Types of social speakers are considered in modern social studies. Great Oil and Gas Encyclopedia

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- Dynamic system. Therefore, the most important question of social knowledge is associated with the definition of the nature and orientation of changes in society. The social studies proposed four main types of social dynamics: (1) cyclic, (2) linear, (3) spiral, (4) rhizo-shaped (Fig. 1.3, respectively but, B., in, d).

Fig. 1.3. Types of social speakers

Cyclic The idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of society is the most ancient. For a primitive person, time is closed in the circle of forever repeating cycles - the time of the year, sunrise, the phases of the Moon. Everything is repeated in social life: the laws of the traditional society are aimed at maintaining stability, and the lifestyle of an ancient person has almost changed almost not changed.

O. theory linear The nature of the development of society for the first time appear in the Middle Ages. It is then that there are ideas about the past, which will no longer happen (the creation of the world) and the future, which has not yet been (a terrible court). Development acquires or receives a goal (establishing the kingdom of God on Earth) - the circle straightens into the straight line. There are ideas about the purpose of history, it acquires meaning.

Spiral The development model was proposed by the German philosopher Georg Hegel (1770-1831). The spiral combines the properties of the line and circle. In history, everything is repeated, but every time - on a qualitatively new, more advanced level. As in the linear model, the story has a goal. As a goal, different researchers were offered: the construction of the ideal state, the achievement of social justice, the organization of the Company at a reasonable principle, the establishment of the "Kingdom of Freedom", etc.

Rizo-shaped The concept of the development of society is proposed by the philosophy of postmodernism. In the botanist, the rhizome (from fr. Rhizome - rhizome) is called the rhizome of perennial plants in which there is no rod root. The risoma consists of shoots intertwined between themselves growing in unpredictable directions that are constantly dieting and growing again. In applied to the rhizoma society symbolizes the complete chaoticism and the meaninglessness of social processes.

The focus and nature of social development

The focus and nature of social development Also important to understand. Development In itself, there is a natural, directed, qualitative change. In a focus, such forms of development are distinguished as progress (from lat. Progracssus - move forward) and regression (from Lat. Regressus - movement back). Progress There is a perfection, translational movement from the lower to the highest, from simple to complex, and regression Represents the opposite type of change. Starting from the XVII century. Thief of Europe, arguing about the development of the mind, personal and social freedom, productive forces (these parameters were perceived as criteria for progress), believed that the society was improving. However, there are theories that argue that the development of society regnetically, since it is unlikely that a person with all changes in science and technology is improving in the spiritual plan. For example, French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) believed that the person did not become kindest during the development of civilization, on the contrary, civilization corrupted him.

  • primitive purchase system
  • slave-ownership society
  • feudalism,
  • capitalism,
  • communism.

Movement from formation to formations is a progressive development, the purpose of which is a classless communist society.

The change of formations is characterized by the exacerbation of the struggle between oppressed and depressing classes - slaves and slave owners, feudalles and dependent peasants, workers and capitalists. Just as feudalism has been eliminated by the revolution, capitalism must give way to communism. According to Marxists, the oppressed working class with the help of the revolution will destroy the dieting bourgeoisie.

Typically, the formation is opposed to civilization. Civilization is a multi-valued concept that can be considered in three basic meanings: as a temporary stage in the development of society, as a local socio-cultural type and as a stage of development of culture opposing barbarism and wildness. When describing stadial-civilization and locally-civilizational models, this concept is used in the first two values.

Stadium-civilizational The model believes the foundation for no changes to the economy, but technique. Changes in the technique of earth processing, production of goods, communications lead to a consistent change of stages of civilization development.

The American sociologist Alvin Toffler (r. 1928) believes that the first technological revolution is agrarian - formed traditional civilization with a number of characteristic features. The second civilization is industrial - based on machine economy and mass culture (Table 1).

The process of transition to industrial culture is called modernization (less often modernization is called the transition to post-industrial culture). Postindustrial Toffler called the third wave, overlooking the already modern society. Other researchers call it information. This civilization is formed by progress in computer technician, accurate electronics, mass communications, genetic engineering and biotechnology. Mental work and informatization come to replace muscular strength and engineering. It is the information that becomes basic value, transforming a system of education, education, the nature of labor. In the economy, the information sector prevails over all the others and begins to determine the political, spiritual processes. Finally, the worldwide communications network develops, first of all the Internet.

Table 1. Comparing traditional and industrial civilizations

Traditional civilization

Industrial civilization


Lineness of development, progress

Slow Development

High Development

Evolutionaryness, gradual development

Revolutionary, leakage of development

Harmony with nature

Conquest nature



Community property priority over private

Priority of private property over community

Low social mobility

High social mobility

State control over society

Developed civil society

High role collective

High role of personality

Canadian philosopher Herbert Marshall Maczlen (1911-1980) believed that the social organization depends on the method and type of communications. Tribal civilization is based on "culture of oral communication" defining the locality, traditional, faith in credibility. The second type of civilization is "culture of view" - generated by the invention of the alphabet and a book printing machine. It authorizes massability, standardization, mechanism. The coming "electronic civilization" abolishes barriers to communication: time and space are compressed, people get closer to each other. Book culture is replaced by an audiovisual computer culture close to the tribal culture of the past. The future is seen by McClun in the form of a "global village", deprived of territorial and national borders.

Locally civilizational The model assumes that there is no single world history, but there are local cycles for the development of closed civilizations, which are born, flourish come into decay and die.

