The best varieties and hybrids of eggplant. The best varieties of eggplant What are the varieties of eggplant

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

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The main secret of successful eggplant cultivation is strict adherence to temperature regimes, because eggplants love heat very much. The temperature in the greenhouse is recommended to be maintained at 15 degrees at night and 24-38 degrees during the day. Humidity should be 70%. Do not allow the temperature in the greenhouse to rise to 35-45 degrees. In such conditions, fruits will not be tied. The temperature should be regulated using the doors in the greenhouse. To avoid drafts, the doors are alternately opened from one side or the other.

Undersized for greenhouses and film shelters

The best eggplant varieties for greenhouses include mainly hybrids that have the highest consumer fruit rates. The varieties listed below, due to the short ripening period of the fruits, can also be grown in open ground, but in greenhouse conditions they give the highest yield.

The main disadvantage of this variety is the recommendation of growing under film shelters, or in greenhouse conditions.

Medium-sized for unheated film greenhouses

About a month after flowering, the fruits ripen and are ready to be harvested. It is necessary to cut them off the stems either with a pruner or a knife to avoid injuring the plant.

The bush is low - 30-45 centimeters, produces from three to five branches. The stems are purple, the leaves are dark green, often with purple veins. Low fastening of fruits on stems.

, and with good care - and more than 6 kg.

It is also necessary to maintain the correct temperature regime. When the seeds hatch and small sprouts appear, the environment should warm up by 17 degrees. This mode is maintained for 1-2 weeks. Further, in the daytime, the room where the seedlings are located warms up to 20-25 degrees, at night the temperature should be within 17 degrees.

The height of the bush can reach 1.5 meters.


Sancho Panza

Robin Hood

The conditions for growing eggplant in open ground should be as favorable as possible. An excellent harvest can be obtained by growing eggplant in well-warmed and draft-protected soils. If there is no natural protection from drafts and wind in your chosen place, it must be created. Good protection from the wind is created by natural barriers in the form of plantings of corn, beans or peas.​

Of the most popular are the Purple Miracle and Nutcracker hybrids.

The process of growing the Nutcracker variety is seedling. In early March, seeds can be sown. The optimal temperature for germinating seeds, and later on growing seedlings, can be considered 25 degrees.

Mid-season variety, fast growing. From germination to technical ripeness, it takes from 110 to 145 days.​

This variety is popular in Siberia for its multiplicity. The yield for film greenhouses is from 3.6 to 5.7 kg per 1 m2, for open ground - from 14 to 22 tons per 1 ha.​

The fruits are cylindrical in shape. At the same time, the length of one fruit can reach 14-18 cm. They have a dark purple color, shiny.

It is very important to properly and regularly water the seedlings:

Eggplant leaves are large, differ in shape and size depending on the variety. There are oval, ovoid and elongated, solid and with slots.

Don Quixote


In addition to traditional varieties with blue-black fruits, there are currently varieties with a wide variety of skin colors - white, pink and even striped. Modern eggplant varieties also have a number of advantages: high palatability, plasticity, high yield, resistance to diseases and pests. In the agricultural firm "Manul", eggplant breeding is aimed at creating high-yielding forms for spring greenhouses, open ground, winter greenhouses, which start fruiting earlier, and are highly adaptable to growing conditions. Eggplants from "Manul" are distinguished by delicious white or whitish pulp, the absence of bitterness in it, thin skin, rare thorns or their absence, few seeds, and retain commercial qualities for a long time.

The ground for eggplant should be loose and light, and the soil should retain moisture well. In this case, eggplant seedlings are grown from seeds at home, and at the beginning of summer, young plants are planted in open ground.

A distinctive feature of the first of them is a very stable yield, which in the long term provides a better indicator compared to other (even more highly productive) varieties. The fruits are small, weighing about 130 g, with white flesh and no bitterness.

The soil for seedlings should be loose and light, should retain moisture well. Starting from mid-June, you can plant seedlings in greenhouse conditions, or in the ground. Landing pattern - 40 by 30cm.​

Suitable for growing in greenhouses

Fruits are characterized by a round or round-pear shape. During the period of technical ripeness, they acquire a dark purple color, by the period of biological ripeness, the fruits become brownish-brown.

Weight indicators, of course, are not record-breaking, but they are 100 - 200 g. The pulp is dense, greenish in color, without bitterness, pleasant, delicate in taste.

After planting, this process is carried out using a spray bottle.

Medium-sized flowers are usually purple, light purple or pink.

Vigorous mid-season for heated greenhouses


Productive, mid-early, comes into fruition at 120-130 days from germination. The bush is medium-sized, sprawling, 80-140 cm high. The fruits are oval, very dense, weighing 500-900 g, pinkish-purple, with white pulp, excellent taste. Thorns are rare. Planting density - 3-4 plants/sq.m. The variety tolerates adverse conditions well.


Make each bed at least 30 cm. In the process of forming beds, add 1 cup of ash, a teaspoon of urea, 1 tbsp. to the ground. a spoonful of potassium sulfate, the same amount of superphosphate.

The second variety has a fairly high yield and early ripening. Medium-sized fruits, weighing about 250 g, with a pleasant taste without bitterness.

You can stimulate more intensive growth by hilling. It is also desirable to periodically plant

, And in open ground, and under film shelters.

The weight of the fetus can reach 200 - 300 grams.

The fruits are characterized by compact, amicable ripening in the lower part of the plant. The height of the bush allows you to grow this variety in containers.

The soil should be moist, but not swampy.

The fruit is a large berry, the color of which can be dark purple, brown, white, red or green.

Productive, early ripe; enters fruiting on the 100-120th day from germination. The bush is vigorous, 150 cm high (spring greenhouses) - 250 cm (winter greenhouses). The fruits are large, even, oval-pear-shaped, dark purple, weighing 650-1100 g. The pulp is greenish-white, dense, tasty. Thornless. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density 2-3 plants/sq.m. Requires shaping in 2 shoots and garters.​


Productive, very early, comes into fruition at 90-100 days from germination. The bush is undersized, sprawling, 70-100 cm high. The fruits are pear-shaped, lilac, weighing 200-300 g. The thorns are weak. Planting density - 5 plants/sq. m. The peculiarity of the variety is fruit formation in any conditions.

Eggplants welcome organic fertilizers, but fresh manure should only be applied in the fall. In the spring, only compost or rotted manure can be added to the beds.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on rather unusual varieties of white eggplant. As their name implies, a distinctive feature of this group is the white color of the fruit peel. The most famous representatives of this group include the Bibo variety mentioned above, as well as a number of others: White Night, Taste of Mushrooms, Swan, Delicate, Pelican, Snowy.

Feed with various mineral fertilizers

The plant is characterized by short intervines. In height it can reach 50-70 cm.

Good taste is one, but very valuable argument for buying this eggplant variety.


After the sprouts appear, they must be watered under the root, without touching the foliage.

