Report on the preparation and holding of the holiday "Autumn Fair". Photo report "Autumn fair in kindergarten

reservoirs 10.10.2019


- introduce children to the origins of folk culture, enriching spiritual world;

- form Creative skills;

- develop interest in and respect for folk traditions through folk songs, round dances, works of small folklore forms.

preliminary work: talks about the tradition of holding autumn fairs in Russia after the harvest; learning a round dance with singing “Viburnum on the mountain”, songs “Treacle with ginger”, “At the fair” and other musical and dance material; learning folk games, fun games; visual activity "Ah yes, the dress at the matryoshka"; memorizing nursery rhymes, guessing riddles; design of material for parents "Folklore in the life of a child."

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday.

To Russian folk music, children enter the music hall.

Leading. Every season has its turn. Today we will meet with Autumn. It's amazing beautiful time of the year. Let's sing a song about how the leaves fall quietly from the maples, and the flocks of cranes say goodbye to their native land.

Children sing the song “Autumn Forest” (music by V. Ivannikov, lyrics by T. Bashmakova).

Did I say that we will meet with Autumn? Here she comes - meet.

Children and guests are clapping.


Hello, friends!

On an autumn day

On a wonderful day

I'm glad to see you!

I will be even more happy if the guys read poetry for me.

Children read poems about autumn (at the choice of the teacher).

In Russia, from time immemorial, they feasted at my time,

weddings, fairs played

And they celebrated housewarming.

I came to invite everyone to the fair to show myself and look at others. And also bring guests, have fun. We go to the fair, we sing a cheerful song.

Children perform the song "At the Fair" (music and lyrics by E. Shalamonova).

1st child

To the fair, to the fair

Hurry all here.

Here jokes, songs, sweets

We've been waiting for you, friends!

2nd child

What your soul desires

You can find everything at the fair.

All gifts are chosen

You won't leave without a purchase.

3rd child

Hey, don't stand at the door

Come visit us soon.

The people are gathering

Our fair is open.

4th child

You play, my harmonica:

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

Enjoy our guests

How kids dance!

Children perform the dance "Kalinka" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Autumn. What can you not see at the fair! And what they don't sell! Here are two hostesses selling salted tomatoes, pickled watermelons. Let's hear what they have to say.

Daryushka. Hello Maryushka.

Maryushka. Good health, Daria.

Daryushka. How many stocks did you make for the winter?

Maryushka. Oh, a lot, a big family. (Bends her fingers.) Mommy, daddy, Yegorka, Fyodorka, Grishka, Gavryushka, Makarka, Zakharka, me, and the cat, and the sweet potato.

Daryushka. And I have tried. Mushrooms lie in a jar, bathe in oil. And the salads are the best. Here in the winter there will be expanse on the table!

Maryushka. Hey people, come on! Buy tomatoes and cucumbers.

Daryushka. But mushrooms and salads, come, do not be shy, stock up for the winter.

Leading. Oh yes, hostesses, oh yes, craftswomen.

They say that in the autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above, it sweeps from below.

Autumn. By autumn, the harvest was harvested and stocks were made. It is not for nothing that people say: “Father October is cold, but there is plenty to feed.” Beautiful girls and good fellows, sing a cheerful song.

Children sing the song "Ginger Molasses" (arr. G. Lobachev, arranged by N. Metlov).

Leading. At the fair, fun is salvation from all troubles. Do not be bored, people, start a round dance. Join hands together, have fun in a round dance.

Children lead a round dance "On the mountain, viburnum."

Autumn. And the goods at the fair are different. Let's see what they sell?

1st child

The product is excellent.

Here is a copper samovar,

He himself smokes smoke,

I drink tea myself.

2nd child

Don't go anywhere, come all here.

Marvelous, not a commodity.

Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth.

Don't count the raven, buy the goods.

3rd child

Here are the toys for the kids

They look at you:

The bear growls

The sparrow squeaks.

Leading. Indeed, the bear growls. Yes, this is not a toy growling, but a real bear appeared at the fair.

The Gypsy enters and leads the bear.


Make way, honest people,

The bear is walking with me.


(children play roles)

Gypsy. Michal Ivanovich, did you close the door at night?

The bear shakes its head no.

