Japanese shrub with pink flowers. Japanese maples are represented by three species

Site arrangement 13.06.2019
Site arrangement

Ornamental shrubs are one of the most effective tools in the hands of a landscape designer. In the country, they are often used as a picturesque emerald green hedge. Low bushes can also serve as a kind of transition from powerful trees to herbaceous plants. Their main function in this case is to make the design of the summer cottage harmonious, and the strokes of the design drawing smoother.

Shrubs in landscape design

Perhaps, on each hacienda you can see growing shrubs. They usually cause a lot of problems to negligent summer residents, but in skillful and caring hands they turn into real masterpieces of landscape design.

It's amazing how noticeable the difference is between a neglected wild rose or scattered in different sides its branches with barberry and neatly trimmed boxwood. AT last years topiary art acquires special popularity. And in this design direction, shrubs for the garden are simply irreplaceable.

If you carefully look after them, you can get not only a bright decoration of the site, a slender living fence, but also a natural sculpture of amazing beauty. Like any other plant, the bush pleases a person with its lush flowering, in gratitude for tireless care.

Types of shrubs and rules for their choice

On a summer cottage of any size and style direction flowering shrubs would be appropriate. This is exactly the unique case when there is not much. After all, green mini-trees, standing in a slender wall along the garden alley, or covered with a bright dome of flowers, fit perfectly into all design styles without exception.

Shrubs can be classified according to several principles. For example, frost resistance. When choosing seedlings, pay attention to this property. Hard frost withstand:

These species tolerate winter well, they can be planted in the northern part of the site. But spireas, mock oranges and wild roses love warmth and will be grateful if you take care of warming before the start of the cold season.

Another sign of classification is in relation to lighting. Plant lilacs and fieldfare in those places in your garden where there is enough sunlight at any time of the year. For shaded areas, these types of shrubs are suitable:

I would like to draw the attention of gardeners to the fact that seedlings for landscaping should be chosen taking into account the type of soil. Japanese quince loves warmth, but is quite unpretentious to the ground. Its decoration is not only small flowers and leaves, but also fruits. Thus, this modest bush will delight you with its flowering in spring, greenery in summer, and decorative berries in autumn.On the wet soil dogwood grows well. Its inflorescences are pleasantly fragrant, and the unusual color of the shoots gives a simple bush some kind of exoticism.

Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves may vary: from rich green with a light border to dark bronze. The beautiful forsythia blooms in early spring when most of the trees have not yet woken up after winter. How fabulous this bush looks, covered with bright yellow flowers! And the requirements of this royal person are also high: fertile soil and moderate watering.For southern regions with sandy soil, the ideal inhabitant is tamarisk. And during the flowering period, you just can’t take your eyes off it!

Variety of colors in the area

Relatively speaking, according to the decorative value, shrubs can be divided into deciduous and flowering ones. Which type to choose - the solution to this issue depends on the desired effect.

To create a landscape composition, you need to know everything about the texture and color of leaves or needles. Let evergreen or ornamental bushes not seem boring to you. In beauty, they are in no way inferior to their flowering relatives. Well, how can someone not like the tart smell of juniper?

This coniferous plant is actively used both in topiary art and in the planning of park and country alleys. Beautiful evergreen shrubs for the garden - mahonia with dark-colored foliage and multi-colored panicles, or boxwood, which is simply made for curly haircuts.

The change of seasons can be observed by the color of some bushes. For example, vesicles change the color of the leaves: the Aurea variety throws out reddish leaves from the buds, at the beginning of summer they become almost orange, then slightly fade, and in autumn they explode in the color of bright gold. By the way, if you plant a vesicle in a shaded area, we get a consistently green tint. Barberry also gives a wide palette of colors.

Depending on the type, the crown of the bush can be purple or golden, emerald or crimson. They look especially elegant along the low fences that separate the boundaries of the site.

A real fairy tale is flowering ornamental shrubs. The owners will be pleased with the riot of colors, the bees - with a wide scope for work. In early spring, lupus and forsythia are the first to bloom, then lush hats of viburnum and modest miniature bouquets of white turf bloom. Then we are intoxicated with aromas of jasmine bells and curly bunches of the queen of the Russian lilac garden. Broom and rhododendron, cinquefoil and spirea add beauty to our dachas.

Planting shrubs: general rules

As with any ornamental plants, garden bushes should be planted and transplanted in the fall. The main thing is to make sure that the shrub has time to take root well before the onset of frost. First of all, you should choose a place to land.

Consider the type of shrub, as we have already discussed above. It is necessary to remove weeds and carefully remove the top layer of soil (especially if planting is done on a lawn). Next, we dig a hole. Its dimensions should significantly exceed the width of the root system. Try a seedling. The longest root should not be cramped in it.

