Occupation in mathematics in the preparatory group. Topics of classes

Encyclopedia plants 10.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

(in the preparatory group)

"Treasure trip"

Objectives and objectives

Continue to teach sound analysis and synthesis of words; continue to develop elementary mathematical representations; develop graphomotor skills and visual attention; Improve music skills to music.

Correctional-developing: to develop phonmematic and speech hearing, form orientation in the audio system of the language; develop visual perception, attention, memory; Enrich the vocabulary, almost acquaintance with the antonyms.

Correctional educational: Create a good mood, educate accuracy, kindness, skill to perform game rules; Desire and ability to work in the team, encourage activity and independence.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bolshamoretsky SS them. A. I. Kostrikina "

(Structural division-kindergarten)

Complex open occupation

(in the preparatory group)

"Treasure trip"


teacher speech therapist

Emptyova O. S.


Evdokimova E.V.

Anischenko V.V.

Objectives and objectives

Correctional educational: Continue to teach sound analysis and synthesis of words; continue to develop elementary mathematical representations; develop graphomotor skills and visual attention; Improve music skills to music.

Correctional-developing: to develop phonmematic and speech hearing, form orientation in the audio system of the language; develop visual perception, attention, memory; Enrich the vocabulary, almost acquaintance with the antonyms.

Correctional educational: Create a good mood, educate accuracy, kindness, skill to perform game rules; Desire and ability to work in the team, encourage activity and independence.

Equipment: Tape recorder, Easel, Pictures (Saw, Turkey, Cancer, Watermelon, Pumpkin), Massage Ball, Treasure Map, Cardboard Clouds with Ribbons, Pictures "Draw Points", Letters, Red and Blue-Green Flags, Didactic Game "Collect Flowers", Envelopes With tasks, sheets of paper with syllables (bumps), game "Fishing", distributing material (sound chips, fishing rods, fish, markers, pebbles), treat.

Structure occupation

I. Organizational moment (children under music enter the hall)

Leading: Guys, look at how many guests we have in the hall. Let's say hello to them all together.

Children: Hello!

1. Psychodastics in conjunction with finger gymnastics

Leading: And now let's get up in a circle and wish each other a good day, but will help us do a little ball.

(Children stand together with the leading in the circle. Lyric music sounds.)

This ball is not simple, but magical. With his warmth, he radiates good and transmits him to people who hold him in her hands. We will keep it in the palms, saying good warm words, and then give it a neighbor right.

(Children hold the ball and say good words)

Problem situation

Leading: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We welcomed us ... Let's go out, who is it?

Children guess the name of the hero, according to the first sounds of words-pictures.

(Saw, turkey, cancer, watermelon, pumpkin - "pirate")

(Pirate music sounds)

Pirates: Hello guys!!!

Pirate 1: I am Captain Jack, and this is my assistant boatswain Billy. We want you to call on a dangerous journey. The fact is that I went through the old things and found the map where the treasures are hidden to be reached by ship. But I need a team. Do you agree to sail with us?

Children: Yes.

Pirate 2: We are waiting for complex tests and only by coping with them, we will give the treasures. Are you ready for testing?

Children: Yes

Pirates: then way!

Pirate 1: Let's say magic words: "Turn around around yourself and find the ship"

Children: All together pronounce magical words.

Breathing exercises

Pirate 1: So we stand on the ship, but what is it .... The storm looked at the sea! Clouds closed the sun. In the face we blow a strong wind and beats a terrible rain. Let's ride clouds. We will strongly blow them on them so that they flew away. (Children blow on clouds. Inhale the nose, exhale mouth)

Introduction to the topic

Development of optic attention

Pirate 2: (Deploacing the card and shows children) Guys are a card, as assignments, the ship will be moving on the map. And here is the first test. You need to connect points in order to get a picture.

(Children perform tasks)

Pirate 2: Well done!

"1,2,3 - our ship forward swim!"

Sound characteristic.

Pirate 1: Guys, our boat sailed to "Port of sounds. "

(Envelope with letters) I'll call you sound now, and you must determine which one is vowel or consonant. If a vowel, then what flag should be lifted? (red). And if the consonant (blue-green).

Pirate 1: A. Give the characteristics of this sound. What is the sound? (vowel or consonant)

Pirate 1 :. Well done!

II. Main part.

Pirate 2: So, we approachedlake change.

Task for the development of phonderatic perception

"Add sound" game (using the ball)

Purpose: Development of phonderatic hearing, attention, thinking.

Pirate 2: I will say words with the sound of r, and you try to change it so that instead of sounding the sound of L. I will throw the ball and call the word with the sound of the r, and the one who I threw the ball should change the word and replace the sound p on Sound L. For example: cancer varnish. Ready?

Cancer lacquer, horn spoons, rum-scrap, Rama Lama, rye-lies. Marina-Malina.

Pirate 2: Well done boys!

Leading: Guys, what are the sounds? And what is the letter different from sound? (Letters - we see and write, and the sound of hear and speak)

Children: Sounds - what we hear and pronounce.

Development of small motility

Leading: Guys, and now we will try to lay out these letters from stones, on the shore of the lake. (Children lay the letters r and l from stones) Well done! Go on the road further.

Pirate 1: Guys, now we will come outon the plain of flowers.

Guys, it does not seem to you that this glade is somehow strange, as if enchanted. See, yes there is an envelope. "The evil sorcerer enchanted flowers, if you decol the flowers, then go on the road further"

Game "Collect Flowers".

Purpose: Development of phonderatic perception, sound analysis and synthesis

The group is divided into two teams. One collects a flower with petals - pictures, in the title of which there is sound l, the other - flower with petals - pictures, in the name of which there is a sound R.