Table 2. Characteristics of traditional, industrial and post-industrial civilizations





Development Managing Principle


The economic growth

Central Knowledge Place

The main sector of production

Preparation of raw materials


Chief contingent of labor

Peasant engaged in the development of the natural environment

Material processing

Information worker

Management Group connecting resources

Host, owner

Entrepreneur, professional leader

Researcher, specialist leading administrator

Basic production unit

Enterprise, factory, factory

Research Institute, Service Office

Higher level of needs

The main household needs

Social needs

Self-realization, need for knowledge

Perspective of Time

Directitude in the past

Adaptation to date

Food focus. Forecasts, scenarios

Members of Social Communication

Man - Nature

Man - car

Man - man

Driving force

Natural resources, physical strength

Created energy

Information, knowledge processing

Strategic resource

Food raw materials

Real capital, "Code of Rule", know-how

Education, Mental Capital


Manual labor

Mechanized technology

Mental technology

Method of solutions

Common sense, "method of samples and errors", experience

Empirism, test study

Model, theoretical basis for decision making, analysis of systems, etc.

The Russian philosopher and sociologist Nikolay Yakovlevich Danilevsky (1822-1885) allocates ten similar civilizations, or historical and cultural types: Egyptian, Chinese, Assiro-Babylonian-Phoenician, Indian, Iranian, Jewish, Greek, Roman, Arabian, European. Each type is similar to the biological organism: its life takes place in the fight against other types and medium. Like other organisms, in the process of its life, it passes a number of mandatory and unchanged stages of development - birth, growing, decreasing and death.

Danilevsky largely anticipated the ideas of the German philosopher Osvald Spengler (1880-1936), which also denied the possibility of the existence of universal culture, speaking of history as a field of combating civilizations. Each of them is measured by its time (about 1000 years); Any heyday era sooner or later end with a stagnation and crisis. Creativity is dried by replacing infertility, silence and mechanism; Rich content is lost behind the dead formality. In world history, eight cultures have reached maturity: Egyptian, Indian, Babylonian, Chinese, Ara-Byzantine, Greco-Roman, Western European and Mayan culture.

The ideas of Spengler are in the future developing in the "theory of civilizations" of the English historian Arnold Toynby (1889-1975). The Toyanby civilization period is represented by five cultural types: Western, Orthodox-Christian, Islamic, Hindu and Far Eastern. The formation of each type is associated with the "life impulse" of people responsible for calling history. When the energy of the gust is dried, the civilization is waiting for dodia and final death. The crisis of civilization can be overcome by an attempt by breaking from local values \u200b\u200bto world values. The expressive of the world values \u200b\u200bof Toynby is considered religion.

Factors (Causes) Changes in Socium Page, Fill Table: Looking Factors Natural Spiritual Material Technogenic Combined Approach

Change factors of society. The factors of the views of natural climatic conditions determine the individual characteristics of a person, his character and inclinations of spiritual "ideas rule the world." Some individuals are able to rule the world material before engaged in philosophy, people should drink, have, have a dwelling, and therefore produce all of these technogenic techniques and technologies determine the development of humanity The combined approach should take into account the interaction of a variety of causes and conditions of development

The role of the people people refer to the category of masses scientists? How did you try the concept of "people" Kuevsky? What did Herzen argue about this? What is Berdyaev's point of view? Jaspers? What is known about the theory of elites?

The role of social groups and public associations, the definition of social groups gave Gobbs? Give examples of social groups for what purpose of social groups created public associations? What do we mean by community associations? Give examples. What role is political parties play in the historical process?

The role of historical personalities is the versatility of the historical process? What do we understand under the term "historical person"? Comment on the opinion of Plekhanov. How can I evaluate the historical person? What features should be a great personality from the point of view of Klyuchevsky?

- This is a consistent series of replacing each other events, which showed the activities of many generations of people. The historical process is universal, it covers all the manifestations of human livelihoods from the extraction of "scratch bread" before the study of planetary phenomena.
The actual world is populated by people, their communities, therefore, the mapping of the historical process should be, by definition of N. Karamzin, the "grays alone and the activities of peoples". The basis, the "live fabric" of the historical process make up events,i.e., those or other past or undergoing phenomena, facts of public life. All this endless series of events in their unique, inherent in each of them, the appearance studies historical science.

There is another branch of social studies learning the historical process - philosophy of history.She seeks to identify the common nature of the historical process, the most common laws, the most significant relationships in history. This is the field of philosophy, exploring the internal logic of the development of society, refined from zigzags and accidents. Some questions of the philosophy of history (meaning and focus of social development) were reflected in the previous paragraph, others (progress problems) will be disclosed in the following. This paragraph addresses the types of social dynamics, factors and driving forces of historical development.

