Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb). Are thyme and thyme the same thing? The use of herbs in cooking, folk medicine

garden equipment 14.06.2019
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It's time to answer the question that people interested in natural medicines ask: what is the difference between thyme and thyme? In fact, these are different names for a perennial plant, known back in Ancient Rome, and due to its healing properties, it is still used in medicinal preparations.

Key Features

An evergreen shrub belonging to the mint family can be seen in the temperate zone of European countries and America, as well as in northern Africa. In rocky and steppe areas where creeping thyme grows (it is this species that is called thyme), it is easier to find it, but it will also be found in open areas of wooded areas. It's easy to find out:

  • the branches lie almost on the ground, and only the stems rise up;
  • small leaves resemble ellipses, whose length does not exceed 1 cm;
  • the roots are of the rod type, differ in thickness, go deep into the ground;
  • bunches of pink flowers are located towards the end of the stem;
  • the petioles are short, and the leaves, smooth in the upper part, acquire a grayish color on the underside.

Flowering begins in June and ends in August. During this period, raw materials are collected (the entire ground part becomes it), and in the process it is important not to damage the roots, otherwise new shoots will not appear for a long time.

Harvested plants should be spread out in a layer up to 7 cm on paper, finding a shady place, and periodically mixed until completely dry. To get rid of the stems, it is recommended to grind the finished collection. After that, the dried product is poured into a well-closing container, where it will keep beneficial features within 2 years.

How to plant

Growth requires sunlight, so find a place with a good lighting. Preparation must begin in advance by removing weeds and root residues. After that, move on to fertilizer, and manure or products enriched with K and R will come in handy.

You can start planting as early as April:

  • dig up the selected area;
  • add urea (20 g);
  • after 24 hours, scatter the seeds, maintaining a distance between rows of 40 cm;
  • pour 1 cm of sand on top;
  • cover with foil.

Under these conditions, seedlings will appear after 2 weeks. Take care of them, as well as other green pets: provide loosening without abusing watering, do not forget about weeding, and the bushes will decorate the site for about 5 years.

To get the result, you will have to be patient, because thyme is not happy with the growth rate. If you want to save yourself from a long wait, start preparing seedlings in advance. It is enough to follow the same rules, and after 2.5 months you will already plant young plants!

Beneficial features

The product, rich in valuable oils and vitamins, has found application in medicine, it has the following effect:

  • has a beneficial effect on the psychological state and allows you to calm the frizzy nerves;
  • eliminates pain in rheumatism;
  • produces a diuretic and diaphoretic action;
  • restores the work of the male reproductive system, helps with prostatitis;
  • relieves swelling, eliminates itching after an insect bite;
  • relieves flatulence, diarrhea, fermentation in the intestines and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates bad breath;
  • gives an expectorant effect in bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • can bring to consciousness at a syncope;
  • helps with vegetative problems;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • due to the disinfecting effect, it is used in the treatment of an infectious rash.

But the beneficial properties were appreciated not only by physicians. The tool was also adopted by cosmetologists, using it to strengthen hair and nail plates or eliminate skin rashes.

Dried herbs are useful even in everyday life, because a pleasant smell will help get rid of moths. Thyme was also adopted by culinary specialists, since its aroma allows you to add unusual notes. It is worth exploring the beneficial properties, and you can use the tool in different areas!


Like any medicine, thyme can cause complications if used incorrectly. Reception will have to be refused in the following cases:

  • kidney disease;
  • malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, heart attacks, cardiosclerosis);
  • individual intolerance.

It is undesirable to exceed the dosage, otherwise the body may respond with nausea, vomiting, headaches and pressure drops. In order to exclude an unpleasant development of events, consult a doctor who will take into account the nuances of the situation.

What form to use

To prepare a decoction, it is enough to pour 1 tbsp. l. healing collection with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the liquid will infuse, and you can use it in a spoon 3 times a day. A feature of this medicine will be a pleasant taste!

Bogorodskaya grass oil (another name for thyme), obtained by steam distillation, is also in use. The product has a pronounced smell, due to which it is used in the manufacture of perfumes, soaps and lotions. You also use the remedy for the treatment of arthritis, colds, depression, skin diseases and PMS. At home, infusions are made from vegetable oil, later adding them to salads - the healing properties are preserved.

During pregnancy

During this period, it is especially important to study contraindications, because from the use thyme will have to be abandoned by future parents suffering from pressure problems. You need to be more careful if you are prone to high blood pressure: the use of the collection will aggravate the situation, and the effect will be lasting.

Nevertheless, at the initial stage, the use of thyme in different types gives a positive result. Its disinfecting properties relieve infections that threaten the formation of a new life, so a specialist can recommend decoctions and infusions. If in the next trimester you control your blood pressure and, if necessary, stop taking it, then difficulties can be avoided!