Pirate 1: Well done, you successfully coped with this task, and we can sail on.

Pirate 2: Guys, and now we enter very difficultSolving opposites.Here we will find a new task

Finish the proposal in the words

Purpose: Exercise of children in the selection of antonyms.

Puffcine light, and stone - .... (heavy)

In summer, the weather is hot, and in winter - ... (Cold)

Mustard bitter, and sugar - ... (sweet)

Soup hot, and compote - ... (Cold)

Hare cowardly, and lion - .... (brave)

Grandfather old, and grandson - ... (young)

Wolf in summer a full, and in winter ... (hungry)

Asphalt rough, and the stone ... (smooth)

The puddle is small, and the river ... (deep)

The wizard is kind, and the sorceress ... (evil).

Leading: Now it's time to relax. We fell to you on the island of Fizminutka. (Children perform fizminutka)

Task for reading syllables

Purpose: Street reading skill work.

Leading: Guys Now we need to move to another island. But in order to get there, you need to go through the bodies and read the syllables. (Pi, Rat, Mo, Re, Sun, Duk, Pa, Rus, Vol, We). (Children coming on the bumps and read syllables).

Leading: Now try to connect these syllables so that you get words (waves, sea, pirate, chest, sail). What words did it happen?

Let's split these words on the syllables (children beat)

How many syllables in the word will? (two).

Let's guys post the scheme of this word. (Children work with chips).

(Children give characteristic sounds)

Well done!

Pirate 1: Our ship sails on. On the horizon of the river "rich words".

Pirate 1: In this river there are unusual fish. While the vessel on the way, I suggest to catch fish on your ear, but first you need to stretch your fingers.

Fingering gymnastics

Fish swam, dived

In warm, clean water.

They will be squeezed, they will rise,

That will go in the sand.

(Children repeat the movements under the text together with the teacher)

Game "Fisherman"

Purpose: Development of small and general motility, mathematical ideas.

Children in turn catch with a magnetic rod from fish river with signs where the digit is printed. Children must enter the sides of the sides of the neighboring numbers.

Pirate 1: Well done!

III. Outcome.

Pirate 2: Guys, we successfully coped with all the tests, got to the treasure. Let's see what is hidden in Larz. And how do we open the castle? We need a key.

Pirate 1: Thousand devils! I remembered, I have a key, just I did not know what he was.

(Children reveal the casket, find treats there)

Leading : Well, here it came to the end our journey. It's time to return to kindergarten. Say goodbye pirates guys!Now let's say the magic words "I will turn around yourself, and I will find in kindergarten."

Guys, did you like to travel? (children's responses)

Where did we visit you?

What trials we coped with?

Now I will say goodbye to guests and go to the group.

Comprehensive occupation in the preparatory group "Soon to school"

(with the participation of primary school teachers)

Abstract amounted to

Abulkhanova Tatiana Stepanova

educator of the highest qualifying category

MDOU "Kindergarten" Birch "of the city of Tetyushi"

Tetyush municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Software content:

Introduce preschoolers with a future teacher, to establish a benevolent attitude with him;

Promote a positive attitude for successful school training;

Develop thinking, memory, ability to conclusions;

Relieve a sense of collectivism, independence.

Benefits: Map of microdistrict, stamp drawings, cards, geometric shapes each child, tree with numbers, countable sticks, portfolio silhouette, notebook with a task, tape recorder.

Travel course:

I. - Guys, very soon you will be schoolchildren. And today I invite you to an excursion to school. Look, we have a card. Let's look at it.(Work with the card.)

Find our kindergarten on the map.

What is it called?(Kindergarten "Birch")

What street is it located on?(on Lenin Street)

What else do you see?(houses, roads)

How, in your opinion, what is shown on the map with red arrows?

Our path will be distant and difficult, but with friends no tests are not terrible.

Fingerbody Gymnastics "Friendship" (in pairs)

Friends in our group (connect fingers )

Girls and boys.

We are welcome with you(Make the "Castle")

Little fingers.

1-2-3-4-5 (connect fingers)

Start playing again!(clap your hands with each other)

So, on the road!

(Pass and sit at the tables.)

II. . - Look at the map. Tell me when we go out for the gate of the kindergarten, in which direction do we have to turn?(right)

Which building should we get to?(to the post office)

Who works in the mail?

Guys, postmen are asking for help from you. Let's go and help?

Listen to the first task: you need to find an excess brand.

Well done! Next task: You need to deliver a letter to the addressee.

Play orientation game.


Well done boys! Helped the postmen.

Look at the map. Where should we turn now?(right)

(Freedom Square)

What place do we reach? What is this building? That's right, CDO.

Who knows how the word CDO is decrypted?

That's right, the center of children's creativity.

Guys, let's have a lot of letters,

We also know the letter "C".

There are words where "C" at the beginning,

There are words where "C" at the end.

CDO employees offer us such a task: call words for the sound "C".

(Heron, Chicken, Circus, Center, Flower, Church, Chain, Gypsy, Costume)

Name words so that the sound "C" stood in the end of the word.

(Well done, delets, cucumber, crown, keet, singer, end, brave, lead)

And now listen to the poem and help it finish:

I'll tell you the word is high

And you answer ... (low) ,

I'll tell you the word far away

And you answer ... (close) ,

I will tell you the word coward,

Answer - ... (brave) ,

Now the beginning I will say

And you answer ... (end)

Look at the map. Which way should we go from CDO?(right)

What is the name of this street?(Malkina Street)

What kind of building on the left side?(Administration of the city of Tetyushi)

Who works there?(district leaders)

The heads of different services of our Tetyusky district are working correctly. This is an architect, environmentalist area, economists, lawyer of the district and others.