The bottom of the pit and the walls must be loosened with a pitchfork to saturate the soil with oxygen. It is recommended to make compost or peat when planting, as well as add a slow-acting fertilizer.

Then put the seedling next to the peg, straighten all the roots, cover with earth. Firm the soil gently with your foot. Make a roller around the pit from the soil so that the water does not spread during irrigation, but goes right under the root. Water the seedling generously from above.

The planted shrub must be tied to a peg. This is done so that the root does not move, and in the future the plant stretches straight up. Apply a bandage of soft material at a height of about 30 cm from the ground.

Basic Care Tips

Contrary to popular belief, garden ornamental shrubs do not require careful maintenance. Forget the stereotype of the gardener, imposed by soap opera directors: in the park near the luxurious mansion, he spends days on end, cutting green shoots and relentlessly shaping the crowns of lush bushes.

In fact, plants need only periodic hilling and proper watering. Of course, it is necessary to cut off excess branches to give a well-groomed shape, and remove old shoots. Frost-resistant viburnum and lilac do not require preparation for the cold season. And roses, hydrangeas and rhododendrons need only be covered with reeds or spruce branches.

Photo selection

The article presents 10 of the best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer.
Also in the article you will find a description and care for flowering shrubs.

10 best winter-hardy shrubs blooming all summer

(lat.Philadelphus) - a plant that is known to most under the name "jasmine" - is
one of the most common and winter-hardy flowering shrubs for central Russia.
The mock orange has an incredible number of varieties that differ in different heights of the bush, the size of the flowers and the shade of the leaves.

Of the more compact varieties, the Pearl variety should be distinguished: the maximum height of the bush is about one and a half meters, the flowers are large double.
Bushes of the variety "Snowstorm" ("Snowstorm") reach two meters in height, and the flowers are smaller, but numerous,
it seems as if the bush was covered with snow. "Snowstorm" can bloom for up to twenty days.

Flowering time: June-July (depending on the variety). Height: 1.5-2 meters.
Care: regular removal of old shoots (older than two years); after flowering, removal of damaged,
shoots directed inward; monthly feeding with humus or mineral fertilizer.

Lilac(Latin Syrínga) is a winter-hardy shrub that is extremely common in Russian gardens and, without proper control and pruning, often grows to the size of trees.
To prevent this from happening and the lilac remains a profusely flowering and well-decorated shrub, it needs regular pruning.
In early spring, when buds appeared on the bush and future flowering branches are visible, identify a dozen strong shoots on the bush,
which will set the shape of the bush, cut off the rest.

At the same time, it is better to shorten some external shoots to the border of the main branches.
Of the white-flowering varieties, the terry lilac variety "Alice Harding" ("Alice Harding") is recommended,
of the varieties with blue flowers, the variety ‘Condorcet’ (“Condorcet”) blooms most abundantly and unpretentiously.

Of the classic purples, the Paul Thirion variety blooms most magnificently.
All listed varieties are winter-hardy flowering and decorative.

Flowering time: June. Height: 1.5-3 meters.
Care: after flowering, removal of damaged shoots directed inward; spring three-time feeding with a solution of bird droppings with an interval of three weeks.

(lat.Chaenomeles japonica) conditionally winter-hardy: this means that a harsh winter can damage the plant.
Those shoots that are above the level of snow may freeze, and the plant will not bloom magnificently.
The decorativeness of the shrub gives not only beautiful flowering, but also its compliance with a haircut.

Every spring, a sanitary haircut is required: all dry, lifeless shoots are cut, including those damaged by frost.
The curly formation of a bush can be started at the age of five, ruthlessly removing shoots that creep along the ground and vertical or go deep into the bush.

But in no case should you cut off the horizontal shoots that form the "cap" of the bush.

After removing all unnecessary shoots, the remaining ones will be filled with more energy.
Upon reaching the age of ten, the Japanese quince bush is rejuvenated: the bush must be thinned out, reducing the number of branches to ten of the strongest.

Flowering time: May, beginning of June. Height: up to 1 meter.
Care: for more lush flowering, the soil at the roots is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and the root area is mulched.

(lat. Spiraea) - very attractive abundantly flowering shrub extremely low maintenance requirements.
There are two main varieties of spirea - spring-blooming and summer-blooming.
Spring-blooming spireas usually have numerous white flowers, under the weight of which the bush takes on a cascading shape.
All spring-flowering spireas are pruned after flowering.

Blooms in May. Thunberg, in June - p. Argut and s. Van Gutt.
Summer-blooming spireas have pink flowers, and their flowering begins, as a rule, in July.
Of the relatively miniature spirals, it is recommended to pay attention to varieties with. Japanese "Golden Princess" and "Shirobana" - their height is not more than 70 cm.
The longest (from July to October) blooms with. Billard, but such a shrub reaches a height of up to two and a half meters.

