Continuous flowering garden. garden flowers

Decor elements 29.08.2019
Decor elements

Majority flowering plants pleases us with its festive appearance not so long. And the dream, probably, of every grower is to make the flower beds bright and elegant from the first spring days until late autumn, so that the flowering time in the garden does not stop all season. Making this dream come true flowerbeds of continuous flowering.

Non-obvious nuances

Such a flower bed has a number of significant features that should certainly be taken into account when planning. And the first of the non-obvious nuances: the flowerbed of continuous flowering should be extensive. Why?
  • In order for plants to bloom constantly, replacing each other, their range must be quite wide: a small number of species that fit in a small flower bed cannot solve the problem.
  • The expressiveness of the flower bed is given by large color spots; planting plants one by one, you will not achieve the integrity of the composition - it will turn out to be fragmented, the abundance of small accents will distract attention, irritate the eye.

If the site does not allow planning a vast area, it is better to achieve the effect of continuous flowering through several small seasonal ones, having thought through them mutual arrangement so that overall picture the garden has always remained attractive.

The second non-obvious nuance: plants with similar flowering times are best grouped instead of distributing over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower bed. The reason is the same: scattered color spots will crush the composition. As a rule, the plan of a flower bed of continuous flowering includes several seasonal groups, smoothly replacing each other: such a flower garden is always thoughtfully changeable.

From this follows the third feature: the irregular nature of the flower bed, free layout. It is important to remember this in order not to violate the general: for example, if the landscape is dominated by straight lines and strict geometry, it is probably still better to break up the plantings of several seasonal flower beds, rather than trying to squeeze a flowerbed of continuous flowering into a rigid frame.

General rules for creating a flower bed of continuous flowering

It’s worth starting, perhaps, with the “flowering calendar”: we select plants, marking the time during which each of them is most attractive and decorative. At this stage, it is important to decide on the assortment, taking into account, of course, the standard ones:
  • we combine only those plants that have similar or the same requirements to, nutrition, illumination;
  • take into account size of each plant, as well as the rate of its growth; do not forget that aggressive, rapidly growing cultures will have to be restrained, limited;
  • we select and arrange plants taking into account their colors , combining - depending on its design - complementary or contrasting colors.

Then we start drawing scheme or plan of a future flower bed. It is necessary to imagine very clearly how your flower garden will look at each of the seasonal time periods - literally by months. At the same time, we do not forget: some plants (mostly spring ones, but not only) lose their attractiveness after flowering; so that the flower bed does not look untidy when their foliage begins to wither, it should be covered by other plants or flowers that have grown up by that time, perhaps annuals.

Flower bed with decorative leafy plants, photo from the Internet

Be sure to figure it out possible viewpoints: will your flower bed be accessible to viewers from all sides or are you planning it to be one-sided. It depends on where and how plants of different heights will be placed so that they do not block each other.

Plant care is a difficult issue for an extensive flower bed, so on large area it is worth providing special platforms or narrow paths, mulched (that is, abundantly sprinkled) decorative materials: on them you can reach any flower to cut, water or tie it up, if necessary.

Plant selection

For a flower bed of continuous flowering, you can use both perennials, annuals, and biennials. Moreover, the most rational perennial flower bed, which is supplemented annually by colorful and long-blooming annuals. And of course, we should not forget about decorative and deciduous crops and: they are consistently decorative, and depending on the season, they can play a variety of roles in your composition.

spring flowering plants

This is, first of all, a variety of bulbous. Here, preference should be given to crops that do not require annual digging (we will set aside for other flower beds): , .

From rhizomatous and tuberous perennials in early spring bloom , liverwort, corydalis,. Of the biennials, it is worth noting, or pansies , and: they are attractive not only by the early onset of flowering, but also by its long duration.

Spring-flowering perennials bloom after the small-bulbous ones, replacing them. Yellow and doronicum, spring-blooming and , , various , Phlox subulate- worthy decoration of a flower bed.

Spring flowers. A photo

I deliberately do not indicate the specific timing of flowering - they depend on the region and partly on the conditions created for the plants: how well the flower bed warms up and is illuminated, what kind of soil is on it, and so on. When the primroses are already withering in the south, snow may still lie in the Middle lane, but the general sequence of flowering is preserved, regardless of climate zone.