Fruit size and shape depends on the variety. They are round, cylindrical, oblong and oval.


Productive, mid-early, comes into fruition at 130-140 days from germination. The bush is medium-sized, rare, 130-170 cm high. The fruits are even, cylindrical, lilac-violet, weighing 150-200 g, thornless, thin-skinned, few seeds. The flesh is tender, tasty, greenish in color. Planting density - 3 plants/sq. m. Intensive fruit formation and low shedding of flowers are characteristic.


In the process of forming beds in the fall, deep digging of the earth is necessary with the removal of weed roots. In the spring, you will once again have to dig up the beds, fertilize and level the ground with a rake. Until the very planting of the seedlings, the beds need to be loosened after each rain.

Eggplant: varieties, sowing for seedlings and care

Basically, all eggplant varieties currently sold have fruit pulp without bitterness. In particular, the taste of the varieties listed above has just such characteristics. To avoid spoiling the taste of the harvested fruits, they should not be allowed to overripe in the beds. Most varieties begin to taste bitter when overripe.

. The first time - you can feed a week after planting the seedlings, and the second - in a month.

  • This variety with good care is characterized by high yields. From an area of ​​1m2, it is usually possible to harvest about 5 kilograms of eggplant (in conditions of cultivation in film greenhouses), and up to 20 tons per hectare, when grown in open ground.​
  • The disadvantages of growing this early eggplant variety have not been established.
  • does not tolerate low temperatures
  • Water is best used soft and warm.
  • Description of the most popular eggplant varieties:

Productive, medium early; enters fruiting on the 115-125th day from germination. The bush is vigorous, densely leafy. Bush height - 150 (spring greenhouses) - 200 cm (winter greenhouses). The fruits are ovoid, dark purple, even, heavy, on a short stem, weighing 500-1000 g. The pulp is white, very dense, very tasty. Thorns are rare. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density - 3 plants/sq. m.​


  • A new type of eggplant - carpal. Up to 3-7 fruits are formed in the brush! Early ripe, comes into fruiting on the 85-100th day from germination. The bush is medium tall, 80-130 cm high. The fruits are ellipsoid, bright purple, weighing 50-130 g, thornless, with a thin skin. Resistant to abscission of flowers, tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density 5 plants/sq.m.​
  • Helpful advice
  • In addition to optimizing taste and resistance to negative environmental factors, the appearance of the fruit is also modified during the selection process. In particular, round varieties of eggplant were bred, which, in addition to the unusual shape of the fruit, also have a slightly larger fruit size compared to ordinary varieties.
  • The beneficial properties of eggplant were known in the East about one and a half thousand years ago, where it was called the "Vegetable of Longevity."
  • The fruits have a dark purple or dark crimson color, and the skin has a beautiful glossy sheen. Their shape is pear-shaped. They can reach a weight of 200 g. The pulp does not have bitterness, dense.
  • Planting this eggplant variety entirely and completely depends on the time of planting eggplant seedlings in the ground. Under greenhouse growing conditions (if possible, even heated), seedlings can be planted already from the end of April. But, it does not make sense to plant seedlings earlier than the end of May, unless you plan to grow eggplants in greenhouses or under cover.
  • , and especially sharp changes. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise planting this variety in greenhouse conditions.
  • Along with watering, fluoride fertilizers can be applied to strengthen the plant. Top dressing is done 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Nadir. This is an early plant variety. The fruits ripen 2 months after transplanting. Bushes are small up to 05 meters in height, medium branching. The fruits are located mainly on the lower part of the plant. Their shape is cylindrical, the skin is shiny, glossy and smooth. In size, the fruits in length can grow 18 cm wide by 6 cm. Their flesh is light, tender, without bitterness.
  • Solomon
  • Torpedo


  • Immediately before planting, the beds should be watered with Effecton or Sodium Humate. Such top dressing will help the seedlings to acclimatize and grow faster.
  • It is also worth noting that the improvement of the consumer and technical properties of this crop is a continuous process, when each new variety is created taking into account the disadvantages and advantages of the previous one.
  • Due to the peculiarities of the climate of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe original growth, eggplant is quite demanding on growing conditions. To ensure the possibility of fruit ripening in different climatic zones, various eggplant varieties were created.​
  • The popularity among gardeners of this variety is ensured by stable and friendly fruiting. Fruits tolerate transportation and long-term storage well.
  • This is important! Do not delay sowing eggplant for seedlings, as they have a long growing season. Until the seedlings are planted, it should reach the age of 70 - 75 days, well, plus 5 - 10 days before full germination. Based on this, it is desirable to sow this variety already in mid-February.
  • It is advisable to sow seeds in the first half of March. Seeds need to be planted in the soil no deeper than 1.5 cm. While maintaining the temperature from +22 to + 28 degrees, germination occurs on 8-10 days. Seedlings should be planted only after a good warming of the soil. The most effective can be considered a sowing scheme of 70x40 cm.

Two weeks before planting seedlings in the soil, it must be dived. To do this, each individual sprout is transferred to its own container of no more than 0.6 liters of volume. A mixture of soil soil is poured into such pots, where eggplant and seedling mixture purchased in a special store will grow. When transferring the plant to a pot, you can shorten the root a little, this will make it possible for the bush to strengthen.

Negus. An early variety of eggplant. Ripens 70 days after seedlings are planted. The height of the bush is average and reaches 50 cm. The branches are strong, branching. The fruits are bright purple in color, oval in shape, with a hard glossy skin. The pulp is light and without bitterness.

  • Philemon
  • (*- give a high yield in unheated greenhouses.)
  • Productive, early ripening; enters fruiting on the 120th day from germination. The bush is medium-sized, sprawling, 120-170 cm high. The fruits are elongated-oval, weighing 180-280 g, beautiful pinkish-purple color, with white pulp. The grade is distinguished by stable productivity, high tastes of fruits. Planting density 3 plants/sq.m. Plants are formed into 2 stems with a garter.

Therefore, new varieties of eggplant are superior in most indicators to varieties of earlier breeding years. Basically, they include hybrid varieties that combine all the strengths of the parent plants. Among them are such hybrid varieties as the King of the Market, the King of the North, Zelenenky, Black Handsome, Almaz.

The plant does not need special care. It should only

Of the pests, the eggplant is most threatened by the Colorado potato beetle. For him, eggplant is more delicious than potatoes. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to choose a planting site away from potatoes. You can also treat the bushes with an infusion or decoction of wormwood or celandine. Chemical preparations are recommended to be applied 3 weeks before the formation of ovaries.

Paris. Also refers to early varieties, ripens 70 days after planting. Bushes are tall, up to 80 cm, branching with a thick stem. The fruits are oblong cylindrical in shape, grows in length by 30 cm in width - by 6 cm. The skin is dark purple, shiny. The pulp is light, without bitterness.

