Perennial Garden Flowers Lichnis: Varieties, photos, landing and care. Sowing night beauties in open ground

Landscape design and layout 12.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

A variety of forms and brightness of petals of the inflorescence of Likhnis is simply amazed. This plant is equally loved by experienced designers and beginner gardeners. The article describes in detail the Lichnis, landing and caring for it in the open ground, presents a description of the plant, lists the most popular varieties, features of breeding, growing, are popular combinations with other plants in landscape design. The article is illustrated by high-quality photos.

Description of Lichnis: varieties and varieties

Gorizvet, dawn - Folk Names of Lichnis, very precisely transmitting main feature This flower. Lichnis is immediately noticeable on any flowerbed: bright flower Just striking. Stems of Lichnis straight, height from 30 cm to 1 m, depending on the variety of plants, an unusual ash color with a few lunk-shaped leaves. Inflorescences are usually white, pink or red tones.

Flowering Lichnis

Perennial flowering lasts about a month, and if you remove dried flowers on time, you can lengthen specified period For more than a few weeks. Another feature of the plant is soaps (rhizome, petals can be washed), therefore, the people are also called the "Tatar soap" or "wash".

Lichnis, landing and care for it is not particularly difficult, so the flower is recommended as one of the first for growing inexperienced gardeners.

The genus Lichnis contains more than 30 species of plants as annual and perennial, but 10 species received the most widely distribution in landscape design, including Lichnis crown, Chalcedony, Alpine, Viscription.

Chalcedony Lichnis - Perennial height up to 1 meter with direct stem. Oval leaflets or lane-shaped shape are littered with the smallest hairs. Flowers are small (up to 1 cm) are combined into inflorescences in the form of a cap, white, red or pink shade.

Lichnis Chalcedonsky

Crown Lichnis - Perennials with dense-hearted stems of dark ash-gray. Reaches a height of 80-90 cm. Blooms in the end of spring - early summer and blooms to late autumn. Pink, white or bright raspberry tone inflorescences. Single inflorescences, on the stems are quite thick. Most often in the open ground there are "Endzhela Blanche" (a bush with large crimson-raspberry, white, dark pink inflorescences), the "Mysterious Island" (the flowers of the edge of the White, the core pinkish).

Lichnis crown

Unlike the two previous species, lichnis Alpine - low (up to 20 cm) shrub, often used in landscape design when designing stony slides, rocaries. This type of Lichnis is quite simple in landing and care, but it should be remembered that it is distinguished by the intolerance to acidic soil. Breeds seeds. In the gardening in the open ground, the variety "Lara" is grown with gentle pink inflorescences.

Lichnis Alpine

Lichnis Viscription It grows in a height of one meter, it is distinguished by a special shade of stems - they are crimson. The inflorescence of the buggy shape with crystal-white, brightly crimson or pinkish petals. Blooms in spring (at the end of May) and blooms all June and July. The cultivation of Lichnis Viscription is recommended on loose wet soils. The photo is spectacularly like a "rosette" grade with bright crimson terry inflorescences.

Lichnis Viscription

Lichnis Haage - Compact bush, grows up to 40-50 cm, withdrawn by breeders as a garden hybrid. It is distinguished by bright red or bright orange inflorescences collected in the brush. The petals of the grained lava variety are painted in bright bloody tones.

Lichnis Haage

Lichnis Jupiter Forms loose bushes, the height of the stems is about 80 cm, powered by white hairs. Inflorescences light purple. The bush is desirable to rejuvenate every 4 years.

Lichnis Jupiter

Locking Lichnis

Successful cultivation of Lichnis directly depends on the conditions of its landing in open sad and ensuring proper care.
Lichnis can grow in half, but all its potential is revealed when landing is on sunny side, then the inflorescences acquire a greater volume, become magnificent and brighter. Lichnis is frost-resistant, does not require shelter for wintering.

Attention: Perennial shrub May grow in one place for more than 5 years.

Suitable soil for Lihnis - Moisturized, containing sand (at the rate of 1 sand bucket of coarse-grained 1 square meter Square allotted for growing plants). The soil must be in a loose state, to drain well to avoid water stagnation and shrub death. Approximately a month before Lichnis landing, it is recommended to prepare the soil for it: to switch the soil, at the same time introducing a calmagnezia (about 40 g per square meter), superphosphate (50 g), 10 kg.