It is also reasonable to take into account that many plants, along with early ones, also have late species and varieties, combining which, it is possible to significantly prolong flowering. Yes, under the conditions Middle lane can bloom, replacing each other, from the second half of June to the end of August; - from the end of June until the first frosts; garden- from mid-May to September. Some cultures (eg. , bergenia and others) are capable of good care bloom again in late summer - early autumn.

A large assortment perennials to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering you will find in our catalog, which combines the offers of various online seed stores and planting material. .

Viola Swedish Giants (PROF-MAIL) 349 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Phlox Spark 15 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Daisy white ball 14 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Pelargonium F1 Raiple, mix 65 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Aquilegia Foxtrot, mix of colors 12 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Carnation Turkish Barbarini Parple Pikoti 28 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

summer flowering plants

Their list is extremely extensive, it would be difficult to bring it completely, therefore, we will note only a part of the crops that will come in handy in a flower bed of continuous flowering.

From perennials to the already mentioned astilbes, phloxes, garden geraniums, delphiniums and lupins should be added , . Of course, one cannot ignore the various species and (both biennial and perennial). Lovers of ground cover plants will appreciate the flowering time of which also falls on summer period.

And, of course, what a summer flower bed without bright annuals! Will almost always fit , . Lush bloom please

Having successfully selected plant species, you can create continuous flowering flower beds, where plants, replacing each other, will bloom continuously from early spring to late autumn. Such flower beds are a decoration of the garden, cheer up. In addition, the cost of a perennial flower garden will be significantly lower than the cost of the same perennial flower garden.

Perennials are distinguished by the richness of shapes and colors, the elegance of flowers and leaves, they winter well and reproduce easily. Perennials should occupy the largest specific gravity in floral arrangement.
A flower garden is usually created against a background. It can be a green lawn or lawn, a wooden fence, sand, stones, log or Brick wall houses, etc. The area not occupied by flower beds, ridges and other elements of the flower garden can be a flat green carpet.
A beautiful green lawn is the best backdrop for single and group flower plantings. Against the background of the lawn, the color of the flowers becomes brighter and more contrasting. Therefore, great attention must be paid correct device and proper lawn maintenance.
The basic principle of placing flowers is to plant them in picturesque groups. Plant selection may vary. For example, you can plant one type of phlox or daylily, but different varieties that differ in flower color, height, and flowering time. In this case, phloxes or daylilies are planted in separate groups or in combination with other flowers of various flowering periods. In spring, a variety of small-bulbous (muscari, scylla, galanthus) and bulbous (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths) will bloom between phloxes. Then irises, peonies, gravilates, swimsuits, perennial asters, delphiniums and other plants will bloom in groups. These flower crops can be planted together with phlox or create separate groups.
It is necessary to plant plants so that the faded ones do not block the flowering ones. There are a number of species that are decorative even without flowers, because they have beautiful shape and leaf color (astilbe, dicentra, Siberian iris, hybrid aquilegia, geyhera, etc.).
In the garden of continuous flowering, groups are placed, selected according to simultaneous flowering periods, as well as groups of plants blooming in different dates. When creating a flowering group at different times, it can include from two to three to six species. Plants are selected according to height, structure of the bush and according to the requirements of soil conditions. Low-growing species are planted in the foreground, tall ones - in the background. How larger plants, the fewer specimens are planted in a group. Two or three species can bloom at the same time - the flowering period of some falls on the beginning of flowering of others. The longer the general flowering of the group, the higher its decorative effect.
Our flower growers have different hobbies. Some of them grow alpine plants or bulbous, others are beautiful flowering shrubs(roses, jasmine, lilac, etc.). Some create gardens with the predominant cultivation of one species of different varieties. An example is a garden of roses (rose garden), an iris garden (iridarium), a garden of lilies, phloxes, daylilies, etc. Some people like to have a so-called “white garden” on their site, consisting of plants with white flowers: roses , lilies, peonies, astilbes, hazel grouses, daffodils, tulips, poultry, daisies, asters, iberis, fragrant tobacco, etc. You can create and " rose garden”, using astilbes, roses, peonies, godetia, lavatera, asters, snapdragons, levkoy, pink petunias, etc. Someone might want to have a “blue garden” of cornflowers, delphinium, lobelia, irises, blue and blue asters, splayed phlox, petunias, etc. For the “yellow-orange garden”, lilies, any marigolds, snapdragons, calendula, yellow chrysanthemums, yellow zinnias, rudbeckias, nasturtiums, geleniums, etc.
Gardeners who come to their site only for the weekend have to solve a lot of problems, because the garden from Sunday to next Saturday can be thoroughly overgrown - weeds run amok, seedlings dry up, etc. Therefore, it is better for them to grow ordinary undemanding plants requiring minimal maintenance. These include, for example, ground cover plants, many of which grow well in partial shade and in the shade (under the canopy of trees, shrubs, near the north side of the house).
In flower beds, low-growing, bushy, amicably flowering and wind-resistant species and varieties are especially valued.
In floriculture, two styles of floral design are usually distinguished - regular, or geometric, and landscape, or natural. The regular style involves strict geometric shapes of flower beds: flower beds, borders, borders and tapeworms. Landscape-style flower beds have smooth, curved lines, the plants are located here asymmetrically, their boundaries are fuzzy: mixborders, group plantings and arrays, rocky hills.