Flowering time: May-October (depending on variety).
Height: 0.5 - 2.5 meters.
Care: the plant does well without fertilizers, only pruning is required; spring-flowering spireas are pruned only for sanitary purposes after flowering.
Summer-flowering spireas are cut from below in early spring from the fifth year of life.

(lat. Buddleja) deserves special attention for its flowering time alone.
Winter-hardy shrubs blooming in autumn, not so much.
Buddleya, although thermophilic, but with proper preparation for winter (hilling, warming the roots, covering with spruce branches)
able to survive the average winter and delight the eye next year with its flowering.

Flowering time: July-October. Height: 0.5 - 3 meters.
Care: sanitary pruning is necessary, reddened branches are removed; possible curly haircut; for stimulation
growth - mineral fertilizers monthly; if the height of the bush has reached the desired, it is enough to stop feeding; pay attention to preparing for winter.


Hydrangea(lat.Hydrangea) looks more like a small tree, but it can also be formed into a shrub.
The easiest to care for and winter-hardy shrub is the Hydrangea arborescens, one of its popular varieties is Annabelle (‘Annabelle’).
She also responds very positively to pruning.

In autumn, after flowering, all non-lignified branches and all thin shoots are cut off.

In the spring, with the beginning of spring work, fresh shoots are shortened to an extreme bud.
No less popular are other types of hydrangeas - large-leaved, paniculate and petiolate.

Flowering time: Aug. Sept. Height: up to 2 meters.
Care: mandatory pruning; top dressing with special fertilizer for hydrangeas containing iron and magnesium.

(lat. Potentilla) is also known as Kuril tea, is a widespread plant.
All types of Potentilla shrub ( Potentilla fruticosa) are winter-hardy and not whimsical, so the choice depends entirely on color preferences.
For yellow-orange flowering, varieties " Dakota Sunrise», « Goldfinger», « goldstar»,« Katherine Dykes» .
Of the white-flowering cinquefoils, varieties " beani" and " Abbotswood", from pink -" pink beauty».

Flowering time: May-August. Height: up to 1.5 meters.
Care: ensure good drainage in the soil; spring dressing mineral fertilizers;
in spring, shoots are shortened by about one third of the length; in summer, regular pruning of weak shoots and faded inflorescences.

(lat. Rhododendron) - one of the most popular winter-hardy flowering shrubs,
but at the same time one of the most difficult and for the rhododendron to decorate with its lush bloom garden as far as possible
it is necessary to follow the secrets of its cultivation.

There are three varieties of rhododendrons: evergreen, wintering (semi-evergreen) and falling (deciduous).
When choosing a shrub for the garden middle lane Russia should focus on deciduous forms.
The most winter-hardy varieties are:

  1. "Lemon Lights" ("Lemon lights"),
  2. "Mandarin Lights" ("Mandarin lights").

If you still take a chance and try to grow evergreen rhododendrons in the garden, then choose better hybrid"Mikkey" ('Mikkeli')
Finnish selection, which has proven itself quite well recently.
Depending on the variety, the conditions for growing vary, but the correct position is guaranteed.
there will be light partial shade during the hot part of the day (for example, shade from trees or gazebos) and protection from the wind (for example, a fence or wall of a house).

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 3 meters.
Care: careful top dressing after two years of age with slightly nitrogenous
calcium-free fertilizers; organic acid can be added to the water for regular irrigation (1g / 3l of water),
can be watered with rainwater heated in the sun; the ground around the bush must be mulched with peat and weeds must be manually removed on it;
removal of dried inflorescences; it is better to cover for the winter.

(lat.Calluna) is a low, creeping winter-hardy shrub that blooms, as a rule, in late summer and early autumn.
The key to success in growing heather in the garden is the right soil.
Heather is a forest plant, which means that it needs forest conditions: peat, sand, needles, sawdust.
Moreover, it is not enough to add a mixture of the above materials to ordinary garden soil,
the usual soil in the garden on the site for heather must be completely replaced with something pleasing to him.
After replacing the soil, it must be moistened with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water (100g / 10l of water).
The most promising varieties are:

  1. "Allegro" ("Allegro")
  2. Mullion
  3. "Alba Plena" ("Alba Plena").

Flowering time: July-October. Height: half a meter.
Care: watering with oxidized water 1r / week; top dressing in the spring with dry mineral fertilizers by basal scattering and mulching with bark.
Weeding from weeds as they appear.
Shrub pruning is carried out in early spring, if it is necessary to give the future bush a special shape.
Although the heather itself spreads very decoratively; shelter for the winter with spruce paws.

