What are the connecting vowels in compound words. Connecting o, e in compound words

Decor elements 29.09.2019
Decor elements

Great spelling difficulty is caused by vowels, which are called connecting. "o" and "e" in compound words often overlooked, resulting in errors. It is noteworthy that there are no other letters connecting the two stems.


If a word consists of two or more bases, it will be called complex. For example, agricultural Agriculture), meat and dairy (meat and milk), scientific and technical (science and technology), chronicler (writing chronicles).

Compound words in Russian appeared on present stage development in a period of abundance of information, because it allows you to fit several concepts in one word.

Phenomena when more than two roots are used in the formation of a compound word are quite rare. For example, cycling.

Education and spellings

Compound words can be formed different ways. This will depend on their spelling. Let's analyze the most popular:

  • Addition of complete bases: sofa-book, rocking chair, left-bank, reinforced concrete, instant. These words can be formed with the help of coordinating and subordinating connections. We will talk about the differences in the spelling of such constructions later.
  • The addition of truncated foundations: special correspondent, drama circle, young naturalists. Both bases can be truncated (a young naturalist is a young naturalist), or any one: a travel agency (a travel company - the first basis is cut, and the second is unchanged).
  • You can form a compound word using connecting vowels. There are only two of them in Russian - "o", "e". The words poultry farm, Old Russian, stay-at-home, waterfall, nuclear-powered ship are formed in this way.
  • Abbreviations are also classified as complex words, by the way, the youngest way to form words. For example, RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences), university (higher educational institution), NPP (nuclear power plant).
  • They write complex words in Russian together or with a hyphen: haymaking, railway, evergreen, boarding school, dynamo, cape. The use of one or another method depends on the formation of a particular word.

    Words with a connective "o"

    Let's analyze when the connecting "o", "e" are used in compound words. Examples of when it is necessary to write "about" are as follows:

    • railway;
    • factory;
    • forest-steppe;
    • national liberation;
    • reinforced concrete.

    In all these words, the first stem ends in a solid consonant, which is why the use of the connective "o" is required.

    Words with a connective "e"

    Now you should parse compound words with a connecting vowel e. Examples are:

    • Old Russian;
    • a pedestrian;
    • vegetable store;
    • birder;
    • leatherworker;
    • cook;
    • hostel;
    • traveler;
    • windbreak;
    • rain gauge.

    All these words are united by the fact that the first stem ends in a soft consonant (rain gauge, Old Russian), in a hissing (dormitory, pedestrian, cook) or in "ts" (bird catchers). Therefore, in such words, the connecting "e" should be written.

    Base Options

    Sometimes the connecting "o" and "e" are not used in compound words: they are replaced by parts of derived stems. Let's take a look at such cases.

  • The word is formed from a combination of an adverb with an adjective: little explored, evergreen, purely negative, ominously proud. Here "o" and "e" are not connecting vowels, but suffixes.
  • The first part is a verb in imperative mood: flirty, tumbleweed.
  • The word is a shade of color. Accordingly, the suffix -а-/-я- is used to connect the bases: yellow-red, blue-black.
  • When a connecting vowel is not needed

    There are many cases in Russian when the connecting "o" and "e" in compound words are completely unnecessary. This happens in the following cases:

  • If the first generative basis is a numeral in the form of the genitive case: two-sleeping, five-day, two-deck. AT this case there are suffixes homonymous to the endings of the genitive case form.
  • In some cases, the word is formed without these vowels simply by adding stems. For example, let's compare the words "psychotherapy" and "psychasthenia". In the first case, the word has a connecting "o", and in the second, the letter "a" is the initial in the word "asthenia".
  • Sometimes the first generative stem is the initial form of a noun: seed stalk (but: seed storage), flame-spewing (but: flame-bearer).
  • Also, the first generating stem can take the form of any case. So, all words with the first part of suma- and mind- will be written without connecting vowels: insane, crazy.
  • Many parts are words of foreign origin: air, auto, moto, photo, electro, quasi and others. Here, regardless of the hardness / softness of the preceding consonant, the original vowel remains: quasi-interesting, electric motor, aircraft modeling, motorcycle club.
  • Compound words should be distinguished from simple ones. So, in the word "electrification" there is only one root electri-. Everything behind it is a suffix and an ending. Another thing is the words "electronic carrier", "electrician", "electric motor". They already have two bases, one of which is electro-.
  • Spelling compound words

    The connecting "o" and "e" in compound words can be used both when they are written together, and when they are hyphenated. Consider the use of a hyphen.

