Scenario on the ecological theme "Fairy tale about autumn". Autumn fairy tale in kindergarten script

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

Children, to the music of the waltz "Autumn Tale", run into the hall, perform an exercise with leaves.

Leading: Our music room

So decorated in a year only once.

My lovely boys

Guess the riddle:

The birds have stopped singing

The sun doesn't heat well

And on the street now

It got colder

The rain is pouring

And when does it happen?

Children: autumn.

1 child Autumn colors gold

Groves and forests.

Farewells are heard

Scarlet and yellow

The wind rips the leaves

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

2 children Autumn at the edge

I diluted the colors

Quietly through the leaves

Conducted with a brush.

Yellowed hazel,

And the maples blushed

In rowan purple

Oak is still green

Children sing the song "Maple Leaf Falls", sit down.

3 reb . Even the cat is amazing!

Eyes turned yellow overnight.

And now until spring

She will have yellow dreams.

4 children And there is no secret at all.

In yellow paint all white light

Both flowers and leaves.

So, autumn has come to us again!

5 children Autumn fox step

Sneaking through the ravines.

Along rivers and streams

And along the forest edges.

Steals and at the same time

Everything is painted in fox color.

6 children The birch turned yellow

Rowan turned red

And the maples blushed

And autumn is getting closer and closer.

Autumn Leaf comes out (child)

Leading: The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.

Drives a yellow leaf.

Autumn has come

Yellow leaf asks:

Leaf: I am a golden leaf

Who will take me with them?

The wind drives me

The wind is spinning me

Am I now

Nobody needs?

Leading: The goat ran past

I saw a yellow leaf.

Goat: Me-me, (goes around the leaf)

Yes, you are not very good

Autumn gold leaf

You're not good for me for dinner

I won't take you with me. Me-me. (leaves)

Leading: The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing.

Again he drives the leaf.

Petya is walking, a cockerel,

He sees a yellow leaf

After all, not summer-autumn,

Yellow leaf asks:

Leaf: I am a golden leaf

You take me with you.

The wind drives me

The wind is spinning me

Does no one need me now?

Cockerel: Ko-ko-ko-kukareku

I can't take you

You're not tasty at all

I'd rather find myself

The other leaf is cabbage.

Leading: The wind is blowing again

Again he drives the leaf.

Hedgehog runs along the path

The leaf says to him:

Leaf: I am a golden leaf

You take me with you.

The wind drives me.

The wind is spinning me

Really no one

Am I not needed now?

Leading: The hedgehog scratched behind his ear ....

Hedgehog: Fr-fr... I'm warm and dry

It's sweet to sleep in a mink in winter,

I'll take you with me.

I have a moss bed

We'll get on well with you.

I'll put it under the thorns

It will be sweet to sleep a hedgehog.

Leading: Very happy all around

A friend appeared at the leaf.

And now, and now the forest orchestra will perform for you.

Orchestra "I'll Sow a Quinoa" (animals)

Leading: Where is the beautiful Autumn, she has been gone for a long time, let's call her.

Children call: "Autumn, Autumn, we ask for a visit"

Music sounds, Autumn enters, holding a brush in his hands.

Autumn: How beautiful in your hall,

A world of comfort and warmth.

You called me poems

Finally I came to you.

With your magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields.

Leading: Autumn, the guys were looking forward to you and prepared wonderful poems.


Autumn: Now, my boys

Guess the riddles!

1. Alena dressed up in her green sarafan,

Curled the frills thickly, but her name is……(cabbage).

2. Our piglets grew up in the garden.

Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails.(cucumbers.)

3. Long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top.

Only green heels stick out in the garden……(carrot).

4. Before we ate it,

We have been crying……(onion).

5. Both green and dense in the garden grew a bush.

Dig a little, under a bush…(potatoes).

Autumn: Well done guys, you solved all my riddles! And now, guys, I want to play a delicious game with you. Guess the taste of fruits and vegetables with your eyes closed.

The game "Guess the taste?"

Leading: dear autumn, the guys have prepared a wonderful dance for you.

Children perform a round dance "Autumn - Enchantress".

Autumn sits on a chair, puts a magic brush nearby.

Autumn: Do you know, guys, which of the animals changes their fur coat for the winter?

Children: Hare.

Autumn: That's right, the hare is gray in summer and white in winter. Who else changes color in winter?

Children: Squirrel.

Autumn: Well done! The squirrel was red, and is turning gray. But the chanterelle, on the contrary, was ugly faded, and by winter it becomes fluffy, fiery, red.

Leading: Dear Autumn, the guys have prepared not only poems for you, but also songs and dances.

Autumn: I'll be happy to take a look.

Reb. Our Girlfriends

They love to dance very much.

With bells and flowers.

One, two. three four five -
Let's dance with the veela!

