Cornflower field - a flower with healing properties. How do cornflowers reproduce? Disembarkation and care

reservoirs 12.06.2019

The name of the flower cornflower is of Greek origin, it comes from the word "kentaurion", which means "flower, yellow color". IN Everyday life we are used to seeing these flowers in blue.

In fact, they come in a wide variety of shades: white, yellow, purple, blue, pink, and even black. In Russia, they are also called hairs, commotion, blue flowers and many others.

General description of the plant

Cornflowers are annual, biennial and perennial. Their stems are upright or recumbent. Some species grow up to 140 cm in height. The leafy part of the cornflowers is located alternately, along the column it has a solid shape.

Plant inflorescences are different. Baskets are distinguished by a spherical shape, as well as a cylindrical one. Wrapping scales can be both naked and pubescent.

They are located individually or in several pieces in flowers that have a thyroid shape. Flowers, placed along the edges - funnel-shaped, those in the middle - tubular or tubular-funnel-shaped.

Cornflowers are hardy enough, so keeping them is easy. Plants reproduce easily, they are not affected by pests and various diseases.

Plant root system

By the nature of the root system of cornflowers, the following types are distinguished:

  • long and branching roots (for example, soft cornflower);
  • root shoots, which are formed due to many processes (for example, in Fisher's cornflower);
  • short roots, but highly branched (in mountain cornflower);
  • deep-rooted, having the form of a rod (for example, Russian cornflower);
  • thick, powerful roots (in the large-headed cornflower).

Cornflower seeds are egg-shaped, in most cases pubescent on top, have a crest. Seed germination lasts about 3 years. Approximately 250-300 seeds are 1 g in weight.

Plant features

Perennial cornflowers differ from many other wildflowers in that their leaves in the root zone remain green almost all year round.

This is due to the fact that they grow twice a year. The first time - in the spring and remain on the plant until August, the second - in the autumn (September-October) and remain on it until spring.

During the flowering period, plants are particularly beautiful. This time is about 45 days from the beginning of summer to the end. The fruit ripening period begins in the second half of August and lasts until the end of September.

Plants need a lot of light to grow well. At the slightest eclipse, it begins to grow poorly. This feature applies to all species, with the exception of soft cornflower. Therefore, lovers of wildflowers need to plant them at least 50 cm apart so that they do not create a shadow.

All species of this plant are quite cold-resistant, since they do not freeze out in the winter, and are not damaged after early autumn and late spring frosts. Cornflowers, related to annual plants, persist until late autumn.

It is important: lovers of field plants who decide to plant cornflowers on their site need to know that there are species that reproduce exclusively by seeds (annual species in which the root has a rod shape), and there are those that need to be planted by dividing the bush.

Classification of cornflowers in relation to moisture

Depending on the moisture resistance, cornflowers are of two types:

  1. Plants that prefer medium humidity are called mesophytes. Such species grow in moderately moist areas of land and on meadow plains in mountain belts. These include mountain, meadow, Phrygian cornflower and Fischer's cornflower.
  2. Plants that survive drought well are called xerophytes. They include perennial species cornflowers, which have a tap root, and these are: Russian cornflower, Marshall's cornflower, whitened cornflower, large-headed cornflower. Most of these plants grow in steppes and arid meadows. Annuals such as nutmeg and blue knapweed also do well in drought-tolerant areas of land.

Varieties of cornflower

About 550 varieties of cornflower plants are known in the world. Their homeland is Western Asia. However, over time, they spread to other countries around the world, namely in European and Asian countries, in America and Africa.

Most famous species cornflower are: mountain, sprawling, Russian, Sumy, eastern, Don, Siberian, meadow and blue cornflower.

Cornflower spreading is a biennial weed plant. It grows up to 15-20 cm in height, has an upright, branched base, blooms from July to September. Grows in sandy soil. Flowers are white or pale pink. This type of cornflower is popularly called tumbleweed. Its seeds are brownish in color and have a small tuft. Collect about 385 thousand seeds from one bush plant.

