Didactic games for the social and communicative development of older preschool children. Card file (senior group) on the topic: Games and exercises aimed at the social and communicative development of older preschool children

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

MBDOU CRR - kindergarten number 5 "Sun"

Project theme

"Play as a means

social and communicative

child development

preschool age

in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard "

Educator: Zhanna Viktorovna Alyushina.


The development of social and communication skills in children is important issue in pedagogy. Its relevance increases in modern conditions due to the peculiarities social environment a child in whom there is often a deficit of good manners, benevolence, speech culture in human relationships. As part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the content educational activities preschool institutions, more attention should be paid to achieving goals and solving problems of social and communicative development.

NOVELTY my work lies in the fact that it is aimed not only at the development of speech, emotions and feelings, but also at solving the issues of socialization of children: the development of communication, the ability to arbitrarily control their feelings and teach through visualization to get out of difficult situations, develop the child's ability to productively solve social problems.


help children enter the social world, contribute to the formation of social confidence in preschool children; to familiarize children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state; develop communication skills.


1. Formation of a positive attitude of a sense of belonging to one's family, small and large homeland.

2. Formation of the foundations of their own security of the surrounding world "in everyday life, society, nature."

3. Mastering the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior in society on the basis of primary value-moral ideas about "what is good and what is bad."

4. Mastery of elementary rules and regulations healthy way life (in nutrition, movement, tempering, in the formation of good habits, etc.).

5. Development of emotional and value perception of a work of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world.

THE CHALLENGE OF A MODERN PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION consists in the fact that pupils come out of its walls not only with a certain stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also independent people, possessing a certain set of moral qualities necessary for further life, the assimilation of social, ethical standards behavior, non-violent interaction with adults and peers.


building an individual trajectory for the development of preschool children;

development of the competencies of teachers in the work on the federal state educational standard in the social and communicative development of a preschooler.

Social - communicative preschooler development is aimed at:

assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values

development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers

fostering a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the adult community

the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions

development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy

the formation of positive attitudes towards different types labor and creativity

forming the foundations safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature

formation of readiness for joint activities with peers

(page 6 GEF subparagraph 2.6)


The atmosphere in the family has changed. The intensive pace of life: work, TV, computer do not leave time for live communication with children.

Children lack the skill of organizing the game and the need to play with a peer. More and more children suffer from loneliness and isolation.

The formation of social and communication skills is a process associated with the development of language skills, speech skills, forms of specially learned behavior, which includes the following components:

Dialogue, communication skills:

Social skills:

  • verbal (the ability to start, support, end a dialogue, conversation; the ability to listen to another, formulate and ask a question; participate in a collective discussion of a topic)
  • non-verbal (the ability to conduct a conversation, turning to face the interlocutor; the ability to use gestures, facial expressions, to adjust the volume and timbre of the voice during conversation).
  • the ability to express your feelings and emotions; the ability to interact with adults and peers (both acquaintances and strangers);
  • ability to regulate your emotional condition depending on the situation.


  • insufficient development of play skills and abilities in the child;
  • inability to build relationships with peers (give up a toy or role, help a friend, etc.);
  • lack of ability to manage their behavior;
  • the presence of negative motives for communication (the predominance of the child's selfish motives, the desire for absolute self-affirmation).


If you create conditions for game communication in kindergarten and at home, the development and improvement of forms, types and means of communication in children will be faster and more successful.

The role of the educator in the development of social and communication skills through games.

To acquaint with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior in society

To develop in children the ability to enter into speech contact and actively

participate in it.

Teach children to communicate, transmit


in progress interpersonal communication.

To develop an emotional-value perception of the world around.

The social and communicative development of preschoolers occurs through play as a leading child's activity. Communication is important element any game. During the game, the social, emotional and mental formation of the child takes place.

Play gives children the opportunity to reproduce the adult world and participate in imaginary social life.

Children learn to resolve conflicts, express emotions, and adequately interact with others.


Games initiated by children

Adult-initiated games

Folk games

Educational games

  • Plot-didactic;
  • Movable;
  • Musically - didactic;
  • Educational.

Experimental games

Training games

  • Games with natural objects;
  • Games with toys;
  • Animal games.
  • Intelligent;
  • Sensory;
  • Responsive.

Leisure games

  • Intelligent;
  • Games are fun;
  • Theatrical;
  • Festive - carnival;
  • Computer.

Story games

  • Plot - role-playing;
  • Directing;
  • Theatrical.

Leisure games

  • Games;
  • Quiet games;
  • Games are fun.


How will play affect the social and communicative development of preschoolers?


Provide rich material for dialogical speech. They foster attentiveness to the cues of partners in the game in order to enter the game in time.


The rules of the game help teach children to follow the sequence of remarks, to listen carefully to each other. Outdoor games based on the active motor actions of children contribute not only to physical education. In them there is a playful transformation into animals, imitation of the labor actions of people.

Plot-role-playing games.

Contribute to the consolidation of interpersonal skills, improvement colloquial speech, social development through the development of new roles, consolidation of knowledge of norms of behavior.



With such games, the child shows which of the adult relationships he considers the main one, and what stereotype of behavior he chooses as a model of behavior and imitation.


Role-playing dialogues in play-dramatization are an indicator not only of the development of children's dialogue, but also an indicator of the development of the play-dramatization itself. In such games, the child "voices" the roles of several characters alone or with friends.


To establish dialogical communication I use desktop-printed, didactic games such as bingo, dominoes, rule games. Develop logical thinking, teamwork skills and respect for the opponent, the ability to follow the rules of the game.


  • Thus, play as a means of social and communicative development of children contributes to the formation of a full-fledged personality capable of living and working in modern society... The game is the main form of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. Preschool child- a person who plays, therefore, the standard stipulates that learning enters the life of a child through the gates of a child's play.
  • When interacting with a partner, the child feels distance, masters the space of communication and interaction, demonstrates the nature of emotional closeness and mutual interest, which ensures the development of ways of his social cognition and positive relationships with partners.


1. the federal law on education in the Russian Federation (No. 273-F3);

2. Federal state educational standard preschool education(order No. 1155 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013)

3. “From childhood to adolescence.

A program for parents and educators to shape the health and development of children 5 years of age. "

T.N. Doronova, L.S. Golubeva, T.I. Grizik. (Moscow 1997)

4. Sleptsova IF Fundamentals of personality-oriented interaction between a teacher and preschool children: theory and practice // Preschool education. - 2007 - No. 3 - p. 74-80.

5. Tveritina E.N. preschool institutions... - M.: Education, 2006 .-- 112 p.

6. Adults and children play: from the experience of preschool educational institutions Russia / comp. T.N. Doronova. - M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2010 .-- 208 p.