Types of social speakers

The historical process is a society in dynamics, i.e. in motion, change, development. The last three words are not synonymous. In any society, the diverse activities of people are carried out, state bodies, various institutions and associations carry out their tasks: in other words, society lives, moving. In the daily activities of the current public relations preserve their qualitative signs, society as a whole does not change its character. This manifestation of the process can be called functioningsocieties.
Social changes -this is the transition of certain social objects from one state to another, the appearance of new properties, functions, relationships, i.e. modifications in a social organization, social structure established in society of patterns of behavior.
Changes that lead to deep, high-quality shifts in society, transformations of social relations, the transition of the entire social system to a new state is called social development.
Philosophers and sociologists consider various types of social speakers.Common type is considered linear trafficas a rising or descending line of social development. This type is associated with the concepts of progress and regression, which will be discussed in the following lessons. Cyclic typecombines the processes of the occurrence, flourishing and decay of social systems that have a certain length in time, after which they cease their existence. With this type of social speakers, you met in previous occupations. The third, spiral typeit is associated with the recognition that the course of history can return this or that society to the previously passed state, but not characteristic of the directly preceding stage, but for earlier. At the same time, the features peculiar to the last state, as it were, be returned, but on a higher round of social development, at a new qualitative level. It is believed that the spiral type is found in the ferris of long periods of the historical process, with a large-scale approach to history. Turn to the example. You are likely to remember from the course of history that the common form of manufactory was the scattered manufactory. Industrial development led to the concentration of workers at large factories. And in the conditions of the information society, there is a refund to work at home: an increasing number of employees perform their duties on personal computers without leaving home.
In science there were supporters of recognition of one or another of the named historical development options. But there is a point of view, according to which linear, cyclic, and spiral processes appear in history. They do not act as parallel or replacing each other, but as interconnected aspects of a holistic historical process.
Social changes can occur in various forms.You are familiar with the words "Evolution" and "Revolution". We clarify their philosophical meaning.
Evolution is gradual, continuous changes, moving one to another without jumps and breaks. Evolution is opposed to the concept of "revolution", which characterizes jump-shackle, qualitative changes.
The social revolution is a fundamental qualitative coup in the entire social structure of society:depubed, indigenous changes covering the economy, politics, spiritual sphere. In contrast to the evolution, the revolution is characterized by a stormy, jump-shaking transition to a qualitatively new state of society, the rapid transformation of the basic structures of the social system. As a rule, the revolution leads to the replacement of an old social building new. The transition to a new building can be carried out both in relatively peaceful forms and violent. Their ratio depends on specific historical conditions. Often the revolution was accompanied by devastating and cruel actions, bloody victims. There are various evaluations of revolutions. Some scientists and political figures indicate their negative features and dangers associated both using violence against person and with a violent gap of the "tissue" of social life - public relations. Others call the revolution "Locomotives of History". (Relying on knowledge from the course of history, determine your assessment of this form of social change.)
Considering the forms of social change, it should be remembered about the role of reforms. With the concept of "reform" you met in the course of history. Most often, the social reform is called the reorganization of any part of public life (institutions, institutions, orders, etc.) while maintaining an existing social system. This is a kind of evolutionary change that do not change the foundations of building. Reforms are usually held "top", ruling forces. The scope and depth of reforms characterize the dynamics characteristic of society.
At the same time, modern science recognizes the possibility of a system of deep reforms that will be able to become an alternative to revolution, warn it or replace it. Such revolutionary on their scale and consequences of reforms can lead to a fundamental update of society, avoiding shocks related to the natural manifestations of violence inherent societ revolutions.

It should be recognized that the reform and revolution treat the already launched disease, while constant and early prevention is needed. This kind of prophylaxis includes innovations and modernization processes. Agree, not so radically and sensitive to society.

The modernization process can be illustrated by examples of the gradual transition from feudalism to capitalism in England as a result of the industrial revolution. The introduction of the steam engine, the replacement of manual labor was carried out without monitoring and state intervention, very slowly and gradually, without breaking the radically familiar lifestyle. The Company managed to adapt to smooth changes in capitalism.

Section 1. Man and society

Topic 2. Social speaker. The problem of the development of society

1. The concept of public progress.
2. Types of societies. Formational, civilization and stadium approaches to the problem of social development.

Social dynamics are a combination of the processes of functioning, changes and development of society and its social structures.

1. The concept of public progress

Public Progress (Lat. Progressus is a movement forward) - a set of all progressive changes in society, its development from simple to complex, transition from a lower level to higher.

General criteria:
development of the human mind
Improving the morality of people
development of productive forces, including man himself,
Progress of science and technology
Ascending the degree of freedom that society can provide a person.

Humanistic criteria:
Average human life expectancy,
Children's and maternal mortality
health status,
the level of education,
development of various cultural spheres
sense of satisfaction with life
The degree of respect for human rights
Attitude towards nature.

Consider the point of view on the criteria of public progress

Thinking progress criteria
French enlightener
de Corddrase (full name - Marie Jung Antoine Nicolas de Carita, Marquis de Condorce) Development of the human mind.
Socialist-Utopist Claude Henri Saint-Simon Progress Criteria is the happiness of more people, the realization of their abilities with gifted people, population growth, development of science and civilization.
German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Shelling gradually approaching the legal organization of public life as a condition for the implementation of freedom.
German philosopher Georg Hegel Progress criterion - in the awareness of freedom.
As the awareness of the human freedom increases, there is a progressive development of society.
In modern conditions, the criteria for public progress are increasingly shifted towards humanitarian parameters.

The opposite progress concept - regress (Lat. Regressus - return, movement back) - the transition from higher forms of development to the lower, movement back, changes to the worst.

Supporters of the concept of the progressive development of human society allocate two main forms of public transformations: evolution (the main way of evolution is the reform) and the revolution.
Forms of social development
Evolution (Lat. Evulutio - Deployment) in a broad sense - synonym for development; Processes of change (mainly irreversible) flowing in lively and inanimate nature, as well as in social systems.
Evolution may lead to complication, differentiation, an increase in the level of the organization's organization (progressive evolution, progress) or, on the contrary, to a decrease in this level (regression).
In a narrow sense, the concept of evolution includes only gradual quantitative changes, opposing its development as a qualitative shift, i.e. Revolution.
Social evolution is the process of progressive development of society and its elements from the simplest forms to complex.
Revolution (Late. Revolutio - turn, coup) - deep qualitative change in the development of society, nature, knowledge. For example, a geological revolution, an industrial revolution, a scientific and technical revolution, a cultural revolution, a revolution in physics.
The social revolution is a cardinal change in the socio-political system, characterized by a sharp gap with a preceding tradition, violent transformation of public and state institutions as opposed to reforms and social evolution.
Reform (lat. reformo - transforming) - transformation, change, reorganization of any part of public life (orders, institutions, institutions), which does not destroy the foundations of the existing social structure.

