The scenario of the performance "Adventures of the pounding. New Year's journey pounding in a fabulous forest

Reservoirs 01.10.2019

Scenario "New Year's Adventures of Funtics"

Come on, honest people!

Christmas tree calling you!

Get everything in mugs
Feel free to kids!

Once day and hour comes

Everyone is waiting with the hope of their arrival,

And the miracle happens again

And this is a miracle - New Year!

The sun raise is mixed and teases,

We now have fun in the morning,

Winter gives us a ringing holiday.

Happy New Year to all, friends!

With us you get into the circle,

If you came to us for a holiday,

Dance with us, have fun!


Ah, illusionists, ah, clown focus - Mokus! I'll show them ...

What how much!

Fu ... Well, I, I think, and in place, and what, Mokus Sobed and with my favorite piglet, not yet reached? Not? Not! You need to urgently return the pounding! He has talent. And how it gets wonderful (copies) "Children, serve on the houses for homeless piglets!" No one could refuse him. He brought me a lot of money, and now I

railed ...

But nothing! I'll show them how to score your head with friendship ...

We still see who whom ... They seem to go, well, I

Now meet ... ha ... ha ... ha

(runs away)

I - Focus Mokus, Devora,

All of you know me perfectly:

I am a cheerful and funny,

And, of course, naughty.

So that you all will not be bored,

We offer Bambino

Together with dreams to play!


Here, listen:

I'm read now

And show start.

Hedgehog came running.

I dulp the knives, knives.

Cook bunnies, bunnies.

Well, together! Well, friendly:

Girls! Boys!


She is not here.

Hooray! It seems we ran away from her ...

Focus Mogus

Yes! All right! Only that's a pity that we are stuck. I thought it would be faster if I move through the swamp, but it turned out the opposite ...


I must say Santa Claus to frozen this swamp.

Well, I'm even glad that we are stuck here, we are so rarely in the forest, and even more so in the winter ...



Mokus consoles us. And in fact, it is disgusting and wet.

Potted, because Hippo lives here. And who is pleased to hear bad about his own house?


Swamp house for hippopotamus

But we are not hunting in it!

(Hippo appears. He is very polite)

Please understand me correctly, I'm even glad that you are stuck here. I'm so lonely ... But if you got into trouble, then I have to help you. I will not be enough for me ...

Idea! You are driving dreams! Slaya in the arena - it's so like the children! And on the poster with multi-colored letters we will write "For the first time on the New Year Hippopotam Chocolate holiday!"

Chocolate? It is suitable. I love sweet! I even know the riddles about chocolate!

    Here are crisp cookies and milk chocolate,

Do not want and jam-

Only to him you will be happy

Mysterious as Mr. X,

Well, of course it ... (Twix)

    But what kind of thing?

Focus - Thin Science!

In milk he will not drown

Gentle, as well as the soul throws.

Printed-fog soon

Our favorite ... (Malkie Way)

    It has everything you can

Walking by impossible!

Named after one planet,

And we love all the white light,

He supported the class.

Know everything that is ... (Mars)


I love frosty frost,

I can not live without disagree

Santa Claus chose me a name:

I am Snow Maiden, friends!

Hello guys! Hello, Mokus, Bambino

and Funtik! I hurried so much for your holiday, thought

what I will not find you.

Something I don't like this Snow Maiden at all.


Yes, and one, without Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden, and where is the grandfather? After all, the guys are waiting for gifts and are waiting for our beautiful Christmas tree, what happened to him?


And ... and ... .ded lingered on the way! He must come soon!

That's right, from minute to minute.



Honestly! Well, while grandfather gets, I will make you

Heals in Africa Beasts

Good doctor .... (Aibolit)

In an old house

On the windowsill

Stood a pot,

And in a pot-flower,

On a flower bud,

And in bud

Once there was a crumb ... (inch)

Where is your ball's dress?

Where is crystal shoe?

Sorry, I hurried ...

My name is .... (Cinderella)

Buns I give you a suppl

Arrive at me at least once!

Mr. all kinds of leprosy,

Best in the world ... (Karoson)

All day in green skin,

All day all "kva" yes "kva"

But hiding under the skin

All the wise and all the fitness ...

Who! Princess Frog)

This ... it ... This is ....

Mrs. Belladonna!


(runs away)

Ha ha ha! I said that my will take!

Ah, illusionists, ah, clown focus - wet ...

Leading guys, what do we do? How do we get out of the pounding?

(Martha crying)

Idea! Alle-op! Need to cause detectives, they will find a grandfather

Frost and Snow Maiden, and they will definitely help us in our misfortune.

(calls to detectives)

Hello! Police station listens.

We urgently need help, you need to find Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. As fast as possible!

You understood. The best detectives are starting to work ...

(Song or dance)

Take care of hands, legs, close your ears, nose,

To us on the holiday of New Year

Rides Grandfather Frost!

Wyry a circle from the Christmas tree! We meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden

How many of you, kids,

Both girls and boys!

In this new winter hour

We are glad to see you again!

Again under the christmas tree

We will dance again,

Having fun and play

We will together we again!

Santa Claus

Hello guys!

E-gay, friends! I'm with you again!

How do you live? All healthy?

I walked for a long time. On the way, many schools managed to go.

Glad now you have.

What should I give you?

Santa Claus, you are here who help: miracle tree lit

Santa Claus

Well, well, friends, I will help .... I ask you.

One, two, three ... with me together again!

I want you to serve me now

I want the Christmas tree with fires,

So that brighter and beautiful was one hundred thousand times!

My staff will felt the desire for my

Only we count: one, two, three!

Together one, two, three!

Snow Maiden

Hello, Tree dear,

Again you are visiting us.

The lights run, sparkling,

On dense your branches.

This day we waited long,

Not seen for a whole year

Sinking, sounds under the Christmas tree

New Year's dance!

Let the holiday continue

All together will be dance!

(Marty, clown, hippo sit sad)

Santa Claus

What? What happened?

Sadness in the face suddenly appeared?

Il are not glad you, friends,

What came to visit you?

What are you, Grandfather Frost! You brought gifts to us!

We are glad to see you, only because we have trouble ...

Santa Claus

What happened, I do not understand? Explain the old man ...

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, the fact is that Mokus,

Bambino, chocolate came to us for a holiday with

friend, pigstone pantyk, and evil mistress

Belladonna, dressed in the Snow Maiden, took

his to himself.

Snow Maiden is not trouble, we will now sit in the car and

Let's go in chaladon.

After all, our friendship with us.

With evil, we will deal with yourself!

So, attention!

What a miracle is a blue house!

The kids are a lot in it,

Wears rubber shoes

And feeds gasoline ...


Leading in a car and go into pursuit!

