Beautiful garden flowers: hosta (planting and care, reproduction). Hosta species and varieties

The buildings 15.06.2019
The buildings

Liven up your garden with colorful greenery, and take a host as your assistant. It is unpretentious in planting, care and cultivation. This plant is popular in landscape design, because its leaves have different shapes and color, depending on the variety.

Description, varieties and varieties

The beauty of this plant is in the leaves, not the flowers. From green to gold and white, from long to rounded and heart-shaped - this is what the hosta is. Planting and leaving in open ground behind it are very simple - another reason to pay attention to this perennial.

Hosta will be a wonderful garden decoration from early spring to late autumn.

Having decided to start growing hosta, see how it looks in the photo. Choose from about 3000 varieties of your choice. By colors foliage they are combined into 5 groups:

  • green;
  • blue (with a bluish tint);
  • yellow;
  • variegated (this includes hosts motley and bordered with light color);
  • mediovariegata (leaves are light, with green edges).

There is a huge variety of hostas.

For those who grow hostu in the open field, the classification of varieties by size is also familiar:

  • dwarf (up to 10 cm);
  • miniature (10-15 cm);
  • small (16-25 cm);
  • medium (30-50 cm), the most numerous group;
  • large (55-70 cm);
  • giant (from 70 cm).

The main species, which are also used for breeding:

Among the host are chameleon varieties that change color during the summer season. Some species of this plant are difficult to classify because their leaves are blurred in color. And foreign breeders have bred tricolor hybrids. There are plenty to choose from!

Landing hosts

The optimal time for planting hosts in the open field is early spring or late August or early September. It is not worth postponing to a later time. Choose the material for planting carefully. The roots should be elastic, 10-12 cm long. It is best if the sprout has 2-3 buds.

Advice. If you bought a hosta, but it is too early to plant it, store the sprouts in a cool and dark place at t + 5-10 ° C. A basement, a lower shelf of a refrigerator or an insulated balcony will do.

Hosta is traditionally considered a shade-loving perennial. But there is a pattern: the lighter the foliage, the more sun the plant needs. Dark green and blue varieties must be planted in the shade. For growing light hosts, partial shade or even a sunny place is suitable. Make sure that the plant is not in direct light, otherwise burns on the leaves cannot be avoided.

The host can be planted in the shade or partial shade

Good for planting and breeding outdoors, light, drained, wet soil... The holes should be made wide, about 30 cm deep. The distance between them should be from 30 to 100 cm (depending on the size of the plant).

Fill each hole about 2/3 with compost, peat, form a mound. Place the roots of the seedlings on it, but so that there are no empty spaces. Spread them out, fall asleep fertile soil, compact. Finish planting with abundant watering. Mulch the roots with chopped bark or peat. This will help retain moisture. Repeat the watering procedure several more times every 3-4 days.

Advice. The buds of the plant during planting should be at ground level. If necessary, add additional soil under the root.

Plant care

Although not a demanding host, planting and caring for her requires adherence to the rules.

Fertilizing and feeding hosts

How the plants look in your garden depends on the care, including the intensity of fertilization. The hosta looks more decorative, which is fed 3 times per season:

  • during the growth period;
  • during flowering;
  • after him.

The host needs feeding several times a season.

For these purposes, fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are most often used. Compost and humus are also useful for hosts. It is better to bring them in in the fall. Organic fertilizers are preferable to mineral fertilizers. " Golden Rule»Care - do not overdo it. Too frequent or abundant feeding can provoke a burn.

Plant propagation

There are 3 ways to propagate hosts:

  • division;
  • cuttings;
  • growing from seeds.

The bushes are usually divided in May or late summer. The smaller the split off part is, the longer it will take for it to grow. Another method of propagation, cuttings, involves the separation of a sprout with a part of the rhizome from an adult bush. Cuttings are planted in open ground immediately, watered and shaded.

Dividing the hosta bush

Growing hosts from seeds is a laborious and time-consuming process. The germination rate of the material is 70-80%, therefore, before sowing, it must be treated with growth stimulants. Another way is to keep the seeds in the cold for 30 days. It is also important to ensure that the soil and planting containers are sterile. Before sowing the hosts, the pots must be disinfected with potassium permanganate or alcohol.

Seed propagation should start in April or May. Pour drainage into containers, then soil mixture, water it. Spread the seeds, sprinkle them with soil on top (layer thickness - 5-7 mm). Slightly press it, cover the container with glass or film and place in a shady place. Hosta germination temperature is + 18-25º C. In such conditions, seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks.

