Park roses (50 photos): aristocracy and nostalgic sophistication of your garden. Growing a park rose

Site arrangement 14.06.2019
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Park roses are representatives of the wild rose genus, obtained after a long series of crossbreeding experiments. Designed for decoration large areas land. They have become a serious competitor to the "tea" species. This plant received cultural development in Ancient Babylon, then gradually spread throughout the planet. Garden flower enjoys the widest popularity due to its combination of bright colors, a variety of types and shapes.

Selection as a way of breeding certain types of plants has been known since time immemorial. Today, there are numerous hybrids of the organism, differing in the shape of the structure and height of the bush, the presence of thorns or their absence, resistance to various climatic conditions and the way of care. Roses bloom with the onset of warmth and delight with fragrance until the end of summer. Usually, the first inflorescences appear 2-3 weeks earlier than in other varieties. They are also distinguished by their special aesthetics and unpretentious care. The efforts of breeders and gardeners have contributed to the emergence of modern hybrid species that are no worse than polyanthus or floribunda. Their vegetation lasts 60-70 days.

The color of the petals varies over the entire spectrum - from white to dark purple tones. Some varieties look more like a rosehip bush, and their shape is not as attractive as in hybrid tea. But their number is such that they cover almost the entire plant. Park roses are more correctly called garden roses. Flower buds are formed on old and young shoots, but in smaller numbers.

Plants are classified into the following types:

  • rose hips;
  • old garden;
  • hybrid.

In addition to abundant flowering, cultivated rose hips have another indisputable advantage, which is very important for temperate climate, - frost resistance. Breeders have also tried over the doubleness of the petals. Their number can reach 100 and more pieces. The average height of the bushes reaches 1.5 m, but there are species that weave up to 2-3 m. Their dense foliage is so attractive that it creates a kind of decorative background.

Canadian garden roses

This name was given to the flowers by the Canadians. The variety is adapted for harsh winters North America... They require minimal maintenance, pruning is not necessary, and the resistance to high and low temperatures is simply amazing. They perfectly withstand frost at 30 ° C. Canadian roses, like all garden roses, look good alone and in floral ensembles. The choice of location is not critical. Organisms grow well in lighted areas and in shaded corners of the garden.

North American varieties bloom 2 times per season. The first flowering is profuse, with large buds. The second is more modest in quantitative and qualitative terms. It is not necessary to cut off the flowering shoot. Even in autumn, against the background of general wilting, the Canadian rose bears fruit, delighting the gardener with delicate inflorescences. The most famous example of this species is John Davis. Its high frost resistance makes it possible to endure the harsh Russian winters, and strong immunity will protect against many diseases. The plant reaches a height of 2.5 m. The outline of the shoot resembles a hanging arc. The number of the latter is about 40 pieces.

At the beginning, the flowers are bright pink in color, but gradually the tone fades to pale pink. The inflorescences of the buds are collected in graceful and attractive boxes. Their number is determined by the period of blooming and is up to 15 formations. By the end of the season, the rate of development decreases, but remains at the level of 9-10 pieces. In diameter, each bud grows from 7 to 10 cm. The plant blooms almost until the first cold snap with frost.

Flowers from England

The history of flowers began in the 60s of the last century, when the English gardener David Austin was inspired by the sight of old French roses and decided to develop new varieties. The result is large, tall plants. However, there were also disadvantages - high susceptibility to disease. After ten years of experimentation, the breeder has developed "The Mayflower", which has amazing resistance to various pathologies. English roses vary in shape and can be climbing or shrubbery. Each variety has a different number of petals - up to 100, but their main advantage is velvety.

The attention of the esthete is attracted by drooping twigs, each of which is covered with inflorescences similar to pompons. English park roses can be planted in the sun and in slightly shaded areas. They differ from Canadian ones in stricter care rules. Large temperature drops for English plants are an insoluble problem. In this regard, flowers for the winter in conditions, for example, in the Moscow region, must be carefully covered.

David Austin became one of the preeminent breeders in the history of English horticulture. His direct merit is considered the park rose Fisherman's Friend, which has won more than one woman's heart. Even the sharp thorns on the back of the leaf cannot repel the charming purple or raspberry-purple blossoms. The bush grows up to 120 cm in height. The flower of the variety has several types of forms:

  • cupped;
  • pontoon;
  • outlet.

One of the main tasks of the breeder was to create a plant with a variety of colors and the presence of aroma. The disadvantage of Austin flowers is the bud instability factor. All of its species bow their heads, except for one variety - Leander. To date, over 200 types of English garden roses have been registered. In the official international classification, the species of English roses cannot be found. They are referred to as bush scrubs. But millions of copies of flowers all over the planet are encouraging their creator for worldwide recognition.