The architect of the district announced a contest for the construction of the best house. Let's build it from geometric shapes(children build)

What geometric forms will consist of your homes?(triangles, squares, rectangles)

Count how many triangles in your home?(children's responses)

How many squares? How many rectangles? (children's responses)

Guys, the ecologist of the area proposes to perform such a task:

"Trees were brought to the city. Here is one of them. This is an amazing tree neither apple tree, nor a pear. And what kind of fruits are growing on it? "(numbers)

Direct and countdown.

Name and show the numbers from 1 to 10.

Name and show the numbers from 10 to 1.

Well done boys. We coped with the task.

Look at the map. What kind of building is opposite?(building house culture)

Do you hear music? Let's go there?

Children get up from behind the tables and go to the Palace.

Dynamic pause.

(2 clicks with fingers)

If you like, then do it ...(2 cotton hands)

If you like, then do it ...(2 Knee Cotton)

If you like, then do it ... (2 tribe)

If you like, then you show others

If you like, then do it ... (repeat everything together)


Guys, from the house of culture, taking advantage of the card, in what direction do we have to go?(straight)

What is the name of this street?(Vorobyva Street)

What place should we get to?(until the end of the street)

That's right, we go to the end of the street and turn to the left.

Who knows what this street is called?(Shkolnaya Street)

So we came. Let's go to school.(kids fit to the blackboard)

III. Meeting with the teacher.

Hello. I am a teacher of Tetyusha secondary school number 2. My name is Svetlana Anatolyevna.

Children: Hello. We would like to meet you and learn everything about you.Children's questions:

What is your name?

Who do you work?

Where do you live?

Do you have a family?

Do you have a big house?

You have friends?

Teacher: - Go to the class. Sit down for the desk.

Now we will spend the lesson of the Russian language.(call)

1. Riddown mysteries.

I will make you riddles, and find the deposits on the table.

1. I'm in the ruler, I and the cage

I am waiting for a good mark.

I'm silent in the lessons

I want an excellent party.


2. In this narrow box

Anything for the soul:

Handles, erase, sharpener,

And color pencils.

(pencil case)

3. Do not bush, but with leaves,

Not shirt and sewn,

Not a man, but tells.


4. How boring, brothers,

On someone else's back ride.

Here are residents of paper

All terribly important.


5. Guess what a thing

Sharp key, not a bird,

With this keyboard

Sow sews seeds

Not on the field, not in the Groke

On the sheets of your notebook.

(a pen)

2. Decision words on syllables.

Tell me how many syllables in the word rest, ka-Ran-Dash, Ruch, chalk.

(children's responses)

Rings call. Turn.


It's time for us to stay

Pull up and sigh

We will twist head

And the fatigue is all one.

Rings call.

The second lesson is a lesson of mathematics.

one . Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Guys, you need to assemble a portfolio to school

The task:

The lower right corner lies a round sharpener.

In the upper left corner there is a triangle.

In the lower left corner lies a rectangular notebook.

In the upper right corner there is a square penalty.

Well done boys.

2. Game: "Lay out the memory pattern"

The task:

Laying the pattern from counting sticks.

The teacher exhibits a sample for 1 minute, then removes. Children in memory make up the pattern.

3. Work in the notebook.

The task:

You need to connect numbers in order.

What happened?(pencil)

Well done! All tasks performed correctly.

Every future student gives an oath to learn well, let's and we will say her.

In the morning wake up early

Wash out

To not yaw in school

Nose does not peck the desk - swear?

Always come to the first lesson class

Even before the call is wanted - you swear?

Textbooks, books, pencils and notebooks

Always keep in perfect order - swear?

Friends are good faithful to become

Comrades everywhere to help - swear?

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

Do not let into the class never, not for what - do you swear?

Teacher: Guys, you coped with all the tasks. I am waiting for you on September 1 at school.

Rings call.


That ended our excursion to school. I think you remember her for a long time. About meeting with the teacher I give you these notes.


    Holiday number (entertaining mathematics for children): a book for teachers and parents. -M.: Knowledge, 1993

    Development of logical thinking of children. Popular benefit for parents and teachers. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. - Syroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997

    Development of children's speech. Didactic material for the development of speech from preschoolers and younger students. - Syroslavl: LLC Academy of Development, 1996

comprehensive occupation in the preparatory group


Secure the knowledge and skills of the guys.

Tasks :


1. Fixing lexical skills and oral speech skills

2. Fastening

Knowledge of road rules

Knowledge of the days of the week


  • development of intellectual abilities
  • motor activity development
  • memory development
  • development of skills to draw a hare


  • education of interest in school
  • contribute to the manifestation of interest in poetry and music
  • contribute to friendly relations in the team

Preliminary work:

  • Exploring the poem L. Chadova "What is a school?"
  • Studying Road Signs, Excursion to the Road
  • Acquaintance with antonym
  • Drawing according to the schemes
  • Heading Shan's song "What is taught at school"


  • Multimedia projector
  • Notebook
  • MP3 player
  • Bell
  • Cassa numbers for each child
  • Cards with a schematic image of men performing any movement (squatting, hands up, to the side, etc.)
  • Little Listers, Simple Pencils, Paints for Each Child

Travel course:

Slide 2.

Educator: Guys! Soon you have a graduation evening, and when summer passes, you will go to school. Do you want to school? Let's listen that the guys will tell us ...