Cornflower blue belongs to the Compositae family and is an annual plant. It grows to a height of up to 70 cm. It has a rough stem, lanceolate-type leaves, and a root in the form of a rod. The flowers are bright blue. The fruits are seeds with a tuft. Blue cornflower blooms from the beginning to the end of summer. It is distributed in all European countries. It grows mainly on moist soils, namely, in the fields of wheat, potatoes.

The flower is a good honey carrier, used in medicine as a source of calcium, magnesium, iron, and also as an antibacterial and choleretic agent. Plants are found in terry and semi-double forms: the more flowers of a wide tubular form, the greater the degree of terry.

Need to know: despite the fact that the blue cornflower is a valuable medicinal plant, you can use it if you know the recipe exactly. The reason for the concern is that the plant contains cyanide components, which are poisonous.

Large-headed cornflower grows in the mountain meadows of the Caucasus. It grows about 130 cm tall, has a short but thick rhizome. Baskets have a single type, bright yellow hue. The bush has the shape of a cylinder. Flowering begins in early summer and until mid-autumn. Reproduction occurs by dividing the bush in the spring. Reaches good growth in moist areas of the earth, in the dry period it loses its fertility.

Prefers meadows and clearings in the forest area. Flowers have a bright attractive purple hue up to 4-5 cm in size. The stems are branched, purple in color. They reach a maximum height of about 80 cm. The leaves have a whole and slightly spiky shape, slightly pubescent. They bloom from July until late autumn.

Russian cornflower is a steppe perennial plant. Grows in height up to 140 cm. Has a deep root system in the form of a rod. Stems glabrous, not numerous. lower leaves form a rosette, the color is bluish-green. The flowers are large and light yellow in color. It begins to bloom in the second half of summer and until the end of August. It has high resistance to frost and drought. Propagated by seeds.

Cornflower mountain is a perennial plant growing in the mountains. Its homeland is the Western European mountains. The rhizome of the plant is long and deep. Grows up to 60 cm in height. The stems have an upright bushy shape. Blooms all summer. Fruits in late August. The color is large, purple-blue. Prefers sunny areas of land with medium humidity. Reproduction occurs by seeds and stem division.

There are also rare species of cornflowers, which are listed in the Red Book. These include upland cornflower, Dubyansky's cornflower, Taliyev's cornflower.

See video about flowers cornflowers in the garden:

Cornflower (Centaurea) is a herbaceous annual or perennial plant from the Compositae (Asteraceae) family.


Cornflower is widely distributed in the temperate zone of Eurasia, North Africa and the Americas. The cornflower genus includes about 500 plant species; more than 150 cornflower species grow in our country. IN agriculture meadow cornflowers are considered malicious weeds that clog fields with wheat. Gardeners are happy to grow unpretentious and bright flowers in flowerbeds.


The plant forms herbaceous branched bushes, from 30 cm to a meter high. Flowering of cornflower begins at the end of May, and lasts until autumn. The color of the flowers can be blue, bright blue, white, pink, purple.

Species and varieties

You can evaluate the variety of types of cornflower by the presented photos of the flower.

  1. Cornflower blue. The popular names of this most common cornflower in our gardens are: beaver, commotion, bell ringer. The plant is an annual, reaches a height of 60 cm, the leaves are elongated, grayish-green. Flowers can be single or double in shape, blue, pink, blue or white. Varieties:
    Alba - a variety with double snow-white flowers;
    Anniversary stone - cornflower, 20 cm high, with bright blue flowers;
    Azuria - double flowers have a bright blue tint;
    Carmina - cornflower with bright red or dark pink double flowers;
    Blair Bush - undersized variety flowers with blue inflorescences.