Why don't you close, or are you waiting for someone?

The bear waves its head yes.

Maybe you are waiting for a young man to crush your sides?

The bear lies on its back with both front and hind legs.

A! Are you afraid? Maybe you're waiting for the guys to start squealing? The bear sits down and covers his ears with his front paws: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Maybe you're waiting for an old woman to stuff your belly?

The bear sits down, strokes his stomach and licks his lips.

But the girls will come, they won't let you sleep.

The bear jumps up and runs around the music hall, and the girls run after him shouting: "Bear, dance."

The gypsy and the bear run away from the hall.

Leading. It is not customary to be bored at the fair. Who bought the goods, and who rode the carousel.

The carousel game is played.


But wooden dolls,

Round, ruddy.

In multi-colored sundresses,

They live on our table

They are all called matryoshkas.

1st matryoshka

The first doll is thick

But inside it is empty.

She understands

into two halves

Another one lives in it.

doll in the middle.

2nd matryoshka

Open this doll

There will be a third in the second.

Unscrew half

Dense, lapped

And can you find

fourth doll.

3rd matryoshka

Take it out and have a look

Who is hiding inside.

Hiding in her fifth

The doll is plump.

4th matryoshka

This doll is the smallest

A little more than a nut.

Of course we are interested

Tell about nesting dolls

But it's good to remember:

When will we dance?

Children perform the dance "Matryoshka" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Autumn walks and pretends to be looking for something.

Leading. Autumn, what are you looking for?

Autumn. Yes, they sell any goods at the fair, but I don’t see pots for some reason. An earthenware pot would be useful for forest berries, for a drink from mountain ash.

Leading. How can you not see? Approach any seller, how much a pot - ask.

The game "Pots"

Children stand in a circle. The "pot" is squatting in front of the "seller".

- How much is the pot?

- By money.

- How much it costs?

- A head of cabbage, a broom, and a ruble of money.

- I'm buying.

The "pot" runs away from the "buyer" and must have time to return to the "seller".

Leading. How we like to walk around the fair: to see people and show ourselves.

Autumn. Everyone will like this dance, it is called a quadrille.

Children perform the dance "Quadrille" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Leading. So the fair is over, and who listened to the songs - well done! Every young man from the garden should have a cucumber.


Yes, while you were listening to songs,

Cucumbers ate all the hares.

Since it didn’t work out with cucumbers,

I will treat everyone with candy.

And we invite everyone to tea with pies.

The group has a tea party.

Topic: "Autumn Fair".
presenter educational area : artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: introducing children to folk art and Russian folklore.
- to expand children's knowledge about Russian folk traditions;
- develop musical, dancing, singing abilities of children;
- to acquaint children with various genres of oral folk art:
songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, folk games;
- encourage children to actively participate in dramatizations;
- introduce children to creative self-expression, free communication with
- to cultivate respect for the past of their people.
Activities: communicative, game, musical.
Members: children of preparatory groups, music director, educators, choreographer (leader, buffoons, bear, gypsy, gypsy).
preliminary work:
- selection of musical repertoire;
- learning poems, dances ("Quadrille", "Dance with spoons", "Blacksmiths", "Dance of cups with a teapot", dance "Fair", Round dance "Like at our gates" r.n.m.);
- learning songs ("Fair", "Pies", "Fair Day", "Where have you been, Ivanushka?")
- Russian folk games "Carousel", "Matryoshka".
Scenery: the hall is decorated in Russian folk style.
Location: music room.
Materials and equipment: Russian folk costumes, musical instruments (rattles, wooden spoons, bells, tambourines, rattles), samovar, tables, tablecloths, clay pots, carousel with ribbons.

Russian folk dance sounds, 2 Mistresses come out and stand in the middle of the hall with towels

1 Mistress:

Attention! Attention!
Folk party!
Hurry honest people
The fair is calling you all!

Get ready, dress up
Go for a walk
Have fun, sing, dance
Autumn celebrate!

2 Mistress:

Oh, you are red girls and good fellows!

We invite everyone to the fun fair!

A fun show with games begins,

Fun, with round dances and songs!

Come on people

Who doesn't get bored!

Get people together!

Fair Open!

Mistresses make gates from towels

Children enter the hall, perform a dance"Varenka"

Children stand in a semicircle.