Disembarkation and growth observation rules

Park roses, planting and caring for which depend on their variety, are mostly unpretentious and resistant to diseases. The plant prefers lighted areas and moderate humidity. Abundant watering adversely affects the formation of bushes. They are allowed to be planted in single or group ensembles, thus decorating walls or fences. At the beginning of their development, park roses were single-flowering, but soon breeders bred varieties that bear fruit twice a season at minimum costs labor and compliance with agrotechnical rules.

Garden roses should be planted in the fall, before the first frost. A few weeks before the cold snap, the seedlings will have time to put down the first roots and gain a foothold before wintering. The distance between the bushes should be at least 150 cm. When creating a hedge, the minimum planting interval is 50 cm. The norms for laying mineral and organic fertilizers are required, as for any plant.

The above-ground segment is trimmed so that a third of the length remains. The planting hole should provide free placement of the roots. The neck of the latter should protrude 10 cm from the ground. After the initial hilling, when the bush has hardened, the soil can be leveled, added top dressing, humus, mulched with straw or peat chips. In spring, flowers need fertilization after abundant watering. Top dressing is carried out once a year. Until the middle summer period almost all varieties of garden roses are watered up to 3 times a week at the very root. Watering is best done in the morning or evening, when there is no heat. Water should not get on leaves and flowers. Humidification stops in August and September.

Pruning is required for most species, since the decorative shape of the bushes is lost. In autumn, old shoots are removed at the root. Small shoots and twigs are removed, which do not bloom at all. To putty the sections, use Oil paint or garden var. Before the onset of winter, bushes, especially young ones, are covered with earth and wrapped in Kraft paper. The bushes can be covered with snow. This will create favorable conditions for the wintering of the plant.

Surely for most owners, park roses are ideal option for registration of the site. These flowers are able not only to emphasize the solidity of the territory, but also to give it a certain sophistication. It is interesting that the "park roses" came precisely from the cultivated rose hips. Moreover, today there are a whole variety of species, varieties and forms. Thus, each person can choose for a summer residence exactly those park roses that are best suited to the existing environment. At the same time, the data flower arrangements can become a kind of basis for the design of the site.

The most popular are the so-called "wrinkled" roses, as well as a variety of old garden varieties of roses. V last years breeding varieties of roses have become quite widespread, which combine numerous advantages for a long time existing species... People who want to decorate their site often decide to use several varieties of park roses at once, which has a positive effect on the overall perception of the area. Of course, in this situation, there can be a colossal number of options for decorating the landscape.

In this article, we will look at the common types of park roses, the method of planting, as well as the care of these plant crops. We will also analyze the main features of park roses, which are worth paying attention to in the first place.

Features of park roses

First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that park roses are really attractive in appearance, but almost everyone already knows about this. As for the flowering of roses, this process, surprisingly, begins 2-3 weeks earlier than other varieties. Flowering lasts for one month.

Owners who want to plant park roses on their site first of all pay attention to the color of the flowers. And it is these plants that "offer" a colossal color range ranging from white to deep purple. You can find quite exotic options, including yellow and orange colors.

Experts emphasize that modern breeding options simply achieve excellent performance, and above all, simple care, rapid growth, a large number of flowers. Gradually, these crops are becoming more and more practical to use and plant. However, it should be admitted that the owners who want to decorate their plot with roses are primarily interested in the appearance of the flowers.

English park roses

The main difference between English roses and others is the doubleness of the flowers. Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for a single flower to have more than 100 petals. In addition, a huge range of fragrances are available for sale, and for some this is a very important aspect.

As for the shape of roses, they are as follows:

  • climbing;
  • bush.

An important positive side of English park roses is the ease of care, but at the same time there are other roses that are even easier to care for. Many owners are ready to make some sacrifices, as the appearance of roses is really attractive and unique in its own way.

Of course, English park roses also have significant disadvantages:

  • Disease susceptibility. If you do not regularly look after the shrubs, then in the end they will be struck by diseases, or the most common insects. Accordingly, without regular care for English roses, they will eventually acquire an unattractive appearance, and then there will be a complete decline.
  • Low resistance to frost. It should be understood that during too severe frosts, irreparable things can happen to roses. Accordingly, it is recommended to cover English roses with something in winter. It cannot be ruled out that frosts may be too strong, and covering will not have any effect. Unfortunately, this problem threatens many colors, and this situation must be taken into account in advance.

Canadian park roses

It is the Canadian park roses that are the most common. Of course, the whole point is that there is practically no care for these flowers, which greatly simplifies the choice for many. Simple maintenance also means that it is extremely easy to grow these flowers.

Experts emphasize that unlike other flowers, Canadian roses do not need to be pruned or covered in winter.

An important advantage of Canadian park roses is the easy transfer of high and low temperatures. Often, these limits are limited to only too low a temperature of -35 degrees Celsius. Growing Canadian roses can take place in the shade and in the sun. It cannot be ruled out that regular straight lines Sun rays will not damage the flower. It is safe to say that Canadian roses are ideal for the climate almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, since the temperature range at which the flower feels comfortable is quite wide.