Application in cooking

In order to reveal new shades of bored dishes, add fragrant spices to them! Dried or fresh thyme will be a new ingredient when cooking:

  • meat and fish;
  • salads and vegetable side dishes;
  • sweets;
  • sauces;
  • marinades for canning.

It is also added to honey, which gives the smell pleasant and unusual notes. A similar component is good for health, and men will notice an improvement in sexual function - thyme retains substances that relieve impotence.

A mixture with the usual herbs and bay leaves has proven itself well, because it is added to soups, casseroles, pizza or homebaked bread. It is only necessary to take into account that dried herbs give a sharper aroma and spicy taste than the fresh component.

With the help of the ingredient, you can also enrich vegetable or butter. If in the first case the usual insistence is made, then in the second case you need to follow a simple procedure:

  • remove the oil in advance so that it softens;
  • add a mixture of fresh Bogorodsk grass, salt and a pinch of sugar;
  • place in refrigerator.

The next day you will have a supplement that can be used for sandwiches or used when roasting meat!

In cosmetology

If you want to get luxurious hair, then it will be enough to add a couple of drops of oil from useful plant. Use it for rinsing, and the strands will become more shiny, and hair loss will decrease.

The remedy is also used for dandruff, pouring 1/3 cup of dry collection of 1 liter of boiling water. After the liquid has been infused for 1 hour, use it for rinsing. A similar decoction will cope with acne, if you freeze it and use it to wipe the disturbing areas. Fix the result by washing with distilled water with a couple of drops. healthy oil, and the skin will not cause problems!

Bogorodskaya grass will also come in handy for those who want to improve the condition of the nail plates, because regular application of its extract will help to cope with the task.

For diseases

To improve your health, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes, since they cover different areas:

  • In case of rheumatism, dry powder should be heated, then wrapped in cloth or gauze and applied to the disturbing place.
  • To combat prostatitis and enhance potency, take 1.5 tbsp. l. dried component and ½ tbsp. l. mint. Pour this mixture into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of water. The liquid should stand for at least 8 hours, after which it can be used instead of tea.

Additional components can be varied at will, because rose hips, linden or oregano will also benefit. The main thing is that thyme must be present in the drink!

Another way to restore strength to a man will be rubbing: take a handful of a dry plant, pour it with ordinary oil and put it in dark place. The medicine will be ready in 30 days, after which you filter out the amount needed for grinding, and leave the rest to infuse further. Ancient Roman doctors wrote about the benefits of this method for men! And they will complement the effect of the bath, where you need to add a small amount of thyme.

  • To keep you cold, pour 1 tbsp. l. boiled water (1 cup), and after half an hour strain the infusion. To improve the taste, put honey, and you will get a medicine that will help with whooping cough or pharyngitis.
  • thyme will become natural remedy from allergies and furunculosis, if you pour 6 g in a glass of water. The liquid is boiled for a couple of minutes and removed from the heat, letting it brew for 1 hour. It remains only to strain the medicine and drink 3 times a day. A similar method will please with effectiveness and with bleeding, kidney stones, skin rashes.
  • Those who want to reduce blood pressure, eliminate inflammation or manage diabetes will adopt the following method: mix 1 tbsp. l. main ingredient with an equal amount of dry blueberry shoots, add a glass of boiling water. After cooling the liquid, drink in 2 doses.

Remember that the plant should not be harvested near the road, so get it from pharmacies or rely on your own growing. Use natural medicines, and you can defeat ailments!

With alcoholism

Bogorodskaya grass helps with alcohol cravings: it contains thymol, which, when combined with alcohol, causes nausea and vomiting. To consolidate the aversion to drinking, you should pour 15 g of dry collection with a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath.

After 15 minutes, the liquid is filtered and an equal amount of boiling water is added, after which the patient should drink 200 g of a healing decoction daily, divided into 4 doses. He retains his properties for 3 days, and after their expiration it is necessary to prepare a new portion. A similar method can be used even in secret from the patient, which will not affect the effectiveness.

Creeping thyme has become an affordable and inexpensive natural medicine, and recipes delight in simplicity. Do not forget to read the contraindications, consult your doctor, and get healthy!

These names are so similar that many people think that we are talking about the same plant. In fact, although thyme and savory are close relatives (they belong to the same family of labiales), the plants are still different. Both are rich in fragrant essential oils and have long been known as medicinal and spice plants.

Thyme, or thyme (Thymus), is an extensive genus of plants with several hundred species. Their center of origin is the Mediterranean. Almost all thymes are fragrant low shrubs with woody, often lying stems and herbaceous flowering shoots. Certain types of thyme are difficult to identify even for specialists. The most famous are two of them - thyme (thyme) ordinary (Thymus vulgaris) and thyme (thyme) creeping (Thymus serpyllum), or Bogorodskaya grass. Sometimes the name "thyme" refers only to the latter species.