Hosta seeds

At this time, caring for young seedlings consists in moderate watering and removing condensation. Keep the sprouts in a lighted place, away from direct sunlight. When the first pair of leaves appears, dive the seedlings. The soil in new containers should be ¼ covered with sand. To water, place the pots in a deep bowl and wait until upper layer will not get wet. Temper the sprouts: temporarily remove the glass or film, and after about a week, remove them altogether.

If the air temperature is already above + 18 ° C, leave the containers with seedlings on fresh air. Experienced gardeners warn: despite proper care, the host is developing very slowly. In addition, she often loses the characteristics of the variety.

Diseases and pests hosts

Khosta rarely gets sick, but one of the most typical ailments for her is phylostictosis. Yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves. Affected plants need to be burned and the soil disinfected. If you notice gray rot or sclerotinia on the leaves, apply fungicides.

Phylostictosis hosts

Pests that make large holes in the beautiful foliage of hosts are slugs. To scare them away, cover the soil with something sharp: rubble or broken shells. Beer baits also help. Place containers with this drink around the bushes, and every other day, select slugs from them. Use insecticides to control insects (caterpillars, grasshoppers).

Hosta: Combination with other plants

Hosta leaves create harmonious combinations with brunner, heuchera and ferns. These plants look advantageous against the background of conifers. Also try compositions with primrose, geraniums, hornbeam. Make a beautiful landscape with lungwort, anemone, foxglove, astilba.

Hosta on a flower bed

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to combine the cultivation of roses and hosts. This is explained by the fact that they have different lighting requirements. However, in landscape design, this combination is quite common. In these cases, gardeners recommend planting the host on the north side of the bush.

Hosta in landscape design

There are many options for using this perennial in landscape design. First of all, the hosta is a ground cover plant for shady places. She creates coziness in gardens, stylized as nature. If you still decide to combine the cultivation of roses and hosts, decorate with them, for example, the shore of a reservoir.

Hosta in landscape design

Use this plant for decoration garden paths framing lawns. When growing hosta in pots, decorate your patio or gazebo with it. It is also good for vertical flower beds. Phlox or daylilies will be a good addition in this case.

Whichever way you choose to decorate your garden is unlikely to be disappointed by the host. Rather, on the contrary: seriously and for a long time will conquer with its charm and unpretentiousness.

Growing hosts: video

Hosta varieties: photo

Hosta is beautiful ornamental plant, which grows quickly and pleases not only with its greenery, but also with its beautiful flowering. Different varieties differ in foliage and flowers. Gardeners have long fallen in love with the plant for its simplicity in care and beauty. In our article, we want to talk about how to grow a hostu on your site, the flowers of which will decorate any flower bed.

Queen of the shadow

Hosta is a unique flower. Its greenery looks much more impressive than flowers. But the combination of foliage with inflorescences makes the plant very attractive. Recently, the host (photo is given in the article) has become very popular among gardeners. The plant was brought to Europe from the southeast of Asia. At first, it did not take root very successfully in flower beds. Later, however, the culture gained public recognition for its simple care and incredible decorativeness. Now it is very actively used. landscape designers for the design of personal territories. The mysterious flower has received the title of Queen of the Shadow.

And it's hard to argue with this, because the plant really adores shady places. The bell-shaped flowers of the hosta do not differ in their amazing beauty, the main advantage of the plant is the leaves: light green, green, golden yellow, bluish-gray, spotted and striped. They can be long or narrow, large or small, round or heart-shaped. The hosts resemble green fountains adorned with modest flowers. Yet they are so beautiful that they adorn many gardens and household plots.

Types and varieties of flowers

Hosta has many types (about 40). Some of them:

  1. The tall hosta has large, dark green, oval-shaped leaves. Plant height can be up to one meter. The flowering period is June and July. Hosta flowers are painted in a light lilac shade.
  2. Fortune boasts green leaves with a creamy rim. It blooms in June with lilac flowers. The bushes are small, their height does not exceed 50 centimeters.
  3. The curled hosta has oval, dark green leaves. It grows in height up to 60 centimeters. The plant begins to bloom in late spring.
  4. Khosta Siebold is a perennial plant with bluish foliage. Flowering begins in early June and lasts for almost a month. Peduncles of this variety reach a height of 40 centimeters. A special feature is a special shade tolerance.
  5. The wavy hosta is a medium-sized plant with oblong foliage. The unique color of the leaves resembles painting with watercolors. The middle of the leaf is painted white, and bright green surrounds it. The wavy hosta blooms in purple from July to late August.
  6. The swollen hosta has dark shiny leaves. It blooms in July and pleases with flowers until the end of August.
  7. The plantain hosta has a rather impressive size and wrinkled foliage with a corrugated structure.