Girls perform a dance with veils "Autumn the lacemaker".

Reb. Droplets pour on the ground

They drip and don't get tired.

Rain, rain, sing louder

Let's drink together with you.

Children sing the song "Prickly Rain".

Reb. BUT now the time has come
where is the merry dance of us
invites to a friendly circle
all friends and all girlfriends.

Children perform the dance "We stomp with heels."

(Baba Yaga quietly comes out. Steals a magic brush and runs away to her hut).

Autumn notices the loss.

Autumn: Ah, that's the trouble! What should I do I don't know?

I don't know where

The golden brush is gone.

The magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields!

Yaga: (paints his hut with a brush and sings:

At the edge of the forest

Yaga lived in a hut.

Completely skewed

From antiquity house.

And very handy

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

To be a tower!

The ceiling is golden

And a little window

Even a door with a wall

Like the sun

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won't forget you, chicken legs!

While singing, the hut changes, becomes more beautiful.

Leading: Autumn, look, so that's who took your magic brush.

Well, Baba Yaga, give us the brush.

Yaga: well, I do not. What came to me is gone.

Leading: But you stole this brush from Autumn. How will she bring beauty without her?

Yaga: Oh, you are cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you order me to live in a shabby hut for a century? No. (goes into a hut).

Leading: What to do? How can we be? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga? I came up with.

(approaches the hut and knocks).

Yaga: Who's there?

Leading: We are your guests.

Yaga: What are the other guests? I won't let you.

Leading: Well, if you don’t want to let guests in, then take us to your place of work.

Yaga: You? In workers? And what, pray tell, do you know how to do, workers?

Leading: Well, for example, we can work as accountants. We will count your finances. And cups, bowls, and ladles, and jet mortars, and chicken legs.

Yaga: Oh, such tiddly-and count? What kind of accountants are you? Yes, you let me in the world.

Leading: Let's not let. And we will rewrite your good!

Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite. Now my hut will fall apart from laughter. Do you know letters?

Leading: Our guys know letters and numbers, and they know how to sing.

Yaga: Yah? I love songs. Sing, I'll listen.

Children sing the song "Why is autumn crying?".

Yaga: Good song, soulful.

Leading: And our guys still know how to dance.

Yaga: Yah? Well, show me.

Children perform the dance "Kolo".

Leading: Well, did you like our guys?

Yaga: Oh, what good fellows. Know how to have fun. And I'm bored alone.

Leading: It's because you don't have any friends.

Yaga: Friends ... and who will be friends with me?

Leading: Guys, do you want to be friends with them?

Yaga: Want! Really want to! (approaches the children greet hugs)

I don't care about anything for my friends. (gives brush away).

But I'm still sad. You are all so beautiful and smart. And I?

Leading: You also need to dress up. So to speak, change the image.

Yaga: Image. Right, I'm going to change my image. (leaves).

Autumn: I don't know how to thank you

I will do so many miracles.

I'm going to gild the whole forest.

I will give red beads to mountain ash

Birches-yellow scarves.

Autumn says goodbye and leaves.

The music sounds “And I’m walking like that all ...” Fashionably dressed Baba Yaga enters, dancing.

Leading: Blimey! Guys, Baba Yaga is unrecognizable. How beautiful and fashionable she has become.

Yaga: Oh guys, that's right! I seem to have rejuvenated. I got my second wind. Thank you guys for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at three hundred years life is just beginning. And I want to treat you, my friends. Do you like hotels?

Baba Yaga treats the children, says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: On this our autumn holiday finished. Thank you all for your attention, see you soon! Goodbye!

autumn fairy tale


(the hall is colorfully decorated with leaves, rain, clouds and the sun, there is a hut in the center, a storyteller sits in it)



Hello my darlings, Hello my darlings! :

I know miracles happen in autumn.

Yes, just like any time of the year.

Isn't nature itself a miracle?

But I will tell you one secret.

A wizard is one who believes in fairy tales.

And on this joyful, wonderful day

A fairy tale will surely open doors for you.

I'll tell you a story, and you listen. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived Princess Valeria and five gnomes, the eldest was called Cyril, the younger Yegor, and among them there were three Artyoms, the eldest, the middle and the youngest, they lived in their kingdom peacefully and amicably, but one fine day ......

PRINCESS: I don't want her to come, she's bad! She is angry and ferocious, slush, mud, rain… whine-whoop-whoop…

1.GNOM (Kirill):

Lera don't cry! No need!

Yellow coins fall from a branch.

There's a treasure under your feet!

This autumn is golden

Gives leaves, not counting.

Gives golden leaves

To you and to us

And everyone in a row.

2.GNOM (Artem Shemenev): And the wind throws them again.

Brings blue to the sky

Autumn rain washes

Already fallen leaves.