1 child:
Fair, fair!
Fiery, bright, dancing, hot.
You look to the left - shops with goods.
You look to the right - fun for nothing!
2 children:
What does your soul desire?
You can find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without a purchase!
3 children:
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!
The people are gathering
The fair is open!
4 children:
We came to the fair
Have fun from the heart
walk, play,
show yourself
save money
Yes, buy something!

Song "Today is a fair day" by N. Gomonova

Children disperse in places and chairs.

Sales kids:
1. Well, honest people, come up bolder.
Buy goods, do not be shy!
Guys, do not yawn, who wants to buy.

2. Don't go anywhere, come all here.
Marvelous, marvelous, miraculous, not a commodity!
Look - do not blink, do not open your mouth.
Don't count the raven - buy the goods!
All goods are good - anything for the soul!

3. Fly in! Fly in!
Buy! Buy
Buy toys:
Water carriers and animals!

4. Containers - bars - rastabars,
There are good products.
Come closer
Feel, look.
I glanced at once
Bought for two
On the third - thanked us!

5. Pins, needles,
Steel jokes!
For one bundle
Pay a dime!

6. Who needs nuts? Who needs nuts?

Gilded walnuts!

Adults for wealth

Children - for fun!

7. To whom I will sell apples,

To whom I will give cheaply.

Autumn Gifts!

Come on, don't be lazy

Buy, do not be ashamed!

Take the whole

Yes, fall asleep in your pocket!

Children go out with trays. On trays - pies

Girls 1-2: Who wants pies?

Hot pies!

From the heat - from the heat,

A dime for a couple!

Hurry, hurry!

Don't be afraid, don't overeat!

Song "Pies" - solo 3 girls

1 Mistress: Songs, games, round dances,
Won't go out of fashion
Get together kids
If it's time to play! become in a circle)

I’ll guess a riddle for you, and I’ll play with a guess!

Me with the mystery toy
Played late
I understand, I collect
There are eight of them, then one.
Growth different girlfriends
But they are similar to each other.
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy.

I have a matryoshka in my hands, it must be transferred to the music, and the music will end, go out to the circle, my friend, and dance with it.

Game "Matryoshka"sit down)

The boys come out

1: Who's onion? Onion! From seven ailments.

Everyone loves him. And how to undress - tears pour.

Here is a carrot, here is a garlic, a tomato, a zucchini!

It's all done, come on! Harvest!

2: And I'm a blacksmith, well done,

All trades daring!

I forge nails and horseshoes,

One or two and you're done!

Dance "Blacksmiths" ( folk melody "In the smithy")

Peddler(child) . Get out, people, the peddler is coming! With different goods: red ribbons, funny toys, wooden spoons.

As our neighbor had a cheerful conversation:
Geese - in a harp, ducks - in pipes, tap dancers - in rattles,
Seagulls - into balalaikas, starlings - into bells.
Two tits - crumbs played with spoons.
They play, play, amuse everyone.
How are we going to play
The whole street listens, and the rooster and the hen.

Well, sort out the musical goods.
Children-musicians take spoons.
Spoon Ensemble.

2 Mistress: At our holiday, the guys are bored,
Come out, be brave.
And one game for you
You will love it!

Mobile game "Carousel".

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
stop the carousel
One, two, one, two
So the game is over!

1 Hostess: The fair is noisy, singing. Hear someone coming towards us!

(Gypsy melody sounds. Gypsies come in (gypsy Ivan,

gypsy Rose, bear.)

2 Mistress: I don't believe my eyes! Are the gypsies coming?... Really!
Keep your wallets tight, but take care of your rings and earrings!
Now they will begin to guess and pull by the sleeve,
Anyone can be tricked and deceived!

Gypsy: Ah ah ah! How not ashamed to scare the gypsies!
We do not live for a long time deceit.

1 gypsy: And I'm a young gypsy, I'm not a simple gypsy. I can spell! I'll go kind people I guess happiness. Let me guess, dear! (takes the leading hand) Oh, my precious one, I see the brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have many children.

2 gypsies: (Approaches one of the children) Oh, you are my killer whale, give me a pen - I’ll tell fortunes, but I’ll tell the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life and it leads to the state house. And waiting for you, my diamond, in this house 4-ki and 5-ki, teachers will love you!