Space Lichnis on the sunny side of the site

Caring for Lichnis

Lichnis, like many other perennials, easy enough to care. It is necessary to water it in moderate on time, mulch, fertilize, feed, trim dry inflorescences and shoots.

Tip: You can not pour the flower with water and allow the moisture of the soil under it, the moisture stagnation in the open soil. The roots of Lihnis will begin to rot and the plant can die.

Watering of Lichnis should be moderate - as the soil drying

In the fall, it should be trimmed (all stems almost under the root). To strengthen the perennial for the winter is not necessary. Every 5 years, the shrub needs a transplant.

Fertilizer and subordinate

The cultivation of Lichnis is not difficult, but the plant with the necessary minerals should be ensured, making 2-3 times during the season of vegetation Mineral fertilizers. The first time the perennial should be filing during the period of active growth, but before the start of flowering, prepare a solution from potassium sulfate, carbamide, superphosphate (take one tablespoon on the water bucket). Watering the plant at the rate of 3 liter of the solution per 1 square meter of the square.

Fertilize Lichnis Mineral Fertilizers

During fertilizer flowering, a different solution is used, which includes superphosphate, potassium sulfate, agricola 7 preparation - all 1 tablespoon. Dilute in 10 liters of pure water and water, spending up to 5 liters of fertilizer per square meter of the growing of Lihnis. The same solution should be filled with a perennial fall after the end of flowering.

Reproduction of the plant

It is possible to propagate the likhnis in a vegetative way (dividing the bush, cuttings) or seeds.

  1. Reproduction seeds. Likhnis, unlike other shrubs, is quite well multiplied by seeds that have excellent germination, individual species and varieties can even multiply by self-sow. For the cultivation of Lichnis from seeds, they need their spring (April-May) to sow in open ground. The most suitable temperature mode For their germination - about 18-20 ° C, the time appearance of shoots - 3 weeks after sowing. To improve the conditions for the germination of seeds, it is possible to cover the crops with film or agrovolok. After germination, shoots need to be divered and planted at a permanent place. Flowering Lichnis, grown from seeds in the open soil, will be no earlier than the next year. The more dense germination of seeds is possible in their stratification (change of temperature mode).
  2. Reproduction of cuttings produced at the beginning of summer. To do this, the young shoots of the plant up to 20-25 cm long shoots, plant or under the film, wait for rooting and transplant to a permanent place at the beginning of autumn.
  3. Reproduction of the division of the bush. From maternal bush Together with the rhizome, the part containing young shoots is separated, and transplanted to a new place.

Seeds of Lichnis

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests of Lichnis are rarely infected, but incorrect leaving It may be affected by tickweight, flies dew, aphid, leaflet.

The cultivation of a perennial in an open overwhelmed soil can provoke its disease with root rot, spottedness, heads, rust. It is recommended to ensure good soil drainage under the plant, constantly cut forward a shrub, the soil is predefined before planting Lichnis should be treated with copper-containing drugs.


If the plant is infected with a leaflet, it should be treated with biopreparations, for example, a solution of tobacco beam, tomato tops. But with a strong damage it is necessary to apply chemical insecticides (actara, intavir, carbofos). The processing of Lichnis by the specified drugs by spraying before the start of flowering will prevent further infection, but the plant will not bloom in the current season.

Lichnis - beautiful blooming perennial The family of cloves. Completed throughout the northern hemisphere from moderate to subarctic belt. In the people, the plant is more often called "dawn" or "horizon." It forms thick curtains, abundantly covered with flowers, so Lichnis is a welcome guest for any flowerbed or garden. The rules of care for it are not very complex, it will be able to master them will be able to a beginner flower or a person with a little experience in care garden plants.

Botanical description

Lichnis is a rhizable land plant, it has a straight-standing stalk with a height of 40-100 cm. From one curtain, several shoots develop. They rarely have branch. The bark of reddish or gray is covered with a short, thick pile. Long heart-shaped leaves form a thick root rosette. The pubescent leaves with a smooth edge and a pointed end are sitting on the stem.

