Scenario of a holiday for children with disabilities in health, timed to coincide with the decade of the disabled. Game program for children with disabilities

Landscaping 01.10.2019

Holiday script for disabled children
Venue: OP "Carousel"
Date of the event: 02.12.2016
Time: 11-00
Characters: Giggle - a cheerful, perky girl
Sadness is a sad, sad girl.
Voice: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear adults ... Hello everyone, everyone! We are glad to see you in a good mood, with smiles on your faces, and we welcome you to the game program with such a warm and bright name - "We are together".
Cheerful music sounds, Smeshinka appears with a laugh.
Smile: Hello !! Hi everyone!!! Don't you recognize me? (addresses those sitting on one side in the hall). Children, don't you recognize me? (addresses those sitting on the other side in the hall). Let's think together. Who am I like? Am I a sleeping beauty? No??? And maybe then I am an evil and terrible gray wolf? Also no??? Okay, let me tell you about myself. I am a laugh. My job is always and everywhere to create a good mood!
Well, I told you about myself ... Now I would like to meet you too!
Well, tell me all loudly - what is your name? Uuu ... I can't hear it again ?! Oh, I can't hear again ... Let's better greet you then! Now I will run up to everyone, and you greet me like this (clap hand in hand). What good fellows !!! Now we have definitely met you!
Sadness: (drags her feet sadly) - Well, who is disturbing me with his cries of the peaceful peace of sadness? Who prevents me from being calmly sad?
Smirk: Who else are you? I am Smeshinka, I bring joy to people!
Why are you so sad, did something happen to you?
Sadness: I’m Sad and nothing happened to me, it’s just - I don’t know how to be happy!
Smeshinka: Oh, let the guys and I teach you then! We must be happy, not sad, because laughter and joy prolong life. Guys, will we help you? Look, Sadness, how many smiling guys. Guys, do you know that your smiles are magical? They will help us teach Sadness to smile too and ignite many, many other smiles in return!
Children: - Yes.
Sadness: How is it, no one has yet been able to cheer me up! And you won't succeed either ...
Smirk: Do not hesitate, how it will turn out !!!
Now we will go to the land of laughter and joy, and in order to get there, we all need to stand together in a circle, smile at our neighbor on the right and left, and sing the magic song "A gloomy day is brighter from a smile."
They sing a song, while performing dance movements, repeating after Smeshinka.
Magic music sounds.
Smeshinka: Here we are in the land of laughter and joy! Guys, are you hungry? After all, our mood is lifted not only by jokes, but also by delicious food. And now, in order to teach Sadness to rejoice, we will play with you edible, not edible. I will read a poem, and if you hear something edible, you should clap, and if not edible, then stomp.
We have lunch today
Made an omelet
And sweet cherry compote,
And a notebook for notes,
Three sand cutlets
Two bags of chips,
A plaster statue
The refrigerator is small,
And a vegetable salad.
And also shampoo and soap,
Chupa chups and ink
Fragrant kebab,
Fried chicken leg,
Pies with potatoes,
Cups, forks, spoons,
Tomatoes cucumbers.
These are great fellows!
Smokhinka: Did you like it? Well, maybe then let's try again? Let's assume that it was just a warm-up. Let's start! ...
I see a whole cup of nails -
Do you want - eat, but want to drink!
We have lunch today
Prepared a roll
Two bottles of milk
And a crunchy bug.
And also raisins, nuts,
Wooden cart,
Chocolate bar,
An elegant doll,
Half a kilo of sausages,
Acrylic paints,
Gold brooch
A little dumplings.
Pens and pencils
Salted from the heart!
Tablecloth and napkins,
Fish cakes,
Piano and accordion,
For baked potatoes
We all ate a little.
A laugh: - What fellows! Easily distinguished edible from non-edible. But you can't look at our Sadness without tears, as if you ate a lemon ... Guys, let's make some noise as much as possible in order to drive away the sad mood of Sadness, the sad mood will get scared and run away.
Children stomp, clap, shout.
Sadness: Oh-yo-oh, have pity on my ears, your head hurts!
Smeshinka: Hmm, well, it just doesn't work out, but then let's imagine Sadness as a merry woman and draw it on the board, but in an unusual way, but with closed eyes.
Game "Draw Joy"
Build two teams. One at a time, approach the board with a felt-tip pen and blindfolded, try to draw a Veselushka (cheerful Sadness). You can draw only one part at a time. Go back and pass the baton to the next one. Teams support their players. Whose team drew the Sadness funnier and more fun, she is the winner. The winning team is not much rewarded.
Smile: - Sadness, did we manage to cheer you up?
Sadness: - Well, so be it, yes, you amused me a little.
Smeshinka: - And to make Sadinka completely Veselushka, we will play again. I suggest you split into two teams and play a fun game "Crocodile". We will show the words ... and you guess. And whose team guesses the most, that one will win. The winning team is awarded a prize.
Smile: - We were curving great, right, Sadness?
Sadness: - True! Let's get some more! I was so played out, my mood was still lifted. I know one wonderful game, I will test you for attentiveness. The game is called "Orchestra".
Everyone stands in a circle, the driver goes out the door. The rest agree on who will be their "conductor". The conductor must show any movement, which everyone repeats continuously after him. From time to time he changes movement and so does everyone else. When they begin to agree, they begin to make the first movement and call the driver. His task is to "figure out" the conductor. Then the conductor will go to drive. Or anyone else!
Smile: - Sad, are you convinced that all our guys are attentive?
Sadness: - Not really! And I have one more test of attentiveness, I will torment the guys with riddles.
Daddy says to us in a bass: "I love sweets with ....".
(with jam, jam, nuts)
For vaccinations and injections of children, mothers take children to ... (the clinic, not to schools).
For the first graders, only the fearless enters the class ... (teacher, not a diver, as the rhyme asks for).
Look at the titmouse, the bird has only legs ... (two, not three.)
You will sleep in the lesson - and you will get in your diary ... (two).
Three Christmas trees have grown in spring in a birch grove, look at it: all the needles ... (green).
In the swamp, loudly croaks ... (frog).
The tomato is large and ripe, round and very ... (red).
Smeshinka: Well done, how dashing you are at guessing riddles!
Sadness: You guys turn out to be not only attentive, but also really very funny. I am so happy with you, I have such a wonderful mood. And now I'm not Sad, but Veselushka! And let's never leave the country of laughter and joy, always remain cheerful and kind.
I want to make sure that you all will remember our meeting for a long time, so that such a mood, these smiles and sunshine will be with you for a long time!
A laugh: - Merry, well, it's very simple! For this, I propose, as a sign of our meeting, to learn the cheerful and amusing dance "Chucha-chacha", I hope you will remember it for a long time. I speak and show movements, you repeat everything after me, both movements and words. I tell you: "Chucha", you answer me "Chacha".
Dance "Chucha-chacha"
Fingers forward. Chucha-chacha. Go. (Jumps up and waves his arms up and down). Excellent!
Fingers forward, elbows bent. Chucha-chacha (making a movement, pointing back) Great.
Fingers forward, elbows bent. The backs are bent. Chucha-chacha (we move our elbows and twist the booty). Excellent
Fingers forward, elbows bent. The backs are bent. The shoulders were straightened. Chucha-chacha. (deeds movement, as if we push off with two fists)
Fingers forward, elbows bent. The backs are bent. The shoulders were straightened. Knees were spread. Chucha-chacha. (Raises knees in turn)
Fingers bent forward elbows. The backs are bent. The shoulders were straightened. Knees were spread. Heads thrown back. Chucha-chacha. (pushing with hands up)
Fingers bent forward elbows. The backs are bent. The shoulders were straightened. Knees were spread. Heads thrown back. Tongues stuck out. Chucha chacha. And now everything in a row
Merry: On such a happy note, we are also giving you a song! And we will all sing together in karaoke!
A song about friendship from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"
Veselushka: Very soon lights on Christmas trees will light up in all houses and everyone will make their cherished wish with the Faith that it will certainly come true!
Smeshinka: And, of course, it will, because only for those who truly believe in a fairy tale, in miracles - everything is possible!
Merry: Dear guys, let every morning start for you with the gentle rays of the big, warm sun! I wish you health, kindness, excellent mood, smiles and may the SUN always shine for you !!!

