Summary of the lesson-journey through the educational area "Communication" (preparatory group for school). Abstract of the GCD for communication in the preparatory group "Travel to the country of smart games

Decor elements 29.09.2019
Municipal preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten combined type No. 228"

Synopsis of direct educational activities of the educational area "Communication" for children with OHP
in the preparatory group for school

"What do we know about winter"

Completed by the educator speech therapy group
Arakcheeva Margarita Petrovna

G. Saratov 2013

Program content: To systematize the knowledge of children about winter and winter phenomena, to teach how to answer the questions posed. To teach to highlight the opposite signs. Know that every item has a past and a future. Be able to transform, make up small stories from the first person using the method of empathy. Allocate resources of objects, create unusual situations, develop coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking. Enrich your vocabulary. Foster a love of nature.
Preliminary work: Observing the winter natural phenomena reading works about winter, about the life of wild animals and birds in winter time, memorizing sayings, poems, popular signs about winter.
Material: Reference pictures, circles of red and of blue color, winter illustrations.

- Guys, listen interesting riddle:
"Who's guess the gray-haired mistress
Shake feather beds - over the world of fluff? "
- What is it? That's right, winter. Today we are going to talk about winter.
- What winter months do you know? (December January February)
- These months are as different as the three people who came to visit us (show).

What month do you think a brooding expression would suit? Funny? Sad? (children's answers).
- I suggest you take places where there is the same sign and tell about the winter months.
- What changes occur in nature in early winter, in December? (snow falls, water bodies are covered with a thin layer of ice, days become short, the sun shines a little).
- How do birds and animals greet December? (the birds have already flown south, the animals have shed, some have hibernated);
(People wear warm clothes.)
- Why is December - brooding?
- What happens in January? (comes New Year, people celebrate the holiday, there is more snow, the children have a vacation - they go sledging, skiing, ice skating).
- Why is January called the peak of the cold?
- Think, why is January so funny?
- What does February bring us? (blizzards, blizzards, snowdrifts, severe frosts, the day is added).
- How do birds and animals behave in February? (sparrows chirp, bear cubs are born)
- Why is February sad? (cold, wind is blowing, winter will be gone soon)
“I’ll give you cards to help you play the game. If you think that you have a good winter in your drawings, take places near the red circle, if the winter is evil, then near the blue one. Explain your choice.
- And what sayings about winter do you know?
a) "December begins winter - the year ends"
b) "January is the middle of winter, the peak of the cold"
c) "January - frosts, February - blizzards"
d) "Two friends - frost and blizzard"
e) "January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter"
- What fairy tales and cartoons do you know about winter? (children's answers)
- Well done!
- Let `s have some rest.
Physical education.
"White snow fell,
We will gather in a circle.
Snow, snow, White snow,
He sleeps us all.
We are not afraid of powder
We catch snow - clap our hands.
Hands to the sides, at the seams,
Enough snow for us and for you! ".
- Let's play the game "What we have been, what we have become."
Snow - water, snowman, lump.
Wood - with brushwood, furniture, firewood, paper.
A ball of thread - with a mitten, a scarf.
Day - evening.
The month in the sky is the moon.
Water - icicle, ice rink, ice.
Winter wind - blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.
- Well done! Go to your seats.
- Look closely at this picture.
- What name is right for her?
- Admire the winter nature and imagine yourself as one of the heroes. Tell us what you think, what you feel (children's answers).
- Did you enjoy being heroes? OK!
- Winter is a time of travel, excursions, hikes.
- Imagine that we went skiing and got into a helicopter. But suddenly the helicopter had a breakdown, and we made an emergency landing near a snowy forest, where there is no living person for many kilometers. With us we only have skis and small backpacks with tea and crackers.
- Let's discuss: how to be, how to hold out in the cold. What's the first thing to do?
- What is needed for human life (you need food, shelter, water).
- Where can I get food?
- Where to get water?
- What to light a fire from to keep warm?
- Where to hide from the blizzard?
- How to protect yourself from animals?
- How to get home?
- How to behave so as not to freeze?
- All your answers are correct, interesting. They helped us get home. You have shown yourself to be brave, savvy.
- Our conversation is coming to an end. What games did you enjoy playing? What new have you learned?
Bottom line.

"In the world of kindness."

Program tasks:


Identify and generalize the correct understanding of kindness in children. To teach to be restrained and benevolent, to work on the definition of the concept of good in the process of communication.

Teach to reveal the meaning of proverbs, Encourage children to be interested in the meaning of words, through play activities learn moral concepts. Continue learning how to make sentences with the given word.


Develop initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge.


To cultivate the desire to do good deeds, friendly relations between children.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: (show, demonstration);

Verbal: ( artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

Game: (the appearance of a fairy-tale character, a surprise moment); Pedagogical technologies: (personality-oriented, gaming);Health-saving technologies: (change of activities, relaxation).

Preliminary work: reading the story “Just an Old Woman” by V. Oseev, “The Ugly Duckling” by G.Kh. Andersen, viewing illustrations from different situations, conversations on moral topics.

Materials and equipment: Dunno doll, ball, typewriter, flower, book, sheet of paper and felt-tip pen, hearts.

Course of the lesson:


Guys, look at how brightly the sun shines in our window.It gives us its warmth, warms us.Let's smile at the sun and each other.Let a smile and good mood be your helpers in our lesson.