The flowering period falls at the beginning of the summer. At the top of the stem blooms a dense flap of inflorescence from small tubular colors. The diameter of the venik is 1.5-2 cm. At the end of a narrow tube, the petals are widely disclosed. They can be painted in scarlet, carmic, lilac, pink or white color. Short stamens look out of the center. Blossom can last up to a month.

After pollination, the fruit ripens the nuts with a variety of small nuclei. Each honesty seed is painted in a dark brown color and has a rough surface. Its diameter is about 2 mm. Seeds retain the ability to germinate up to 4 years.

Popular species of Lichnis

In the genus of Lichnis there are about 30 varieties. Among them are annuals and perennials.

A perennial plant with branched stems reaches a height of 80-90 cm. Ash-gray shoots are hidden under bright green foliage. In the last decade of May, the first flowers appear. They are collected in thick panels of inflorescences and painted in a raspberry, white or pink shade. Flowers are saved until October. Beautiful varieties:

  • Endzhela Blanche - is distinguished by large raspberry or dark pink inflorescences;
  • Mysterious island - Flowers have a pink middle and white bordering on the petals.

A large variety is capable of reaching 1 m in height. Strengthened, weak stems are covered with oval leaves. The shoots and foliage are densedly. Small buds are assembled into dense hats, which rise above the curtain. The diameter of the whisk with white or red petals does not exceed 1 cm.

This species can grow both along the roads and along the shores of the reservoirs. It is most resistant to overwhelmed soils. The base of the stem is a thick socket from oval, shortened leaves. Above it is a lot of shoots with a height of 20-90 cm. Top part Stems branched and decorated with dense pink inflorescences. The diameter of each flower reaches 4 cm. Thin, carved petals are painted in pink color. They bloom at the end of May. Decorative varieties:

  • Nana - up to 15 cm high;
  • Rosa captivity - decorated with terry pink flowers;
  • Alba - white inflorescences bloom over the bush.

Long, weakly fruitful stems are covered with a bugger. Whiteline inflorescences consist of pink, raspberry or white shade buds. The first colors are revealed in May and persist until the end of July. Popular grade "Rosetta", it has brightly crimson terry flowers.

This compact variety of no more than 20 cm in height takes the shape of an empty shrub. Unpretentious plant Forms dense pink inflorescences. Widely used to decorate alpine slides. Popular decorative variety "Lara" with numerous light pink flowers.

Compact shrubs grow at 35-40 cm in height. Stems and narrow leaves are painted in a burgundy color. On the tops of the shoots blooming solitary flowers or small inflorescences. Orange petals are collected in a symmetric vintage with a diameter of about 3 cm. The flowering continues from the end of June to mid-August. Decorative variety Vesuvius is distinguished by wide heart-shaped leaves of bright green color and more thick inflorescences.

An herbal perennial forms thick thickets with a height of 40-45 cm. All over the height of the stem are quite large dark green leaves of the heart-shaped. Bright orange buds are in carious inflorescences. The diameter of each whisk reaches 5 cm. Soft, carved petals are rendered perpendicular to the tube. Flowers are revealed since the end of June.

Methods of breeding

Modifying Lichnis can be three main ways:

  • Sowing seeds. Seeds board together and quickly. With their help you can immediately get a large number of Plants. Frequently cases of samosv. Sevings produce immediately in open ground. It is necessary to do this at the end of April - May, when the average daily temperature reaches + 18 ... + 20 ° C. The crops are distributed at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. They will germinate in 2-3 weeks. So that shooters appear faster, you can cover the soil with a film. When the seedlings acquire 2-3 leaves, they are priced and planted at a permanent place. Blossoms expect the next year.
  • Rooting cuttings. In June, young shoots are cut without buds with a length of about 20 cm. Root them in loose sadovaya soil. You can prepare a special box or a greenhouse. By September, the cuttings will have strong roots and they can be resettled at a permanent place.
  • Decision bush. On the parent plant is formed every year the root processes are formed. When the bush becomes too thick, it is recommended to divide into several parts. The procedure is carried out in April-May. The plant is completely digging and separated lateral processes with its own rhizome. Delinki immediately planted on a new place, so that the roots do not swam.

