Burnanov for drinking height. Grass of Dress: Description, Agrotechnics and Medical Properties

Gardening 18.05.2019

Flowers and fruits from June to September. Movement in part seeds, and especially underground shoots-rhizomes. Completely developed grains sprout quickly and amicably, usually after 15-20 days, an average of up to 89%, and at 30 ° C, germination is faster than at 20 °, and better in light than in the dark. Deeper 7 cm grains usually do not germinate. The emerging sections in the first year by autumn form underground offspring, giving font-level shoots to the surface; The fruitful stalks are developing for the second year. However, in the fields of drinkes is multiplied mainly by rhizomes.

Plzuchchah dusty root Located in the soil more or less horizontally and branched, with the ends of the branches bend upwards (the so-called sympodial rhizome) and go to the surface, giving the beginning of the shoots. The size of the root of the individual plant can reach 15 m long and occupy the area in several square meters.

The smallest segment of rhizomes, having one or more live kidney, is able to form a whole plant with several rhizomes for one season, and more or less significant segments already in the second year give abundant grass, with the mass of intertwined rhizomes of spanning smoke, forming a thick layer, skipping Soil.

It follows that the crushing of rhizomes when treating soil by separating guns (for example, discs) can only lead to its even greater reproduction.

The most important feature of the root is a great need for them in the air, in the aeration of the soil. Studies have shown that the rhizomes of the dusty occur the deeper than the soil loose and lighter, and, on the contrary, the closer are located to the surface than the soil is denser and harder. IN natural conditionsFor example, on the young, soft deposits of drinking, it can be outstanding the rest of the vegetation, forming often almost clean pure hay of braids, but it does not endure the soil seals and subsequently hesitated by turf cereals.

As a rule, on old deposits, meadows, pastures and in general on compacted and solid lands Rhizomes of dusty lie close to the surface of the soil ( more part Up to 6-12 cm), on the soft, busty cultivated fields, they are distributed as part of the entire depth of the arable layer and can sometimes achieve considerable depths (up to 18-20 cm or more). Thus, the depth of the root of the root of dusty depends on the nature of the soil, their composition and state of the treated areas. Therefore, in order to capture and pull out the main mass of the rhizomes of dusty, you need to produce the main plowing to the depth of the root of the roots, which should be installed on the spot in each case, in the conditions of this economy.

Finally, dusty rhizomes are distinguished by resistance against temperature effects. Experiments have shown that as a result of the wintering during the winter period, the complete die off the rhizomes occurs only on the surface of the soil, but it decreases as the depth of sealing the segments of root in the soil increases.

As for the droughstability of rhizomes, in the laboratory conditions they lose their vitality when exposed to temperatures at 50 ° C for 6-7 hours. The larger on the surface of the soil during the hot weather the rhizomes can be killed by drying for 5-7 days, but, laying 1-2 days in the sun and then nailed to the rain to the soil, they come to life and grow again.

In the field, the full drying of the rhizomes is hampered by the fact that part of them remains at different depths in the soil, where the temperature is reduced; then dried rOINVE DRINE COLLUE delayed due to the entanglements of their roots and pierces to them lumps of land; Finally, when the rains are rainped, the root of drinking is quickly growing, and a piglet from large depths of 20-30 cm and more of them can give them from cutting.

All this makes drinking heavy weed, which, in addition to clogging of crops, promotes the massive appearance of a number of pests: a wire worm, larvae of Khrushche, Rust, etc.

The main struggle against dusty is reduced to turning its rhizomes in packet, their extraction, drying, depletion and suffocation.

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in the ground - in early May, but it is easier to put on the same time on the plot on a small depth of the apparent roots of drinking with a kidney.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight, semolot or shadow.
  • The soil: loose and wet.
  • Watering: Only into a strong drought.
  • Feeding: Phosphorous fertilizers in summer and nitrogen in the middle of the autumn.
  • Reproduction: Seeds and parts of the root.
  • Properties: The grass of drinking has anti-inflammatory, laxative, diuretic and expectorant action.

Details about growing drinking read below

Grass drinking - Description

Wood weed Can be detected on any garden. What does drinking crawl look like? He has long, horizontal, cords, located at a depth of 5 to 15 cm. The stem reaches a height from 40 to 150 cm. Linear leaves, naked, flat, narrow, length up to 40, up to 1 cm. Flowers in quantity Three to eight pieces form spikelets up to 2 cm long. These spikelets, in turn, make up rare accosate inflorescence with a length of 7 to 30 cm. Fruits of ray - grains with one seed.

Growing Pyrey

Planting Pyrey

Recently, it is increasingly possible to meet sections of dusty, which is grown as a medicinal plant or a cattle. Best of all drinks grows on wet loose soils. Spank him as seed fashionand vegetatively.

Sow drinking in early May. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked overnight in cold water, then they sow them into the soil so that they do not touch each other, they sprinkle with a thin layer of the earth and stretch the film on the crops. If you germinate seeds before sowing, then the film will not need.