(Children smile at each other).

Educator:Today Dunno came to visit us and brought with him an unusual suitcase, in order to open the suitcase you need to solve a riddle, but without your help he will not be able to do this. Will you help Dunno?

Children: Let's help.

You have it when everything is good.
When the sun suddenly came out, and the rain all passed.
Often you make it to people, and they make it to you.
You have it in your soul, but you cannot find it anywhere.

Children: This is "goodness", "kindness".

Educator: Right. Guys, what is kindness?

Children: These are good deeds!

Educator: Right. Dunno, think about it and tell me about whom you can say "kind"?

Dunno: This is someone who does good deeds like me.

Educator: Right. But did Dunno do everything right, guys?

Children: No! He made a bunch of mistakes. Offended my friends. And "kind" means attentive, sympathetic, caring, generous.

Educator: Well done, guys! And what can you say "kind" about?

Children: evening, path, deed.

Educator: Do you think you can touch kindness? Does it have a smell, taste?Perhaps it is not difficult to see it? And how can you see it?

Children:A poem about kindness. (Evelina H.)

It's not easy to be kind at all,

Kindness does not depend on growth,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness from the cold will warm you

You just have to be kind

And do not forget each other in white.

In a person's actions, deeds, in deeds.

Educator: Please remember your good deeds? (children's answers)

2. Dunno, the children have guessed your riddle and your little case has opened. What's in your suitcase?

Dunno: I brought a lot of interesting things. (Pulls out the ball). Now I want to play a game with children"Replace with kind words"... We will play in a circle. Throwing a ball to each of you, I will name words, and you will help me to replace these words with good ones. Ready? (children's answers)

Evil is good

Impolite - polite

Rough - affectionate

Take away - give away, give away

To scold - to praise

Lazy - hardworking

Greedy - generous

To offend - to protect

To upset - to please

Sad - cheerful

Indifferent - caring

Sloppy - neat

Break down - fix

Tear - glue

Loud - silent

Cheeky - modest

Cowardly - brave

Dunno: Thank you for helping me with the assignment! But I still have interesting items in my briefcase.

Takes out: seeds, a flower, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty cup, a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. Look at these items and tell me what kind deeds can be done with these items?

Children: Feed the birds with grains, glue the book, water the flower, donate. Wash the cup. Draw with felt-tip pens greeting card and donate.

Educator: Well done, guys! Dunno, do you know the proverb about kindness?

Dunno: No. Do the children know?

Educator: We will check it now. (Children remember proverbs about kindness)

- Life is given for good deeds.

Kind people live long.

good person teaches good

Good to create, to amuse yourself.

It's never too late to do good.

Always good triumphs over evil

Good century will not be forgotten.

Life is given for good deeds.

The world is not without good people.

A good word heals, and a bad one cripples

Educator: Dunno, memorize proverbs. Our guys also know kind words... We are now going to play a game. I will begin and you will finish.

Even a block of ice will melt from a word of warm ... (thanks)

The old tree stump will turn green when he hears ... ... (good afternoon)

If you are scolded for pranks, I must say ... (forgive me, please)

If a friend is in trouble ... .. (help him)

Solve disputes with words, not ... (with fists).

Educator: Never forget about polite words, know how to use them in different situations and then they will always say about you "How polite ..."

Physical education:

Now stand in a circle, I will read the poem, and you follow the gestures and movements.

The mood fell (put their hands down )

The case falls out of hand( shake their head, shake their hands )

If there is a good friend (turn to each other, holding out their hands )

We will cope with business together (shake hands )

Let's breathe a sigh of relief (deep breath )

Let's raise the mood (bend over and slowly straighten )

And we will hug each other (everyone hugs )

And now I suggest you play the game "What is good and what is bad"

I will name the good and bad deeds of children.

When I say a good deed, you clap your hands and smile, and when I say a bad one, you stamp your feet and frown.

The boy took the candy away from the girl

Vanya presented his toy to the baby.

Sasha gave Masha his mittens to warm up.

Sonya helped her mother sweep the floor.

Kostya called the girl a bad word.

Dunno: I see that you are good children and know how to do good deeds. And I want to give everyone these little hearts for your good deeds and deeds. Keep doing this on and on. And now I have to go, thanks to everyone for helping me (leaves).


Educator: Close your eyes. Imagine that there is a beautiful cup on the table in front of you. Fill it to the brim with your kindness. Now imagine that there is someone else's, completely empty cup nearby. Pour the goodness out of your cup into it. Don't feel sorry! Is your cup empty? No, the problem is, there is never enough kindness. Refill it. A kind person always shares his kindness. Open your eyes and say calmly, confidently, “I have a cup of kindness! I share my kindness with everyone. "

Bottom line: Guys, let's remember what we talked about today in class? What were your difficulties?

All of you were great today !!!

Perspective work plan for the educational area "Communication" in preparatory group

Explanatory note

At the senior preschool age, children are fairly fluent in their native language. This is due to the large (in comparison with the previous period) experience of children, with the development of their intellectual abilities: the ability to establish diverse connections, it is easy to operate with existing knowledge, to generalize and draw conclusions.

Interest in the inner world of people, the peculiarities of their relationships determines the new prevailing type of communication. Communication becomes a way of knowing the norms of behavior, a way of determining mood and emotional state a person, a way of knowing his own inner peace... Children of this age are characterized by a critical, evaluative attitude to the speech of others and the development of control over the accuracy of their utterances.