There are even more varieties of hosts - more than 600. Different varieties of hosts differ in size. Among them there are tall, medium-sized and dwarf forms. The latter are considered the most capricious and demanding care. But the least whimsical and hardy are tall forms. Most interesting variety- Royal Standard. Its peculiarity is that the plants of this type give profuse flowering even in very thick shade. The varieties Elegance, Hercules and others are used by breeders for landscape design. An interesting miniature variety Teaspun. He, unlike most dwarfs, is very stable. First Frost is a very popular chameleon variety. During the season, the plant changes its color from bluish-blue to green. Lakeside Dragonfly - compact variety with narrow leaves of a green-blue hue and a cream border. Tee Rex is a giant hosta with stunning greenish-gray leaves.

Description of the plant

Hosts are many-sided plants that amaze with their diversity. Every gardener has the opportunity to choose the most interesting variety for himself, which will become a real decoration of the garden. It was the spectacular appearance of the hosta flower that made it so popular. The plant grows very quickly and transforms shaded areas into blooming green plantations. The culture is loved for its bright and unique foliage, painted in the most bizarre way. The plant tolerates cold and drought well, feels great in the shade and is an excellent background for other flowers. Over the years, the plant becomes more and more beautiful. However, the peak occurs in the fifth year of the flower's life.

The description of the hosta should start with the fact that all plant varieties are herbaceous forms. The thickened rhizome of the bush has big number cord-like branches. It is thanks to them that the plant is tightly fixed on the soil surface. The flower stalks of the hosta are devoid of foliage and rise above the green rosette. Inflorescences are racemose with simple or double flowers... A host in a flower bed always stands out favorably due to its greenery, even if it does not bloom.

Most of the plant varieties have light lilac flowers. This is the most common shade. But there are pink and white varieties, as well as purple. The plant differs from other shade-loving forms in its rather beautiful flowers.

The average height of hosta bushes is in the range of 50-80 centimeters. But among them there are real giants, whose height reaches 1.2 meters. But dwarf varieties do not exceed 15 centimeters in height.

Plant propagation

Garden plant does not require special skills to grow it. Therefore, every gardener can plant such a flower in his garden. Reproduction of hosts is not difficult. It is possible to get a young plant in three ways - by dividing the bush, by seeds and cuttings. Before planting a plant, you need to choose the right variety for your site, which suits you in terms of the degree of illumination, soil fertility, soil moisture.

For plant propagation by dividing an existing bush, hosts over four years old are used. If you try to split a young flower into parts, you can slow down it. further development... It is believed that in this way the plant can be propagated in the spring. However, practice shows that gardeners use this method throughout the growing season, and very successfully.

Its essence is quite simple. An adult bush is dug in and removed from the ground in whole or in part. Shoots with roots are taken out of it. You can use a knife or something sharp. At first glance, it seems that this method is very traumatic. But this is not so, since space is made available for an adult plant for growth. The emerging space is filled fertile soil without forgetting to add fertilizer. New seedlings are planted in a different area.

Propagation by cuttings

Planting a hosta flower is possible in another way. If you have a shoot with a small part of the rhizome, then you can also get a young plant from it. To do this, it is planted in a small greenhouse in the shade. A shelter can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle. In this case, the green part of the shoot must be removed. The rooting process of the cuttings will take several weeks. During this period, the seedling will have to be watered regularly.

Seed propagation

The host can also be propagated by seed. But this method is not used for all plant varieties. Most often, plants obtained using seeds do not have those varietal properties that mother bush... Therefore, gardeners do not use this method of flower reproduction. Planting hosts by dividing the bush is much easier and more efficient.

Seed propagation is actively used by breeders, since this allows them to obtain varieties with previously unrepeated properties. This method is very time consuming. With his help complete plant can be obtained in four to five years. Of course, hosta seeds have a very high germination rate, but it is still much easier and faster to purchase ready-made bushes or cuttings.