Today I will talk about my experience in creating a garden that is beautiful from spring to autumn.
When I first started gardening, I paid attention to all the plants in the catalogs and from the neighbors. She examined and studied compositions drawn in magazines. And of course, I tried many options. What are the conclusions?
If you want a garden that is always beautiful, choose plants that bloom in the second half of summer or those that retain their appearance after pruning.
For example, a medium bell of incredible beauty is a biennial that blooms in early summer. Very large bluebells are fascinating, but once they begin to fade, they are a dull sight. Moreover, it is advisable not to cut them, but to leave them so that the seeds ripen and give rise to new plants. This whole cycle is good far in the background, where no one ever comes close, or where you are ready to re-sow it every year, and on a faded area, having removed the plants, plant, say, annuals. Quite a non-trivial task, agree?
From this point of view, the popular delphinium, alas, also loses. Of course, in magazine compositions it is good, but in reality it fades quite quickly and requires very strong pruning after flowering.
Therefore, here I will give examples of plants that really, and not in the picture, will delight you all season. I won’t even talk about decorative leaves - of course, they are precisely designed to be beautiful from snow to snow. But there are many other, more colorful options.
In the first place I put, of course, the viola - the horned violet (cornut). She color just like that - from snow to snow, withered flowers invisible. There are large-flowered varieties - these can often be bought from private traders, there are small-flowered ones - although they are declared perennial, they usually do not overwinter in the climate near Moscow. But it's worth a try, there are a lot of varieties.

Here she is below
Light. Hibernates in different ways, but almost always recovers quickly

Another favorite is catnip (in the foreground). It also blooms all season, the only problem is that cats and cats love it.

Clematis. I will not talk about those that grow on a support, I am more interested in herbaceous ones - integrifolia. They can grow simply in a flower bed, relying on neighboring plants and bloom from late June to autumn. Fresh and very good! This is the Arabella variety.

Milk flower bell. There is different heights- from half a meter to one and a half - and different shades of lilac. It blooms from June to the end of July, and if cut in time, it blooms very quickly a second time.

Large-rhizome - blooms in early summer pink flowers(there are varieties), and then it remains such a dense rug.
Another geranium hybrid
And one more thing - here the geranium is dark, it must be cut off after flowering, and there will be a beautiful round bush.

There are two different ones here - Renard (larger, purple flowers) and the Ballerina variety.

As for geraniums, the most beautiful all season are those that grow in a rug or compact bush. Collapsing and large meadow types are also beautiful, but rather for the background, although they also bloom all season. Here is one with bright pink flowers in the background.

Astrantia. Here it is dark pink small flowers. Blooms for a very long time. There are many beautiful varieties.
Of course, there are also long-flowering plants, or those in which the bush retains its shape and foliage after flowering. If you use them to create flower beds, and even add hostas, cereals, ferns, Rogers, all kinds of tenacity, tiarella and all that, as well as plants that bloom at the end of summer - asters, phloxes, anemones - you will admire the garden without interruption.

My channel is called Hygge on six acres. Hygge means the ability to enjoy life in Danish. I talk about how to make rest and work in the country a joy and pleasure. Beautiful garden, easy-to-care plants, comfortable flower beds - everything to please yourself and your loved ones. I take all the photos myself and write about my site. Subscribe!

Garden of Continuous Bloom

All of us, probably, have been to the main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow more than once. And only the indifferent did not surprise constantly and abundantly continuously blooming garden. Candidates worked on the creation of this garden biological sciences, academicians back in Soviet times.