For older children preschool age characterized by numerous exercises in the use of language, active experimentation with the word, its modification and the invention of new words. Children are happy to be involved in creative speech activities to come up with riddles, fairy tales, stories.

The child's new acquisition is interest in speech as a special object of cognition: he is interested in the sound and meaning of a word, sound form, combination and coordination of words in speech. This interest can be directed towards solving problems of preparation for teaching literacy.

The desire of older preschool children to attract the attention of interlocutors is expressed in attempts to make their speech expressive, expressive. At this age, the child not only can use speech intonation means, but is also able to master the means of expressiveness typical of the language, such as an epithet, comparison, metaphor.

By the older preschool age, significant individual differences appear in the level of speech of children. The speech of children of the same age can differ significantly in the richness of vocabulary, in the level of coherence and grammatical correctness, in the ability of children to creative speech manifestations.It is important for the teacher to notice the individual manifestations of children in learning the language, to support the development literary ability pupils.

Purpose of work: preparing children for school, to form a full-fledged phonetic system of the language in preschoolers, to develop phonemic perception and the initial skills of sound analysis, automate grammatically correct speech, learning the native language.

The tasks of upbringing and development of children:

Tasks for the development of free communication with adults and children:

  1. Develop the ability to build communication with by different people: adults and peers, younger and older children, acquaintances and strangers.
  2. Promote the manifestation of the child's subjective position in verbal communication with adults and peers.
  3. Contribute to the formation of an adequate self-esteem and internal position of the child through awareness of his social position in the child's community and in the adult environment.

Development tasks for all components oral speech children in different types children's activities:

  1. Develop the ability to use antonyms, synonyms, ambiguous words; understand by perception fiction and use in his own speech the means of linguistic expressiveness - metaphors, figurative comparisons, personifications.
  2. To develop independent speech creativity, taking into account the individual abilities and capabilities of children.
  3. To foster interest in language and a conscious attitude of children to linguistic phenomena.
  4. Develop writing skills.

Tasks for the practical mastering of speech norms

  1. Expand children's ideas about the content of etiquette of people of different nationalities.
  2. To develop the ability to consciously choose the etiquette form depending on the communication situation, the age of the interlocutor, the purpose of the interaction.
  3. Develop the ability to select speech formulas etiquette for the emotional disposition of the interlocutor.

Children of this age are characterized by the ability to build communication with different people: adults and peers, acquaintances and strangers. This greatly expands the circle of their communication. Mastering the rules continues speech etiquette and their use in the process of communication with adults and peers in a variety of life situations. Speech skills of children allow in the process of communication with peers: exchange information, plan play activities together, agree on the distribution of roles and coordination of actions in the game.

The leading task of the teacher in the development of the speech of children of the seventh year of life is the development of monologue speech, in particular the independent creative use of the language in the process speech activity... The second important task is to foster a conscious attitude towards language as a special object of cognition. The solution to this problem involves preparing children for teaching literacy: the conscious mastering by children of such concepts and phenomena of language as sound analysis of a word, sentence composition, stress, characterization of sound in a word and teaching children some writing skills.

Orientation of children in the educational field

What children learn

Coherent speech. Children master the ability to retell literary works on their own, correctly conveying the idea and content, expressively reproducing dialogues actors; use different types retelling depending on the task: retelling by roles, close to the text, on behalf of the literary hero. They learn to understand and remember the author's means of expression, use them in retelling, in their own speech, and notice in the stories of their peers. In descriptive stories based on reproductions of art pictures about natural phenomena, they learn to convey their emotional attitude to images, using the means of linguistic expressiveness: metaphors, comparisons, epithets, hyperbole, personification; independently determine the logic of a descriptive story; use a variety of means of expression. They compose narrative stories based on the picture, from personal and collective experience, according to a set of toys; build their story, observing the structure of the narrative; make up contamination stories, combining description and narration, description and reasoning. Learn to distinguish literary genres (fairy tale, story, riddle, proverb, poem), know and observe the main characteristics genre.

They master the ability to independently compose various types of creative stories: on a topic suggested by the teacher, modeling a story, fairy tales, riddles, inventing filmstrips, stories on "blotting", according to proverbs, using TRIZ techniques.

Creative stories use personal and literary experience, individual interests and abilities.

They attentively listen to the stories of their peers, help them in case of difficulties, notice speech and logical errors and kindly and constructively correct them.

They learn to independently use in the process of communication with adults and peers the forms of speech-reasoning: explanatory speech, speech-proof, speech planning.

Preparation for literacy training.Sound analysis of four-sound and five-sound words (fox, elephant, stork, school): intonation highlighting of sounds in a word, drawing up a diagram of the sound composition of a word, highlighting a stressed vowel sound in a word. Orientation on the sheet, performance of graphic dictations. Development of fine motor skills of hands: shading, strokes. Reading simple words... Guessing children's crosswords and puzzles.

Dictionary. Children master the skills to adequately and accurately express their thoughts, choosing the right words; perform the classification operation - dividing the mastered concepts into groups based on the identified features (dishes - kitchen, dining room, tea; clothes, footwear - winter, summer, demi-season; transport - passenger and cargo; ground, air, water, underground, etc.) ).