Culture care

What conditions need to be created for the flower hosts? Caring for him is quite simple. The plant must be periodically weeded and loosened the soil around it. It is also worth applying fertilizers suitable for the flower. Water the hosta regularly, especially during hot periods, by increasing the amount of water. It is better to do this in the morning, so as not to leave burns on the foliage of the plant.

If the bushes are planted in a nutrient medium, top dressing can be omitted for three to four years. In autumn, the land near the plant is mulched with humus or compost, thereby feeding the flower. The host does not need a large number fertilizers, but if necessary, they can be distributed around the bush. Top dressing is scattered on wet soil. Liquid fertilizers are applied up to twice a month until about mid-summer. Further feeding should be stopped, otherwise the plant will not have time to prepare for winter.

The soil near bushes, especially young ones, should always be wet. Morning watering is recommended for the plant. Moreover, it should be organized in such a way that water does not fall on the foliage, since it leaves traces and spoils decorative view hosts. The water pressure during irrigation should be very weak so as not to clog the soil near the bush. The lack of moisture affects the state of the foliage, its tips turn brown.

To preserve the beautiful appearance of the plant, it is necessary to remove the faded peduncles. Weeding the bushes is carried out only at the beginning of cultivation. In the future, the plants grow so much that they drown out the weeds. After three to four years, the bush can be safely divided and planted. For a healthy plant, this procedure is not harmful.

Preparing for winter

All varieties of hosts (photos are not able to convey all their beauty) are very resistant to cold weather. Nevertheless, experienced gardeners recommend preparing plants for wintering. One of best practices is mulching. As a material for shelter, such substances are used that simultaneously protect the plant from freezing and at the same time enrich the soil. So, for example, shavings or sawdust can be used for mulching. fruit trees, cut grass, straw, needles, peat, rotted manure, compost. In late autumn, the greenery of the hosta loses its attractiveness. At this time, you can prepare her for wintering. For this, the planting is covered with needles or non-woven fabric... In a snowy winter, the plant does not need shelter.


The host is resistant to disease. And yet, the plant fights off such a fungal disease as phyllosticosis. The disease is manifested by the appearance of brownish spots on the foliage, which subsequently cover the entire green part. Another fungus that affects peduncles is no less dangerous. Unfortunately, infected plants must be removed from the site and destroyed.

Gray rot is also quite dangerous for hosts. To combat it, fungicides are used. If you notice whitish cotton wool on the plant, this is a sclerotinia fungus. Affected bushes must be treated with dichlorane.

The main enemy of the plant can be safely called slugs. Their presence can be recognized by the appearance of large holes in the foliage. You can remove slugs enough in a simple way... Beer vessels should be placed near the bushes. After a day, they can be removed along with the slugs that crawled down to the smell of the drink.

Caterpillars may appear on the bushes. They eat foliage very quickly. But dealing with them is quite simple. All kinds of insecticides will help with this.

Room hosts

It should be noted that, in general, both indoor flower host may well exist. Although she is not. Many plant varieties can be grown at home before planting in the ground. Young plants need to get stronger before getting to the flower bed. At home, with proper care, the host is even able to please with flowering. To transplant a hosta flower, you need to choose a pot of the right size. It should fit enough soil and the entire root system. It is very important for hosts drainage system so that there is no stagnation of water.

When growing a culture in a container, frequent watering and feeding is necessary, since all useful material are washed out from the ground with water. Bushes in pots cannot be kept in the sun, they can simply burn out. If you decide to grow the hostu in a container, then you cannot leave it outside for the winter. Hosta can only hibernate when it grows outdoors. In a pot, its roots will simply freeze out. It is worth remembering this and removing the plant for the winter indoors.

The main condition for keeping hosts at home is regular watering, since the culture is hygrophilous. And in pots, the roots of the plant are at risk of drying out. With proper care, the bush grows quickly enough and requires transplantation into the ground.

Liven up your garden with colorful greenery, and take a host to help you. It is unpretentious in planting, care and cultivation. This plant is popular in landscape design, because its leaves have different shapes and colors, depending on the variety.

Description, varieties and varieties

The beauty of this plant is in the leaves, not the flowers. From green to gold and white, from long to rounded and heart-shaped - this is what the hosta is. Planting and caring for it in the open field is very simple - another reason to pay attention to this perennial.

Hosta will be a wonderful garden decoration from early spring to late autumn.