Rose wrinkled (winter-hardy)

(lat. Rosa rugosa) - a wild winter-hardy flowering shrub, better known as "rose hip".
To the soil, this rose is unpretentious, but prefers sunny places.
Two oldest varieties are popular:

  • snow-white terry "White Grootendorst"
  • burgundy-raspberry Grootendorst Supreme.

There are also hybrid varieties: yellow rose varieties:

  1. "Agnes" ("Agnes")
  2. "Hansa" purple
  3. "Abelzieds" ("Abelzieds") delicate pink flowers.

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 2.5m.
Care: a young plant needs to be watered once a week, and with the onset of the age of three, watering is necessary only in the driest periods.
Top dressing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers is extremely rare, no more than once a year in early autumn and only after the age of two.

To preserve the decorative and abundant flowering regular pruning is necessary from the third year after planting.

It is necessary to remove all weak branches, and pinch the tops of the remaining shoots to create a lushabout the bush; does not need shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs. Video

10 shade-loving flowering shrubs for the garden

A shady corner of the garden looks sad, overgrown with plants withering without the sun.
But sometimes it is there that you want to put a deck chair and hide from the scorching sun.
These shade-tolerant shrubs will help you easily solve the problem:

Azalea is a beautiful flowering shrub that does not like bright sun.
It blooms in May, the abundance of flowers is impressive.
Quite demanding in care.

Privet is a beautiful, deciduous shrub.
Blooms in mid-summer.
Flower brush paniculate, white, with a rich aroma. It cuts well.
In the first years it grows very quickly.
Grows on any kind of soil.
Requires shelter in winter with insufficient snow cover.

Barberry Thunberg is a very decorative shrub, thanks to the leaves,
which change their color throughout the summer.
In deep autumn, red-purple leaves fall off.
Thorns grow on the trunk and branches.


Euonymus is a shrub with a beautiful openwork crown.
It blooms in spring, the flowers are not impressive.
In September, the leaves change color, and in almost a week the bush blooms with all the colors of the rainbow.
Each leaf is painted in several colors.
And even after the leaves fall, until the very frosts, the spindle trees delight the eye with the multi-colored fruits that look like catkins.

Holly mahonia is an evergreen shrub with glossy,
leathery, dark green leaves.
In spring it blooms with yellow flowers.
By autumn, the leaves turn bronze.
Grows up to 1 meter.
Tolerates frost well.

Rhododendron is one of the most beautiful deciduous flowering shrubs.
Low, about 60 cm.
Flowering begins in spring, along with the appearance of leaves.
Fragrant white with a barely noticeable pink tint, star-shaped flowers are collected in a brush.
Beautiful green leaves become sunny yellow by autumn.
Not afraid of frost.

Snowberry is an unpretentious shrub with thin graceful branches. Blooms all summer.
It looks spectacular in autumn, strewn with large berries, most often white or pinkish.

Mock orange - more often it is called garden jasmine for white flowers, fragrant with an incredible aroma.
Most varieties and hybrids tolerate frost well and are undemanding to the soil.

Having made a choice in favor of shade-loving shrubs, you can effortlessly turn a shaded area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden into a comfortable seating area.

Shade tolerant trees and shrubs

It is difficult to imagine a modern garden without such landscaping elements as ornamental shrubs, which bring bright touches to the colorful palette of shades of plant compositions. Ornamental shrubs for the garden act as spectacular tapeworms that adorn open areas, hedges along paths, or serve as a backdrop for colorful flower arrangements. Their presence transforms appearance any garden and makes it more elegant and festive.

In order for a beautiful shrub to organically fit into an existing landscape, a number of basic criteria should be taken into account when choosing a plant.

Criterion # 1 - decorative culture

Attractiveness is one of the key criteria for choosing a plant. Today, on the horticultural market, you can find more than one hundred of the most diverse types of shrubs that have unusual shape and foliage color, and elegant flowers of juicy shades, exuding marvelous aroma. If it is a flowering shrub, then it is desirable that it please continuous flowering throughout the season. Ornamental leafy varieties are also interesting, changing colors over time.

When planning the design of a suburban area with plants, any owner wants to create a picturesque ensemble, all the elements in which harmoniously complement each other

Criterion #2 - plant height

When selecting shrubs, the compositional structure of the garden should be taken into account. On the site with small area it is better to plant as much as possible compact varieties having a dense, non-spreading crown (for example: columnar junipers). When planning to plant a shrub as a free-growing hedge, you can opt for crops that tend to grow quickly. Special attention should be given to the shape of the crown so that it looks attractive not only in summer with a “cap” of foliage, but also in winter.