    Compound words can be formed with the help of subordination. If they are formed by the first case, they will be written with a hyphen. In other words, the union "and" can be easily put between the parts. Let's look at examples, for this you need to compose complex words: sofa and bed - sofa bed; scientific and technical - scientific and technical; Russian and English - Russian-English; factory and plant - factory; meat and milk - meat and milk; military medical - military and medical and others.

    Compound words (nouns and adjectives) with the meaning of the cardinal points: Western European, Southeast, Northeast.

    Words that convey shades of colors: raspberry-gold, gray-brown-brown, light green, purple-blue.

    If the word is formed from its own name: Leo Tolstoy style, Walter Scott ideas, New York Stock Exchange. The exception is geographical names formed from the phrase noun and adjective: Velikiye Luki - Velikie Luki, Sergiev Posad - Segrievo Posad, Staraya Rus - Old Russian.

    Words - scientific and technical terms: dynamo, vacuum dryer, diesel electrode, stop valve, filter press.

    Words - designations political parties and currents: vice-mayor, liberal democratic, social democrat, national socialist.

    A word that has a value judgment in the first part: unfortunate wife, shirt-guy, sweetheart-daughter, good boy-son.

    If the first producing basis is the designation of any Latin letter: alpha male, beta-carotene, gamma radiation.

    It is necessary to write together complex words formed with the help of a subordinate connection: timber processing (processing timber), Staromoskovsky (old Moscow), chronicler (writing a chronicle), dairy processing (processing milk), logging (logging).

    Lesson topic: Connecting vowels o - e in compound words (grade 6) (Slide 1)

    Motto:“I can't live without hard mental work. The meaning of life disappears (Sherlock Holmes) (Slide 2)


    1) Know: on the formation of compound words from the bases of the original words with the help of connecting vowels o - e.

    2) Be able to: correctly choose the connecting vowels o - e in compound words.

    3) Developing: develop the ability to independently acquire knowledge; develop mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, as well as attention, memory, logical thinking; develop cognitive and Creative skills through a variety of activities.

    4) Educational: awakening cognitive interest in the lessons of the Russian language and surrounding phenomena. (Slide 3)

    Equipment: Computer, presentation (Application), cards.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment

    opening speech

    A task: Organization of students' attention, ensuring full readiness for work, familiarization with the work plan.

    The bell rang, and again we met at the next lesson, which I would like to start with the words of Sherlock Holmes: “I cannot live without intense mental work. The meaning of life disappears”, which will become the motto of our lesson. (Slide 2)

    II. Knowledge update (Slide 4)

    A task: Set students up to perceive new material, repeat the material on how words are formed.

    Exercise: Read the poem "Merry Poems" and tell how words are formed in Russian.

    Merry Poems

    How words grow

    Somehow many years ago
    They planted a strange garden.
    There was no fruit garden -
    He was only a word.

    This word is the root word
    It soon began to grow
    And brought us fruit -
    There are many new words.

    Here from the garden
    Seedlings for you.
    Here are more landings nearby.
    And here is the gardener.
    The gardener is with him.
    Very interesting
    Walk in the garden at the verbal.
    (E. Izmailov)

    III. new material

    A task: Ensuring the perception of comprehension and primary memorization of knowledge.

    1. Research work

    Listen to the poem from the program "Baby Monitor" and say what kind of word formation it says.

    The plane flies forward
    The steam locomotive is not far behind
    Even at sea the ship
    It also adds momentum.

    Everyone is in a hurry to find out
    How to write them correctly
    - These difficult words
    Can't stand the letter A.

    And put the letter O -
    The speed will be - wow!
    The cook cooks porridge,
    Steel is welded to us by a steelmaker,
    The horse is led by a horse breeder,
    In the sea - the sailor swims.

    All names are good,
    Just write correctly.
    We have these words inside
    Do not put the letter I,
    And write E - then
    Everyone will say: “Yes!”