Canadian roses bloom in two waves, and the second is often more modest against the background of the first. You can not remove faded shoots, as a result of which the shrub will be strewn with fruits. V autumn period year, such a composition will look extremely attractive.

Surprisingly, Canadian park roses are practically devoid of flaws, however, there are situations when troubles take place, but this is very rare.

The main varieties of park roses

John Davis

First of all, you need to know that this variety belongs to the Canadian park roses. Main feature flower is easy tolerance to low temperatures (up to -40 degrees Celsius). Also, these roses easily resist diseases that usually affect other varieties of flowers. One flower on average has about 40 petals, so roses "John Davis" can be safely called double. The height of the bush often reaches 250 cm.The color of the petals at the very beginning is distinguished by a bright pink color, after which it becomes significantly lighter. This variety of park roses blooms without interruption until frost.


This is a variety of roses, the petals of which are bright white. The bushes themselves have a pyramidal shape, as well as a height of up to 2 m. The inflorescence has up to 12 flowers. The petals are semi-double.

Hope for Humanity

Such a beautiful name for the variety of roses, of course, corresponds really attractive plant... Flower buds in in this case have a wine color (from red to burgundy). In dissolution, the diameter of the flower can reach 8 cm. Inside the bud, you can find a yellow or white strip, which, moreover, has a slight pleasant smell. The height of the bushes can reach 2.2 m.


These are roses that have an amazing color: at first it is yellow, but then it turns into creamy or beige, the colors can be combined. In dissolution, the color diameter is up to 9 cm, and the inflorescences can be single, or from 3 to 8 pieces. This variety of roses has velvet stems with a pleasant aroma. The height of the bush is small - only 150 cm (maximum).

John Franklin

This variety of roses has a unique light scent. A feature of these roses is also their resistance to frost and disease. One bud has about 25 petals. The flowers are bright red in color. This variety is often used for mass planting in landscaping beds.

Alexander McKenzie

This variety is distinguished by erect bushes that can reach heights of up to 2 meters. The flowers are double and the petals are bright red. Often this variety also has a light aroma. Like many other park roses, they are frost-resistant, so the bush feels great even in freezing temperatures of -45 degrees Celsius.

The process of planting park roses

  • First you need to establish where it is best to plant a park rose. Fortunately, the rules are the same for all types and varieties of park roses, so you won't be able to confuse or get confused. Experts advise planting park roses on moderately moist loamy soils. It is also worth knowing that roses do not tolerate waterlogging in the best way, so you should be careful when choosing a place for planting.
  • Roses can be planted either with whole bushes or singly. A combination of roses with other flowers is often used. The main thing is to make it beautiful. In recent years, selectively bred park roses, which bloom every year, have been very popular. Such roses were bred on the basis of wild rose hips, which do not require constant care.
  • It is best to plant roses directly in the autumn - just before winter. In this case, the roots of flowers will develop better and will immediately delight with their beauty when the warm season comes.
  • Plants should be placed at a distance of 1.5 m from each other during planting (a 3 x 1.5 m scheme is used). In the event that there are plans to create a hedge, then the planting density can be 50-100 cm, and the distance between the rows will be limited to 70 cm.
  • A prerequisite for planting is the use of organic fertilizers. The above-ground part will need to be cut, while only 1/3 of the length of the runs will remain. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the planting pit must be large enough. The grafting site should be 10 cm away from the soil. The roots should not bend upwards.
  • Further, hilling occurs to a height of 25 cm.When the spring comes, the soil will need to be leveled. In addition, the soil under the bushes must be mulched with peat and straw crumbs.

Of course, you always need to keep in mind that the specifics of planting may differ from the terrain on which the whole process takes place, so you need to be careful and pay attention to all the subtleties.