7. Maksakov AI Learn by playing: Games and exercises with a sounding word. Educator's manual for children. garden. - M.: Education, 2011 .-- 144 p.

8. Bondarenko A. K. Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. for the educator children. garden. - M.: Education, 2010 .-- 160 p.

9. Yuzbekova E.A. intellectual development preschooler). - M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2011 .-- 128 p.

Social and communicative games

development of older preschoolers

"Story about the school"

Target: develop the ability to enter into the communication process and navigate in partners and communication situations.

Rules : This game is easy to organize as it does not require any special preparation. However, it is very effective for the development of children's speech skills, their imagination, fantasies, the ability to quickly navigate in partners and unknown communication situations.

Stroke : Children sit in a circle. The teacher begins the story: “What do you know about school ...” he is picked up by the next child. The story continues in a circle.

"Polite words"

Target : developing respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

Stroke :: The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, we are glad to see you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); goodbye (goodbye, see you, Good night) .

"Call a friend"

Target: Develop the ability to enter into the communication process and navigate in partners and communication situations.

Game rule: the message must be good, the caller must follow all the rules of "telephone conversation".

Stroke: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. The driver stands with his eyes closed with an outstretched hand. Children move in a circle with the words:

Call me

And tell me what you want.

Maybe a reality, or maybe a fairy tale

You can have a word, you can have two -

Just so that without a clue

I understood all your words.

Whoever the driver's hand points to should “call” him and send a message. The driver can ask clarifying questions.

Let's play school. Role-playing game.


Equipment: pictures of fairy-tale characters.

Description of the game : With the help of a reading room, a driver is selected who examines the picture without showing it to the children.

After that, the driver must describe the image, starting with the words "I want to introduce you to my best friend ..." The child who first guessed which fairy-tale character is depicted in the picture becomes the driver, the game resumes.

Situation games

Target: develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts, using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are encouraged to act out a number of situations

1. Two boys quarreled - make them up.

2. You really want to play the same toy as one of the guys in your group - ask him.

3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - have pity on him.

4. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

5. You have come to a new group - meet the children and tell us about yourself.

6. You have lost your car - go to the children and ask if they have seen it.

7. You came to the library - ask the librarian for a book you are interested in.

8. The guys play interesting game- ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?

9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

10. The child is crying - calm him down.

11. You can't tie a lace on your boot - ask a friend to help you.

12. Guests have come to you - introduce them to their parents, show them your room and your toys.

13. You came home from a walk hungry - what will you say to your mother or grandmother?

14. Children have breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled a ball out of it. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw and hit Fedya in the eye.Fedya grabbed an eye and screamed. - What can you say about Viti's behavior? How should bread be handled? Can we say that Vitya was joking?

"Baba Yaga"

Target: development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers

In one forest there is a hut (we connect our hands above our head - a roof)

Stands backwards, (turns left and right)

And in the hut that old woman

Grandma Yaga lives (as if we were tying a scarf)

Crochet nose (we put our hand to the nose and put our finger like a hook)

Eyes, like bowls (we fold the fingers of both hands into rings and apply to the eyes)

Like embers are burning (without removing your hands, turns to the right and left)

And angry and angry (show anger, wave your fist)

The hair stands in a bump (spread fingers on the head)

And just one leg (standing on one leg)

Not simple, bone

That's Grandma Yaga! (We clap on the knees. To the words of Grandma Yaga, we spread our arms to the sides)

"Merry Men"

Little people in lived in the house,

They were friends with each other.

Their name was absolutely wonderful -

Hee-hee, Ha-ha, Ho-ho-ho.

The little men were surprised: -

Ho-ho, ho-ho, ho-ho-ho!

The dog walked towards them

And breathed deeply.

The little men laughed:

- Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.

You look like a lamb.

Angry dog

And she shook her ears.

The little people laugh:

- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"Magic glasses"


Rules: To say only good words that bring joy to a peer Hod: Educator: “I have magic glasses through which you can see only the good that is in a person, even that which a person sometimes hides from everyone. Let each of you try on these glasses, look at the other guys and try to see as much good as possible in each, maybe even something that you have not noticed before. "

"Bouncer Contest"

Target: Teach children to see and emphasize positive traits and the dignity of other children.


Stroke: Children sit in a circle. Educator: “Now we are going to hold a braggart competition.

The one with the best brags wins. We will not brag about ourselves, but our neighbor. "

"Magic thread"

Target : Teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.

Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peerStroke : Children sit in a circle, passing a ball of thread to each other so that everyone who has already held the ball will take up the thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by a statement about what the children would like to wish to others. An adult begins, thereby setting an example. Then he turns to the children, asks if they have anything to say. When the ball returns to the leader, the children, at the request of the teacher, pull the thread and close their eyes, imagining that they are one whole, that each of them is important and significant in this whole.

"Good Wizards"

Target: Teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.

Rules Stroke: Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “In one country there lived a villain - a brute. He could enchant any child by calling him bad words. The enchanted children could not have fun and be kind, until the good wizards cast a spell on them, calling them affectionate names. " Children, introducing themselves as good wizards, come up to each other and try to conjure, calling them affectionate names.


Target: Teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.

Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peerStroke: Sitting in a circle, children join hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, I must say a few kind words to him, for something to praise. The recipient of the compliments nods his head and says: "Thank you, I am very pleased!" Then he gives compliments to his neighbor. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

"Who said"

Target :


Stroke: The leader is chosen, who sits with his back to the group. Then one of the children, whom the teacher pointed to, says: “You won’t know my voice, you won’t guess who said it.” The leader must find out by voice which of the children uttered this phrase. The next leader is the child, whose voice was guessed. The game continues until each child has been in the role of the leader.


Target: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, outside the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.

Rules :

Stroke : Children sit in a circle. The teacher sits down with his back to the group and announces: “Attention, attention! A girl was lost (describes in detail someone from the group: hair color, eyes, height, earrings, some characteristic details clothes). Let her come to the announcer. " Children listen and look at each other. They must determine who they are talking about and give the name of this child. Anyone can play the role of a radio announcer.

"Animated toys"

Target : the transition to direct communication, which involves the rejection of the usual verbal and objective ways of interaction. Rules: prohibiting conversation between children.

Stroke: Gathering the children around him on the floor, the adult says: “You've probably heard that your toys that you play with during the day wake up and come to life at night when you go to bed. Close your eyes, imagine your favorite toy (doll, car, bunny, horse) and think about what it does at night. Ready? Now let each of you be your favorite toy and, while the owner sleeps, get to know the rest of the toys. You just need to do all this in silence. And then the owner will wake up. After the game we will try to guess which toy each of you portrayed. " The teacher depicts some kind of toy (for example, a soldier who beats a drum, or a tumbler, etc., moves around the room, approaches each child, examines him with different sides, shakes hands with him (or salutes, brings the children to each other and introduces them. After the end of the game, the adult gathers the children around him again and invite them to guess who was playing whom. If the children cannot guess, the teacher asks the children one more once show your toy by walking around the room.