    Compound words from the poem are written on the board. (Slide5)

    According to the rule mentioned in the poem, fill in the missing letters.

    The vowels you have inserted are called connectives. Why do you think?

    Carefully consider both columns and try to formulate a rule for choosing a connecting vowel. Compare it with the rule in the textbook (p. 74).

    Formulate the topic of the lesson. What will be the challenges ahead of us? What should we learn in class? Where will this knowledge come in handy?

    (Slide 6)

    And now my rule about writing connecting vowels O and E when adding words:

    There are only two of these vowels:
    Letter O and letter E.
    If it's hard consonant,
    The letter O fits here.
    If this sound is soft
    Write the letter E here.

    What words are called compound?

    When is the connective o written, and when is e in compound words?

    Draw up a basic diagram for the learned rule. (Slide 7)

    IV. Consolidation of acquired knowledge

    A task: Consolidate the acquired knowledge, begin to develop skills for their application.

    Intermediate control: control of the assimilation of new knowledge.

    1. Linguistic riddle (Slide 8)

    Can algae grow on land? Find the answer in a word.

    2. Vocabulary work (Slide 9)

    MANAGER is a specialist who organizes production or commercial activities, organization of foreign trade operations; conducts commercial negotiations.

    3. The game "Purchasing Manager"(Slide 10)

    Level "5"

    Imagine that you are a purchasing manager. make a list Vehicle, in the name of which there would be connecting vowels o - e.

    Level "4"

    "Silent dictation". Write the titles for the pictures.

    4 . The game "On the labor market"(Slide 11)

    Level "5"

    Imagine that you are a manager at the labor exchange. Make a list of professions and occupations necessary for our collective farm, region, in which there would be a connecting vowel e - o?

    Level "4" (Slide 10)

    "Silent dictation". Write the names of professions and occupations necessary for our collective farm, region, in which there would be connecting vowels e - o from the pictures.

    Make suggestions. Explain punctuation marks, draw a diagram.

    5 . Form complex words and complete the sentence(Slide 12)

    Any professional activity requires a person:

    • A person who loves work.
    • A person who loves knowledge.
    • People who help each other.
    • A person who strives for a goal.

    6. Pick an antonym (Slide 13)

    Hostile attitude - ... (friendly)
    Lazy student - ... (hardworking)
    Serious young man - ... (frivolous)

    7. Fill in the square with the words-crossings with compound words

    1. Garden specialist.
    2. Locomotive with a steam engine.
    3. Channel for the exit of smoke from the pipe.
    4. Russian folk dance game.
    5. Forest felled by a storm.
    6. Unscheduled, spontaneous accomplishment of some business, work.
    7. Firearms.

    8. The game "Third extra" (Slide 14)

    1. Water...wire, earth...shake, thunder...outlet.
    2. Water ... measurement, rain ... measures, land ... deli.
    3. Life ... description, potatoes ... digger, books ... printing .

    9. Work with cards. check yourself

    10. Text research. Independent work. (Work is done on cards) (Slide 15-16)

    Level "5"

    Exercise: Read the text. Why is it titled like that? Find and write out the misspelled words.

    A stove on wheels.

    Guys, remember how Emelya is a fool from the fairy tale "After pike command»Did you drive straight into the royal chambers on the stove? So, "a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it." People have long dreamed of moving quickly and without the help of a horse: about a magic carpet, seven-league boots, at worst, and about a self-propelled stove. Whatever the first inventors came up with: pedals, levers, even sails were put on it to an ordinary cart, but the cart didn’t move.

    For the first time, the French engineer Cugno achieved success. He "harnessed" a steam engine to the cart, and it set off. The inventor gave his brainchild a name - "car", which means "self-propelled". Rumbling and puffing, he crawled over potholes: in front of a copper steam boiler, behind a heavy box of coal, on the bench the driver will drive a little and stop: you need to get down and throw coal into the furnace so that it does not go out and so that the steam in the boiler does not end - after all, he and pushes the car. There is no steam and the wheels don't work. The driver had to fire every now and then. No wonder he was called a chauffeur, and "chauffeur" - translated from French means "stoker". So it turns out that the first cars are nothing more than a stove on wheels. (N. Sanina)







    Lies, long ago, airplane, self-propelled, attached, heavy.