Gypsy: We came to the fair for goods.
Buy it, don't take it for nothing!

Make way, honest people,
There is a bear with me!
He knows a lot of fun

There will be a joke, there will be laughter! (The bear bows to the audience.)
Gypsy: Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how are our girls going to kindergarten?
(The bear paints his lips, spins, preens.)
- And what are the boys in our group?
(The bear fights, growls.)
- And how did Vanya overslept, was he late for the garden?
(The bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs.)
- And how does our teacher walk around the group?
(The bear walks importantly around the stage.)
- And how does Dunyasha dance?
(The bear sticks out its leg.)
- Yes, not the Dunyasha that used to be, but the current one!
(The bear turns its back.)
- Well done! Now bow and walk to the music! (Bear bows and leaves.)

Gypsy: We sing, we play the guitar, we perform at the Romen Theater!

(gypsy dance)

1 Mistress: Look at the people, Ivanushka is walking through the fair,

Yes, she is shopping.

Let's guys ask, where was Ivanushka?

A performance of the Russian folk song "Where have you been, Ivanushka?"

Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Hen!

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Duck!
- The hen pecks grains in the hay,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Lamb!
- The chicken pecks at the seeds,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
The lamb chews grass in the meadow,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?

At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- A cow!
- The hen pecks grains in the hay,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
The lamb chews grass in the meadow,
The cow gives milk to children,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.

2 Mistress: Guess everything: the big-nosed one, Foka always has his hands on his hips.
Foka boils water, and shines like a mirror (Samovar).


2 Mistress: Right. The samovar is the most welcome guest in every home.

Ah, what a samovar!
Steam is pouring out of it!
Let's drink tea, sit down
Let's talk about the samovar!

Samovar, samovar!

Where is your cute little steam?

What are you standing and silent,

What can't you boil?

Samovar: Feel free to swear

I'm starting to heat up.

I know

Though old,

That steam needs heat.

So throw some chips

Otherwise, I’ll boil with anger (put candy in your mouth)

Dance "Samovar"

Peddler 4 (child):

And here is a silk handkerchief, with little corners of roses.

There are yellow, blue, red -

How wonderful they are!

All handkerchiefs are good - choose for the soul!

Under r.n. P. “How a round dance of girls stood at our gates” the girls go to the peddler and sort out the handkerchiefs.

Buffoon 2: Good fellows, do not yawn!

Invite the red girls.

Under r.n. m. "Like ours at the gate" perform Russian folk dance.

1 Mistress:
Here the sun has set
Our fair is closed!

2 Mistress:
Come visit us again
We are always glad to have guests!

The Russian folk melody "Kamarinskaya" sounds. Somorokhi and children leave the fair.

"I approve"

head of MBDOU

kindergarten №15

E.V. Tarasova _____________


Holiday script

for children in the preparatory school group

"Autumn Fair"

Prepared by:

music director

Logunova I.N.

choreographer Kovaleva O.A.

Scenario of the holiday "Autumn Fair" for older children - preparatory group DOW

Author: Kostina Tatyana Nikolaevna, music director
Place of work: MBDOU No. 220 "Festival", Rostov-on-Don

Scenario "Autumn Fair" for senior preschool age

Target: creating a joyful and cheerful holiday atmosphere.
Tasks: To develop expressiveness of speech, musical and motor abilities and creative independence of children.
Description: The script is written for children of senior preschool age, all roles are played by children.
The script can be useful to music directors, educators, parents.
Children at the festival are dressed in Russian folk and Cossack costumes. All the time only Russian folk music or stylized music sounded - both performed by children and for the background of the whole holiday.
The scenario uses a regional component, which helps to create the foundations of respect for the traditions of the ancestors, pride in the small Motherland. The main difficulty in preparing the holiday was the creation of an atmosphere of a fair, fair festivities. It was necessary not only to tell poems beautifully, but to call out, shout out, create an image.
When this stage was passed (thanks to the group work of educators), the children began to sell, go for walks - play at the fair. And, having plunged into the atmosphere of the Russian folk holiday, the children arranged their fair festivities for a long time after the holiday!