They learn to find in literary texts and understand the means of linguistic expressiveness: polysemy, personification, metaphors; use the means of linguistic expressiveness when composing riddles, fairy tales, poems.

Sound culture of speech.Automation of difficult for pronunciation sounds in speech and correction of existing violations in sound pronunciation are carried out.

Grammatically correct speech.The child masters the skills: to educate Difficult words by merging (coffee grinder, coffee maker, Dishwasher); notice grammatical errors in the speech of peers and correct them; use it yourself in speech different types sentences (simple, complex, complex) in accordance with the content of the statement.

Practical mastery of the norms of speech (mastering the rules of speech etiquette).Children master the ability to use etiquette formulas for emotional interaction with people: in greeting situations ("How glad I am to see you!", "How I miss you!" I look forward to our next meeting! ”,“ What a pity to part with you ”,“ Until new and happy meetings ”,“ I hope for a new meeting ”,“ All the best, good luck to you! ”).

Learn to find appropriate movements, postures, facial expressions in situations of communication with different people; find answers and correctly use the rules of etiquette in new situations (who greets first when meeting with adults, when should they shake hands, which means shaking hands, who is the first to give their hand; why should you get up when greeting; why you shouldn’t keep your hands in your pockets and say hello and say goodbye through threshold or other obstacle).

They practice the ability to introduce their friend to their parents, playmates (who is introduced first - a girl or a boy, a man or a woman), get to know each other and offer to play together, offer their friendship; compliment and accept others. Preschoolers learn to follow the rules of etiquette in difficult life circumstances (illness, family troubles); master the formulas of speech etiquette in the course of a dispute.

Organization of experience in the development of the educational field

What children learn

For the formation of the foundations of the child's communicative competence, the educator creates conditions for children to communicate with different people: adults and peers, older and younger children, with well-known and unfamiliar children and adults. Children can generalize the experience of communicating with different contingent of people in the process of creating albums and books on the topics “How we played with the kids”, “How to meet new friends”, “How not to quarrel on the playground”, etc.

For the development of children's speech creativity, the teacher organizes "children's book publishing": children compose fairy tales, riddles, stories, illustrate them with their drawings, and the teacher writes down and helps to arrange the book. In their works, children reflect their personal and literary experience, their knowledge of nature, the social world, and relationships between people. In the preparatory group, a library can be created, part of which is composed of the compositions of the children themselves.

To familiarize children with the rules of etiquette, the teacher reads them works of art and discusses with them situations that arise in the behavior of children. During the discussion, in the dramatization game, in role-playing game preschoolers learn to use the rules of etiquette in the practice of interaction. The teacher needs to talk with the parents of the pupils and advise them to use life situations to teach the child etiquette rules: the child brought a friend home and wants to introduce him to his parents; on the street we met a boy from the group, the child wants to introduce him to his mother. In a kindergarten, educators create situations for children to get to know each other different groups, organize them joint activities... The joint solution of problem situations, game and everyday tasks helps children to master the etiquette of dispute, the ability to avoid conflict and quarrels. To consolidate the learned rules, you can use didactic games, contests and sketches.

Work on the sound culture of speech and the development of grammatically correct speech is carried out in the process of individual interaction with children in need of help.

The planned result, expressed in the integrative qualities of the child:

Inquisitive, active

Shows activity in collective discussions, puts forward hypotheses and suggestions in the process of experimental activities and when discussing controversial issues. He is the initiator of discussions of events in the group, the organizer of collective games, offers creative word games (makes riddles, comes up with stories, plans the plots of creative games).

Emotionally responsive

Shows interest in communicating with peers and adults: asks questions, asks the opinion of others, asks about their activities and events in their lives. Shows interest in speech as a special object of cognition: he takes part in solving crosswords, rebuses with pleasure, offers word games, reads individual words, writes in block letters, shows interest in speech creativity. Shows a steady interest in literature, is distinguished by a wealth of literary experience, has preferences in genres of literature, themes of works.

Has mastered the means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers

The child can organize children for joint activities, conduct business dialogue with adults and peers. He freely communicates with different people: easily gets to know each other, has friends. It is characterized by subjective manifestations in communicative and speech activity.

Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks that are adequate for age

On his own, without the help of an adult, he can attract peers to communication (discuss a problem, event, action). He independently uses the mastered speech forms in the process of communication with peers and adults (story, speech-proof, explanations, speech-reasoning).

Mastering the universal premises learning activities

Actively shows creativity in the process of communication: offers interesting original topics for discussion, asks interesting questions, offers creative solutions to problems. He is successful in creative speech activity: he composes riddles, fairy tales, stories.

Has his own point of view on the topic under discussion, knows how to defend his position in collective discussions, disputes, uses speech forms of persuasion ("I think that ..."; "I think", "I suppose", "I want to convince you") ; owns cultural forms of expressing disagreement with the opinion of the interlocutor (“I want to argue with you,” “I disagree with you,” “I doubt it,” etc.); knows how to take the position of the interlocutor.

Having mastered the necessary special skills and abilities

Speech is clean, grammatically correct, expressive. The child masters all the means of sound analysis of words, determines the main qualitative characteristics of sounds in a word (vowel - consonant, hard - soft, stressed - unstressed vowel), the place of sound in a word. Shows interest in reading, reads words independently.