​Photos and descriptions of eggplant varieties are provided by Manul Breeding and Seed Company LLC.​

  • F1 BARD
  • ​Joker
  • In temperate climates, planting in open ground is carried out after June 10, when the main frost wave has passed. As a rule, at this time the average daily temperature becomes above +15 degrees. However, it is possible to plant eggplants in the ground earlier (on the 20th of May), if it is possible to install a small greenhouse. But even in summer, during the period of cooling, eggplant seedlings should be covered with a film or special covering material at night. Some gardeners believe that the film or covering material, left for the whole season, significantly increases the yield of eggplant.
  • Thus, each of the listed varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is impossible to say unequivocally which eggplant variety is better. It is necessary to determine which eggplant varieties are best planted based on the expected growing conditions for this crop.
  • The best eggplant varieties are those that can successfully bear fruit under the greatest deviations from optimal growing conditions. Since far from all regions the warm period of the year ensures the normal vegetation of the plant, the list can be divided into eggplant varieties for open ground and eggplant varieties for greenhouses.​

Eggplant variety Black handsome in the northern and more central regions of Russia is desirable to grow in protected ground - under temporary film shelters, in greenhouses, greenhouses.

Loosen the ground regularly

With a lack of moisture, the death of the plant is inevitable. To increase the yield, you should use special top dressings and additives.

Otherwise, harmful substances will fall on the fruits and they will become unsuitable for human consumption.

Swan. The variety is mid-season. The fruits ripen 3.5 months after germination. The bush is high, up to 70 cm, medium branching. The leaves are large, oblong, painted in a light green tone. Small flowers are painted white. The fruits of this variety are also white in color. Their shape is cylindrical, it grows 22 cm long, 7 cm wide. The flesh is tender, light, does not have a bitter aftertaste.

Eggplant belongs to the nightshade family. Their homeland is India, and in Europe it appeared only in the 19th century. Many considered the fruits of this plant poisonous and for this reason it was not used for a long time.

Famous Eggplant Varieties for Siberia: Choosing the Best One -

Productive, mid-early; enters fruiting on the 120-135th day from germination. The bush is vigorous, semi-spreading, densely leafy, 180-300 cm high. The fruits are cylindrical, very dense, heavy, weighing up to 800-900 g, purple. The flesh is greenish, without bitterness, very tasty. Thorns are rare. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density 2.5-3 plants/sq.m.​


Eggplants are planted in open ground in a checkerboard pattern or in ribbons. In the first case, it will be easier to take care of the plants. In any case, the distance between the bushes should be at least 45 cm.

For example, when grown in open ground or an unheated greenhouse, varieties with a short, compact bush and one-time crop ripening are best suited.

​The best eggplant varieties intended for planting in protected ground mainly include early ripening varieties with small fruits as the most versatile in terms of growing conditions. These include, for example, Czech Early, Robin Hood and Krasnogolovik. This allows you to grow the largest crop in a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse.​

Sow seeds for seedlings should not be earlier than the first half of February. By the method of transshipment (if possible, not picking), transplant into a vessel of large forms, at the stage of growth of two true leaves.

, mulch, and remove weeds. It is advisable to remove the yellowing lower leaves and lateral empty shoots of stepchildren, so the plant will be more open to the sun.

"Diamond" - an old high-yielding variety

The eggplant variety "Epik" is an early ripe hybrid. After transplanting into open ground, 65-70 days pass until the fruit ripens.

The plant is also susceptible to attack by spider mites and aphids. This rarely happens, but it is worth checking the plant regularly in order to take timely measures to cure it.

Japanese red. This early variety is resistant to cold temperatures. Therefore, an average heated temperature is also suitable for planting in open ground. Fruit ripening occurs 3 months after germination. The bush is tall, branching, sprawling. The height of the plant can reach 80 cm. The foliage is large, painted in a light green tone. The fruits are round, slightly flattened. Their skin is an unusual red or orange color, glossy and smooth. The pulp is yellow, without bitterness, tender. F1 GOLIATH


During the first 14 days after transplanting into the soil, eggplants get sick and feel bad

Varieties with a bush of medium height (from 80 to 150 cm) are preferably planted in heated greenhouses in spring.

The plant is very tall (95-100 cm), upright, powerful. The tobacco mosaic virus, which is quite common in this culture, is not familiar to Epic. This variety is distinguished by its excellent ability to set fruits.

Plant diseases occur with improper care. With a strong overflow or insufficient watering, the bush sheds flowers. The same thing happens at elevated temperatures or cold.

Black handsome. Refers to mid-season varieties by ripening period. The fruits can be harvested 4.5 months after germination. The bush is medium, fast-growing, up to 60 cm high. The leaves are large, oval-oblong, painted green. The fruits are pear-shaped. Their skin is black and purple, shiny, glossy. The pulp has a greenish tint, dense.

Early hybrid form "Epic" - decoration of beds

Productive, medium early; enters fruiting on the 118-125th day from germination. The bush is vigorous, densely leafy, 170-250 cm high. The fruits are very large, pear-shaped with dense pulp, dark purple, weighing 650-1100 g. The flesh is greenish, dense, good taste. Thorns are rare. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density 2-3 plants/sq.m. Requires shaping in 2 shoots and garters.​

Productive, mid-early, comes into fruition at 120-130 days from germination. The bush is medium-sized, rare, 80-150 cm high. The fruits are spherical, light lilac, dense, weighing 600-700 g. The pulp is white, dense, very tasty. Thorns are rare. Planting density - 3-4 plants/sq. m.​

Important to know Those varieties that have a tall bush (over 200 cm), a long ripening period and large fruits should be planted in heated winter greenhouses.

Albatross can be attributed to fruitful eggplant varieties. In addition to significant collection rates per unit area, it has fairly large fruits weighing about 450 g. The landing site should be as sunny as possible, the soil is saturated with organic substances. Landing after nightshade is not recommended. The best predecessors can be considered: legumes, carrots, onions. An old, well-known variety. This early maturing variety can be used for both open and closed ground.​

Early ripening of the fruits of the Epic variety, disease resistance, promise that even 1m2 of your site can please you with a crop of up to 8 kilograms.

​More information can be found in the video.​

For planting, you need to choose a place where root crops, cabbage or onions grew in the previous year. It is also recommended not to plant eggplant in the old place for 3 years. The selected area should be bright and well warmed up by the sun. The optimum temperature for most varieties is 20–25 degrees, with a decrease or increase in temperature by 3–4 degrees, the ovary may fall off.


"Dwarf early 921" - all about the variety and its benefits


Eggplants do not like cold water - seedlings should be watered with warm, sun-warmed water. However, the very next day after watering, it will be necessary to carry out mandatory loosening of the soil in order to avoid the formation of a hard crust.

Eggplants are grown everywhere throughout our vast country. However, unlike carrots or onions, purple fruits are very picky in their care. Therefore, many people prefer to grow eggplant in a greenhouse. There they are protected from cold drafts. In addition, in the greenhouse it is easier to maintain the desired ambient temperature for eggplants. In any case, if you follow the eggplant growing technology, you will be provided with a rich harvest. And we will consider in detail the features of growing eggplants in this article.