Common thyme is a semi-shrub up to 40–50 cm tall with a strongly branched, woody stem in the lower part. Its leaves are small, oblong-lanceolate, densely pubescent, very fragrant. Light purple or white flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes. The seeds are very small. In nature, it grows in the northwestern part of the Mediterranean region, but in many countries it is cultivated. Within the territory of former USSR common thyme is cultivated in Moldova and in the south of Ukraine, and in Russia - in the Krasnodar Territory.

Thyme, or creeping thyme, is a semi-shrub with brown, thin, creeping, rooting stems in places and with ascending flowering shoots. The leaves are small, elliptical or oblong-elliptical. Bright pink or mauve flowers are collected in capitate inflorescences. Bogorodskaya grass is a very polymorphic species and has many varieties, which are sometimes considered as separate species. Creeping thyme is widely distributed in Europe, Asia, North America. On the territory of the former USSR, it grows mainly in steppe zone almost everywhere on dry sandy soils. This species is harvested in nature for medical purposes.

Thymes have been used in many countries at all times, since the most ancient times. In ancient Egypt, they were part of the aromatic mixtures used to embalm the dead. Thymes were known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In the Middle Ages, thyme was considered a magical plant and symbolized activity. There was a legend that he inspires courage in those who eat it or wear it in amulets. Thyme is mentioned in all medieval medical writings, it was used to treat many diseases, and especially for the bites of poisonous insects. Thyme has always been popular with the Slavic peoples, who in ancient times used it in pagan rites. In the old Russian herbalists they wrote: “The Mother of God herb has the property of strengthening the stomach, head, heart, soothing vomiting and pain in the stomach, corrects any nausea in the stomach, produces appetite, drives away sleep and nausea from the head, sharpens and strengthens eyesight, helps from noise and ringing in the ears." Thyme was often used in everyday life, cows were fumigated with it after calving, milk flasks so that milk does not turn sour, hunting and fishing tackle for a happy catch. Thyme, together with the Petrov cross plant, was sewn into amulets and worn around the neck to protect themselves from evil spirits. AT folk medicine thyme is extremely popular. The main action of the infusions of its herbs is antibacterial, expectorant, antispasmodic. Traditional healers often include the herb of various types of thyme in medicinal preparations. Outwardly, you can use baths and compresses from herbal infusions, pads with steamed grass. Currently, common thyme and creeping thyme are also included in the official pharmacopoeias of many countries, including ours. Thyme essential oil contains, among other components, thymol, an aromatic substance with a strong antiseptic effect. The essential oil of common thyme contains up to 40% thymol, other species have less. Thymol, thymol oil, infusion and liquid extract of thyme herb are widely used in medical practice as antiseptic with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as an antitussive. Thymol is often used in dentistry. The pharmaceutical industry uses thymol oil for the preparation of tooth powders and pastes, various perfumes. Creeping thyme liquid extract is one of the components of pertussin, a cough suppressant.

As a spicy culinary plant, thyme is especially valued in Western countries. Thanks to its sharp and very spicy taste, thyme leaves are good as a seasoning, they are used either separately or as part of various mixtures. It is recommended to add thyme to fatty dishes. It gives them a pleasant taste and promotes better digestion. All types of thyme are excellent honey plants, they bloom profusely and for a long time, almost until autumn, and in those places where they prevail in plant communities, bees collect good bribes from them.

All types of thyme with lying stems form a thick colorful carpet when planted solid, so they are also used in floriculture as ornamental ground cover plants. You can plant thyme on carpet beds, in rock gardens, you can make beautiful borders from them.

On the garden plots You can grow different types of thyme. Thyme ordinary - a plant quite thermophilic, this species can be grown in our country only as an annual. Thymes will grow well in light sandy soils, but high standing areas ground water and damp low places with heavy clay soil are completely unsuitable for them. A well-lit area is a must. Thymes are propagated by seeds and division of the bush. The seeds of all thyme are very small, they are sown superficially. Optimum temperature for the germination of common thyme seeds +20 ... +30 ° С, it is better to sow this species first in greenhouses or greenhouses, and then transplant the seedlings into the ground. Other species germinate at lower temperatures and can be sown in the spring at open ground, and it is possible late in the fall under the snow. If there are few seeds, then it is better to sow them first in bowls or pots, and then plant the seedlings in a permanent place. Seeds need high soil moisture to germinate. Small seedlings appear after 2-4 weeks and develop slowly at first. All thymes bloom for a long time and profusely. In some species, individual plants can bloom by the end of the first summer, and in subsequent years all specimens bloom and bear fruit annually. Creeping thyme blooms in mid-June, other species may bloom later. Seeds ripen in late August and September. Species with creeping shoots are easily propagated by dividing the bush.