Care rules

Lichnis care is not complicated. However, the beauty of colors depends on the selected location.

Lighting. It is best to choose an open, well-lit plot. A small shadow is allowed. It is on the bright sun flowering that will be long and abundant.

The soil. Lichnis needs to plant on the lungs, well-drained soils. In the preparation of the site, a sufficient amount of coarse sand should be added. Before boarding, it is necessary to switch the soil and make fertilizer in it. For each m² use:

  • compost (up to 10 kg);
  • superphosphate (50 g);
  • kalimagnezia (40 g).

Watering. Lichnis does not tolerate water in the soil, it is necessary to water it only during periods of long drought. It is also helpful to spray bushes on top.

Fertilizer. Lichnis is recommended to feed for a more abundant and long flowering. On the fertile soils Mineral complexes for blooming are brought 2-3 times per season. At the depleted soils, the feeder is produced monthly or more.

Trimming. To extend the flowering period, you need to remove faded buds. After trimming on shoots, new blooms can be formed. At the end of the autumn, it should be completely cut off the entire ground part of the plant.

Wintering. Lichnis is good winter without shelter. If a harsh winter is expected, the soil should be sprinkled with false foliage or pagan. Terry varieties need shelter in any case.

Possible difficulties

The most frequent pests are leaflerting and notes. They can be processed insecticides or use folk Methods (decoction of tobacco leaves or tomato tops).

Use in the garden

Charming Lichnis certainly arrives in a flower bed. No wonder his name is translated as a lamp. He illuminates the flower bed with his flowers. Lichnis group landings are good in the middle of a green lawn. Some varieties love the proximity of water, so suitable for decorating the shores of the reservoir. Sharply varieties are spectacular on alpine Gorki, in rockers and mix bears. The best neighbors for the horizontal are bells, primula, Guylardia, nyond. If you make a mix exclusively from lichensions with various colorful Flowers will also work out beautiful flower bed.

Lichnis can be grown not only in the garden, but also in a pot. In the summer it is put out on the street, and in the winter the plant will delight the juicy greens in the room.

All alive not the earth stretches to the Sun to warm up and swim in his blissful rays. But mirabilis - a flower of another level, and he is not friendly with the Sun, but with the lunar and quiet stars ... it amazing plant Challenged the nature and established its laws in the flower world: Flowers reveals only with the arrival of the night, and during the day, rests from close attention.

In a quiet lunar night, it is possible to enjoy its amazing pink flowers and a delightful, charming aroma. Probably, therefore the Flower Mirabilis nicknamed dawn - evening or clear, Who likes! Although there is a third name of this plant - the royal beard. Such "nickname" evening dawn is obliged due to the pomp, the length and representativeness of the root system. See what it is beautiful plant!

Mirabilis Landing and Care

Put the evening dawn just For this you need or ask for a little familiar. Mirabilis flowers abundantly, after which seed boxes Mature large seeds of black color. In the fall, they need to collect, slightly dry and leave until spring. When the threat of spring frosts passes, hang up the evening dawn and plump the ground slightly. Distance should be observed between plants in 50-80 centimeters, because the bushes grow lush and grow greatly into width.

Miracle carenot much different from the care of everyone: periodic loosening, the removal of weeds, systematic and possibly. Although, without feeding, evening dawn grows dynamically and abundantly blooms.

July is the beginning of the bloom of Miracle. First, the plant shows a single gentle pink flowersBut after some time it is completely covered with them and looks like a festive. Flowering lasting. When the twilight descend on the ground, the gentle inflorescence of Mirabilis is revealed, and the evening is filled barely forces, but such a divine aroma (for this phenomenon I adore, Lavender, Mattioh, and, of course, evening dawn!). Closer to dinner next day They close and rest until the next night.