3. GNOME (Artem Uchambrin):

And a golden ray of sunshine

A light flared up in the rain.

4. GNOME (Artem Dashin):

Glides on colorful leaves

And keeps them warm.

5. GNOME (Egor):

The birds have flown.

The forest is dreaming of summer.

Will not freeze until spring -

Dreams warm the forest in winter.

(The song is performed: “There once was a little magician” by Zhemoytuk)


The sun just peeks out
Hides again
Long summer red
I will remember. "

I don't want autumn! I want summer!!!
(Gnomes reassure that summer will also come, but later, next year)

(hearing the cry, Slush and Chill appear)

Slush(stretching) I’m sleeping, or it seems to me .., .. (pinches himself) no, it doesn’t seem that someone is spreading dampness. Hey Chill, wake up!

Frostbite:Brrr! What are you shouting, neighbor!

Slush: Wake up, Autumn has come!

As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes,

And Slush and Chill are coming.

And no one is waiting for us. And we, on the contrary,

And we are always scolded, but scolded.

Slush:I am Slush, I'm around in galoshes and with an umbrella,

I wander through puddles, I catch up with dampness.

Frostbite:And Kholodryga is a friend, everything runs around,

On all passers-by letting cold.

Listen, Slush, where are we with you? Some kind of kingdom? Maybe we were invited here?

Slush:What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchi! How many years I live in the world, no one has ever called me to visit.

Frostbite:And me, Kholodryga, is also not very favored. Well, since they didn't call us, they'll regret it. We will spoil the whole holiday for them.

Slush:(whining) Here they were invited (shows to the hall). And we are not with you!

Frostbite:Phew, what a mess! Don’t cry, it’s cold without you, let’s better think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become conceited!

Slush:Invented! Now we will enchant all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we ourselves will make such a slush, we will arrange such a cold that Autumn will turn from golden into rainy.


Slush:To the sad!


Slush:Now I will scout the slush on a silver platter (spreads the rain cut into pieces on a silver platter)

Frostbite:Hooray! Happened! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you!

(runs around with a big fan while Slush splashes water)

Slush:And I also have candy.

Frostbite:(reads) Snickers.

Slush:You yourself are Snickers! This is "Rhinitis!"

Frostbite:(reads) Ba-un-tee!

Slush:Don't "bounty", but "Cheahunty" hand out sweets!

(running and handing out candy)

PRINCESS:(To the dwarfs) Well, here, and you say that Autumn is Golden! And she sent her servants to make me sick...

GNOME(Kirill): And you look in your magic mirror and you will find out everything yourself ...

PRINCESS: Tell me the light of my mirror, but tell the whole truth, is it true that Autumn is sweeter, golden and wiser than all?

MIRROR: Yes, Princess, no doubt, The season will give an answer.

PRINCESS:: Oh, gnomes, what a miracle

This stone, where is it from?

Here is the inscription,

Know she's magical. (is reading)

Stone with inscriptions: If you go to the right, you will be rich.

If you go to the left, you will help a friend out of trouble.

If you go straight, you will go home.

PRINCESS Q: What path will we choose? (help a friend out of trouble)

Correctly. Well, good luck!

Musical-rhythmic composition: "By the way of good". (Disc Songs for Children)

Pravda and Krivda appear to the music, they argue. (in the hands of baskets with mushrooms)

PRINCESS : Who is this?

GNOMES : Why, this is Truth and Falsehood. And look again they argue.

Truth: Well, let's count the mushrooms.

Krivda : Why count them? I have a whole basket of them.

Truth : You always lie, Krivda.

Krivda : Can you prove it?

Truth: And there is nothing to prove here. I'll just count 1, 2, 3, and even then toadstools.

Krivda: I don’t know anything, these mushrooms must have slipped me, because now there are all sorts of people walking in the forest. (points to children)

Truth: Hello dear guests. Why are you complaining here?

GNOMES : We came to help those who are in trouble.

Krivda: Nobody got into trouble here. In vain they came.

Truth: Do not deceive, Beauty Autumn must be rescued from trouble, Koschey stole her.

Krivda: Autumn to help out ... You first, deal with the mushrooms.

Truth : I'll figure it out, but you won't (they start arguing)

GNOMES : Do not quarrel, my brothers and I will help you. Let's take the mushrooms apart and count them.


Truth: Well, thank you.

Krivda: Go to that side. (shows)

The sound of wind sounds.

True, Krivda : We must save ourselves. The sorcerer of the autumn forest flies here (run away)

NHS: Dance of the sorcerers. (boys) (E. Grieg “In the cave of the mountain king.)

Witch: Why did you come here.

PRINCESS : Beauty Autumn to help out of trouble.