Eggplant varieties for open ground

The basic basics of caring for this eggplant variety can be minimized: regular weeding, fertilizing, loosening.

The bush belongs to the category of undersized (20-55 cm), standard, compact. Technical ripeness is observed after 110 days, biological - 148 days.​

A compact plant at the time of ripening becomes simply hung with large (10x22 cm) dark purple, teardrop-shaped fruits. The pulp is dense, homogeneous, without bitterness, with harmonious taste and technological qualities.

Wonderful eggplant vegetable, not very high in calories, contains many useful substances and beneficial properties.

Watering eggplant:

Productive, mid-season; enters fruiting on the 120-135th day from germination. The bush is vigorous, densely leafy, powerful, 180-300 cm high. The fruits are cylindrical, large, heavy, dark purple, weighing 400-500 g. Thorns are rare. The pulp is dense, greenish. The hybrid differs in high productivity, the long period of fructification; fruits are suitable for transportation. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density 2.5-3 plants/sq.m. Plants are formed into 2 stems with a garter. Productive, early ripe; enters fruiting on the 95-110th day from germination. The bush is medium tall, 120 cm high. The fruits are ellipsoid, dense, purple, weighing 450-100 g. The pulp is white, tasty. There are no spikes. Differs in early and amicable formation of a crop, maintains big loading of fruits. Resistant to abscission of flowers, tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density 3-5 plants/sq.m. Requires shaping and garters.​

are growing. Therefore, at this time, you should often loosen the topsoil and limit watering. And when the plants take root, watering should be increased.

Eggplant, which will be the first to appear on your table - "Early 148"

Agrotechnics for growing eggplant, first of all, depends on the microclimate in which the plants will exist. In this regard, an important factor in successful harvesting is the absence of diseases and pests. To get rid of harmful microorganisms in greenhouse conditions, in the spring, before planting blue ones, it is necessary to carry out disinfection. Although some experts advise decontaminating the greenhouse in the fall.

Considering that in most regions the climate is much cooler than in the area of ​​​​the original growth of this vegetable, early eggplant varieties are most preferable for growing in open ground. A short ripening period allows you to successfully harvest even in areas with a rather cool climate.​

Bush shaping is important to increase yields

This variety is not distinguished by arrogant multiplicity, but at the same time it gives a good result: For film greenhouses - 2.5-5.0 kg / m2, for open ground - 12.0-18.0 t / ha.

Average fruit weight 300-400 g

Previously, at the mention of eggplant, the majority had associations with the south, heat. Eggplants are moisture-loving plants, so watering should be regular and plentiful, especially during the hot period.

F1 Bard


Eggplants, like many other plants, need complex feeding. The first top dressing is organized within 17-20 days after planting. The first time the plants can be fed with a solution of slurry. The second feeding should be carried out 20 days after the first. Here the input will go mineral fertilizers. For 10 liters of water, you should take 30 g of potassium salt, 30 g of urea and 80 g of superphosphate. The last top dressing falls during the eggplant fruiting period. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water, dissolve 80 g of urea and superphosphate. After each feeding, eggplant seedlings should be watered with clean water to avoid burns.

The very structure of the greenhouse must be treated with lime in order to destroy the larvae of some pests and spores of pathogens wintering in the greenhouse. To do this, dilute 400 g of bleach in 10 liters of water. Insist for several hours, drain the liquid and spray all the structures of the greenhouse with it. If the greenhouse is wooden, then all its parts must be painted with white lime.

In addition to those listed above, the most popular varieties include the following:

Eggplant "Black Handsome" - why will you fall in love with it?

​: Before the first fork, remove leaves and side shoots. Fruits are hanging, weighing up to 100-200 grams. They are characterized by a pear-shaped or shortened pear-shaped form, while the length of one fruit can vary from 5 to 8 cm, with a diameter of 5-6 cm. Epic variety of eggplant can be considered a “commercial leader” among vegetables. And all thanks to early maturation,

After all, everyone knows how thermophilic this fruit is.

In rainy weather, it is reduced.

F1 Goliath


When many side shoots appear on plants, some of them are removed. On the main stem above the fork, only those shoots on which the fruits did not start are removed, and absolutely all side shoots are removed below the fork.

If the soil in the greenhouse is poor or infected with pathogens, you will have to completely change the soil. Remote land does not have to be destroyed. To disinfect the soil, put it in a special pile, and sprinkle each layer with lime. In this state, the land should be stored for 3-4 years.

The king of the north is one of the most cold-resistant hybrid varieties. With a short ripening period (about 100 days), this variety produces rather large fruits up to 30 cm long.

Approximately by the end of July, leave only 5-6 of the largest ovaries on the plant, remove other ovaries and flowers.

By the period of technical ripeness, the fruits acquire a dark purple color, and during the biological period - yellow-brown. The fruits of "early" eggplants have dense flesh, without bitterness, light green in color. high yields But, already from the second half of the last century, gardeners in central Russia and even Siberia began to grow them.

Currently, eggplant is widely used in cooking. They are cooked in the oven, marinated and canned. In many countries, this product is used as often as, for example, tomatoes, which also belong to the nightshade family.​

"The Nutcracker" - the best eggplant with a fabulous name

​F1 Policeman​ sperm whale After fruit set, eggplants usually ripen in 35-40 days. Ripe vegetables should be cut with a knife or secateurs along with the stalk. Even if not all eggplants are ripe, the fruits should be removed before the onset of frost.

New soil should be laid in place of the old earth. The composition of fresh soil should be such that the beds are loose, absorb moisture well and contain the optimal amount of nutrients. As an option: you can take 1 part of sawdust, 3 parts of manure humus and 3 parts of peat. Additionally, for each sq. m beds, you can make 80 g of any mineral fertilizer and a glass of wood ash. After that, the beds should be dug up and leveled.

Also popular is the early ripe Valentina variety, which is distinguished by a uniform fruit size (about 5 by 25 cm), characterized by high fruiting and good disease resistance.


, excellent fruit quality, as well as disease resistance.

The main thing is to choose the right variety.

You also need to remove weeds. This is especially important to do within 3-5 weeks after planting seedlings. Eggplant bushes are recommended to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. When the buds appear, you can add a little mineral dressing. Eggplant Description:​DOLPHIN *​

Eggplant: varieties and cultivation

Yielding, mid-season, comes into fruition at 110-115 days from germination. The bush is vigorous, semi-spreading, 150 cm high. The fruits are large, elongated pear-shaped, purple, weighing 500-700 g, few seeds. Planting density - 3 plants/sq. m. It is characterized by intensive fruit formation and consistently high yields.


This also includes the Vera variety, which has pear-shaped fruits weighing about 150 g. It is distinguished by suitability for long-term storage and high disease resistance.

