History History Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Tradition. Folk customs and traditions of the holiday Annunciation

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On Orthodox icons, it is customary to depict the Archangel Gabriel holding a flower in his hands - a symbol of good news. It was he who was given by God to bring people joyful to people, but otherwise they say goodbye. Therefore, Archangel Gabriel is always welcome guest. But the most good for all people in the light of the news he brought two thousand years ago, a very young maiden Mary. The messenger of God announced that the Savior of the world would be embodied from her church. Here from these words and the history of the holiday begins.

Breasure of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In ancient Judea, people are growing early. Adults were considered the fourteen-year-old age. Here is the Most Holy Virgin Mary, barely picking up with childhood, and raised from the early years in the temple, was supposed to either return to parents or marry. But this once the vow of Eternal Nights closed for her the way to simple family happiness. From now on, her life belonged only to God.

Her mentors - the priests of the temple, where her childhood and youth passed, found a simple and wise decision: Mary Mary had gained a distant relative, an eighty-year-old old man named Joseph. Thus, the lives of young materially ensured, and remained not broken by the vow, given by the Lord. After making the marriage rite, Maria settled in the city of Nazareth in the house of his wrapper. It was under such a title that he entered the sacred Scripture of St. Joseph - the custodian of the purity and the virginity of the future Virgin.

Aprage of the Archangel Gabriel Virgin of Nazareth

Four months lived in the new house of the Most Holy Deva, devoting all his time to prayers and reading the Holy Scriptures. Here for this pious occupation and found her messenger of God - Archangel Gabriel. Under the rustling of their wings, he announced an astonished Virgin about the greatest mission, which is assigned to her by the Creator of the Universe.

This event and got the name - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. The history of the holiday can not be complete, if not to pay attention to why the Lord stopped her choice. The answer is simple - exceptional purity, blamefulness and devotion to God allocated her from the great many other girls. For such a great mission, a righteent was required equal to which was not from the creation of the world.

Readiness to fulfill the will of the Creator

To understand the whole meaning of the events described in the Gospel, it is important to consider today which way of what happened. In this case, as always, the Lord provides its creation to a person complete actions. Please note how Archangel Gabriel is important to the Virgin Mary's answer and its voluntary consent. There is no hint for any coercion.

The messenger of God speaks of conception, which should be accomplished in spite of human nature, which cannot but cause a skeptic reaction, but the power of Mary is so great that she unconditionally believes everything heard. The question of how she could conceive, who did not know the husband, comes down only by the desire to learn particular upcoming. Its willingness to fulfill its readily applied from each row describing the great biblical event - the Annunciation.

Holiday history, briefly about the most important

This event was the subject of studying many scientists. As it is from their work, in the center of which lies the history of the holiday Annunciation, a simple logical reasoning was used to establish the date of the celebration.

If you consider the moment of fruitless conception, when Virgo Mary in response to the words of Archangel Gabriel replied: "Let your verb", it is quite natural that this day should defend from the day when Jesus Christ was born, that is, from the holiday Christmas, nine months old. It is easy to calculate that such a day for Orthodox Christians is and for the Western on March 25.

Opening of the Holy Equal-Apostles Elena

The celebration of the Annunciation, whose history goes into deep antiquity, according to historians, began to celebrate in the IV century, although the images of the scene of this event were discovered during the excavations of the catacombs dated iii and even II centuries. In the IV century, an important event occurred in the life of the whole Christian world - Equal-Posna Elena opened the place of earthly life of Jesus Christ and began the construction of temples on the Holy Land.

Naturally, this was the cause of increased interest in everything that is connected with Merry Christmas, Resurrection and all other events of the Savior's earthly life. It is not surprising that it was during this period that the appearance of the holiday was noted. Thus, the history of the holiday Annunciation has a direct relationship with the discoveries of this great fading.

Celebration of Annunciation in Byzantium and West

Following further in the chronological sequence, it should be noted that the history of the Orthodox holiday Annunciation has its origin in Byzantium. In the VII century, he firmly entered the number of the most noted days of the church calendar. However, it must be admitted that in historical documents of the two preceding centuries there are separate mentions of it, but, apparently, we are talking only about isolated cases.