Attached files

Irina Sharipova

Musical number: ___

Music plays and the presenter comes out.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! Good afternoon, dear guests! And what does it mean "Good afternoon?" And this means that it has been kindly started! And he will be lived in a good way. Bring everyone good luck and success. Today we have a wonderful holiday. City festival of children's creativity "Step into the future", which we will call "IN A CIRCLE OF FRIENDS". We are glad that our circle of friends is wide, that you have left behind the threshold all the burden of everyday worries and are now with us in this hall.

There are guests at our celebration. And we will now give them the floor.

Leading: I give the floor to ___

Leading: Today, once again, we have gathered in this hall in order to rejoice at the success of each of you, to relax together, to meet old friends, to meet new ones. And for you guys, we have a fairy tale. Guys, tell me, do you like fairy tales? Of course, who doesn't love fairy tales and adventures! And you know such a fairy tale about the Princess-not laughing. That flooded the floor with tears. And why did it happen, we will now see, will we look? Want to? Then listen and watch.

The host begins the story. During the words of the Host, the music gradually fades away. /

Leading: In the kingdom, or maybe in the kingdom.

In the distant one state.

From which there is no trace.

Once a trouble settled.

The king has one, the Peas.

You won't understand where is good and where is bad,

The daughter-princess was Nesmeyana,

Bitter tears poured from the tap.

Everything roared all day like a beluga,

(whispering) Jackdaws died on the fly with fright.

/ There is a loud hysterical cry of Nesmeyana. /

Do you hear? Crying again.

Poor, poor king Peas.

I listened, listened and became deaf.

Witchcraft or some other deceit ...

Only it was wet all over the state.

We do not know whose fault

And the tears flowed in four streams.

King Peas: Nesmeyana:

Oh trouble, oh trouble! Trouble, trouble! A-a-a ...

Why Nesmeyana

Do these tears run and run? Run, run ...

Why not laughing

Is your name in the kingdom? Name, ah-ah ... name ...