Holiday progress:
Enter 3 children.
1. Hello, dear guests: small and large
Welcome to the Autumn Festival!
Like in our city
Yes, in the marketplace
Starts now
We have a fair!
2. Fair! Fair!
Happy fair!
These are songs, these are dances, this is sonorous children's laughter.
Games, jokes and fun, enough joy for everyone.
3. As at our gates, there is a disguised people.
And the guys are daring at those painted gates.
They run like a snake, they bring laughter, they bring us fun.

To Russian folk music, children snake through the “gates” into the hall and line up in a circle.

1. Children came out to the people,
We got up together in a round dance,
And dance in front of the people
"In the garden, in the garden."

A round dance is performed “In the garden, in the garden”

1.Attention! Attention!
The fair opens
The people are gathering!
Please everyone come through
Don't miss the fair!

Buffoons run out.
1 Buffoon: Hush, hush, don't make noise! How many people, look!
Children (rubbing their eyes): Where?! Wow!?
2 Buffoon: What is this gentlemen? Where are you from and where?
Children: We are remote guys,
We are naughty guys!
We are going to the fair
We will take you with us!
1 Buffoon: To the fair??
2 Buffoon: Wow! And what is she - yar-mar-ka?
Children (one at a time):
- Cheerful, big!
- Perky, colorful!
- She is loud
- With golden braids!
- Motley and bright ...

Song "Fair"

1. How is it conducted in Russia
You ask everyone
All festivities are folk, bright
Start with a festive fair.
2. Autumn is fine
We invite everyone to the holiday.
Come see what you like.
All the people are having fun, the fair is in full swing!
3.Fair fire, bright!
The fair is dancing, hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods
Look to the right - fun for nothing!
4. Hey, merchants, boyars,
Get your goods ready!
We want to listen to you
What can you eat here!

Peddlers come out with goods with baskets, trays.
There are good products
We not only disrespect
What is not, and then we will show!
2. Pins, needles,
Steel jokes.
For one bundle
Pay a dime!
3. We have everything
Like in Greece:
Even overseas spices.
4. Come here, my friend,
Open your wallet!
There are rattles and accordions
And painted spoons!
2 buyers take spoons.

1. Wooden girlfriend,
Without it, we are like without hands!
At leisure, fun
And feed everyone around!
2. Porridge is worn directly in the mouth
And it doesn't get burned.
Voiced carved
Painted spoons!
3. In Russia, always held in high esteem
There were peddlers.
Spoons, ribbons and handkerchiefs
They sold in the markets.
4. We will not become you today
These spoons are for sale.
We'll give the spoons and dance
Let's entertain everyone here!

Dance "Kalinka" (shawls)

1. Here are the nuts
Good nuts.
Delicious, on honey,
Let's put on a hat!
2. Vegetables! Vegetables!
Fresh vegetables!
Grown with soul!
Come with a big basket!
3. Honorable audience,
To whom a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give away cheap!

1. Russian song is open spaces,
On which we will go all our lives,
This is the father - Don near Rostov.
This is mother - Volga on the way.
2. The Russian song is a shepherd,
Joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute, listen -
You listen, my friend.

The song "There was a birch in the field" is performed (vocal studio)

1. Come, fly in!
The goods are not stale!
hemp ropes,
Resin ropes!
They don't burn in fire
They don't drown in water!
Is the product expensive?
By acquaintance I will take it cheap,
Come on, three hundred.
Expensive. I give you two and a half
Yes, in addition, a club with a hump!
Not enough, add at least the kids for milk!
Well, okay, I'll add another nickel,
But I won't just take it:
First I'll check
I'm making a game.
And now hurry here, the Russian game is waiting for you.
Let's not be lazy, let's have fun together!
Loud music plays, invites everyone to play!
Come out honest people, in a merry round dance!

The "Playing with the tape" (tape) is being held
(Game text:
Vanya went out for a walk, began to choose a girlfriend,
I began to choose a girlfriend who to give the ribbon to
Bow, bow, but hold on to the ribbon
We count: one, two, three, come on, take the tape!)

1.Come, honest people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
Make you sing, dance!
2. You are already a spinning wheel, you are my spinning wheel,
I'm going to take you outside
I will spin and spin
Look at your friends!
3. We are not afraid of work,
We'll definitely fit in here.
We will gladly go to the dance,
Let's dance together.