The specifics of caring for park roses

  • As we mentioned earlier, the positive side of park roses is their unpretentiousness to conditions, since they were bred from wild rose hips. But at the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that often roses are planted in rather harsh conditions, so a small shelter may not be superfluous.
  • In the spring, there is a need to apply liquid mineral fertilizer (this process is recommended only after abundant watering of the site). As for feeding, the need for it occurs only a year after planting.
  • If we talk about watering, then this event should be carried out regularly only in the spring, as well as the first half of summer. In addition, watering is advisable during periods of drought. Experts advise watering early in the morning or in the evening, but only if there was no rain during the day. We recommend watering no more than 3 times a week. It is worth watering abundantly, since there is simply no special effect from surface watering.
  • Watering should be carried out exclusively in the root zone. Do not allow spray to fall on leaves or flowers. Also, experts recommend occasionally watering around September, since in many regions at this time there is a certain aridity.
  • The good news is that park roses do not infect the same diseases that other types of roses do. At the same time, pests are often not a problem for fallow plants, although much may depend on the available terrain.
  • It is also important to be aware that flower growers recommend formative pruning every year. The essence of this idea is that the shrub must have attractive shape, and without annual pruning, the vegetation will lose its decorative (the main function of rose bushes) appearance, and even later it will become the very object on the site that needs to be deprived. At the same time, you need to protect the main branches, on which new flowers will gradually grow.
  • You also need to know that anti-aging pruning is regularly carried out. It is held every few years (bushes that are 3-5 years old). In the autumn, it is advisable to cut the stems of the bushes under the base, and small shoots must be removed altogether. All branches on which roses do not bloom can be safely cut off. Of course, you should not overdo it in this process either, since it will no longer be possible to fix the errors. As for the slices, they need to be covered with a garden varnish. Oil paint will also work.
  • Preparing plants for winter is also extremely important. It is obvious that young shrubs are not able to easily cope with extremely low temperatures, which are not uncommon in the CIS countries. Short-term frosts, reaching -40 degrees, cannot be ruled out. Thus, you need to take care in advance that frost does not affect their condition. The bushes are covered with craft paper. In addition, it is necessary to spud the bushes with earth. Such simple measures will not only save the bush from low temperatures, but also from cold winds, which are not uncommon during winter and even spring.

Making your garden fragrant and blooming is quite simple. Many flower growers have long discovered a variety of varieties of park roses that look elegant and sophisticated. Some of these varieties are similar to rosehip bushes. Others look just gorgeous. In fact, both are the norm. After all, this is a cultivated rose hip. But today breeders have created a fairly large number of their varieties, forms and types. For example, these are: Fluorescent, Chinatown, Westerland, Shakespeare, Lichtgenigin Lucia, Deja vu, Cordes Brilliant.

Gardeners distinguish several types of park roses. These are not only the rose hips themselves, but also other varieties. Among them are noted:

  1. modern hybrids;
  2. old garden varieties;
  3. wrinkled option.

But any park rose attracts gardeners with early flowering. It begins in the last days of May or at the very beginning of summer. The process is very lengthy: it takes about a month.

Variety Queen of the North

There is a wide variety of these types of cultures. One of these is the Queen of the North rose, which belongs to the hybrid varieties. The flower was bred by the St. Petersburg breeder Eduard Regel. The core of the variety was Rosarugosa seeds from Japan. Today this rose is actively cultivated not only in Russia. She is widely known in Norway, Estonia and Finland. The peculiarity of the flower is:

  • the presence of a mild aroma;
  • the aesthetics of the bush itself;
  • forming flowers in groups of 3 to 7 pieces.

Morden Blush variety

Another popular variety is the Morden Blush rose, which was bred in 1988. This plant looks great in an array of flower beds. Florists like the variety with the ability to get attractive buds. Their shade is very delicate, soft, exquisite. Pale pink flowers are diluted with "strokes" in the center in the pearl-coral spectrum. At the edges, the buds are complemented by creamy white tints.

From the Parkland series, this variety is considered the most blooming. The buds have curved and small petals that unfold gradually. This variety is somewhat reminiscent of hybrid tea versions. Terry flowers keep their shape for a long time and do not crumble. They can be formed one at a time or in clusters of up to 6 buds. Morden Blush can bloom until the first frost.

Ferdinand Richard variety

Another common option is the park rose Ferdinand Richard, which can bloom several times per season. This variety is distinguished by a high degree of decorativeness. The flowers are very colorful and bright. They are distinguished by a rich tone from the red spectrum, diluted with lighter spots and veins. If the seedlings are on an area that is not shaded by anything, over the summer, the inflorescences can literally burn out to a white hue. Also in this variety, gardeners are attracted by a rich and very pleasant aroma. Thanks to him, the atmosphere in the alley becomes sophisticated.

Glauka variety

The Glauka rose, which is often called gray, deserves special attention. This is a unique variety. The flowers that form on it are the most expressionless. Their color is very weak, pale pink, in places it smoothly flows into a white shade. But the advantage of this plant lies elsewhere. After a short flowering, the bush literally "from" and "to" is covered with fruits of a rich shade. You can admire red berries for a very long time. In diameter, such colorful balls reach 1 cm and look surprisingly catchy, bringing their charm to the atmosphere of the garden.

Louis Audier variety

Many gardeners leave positive reviews about the Louis Audier rose, as this old Bourbon version captivates with its amazing aroma. The plant is formed in the form of a tall and spreading bush. Its inflorescences are pion-shaped. They are distinguished by a delicate pink shade.

For almost all three summer months, the bush is literally strewn with cute and fragrant flowers.

Park rose Louis Audier belongs to the category of bush plants. A unique feature of this variety is the ability to form a flower that is ideal in shape. The basis of this group of plants is Rosa damascene semperflorens and Rosa chinensis. The Louis Odier variety was bred on their basis in France, like all subsequent varieties.