  2. Cornflower mountain. Annual, 80 cm high. Single flower baskets, 7-8 cm in size, white, blue or pink.

  3. Cornflower meadow. The species is widely distributed in the meadows and fields of the middle zone of our country. The height of the plant is 80 cm, the foliage is elongated, blue. Flowers, 4 cm in size, purple, white or light blue.

  4. Russian cornflower. Perennial, with a powerful stem rhizome and a weakly branched stem, up to 130 cm high. Cornflower inflorescences are yellow, reach a diameter of 6 - 7 cm.

  5. Cornflower large-headed. The plant is a perennial, with bright yellow flowers, 5 cm in size. Flowering lasts from early summer until autumn.

  6. Phrygian cornflower. The height of the stems of this species reaches a height of 70 - 80 cm. The flowers are pink or purple.

  7. Soil preparation and site selection for cornflower

    For cornflower choose the sunniest parts of the flower garden. In a small shade, the plant can also exist, but flowering will be poor, and growth will be slow.

    The cornflower is unpretentious to soils, although it loves loose fertile soils with a neutral response. Acidic soils must be limed, or dolomite flour, wood ash are added. It is useful to scatter ashes around perennials every year, followed by shallow loosening of the earth.

    Unnecessarily heavy soil is improved by adding sand, up to 10 kg per 1 sq. meter. Well-rotted manure or compost is applied to all types of soils, at a dose of 8-10 kg per square area. Organics can be replaced with a full range of mineral fertilizers for flowers, applying it according to the instructions.


    You can get cornflowers in your area: by sowing them with seeds, planting a root delenka or propagating them with cuttings.

    Seeds propagate annual varieties of cornflowers. In the southern regions, flowers reproduce well by self-sowing. IN middle lane, seeds are sown immediately into the ground in the month of April. At first, the crops are covered with a film or lutrasil. Seedling care is simple: moderate watering (it is important to avoid excessive moisture), loosening the soil and frost protection by throwing covering material on the plantings.

    If the spring turned out to be cold and protracted, the cornflower is sown at home in the ground, consisting of a mixture of garden soil and sand. It is important to provide cornflower seedlings with a cool temperature, not higher than +15, then the plants will be strong and healthy.

    The seedlings are placed in open field at a distance, depending on the height of an adult plant. Low-growing cornflowers are planted at intervals of 15 - 20 cm, tall ones - up to half a meter.

    Perennial varieties of cornflower can be sown with seeds before winter (in October), or in spring, after mandatory stratification.

    Perennial cornflowers are easiest to propagate by dividing the bush. In early spring(April) or in August, after flowering. The bush is dug up, the aerial part is cut off (if the division takes place at the end of summer), and divided into parts with a pruner or a sharp knife. Delenki are immediately planted in a new place, watered abundantly. Perennial cornflowers are recommended to be transplanted every 3 to 4 years.

    Cornflower cuttings are cut from plants at the beginning of summer, and rooted in a bed with loose soil, with a predominance of sand or perlite. A greenhouse is installed above the plantings. Cuttings are regularly watered and ventilated. Rooted seedlings are placed in a permanent place next spring.


    Cornflower unpretentious plant, caring for him is within the power of an inexperienced gardener. Immediately after planting, young plants need watering and loosening. Mature plants are watered only in extreme heat.
    Annual forms of cornflower do not require top dressing. For perennials, two top dressings are carried out per year: in early spring, the soil in the flower garden is mulched with humus, at the beginning of flowering, plants are watered with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer for flowers.

    It is better to cut the faded cornflower buds so as not to spoil the appearance of the flower, and not to weaken the plant with seed ripening. Tall varieties of cornflower require a garter to the supports. Cornflower can suffer from some fungal infections, such as Fusarium wilt.

    Prevention of diseases consists in observing the distance between plants, observing the irrigation regime and regular loosening. Affected plants are removed from the flower bed and burned. For the winter, cornflowers - perennials do not cover, the plant winters well under the snow cover.