Criterion # 3 - growing features

When choosing a plant, one should take into account the characteristics of the climatic zone in which it grows. Some varieties feel comfortable in semi-shaded areas of the garden, while others are able to show decorativeness only in well-lit areas. It is better for novice gardeners to give preference to varieties that do not require special care and breeding conditions.

Spectacular flowering shrubs

An undeniable favorite among the beautifully flowering ornamental shrubs for the garden is a rose. Park varieties of roses are easy to care for and have excellent winter hardiness.

The only downside park varieties is that they bloom only once a season, but during the flowering period they look simply amazing and at the same time exude a delicate, charming aroma. The most decorative varieties are: "Ritausma" with double pale pink flowers, "Shevchenko's rose" with flowers of a dark red hue, Hansa with large red-pink flowers.

Jasmine, beloved by many gardeners, today adorns many suburban areas. Jasmine blooms are irresistible: snow-white flowers blooming on the branches in early summer create the feeling that a snowfall has passed in the garden. AT landscape design jasmine is used to create flowering avenues and hedges. Shrub shade-tolerant, but blooms more abundantly in the sun. Read more about varieties, planting and care.

An elegant shrub, dotted with thousands of cream-colored flowers, spreading a pleasant aroma throughout the neighborhood, adorns front entrances and recreation areas in summer cottages.

Jasmine is especially spectacular with architectural form crowns ("Virginal" with a dense vertical crown and "Pyramidal" with a clear wide pyramidal crown).

Extremely effective winter-hardy shrub vesicle, forming pretty openwork hemispheres of pale pink and white inflorescences

The fruits of the vesicles look very interesting, which are original leathery leaflets of a slightly swollen shape, which, as they ripen, change their color from green, and later yellow to deep red. Among the ornamental varieties, the most widespread are: "Diabolo" - a branchy handsome man with dark burgundy foliage, "Summer Vine" - compact with red foliage and white-pink inflorescences, "Copertinna" - with orange foliage, turning into a red palette closer to summer.

Lushly blooming rhododendrons, decorated with a scattering of miniature flowers in summer, in the place of which bright berries later appear, are excellent candidates for a place in the garden.

Medium-sized rhododendron shrubs often act as group plantings against the backdrop of an emerald lawn or coniferous plantations. Varieties are especially decorative: "Alfred" - an evergreen with a pyramidal crown dotted with purple-red flowers, "Blue Peter" with a spreading crown decorated with lavender-blue flowers and "Violetta" with flowers of dark purple hues.

Deren is also very popular among gardeners. A tall three-meter shrub is formed from flexible erect coral-red branches, the shoots of which are often covered with a bluish bloom. From May to September, deren is decorated with inflorescences in the form of umbrellas and panicles, collected from miniature white flowers. Retains ornamental shrub and autumn period when its foliage turns bronze-crimson. The shrub is also unusually effective in the winter months: the bare dark cherry shoots act as a bright contrast against the background. white snow and evergreen conifers.

The plant is decorated with miniature wrinkled ovoid leaves, painted in summer. green color, but closer to acquiring purple-red hues

Derain looks equally beautiful both in single specimens and in group plantings. He perfectly tolerates a haircut and quickly gives multiple shoots. Among the ornamental plant varieties, the most interesting are: "Gold Star" - leaves with a yellow pattern, "Rubra" with bright autumn leaf color, "Cherokee Princess" with a slender crown.

Attractive ornamental plants

Deciduous shrubs are a real find for the garden: they are good from spring to late autumn. Such shrubs are interesting first of all original form foliage, painted in bright unusual shades.

Beautiful foliage of unusual purple and burgundy shades, effectively combined with coral-colored berries, has an evergreen barberry.

The picky shrub looks great in hedges and single plantings. The barberry is famous for its autumn attire, when fiery red, purple and ruby ​​colors blaze on the branches. In landscaping, the varieties of barberry Siebold, Juliana and Thunberg are most widely used.

Known to many gardeners for its delicious nuts, the hazel tree plant is also widely used for landscaping.

Against the background of lush greenery, the forms of common hazel look spectacular: golden-bordered, dark purple and white-and-white. Tall shrubs freely tolerate a little shading, but prefer well-lit areas.

If we consider evergreen varieties of shrubs, then boxwoods and hollies are famous for the greatest decorative effect. Graceful lines and clear contours of boxwood make the appearance of the garden strict and at the same time elegant.

Holly mahonia, decorated with dark green leaves with prickly-toothed edges, can act as a bright decoration of the site.

In the winter months, the green foliage of mahonia turns burgundy and bronze, acting as a bright accent against the background of a snow-white carpet.

When creating a picturesque landscape, it is important to correctly combine plants. And then the flowering shrubs will delight with bright colors in the warm season, and the evergreen and decorative leaves will saturate the garden with cheerful shades in the winter months.

