Astra perennial ground cover planting and breeding care. Flower perennial aster planting and care in the open field, growing from seeds and seedlings of a peony variety with a photo, name and description of October

garden equipment 14.06.2019
garden equipment

Among the huge family of asters, perennial asters stand out. And among them are undersized and curb varieties. A short, or dwarf, aster is especially good for borders, for planting along the edge of flower beds, large boxes, in landscape compositions combined with evergreen shrubs, ornamental grasses or with conifers. Low-growing asters are valued by gardeners for their frost resistance. It's so nice to see in a garden that fell asleep on the eve of winter bright stars dwarf asters.

In total, there are about five hundred varieties undersized asters. For their unostentatious, unlike hybrid varieties, grown under the cut, decorativeness and endurance, undersized asters are also called true.

This herbaceous plant is good in cut and in open field. Perennial asters have stiff, upright, densely leafy stems ranging in height from twenty-five centimeters to one and a half meters. The leaves are small, rich dark green. Flowers, simple or double, with a diameter of one to five centimeters. The color palette of dwarf asters ranges from white and blue to purple and crimson. According to the time of development, they belong to several groups:

  • early - bloom in May-June;
  • summer - bloom in July-August;
  • autumn - bloom in September-November and even under the first snow delight with bright heads of inflorescences.

Pictured are perennial asters

The most common varieties of perennial asters

The most common and popular varieties of perennial dwarf asters are alpine, Italian, New England, shrub.

- a stunted plant up to thirty centimeters high and with an inflorescence diameter of about 4 centimeters. The flowering of the alpine aster begins only a year after sowing the seeds. Inflorescences are usually blue, pink, white, purple and crimson red. The flowering of this variety begins in early summer and is distinguished by a particularly abundant color, lasting about a month. After the end of flowering, dark green bushes retain their special decorative effect.

Due to the structural features of the flower, it is sometimes called the chamomile aster. Italian aster blooms in mid-July - August and continues to bloom until mid-autumn. The flowers of the Italian aster are lilac, with a diameter of up to two and a half centimeters. They are very reminiscent of everyone's favorite blue chamomile. This aster stands very well in a bouquet and can please the eye in a bouquet for up to two weeks.

This is one of the most popular types of perennial dwarf aster. The bushes of this perennial plant grow up to two meters in height. The flowers are large, 4-5 centimeters in diameter and are pink, white, dark purple or blue. Various types of New England aster bloom from early summer to late autumn. This plant retains freshness well in the cut and is very loved by florists for this.

Refers to dwarf late flowering species of perennial asters. The flowers are not very large, up to 2.5 centimeters, white, pink, lilac and light purple.

These varieties of low-growing perennial asters stand out among their relatives for their special frost resistance. Bushes bloom in early autumn and continue to bloom until the end of October, and sometimes even later. The flowers are medium sized, pink, purple or reddish lilac.

The very name of this perennial aster speaks of its features and uses. The bushes of the curb pink aster are low, up to forty centimeters in height, and very branched. Sometimes it turns out that the width of the bush is twice its height, which is especially good when creating beautiful borders, low hedges, "drawings" in flower beds and when landscape design large areas of lawns and flower beds. This aster is not afraid of frost and does not require particularly complex care.

This late-flowering aster is classified as a medium-sized variety of perennial asters. This is truly a versatile plant. Its bushes 60-80 centimeters high are used both to create decorative compositions, and in spot landings. This aster is especially good against the background of golden autumn foliage, its bright flowers of a warm blue tone will surprise you with their beauty, tenderness and intoxicating sweet smell until the cold weather.

Planting and caring for perennial undersized asters

Since the perennial undersized aster is winter-hardy garden perennials, then in cultivation it does not cause much trouble. Moreover, these asters are practically not damaged by plant pests and do not get sick. In one place, bushes can grow up to five years without losing the decorative effect of flowering. But still, when caring for these varieties of asters, it is necessary to observe several general rules, allowing to achieve a beautiful long flowering:

  • avoid excessive accuracy of landings;
  • regularly weed flower beds from weeds and loosen the ground between the bushes;
  • do not fertilize asters with fresh organic matter; use compost or well-aged humus for this purpose;
  • generously water asters in dry weather;
  • before watering, add a small amount of a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate to the water;
  • remove wilted flowers in a timely manner, carry out decorative pruning shrubs;
  • tie up tall bushes of perennial asters.

Work on transplanting and propagating perennial asters is planned for spring - early summer. Asters are propagated by green cuttings, which germinate quickly and grow well. In addition, traditional methods are used such as dividing bushes or growing, sowing seeds for seedlings, followed by transplanting into open ground. When planting seedlings, it is imperative to feed the plants by applying complex mineral fertilizers to the soil.

Ecology of agriculture: Perennial asters are a set various kinds: alpine, new Belgian, shrubby, etc. Most often we have to grow them from seeds purchased

Pokrovki, september or oktyabrinka are flowers that successfully decorate the autumn garden, becoming a bright colored ball at a time when everything around is already glowing with autumn colors. At the same time, not everyone knows that these perennial plants are close relatives of annual asters familiar to all. In nature, there are about 500 species of perennial asters, but few are grown in horticultural crops, so we will consider only the most common ones.

Perennial asters, depending on the flowering period, are divided into early-flowering (spring), medium-flowering (summer) and autumn-flowering (autumn).

1. Asters are perennial with a spring flowering period.

Alpine aster, growing from seeds of which among domestic gardeners is practiced more often than other varieties. A low-growing plant 15-30 cm high, with single inflorescences, not exceeding 5 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in May a year after sowing and lasts about a month. In different varieties, inflorescences can have white, blue, purple, pink and red colors of reed flowers and an orange or brownish shade of tubular flowers located in the middle.

Astra Anders is a low-growing plant with purple inflorescences.

2. Asters with an average flowering period, blooming from July to the end of August.

Italian aster with large corymbose lilac inflorescences (up to 5 cm) and spherical bushes reaching 30-70 cm in height.