Thyme grass is harvested during flowering, cutting off the upper parts of leafy shoots without coarse lignified stem bases. Dry in the shade or in dryers - at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C.

Savory is the Russian name for plants of the genus Satureja, which unites several dozen species of annuals, semi-shrubs or shrubs, distributed mainly in Mediterranean countries. How spicy and medicinal plant in many countries, garden savory (Satureja hortensis) is grown - an annual with a stem branching from the base 15–30 cm in height and small linear-lanceolate or linear leaves up to 2.5 cm in length. Its light purple or pink flowers with a purple spot in the middle of the corolla are collected 3-5 in axillary whorls, forming a loose elongated inflorescence. Seeds dark brown, ovoid, up to 1 mm long. In the wild state, this type of savory is found in southern Europe, in the Mediterranean region on rocky and gravelly slopes. In the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the south of Russia and in some places in Central Asia it occurs as a weedy and feral plant.

Savory garden was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who were famous as a culinary plant. AT Central Europe, it is believed that savory came around in the 9th century. thanks to the monks, and there they began to grow it everywhere and use it as a seasoning and as a medicine. Savory garden is mentioned in many medieval medical writings, as a medicinal plant it has always been used in the same way as thyme.

The garden savory herb contains up to 2% essential oil, in addition, tannins, carotene, rutin, vitamin C are found in it. Young shoots of this plant cut before flowering are used as a spice. Savory greens are very fragrant and slightly reminiscent of hot peppers. AT large quantities it is usually not consumed, the leaves are not cut or crushed, but put into dishes whole, otherwise the bitterness will be felt too much. Young twigs can be eaten with bread and cheese, dried leaves are considered the best spice for beans, peas and other legumes. Savory is also used in the preparation of various dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, added to pickled and pickled vegetables and canned meat.

As a medicinal plant, garden savory was never listed in the official Russian pharmacopoeia and was used in our country only in folk medicine. The main action of the infusion of his herb is antispasmodic, bactericidal, astringent. In Bulgarian medicine, savory is widely used for gastrointestinal diseases, it is also believed that it has an anthelmintic effect. In those countries where savory is grown on large areas, essential oil is obtained from it, the pharmaceutical industry prepares medicinal teas and tinctures.

We usually grow savory as garden plant in the southern regions, but to obtain young fresh greens, garden savory can also be grown in central Russia. It grows well in any fertile soil, but always in a sunny, well-warmed area. Seeds can be sown in March in a greenhouse or greenhouse, or immediately in open ground - in the second half of May. Before sowing, seeds are recommended to be soaked for 12–15 hours. Young shoots appear in about two weeks. Plants bloom in mid-July-early August. In the middle lane, the seeds usually do not ripen at all, and in the southern regions they do not ripen at the same time, they must be collected when they begin to turn yellow. Brown color. The shoots are cut, tied into sheaves, hung or laid out in a room, spreading paper - after a few days, the seeds ripen.

From perennial species the most famous is mountain savory, or winter savory (Satureja montana). It is a semi-shrub 20-40 cm tall with fluffy densely leafy stems and small leathery linear-lanceolate leaves covered with dotted glands on top. The flowers are arranged in axillary 3-7-flowered false whorls, collected in the upper part of the stem in an almost one-sided inflorescence. The corolla is white with a pink upper lip. The homeland of the mountain savory is Southern Europe. It is also grown as a spicy plant, but less often than garden savory - it is believed that the quality of its greens is worse. Mountain savory blooms from late July to autumn. Seeds in the middle lane do not ripen. It can be planted as ornamental plant on the alpine slide, it is also suitable for borders.

In this review, we will understand the issue of the difference between herbs: thyme and thyme are the same or not. Let's give a detailed answer to this question, consider the similarities and differences of herbs, talk about the application and beneficial properties. This article will be useful to everyone - everyone needs to know about medicinal herbs.

Answer to the question

Let's start our review by confirming thyme and thyme are the same. However, there are some minor nuances that we will talk about:

  • Thyme has many varieties;
  • The most common are ordinary and creeping;
  • Exactly last view creeping thyme is thyme.

Thus, plants have identical characteristics and properties for humans - but outwardly they may differ. But we will talk about this a little lower. The main conclusion that can be drawn: thyme is thyme, or rather, its variety.
Let's give a detailed description of thyme.


This is a woody shrub belonging to the Yasnokotov family. Experts distinguish up to four hundred plant varieties that grow all over the world - in North Africa, Asia and Europe. Can grow in different climatic conditions, but most often takes root in the temperate zone.

Main characteristics:

  • The stems of the plant are branched;
  • Max Height shrub - from 35 to 40 cm;
  • The stems can crawl along the ground and rise up;
  • Inflorescences - groups of small flowers of white, purple, Pink colour;
  • The leaves are hard, deep green, oval or round shape;
  • The flowering period falls on the summer months;
  • Fruit ripening - August or September;
  • Fruits in a box, inside which a dark brown nut is hidden;
  • Contains thymol, carvaclol.