Causes concern and requires joint efforts of educators and parents

  • The child does not show interest in communicating with peers, does not seek to cooperate with them when performing tasks, assignments. Communicates with a limited circle of close people, has no friends.
  • Reluctantly participates in word games, collective discussions, finds it difficult to perform creative tasks (come up with a riddle, participate in the composition of a fairy tale), does not use the form of speech - reasoning. Shows no interest in writing. In discussions and disputes, he takes the position of others, without trying to insist on his own opinion, does not show creativity in the process of communication and speech.
  • The used formulas of speech etiquette are monotonous, the rules of etiquette are observed only upon reminder of an adult.
  • Allows grammatical errors in colloquial speech, in performing sound analysis of words. Can't read.

Calendar and thematic planning for preparation for literacy training

Lesson number





"Alphabet - the wisdom of the step". Sound and letter "A"

No. 1 p.154

"Az yes beeches - that's all science." Sound and letter "O"

No. 1 p.157

"Learning is the path to skill." Sound and letter "U"

No. 1 p.161


The sound and the letter "I". Sound analysis of the word "needle"

No. 1 p.163

Sound and letter "E". Sound analysis of the word "leaf"

No. 1 p.167

The sound and the letter "Y". Conversation on the content of the fairy tale "Rat Dylda and Pykh-Pykh"

No. 1 p.171

Syllable. The syllabic role of vowels. Sound analysis of the word "reed"

No. 1 p.175


Consonant sound [m] - [m "], letter" M ". Sound analysis of the word" baby "

No. 1 p.178

Consonant sound [n] - [n "], letter" N ". Sound analysis of the word" pump "

No. 1 p.181

The consonant sound [р] - [р "], the letter" Р ". Introduction of the concept of" stress "

No. 1 p.184

Consonant sound [s] - [s "], letter" S ".

No. 1 p.188


Consonant sound [л] - [л "], letter" L. "Sentence. Sound analysis of the word" lamp "

No. 1 p.192

Consonant sound [х] - [х "], letter" X ". Sentence. Sound analysis of the word" sugar "

No. 1 p.195

The consonant sound [w], the letter "W". Working with stamps

No. 1 p.200

Ambiguous words. Consonant sound [к] - [к "], letter" К ". Introduction of the concept" Voiceless consonant sound "

No. 1 p.204


Drawing up sentences with given words. Consonant sound [п] - [п "], letter" P ". Consolidation of the concept of" voiceless consonant sound "

No. 1 p.207

Sound analysis of the word "cat". The consonant sound [t] - [t "], the letter" T ". Consolidation of the concept of" voiceless consonant sound "

No. 1 p.212

The consonant sound [z] - [z "], the letter" Z ". Introduction of the concept of" voiced consonant sound "

No. 1 p.215


The consonant sound [в] - [в "], the letter" В ". Consolidation of the concept" voiced consonant sound. "Sound analysis of the word" wolves "

No. 1 p.220

"Flies like a bullet" - what would that mean? Consonant sound [w], letter "Ж" Offer schemas

No. 1 p.225

Consonant sound [б] - [б "], letter" B ". Polysemous words. Sound analysis of the word" loaf "

No. 1 p.228

Consonant sound [g] - [g "], letter" G. "Sound analysis of the word" pigeons "

No. 1 p.232


Consonant sound [d] - [d "], letter" D ". Polysemous words. Sound analysis of the word" smoke "

No. 1 p.236

The consonant sound [c], the letter "C". sound analysis of the word "chicken". Semantic completeness of the sentence

No. 1 p.229

Consonant sound [h], letter "H". Sound analysis of the word "watch". Pure phrases

No. 1 p.243

The consonant sound [ш], the letter "Щ". Finding a letter in a written text. Work with text

No. 1 p.247


Consonant sound [ф] - [ф "], letter" Ф ". Sound analysis of the word" violet "

No. 1 p.252

Consonant sound [th], letter "Y". Sound analysis of the word "teapot"

No. 1 p.257

The combination of sounds [ye], the letter "E". Sound analysis of the word "tape"

No. 1 p.261

The combination of sounds [ya], the letter "I". Sound analysis of the word "nanny"

No. 1 p.265


The combination of sounds [yu], the letter "Yu". Sound analysis of the word "hockey stick"

No. 1 p.270

The combination of sounds [yo], the letter "E". Sound analysis of the word "stars"

No. 1 p.274

Letters "b" and "b" (soft and hard signs). Sound analysis of the word "day"

No. 1 p.280

Alphabet. Consolidation of the passed material on the basic units of speech: sound, word, sentence

No. 1 p.285

Calendar - thematic planning for the development of speech

Lesson number





Three Acorns, Oak Leaves

No. 4 p. 5, 15

Lexical topic: "Pets". Journey into a fairy tale: "How did the puppy know who is the most important?"