    Cornflower in the flower garden

    Tall cornflowers are planted in the background of mixborders; they go well with delphiniums, sage, and aconites. Meadow and other medium-sized cornflowers look harmonious in natural-style flower beds, and are combined with chamomile, cinquefoil, cereals, poppies.

    See also video

Cornflowers are beautiful, bright, graceful perennials that are loved by many connoisseurs of garden ornamental crops.

general characteristics

Cornflower from the genus herbaceous plants, family Compositae. It has an inflorescence in the form of baskets with small blue, white, pink, red flowers. Cornflowers are annual or perennial flowers with double or semi-double inflorescences, having narrow leaf blades and a stem up to eighty centimeters high. The flowering period is from early summer to September. ornamental plant unpretentious, not afraid of low temperatures and arid climate, loves the sun's rays.


Decorative perennial grows in Europe, Asia, USA, North Africa.

Varieties and types

In total, there are up to five hundred varieties of both annual and perennial cornflowers in the world.

Varieties of annual cornflower

  • A group of blue cornflowers has a stem up to 65-80 centimeters high;
  • Stems of a variety of undersized cornflowers 20-30 centimeters;
  • Musk cornflower flowers look like small pom-poms of various colors.

Varieties of perennial cornflower

  • Cornflower bleached. It grows up to about sixty centimeters: the variety Steenbergii has large raspberry-colored flowers with a white center; yet larger flowers John Coutts, they are pink with a yellow center;
  • Large-headed cornflower (80-150 cm), in which yellow “balls” bloom on thick stems;
  • Cornflower mountain (40-60 cm), in May - July gives abundant pinnate white, pink or purple flowers.


Cornflower should be planted in non-acidic and crumbly soil with medium moisture. Heavy soil before planting is improved with river sand and fertilized with organic fertilizers.

Seeds are usually sown in the middle of spring, on dug up and leveled areas of land warmed by the sun. A thin layer of soil is sprinkled on top. After that, the seeds are carefully watered. The first sprouts appear after seven days. When planting in winter, the seeds are planted in October - November, while it is not necessary to cover them.

Strong seedlings are obtained if the sowing is done in the middle - end of March. When growing them, it is better to use hollow cups pressed from peat, filled with a nutrient substrate. During this period, the seedlings are systematically watered and provided with sufficient light. seedlings right in peat pots planted in the soil. This is usually done at the end of April. Seedlings are well saturated with moisture before planting.

The distance between perennials should be 20 - 55 cm. In this case, the bushes will be lush. It is also important to know that the higher the stem, the greater the distance should be between perennial specimens. With a strong thickening, the plants are drawn out and lose their decorative effect. After 55 - 65 days, the first buds bloom.


Caring for a plant is not difficult. Water them sparingly as the soil dries out. Excessive moisture leads to soaking of the roots and death of the flower.

Every two to three weeks, cornflowers should be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. This guarantees lush bloom and active growth of greenery. To ensure a good winter perennial bushes pre-winter top dressing is necessary. This procedure allows cornflowers to carry unfavourable conditions winter and early spring, guarantees rapid growth and abundant flowering during the warm season. Periodic sprinkling of stems and leaves with crushed wood ash will help prevent diseases throughout the growing season. Do not forget about weeding.

At the end of flowering, it is necessary to collect ripe plant seeds. If seed collection is not expected, then in order to maintain an attractive appearance of the bushes, wilted buds should be removed.

Perennial cornflowers are adapted to transplants. It is best to transplant them in late summer or spring.


Perennials breed:

  • Seeds: sowing and self-sowing;
  • The division of adult bushes in August or March.

Before dividing, the bush is removed from the ground, ground shoots are shortened by 10 centimeters from the base. The roots are thoroughly washed, cut into pieces. The rhizomes must have daughter buds. Before planting, the soil is mixed with compost.

Seedlings obtained during self-sowing are carefully removed from the soil in the spring along with an earthen clod and transplanted to another, permanent place.