The plant is widely used in medicine, cooking, landscape design. beautiful bushes in the best possible way make out the plot and are easy to care for, useful properties were useful in the creation of medicines. And in more detail about the merits of the plant, we will talk a little lower.

Thus, when choosing between the names thyme or thyme, it is more appropriate to use the first - after all, both plants are just different varieties of the same species. Let's move on to the next description


As we have already mentioned, thyme and thyme are different varieties of the same shrub. It is a beautiful plant that grows predominantly in sandy soil throughout the world - most often in temperate countries, in forested and rocky areas.

Let's note the main characteristics of the flower:

  • Shrub height - up to 15-20 cm;
  • The leaves are elliptical in shape and saturated with essential oils. Size - up to 1 cm;
  • Flowering lasts from May to September;
  • The flowers are small, the inflorescences are grouped and have a pleasant lilac-violet hue;
  • Flowering stems rise above the rest.

We have already decided that both names are given to the same shrub. Let's consider, savory and thyme are the same thing, or not?

There can be no two opinions on this issue - plants are part of the same family, but have a number of fundamental differences, these are completely different representatives of the flora. So, savory and thyme: what's the difference?

  • Savory is not perennial plant and lives only a year;
  • Savory has a pronounced taste of black pepper and a different smell;
  • Savory is rarely used in landscape design due to difficult maintenance.

We have already written about belonging to the family above. Let's finally figure out how thyme differs from thyme.

If you want to grow thyme (thyme) at home, watch the instructional video on this topic:


Despite the fact that both names belong, it would seem, to the same plant, there are some differences in appearance that will confuse the inexperienced gardener.

Thyme and thyme - what's the difference:

  • Thyme is distinguished by less splendor and brightness of inflorescences;
  • Its stems are thicker, and the root system is wider;
  • Unlike thyme, it grows on rocky soil and in the steppe, only occasionally in clearings in the forest.

We remind you that all properties and effects on humans remain identical - the differences between thyme and thyme lie only in appearance.


The plant is used in many areas:

  • Cooking. The herb is actively eaten as a spice - for meat and fish dishes, especially game, it will complement soups, marinades and pickles, it will be an excellent addition to a salad;

  • The medicine. Medicinal properties allow the plant to be used as a component of ointments for various purposes, it is also very useful;

  • Cosmetology. Essential oils help to smooth the skin, get rid of wrinkles, improve the condition of nails and hair;

  • Design. Elegant shrubs can ennoble any area.

Beneficial features

We told how thyme differs from thyme and how they are similar. Another huge similarity lies in the useful properties - they are absolutely identical.

Here are the options included in this list:

  • Suitable for hypotensive patients, as it increases arterial pressure;
  • During pregnancy, it improves the tone of the uterus;
  • Treats diseases of the nervous system;
  • Good for eliminating gynecological diseases and problems with the genitourinary system in men;
  • Great effect on nervous system– soothes, improves mood, reduces stress and improves sleep quality;
  • Used for nicotine and alcohol addiction;
  • It is used to treat skin diseases;
  • Improves the quality of life of diabetics;
  • Accelerates metabolism and relieves puffiness, along with being overweight, is also not bad for this;
  • Has an analgesic effect;
  • Improves immunity, has antiviral and antimicrobial effects;
  • Used as an antiseptic;
  • Treats diseases respiratory tract used for coughing.

There are situations when the preparation of an interesting dish or the preparation of a drug for medicinal purposes is complicated due to the selection of ingredients. Quite a part of people get confused in the names and definitions. For example, thyme and thyme are the same plant?! Let's try to figure it out...

Thyme photo description

Thyme (from the Latin Thymus) is a shrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Attractive appearance made him popular with fans landscape design. Due to the pleasant aroma of foliage, it is widely used in cooking. And the unique composition of the plant made it indispensable for use in medicine and cosmetology.

Know! Experts distinguish about four hundred varieties of thyme. The main place of growth is the temperate zone of Europe, North Africa, Asia. It can grow in various climatic conditions, from steppes to forests.

The maximum height of shrubs reaches forty centimeters. The stems of the plant are branched, can be either flattened on the soil or ascending. Their base is woody, and the stem itself is covered with straight or recurved hairs. Thyme has a woody tap root. This shrub is characterized by small flowers growing in inflorescences. They can be dyed white, pink or purple.

The leaves are rigid, may differ in shape, type of venation, size. A variety of forms is represented by leaves that have an oblong, oval or round configuration. The flowering period of the shrub falls on the summer months. Fruit ripening occurs in August or September. The fruit is a box, inside of which there are dark-colored nuts.