Witch : You will not see the Beauty of Autumn, such a hero has not yet been born in the world, Who would have coped with Koshchei. you better visit my relative, Baba Yaga, go. Maybe she knows... Ha, ha, ha. (flies away

PRINCESS : Well, nothing, let's move on, maybe someone will tell us how to find Koshchei. Oh, listen, the music is playing.

NHS: Dance: LEAF FALL (girls) (Kind fairy tale. Music and lyrics by K. Minin. Disc "E. Zaritskaya's birthday)

PRINCESS: Why is the forest so quiet?

1st GNOME : There is no squirrel, no bunny.

2nd GNOME : There is a hut in the distance.

ALL GNOME : Does Yaga live there?

PRINCESS : Hut hut, stand in front of me, and back to the forest.

Baba Yaga screams from the house :

What kind of fashion do people have

They became worse than savages.

Will pass by

So they will start turning the hut.

Get out good

I'm going to poke my ears.


You're a hut, don't be lazy

Turn to face us.

Baba Yaga runs out of the house :

Well, enough of the pranks

(with a bandaged tooth) After all, the hut will fall apart.

The roof is like a sieve

I'm the hostess or what!

How did they get me here?

You were not invited here.


Are you a granny what is not in the spirit?

So you scream, it rings in your ear.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, the white light is not dear to me,

My tooth hurts and I don't have urine.


This grief is not a problem

Give me the thread here. (a fake tooth is tied to a thread)

Focus pocus show (as if tying a tooth)

I will tie a thread to the tooth.

And FRIENDS will help me (we build a column pulling a tooth)

One, two, three pull! (Baba - Yaga resists, for the third time we pull out a tooth)

Baba Yaga:

No tooth, no pain

Like I'm sixteen years old

Well, what do you want, folks?

Now ask me.

1st GNOME : Beauty autumn was kidnapped by Koschey, help us find the way to him.

Baba Yaga : Of course I will help and show the way.

But I have to check if you guys can handle it.

I have three tests for you.

First: Well, come out soon, show your strength and dexterity

Musical and rhythmic composition: "Baba Yaga". (music by G. Platonov, lyrics by E. Ivanov) Disc "Birthday of E. Zaritskaya"

Baba Yaga : Well, well done, you are very clever.

Second: And now I will check how smart you are.

Riddles: 1 . Dig a little under the bush

Look out into the light(potatoes)

2 . Is the garden empty?

If it grows... (cabbage)

3 . For tops like a rope,

Can be pulled out....(carrot )

4. Do not be afraid if suddenly

Will make you shed tears...(onion)

5 . Well done grow in the garden,

green….(cucumbers )

Baba Yaga : These are the cucumbers, that is, well done. Third: And now I will check how much you like fairy tales. It is necessary to name the fairy tales in which I meet my beloved. (Princess - frog, Rejuvenating apples, Morozko, Tsar Maiden, Alyonushka, etc.)

Baba Yaga :

Well thank you friends

Now I'm satisfied.

To defeat Koshchei

We must find his death.

And she lies in an egg,

And the egg is in the box.

And the villain keeps it

The robber himself is a nightingale.

Wait, don't rush

Take the gusli with you.

If you are unable to

Ask them for help.

Here is a magical ball for you, where it rolls, you go there ...

PRINCESS : Well, thanks Yaga, you helped us a lot.

Baba Yaga : Well, now you can safely travel further and defeat Koshchei. And it's time for me to do good deeds. Ha, ha, ha. (leaves)

ALL: Move on. Where interesting will the ball lead us (throws the ball)

The nightingale the robber appears to the music: (in the hands of a casket)

I go, I go, I go.

I can't find any place.

You can hide under the tree here,

It will only make little sense.

What to do, how to be?

Where can I bury the casket.

I'll hide it right here. They certainly won't be found here. (hides behind a stump)

PRINCESS: Nightingale robber, Hello!

Don't get angry for no reason.

Evil Koschey kidnapped Autumn.

Help us, please.

We would like to go to the cat.

Find a magic chest there.

Nightingale - robber :

I, now, how to whistle.

I won't let you go to Koshchei. (whistles, everyone plugs their ears)

PRINCESS : Ah well! Oh you play the harp

1st : Strike the strings loudly.

2nd : If there is no way we can deal with him,

3rd : Let her dance until she drops.

4th : He himself will tell in the end,

5th : Where is the casket. (music sounds, the nightingale dances, gets tired and sits on the floor)

Nightingale - robber :

Oh, oh, oh, I can't, I'm about to fall.

Oh shut up at the end.

Yes, I forgot where the chest is.

I won't forgive you for this (gets up, shakes his finger)

I'll tell Koshchei everything. (runs away)

PRINCESS : Look, here is the casket.

Koschey appears to the music :

Well, I see you've come.

(sits on the throne.)

And yet, they found the way.