Development of society

Evolution revolution
Progressive regressive (reactionary) short-term long-term
60-70s. XIX century In Russia - "Great Reforms" Alexander II second floor. 80s - Nach. 90s. XIX century In Russia - "counter-formulations" of Alexander III of the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia, the Neolithic revolution - 3 thousand years.
Industrial revolution of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Point of view of thinkers about the development of society
German philosopher K. Marx considered the revolution "Locomotives of History".
Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev wrote: "All revolutions ended with reactions. It is inevitable. This is the law. And the more violent and more than the revolution were, the stronger the reactions were. In alternations of revolutions and reactions there is some kind of magic circle. "
Modern Russian historian P.V. Volobueev wrote: "The evolutionary form, firstly, made it possible to ensure the continuity of social development and thanks to this, to preserve all the accumulated wealth; Secondly, evolution, contrary to our primitive ideas, was accompanied by major qualitative changes in society, and not only in productive forces and technology, but also in spiritual culture, in the lifestyle of people; Third, to solve the new public problems that arose during the evolution, it took into service such a way of public transformation, as reforms, which were in their "costs" simply unsubscribe with the giant price of many revolutions; Ultimately, as historical experience has shown, the evolution is able to provide and maintain social progress by giving it to the same civilized form. "

There are also cyclic concepts of the development of society. According to them, history periodically exhausts its potential and temporarily returns to the beginning of the process, i.e. it is reversible, repeated. Social and historical development is not in line, but rather, in a circle.

Supporters of the theory of cycles

Nikolai Danilevsky
Russian publicist and sociologist work "Russia and Europe" (1869)
In the history of the Company allocated individual "cultural and historical types", or civilization.
Each civilization takes place the following development cycle: the emergence - prosperity - disintegration.
Oswald Spengler.
German philosopher, cultural studio work "Sunset Europe" (1918)
There is no linear process in history, there is rather a number of individual, unique "higher cultures".
Each individual culture is experiencing cycles of childhood, youth, maturity and old age: it arises, grows and, having completed its purpose, dies.
Phase of decline is called "civilization".
Arnold Toynbee
English historian and philosopher history 12-Tomny labor "History Comprehension" (1934-1961)
The world history is a system of conditionally allocated civilizations that pass the same cycles from birth to death.
Development of civilizations cyclical; However, in general, the development of society is progressively - in the history of human society, the progress of spirituality and religion is observed.
Pitirim Sorokin
Russian-American sociologist and cultural studio work "Social and cultural dynamics" (1937-1941)
Selects 2 types of cycles:
1) Full - the final phase turns into the first, and the cycle begins again;
2) Relative - the direction of the recurring process does not match completely with the direction of a series of similar preceding processes.
Historical cycles mean not a complete repetition, but rather a new embodiment of the principles underlying them. "History is repeated, but its topics perform in all new variations when not only content, but rhythm and pace, are changed.

The process of historical development of society is controversial: it can be found both progressive changes and regressive. If we tried to portray human progress graphically, we would have turned out to be a rising straight, and the broken line, reflecting the lifts and decline, the accelerated movement forward and giant jumps back.
Humanity as a whole has never regressed, but his movement forward could stay and even stop for a while, which is called stagnation.
Stagnation (lat. Stagnatio - immobility, from Stagnum - standing water) - stagnation, lack of development; The phenomenon in the economy of the country, which is stagnation, the absence of growth in industrial and agricultural production, in the trade turnover.

In modern sociology, social development is associated with the modernization process (FR. Moderne - new, modern).
The term "modernization" is used in the following basic values:
1) change in accordance with the latest, modern requirements and norms;
2) the process of the transition from a traditional society to Modern Society, from agricultural - to the industrial;
3) Holistic update of society.

2. Types of societies. Formational, civilizational and stadium approaches to the problem of social development

All varieties of societies that exist now or already disappeared are divided into certain types. There are various approaches to the analysis of social development and many ways to classify societies.
The most common approaches to the analysis of social development are formational, civilizational and stadium.

Formation approach

The formational approach has developed in the Marxist School of Social Studies, the founders of which were German scientists Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895).
The key concept of the Marxist concept of society is the concept of "socio-economic formation".
The socio-economic formation is "... Society at a certain step of historical development", taken in the unity of all of his parties, with the method of production inherent in it, the economic system and towering the add-on.
For the characteristics of socio-economic formations in Marxism, the concepts of the basis and the add-in are introduced.
Under the basis it is understood as the economic system of society, that is, productive forces and production relations;
The add-in is all state, political and social institutions, culture, religion, philosophy, science, the form of which directly depends on the basis. In addition, the superstructure includes a family in its particular historical form.

Social and economic formation

The main characteristic of the basis, i.e. the economic system of society is the production method - a historically concrete unity of productive forces and production relations.

Productive forces are a set of means of production and people employed in production.
Production facilities - equipment and objects of labor, which are used in unity in the manufacture of material goods.
Whether goods are those subjects with which a person has an impact on labor items, that is, tools, machines, devices, machines, and auxiliary means, without which production (power lines, communication network, etc.).
Labor objects are all that the human work is sent to, that is, raw materials, as well as items that have already been exposed to a person and were again included in the production process (for example, details, blanks).
As for people, they must necessarily possess certain professional experience, labor skills and a certain number of knowledge necessary in the production process.
Production relations are the relationship between people who are developing in the production process and on its occasion, as well as relative to the distribution, consumption of manufactured goods and exchange them.
The main production relations are property relations with the means of production. It is they who determine the economic situation of the dominant class, as well as other production relations. In particular, a class with property on the means of production receives and the surplus value of the product is part of the price that is not included in the costs of raw materials and payroll, and therefore, it has the ability to purchase more material goods. This manifests inequality in the distribution of produced products.
While production relations correspond to the level of development of productive forces, they contribute to the further increase in this level. At a certain stage of development, any economic formation is progressive, as it reflects the real needs of society and its economic condition.
However, if the productive forces are constantly and rapidly changing and developing, production relations remain unchanged. In the end, stable production relations begin to prevent the development of productive forces. Over time, when the discrepancy between the level of development of productive forces and production relations reaches a critical level, an economic formation is changed. It can occur both as a result of revolutions and peacefully. In the first case, production relations are subjected to a sharp, indigenous breaking, in the second case this process proceeds gradually. However, in any case, production relations must be summarized in compliance with the level of development of productive forces.
Changes in the base, including production relations and productive forces, leads to the transformation of the superstructure. The fact is that, from the point of view of Marxism, the main task of the superstructure is to ensure the safety of the existing state of affairs. The owners of the means of production in the context of this socio-economic formation have the authorities, both economic and political, and therefore, of course, do not want to abandon the possession of an additional cost for produced products. For this reason, they use culture, morality, religion, philosophy, as well as social institutions in order to preserve and support their power.