    Level "4"

    Exercise: Read the text. Why is it titled like that? Fill in the missing letters, open the brackets. Underline difficult words, highlight their roots. From what words and how are they formed?

    A stove on wheels.

    Guys, remember how Emelya - the fool from the ska (z, s) ki "By the Pike" in ... went to the stove ... right in the royal chambers ...? So, "ska (z, s) ka - lies (?), Yes (in) it is a hint." People d...vno m...worried that p...r...move(?)sya quickly and without help. horses: about ... time ... flight, seven-league boots, at worst, and about ... a moving stove .... What only (or) thought ... the first inventors thought: ... they made pedals, levers, even sails (on) it to the usual t ... leg, but t ... lay down.

    For the first time, success was fought by the French engineer ... Cugnot. He "harnessed" the steam engine to the cart, and it set off. The inventor gave his brainchild a name - “car”, which means “self ... moving”. Rumbling and puffing, he crawled over the potholes: (c) in front of the steam copper boiler ... tel, (c) in the back a heavy ... yellow box with coal, on a bench in ... a driver, will drive a little and stop (?) Xia : you need to get down and throw coal into the furnace so that it (not) dies out and so that the steam in the k ... smolders (not) runs out - after all, it is he who ... pushes the m ... tire. There is no steam, and the forests (do not) work. Pr ... went to ... the child every now and then to ... chegar. It was not without reason that he was called the chief ..., and "the chief ..." - translated from French means "stoker". So the way out ... is that the first cars are nothing more than a stove on k ... scaffolding. (N. Sanina.)

    V. Reflection

    A task: To give an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal.

    What new did you learn?

    Have we achieved the lesson objectives?

    An exercise "Pro". Based on the future profession, why is it necessary to study this topic?

    VI. Homework(at the choice of students)(Slide 17-18)

    • Rule on page 71. (Student choice exercise.)
    • Exercise number 168.
    • Compose riddles in which the answers are complex words.
    • Imagine that you are the author of a textbook. You need to make an exercise (card) for students of the 6th grade on the studied spelling. Write out sentences from any text where compound words with connecting vowels o - e occur and “mine” the spelling.


    1. Russian language. 6th grade: lesson plans according to the textbook by M.T. Baranova/S.S. Kolchanova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009
    2. Didactic material for the textbook of the Russian language: D 44 Grade 6: A manual in two notebooks: Notebook 1 / M.M. Strakevich. - M .: "Svetoch L", 1998.
    3. V. Volina. Russian language reprint - Yekaterinburg: Argo Publishing House, 1996.
    4. Russian language. First of September.
    5. G.A. Bogdanov. Russian language lessons in the 6th grade: Book. for the teacher.-3rd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999.

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    "Connecting O, E in compound words"


    Prepared by: Shcherbak A.N.

    teacher of Russian language

    and Literature School No. 1

    2016-2017 oku zhyly


      to form in students the skills of finding compound words, the ability to correctly write connecting vowels O and E, the ability to correctly coordinate compound words;

      develop spelling vigilance, communication skills, interest in the subject;

      foster a sense of friendship, collectivism.

    Sabak barys:

      Organizing time

      Knowledge update

        Creative dictation.

    Replace phrases with one compound word, which would be a definition for a noun.

    1 person, loving life, joy (cheerful).

    2) A person who loves work (hardworking).

    3) Plantations protecting fields (field protection).

    4) A machine that clears roads from snow (snow plow).

    5) The river on which ships go (navigable).

    6) Paper sensitive to light (photosensitive).

        Interview with students.

    What do these words have in common?

    Name the special ways of word formation known to you.

    What is this way of forming words called?
    - Guess what these words might be called?

    III . Learning new material

    1. Teacher's explanation.

    Compound words name words that include two roots, for example: electric locomotive, vacuum cleaner, helicopter.

    Some compound words have several roots, for example: aircraft construction.

    Compound words are formed in two ways:

    1) With the help of connecting vowels o or e as a result of adding the bases of the original words (steam, walk the steamer) or whole words (forty, centipede leg).