Thyme photo description

Attention! It is customary to call thyme a variety of thyme, which has a creeping shape.

The place of its growth is the steppe and rocky regions. Sometimes it grows in open area forest area. You can meet thyme in the countries of Europe, America, North Africa, belonging to the temperate zone.

Thyme and thyme are the same shrub with identical characteristics and beneficial properties. As for the appearance, the difference can be seen in the shape of the stem and rhizome. So in thyme, these parts are thickened. Thyme, on the other hand, has a thin tall stalk, and its root dives deep into the ground. Do not confuse thyme and savory, these are completely different plants, although they belong to the same family.

plant history

Thyme was first mentioned in writing in the third century BC. It was used by the Sumerians as an antiseptic, and by the ancient Egyptians as an important component of the embalming composition.

Interesting to know! The name of the plant is translated from Greek as fragrant smoking or incense. The ancient Greeks used it for ritual actions held in temples dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. Hence one of its names - incense. Received thyme and many other names, namely: thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, chebarka, hog pepper, swan, fly fly, verest and others.

The ancient Romans did not ignore the shrub, who prepared a special vigor drink called kykeon from its foliage. In addition, they widely used it for medical purposes. With the help of thyme, they treated asthma, got rid of worms, and even helped women during childbirth.

Over time, thyme has become increasingly popular. The mention of this wonderful shrub can be seen even in the Bible. After all, at the place where Jesus was born, the flooring was made of Bogorodsk grass. Knights of the Middle Ages used thyme tea to enhance their courage. They considered the verest to be a kind of symbol of courage, which was often embroidered on shirts intended for combat.

In Europe, there are many legends that connect this amazing plant with magic. It has also been used for practical purposes. Fumigation with incense repelled poisonous reptiles and insects. The presence of grass in the pillows caused good dream. And thyme-fumigated fishing gear guaranteed a solid catch.

Know! The ancient Slavs also used thyme for both medicinal and ritual purposes. The use of the plant to decorate temples in honor of the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, was the reason for the appearance of another name - Bogorodskaya grass.

Verest was used in many pagan rites. He served important component in the preparation of various potions. Many folk traditions with the use of thyme have survived to this day, for example - fumigation of premises, kitchen utensils. Today it is actively used:

  • in medicine;
  • cosmetology;
  • perfumery;
  • cooking;
  • landscape design.

The same plant can be called both thyme and thyme. Various names formed depending on the place of growth.

Interesting to know! There is an opinion that thyme is the Ukrainian name for thyme. The explanation lies in the fact that in the territories of the Ukrainian steppes the creeping form of the semi-shrub, which is commonly called thyme, is most common.

It is worth noting that other folk names are inherent in certain regions.

What is their difference?

As mentioned above, thyme is a creeping form of thyme, and their external differences are related to this. Thyme is characterized by a supple crown, a thick rhizome, and a wide stem.

Thyme, on the other hand, has a longer and thinner stem, and its root system deeper. The inflorescences of the second are distinguished by brightness and splendor. Some flower growers claim that thyme significantly outperforms its counterpart in antiseptic properties.

Beneficial features

The widespread use of Bogorodsk grass in various areas of life is due to its rich composition, including vitamins C and B, organic acids, useful resins, tannins, gum, and fats.

Verest used in various forms, can have a healing effect on the body, namely:

  1. Relief from rheumatic pains.
  2. Providing a diuretic, diaphoretic effect.
  3. Favorable effect on the emotional state.
  4. Return of male power, treatment of prostatitis.
  5. Elimination of itching, swelling, provoked by insect bites.
  6. Getting rid of fermentation processes, flatulence, diarrhea, similar ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. elimination bad smell from the oral cavity.
  8. Expectorant action in the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  9. Elimination of inflammatory processes.
  10. Treatment of rashes of an infectious nature.
  11. The return of consciousness when it is lost.

In cosmetology, Bogorodskaya grass is used as a fragrance or component of products designed to eliminate inflammation on the skin, strengthen hair and nails.

Know! The unique aroma provided Verest with wide culinary use. Bogorodskaya grass can be used in everyday life, because its smell helps to get rid of moths.

Creeping thyme in landscape design

Attractive appearance and a long flowering period have made the shrub a frequent participant in beautiful landscape compositions. Creeping thyme, popularly called thyme, can grow in the same place for up to five years. This plant is unpretentious in care, endures cold, drought.

The most common use of shrubs for landscape design is to use it when decorating rocky gardens for:

  • designation of the edge of group plantings;
  • hedges in the Mediterranean style;
  • filling empty areas between tiles or beds.

Attention! Gardeners often use in the form design solution combinations of different varieties of shrubs. For example, they combine variegated forms with varieties of anthocyanin color. Such a composition looks spectacular even after the end of the flowering period.