Doctors for you

Potions were brewed Brew-and-and ...

And your eyes

All the tears shed. Lily, lily ...

Day and night we tried, We tried.

Only your little eyes

They didn't laugh. They didn’t laugh, no, they didn’t laugh.

/ Here the king looks into the buckets and is surprised. /

Not laughing, daughter, what grief:

One bucket is fuller than the other.

Your eyes cry in different ways:

Here a bucket of tears, and here - half a bucket.

Nesmeyana: (stops crying and is surprised) Yes?

King Peas: Yes.

Nesmeyana: (looks into the buckets, making sure) Yes! A-a-a…. (crying)

King Peas: Oh trouble, oh trouble!

Oh, my daughter is sick!

And the Leader, against the background of this performance, continues his story. /

Host: Her father built for her

The best beautiful palace.

There are dolls and marmalade in it,

And overseas there is chocolate.

Tsar: Every time for lunch

She is given a kilogram of candy.

Nesmeyana: The nannies guard my every step.

They create peace and comfort for me.

And they do not give a hand to move.

Leading: All clear.

No joys from sweets

From dolls and persimmons ...

From these very weaknesses

We are healing!

Tsar Grokh: Who are we!

Leading: We are leaders and pupils

This Center for Continuing Education "Savitar".

So don't cry.

Sit down with us

And have fun!


Today we have a festival of children's creativity and will perform for us:

Play in place

Leading: Now, children, listen to me.

Now without getting up from your chair, you have to start dancing. This will be your mandate! Body parts are different - wonderful, wonderful!

1. Our hands are not for boredom - let only our hands dance (lezginka).

2. Let's go down below. and lo and behold, the hips and belly (lambada) are dancing.

3. We had a little rest, we let our legs dance (kan-kan).

4. Everyone is dancing well, now the face is dancing (lips with a bow).

5. At this moment and at this hour, the body is all dancing (come on Russia, come on)

6. Glad who are near, and those who are far away! Let's put all our hands on each other's shoulders- (It's great that we all ... ")

Leading: A hundred troubles and damage from the princess ...

The ceiling near the throne began to leak.

The refectory also looks shabby.

At least scoop, at least do not scoop - it is useless.

/ At this time, the princess very noisily squeezes her handkerchief into a bucket, interrupting, as it were, these words of the Leader and, thereby, drawing his attention and the attention of children to herself. /

And here she roars here.

Tears pouring into buckets and pouring ...

It is already flowing over the edge.

You, the king - father,

Change the buckets.

And don't wet the floor here.

Children will walk here now

/ The king nods, agreeing with this, gives his daughter a dry handkerchief and leaves, taking the buckets away. The presenter continues, addressing the children. /

Host: And now the participants of our festival will perform:


Tsar: See what this means?

The princess cries less ...

Nesmeyana: Look, or I'll cry harder ...

Tsar: But why is it stronger?

Nesmeyana: But because I can't dance like that.

BUT… (starts crying harder)

Host: (recollecting herself, calms down)

What are you, what are you, Nesmeyana,

It's not difficult.

Any dance to dance

You can learn.

One has only to want -

The bear will dance too!

Now ___ will sing the coolest song, and we will stand up and support her and dance to this song.


Host: Dancing is good, but our children can also read poetry. The following participants in our festival:

Leading: Well done! Ouch! Who is this flying to us? He will not pass through the window, I will meet him at the door. We have a guest! Hello!


Hi friends!

Here I am!

You recognized me, rightly!

I flew past the garden

And I saw you through the window.

I look - a hall of children is full here,

And you can hear the noise from all the undertakings!

I am the funniest person in the world -

Therefore, children like me.

I am the most beautiful, well-mannered

And also moderately well-fed!

(Turns to Nesmeyana)

Bouquet of spring delicate flowers

With all my heart, today I hand you

And I invite you to dance!

Carlson and Nesmeyana are dancing, children are clapping. (Heel, sock) Then Carloson invites everyone to dance in a circle.

Carlson: Well, did you like how I dance? I am the best dancer in the world! I'm also the best singer in the world! Here, listen! (performs the verse of the song "In every little child ...")

Game “Apricot jam.

Leading: Thank you, Carlson, you made us laugh. For you, our dear friend, we also have a surprise. Yes, Princess Nesmeyana? We know that you are a big sweet tooth, so we give you a jar of jam, a basket of cookies and a bagel.

Carlson: Well, thank you! How well you thought it up! My regards! Thanks to! Now I have to go home to the roof. Goodbye! See you!

Nesmeyana: Carlson, come to us again!

Carlson runs in a circle - shakes hands with everyone and says: "See you, baby!"

Leading: What a change

After the show?

At the Princess Nesmeyana

There are no more tears.

At the Princess Nesmeyana

Wet nose is dry.

The princess smiles.

It is seen. I like the holiday.

It's time for everyone to have fun -

A new game awaits us!

Relay game

Princess Nesmeyana gathered many tears. Now you will help us collect them. I'll show you. We take a bucket, run up to the tears, remove one and run back with the bucket, pass it to another participant. He does the same. And who comes first.