Astra Frikara with dark purple inflorescences and bushes over 70 cm in height.

Astra stonecrop with small 2.5-3 cm in diameter, lilac flowers with a bluish tint and a bush height of up to 1 m.

3. Asters blooming in autumn.

Heather aster. Herbaceous plant with a bush height of 80-105 cm, straight stems and linear leaves. The inflorescences are small (about 1 cm in diameter), but numerous, the flowers are white. Drought and frost resistant. The flowering period is from September to October.

Aster shrub. It has dense densely leafy bushes 25-60 cm high. Early varieties of this species bloom in early autumn, dotted with white and pale blue inflorescences. In addition, due to the abundant foliage, the perennial aster is often grown as an ornamental leafy plant along with boxwood.

Astra New England, also called North American. The height of the bush reaches an average of 160 cm. The bushes themselves are columnar and do not require additional supports. Inflorescences are small, 2.5-4 cm in diameter, numerous. Depending on the variety, they can have a white, pink, purple, red, blue color. They bloom in September-October, can retain a considerable number of inflorescences until frost.

Astra new Belgian or virgin. Along with New England, it is considered one of the most common varieties. Within this species, there are perennial undersized asters (up to 40 cm), the cultivation of which is especially popular when creating compositions, medium-sized (up to 75 cm) and tall varieties (up to 150 cm). Paniculate inflorescences with an abundance of flowers up to 2 cm in diameter tightly cover the bush. The colors of reed flowers are dominated by purple, blue, red, white, various shades color pink.

Reproduction of perennial asters

Unlike its annual relative, the perennial aster reproduces effectively in several ways: by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings and vertical layering.

1. Perennial asters: growing from seeds.

It is worth noting that this method is most often used when growing alpine aster from seeds, but it is used extremely rarely for other species, since the seedlings are rather weak and do not always inherit maternal qualities.

Sowing is carried out in the fall immediately after the collection of seeds. If the flower of your choice is an aster alpine, which is more common to grow from seed, then sow it better in spring when the soil warms up. With the onset of heat, shoots appear, which are left at the planting site until autumn, when they are transplanted to a permanent place. Caring for young plants, from germination to transplantation, is simple and consists of timely watering, periodic top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers, loosening the soil and weeding. For the most part, it is similar to growing one-year-old asters from seeds in the open field before flowering.

2. Perennial asters: reproduction by dividing the bush.

Perennial asters can be propagated by dividing the bush when the plant reaches 4-5 years of age. Simultaneously with the division of the bush, the plant is transplanted to a new site, since the period of keeping asters of this type in one place should not exceed 5-6 years.

Reproduction of asters in this way is carried out both in spring and autumn. It is recommended that bushes of early varieties that bloom in spring should be divided in autumn, and for late varieties optimal time for the division of the bush will be spring. To do this, adult bushes dig and release the roots from the soil. And in the fall, this is done approximately four weeks before the onset of frost, and in the spring until the buds are completely swollen. When dividing a bush into parts, secateurs separate segments that have stems and roots. It is absolutely necessary to initially make sure that the separated part will have a young developed root system and 3-5 healthy shoots. It is better to remove old rhizomes altogether, and young ones can be slightly trimmed.

3. Perennial asters: propagation by layering.

Reproduction by vertical layering is possible for 4-year-old bushes of perennial asters. For this in early spring shoots are cut, leaving stumps of 1.5-2 cm. At the same time, in order to obtain more planting material, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper care, namely timely watering and top dressing. When the shoots grow up to 10-15 cm from the base, they are spudded. The center of the bush must be tightly covered with earth in order to avoid the convergence of the stems. After 20-25 days, a secondary hilling is carried out. It is advisable to do it after rain or heavy watering.

Branch layering is carried out in the fall or early spring of the following year. When transplanting, the plants are pruned, leaving no more than 2-3 buds on them. Flowering of asters grown from layering should be expected no earlier than in a year or two.

4. Perennial asters: propagation by cuttings.

The greatest number of young plants is obtained when propagating perennial species of asters by cuttings. In this case, the starting material will be apical shoots 10-15 cm long, which are planted in a shaded place under a film shelter. Rooting cuttings occurs within a month.

When harvesting cuttings, the lower cut is made obliquely, and the upper one should be straight, located half a centimeter above the kidney. To reduce evaporation, the upper leaves are shortened, and the lower ones are completely removed. Before planting, cuttings are best kept in water. Also, for better survival, they can be treated with a growth stimulator in accordance with the instructions. The lower part of the cutting is placed in the solution of the drug for 12-15 hours to a depth of no more than 2-3 cm. It is important to avoid getting the drug on the leaves.

Boxes, greenhouses or specially prepared ridges with a film cover stretched over a frame are suitable for rooting cuttings.

The soil mixture for planting should consist of soddy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 1:2:2. The soil layer with the specified composition should be about 8-10 cm. Perlite, coarse-grained sand or mixtures of equal parts of vermiculite and sand, sand and peat are poured on top in the same amount. For the purpose of disinfection, it is desirable to treat the resulting substrate with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Planted cuttings to a depth of not more than 10 cm at an angle. Optimal scheme planting - 5 × 5 cm.

After planting, it is important to water and shade the cuttings abundantly.

For effective rooting of cuttings, it is necessary to create an optimal microclimate with diffused sunlight, an air temperature of 22-25 degrees and a humidity of about 100%. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. It is desirable that the soil temperature be higher than the air temperature by 1-3 degrees.

High humidity is maintained during the first two weeks. At the same time, in the heat, 5 sprays of cuttings with water are allowed throughout the day, and on cloudy days, 2-3 sprays will be enough. Leaves at this time should be constantly moistened.

The full rooting time is 3-4 weeks, and the first signs of the appearance of calus appear already 1-2 weeks after planting.

For rearing, the resulting plants can be transplanted to a semi-shady area. Also, at the place of rooting, they can be left until next spring, when they will already be fully developed plants with strong roots. The only thing is that for the winter it would be better to cover them with spruce branches, sawdust, straw, fallen leaves or peat. In May, they can be safely transplanted to a permanent place.