In the Western tradition, the celebration history of the holiday begins in about the same period as in the Eastern Church. Sergius I (687-701) included him in the number of three major holidays dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was celebrated quite solemnly and accompanied by a festive procession through the streets of Rome.

The historical names of this holiday and its status

It is curious that not always this holiday was called the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. History History remembers other names. For example, in the works of some ancient authors, it is referred to as the "day of greeting" or "an upset". The name that is used today has occurred from the Greek word "Evangelismos". For the first time it meets in historical documents of the VII century.

At that time, the holiday was considered equally and the Lord, and a Virgin, but time made their changes. If in the Orthodox tradition of the East, it still remains one of the most important events of the year, then in the West his role narrowed somewhat, leaving him only the place of the secondary holiday.

Celebration of Annunciation in the Orthodox World

In the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church, he refers to the number of the two-month, great, non-transmitting holidays. As during the worst services of other Virgin holidays, the clergy on this day is the vestment of blue. You can call a number of circumstances pointing to the fact that the celebration of the Annunciation has a very particular importance in the Orthodox Church.

The story in particular, indicates how much attention was paid to the fathers of the church. At the 6th Ecumenical Cathedral, held in 680 in Constantinople, a document was adopted, according to which on the day of this holiday, despite the fact that he falls on the Calendar for the period of the Great Post, the Liturgy of John Zlatoust is served, and non-stipulated gifts, which is An indication of its exceptional value.

On the importance of the holiday, the Annunciation writes in his writings and he refers to his "first holiday" and even "the root of the holidays." Today, this day is prescribed to weakening the post. In particular, it is allowed to bind fish and lodge (oils). In the people, he is one of the most beloved resting peace and joy, because it is based on the benefit of the news, that is, the news performed by the grace of God.

Revival of Orthodox Culture in Russia

Nowadays, when after many decades of state atheism, the Orthodox Church again took the place-like place, many of our compatriots have become desire to return to the spiritual sources of their people and learn as much as possible from the fact that until recently it was closed for them. In particular, the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God is of great interest among them. History of the holiday, traditions and rites - everything becomes an inquisitive study.

Another important aspect of modern life is the study of the foundations of Orthodox culture among children. This is important in order not to repeat the tragic mistake of past years, when whole generations in our country have increased and entered into life in the separation from the faith of their ancestors. And in this regard, today work is being done. Many biblical events and holidays are served in the editorial board understandable.

Teaching the foundations of Orthodox culture to children

This also applies to the celebration of the Annunciation. The history of the holiday for children is outlined in such a way that, despite the adapted nature of the text, the meaning of the event itself has remained unchanged and understandable child. This is definitely the complexity of the problem. History of the holiday The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, briefly, but meaningful, should be deposited in the children's consciousness.

Sunday schools are played in the revival of the Orthodox culture, Sunday schools are played, organized today in many temples. By the way, and their program includes familiarization of students on the holiday Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God. The history of the holiday for children and adults attending these classes is of great interest, since many have heard about him, but have a very blurry idea of \u200b\u200bits content.

Folk traditions on the Day of Annunciation

For a long time, the people have established traditions associated with this holiday. Since it falls on the spring month, it is natural, many of them are associated with the beginning of field work. There was a tradition on which on the day of the holiday fell asleep in the cadke of grain cooked for sowing, and placing the "Annunciation" icon from above, they had a special prayer for giving abundant harvest. In it, the peasants appealed to the Most Holy Theotokos and its blessing grain, "the land all in the mother".

There were also traditions that were obvious echoes of paganism. Among them was, for example, such. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, got from the basements or pantry cabbage kocheans last year's crop. They, secretly all, put on the ground near the road, on which they were going to go to church for tomorrow. And the next day, returning after the dinner, it was necessary to raise the cochanists, find the seeds in them and put them on the garden along with a fresh seedl. It was believed that in this case a rich yield of cabbage, which is not scared by no frosts.