It is worth noting that not all gardeners plant on their own personal plot garden perennial shrubs. Basically, such summer residents try to plant vegetables and fruit crops. However, among this number are those gardeners who are happy to grow such plants. The popularity of perennial flowers is not accidental! Such plants are very easy to care for, and they can bloom all summer. In this article, we have collected for you perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. Here you can find their photo and name.

Perennial shrubs for the garden. Catalog

Before we start listing the names of shrubs for the garden, it is worth saying that there are quite a lot of them today. However, our article contains the most popular shrubs that can be seen in almost every summer cottage.

More and more gardeners today prefer to plant winter-hardy perennial shrubs. This factor should not be surprising. After all, a rather harsh climate prevails on the territory of Russia. Therefore, shrubs should be chosen those that will be adapted to these conditions.

Catalog of popular shrubs.

Lilac. Everyone loves this shrub. A lilac tree can grow up to 3 meters in height. Of course, such a height is useless in garden plot. And all because the branches of the plant will create an excessive shadow. However, there is a way out of this situation. It is enough to make competent pruning of branches and then the plant will look neat.

Due to the fact that winters in our country are distinguished by their severity, some gardeners do not want to plant this shrub in their country house. However, if you choose those varieties that are resistant to frost, then in this regard you can play it safe. Frost-resistant varieties include:

  • Variety "Alice Harding",
  • Sort "Paul Triton".

But if you are afraid for your lilac bush, then the bushes are covered with covering material in the fall before winter.

Spirea. This shrub changes during flowering. Its shape becomes cascading. This is due to the severity of the small white flowers. A variety of spirea can be divided into sub-varieties. In this quantity there are those trees that can bloom: in spring or summer.

Thanks to this factor, you can admire the flowering of Sperea from early spring to mid-autumn. In this case, it is recommended to plant a couple of bushes with different flowering periods. The height of such sub-cultivars can be 2.5 meters. But if you do not want to see an ogre shrub, you need to cut off its shoots after the flowering of the perennial.

Russian gardeners plant mainly Japanese varieties:

  • "Golden Princess"
  • "Shirobana".

The two varieties described above are distinguished by their diminutiveness. Their height can reach 70 cm. However, this will happen if the shrub is properly and competently cared for.

Buddley. This shrub thrives in temperate climates. The plant belongs to thermophilic. However, it can easily endure fairly low winter temperatures. However, before the onset of winter, it is necessary to cover the shrub with spruce branches and spud.

Buddleya is also a popular shrub. Color large lilac flowers from July to October. But if the autumn turned out to be warm, then the flowering time can be increased. You can always give a shrub an unusual and nice shape. One has only to prune immediately after flowering and the plant will delight you with its appearance.

But if you do not trim the shoots, then the height of the shrub can reach a height of 3 meters.

Hydrangea. In this article, we list for you unpretentious perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. Let's get acquainted with the next interesting shrub. A tree-like plant called hydrangea is able to please all gardeners with very large inflorescences. The shrub is distinguished by the fact that it can freely transfer even the most severe sub-zero temperatures.

The shrub needs mandatory pruning, which should be done a couple of times a year. The first pruning occurs after flowering. In this case, all young shoots that have not acquired a tree form are removed. The next pruning should be done in the spring. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the tops of the shrub, to the very top of the perennial bud that has not blossomed. The needs of the shrub include regular top dressing. In this case, those compositions are selected that have a high content of magnesium and iron.

Above for you, we have listed beautiful perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. We managed to name only the most popular ones. These varieties will easily endure even the most difficult winter. But before landing any of them, it is still recommended to get acquainted with useful information.

Shade tolerant perennial shrubs

For growing in the garden, many summer residents choose shade-tolerant shrubs. These plants require minimal care, and their beauty can make absolutely any garden plot beautiful.

On a note! Shade-tolerant shrubs are recommended to be planted along country house or other commercial buildings.

Catalog of shade-tolerant perennials.

Wisteria. This shrub can have a height of 18 meters. This plant used to decorate arches and few presentable buildings. To grow a plant, you need to stretch the threads that are pre-wrapped around a branch or bush. Wisteria flowers can bloom from late May to early September.

Weigela. This shrub reaches a height of 70-80 meters. Purple or pink flowers appear in late April. And if you take proper care of the shrub, then it will be able to bloom even until late autumn. The plant feels great in a dark place in warm weather. However, with the first frosts, the shrub throws off all its inflorescences.

Action. This shrub has a small size and has a beautiful flowering. The plant begins to bloom in late spring. The flowers are small and have a pink or brown color. This shrub is involved in creating attractive compositions. You can plant several shrubs at once. So that the plant is always neat branches and shoots are constantly cut off.