No. 2 p.8

"Purple Tale"

No. 3 p. 26


Lexical topic: "Poultry". Journey into a fairy tale: "How the goose envied everyone"

No. 2 p.12

Journey to the "Yellow Fairy Tale"

No. 3 p.5

"How the Fox deceived the rabbits"

No. 4 p. 7

Lexical topic: " Migratory birds". Journey into a fairy tale: "How the swan was left alone"

No. 2 p.5

"Orange Tale"

No. 3 p.20


"A hedgehog ran along the path"

No. 4 p.9

Lexical topic: "Wild animals of our forests and their babies." Journey into a fairy tale: "How the mother was looking for a deer"

No. 2 p.16

"How the Fox built the tower"

No. 4 p. eleven

"How the Bear was the king of the forest"

No. 4 p. 16


"How the bear made jam"

No. 4 p. 24

"White Tale"

No. 3 p.17

Lexical topic: "Wintering birds". Journey into a fairy tale: "How the forty crossbills were judged"

No. 2 p.19


"What Happened to the Fly in the Winter Forest"

No. 4 p.26

"How the Ant went to visit"

No. 4 p. 27

Lexical topic: "Animals of hot countries". Journey into a fairy tale: "How the animals became friends"

No. 2 p.23


"The missing"

No. 4 p. 32

Lexical topic: " River fish". Journey into a fairy tale: "How the roach nearly died"

No. 2 p.28

"How the Bear and the Man were fighting their strengths"

No. 4 p. 34

"Why does the hare have long ears"

No. 4 p. 36


Lexical topic: " Animal world seas and oceans ". Journey into a fairy tale: "How a crab was looking for a house"

No. 2 p.31

"Difficult apple"

No. 4 p. 38

"How the Wolf guarded the house"

No. 4 p. 45

"Invisible hat"

No. 4 p. 48


"To whom the brook sang its song"

No. 4 p. 50

"How Misha found out about the school"

No. 4 p. 75

"Blue Tale"

No. 3 p.14

Lexical topic: "Insects". Journey into a fairy tale: "How a grasshopper helped the weak"

No. 2 p.35

"Green Fairy Tale"

No. 3 p.8


"Red Tale"

No. 3 p. eleven

Lexical topic: "In the natural world". Journey into a fairy tale: "How a girl met a grasshopper again"

No. 2 p.39

"Colorful fairy tale fairy tale"

No. 3 p.29


1. Eltsova OM The main directions and content of work on preparing children for literacy training: Uch.-methodical manual. - SPb., 2011 .-- 320 p.

2. Nischeva N.V. Developing fairy tales: A cycle of classes on the development of the lexical composition of the language, the improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent speech in preschool children: Study guide. - SPb., 2011 .-- 56 p.

3. Nishcheva N.V. New colorful fairy tales. Abstract complex lessons and cut material for carpet. - SPb., 2009. - 32 p.

4. Kulikovskaya T.A. Fairy tales, retellings. Teaching preschoolers to retell: Uch.-method. Manual for teachers and parents. - SPb., 2010 .-- 80 p.

Abstract of the GCD for communication in the preparatory group on the topic:

"Friendship and Friends"



Contribute to the moral development of the child through the formation of his ideas about friendship.

Continue learning to find definitions for a given word

Develop expressiveness of speech.

Develop imagination, verbal- logical thinking, auditory memory

Consolidate knowledge of proverbs about friendship.

To educate children in the skills of educational activities (the ability to answer questions with complete answers, listen carefully to your comrades, pronounce words clearly and distinctly).

Develop a sense of community in children in a group.

Materials and equipment:recording of a musical work by Shainsky

"Friendship is strong." Presentation "My friends"

Course of the lesson:

Org. moment. Music sounds (about friendship) Children stand in a circle.

Training exercise

V. - I'm glad to see you. Today we'll talk about friendship. And I invite you to a country called "Friendship" and in order to get to this country we must pass our friendship on to each other.

Relay of friendship.

The teacher begins (shaking hands): “I will pass on my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. and, finally, comes back to me again. I feel that the friendship has grown, as each of you has added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you. Good morning guys!

Ripple. We are all friendly guys. We are preschool children. We do not offend anyone. We know how to take care. We will not leave anyone in trouble. We will not take away, but ask. May it be good for everyone, it will be joyful, light!

V: Here are such good, handsome, I invite to the lesson. Come in, sit down.

V: Guys, who do you think you can call a real friend?

(The one who comes to the aid of another person, does not leave him in difficult times, does not stand aside).

A true friend should be: “kind”, “generous”, “loyal”, “honest”, “courageous”, “selfless”, “friendly”, “devoted”, “courageous”, “responsive”, “reliable”.

V: Children, how do you understand the words "friendly", "selfless", "devoted"

Children's answers.

V: What is friendship and what is it?

Children's answers.

V: It means that friendship consists in the ability to share with a friend, to try to help to do what he cannot do. The ability not to argue over trifles, to rejoice for a friend's successes and successes.

V: How many of you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Who wants to tell about his best friend... (Children's stories)

The educator's story about children with disabilities, about friendship with them.

Reading a poem


J. Dubenskaya

Live together on a huge planet Different adults, different children. Different in appearance and skin color, but of course, we are somewhat similar!

We all want to be happy, to discover new stars in the sky, to be close friends, not to be afraid of “the other”. My friend in the wheelchair, what's wrong with that?

He rides with us in a race, together we fish with him by the river. There are no barriers and grievances between us, He is the best, our disabled friend!

Years will pass, and we will become older, taller, wiser in life, and the whole world around will change, but a devoted friend will remain nearby!

V: Did you guys like the poem? What does it say?

V: we are all different, each has its own characteristics, but we are all human and we must be friends.

Finger gymnastics. "Friendship"

Girls and boys are friends in our group. (Connect your fingers in a "lock").

We will make friends with you Little fingers. (Touching the tips of the fingers of both hands.)

One, two, three, four, five - Start counting again. (Paired touch of fingers from the little fingers.)