Perennial asters, growing from seeds that are less common than other propagation methods, are a real highlight. autumn garden and look great cut. They are resistant to heat and cold. And with elementary care (No. 9), they will give an abundance of bright fluffy inflorescences-stars. Perennial asters are probably one of the most favorite autumn flowers for many gardeners. Moreover, numerous graceful inflorescences and often late flowering periods are combined with the unpretentiousness of these plants to growing conditions. But at the same time, the decorativeness of the bush and abundant flowering can only be obtained by initially choosing a suitable place for the aster and providing it with elementary care. So, perennial asters: planting and care.

Where to plant a perennial aster?

It is worth noting that perennial species of asters grow best in sunny areas or in partial shade. While an aster planted in a shady corner of the garden may gradually lose its attractive appearance, bloom weakly or not at all. In addition, such an arrangement, along with the likelihood of stagnation of water in the soil, usually contributes to the development of various kinds of diseases.

When choosing a place, it is also necessary to pay attention to the mechanical composition of the soil. Despite the undemandingness of plants to this factor, neutral light and medium-heavy nutrient loamy soils with good moisture and air permeability are more suitable for perennial asters.

Tall varieties, for example, New Belgian aster, when planted, they try to place them in areas protected from drafts and winds so that they do not ruin the bush.

It is recommended to prepare for planting perennial asters in advance by digging and fertilizing the soil with organic (humus, compost, peat) and mineral fertilizers (superphosphates, potash fertilizers), since they, like annual asters, grow much better and bloom precisely in properly seasoned areas. If the level of acidity in the soil is increased, then you can additionally add dolomite flour or lime (about 200 g per 1 sq. M.). If the soil is heavy and with poor drainage, then coarse sand is brought into it for digging.

Planting technology for perennial asters

When planting asters, it is important to consider the height and features of the bush. So, undersized asters are planted in the ground according to the scheme 20 × 30 cm, medium-sized - 30 × 50 cm, and tall asters 50 × 80 or 60 × 100 cm. For example, a shrub aster, planting and caring for which is not much different from other perennial species , can have a bush height of 25 to 60 cm, depending on the characteristics of a particular variety, and the bushes themselves are strongly branched and abundantly covered with foliage, therefore it is better to plant it less often than the same alpine aster with single inflorescences and less voluminous bushes.

Seedlings of perennial asters, obtained as a result of root division, or seedlings and cuttings grown in a separate area, are planted in a permanent place in well-dug loosened and already fertilized soil. Depending on the moisture content of the soil, both double watering (in pits and over compacted soil in dry weather) and single watering over slightly compacted soil when planting in sufficiently moist soil is possible. It is important to ensure that the roots are not damaged, and the soil is firmly laid down around them and there are no air pockets left.

When planting asters, it should be remembered that in one place they will grow for 4-6 years, after which the bushes will need to be divided and transplanted to another site.

Perennial asters: care

For the most part, perennial asters common in our gardens do not require special care. The main thing is not to forget about timely watering (especially during a drought, when it is watered abundantly, but not often, and during the period of active growth of the vegetative mass), periodic loosening of the soil to a shallow depth (up to 7 cm) and weed removal.

Mulching will make maintenance easier. A layer of mulch (such as weathered peat) is placed around the bush immediately after planting. Thus, a crust does not form on the soil around the plant, weeds grow less and moisture does not disappear so quickly, which is important in the heat.

If the soil is nutritious or well seasoned before planting, then it is not necessary to additionally feed the asters. At the same time, they will respond positively to top dressing with water-soluble complex or phosphorus-containing fertilizers during the budding period, as well as to liming at the growth stage.

Depending on the characteristics of a particular species, there may be some nuances in the care of these plants. So, shrub aster, planting and caring for which is generally identical to the agricultural technology of other species, may require more attention to the formation of a bush by trimming the tops, which will not only stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, but also get neat living fences that will be strewn with flowers by autumn . Pinching the tops of other profusely flowering varieties helps to increase the number of inflorescences.

Tall species such as New England aster, especially if they grow in partial shade or the bushes are overly thickened, sometimes require garters to additional supports. To do this, use specially driven pegs or initially plant plants along the hedge.

During flowering, in order to prolong it and preserve the decorativeness of the bush, you should definitely remove faded inflorescences.

Disease and pest control

By themselves, perennial asters are very resistant to various pests and diseases. But under adverse weather conditions or insufficient care may be affected by gray rot or powdery mildew. The best prevention of the disease may be correct agricultural technology, in particular, a sufficient distance between plants, and sometimes it is recommended to spray asters with solutions containing copper (copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, approximately 10 g per 10 l) or special preparations (Gumi, Fitosporin, Topaz) in accordance with the instructions. Sometimes, as an alternative to chemicals, a soapy solution is used, consisting of 10 liters of water, 40-50 g of soap and 30-50 g of soda ash. Plants are treated with them 3-4 times per season with an interval of two weeks.

Sometimes gardeners are faced with the problem that the middle of the aster bush begins to dry out, and the young lateral stems seem weak and the flowers become smaller. This is a sure indicator that the plant needs rejuvenation, but simply put, the bush must be divided and the resulting plants transplanted to a new place.

Preparing for winter

Most types of perennial asters, especially heather aster, are frost-resistant and do not require additional insulation for the winter. When flowering is over, it is recommended to cut off the asters at the root, and cover the soil above the bush with compost, dry leaves or a layer of garden soil, which in the spring can serve as mulch. Also, young immature plants may need winter shelter from spruce branches, leaves, etc.