Give us Beauty Autumn.

Koschey: I do not like noise and din,

I won't give you autumn.

1st : Give her good,

2nd : You see - we came with a casket.

3rd : Now we will open the casket,

ALL : And the end will come to you.

Koschey : Oh, no need to open,

I agree to give everything.

Never will I

Do dirty tricks friends.

( magic music sounds and Koschei brings Autumn from behind the curtain)


Well, what do we believe Koshchei (yes)

Stay with us for the holidays.

AUTUMN : Hello, good fellows and red girls,

Hello dear guests!

Low bow to you, for your kind hearts and courageous deeds.

I am golden autumn, glorious time

The children greet me with a cheerful song.

NHS : Song: Autumn song. (Music and lyrics by N. A. Masluhina Bell No. 39).


I am golden autumn, Generous time

Now I will tell you

What did you bring as a gift.

Round dance - game: What autumn has brought us. (Music and lyrics by T. Bokach bell No. 34)

Children: 1. Autumn is generous and beautiful.

Say THANK YOU to autumn! (all in unison)

2. Autumn, autumn goodbye.

It's time for us to go home.

Autumn leaf goodbye

Spinning up to me.

Song we see off the golden autumn. (Music and lyrics by M. Sidorova bell No. 39)

AUTUMN : I'm sorry to part with you,

But winter is coming.

I will come back to you guys

You are waiting for autumn in a year.

And now accept my gifts,

Remember golden autumn. (gives to the host, pre-prepared gifts for the choice of educators)

To the music, the children organizedly leave the hall. (“Fairytale Forest” music and lyrics by V. Tyulpanov. Disc “Birthday of E. Zaritskaya)

Scenario of an autumn fairy tale for a festive event in preschool institutions"Autumn Story" (for the senior group)

A song about Autumn sounds, the children show a dance entrance with a rebuild.
Children with leaves in their hands go to the music, perform rebuilding (disperse through one, in pairs, fours and remain standing “scattered” on the carpet).