Nutcracker - mid-early

This variety guarantees a harvest even in less warm conditions of Siberia. It is often recommended for canning and culinary processing. Eggplant bears fruit early before frost.

Since the growing season for these fruits can last from 120 to 180 days, and the summer is short here, it is advisable to give preference to early or medium early varieties.

In order for large and strong fruits to ripen on the bush, it is recommended to pinch the top and leave a few strong branches.

Eggplant is an annual plant.

  • Productive, mid-early; enters fruiting on the 120-130th day from germination. The bush is vigorous, leafy. Plant height 150-200 cm. Fruits are saber-shaped, lilac-white, weighing 300-450 g, few seeds, high culinary qualities, Rare spikes. The variety is slightly affected by spider mites. Planting density - 3 plants/sq.m.​
  • The diseased plant should be immediately removed from the garden, and the soil should be dried, loosened and sprinkled with wood ash.
  • Before planting in the beds, small holes should be made. Add 1/3 cup of ash to each. Mix it with the ground, and then pour everything with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Be sure to water the eggplant before planting.
  • The hybrid variety Bourgeois belongs to tall eggplant varieties of early ripening. The growing season is about 110 days. Distinctive features are the significant height of the plant itself, its high resistance to negative manifestations of the external environment and diseases, as well as the unusual tomato-shaped fruit. Their weight is mainly about 500 g. It has high palatability, the harvested crop can be stored for a long time.​

high yielding hybrid

Varieties of eggplant for the greenhouse

Cons of growing this eggplant variety have not been established

The disadvantages of this eggplant variety are difficult to clearly separate. The main thing is to regularly monitor the irrigation system. Do not overfill, so that root rot does not occur, however, the soil should not be overdried in any case.

This article lists all the most reliable, productive, tasty and hardy eggplant varieties for growing in Siberia.

With abundant flowering, the fruits will form small. Therefore, you can remove a small amount of flowers.

Its rhizome is fibrous, grows strongly on soft, loose soils. Its length can reach 1.5 meters.


Yielding, early ripening, comes into fruition at 110-120 days from germination. The bush is vigorous, semi-spreading, 80-150 cm high. The fruits are long, narrow, cylindrical, slightly curved, weighing 250-450 g, pinkish-lilac with white tasty pulp, few seeds. There are no spikes. The fruits are arranged in bunches, 2-6 pieces. The variety is distinguished by friendly and long fruit formation, does not require large care costs.

One of the most common diseases affecting eggplants is the blackleg. The fungus causes constriction and darkening of the root collar.


The Bibo hybrid eggplant variety has one of the highest yields. Having rather large fruits weighing up to 500 g, it provides a very fast ripening of the crop, as well as high resistance to diseases.

. From the moment of planting seedlings to full ripening, 45 days are enough. The bushes are sprawling, reaching a height of 80 centimeters. The leaves are dark green in color. The variety is considered unpretentious.

It is recommended to sow seeds for growing seedlings in late February, early March. The depth of the furrow should not exceed 1.5 cm.​

This variety of eggplant bears fruit well on fertilized, light soils. It is desirable to place after onions, cucumbers, early cereals. Legumes.​

This variety is almost classic, it is zoned very widely, including Siberia. The bush grows very compactly, which makes it easier to care for it, the leaves are green in color.

Eggplant reproduces with the help of seeds that are in their fruits. There are many different varieties of this plant on the market. You can buy several of them and plant them for seedlings. Large and tasty eggplants grow from most varieties.

On heavy clay soils, the root grows only 50 cm.

Growing eggplant in a greenhouse

Productive, mid-season; enters fruiting on the 125-135th day from germination. The bush is vigorous, densely leafy, semi-spreading, 300-400 cm high. The fruits are large, ellipsoid-shaped, densely purple, weighing 700-1200 g. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Planting density 2.8 plants/sq.m. Bushes need to be thinned out, remove excess spent leaves and shoots.


Eggplants grown outdoors are often affected by stolbur, while greenhouse plants are rarely affected by this disease. When plants are affected by stolbur, eggplant leaves acquire a red-violet hue, the stems expand and begin to break easily. The flowers begin to fall and the leaves become crinkled. Stolbur control measures include: removing weeds around the beds, as well as treating plants with the Actellik complex preparation.

For the first few days, eggplants should create a shadow - so they will take root better. To do this, you can use paper or any covering material.

It is worth noting that all of the listed early eggplant varieties are also suitable for greenhouses. Varieties that have a long ripening period and are not able to bear fruit in the existing climate have a mandatory requirement for planting in protected ground. Early maturing varieties can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.​

The average yield from one bush is 3 - 5 kg, but if the care is arrogantly good, then more than 6 kg can be harvested.

Seeds will begin to germinate in 8-10 days, provided that the optimum temperature is maintained + 22-26 degrees. It is advisable to replace the picking with transshipment, if possible, and this procedure should be carried out with the appearance of the second true leaf.

It is necessary to grow seedlings. Planting seedlings is possible after warming up the soil to a depth of 10 - 12 cm to +15 °C. Planting density of eggplant seedlings When planting in the ground per 1 ha - 16,000 - 20,000 plants. Landing pattern: 80 - 100x45 - 60.​

Mid-season variety: from germination to ripening - 115-150 days. The height of the shoots can reach 60 centimeters.

Sowing for seedlings is done in the early spring months. Before planting in a greenhouse, 2 months should pass after seed germination. Large plants are already planted in the ground, so if there is no greenhouse, you must wait 3 months. With this calculation, seeds are sown for seedlings.

Eggplant stems are strong, branching, strongly pubescent. At

Growing eggplants in open ground


Productive, mid-early, comes into fruition at 120-130 days from germination. The bush is medium-sized, rare, 80-150 cm high. The fruits are spherical, densely purple, dense, weighing 600-700 g, high taste. Thorns are rare. Planting density - 3-4 plants/sq. m. The variety is slightly affected by spider mites.

In addition to stolbur and black leg, eggplants can be affected by gray rot, late blight, and tobacco mosaic. And of the pests for eggplants are dangerous: aphids, spider mites, slugs. Against these insects, the Strela drug, which is safe for humans, works well.

Planting seedlings is best done with tape. The distance between each row should be 60 cm. It should be noted that eggplant bushes are sprawling, so the distance between each seedling should be at least 45 cm. During planting, do not deepen the plant more than 2 cm. After planting the seedlings, cover the bows with earth. Compact and re-water the plants. So that a hard crust does not form on the surface of the soil, sprinkle the earth with a layer of peat.

Basically, this category includes varieties and hybrids that require a warmer climate than available in most regions of our country. At the same time, due to a longer ripening period, such varieties form a more pleasant taste of the pulp.

The fruits of this eggplant variety are dark purple in color, with a glossy skin, oval in shape. The length of the fruit is 12-14 cm. The weight of the fruit is on average from 250 to 600 g. The pulp has no bitterness, white.