One, two, three, four, five - We're done counting. (Hands down, shake your brushes)

V: Now imagine this situation: you offer a friend to play checkers or lotto, and he says he wants to ride a bike. What will you do in this case?

Children's answers.

V: Well, well done!

V: Now imagine this situation: you are swinging on a swing, and there are guys around who are waiting for their turn. What are you going to do?

Children's answers.

V: Right! Sway a little and give in to the other guys. In the poem "Swing" children also know how to be friends.


Imagine a swing - a carpet plane.

On it I go on a long flight.

I fly over the fields, I fly over the river

And I will wave my hand to you goodbye.

Then I'll land and friends in the yard,

I'll let you fly on a magic carpet.

V: I have prepared one more poem for you, listen to it more closely.

Lifting crane.

I have a crane

I'll play with him myself!

My new crane, shiny,

He is just like the real one.

I won't give it to anyone-

This is my crane!

V: What can you say about this child?

Children's answers.

V: Of course, the poem is about a greedy boy. But it's not in vain that people noticed:

The one who is greedy is not good in friendship,

And whoever is generous is faithful in friendship.

V: The Russian people have long appreciated a faithful, strong friendship and came up with friendship and

Friends are many proverbs and sayings. Let's remember them.

V: A true friend is known in trouble.

V: What other proverbs do you know about friendship?

One for all and all for one.

In real friendship, it’s like this: disappear yourself, and help your comrade out.

If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you have found it, take care of it.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Where friendship is cherished, there the enemies tremble.

Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth.

Friendship is an assistant in business.

Remember friendship, but forget evil.

The bird is strong with its wings, and the human is with friendship.

Friends - do not spill water.

Phys. a minute.

Wider, our wonderful circle (step back, make a circle wider)

I am your friend and you are my friend (stretch your arms forward, press to your chest)

Left, right, turn (turn left, right)

And smile at each other

Stretch your hands to the sun (raise your hands up)

Take it beams (squeeze, unclench your hands)

And press it to your chest (press your hands to your chest)

With this ray in my chest

You look at the world clearer.

V: Guys, I want to tell you one more story today:

Two girlfriends walked in the park, walked along the sidewalk and all of them did not have enough space: they would push each other, then they would overtake each other. They saw the artist and asked to draw them. And you know the picture turned out to be very strange. HE drew girls dressed in one dress. And the artist signed the picture as follows: "Closely together, but apart at least crying."

V: Can you explain this picture and proverb?

Children's answers.

V: Well done boys. Friends are those who are always there and with whom you feel good together.

V: Today we talked about friendship and friends.

V: I propose to play the game "finish the phrase" because they are friends with you too and

choose your best qualities.

Listen to the phrase and finish it: "I think they are friends with me because."

Children's answers.

V: You see how much good qualities friendship.

Now I propose to sit on the chairs.

We talked a lot about friendship, and I did about you, friendly children,

A small movie. Let's see it.

Viewing the My Friends Presentation

Bakum Evgeniya Alexandrovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MDOU Kindergarten"Teddy bear"
Locality: Nadym city of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Material name: lesson summary
Theme: Abstract of the GCD "Communication" in the preparatory group for school on the topic: "Harvesting".
Date of publication: 20.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten" Bear ", Nadym"

Abstract of GCD "Communication" in

preparatory group for school on the topic:


Prepared by: educator

Bakum Evgeniya Alexandrovna

Nadym 1017

Software content:

Systematization of children's ideas in the lexical cycle “Vegetables. Fruits.

Berries ”, about the importance of people's labor in the garden and vegetable garden.





to consolidate the ability to select qualitative definitions that are suitable in meaning,

matching them in gender and number with a noun, form words with

the opposite meaning.


to intensify



choose the right generalizing words, accurately use nouns.

Develop coherent speech: exercise in writing descriptive stories, with

relying on a visual diagram.

Develop logical thinking, the ability to select an extra object from the group and

explain why.

Individual work (child with disabilities with TNR): Learn to choose the right

subject and pronounce words for fruits, vegetables, berries.

Correctly correlate with the picture and name generalizing words, find

extra item from the group.

Preliminary work.

Consideration of object pictures about vegetables, fruits, berries. Guessing

Equipment and materials: presentation for the lesson, dummies of vegetables, fruits

and berries, autumn costume, two pans, cards (handout) series

"Making juice", screen.

The course of the lesson.

Slide 1. Topic of the lesson.

Slide 2. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, today one very beautiful and hardworking will come to us

a guest, and who she is, a riddle will tell you:

Red-sided apples,

Full baskets,

Harvested from the field

Harvest machines.

Melons smell sweet

Bunches of grapes.

Who brings them to us?

Of course ... (autumn)

The guys guess. The "mistress - autumn" comes.


Autumn has come to visit us

and brought gifts!

I am very glad to you children!

I have a reward for you-

The harvest is ripe

And he ordered to collect the fruits.

Guys, I invite you to go to the harvest.

Do the guys know what the word "harvest" means?

Slide 3. Exercise: "Garden and vegetable garden".

Where are the crops harvested? (The crop is harvested in the garden, in the vegetable garden, in the field.)

What grows in the garden? (Fruits, berries grow in the garden) Where do fruits and berries grow?

(Fruits and berries grow in the garden)

What grows in the garden? (Vegetables grow in the garden) Where do vegetables grow? (Vegetables

grow in the garden)

Slide 4. Exercise: Vegetables.