Few people know that evening dawn can be saved until next year. To this end, in the fall, you need to dig root and put it in a pot. The container with the plant should be put in a cool place and very rarely water. Somewhere in you will see that the kidneys awoke on the plant. Then it can be reached in warm and strengthen watering, and also periodically feed. For such care, the dawn will respond instantly and very soon will not only increase the green mass, but also blooms. Evening dawn will become original decoration Any apartment. With coming spring days It can be taken to the cottage and land in an open ground. K belongs well, even in the growing season. According to the Mirabian bushes, preserved in this way, bloom more generously than grown out. Knowing that not everyone is lucky to acquire such a "blessing" as a cottage, I advise: Mirabilisa can land the old bucket or a large vanza and put on.

Mirappa Yalapa has unique feature: On one bush, multicolored flowers bloom! Imagine how the bush will look original, at which white and pink-orange inflorescences are simultaneously collected. Moreover, each flower strikes with its individuality: one is decorated with gentle-white lines, the second - original stains, and the third thing was covered with snow-white points. And I really like her "conspicency": Fuckingly blooms together with

Lychnis (lat. Lychnis) - This is the genus of perennial plants of the clove family, although sometimes it is included in the composition of the genus Smolevka. The scientific name of the genus, derived from the Greek word meaning "lamp", was given or because of the flowers of bright color, or because the leaves of one of the species in antiquity were used as a wick. Plant Lichnis is mentioned in the works of the theofora. In the culture of Flower Lichnis from the end of the XVI century. In the genus on different sources from 20 to 50 species growing in the nature of the northern hemisphere, 15 plant species are grown in culture.

Landing and care for Lichnis (brief)

  • Bloom: From the end of May until the end of July from the second year after sowing.
  • Landing: Sowing seeds in open ground - under winter or in early spring.
  • Lighting: Bright sun, but Lichnis crown prefers halftime and shadow.
  • The soil: Moderately wet, well-drained and fertile.
  • Watering: Regular, in the heat frequent.
  • Feeding: 2-3 per season: 1st - as soon as shoots appear, then every 2-3 weeks.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: TLL, leaflerting.
  • Diseases: Root rot, rust, spotted leaves.

Read more about Growing Lichnis below

Flower Lichnis - Description

Likhnis is a herbaceous rhizome perennial plant height from 40 to 100 cm with straight, rounded in the cross section of a stem, covered with hairs. Leaves at Luncia Lancing-ovoid, sharp, sometimes the heart-shaped at the base, on both sides are rough, half-blooded. Owned flowers with a diameter of about 2 cm with dicotyledtic petals of bright red, pink, yellowish, white or bright orange colors are collected in the finite panels or heads. Fruit of Likhnis - multi-cased with a honestable dark brown seeds with a diameter of up to 2 mm, which retain the germination for 3-4 years. In one place, Lichnis many years of growing up to 5 years.

Growing of Lichnis from seeds

When to plant a duff

Propagated by the seeds of Lichnis sow in an open soil under winter or early spring. In any case, the first flowering you will see in a year, except when landing under the winter and favorable weather, Lichnis will bloom in the summer, and even that is not in full force. If you want to see the flowering already in the current year, it will be necessary in March to sow seeds of Lichnis to seedlings, pre-subjected to them within 2-4 weeks of stratification in the refrigerator. Sowing contains at a temperature of 18-20 ºC, shoots may appear in a few weeks, and to landing in the open soil, Lichnis from the seed will be ready by the end of May after two-week hardening.

For reckless way Growing Lichnis is sowing in the open ground from April to June.

How to plant Lichnis in the garden

Lichnis - a plant for growing conditions undemanding, but when choosing a place for its sowing, it should be borne in mind that, except for the crowns, which grows perfectly in the shade, all kinds love the sections lit by the sun, and the soil prefer well drained, fertile and moderately wet. Therefore, before sowing, it is necessary to put into the ground for each m² on the bucket of river sand, 50 g of superphosphate and 40 g of Kalimagnezia, and if the soil is on the clay area, it is necessary to additionally feel it with a humus or compost. Sound soil in front of sowing lime.

The cold stratification of seeds in the grooves held during the month, close and watered. Optimal temperature germination of Lichnis seeds 18-20 ºC. Shoot will appear in 17-25 days.

Caring for Lichnis

Lichnis in the open soil needs regular irrigation, especially in severe heat. After moisturizing, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil around the plants and putting out weeds. Keep in mind that Likhnis is a plant, devoid of factories, and for his life and health will have to fight. Remove the faded inflorescences to extend the blossom of Lihnis, and do not let other plants make their way to his site.