The attractiveness of this plant lies in the unusual color of its flowers. In the center, the shade is rich and dense, and at the edges - light pink. The diameter of the formation is 8-12 cm. Detailed description a park rose of this variety allows us to say that flowers are often formed in groups of 4-5 copies, but often they are also formed as independent units. The bush resembles a fountain in shape, since under the weight of the inflorescences, the lashes lean in different directions.

Features of English park roses

Gardeners often identify English and Canadian park roses. What is the difference between these groups? What are their features? So, the English park rose is distinguished by its variability of forms.
It can be climbing and bush. But this is not the most important thing. The main feature of this group is the ability to form double flowers, which consist of about a hundred small petals. The spectrum of aromas of this plant is surprisingly varied and rich.

There are other features of English park roses. Among their properties, gardeners note:

  1. the density of buds that resemble pompons in shape;
  2. falling branches;
  3. unpretentiousness;
  4. cultivation in the sun and in the shade.

Canadian roses: features, varieties and benefits

The Canadian park rose, which was bred especially for ordinary summer residents, is surprisingly fragrant and beautiful.

The attractiveness of this group of plants lies in the fact that caring for them is extremely simple and minimal. They are winter-hardy, tolerate frost and heat well, do not require pruning.

Many flower growers are interested in what is a Canadian-type park rose? This variety is an ideal solution for those who cultivate a garden in unfavorable climatic conditions... The plant perfectly tolerates all the negative nuances of weather fluctuations. At the same time, Canadian roses look equally impressive as individual bushes and in combination with other plants. They bloom in two waves. Upon completion of this process, a large number of fruits are formed on the bushes, which look no less attractive.

Exists great amount Canadian park roses. Today, gardeners can name the most popular varieties of this culture. These include the following varieties: J.P. Connell, Alexander Mackenzie, John Davis, Hope Fo Humanity, Parsley, John Franklin, Martin Frobisher.

Border varieties of park roses

A separate category is made up of curb park roses, which belong to the group of miniature plants. This blooming crop is characterized by its small size. The flowers are double. Their shape is unusual, and the contours of the petals are very complex. The appeal is that it is very frost-resistant. The flower survives the most severe winters without difficulty. The care of the curb rose is also minimal, which, by the way, can be planted in a pot and grown at home.

Some rules for planting park roses

How is this type of plant planted? To begin with, the optimal site is selected. This culture is suitable for well-lit, sunny areas that are efficiently ventilated on each side. You can place the flower in partial shade. Correct fit park rose also implies taking into account the composition of the soil.
A crop in this category needs soil that is:

  • nutritious;
  • loose;
  • easy;
  • with a high humus content and acidity pH 6-7.

In this regard, loam is an excellent solution. If the plant is planted in sandy soil, then it is worth adding some compost to the flower hole.

Choosing "neighbors" for roses

It is equally important to consider what companions can be for park-type roses. These flowers will perfectly coexist with plants that effectively emphasize their beauty. In this regard, you can create a luxurious fragrant composition using gladioli, dahlias, poppies and large-flowered begonias. Roses will look no less attractive in tandem with cultures that differ in the presence decorative leaves... In this case, you can plant asparagus, gypsophila, wormwood, cereals, kermek or basilists next to them. The composition with phlox will turn out great.

Subtleties of crop care

Competent care of a park rose requires maximum attention to the flower in the first three years of its cultivation, since during this period the seedlings are formed root system and main stems. The culture is very demanding on the condition of the soil. The soil around it must be systematically loosened.
It is equally important to huddle the bush before winter (optimally by 20 cm).

In the summer, the plant needs to be nourished. An excellent solution is an mineral composition... It is necessary to bring it into the ground 3-4 times per season. Gardeners often wonder what they love about roses yet. In the spring, you can feed the culture with rotted manure. Thanks to this tool, the plant quickly restores the crown after severe freezing.

Park roses, the photos of which you see below, attract the eye with their beauty and aristocracy. No celebration is complete without these amazing plants. It is widely known garden culture today it has tens of thousands of varieties than any other.

Thanks to the work of dozens of nurseries, their number is increasing every year. This name for park roses is conditional, this group includes as decorative species rose hips, and centifolus rose and moss bred in the distant 16th century.


The bush reaches one and a half meters. The buds appear early, blooms profusely and for a long time (more than a month). The color of flowers is usually in the range from white to deep purple, orange or yellow colors... In the photo below, you can admire the beauty of terry park roses, one flower can consist of 150 petals, which is not inherent in any other type of rose.

Park roses love spacious plantings, as they grow not only in height, but also in width. In France and England, plants do not need shelter, but in Russia, most varieties of park roses wait out closed during the cold season. In the middle lane, you can only leave open species roses, close to wild ones, for example, the rose is gray and wrinkled, as well as species close to rose hips, but having double flowers.