Having decided to start growing hosts, see how she looks in the photo. Choose from about 3000 varieties of your choice. According to the colors of the foliage, they are combined into 5 groups:

  • green;
  • blue (with a bluish tint);
  • yellow;
  • variegated (this includes hosts motley and bordered with light color);
  • mediovariegata (leaves are light, with green edges).

There is a huge variety of hostas.

For those who grow hostu in the open field, the classification of varieties by size is also familiar:

  • dwarf (up to 10 cm);
  • miniature (10-15 cm);
  • small (16-25 cm);
  • medium (30-50 cm), the most numerous group;
  • large (55-70 cm);
  • giant (from 70 cm).

The main species, which are also used for breeding:

Among the host are chameleon varieties that change color during the summer season. Some species of this plant are difficult to classify because their leaves are blurred in color. And foreign breeders have bred tricolor hybrids. There are plenty to choose from!

Landing hosts

The optimal time for planting hosts in the open field is early spring or late August or early September. It is not worth postponing to a later time. Choose the material for planting carefully. The roots should be elastic, 10-12 cm long. It is best if the sprout has 2-3 buds.

Advice. If you bought a hosta, but it is too early to plant it, store the sprouts in a cool and dark place at t + 5-10 ° C. A basement, bottom shelf of a refrigerator, or an insulated balcony will do.

Hosta is traditionally considered a shade-loving perennial. But there is a pattern: the lighter the foliage, the more sun the plant needs. Dark green and blue varieties must be planted in the shade. For growing light hosts, partial shade or even a sunny place is suitable. Make sure that the plant is not in direct light, otherwise burns on the leaves cannot be avoided.

The host can be planted in the shade or partial shade

Light, well-drained, moist soil is good for planting and propagating outdoors. The holes should be made wide, about 30 cm deep. The distance between them should be from 30 to 100 cm (depending on the size of the plant).

Fill each hole about 2/3 with compost, peat, form a mound. Place the roots of the seedlings on it, but so that there are no empty spaces. Spread them out, cover them with fertile soil, compact. Finish planting with abundant watering. Mulch the roots with chopped bark or peat. This will help retain moisture. Repeat the watering procedure several more times every 3-4 days.

Advice. The buds of the plant during planting should be at ground level. If necessary, add additional soil under the root.

Plant care

Although not a demanding host, planting and caring for her requires adherence to the rules.

Fertilizing and feeding hosts

How the plants look in your garden depends on the care, including the intensity of fertilization. The hosta looks more decorative, which is fed 3 times per season:

  • during the growth period;
  • during flowering;
  • after him.

The host needs feeding several times a season.

For these purposes, fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are most often used. Compost and humus are also useful for hosts. It is better to bring them in in the fall. Organic fertilizers are preferable to mineral fertilizers. The "golden rule" of leaving is not to overdo it. Too frequent or abundant feeding can provoke a burn.

Plant propagation

There are 3 ways to propagate hosts:

  • division;
  • cuttings;
  • growing from seeds.

The bushes are usually divided in May or late summer. The smaller the split off part is, the longer it will take for it to grow. Another method of propagation, cuttings, involves the separation of a sprout with a part of the rhizome from an adult bush. Cuttings are planted in open ground immediately, watered and shaded.

Dividing the hosta bush

Growing hosts from seeds is a laborious and time-consuming process. The germination rate of the material is 70-80%, therefore, before sowing, it must be treated with growth stimulants. Another way is to keep the seeds in the cold for 30 days. It is also important to ensure that the soil and planting containers are sterile. Before sowing the hosts, the pots must be disinfected with potassium permanganate or alcohol.

Seed propagation should start in April or May. Pour drainage into containers, then soil mixture, water it. Spread the seeds, sprinkle them with soil on top (layer thickness - 5-7 mm). Slightly press it, cover the container with glass or film and place in a shady place. Hosta germination temperature is + 18-25º C. In such conditions, seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks.

Hosta seeds

At this time, caring for young seedlings consists in moderate watering and removing condensation. Keep the sprouts in a lighted place, away from direct sunlight. When the first pair of leaves appears, dive the seedlings. The soil in new containers should be ¼ covered with sand. For watering, place the pots in a deep bowl and wait until the top layer is damp. Temper the sprouts: temporarily remove the glass or film, and after about a week, remove them altogether.

If the air temperature is already above + 18º C, leave the seedling containers in the fresh air for a short time. Experienced gardeners warn: despite proper care, the hosta develops very slowly. In addition, she often loses the characteristics of the variety.