K. Marx highlighted three epochs or formations of world history on the criterion of dominant production relations (forms of ownership):
1) primary formation (archaic reports);
2) secondary, or "economic" social formation based on private property and commercial exchange and includes
Capitalistic methods of production;
3) Communist formation.
Marks focused on the economic "formation, and within its framework - bourgeois. At the same time, social relations were reduced to the economic ("basis"), and the World History was considered as a movement through social revolutions to the pre-installed phase - communism.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in general, following the logic of the concept of Marx, significantly simplified the concept of socio-economic formations, identified them with the method of production and reduced to the system of production relations.
The concept of five socio-economic formations has been approved in Soviet Marxism (historical materialism):

In its well-established form, the concept of social and economic formations together with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe linear progress has already belongs to the history of social thought. However, overcoming the formation dogmatics does not mean the refusal to formulate and solve the issues of social typology. The types of society and its nature, depending on the tasks being solved, may be allocated for various criteria, including socio-economic. It is important to remember the high degree of abstractness of such theoretical structures, their schematic, the inadmissibility of their direct identification with reality, as well as use to build social forecasts.

Civilization approach

The key concept of a civilization approach to the analysis of social development is the concept of "civilization", which has many interpretations.

The term "civilization" (from Lat. Civilis - civil, state) is used in scientific literature in different values.

Main approaches to the definition of "civilization"

Essence approach authors examples
Civilization is a step, stage of historical development Lewis Henry Morgan,
Friedrich Engels,
Alvin Toffler American ethnographer and anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1881) proposed to allocate three stages of society development: wildness, barbarism, civilization
Civilization is a certain stage in the development of local cultures Oswald Spengler German philosopher Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) believed that each local culture takes place in its development the stages of occurrence, growth and decline. Phase decline of culture is called civilization
Civilization as a synonym for culture Nikolai Danilevsky
The Russian researcher Nikolai Danilevsky (1822-1885) believed that the basis of public life is more or less isolated from each other "cultural and historical types" or "civilization", passing in its development a number of consecutive stages: a generation, flourishing, aging, decline.
Civilization as the level of development of a separate region or ethnos Arnold Toynbee English historian and philosopher Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) develops the theory of local civilizations - i.e. Civilizations inherent in a particular region, a country, a matter of one or another people (Babylonian, Chinese, Islamic, Christian). Their set, they are distinct, unique and incompatible, are determined by geographic, ethnic, religious and other features.
Civilization as the global community as a whole modern concepts of globalization Civilization is society in all its integrity and interrelation of its parties (worldwide civilization).

For all civilization concepts, features are characteristic of:
the refusal to the Euro-centrist, one-centered scheme of the Company's progress;
The conclusion about the existence of a set of cultures and civilizations, for which locality and varieties are characterized;
Approval of the same value of all cultures in the historical process.

Any civilization concept is based on the allocation of a certain number of local, more or less closed cultural formations. Each of these formations undergo certain stages of development and dying. In general, the world historical process in terms of a civilization approach turns out to be nonlinear, since the stages of the birth, development and death of civilization affect a separate cultural organism that is not related to others.

Comparative analysis of formational and civilization approaches to the study of society

Comparison lines Formational approach Civilization approach
The ratio of material and spiritual spheres of public life The material factors (first of all production) play a crucial role in the development of spiritual or ideal factors (value installations, worldview, etc.) play no less than material factors, and in some cases can become defining.
The direction of historical development. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe progress society moves from a lower level of development to higher.
The main criteria of progress are to improve the productive forces and production relations. Each civilization is unique and contributes to the "paletr" of the human manifold.
Progress is relative, it can cover certain spheres of public life.
With regard to spiritual culture, this concept can be used very limited
Advantages allows you to see that in common, which was in the historical development of various peoples;
Human history appears as a single process;
allows you to identify certain patterns of social development;
It offers clear periodization of the World History and the history of individual countries to study deeply to study the history of specific societies and peoples in all their diversity and specifics;
allows you to comprehensively explore the history of the culture of the public under consideration, analyze the value system inherent in it, identify national characteristics;
Puts to the Center for Research Human Activity and Man
Disadvantages Many nations did not pass in their development through everything or through most of the formations;
Most of the processes of political, spiritual, cultural order cannot be explained without distortion and simplified with purely economic positions;
Not enough attention is paid to the uniqueness, uniqueness, the uniqueness of individual societies and peoples is impossible to analyze the world history as a single process of human development as a whole;
Minimized the possibility of research on the patterns of historical development of human society