Leading: Now the princess is no longer crying,

She is laughing.

How does she do it?

Nesmeyana: I, friends, had a big concern -

Mom and Dad would not let me work.

They didn't let me sing and dance, friends,

So I was wasted.

Leading: Of course,

There is no fairy tale without miracles.

And now her eyes are laughing.

I was locked up all the years.

I have never seen songs or dances.

And how she sings: sweetly.

Here the princess forgot to roar.

Song "Dear Good"

Come in, the king, all joyful.

Tsar: Well, thank you. Here we are pleased. They reassured my darling, made me happy. We will reward you!

Leading: And our festival is coming to an end and now we move on to the awards ceremony.

Award ceremony!

1. Today we want to express our gratitude to mothers who are raising their children. Letters of thanks will be given by ___

2. Awarded to the participants of our 6th annual city festival.

3. Sponsors of our holiday are:

Leading: Let's applaud our winners, as well as all the participants in our festival.

Nesmeyana: So the fairy tale comes to an end.

And only the soaked palace is sad.

Leading: And the princess laughs with happiness,

From love, from human participation.

Carloson: It's time for us to end the fairy tale

And see the princess off.

Nesmeyana: I should go home a long time ago.

A feast awaits me there!

Tsar: Thank you kids for the fun.

Host: We are the king of the peas, Nesmeyane

Let's say together: Goodbye!

Everything: Goodbye!



Sometimes people are too cruel

Indifferent to the troubles of others,

Do not accept other people's vices,

Absolutely not seeing their own.

But let's be kinder

Mercy is our motto!

Kindness is nothing kinder

Life is so bleak without her!

Leading: Good afternoon! We are glad to welcome in this hall all members of the AGVOI society and guests.Hello! We welcome you openly and warmly, dear friends!With this word, we wish you health, prosperity and success.

Reader 2:

Hurry to start the day with good

And your day will be good.

Open these doors!

And there would be no bitter losses

Completely in this world!

Let love rule the world

And the thoughts of the saints,

And weddings are celebrated again

And weddings are golden!

May someone's dreams come true

And all misfortunes will perish

May there be a lot of kindness

May there be peace and happiness!

Hurry to start the day with good

And your day will be good.

Let only joy enter the door

Open these doors!

And there would be no bitter losses

Completely in this world!

Leading:In 1992, the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Unfortunately, in life it so happens that along with healthy members of society, in every country there are people with disabilities from childhood or as a result of illnesses and injuries suffered. Our country is no exception. And even more: we have quite a few disabled people.

The state takes care of them, creating various societies, teaching them according to special methods, attracting them to feasible work, publishing special literature for them. Contests, competitions, meetings are organized among the disabled. Many of them are truly talented people. And of course, they are all full members of society.


We want to give you one piece of advice -

Smile more often, smile

Drive boredom and sadness away

And do what you love.

Let the rays of good go from you

The heart beats clearly and rhythmically

Let there be success in all matters

And health is only "excellent"!

Leading:I would like to note that this day, December 3, is not in vain included in the calendar, and to pass by it means to miss very important moments of our life, since there is no present without the past, or it is easier to say: “as it comes around, it will respond”.

In early December, a decade of disabled people started in the Rostov region.

Its goal is to draw public attention to the problems of citizens with disabilities.

The main directions of social protection of citizens with disabilities are determined by the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled People in the Russian Federation" by the Federal Target Program "Social Support of Disabled People for 2006-2010".

For the purposes of rehabilitation and social adaptation, 64 social assistance centers and 66 centers of social rehabilitation departments for elderly citizens and disabled people have been created and are operating in our region, in which 1309 people live, 30% of them are disabled.

A wide range of services to citizens in difficult life situations is provided by 50 social service departments.

Today in the region there are 24 state stationary institutions (boarding house), where more than 5 thousand elderly and disabled people live.

All institutions have created appropriate living conditions for people with disabilities.


Do not stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone, someone will help

Your kindness, your smile,

You are happy that the day was not in vain

lived, That you do not live in vain for years!

According to statistics, on average, 10% of the world's inhabitants have congenital or acquired disabilities. Every 4th family has a disabled person.

Our city is also no exception. 11,270 people with disabilities live in Azov.

The city administration and social welfare bodies provide assistance and take part in all activities carried out by the VOI.

Leading:Each of us has a little sun. This sun is kindness. A kind person is one who loves and helps people. Hurry up to do good deeds. Goethe said about this: “Not often people are given a reason for such lofty deeds! Hurry to do good! "

Reader 1:

I would like to shout to people:

Be generous with affection

Let the person be difficult

Little like a fairy tale.

In a world without affection, you know -

Tears, rains, frosts.

For adults and children, you know -

A caress is needed, not a threat.

Strive to open at least once

The star of humanity in everyone.

Students of the Azov special correctional school №7, the ensemble "Fidgets", the leader is Pronina Irina Yurievna, present their performance to you (the children sang songs, ditties).

Leading:“Kindness is amazing. She brings people together like nothing else, shethe language in which everyone wants to speak to you. Kindness relievesus from loneliness, mental wounds and unforgiven insults. We will gain more than we will give if we more often remember that a person is becominga person only thanks to another person. " (V. Rozov)

You are welcomed by the head of the library Kazantseva N.E.