Dance "Spinning"

1. Fair, fair!
Have fun people!
Someone is buying
Someone is selling!
Make way honest people
Don Cossacks are coming.

1. Among the Don steppe fields
And Kuban feather grasses,
Where Kuban and Don flow
Cossacks have been around for a long time.
2. Proud and dashing people
Honored by:
Bravery, courage, bravery
He carries on his shoulders.
3. All customs cannot be counted:
Cossack above honor,
The saber is the pride of the Cossack,
They can't live without a horse!
4. Without fish soup and without prey,
It's their custom.
And any Cossack is ready
Stand up for Russia!
5.Independent, free
The Cossack family is very proud.
And not for nothing in Russia
Everyone knows the Cossacks.

Dance "Cossacks" (saber)

1. Autumn decorates parks
Multicolored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.
2. And in the gardens, and in the garden,
Both in the forest and by the water
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits.
3. Autumn - a noble merchant's wife,
He sells his goods famously.
Have you harvested?
Well, get it with a vengeance!

Dance "Seeds" (couples)

1. People welcome autumn,
We love all her products.
Come in, merchantwoman Autumn,
To our cheerful market!
Let's call Autumn together!
All: Autumn, Autumn, please visit!

The girl-Autumn comes out.

I am hospitable Autumn, cover feasts!
Polyushko open - brought gifts.
The most important on the table, he will feed everyone in the family.
Cut into pieces a lush, round loaf.
There is a treat for children in my basket.
Fruits are fragrant, how pleasant!
A boy comes along with a fruit basket.

On October 6, for the first time, a fun holiday took place in our kindergarten - the folk festival "Autumn Fair". Children with their parents, preschool teachers gathered at the fair.

In the music hall, to cheerful music, the festival of buffoons was opened. Children and adults danced “Hello, Autumn! and played folk games (ride the carousel). And the mischievous, cheerful dance composition "Fair" led the whole hall and called all the guests to the dance.

Buffoons briskly and playfully invited everyone present to the fair. In the sports hall were exhibited trade rows "Gifts of Autumn". Here you can find everything you want! Sweets, pastries, jams, vegetables, fruits and more. Each table was thematically decorated and presented with folk barkers and ditties. Parents together with the children presented homemade cakes (pancakes with condensed milk, choux pastry, pies with cabbage, mushrooms, etc.), pickles, jam, fruit jelly. And how by the way did the tea offered by the Rostochek group come in

Ah, how delicious it was! The fair turned out to be an integral part of the economic educational process v joint activities kindergarten and family. Preparation and participation in the holiday gave the children the opportunity to get in touch with market relations in practice. Our children were such good fellows, real sellers, they surprised us with goods that everyone can afford. It can be noted that the prices were more than affordable.

Trade was brisk and cheerful. Nobody left empty-handed! Throughout the holiday, professionalism and cordiality, care and sensitivity of the teaching staff of the kindergarten were felt in everything. All participants received an unforgettable experience! All participants in the educational process did their best. Acquaintance with Russian culture, customs and folklore will remain in the memory of children for a long time as a vivid memory with an echo of the balalaika.

Many thanks to all the parents who took part in this event and supported their children! Joint creativity of adults and children unites and gives positive, inspiration and joy!

As part of the festive event, parents and children became participants in the Miracle Fair contest! Results in competitive nominations: " Best Design table”, “The best greeting barker”, “Autumn composition” will be summed up in the near future.

It should be noted that an exhibition of handicrafts from natural material"Autumn Fantasy". crafts done with my own hands our children and their parents.

Attention! Voting for the best craft is open! Creative works can be assessed on the ground floor by indicating the lot number and put into the ballot box.

Don't go anywhere, come here!
A marvelous marvel, a marvel is marvelous, not a commodity!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the raven, buy the goods!
Here are the goods are good! Anything for the soul?!

Attention! Attention!
The fair is open! The people are gathering!
Come, come! Buy everything you need!
Buy for the soul! All goods are good!

Target: involvement of parents of pupils in cooperation.