Presenter: What a beautiful autumn
What a golden carpet!
And visit today guys
The autumn holiday has come to us!
Child: The wind swirled to the song of the rain,
Throw leaves at our feet.
Such a wonderful time
Beautiful Autumn has arrived!
Children perform the song "Beauty Autumn" (music by M. Sidorova)
Presenter: We can not live in the world without miracles,
They meet us everywhere.
Magic autumn and fairy forest
He invites us to visit.
Sound effect sounds - "Sounds of nature: the voices of birds, the noise of the forest"
Presenter: We are in a wonderful forest
There are many miracles in it.
Child: On a sunny bright autumn day
A leaf torn off by the wind is spinning.
Dance with leaves (girls).
A hedgehog, a bee and a squirrel - all these pre-assigned children quietly pass behind the curtain to put on their hats.
After the dance, music is played for the entrance of the Hedgehog (boy).
Under this sound, a boy comes out - (with a basket of mushrooms in his hands).
Hedgehog: I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
I did not spare my legs,
Running along forest paths
And picked up a basket of mushrooms
At least dry, at least salt,
I'm not sorry - take everything!
The hedgehog puts the basket on a stump, the presenter thanks him, the hedgehog runs behind the curtain, takes off his hat and sits down quietly.
The sound of the flight of bees sounds. Bees fly out with barrels of honey.
1st bee: We are friends with flowers
We circle over them.
We did not buzz in vain,
We collected honey.
2nd bee: Delicious and healthy
He is from all diseases.
It's thick and sweet
Eat up guys!
The bees put the barrel on the stump. The presenter thanks them, to the sound of the flight - the bees fly away behind the curtain, take off their hats and quietly go into the hall, sit on the chairs.
Music sounds for the entrance of the squirrel. A squirrel enters the hall to the music, holding a basket of nuts.The squirrel stops in the middle of the hall.
Squirrel: I jumped on the branches
I collected nuts.
She puts a basket of nuts on a stump, the host thanks her, the squirrel jumps behind the curtain to the music, takes off her hat, quietly passes into the hall and sits on a chair.
Presenter: How many gifts are here!
The most different, the brightest!
Someone else is on our way...
The sound effect of wind sounds, dry foliage, cod
Presenter: Do you hear the forest crackling? (sounds get louder))
Under these already loud sounds, Auntie Bad Weather appears, sneezes, examines everything, remains standing in the center of the hall.
Bad weather: What, did you recognize me? (listens to children's answers)
Call me bad weather.
I've been in different fairy tales
And now she's come here.
Bad weather(looks around): Gifts are distributed here
And they don't call me?
Bad weather: Let me take a look now, what are they serving you here?
Bad weather approaches the stump, where there is a barrel of honey.
Bad weather: Honey!!! (surprised), this is what I love!
I'll take my honey.
She played in the rain all day, her throat often caught a cold.
Bad weather takes a barrel, then goes to a stump on which stands a basket of nuts.
Bad weather: How many nuts are here!
You can't eat that many.
I'm nuts!
I won't give them up for anything. (picks up)
Bad weather approaches a basket of mushrooms.
Bad weather: Well, what's on that stump?
Oh yes, those are mushrooms! (considers)
And a tiny buttercup
Russula, oak tree,
Even a strong boletus!
How much I walk through the forest
I find all the bad things.
Yes, and fly agarics.
Will you be healthy here? (picks up)
Can't get lost without mushrooms
You will find more for yourself.
Bad weather: Well, I have to go, I have other things to do ... (wants to leave)
Presenter: How are you, now do not be ashamed
Take all gifts? (referring to children)
For help, you need to see
We guys call Autumn! (The presenter calls Autumn)
Come visit us, Autumn,
We are asking all of you!
Autumn enters the hall to the music.
Autumn: I saw everything myself (looks sternly at Bad Weather, addresses Bad Weather)
Fly away from the forest!
And not how I will spin, I will sprinkle with leaves.
You will remember me, because I am the mistress in the forest!
Bad weather: Oh, tell me, scared!
Not like that - still seen!
Autumn: Oh, are you like this? Then hold on!
Come on, wind, spin!
Leaves are yellow, fly
Notice the bad weather!
A wind noise noise sound is heard that gradually increases in intensity.
Bad weather is spinning, Autumn pours foliage on it.
Bad weather: Oh no! Don't mark!
Take everything back!
I got it, I'll fix it now (puts everything back)
Autumn: That's much better...
Presenter: Well, if you, Bad Weather, realized that being greedy is bad, then get up to us in a round dance, our guys will teach you to be friends, but to dance!
Round dance "Hello, Autumn!"
Bad weather: Very good dance
The only thing missing is a colossus.
I jumped on a bump
Wet my feet a little.
You wear galoshes
Play near the bumps.
The game "Who will quickly run around a bump in galoshes" Bad weather: I've been hanging out with you
You grow to the joy of everyone,
Always be friends with each other!
Know you can't fight
Be happy friends!
Bad weather leaves the hall to the music.
Autumn: Animals came running to you, bees flew to you.
Bad weather, wandered into the autumn forest for a holiday to you.
What did you guys come up with?
Surprise me?
1st Child(approaches autumn, addresses her):
1st Child: We know songs about you
Let's dance round dances.
Listen, golden autumn,
As we read poetry to you.
2nd child: High under blue skies
The wedge is carried like a crane.
Silent in the morning
Trumpet screams are heard.
3rd child: The road is far for the birds,
From the birth threshold
And their flight is not easy ...
So let them be lucky!
Children sing the song "Cranes"
An assistant helps the boys put on the mushroom caps.
Autumn: You guys know everything
Sing songs, read poetry.
And I'll guess a riddle
Can you guess? Children: Yes!
3 riddle: Short and stocky
Decided to look at us
Raising in the morning under the tree
A leaf with a sticky needle... (mushroom)
Autumn: Well done boys!
Oh, and who is there early in the morning hurries to the clearing?
Marching music sounds.
All the boys - (fly agaric mushrooms) go around the hall, keep their hands on their belts.
With the end of the music, the mushrooms line up in a semicircle.
Autumn, seeing mushrooms, draws attention to the fact that they are inedible, surprised.
The Chief Fly Agaric takes a step forward.

Chief Amanita - boy: There is no more beautiful than me, mushroom:
Red and white dots!
Autumn: What kind of mushroom is so boastful
Is it asking for a basket?
Child (from place): Boast so what a shame
We know you are a fly agaric!
Autumn: No, don't touch the fungus
There is sense from the fly agaric!
If suddenly, in what forest
The big elk is in trouble
That moose from all diseases
Fly agaric is not more useful!
Presenter: Well, if fly agarics are such necessary mushrooms, then everyone will have fun dancing at our holiday!
Mushroom dance (boys)
The presenter and Autumn praise the mushrooms for their cheerful dance, the mushrooms sit down.
Autumn: Soon, soon I will leave you
And the cold will come.
In the meantime, I still have a lot, a lot, left to do, so it's time for me to say goodbye.
And finally, I want to treat you to my autumn gifts- poured apples.
(Shows a basket of apples and gives it to the Host)
Presenter: Thank you, golden autumn, goodbye!
To the music, Autumn waves her hand and leaves the hall.
The host invites the children to the group for a treat with autumn gifts.
To the cheerful music, the children leave the hall.