Diseases and pests hosts

Khosta rarely gets sick, but one of the most typical ailments for her is phylostictosis. Yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves. Affected plants need to be burned and the soil disinfected. If you notice gray rot or sclerotinia on the leaves, apply fungicides.

Phylostictosis hosts

Pests that make large holes in the beautiful foliage of hosts are slugs. To scare them away, cover the soil with something sharp: rubble or broken shells. Beer baits also help. Place containers with this drink around the bushes, and every other day, select slugs from them. Use insecticides to control insects (caterpillars, grasshoppers).

Hosta: Combination with other plants

Hosta leaves create harmonious combinations with brunner, heuchera and ferns. These plants look advantageous against the background of conifers. Also try compositions with, geraniums, mountain goat weed. Make a beautiful landscape with lungwort, anemone, foxglove,.

Hosta on a flower bed

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to combine cultivation and hosts. This is explained by the fact that they have different lighting requirements. However, in landscape design. In these cases, gardeners recommend planting the host on the north side of the bush.

Hosta in landscape design

There are many options for using this perennial in landscape design. First of all, the hosta is a ground cover plant for shady places. She creates coziness in gardens, stylized as nature. If you still decide to combine the cultivation of roses and hosts, decorate with them, for example, the shore of a reservoir.

Hosta in landscape design

Use this plant to decorate garden paths, lawns framing. Growing hostu in pots,. It is also good for vertical flower beds. A good addition in this case will be phlox or.

Whichever way you choose to decorate your garden is unlikely to be disappointed by the host. Rather, on the contrary: seriously and for a long time will conquer with its charm and unpretentiousness.

Growing hosts: video

Hosta varieties: photo

Decorative hosts have recently begun to rapidly gain popularity among summer residents. Hosts have become really trendy. Hosta leaves resemble a heart in their shape. As a rule, the leaves of the hosta bloom from mid-summer to the end of August.

What do you need to know when boarding hosts?

In the case of excellent care of the hosts, a person receives a return in the form of the beauty of the plant. Leaving and planting hosts is not a complicated and short-lived process.

This flower is naturally beautiful not with its multi-colored color, but with its special leaves. At good care hosta leaves become more colorful over time.

The host is not picky about the soil. So, the soil should be sufficiently moist, without stagnant water. Excessive dampness will not benefit the plant, this is worth remembering.

When planting, the emaciated soil should be fertilized with sand, humus, and a variety of mineral fertilizers.

If you want your hosts to look more colorful and vibrant, plant them in sandy soil, while you need to know that hosts grow in such soil rather slowly.

What place in country garden most beneficial for landing hosts? Shaded areas of the garden - perfect place for this interesting plant... Remember that hosts prefer shade. If you notice an advantage on the leaves of a plant white, then know that the plant needs light. Such a host will enjoy the sunshine.

When caring for hosts, it is worth remembering that it is preferable to shield hosts from hot sunlight with perennials. Hosta is a plant that is not afraid of winters.

Sometimes, the hosta is planted after the seedlings have grown from the seed. For successful seedlings, it is worth taking care of planting seeds in special small pots in April. The plant sprouts within three weeks. It is necessary to take care of the seedlings, limit them from direct sunlight.

At the end of summer, the shoots are planted in a permanent place in the garden. The depth for the plant should be the same as in the pot. During planting, the sockets are watered by the hosts and also mulched.

Caring for hosts is actually a simple process. The main operations required to care for a plant are weeding, watering, fertilizing, and loosening.

The main task for the summer resident is the selection of the optimal plant variety.

Also, when choosing a hosta variety, be guided by the harmony that will come after planting a flower in the garden.

Hosta itself is a versatile plant, since it can be planted along paths and curbs. The hosta will look very beautiful if it is planted in a flower bed.

Host composition is a great option for country house... In the first rows, hosts of more than light colors, and then - darkened. It is worth knowing that hosts can live in one place for twenty years.

How to fertilize the soil?

Correctly chosen fertilizers will allow you to enjoy the beauty of plants for a long time. During its life, the flower is fertilized with ammonium nitrate, mullein infusion, compost, potassium sulfate, superphosphate.

It is advisable to fertilize the soil three times during the entire growing season: at the beginning of the season, during budding, and also after the flower has faded.

When should hosts be watered?

Like many other plants, hosts prefer morning watering.