Application in traditional medicine

Cornflower blue is a slightly poisonous plant, as it contains:

  • Hydrocarbon-containing substances of an organic nature;
  • Colored vegetable glycosides;
  • resins;
  • Tannins;
  • Nitrogen-containing compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • Slime;
  • Bitterness;
  • Sahara;
  • Unsaturated hydrocarbon;
  • Vitamin C;
  • mineral salts;
  • Butter.

In medicine, cornflower is used primarily as a diuretic. Therapeutic compositions from this medicinal plant anesthetize, heal wounds, relieve inflammation, fever and spasms, cause accelerated emptying of the intestines and thinning of the stool (it will also help), increase bile and sweating. Medicines are drunk for menstrual irregularities, accumulation of transudate in any of the body cavities, icteric staining of the skin, diarrhea. Dried cornflower leaf powder reduces swelling. Perennial is used in the treatment of:

  • Nephrosis of the kidneys;
  • Inflammation of the urethra;
  • Bladder;
  • renal pelvis;
  • edema;
  • urolithiasis;
  • Pathology of the kidneys.

The flowers of the plant can be used for diseases of the digestive tract, biliary tract and liver.

Application in landscape design

In flowerbeds, cornflowers look great with herbaceous perennials, calendula, cosmos, poppies. These plants bloom in one period, and the result is a beautiful motley meadow.

Cornflower, medicinal properties and the contraindications of which we will consider in the article, is an annual plant, the representative of the homeland is the Mediterranean. It grows in Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan. The plant is often found on forest edges and roadsides.


Many legends are associated with the origin of the cornflower. According to one of them, the centaur cured the wound inflicted by Hercules with the juice of the plant. According to the beliefs of the Romans, a young man named Cyanus wore dark blue clothes. The goddess Flora did not like this, and she turned him into a flower. And in Ukraine they say that once a peasant named Vasily was mowing rye. He liked the mermaid, who decided to bewitch him. Vasily followed her spellbound. And she, not wanting to let go, turned him into a cornflower (photo of flowers in front of you), which resembles water in color.


This plant is attributed magical properties. Flowers are said to protect people from evil spirits. For example, on the day of Ivan Kupala, girls wash themselves with infusion from this flower so that evil spells cannot overcome them. And on the wedding day, the bride and groom were baptized with a bunch of cornflowers. It is customary to sanctify them on August 14, the day of Makovei or the First Savior. And wreaths are woven from them and kept at home for a whole year. The cornflower is also mentioned in folk songs. Medicinal properties and contraindications have long been known in folk medicine. Even Hippocrates knew about this flower. It is still used today in the treatment of many ailments.

Science has about 700 species are not only blue, but also white, black, yellow and purple. However, the classic cornflower has exactly the blue color.

Collection, preparation of raw materials and storage

The flowers are harvested all summer long while they bloom. The best of them are those that are fully bloomed. Raw materials are blue flowers, which are separated from the tubular bases in order to achieve best quality medicinal product.

The plucked flowers are ventilated by spreading out in a dark, cool place. If the raw material is prepared correctly, then it will become of blue color, will not smell, and if you taste it, the cornflower will turn out to be bitter. Flowers are stored in glass containers or paper bags for two years.

If the rays of the sun fall during drying, then the cornflower flowers will lose their medicinal properties and become useless for traditional medicine. This, by the way, can be seen from the color - it will turn white.


The fact that cornflower has medicinal properties and contraindications is explained by the composition. It includes the following trace elements and substances:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • vanadium;
  • chromium;
  • cobalt;
  • luteilin;
  • selenium;
  • pelargonin chloride.

There are many in the plant:

  • vitamin C, which normalizes the work of the central nervous system, activates the activity of the endocrine glands and normalizes hematopoiesis;
  • carotene, an immunostimulating substance, as well as an excellent antioxidant;
  • resins that have antibacterial, disinfectant and immunomodulatory effects;
  • coumarins, which reduce blood clotting, and also have astringent, antiseptic and diuretic properties.