But it is much easier to grow drinking vegetative way. To do this, it is necessary to separate from the rhizoma dusting root of drinking with the kidney and put it on a small depth of the prepared, that is, simply reheated soil. Plant powder The very beginning to multiply intensively, capturing all the large territories.

Care for Pyrem

Those who grow drossing on vegetable garden, It is argued that the profitability of this culture is very high. And this is despite that care for it almost does not require effort. Water drinks only in a strong drought. Nitrogen fertilizers are better to put in the ground in the middle of the autumn. Spring feeding Powerful result is not allowed, and phosphates can be made in summer.

How to get rid of drinking

If drinking in your site appeared contrary to your desire, get ready for long and exhausting struggle. How to get rid of drinking? Against this malicious weed whole system Agrotechnical measures, providing for deep sealing of plants in the ground: He does not boost from great depth. You can drain drinking in depressing crops, for example, seeded herbs. But without manual weeding and processing a plot of pesticides, you can not win drinking crawl.

Collection of crawl dusty

How to collect dresses

Best to harm the roots of drinking in early springAs long as the plant has not yet been shooting, and in the fall, after withering the ground part. Just at this time, all valuable substances contained in dusty juices accumulate in its rhizomes. Usually the workpiece is carried out in the middle of the autumn.

Roots are removed, cleaned from the ground, small processes and shoots, washed and dried by thermal or natural way. Drying in the oven, dryer or oven significantly reduces the time of the workpiece. The raw materials are laid and dried at a temperature of 70 ºC, from time to Vorosha and stirring. For drying, the roots are laid out with a thinner layer in the sun under open sky, underwing cardboard or paper for them. So that the rhizomes are dried evenly, they are stirred and turned over.

Determine the readiness of raw materials according to the degree of elasticity of rhizomes: they should not bend at all or can bend only under sharp angle. The finished raw material is re-shifted, cleaned from garbage and peat into the flour using a pestle and a mortar for this.

How to Store Dress

Store the powder from the rhizomes of drinking hermetically packed in glass jars so that it does not drink extraneous odors and moisture. Banks must be from dark glass, but if they are transparent, they need to be kept in a closed closet or in a dark storage room. The shelf life of the Powder from the root of Pokzuchny 2-3 years.

Properties of Pyrey - harm and benefit

Therapeutic properties of Pyrey

Rhizome drinking contains saponin, carotene, ascorbic acid, inulin, mucus, hydroquinone, essential oil. Official medicine recognizes wheeling with anti-inflammatory, laxative, diuretic and expectorant. In a pharmacy, you can purchase a drug called "Polving Pulse (Root and Porvizhvism)", which is prescribed in a complex with other drugs in the treatment of diseases and conditions:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, cholecystitis, enteritis, gastritis;
  • urinary Diseases: Jade, Cystitis;
  • skin diseases: furunculese, dermatitis, eczema, acne;
  • respiratory diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • metabolic disorders: diabetes, rickets, anemia;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis.

Effective in the treatment of pyelonephritis, prostatitis and cystitis The drug based on the roots of the dusty "Uronhephron", which is also prescribed with urolithiasis. And to treat allergic manifestations, atopic bronchial asthma and pollinosis use an immunological preparation called "Allergen from pollen pollen cracking for diagnosis and treatment".

In traditional medicine, too widely applied beneficial features dusty. Decorations and infusions of the leaves and roots of the plant are used during jaundice, diameters, diathesis and the retail of newborns, adding them to water for swimming. Teenagers suffering from acne rape, recommend daily to wipe the problem areas of the skin with infant of drinking.

Preparations of pottery cleanings are powder from its roots, juice, decoction, infusion and fear. We offer you recipes of drugs that you can prepare yourself.

Napar: 60 g of dry raw materials poured 1 liters of boiling water and insist. Take on furunculese, stones in the kidneys and a gallbladder and as an expectorant.

Broth: 25 g of dry roots of drinking polishes are poured with a glass of boiling water and on slow heat tomatin for 10 minutes, after which they remove from the fire, cover and give an hour. Accept with bronchitis, cystitis, rheumatism, pneumonia, jade, gastritis, colitis, rickets, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cold, gallstone disease and gout on one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Infusion: 10 g dry roots of drinking poured with two glasses cold water, during the day insist in dark place, focusing and re-poured with raw materials, but with two glasses of boiling water, they insist one hour, then be filtered and combined both infusions. Take 100 ml after eating three times a day.

Polyzaviy Dross - Contraindications

When administering drugs, smoking, the dosage should be strictly observed: when it is exceeded, kidney pain may occur. Other contraindications are not yet known.

The beneficial properties of pottery crawling.

What only by the people's names are not numbered: lovets, rzhannis, pony, root grass, dog grass and even worm-grass. True, after all, in these words reflected the external similarity of the plant and its ability to grow underground?

The translation from the Latin name literally means the fire of fields: the speed and scope of its distribution is similar to powerful flame languages. And to bring the weed completely from the garden is not possible

What is useful to boat-boat and is it worth it to store it? Read in this article

What does the grass of drinking look like, where is growing?