The ancient worship of our rapid ancestors of fire and its cleansing force found a manifestation in one of the folk glooming traditions. This refers to the custom, according to which on this day burned old clothes, shoes, bedding, and the like. Residential premises and surplus buildings were filled with smoke. Special attention was paid to the domestic cattle, which was also thoroughly dug, hoping to protect themselves from anything.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is included in the list of 12 main Orthodox holidays. Every year it is celebrated on the same day - April 7. With this celebration, many different accepts and customs, which were formed over the years have been connected.

What is the Annunciation?

The name of this celebration was formed from two words - "good news." To understand what the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is worth learn the story of this holiday. On this day, Archangel Gabriel descended from heaven to the Virgin Mary and handed it the good news that he would soon become the mother of Jesus Christ - the Savior of mankind. For a long time, Greek Christians called this holiday "Greeting Day" and "Justice".

In the Annunciation, Signals and Customs, followed from ancient times and there is a list that can and should be done on this day:

  1. A believer must be visited in the morning of the Church. If the hostess baked prosphoras is a special fresh loaf, then you can take them with you to consecrate. It is worth noting that in many temples they are distributed to people one in hand.
  2. According to traditions on the holiday, it is customary to release birds and better if it is white pigeons. They will flew into the sky and tell God about the good works of man.
  3. Previously, the special Annunciation salt was harvested on this day. On the holiday, each family member must take a pinch of the usual salt and throw it into the bag. After that, the hostess should roll it on fire, pour into the bag. It is necessary to store it in a secret place and take it, if necessary, for example, if a person fell ill, it is put in the headboard. If the salt was not used, then on April 7 next year it should be buried.
  4. Festive day is recommended to devote family, grace and different good deeds.
  5. In the people, the Annunciation is associated with the beginning of agricultural work, so some traditions were associated with fertility. Previously, on this day, Firewood burned in the furnace, and then, they mixed ash with salt and scattered her in the corners of the garden. So people defended the plot from the evil eye and straightened the harvest.
  6. Crumbs who remained from eaten prosphora, mixed with seeds for planting. You can add a few Annunciation Salt to the grains.
  7. There are signs and customs that are connected with family. In the morning, each member of the family should eat a consecrated prosperity and have a holy water. Thanks to this, a person can protect against diseases and a different negative, and also material wealth.

What can not be done on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

This church holiday is of great importance for believers and the well-known several important canons that need to adhere to. There are signs that you can not do in the Annunciation:

  1. It is forbidden to work on Earth, it is believed that if a person touches seeds or grains, they will never germinate. After this holiday, all field work will be perfect and will give a good harvest.
  2. It is impossible to give anything from home to not lose happiness and well-being. It is better for this holiday guests not to invite.
  3. It is prohibited for a holiday to wear new things, because they will spoil in a short time and replace them with others will not be possible. The girls who did not take into account is taboo, will not be able to marry this year.
  4. Finding out that it is impossible to do in the Annunciation, it is worth saying that the taboo is superimposed on any needlework. This is due to the fact that the thread symbolizes life, so engaged in sewing or knitting, a person can confuse his destiny.
  5. Another taboo concerns the beginning of any cases, as they will not bring any results, but will cause disappointment only.

In ancient times, people especially believed in unclean power, so many superstitions have a connection with them.

  1. It is impossible to compete for the appearance, because mermaids can enchant and tighten under water.
  2. It is not recommended to be far from home to the holiday, since the Snake Domovic comes to the house and recalculate households. It is believed that if someone is not, then the man will soon die.
  3. It is forbidden to go to the forest, because the ledge can start deep into the death.

Folk Signals for Annunciation

It came to this day a huge amount of superstitions related to different aspects of life. Many are interested in what commences for the Annunciation are, so this day you can learn about many events of the future, to predict the weather and attract good luck. Everyone has the right to decide for himself to believe in them or consider fiction, but it is worth noting that superstitions were formed for many years, proving their truthfulness, so at least they can be lisked.

Signs for good luck

In order to accompany the luck during the year, it is prohibited to cut hair into this church holiday and braid braids. There is an old legend that the cuckoo for the Annunciation decided to break the existing ban and began to weave the nest. For this, God's God and deprived her own home, so she puts eggs into nests to other birds. There are other signs for the Annunciation to attract good luck.