    2) Without connecting vowels, for example: three-meter, five-story.

    2. Revealing perception. Solve riddles. Write down the word clues.

    Although he looks tempting,

    but nevertheless poisonous.

    People have known for a long time

    Inedible (Amanita)

    Boldly floats in the sky,
    Overtaking birds in flight.
    The man controls it.
    What? (AIRPLANE)

    We have a robot apartment,

    He has a huge trunk

    Robot loves cleanliness

    And it buzzes like a TU liner.

    He willingly swallows dust.

    NOT sick, not sneezing. (A VACUUM CLEANER)

    Every day comes out in the morning

    On your daily trip.
    Must know all the rules
    On the roads ... (PESTRIATOR)

    Both on the ground and in the snow

    I can track the beast

    On the trail of paws and hooves.

    That's what I am ... (PATHGER)

    Courageously sailing on the waves
    Without slowing down.
    Only the car is buzzing is important
    What? (STEAMBOAT)

    Perform morphemic analysis of words. - How to explain the choice of the connecting vowel "o" in all words? A fairy tale poem will help answer this question.

    How did simple words become complex?

    It was a long time ago

    In the Far Far Away Kingdom,

    In the thirtieth state,

    Near the Grammar River

    Words and phrases lived and lived.

    They ate, drank, had fun together,

    Never been proud of anything

    They did not quarrel and were not arrogant:

    They were called simple words.

    But one day at the Grammar River

    Strange people appeared

    Letters O yes E - escaped from the alphabet,

    They began to whisper words angrily:

    "Oh, you simpletons and simpletons

    Open your eyes, clean your ears!

    Let's say no offense

    You look very simple!

    You have a reputation for simpletons.

    It's out of fashion now

    Indecent, ignoble!"

    And by the Grammar River

    Simple words rioted.

    "We don't want to be in simple words,

    Let everyone take off their hats in front of us,

    We are greeted from afar

    All fans of the Russian language!

    We want to be complex words!

    Is such a transformation possible?

    Just one wish is not enough!

    How to do it? The letter O suggested:

    "Come together, sort out in pairs,

    Don't waste your time."

    The bird flew to the word to catch,

    The moon rolled to the word walk,

    Water flowed to the word to fall.

    But they need to be connected somehow!

    Split into two halves

    Without a fastening golden middle.

    Troublemakers O and E

    Decided to help words in trouble:

    "We will be between consonants

    Connecting vowels!

    True, O was a little lazy,

    Didn't take much for myself.

    After firm consonants, I decided to become.

    And the letter E, loving your girlfriend,

    She agreed to take over the rest.

    After soft consonants, hissing and C

    In complex words, let there always be E!

    And after hard let it be O -

    No one will confuse them

    How to explain the choice of the connecting vowel "o" in all words?

    Try to formulate a rule for writing connecting vowels O and E in compound words.

    IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

    3. Work with the textbook. Reading the rule.

    4. Work in groups (rows)

    A) Choose compound words denoting:

    Group 1 - household items (vacuum cleaner, samovar, fire extinguisher,

    mousetrap, vegetable cutter, meat grinder, washstand, fly swatter)

    Group 2 - traits that characterize a person (industriousness, good nature, couch potato,

    sweet tooth, water drinker, curiosity, love of life, idler,

    book lover, arrogance, hypocrisy, conscientiousness)

    3rd group - natural phenomena (starfall, leaf fall, waterfall, snowfall, ice,

    sun, earthquake, full moon, dry wind, ice drift)

    B) Write text. Underline difficult words in the text

    At the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter and his classmates studied herbalism, potions and other subjects. Hermione read in Strong Poisons that for the Polyjuice Potion, algae are harvested on a full moon, lacewings insist for three weeks.

    C) Write in two columns, the first - representatives of the fauna, the second -

    flora representatives.

    Petrel , yarrow,rhinoceros , ant-eater , adonis,platypus , tumbleweed, coltsfoot,shrew , wolfhound , Ivan-tea, tryn-grass,wagtail.

    D) Write down the proposal and do the analysis.