Statual approach

In the second half of the twentieth century, the stadium approach to the development of human society is becoming popular, supporters of which seek to identify certain stages of the progressive development of humanity. As a primary criterion, technical and technological appears as a basic criterion.
An example of a staging approach to the development of society is the concept of "Economic Growth" Stages of the American Sociologist, Economist and Historian Walt Whitman Rostow, outlined by him in the work of the "Stage of Economic Growth" (1960).
Based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe decisive role of technical and economic indicators in the development of society, W. Rosto divides the history of mankind to the five stages of economic growth.
1. "Traditional Society". This is an agricultural society with a primitive level of agricultural development and the Donutonovsky level of science and technology, which limits the possibility of production of products per capita. Society with such characteristics covers in the history of mankind, if you use the classification of Marx, three socio-economic formations (primitive-free, slave-owned and feudal), and also applies to colonial and semi-colonymial, underdeveloped countries of the world according to their state in the first half of the twentieth century.
2. "Transitional Society". W. Rosto considers it as a period of creating preliminary conditions for the next industrial shift. During this period, there are prerequisites for the transition of society to a higher level of development: scientific discoveries and inventions are born, which can affect the growth of production, and enterprising people appear, ready to use these innovations to get greater profits. A decisive and initiative minority acts, according to W. Rosto, a genuine driving force, "translating traditional society" on the rails of industrial development. Thus, "economic changes" ROSTU considers as "the consequence of non-economic human impulses and aspirations."
3. "Stage of Shift", or "Industrial Revolution". This stage is marked by increasing the share of capital accumulation and the rapid development of leading industries. According to W. Rosto, in this stage, England was at the end of the 18th century, France and the United States - in the middle of the XIX century, Germany - in the second half of the XIX century, Russia - in 1890-1914, India and China - from the middle of the twentieth century.
4. "The Stage of Maturity". At this stage, the level of capital investments increases significantly, the national income increases, the industry is growing rapidly, newly unknown industries arise. The share of urban residents in the population structure reaches 60-90%. The proportion of skilled labor increases, the employment structure changes qualitatively. According to W. Rosto, England reached this stage in the middle of the XIX century, the USA - in 1900, Germany and France - by 1910, Japan - in the early 40s, and the USSR only by the beginning of the 50s of the XX in.
5. "ERA of high mass consumption." At this stage, the focus of society is the problems of consumption and well-being of the population in the broadest sense of these words. On the basis of the achieved technical maturity, a society arises, characterized by the massive consumption of long-term goods (cars, televisions, refrigerators, etc.). Production of these goods, as well as the development of the service sector becomes the main in the society economy. The first to specified era, believes W. Rosto, reached the United States, and behind them - the countries of Western Europe and Japan. The Soviet Union, according to W. Rosto, is on the threshold of a new era. When he crosses this threshold, there will be a degeneracy of the socio-economic system existing there. For communism, W. Rosto writes, "in its essence is inclined to raise high mass consumption in the era."

Currently, the most common typology that allocates three types of society is the most common:
traditional (agricultural);

Traditional (agrarian) society is a society in which agriculture has been the main sector. In such a society in the agrarian sphere, the bulk of the population is occupied, the natural economy is dominated, and there are no commercial relations or are generally oriented oriented to meet the needs of a few social layer of elite. In such a society, manual labor prevails, based on a primitive technological basis. The main wealth in such a society is land, and the main element of the social structure is the agricultural community. The community, on the one hand, limits the freedom of man, on the other, provides him with protection and guarantees the minimum of the best.
In traditional society, there is a priority of collectivist values, the interests of the whole - social community, the group are dominated over the interests of a particular person, he "dissolve" in society does not distinguish itself from the social environment. Exile from the group in such social society societies.
The traditional society is focused on reproduction (repetition) itself: existing social orders, traditions, work techniques. The behavior of a person is strictly regulated by law, morality, religion. The main value in such a society is stability, following the covenants of the ancestors.
In the history of mankind, there were many societies - ancient Egypt, Sumer, ancient India, ancient China, Arab-Muslim East, medieval Western Europe - whose culture was traditional. Sometimes the concept of "traditional society" is identified with the concept of "Eastern Society", "East", because of the societies of this type were previously formed in the east.
All traditional societies develop very slowly, the process of their transition to industrial society is called upgrades.

Industrial society arises as a result of an industrial revolution, which begins early in the countries of Western Europe (primarily in the UK). Its basis is the capitalist method of production, private property, individual entrepreneurship, competition. The main branch of the economy in such a society is large industrial production, it is in this area that the majority of the population is occupied. The urban population in the societies of this type dominates rural. The development of industrial production leads to the active intervention of society into natural processes. Consumer attitude towards nature is formed, which generates environmental problems.
Industrial society is often referred to as "Western", meaning the region of its occurrence.
The transition from traditional society to the industrial is associated with the emergence of a new value system. These include innovation, novelty, efficiency. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe autonomy of the individual arises, the value of individualism is growing, the person is "exempt" from the estate, corporate connections, which, on the one hand, allows him to be free, on the other hand gives rise to loneliness and uncertainty in tomorrow, because in case of difficulties, he can only count on Himself.
The concept of industrial society was formulated by the famous French philosopher and sociologist Rimon Arone (1905-1983). His work "Lectures on Industrial Society", originally published in French (1964), and then translated and published in English (1968), was widely known.
R. Aron shows that social progress is characterized by the transition from the former backward "traditional society" (i.e., agricultural society, in which natural economy and the estate hierarchy dominated) to the advanced, industrial developed "industrial" society. According to R. Arona, the determining characteristics of the industrial society should be considered:
1) the creation of national states that are rafting around the general language and culture;
2) the commercialization of the production and disappearance of the Impregnation economy;
3) the dominance of machine production and reorganization of production in the factory;
4) the fall in the share of the working class, occupied in agricultural production;
5) urbanization of society;
6) the growth of mass literacy;
7) providing electoral rights to the population and institutionalization of policies around mass parties;
8) An application of science to all areas of life, especially to industrial production, and consistently rationalization of social life.
In the 1980s. American futurologist Alvin Toffler (r. 1928) in the book "Third Wave" (1980) outlined his understanding of industrial society. According to the generalistological scheme proposed in this work, the "agricultural civilization", referred to as the "first wave", was "filmed" at the dawn, giving way to the "second wave" - \u200b\u200b"industrial" civilization. To replace it in emergency changes in the society of the late XX century, the "Third Wave" comes - the coming civilization, which, however, E. Toffler failed to find an adequate name.
E. Toffler notes that the core of the industrial civilization is machine production, mass and highly specialized in its essence. In order for expensive at their cost of the car quickly paid off, they are better to focus in one place (in order to quickly get a holistic finished product to save on warehouses, transportation of individual nodes and parts through the processing line and assembly, etc.). So specialized engineering production should be large by its very nature. Specialization of machine production reproduces themselves in all other areas and structures of public life: in health care, education, proceedings.
Specialization of production imposes high demands for its standardization, as well as to synchronizing people's lives. And this characteristic is again projected on all parties of public life.