You need to finish the game at the moment when you notice that the children are tired of it, begin to scatter in the group, deviate from the rules of the game. It is necessary to gather the children around you and, having informed that the game is over, offer to say goodbye.

"Common circle"

Target : the transition to direct communication, which involves the rejection of the usual verbal and objective ways of interaction.

Rules : Prohibiting conversation between children.

Stroke: The teacher gathers the children around him. “Let's sit on the floor now, but so that each of you can see all the other guys and me, and so that I can see each of you. (The only one the right decision here is the creation of a circle.) When the children sit in a circle, the adult says: “Now, to make sure that no one is hiding and I can see everyone, and everyone can see me, let each of you greet everyone in the circle with your eyes. I'll start first, when I say hello to everyone, my neighbor will begin to say hello. " (An adult looks into the eyes of each child in a circle and slightly nods his head; when he "greeted" all the children, he touches the shoulder of his neighbor, inviting him to say hello to the guys).


Target: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, outside the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.

Rules: Be as focused as possible.

Stroke: A) Children sit in a circle. The teacher asks the children to take a close look at each other: “Each of you has different hair colors. Now swap places so that the one on the far right, here on this chair, is sitting the one with the lightest hair, next to him is the one with the darkest one, and the one on the far right, on this chair, is the one with the darkest hair. No noisy discussions. We started. " An adult helps the children, approaches each of them, touches their hair, consults with the others where to put him. B) The task is the same, but the children should change their eye color.


Target: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, outside the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.

Rules : Be as focused as possible.

Stroke: An adult, gathering the children around him, says: “Probably, each of you has a mirror at home. Otherwise, how could you know how you look today, whether a new suit or dress suits you? But what if you don't have a mirror at hand? Let's play mirrors today. Stand in pairs against each other (an adult helps the children pair up). Decide which of you is human and which is a mirror. Then you switch roles. Let the person do what they usually do in front of the mirror: wash, comb, do exercises, dance. The mirror must simultaneously repeat all the actions of the person. You just need to try to do it very accurately, because there are no inaccurate mirrors! Ready? Then let's try! " The teacher pairs up with one of the children and copies all his movements, showing the rest an example. Then he invites the children to play on their own. At the same time, he monitors the progress of the game and approaches the couples who are failing in something.

"Stubborn mirror"


Rules: Be as focused as possible.

Stroke: Having gathered the children, the teacher says: “You imagine, you wake up in the morning, go into the bathroom, look in the mirror, and it repeats your movements on the contrary: you raise your hand, and it lowers, you turn your head to the left, and it turns to the right, you close one eye, and it is the other. Let's play with these mirrors. Break into pairs. Let one of you be human and the other a stubborn mirror. Then you switch roles. " An adult helps children pair up and assign roles. Then, having chosen one child, the teacher invites him to do something, and he repeats all his movements in reverse. After that, the children play on their own under the supervision of a teacher who helps them in case of difficulty.

"Forbidden traffic"

Target: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, outside the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.

Rules : Be as focused as possible.

Stroke : Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher stands in the center and says: “Watch my hands. You must repeat exactly all my movements, except for one: down. As soon as my hands are down, you must raise yours up. And repeat all my movements after me. " An adult makes various movements with his hands, periodically lowering them down, and makes sure that the children follow the instructions exactly. If the children like the game, you can invite anyone who wants to be in the role of a leader instead of a teacher.

"Princess Nesmeyana"

Target: Teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.

Rules : Say only good words that bring joy to a peerStroke: Children sit in a circle. Educator: “Let everyone come to Princess Nesmeyana and try to comfort her and make her laugh. The princess will do her best not to laugh. The winner is the one who can make the princess smile. " Then the children switch roles.

"If I were king"

Target: Teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.

Rules : Say only good words that bring joy to a peerStroke: Children sit in a circle. “Do you know that kings can do anything? Let's imagine what we would give our neighbor if we were kings. Have you come up with it? Then let each one say in a circle what gift he would give. Start with the words: "If I were a king, I would give it to you." Come up with such gifts that could really please your neighbor, because what kind of boy will be happy if you give him a beautiful doll? - but if a flying ship. By the way, do not forget to thank the king for the gift, because only after that you can become king yourself and give your neighbor your own gift. "

"Listen to the claps"

Target ... Development of attention, arbitrary behavior.

Children move freely around the room, but they must stop and turn into a stork when the leader slaps them.(raise one leg, arms to the sides), they should react to two cottons by turning into a frog (sit down, heels together, socks apart, between the toes of the hand). three claps are allowed to move freely again.

A comment: the game helps in the development of voluntary attention, the ability to quickly switch from one type of action to another.

"Magical transformations"

Target. Development of imagination, ability to transform.

Children are offered to "turn" into berries, fruits, a steamer, a toy, etc.Adult (or one of the children) begins the game with the words: “We are entering ...(pause - for children to concentrate) garden…(pause - each child must decide what kind of fruit he will be). One two Three!" After this command, the children take the form of the intended fruit.

A comment: adult(or the presenter is a child) must be creative in the further continuation of the game. He needs to come up with some kind of story involving children. But first, he must, of course, guess who has turned into whom.

"What is heard"

Target ... Development of the ability to concentrate, correlate sounds and actions.

The adult invites the child to listen and remember what is happening outside the door. Then the child must tell what he heard. After that, they also pay attention to the window, then again to the door. Subsequently, the child must tell exactly what happened behind the window and outside the door.

A comment : The adult himself must focus on sounds to help children in case of difficulty or to correct in case of mistakes.

You can complicate the task by asking the children to take turns leading the story.

Four forces"

Target. Development of attention.

Children sit in a circle. The presenter invites them to put their hands down with the word "earth", stretch them forward with the word "water", raise them up with the word "air", and with the word "fire" rotate them with their hands. Whoever made a mistake is out of the game.

Comments: the adult takes an active part in the game. After the children have mastered the movements, the adult can deliberately knock the children down, making mistakes. For example, say: "Air!" - and show the movement of the "earth".

Hot ball "

Target. Development of attention, reaction speed, motor dexterity.

Children stand in a circle, very close to each other. They pass the ball to each other quickly, being careful not to drop it. The one who missed the ball is eliminated from the game. The last two remaining children win.