All perennial garden shrubs that like shade also tolerate winter well in Russia. But if the plant was planted in a region where a harsh climate prevails, then before the onset of winter, the shrub must be covered with special material.

Fast growing perennial shrubs

Shrubs that grow quickly are also popular among summer residents. With their help, you can quickly and without problems on the garden plot to create hedge.

What shrubs are used to create hedges.

Dogwood. The berries of this shrub are widely used in folk medicine. The height of the shrub can be 5 meters. Thanks to this, this shrub is planted to create a hedge. The flowers of this shrub can be admired from March to May. And in the summer you can pick berries from the bush. This tree has a thick crown. Therefore, regular care is required here in the form of trimming the upper branches.

Barberry. To create a hedge, small varieties are mainly used. An unpretentious hedge will turn out due to the fact that the shrub has small thorns. Shrubs need to be looked after. Care consists of: feeding, watering and pruning.

Turn. If this shrub grows freely, then its height can reach 3 meters. But to create a hedge, the shrub needs to have a more miniature look. Therefore, regular pruning will achieve this. It is worth noting that the blackthorn hedge is distinguished by the fact that during flowering a very pleasant aroma emanates from small flowers. And after the first frosts have passed, the fruits of this shrub can be eaten.

On a note! All types of shrubs that are listed above are fruit trees. Therefore, they carry two functions: fruits and beauty.


From this article, you were able to learn a lot of interesting information for yourself. We hope you can choose for your garden exactly those shrubs that can decorate country cottage area and make it attractive.

In conclusion, it is worth saying only that in the garden plots of many people, mainly fruit bushes are planted. These shrubs include: currants, raspberries, plums and cherries. To save space in the garden, it is recommended to plant several varieties of shrubs. In this case, you will be able to achieve the perfect effect.

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without various flowering shrubs. After all, they are able not only to decorate the garden, but also to bear fruit, which can later be used as decorative elements or even medicines.

Many gardeners think about where to place this or that shrub, as well as how to properly combine the group of shrubs that they want to plant on the site. All these nuances must be thought out in advance so that the plants delight the eye with their flowering for the whole season.

How to choose a flowering shrub for the garden

The main criteria by which it is necessary to select a shrub for landing on the site:

  • decorative properties. You should think in advance about how this or that shrub will look on the site, and how it will be combined with other plants. Among the variety of plant species, it is easy to choose a shrub to your liking, taking into account a variety of distinctive characteristics: the shape of leaves and flowers, a variety of shades and even aroma. You can choose a composition of several shrubs, the flowering of which will be replaced one after another.
  • The height and shape of the stems of shrubs also play a big role. For example, for small area a composition of tall and not wide shrubs that compactly fit into the space allotted to them may come up.
  • Features of care. Before purchasing a particular shrub, it is important to take into account its climatic preferences and pay attention to the care that will need to be carried out for the plant. For example, if a shade-loving shrub is planted in a sunny area, then it is unlikely that it will please with its flowering and rapid growth.

Most beautiful winter-hardy shrubs for garden:

  • Lilac is a very common and beloved shrub that reaches a height of up to three meters. However, lilac can be cut and give the crown the desired shape. Lilac blooms in early summer.
  • - a tall shrub that can reach two meters in height, but some varieties can be called undersized. The plant is quite spreading, since flowering occurs on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shrub. The flowers pull the branches down and are usually white in color. The flowering period is in spring and summer.
  • fell in love with gardeners for its large inflorescences. However, it is important to remember that this shrub must be cut twice a year: in spring and autumn. Hydrangea blooms in summer.
  • Buddley is rarely seen in a personal plot, but it deserves attention, as the bush blooms quite a long period- from summer to mid-autumn. The plant can reach three meters in height, so it can be cut to the desired shape.

Two more important criteria by which it is worth choosing a shrub for planting for a long-term period are shade tolerance and belonging to perennial plants. Such shrubs can cover unsightly places in the garden, as well as decorate the area around the buildings.

The most popular types:

  • Deytion has a compact size and begins to bloom in early spring. The pink and white flowers are pleasing to the eye, and the branches can be trimmed to the desired shape.
  • refers to tall plants, because its height can reach 18 meters. Small flowers of lilac color have a very pleasant aroma. Flowering takes place throughout the summer period.
  • is an undersized shrub barely reaching a meter in height. Flowers of a bright pink hue begin to appear from mid-spring and may linger until the first frost.