AT modern world many are trying to repeat this miracle of nature in their own garden. What is the mystery of the garden of continuous flowering? It contains the largest collections in the country. ornamental plants, numbering in its composition more than six thousand species and varieties. These collections are the basis for our landscape designers, they are an important source of enrichment for the range of plants used in ornamental gardening and landscaping. The composition and quality of plants used for landscaping determine the success of the landscape designer and general level his landscape work. By studying and selecting ornamental plants in certain combinations with each other, with trees and shrubs, and placing them in separate groups against the background of the lawn, our landscape designers recommend the most cost-effective methods to reduce the cost of building and maintaining green spaces without compromising their decorative value. For us, the exposition "Garden of Continuous Flowering" created in the Botanical Garden is the base and an example of landscape design and the use of ornamental plants in an environment close to nature. Any properly designed exposition consists of several groups. Each of the groups is original both in terms of the composition of plants, the variety of shapes and colors, and in terms of their combination with each other and the way they are placed on the lawn. Each group includes leading crops, that make up its basis, and additional plant species that support it in a decorative state after the end of flowering of the main crop.

The main idea of ​​the exposition is to create a continuously flowering area, saturated with plants that bloom from early spring to late autumn. And it is subdivided into interconnected parts: a garden spring flowering, summer bloom, autumn bloom and autumn color of leaves and fruits. A so-called “flower “conveyor” is being created, depending on the time of year. Plants recommended for coastal decoration are placed along the ponds.

spring bloom

The first to signal the onset of spring in the garden is the wound - spring bulbous plants. Delicate flowers of crocuses, scylla, muscari suddenly appear from under lands under the gentle rays of the April sun, bright spots cover the emerald green of the lawn. They are being replaced by leading bulbous crops. Skillfully selected according to the timing of flowering, shape and color of flowers, numerous varieties of tulips and daffodils are placed in large groups on the lawn, creating a bright colorful mosaic from the beginning of May for 25 days. Beautiful, slender glasses of tulips attract everyone's attention at this time. Tulips are also divided into early and late flowering varieties. Following the tulips, numerous varieties of irises begin to bloom. They attract attention with the soft colors of the petals, the original structure of the flower, which has a delicate aroma. Varieties of irises are exceptionally diverse in leaf color, monochromatic and combined, bright green leaves retain their decorative effect until late autumn. Upper tier of flowering spring garden created by wide application lilacs. Using a large varietal diversity flower culture allows you to extend its flowering up to three weeks. Lilac is remarkable not only for its lush - flowering, but also for the fact that it fills all corners of the garden with its aroma. It is also useful to place fruit varieties in the garden: pear, apple tree, cherry, almond, mountain ash, hawthorn and others. The white-pink foam of their flowers, starting from May 20, decorates the garden for 20 days, which is just beginning to fill with green foliage. Small bushes of steppe, Japanese and sandy cherries are very decorative.

summer bloom

A smooth transition from spring to summer groups of plants is carried out by introducing varieties of peonies. Their powerful bushes, starting from June 10, are covered with white, pink and red double flowers and bloom until July 1. Peonies are located near the tracks in a large array. Mass application of pions in landscape design fully justified by their high decorativeness, longevity and stability. Summer garden filled with flowers of jasmine, action, viburnum, creating a backdrop for a variety of herbaceous perennial flower and ornamental plants during this period. Very effective here. different kinds lilies planted in small groups on the lawn along the shore of the pond. Their white, yellow, orange, large and fragrant flowers open from July 1 and continue to bloom until the end of the month. At the same time, the flowering of park and hybrid-polyanthus roses begins, most suitable for landscape design. park roses placed in small groups or in the form of tapeworms. Powerful tall rose bushes are densely covered with terry, fragrant flowers, and at the end of the season, bright yellow, red and orange fruits appear on them. Hybrid-polyanthus roses are given the leading place, as they are covered with flowers until late autumn and winter well in the garden. Phloxes bloom in the garden from July to September. Their white, blue, purple, pink, red and carmine flower caps give a special splendor to the site. Phloxes must be planted in large arrays, choosing colors that are in harmony with each other and with the surrounding background.

autumn bloom

In the garden of autumn flowers, the leading crops are gladioli, dahlias, chrysanthemums, rudbeckia, solidago and hydrangea. In separate groups and various combinations they decorate the garden throughout the autumn, they finish their flowering after frost. Some of them - asters, chrysanthemums - still in bloom meet the first snow. In the garden of continuous flowering, a large space is devoted to lawns. After the bright colors of the flowers, the eye rests on the calm greenery of the lawns. They accompany all compositions, emphasizing colorful flowering plants, and at the same time have an independent value, remaining decorative from the beginning of spring until late autumn. In autumn, when the leaves turn yellow and fall, the flowers die, the lawns still retain their green attire.