Prepared, went!

(depicting the car children go)

Santa Claus once you are so friendly and do not throw friends in trouble,

then I will help you!


Mighty winds, magic forces,

I want you to serve me now ...

I want a pounding again with us,

And Belladonna lag behind us.

My staff, my desires,

Only I count: one, two, three!

(Belladonna runs into the hall with a pantic)

Belladonna oh, I can no longer help you, I ask you!

Guard! Save me! Tay, Thay, I ...

At a young age, I Tayu? Harness magic words.

Santa Claus Belladonna, Rest: With us no longer jealous!

Return a friend to us, and I will take it myself!

Belladonna oh, grandfather is not noise, you better help me!

I am so young, in the young age burn!

Santa Claus No, Belladonna, you will not deceive me!

Play, friends! Bare, Mrs.!


Belladonna oh, guys, I am the Stara, would regret me.

Who will help me dance, I will give the prize.

Santa Claus showed? MY PUBLIC!

Belladonna Oh, grandfather, giving.

You forgive me, old woman.

I will not hurt more fly

And not a mosquito throne!

Do you believe me, friends?

Funtik Zlo came, see the end!

Snow Maiden Yes, friends, evil disappeared. It does not grind!

Master and we continue our holiday, we all sing a song

"Somewhere on white light ..."

Snow Maiden Minute flew so quickly,

And it's time for us!

Santa Claus but remember cute children

That in the world is the great one!

Funtik Fight hours floats under the skill,

In windows, the light does not quit the city,

We all congratulate ...

All Heroes Happy New Year!

Be in life happy always!

Children go from the hall to the music

1. Funtik
2. Karcusha
3. Belodonna
4. Break
5. Martyushka
6. Queen
7. Professor
8. Cat Matroskin
9. Pins Ball
10. Parrot

Music sounds. Funtik pig runs with tears

Funtik: Aaaa! / Crypt / Do not want to work more! I do not want to deceive poor children! I feel sorry for them! A-ah! I want to mom, I want to dad ......
Karcusha: / Sleeping / Who is it crying loud and bitterly? Already for the soul takes! Even you want to cry. / Examined. Sees Funtics. / Oh, that's you, kid?! What kind of trouble is this, on which bitter tears are poured?
Funtik: I want to my mother, I want to dad ... I do not want to whites !!! I'm afraid of her! She makes me telling kids felt fairy tales and demand money!
Karcusha: And where do your dad and mom live?
Funtik: They live in distant Australia, on the Limpopo River.
Karcusha: Then how did you get here?
Funtik: When I was small, I was stolen by Belodonna and brought here to make millions.
Karkusha : How do you help? / thinks / invented! I know what to do! We must find your parents.
Funtik: How do we find them, because they are so far?
Karcusha: But it's so easy. We must write a letter to Australia. So they say so, take the poor baby-pig. But here I do not know your name?
Funtik: All children know me. Because I am speaking for them. Children, what is my name? / Children answer /
Karcusha: Very nice, Karcusha is a resident of the local forest. I also know me here, just do not guys, but animals ....
Funtik: And how is it to write?
Karcusha: Well, it's easy. Take paper, handle and write.
Funtik: I can sing, I can hone it, but I don't know how to write ... I do not know how.
Karkusha : What are you doing this, and you can't read?
Funtik: I do not know how.
Karcusha: Yes, brother, bad things are our affairs. I also don't write or read or read. / sighs / and where they do not know this.
Funtik: Oh, how I want to learn ...

Funtik: What to do? Belodonna is looking for me.
Karcusha: Hide and sit quietly. / Funtik hides behind the bushes /
Belodonna: Where are you my little, my pink piglets? Where did you ran from mommy? AU! AU! Where are you? Gryukni at least time.
Karkusha : This is what you snapped here? EDAC of all animals are moving away.
Belodonna: Yes, I do not cry! I am looking for my son, pongty porn. He disappeared with me. / Angry / vague pigs, I will find you, I'll show you! Did you happen to see my personal pounding here?
TO arkusha : I saw, but where he won't say!
Belodonna: Well, it is not necessary! Here you will say the guys. Won how many of them. Guys, you did not see the pounding? / Children answer that no / maybe he was hidden somewhere? Kids answer that there is no / ah, you are nasty, nasty, evil, ugly children!
Karcusha: Listen, Granny, why so insult our guests? So be, I tell you where your pound is. / Belodonna listens carefully / need to go there - I do not know where ... and see something - I do not know who ... / turns into the hall / right, guys, I say? / Children answer /
Belodonna : How not to be ashamed to laugh at old sick people, and even a woman? No respect for age!
Karcusha: Well, okay, okay ... So, your pounding ran there / shows right / No, he ran there / shows left / in general, he ran somewhere.
Belodonna : You will not achieve a sense! Okay, I'll figure it out! /runs away/
Karcusha: Well, it seems everything happened. / Funtika / Hey, friend, get out of your shelter!
Funtik : Thank you, you saved me, poor, unhappy. / crying / want to mom, I want to dad ...
Karcusha: We must urgently write a letter to Australia.

Music is heard

Funtik: Again someone goes. Probably BelaDonna returns.
Karcusha: Honey! / hide /

Complex, Marty and Parrot

Boa: I have a thought; Measure your height.
Martha: Oh, what a good idea! Can I think a little bit too?
Boa: Think.
Martha: Invented! I know how to measure your height!
Boa: How?
Martha: It is necessary to work out in half. Fold up. All clear! Your growth will be two of your half or four halves of half.
Boa: No, it will not work.
Martha: Why not work?
Boa: Because it is impossible to measure me.
Martha: Why not?
Boa: Because I am a whole!
M. artist: Well, then I do not know how ........
Boa: And you, please, even think.
Martha: I don't know how to think twice alone.
Parrot : What are you doing?
Boa : Me measuring. Just do not know how?
Parrot: When you do not know how, you need to ask someone.
Martha: Let's ask you!
Parrot : Let's! Let's ask me!
Boa: How to measure my height?
Parrot : Reveaving growth is usually measured from the tail. Now, I will measure your growth in parrots!
Everything : Like this?
Parrot: And so it is. How many parrots will fit in you, you have such an increase.
Boa: Really needed! I will not swallow so much parrots!
Parrot: 3 and swallow? First, it is not necessary to swallow anyone, and secondly, and one parrot is enough, that is me. / Measures /
Once! Two! Left! Right!
Two by two!
Very simply measured
Five five! Any Growth!
Your growth will be exactly 38 parrots!
Martushka : Great! Very little!