These shrubs are also considered winter-hardy, but it is still recommended to insulate them with spruce branches. If a main goal landing is the design, then fast-growing shrubs will come to the rescue

The most common types of fast-growing shrubs:

  • Dogwood, in addition to its decorative function, will produce fruits that can be eaten. The shrub can grow up to five meters in height, and sprawling requires timely pruning and shaping.
  • The turn is also a fast-growing and fruit-bearing shrub. It reaches three meters in height. Blackthorn flowers have a very pleasant almond aroma, and the fruits can be consumed after the first frost.
  • continues the chain fruit bushes. The height of the barberry can be adjusted by the correct selection of the variety. The plant forms a thick impenetrable wall, which must be formed in a timely manner.

In order to combine a pleasant view of the site and benefits for the body, several fruit bushes should be planted in the garden. As a rule, these shrubs are most often planted by amateur gardeners.

The most popular fruit shrubs that gardeners love to grow are:

  • Honeysuckle is a tall shrub, growing up to 2.5 meters in length. The plant can be given the desired shape. However, the shrub grows very slowly, so it is pruned 5-7 years after planting. Honeysuckle fruits are very useful for the body.
  • another representative of tall shrubs. It blooms in the summer, and the spherical inflorescences look good on the site. The fruits of viburnum remain on the bush until the first snowfalls.
  • and - all the familiar fruit bushes. They differ in self-pollination, so it makes no sense to plant different varieties of these plants in one place. Shrubs grow very quickly and require annual thinning.
  • - one of the most unpretentious fruit shrubs that does not require special care. The only weak point is low frost resistance and dislike for abundant watering.

How to care for shrubs

There are general rules for caring for shrubs that should be followed:

  1. The most successful period for planting and transplanting shrubs is autumn. The main rule is to meet deadlines. This is important, as the plant must have time to adapt and take root before the onset of frost.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to soil preparation. She means complete removal and digging the soil.
  3. Recesses for planting should be done with a margin so that you can straighten the roots of the plant, avoiding creases.
  4. At the bottom of the recess, you can put top dressing from, or peat mixed with fertilizer.
  5. If the shrub is sprawling and will require garters, then you can prudently install a support in the center of the planting.
  6. It is important not to exceed the allowable distance between planted shrubs.
  7. In conclusion, it is necessary to water the shrub abundantly, you can also draw soil around it.

Particular importance should be attached to the preparation of shrubs for wintering. It includes the following steps:

  • pruning
  • Soil cleaning and top dressing
  • Pest protection

Pruning includes getting rid of dry and diseased branches, as well as shaping the plant. This procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • Remove dry and broken branches.
  • Then you can start removing weak shoots.
  • Cut branches that have rushed up and grow at right angles.
  • Slices are treated with garden pitch.
  • Cut branches are burned.

To clean the soil, it is enough to dispose of the cut branches, because the fallen leaves will become good fertilizer. An exception is the presence of diseased plants on the site. In this case, all fallen leaves and untreated plants must be disposed of. For top dressing it is good to use, which are brought under the bushes.

You can start the feeding process at the end of the summer period.

In order to protect the shrub from pests and frost, you can use the following methods:

  • Bandage the trunk of the bush with kraft paper patches, and put spruce branches on top.
  • Use a protective net around the stem of the plant.

Proper preparation of plants for wintering is a guarantee of easier waiting out of this difficult period, which guarantees that all shrubs will survive and will delight with their beauty next year.

A few ideas to decorate the site beautifully:

  • It is believed that border shrubs go well with coniferous plants. From them you can create very successful group compositions.
  • A good combination can be achieved by combining yellow and red shades of foliage.
  • Weigela can be planted, making out an alpine hill, or next to trees.
  • For the design of arbors and hedges, climbing shrub plants (for example, a vineyard or liana) are well suited.
  • Wintergreen is suitable to cover the ground with a low green carpet.
  • well suited for decorating borders and composing group compositions.
  • To build a hedge, you can use fast-growing shrubs (for example, or barberry).
  • Or will help to emphasize any place on the site, they look good even in single plantings.
  • The highlight of the garden can be a curly cut shrub.
  • Often landscape designers resort to highlighting compositions from shrubs.
  • With the help of well-composed compositions of shrubs, you can select different zones in the garden: beat a small decorative pond, beautifully arrange a gazebo and paths, build a fence, cover up unpleasant places on the site.
  • You can make different types of compositions from shrubs that will have the same crown shape (for example, round), or specially place shrubs that are radically different in shape and width of leaves.
  • The correct combination is to compose a composition, taking into account the tiered shrubs. As a rule, they are arranged from highest to lowest, without mixing in any order.

A huge number of various shrubs give full vent to fantasy. Among them, you can choose your favorite plants and create unique compositions that will decorate the garden, attracting everyone's attention. However, it is important to remember that every shrub needs proper and timely care, because it is he who is the key to healthy, beautiful and strong plants.

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