Useful properties of blue cornflower

In folk medicine, the healing properties of the plant have long been used. Based on it, antipyretic and diuretic drugs are prepared. Another ancient Roman physician named Galen treated the plant with kidney patients. Until now, cornflower is used for problems in the genitourinary system, for example, with neuritis or cystitis.

Other medicinal properties of cornflower include choleretic and cleansing. Thanks to the first, liver diseases are treated with the plant. Cornflower protects the body from viruses and infections. And the cleansing property is actively used in diets. By removing unnecessary water, cornflower contributes to the speedy burning of fats. Decoctions from it normalize digestion and help eliminate toxins and toxins, eliminating harmful substances.

The positive effect of the flower on vision is known. So, with blepharitis, cotton pads soaked in an infusion of cornflowers are applied to the eyelids. The same remedy will relieve fatigue after long work at computer.


First of all, you should not discount individual intolerance. Some trace elements make the plant toxic. We are talking about potentially dangerous cyanide components that cornflower contains. Medicinal properties and contraindications vary greatly in percentage terms, however, it must be borne in mind that the plant is slightly poisonous. Therefore, its use is prohibited for pregnant women, as well as women during lactation and children. It is also known that folk remedies with uterine bleeding from it do not. Moreover, in the presence of such a problem, it cannot be used in any form. The coumarins that make up the cornflower are very strong anticoagulants, they inhibit blood clotting.


For those who want to normalize the digestive process, improve appetite or cure a cold, it is useful to drink tea brewed with cornflower. The flowers are added to black or green tea, the drink is drunk twenty minutes before meals. It actively eliminates toxins. They also prepare a healing potion from various components. To do this, take a teaspoon of bearberry and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave on fire for 3-4 minutes, after which add the same amount of cornflower, cool the solution and insist for several hours. Take the medicine three times a day according to Art. spoon.


The following tincture will have an excellent effect as a diuretic for edema and to increase appetite. They take one part of the flowers and pour ten parts of vodka. The medicine is insisted for two weeks, after which it is filtered. Take before meals twenty drops, which are diluted in a tablespoon of water at room temperature.

Decoction is good to make lotions for the eyes from inflammation and fatigue. Take a teaspoon of flowers, add boiling water to a glass and keep on fire for several minutes. Then they insist an hour, filter, moisten cotton pads in a cool broth and apply to the eyelids. It is also taken orally in two tablespoons. spoons three times a day an hour before meals with tonsillitis, bronchitis and laryngitis.

They also prepare an infusion for colds. The same recipes are folk remedies for diarrhea in children and adults, stomach pains and kidney diseases. The recipe is the following. Three teaspoons of cornflowers are poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water, insisted for a couple of hours, and then filtered. Take the remedy 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Cornflower for beauty

Look at the cornflower! A photo of flowers shows how beautiful these plants are. No wonder they are widely used in the beauty industry. The flower has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, eyelids and hair.

The plant extract is found in many cleansing lotions sold in stores. But they also prepare it themselves. For this, two articles. spoons are poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted for an hour. It is useful to wash your face in the morning or wipe your face. It is also frozen and rubbed with an ice cube. It perfectly tones the skin and tightens the pores. Cornflower is especially suitable for oily and combination skin, as it reduces the secretion of fat and the appearance of acne. If you use it constantly, then the face will acquire a matte shade and freshness.

When working at a computer for a long time, cornflower infusion becomes an indispensable tool. With him make compresses for the eyelids. They also wash the skin around the eyes after removing makeup and before applying cosmetics to the face.

The infusion will help breathe strength into weakened and lifeless hair. It is rubbed into the roots after shampooing. It is also good to just rinse the curls. Cornflower will help stop their loss and get rid of dandruff.