Funtik and Karcash get out

Karcusha: Oh, what are you competent! Good you got - 38 parrots! Tell me, but you can measure your height in ... Karsakhi?
Funtik: Or in pantics?
Boa: We have no such. And who are these, Karcosh and Funtik?
Karcusha: This is us! I am Karpusha. He is a pound.
Funtik: Deftly you think. And you know how to write?
Martha: We can all know how.
Funtik: Maybe you will write me a letter to Australia?
Parrot: Maybe they would write, but we have no time.
Boa: Sorry us please. We need to engage in mathematics.
Parrot: And mathematics is a science! It must be known to make scientific actions.
Karcusha: What are the scientific actions?
Martha: What? We need to divide bananas.
Funtik: But will it divide bananas - is it scientific action?
Boa: Very scientific! Sharing bananas without knowing mathematics - it's like that there are them with the skin!
Martha: And it is tasteless and indecent.
Parrot: Well, let's go.

Go talking

Karcusha: What are they smart. Everyone knows, learn scientific actions. Funtik: deftly they have fun. You need to be considered too.
Funtik: Probably and write and consider to learn. / go /

Music sounds. Queen and Professor

Queen : I can't write! All fingers in ink!
Professor : You are absolutely right, Your Majesty. This is a very unpleasant lesson. However, I dare to ask you to draw your own Majesty with your hand four more lines.
Queen: Okay, dictate.
Professor: Grass green.
Sun shines.
Swallow with spring
In the sense to us fly
Queen: I will write only the "grass green" / writes / grass ze ... not .. led.
Professor: Okay. But ... I dare Maeden asking you to sign one rescript and three decisions.
Queen: To write! Okay! But I will not add "green". Give here your papers / signs /
Professor: Thank you your majesty. And now I will allow yourself to ask you to draw ....
Queen: Write again?
Professor: Only your highest resolution on this petition.
Queen : / impatiently / So what should I write?
Professor: One of two, your majesty: either "execute" or "pardon".
Queen: / To ourselves / in Mi-lo-tob. Kaz-thread. I will write to "execute". It is shorter. / Writes /
Professor: / heavy sighing / nothing to say - shorter!
Queen : What do you mean?
Professor: Ah, Your Majesty, what did you write?!
Queen: You, of course, again noticed any error? It was necessary to write "Kozen" or what?
Profit: No, you correctly wrote this word. And yet made a very rude mistake.
Queen: What?
Professor: You have decided the fate of a person, without even thinking!
Queen : What more! I can not write and think at the same time.

Appeals Belodonna

Belodonna: Listen, honey, you have not seen here my son, some small pink piglet?
Queen: / Did anyone else's piglery?
Belodonna: Funtik his name!
Queen: I have not seen any puntics. And in general, how did you get into my fairy tale? What do you need in the royal palace?
Belodonna: I repeat once again that I am looking for a pig, named Funtik! He ran away from me. So I go to different fairy tales.
Queen: There are no piglets in my fairy tale. In my fairy tale snowdrops. Look for him elsewhere! / proudly goes /
Belodonna: In what fairy tale I look for him? Guys, help, what fairy tales are about piglets? / Children answer / well, climb-ka to visit three piglets. / goes /

Carcashes and Funtik get out

Karcusha: Yes, it turns out an interesting thing. The girl is also illiterate, and still lazy, once writes words only because they are shorter!
Funtik: I understood - you need to learn. But where, do not know?
Karcusha: I know here one scientist cat, next door in the village of Prostokvashino lives.
Funtik: Is he talking? Who taught him him?
Karcusha: So so. Where the word will remember where two.

Matroskin comes out

Matroskin: And then, I lived at the professor who studied the language of animals. The dictionary even amounted to the Russian-cat. So learned. Now without language it is impossible. Will disappear immediately, or the cap from you will be done or a foot mat.
Funtik: What is your name?
Matroskin: My last name is serious, maritime. And not tease. Not that, for example, Ivanov or Petrov.
Karcusha: And what are they sorry, teased?
Matroskin: And the fact that you can always say: Ivanov without pants, Petrov without firewood. And about me not tell me.
Funtik: Guys, do you know what the name is this scientist? / Children answer /
Matroskin: That's right, my name is Matroskin. From the sea cats I am from the ship. I have a grandfather and grandmother on ships swam. And I also pull me in the sea. I am very much for the oceans. Only the water is afraid.
Ball: / Lights / Matroskin, where are you disappearing? Our cow calf was born! So cute!
Matroskin : / IMPORTANT / Here, and from my cow is the benefit there is! We just need to think about how to call a calf!
Ball: Why think? Let be a bottle.
Matroskin: You are still a rex name. Or Tuzik.
Funtik : Can you write us a letter to Australia? There my dad and mom live. I want them to take me towards me!
Ball: And you do not know how to write it?
Funtik: No, we do not know how. And we also do not know how.
Matroskin: Sorry, guys, but we have no time. Calf is waiting for us. It is necessary to feed it. And I advise you to go to school. Just today the first of September.
Ball: All children who want to learn how to write and count to go to school!
Matroskin: Here you have everything and learn.
Belodonna : / Scroll and overhears / no schools! I forbid! He is good without them! Funtik, you will not go anywhere. Do not let go-u-u-! Karcusha: You do not have right! Funtik wants to go to school and learn everything!
Funtik: And then I will write a letter to a distant Australia. And my dad and mom will come to me.
Belodonna : I - Your Mom! And the children live their parents live!
Karcusha: You are all lying! You are not his mother, you stole him! And also ... More ... You are evil, harmful and force a poor funka to sing felt songs and ask for money from the guys and their parents!
Belodonna : But for this money I buy a son of sweets - marmalade, chocolate, ice cream, cake. See what kind of rosy!
Funtik: I no longer want to deceive the guys, and no one buys sweets!
Belodonna: So what do you want?
Funtik : I want to learn at school.
Karcusha: There he will be taught to write, read, read. 3 Note, Funtik, I will also probably go to school with you. Knowledge has not yet harvested anyone. And in the forest without knowing very bad.
Belodonna : Dims were found! So the pounding will not go with me?
Ball: Listen, a citizen, you clearly said that he did not want.
Matroskin: He wants and go to school!
Belodonna: Oh, that's how. Okay. Everyone agreed against me. You still regret !!! / proudly goes /
Karcusha: Go, go and not scare children with their threats.
Funtik: Guys, do you want to school? / Children answer /
Karcusha: Just not be late!
Matroskin: School is not a school, but as if the palace,
Ball : How many guys hearts are beating in it!
Karcusha: How much hot sparkling eyes!
Funtik: That is why it is light so now.
Boa: All curious guys now. In the fabulous world, the door swung open.
Martha: I want to learn everything
Parrot: Books themselves learn to read.
Queen: In the class will fly a mischievous breeze
Professor: Call on the desk autumn leaf
Matroskin: From Klena brought from the next park
Ball: Fun children - did not wait for the gift
Karcusha: Gold flames maple leaves
EVERYTHING : Like ahead of the fire!