Guys, name what is shown here? (cabbage, potatoes, beets, turnips, radishes,

eggplant, zucchini, pepper, cucumber, tomato, carrot)

Name it in one word. What vegetables did you recognize? Where do vegetables grow?

(Vegetables grow in the garden in the beds)

Slide 5. Exercise: Fruit

Name it in one word. What fruits did you recognize? Where does the fruit grow?

(in the trees in the garden)

Slide 6. Exercise: "Berries"

Name it in one word. What berries did you recognize? Berries grow on

Slide 7. Exercise: "What is superfluous"?

Apricot, pumpkin, tangerine - Extra pumpkin. Apricot and tangerine are fruits, and pumpkin

Watermelon, raspberries and currants- These are all berries. Extra watermelon, it's big, and the berries

small. (watermelon is also a berry)

Onions, carrots, pear - an extra pear. Carrots and onions are vegetables.

Slide 8. Exercise: “Which one? Which? Which? What kind?"

What apple? Red, crispy, round, smooth, liquid, hard, sweet.

What cucumber? Green, crispy, oval, rough, juicy.

What pumpkin? Orange, large, round, heavy, sweet.

What lemons? Yellow, juicy, oval, rough, sour.

Slide 9. Exercise: "Say the other way around."

the pumpkin is big, and the raspberry is ... small,

banana is sweet, and lemon ... sour,

the potatoes are rough, and the plum is ... smooth,

a watermelon has a lot of seeds, and an apple has ... few.

Slide 10. Exercise: "Help the cook to cook borsch and compote."

Do you need the same products for compote and borscht? (For borscht and compote

different products are needed)

What should I take to make borsch? Give them one general word.

What do you need to take to make compote? Give them one general word.

Children are divided into 2 teams. A team of boys will cook borsch, and the team

girls compote.

It is necessary to put those products from which you will cook in a saucepan.

Slide 11. Dynamic pause. "We're going to the garden today"

We will go to the garden today,

We will find different fruits (children walk on the spot).

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's pick fruits (clap their hands)

We will pluck from the tree (they pick up the left one in turn, then right hand, how

as if plucking fruits from a tree).

Treat all acquaintances (stretch their hands forward, palms up)

Stand on tiptoe (stand on tiptoe)

And reach the branch (raise your hands up),

Bend a twig (lower arms, stand on a full foot),

Pick ripe apples (make grasping movements with your hands).

Slide 12. Exercise: "Making supplies for the winter."

Guys, what are your favorite dishes from vegetables, fruits and berries?

We will now remember what these dishes are called:

Zucchini caviar - ... squash,

mashed potatoes - ... potatoes,

cucumber salad - ... cucumber,

garlic sauce - ... garlic,

eggplant caviar - ... eggplant,

beet soup - ... beetroot,

cabbage salad - ... cabbage.

Slide 13. Exercise: "Delicious juice".

And now we are going to make and name the juice.

pockets contain cards. Take out each of your cards and tell me from

what kind of juice did you get.

orange juice - ... orange,

from tomatoes - ... tomato,

pineapple - pineapple,

from apples - ... apple,

from carrots - ... carrot,

pumpkin juice - ... pumpkin juice,

pear - ... pear,

from lemons - ... lemon,

from peaches - ... peach,

from apricots - ... apricot,

cherry- .. cherry,

from tangerines - ... tangerine,

from gooseberry - ... gooseberry,

from strawberries - ... strawberry,

from raspberries - ... raspberry,

plum - plum (stress 1 syllable)

Slide 14. Exercise: "Come up with a name."

Our cook prepared supplies for the winter, and mixed various products in jars,

but he can't think of a name. Let's help the cook.

Pear, plum, apple are fruits. Fruit compote.

Raspberries and gooseberries are berries. Berry compote.

Pepper, tomato, onion are vegetables. Vegetable salad".

Slide 15. Exercise: "Come up with a riddle."

Examining the outline of a descriptive story.

And this diagram will help you to tell.

Is it a fruit or a vegetable?

Where and on what does it grow?

What does it taste like?

How does it look inside and out?

What color, shape, size it is.

Is it light or heavy?

What can be prepared from it?

Slide 16. Sample descriptive riddle story.

This is a fruit. It grows on a tree in the garden. It is oval, yellow, sour, juicy,

solid. The outside is covered with skin. There are lobules and bones inside. He

useful, it contains vitamins. They put it in tea.

Slide 17. Answer

What is it? ….(lemon)

The children take turns composing a descriptive story about a fruit, vegetable, or berry with

relying on the plan.

Slide 18. "Proverb"


Autumn feeds the year ...

Explain folk wisdom proverbs.

Slide 19. Summary


Our golden autumn!

We thank you.

For gifts, for surprises,

We say thank you!

Autumn says goodbye to the guys.


What gifts did the generous mistress bring to the children?

How to call vegetables, fruits, berries in one word - everything that has been collected

people in the fall?

As you understand the expression "harvest year".

List of used literature:

L.N. Arefieva “Lexical topics for the development of speech in children 4-8 years old.

Toolkit. Creative center "Sphere", Moscow, 2004.

S.A., Vasilieva., Miryasova V.I. Thematic picture dictionary:

"Fruits. Vegetables. - 2nd ed., P. - M .: Shkolnaya Pressa, 2011.

Recommended to read