Early autumn is a bright time, inspiring poets to penetrating lines. But after gentle September comes slushy October and dank November. Nature is getting ready for rest: the days are getting shorter, and the sky is overcast with gray clouds. Pupils sit at their desks, sadly recalling the sunny days of summer. It's time to hold an interesting event called "Autumn Ball" or "Autumn Symphony", which can be decorated with school skits about autumn.

"Yeralash" to help

If the school does not have a drama club, skits can be taken in ready-made- from the children's "Yeralash" for example. Most children do not have acting talent, but they can imitate wonderfully. This is not bad: to become a master, you must first master the craft. The audience will be doubly interested: they will be able to enjoy not only a fun plot, but also the reincarnation of their classmates. In many issues of the children's magazine, the beginning of the school year and the autumn chores are perfectly shown. You can use early stories that have not been shown on television for a long time.

Autumn is the time for hiking and picking mushrooms. Do the guys know how to collect them? "Mushrooms" - a scene about autumn. they will play it with pleasure by roles, and the audience, represented by parents and classmates, will laugh at the unlucky hero.


A boy in the forest picks mushrooms with exclamations: “Well, wow!”, “Here is a whole family!”. In a few minutes, the basket is completely filled with the gifts of the forest. Tired, he walks, leaning on a stick, towards the stop. There are two girls his age waiting for the bus. Looking at each other slyly, they talk among themselves.

First girl: Wow! Picked up some bad guys.

Second girl: And why do they need him?

Boy (thinks and asks with interest): Are you local? Do you understand mushrooms?

Both girls (almost in chorus): Of course! We are from this village, we can help.

The boy hands them a basket, and the girls, one by one, throw all the mushrooms on the ground with the words: “Oh, toadstool!”, “And one more!”. The bus is coming. The boy pours the remaining mushrooms onto the ground and jumps on the bandwagon with an empty container. The bus is leaving. The girls pull out the baskets from the bushes and start picking up the scattered mushrooms.

First girl: Wow! How lucky!

Second girl: Aha! Another naive one!

The scene about autumn is funny if the guys manage to convey the intrigue after the heroes of Yeralash.

Fairy tales

The amazing role of a fairy tale. Why?

  • This is the easiest way to know life.
  • Through the relationship of heroes, children learn what friendship, deceit, meanness, love are.
  • There are no halftones in fairy tales: the hero is either positive or negative, which is easier to understand.
  • The total victory of good instills confidence in children.
  • Faith in good becomes the main life principle.
  • Through fairy tales, children learn the wisdom of the ages.

Therefore, it is very cool if a fairy tale is a scene about autumn. Primary School- the period when it is through allegory that it is easier to convey educational moments to children. For an autumn event, a traditional piece can be reworked, which will add additional interest.



We open the curtain.

Once. And two. And three!

New about turnip

Look at the story.

Someday on a spring day

Our grandfather has not forgotten

And in the garden

I planted a turnip.

Autumn has come.

harvest shoot

All your household

I started calling my grandfather.

Grandfather (grandmother):

dear wife,

Come out and help.

The turnip was born

It's like inside.


What are you, grandpa?

Did it fall from the oak tree?

I'm digging in the ground

Manicure interfered!

I am also now

I'm in a hurry for a massage.

Granddaughter - on the Internet.

I'm leaving!


Grandpa bravely

Calling granddaughter.

And in response he hears ...


The number won't work!

I have more lessons

Do two hours.

Sadness has come

Stripe in life!

Well, Bug will have to

Call instead of you.


Why do I need a turnip?

It's time for me to walk!

Well, Murka is left

Just ask.


And I want to sleep

How could you forget?

Concerts at night

I love to give.

And now I need

An hour or two to lie!


And one left

Our grandfather is sad.

Even about the mouse

Sadly, he forgot.

And that rodent is small

I took it and ran.


What happened, grandpa?

Did I hear, wretch?

We are great with you

Let's deal with both.

The song "Hey, let's go!"

We'll sleep now.

(They pulled out a turnip and found a bag).



What is this nonsense?

Gold, look, a bag!

This is a miracle garden!

A scene for schoolchildren about autumn will be interesting for children of any age if it has an unexpected ending. The proposed ending is:

We are now, my little mouse,

Let's live together with you!

(Everyone runs after grandfather).

All in unison:

Forgive us, grandpa

This is the last time.

Life to start again

Let's spend to help!


Grandpa forgave

Yes, only he

Brought all the money...

To the orphanage!

The scene about autumn is dedicated to the theme of the harvest, so it will be relevant at any autumn event.

For middle management

Autumn is the beginning of the school year. The guys met with classmates after the holidays, so it is very important to talk about friendship at the holiday. In the proposed skit "In the autumn forest" there is an absolutely unexpected ending. For younger teenagers, costume performances are interesting, so the mini-performance is based on an allegory, where dressing is required. The costumes should not be a complete match with the image, only a hint is needed, which will make the viewing more interesting. At first glance, the scene about autumn does not look funny, but rather philosophical. Here the right mood will be created by the acting, in which there is no tragedy. Some pathos in the voice and detachment will cause positive emotions and a smile. And the final scene will do the rest.