It can be planted in greenhouses after 60-70 days, but planting in open ground can be carried out only after the threat of frost has completely passed, that is, in the second half of June. Planting density should be moderate, approximately 12,000 to 18,000 plants per hectare.​ It is advisable to grow seedlings without picking, as this can significantly delay the ripening of fruits (after all, when picking, plants also tolerate adaptation). And also, after planting seedlings in open ground, or under temporary shelter, it must be regularly tied to a vertical support.

The yield of this variety with proper care can differ in very high rates. From one bush you can collect

Before sowing, the seeds must be disinfected.

The base of an adult plant becomes stiff.

Productive, early ripening; enters fruiting on the 100-120th day from germination. The bush is medium-sized, rare. The height of the bush is 150-180 cm, depending on the type of greenhouses. Fruits are saber-shaped, dark purple, weighing 300-400 g, few seeds, high culinary qualities. The spines are rare, soft. The variety is slightly affected by spider mites. Planting density - 3-5 plants/sq.m.​

sperm whale

In addition, eggplants are harmed by bears, whiteflies, and even Colorado beetles. In this case, it is important to note that when growing eggplant in greenhouses, pest control should not be sprayed with pesticides. In such a situation, Iskra-bio or Fitoverm preparations can be used against whiteflies, as well as set up glue traps. But the Colorado beetles will have to be collected manually.

Care when growing eggplants consists in watering, observing the temperature regime, feeding, protection from pests and diseases.

One of the most popular is the hybrid variety of eggplant Marzipan. It belongs to the mid-season species, with a fruit ripening period of about 120 days. The fruits are small, about 15 cm long, but with very high taste characteristics.

The main advantage of this variety is considered to be regular, even in the upper part of the plant, food formation. Due to this, the harvest is collected in several stages. Fruits perfectly tolerate transportation, do not become loose. Subject to long-term preservation.​

Problems and diseases of eggplant

All plant care consists in maintaining a stable temperature, regular watering, feeding, loosening. You can speed up the process of germination, healing the plant, as well as increase the fruit set, using special growth stimulants for this.

This variety is early maturing, prolific. The duration of the period from germination to maturity is 90 - 110 days.​

harvest 4–6 kg

To do this, they are poured with a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, after which they are kept in wet gauze for 24 hours. Further, the seeds can be planted in a prepared container. After sowing, future seedlings are transferred to a bright place. For the germination of strong sprouts, the light must fall on the plants for 13-14 hours. In March and April, the days are short, so you need to turn on special artificial lighting.​

The color of the stems depends on the plant variety. Many of them are green, and purple at the tips of the branches. There are also completely purple bushes.

The most productive eggplant variety Which eggplant variety is the most productive

They are baked, they make tasty and appetizing caviar, stew, cook stews and other dishes. Moreover, from these vegetables you can make preparations for the winter. They are popularly called blue. In the same article, eggplant varieties for open ground, which are cultivated by many summer residents and farmers, will be presented. The rating of the best species is compiled according to numerous reviews of vegetable growers.

Eggplant: varieties, photo, description

Early maturing, high-yielding, resistant to fungal and viral diseases, pests, tasty - these are the aspects that are of interest to gardeners who want to get a rich eggplant crop on their site. In this article you can get acquainted with a photo, a description of the best and most popular crops. Here are just a few of them, namely:

  1. Epic F1successfully cultivated on the territory of Ukraine and Russia. The first fruits can be harvested within 2 months after planting. The variety is early ripe, in a favorable light it stands out with a rich purple hue, excellent taste characteristics, good yields and disease resistance.
  2. Globulareggplant variety is ideal for growing in the garden. About 115 days pass from the moment the seedlings are planted to the harvest by the gardener. The average weight of one blue is 250-300 gr. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm, it is highly branched. Excellent yield, transportability and good taste are the main advantages of the variety.
  3. Albatross- a high-yielding and mid-season type of blue, which is so popular in many regions of the country. Its bush is quite compact, and the weight of the fruit is approximately 400 grams. From germination to direct harvesting, an average of 120 days passes. The main advantages of Albatross are keeping quality, versatility and impeccable taste without bitterness.

In the photo, the best varieties of eggplant for open ground

However, there are other eggplant varieties that are in great demand among vegetable growers living in the south, in central Russia, in Ukraine and other regions. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the varieties, their descriptions and photos.

This variety is relatively new, but already popular. It will be possible to collect the first blue ones approximately 140 days after planting the material. To a greater extent, summer residents and small farmers plant it on their lands and gardens. As you can see in the photo, the bush is small, but semi-spreading. The fruits are rather elongated, smooth and small (the weight of one vegetable is 200 g).

According to reviews, the peel and blue are thin, and the flesh does not contain bitterness at all. However, it also has other features. So, Black handsome is used for a wide variety of dishes and homemade preparations. The plant is resistant to diseases, productive and unpretentious, and the excellent taste of the fruit will delight true gourmets. From one square meter, it is often possible to collect up to 7 kg of the fruits of this vegetable, so that it can compete with others.

In the photo is an eggplant Black handsome

The plant received a characteristic name, as it is actually undersized, but very productive. In height, a sprawling bush reaches no more than 40-45 cm, and the weight of one pear-shaped vegetable is about 300 grams. The color of the fruit is a rich purple with a glossy sheen. The pulp has a pleasant white shade, dense, and the taste is excellent. The recommended planting pattern is 50x50 cm. About 6 bushes can be placed per 1 square meter, but you should not thicken the planting, as this will adversely affect the yield. The variety is very popular among gardeners, as it is frost-resistant and rather early. Recommended for planting in the territory of central Russia and in regions with a cool climate. Eggplant Japanese dwarf can be successfully grown even in summer or winter greenhouses, and the plant begins to bear fruit already 2 months after planting seedlings in open ground.

Pictured eggplant Japanese dwarf

Almaz eggplant is a mid-ripening plant and is intended for cultivation in open ground conditions in the south of the country, and in greenhouses in areas with a predominance of cool weather. The farmer will be able to harvest the first fruits not earlier than after 100-110 days. In cold regions, it may take 10-15 days longer. When grown in the northern regions, it is recommended to plant in open ground using the seedling method to accelerate fruiting. Variety Almaz well tolerates adverse climatic conditions, drought. The bush grows low and rather compact. The fruits are formed in the form of a cylinder, the average weight is about 150 grams. The pulp has a greenish tint, dense, devoid of bitter taste. The plant, according to vegetable growers, is unpretentious and resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits have excellent keeping quality and retain an excellent presentation during long-term transportation.

Pictured eggplant Almaz

An early ripe hybrid variety that produces round fruits, often weighing up to 600 grams. The skin color is black and purple. The pulp is dense, not bitter and has a white color. The bush grows to a height of up to 160 cm, so growing it in a greenhouse is problematic and the plant needs to be tied with a trellis method. It is not recommended to thicken the landing. Considering the significant spreading of the Bourgeois bush, more than 3 plants should not be planted per 1 square meter of soil. Growing gardeners recommend a variety of seedling method. To this end, at the end of March, the seeds, after pre-soaking, are sown at home. Sprouted seeds are planted one at a time in a separate plastic cup and transferred to open ground along with a clod of earth. After 2 months, seedlings can be transferred to open ground. This should be done when the weather is warm. The soil before planting must be fertilized with organic matter.