The cultivation of Lihnisa implies an introduction for the growing season 2-3 feeding. The first feeding is carried out by complex mineral fertilizer, as soon as shoots will slightly grow up and fix it, and then follow-up every 2-3 weeks.

Diseases and pests of Lichnis

With too frequent or excessively abundant irrigation, Lichnis can get root rot, rust or spotted leaves. In order to prevent prevention, it is necessary to establish a plant watering regime, taking into account your climate and weather, so that water is not formed in the roots of Lichnis, and when the fungal disease is detected, without informing, resort to the processing of the fungicide solution.

If you notice on plant or leaflerting plants, treat the plated tobacco decoction or tomato tops, adding a grated soap, but if there are many insects, resort to insecticides.

Lichnis after flowering

Winter is in the garden without shelter, for this he is enough frost. Exception is only terry grades Plants that need to be covered for the winter. When the leaves and stalks of Lihnis begin to turn yellow and dry, they are cut to the base. The terry plants after trimming are covered with peat, foliage or fall asleep dry ground.

As you can see, landing Lichnis and care for it is not laborious.

Types and varieties of Lichnis

In culture, many species and varieties of Lichnis are grown, with whom we are pleased to introduce you.

- Compact plant with a height of 35-40 cm, narrow leaves and stems of which are painted in a burgundy shade. Little inflorescences or single flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm with orange petals are open at the ends of the stems at the end of June and bloom until mid-August. The most famous variety of the form:

  • lichnis Vesuviy - Plant with wide heart-shaped bright green leaves and more dense than the main type, inflorescences of orange-red flowers.

inhabit Fondra and Tundra Scandinavia, East North America and Greenland, as well as the Alpine and mining belt of Europe. This is a perennial tall of 10-20 cm with roasting rosettes of leaves and several stems with linear opposite leaves. This type of flowers are raspberry or red-pink, assembled in pan. Popular grade:

  • Lara - Plant with numerous delicate pink flowers.

distributed in the predfaccise, the Crimea, in the south-west of Siberia, in Central Europe. The stalks of this herbaceous perennial reaches a height from 40 to 100 cm, in the upper part they are sticky, for which the plant is called a fruit. Flowers at the widow or white, collected by 5-7 pieces in a muve, forming the blurred inflorescence. Popular use:

  • lichnis Rosetta - grade with bright crimson terry flowers;
  • lichnis terry flora pleasing - plant height up to 30 cm with narrow linear roasting leaves of a dark green shade and forming brushes with purulent terry flowers 2-3 cm in diameter.

- a grassy perennial plant, reaching a height from 40 to 90 cm. It forms a loose brushes made of pink flowers, although sometimes there is a white lichnis crown. Top varieties:

  • Enegez Blanche - grade with white, dark pink or raspberry flowers;
  • Mysterious Island - Plant with flowers with pink middle and white border along the edge of petals.

or cukushkin Color (Lychnis Flos-Cuculi) Growing on most of Europe. it gentle plantForming a loose turf from sockets and straight lines, branching in the upper part of the stems up to 1 m high. Stem leaves are opposite, narrow, diminishing in size to the top of the stem. Large, but very thin pink flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm form palate inflorescences. Petals are cut on 4 shares that hang and twist. Sometimes you can meet the shape with white flowers. The most demanded varieties of this species are:

  • Nana - a plant height is only 15 cm;
  • Alba - grade with white color flowers;
  • Rosa captivity - Lichnis pink, terry.

from Eastern Siberia., China, Japan and with Far East. In the height, the straight stems of this species reach 40-60 cm. In Lichnis sparkling oval-lanceal or oblong-egg-shaped light green leaves and collected in the shield-sound inflorescences Charbohovo-red flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm with separated by 4 parts petals.

Lychnis Xaageana

- This is a garden hybrid with a height of 40-45 cm with oblong-egg-shaped leaves, red-orange flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm, collected 3-7 pieces in the brush. The petals of the flowers are deeply scrapped, with a bend, on each side they have a narrow long teeth. The species is distinguished by winter hardiness. The most famous variety of the form:

  • Male Lava - Plant with bronze leaves and bright red flowers collected in umbrellas.