    Our airplane after many hours 2 flight committed landing in Sydney airport 4 . (Narrative, non-exclamation, simple, two-part, distribution)

    D) Independent work (multi-level tasks )

    1 level

    Remember and write down literary heroes whose names are formed using

    compound nouns.

    2nd level.

    Compose and write down compound words with the stem: bread, snow, leaf, forest.

    3rd level.

    Think of 2 words with connecting vowels -o-, -e-. Make up and write sentences with these words.

    V . Summary of the lesson.

    What was the purpose of the lesson? Have we achieved it? Reproduce the rule according to the algorithm.

    What did you like about the lesson? What was difficult?

      Reflection. Self-assessment by students of activities in the lesson.

    I thank you for your work in class. Have you guessed why I used this word today? To give thanks - to give goodness, kindness. Let's do good and give good to each other!

      Homework: write an essay-miniature on the topic "Sport",

    using compound words.

    Russian language lesson in 6th grade.

    Teacher: Egorova

    Albina Vsevolodovna,

    Teacher of Russian language

    And literature MBOU

    "Secondary School No. 24", Cheboksary

    Topic: “Connecting vowels O-E in compound words»


    1. repeat the basic ways of forming words;
    2. introduce the method of forming words from the bases of the original words with the help of connecting vowels;
    3. learn to choose connectors vowels o-e in compound words
    4. to raise interest in the word, to show the pictorial possibilities of word formation.

    During the classes

    1. Repetition of methods of word formation already known to students

    Give a coherent answer to the question: “What are the main ways of forming words in Russian do you know? Illustrate your answer with examples.

    Guys, I want to give you a statement by the famous children's writer K.I. Chukovsky:

    “Prefixes give Russian speech so many rich shades. The wonderful expressiveness of speech depends to a large extent on them. In the variety of prefixes, there is a variety of meanings. Do you agree with him? Try to prove Chukovsky's point of view with examples.

    Indeed, the prefix can unrecognizably change the meaning of even obviously cognate words. For example: contribution, tray, transfer, denunciation, wear, removal, etc.

    Form a new word from these words using the given prefixes and suffixes. Write down the words and sort them into composition:

    original word








    On the-




    The border






    2. Setting the goal of the lesson:

    Working with a table:

    Look carefully at the table. What do you think the lesson will be about today? How would you formulate the problem we will be working on today? Determine the purpose of today's lesson.

    (The teacher summarizes the children's answers)

    3. Explanation of the new topic

    What is the peculiarity of the words included in the table? (They all have 2 roots)

    What vowels are used to connect them? What do you think determines the choice of the vowel -o and -e?

    What can you say about the words presented in the third column? Why are they separate?

    What would you write on the first line of the table?

    Complete the table with your own examples.

    Conclusion : The connecting vowel -O is written after hard consonants. Consonants do not follow the rule-w, - w, -c followed by a connecting vowel–e.

    After the stem into a soft consonant, after the hissing and–c the connecting vowel is written e.

    4. Training exercises

    Creative dictation

    Replace phrases with one compound word, underline the consonant, on which the choice of the connecting vowel depends.

    Help mutually (mutual assistance)

    love work (hard work)

    People with the same surname (namesake)

    One who walks (pedestrian)

    The one who cooks steel (steelmaker)

    Logging (logging)

    Device for catching mice (mousetrap)

    Mud treatment (mud therapy)

    Beetle that eats bark (bark beetle)

    The one that swims in the sea (navigator)

    5. "Guess the riddle"

    Guys, we will continue vocabulary dictation, only the words you have to write down yourself. Write down the word that is the answer to the riddle.

    1. I will rumble, I will scream, I will fly away under the sky (helicopter, plane).

    2. He drinks with his tail, and gives with his beak (water supply).

    3. He has a rubber trunk, a canvas stomach, and his motor hums - he swallows both dust and rubbish (vacuum cleaner).

    4. I have a hedgehog in my room for a year.

    If the floor is smeared with wax, he will rub it to a gloss (electric floor polisher).

    5. There is a hole at the top, a hole at the bottom, and in the middle there is a fire and a hole (samovar).

    6. A miracle janitor in front of us, with raking hands in one minute, raked up a huge snowdrift (snowplow).

    7. A fabled bird flies, and inside the people sit, talking to each other (airplane).

    8. Whatever this eye looks at, it will convey everything in the picture (camera).

    "Find yourself a mate"

    - Guys, now let's play with you. Each of you will receive a piece of paper on which this or that word is written. Your task is to find a match for yourself and create a compound word using a connecting vowel.