  1. Young people on this day gathered for a walk, and people were sure to jumped through the fire. It is believed that the man turning through the flame is cleared of all the negative, returns health and attracts good luck.
  2. Adults to get rid of sins and improving life, collected the last snow, melted him and washed.

Annunciation - Signs for Love

People who are paired, this holiday should spend time together in harmony to keep such relationships for the whole year. Signs on the Day of Annunciation indicate that women must forty-once called their beloved "beloved", which will allow you to preserve the feelings, love and well-being in a pair. It is impossible to do something with your hair on this holiday so as not to step fate.

Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos - Signs of Marriage

Many church holidays are considered an excellent opportunity for lonely girls to attract the soul mate towards themselves. According to the signs, if the celebration is having fun and in a good mood, then the desire will certainly come true. In the morning, lonely girls were sure to go to church and prayed near the Icons of the Virgin, so that she helped the faster to go under the crown. There are other challenges for the Annunciation for unmarried girls, for example, it is forbidden to wear a ring on the ring finger on this day and braid braids so as not to confuse fate and do not miss the soul mate.

Signs for the Annunciation to get pregnant

Since the Mother of God has to Mother Savior of mankind, women who want to get pregnant and are treated for her. There are special signs for an appeal for girls associated with the continuation of the kind. On this day, it is necessary to buy a white dove and appeal to her with a request to give the Lord's request to the Lord about the child. On the holiday, the bird should be released. You can use such a method to ask for a second half meeting.

Signs of Annunciation for Money

Church holidays have tremendous energy that can be used for good. There are signs and superstitions for the Annunciation, which have a connection with finance.

  1. On this day, it is forbidden to give money in debt, since they will not be able to say goodbye throughout the year.
  2. People who are engaged in the business, on April 7, drip their jobs and ask for prosperity.
  3. Describing the signs and rites to the Annunciation, it is worth remembering one of them: in the morning for the holiday you need to go to church and buy prosphoras there, the number of which should coincide with the number of households. A coin is put in one of them and after that everyone should take a loaf. The person who will get a coin will not need money during the year.

Born to Annunciation - Signs

There are two interpretations of this superstition.

  1. It is believed that this holiday is born by people who will be happy, and in the course of life they will be accompanied by luck. At the same time there is one "but", they will constantly feel lonely, even having a big and friendly family. Signs about the Annunciation indicate that the person born in this holiday will be able to achieve a lot in life, even constantly feeling.
  2. There are a negative interpretation for the conversion of signs and customs, so there is a version that babies born in this holiday will often hurt or they will have ugliness.
  3. There is another people's superstition, according to which people and animals, which appeared on April 7, will be small in growth.

Sketches - die in Annunciation

Believers from ancient times believed that on this day, everyone opens, and people can use this chance to turn to the highest forces. There is a sign - death in the Annunciation is the key to the fact that a person will certainly fall into paradise. Among the people they say that the good people are among the largest life who the Lord takes towards him.

Weather for Annunciation - Folk Signals

Many people still enjoy the knowledge of their ancestors who are tested for centuries. Known for the Annunciation and Signals associated with the weather:

  1. If before the seventh of April, the swallows were not visible, then cold weather will continue throughout the spring.
  2. Good and clear weather foreshadows rich harvest and red summer.
  3. If there was a fog to the Annunciation in the morning, it means that water in the rivers will arrive.
  4. In antiquity, it was believed that the weather on April 7 will repeat on Easter.
  5. Many stars in the sky in this holiday foreshadows a good venture crop.

Rain on the Annunciation - Signs

In ancient times, a sharp change of weather was perceived as a sign of over, which became the basis for superstitions:

  1. The commemoratives and customs describe that if rain went to the holiday, it means that in the summer there will be little moisture, but it will be possible to get a rich yield of rye.
  2. It was believed that if it was raining, then the rooster would start, and the WH will go to Yuri.
  3. Men believed that if the rain began, it means that you could go fishing, because the catch would be rich.
  4. If the thunderstorm on the Annunciation, the signs indicate that summer will be warm and nuts this year is good.