Malicious salary of drinking belongs to the family of cereals

  • Its thin, branching invariably in the horizontal direction of the roots penetrate through the upper layers of the soil, and form a whole web there from rhizomes and kidneys, ready for transforming into a new plant
  • Rhizomes do not penetrate the usual 15 centimeters
  • Weeding has a reprehensive stem, reaching a height of 40-120 cm. Long and flat leaves reach a length of 15-40 cm
  • Leaves of green or sizo green. Width plate 3-8 mm
  • Flowers are diligent in appearance. These are complex long-haired spikelets made of 4-7 flower places collected in inflorescences. The spikelet itself reaches a length of 15 cm. The weed is blooming to May-June. To the outcome of the first summer month, it is already possible to observe the ripe fruits representing the grain similar to wheat. Fetal length - 5 mm

Dross creeping - not only weed

Under the ground, drinking shoots can quickly spread. It is for such its ability to fill out useful for gardening crops the area with its creeping roots, the dackets do not complain and mercilessly get rid of weed

Sometimes cleaning pricework From the weed is very difficult. The process of destruction of the dusty can delay for whole months.

Sometimes the slightest damage to the root causes the growth of a new plant. The tops of the roots for this are bent up and are at the surface of the soil layer

Where does the weed grow?

Besides arable land, drinking fills with its curly rhizomes of meadows, steppe slopes, floodplains of rivers and roadside. In short everywhere where there is a rude soil, drinking can germinate. For the formation of a new individual, only parts of the rhizoma with a single kidney are sufficient.

Silvering - grass and root: therapeutic and beneficial properties and contraindications

More doctors Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome knew O. healing properties dusty. In medieval folk medicine, also found the use of creeping grass

Incredibly, but an unsightly look at the plant is a relaxing and diuretic. It is consumed with a strong cough, cold, and used as an anti-inflammatory drug.

Dried weed roots are sold in pharmacies called

In what cases are resorted to the healing properties of ray(in combination with other herbs)?

  • With different violations of the functions of the digestive tract. These can be colitis, and gastritis, and enteritis, cholecystitis
  • Diseases of the urogenital system (cystitis and jade)
  • Skin diseases, for example, dermatitis, eczema, ferunculosis or acne
  • Respiratory lesions - bronchitis and various pneumonia
  • Metabolism Processes (Violation of Fat Exchange, Proteins, Carbohydrates) - Diabetes or Anemia, Rakhit
  • Various disorders of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis and osteochondrosis

Decorations or infancy of the root of drinking are used inward, but only by appointing the attending physician

The weed pollen is part of the immunological preparation, thanks to which allergic inflammation, polynomy, bronchial asthma detects and treat

In alternative medicine, the rhizome of drinking is widely used. The resistance of the plant and explains its useful properties.

How to apply drinking external?

  • For outdoor use, boils and infancy of the root and green part of the plant are prepared. Such funds help with skin diseases of infants.

Dressy is effective with jaundice, dying, and retreat, diathesis. In order for the decoction to air, it is necessary to prepare it in the following way:

Recipe: drinking for a newborn bathing

50 g root of Pyrei fill 0.5 liters of boiling waterand. Leave it to half an hour.

Application: The resulting decoction pour into the bathing bath and hold the crumb into it. Swimming in the brave of weed repeat three times during the week.

Infusion of dusty helps and in adolescents acne. You only need to apply the resulting "lotion" on the affected area

Get rid of repeating furunculeza will help summer of concentrated infusion

How to apply drinking inside?

Recipe of ancient physicians, which improves eyesight

Juice Praying mixes with medom. The ratio should be 1: 1. The mixture warms 5 minutes.

Applicationse: It is believed that continuously taking such an infusion on 1 tablespoon three times a day (as many as 180 days), one can noticeably improve vision (up to 1-3 diopters)

Recipe: drinking weight to reduce weight

1 tablespoon fresh juice Pyrey.
100 ml of water

Application: Mix the ingredients and drink four times a day. Apply the mixture you need at least a week

Contraindications in treating this Living Plant Could only be if a person has individual intolerance.
Uncontrolled infusion of infusion from the root of drinking can negatively affect the urinary system, on the kidneys and liver

Caution requires the use of drinking in the following diseases:

  • Exacerbation of ulcers
  • Pancreatitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Pregnancy

The root of the burdock, dusty, dandelion: therapeutic properties, what treats?

Distributionable weeds are able to help with many diseases. It is enough to prepare the roots of three plants - burdock, dusty, dandelion

What is getable to drink?

  • Restores metabolic processes
  • Heals severe urinary tract diseases
  • Treats diseases of the respiratory system
  • Treats diseases of the digestive system
  • Can be used as a painlier
  • Treats violations of ovarian function in women

What is the dandelion useful?

  • Used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis
  • Helps with anemia
  • Used in the treatment of oncological diseases
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes in the joints and lymph nodes

What is the burst?