Children read the poem L. Chadova "What is a school?"

What is a school?
- How do you answer?
This is where to rush
In the morning all children.
What a strange question
If you already gone?
If seven, then just right -
Collect in the first class!

What is a school?
- How do you answer?
This is where you know
About everything in the world:
About the table multiply
About verbs and addition
About the planets and the sea,
What round earth!

What is a school?
- How do you answer?
Changes and calls,
Buns in the buffet,
And marks in the diary,
And the setting on the board.
Everyone will recognize and understand
If you come to school!

Educator: Thanks guys! Sit down. Let's play school today. Let our tables become parties, and you guys turn into students! ( slide 3. )

You know that students are neat, serious and very responsible people. They diligently prepare for the lesson. They always have order on the desk. Let's and we prepare for a lesson and prepare our jobs. Today we will need: sheets of paper, colored pencils, sets of geometric shapes, cash registers.

Guys prepare jobs.

Educator: (Slide 4)

The way to school is not great,

On the way straight.

So that the danger of agreed,

Road signs you need to know.

Let's remember how the road signs are called that you will meet on the way to school, and check your attentiveness, because signs can meet - unusual - non-existent!

(Slides 5. ) signs appear on the slide, children in turn give the name road signs, while noting non-existent signs.

Educator: Well, guys, so we got to school. Everything is ready for a lesson. ... And how do school know what a lesson begins? True, rings the call!

(slide 6) tutor rings to the bell

Educator:(Slide 7)The first lesson is mathematics.

Today at the lesson we will fulfill interesting tasks. And the first task is called "week" (The tutor calls the day of the week, and children raise the figure that corresponds to this day)

Physical traffic:(Slide 8)the game "Once, two, three - Zanri!"

(Merry music sounds, children are moving freely when music stops - the educator shows a slide on which a person performs a schematic person performing any figure, children try to portray seen on the slide)

Educator: Well, it's time to relax. Rings call. (Slide 9) declare - to change, and I propose to play the ball, and I call the game "Say the opposite" (Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to someone, and reads a poem, and the children finish his lines, calling the words opposite by meaning:

I'll tell you the word is high
And you answer - ... low.
I'll tell you the word far away
And you answer - ... close.
I will tell you the word coward,
You will answer - the brave.
Now the beginning I will say
Well, answer - the end.

Educator : (Slide 10) The next lesson is drawing.

And what will we draw, you will learn if you read the said word, it is encrypted from the first letters of these items (slide 11) (children make a word from the first letters of the pictures of the items)

(guys guess the word hare, the educator reminds how to draw a hare (slide 12), children draw it)

Educator: (Slide 13) Singing Lesson. Today, this is our last lesson, let's sing a song about ... School!

The phonogram sounds, the children will perform the song "What is taught at school" Words M. Danzkovsky Music V. Shainsky

Educator: So our game came to the end ... I see that students of you are very good, and now draw the face of the face - funny, if you like our game or sad, if you were bored, difficult or not interesting!

Ekaterina Panfilova
The comprehensive classes "Furniture" for children of the preparatory group

Complex Claim on the topic« Furniture»

Preparatory group


Continue to develop interest in the life of the Russian village.

Consolidate knowledge children about modern furniture. To introduce an analogue of a modern cabinet - an old chest.

Improve the grammatical system of speech, consolidate the proper use of the pretext "ON THE".

Develop mental activity, the ability to resolve contradictions, find a way out of the problem situation using your own experience.

Improve manual skills and skills.

Rail interest in Russian everyday life and small poetic forms.

Children come in "Izbu", Meet the hostess there.

Hostess: - Hello, guests are expensive! Milicia I ask my house. Sit down, sit row, but let's talk like a swing.

(Children sit on the benches)

Hostess: Noticed that I have furniture special, not like yours. I have never been in the city, but I wonder what you have furniture?

(Children call items furniture)

That's how much your furniture in the city. I and the names did not hear such such. And about mine furniture you want to know?

Children: Yes

Hostess: Then get sideway, listening to happen more fun. Tell me guys, where do you keep things in the city?

Children: In the closet.

Hostess: What do you think I keep my belongings?

Children give options for answers.

For things, I have a chest. (Choral and individual repetitions)

Hostess: What is the chest made?

Children: From wood.

Hostess: So what chest?

Children: Wood.

Hostess: What is the chest?

Children: Cover, walls, handles, bottom, lock.

Hostess: What are the handles and the castle made from?

Children: From iron.

Hostess: So what are they?

Children: Iron.

Hostess: Why do the handles and castle make from iron?

Children: So as not to break.

Hostess: Yes, the handles and the castle will not break, they are durable.

(choral and individual repetition)

Hostess: Try moving the chest from the place, without holding the handles.

Children try to move the chest from the scene. Then suggest moving the handles and children find out that it is easier to move.

Hostess: What is the handle chest?

Children: To make it easier to raise the chest.

Hostess: That's right, for the handles, we are easily and convenient for us and rearrange the chest. And what is the castle on the chest?

Children: To lock the chest.

Hostess: Yes, I lock the chest so that nothing disappeared. It's good. And sometimes it is bad that there is a castle on the chest. Why?

Children: You can lose the key - and then you will not get things. The lock may break.


Children give options for answers.

Hostess: Children, and the lid at the chest is good. Why?

Children: Things will not dust. It will not be visible clothes. Etc.

Hostess: But sometimes it's bad that there is a lid. Why?

Children give options for answers.

Hostess: What needs to be done to not happen?

Children give options for answers.

Hostess: It is good that the chest is big. Why?

Children: You can put a lot of things in it.