Songs performed by librarian Z. Khadykina

Leading:We join all the congratulations and wish you:

May Morning always be good for you,

Day - joyful

The evening is pleasant


Life is always happy!

Greetings to veteran A.P. Pilnik

Leading:As long as a person exists, this quality has always been appreciated. Even in the teachings of Vladimir Monomakh, we read: “And where you don’t go, where you don’t stop on the way, everywhere feed and give drink to everyone who asks ... You are doing well, do not be lazy about all that is good, do not pass by the person without greeting him, but say a kind word to everyone when you meet. "

Good, however small it may be, is much better than great evil.

(Nizami Ganjeva)

Glichiyants E.

Leading. F The philosophers believe that the realization of the good done is already a reward for a person. Just by doing good, one should never expect gratitude. Compassion, benevolence, cases of attention to each other - all this is now being written in the newspapers, talked on the radio. We know the names of the donors and the good deeds they have done. But you can show philanthropy in everyday life.

The person is benevolent, desiring the good of others and behaves accordingly. He cannot be angry, rude, cruel. His relationships with people are colored by friendliness, smile, expressions of attention and care. But not everyone succeeds in being kind. The path to kindness is not easy. This is a long journey, on which ups and downs, descents and ascents await a person. Therefore, a person should often stop and reflect on their actions.


Being kind is not easy at all.

Kindness doesn't depend on growth

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

Kindness Brings People Joy

And in return does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness from the cold will warm you.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children are happy.

The floor is given to the chairman of AGOVOI G. N. Ignatushchenko, who has been the head of the society for more than 15 years.

Leading:Friends! A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. The game is fun, but there is a lesson in it.Each game, each fun competition opens some abilities in us or trains us and brings up certain qualities in us. It seems to me that no one will object that teamwork, the ability to act in a team, even if this is associated with some inconvenience, are very important components of successful work. Let's play and practice acting well.

Literary game

Griboyedov wrote the poem "Woe ..."


From the mind

For heartburn

From nothing to do

♦ Image of Bazarov:



Equal to zero

One of the main characters in Fadeev's novel "The Defeat" is:



Snow Maiden

Father Frost

The protagonist of Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot"- This:

Nicholas I




Finish the quote: "I go out alone ...»

On the road

To work

On the bear

"Life is given to man ..."



Many, many more times

Not for nothing

"My uncle is the most honest ..."

Of the Rules



And I could not have imagined it better

"The stupid penguin timidly hides ..."!

Body fat

Lean brisket


Scuba, weapons and documents

"AND star with star ... "


Hanging on the lapel

Not talking

Sings a duet

"To be or not to be- that's what ... "

Mother gave birth



No answer

♦ Acid + alkali is a reaction ... ":





We went to the North Pole on dogs:



Kim Il Sung


The uprising of Spartacus was:

In 73 BC

In 73 AD

In 1973 Not yet

♦ There is a formula:

Newton Leibniz

Isaeva - Shtirlitsa

What does it matter to you.


The famous game with another talent is called "How to become ..."


teacher -

oligarch -

a policeman

What is a Labrador Retriever? This is:

- strait

Neighbor's nickname

Surname of the new boss

The road to the laboratory for urine analysis

Who is the head of Chukotka?




Just a reindeer breeder Rogatov

Who should not be afraid of folk proverb in the forest:



Insurance agents

What is piercing?

-hole in the navel

A feast in the synagogue - signal pyrotechnics–

pier in Singapore

Nasal bridge- This:

A better place to aim when having a serious conversation

Woman carrying bags from the bazaar

That which is worn before your eyes all the time

what is above breathing but below sight

What he saw "the Greek in the river":


Kuzkin's mother -

fuck -


What kind of sandwich Uncle Fedor ate:


Hamburger with red caviar


The name of a famous watch brand in Russian pronunciation: -

"Seiko" -

"Pour it on"

- "Smash" -

"Quilted jacket"

What awaits the Chukchi in the chum:




Geologist Misha


"Hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind:

-crumpled leaf "

Empty wallet "

Leaky sock "

Neighbor without pants "

“The main thing, guys:

You can't fly with plywood "

Have sponsors "

-do not grow old at heart "

- to be in time to the toilet "

"From what, from what, from what

Our sausages are blinded "

Our tights are slipped "

-made by our girls "

The bottle will be drunk "

“Shorter in height only

-Gubin "

-Putin "

Svetin "

District Petrov "

“But while I was singing a song

Everything burned out in the frying pan "

-five minutes have already flown by "

-all salary "flew away"

My friend ate the whole barbecue "

“... Every mongrel, when I meet me at once ...

Fights by the ears "

Everything spits into my soul "

- he gives a paw "

- yells in the ear "

"...BUTwe are like that...

We eat "

-... we light it up " -

We sunbathe "-

We drink "

“I'll go again ...

And I'll go to my neighbor "

-... I'll find half a liter "

I will stumble, I will fall ”- ..

. I'll find a pie "

“I'm out of my mind ...-..

.I need her"-..