- develop interest and love for Russian folk art;

- acquaint with different types play and amusing folklore;

- to enrich knowledge about the originality and beauty of Russian folklore;

- create conditions for understanding the national color of music, dances, songs of the Russian people;

- to acquaint parents with methods of work and cooperation;

- to form a positive attitude towards creative meetings, participation in joint events and the fulfillment of creative tasks;

- to promote an atmosphere of unity and family cohesion.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the traditions of the Russian people, seasonal customs through listening to music, conversations, learning folk games, nursery rhymes, riddles, ditties, etc.; drawing up a script for the fair, selecting attributes for games; learning musical and literary material; discussion with the teachers of the group of the proposed scenario, making additions, corrections; album design with drawings “My favorite nursery rhyme, riddle, ditty”; viewing the video material "Orchestra of Folk Instruments"; didactic game"Recognize by voice"; learning dances "Samovar", "Spinning wheel"; production of invitation cards for parents; discussion with the teachers of the master class group; the design of the music hall, similar to a fairground (tables with goods, a carousel, a screen for showing the Petrushki theater).

Equipment: costumes of entertainment characters, sweets, potatoes, spoons, folk toys.

Under the Russian folk melody, the host enters the music room.

Leading. That's all the people already in the collection. Hello dear guests! We have been waiting for a meeting with you for a long time, but today we have a reason. Autumn-mother has come, fair festivities have brought to the yard. Each master lays out his goods and invites buyers. I invite everyone to a noisy, cheerful autumn fair.

To the Russian folk melody, children enter and stand in front of the guests.


From all doors, from all gates

Come quickly, hurry up people.

A cricket sat on a pole, a cockroach in a corner,

Sit down, sit down, sing a song.

Children sing to the tune of the song "In the forge."


To me, to the fair,

To me, to the fair,

As people gathered at the fair,

As people gathered at the fair.

Music plays, music plays

Here the festivities began, Here the festivities began.

The product is a mountain, the product is a mountain, Come, look and choose any, Come, look and choose any.


Come on, citizens, let's treat everyone.

Let us know before it's too late, we have one condition:

Today we are forbidden to be serious.

Children take their places on chairs, at tables.

Leading. And the goods at the fair - eyes run wide. Let's ask this seller what he sells.

1st child salesman

Come to me, young and old,

Choose any item.

The goods are excellent: here is a copper samovar.

But the cups for millet porridge,

But the saucers never break.

Children perform the dance "Samovar".

Leading. Of course, there are a lot of dishes at the fair, but it seems that there are even more toys.

Moves to the next table.

Dear seller, tell us about your product.

2nd baby salesman

Near Vyatka there is a Dymkovo village,

A cheerful corner surrounded by forests.

I brought these toys from there,

Admire all the Dymkovo miracle.

(Shows a toy.)

turkey, turkey,

You are like a chest

The chest is not simple:

Red, white, gold.

Here are some more toys:

Ducks, horses, ladies, goats.

Come buy

Disassemble all goods.

Leading. Thank you master for the story. I will buy a toy, only a little later, but for now I need a pot for butter and sour cream.

Folk game "Pots"

The players are divided into two groups. Children-"pots", kneeling, form a circle. Behind each "pot" there is a player - the owner of the pot, his hands behind his back. The driver is behind the circle.

The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

— Hey, my friend, sell the pot!

- Buy.

- How many rubles to give you?

- Give me three.

The driver three times (or as much as his owner agreed to sell the “pot”, but not more than five rubles) touches the owner of the “pot” with his hand, and they start running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle twice). Whoever runs faster to a free place in the circle takes it, and the one behind becomes the driver.

Leading. While you guys were choosing pots, I saw miracles.

Miracle, miracle, miracles:

A fox is standing on a stump,

waving his wand,

And the rabbits are dancing.

1st child.

There is a stump in the swamp,

He's too lazy to move.

The neck does not turn

And I want to laugh.

2nd child. Is it a miracle? I know even better.

In the swamp and on the moss

A mosquito bit a flea.

A hare sits on a birch

Dies with laughter.

3rd child. Is it a miracle? I know even better.

Black with a fishing rod

White with a pipe.

Black fish ate

White sang a song.