Hostess: But it's bad that he is big. Why?

Children: It is difficult to rearrange it. He takes a lot of space.

Fizminutka "Who where?"

At the signal, children run up and sit down. The mistress asks who is sitting on. Children answer using the pretext "ON THE"

Hostess: Now I will tell you that I slipped for you. I got here everyone like me. Once pro furniture we are speaking, then we will try to make it yourself.

The hostess takes out the cast material, view with children and offers to make items from it furniture: Table of coils and cardboard, sofa, bed, benches made of match boxes, etc.

The phonogram of Russian folk melody sounds. In the course of the work, the hostess uses proverbs and sayings: "Would hunt - work and work", "Every young man craft to face" etc.

At the end of the work together consider work.

Hostess: Well done boys! You are not only about furniture know, but also you yourself know how to make it. Everything can be useful in the farm if you connect the smelter and skill. Yes, and I learned what furniture You have in urban apartments. Did you like me? Come still, I can tell you a lot about you.

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of the comprehensive final classes "Travel to the Laboratory of Forest Dwarfs" for children of the preparatory group Topic: "Journey to the Laboratory of Forest Dwarf" Objective: Education of the harmoniously developed personality of a preschooler with a high level of interest.

1. Organizational moment: the one who calls one piece of furniture (bed, sofa, chair, etc.) 2. Basic part: Activation of nouns.

Complex Claim for Preparatory Group "Beauty Winter Landscape" Node on artistic aesthetic and cognitive development in the preparatory group. Topic: Beauty Winter Landscape Purpose: To acquaint.

A comprehensive classes for the preparatory group "Barter" A comprehensive classes for the preparatory for school group on the topic: "Barter" of Bubnova Elizabeth Viktorovna Objective: to introduce children.

The comprehensive classes "Our favorite toys" (for children of the middle group) The goal is to secure familiar poems A. L. Barto from the "Toys" cycle. Improve the motor activity of children in Russian folk.

An abstract of integrated cognitive development classes for children of the senior group Integrated in the cognitive development "Who sees?" For children of the senior group. The topic "Who sees?" Objective: to acquaint.

Among the forms of training in kindergarten, organized classes play an important role. To secure the material, educators often use comprehensive classes that allow several educational and educational tasks immediately. They have some features that need to be taken into account when organizing and conducting them to bring the maximum benefit to remember children as interesting and cause a desire to do again. Such activities in the preparatory group are of great importance, where pupils are no longer kids and should be able to combine different types of work.

Complex classes for the highest preschoolers

One of the effective forms of working with preschoolers is an occupation or direct educational activities (NOD). It allows you to conduct an educational process systematized, organized, taking into account program requirements. In the modern kindergarten, such types of nodes are most popular:

  • subjects (used in the study of a new topic, serve to arma children with knowledge, the main emphasis in them is made to master the new material and the development of the corresponding skill);
  • complex (consist of different types of activities that replace one other are used to consolidate and summarizing the studied);
  • integrated (parts of classes are closely connected and penetrated one to another, contributing to the solution of the main task).

Many educators choose as a generalizing classes for any topic precisely the complex occupation, because it, by virtue of its characteristics, allows you to solve several educational tasks and at the same time makes it possible to check how the children learned the material and own the skills not in one, And in a number of educational areas.

An integrated occupation allows children to prepare to show their knowledge and ability to fully

The complex is a system, a set of anything united together, having a general purpose, and corresponding to any definite common goal.

The main signs of a comprehensive lesson:

  • Frontal (conducted with the entire group of children).
  • Combines several activities, one of which dominates, and the rest complement it.
  • Solves the task of each involved educational area.
  • It has a topic, and often the plot that serves to unite all parts and is logically evolving during the entire occupation.
  • Promotes the development of a child in several directions (cognitive, speech, motor, creative development).
  • It is planned and carried out by the educator of the group without attracting profile teachers.

The difference between combined, integrated and integrated classes

Some teachers, especially young, confuse integrated, combined and integrated classes. Meanwhile, they exist very significant differences.

Features of preparation and conduct of comprehensive classes in the Preparatory Group

Complex classes are held in almost all groups of kindergarten, but at older they bring the greatest benefit. The number of integrated nodes during the month can be laid in the educational program DOU, but usually the teacher itself decides when to conduct it, focusing on the degree of mastering the knowledge and skills that need to be consolidated.

Features of comprehensive classes in the preparatory group

Complex classes are successfully used in the practice of educators of preparatory groups for such reasons:

  • The children of the seventh year of life have a developed memory, logical thinking, high potential for the knowledge of new information and its reproduction. All this allows preschoolers to memorize the plot of the Node and follow its development, waiting for an interesting final, and also actively participate in the course of classes using previously acquired knowledge and skills.
  • Prepared - future schoolchildren, therefore the change of activities in the classroom prepares them for changing activities in the lessons. For example, you will need to first listen to the teacher, then read something in the textbook, and then perform the task in the notebook.
  • Scene-gaming and educational and gaming complex classes make the process of consolidating knowledge mischievous, fascinating, which increases cognitive activity and forms the concept of future schoolchildren that learn is interesting, it is a positive attitude towards future school life.