Quite often, gardeners plant a semi-shrub instead of lawn grass. For gardeners this best option, because the unpretentiousness of the plant ensures the attractiveness of lawns for a long period. The beautiful greenery of creeping thyme varieties serves as a spectacular backdrop for fellow gardeners. She will emphasize the beauty of peonies, roses, chrysanthemums, daffodils, tulips, lilies.

Thyme and thyme in cooking

For culinary purposes, the leaves of the plant are used fresh or dried. Verest has a strong pleasant aroma and a sharp spicy taste. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in the production of canned food, alcoholic beverages. From the leaves and stems of Bogorodsk grass, you can make tea.

Interesting to know! Thyme is one of the components of the popular seasoning called "Provencal herbs".

Fresh or dried herbs are used in cooking to give a special taste when cooking:

  • fish, meat dishes;
  • vegetable side dishes, salads;
  • marinades, sauces;
  • sweets.

How to grow plants differences and similarities

For the rapid growth of Bogorodsk grass, the sun is needed, this is important to consider when choosing a place for growing it. You can plant a shrub in spring or autumn. For a successful landing, you must sequentially perform the following actions:

  1. Prepare the site in advance, freeing it from weeds, enriching it with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.
  2. Dig up the prepared area, add a little urea (20 g).
  3. At the end of the day, sow the seeds, observing the row spacing (40 cm).
  4. Sprinkle some sand on top (1 cm).
  5. Cover the landing with a film.

Know! If you did everything right, then in a couple of weeks the seeds will begin to germinate. Proper care for "kids" requires loosening, moderate watering, as well as weeding.

To speed up the growth process, you can prepare seedlings in advance using the recommendations above. You can propagate the plant by dividing shrubs or cuttings during the active growing season. From the first days to a year, "kids" need to be provided with mulching and weeding. To avoid regular top dressing, it is advisable to initially add a small amount of compost.

In the future, shrubs are fertilized in late spring or in the first days of summer with any mineral top dressing of a liquid consistency. In spring or autumn, shrubs are recommended to be shortened by cutting the stems to the place of lignification. This will make them look more attractive.

Know! Bogorodskaya grass is resistant to diseases and pests. Features of planting, reproduction, care for various varieties of shrubs are identical.

Dosage forms of the herb

Earlier we talked about wonderful healing properties verest. For healing, it can be used in various forms.
Dried leaf powder is a folk analogue of ammonia, Effectively helps to bring consciousness to fainting, regardless of age.

Quite often, an infusion of dry leaves is used. Its recipe is very simple. Pour a glass of boiling water over the grass - one tablespoon. The infusion helps in the fight against acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, whooping cough.

Chebarka tea is used as a cough remedy. Promotes general improvement condition of women during pregnancy.

Bogorodskaya grass is one of the components of the well-known medicinal syrup called "Pertussin".

Important! Verest oil is actively used for health purposes. With it, you can get rid of depression, PMS, skin defects. Apply oil in the treatment of colds, arthritis.

For general strengthening of the body, crushed leaves of the plant can be added to food.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any other plant, verest has properties that, under certain situations, can harm the body. It is strongly not recommended to use chebarka in the presence of:

  • liver or kidney disease;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • violations of the pancreas;
  • arrhythmia, cardiosclerosis, heart attack;
  • individual intolerance.

Important! With great care should be taken to the use of herbs throughout the entire period of pregnancy. To avoid unpleasant consequences you should consult with your doctor first.

If Bogorodsk grass is used in excessive amounts, then nausea, vomiting, headaches, and pressure drops can be provoked.


We hope that the material of the article has become useful for those who asked the question, are thyme and thyme the same plant? Listen to the advice of experts, and this wonderful shrub in one form or another will undoubtedly come in handy.

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The consonance of the words "thyme" and "savory" gave reason to assume that this is either the same plant or close relatives. Is it so? To understand the difference between thyme and savory, you need to get to know each of them. The only thing that can be argued is that they are completely different plants, among the points of contact having only a common family and belonging to medicinal herbs.

Savory and thyme: photos and main characteristics of plants

The garden savory has the Latin name satureja hortensis, which no longer gives any reason to see the similarity between it and thyme. The plant is an annual, it can reach a height of 70 cm, the bushes often form dense, dense thickets. It can be grown as a hedge, but is mainly valued for its merits in cooking and traditional medicine. Its spicy aroma and taste have given it the name "pepper grass".

  • Interestingly, the chemical composition of this plant contains up to 5% protein and a large proportion essential oils. Its main focus is strengthening the immune system, antihelminthic effect, disinfecting and fixing. Necessary for intestinal disorders and to stimulate appetite. In tandem with yarrow, it not only works as a hemostatic agent, but also raises the overall tone, perfectly invigorates. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that savory is effective in cancer.
  • How food product, savory - excellent seasoning to any meat and salad, especially based on cucumber; can be used as a breading product. Its ability to facilitate digestion of heavy meals is highly valued in dietetics.