Games for the social and communicative development of older preschoolers
"Story about the school"
Purpose: to develop the ability to enter the communication process and navigate in partners and communication situations.
Rules: This game is easy to organize as it does not require any special preparation. However, it is very effective for the development of children's speech skills, their imagination, fantasies, the ability to quickly navigate in partners and unknown communication situations.
Stroke: Children sit in a circle. The teacher begins the story: “What do you know about school ...” he is picked up by the next child. The story continues in a circle.
"Polite words"
Purpose: development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.
Move :: The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, we are glad to see you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); goodbye (goodbye, goodbye, good night) "Call a friend"
Purpose: To develop the ability to enter into the communication process and navigate in partners and communication situations.
Game rule: the message must be good, the caller must follow all the rules of "telephone conversation".
Move: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. The driver stands with his eyes closed with an outstretched hand. Children move in a circle with the words:
Call me
And tell me what you want.
Maybe a reality, or maybe a fairy tale
You can have a word, you can have two -
Just so that without a clue
I understood all your words.
Whoever the driver's hand points to should “call” him and send a message. The driver can ask clarifying questions.
Let's play school. Role-playing game.
Equipment: pictures of fairy-tale characters.
Description of the game: With the help of a counting, the driver is selected, who examines the picture without showing it to the children.
After that, the driver must describe the image, starting with the words "I want to introduce you to my best friend ..." The child who first guessed which fairy-tale character is depicted in the picture becomes the driver, the game resumes.
Situation games
Purpose: to develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.
Children are encouraged to act out a number of situations
1. Two boys quarreled - make them up.
2. You really want to play the same toy as one of the guys in your group - ask him.
3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - have pity on him.
4. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.
5. You have come to a new group - meet the children and tell us about yourself.
6. You have lost your car - go to the children and ask if they have seen it.
7. You came to the library - ask the librarian for a book you are interested in.
8. The guys are playing an interesting game - ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?
9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.
10. The child is crying - calm him down.
11. You can't tie a lace on your boot - ask a friend to help you.
12. Guests have come to you - introduce them to their parents, show them your room and your toys.
13. You came home from a walk hungry - what will you say to your mother or grandmother?
14. Children have breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled a ball out of it. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya grabbed an eye and screamed. - What can you say about Viti's behavior? How should bread be handled? Can we say that Vitya was joking?
"Baba Yaga"
Goal: development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers
In one forest there is a hut (we connect our hands above our head - a roof)
Stands backwards, (turns left and right)
And in the hut that old woman
Grandma Yaga lives (as if we were tying a scarf)
Crochet nose (we put our hand to the nose and put our finger like a hook)
Eyes, like bowls (we fold the fingers of both hands into rings and apply to the eyes)
Like embers are burning (without removing your hands, turns to the right and left)
And angry and angry (show anger, wave your fist)
The hair stands in a bump (spread fingers on the head)
And just one leg (standing on one leg)
Not simple, bone
That's Grandma Yaga! (We clap on the knees. To the words of Grandma Yaga, we spread our arms to the sides) "Merry little men"
Little people lived in the house,
They were friends with each other.
Their name was absolutely wonderful -
Hee-hee, Ha-ha, Ho-ho-ho.
The little men were surprised: -
Ho-ho, ho-ho, ho-ho-ho!
The dog walked towards them
And breathed deeply.
The little men laughed:
- Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.
You look like a lamb.
Read poems to you?
Angry dog
And she shook her ears.
The little people laugh:
- Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha!
"Magic glasses"

Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peer Hod: Educator: “I have magic glasses through which you can see only the good that is in a person, even that which a person sometimes hides from everyone. Let each of you try on these glasses, look at the other guys and try to see as much good as possible in each, maybe even something that you have not noticed before. "
"Bouncer Contest"
Purpose: To teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.
Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peer
Stroke: Children sit in a circle. Educator: “Now we are going to hold a braggart competition.
The one with the best brags wins. We will not brag about ourselves, but our neighbor. "
"Magic thread"
Purpose: To teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.
Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peer. Move: Children sit in a circle, passing a ball of thread to each other so that everyone who has already held the ball will take up the thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by a statement about what the children would like to wish to others. An adult begins, thereby setting an example. Then he turns to the children, asks if they have anything to say. When the ball returns to the leader, the children, at the request of the teacher, pull the thread and close their eyes, imagining that they are one whole, that each of them is important and significant in this whole.
"Good Wizards"
Purpose: To teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.
Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peer. Move: Children sit in a circle. The teacher says: “In one country there lived a villain - a brute. He could enchant any child by calling him bad words. The enchanted children could not have fun and be kind, until the good wizards cast a spell on them, calling them affectionate names. " Children, introducing themselves as good wizards, come up to each other and try to conjure, calling them affectionate names.
Purpose: To teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.
Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peer. Move: Sitting in a circle, children join hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, I must say a few kind words to him, for something to praise. The recipient of the compliments nods his head and says: "Thank you, I am very pleased!" Then he gives compliments to his neighbor. The exercise is carried out in a circle.
"Who said"