Formation of readiness for school in the preparatory group - one of the main tasks

Effective methods and techniques for working with children

As in other classes, teachers are used on complex various methodological techniques:

  • Wonderful. This is a conversation, reading artwork, clarification, explanation, question. The story as a method on integrated occupations is used little, since the purpose of them is to consolidate the learned knowledge, and the story is usually intended to familiarize children with new information.
  • Visual. Demonstration of paintings, vouches, models and other benefits, showing a pattern of drawing or appliqué (briefly), viewing natural material, subject pictures. A visual material should be familiar to children so that they can apply learned skills and skills on it.
  • Practical.
    • The most relevant exercise, elementary experience, modeling objects or situations will be. But the most valid, useful in the learning plan and adorable children were also gaming.
    • Didactic, finger, mobile, creation of game and surprise situations, the appearance of a game character - all these techniques will make a living, dynamic, bright and memorable. It should not be thought that the children of the preparatory group want to play less than, for example, the nursery. On the contrary, they love the game very much and find joy not only from the process itself, but also from communicating with peers, overcoming obstacles, achieve results. Therefore, the work with them uses the heuristic methods.
  • Heuristic or search. The method of creating a problem situation that requires a solution, empathy, that is, the "string" in the thoughts and feelings of another, even a non-living creature (imagine yourself with snowflake, birch), hypotheses (and what if ...), symbolic vision (the plate is similar to the sun, Because both items are round), mistakes, inventing, fantasy, "brainstorming" - all these creative, not afraid of new teachers effectively use at complex classes. The heuristic methods encourage children to think unequal, making assumptions, boldly express their opinion, which will undoubtedly go to the benefit of future schoolchildren.

To emphasize the importance of "brainstorming", the educator used paper "Prof." Professorial "hats

What should be taken into account when preparing an integrated occupation

In order for the integrated occupation to be successful, the educator must be remembered for such important points:

  • The choice of theme and plot. Since the lesson is aimed at consolidating, to summarize and systematize the material, its topic can be quite extensive, general, giving space for the fantasy of the teacher: "Visiting Sudarny Winter", "Autumn Gifts", "Journey to the country of fairy tales". The plot can be built on the search for a response to a problematic question that puts the fabulous hero or other character at the beginning of the classes or another character (winter, bread, water), as well as presented in the form of a trip with stops where children solve different tasks. Pupils of the preparatory group are interesting space, exotic regions of our planet (desert, Arctic and Antarctica, Jungle, Mountains), so that the imaginary journey to these edges can well become a plot occupation.
  • The combination of educational areas. Planning a lesson, you need to think about what exactly the preschoolers will be engaged in it: read in direct and reverse order, to repeat knowledge of geometric figures and bodies, to repeat the composition of the number, select the adjectives for the nouns, to build proposals according to the scheme, draw, do appliqué, etc. Therefore, after deciding with the topic, you need to immediately schedule what educational areas and types of children will be in class. It should be noted that whatever the occupation, the educational region "Social and communicative development" must be present in it. Education of friendship, kindness, humanity, love for their native land, respect for the elder, caring attitude to the younger - at least one or more of these and similar tasks should be carried out, since the socio-moral development of the younger generation is now raised to the fore in all educational institutions .
  • Duration of classes. According to Sanpin, the occupation in the preparatory group should not exceed 30 minutes. Since this is a common rate that does not take into account the specifics of substantive and integrated classes, the latter is permissible to increase the duration, but not more than 5-8 minutes. At the same time, during the Node, there should be no one, but two dynamic pauses: a moving game and physical attachment, during which children can not only do physical exercises, but also to dance, for example, to fulfill her favorite dance "Good Beet" with Cinderella.

    Remove tension and fatigue in the lesson will help the dance pause

  • Saturation. The combination of different activities involves more compact and compressed their use. It is impossible to squeeze into one occupation material three completely. Therefore, the teacher should be thought of which visual material, artworks and the like will be used in the classroom. A long tale will not fit if it is needed, then you should choose the most bright episode of it, ten pictures with the image of animals of Africa are also unlikely to benefit, it is worthwhile to consider three or five. An experienced teachers working more than one year is produced by a "sense of time", which suggests how much the supply of a particular material will occur. Young educators should not be shy to seek help or to a kindergarten methodist, otherwise the integrated occupation can cause harm. Too overloaded with clarity, games, surprise moments, it tales of children, make the teacher hurry to manage with everyone, and will reduce the joy of receiving a positive result.
  • Accuracy of information. Since we are talking about future schoolchildren, you need to give children a scientific, information available to their understanding (not the sun moving around the Earth, but on the contrary), to use the picture, models and other benefits that transmit the natural type of objects and phenomena. The exception is to occupy a fabulous orientation, preschoolers of the seventh year of life perfectly distinguish a fairy tale from real life.
  • Reasonable game. Even if the topics of "one house" or "soon to school" are taken, that is, very serious and important for children, only a conversation, quiz and the application cannot be limited, it is necessary to introduce didactic games of the appropriate subject, but at the end of the lesson, it is once again emphasized that the guys They have become very big and will be responsible to study. Own health.
  • The result of classes should bring satisfaction to children, a sense of success. This will increase their interest not to one, but immediately to several types of activities that were present at the lesson.