Pictured eggplant Bourgeois

Eggplant Alekseevsky: photo and description

High-yielding variety, which is in demand among gardeners. The bush has an average spreading, reaches a height of 50-60 cm. The fruits are dark purple in color, cylindrical in shape, they are distinguished by good taste, including in canned form. The dense pulp has a white color, without bitterness. The mass of each eggplant reaches 200 grams. It takes about 110-130 days before harvest. Variety Alekseevsky is resistant to tobacco and cucumber mosaic. Sowing seeds for seedlings begins to be carried out in the last decade of March, and planting a plant in open ground is not earlier than the 20th of May.

Video about fruitful varieties of eggplant for open ground:

The blockade on the import of agricultural products from European countries allowed the citizens of our country to pay close attention to the cultivation of such a healthy vegetable as eggplant. This vegetable is rich in trace elements, vitamins, fiber, and is also low in calories, so it is included in the diet of those people who lead an active and healthy lifestyle. In the world there are a variety of eggplant varieties for open ground , bred by Russian and foreign breeders, and every year this list is updated.

The shapes of vegetables vary - from the usual pear-shaped to elongated cylindrical or oval. Colors and shades also vary depending on the variety - from purple to striped, white or red. But, the culinary use of eggplant remains the same - for preparing second courses and preparations for the winter. If anyone does not know what it is: a vegetable or a berry, we explain that it is a vegetable from the nightshade family, the fruits of which are called "berries". Eggplant is a perennial plant, not an annual, as Russians mistakenly believe. But since the seeds of the best eggplant varieties for open ground can be safely bought at the store, there is no need to grow the plant for several years to obtain planting material.

Early varieties of eggplant.

  • King of the North F1 - hybrid, resistant to cold. The growing season lasts from 95 to 100 days. The fruits are cylindrical, elongated 25-30 cm in length. Coloring is dark purple. Eggplant King of the North gives a good harvest - from 12 to 15 kg of vegetables can be harvested from one square meter of soil.
  • Robin the Hood- an early ripening variety. The height of the plant is 1.5 meters, the vegetative period lasts from 95 to 105 days. The berries are medium-sized up to 14 cm in length, weights reach 250-350 gr. Productivity - from 13 to 19 kg per square meter of open ground.
  • Roma F1 - a hybrid of early fruiting. The plant is tall, strong, with a large number of leaves. Eggplant fruits are pear-shaped, elongated, the length of which reaches 20 cm, weight - 220 gr. The skin is smooth, of a darkish-violet hue, the middle is light, without bitterness. Fruits in the garden throughout the growing season.
  • Banana– an early ripening variety, only 105 days. The bushes are undersized, the fruits are elongated, dark purple in color, reaching a length of up to 30 cm, a diameter of 3 cm. The yield is 4 kg per square meter of open ground.
  • purple wonder- productive variety, berries ripen 100 days from planting. Eggplants have an elongated cylindrical silhouette, the skin is shiny, dark purple. The inside is greenish-white, has no bitterness. The fruits are small - 100-120 gr. weight. Productivity is high - up to 14 kg from each square. meters of soil.
  • Bourgeois F1 - a hybrid of early ripening: 100-105 days. The fruits are flat-round, large, reach a weight of 500 gr. The skin is glossy, purple-black, the flesh has a delicate, white hue. The hybrid has a long fruiting period.
  • Korean midget- an unpretentious variety for cultivation, the first harvest ripens on the 70th day after planting. The bush is low - only 45 cm. The berries are pear-shaped, the skin is dark purple in color, the flesh is light, tender, without bitterness. Fruits reach 500 gr. weight.
  • Fabina F1 - hybrid, early ripening - the first harvest is harvested on the 80th day after planting the seedlings. Plant height 50-60 cm, 7-10 eggplants are formed on each. Berry - an elongated cylinder 20-25 cm, dark purple peel, shiny. The inside is dense, pale green in color, has no bitterness. The hybrid is resistant to the disease "Verticillium wilt" and to the spider mite.
  • Gardener's dream- an early ripe variety for unprotected soil, only 95 days pass from planting to harvesting the first harvest. The plant grows up to a height of 80 cm. The berries have a cylindrical even shape, weight - 130-170 gr. The peel is smooth, glossy, dark purple. The pulp is white, dense, without bitterness. The value of the variety is that it is stored for a long time, is well transported and resistant to late blight and anthracnose.
  • Valentine- a variety with good taste, has an elongated cylindrical black-purple berry, with dimensions - 25 cm in length and 5 in diameter. Excellent fruiting and very high resistance to the virus mosaic disease are noted.
  • Faith - refers to early ripe varieties, ripens 110 days after planting, the bush has a height of 70-75 cm. Pear-shaped berries are purple in color. The pulp is tender, has a pale yellow color. The weight of one eggplant can reach 200 grams, the yield per square meter of soil is 9 kg.
  • Prince- a high-yielding eggplant variety for open ground, unpretentious in cultivation, reaches ripeness 90 days after planting. The vegetable has a dark purple color of the skin, reaches a length of 30 cm and a diameter of 8. The weight of each eggplant ranges from 160 to 185 grams. The middle is loose, has no bitterness.
  • Black brilliant- ripens 100 days after planting the seedlings, the bush is undersized - 60 cm tall. The berries have a black-violet skin color, glossy, shape - cylindrical, large, reach a mass of 250 grams. the pulp is white, the texture is tender, it has no bitterness.
  • epic F1 - an eggplant hybrid for open ground, high-yielding. The fruits are drop-shaped, the average length of which reaches 20 cm. The peel has a dark purple hue, turning into black. Epic eggplant is very resistant to diseases such as "tobacco mosaic".
  • Nutcracker- ripeness record holder - after 45 days from planting, you can try the first harvest. The fruits are teardrop-shaped dark purple in color, each weighing up to 250 gr., Length 14 cm. Also suitable for climatic conditions for the northwest.
  • Black handsome- a very early ripe variety for open ground, ripens on the 78th day from planting. The bush is undersized - only 50-60 cm tall, the fruits have the shape of a regular cylinder of brown-purple color, each weight is 220-260 gr. Eggplant Black handsome yields an average yield of 8 kg. from 1 meter square open ground.
  • Japanese dwarf- a high-yielding variety for open ground, the bush is undersized, grows up to 1/2 meter. The berry is pear-shaped, 18-20 cm long, weighing up to 300 g. The peel has a bright purple color, the inside is gently creamy, without bitterness.
  • Anet- a very early hybrid, high-yielding, with a long fruiting period (on the 70th day after planting the seedlings in the garden, you can harvest the first crop). The berries of the vegetable are of a dark purple hue, elongated-cylindrical, the mass of one can reach 400 g.