Move: The leader is chosen, who sits with his back to the group. Then one of the children, whom the teacher pointed to, says: “You won’t know my voice, you won’t guess who said it.” The leader must find out by voice which of the children uttered this phrase. The next leader is the child, whose voice was guessed. The game continues until each child has been in the role of the leader.
Purpose: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, out of the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.
Rules: Be as focused as possible.
Stroke: Children sit in a circle. The teacher sits down with his back to the group and announces: “Attention, attention! A girl got lost (describes in detail someone from the group: hair color, eyes, height, earrings, some characteristic details of clothing). Let her come to the announcer. " Children listen and look at each other. They must determine who they are talking about and give the name of this child. Anyone can play the role of a radio announcer.
"Animated toys"
Purpose: the transition to direct communication, involving the abandonment of the usual verbal and objective ways of interaction. Rules: prohibiting conversation between children.
Move: Gathering the children around him on the floor, the adult says: “You've probably heard that your toys that you play with during the day wake up and come to life at night when you go to bed. Close your eyes, imagine your favorite toy (doll, car, bunny, horse) and think about what it does at night. Ready? Now let each of you be your favorite toy and, while the owner sleeps, get to know the rest of the toys. You just need to do all this in silence. And then the owner will wake up. After the game we will try to guess which toy each of you portrayed. " The teacher depicts some kind of toy (for example, a soldier who beats a drum, or a tumbler, etc., moves around the room, approaches each child, examines him from different angles, greets him by the hand (or salutes, a friend brings the children After the end of the game, the adult again gathers the children around him and invite them to guess who was playing whom. If the children cannot guess, the teacher asks the children to show their toy one by one, walking around the room.
You need to finish the game at the moment when you notice that the children are tired of it, begin to scatter in the group, deviate from the rules of the game. It is necessary to gather the children around you and, having informed that the game is over, offer to say goodbye.
"Common circle"
Purpose: the transition to direct communication, involving the abandonment of the usual verbal and objective ways of interaction.
Rules: prohibiting conversation between children.
Stroke: The teacher gathers the children around him. “Let's sit on the floor now, but so that each of you can see all the other guys and me, and so that I can see each of you. (The only correct solution here is to create a circle.) When the children sit in a circle, the adult says: “Now, to make sure that no one is hiding and I can see everyone and everyone can see me, let each of you greet everyone in the circle with your eyes. ... I'll start first, when I say hello to everyone, my neighbor will begin to say hello. " (An adult looks into the eyes of each child in a circle and slightly nods his head; when he "greeted" all the children, he touches the shoulder of his neighbor, inviting him to say hello to the guys).
Purpose: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, out of the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.
Rules: Be as focused as possible.
Course: A) Children sit in a circle. The teacher asks the children to take a close look at each other: “Each of you has different hair colors. Now swap places so that the one on the far right, here on this chair, is sitting the one with the lightest hair, next to him is the one with the darkest one, and the one on the far right, on this chair, is the one with the darkest hair. No noisy discussions. We started. " An adult helps the children, approaches each of them, touches their hair, consults with the others where to put him. B) The task is the same, but the children should change their eye color.
Purpose: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, out of the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.
Rules: Be as focused as possible.
Hod: An adult, gathering the children around him, says: “Probably, each of you has a mirror at home. Otherwise, how could you know how you look today, whether a new suit or dress suits you? But what if you don't have a mirror at hand? Let's play mirrors today. Stand in pairs against each other (an adult helps the children pair up). Decide which of you is human and which is a mirror. Then you switch roles. Let the person do what they usually do in front of the mirror: wash, comb, do exercises, dance. The mirror must simultaneously repeat all the actions of the person. You just need to try to do it very accurately, because there are no inaccurate mirrors! Ready? Then let's try! " The teacher pairs up with one of the children and copies all his movements, showing the rest an example. Then he invites the children to play on their own. At the same time, he monitors the progress of the game and approaches the couples who are failing in something.
"Stubborn mirror"
Purpose: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, out of the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.
Rules: Be as focused as possible.
Course: After collecting the children, the teacher says: “You imagine, you wake up in the morning, go into the bathroom, look in the mirror, and it repeats your movements on the contrary: you raise your hand, and it lowers, you turn your head to the left, and it - to the right, you close one eye and it closes the other. Let's play with these mirrors. Break into pairs. Let one of you be human and the other a stubborn mirror. Then you switch roles. " An adult helps children pair up and assign roles. Then, having chosen one child, the teacher invites him to do something, and he repeats all his movements in reverse. After that, the children play on their own under the supervision of a teacher who helps them in case of difficulty.
"Forbidden traffic"
Purpose: to distract children from being fixed on their own I and focusing on the attitude of their peers to themselves and to draw their attention to the peer in itself, out of the context of their relationship. The development of the ability to see the other, to feel the community, unity with him.
Rules: Be as focused as possible.
Move: Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher stands in the center and says: “Watch my hands. You must repeat exactly all my movements, except for one: down. As soon as my hands are down, you must raise yours up. And repeat all my movements after me. " An adult makes various movements with his hands, periodically lowering them down, and makes sure that the children follow the instructions exactly. If the children like the game, you can invite anyone who wants to be in the role of a leader instead of a teacher.
"Princess Nesmeyana"
Purpose: To teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.
Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peer. Move: Children sit in a circle. Educator: “Let everyone come to Princess Nesmeyana and try to comfort her and make her laugh. The princess will do her best not to laugh. The winner is the one who can make the princess smile. " Then the children switch roles.
"If I were king"
Purpose: To teach children to see and emphasize the positive qualities and dignity of other children.
Rules: Say only good words that bring joy to a peer. Move: Children sit in a circle. “Do you know that kings can do anything? Let's imagine what we would give our neighbor if we were kings. Have you come up with it? Then let each one say in a circle what gift he would give. Start with the words: "If I were a king, I would give it to you." Come up with such gifts that could really please your neighbor, because what kind of boy will be happy if you give him a beautiful doll? - but if a flying ship. By the way, do not forget to thank the king for the gift, because only after that you can become king yourself and give your neighbor your own gift. "
"Listen to the claps"
Target. Development of attention, arbitrary behavior.
Children move freely around the room, but according to the leader's clap, they must stop and turn into a stork (raise one leg, arms to the sides), to two claps, they must respond by turning into a frog (sit down, heels together, socks apart, between the toes of the hands). three claps are allowed to move freely again.
Commentary: the game helps in the development of voluntary attention, the ability to quickly switch from one type of action to another.

"Magical transformations"
Target. Development of imagination, ability to transform.
Children are offered to "turn" into berries, fruits, a steamer, a toy, etc. An adult (or one of the children) begins the game with the words: “We go into ... (pause - for the children to concentrate) garden ... (pause - each child must decide what kind of fruit he will be). One two Three!" After this command, the children take the form of the intended fruit.
Commentary: an adult (or a presenter - a child) should be creative in the further continuation of the game. He needs to come up with some kind of story involving children. But first, he must, of course, guess who has turned into whom.
"What is heard"
Target. Development of the ability to concentrate, correlate sounds and actions.
The adult invites the child to listen and remember what is happening outside the door. Then the child must tell what he heard. After that, they also pay attention to the window, then again to the door. Subsequently, the child must tell exactly what happened behind the window and outside the door.
Commentary: The adult himself should focus on sounds to help children in case of difficulty or to correct in case of mistakes.
You can complicate the task by asking the children to take turns leading the story.
"Four forces"
Target. Development of attention.
Children sit in a circle. The presenter invites them to put their hands down with the word "earth", stretch them forward with the word "water", raise them up with the word "air", and with the word "fire" rotate them with their hands. Whoever made a mistake is out of the game.
Comments: The adult takes an active part in the game. After the children have mastered the movements, the adult can deliberately knock the children down, making mistakes. For example, say: "Air!" - and show the movement of the "earth".
"Hot ball"
Target. Development of attention, reaction speed, motor dexterity.
Children stand in a circle, very close to each other. They pass the ball to each other quickly, being careful not to drop it. The one who missed the ball is eliminated from the game. The last two remaining children win.
Comments: other versions of the game are based on changing the location of the children.
You can build the children in a column, and pass the ball either over the head up, or, bending over, over the legs. You can also build children in a zigzag.
Target. Development of attention, fine motor skills, imagination.
An adult lays out counting sticks in the form of a certain figure. The child must fold exactly the same figure. The complexity of the task is increasing all the time: first they show simple figures, then more complex ones; first, the child composes figures, looking at the sample, then the sample is removed, giving the child the opportunity to remember the figure.
Comments: Counting sticks can be replaced with cut-off matches.
This game can be used most effectively with children with concentration difficulties and disinhibition.
"Fly of butterfly"
Target. Development of attention, expressiveness of movements.
Children are encouraged to memorize several movements and repeat them exactly. To facilitate memorization, you can first learn the blocks of movements by giving them original names, like: "butterfly flight", "cat step", etc.