Park roses are more unpretentious if bred in Canada... Such varieties are frost-resistant and do not need shelter, provided that the site:

  • located in a relatively calm area,
  • does not have high ground waters,
  • gets sunshine,
  • is processed correctly.

However, when sheltering, the Canadians provide more abundant flowering.

Varieties of French, English, German selection of park roses require bending and shelter, among them are old and modern bush roses.


Park roses are divided into two groups:

  1. With a single flowering.
  2. Repeated.

Park roses that bloom once to form buds require saving last year's shoots... If this is not done, they will not bloom. However, these varieties are resistant to cold conditions and often do not require ducking or shelter. Such bushes can be found in the old dachas of every neighbor. Shoots of varieties "Poppius", "Wasagaming", "Minette" are often passed from hand to hand without a name. Other frost-resistant old varieties are presented more modestly and have practically no data.

Group of re-blooming is divided into three subgroups:

  1. Very frost-resistant rugoses (rose hybrids).
  2. Canadian roses resistant to cold environmental conditions. They are able to endure cold Russian winters without shelter, if conditions permit.
  3. In need of cover and ducking.

Rohoses are presented in many varieties. Most are similar to each other, some varieties require shelter. Unpretentious view is "Moje Hammarberg", which withstands winter and easily adapts to environmental conditions.

A large group of park roses is represented by Canadian selection. The best are Prairie Joy and Morden Centennial.

An excellent breeder of covering park roses is Englishman David Austin... He bred the Fisherman's Friend variety, which has won a large number of rose hearts all over the world. Also, many people love the varieties bred by Cordes, Meiyan, Tantau. Among the re-blooming old varieties are reputed to be the most beautiful: bourbon, remontant.


Among the most famous varieties, the following crops stand out:

A. Mackenzie scrub (Canada)

The bush is powerful, straight up to two meters, moderately thorny, the leaves consist of 7 leaves, matte structure. It blooms with soft pink-red double inflorescences, consisting of 40-50 petals. The size is medium, the shape resembles an old one, the flowers last for a long time, fading in the sun. A bush in a blooming outfit is very beautiful, but has no scent. But it pleases the eye all summer, rarely gets sick. Reproduction takes place by cuttings. Withstands frost up to 40 degrees, you do not need to cover. In the spring, pruning of dead shoots should be done, which does not affect abundant flowering. Provide more abundant flowering by covering the bush and bending down the shoots. Planting is best done in the background, since the plant is tall.

Fisherman's Friend® scrub (UK)

The flowers are violet-crimson or purple in color, densely double with a velvety effect, large. Usually solitary, persist up to 5 days, tolerate dampness well. They have a strong pleasant aroma. Perfectly in harmony with glossy, dark green slightly "wrinkled" beautiful leaves, which consist of 7 leaves. Shoots and even leaves on the back are covered with sharp thorns, so it is better not to approach the rose without gloves. The height of the bush is from 1 meter to 1.2. Needs disease prevention at the beginning of summer, in winter - in a shelter.

Moje Hammarberg Hybrid Rugosa (Sweden)

Flowers are large double, dark pink in color with a rich aroma. A single flower does not please the eye for long, rain can damage the petals. The leaves consist of 8 leaflets, moderately glossy, wrinkled. The thorns are densely spaced. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters. It does not need shelter, since it is not prone to freezing. Does not require special care, diseases are absent, reproduction occurs by shoots.

Morden Centennial Scrub (Canada)

The height of the bush reaches 1.2 meters. Terry flowers with 45 petals, 8 cm in diameter, bright pink flowers are collected in inflorescences of 3 pieces. This rose smells weak. At the beginning of the opening of the bud, the flowers are very beautiful, but at the end they open the middle, in rare cases this does not happen. Abundant flowering occurs in June and August-September, after 5 days the flower withers. Flowers should be cut off as the petals fly around; if this is not done, fruits will appear, which will not affect flowering in the best way.

The leaves consist of 7 leaflets, large, matte structure, spines on the shoots are rare. Diseases are extremely rare. Planting and reproduction occurs by cuttings without special trouble... Withstands frosts up to 45 degrees, but if you cover and bend down, it will bloom more abundantly.

Prairie Joy scrub (Canada)

It grows in a tall and dense bush, reaching 1.5 meters. The leaves have a matte structure, young have a burgundy color, which turns into a dark green bluish tint, consist of 7 leaves. Not very prickly, as there are few thorns. It blooms throughout the summer in delicate pink double flowers beautiful shape appearing in inflorescences. The flowers are kept on the shoots for about 5 days, the rain has a detrimental effect on them, which is why decay is not excluded. They have a faint aroma. To stimulate re-flowering, wilted flowers are removed. The bush is not susceptible to disease. Planting is used for hedges. Withstands up to 40 degrees, but blooms more abundantly when covered and ducked.