Eggplants take root best in a garden bed in the open field if seedlings are grown from seeds, which should be hardened and swooped down and only then planted in a garden.

Mid-season varieties.

Eggplant varieties that require at least 130-150 days of cultivation and care to obtain the first harvest from the day the seedlings are planted in the garden. Mid-season varieties, although they have a longer ripening period, are more resistant to even very hot weather and untimely watering.

Supports should be placed on especially fruitful bushes - you will be sure that the bush will not break under the weight of the grown crop.

For greenhouses

Many varieties of these vegetables are not very suitable for open ground growth in central Russia, so it is better to plant them in greenhouses or greenhouses. The disadvantage of such vegetables is that they are more capricious and require more careful care. But such plants give a greater yield.

multi-colored varieties

Another novelty in breeding work is the unusual skin colors of eggplants: green-fruited, white-fruited or red-fruited. Each of them has its own characteristics and taste, but the essence is always the same - eggplant, a vegetable for cooking second courses, snacks and preparations.

  • bibo F1 - has a brilliant white, smooth skin, the fruits have a weight of 450-520 gr. the pulp is tasty, dense, white. Very early, resistant to diseases and cold temperatures, high-yielding - up to 15 vegetables of the same size can be harvested from a bush.

For open ground, each gardener will choose the eggplant variety he likes based on his own requests. The best for open ground are those that give the highest yield and do not require a lot of time and effort. Plants that tolerate frost and heat are also valued, as well as resistant to diseases and various garden pests.

The hybrids and eggplant varieties that exist today are so diverse in shape, size and color of fruits that one can only be surprised at the vagaries of nature and the achievements of breeders! In addition to the usual elongated shape of eggplant, there are also cylindrical, pear-shaped, sickle-shaped, ovoid, oval, spherical and even serpentine fruits. By weight, eggplants of different varieties also vary greatly: from small hundred-gram fruits to weighty eggplants under two kilos.

Popular eggplant varieties

And if earlier eggplants were popularly called "blue ones", now this name has lost its relevance. In addition to eggplants in their usual shades from light lilac to dark purple, striped fruits, red, orange, green and white, began to appear on the market.

Usually gardeners choose several varieties of eggplant with different ripening periods.

They are roughly similar in taste, but imagine how you can decorate a festive table using colorful eggplants - Ogonyok, Ten and other popular homemade salads will take on a completely new look, not to mention dishes such as stuffed, baked or spicy eggplants. No wonder that gardeners are having difficulty choosing which eggplant varieties to plant on their site. In this article, we will look at the best eggplant varieties that have become widespread due to their good yields and the possibility of growing both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Video about eggplant varieties

Usually gardeners choose several varieties of eggplant with different ripening periods. But if you live in a region with a rather cool, short summer, it is better to give preference to early-ripening varieties with medium-sized fruits. Varieties such as Czech Early, Robin Hood and Red Redhead are compact in size, so they can also be planted in a greenhouse next to tall tomatoes.

In regions where the summer is hot, eggplant grows well in the beds Black handsome, a very popular variety among domestic gardeners. Its advantages include an impressive mass of brown-purple fruits (up to 200 g), excellent taste, no bitterness, high yield, resistance to diseases and suitability for long-term storage. In regions with a cool climate, Black Beauty is cultivated in greenhouses or under film cover.

Another variety that is loved by gardeners is eggplant. Diamond. Its dark purple fruits of traditional cylindrical shape reach a weight of 100 to 200 g and a length of up to 20 cm. The pulp is not bitter and has a very pleasant delicate taste.

Eggplant varieties "Diamond"

Variety Albatross highly valued for its excellent yield and lack of bitterness in the pulp of blue-violet fruits of a shortened pear-shaped form. Eggplants on low bushes are weighty - up to 450 g!

Eggplant Epic F1 perfect for cultivation throughout Russia. Teardrop-shaped fruits ripen very early (about two months after planting). Epic aubergines are distinguished by a beautiful deep purple-black color, uniformity and harmonious taste. The advantages of the Epic hybrid also include high yields and resistance to common diseases.

Eggplant variety "Epic F1"

Among the purple eggplant varieties, the following are also popular:

  • Purple miracle (cylindrical fruits weighing up to 135 g),
  • Vikar (fruits of a shortened pear shape with excellent taste),
  • Black Beauty (black-purple fruits with tender pulp, weighing up to 900 g),
  • Banana (fruits are long, slightly curved, suitable for long-term storage),
  • Fat barin (round, fleshy fruits with excellent taste, without bitterness),
  • Black moon (spherical bumpy fruits with very tender pulp and mild taste),
  • Czech early (high-yielding variety with ovoid fruits).

Of the new hybrids and eggplant varieties, it is worth noting the super-productive Clorinda hybrid with oval fruits of a rich purple color, reaching a mass of 1.5 kg. Noteworthy is the early ripe domestic variety Premier with oval-cylindrical beautiful purple fruits weighing 350 g.

The best varieties of colorful eggplant

Until recently considered a real exotic white eggplant gradually won the love of Russian gardeners due to their delicate texture and amazing taste. White eggplant is almost not bitter, unlike most purple "brothers", and the taste of its pulp resembles champignons or even chicken meat. In addition, the snow-white flesh is practically devoid of seeds.

White eggplants gradually won the love of Russian gardeners due to their delicate texture.

The most widespread in domestic gardens are such varieties and hybrids of albino eggplants as:

  • Swan (cylindrical fruits),
  • Ping pong (round fruits),
  • Pelican (saber-shaped fruits),
  • White egg (egg-shaped eggplant with a rich mushroom flavor),
  • Iceberg (oval fruits),
  • Bibo (oval-conical eggplant, very productive and disease resistant).

yellow eggplant are extremely rare with us, although they taste very similar to the usual purple varieties, and they contain a lot of carotene. Bright yellow fruits of an oval-elongated shape are produced by the Dutch variety Golden Eggs.

To obtain green eggplant, you can choose the following varieties: Chinese Green with rounded fruits (in the phase of biological ripeness they become bronze-yellow), Emerald with beautiful barrel-shaped fruits and Green with ellipsoid fruits with an intense mushroom flavor.

Video about eggplant red Ruffled

Eggplants of the Matrosik variety have an interesting color - white and lilac stripes alternate on oval fruits. Round ribbed eggplants Rosa Bianca attract attention with a pink-lavender "blush" on a white background. Cylindrical, slightly curved Flamingo Pink eggplants are painted in a pleasant pink-lilac color, like the barrel-shaped fruits of the Othello variety. Eggplants of Turkish Orange varieties are distinguished by orange color, and the Japanese Red variety has a rich red color.

Choose varieties of eggplants of different colors, and surprise your loved ones and guests with bright colorful dishes from this healthy vegetable!

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