Communicative didactic games of a training nature help to overcome difficulties in communication. It is only important to rely on the activity of the child himself, to give him the opportunity to acquire his own, unique life experience, trying new ways social behavior and experimenting with them.


The purpose of the communicative didactic game: give children the idea that in every problem or conflict situation there are several options (or styles) of behavior, teach them to find a way out different situations, flexibly changing the style of behavior.

Equipment: toy Serpent Gorynych.

The Serpent Gorynych flies to the children ( soft toy). This is an unusual Serpent Gorynych, all his heads are different. One head is very kind - Dobrul, the other is very evil - Vile, and the third head is Zadavaka, because she loves to ask children questions.

During the game, the teacher offers children various problem and conflict situations, which solve Dobrul and Zlyuk in different ways, and Zadavaka asks the children questions, finds out how they would act in this situation. It is important that children not only describe their actions, but demonstrate them, show what and how they will do. Situations, for example, can be like this.

Situation 1. Two children are quarreling over a new toy. Dobrulya says that she would give the toy to another child, because he so wants to play. The spiteful person claims that she would never give in, because she herself also really likes the toy and wants to play with it. The asker asks the question: "What would you do?"

Situation 2. Children brush their teeth, and one child does not have a toothbrush ...

Dobrula would give her toothbrush to this child. "

In no case would the spiteful woman give the brush, she herself needs it, and besides Toothbrush- subject of individual use. So never and never! Zadavaka asks the children what they would do.

Since the time of the role of Dobruli, Angry and Zadavaki can play children. You can even arrange team play... The teams of Dobruli, Angry people and, for example, Mudruli, discuss and express their points of view, demonstrate their actions.

"Broken phone"

Target: teach children to apply the norms of speech etiquette.

Option 1. The players are divided into two teams, which sit opposite each other. The presenter calls to him a "telephone operator" from each team and quietly speaks to them in their ear polite words (greeting, goodbye, requests, apologies, etc.), which they pass on. The winner is the team that transmits the words faster and without distortion.

Option 2. "Telephone operators" transmit the words of their choice in accordance with the instructions of the educator. For example: greeting a friend, educator, parents in the morning, afternoon, evening.

Communicative didactic game "Request"

Equipment: toys.

Option 1. Children stand in a circle, and one child with a toy in his hands is in the center of the circle. The children take turns asking him to let them play with the toy. The toy is received by the one who, in the opinion of the driver, made the best request. In this case, the driver must explain why he gave the toy to this particular child.

Option 2. Children are divided into pairs. One has a toy, and the other must persuade him to let him play with it. Then the children change pairs and roles. Next, you need to find out why someone was not given a toy.


Target: to form in children the skills of conflict-free behavior, to teach them to find a polite form of refusal.

Children stand or sit in a circle. One by one (in a circle), they ask a neighbor for a toy or thing that they need for work (a mosaic pattern has not yet been laid out, a drawing has not been finished, etc.). The child should politely refuse the requestor and ask the neighbor for the favor himself.

You must learn to refuse polite trying not to repeat the answers of other children.


Target: teach children the ways of establishing contacts, inviting them to joint activities. Form a conflict-free style of behavior.

Children are divided into pairs at will. The first partner thinks about a place where he would like to go (to the forest, park, river, cinema, circus, theater, stadium, ice cream parlor, etc.). The second tries to guess this place, inviting a partner to go with him. For example, "Masha, I want to invite you to the theater." - "Thank you, but I have already watched this performance." Continue the game until the second participant guesses the place that the first one has guessed. Then the partners switch roles.

"In the circle of sympathy"

Target: develop the ability to see the positive qualities of peers and compliment them

Equipment: ball.

The song of B. Okudzhava "Let's say compliments to each other." To children standing or sitting in a circle, the teacher explains the rules of the game: the player, throwing the ball, says a compliment to the one who catches it. The person who catches the ball thanks for this and throws the ball further, giving the next compliment, etc.

"Magic chair"

Target: teach children to see the dignity of others and express their own to them.

Equipment:"Magic chair".

Children take turns sitting on the "magic chair". As soon as the child sits down in the chair, his dignities, external and internal, are "highlighted". Children describe good qualities child (in turn), expressing his good attitude in such expressions "I like that ...", "I am always glad to see her, because ...", "I am pleased when she ...", etc.

"Record player"

Target: to form the ability in a benevolent form to express wishes to other people, taking into account their individuality, desires, aspirations.

Equipment: record player.

Players express their wishes to peers, relatives, friends, acquaintances, characters of fairy tales and cartoons (Little Red Riding Hood, Gray Wolf, Dunno, Karabas Barabas, Carlson, Kid, etc.) in order to record them on a tape recorder and send them to the addressee.

"Congratulations and wishes"

Target: foster a desire to bring joy to those around you with your congratulations and wishes; express them, observing the norms of speech etiquette.

Option 1. The participants of the game are divided into two teams. Players on one team will be “congratulatory”, players on the other will be “willing”. They form pairs. At the signal, the first player says congratulations, and the second complements it with a wish. For example, "Happy New Year!" - "I wish you happiness in the New Year!"

Congratulations and wishes are pronounced in pairs in turn. You can choose the most successful congratulations and wishes, because everyone should come up with something of their own, without repeating themselves.

Option 2. A concert is held on request. After congratulations and wishes, each couple performs a concert number for someone: children sing, dance, recite poetry.


Target: develop the ability to see those in need of help and offer it, observing all the rules of speech etiquette.

Children follow each other in a circle with the words:

On the ground from end to end

Boy is walking Help.

Helped everyone and everyone

Help as much as you can.

One of the children - Help - walks inside the circle in the opposite direction. At the end of the text, the children stop. The child next to whom Help stopped demonstrates an action (sweeping the floor, hammering nails, carrying a heavy bucket, washing, watering the garden beds, painting the fence, etc.). Help should guess what he is doing and offer his help, referring to the child by name and following the rules of courtesy. The child gratefully accepts help and becomes himself. We help.

"Magic thickets"

Target: to form the ability to achieve one's goal in acceptable ways of communication, verbal and non-verbal.

Each participant (in turn) tries to penetrate into the center of the circle formed by "magic seaweed" closely pressed against each other (by all other participants in the game). "Algae" understand human speech and feel touch, they can move apart and let the participant in the center of the circle, if he says good words, and may not miss if they are "asked badly." This is followed by a discussion of when and why the algae parted, who was missed and who was not.

Ulyanova Alexandra Anatolyevna
Games for social and communicative development.