Snow for the Annunciation - Signs

Before Easter, the weather is changing frequently, but snow is rare and some superstitions are connected with it:

  1. If there is snow on the roofs, it means that bad weather will continue for a long time and the snow will remain until the Yuryev of the day, which falls on May 6.
  2. For those who are interested in what commences and customs are associated with snow, there is such a superstition - if on this day it lies in the fields, then in the summer there will be no harvest.
  3. In antiquity, people believed that the last melt snow had a healing force and if they wash, but you can get rid of diseases and different troubles.
Annunciation of the Lord

Annunciation is made to celebrate on April 7. On this day, Mary from Nazareth found out from Archangel Gabriel, which it was her the honor of becoming a parent of the Son of God - Jesus Christ. Therefore, the holiday is considered the brightest and especially revered by Orthodox Christians. The name of the holiday comes from the words of the benefit of the news.

What to do for the glory to gardeners

The Most Holy Mother of God is the intercession of everything alive on earth. The Annunciation is not recommended to perform any serious work, but resting the soul and go to the temple of God. You can ask the holy in prayer about good shoots and a magnificent harvest, consecrate the seeds prepared for sowing or stocking of holy water for watering seedlings.

The Annunciation can not work or try new things - it is believed that they will not be successful, or even can attract misfortune. Therefore, gardeners are preparing in advance:

  • seeds seeds and holy them in boxes for seedlings;
  • prepare for sowing, but do not soak to pre-consecrate them in the church, or soak in holy water;
  • they took with them the land from the garden or with containers for seedlings and read prayer, asking for yields and fertility.

Rites and traditions of the Annunciation and their influence on the harvest

There are many traditions, superstitions and rites regarding this day: from religious, up to purely pagan.

Consecrated cabbage seeds to seedlings

Another interesting tradition was as follows. The peasants delivered unnoticed by an extraneous eye from the camp Kochan cabbage - be sure to first of last year's crop, and left him in the garden. It was believed that the next day there will be seeds grown in it, and even the most severe frosts will not be terrible, as well as pests and diseases.

News with pigeons to improve weather conditions

One of the oldest customs is to be issued to the freedom of pigeons, which, according to old legends, are able to convey the heavers angels about everything that has been done. Ending them, they asked for goodbye to sins, and the Mother of God asked to improve weather conditions, so that the harvest would be born better, there was no drought and hail.

Prayer for yield

If it is not possible to go to the church you can use an ancient tradition. Previously, people believed that the Annunciation, personifying the beginning of the sowing season and Spring, God himself blesses the land and everyone who works on it. On this day, a special ritual was carried out - the custom of the consecration of the sowing material, when the peasants were placed seeds and grain in the bans, together with the icon of the Mother of God, pronouncing the prayer: "Mother of God and Gabriel-Archangel, bless us generous harvest."

Cannot weave the fences from the vine

It is categorically impossible for the Annunciation categorically not to engage in sewing, knitting and weaving, because it is believed that the life of a person is like a thread, which can only manage the Lord God. If this ban does not give values, you can "confuse" the life threads between relatives and sticking quarrels and troubles. For this reason, flowers and gardens on this day should be abandoned by weaving decorative fences from the vine to decorate flower and beds.

Special salt for billets for the winter

The miraculous salt of the hostess was made: all family members had to pour into a linen bag of pinch. It was heated in the furnace, and stored in a secluded place.

Such a salt is considered to be special - capable of healing patients, as well as drive away all sorts of space, misfortune and infection. It can be used to prepare a conservation. It is also scattered in beds and fields, to protect the harvest from pests and diseases (in small quantities). The Annunciation salt was not intimidated during the year, and believed that all the troubles and problems burn with it.