I need a wife "

Not a damn shit "- ..

Where is the glass of wine "

“He settled in our house ...

wonderful neighbor "

-uncle Petya, idiot "

My nightmare and delirium "-

hilarious esthete "

Primary school teacher"

“And you are so ...-.

..cold" -

Hungry" -..

Not good for anything "-...

from everything splendid "

“And in the yard ... -. and wine "-.

Everyone has been sleeping for a long time "-.

Georgian one Vano "

“And I'm like that, damn it, like that ... -..

Angelica Varum "-..

.madam Broshkina "- ..

. Clara Zetkin "- ..

Milla Jovovich"


He is in the cinema Zhigan and the prince;

Chernosotnik and Malyuta -.

Hundreds of roles played

And he played very cool!

It was not for nothing that he had titles.

Who? Of course, this is ... Zharov. -

"Wait for Me" is a film about the war,

He is doubly dear to all of us.

Husband is ready to wait all my life

Lovely ... Serova.

Met him

In "Two fighters - and they will not forget his face,

He sang the song "Dark Night"

It was impossible to hold back tears.

He had weight in culture.

His name is Mark Bernes

Short and slender

She conquered everyone.

And filmed for a very long time

In the films "Circus" and "Volga-Volga",

"Shining path", but it began once

From the tape "Funny guys".

Everything was ready to play

Movie star ... Lyubov Orlova.

Tractor driver and pig,

Chairman, musician,

"What he was, he remained so" ...

Amazing talent!

How many destinies are there alone,

Marina ... Ladynina.

"How many good girls ..."

The song flew to us from the screen,

Conquered hearts in a moment,

And the whole country sang it.

No additional questions

Answer, who is he? .. Utesov.

"Modest blue handkerchief"

It has been falling off the shoulders for half a century.

Who doesn't know this song?

There is no man in Russia!

The song sounds to this day,

On the Victory Day, often ...

We love songs very much

What is singing to us ... Shulzhenko

Leading:And now, dear friends, I am waiting for your confirmation that youThey are by no means dumb laborers and you can defend your interests at the top of your voice.Let's check the team for singing.

Stretch the fur, accordion,

We will sing the song loudly

We will tell everyone a little,

If only to have time for everything.

(Song performance)


We are with you!

Life is always beautiful

And everyone is gifted with something.

May only joy be dominant

And the light of hope is not defeated.

In the whirlpool of all events

Without groaning at the turn,

Dare, believe, create,

As commanded in the soul.

(Poetry reading, dance competition)


Dear romantics and adventure lovers, if, of course, there are such people among us! Have you ever looked for a treasure? No?! Then I give you this unique opportunity. I will only disappoint you a little, since this treasure has already been found. It remains only to pick up the key to the lock behind which he is hiding. I have seven keys, and only one of them really fits the coveted lock. But what kind of key will open the chest, we will find out later. Actually, then we will find out who will become the owner of the treasure, that is, the contents of the casket. So the first key is played.

Before you is the word "Treasure hunter".

The host shows a sign that says "Treasure Hunter".

And I start an auction of the words that can be found in it. I ask you, dear friends, to name the words that consist of letters included in the word "treasure hunter". As a presenter, I'll start first. The word "treasure". Let's continue!

The author of the last answer is handed one of the keys to the "treasure", let him choose it himself. An incentive prize is also awarded: it can be a board game or a book about treasure hunters, a children's scoop for finding "treasures" or an atlas. Variants of words: treasure, hell, fret, suit, seeker, stingray, kat, spruce, do.

You need to guess what is hidden behind the letter "K". I give three tips. You can name the variants of your answers after any of them. It is not necessary to wait for the third, last clue, since the one who is the first to give the correct answer receives the named prize and the key from the “treasure”.

1. Essential for swimming, traveling.

2. They predict the past, present and future.

3. Thanks to them, someone remains a fool. (Cards.)

The person who answers correctly is awarded a deck of playing cards and a key as a prize.

The letter "L" is played, and you need to guess what is hidden behind it.

1. The winner is very happy about that.

2. A good helper in cooking fish soup.

3. They do not eat raw, they throw away boiled ones. (Laurel.)

The prize is a bay leaf and a key.

So, the next lot is being played. Dear friends, attention, the letter "A" is at stake.

Granddaughter of the legendary schooner.

Poor cousin of the suitcase.

The same as the shopping bag. (String bag.)

The prize is a string bag and a key.

The last letter "D" can bring good luck to someone today. So who will get the key and the honorable mention?

The dweller of the lamp.

Aladdin is his friend and master.

One of the pirate drinks. (Genie.)

The prize is a jar of gin and tonic and a key.

The more keys you have in your hands, the more chances you have to become the owner of our treasure. Now pay attention to the contents of your pockets ... Only your private keys participate in the game. How many keys does anyone have at the moment? You have two. Who has more?

The owner of the larger number of keys is awarded a symbolic prize and a key.

The seventh key is played out. And the number seven, according to many sages and soothsayers, is happy. Let us recall the proverbs and sayings with this number, for example: "seven do not wait for one" ...

The winner of the auction will receive a prize and a key.