  • Piggy pantic;
  • Cloown Focus Mokus;
  • Bambino monkey;
  • Mrs. Belladonna;
  • Detective 1;
  • Detective 2;
  • Santa Claus;
  • Snow Maiden.
  • New Year's songs are sounded, which are interspersed with verses inviting the audience to the hall.

    Play and sing in your favorite hall!
    For this you called you here!
    Forgive all the mistakes today
    But not a lack of smile!
    Permitted on the way
    Sing serpentine and confetti!
    Today is a simple law here:
    Sing and dance, dance and sing!
    Santa Claus handles all:
    "At the festival to comply with silence is prohibited!"
    "Here is not a place to sad persons, - say in advance -
    We ask you to have fun without reminder. "

    Seven times wondered, once a rest!
    Who loves songs, games, jokes,
    Riddles, Dancing, Supports
    Hurry to the New Year's Ball!

    Dance, songs and dances
    Never leave fashion!
    There will be a ball we have been successful
    If you, you won't be grathed!

    Let every smile shine on the faces.
    Let everyone dance and having fun!
    Who did not grab his jokes and smiles
    That on the ball pleased with us just by mistake!
    Fun and laughter are available for everyone!
    Dance, songs and dances
    Never leave fashion!
    Come in, enter the cheerful gorn.
    Smiles and songs carry with you!

    Belladonna: Best coffee on the road, Sweet, stretch ... Oh, what is me? Funtik! Cute my pig! It's time to work! Nasty! Where is he? (takes out the handset)

    Alla! I said - Alla! Lost piglet! Due to those-row! Special signs? Small, ugly. Yeah ... yep ... wow! We meet in the same place, at the same time.

    The sound of the car, opening and closing the doors of the car. Focus Mokus and Bambino appear from the car, decorated as a circus van.

    Focus Mokus: You know, bumbino, I'm even glad that we are stuck here. After all, we are so rarely in the forest.

    Funtik comes out of his shelter.

    Focus Mokus: Who are we so beautiful, bumbino?

    Funtik: Allow me to introduce yourself - Funtik.

    Bambino: And we are circus artists. Uncle Focus Mokus.

    Focus Mokus: Bambino. Funtik Dear, what are you doing one in the forest?

    Funtik: I ran away from Mrs. Belladonna.

    Focus Mokus: But why?

    Funtik: You do not know her? It's terribly nasty aunt! He opened the talent of the artist in me, only used it for mercenary purposes.

    Bambino: How is it?

    Funtik: But how. (Removes Panamu and speaks with tears in his voice)"Commission on houseless piglets." (Focus Mokus and Bubbino put into the panamus of coins) What are you, that you do not need. (Returns coins) I will not do anything else. After all, all the money Belladonna assigned to himself. I do not want to deceive people anymore. I am ashamed. (sobbing)

    Focus Mokus: Well, well, do not worry. Such a talent should not disappear. Want to be like a circus artist?

    Funtik: I want. But I do not know how.

    Bambino: And we will teach you.

    Suddenly, a police whistle is distributed.

    Funtik: This is a crawler belladonna. I disappeared.

    Focus Mokus and Bubbino hide a piglet in their circus vant. Two detective flies.

    Detective 1: We are brilliant detectives.

    Deter 2: Who are you?

    Detective 1: Well, who is who?

    Detective 2: Driving license?

    Detective 1: The purpose of the trip?

    Detective 2: Riding permission?

    Detective 1: Help from the place of the last parking lot?

    Detective 2: Help about vaccinations?

    Focus Mokus: (Dumps from the suitcase by the hora of papers)Everybody is here!

    Detectives look at the paper.

    Detective 1: Focus Mokus?

    Detective 2: Artist?

    Detective 1: favorite of the public and children?

    Detective 2: Is there a permission to swallowing the forks?

    Detective 1: A knives, is there?

    Bambino: (Stretches the paper)Here.

    Deter 2: Have you seen a piglet here?

    Bambino: What is the piglets are found in this forest?

    Deter 1: (Takes out a photo of the pounding)Do you sign this pig?

    Focus Mokus: I see this photo for the first time.

    Bambino: We wish good luck.

    Detectives go. Funtik comes out of the van.

    Focus Mokus: Well, Funtik, it's time for us to continue your way.

    Funtik: And where do you keep the way?

    Bambino: on New Year's holiday to the guys, there will be Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

    Funtik: I love the holidays so honestly. I dream to see Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and become a real artist.

    Focus Mokus: Your dream will surely come true if you really want it.

    Song "Everything comes true in the world"

    Focus Mokus, Bambino and Funtik sit in their circus van. Mrs. Belladonna appears with Ridichell, talking on the phone.

    Belladonna: No, no, no! I can not! I do not buy! I'm not at home! (Removes the phone) And what do you want me to say - yes?! After all, it is so difficult to have a million! From all sides they climb with outstretched hands! Only you hear: "Help! Let! Write! Save!" No, no and NO! I was so lonely without my million. Here he is my beloved (Reveals the Ridicul, admires the contents, wipes the tear). By the way about tears. I love kids who scream: "I want it! I want!" Children cry, and parents pay. Each children's tear is a coin. The main thing is not to lose your. On the eve of the new year. Everyone is waiting for a miracle. And who would not want to meet the New Year with a live talisman. It remains only to return the pounding, and the money is poured to me by the river.

    Detectives appear.

    Belladonna: (Notes the detectives, rushes to them turns their pockets) Where? Where? Where is he? Where is my fairy tale? Well, found?

    Detectives: But: We:

    Belladonna: (Threatening threatening robbers and suddenly shouts)Darmota! I worked the pig! Lodi! TUNADERS! Watchless!

    Detectives are uncertain.

    Detective 1: The danger settled at every step!

    Fleet 2: mistress, bullets whistled above their heads.

    Belladonna: And the boots do not whistled over your head!

    Detective 1: Do not worry, we will find it. We will act on science.

    Belladonna: It is good to act, and not on science! Everything should do myself! You will not tell you, you will not tell me - they will not understand!

    Deter 1: Do not worry, hostess, let's do everything in science.

    Ice 2: the pig in the evening will be with you.

    Belladonna: silent! Namri! So what do we have? (Counts on accounts)Detectives of a small mind. It is required to find a pounding and earn another million on it. What to do? Act, not wait. Watch and learn how to do business. Listen to my team! I need ten, yes, ten pigs!

    Detectives: Yeah!

    Belladonna: I will go to schools, collect money for the formation for homeless piglets! Let's quick, quickly give!