Perennial asters, planting and caring for which even a novice gardener can do, are often planted as borders or hedges. They look great in gravel gardens and alpine slides. They are valued for their late flowering, which looks impressive as next to others. flowering perennials, and evergreen coniferous bushes. Planted in single curtains or single-varietal groups, during flowering, asters become like huge bouquets dotted with many elegant inflorescences.published

What flowers to plant is a question that is asked by almost all gardeners and site owners. The desire to get a chic and constantly blooming flower bed makes professionals and amateurs look for the most exotic flowers. But one flower will certainly be found in any garden or in any flower bed. This is a perennial autumn aster. This is a flower that blooms one of the last and pleases with its bright colors during the heavy autumn rains. In this article, we will consider the features of a flower familiar to us, talk about the main types of perennial asters and popular varieties, and also learn all the nuances of agricultural technology for growing autumn beauty.

Features and description of perennial asters

Perennial asters are flowers that few people notice in the summer. They most often act as a backdrop for other flowering plants and delight only with their greenery. And only with the advent of autumn they amaze with a riot of flowering. Star flowers different color decorate lush green bushes and attract the eye. Astra is the full-fledged queen of the autumn garden.

Astra is a perennial herbaceous plant and belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. This is a completely different genus of plants, it should not be confused with annual asters, which are also called callistefus. Perennial aster in nature is found almost all over the world: it grows in Europe, Asia. North Africa, America. Cultivated given flowering plant became at the end of the 16th century.

Description of the perennial aster:

  • Perennial asters have different stem heights. Depending on the species, they can reach an average of 25 cm to 160-180 cm.
  • They are herbaceous perennials growing in the form of a bush.
  • The stems of the perennial aster are upright and branched.
  • The shoots are densely covered with foliage, which has an elongated flat shape and a rich dark green color.
  • The flowers of the perennial aster have the shape of stars, reach a diameter of 4-5 cm. There are various colors: blue, purple, white, pink.
  • This type Plants are hardy enough, can survive the first frosts and even fallen snow.
  • Perennial asters come in many forms. Their flowers are simple, double and semi-double.
  • To date, there are more than 500 different varieties of perennial asters, but only a small part of them are cultivated in gardens.
  • Aster begins to bloom from June to October. It all depends on the particular variety. According to the flowering time, all perennial asters are divided into three groups.

Photo of a perennial aster on the site

Perennial aster looks beautiful on the site. Compact bushes with bright star colors, even in a single planting, look great against the background of the lawn. The presented photos show all the beauty of these flowers in landscape design.

Astra in single landing:

Perennial aster compact varieties along the paths:

Tall aster:

The main types and popular varieties of perennial asters

Perennial asters amaze with their variety of species and varieties. They can be divided according to the time of flowering, according to the height of the bush, according to the shape of the flowers. All varieties of perennial asters have their own characteristics that allow you to create flower beds of incredible beauty.

By flowering time, perennial aster is divided into the following groups:

  • early asters - flowering begins in May and lasts until the end of June;
  • summer asters - flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of August;
  • autumn or late asters - such flowers begin to bloom only in September and delight until October.

Let's take a closer look at each group and highlight the types of perennial asters that correspond to each group.

early asters

  • Aster perennial alpine. This type of asters is one of the most common. It is considered a low-growing plant, it can reach only an average of 15-30 cm in height, so it is ideal for decorating the edge of flower beds, for planting along paths. Growing perennial alpine aster is considered the easiest for amateur gardeners, which is why this flower is so popular. The flowers of this aster are single inflorescences with a diameter of 5 cm. The color scheme is also very diverse: white, purple, blue, pink, purple, red. Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts until July. Popular varieties: "Albus" (with white flowers), "Happy End" (pale pink flowers), "Rosea" (pink flowers), "Gloria" (sky blue flowers).

  • Perennial aster Anders. Also is spring flower. This type of perennial aster is undersized. It can reach a height of 30-40 cm, less often 50 cm. The flowers have a bright purple color. The most popular varieties are low purple "chamomile" and Tongolese.

Aster perennial summer flowering period

  • Italian aster. Bright representative this group of asters. It is often called the chamomile aster. This is perennial, reaches a height of 60 cm. Therefore, it can be planted as single bushes or placed along the fence. The flowers of this species are collected in corymbs and reach a diameter of 4 cm. The flowers are light purple, pink or blue. Italian aster blooms from the end of July. Popular varieties: "Lady Hindlip" (pale lilac flowers), "Veilchenkoenigin" (light blue flowers).

  • Bessarabian aster. It is a variety of the Italian perennial aster, but differs more large flowers and a distinct brown core. 'Rubellus' and 'Cassubicus major' are the most common varieties of this aster.

Autumn perennial aster

This is perhaps one of the most numerous groups. It is not for nothing that the perennial aster is called the queen of the autumn garden.

  • New England aster. This plant is a tall one, it can reach a height of up to 2 meters, so it can be planted in the center of a flower bed or along a fence. Flowers are collected in a dense brush of 20-25 pieces. One flower can reach a diameter of 3-4 cm. It begins flowering in early September with white, pink, purple or purple flowers. Popular varieties: "Bars Pink" (carmine flowers), "Browmann" (violet-lilac flowers), "Gerberose" (pink flowers).
  • New Belgian aster. This type of aster can refer to both tall and compact flowering plants. On average, it can reach 40-150 cm in height. Flowers are collected in panicles, which are located on highly branched lignified stems. It begins to bloom in September with pink or purple flowers. A feature of this species is that during flowering, due to the large number of flowers, even foliage is not visible. Popular varieties: "Amethyst" (dark purple semi-double flowers), "Ballatd" (hot pink flowers).

  • Astra is a perennial shrub. Represents a compact flowering bush, which reaches a height of 50 cm. Flowering begins in mid-September and blooms before the onset of cold weather. Flowers are white or light purple in color. Popular varieties: "Alba flor captivity" (snow-white flowers), "Blue Bird" (light purple flowers), "Venus" (purple-pink flowers).

These types of perennial asters are presented large quantity varieties, from which everyone can choose something special for their site.

Preparation of perennial asters before planting

An important step towards getting a beautiful and flowering plant is choosing the right place, as well as preparing soil suitable for perennial asters.