    (The table shows an approximate group of words that are distributed to children)











    to know






    The wire



    On foot






    5. Visual possibilities of word formation

    Writers often use well-known word-building methods to create their own, they are called author's words. For example, famous writer Saltykov-Shchedrin, whom you know from his fairy tales, creates the diatribes necessary to satirical image contemporary society: nonsense brethren, black-armed meaning, foam skimmers, etc.

    Modern writers actively use the possibilities of word formation. Let's read Matusovsky's poem, in which the poet forms new words according to the type of the word forbs (blooming meadows).

    Who else could compete

    With this forest greenery?

    Summer all your riches

    Scatters in front of me.

    To be worthy of note

    We haven't been able to

    Diversity, colorfulness,

    Diversity of the whole Earth.

    We will never get bored

    Never get bored

    Diversity, diversity,

    diversity of these places.

    Young birches neighborhood,

    lonely elm sadness

    I take it straight to my heart

    I'm afraid to drop something.

    Mint, porridge, lungwort

    Here they huddle in the meadow.

    Now it's time for us to part

    Yes, I can't.

    Becoming older than I am,

    I feel stronger

    Diversity, diversity,

    Variety of summer days.

    Write out difficult words from the text, distributing them into two columns. What groups will you divide them into?

    What figurative and expressive means does the poet use to create the image of a summer day.

    6. Reflection

    What new way of forming words have we met today?

    What determines the choice of the connecting vowel?

    7. Explanation of homework

    I suggest you take up vocabulary. Come up with your own compound words on the topic "Winter".

    1. In compound words, after the stem, the connecting vowel o is written to the hard consonant; For example: homebody, kozheed, bird-catcher, False Dmitry I.

    2. In some cases, the final soft consonant in, n, p, t of the first stem is pronounced firmly and the connecting vowel o is written after it (in parallel with these words, those are also used in which, according to the rule, e is written). For example: long-range - long-range, quarry - stone crusher, horse thief - horse breeder, bone carver - bone crusher, bloodthirsty - blood, chanting - songwriting. Wed different formations after the basis on c: trapezoid - trapezoid - trapezoid - trapezohedron (not all of these formations have two bases in Russian).

    • - MASORETIC POINTS or. Or, as this system is now called, Mazora, from Massoreh or Massoreth - "tradition", and Masar - "transmit" ...

      Religious terms

    • - wires and cables providing connection between system components fire alarm. Source: "House: Building terminology", M.: Buk-press, 2006...

      Construction dictionary

    • - Wires and cables providing connection between the components of the fire alarm system...

      Emergency Glossary

    • - railroad paths connecting with each other individual stations that are part of the railroad. node. V. s. serve to transfer entire trains and individual groups of cars, formed in the form of intra-nodal transfers ...

      Technical railway dictionary

    • Glossary of legal terms

    • - members of city dumas, zemstvo assemblies in pre-revolutionary Russia. The Institute of G. was introduced in the cities in 1785 by the "Letter of Letters to the Cities", and according to the Zemstvo reform of 1864 - in the provincial and district zemstvos ...

      Big Law Dictionary

    • - elected members of zemstvo assemblies and city dumas in Russia from the 2nd floor. 19...

      Political science. Dictionary.

    • - details for direct connection of shafts. There are various designs of MS, depending on their purpose. See Friction Clutch and Elastic Clutch...

      Marine vocabulary

    • - ".....

      Official terminology

    • - I Vowel sounds of speech opposed to consonants. Combining in a syllable with consonants, G. always form its top, that is, they perform the function of a syllable carrier ...

      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    • - the sounds of speech, formed with the obligatory participation of the voice ...

      Modern Encyclopedia

    • - Section 37...

      Russian spelling rules

    • - 1...

      A guide to spelling and style

    • - A kind of compound sentences that have connecting semantic and grammatical meanings ...

      Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    • - A variety of compound sentences that have connecting semantic and grammatical meanings ...

