soil near the plant must be kept moist. Passiflora also needs spraying, and during the spring-summer period, the plant is sprayed. It is necessary to ensure that after spraying, drops of moisture do not fall into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdirect sunlight.

Passiflora is fed 5 times during the entire growing season, while mineral complex fertilizers are used.

In the first year, the main shoots grow in the plant, the “skeleton” of the vine is formed, which requires a special support. Several stronger shoots are attached to the formed support, and as for the secondary shoots, they are shortened by a third annually. Pruning of passionflower is carried out in the second year of its life, since the formation of flower buds occurs on annual shoots.

In autumn, before reaching t below 15°C, passionflower is transferred to a room where the temperature is kept within 13-16°C. If the temperature rises above 16 ° C, passionflower sheds all the leaves. Plants can also destroy the first frosts, only blue passionflower overwinters well, and in early spring the liana is already giving new shoots. But there is a nuance here - the roots of passionflower are covered for the winter with dry foliage, straw, or special covering material.

Passiflora and its types

Passiflora - species Passiflora caerulea

Passiflora caerulea (blue passionflower) is an evergreen vine with single flowers. Flowers reach about 10 cm in diameter. The flowers emit a pleasant light fragrance. Thanks to this amazing aroma, as well as endurance, passionflower blue and gardeners fell in love. Passiflora blue fruits have the appearance of an orange berry. The length of the berries reaches about 7 centimeters. Liana leaves with a slightly bluish tint. Passionflower blue came to us from the Andes region, which are located in southern Argentina.

Passiflora - species Passiflora trifasciata

Passiflora trifasciata - a three-lane passionflower, or as it is also called a climbing liana. Why three lane? The name comes from her decorative leaves, the dark background of which is decorated with three purple stripes. Flowers white color, their diameter reaches about 4-5 centimeters. The fruits of the creeper look like rounded berries, the diameter of the berries reaches 2.5 cm. The flowers of the three-lane passionflower have a very strong persistent smell, which is similar to the smell of lilacs.

Passiflora species Passiflora mollissima

Passiflora mollissima is called banana passionflower. This type of plant is the most decorative. This vine is different from its "sisters" beautiful flowers pinkish hue, reaching about 12 cm in diameter. The fruits of the plant have an oblong appearance, the color of the fruits is yellow-golden (by the way, they are edible). Fruiting is plentiful, the first harvest can be obtained in the first year of the plant's life.

Exotic nearby - passionflower | Near the househttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/passiflora-2-384x300.jpghttp://website/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/passiflora-2-384x300-150x150.jpg 2019-01-04T20:14:00+00:00 Near the house Flower beds and lawns growing, plants, plant carePassionflower is an evergreen liana with flowers of incredible beauty, and once you see it, you will remember it all your life. The beauty of passionflower cannot leave anyone indifferent, and if properly cared for, the liana will delight you with flowers of extraordinary luxury for a long time. Passiflora has bright large flowers, the shape of the flowers is very similar to...Near the house [email protected] Administrator Near Home

Growing passionflower and caring for it is not the easiest task even for experienced flower growers, but the plant is unusual, beautiful and deserves special attention. This plant is native to the tropics. All its 400 species are very different and can be herbaceous or shrubby plants. However, creepers still prevail, using clinging antennae as a support.

Passiflora flowers resemble order stars on ancient uniforms in shape, in many species they are fragrant, the diameter of the flowers is up to 10 cm. For this flower shape, passionflower is often called the “cavalier star”, in addition, the plant also has the name “passion flower”.

The center of the flower is decorated with a crown of many threads. The fruits of the plants, which are oval in shape and yellow-orange in color, are often edible. These species include Passion Fruit, Blue Passion Flower. Because passion flowers tropical plants they can't stand cold climates.

In our climate zone they are bred in room conditions or in heated greenhouses. Relatively frost-resistant species- this is "Passiflora caerulea", which can be planted in the south of Russia in open ground in a site protected from the wind.

The plant belongs to the passion-flower family, the classification feature is lianas. In size, the plant can reach a height of 6 m, a diameter of about 1 meter. The plant blooms from May to September and requires abundant watering at this time.

Cultivation, care

Passiflora growing requires a well-lit place in direct sunlight in a well-ventilated area, protected from frost and drafts. Optimum temperature in spring and summer for a plant 18 - 20 degrees.

In spring, the plant is transplanted into a pot of larger diameter (but not more than 25 cm). The soil for growing must be fertilized. In subsequent years, it will be enough to remove 2.5 - 5 cm of the top layer of the earth and change it to fertile soil with a similar composition. Water the plant in the summer at least three times a week so that no puddles remain on top of the soil.

To create a moist environment, the leaves need to be moistened regularly with a sprayer. After transplanting into a new large pot, it is recommended to trim the plant to give shape. The central stems are left 15-20 cm high, and the lateral ones 5-10 cm long.

As the stems grow, they need to be tied to supports. During the flowering period, every two weeks the plant must be fed with a liquid complex fertilizer. In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced to moderate, and the temperature is reduced to 10-15 degrees.


The easiest way to propagate the passion flower is semi-lignified cuttings. To do this, they are cut in the summer from stems 8-10 cm in size. A couple of leaves are removed from the bottom of the cutting, the cut is treated with a growth stimulator and planted in a special mixture to a depth of the remaining leaves.

The soil mixture is prepared from equal parts of coarse sand and peat. Pots with cuttings are covered with transparent bags or placed in boxes under glass, maintaining a moist environment inside. Keep the pots in the shade at a temperature of 18-21 degrees.

After rooting, the plants are placed in the sun and begin to water moderately until September, feeding every two weeks with liquid complex fertilizers. In winter, top dressing is completely stopped, watering is reduced, the temperature is maintained at about 10-13 degrees.

At the end of winter or in March, rooted cuttings are planted separately in pots with a diameter of 10 cm. In addition to cuttings, passionflower can be propagated by seeds, as well as layering.

Pests and diseases

The first signs of a violation of the agricultural technology of growing passionflower are drying and falling leaves.

An uncomfortable state of the plant may be due to a lack of light or moisture. Sometimes the plant is affected by green aphids or red mites.

They are disposed of by treatment with appropriate insecticides. WITH mealybug in winter, they fight by wiping the affected areas with alcohol with a cotton swab or treating them with a vaseline-based insecticide.


The most famous and popular species.

  • Passiflora caerulea - Blue Passionflower or Cavalier Star. This is the most known species, has a dark green filamentous stem with glossy palmate leaves. The flower corolla includes white-gray petals, which are located around a crown of thin multi-colored fibers.
  • Passiflora coccinea - Scarlet Passion Flower. It does not have as colorful flowers as the previous species, but the flowers of a thick red hue are very attractive in their own way.
  • Passiflora guadrangularis - Tetrahedral Passiflora. Curly hybrid species with characteristic white-pink flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. In place of the flowers, oval orange fruits are formed.

Many species of passionflower have medicinal properties. These plants are used both in folk and official medicine. ethnoscience uses passion flower herbs to treat eye diseases, liver diseases, and as a laxative.

Official medicine makes various preparations from meat-red passionflower, among which are the famous Novo-Passit and Central-B. Growing passionflower, caring for it, although difficult, will please any grower, especially lovers indoor plants because the plant is bright, the flowers are beautiful and very fragrant.
Video: Passiflora, cultivation, care

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