Leading. Wait, wait, let me tell you about a special miracle. In some kingdom Russian state Not far from Moscow, in the middle of forests and fields, there lived bold and skillful craftsmen. They got together and began to think how to glorify their land, and that's what they came up with. They found white-very white clay in their native land and began to mold dishes from it such that the white world had never seen. The craftsmen painted the dishes with blue paint. They drew patterns from nets, stripes, flowers. People fell in love with the dishes, and they began to call it affectionately “the blue miracle”. And the town still stands not far from Moscow to this day, and, as before, craftsmen work there, making dishes of extraordinary beauty - “Gzhel beauty” to the delight of people.

Girls in costumes with Gzhel patterns dance "Spinning" dance.

Fair! Fair! A fun fair, and what's a fair without fun girls? Yes, they complained.

The roles of amusing girls are played by parents (mothers).

1st amusing. Hello good people!

2nd amusing. Hello cute kids.

1st amusing. You have heard that in the street two hens and a rooster are fighting, and two beautiful girls are watching and laughing.

2nd amusing

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha

We feel sorry for the rooster.

1st amusing(referring to the child). Say copper.

Child. Copper.

1st amusing. And your neighbor is a bear.

2nd amusing. And you say "two hundred".

Child. Two hundred.

2nd amusing. You have a head in the test.

Both(together). And Glasha sent you all a bow. (Bow.)

Leading. What Glasha?

Both(together). Yes, our pig.

Leading. Oh, merry amusements amused the people at the fair. And now for you a riddle.

Taryn, sir,

Pinch rode on a boat,

Taryn, the master drowned,

Who is left on the boat?

Jokes. Pinch.

Leading. Pinch? Yes please. (Running with the funny girls, and then towards the children and pinching them.)

Oh, what a handsome yes okay guy goes. What is your name, lad?

Boy. My name is Ivan, but you can call Ivanushka. Leading. And where have you been, Ivanushka?

Children perform the Russian folk song "Where have you been, Ivanushka?"

How much did Ivanushka buy at the fair! The family will be very happy with the gifts. And tell me, if it's not a secret, where did you get so much money?

Ivanushka. He planted potatoes, dug them up and sold them at the fair.

The game "Transfer potatoes in a spoon" is being played.

Leading. What a fair without a theatre. Where is our Petrushka, a fun toy? He's a boy anyway. He will always amuse with a joke, a joke.

Puppet show

(parents behind the screen)


Here I am! Long time no see, friends.

Hey front row boy

Didn't you recognize me at first sight?

Do you think this is a toy?

And this is me, Petrushka.

Hello dear viewers,

Do you want to compete with me?

Leading. Looking at what.

Parsley. For example, who will scream louder, or who has a longer tongue.

Leading. No, we do not need such competitions. Tell me better, with what you came to the fair.

Parsley. In the fall, weddings in Russia walked. I really want to get married and now I will choose a bride. You have so many beautiful girls. I like the one in the blue scarf, but next to it she sits even better. Can I see everyone?

The girls walk around the room.

No, I can’t choose, everyone smiles at me, that I was even shy.

Leading. Parsley, it's too early for our girls to think about marriage.

Parsley. Okay, I amused you, and now you please me with ditties and yes on musical instruments play.

Children perform ditties.

1st child

We are funny guys

We are preschoolers

Let's sing for you now

We are the upper class ditties.

2nd child

Haven't had a drink all week

Didn't drink, didn't eat.

Me at your fair

I wanted to dance.

3rd child

I'm a sweet boy

Slim figurine.

Wouldn't love

No fool.

4th child

Mopping the floor, mopping the floor

Soaked the whole hem,

My mother ironed me

And I run to the street.

5th child

We are at the fair today

Have fun from the heart

Our boys are good

And the girls are good.

Leading. You can walk around the fair all day, but the time has come to buy something as a keepsake. Don't be afraid, you won't spend a penny at our fair. At our autumn fair, all goods can be bought for sweets. Come, do not be shy, talk to the sellers.

Guests buy souvenirs for sweets.

Oh, and this counter is empty, there is no product. I know where the master is. Let's all go to his workshop, and the master will teach us how to make toys with his own hands.

The master class is conducted either by the educator or the parents.

So the toys are made, and the souvenirs are bought, it's time for the carousel.

Game "Carousels"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One, two, one, two

Here the game is over.

At the end of the entertainment there is a tea party.

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