Alpine slide

In some areas of the garden, plants from rocky places are collected, also selected according to the continuity of flowering. They are placed on artificially created slides. Numerous species of sedum, saxifrage, thyme, aubriecia, viola, armeria, campanulla, erica, and onions planted in various combinations are very peculiar and decorative. Mid-April to November alpine slide very decorative.

In our article, we described only the main crops that occupy a leading position in the garden. In addition to these crops, the garden of continuous flowering is saturated a variety of shrubs and perennials, creating, as it were, a backdrop for the main species. Here we meet primroses, lilies of the valley, astilbes, bergenia, korean chrysanthemums, aquilegia and a number of other ornamental plants in different time of the year. In our work we involve a wide variety of plants, their best biological qualities and decorative qualities. And on this basis we create our garden of continuous flowering, which is ideal for family holidays.

For questions about creating a garden of continuous flowering on your site, please contact the specialists of our company at the contacts listed on the site!

Today I will tell you about my experience in creating a garden, which is beautiful from spring to autumn.

When I first started gardening, I paid attention to all the plants in the catalogs and from the neighbors. She examined and studied compositions drawn in magazines. And of course, I tried many options. What are the conclusions?
If you want a garden that is always beautiful, choose plants that bloom in the second half of summer or those that retain their appearance after pruning peduncles.
For example, a medium bell of incredible beauty is a biennial that blooms in early summer. Very large bluebells are fascinating, but once they begin to fade, they are a dull sight. Moreover, it is advisable not to cut them, but to leave them so that the seeds ripen and give rise to new plants. This whole cycle is good far in the background, where no one ever comes close, or where you are ready to re-sow it every year, and on a faded area, having removed the plants, plant, say, annuals. Quite a non-trivial task, agree?
From this point of view, the popular delphinium, alas, also loses. Of course, in magazine compositions it is good, but in reality it fades quite quickly and requires very strong pruning after flowering.
Therefore, here I will give examples of plants that really, and not in the picture, will delight you all season. I won’t even talk about decorative leaves - of course, they are precisely designed to be beautiful from snow to snow. But there are many other, more colorful options.
In the first place I put, of course, viola - horned violet(cornut). It blooms just like that - from snow to snow, withered flowers are invisible. There are large-flowered varieties - these can often be bought from private traders, there are small-flowered ones - although they are declared perennial, they usually do not overwinter in the climate near Moscow. But it's worth a try, there are a lot of varieties.

Here she is below.

Light. It hibernates in different ways, but almost always recovers quickly.

Another favorite - catnip. It also blooms all season, the only problem is that cats and cats love it.

Clematis. I will not talk about those that grow on a support, I am more interested in herbaceous - integrifolia. They can grow simply in a flower bed, relying on neighboring plants and bloom from late June to autumn. Fresh and very good! This is the Arabella variety.

lactiferous bellflower. There are different heights - from half a meter to one and a half - and different shades of lilac. It blooms from June to the end of July, and if cut in time, it blooms very quickly a second time.

large-rhizome- blooms in early summer with pink flowers (there are varieties), and then remains such a dense rug.

Another hybrid geranium.

And more - here dark geranium, it must be cut after flowering, and there will be a beautiful round bush.

Here are two different Renard(bigger, purple flowers) and variety Ballerina.

Concerning geraniums, then the most beautiful all season are those that grow in a rug or compact bush. Collapsing and large meadow types are also beautiful, but rather for the background, although they also bloom all season. Here is one with bright pink flowers in the background.

Astrantia. Here it is dark pink small flowers. Blooms for a very long time. There are many beautiful varieties.

Of course, there are also long-flowering plants, or those in which the bush retains its shape and foliage after flowering. If you use them to create flower beds, and even add hostas, cereals, ferns, Rogers, all kinds of tenacity, tiarella and all that, as well as plants that bloom at the end of summer - asters, phloxes, anemones - you will admire the garden without interruption.

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