Alternation of various activities, including research, makes an interesting and saturated occupation

Table: Approximate Card System of Complex Classes in the Preparatory Group

Season Theme node Tasks NOD.
Fall Soon to school. (Excursion to school, reading the story of K. G. Powesty "Warm bread") Expand ideas about school; form a motivation for school training; teach to comprehend the content of the story, give an assessment of the actions of heroes; Contribute to the development of connected speech.
Travel to autumn forest. Learning to watch trees, shrubs, allocate and describe the objects of nature, draw a favorite animal forest animal, transmitting the formally the form of the main parts of the body and characteristic details; form environmentally friendly behavior in the natural environment; Fasten the ability to draw and paint the drawing, beautifully placed it on a piece of paper; Develop imagination.
Let's play the store (quantity and score. Lrack "Vegetables and fruits"). Learn to consider (based on visuality), taking advantage of the reception of accounts, attribute the last numeral to all recalculated subjects; compare items; Fasten the ability to transmit the form of familiar items, their proportions using the shelters learned earlier; Learning to achieve greater accuracy in the transfer of form, create an expressive composition (beautifully placing vegetables and fruits on the stand).
In the autumn in the park. (Story in the picture. Drawing "Rowan Branch") Learning to make a story on the autumn topics, to recognize the real signs of autumn in their poetic terms, to understand and use words in a figurative value; develop speech breathing, the ability to answer the questions of the teacher with a full answer; Exercise in drawing watercolor, brush (all pile and end of it).
Winter As the beasts for the winter were preparing (the life of animals in the forest. Drawing "Squirrel"). Expand the ideas about wild animals, knowledge of how the animals are preparing for the winter; Learn to decorate a paper sheet with a large branch with curls (decorative product element); use for the decoration of the branch various familiar elements (flowers, leaves, berries, arcs, minor curls); develop coordination of movements, spatial orientation (decorate the branch with elements on the left and right); bring up aesthetic feelings.
Transportation (safety on the road. Using the poem of N. Rubtsova "About the Hare"). Consolidate knowledge about the types of transport and its purpose (ground, underground, water, air); repeat the rules of the road and the values \u200b\u200bof the traffic lights; deepen knowledge of the rules for using public transport; Enrich the vocabulary with words denoting the profession of people related to transport: driver, pilot, driver; find out what poems children remember how they read them; To memorize the poem of N. Rubtsova "About the Hare".
"One house" (the game is "dangerous-non-hazardous." Drawing "invented prohibiting sign").
"Our trip to Zoo" (collective story. Drawing "Zoo"). Develop speech skills; Intensify the dictionary on the topic "Zoo"; learn to make a proposal from two words; Fasten the ability to draw up their intention, compositely position the image on a sheet of paper; Develop aesthetic feelings.
Spring Spring streams (quantity and score, numbers. Ship from natural material). To form a notion that the number of objects can be found, not only by counting them, but also looking at the numbers; introduce the number 0; Learning to correlate the number and the number of items, draw the figure in the air, cut the image of the numbers with a finger.
Nature and we (medicinal plants. Drawing "Forest Polyanka"). Consolidate and deepen ideas about the meadows (fields) plants, the ability to draw pencils, paints; learn proper behavior in nature; introduce medicinal plants (plantain, nettle); develop the desire to capture this in the figure, imagination; To form the ability to most fully express your idea with the means of drawing, bringing started to the end.
Chickens went to the meadow (quantitative account, comparing groups of objects. Origami "Chicken"). Learn to consider (based on visuality) using the receptions of the account, to be called numeral in order, attribute the latest numerical to all listed subjects; equalize unequal groups of objects; Lay out the number of objects in accordance with the tasks. Secure origami manufacturing skills on a familiar scheme.
Games in our yard (the number and score girl plays the ball). Forming the ability to establish compliance between the number of objects and the number; become acquainted with numbers 1, 4 and 7; pay attention to the configuration of these numbers; Learning to compare their drawing, establish similarities and distinction, draw them in the air, cut the image of numbers with a finger; Fasten the ability to sculpt the figure of a person in motion (raised, stretched forward arms, etc.), transmit the shape and proportion of body parts; exercise in the use of different techniques of modeling; Fasten the ability to have a shape on the stand.

Structure and temporary plan of integrated occupation

By its structure, the integrated occupation is not much different from the usual:

  1. Opening part. Organization of children, message topic, motivation to activities. 1-2 minutes.
  2. Main part. A combination of a variety of activities in different educational areas. 23-28 minutes.
  3. Final part. Summing up, discussing what the children experienced, which is most remembered. 1-2 minutes.

Table: A comprehensive classes in the preparatory group "One House", author R. F. Loginova

Tasks Consolidate in children an idea of \u200b\u200belectrical appliances, about their meaning for people, about the rules of their use; About life-threatening items and situations that are found in life, proper behavior in contact with unfamiliar people. Develop independence in the adoption of the right decisions and responsibility for their behavior, attention, logical thinking, the speed of the reaction in unforeseen situations; Develop active speech and memory. Education of responsibility for their behavior.
Materials CD player, crows costume, two masks with the inscription "Opacik" and "Sofasik", the sign "DANGER!" On Watman, didactic manual "Electrical appliances", matches, knitting, socket, scissors, detergent, nail, pills, beads, 2 baskets. For drawing: Circle blanks with a diameter of 12 cm by the number of children, color pencils, glue or tape.
Opening part Educator: Guys, imagine that adults have left the house for a while, and you remained alone. Let's close your eyes and try to hear the sounds of what is happening around. What sounds did you hear?
Children: creak, knock, voice, somewhere drove the car, etc.
(a knock is heard).
- Hear, someone is knocking on the door. What do we do? Is it possible to immediately open the door, most likely it came to mom? Why? (children's responses).
  • If at home you stayed,
  • And the apartment knocked
  • Rang doorbell
  • Do not open
  • In the house can not be stolen to let.
  • Better right away and know
  • Mom with dad call.