Starting from the 1960s. World civilization is included in the new stage of development, which researchers call information, or post-industrial society.

The main concepts characterizing the modern stage of social development

A) the theory of post-industrial society Daniel Bella (1919-2011);
b) the information society of Manuel Casteles (r. 1942);
c) "Third Wave" Elvina Toffler (r. 1928);
d) "Risk Society" Ulrich Beck (r. 1944).

The concept of "post-industrial society" was introduced by the American sociologist Daniel Bell (1919-2011). In early 1970s, he pointed out the defining features of the folding new public device. D. Bell proposed five parameters, on the basis of which we can talk about the transition from industrial society to post-industrial:
In the economic sector, the serving economy comes to replace the producer production;
In the professional system, people engaged in mental labor are becoming increasingly important: scientists, engineers, highly qualified specialists;
The central position in society occupies theoretical knowledge, which is a source of innovations and determines the policy;
Much attention is paid to control over technology and technological assessment of innovations;
A new intellectual technology appears.

Traditional, industrial and post-industrial society

(comparison lines) traditional (agrarian) society
Industrial postindustrial
Manufacturing Method Natural Farm
Product farm
The prevailing sphere of economy
Agriculture Industrial Production Field of Services
Level of production mechanization
Manual work, primitive mechanisms Mechanization and automation production Computerization
Employment of the population in agriculture employs more than 75% of the population in agriculture employs about 10% of the population, in industry - about 85%
In agriculture - up to 3%, in industry - about 33%, in the service sector - about 66%
Main social institutions
(according to D. Bella)
Church and Army Firm and University Corporation
Leading social group
(according to D. Bella)
Priests and feudal businessmen scientists and specialists
Chief Control Factor
Physical strength money knowledge

Society is dynamic, and sociology has long been studying the processes of its change. Currently, four main theories describing the changes occurring. This is a rhizome-shaped type of social speaker, cycle, line, spiral.

Social: all cyclically

This representation was still since primitive times. In many ways, this was due to external factors that strongly influence the consciousness of a person: the seasons replaced each other, the sun rinsed and boiled again. Similar processes were seen in society. Advantageously, laws known for a long time are aimed at maintaining the stable state of society. It is for this reason that the lifestyle of a person belonging to the ancient communities has changed so little over the centuries. And at present, the cyclic type of social dynamics attracts the attention of many researchers.

In a straight line: Forward, only forward

The linear type of social dynamics is based on ideas, first voiced during the middle ages. People began to understand that the past differs significantly from the future, and the events that occurred earlier probably will never be repeated. A classic example is the moment of the creation of the world, which happened once and became the point of reference. There is also a future that one day comes, although it is not clear at what point it will happen. In the representation of medieval Europeans, such a final point is a terrible court.

This example of the type of social dynamics well reflects the focus on the target. In the representation of the residents of the era of the Middle Ages, the final point was to be God's kingdom on our planet. At the same time, first dominating the idea of \u200b\u200bthe circle sharply reformatted into a clear straight line. The story received the meaning and purpose, it became easier for the perception of a separate person.

Spirals: Forward, but not quite

The spiral type of social dynamics was first formulated in the circle of German philosophers, the author of this idea came to Hegel (1770-1831). A distinctive feature of the theory is at the same time the presence of specific features of both the line and the circle. It is difficult to deny that the story over the years is repeated, but has certain differences on the next twist - the quality changes, many aspects are improved.

For spirals, it is characteristic of the purpose of what makes the system close linear. For this type of social dynamics, the goal can be formulated as creating a perfect, immaculate state. Philosophers believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of society is to organize the most intelligent society, where impeccable justice will rule. The dream community is a certain kingdom of freedom.

Rizomo-like system

This type of social speaker is first voiced by postmodernists. Its name went from the biological specific term "risoma", under which it is customary to understand the root system of a long-term plant. A distinctive feature of the biological structure is the lack of a rod root. For the rhizome, the abundance of woven shoots. Their directions are absolutely impossible to predict, there are dying branches that appear again.

When they talk about risome as a type of social speaker, thereby reflect the chaoticness of our community. The processes flowing in society, from the point of view of postmodernism, are completely meaningless. This idea is reflected in the main postulates of the approach.

Specific features

To understand, at what point of history, what type of social speaker took place, it is necessary to navigate the focus of social development, the nature of the processes occurring within the community. Development is a change in qualities subject to certain laws having a specific direction. Speak about progress, regress. The first implies movement forward, the second is the opposite direction. In progress, the society is improved, the bottom is moving upwards, complicated. Regress, respectively, includes simplification, consistent deterioration of the system.

In the seventeenth century, the thought was announced for the first time about the improvement of society. At the same time, attention paid not only for the types of social speakers (social studies for modern schoolchildren - the subject that gives a full understanding of the issue), but also to freedom of society, individual personalities, as well as the ability to develop a mind. The philosophers of that epoch were especially focused on productive strength. All listed criteria were considered progress. At the same time, the theory of regression, proving that technical improvement stimulates spiritual decline. The most vibrant adherent of this idea is Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in whose works by refrain sounds the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping an individual by civilization.

Changes: What?

Historical processes, the types of social speakers allow us to talk about two characteristic groups of changes:

  • evolution;
  • the revolution.

Under evolution, it is customary to understand the gradual improvements reflected in quantitative indicators. This is not synonymous with reforms that do not affect the foundations of the current structure. Evolution is opposite to revolution (as well as reform, but in other aspects). The main feature of this type of social dynamics is graduality.

The revolution is such a type of comprehension when the changes are deep, high-quality. Development undergoes a sharp jump up. Often, the society is characterized by a concept as a single community, but can also be applied to specific elements. From history is known, for example, agricultural, cultural, scientific revolution. The first one belongs to society as a single object, two second term describe the social elements.