  • able to fight cancer
  • helps in the treatment of bronchitis and hymorites
  • accelerates the restoration of bone tissue during fractures
  • able to deal with heart failure
  • used in the treatment of hepatitis
  • heals the initial manifestations of influenza

How to cook a decoction of three herbs?

  • Collect young roots of plants at the beginning of spring or in the autumn time before the onset of cold weather. Burns need to take annual. In the two-year-old roots of burdocks, there are no useful properties: they go into inflorescences
  • Rhizomes should dig and rinse under flowing water. Plants are crushed after drying and each type of plants is dried and prepared separately
  • Two tablespoons of dried roots are poured with boiled water. They put boiled within 10 minutes. After that, the decoction is focused and insisted 2 hours
  • Straighten the decoction, it can be drunk to the number of floors three times a day. Be sure to drink a decoction on an empty stomach. In this case, the rags in the blood immediately will receive useful substances and faster will be dispersed in the body.

Change ragners from the roots of three grasses every week. For example, if this week you are drinking a decoction of the root of the burdock, next week it should be a decoction from the dandelion root, and next week will be drinking

How to brew the roots of drinking?

To brew the root of drinking will need 8 STB Dry Root Pyrey. The chopped mixture is filled boiled water and after two-hour insteading it can be applied

Broth of dusty: how to cook and apply?

Recipe for cooking ragger drinking

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. dried root Pyre.i
  • Fill 1 glass boiled water
  • Boil 5-10 minutes
  • Cool
  • Perfoliate and squeeze

How to take a decoction of drinking? Drink 1/3 cups three times a day

Under what diseases helps a decoction of drinking:

  • With a bricken disease
  • With urolithiasis
  • With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • In the treatment of Padagra and rheumatism

Pyrey juice from stalks and grass leaves: how to do and apply?

Recipe for cooking juice

  • Collect 1 kg of dusty Together with roots and rinse under running water
  • Washed grass drying
  • Grind grass
  • Pour 2 liters of water
  • Stir

Application: After one hour, the juice needs to be strain and squeeze. Ready juice can save its beneficial properties a few days when stored in the refrigerator. The duration of the storage of juice can be increased by adding 1 glass of vodka per liter of juice

Drink juice 3-4 times a day in the amount of 0.5 glasses on an empty stomach. Treatment lasts 3-4 months

The decoction of dusty copes with various skin diseases

Recipe cooking recipe:

  • 50 g roe drinking
  • 5 liters boilingwild

Application: raw materials poured with water and placed for warming up water bath. A ready-made decoction should be 2 hours. Take a bath pouring in the water

Tincture drinking on vodka: how to cook and apply?

Dressy is successfully used in the treatment of hyperopia. For this prepare tincture with vodka.

Recipe cooking tincture

  • 100 ml shredded to powder root Pyrey
  • 150 ml vodka.
  • 200 ml water

Application: All manipulations with the root of drinking must be performed in glass dark dishes. Water is heated and connected with vodka

  • The resulting liquid is poured powder powder. The dishes with the root of drinking tightly closed. After 20 minutes of insistence (in the dark) tincture is ready to use
  • Remedy are taken in an amount of 20 drops twice a day for 30 days

Drossing for cancer: recipe

Oncological diseases are treated with drinking so:

Recipe with oncological diseases

  • 2 st l shredded root Pyrey
  • 500 ml boiling water

Application: Raw materials poured with water and boiled within 15 minutes. After 3 hours of insteading and polling the infusion can be used. Adhere to the next dosage: a third of a glass three times a day on an empty stomach. Take for 3-4 weeks

Drubs for sight: recipe

Improvement of vision occurs when using the following decoction

Recipe for vision

  • 4 st l shredded root Pyrey
  • 5 full glasses boiling water

Application: Pour drinking water and keep on fire until the water is evaporated to ¼ volume. Drink 4-5 times a day for 1 st l

Drubs against reflux: recipe

In the treatment of reflux, various herbal fees are effective. They are even prescribed to their patients doctors

Recipe for the treatment of reflux

  • 100 g the root of alteia
  • 100 g linden colors
  • 50 g yarrow
  • 50 g root Pyrey
  • 50 g ZHERBOYU.
  • 50 g root licorice
  • 50 g dried grass Shanders ordinary
  • 20 g Glotting

Application: Sreet and brewed by 30 g with one glass of boiling water. After half an hour of insistence, you can drink tea from herbs. Drink it hot once a day after eating

Therapeutic properties of dusty on the joints: how to apply?

Drubs are used in the treatment of joints

Recipe for the treatment of joints

Need to take 1 cup row and insist for 12 hours in 1 l boiled water.

Application: can add honey and drink 0.5 glasses 3-5 times a day

Dross with diabetes mellitus: how to apply?

Dress will help adjust the metabolism. For the treatment of diabetes, the following infusion is used

Recipe for diabetes

  • 4 st l shredded rhizoma Pyrey
  • 5 glasses water

Application: The raw materials are poured with water and boiled until we decrease to ¼. The leaky decoction drink 1 st l 4-5 times a day

The decoction of dusty from mosquitoes: how to apply?