For a mini-show you need three actors: a leader and two wolves - a wise old man and a young leader. In the mass scene, several participants act as a flock.

"In the autumn forest"

Leading: The old wolf - the leader of the pack, on a slushy autumn morning did not feel the strength to lead others to hunt. He put forward a young leader, remaining in a dense thicket in anticipation of prey.

Young leader: Do not be sad, we will return in the morning not with empty paws.

Leading: Morning came, and the elder saw a flock descending from the hillock. The wolves were with prey, but with bloody muzzles and paws.

Elder: What happened? You are all covered in blood!

Young leader: We met seven hunters, entered into a fight with them and won, wisest one.

Elder: Well... now you can replace me in everything. Tomorrow you will lead the pack again.

Leading: In the evening, the pack again went hunting, and the old man was waiting for the wolves in the forest. The next morning, he saw a young leader descending from a hillock without prey. His entire muzzle was covered in blood.

Elder: What happened, where is the flock?

Young leader: There are no more flocks, oh wise one! We ran into people again!

Elder: And how many were there?

Young leader: Three!

Elder: How so? Yesterday there were seven hunters, but you managed to defeat them. And today only three, but the whole flock died! Were they armed with a cannon?

Young leader: No, they didn't have any weapons. Three schoolchildren collected a herbarium. But they turned out to be… friends!

This is a very unpredictable scene about autumn. The funny ending does not detract from the important content that it carries.

For high school

School years are a wonderful time. This is not only a time of success and failure in school, but also the experience of disagreements with teachers, making friends and falling in love for the first time. Textbooks and notebooks, lessons and breaks, homework and school holidays - this is the fabric from which school life is woven. In the senior classes, educational and professional activities come first, but students are especially anxious about events that allow them to reveal their other talents and prove themselves to the opposite sex. Autumn ball is one of the most beautiful holidays, where the queen of the ball is chosen, the guys show their ability to dance. Therefore, a scene about autumn would be appropriate, switching participants to the musical part of the holiday.

If you have creative high school students, you can write the script yourself. The main thing is to have a team of those who will feel confident on stage and be able to dilute the excitement of the participants in various competitions, adding a positive mood. An example would be a scenario called "Autumn Syndrome". This is a universal scene that can be shown to both parents and younger children.

Sketches about autumn for high school students: "Autumn Syndrome"

Participants: two doctors and a patient - a high school student.

First doctor: How are you?

Second doctor: A schoolboy came here alone, the diagnosis was “Autumn Syndrome”. I can't deal with it...

The first: I understand ... The body aches?

Second: No ... this blues.

The first: I quickly cured one of these. I turned on Malakhov's transmission right in the ward, after the second one he began to ask to go home. He says: autumn slush is better than a brain explosion.

Second: The method is not bad, but my patient, I suspect, will not even look at the screen.

The first: Well then universal remedy- castor oil ...

Second: Tried. Helps, but not for long.

The first: What about candy?

Second: Fed with chocolate.

The first: Well, where is he? ( The orderlies take out the patient, who mumbles poems about autumn ...) Listen, maybe he needs Rastishki?

(The scene about autumn will be funny if the patient manages to play apathy).

Second: Unless you put some mustard in there.

A patient: And I don’t care: with mustard or without ...

The first: Did he give you toys?

A patient: I haven't played since 10th grade...

Second: Maybe try Rammstein? Strong remedy. (Music sounds. The patient is frightened and hides behind a chair).

The first: O! At least he reacts. He needs music. Just have fun. ( Fun music sounds. Everyone starts dancing.)

Second: This is the medicine he should be prescribed. On every day!

If you need a short scene about autumn

There are situations when you need a very small miniature on the theme of autumn (KVN, an evening of humor). It should be fun and original, so the ideas that can make you want to improvise are more important than the content. You can suggest:

  • The creative process of writing an autumn poem ... A. S. Pushkin.
  • An unexpected meeting in the autumn forest with talking leaves, animals, trees.
  • A meeting with an alien who needs to be explained what autumn is.
  • Writing from nature.
  • School scenes in September days.

The roll call in the classroom, where half the students are missing, is a scene about autumn. The funny situation is based on the fact that high school students do not get involved in the educational process.

Teacher: Ivanov?

Answer from class: And he was exempted from exams, why should he go to school?

Teacher: Petrov?

Answer from class: And his head hurts, he went to the first-aid post. And Sidorov, Popov, Gorokhov, Nikolaev and Vertushkin took him there.

Events are very important and funny scenes help overcome that slight blues that everyone experiences on cloudy days.

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