Blagoveshchensky signs: predicting the crop and weather

In Russia, many sayings were folded about this bright Christian holiday. Here are the most popular of them that will be useful to summer houses and gardeners:

After reviewing the beliefs, traditions and signs, remember that they arose not just like that, but according to the observations of our ancestors who watched the nature over the centuries. Consecrate seedlings and seeds before landing and observe the customs of the celebration of the Annunciation, and collect a wonderful harvest.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - This is an Orthodox holiday, which is performed annually April 7. (March 25, old style) and goes exactly 9 months from the date of the celebration. The holiday is installed in the memory of the announcement of the Virgin Mary Arkhangel Gabriel of the good news about conception and about the birth of Hergladin of Isus Christ. Annunciation has one day of the fore-and-alone and one day of the volatility, which is celebrated by the Cathedral of St. Gabriel ArchReart.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Worship

Holiday Annunciation In the Orthodox tradition, the Gospel was consonant (from Greek. " good news"). The icon of this holiday is usually placed on royal gates, on top of the right half depicted the Virgin, on the left - Archangel Gabriel. Annunciation sometimes coincides with Easter. This holiday is so great that even the Easter service does not cancel it. According to the special charter of the chanting of the Annunciation and Easter can be connected.

The festive worship tells a birthday party, explains the meaning of the existing Old Testament prophecies. Again and again we hear the explanations of the great secrecy of the award. In the styers, in addition to the description of the events of the Annunciation, are the same thoughts that in general in the Virgin Holidays. It is said that, thanks to the birth of the Lord from the Virgin, the sky again connects to the earth, Adam is updated, Evva is exempt, and we become a certain deity, becoming a church, that is, the temple of God. Very beautiful and full of deep meaning of the Great Evening Schierers, built as the Archangel Dialogue with the Virgin:

With Ovestiya Preisa, TBEZAZ TEBE NTRs1ce, Gavrіi1l Deta, Tebe Lobyzaz and3 Veschz, Radisz Zemlev Raughtyzn. Radisz bugged2 did not њpali1MAZ. Raduzzz depth2 NetAd0s VinedimaZ, Radisz M0SE K8 NB7Sє1M Loves. and3 is a height of Highlands, YU4KE її1kov V1de. RUDISZZ RU1CHKO BZHCTVERS MANY. Radisz Rasseni Klstva. Radiszz ґdamovo units, C8 Tob0y GD.

K VlSemshz ћkw chlk, speech Non-lights NTRs1The to ґrchstarty1u. And3 kakw's horses of the CLC. With Mn0y Rec. є3Si2 BGU BHTIY, AND3 B8Seli1Tisz in UT0BA Mo2. And3 kakw BU1DU GLI MI, B8Mustion Protective, and3 Möstly Schish7EZZ, I4. In Heruvimheh, sunrise. Yes, the neppers1 is a mellow, the sky2 is mu1zh. Bran є4SM is unacceptable, as well YBW NTROT Born2.

B gъ И3 Read more High, defeats it є3The Chi1n, speech free. And3 ћWe in the peak of a man Sodevyutzz, my1m Vyrey and4stine glasses, all © TAZ and3 fiercely. I have been reopening, Bu1ti Mosno NHNE on HLU2, I3 Born 2, PLAY2TNA, PLAY TN MENE ZAY3MAVSHAGO, ћKW will erect CHLO, ћKW є3Di1n Sinelane, dusty.

On the Polyeleos, the highlights of the holiday or holy, starting with the words: "Majesti ...". The Music of Annunciation - Special:

Ґ RHAgglskiy GRC VKIEM CCTAZ. Radiszz њBradnovnaz, GD C8 Tob0y.

Canon was drawn up in the VIII century. He was written by the famous Orthodox anthemographers John Damaskin and Feofan, Metropolitan Nicene. Canon is built in the form of a dialogue between the Virgin and Archangel Gabriel. In Canon, the divine condescension to the people of the embodied Savior and is indicated to the extraordinary greatness of the Most Holy Virgin who took God.


Library of Russian faith

In the apostle (Heb. II, 11-18), it is suggested that to save people it was necessary to make the Son of God to take the flesh of human. In the Gospel (Luke I, 24-38) there is a story about the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Trophar holiday. Church-Slavic text

D NE S saved on the beginning, and3 Vöchnei Taine KVLEY, CH7E B9I, CH7 Dv7yz is, and3 Gavrіi1Le the sameness of Błgovstiu. Take I3 We2 C8 N1M BCDE OBEєєєME, RADUISZZ њBRADOVANDZ GD C8 Tob0u.