Location selection

Growing perennial asters is possible anywhere, however, to get a lush bush and a large number of bright blooming flowers you need to choose a specific location. Astra grows well in open sunny areas. Good lighting will contribute to the harmonious growth of the whole plant, and not just the stems and foliage. The right chosen place will give you a profusely flowering plant in the future.

The choice of location also depends on the type and variety of perennial asters. If you want to plant several species, then select according to height so that after flowering of early varieties, they do not block the later ones. for framing garden paths perfect fit undersized varieties, and for single landings or for landing along the fence, you can use tall ones. Most often, compact varieties of perennial asters are used in gardens and flower beds.

Soil selection and preparation

Asters prefer to grow in medium-heavy, loose and permeable loamy soils. It is very important for the growth of asters to apply complex and mineral fertilizers throughout the season. It is important for them that the soil passes moisture well, in places with stagnation ground water perennial aster will grow poorly.

Before planting a perennial aster, it is imperative to prepare the soil, dig it very carefully and add organic and mineral elements to create fertility.

Planting a perennial aster

Planting, transplanting and propagation of perennial asters is carried out in the spring. As an option, planting material can be purchased in specialized stores and from professional nurseries. Astra can be planted with seeds, you can also purchase ready-made seedlings or grow them using cuttings and dividing the bush (if such a plant is already on your site).

Planting asters with seeds

Growing perennial asters from seeds is only suitable for varieties of alpine asters, for all others this method is unacceptable. The reason for this is weak seedlings, which are hard to take root. It is necessary to sow the seeds of a perennial aster in autumn period immediately after they are collected. However, for the alpine aster the best time for sowing - spring, when the earth warms up well. With the onset of heat, shoots appear, and in the fall, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place. During germination, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly, loosen and feed. In one place, a perennial aster can grow no more than 5 years, then I transplant it.

Growing perennial asters by cuttings

The most common way to plant and propagate perennial asters. It is already necessary to start preparing in the spring, when young shoots appear. For cuttings, the tops of shoots 10-15 cm long are cut off. Make sure that the lower cut is made obliquely. The lower leaves can be completely removed, leaving only a couple of the top ones. Before planting, the cuttings must be kept in water or in a special growth stimulator, following the instructions.

Next, they must be placed at an angle into the ground in partial shade in a special shelter with a film. Rooting usually occurs within one month. Boxes or greenhouses are suitable for planting. The ideal potting mix would be sod land, peat and sand. The resulting substrate can be treated with potassium permanganate. At the rooting site, flowers can be left until next spring, and only then transplanted to a permanent place.

Growing asters by dividing the bush

This method is suitable if it's time to transplant mature plant to a new place. Usually one aster bush in a permanent place can grow for 4-5 years, and then it must be transplanted. This is where dividing the bush will help. You can divide the bushes in autumn and spring. For early varieties, autumn is suitable, and for late varieties, spring.

When dividing a bush, they dig it up and remove the earth from the roots. Then, with a sharp pruner, you need to separate the parts with young roots and shoots. The old root is best thrown away altogether.

Features of caring for perennial asters

Although the aster is a perennial and unpretentious plant, it also needs care and attention.


Watering must be carried out constantly. And in dry times, it should definitely be increased, especially when the green mass is growing.

Loosening and mulching

Asters love light and breathable soil, so it is imperative to loosen the ground around the plant during the season and remove weeds. This process can be minimized by adding mulch. Use sawdust, peat or bark as mulch. This will help retain moisture, keep the soil from drying out, and also slow the growth of weeds.

top dressing

This is a mandatory step, as asters love soils rich in mineral and organic elements. You can use organic matter, phosphate fertilizers and lime. It is especially important to feed with phosphate fertilizers and humus during the growing season. This will allow the plants to gain strength before flowering.

Pruning and garter

Asters, depending on the species, require additional care. Shrub asters, as well as undersized compact bushes, require pruning to form a crown. If you planted such asters along the paths, pruning will help create a beautiful hedge.

For tall asters, it is necessary to prepare a support, as they can reach 2 meters in height. Usually long strong pegs are used, or the plant is planted in advance along the hedge.

Preparing for winter

Astra perennial is an unpretentious plant that is not afraid of winter frosts and colds. However, before winter, you should still cut off the shoots at the root and cover the soil with compost and fallen leaves. Especially young plants will need such care.

Pest and disease control

Asters can be affected by gray mold or powdery mildew. This may be due to bad weather or not proper care. To prevent such diseases, you should properly care for the plant, and periodically treat it with soapy water or special preparations during the season.

Astra is a stunning flowering plant that is perfect for our climatic conditions. And by giving him enough attention and organizing the right care, you will get bright plant with lots of flowers.

Many flower growers are attracted to a plant such as a perennial aster: planting and caring for it will not be difficult even for a beginner. These flowers are great for decorating gardens and landscaping. Due to the fact that the perennial aster grows quickly, it forms a beautiful background for the buds of other flowering plants. It is used as a hedge or even a green sculpture. In addition, perennial shrub asters are an ideal choice for those who want to quickly and reliably hide unsightly corners of the garden.

Thanks to a huge selection of shades, heights and other characteristics of the bushes, these flowers have become very popular among hobbyists who want to create an original landscape on their site.

In addition to perennial species, gardeners also grow annual asters. They are valued for their wide variety of forms. The most popular species that have won the love of flower lovers are peony, chrysanthemum, spherical, needle asters. All of them have a limited growing time and require annual planting. The peony look looks like a tall spreading bush with double reed flowers. The aster spherical variety attracts with its strong inflorescences original form. The chrysanthemum-shaped aster is formed in a pyramidal fashion and is distinguished by flowers resembling a chrysanthemum. For information on how to plant an aster for seedlings, see.

Description of perennial aster bush

Astra bush flower is a perennial belonging to the Asteraceae or Compositae family. This plant has become widespread in European countries and in Asia, it can be found in North Africa and North America.