Who is lucky today? We have only one treasure, and the key to the lock behind which it is hidden is also the only one. All owners of the cherished keys, that is, winners of previous contests, I invite to the chest.

The owner of the "treasure" is the one whose key opened the lock of the casket.

Leading:Delightfully witty, singing, dancing, playing dicks society. We are so happy for you! After all, if you are so cheerful, then life is everything. still good.

Leading:Greatdeeds, but wisdom, authority, decisions, limitationslife activity is not deprived of this ability.

I want to end our program with these words:

Let life be full to the brim

No limits and no troubles.

And so that happiness and health

Enough for you for a hundred years.


Your day is today.


Do not give up positions in this life,

Love and create and dare!

Hope, the light of faith so that it does not go out!

Compiled by L.A. Mishakhina, librarian of the V.I. A. Shtanko

Scenario of the event for the International Day of the Disabled Person "The Road of Kindness"

MBDOU DS of combined type No. 3 of Smolensk

Prepared by: Musical Director Oksana Vladimirova

Goals: the formation of universal human values: kindness, attention to one's neighbor,

  • create a comfortable, welcoming environment;
  • to develop the psycho-physical abilities of disabled children, the emotional sphere;
  • to form an aesthetic culture;
  • to educate in children feelings of empathy, mercy, tolerance for people with disabilities.

Training: decoration of the hall with flowers, balls, preparation of costumes, attributes,

Selection of music, sports equipment, learning music

Material and poetry.

Attributes: costumes for dance, rustlers, computer, projector for presentation

Music center, gifts for disabled children.

The course of the event.


Sometimes people are too cruel

Indifferent to the troubles of others,

Do not accept other people's vices,

Absolutely not seeing their own.

But let's be kinder

Mercy is our motto!

Kindness is nothing kinder

Life is so bleak without her!

LEADING:. Hello dear guys and adults! Today we are gathered to

Celebrate the day of kindness, love and mercy.
1992 United Nations General Assembly

We dedicate the festive program "The Way of Goodness" to you. And this

The song sounds for you!


Don't hide your kindness,
Open your heart out to everyone.
More generous with what you have
Share, open your soul.

Give only warmth:
To a child, a woman and a friend,
And push away the emptiness.
Life will return everything in full in a circle.

LEADING: On the life path of every person, there are people who carry in themselves

Such a charge of positive energy that even after talking a little with

With them you feel yourself somehow in a special inspired, joyful way.

It is to this category of people that the head of our children's

Sada O.E.

The word for congratulations is given to the head ... ..

For you, O.E. the guys prepared an exercise with balls.


LEADING: Kindness is capable of compassion, empathy, empathy. Yes, it is difficult

be always ready to comfort your neighbor, share someone's grief, rush

For help. But a person should strive to be kind always.
Not only medicine, but also a kind word helps to recover

To the person. No wonder they say: Good word, it's a clear day! In our nursery

Every child in the kindergarten knows and uses “magic” kind words.

Kind words are the flowers of the human soul.

- Good afternoon! - you were told
- Good afternoon! - you answered.
How two strings were tied
Warmth and kindness.

They wish us a "Good journey!"
- It will be easier to go and walk.
- Hello! - you tell the person
- Hello! - he will tell us in response.
And probably won't go to the pharmacy
And it will be healthy for many years.

What do we say "thank you" for?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember
Who was told how many times.

These words are the most wonderful
Everyone is very happy to hear
Adults and children are getting kinder
And they are in a hurry to smile at you.

HOST: They will share their kindness, good mood and smiles with you

Guys 4 groups. They will be performed by the Polyanka Orchestra

3. ORCHESTRA "POLYANKA"(tambourines, rattles, xylophone)

MODERATOR: We wish everyone present health, vitality,

Unbending striving to achieve the set goals. Let you

Surrounding family and friends, understanding people!

Now Lenya will perform for you his favorite song "The house in which we

We live "

3. "HOUSE WE LIVE IN"sl. E. Black muses. O. Volokh

MODERATOR: The International Day of Disabled People reminds everyone of those in need of support and help, but at the same time, courageous, strong-willed people who show talents in fine arts, amateur art, and sports. This day is very necessary for our society - both in order to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities, and in order to admire the extraordinary fortitude, the ability of disabled people to achieve success in the most difficult conditions. These manifestations of love of life and optimism can serve as an example for all of us. For you, dear friends, our artists Lenya and Maxim continue their performance. Sport dance

5. SPORTS DANCE(with sultans)

MODERATOR: Mothers have a holy office in the world -
Pray for gifted children.
And day and night in the invisible ether
The prayers of our mothers are heard.
One will be silent, the other echoes her.
Night will change day and night will come again.
But mothers' prayers never stop
For a dear son or daughter.

6. DANCE "TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN"Words and muses. N.Tananko
(Dance with balloons in the form of a heart, at the end of the dance we throw balloons to the guests and return to our seats and continue to dance)

Kind hearts are gardens
Kind words are roots
Kind thoughts are flowers
Good deeds are fruits.

MODERATOR: Let's do our best to have

Only kindness, love and mercy, there was no place for cruelty and

Malice. Let's wish everyone well with a song.