      Syntax: Dictionary

    • - One of the varieties of BSC with a common connecting value; sentences of heterogeneous composition, the first predicative part of which indicates the condition of the action in the second. Do this and you'll be fine...

      Syntax: Dictionary

    "Connecting vowels o and e" in books


    7.7. Epithelial and connective tissues

    From the book Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach author Kurchanov Nikolai Anatolievich

    7.7. Epithelial and Connective Tissues Epithelial tissue is a type of animal tissue derived from all three germ layers. All kinds of epithelia are united by a strong connection of cells into a single layer located on the basement membrane, and


    From the book Logic: a textbook for law schools author Kirillov Vyacheslav Ivanovich

    § 1. CONNECTIVE AND DIVISIONAL JUDGMENTS Connective (conjunctive) judgments A connective, or conjunctive, is a judgment consisting of several simple ones connected by a logical connective “and”. For example, the judgment "Theft and fraud are

    Connecting cables

    From Paula in Your House author Galich Andrey Yurievich

    Connecting cables Connecting cables are used to connect heating cable to the thermostat and power supply. The standard length of one connecting cable is 2 m.

    Unstressed connecting vowels

    From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

    Unstressed connecting vowels § 65. When connecting the stems of two or more words into one compound word, as well as when forming compound words with constituent parts of an international character, a connecting vowel is used, transmitted in writing by the letters o and

    § 41. Connecting vowels o and e

    From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

    § 41. Connecting vowels o and e 1. In compound words, after the stem on a hard consonant, a connecting vowel o is written, after the stem on a soft consonant, on a hissing and c - a connecting vowel e. For example: homebody, kozheed, bird catcher, False Dmitry I.2 . In some cases

    § 40. Connecting vowels o and e

    From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

    § 40. Connecting vowels o and e 1. In compound words, after the base on a hard consonant, a connecting vowel is written o, after the base on a soft consonant, on a hissing and c - a connecting vowel e. .2. In some

    5.3. Word composition (root, suffix, prefix, ending, connecting vowels)

    From the book Modern Russian. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

    5.3. Composition of the word (root, suffix, prefix, ending, connecting vowels) From the point of view of the morphological structure, the words of the Russian language are divided into words that have forms of inflection and those that do not have forms of inflection. The words of the first group are divided into two parts:

    Connecting lines

    From an Excel workbook. multimedia course the author Medinov Oleg

    Connector lines When created various schemes you may need to connect some shapes with lines or arrows. To do this, the shape gallery provides samples of various connectors. For the following example, you will need two shapes, for example



    Topic 13. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. PROPERLY CONNECTIVE TISSUES The concept of "connective tissues" (tissues of the internal environment, musculoskeletal tissues) combines tissues that are not identical in morphology and functions, but have some common properties and


    From the book Histology [Full course in 3 days] author Selezneva Tatyana Dmitrievna

    Topic 14. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Skeletal connective tissues Skeletal connective tissues include cartilaginous and bone tissues that perform supporting, protective and mechanical functions, as well as taking part in the exchange minerals in the body. Each of

    11. Connective tissues

    From the book Histology the author Barsukov V Yu

    11. Connective tissues Actually connective tissues Structural and functional features of connective tissues develop: 1) internal arrangement in the body; 2) the predominance of intercellular substance over cells; 3) a variety of cellular forms; 4) general

    12. Connective tissues

    From the book Histology the author Barsukov V Yu

    12. Connective tissues Connective tissues consist of two structural components: 1) from the main, or amorphous, substance; 2) from fibers. The main, or amorphous, substance consists of proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins are represented by collagen, albumins and globulins. Carbohydrates

    Connective and supporting tissues

    author Zigalova Elena Yurievna

    Connective and supporting tissues Connective tissues represent an extensive group, including connective tissues proper (loose fibrous and dense fibrous unformed and formed), tissues with special properties (reticular, pigmented, adipose),

    Connective tissue proper

    From the book Atlas: human anatomy and physiology. Complete practical guide author Zigalova Elena Yurievna

    Connective tissues proper Loose fibrous connective tissue (LFCT) is located mainly along the course of blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, covers muscles, forms the stroma (skeleton) of most internal organs, its own plate

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