    The detectives are running around the hall, find a group of babies, summarize them to Belladonne.

    Detectives: these are suitable?

    Belladonna: Knit them, knit!

    Focus Mokus, Bambino and Foundik appear.

    Focus Mokus: Is this what else? Immediately release kids!

    Detectives: You are what you writing! Rasconed! Do not obey you! We already have a commander (Show to Mrs. Belladonna).

    Funtik: Tetushka Belladonna?!

    Belladonna: (Comes to the pantik and gently hugs it)Funtik! Cute my pig! Calm down, look at how much I found friends to you. You will go to schools, collect money: God, what I will be rich!

    Funtik: Well, no! That you will never wait for me!

    Belladonna: then they (indicates kids) They will sit connected until you change your mind.

    Funtik: What to do? How to free guys?

    Games "Liberation"

    Belladonna and detectives hide

    The ringing of the bells sounds, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear

    Santa Claus:

    As a lot of people in the hall.
    The nice holiday will be here.
    So, the truth was told me
    What friends are waiting for me here.

    Snow Maiden: Hello guys!

    Children greets with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

    Santa Claus:

    Now let's get acquainted.
    On the Christmas tree there are a lot of guests here,
    And who are you, tell me soon!

    (Suitable for everyone, listens to the answer, then approaches the focus of the Mokus)

    Focus Mokus: Allow me to introduce yourself. I am an old circus artist Focus Mokus, and this is my friend - a trained monkey bumbino. On the way, we met the pantic piglet. He worked on Mrs. Belladonna.

    Snow Maiden: Who is this belladonna?

    Focus Mokus: Belladonna is a very harmful, nasty aunt. She is looking for benefits in everything, it is obsessed with his milliona. Funtik has led money for her people, but he is ashamed to deceive people, and he escaped from her. Now he is hiding from Belladonna and the detectives who work for her.

    Santa Claus: But why is she pursuing a piglet?

    Focus Mokus: Belladonna for money is ready for anything. And since next year - the year of the pig, then she will not leave the pounding alone. Belladonna will not miss the opportunity to earn another million on it, as on the symbol of the year.

    Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you need to save the pounding from Belladonna.

    Focus Mokus: I think Belladonna will surely come for a holiday to extort money from children and their parents.

    Funtik: I do not want to go back to Belladonna! Grandfather Frost, I do not want to deceive people! I corrected, honestly!

    Santa Claus: We believe you, Funtik, and they will not give you offense.

    Snow Maiden:

    So, friends, we have today
    Merry celebration New Year's holiday.
    Let's all say
    Laughing singing and having fun!

    Song "New Year's toys"

    Santa Claus:

    This day we waited long,
    Few for a whole year.
    Become, ka, friends,
    Faster in dance!
    With songs, dance and fun
    Let's meet a friendly new year!

    Song "Little Christmas tree"

    How many stars in the sky!
    In bright sparks at home!
    Hello, white, like swan,
    Our Russian winter!

    The song "Kaba was not winter"

    Santa Claus: Well, I am a forest decorate the light of the festive lights. Flashing our tree, - immediately will become more fun. But so that the Christmas tree caught fire, we all have to try together. You need to stand together in the dance, take up your arms and shout loudly "Happy New Year!".

    Children smoke "Happy New Year!"

    Santa Claus:

    From the land, from the water
    You rose, tree, swell!
    Let face shine around.
    Well, a Christmas tree, lit!

    Children smoke together "Christmas tree lit!" Garlands are lit on the Christmas tree.

    Santa Claus:

    Look, all Fires Christmas tree glows for us.
    Under the green branches, everyone is twisted now,
    So that I remember for a long time
    This festive tree!

    Song "The Christmas tree was born in the forest"

    Belladonna runs into the hall.

    Belladonna: What's the matter what fun?! (Seeing the pounding)My piglets! How dare you stick to my piglet?! I found his first and opened his talent. He is mine! (Whistles in the whistle)

    Detectives resort to whistle.

    Belladonna: Catch! To arrest!

    Detectives: (mumbling) But the hostess.

    Belladonna: Pay money for the pig, fast! (Walks around the hall, trying to collect money from the audience)

    Funtik: I do not belong to you! Do not give her money!

    Santa Claus: Leak-ka foil, healthy! Do not spoil us a holiday! (Strikes half the staff)

    Detectives: (Shudder, pull Belladonna for Ridicul) Hostess. Mistress, we think you need to hide.

    Belladonna: (Announces the hands of detectives from Ridiculyu. Opens Ridicul and pulls out a gift box. Changes the voice and expression of a face for a good)Yes, you convinced me. I recognize my mistake. I was wrong. In my reproach, take this New Year's gift. (Hands a gift to the Snow Maiden)Good luck! Chao!

    Focus Mokus picks up a gift from the Snow Maiden and applies it to the ear. The ticking of the clock mechanism is heard.

    Focus Mokus: This is a bomb. (Catching up of detectives and presents them a gift)We will do without your gifts.

    Ticking the clock mechanism is growing. Detectives throw a gift to each other. Catch up Belladonnu and make a gift to Ridicul. Run away.

    Belladonna: (Turning around, says to all those present)So far, Olukhi! (Gloating laughs)

    There is an explosion. Belladonna appears again.

    Belladonna: (Shakes over his head with a ridicule)You will laugh, but a million soldered into pieces! I will complain! (leaving)I am broken!

    Focus Mokus: This is how to do the dirtyness to people. Same and suffered. wa on competing on his milliona. Sent

    Snow Maiden:

    Friends, Dance, Have fun!
    Under the rhythms of music spoke.
    Let the carnival be bright,
    We dance will continue the ball!

    Song "Bugi-Vuy"

    Close of New Year's Eve.
    Candles tanned everywhere.
    Every fun - old, and young,
    New Year to meet everyone!

    Song "Snowflake"

    Snow Maiden: Grandpa, guys really like to play in winter. You caress our Ball big!

    Focus Mokus:

    Rather, get here, people!
    Today you are wonderful to you:
    The world of magic, miracles from miracles.
    Hurry, time remains in the edge!

    Snow Maiden: Hurry, guys, please the grandfather of Claus with their poems and songs.

    Contest poems

    Snow Maiden:

    We continue, continue
    New Year's carnival!
    We all dressed up in the masks,
    We can not know now
    All in someone turned
    And girlfriends, and friends.

    Costume competition.

    Snow Maiden:

    The clock is counted twelve,
    And time will slow down its move
    Let's joke and laugh.
    Let's meet the new year!

    Song "Goodbye Santa Claus"

    Open hugs wider
    Let our faces glow,

    Focus Mokus:

    Let happiness settle in the world,
    And joy will enter each house!