HOST: Such an unusual, but bright and kind holiday has come to an end. We hope that you had a good evening, received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood. Let me wish you good sunny days at parting! We do not say goodbye to you, but we say to you: "Goodbye", see you soon!

Scenario of the concert and game program for children with disabilities "Colorful holiday".

Goals and objectives: develop in children a correct and reasonable attitude towards people with disabilities; to draw the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of disabled children; contribute to the development of the moral qualities of students.
Music sounds. Dunno enters.

Dunno(reads out loud). Problem. There are 3 apples in the basket. How to divide from among three girls so that one apple remains in the basket? Well, and a little problem .... How to divide the apples? Yes, if I had apples, I certainly ate them myself. There was a desire to share with someone.

Music sounds. Vasilisa the Wise enters.

Vasilisa. Hello, Dunno. What are you doing?
Dunno. I solve the problem.
Vasilisa. Well done for deciding to study.
Dunno. Yes, I and Znayka argued that I would solve this problem without any difficulty.
Vasilisa. Well, how did you decide?
Dunno. There is nothing to decide. The apple that is left in the basket is superfluous, so I will take it for myself, but I will give two apples to the girls.
Vasilisa. Your problem is very simple, but you solved it incorrectly.
Dunno. Why is this wrong?
Vasilisa. I think the guys can give you a hint.
It's very simple, Dunno. You need to give two girls one apple at a time, and the third one apple together with a basket.
Dunno. And don't you leave a single apple for yourself? I will not solve such problems anymore.
Vasilisa. Don't worry, Dunno. Do you want me to invite the guys, and you too, to my magical land? Are you ready to go on a trip? Extraordinary adventures await you on our way.
Dunno. Adventures? That's great! I agree. What about you guys?
Vasilisa. To go on a journey, we need to say magic words.
Eni-beni, cherubeni,
The pendulum is swinging
Eni-beni, cherish-
The journey begins.
The guys repeat these words in chorus, music sounds.
Vasilisa. Welcome to our country. All residents of this country know magic words that help them escape from trouble and trouble. Do you know the magic words?
Dunno. Hello good Bye.
Vasilisa. Well done, Dunno. I'm sure you know a lot of magic words. We'll check it now. If I say the magic word, then you do my task, if not, do not move. Clear?

Game "Please".

Raise your right hand up, please raise your left hand and sit down, etc.
Vasilisa. We can safely go further.

Music sounds.

Friends, we are in the city of colorful lanterns. In the evenings, lamplighters light up lanterns in the city so that all residents can be light and comfortable. This is a difficult job for lamplighters because they have to move the fire from one end of the street to the other.
Dunno. Is it really hard work? If necessary, we will help. Really guys.
Vasilisa. Well done, Dunno, of course, they need your help.

Game "Lamplighters".

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives two balls. You need to pass them over your heads from hand to hand, without dropping them, and return them back.

Vasilisa. And now friends, we are in an amazing city. Everything is unusual in this city. Here vegetables are planted on Tuesday, and on Wednesday they are already harvested.
Dunno. It can't be.
Vasilisa. Maybe you have forgotten that this is a magical country, but it also rains very often here, which helps vegetables ripen quickly.
Let's remember how the rain begins.

The game "Rain".
That's right, with one drop - we clap our hands quietly once, then two drops fell (2 claps), and then 3 and a fine rain froze (applause). The rain began to intensify and a downpour started ... (loud applause). Vegetables can also be planted after rain. Let's help the residents with this.

Harvesting game.
Teams line up one after another. The first player plants vegetables in a hoop, the second collects them in a basket, the next players plant and collect, etc.
Vasilisa. Well done, you coped with the task very quickly, and most importantly, you helped the residents of the city.
Music sounds.

Attention, friends, there is danger ahead of us - this is a swamp that we must cross to get to another city.

The game "Crossing the swamp".
To participate in show jumping, you need 8 rings - these are bumps. You need to go over the bumps from start to finish.

Vasilisa. We crossed the swamp and ended up in the city of artists.
Task for the teams: draw a cat on an album sheet with felt-tip pens tied to sticks.
Competition "Artist".

Dunno. Well done boys. You are good artists.

(Baby crying is heard).
Dunno. You hear? Someone is crying.
Vasilisa. We found ourselves in a city whose inhabitants are babies, they cry very often.
Dunno. What can we do to make them smile?
Vasilisa. I think the kids will stop crying if we sing to them.
Dunno. Oh, how simple it is. Let's all sing together my favorite song "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass." Sing along! (Children sing the 1st verse of the song).
Vasilisa. You sing well, but it won't help. You need to sing your own song for each kid.
Song Contest.

Each participant is given a doll, their task is to sing 1 verse of the song to the baby.
Vasilisa. Well done, guys sing well. Now, sit down and listen to our young artists singing.

Concert program.

Vasilisa. Our members have prepared handmade gifts for you.
So our journey through the magical land has ended.
Dunno. I like it. And you guys?
Vasilisa. Our country is small, but beautiful and kind. She gives everyone smiles and good mood. If you want, you can invite Dunno and me and we will continue our journey. Bye for now!
Dunno. Goodbye

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