Russian text

Today, the beginning of our salvation and the manifestation of the former mystery from the century: the Son of God becomes the son of the Virgin and Gabriel heralds the good news of grace. Therefore, I will exclaim the Virgin Mary: Rejoice, delighted, Lord with you.

Kondak holiday. Church-Slavic text

In the example of the victim of the victim, ћko and3zbvleszz t ѕlhh, bldarily produce with the library of Ti2 Your2 BCD. But ћkw and3mu1chi does not hold the beat1MU, t Asskoy NAA Beth Freedom2, and the call of Ti, Raduisz is not unnecessary.

Russian text

You, the highest military officer, getting rid of the troubles, we, the unworthy of your slaves, the Virgin, singing a victorious and thanksgiving song. You have an invincible strength, freeing us from all sorts of troubles so that we appeal to you: Rejoice, the bride, who has not entered into marriage.

Celebration of Annunciation in Russia. Folk customs and traditions

According to the power of folk reverence and in the size of the honoring of Christian holidays in a rural life, ancient times, the Day of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is in third place after the Nativity of Christ and St. Easter. In everyday life of labor rustic life, this holiday was considered the day of the whole rest. In many villages, whole families in the evening, with sunset, went to the mills and here were located on a straw for a peace conversation about what the coming spring, what kind of sowing, what is Pakht, what a harvest is. Annunciation was considered a blessing day for every good deed, especially on agricultural work. According to the folk legend, on this day, as in Easter, the sun at dawn "plays" and sinners in hell are not tormented. Before the revolution, there was also a custom to release on this day sharpened in the birds of birds on the will, as a symbol of the issuance of freedom to all people.

On this day, the greatest sin was considered the smallest physical work, even the departure or departure on the road for earnings. Not idle with the seasoning of festive rampant, namely, focused, silent meditation confroved to this holiday perfect peace, freedom from affairs based on immutable belief and widespread conviction that " in the Annunchen day, the bird's nest does not curl, the maiden braids will not braid" None of the day in a year does not have so much ghosts and fortunes as the day of the Annunciation: he was dependent on the greatest number of beliefs that were strengthened on the practical economic foundations.

Icons of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The ancient images of the Annunciation are frescoes in the ancient Roman catacombs (II century) and images on early Christian sarcophagas. Already to the V century from the early Christian, icon-painted canons were developed, which remain almost unchanged in the Byzantine and Russian iconography.

The basic principles of the iconography of the holiday are a two-profic composition, representing the Archangel and the Virgin.

The most common range is "Annunciation with yarn". Our Lady is represented by the spinning, an angel with a staff in his left hand, a gustful gesture bless her, informing the message sent by the Lord. According to legend, the Virgin Mary fell a lot to spin a red veil for the Jerusalem Temple, that the one, which at the time of her son's death, was drunk.

In the icons "Annunciation with a Baby in the womb" ("Ustyuzhsky Annunciation") an attempt is made to submit an idea of \u200b\u200bimmaculate conception.

The images of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary are found not only in icon painting and monumental painting, but also in miniatures of manuscripts, sculpture, sewing.

Blagoveshchensk temples and monasteries in Russia

In the twentieth century, Yaroslav I, fencing the city of Kiev Stamina Stone with the Golden Gatehouse input, built over them Blagoveshchensk Church And told the mouth of the chronicler: " Yes, by Sima, the gates of good news come to me in degrees of this prayers of the Most Holy Virgin and St. Archangel Gabriel - Jasom Blagovetnik" The same temple was built over the gates of the Novgorod Kremlin, and then included in the custom of putting the supervises of the Annunciation Churches in all the large old monasteries.

There were many temples and monasteries in Russia, named in the name of the Annunciation, in every Russian city. First of all, the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin is remembered. In 1397, the Grand Duke Vasily I, the son of Dmitry Donsky, built the first wooden cathedral. Andrei Rublev, Feofan Greek and Master Prokhor, their city. Later, the cathedral was rebuilt, in 1475 he burned down, and the Pskov masters built a new White Cathedral (1484-89).