    Happy New Year, happy new happiness!
    I wish everyone to be healthy!

    Santa Claus: Have fun and frolic, mind learning!

    Snow Maiden: so that you always ring your laughter!

    All: Happy New Year to all, everyone!

    Tatyana Bulgarchuk
    Holiday script for March 8 "Funtik and others" for the preparatory group

    The phonogram of the song "Mine Smile" sounds, children enter the hall


    Why, when I'm with my mother,

    Even a gloomy day of light?

    Because because

    No mile mile!


    Why when it hurts me

    To my mother I hurry soon?

    Because because

    No mommy little!


    Why, when we together

    Am I happy all children?

    Because because

    No mommy kinds!


    Mommy beautiful

    Good and loved ones

    We will congratulate

    Song give them!

    The song "You're better than all" music. E. Pokratchina


    Moms are smiling, the holiday continues ...

    Well, what about the holiday without a fairy tale, without fun guests!


    In the country cartoon now

    There is a cheerful program

    We will all go to the cartoon

    You will enjoy there, mom!

    the phonogram of the song "Country Cartoon" sounds. V. Lvovsky

    Dance with mothers

    children with mothers holding hand, go in a circle, perform simple dance movements, sit on chairs

    Uncle appears Focus Mokus

    Focus Mokus:

    What a lovely song. Now I will write a word (pulls out a notebook, writes) Hrew-Khrew, Hrew-Khru ... What is Khry-Khru? This is not a song, so crying a small piglet (Funtik comes out).

    Who are you? (Funtik continues to cry and grunt).


    Do not put in the wallet

    This strange patch

    He has four legs,

    Tail - Pink Hook!

    Guys, who is it?




    Yes, I'm a pigeon of Funtik. I ran away and hid from Mrs. BelaDonna. She forced me to deceive boys and girls. I told them a fairy tale about three piglets, and then I took off my hat and said: "Serve who can, for the construction of houses for unfortunate piglets" (crying, scarfing).

    Focus Mokus:

    Of course, of course ... (takes out a wallet)


    So you too (removes money) believed. So I deceived 12 boys and 12 girls, and one very kind old one. But I don't want to deceive anymore!

    Due to the door of Creek: "Robbed! Robbed! Grab! Select! "


    Here! This is Ms. BelaDonna. Hide me!

    Focus Mokus:

    Racing more like this box

    Funtik hides, BELDONNA runs up into the hall.


    Guard! Robbed! Where is my piglet? (Seeking among the guests) Mommy, move .... There is no, there is no (inspecting children) it is not him ... (I make an announcement of the search, (to focus) the pig did not see?

    Focus Mokus:

    Piglet? No, the piglet here did not run


    Teeth on the hook,

    And the language of the shelf


    I know that you are hiding it (found a handkerchief) and ... it's a scarf puntics, he is somewhere here. Show your box.

    Focus Mokus:

    Ms. BelaDonna, why do you need some box. Look at what a ring!


    Beautiful ring!

    Focus Mokus:

    Play with us, and it is yours!

    Music game "Colepko" MUZ. I. Nasailenko


    So my ring, but where is the pounding? Distract me, chittime. But what is still in the box? (looks into the box, sees the pounding, rejoices, drags the box. Funtik gets out through the side wall, Belodena leaves)


    Thanks guys. What helped me!

    Dance with pantic music. V. Lvovsky


    (Suitable for the announcement, reads) You have helped me out, but BelaDonna will still find me.

    Focus Mokus:

    Well, it is fixable! And - and once ... op-la ... (turns over the announcement, on the other side of the circus poster)


    Wow ... I will be in the circus!

    Focus Mokus:

    Sure. We were delayed, but we have long been waiting for us. Hurry! Hurry! Today and only today for you, dear women, a fun view will arrange now!


    Circus rummy came to us

    Circus - this is the case!

    So the joy of the child

    Simply no limit!

    Focus Mokus:

    And now smiles wider

    First meet we are guests

    Times and two, and three, four

    On the arena clown faster!

    2 clowns come out

    Have we walked?

    Cap found?

    Did I give him?

    Did you take it?

    And where is he?

    Yes, so! Have we walked?

    Walked! (And again everything first 3 times (one of the clowns begins to cry)

    Focus Mokus:

    Clown, what happened?


    I lost the cap

    Focus Mokus:

    Clown, wear a cap

    And wakes for us - like this!

    Clown, clown, got fun

    Fold us not be lazy!

    Clowns dancing

    Focus Mokus:

    I am greatly pleasure to imagine your friend bombing!

    Monkey baby runs

    Focus Mokus:

    Bombed, say hello to the guys


    Hi guys!


    What a raised monkey! On you a banana.

    Focus Mokus:

    What should I say?


    Nam-Nam-Nam ... not a banana, but just a squeal, yum-yam ... Funtik, be a friend, let me still!


    Purge first, and call your friends!

    Focus Mokus:

    In the circus arena, trained monkeys and terrible tiger!

    Music game "Monkey and Tiger" MUZ. Nasailenko


    And now my personal friend and friend of all children are uncle Focus Mokus! Meet!

    Focus Mokus:

    Shows a toy rubber elephant.

    Before you Elephant

    Named John

    Focus knows such -

    Get me a glass with water!

    Time! Two! Three! Four! Five!

    Stacu stick again ...

    Drink water I am up to the bottom

    Guess where she is?

    Focus Mokus presses on the belly of an elephant, water flows from the trunk of an elephant


    Chlop up loudly and hands! For the first time in the arena, an extraordinary wizard - a snake trainer!

    East Dance

    Focus Mokus:

    In our circus doll Katya

    Easy dancing on the rope!


    I sit down at the bottom, trembling

    Up Almost I do not look!

    asks: who wants to go through the rope, choose the girl, spend on the rope, then tie her eyes, the rope is cleaned, the girl goes


    Rides clown on the highway

    On a shiny wheel

    For what? What for?

    For laughter! Wish me success!

    The relay "Who will soon run with mom in the hoop" (2 teams)

    Focus Mokus:

    Walkly behind the hooves

    Grieving wind envy

    Wool shines on the neck smooth

    Guess who?

    Dance "Horses"

    Focus Mokus:

    Yes, dashing riders, and what girls are charming!

    Beggling BelaDonna


    Delivered! Twice drowned! Grab! To tie! Punish!

    Focus Mokus:

    (Closes the pounding) ah, what a woman! I invite you to dance!

    Dance "If you like" (children and all characters dance)

    Bendonna after dance is foaming with a handkerchief, the pounding carries her a glass with water, she grabs his hand.


    And, so caught, the nasty pig! Will you leave me!

    Focus Mokus:

    (gives a flower) you are so cute, charming, incomparable, kind (BelaDonna produces a pounding) and suddenly shout and noise, catch some piglery.