Model changes

Philosophers, sociologists formulated several models reflecting the features of the four types of social speakers indicated above. In the simulation, attention is paid to revolutionary changes, progression of society, its elements, aspects. The author of the model formulates its opinion on whether the purpose of the story has, with a positive decision, also reports that it is the end of the desire.

One of the pretty well-known and popular models is formative. The authors founded it on the sayings of Karl Marx. The postulates derived in modeling establish that individuals are among themselves in the production relations forming a complex economic system. In combination with the current idea of \u200b\u200bthe type of social dynamics, it can be derived, why the image of individuals, society as a whole is exactly what we observe it. The economic basis is the foundation of such a look, it is based on legal postulates, ideas, theoretical aspects, moral theories of Marxism.

Society formation, economics

As follows from Marxism, public history is subject to the conditions of the economy, the material situation. Based on specific conditions, five basic formations can be distinguished:

  • primitive community;
  • slavehood;
  • feudal structure;
  • capitalistic society;
  • communism.

Progress is observed with a serial transition between the specified formations. The main purpose of such a society is to achieve the state of equality, the absence of classes.

How does this happen?

Marxism declares that the formations can only be changed in the presence of acutely pronounced processes of the struggle oppressed with oppressive. This means that slaves should rebel against their owners, peasants - against the feudalists, workers - against capitalists. To eliminate feudalism, the society was required by the revolution, as a result of a similar event should come to power, as follows from theoretical provisions, communism. Marxists are firmly convinced that the working class is in power to completely eradicate the bourgeois community, for which it is enough to raise a powerful revolutionary wave.

The opposite of the formation is civilization. This term has many values, but key three:

  • temporary stage of the development of society;
  • local type of society, culture;
  • the stage of cultural progress, opposite wildness, barbarians.

When they talk about the stages, local modeling, they mean the first first meaning of the term.

Positions Toffler

Born in 1928, this sociologist has become an extremely important thinker - many theories of modern sociology are based on the postulates formulated by him. Especially interesting is its calculations associated with the agricultural revolution. As follows from the suggestions expressed, it was she who created our civilization with all its attributes and traditions, characteristic features. But the industrial is based on the economy with the use of machines and automata. Its main engine is a mass culture.

Toffler reviewed both modernization - such a term he described the change of culture on the industrial. However, it is necessary to be attentive: in the works of other sociologists, this word is sometimes used to designate the transition to the post-industrial community. But on the Toffler Postindustrial is the third wave, which is still only capturing our world at the present time. In some thinkers, the sociologists are called information. There is nothing amazing in terminology, because in many ways our civilization was created precisely computer progress, access to high-precision electronic machines, mass communications. Biological technologies, genetic engineering capabilities - all this changes social culture.

Modernity: Be on the crest of the wave

Not so long ago the main driving force was muscular. Although the engine work gradually entered the life of society, the first time his influence was quite insignificant. Nowadays, the main activity of a person is mental employment and solving informatization tasks. In the context of such social improvement, the most significant value was the information. Under its influence, educational, educational systems are changing, the nature of labor itself.

Information in relation to the economy can be boldly called the most actively developing sector. It dominates politics, the pace of development has long exceeded peculiar to spiritual processes. Not the last role in this plays the possibility of communication of people, regardless of geographic location. The main tool is definitely represented by the World Wide Web.

Muckly: Theories of the middle of the last century

Canadian philosopher (born in 1911) believed that the organization of the human community is determined by communication technologies, methods and types. For example, when it was a tribal device, oral communication was practiced, limiting the locality, the presence of strong traditions, authority and faith in it. Over time, an alphabet appeared, which made it possible to go to the culture of vision. An even greater development was obtained when humanity was invented by the printing machine for text. Possible massability, the use of standardization approaches, people are now available to use various mechanisms.

Our era is, as Muckly said, electronic civilization. Go to the past previously present between the border people. Space, time is no longer presented serious difficulty, individual individuals can be much closer to each other. Books are inferior to the venue of audio, visual products, culture developed by computers and quite similar to a tribal device of society. As Maduhan believed, our future is a sort of in which there is no longer division into nation, countries, in a word, no boundaries.

Sociology in Danilevsky

A significant contribution to the philosophy and science, treating processes in society, made a Russian figure in the nineteenth century, Danilevsky. He spoke about ten types of cultural development, history, highlighting them according to powers and nations:

  • Egypt.
  • China.
  • Babylon, Assyria, Phenicia.
  • India.
  • Iran.
  • Greece.
  • Arabia.
  • Europe.
  • Jewish type of civilization.

He compared all of them with biological organisms that are forced to fight with the habitat and competitors. Vital activity of civilization is a sequence of classic stages: creating, development, aging, dying.

Danilevsky and Spengler

The German Oswald Spengler, born at the end of the nineteenth century and worked in the first third of the twentieth, expressed ideas, in many ways the close theories of the Russian philosopher. He did not consider that universal culture is really possible, and the story was assessed as a permanent struggle between different civilizations, each of which has about the millennium for the entire life cycle. Flowering always leads to crisis and destruction, and creativity is replaced by silence. At some point, the culture boasts wealth, but it is replaced by formality.

Maturity, as Spengler believed, managed to achieve the cultures of Egypt, India, Babylon, China, Greeks and Romans, Byzantium, Western Europe and Maya. Wenglerovsky ideas actively developed in the twentieth century Englishman Toynbi, who delivered civilization to five cultural types: West, Orthodoxy, Islam, Hinduism, Far East. Every of the listed types was, in his opinion, the life impulse, due to historical crises. As soon as the energy gust exhausts itself, the death of civilization is observed. The crisis situation in Toynby can be overcome by trying to escape from local values \u200b\u200bto a higher world level. The thinker believed that global values \u200b\u200bwere most fully expressed through religion.

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