To prepare efficient mosquito repellent, You need a handful of crushed roys of dusty. Raw materials should pour 1.5 liters of water and boil three times before purchasing a leaf of light yellow shade.

The face and open parts of the body are harvested with liquid

Why cats and dogs eat rainy grass

The grass is crazy has a pronounced antihake effect. This explains its frequent eating cats and dogs.

Video: Properties of crawling

Sweezing drinking - unpretentious weed grass, growing along the rooking of the roads, in the fields, meadows. It may be settled both in the mountains and on the flat terrain. It is able to survive, punching his way through the cracks in the asphalt, stones and in the most seemingly unsuitable for the life of the corners of nature.

And who of us did not lead to the fight against this malicious "invader" of gardens, gardens and household plots? This drinking causes us a lot of trouble, mercilessly turning weak sprouts of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and other cultures.

It is noticeably impossible to the soil, pulling out of it three times more nutrients and water than cultural conifers. It is almost impossible to get rid of it if after a musting there are several root fragments left. At this place grows the grass twice as strongest and lush.

Drinking, benefit and harm

However, the weed grass of drinking, it turns out, is very useful for a person and is successfully applied in folk medicine. No wonder they are treated far from the herbal brothers our smaller, withdrawing toxins from the body and normalizing the work of their intestines. You have repeatedly had to see how a favorite cat or a shaggy poodle gladly chew this grass on the lawn.

Per appearance, unpretentious and direct relationship with the cultures of the cereals in the people called his worm-grass, Dandur, Wolf Tooth, root grass, livets, dog grass, Rzhanzy. What does it represent and what does a simple plant look like? Why do we know it only as "horror" for gardens and practically nothing about home leek? Let's deal with.

Latin Plant Name - Elytrígia Répens, Agropyron Repaens. The latter name brightly reflects the attitude of the economic workers to it, which means "fire fields". Is a perennial herbaceous plant of a single-bedroom class from the most common kind of drinking, progenitor modern cultures Family of cereals.

It has more than 50 species, 20 of which grow in Russia. Some of them are listed in the Red Book.

Dress is common worldwide, but it comes from North Africa, Europe and Asia. He is incredibly hardy, fruit and liveliness. It is able to transfer drought and heat, resistant to wrinkle and rot. It is not afraid of winter jersey and multiple soil peops. Only with the complete absence of the soil the plant dies.

With its magnificent winter-hardiness of drinking, the agriculture is obliged to contain in his rhizomes. Due to the presence of this substance, the methods of genetic engineering scientists of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the USSR managed to create wheat resistant to frost.

Due to the rapid increase in the overhead mass of drinking, it is successfully used in economic purposes. Animals love this grass, it is actively harvested as a hay for the winter. Some birds like seeds of drinking.

Botanical characteristic

Dross refers to herbaceous perennials. With the first rays of the spring sun, its root system is started into active growth, and from under the bare-mounted snow, the first bright green shoots are shown. Under the influence of the sun and heat, they can acquire a greenish-gray shade. To the height of drinking can reach from 40 to 130 cm.

The plant has hard straight stems and narrow linear rough leaves, located alternately. The width of the sheet usually does not exceed 4-8 millimeters, on the stem is attached with a long vaginal plate.

Blooms in mid-May - August, the fruits ripen in July - September. Formation of inflorescence in the form of a complex double-round spikelet with small salad flowers. These scraps-shaped inflorescences, collected by 6-7 pieces each, in turn form a larger ear, reaching a length of 15 centimeters. The fruit of the plant has a form of a grain resembling wheat in miniature.

Root system branched, in the form of a root growing horizontally. For the slightest damage Endogenous growth stimulants are activated, and the root "turns on" into growth, giving the beginning of all new branches. Thus, the plant breeds both seeds and vegetatively, rhizomes.

In the second half of June, drinks begins to prepare for wintering. During this period, its rhizomes begin to go into deeper layers of the soil, while they are formed small tuber growth.

The more arid and hotter summer, the faster the drinking will bloom. In such conditions, when the earth is dry and dense, rhizomes are not fully developed. It will not grow high, and as soon as possible will give the fruit. On the contrary, if the soil is wet, loose and fertile, the plant will not bother flowering, quickly increasing the root system and giving powerful terrestrial shoots.

In the depths of the plant leaves more than 30 centimeters, and during the "wintering" period, it can be found at a depth of 70 centimeters. The length of one root can exceed 15 meters. Pryvy is able to grow so that in one summer the area occupied by him can reach several meters. So, on one hectare of soil can easily form up to 250 million kidneys.

Chemical composition

Useful substances contains all the plant, but richery are richer. Thus, used in therapeutic purposes All parts of the plant.