Among park roses that bloom one-time, the most popular varieties are:

Centifolia (France)

During the month when flowering occurs, the pale pink color of the flowers turns almost white due to burnout. At first, the flower has a goblet shape, after which the stamens open to the eye. Falls off after about 4 days. It blooms very profusely, the aroma is felt several meters away. Often the buds are affected by gray rot, but due to the abundance of flowers, it is invisible. The leaves are matte, light green in color.

The thorns are small, infrequent. If you touch this park rose without gloves, splinters remain on the skin. Fruits are formed but not ripe. The bush reaches 1.5 meters. You do not need to cover, reproduction occurs by shoots. Planting is done along the fence, since it grows huge and does not require special care.

Poppius scrub

Flowers with a strong aroma, semi-double, medium-sized, pink in color. Leaves consist of 8 leaves, matte structure. The bush is very thorny. The height reaches more than 1.5 meters, does not need support. It blooms early during the crescent, with fruit setting, which, when ripe, becomes maroon in color. Frost-resistant, you do not need to cover. Reproduction occurs by shoots. Due to its size, this variety of park rose can be planted along the fence.

Pimpinellifolia plena

A creamy white rose with a strong aroma and semi-double flowers. Reaches a height of 1.5 meters, does not need support. It blooms once every 12 days with an ovary of fruits that mature to almost black. The leaves consist of 8 leaves of a matte structure. The bush is covered with frequent thorns. Frost-resistant variety, does not require shelter. Propagated by shoots. Landing is done along the fence.

Hybrid Rugosa (Canada)

This variety has beautiful, pink, double flowers with a strong aroma. Abundant flowering, within a month, even if the buds are affected by gray mold, which occurs in a rainy summer. Frosted slightly wrinkled leaves, shoots with dense thorns. It grows to almost 2 meters in length. She does not need shelter for the winter, she tolerates frosts. Reproduction occurs by shoots, planting is done along the fence.

So that roses please their own appearance, should know some of the nuances:

Beautiful park roses will delight you with abundant flowering for a long time, if you provide competent care, find a sunny place with breathable soil.

Park roses are a great option for decorating a garden in the harsh Russian conditions. Indeed, in our climate it is so difficult to grow many varieties of beautiful plants, and among these roses there are excellent winter hardy varieties... Therefore, it is very important that in most cases this type of rose can be left without shelter for the winter. In this way, park roses resemble other shrubs, for example, lilacs. Therefore, they are perfect for middle lane, for example, Moscow and Moscow region.

General properties

Park roses are the same ordinary wild rose hips, only cultivated. Their height at favorable conditions reaches 1.5 meters. Moreover, the period of their flowering begins at the very beginning of June, sometimes even at the end of May.

Park roses delight with a variety of shades: from white to red. There are even such exotic shades for roses as orange and purple. The flowers themselves are terry. Their number can be up to 150 pieces. This is not found in any of the other varieties of roses.

The beautiful flowering period lasts more than a month. However, the benefits of park roses do not end there. They will delight the eye even in autumn. Thanks to the picturesque color of leaves and fruits in autumn, these varieties look no less impressive than in summer. At the same time, they look advantageous both in single seating and in a group.

The history of the appearance of park roses began before our era. So, there is information that they decorated the gardens of the pharaohs; admired in Ancient Greece... Over time, new varieties of park roses have been bred. Such popular varieties have appeared: hybrid tea, polyanthus. They acquired a new quality - they began to have repeated flowering. Naturally, they ousted their predecessors.

Currently, the work of breeders to develop new varieties of roses continues. Not so long ago, "English roses" were bred.

Landing features

To make the roses comfortable, and they delight you for a long time with a riot of their flowering, you should provide them with a well-ventilated place. Plus it should be pretty sunny. Of course, roses will grow in a semi-dark place, but in this case, their flowering will not be so abundant. Therefore, do not plant park roses near large trees.

Advice! These plants love light. Avoid drafts.

Park roses are not capricious in terms of soil. Virtually any type of soil is suitable for them, but it is still better to use clay soil, which contains a large amount of humus. It is important that the soil is well oxygenated. If the soil is heavy, it can be improved simply by adding peat or compost. However, too light soil may also not work. In such a case, it is recommended to fertilize it with manure or turf soil.

Nuances of care

The best time to plant park roses is autumn. It is advisable to do this between mid-September and the first frost. Thus, if you are planning to plant park roses, then you need to do this before the second half of autumn. In such a situation, the plant will have time to create new roots. This will give it some developmental advantage in the spring.

Advice! Prepare the soil a couple of weeks before planting.

It is best to prune the shoots in the spring. Dig a hole deep enough for the roots to settle freely in it. Pour the compost soil with the addition of bone meal into the pit. Top dressing will be required only after a year. Arrange the roots so that they do not curl upward. The seedlings should be kept at such a height that the root collar is several centimeters below the ground. Fill in the hole and compact. Water the rose. If you are planting in the fall, then prepare it for future frosts. Make the mounds high enough. Roses should be opened in early April.