Please note that watering the hosts is done in moderation, as over-watering will kill the flower.

How does a flower reproduce?

There are two ways to propagate hosts: by dividing and by seeds. Bushes are often cut and transplanted before the flower begins to show leaves.

Regarding the time of year that is most suitable for flower reproduction, let's say that this is the end of April - May.

For successful reproduction of hosts, it is necessary to dig out the hosta bush, and then rinse the roots in water.

Hosta (Hosta) is a representative of perennial herbaceous plants and belongs to the Asparagus family. It got its name in honor of the famous Austrian botanist N. Host. The plant also has a second, less known, name - funkiya. The hosta genus is represented by numerous varieties and species.

The place of origin of the hosts is considered to be the territories of Japan and China, as well as the Kuriles, Sakhalin and southern part Of the Far East... It is impossible to determine exactly when this plant was discovered. It was brought to Europe only in the 19th century. Hosta did not get its distribution among gardeners soon, but was originally grown only in the greenhouse conditions of botanical gardens.

How to plant a hosta flower

The host is unpretentious plant therefore it can grow well in a shaded area. The only condition is that the plant must be protected from exposure. strong wind and drafts. The color of the leaves affects the hosta planting site. So a plant with green monochromatic or blue leaves will feel good in the shade, while a hosta with variegated leaves should be planted in brightly lit places, but without direct burning rays of the sun.

The host is also unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But if you need to grow a strong, lush and beautiful plant, then the earth should be fertile and well moisture and air permeable. The host will not be able to grow in swampy lands. Hosta seedlings can be planted in open ground both in autumn in early September and in spring in April and early May.

The bed under the host should be well dug up. The holes need to be made shallow, they should be at a distance of about 40-50 cm from each other.If the variety has big leaves, then this distance should be increased. Each well must contain a good drainage layer. A broken line is suitable for him pine bark or small stones. Next, the drainage layer is sprinkled with a universal fertilizer for ornamental deciduous plants, and the hosta is planted on top, gently straightening its roots. Next, the planted plant must be thoroughly watered and covered with sawdust so that the water does not evaporate too quickly from the surface.


Taking care of the host is not difficult at all. Watering should be abundant and frequent. You need to water in the morning, until the heat comes, the ground should always be wet, but without stagnant water, otherwise the plant will be affected by fungal diseases.

Top dressing and fertilizers

You only need to feed the host if it grows on infertile soil. Then fertilizer should be applied at least three times per season of its growth and flowering. The first time is in mid-April, the second is at the end of May, and the third is at the end of July. For feeding, both fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants and natural organic fertilizers diluted with a small amount of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate.

Loosening the soil

Loosening of the soil must be done very carefully, since the roots of the plant are too close to the surface of the earth. Many gardeners give up loosening altogether, so as not to damage the root system of the hosts, but replace it with mulching. Mulched soil retains moisture well.


Before the onset of cold weather, the peduncles are cut off, and the leaves are not touched.

Transplant hosts in autumn

Every fall adult plant subject to transplantation and division of the bush. The peduncles are removed, the plant is removed from the ground and divided into parts, each of which must contain 2 sockets and an independent root system. The host needs to have time to plant it before mid-September. Before the onset of cold weather, the transplanted plants must have time to take root and prepare for the winter cold.

The soil for replanting must be loose and fertile. Immediately after planting, the hole with the plant is well moistened and mulched with sawdust or sand. The plant is planted at a distance of about 30 cm from each other so that the hosta bushes can grow and develop freely for the next year. The host does not need to be replanted every year. In the same place, the bush can grow successfully for about 20 years.

Preparing flowers for winter

It is important to properly prepare the host for wintering. To do this, cut the peduncles, cover the soil around the plant with leaves. The leaves of the plant themselves are not cut off. The first snow that falls can be used to provide additional cover for the plant.

The host can be propagated in one of the three ways listed below.

Reproduction by dividing the bush spend in early spring in April or in autumn in September after flowering. Before extraction, the plant is watered abundantly. An adult bush is divided into parts. Each part must contain at least two outlets. The processes are planted at a distance of about 40 cm from each other.

Propagation by cuttings. To do this, take any process that has its own root system, separate it from an adult plant and plant it in the shade, covering plastic bottle... After a few days, the stalk can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction of hosts by seeds is the most in a difficult way... This plant is characterized by a very low germination rate. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in a growth stimulant solution. The soil for planting them must be sterile.