The composition of rhizomes, shoots and stalks include:

  • Proteins and organic mucus;
  • carbohydrates, including inulin and starch;
  • fructose, lewulose;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • mannitol, Avenin, Saponina;
  • apple Acid;
  • agropyrene, gum;
  • mineral salts, among which most potash;
  • phenols;
  • vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and carotene.

As part of the plant, there is one of the necessary Amino acid-Alanine amino acids. This component is involved in glucose metabolism and serves as a powerful energy source for the body. It helps to keep the activity of processes in the brain, muscle tissues at the proper level, increases resistance to infections. He opposes stressful factors, takes part in the creation of a hormonal background, improves the condition of the skin and its derivatives (nails, hair).


In this part of the plant contains about 11% of useful proteins, up to 40% - flavonoids. This is a whole storeroom vitamins E, A, C, R, PP, micro- and macroelements. It is often used when preparing vitamin and mineral cocktails, teas.

Prepared by the future, this phytopreparation will perfectly replace this phytopreparation. It can be used as an independent drink and in a complex with other herbs. Another very important property: it does not have a stimulating effect on nervous system. So, does not cause insomnia. Therefore, drinking tea can be drinked in the evening.


Therapeutic properties and surface part of the plant are valued. Leaves and sebacles of drinking also have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunostimulating effect. Can be used inside and externally, in the form of a bummer and baths for diseases of internal organs, furunculosis and different types eczema.

In these specific cases, seeds of dusty can be applied. More often they are used when problems with digestion. Accepted in the form of fresh tea 30 minutes before the meal of ½ or 1 cup of liquid.

Torn from the bed early in spring and finely chopped into a salad, it will become an excellent addition to the food diet of both adults and children. The complex of his vitamins and trace elements will help strengthen the immune system, to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and is painlessly exit from the state of winter avitaminosis.

A number of stores selling dietary products sells drinking juice already in the finished form. However, as a rule, it already contains some preservatives. And then, such a product you can make yourself prepare yourself. Fresh, healing, and notice - without any additives!

How to cook juice?

Option number 1. Initially, grind the root of dusty. Next, you need to get juice. For this, the simplest device is suitable. The washed and chopped raw materials of the fresh plant put in a mortar and tall. The resulting juice is pressed through the gauze.

For cooking healing Drink You can use a blender or juicer. However, in an option with a blender, it should be envisaged that a small part of chlorophyll and nutrients can be oxidized under the influence of rotating metal blades of the device. Therefore, the value of the product obtained slightly will slight slightly.

Get juice from finely chopped leaves and stems in the same way. It will help in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary organs and biliary tract, edema, neurosis and other diseases, including inflammatory nature. It is shown as an additional fund for uterine bleeding and abundant monthly. The method of admission is standard: half a cup three times a day before meals.

Option number 2. Preparation of drink with dust and lemon.

  1. Take 200 grams of freshly made roots, crush them and squeeze
  1. Add 0.5 liter chilled boiled water.
  2. Squeeze juice ½ middle size Lemon, pour into the prepared drink.
  3. Sugar - to taste. To mix everything. There should be 2-3 servings.

Application. Excellent remedy for the treatment of colds, cough and cold. Purifies blood, removes swelling and inflammation. Effective drink with hypovitaminosis and to eliminate the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Option number 3. For the treatment of colds. Rape rinse, quivel. Skip through a meat grinder, then mix with water at the rate of 1: 1. To put a little to stand, then squeeze through the gauze. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day before eliminating symptoms.

Broth of Pyrey.

The decoction of the rhizomes and other parts of the plant is slightly inferior in the value of juice, since it is less concentration of valuables. Also, its components are undergoing thermal processing, while some vitamins and enzymes are inactivated.

But despite this, dusty decoctions are used both for intake and as compresses and other means for outdoor use in diseases of the skin and joints.

The decoction is prepared by the following way. 30 grams of dried roys of drinking poured with one liter of boiling water for intake, 0.5 liters - for use in compresses and baths. Dishes with content tomatin on slow heat for 15-20 minutes. Then insist, cooled, filter.

Take half a glass three times a day to improve vision in the syndrome of visual fatigue, with cough, inflammatory processes in the liver, kidney, urinary bubble and other diseases. In addition, there are baths with a decoction of drinking children with diathesis, eczematosis lesions, acne. Make compresses for inflammation of joints and osteochondrosis.

Napar from Kornvishism

It is more concentrated than the previous version, which means it contains more healing substances.

Prepared as follows. 100 grams of dry rhizomes are taken, 1 liter of boiling water is poured. It is evaporated on very slow heat in such a way that half of the liquid remains. The remaining part is cooled, filter.

Application. One glass three times a day with cardiovascular pathologies, jaundice, liver disease, pancreas, diabetes mellitus.

Dross from cystitis

For the treatment of acute cystitis and stones bladder. For cooking you will need six tablespoons of raw materials. Plive them with one liter of boiling water, keep half an hour in the water bath. Then insist ten minutes. Everything, the decoction is ready. It remains to be strain and take three times to half a cup before meals.