The first three years after planting, the plant should be cared for:

  • often loosen the soil around the bushes;
  • feed with special fertilizers, three or four times over the summer;
  • fertilize with manure in the fall;
  • spray the stems from about May to June with special substances that stimulate growth. It is enough to do this two or three times. This will promote the formation of side shoots.

Advice! It is important to provide thorough care during this period, since at this time the process of formation of the main stems of the plant takes place, as well as the formation of a strong root system.

Bush pruning is essential. At the same time, the first couple of years after planting occurs, you should not carry out pruning almost once. After this period, the plant must be shaped into a bowl, leaving only the most stable and powerful shoots. Weak and lethargic should be removed.

Caring for park roses is complicated by the fact that over time the bushes grow, and they lose their well-groomed appearance. This means that the time has come to carry out pruning, which will allow the bush to rejuvenate somewhat. The oldest stems should be chopped off in the fall and most of the small shoots and non-flowering branches should be removed. Therefore, pruning is necessary.

Advice! Park roses are distinguished by their excessive "thorniness". Therefore, prepare gardening gloves and a canvas apron to avoid injury.

Features of preparation for winter

Park roses should be especially carefully prepared for winter. Although mature bushes are frost-resistant and do not need to be covered. But if your bush is still young enough, then it should provide shelter for the winter. To do this, you should:

  • sprinkle the base of the bushes with earth;
  • wrap the branches with craft paper, preferably in several layers.

Description of the advantages of the variety:

  • disease resistance;
  • winter hardiness;
  • resistance of flowers to rain.

The flower of the Westerland variety has the properties of a chameleon: as it blooms, it changes its color depending on weather conditions... In sunny weather, it turns pink with a yellow core. In cloudy conditions, flowers take on a deep pink hue and can remain so until they shed.

Westerland bloom again - this is another positive characteristic. Almost all summer this variety will delight you with its rich beautiful flowers. The flower is semi-double. The foliage of the bush has a rich juicy green color with an olive tint.

Advice! This variety of roses requires a garter due to the fragility of the shoots. It is good to plant it near a wall so that it serves as a support for him. The plant should be covered for the winter.


This chameleon rose is relatively young. Breeders bred her in 2006 and awarded this original name, in which some hear the names of the well-known heroes of the popular animated series, while others - a reference to the eminent English furniture factory.

Rose Chippendale (see photo) has the following characteristic features:

  • large flowers;
  • bright Orange color at the beginning of flowering, pink at the end;
  • thick double;
  • classic vintage look;
  • interesting aroma;
  • dark green shiny foliage.

Shrub roses are distinguished by the fact that they bloom profusely throughout the season. They bloom again. If you plant it in the middle lane, including in the Moscow region, then the rose requires shelter.

Louis Audier

This rose belongs to the "park bush" variety and has neat double large flowers (see photo).

The flowers of the Luis-Odier bush have a cupped shape. The bush itself is quite powerful. The foliage has a pleasant pale green color. The planting of this rose has the following peculiarity: it requires a secluded place. It should be planted away from other plants. Ideally, it can be attached to the center of the flower bed. It goes well with coniferous shrubs such as spruce, pine and fir.

Rose "Chinatown"

This interesting view spray roses (see photo) are suitable for the middle zone of our country. But for successful wintering, it needs to be covered for the cold season. The variety is good both for single planting and for the formation of a group composition in a rose garden.

Description of the variety:

  • creamy yellow inflorescences with small dark pink blotches;
  • goblet shape of buds;
  • stable pleasant aroma;
  • profuse flowering.

Rose canadian park prairie joy

Another decent park rose variety. In favorable conditions, it can reach 150 cm in height and 125 cm in width. The variety has rather large flowers that have a pleasant characteristic, but weak aroma. The color of the buds is deep pink (see photo).

The flowering period of the variety begins around the end of June and continues throughout the season with short breaks. This species differs from others in that both densely double and semi-double inflorescences can form on the same bush. The plant has a strong and branched bush. The advantages of the Canadian rose include its weak thorniness.

The Prairi Joy variety is quite demanding on the soil, so planting should be done on the ground, which is saturated with humus and has sufficient moisture capacity. Therefore, we can say that the variety requires special care... This plant is resistant to winter, and therefore is suitable for the conditions of central Russia, since it does not need additional shelter when preparing for winter. The bush is good for group planting: for example, in a rose garden. Trimming requires weak.

All of these varieties are great for the Moscow region.

In this way, beautiful plants can be grown in the conditions of central Russia, including Moscow and the Moscow region. Many of the varieties of park roses are unpretentious to care for and do not require shelter for the winter. However, there are also quite delicate varieties that need careful care and attention. Everyone can grow such a small miracle. The main thing is to properly carry out pruning and other care.

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