Development games emotional sphere of the preschooler.

1. Game "Pictograms".

Children are offered a set of cards depicting various emotions.

On the table are pictograms of various emotions. Each child takes a card without showing it to others. After that, the children take turns trying to show the emotions drawn on the cards. Viewers, they have to guess what emotion is shown to them and explain how they determined what emotion it is. The teacher makes sure that all children participate in the game.

This game will help to determine how well children are able to correctly express their emotions and "see" the emotions of other people.

2. Game "I am glad when ..."

Educator: “Now I’ll call one of you by name, throw him a ball and ask, for example, So: "Sveta, tell us, please, when are you happy?"... The child catches the ball and is talking: "I am glad when ....", then throws the ball to the next child and, calling him by name, in turn will ask: "(Child's name, tell us, please, when are you happy?"

This game can be diversified by inviting children to tell when they are upset, surprised, afraid. Such games can tell you about the inner world the child, about his relationship with both parents and peers.

3. Exercise "Ways to Improve Mood".

It is proposed to discuss with the child how you can improve your own mood, try to come up with as many such ways as possible (smile at yourself in the mirror, try to laugh, remember something good, do a good deed to another, draw a picture for yourself).

4. Game "Lotto of Sentiments"... To carry out this games sets of pictures are required, which depict animals with different facial expressions (for example, one kit: funny fish, sad fish, angry fish, etc.: next kit: squirrel is funny, squirrel is sad, squirrel is angry, etc.). The number of sets corresponds to the number of children.

The presenter shows the children a schematic representation of a particular emotion. The task of children is to find an animal with the same emotion in their set.

5. Game "Broken phone"... All participants games except for two, "Sleep"... The presenter silently shows the first participant any emotion using facial expressions or pantomime. First participant, "Waking up" the second player, conveys the seen emotion, as he understood it, also without words. Next, the second participant "Wakes up" the third and gives him his version of what he saw. And so on until the last participant games.

After that, the presenter interviews all the participants. games, starting with the last and ending with the first, about what emotion, in their opinion, they were shown. This way you can find the link where the distortion occurred, or make sure that "telephone" was completely serviceable.

Development games communication skills

1. Game Blind Man and Guide

Target: develop the ability to trust, help and support fellow fellows.

Children break into couples: "Blind" and "guide". One closes his eyes, and the other leads him through the group, makes it possible to touch various subjects, helps to avoid various collisions with other couples, gives appropriate explanations regarding their movement. Commands should be given standing behind the back, at some distance. The participants then switch roles. Each child thus goes through a certain “school of trust”.

At the end games the teacher asks the children to answer who felt safe and confident, who had a desire to completely trust their comrade. Why?

2. Playing polite words

Target: developing respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, we are glad to see you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be so kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); goodbyes (goodbye, goodbye, good night).

3. Play Mat of Reconciliation

Target: Develop communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts.

Coming from a walk, the teacher informs the children that the two boys had a fight on the street today. Invites opponents to sit down opposite each other on "Mat of reconciliation" to find out the cause of the discord and find a peaceful solution to the problem. This game is also used when discussing "How to share a toy".

4. Game "Mirror"

This game can be played together with a child or with several children. The child looks in "mirror", which repeats all his movements, gestures, facial expressions. "Mirror" could be a parent or another child. You can portray not yourself, but someone else, "Mirror" must guess, then switch roles. The game helps the child to open up, to feel more free, uninhibited.

5. Game "Merry centipede"

Target: develop both communication skills and the processes of observation, attention.

Don't forget to play fun music for the kids!

At least six children participate in the game - the more the better. Competitors must stand one behind the other with their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. The first player, respectively, turns out to be the leader, he directs the movement of the centipede. The adult regulates the movement of the centipede with the rhythm and tempo of the music. If the children have successfully completed this stage of the task, it can be made more difficult by asking the children to complicate their movement with various intricate movements.

6. Game "Cooks"

All stand in a circle - this is a saucepan. Now we will prepare compote. Each participant comes up with what kind of fruit he will be (apple, cherry, pear) The presenter shouts out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. The one who recognizes himself stands in a circle, the next participant who stands up takes the previous one by the hands. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a delicious and beautiful compote. You can also cook soup or vinaigrette in this way.

7. Game "The wind blows on ..."

The presenter starts the play with words "The wind blows on ..."... So that the participants games learned more about each other, questions can be following: "The wind blows on the one with blonde hair."- after these words, all fair-haired people gather together in one place. "The wind blows on the one who has ... a sister.", "Who loves sweets" etc.

8. Game "Hey!"

Target: development interest in peers, auditory perception.

Number of players: 5-6 people.

Description games: one child has his back to everyone else, he is lost in the forest. Some of the children are screaming him: "Hey!"- and "Lost" must guess who called him.

A comment: play indirectly stimulates children's interest in each other through the play rule. This game is good to use in the process of getting children to get to know each other. It is easier for a child with his back to everyone else to overcome the barrier in communication, overcome the anxiety when meeting.


1. Game "Ball"

Materials (edit): a tangle of sturdy threads.

The course of the game.

The teacher and the children stand in a circle. The teacher sings a song, wraps thumb right hand... Then he passes the ball to the next child, calling him by name in the song, etc.

When the song ends, all the children and the teacher are connected by a thread. The ball should return to the caregiver after completing a full circle.

Then, at the same time, everyone carefully removes the thread from their fingers and puts it on the table.

The attention of the children is drawn to the fact that the thread has not broken and the guys in the group will always be just as strong friends. Finally, you can ask the children to recall proverbs and sayings about friendship.

2. Game "The little train"

Stroke games... Children are built one after another, holding on to the shoulders. "The little train" lucky "Trailer" overcoming various obstacles: rides over the bridge, over bumps.

3 Game "Hello my friend"

The course of the game.

The teacher invites the children to find a mate and build an inner and outer circle, each couple holding hands. With in words: "Hello friend, how glad I am that you came" children stand still and greet their couple. At the end of the quatrain, the inner circle stands still, and the outer one, clockwise, takes a step to the side and changes its partner. This is how the child should say hello to all the guys who stand in the inner circle.

4 Game "Good Wizards"

The course of the game.

Children sit in a circle. An adult tells another fairy tale: "In one country there lived a villain-rude. He could bewitch any child, calling him bad words. Enchanted children could not have fun and be kind. Only good wizards could bewitch such unfortunate children, calling them affectionate names. Let's see if they have any. we are such bewitched children. ”As a rule, many preschoolers willingly take on the role of“ bewitched ”. "And who can become a kind wizard and bewitch them by inventing kind, affectionate names?" Usually children are happy to volunteer to be good wizards. Imagining themselves as good wizards, they take turns approaching "Bewitched" friend and try to disenchant, calling him affectionate names.