For the treatment of chronic form of cystitis, the decoction is prepared similarly, only the ingredients are taken at the rate of 2 tablespoons of drinking to 0, 5 liters of water. Accepted 1/3 cup four times a day.

With night incontinence (enuresis) is prepared in the same way as in chronic cystitis, that is, 2 tablespoons of the collection on half of the liter of water are taken. The resulting medicine is fastened and used during the day. Treatment - no more than one month.


This method of cooking is different from the previous one. He is more careful heat treatmentTherefore, many ingredients in the composition remain almost unchanged.

The first option (in particular, the first part of the preparation) practically does not imply heating. It is done as follows:

  1. Four teaspoons of a finely chopped fresh ray rhizoma are poured with one glass of cold boiled water.
  2. The mixture is insteaded for 12 hours in a dark cool place.
  3. The liquid is fastened, and the precipitate for ten minutes is poured 250 ml of steep boiling water. After this time is filled.
  4. Both infused liquids are mixed.

Sin.: Life, Rzhanzha, Rzhhan, Ponya, Dandur, Root Grass, Dog Grass, Worm-Grass, etc.

Perennial herbaceous plant with long creeping underground rhizomes. It is used in medicine as a medicinal plant with valuable therapeutic properties: anti-inflammatory, blood purified, smooth, powdered, milk and diuretic, etc.

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Formula flower

Flower Flower Czczuchy: O2T3P2.

In medicine

Dross creeping is not a pharmacopoeial plant in domestic official medicine, but it is widely used in traditional medicine and homeopathy. Medical significance have grass and rhizomes of crawling, they are used as a diuretic, campphic, expectorant and light laxative. Sometimes in medical practice, drinking rhizome is used as a therapeutic agent regulating saline exchange, as well as an enveloping, lightweight and blood purity.

Contraindications and side effects

In cosmetology

Powder creeping applied allergic diseases leather as an anti-refusable remedy with red flat lisp, as an anticipal and anti-faceted agent for pyodermia, including furunculosis, eels, viral diseases Skin, hyperkeratoses, sclerodermia and baldness. With a furunculese, a positive effect has a strong decoction of dusty root.

In other areas

In addition to the therapeutic action of the rhizoma of drinking crawling possess a big food value. In the hungry years they were dried, Moli and baked from it quite a decent quality bread. Currently, drinking is used in cooking, for example, fresh rhizomes are prepared salads, sides for meat, fish and vegetable dishes, soups are boiled. The dried rhizomes are suitable for milling flour, porridge, eggs, beer are booked, baked bread, and also use both surrogate coffee.

Purified from the Earth Rhizoma Pokzuchnyy use to feed livestock, rabbits, birds. As a medicinal plant of drinking eating cats and dogs, especially in early spring is their favorite greens. Dross creeping is a valuable hay and pasture plant, in culture can give a harvest of hay to 50-60 centners / ha.

Some species (spots elongated, dusty and other types) are valued in selection as plants widely used to produce frost and cold-resistant wheat-flowered hybrids that give grain of good quality.


Dross creeping (lat. Elytrigia Repens) - the most famous appearance The kind of wildfish of the family of cereals, or mattle (lat. Poaceae, or Gramineae). The composition of the genus includes about 30 species of perennial herbs common in the vneipic areas. In Russia, approximately 20 species, some of them (roasted knobs) - endemics of the steppes of the European part and the predfabcasus are listed in the Red Books of the USSR.

Botanical description

Drubwear - a perennial naked or published herbaceous plant 60-120 cm height with long, creeping, branched underground rhizome, forming numerous above-ground solitary subsidiaries. The root system is basic, formed by numerous subtle apparent roots. The stalks are smooth naked or pubescent, at a greater length are enclosed in leafy vagina. Vaginal leaves, linear, 5-8 mm widths, green or grayish, top-end ribbed, witty, at the base of the plate with small but well-visible ears. The vagina is long, on the site of their transition to the leaf plate there is a short increase - tongue. Flowers are small, green, unbroken, collected in spikelets of 4-7 pieces, which, in turn, long inflorescences - a complex spacing. At the base of the spikelets (1-2 cm long) there are two smooth pointed, with a short ust of spiked scales with 5-7 veins. Flowers with a strongly reduced perianth, enclosed in flowering scales. Stamen 3, with rather large swinging anthers. Pestle with upper one-minute breakdown and two sitting stigmas. Flower Flower Flower Crawling: O2T3P 2 . The fruit is a grain. Flowers in June-July, fruits in August-September.


Drossing creeping is spread almost everywhere, occurs throughout European Russia. Mass I. regular plant Meadow communities, nude and overgrowing substrates and shores of reservoirs, as well as fields (malicious weeds), deposits, gardens, grinding shrubs, wasterees and rooking roads. Prefers rich and well-being aerated soils.