    And really, that's me. But it could be a good cute grandmother: knit socks, cook compotes

    Focus Mokus:

    Listen, the incomparable grandmother of Bladonna, how many children know poems about the grandmother. Children read poems about the grandmother, sing the song "About grandmother" Muses. L. Vakhrusheva


    Guys, do you know why I supposed so? It did gentle and magic words

    Now I will make you riddles:

    Even an ice boulder melts

    From the word warm ... (thanks)

    Severe old stump,

    When hear (good afternoon)

    If there is no longer enough

    Let's say mom we ... (thanks)

    When screams for pranks

    Speak ... (sorry, please)

    Focus Mokus:

    In the light of good words

    Lives not enough.

    But everyone is kinder and most important:

    Of two syllables

    Simple word "Mom"

    And there is no word more related than it


    Eighth March we all met

    And how went, did not notice!

    Under the phonogram of the song "Flowers for Mom" \u200b\u200beveryone leave the hall.

    The adventures of the pantic piglet


    1. Funtik

    2. Karcusha

    3. Belodonna

    6. Queen

    7. Professor

    8. Cat Matroskin

    9. Pins Ball

    10. Parrot

    / Music sounds. The pores of the Funtix will run away with tears

    Funtik: Aaaa! / Crypt / Do not want to work more! I do not want to deceive poor children! I feel sorry for them! A-ah! I want to mom, I want to dad ......

    Ah, that's you, baby?! What kind of trouble is this, on which bitter tears are poured?

    Funtik: I want to mom, I want to dad ... I do not want to whiten !!! I'm afraid of her!

    She makes me telling kids felt fairy tales and demand money!

    Karcusha: Where do your dad and mom live?

    Funtik: They live in a distant Australia, on the Limpopo River.

    Karcusha: Then how did you get here?

    Funtik: When I was small, I was stolen by Belodenna and brought here to make millions.

    Karcusha: How to help you? / thinks / invented! I know what to do!

    We must find your parents.

    Funtik: How do we find them, are they so far?

    Karpusha: But it's so easy. We must write a letter to Australia. So they say so, take the poor baby-pig. But here I do not know your name?

    Funtik: All children know me. Because I am speaking for them. Children, what is my name? / Children answer /

    Karcusha: Very nice, Karcusha is a resident of the local forest. I also know me here, just do not guys, but animals ....

    Funtik: And how is it to write?

    Karcusha: Well, it's easy. Take paper, handle and write.

    Funtik: I can sing, you can whine, but writing ... I do not know how.

    Karcusha: You don't get it, and you can't read?

    Funtik: I do not know how.

    Karpusha: Yes, brother, bad our business. I also don't write or read or read. / sighs / and where they do not know this.

    Funtik: Oh, how I want to learn ...

    Funtik: What to do? Belodonna is looking for me.

    Karcusha: hide and sit quietly. / Funtik hides behind the bushes /

    Belodonna: Where are you my little, my pink piglets?

    Where did you ran from mommy? AU! AU! Where are you? Gryukni at least time.

    Karcusha: This is what you snapped here? EDAC of all animals are moving away.

    Belodonna: Yes, I do not cry! I am looking for my son, pongty porn.

    He disappeared with me.

    / Angry / vague pigs, I will find you, I'll show you! Did you happen to see my personal pounding here?

    Karkusha: I saw, but where he won't say!

    Belodeonna: Well, do not! Here you will say the guys. Won how many of them. Guys, you did not see the pounding? / Children answer that no /

    Maybe he hid somewhere? / Children answer that no /

    Oh, you are nasty, nasty, evil, ugly children!

    Karpusha: Listen, Granny, why so insult our guests? So be, I tell you where your pound is.

    / Belodonna listens carefully /

    We must go there - I do not know where ... and see something - I do not know who ...

    / Drawn to the hall / right, guys, I say? / Children answer /

    Belodonna: how not to be ashamed to laugh at old sick people, and even a woman? No respect for age!

    Karcusha: Well, okay, okay ... So, your pounding ran there / shows right / No, he ran there / Shows left / in general, he ran somewhere.

    Belodonna: I will not get any sense! Okay, I'll figure it out! /runs away/

    Karpusha: Well, it seems everything happened. / Funtika / Hey, friend, get out of your shelter!

    Funtik: Thank you, you saved me, poor, unhappy. / crying / want to mom, I want to dad ...

    Karcusha: We must urgently write a letter to Australia.

    / Music is heard /

    Funtik: Again someone goes. Probably BelaDonna returns.

    Karpusha: hiding! / hide /

    / consist of boating, marty and parrot /

    Break: I have a thought; Measure your height.

    Martie: Oh, what good thought! Can I think a little bit too?

    Break: Think.

    Marty: invented! I know how to measure your height!

    Break: how?

    Marty: need to be afield. Fold up. All clear! Your growth will be two of your half or four halves of half.

    Break: No, it will not work.

    Marty: why not work?

    Break: Because it is impossible to measure half.

    Marty: Why not?

    Break: Because I'm a whole!

    Martyshka: Well, then I do not know how ........

    Break: And you, please, even think.

    Martie: I don't know how to think twice alone.

    Parrot: What are you doing?

    Break: measure me. Just do not know how?

    Parrot: When you do not know how, you need to ask someone.

    Marty: Let's ask you!

    Parrot: Let's! Let's ask me!

    Break: How to measure my height?

    Parrot: Growth growth, as a rule, is measured from the tail. Now, I will measure your growth in parrots!

    All: How is it?

    Parrot: And so it is. How many parrots will fit in you, you have such an increase.

    Break: very necessary! I will not swallow so much parrots!

    Parrot: 3 Hold? First, it is not necessary to swallow anyone, and secondly, and one parrot is enough, that is me.

    / Measures /

    Once! Two! Left! Right!

    Two by two!

    Very simply measured

    Five five! Any Growth!

    Your growth will be exactly 38 parrots!

    Marty: Great! Very little!

    / Clear Funtik and Karpusha /

    Karpusha: Oh, what are you competent! Good you got - 38

    Parrots! Tell me, but you can measure your height in ... Karsakhi?

    Funtik: Or in pantics?

    Break: We have no such. And who are these, Karcosh and Funtik?

    Karcusha: That's us! I am Karpusha. He is a pound.

    Funtik: deftly you think. And you know how to write?

    Marty: We can all.

    Funtik: Maybe you will write me a letter to Australia?

    Parrot: Maybe they would have written, but we have no time.

    Break: Sorry us, please. We need to engage in mathematics.

    Parrot: And mathematics is a science! It must be known to make scientific actions.

    Karcusha: What are the scientific actions?