This specimen has straight, branched stems and can reach, depending on the species, a height of 25-50 centimeters. The plant is characterized by strong shoots, densely leafy with elongated leaves. From the shoots, this perennial forms a bush with white, pink, lilac, purple, yellow, red and other flowers. Chinese aster pleases flower growers with inflorescences of different shades in the form of baskets, which are up to three centimeters in diameter. Along the edges, the shape of the flower is characterized as reed. Among the representatives, both terry aster and other types of inflorescences are found. The flowering period of the plant depends on the variety of perennial asters and can be very long. Some autumn species bloom even before frost. Early varieties produce inflorescences from May to June, summer - from July to August.

What are the varieties of perennial asters?

The species diversity that the garden aster offers allows each grower to find suitable plant for your area. Used as a culture for perennial cultivation, these bushes significantly reduce the time and labor costs for landscaping areas.

New Belgian aster

This type of plant, such as the alpine perennial aster, for example, the Lady Blue variety, is distinguished by early flowering. Inflorescences of this variety begin to appear already at the beginning of the first summer days. The plant is distinguished by low shoots, which reach a height of 30 centimeters. The variety blooms very profusely over a 30-day period and pleases gardeners with blue, purple, lilac baskets up to six centimeters in diameter.

Another type of perennial is New Belgian or September aster, which has a lot of varieties. All of them differ in the height of the bush. There are some varieties of undersized asters (border perennials), as well as representatives that reach a height of about 160 centimeters. The New Belgian aster is characterized by abundant and long flowering from the first autumn month. About 150 flower baskets can appear on each of the shoots of this species. Small flowers can be single, semi-double or double. A feature of inflorescences and buds is their ability to withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees Celsius. Among these species, flower growers especially like the blue aster, which serves as a wonderful addition to any garden, terrace or flower bed.

Ground cover species of aster

One of the favorite species of many flower growers is heather aster, which does not require special care conditions. Its long and abundant flowering allows you to use this specimen as a decoration for any flower bed. Due to the fact that the view leans towards the ground, landscape designers like to use this color to create various forms and original garden figures. A feature for which the groundcover aster is especially valued is the ability to survive at temperatures around -35 degrees Celsius. Many baskets of heather-like flowers give the impression of a single carpet. Flower growers know that the perennial undersized aster also tends to grow very quickly in breadth, so experts advise limiting the growth of bushes around the perimeter. To do this, you can use strips of iron, which are recommended to be dug into the ground.

Unlike many species, heather aster feels great even in dark places. However, full shade should be avoided.

Aster New England

These asters are different appearance and the ability to grow to a height of up to two meters. Astra New England looks like a very slender and powerful shrub with large paniculate inflorescences. About 25-30 flower baskets can grow on each stem. This specimen grows very weakly and almost does not give growth. Every year it gets taller and looks more powerful. Unlike other species, the bush begins to delight with its flowering much later. Releasing flowers in last days September, this aster is a colorful decoration of the garden until the snow appears.

Aster shrub

This plant has the ability to grow very quickly. After three to four years, the shrubby aster forms a curtain, which is great for seating. It looks like a spherical bush, reaching a height of 50 centimeters. This species is liked to be used for growing along curbs and paths. For example, aster shrub Anneke and Jenny fell in love with flower growers.

Tips for planting, propagating and caring for flowers

The plant can propagate in several ways: with the help of green cuttings, dividing the bush or seeds.

The first of these options involves rooting cuttings in a greenhouse with constant maintenance high humidity. For this method, the tops of the shoots are cut off about five to seven centimeters long in early summer. Cuttings obtained from young trunks take root and grow very quickly, forming powerful bushes.

Propagation by dividing the bush is an easy method that allows you to get a flowering plant very quickly. In one place, the perennial aster Mix and other species can grow up to five to six years. However, with a strong growth of bushes, gardeners prefer to transplant them, dividing them into smaller bushes. This is best done every two to three years. Tall plants should be planted no closer than 70-90 cm apart. Low specimens will feel comfortable at a distance of 30-50 centimeters.

For reproduction by division from mother bush cut off delenki. For this procedure, you should use a sharp knife. Each delenka should have three to five strong shoots. It is best to divide and plant an aster in the spring. In this case, the plant will grow much faster and enter the flowering stage. Planted in autumn, specimens are at risk of freezing and dying before they even take root.

It is also possible to plant asters with seeds, but this method does not always give the desired result for beginners. Material for planting is collected before the onset of winter and immediately planted in open ground. Some do it in early spring. The depth of planting aster seeds is up to one and a half to two centimeters. After the earth should be moistened with warm water. Then you need to mulch using compost and peat. Fresh seeds will turn into sprouts in a week. A little later, the plant needs to be thinned out, leaving a gap of about fifteen centimeters between individual specimens.

Winter sowing of asters is also possible. It is carried out in December. It is advised to propagate the plant in this way if the height of the snow cover is not more than ten centimeters. After planting the seeds, the ground should be covered with dry compost. Sometimes seedlings from this method of planting are very weak and do not look like good varietal material. Due to the loss of germination, the seed method of propagation of this type of flower is rarely used.

Watering and feeding asters

The plant is quite unpretentious, however, both high aster and other species need watering during the dry period. Stems need additional moisture during bud formation. Also, the aster at this time should be fed with mineral fertilizers. For this purpose, do not use fresh manure. The best choice would be fertilizer in the form of special dressings, including the whole complex of minerals, as well as phosphorus-potassium mixtures. Some experts advise every few years to mulch the plant after the cutting process, using peat and compost in equal proportions.

Wintering aster bushes

In autumn, after frost has appeared, the shoots are cut off at ground level. Experts advise mulching the soil with compost. The autumn aster plant is quite frost-resistant, so you can not cover it for the winter.