And if savory and thyme are different herbs, then thyme and thyme are the same plant with the Latin name thymusserpyllum. A spicy medicinal herb of the Lamiaceae family, which is part of the ground cover group. Perennial, the height of the bushes does not exceed 20 cm, blooms from mid-summer to its end, forming small pink-violet flowers, covering the top of each shoot with lush caps. In the garden, it is usually used as a background for a flower bed, the center or border of a flower garden, a garden path. Due to the fact that the thyme bushes do not spread in breadth, the initially set shape will be maintained throughout the year, which allows you to fill in certain areas in connection with the intended design.

  • In folk medicine, creeping thyme is valued for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the ability to relieve fever and relieve pain spasms. Decoctions based on thyme allow you to separate sputum from the lungs and bronchi, calm the nervous system. However, the use of this herb is undesirable in pregnant women, as well as in liver and kidney failure, and cardiac disorders.

Garden savory: growing from seeds and plant care

You can grow savory from seeds both in open ground and on the windowsill, however, you will need a large container here, since the bushes are quite tall. You can cut off the tops 2 times a year, after which they need to be dried and stored in a dark, cool place.

  • For 1 sq.m. usually there are only 300 g of seeds, which indicates a high degree of germination of savory. Due to the good endurance of the plant, it can be sown even under the snow, however, in a snowless winter, you will have to cover the area with seedlings with a dense cloth and spruce branches.
  • The savory needs very nutritious soil, therefore, when digging the site, humus must be added there (up to 6 kg per 1 sq.m.), and complex fertilizer should be added to the substrate for seedlings. Before sowing, the earth is moistened. If sowing is carried out under winter, then it is necessary to moisten the area a day before the procedure.
  • The land in the garden can have any chemical composition, but most of all, the savory appreciates the beds that previously had cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers, or the areas where organic matter was introduced. However, it is much more important to choose a zone where there will be an abundance sunlight because savory is very photophilous.
  • Sowing is carried out along grooves, the depth of which is 0.5-1 cm, and the distance between them should be at least 15 cm due to the active growth of savory.
  • For seedlings, the plant is sown in March, in open ground - when the earth is calmly loosened: the end of April or the beginning of May. Podzimny sowing can be carried out at the end of October.
  • Professionals recommend pre-soaking the seeds in water (18-24 hours), and also treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to improve their quality. After that, the seeds must be dried on parchment, and they can be lowered into the substrate.
  • After sowing, the furrows should be covered with sand, moistened, covered with a film or a dense cloth. Before germination (9-10 days), the material is removed only to moisten the earth, and it is advisable to keep the container with seedlings away from sunlight.

If necessary, seedlings can dive, but often this is not necessary. Seedlings can be taken out into open ground 3-4 weeks after sowing. If the cultivation was carried out immediately on suburban area, covering material is removed for 14-15 days.

Further care for the savory is only rare watering(usually the plant has enough natural moisture), weeding and loosening. The primary cut is made at the very beginning of flowering, the tops are removed before the branching of the shoots.

Despite the fact that the savory is an annual, it will not be necessary to re-sow it, since the flowering bushes begin to reproduce by self-sowing, and without additional care, these seeds take root perfectly.

Creeping thyme: growing at home

Thyme can grow not only in the summer cottage, but also on the windowsill, where it is no longer grown as an ornamental bush, but for medicinal or food purposes. As a spicy herb, it is ideal for meat and fish dishes, sauces, marinades. It can be used in herbal infusion or decoction, as well as to add flavor to any tea. For this purpose, during flowering, the tops with inflorescences are collected, after which they are dried and crushed.

Growing thyme, like savory, is within the power of any gardener, the technology does not require much effort:

  • Distribute drainage material along the bottom of a small container (10-15 cm high), pour soil on top, which is recommended to be combined with a small amount of sand for looseness.
  • Seeds spaced at a short distance from each other are buried in a moistened substrate: thyme has good germination, so the seedlings will sit tightly.
  • From above it is necessary to scatter sand (layer 1 cm), moisten again. It is not necessary to cover the container with a film - it is much more important to put it in the shade and monitor the preservation of soil moisture.

After 3-4 weeks, you can transfer the pot to the window, and after 2-2.5 months. cut seedlings for their use. Caring for thyme includes only watering as the earth dries up, as well as a rare application of mineral fertilizers.

How many can be counted common features at thyme and savory? Not too much. These spicy herbs are certainly relatives, but they are not at all interchangeable, they have different indications for use in medicinal purposes, and even outwardly it is simply impossible to confuse them. But, definitely, each of these herbs is worthy of its cultivation both in the summer cottage and on the windowsill.

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