- When you are at home one - do not open the door to anyone, even if the person who stands behind her, says that your parents sent him.
Children are invited to listen to the passage of the poem S. Ya. Marshak "Fire".
- How to do what happened if ignition happened?
- If something caught fire in the house - to quickly leave or run out of the room Il flat, tell about this to adults and ask them to call "01", say that you have a fire in the house, and it is necessary to name your address; Call mom to work.
- If there is a lot of smoke in the apartment - lowly nourished moving to the door covering the nose and mouth with a wet towel, handkerchief.
- You can not hide in distant corners, under the beds, the cabinet is dangerous not only the fire, but also smoke.
Practical task: "Tell a fire by phone" (children imitate a call to the fire part).

  • You yourself can not cope with the fire,
    This work is not for children.
    Without losing time in gift
    "01" call soon.
    Choose skillfully
    So not everything burned out!
    (L. Zilberg)

Crow flock carcass:
- car! Car! Car guys! Hello! Have you ever met my friends here?
(At this time, two children quarrel, take the ball from each other)
- Oh, here you are where! Guys, get acquainted with my friends.
- My name is Otasik! I warn all the guys!
- And my name is the wrongness, and I love to play so much!
- So why do you quarrel?
- Because Optacik - Zhardde!
- Sofasik chooses not at all those items that can be played!
- Guys, let's help friends to make up and share all dispute items to safe for the game and dangerous.
Game: "DANGER - SAFE" (children are divided into two teams. The first team collects in the basket of the blizzard safe items. The second team collects in the basket of Otasik dangerous items. The team that is correct and quickly fill its basket.)
After the baskets are filled, the result is summarized. Children explain how the following items can be dangerous: scissors, detergent for dishes, pills, nail, matches, knitting needles, beads, vitamins.

  • To distant villages, cities
    Who goes on the wires?
    Light majesty-
    This ... electricity.
  • On paths I run,
    Without paths I can not.
    Where me guys there
    Will not light in the house light!

-What do we live without electricity? (Not). Right. Electricity is in every home. This is our very first assistant. When the dark time comes, it is enough to climb the switch button and the room lights the bright light of the lamp. The current runs on the wire and makes the electrical appliances work. And in our house there are quite a few. For example:

  • There are in houses window
    Unusual little.
    Who will appear in the window
    Will tell the Word of the whole country.
  • Rides a steamer
    Then back, then forward.
    And behind him is so smooth
    No wrinkles see.
  • He is one for the whole light
    I am very happy to meet dust.
    (A vacuum cleaner).
  • On the table, in the cap,
    Yes in a glass bubble
    Settled friend
    Running fire.
    (Table lamp)
  • Only I, only I
    In the kitchen home.
    Without me, no matter how much
    Double without lunch.
  • I am a puzzled and puffing,
    I am beautiful and brilliant,
    Unless want
    Boilingwater Skippyuchu.
    (Samovar, Electric kettle)

- Imagine that electricity has ceased to go to your house, what will happen? (Children express their assumptions). So, we can conclude that the electric current is our friend and comrade.

  • Talk runs on the wires,
    Light carries in the apartment to us
    To work appliances:
    Refrigerator, monitors,
    Coffee grinder, vacuum cleaner
    I brought the current energy!
  • They know everything that we do not live without a fire!
    With fire, like with the sun - light!
    With fire and winter - warm!
    But when we are careless with fire
    He becomes our enemy.

- What caution rules should we know and perform?
Children call the rules and together with the educator are summarized.
- Remember! Never touch the included electrical appliances with wet hands! Water misses the current.
- Do not use water near the included electrical appliances. Do not pour flowers hanging over TV and other electrical appliances.
- Do not use your own socket, ask for adults to turn on or off the electrical appliance.
- Do not touch the included electrical appliances with metal objects (scuffers, scissors).
- Do not touch the electric pipe.
- leaving the house, check whether the electrical appliances are turned off, gas stove.
Drawing signs "It's dangerous! Pay attention!"
Children are invited to come up with a banning sign for his home, draw it with the subsequent explanation of what is forbidden.

Final part Children arrange the exhibition forbidding signs and explain what they mean.
Now we will remember how to behave if one stayed at home. You need to take care of your health and your home, because you are already very big, smart guys.

Final comprehensive occupation

The final classes are held at the end of the school year, their main goal is to summarize and systematize the information received by children for the year. Such a deep and extensive goal makes it possible to combine several (but not everything, of course) activities in one lesson. Therefore, most often in the final lesson combines FMP, ecology or literacy learning with drawing (appliqué), musical or physical activity, without losing a socio-moral aspect.

At the lesson with a predominance of the FMMP, such skills are fixed:

  • direct and countdown from 0-10 and from 10-0;
  • knowledge of the concepts of "big-less equally", "big-small", "high-low", "wide-narrow";
  • determination of basic geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle);
  • the ratio of numbers and number of objects;
  • orientation on a sheet of paper into a cell (ability to write graphic dictates - a cell to the left, right, down, up);
  • drawing up numbers.

If the prevailing type of activity is the training of diploma, then take into account:

  • knowledge of letters (alphabet);
  • definition of vowels and consonants;
  • the selection of sounds (letters) from the word;
  • selection of words on a given letter;
  • reading words and simple sentences in syllables;
  • understanding the value of the sentence (where it begins and ends);
  • the ability to hold the handle in the hands correctly;
  • the skill of circuit in the contour;
  • performing tasks for the development of speech.

The final lesson should not be longer or more complicated by the material of the integrated classes, which is held in the middle of the year. It is better to hold it in late April, so that the educator has time to adjust individual work with children who have difficulties in some activities.

Comprehensive classes are needed in working with the most eldest pupils of kindergarten. This type of educational activity helps the educator to make training future schoolchildren in interesting, diverse, and at the same time consolidate and summarize knowledge and skills on several educational areas immediately. And the presence of games and dynamic pauses has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of the guys.

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