You need to sow seeds in a pot in April, sprinkle them with earth a little on top and leave them at a temperature of about 25 degrees for germination. The container with seeds should be covered with glass or foil, periodically ventilated and moistened. The seeds germinate in about 2-3 weeks.

Sprouts should be kept in bright, diffused light, periodically moistened. After two full-fledged leaves appear, the sprouts can be dived. But it is important to remember that with this method of propagation, the host will grow very slowly.

Hosta can be successfully used in the design garden plot... Her beautiful leaves unusual shapes and colors will complement landscape design and will dilute the blooming riot of other plants. A host with a small height can be used to decorate the first plan of flower beds and alpine slides... Hosta looks good along with a decorative rocky base.

The host can be decorated with a fountain, a pond or an artificially created reservoir. Host can arrange borders of garden paths. With its help, flower beds are divided into sectors, so that in the future, annual plants can be planted in free areas. The host does not need to combine with other plants. It will also look very beautiful in the form of a solid carpet. Many gardeners arrange hosta places under fruit trees.

Hosta will go well with practical with any horticultural crops, whether liliaceae, balsams, ferns, geraniums, or muscari. It will also favorably set off coniferous plantations.

Host is enough resistant plant to diseases and pests, but still it can be affected by slugs or nematodes.

Fighting slugs is quite difficult. For this, it is best to use bait preparations bought in a specialized store. Slugs can also be caught with homemade traps. For this, containers with beer are buried next to the plant. At night, these bait traps will collect almost all pests. To prevent slugs from getting close to the hosts, the soil around them needs to be covered eggshell or a broken shell rock.

When the plant is affected by nematodes, brown stripes form on the leaves. In this case, all the affected parts of the plant are removed and transplanted to a new place, having previously treated the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If water constantly stagnates in the roots of the hosta, then the plant can get sick with gray (brown) rot or phylosticosis. A hosta infected with rot will begin to shed diseased leaves. Root system will also suffer. You can fight the disease by treating the plant in a solution of potassium permanganate and transplanting it to a new place.

Phylosticosis manifests itself on the leaves of the plant in the form of red-brown spots. You can save the host by treating it with Vectra.

All varieties and types of hosts are divided according to two parameters: depending on the size of the plant and on the color of the leaves.

By color: host green, host yellow, host blue, host variegated and media variegated.

To size: dwarf (up to 10 cm), miniature (10-15 cm), small (16-25 cm), medium (26-50 cm), large (51-70 cm), giant (from 70 cm).

Among gardeners, the most favorite varieties are considered to be:

Khosta curly- miniature appearance with heart-shaped leaves, edges are sharp, slightly wavy, and tips are rounded. There is a white border along the edge of the sheet. The length of each leaf is no more than 16 cm. The flowering time of curly hosta is from July to August. Blooms with plain flowers purple hue, gathered in a panicle on a high peduncle.

Hosta Siebold- this variety is characterized by large leaves that are dense to the touch, reaching about 35 cm in length and about 25 cm in width. The leaves are dark green in color, and their surface is covered with a whitish waxy layer. It blooms in the form of an inflorescence on a high peduncle with bells of a pale purple... The flowering period is July.

Hosta Fortune- on appearance in many respects it is similar to the Siebold host, but has a much smaller leaf size. The color of the leaves is dark green, there is also a waxy coating on them. The length of each leaf is about 13 cm. The peduncle reaches significant sizes. Flowering is observed in August with funnel-shaped flowers of a purple hue.

Hosta wavy- got its name due to the unusually beautiful wavy leaves, reaching a length of about 20 cm. The peduncle is quite high - about 80 cm. The flowers are shaped like bells of a light lilac shade.

Khosta plantain- has a height of up to 70 cm, bright green leaves, glossy and shiny, rounded and thin to the touch. Blooms in August, releasing high inflorescences. The flowers are inconspicuous, white.

Hosta high- the leaves are dense to the touch, dark green in color, attached to the plant with long petioles. It blooms in the form of a low peduncle with a dense inflorescence. The flowers are tubular, purple in color. It blooms in the second half of August.

The host is bloated- has round leaves of a dark green color, the length of each leaf is about 25 cm, and the width is about 20 cm. The height of the host can reach about 80 cm. Flowering occurs at the end of July in the form of an inflorescence located on a long peduncle. The flowers are small, purple in color.

Hosta plant care (video)

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