    Martyshka: What? We need to divide bananas.

    Funtik: Does it divide bananas - is it scientific action?

    Break: very scientific! Sharing bananas without knowing mathematics - it's like that there are them with the skin!

    Martie: And it is tasteless and indecent.

    Parrot: Well, let's go.

    / go talking /

    Karcusha: what are they smart. Everyone knows, learn scientific actions. Funtik: deftly they have fun. You need to be considered too.

    Funtik: Probably and write and consider to learn. / go /

    / Music sounds. Corresponding to the Queen and Professor /

    Queen: I can't write! All fingers in ink!

    Professor: You are absolutely right, Your Majesty. This is a very unpleasant lesson. However, I dare to ask you to draw your own Majesty with your hand four more lines.

    Queen: Okay, dictate.

    Professor: Grass green.

    Sun shines.

    Swallow with spring

    In the sense to us fly

    Queen: I will write only the "grass green" / writes / grass ze ... not .. lets.

    Professor: Good. But ... I dare Maeden asking you to sign one rescript and three decisions.

    Queen: still writing! Okay! But I will not add "green". Give here your papers / signs /

    Professor: Thank you, Your Majesty. And now I will allow yourself to ask you to draw ....

    Queen: write again?

    Professor: Only your highest resolution on this petition.

    Queen: / impatiently / So what should I write?

    Professor: One of two, Your Majesty: Either "execute" or "pardon".

    Queen: / To myself / Mi-lo-tob. Kaz-thread. I will write to "execute". It is shorter. / Writes /

    Professor: / Heavy sighing / nothing to say - in short!

    Queen: What are you talking about?

    Professor: Ah, Your Majesty, what did you write?!

    Queen: You, of course, again noticed any mistake? It was necessary to write "Kozen" or what?

    Professor: No, you correctly wrote this word. And yet made a very rude mistake.

    Queen: What?

    Professor: You decided the fate of a person, without even thinking!

    Queen: what! I can not write and think at the same time.

    / pops up white /

    Belodonna: Listen, honey, you have not seen here my son, some little pink piglet?

    Queen: / displeased / What are the piglery?

    Belodeonna: his name is his name!

    Queen: I have not seen any panties. And in general, how did you get into my fairy tale? What do you need in the royal palace?

    Belodonna: I repeat once again that I am looking for a pig, named Funtik! He ran away from me. So I go to different fairy tales.

    Queen: There are no piglets in my fairy tale. In my fairy tale snowdrops. Look for him elsewhere! / proudly goes /

    Belodonna: What fairy tale I look for him? Guys, help, what fairy tales are about piglets? / Children answer / well, climb-ka to visit three piglets. / goes /

    / Cut carcasha and pounding /

    Karcusha: Yes, it turns out an interesting thing. The girl is also illiterate, and still lazy, once writes words only because they are shorter!

    Funtik: I understood - you need to learn. But where, do not know?

    Karcusha: I know here one scientist cat, next door in the village of Prostokvashino lives.

    Funtik: What is he talking? Who taught him him?

    Karcusha: yes so. Where the word will remember where two.

    / comes Matroskin /

    Matroskin: And then, I lived at the professor who studied the language of the animals. The dictionary even amounted to the Russian-cat. So learned. Now without language it is impossible.

    Will disappear immediately, or the cap from you will be done or a foot mat.

    Funtik: What is your name?

    Matroskin: I have a serious last name, maritime. And not tease. Not that, for example, Ivanov or Petrov.

    Karcusha: What are they sorry, tease?

    Matroskin: And the fact that you can always say: Ivanov without pants, Petrov without firewood. And about me not tell me.

    Funtik: Guys, do you know, what is the name of this scientist? / Children answer /

    Matroskin: right, my name is Matroskin. From sea cats I,

    From ship. I have a grandfather and grandmother on ships swam. And I also pull me in the sea. I am very much for the oceans. Only the water is afraid.

    Ball: / Easy / Matroskin, where do you disappear? Our cow calf was born! So cute!

    Matroskin: / IMPORTANT / Here, and from my cow is benefit there! We just need to think about how to call a calf!

    Ball: Why think? Let be a bottle.

    Matroskin: You are still named by Rex. Or Tuzik.

    Funtik: Can you write us a letter to Australia? There my dad and mom live. I want them to take me towards me!

    Ball: And what are you, do not know how to write?

    Funtik: No, we do not know how. And we also do not know how.

    Matroskin: Sorry, guys, but we have no time. Calf is waiting for us. It is necessary to feed it. And I advise you to go to school. Just today the first of September.

    Ball: All children who want to learn to write and count to go to school!

    Matroskin: here you have everything and learn.

    Belodonna: / Scroll and overhears / no schools! I forbid! He is good without them! Funtik, you will not go anywhere. Do not let go-u-u-! Karcusha: You do not have right!

    Funtik wants to go to school and learn everything!

    Funtik: And then I will write a letter to a distant Australia. And my dad and mom will come to me.

    Belodonna: I - Your Mom! And the children live their parents live!

    Karcusha: You're all lying! You are not his mother, you stole him! And ... more ... you are evil, harmful and force a poor pantic to sing fighter

    Songs and begging money from the guys and their parents!

    Belodonna: But for this money I buy a son of sweets - marmalade, chocolate, ice cream, cupcake. See what kind of rosy!

    Funtik: I no longer want to deceive the guys, and no one buys sweets!

    Belodonna: So what do you want?

    Funtik: I want to study at school.

    Karcusha: there will be taught there to write, read, read. 3 Note, Funtik, I will also probably go to school with you. Knowledge has not yet harvested anyone. And in the forest without knowing very bad.

    Belodonna: Dims were found! So the pounding will not go with me?

    Ball: Listen, a citizen, you clearly said that he did not want.

    Matroskin: He wants and go to school!

    Belodonna: ah, that's how. Okay. Everyone agreed against me.

    You still regret !!! / proudly goes /

    Karcusha: Go, go and do not scare children with their threats.

    Funtik: Guys, do you want to go to school? / Children answer /

    Karpusha: just not be late!

    Matroskin: School is not a school, but as if the palace,

    Ball: How many guys hearts are beating in it!

    Karcusha: how much hot sparkling eyes!

    Funtik: That's why it is light so now.

    Break: Everything is curious guys now. In the fabulous world, the door swung open.

    Marty: I want to learn everything

    Parrot: books themselves learn to read.

    Queen: Wallow a mischievous breeze in the class

    Professor: Call on the desk an autumn leaflet

    Matroskin: from Klena brought from the next park

    Ball: fun children - did not wait for the gift

    Karpusha: Maple leaf flames with gold

    All: Like ahead of the fire!

    /Music. The final/.........

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