In the Kremlin there was another Blagoveshchensk Church. One of the Kremlin towers, which is now the name of Blagoveshchenskaya, served as Ivan the Terrible Prison. One prisoner, innocent prisoner, was the Virgin and ordered to ask for royal grace. At the same time, on the outer wall of the Tower, addressed to the royal rest, the image of the Annunciation. Subsequently, a temple destroyed in the 1930s was attached to the tower.

One of the most ancient Blagoveshcheni temples was in Vitebsk (Belarus). According to legend, he was built by another princess Olga at the base of the city in 974. The church was rebuilt many times, and in 1961 destroyed to free the place to turn the trams. Restored in 1993-98. In the appearance of the XII century.

Many monasteries were devoted to the Annunciation of the Virgin. Perhaps the most ancient are located in Nizhny Novgorod (1221 years old), Kirzchach Vladimir region (founded in 1358 by Rev. Sergey Radonezh), Murom.

It should be said that there is even a city called in honor of the holiday - Blagoveshchensk in the Far East, on the border with China. It was founded in 1856 and carried the name of the Ust-Zeysky Military post (at the site of the merger of Zey and Amur). The first temple, which was built there, was consecrated in the name of the Annunciation, from where and the city got its name. Surprisingly, when Soviet power, the city retained his "Orthodox" name!

Old Believes of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin

Old Believers continued the tradition of the construction of the Annunciation temples. The church of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church in and B (Romania) is dedicated to this holiday.

The communities of the Russian Holiday Church in the Saratov Region, the village (Kazakhstan) and the Nizhvensky region are also celebrated today the prestinal holiday.

The temples of the Pomeranian communities of Arkhangelsk, (Estonia), (Latvia), (Latvia) and the 5th of the Riga Epiphany Community (Latvia) are devoted to the Annunciation.

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays. This event has become swivel for the whole Christian world: it marked the soon arrival of the Son of God to the Earth to save all mankind.

Significance Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary The religious world is huge. In this significant day, the Virgin Mary was revealed by the news from heaven that she will become the mother of God's Son and will produce him to light from immaculate conception.

Traditions and customs on the Annunciation

If this momentous day continues strict post The church permits to make relief in honor of the celebration. Christians are allowed to eat fish products.

On April 7, work remains under the ban. Domestic things that require attention can be performed, but it is worth refraining from idle pastime. Free time must be devoted to prayers, reflections on life and spiritual enlightenment. According to believe, it is impossible to sew on this day, knit and weave - so you can stick to the house and spoil relations with households.

Special attention is paid to the holiday of birds. They are published for them to report to heaven the good news of the good affairs and actions of people.

On the night of the Annunciation, it is customary to disperse fires to finally melt the winter strule and attract warm spring. Garbage is thrown into fires, old household items and any things that have come into disrepair.

The ash from the fires in the Annunciation attributed to the garden and the beds sprinkled in order to scare the pests and protect the harvest from adversity.

Plant on this day and plants. It is believed that God himself blesses them for a rapid shoot and an abundance of fruits.

After serving in the church, brought prosphoras that all households are treated. The remains and crumbs usually give pet, protecting them from diseases and predatory animals.

Signs for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our ancestors carefully observed on this day for the weather: the rain was dried by the yield, and the thunderstorm or thunder foreshadowed the abundance of nuts along the autumn.

Fishermen in the Annunciation hoped for a good catch, because he meant that the fish in the reservoir will not translate and the Klev will be throughout the year.

On the feast, there were any branched words, quarrels and clarification of relationships. Our ancestors believed that the day will be depends on the whole year. A complacent mood, good and mutual assistance were mandatory.

A good weather indicator served swallows: if they appeared before the occurrence of the holiday, it means that the warm winter was waiting ahead.

On this day, nothing can be given out of the house, so as not to spend a year in poverty and lack of money.

According to signs, water, consecrated to the Annunciation, had healing properties and was used in case of household disease.

It is forbidden to wear new clothes on this day: according to beliefs, they quickly come into disrepair, and new outfits will also briefly please buyers.

It is noteworthy that the weather that stood in the Annunciation reflected the weather on the light Easter.

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