Choosing a place for culture

Many people like growing perennial asters, because these bushes are able to delight with bright colors until late autumn. These perennials are very photophilous. Before planting an aster, it is advised to choose a sunny place with a minimum amount of wind. Some species can be grown in partial shade. But in this case, the plant will bloom later, and the inflorescence baskets will not be so lush. Partial shade can be dangerous due to the high risk of powdery mildew. Experienced gardeners never choose completely dark places for planting these bushes. In the shade, all types of asters practically do not bloom and very often suffer from pests and diseases.

Choosing the Right Soil

High representatives, as well as dwarf asters, grow well in loose and fertile soil with a neutral response.

Poor land should be fertilized using humus or compost, a few tablespoons of superphosphate. To reduce acidity, it is advised to use dolomite flour or fluff lime in an amount of 200 grams. After that, everything should be dug as deep as possible. Low-lying terrain with stagnant water is completely unsuitable for growing a species such as the Wartburg star aster. In this case, additional drainage is recommended. Fine gravel works well for this. Coarse sand, as well as river sand, can be introduced into the soil where asters are going to be planted. It improves the structure of the earth. Before planting, the site must be rid of weeds, loosen the ground and level it.

The soil on which calendula or marigolds have grown before is very suitable for planting asters. You should not plant this plant in flower beds where tulips, carnations or gladioli were previously grown. Since they often suffer from furaziosis, which causes fungal infections.

Care for bush asters

What could be more beautiful than flowers in your garden? They give us so many positive emotions, but it's a pity to part with them with the advent of the gray days of autumn. So, this is not necessary, because there are flowers that will delight the eye until frost. Yes, not all plants can surprise with such qualities. Especially in our country with its harsh climate, but perennial asters go against natural cycles and make us happier both in summer and late autumn. And today we will tell you about the best varieties for your garden, which will become its highlight.

Queen of the autumn garden - aster

Just imagine that there are currently more than 600 species of asters. They include a huge variety of varieties that amaze with their beauty even the most fastidious landscape designer. Asters are unusual in that their inflorescences are all different, you can often confuse bushes with chrysanthemums, peonies, but there is one more unique feature- shades, among which there is a variety of blue. It is quite rare among flowers of all kinds.

Asters are unpretentious, beautiful, accessible to everyone, can be grown both with and without seedlings in all regions of our large country. What else is needed? Yes, only a little better to understand the varieties, because it is difficult for a beginner not to get confused in such an assortment. In this we will help you, of course, we cannot describe all 600 species, but we will tell you about those varieties that gardeners most often plant - the best and most beautiful. And as you could understand, today we will talk mainly about perennial asters.

Flower variety

Asters flowers are unique, because there are so many of them - tall, short, perennial, annual. In turn, the latter are divided into three main classes, which were formed according to their decorative effect and structure - reed, tubular, transitional. These three classes are divided into 10 more according to the type of flower, its shape. Each group has its own varieties that can surprise the most fastidious gardeners, take a look at the photo - this is a pompom aster. The charm of these balls is amazing, while they can also have different shades, but these are the same age. And today we are talking about perennial species, and we will consider them further.

Pompom inflorescences. The perfect bouquet

Perennial asters and their different flowering periods

With the onset of spring, every gardener is waiting for his favorite flowers to bloom, but not all plants delight the whole season. Some decorate with their appearance only in April and May, others only in the first half of summer, others will please in the fall. But perennial asters are perfect in every way - their varieties are so diverse that your flower beds will be charming from May to October and even more. All because there are early flowers, there are summer and autumn ones. The first bloom in May and delight until June, the second throughout the second and third decade of summer, the third bloom in autumn. Each group has its own species, they, in turn, varieties.

For information! Asters differ not only in terms of flowering and height, but also in the structure of flowers - pink, peony, chrysanthemum. There are also differences in shape - asters are needle-shaped, spherical and radiant.

early alpine aster

The most commonly used and widespread type. These flowers have a small growth - up to 30 cm, which makes them ideal for creating compositions, planting along paths, decorating rock gardens, flower beds. Do you know why the species is so beloved by gardeners? Because asters are beautiful and very unpretentious - any beginner can create the perfect garden.

Bushes bloom in different shades and they delight us from May to June. And, of course, we will name the most popular varieties of asters of this species. See photos and names below. Inflorescences of this species are most often up to 5-6 cm in diameter, single type. Asters are not afraid of frost, they tolerate even harsh winters in our country, they love higher areas and the sun.

Alpine aster varieties:

  • "Alba". It blooms with delicate white inflorescences and a yellow center, has a dense green mass. The shape of the leaves is elongated, it can grow up to 30-40 cm. The bushes grow stuffed. If you look at the photo, you can see the similarity of this aster with chamomile;

    Variety "Alba"

  • "Gloria". These flowers are similar to the previous ones in form, but just look at this azure hue of the petals, which are diluted with a rich yellow-orange center. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Perfectly combined in a flower bed with the Alba variety. Bushes can be planted alternately or in stripes;

    Heavenly Gloria

  • "Dunkle Schone". A great option for combining colors and natural stones, decorating a rock garden. The flowers have a pleasant blue- purple hue, they are stuffed. The variety is very unpretentious, does not freeze, is not afraid of return May frosts, undemanding to soils. Flowers in diameter about 3 cm;
  • "Rosea". This variety blooms in the first summer month, but its beauty is that it will delight with its flowering for three whole months. Tubular petals have a rich pink color, up to 5 cm in diameter. They go well with blue and white asters;

    Variety "Rosea"

  • "Goliath". This variety has an amazing delicate color - lavender. Also often used for decorating rockeries, Alpine slide, paths in the garden. Loves the sun and partial shade, flowers in diameter - 3-5 cm.

Early Anderson aster

Blooms and delights us in spring and early summer. This species is very small, one might say, ground cover, loves well-ventilated soils, moderately moist soil and sunlight. The bushes are notable for the fact that they have a purple hue of the petals. Very delicate and beautiful inflorescences that resemble a delicate purple chamomile with a yellow-orange middle. The diameter is only 2 cm, and the height of the entire bush is not more than 5 cm.