Herbalists recommend doing flower baths. They relieve fatigue. This is facilitated by the essential oils that make up the plant. Preparing a bath is easy. A glass of flowers is poured with boiling water, insisted for an hour and poured into a bath. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Use in cooking

Cornflower seeds are used as a condiment. They are added to gravies, sauces, salads, hot dishes. The leaves are used for salting and added to pâtés and sausages. All dishes with cornflower acquire a special refined taste.


These are the medicinal properties and contraindications. Of course, the plant is worth trying to heal. But before you start taking it inside, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, and also consult a doctor.

The flowers dry well, spread out in a thin layer, covering from the direct rays of the sun and keeping in dark place. The flowers of the dried type are painted bright blue, odorless, they are characterized by a bitter and slightly astringent taste.

The healing characteristics of culture have been known since ancient times. The therapeutic effect of the petals of the plant is due to their composition. They contain resinous and tannic components, organic acids, trace elements useful for the human body and nutrients. The surviving manuscripts describe in detail the treatment of severe wounds, as well as warts, with crushed cornflower seeds.

The scientific name of the plant is Centaurea., it was given to him by the botanist Carl Linnaeus, in honor of mythical creature. The specific name of the culture cyanic comes from the Greek language and translates as "dark blue". There is a second known legend from ancient rome, which speaks of a young and beautiful Cyanus, who was very fond of the plant for its decorative effect and rich blue tint.

He died unexpectedly, and relatives found his body in the middle of a grain field. The goddess of nature Flora, who was revered by the young man during his lifetime, turned him into a blue cornflower. Since that time, the plant began to be named after him.

The Russian name of the plant comes from the Greek language: Basilikon is translated as “royal potion”, and the name itself is often associated with the common name Vasily.

Use for treatment

In folk medicine, an infusion or tea from the petals of the marginal buds is often used in the presence of chronic kidney diseases, Bladder and dropsies.

Cornflower blue is used as a natural choleretic drug for diseases of the liver, biliary tract and jaundice. Cornflower infusion is often used to improve appetite and the activity of the digestive system.

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Also, blue cornflower is often used as a diaphoretic, bactericidal and antipyretic drug in the presence of colds, severe fever, disorders nervous activity, pain in the head, dizziness, general malaise, eye diseases and the presence of rashes on the skin.

  • for this, one teaspoon of the flowers of the plant is taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting product is infused for thirty minutes. It is consumed ¼ cup three to four times a day, twenty minutes before meals;
  • tincture of blue cornflower helps to improve the condition nervous system, has a positive effect on cardiovascular system man, is used as a medicine in the presence of bleeding in the uterus. The plant is good for barley and conjunctivitis. In this case, lotions are prepared from cornflower flowers, which are used to wash the eyes.

Improvement of hair structure

One tablespoon of inflorescences is taken - baskets and poured with 200 milliliters of liquid, 200 ml of vinegar is added to the tincture. The product is left to infuse for half an hour, cooled and well filtered. The resulting solution is rubbed into the hair structure. It is used to wash the head as a rinse, accelerates the process of growth of the strand.

Cornflower buds are added to various herbal preparations as a cleansing component.

Known varieties

Cornflower has about 500 species. Each of them is distinguished by a special form of leaves, color, overall height of the stem, as well as rhizomes. . The most famous types of crops are:

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Planting a plant

The best time to plant a cornflower in the soil is spring. The soil should be well warmed up by this time. Most often, landing occurs at the end of April. Land for cornflower can be used differently, even with lime additives. To do this, you need to loosen it well and plant flowers at a distance of about fifty centimeters from each other.

This will help the flower to fully form. The soil after falling asleep holes should be slightly compressed. This method will help eliminate the formed void, and the culture will take root firmly. Cornflowers prefer sunny places, so when planted in the shade, they develop poorly and stop flowering.

Meadow cornflower and its types

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