Lichnis is called a beautiful plant, blooming for many years from the clove family. It grows in a moderate and subtropical climate. Lichnis is unusually beautiful, gardeners love him and use with pleasure professional designers. His name of Greek origin - "Lichnos" means "lamp".

It does not accidentally carry such a name, because in ancient times the plant was used as a wick. The national name "Dawn", "Gorizvet", "Owl". The first two names were obtained for bright flowers, which are burning in the middle of the flower.

The last name was fixed behind the flower due to its unusual soaps. Therefore, in ancient times, the plant was not only a phytylene, but also used as soap. It is not difficult to care for Lichnis. With this task, even a beginner flower or a regular amateur will cope with this task.

The most running grade "Maltese Cross", named, because there is flowers in the form of crosses.

  • Lichnis Jupiter. Born on alpine slopes. The plant is high, reaching 80 cm. Stems completely covered with the leaves of oval shape. Flowers from the middle of summer. Flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm have a purple color. This kind of Lichnis loves sunny places, resistant to drought and easily tolerate frost. It is advisable to rejuvenate the bush in 4 years.


The right conditions of Lichnis landing in an open ground is the first step towards successful cultivation beautifully. blooming Plants. He can grow and blossom in dark placesHowever, the beauty of flowering will show only grown in sunny territories.

Inflorescences not only become brighter, but also acquire big sizes. In winter, there is no need for the shelter of Lihnis, the plant can easily carry any cold.

The soil in which the Lichnis grows necessarily should consist of moisturized sand. Its quantity is calculated as follows: one square meter of the territory is poured a bucket of coarse-grained sand.

The soil is constantly needed to loosen, it will save the plant from death as a result of water stagnation. If there is an opportunity to prepare the ground for landing of Likhnis for a month, pumping the calmagnezia, superphosphate and humus.


The plant does not require special care and does not cause any difficulties. All that is required is a timely watering, fertilizer, feeding, mulching and eliminating dead shoots and colors. With the onset of autumn, Lichnis is cut completely.

What to fertilize Lichnis?

Despite the simplicity of plant care, it must be constantly fertilized by minerals. The feeding is carried out about 2 - 3 times in one season of vegetation.

Initially, Lichnis is trying to feed when it is actively gaining growth, but not yet blooms. The feeding solution should consist of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and carbamide. Watering produce three buckets per square meter.

When the plant is actively blooming, the solution should already include potassium sulfate, superphosphate and agriculu - 7, mixed on a tablespoon in 10 liters of water. This solution is suitable for autumn feeding.


Lichnis breeds vegetatively with the help of cuttings, dividing the bush or seeds. Consider each option separately:

Diseases and pests

Lichnis very rarely can attract the attention of pests or be amazed by serious diseases.

However, if the plant is wrong to care for, a web tick, a word can be attacked puffy dew and leaflet.

With constant overflow, the plant appears root rot, rust, head, leaf spot.

The soil drainage is mandatory when growing Lihnis, the thinning of the bush is also very important. You can process the Earth before disembarking Lichnis by various drugs of light shape.

In the event of a bush damage to the leaflet, it is treated with biological products, such as tobacco or tomato tops. If the defeat has acquired a serious scale, only chemicals (,). They will save the plant, but it will not be able to bloom in the coming year.

Combination with plants

Great Lichnis with the following colors:

  • aster;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • nyurian;
  • bell;
  • gypsophil;
  • carnation.

Use in landscape

Lichnis is used landscape designers When drawing up flower beds and mixtures. Ideal for stony slides.

Still Lichnis is often planted on the shore garden ponds And even the lakes. Tall views are suitable for decoration of walls, fences and arbors in the summer.

Lichnis Alpine plant on solar sites mainly in the mountaineers. Bright flowers Great looks on the background of plants with yellow inflorescences.

From Lichnis you can make bakery compositions, but they are not worth it for a long time. therefore the best way use this bright Plants - Flower beds and mountaineering.

It is in such places that can be alive to enjoy saturated paints of this amazing flower.

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