Astra "Anderson"

Early himalayan aster

These bushes grow compactly - up to 25-30 cm tall. As you can understand, the native places of these flowers are the highest mountains in the world. It is very often found in Asian countries, both near houses and at an altitude of more than 4 thousand meters. The flowers have a delicate purple hue, they are medium-sized - up to 3 cm. In the wild, it does not grow more than 15 cm, they please with flowering in May.


Summer Italian asters

As you understand, now we have moved on to the next flowers that will delight with their flowering from July to August. This species is taller than the early raster and can grow up to 60-70 cm. Most often, such tall flowers are planted along fences, they can be used to cover unsightly outbuildings. It is also important to plant such bushes next to the supports and where there is no strong winds in bad weather. Can be planted in rows or individually.

Inflorescences on average up to 4-5 cm in diameter, collected in shields. Colors are more often closer to blue-blue shades and lilac, there may be flowers of pink tone. The shape of the bush itself is spherical. This species is divided in early April to propagate, favorite soils are alkaline. They bloom best where there is a lot of sun.

It is interesting! This type of asters was bred in Europe. There are drawings depicting Italian asters that date back to 1596.

Italian aster varieties:

"King George" - one of the varieties of Italian aster

Separately, we would like to tell you that tall varieties are good to combine with short ones. You can also plant a number of perennials and annuals, the overall picture will be beautiful, and next year you can change annual asters for new varieties or new flowers, in general. So, the flower bed will be new every year. Magnificent varieties of annual asters are the Milady aster, she is in the photo, Scarlet, Crimson, Krestella, Erfurt Dwarf.

Pink "Milady"

The homeland of her country is Asia, where the flower began to be planted in gardens around 1686. bushes have round shape, they are quite high - up to 80 cm, again, tall species are best planted near fences in a quiet place. They are very thermophilic and cannot tolerate excess moisture. Flowers are collected in beautiful baskets-umbrellas, have a delicate lavender color closer to heaven. Diameter - 2 cm, blooms by the end of summer. It grows very well in soil rich in humus and letting in a lot of air. On such land, bushes bloom profusely and for a long time.

Stonecrop species

Bessarabian summer aster

This species is not independent, but a variety of Italian. The characteristics are quite similar, but the flowers on the bushes have a larger diameter. Inside, the inflorescence is not yellow or orange, but brown. It can be purple, pink and white. The bushes are quite powerful, as well as their root system. Height can reach up to 75 cm.

Bessarabian aster

blue summer aster

Her homeland is also the Himalayas. Quite tall plants - up to 120 cm, they can definitely hide all the shortcomings of the site. The flowers are sky blue, the bushes are powerful, the roots creep to the sides. The soil loves fertile, it should be sunny on the site, it is not afraid of cold weather. It divides by a bush, blooms for the first two summer months, a rather unpretentious look.

Blue inflorescences of perennial aster

Aster autumn perennial New England

All autumn species are popular, because their charm is that they delight us when other flowers are already fading. They are unpretentious, there are many varieties, it is easy to plant them. Bushes may be different heights, the colors are pink asters, and purple, and blue, and white, and purple. All of which are of different shapes.

We start with the New England view. These bushes for those who love tall plants are hard to imagine for a beginner, but asters can be taller than a person - up to 2 meters. Of course, with such bushes, you need to plan in advance what and where will be planted. They should be either separate, or along the walls, or in the background of the flower bed. Flowers are arranged in racemes in large numbers, and the diameter of one inflorescence is up to 4 cm.

These asters will please with their flowering by the first decade of September. You can combine them with others perennial species, it is possible and with one-year-olds. For example, with asters of pompom species, an excellent variety "Princess Mix" - it is in the photo below. These are annuals that always luxuriously decorate the garden. There are also popular varieties of annual flowers - these are "Ostrich Feather", "Princess Bouquet", "Victoria", "Giant", "Duchess", "American Beauty". All these asters are worthy of your attention.

"Princess mix" - annual
"American Beauty"

Varieties of the New England aster:

Variety "Browmann"

New Belgian autumn varieties

An interesting view, where there can be bushes both low - up to 40 cm, and high - 150 cm tall. Flowers are in panicles. These asters are very beautiful, because when they bloom, the greenery and stems are not even visible. The latter, by the way, become woody over time. The beauty of these asters is that they bloom in bad weather, in the evening, in fog and on rainy days. They can be burgundy, blue, lilac and white. at the expense abundant flowering you can plant this species even in the center of the flower bed.

Varieties of the New Belgian aster:

  • "Amethyst". This variety is often compared with daisies, they have a dark shade of lilac. The branches are located next to each other, abundantly covered with flowers, but the bushes can not be tied up. Height - up to 130 cm. Large flowers - up to 4 cm;


  • Marie Ballard. Like the previous variety, it is very popular. It can also do without support, it is not afraid of frost. It has a magnificent lavender color of the petals, while the inflorescences are huge - up to 8 cm in diameter. They begin to bloom at the end of August, and flowering continues for 60 days. Named after the person who created it. Height - up to a meter;

    "Marie Ballard"

  • "White Lady". The beauty of this perennial aster is that it is the most frost-resistant. It has a beautiful white color with a yellow center. Unpretentious and does not require special care. Flowers - 3-5 cm;

    "White Lady"

  • "Sunset". Just look at it, these bushes are really like the pink shades of the sunset strip over the horizon. Their diameter is up to 4 cm; foliage is not visible during flowering. Hue - pink, the variety begins to bloom from September to November.

  • "Sunset"

    Astra shrub perennial

    This aster completes today's selection of flowers for your garden. Usually the bushes are low - up to half a meter high. They bloom from the first days of autumn until the very cold. Most often, flowers have a light, delicate color - pink, heavenly, white, purple, but can also be burgundy and yellow. Bushes can be formed. To make asters bloom better, they are rejuvenated by dividing the bush every 3-4 years.

    Varieties of shrub asters:

    The combination of asters and stones looks great on the site

    This is the flower variety we have described to you today. You can plant both perennials and annuals. Only for the first, choose the right places right away.

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