Thanks to long rhizomes, it is capable of quickly capturing large areas, so drinking is referred to hard-painted field weeds. At 1 hectare can be counted up to 250 million kidneys of dusty, which very quickly germinate in mechanical damage, being at a low depth or in loose soil.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

Rhizomes of drinking is best to harm during autumn or spring plowing, as they contain maximum amount active biologically active substances and in large quantities are taken to the surface of the soil. Much value is the raw material, harvested early in spring, before the stalks of the stems. I dug up the rhizomes, they shake them away from the ground and cleaned from the residues of the stems and leaves. If natural drying is assumed (in the sun), the rhizomes do not wash, but only shake off the ground. Washing is advisable if it is planned to artificial drying (in dryers at a temperature of 50-55 ° C). After drying the rhizomes are folded into a bunch and peat manually, until small roots are broken down and the remains of the soil and leaves will appear. Then the rhizomes are selected or selected. Store raw materials (rhizomes) is recommended in solid form in well closed glass jars. The shelf life of raw materials is 2-3 years old.

It is necessary to treat rawly with caution, as it is easily damaged by the moth, Khrushchek, weevils and other barn pests.

Chemical composition

Pouring rhizoma cracking contain carbohydrates: triticin, manitis (2.5-3%), levular (3-4%); Agropererin, glukovalin, as well as salts of malic acid, protein and mucous substances, saponins, pectins, fatty and essential oil, carotene, ascorbic acid, mineral salts. Most of the rhizome, drinking contains starch (up to 40%).

Pharmacological properties

Czczuchka and preparation root, made on its basis (tincture, decoctions, fresh juice), are recommended to be used to prevent and treat bile and urolithiasis, as well as used as a diuretic tool, for the treatment of diseases of bile and urinary tract: cystites, jade, Ureterites, urinary incontinence, chronic bladder infections).

The root of drinking has enveloping and light laxative properties, it is efficiently used for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, spleen and gastrointestinal tract (colitis, enteritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, gastritis, catar stomach, etc.). Drossing creeping also has an expectorant action, reception of decoction and informations from the root roots are effective in diseases of the lungs, bronchi and various inflammation of the upper respiratory tractaccompanied by sputum release. The roots and rhizomes of pottery crawling have healing and anti-inflammatory properties, they are used to combat skin diseases - acne, furunculosis, eczemas, trophic ulcers, various species dermatitis.

Dross creeping helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it cleans blood and reduces cholesterol levels, leads to normal arterial pressure, improves lipid metabolism and metabolism.

Application in folk medicine

In folk medicine, dusty rhizome apply significantly wider than in official medicine. In folk medicine, dusty rhizomes are used as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, enveloping, light laxative and improving metabolism. In the form of ragners, drinking peeper drink in diseases of the liver, lungs, kidneys, urinary incontinence, urethritis and cystitis, are taken from chest pain, with fever, jaundice, incorrect periods, lump. In case of furunculese, children's diathesis and eczema of children bathe in a bath with the addition of a dusty root juice and give to drink, especially when rickets. The juice of fresh leaves of drinking is used to treat colds, ORVI, bronchitis, bile and urolithiasis, pneumonia. The healing baths with the infusion of potion grass can be cleverly recommended under the skin diseases (red flat lisp and bubble dermatitis), rashes, gold and hemorrhoids, and in chronic constipation recommended enema, the decoction can also be used inside. The decoction of dried roots of pottery crackling is used as an anti-inflammatory remedy for rheumatism, bladder inflammation, gout, jaundice and water. Dross creeping - good tool in diseases with disorders, metabolic arthritis and osteochondrosis. Preparations of pottery cracks quickly cure furunculosis, help with youthful eels and other skin diseases. Dressing creeping is part of the collection for compresses with dry tender skin with reduced resistance and pyodermia (for intake). Together with the nettle dwarfish, the grass is drinking with premature development. When swelling legs with unpleasant odor They applied the grass with a drinking at night.

The grass is drinking eating cats, dogs, it has an anti-shine effect.

History reference

The generic name of the plant comes from Greek. "ELYTRON" - scales. Carnation Latin Plant Name (Agropiron RepenS). It has a number of people's names: Life, Rzhana, Rzhhan, Ponya, Dandur, Root - Grass, Dog Grass, Worm - Grass, etc.


1. Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR / Ch. ed. N. V. Tsitin. M.: Medgiz, 1962. P. 87-89.

  1. Blinova K. F., etc. Botaniko-Pharmacophostic dictionary: Ref. Manual / Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovlev. M.: Higher. Shk., 1990. P. 229.
  2. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 142. ELYTRIGIA REPENS (L.) NEVSKI - PRESSIVE POLUME // Illustrated determinant of plants Central Russia. In 3 t. M.: T-in scientific ed. KMK, Institute Technologist. Issh., 2002. T. 1. Ferns, chests, planes, viced, coated (single-bedroom). P. 236.
  3. Zamyatina N.G. Medicinal plants. Encyclopedia of the nature of Russia. M. 1998. 485 p.
  4. Peshkova G.I., Schreter A.I. Plants in homemade cosmetics and dermatology. M. Ed. House SME, 2001. 680 p.

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