5 Game "Applause in a circle"

The course of the game.

Educator. Guys, how many of you can imagine how an artist feels after a concert or performance - standing in front of his audience and listening to thunderous applause? Perhaps he is not only feeling this applause with his ears. Perhaps he takes a standing ovation with all his body and soul. We have good group and each of you deserves a round of applause. I want to play a game with you, during which the applause sounds softly at first, and then gets stronger and stronger. Join the general circle, I'm starting.

The teacher approaches one of the children. Looks into his eyes and gives his applause, clapping his hands with all his might. Then, together with this child, the teacher chooses the next one, who also receives his portion of applause, then the troika chooses the next applicant for the standing ovation. Each time the one who was applauded chooses the next one, the game continues until the last participant games did not receive applause from the entire group.


1 Game Game: "Acquaintance"

Target: Teaching a polite greeting.

Introduction: Like us say: "Hello?"(Correctly say "Hello"- it means seeing another person).

Stroke games: the following situation is played out a new child has come to the group. How will you meet him, what words will you say?

2 Game Game: "Talking on the phone"

Target: the formation of a culture of dialogue.

Stroke games: act out a conversation with a friend (friend) by phone, having previously invited to the receiver.



Target: teach children to solve small problems through negotiations, make joint decisions, turn out to be from a quick solution to the problem in their favor.

Stroke games: In this game, each child will need one cookie and each pair of children will need one napkin.

Educator: children, sit in a circle. The game we have to play is related to sweets. To get a cookie, you first need to choose a partner and solve one problem with him. Sit opposite each other and look each other in the eyes. There will be cookies on a napkin between you, please do not touch them yet. There is one problem with this game. A cookie can only be obtained by someone whose partner voluntarily refuses the cookie and gives it to you. This rule is. Which cannot be violated. Now you can start talking, but you cannot take cookies without your partner's consent. If consent is obtained, the cookie can be taken.

Then the teacher waits for all the couples to make a decision and watches how they act. Some people can eat cookies right away. Having received it from a partner, they break the other cookies and give one half to their partner. Some people cannot solve the problem for a long time, who will get the cookies.

Educator: and now I will give each pair one more cookie. Discuss how you will handle the cookies this time.

He observes that in this case the children act differently. Children who split the first cookie in half usually repeat this "Equity strategy"... Most children who gave cookies to a partner in the first part games, and who have not received a piece, now expect the partner to give the cookie to them. There are children who are ready to give their partner a second cookie.

Issues for discussion:

Children who gave the cookies to their friend? Tell me, how did you feel about it?

Who wanted the cookie to stay with him? how did you feel?

What do you expect when you are polite to someone?

In this game, everyone was treated fairly.

Who took the least time to agree?

How did you feel about it?

How else can you come to a consensus with your partner?

What arguments did you give for the partner to agree


Target: Teach children strategies for negotiation and discussion in conflict resolution in a group. Availability itself "Rug of the world" in the group encourages children to abandon fights, arguments and tears, replacing them with discussing the problem with each other.

Stroke games: for games you need a piece of thin blanket or fabric measuring 90 * 150 cm or a soft rug of the same size, felt-tip pens, glue, sequins, beads, colored buttons, everything that you may need to decorate the decoration.

Educator: guys tell me, what do you argue with each other sometimes? Which of the guys do you argue with more often than others? How do you feel after such an argument? What do you think can happen if different opinions clash in a dispute? Today I brought us all a piece of cloth that will become ours. "Rug of the world" As soon as a dispute arises, "Opponents" can sit on it and talk to each other so as to find a peaceful way to solve their problem. Let's see what happens. (The teacher puts a cloth in the center of the room, and on it is a beautiful picture book and an amusing toy.) Imagine that Katya and Sveta want to take this toy and play, but she is one, and there are two of them. They will both sit on "Rug of the world" and I will sit down next to help them when they want to discuss and resolve this problem. None of them have the right to take this toy just like that. (Children take up space on the carpet)... Maybe some of the guys have a suggestion on how this situation could be resolved?

After a few minutes of discussion, the teacher invites the children to decorate a piece fabrics: “Now we can turn this piece of fabric into "Rug of the world" our group. I will write the names of all the children on it, and you must help me decorate it. "

This process has a very great importance, because thanks to him children symbolically do "Rug of the world" part of my life. Whenever a dispute breaks out, they can use it to resolve the problem, discuss the children will get used to this ritual, they will begin to apply the peace rug without the help of a teacher, and this is very important, since independent problem solving is the main objective this strategy. "Rug of the world" will give children inner confidence and peace, and will also help them concentrate their energies on finding mutually beneficial solutions to problems. It is a great symbol of rejection of verbal or physical aggression.

Issues for discussion:

1.why is so important to us "Rug of the world"?

2. What happens when the strongest wins the argument?

3. Why is it unacceptable to use violence in a dispute?

4. what do you mean by fairness?

3 Game "SPARROW FIGHTING" (removal of physical aggression)

Children choose their mate and "Transform" in pugnacious "Sparrow" (squat, clasping their knees with their hands). "Sparrows" sideways jump to each other, push. Whoever of the children falls or removes his hands from his knees, he is eliminated from games("They treat the wings and paws of doctor Aibolit"). "Fights" begin and end at the signal of an adult.

4 Game "WICKED-KIND CATS" (removal of general aggression)

Children are invited to form a large circle, in the center of which there is a sports hoop on the floor. This "Magic circle", in which will be performed "Transformations".

The child enters the hoop and at the signal of the presenter (hand clap, bell sound, whistle sound) turns into feisty-contemptuous a cat: hiss and scratches. Moreover, from "Magic circle" you can't go out.

Children standing around the hoop repeat in chorus after leading: "Stronger, stronger, stronger.", - and the child depicting a cat does more and more "Evil" movement.

On repeated signal from the leader "Transformation" ends, after which another child enters the hoop and the game repeats.

When all the children visit "Magic circle", the hoop is removed, the children are divided into pairs and again turn into angry cats at the signal of an adult. (If someone lacked a pair, then the presenter himself can participate in the game.) the rule: do not touch each other! If it is violated, the game immediately stops, the presenter shows an example of possible actions, and then continues the game.

On repeated signal "Cats" stop and can exchange pairs.

At the final stage games presenter offers"Angry cats" become kind and affectionate. At the signal, children turn into kind cats that caress each other.

Games on the formation of friendly relations

"Life in the forest"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him. Creates for kids the situation: "Imagine that you are in the forest and speak different languages... But you need to communicate with each other somehow. How to do it. How to express your benevolent attitude without saying a word? To ask a question, how are you doing, we clap our palm on the palm of a comrade (show)... To answer that everything is fine, we bow our head to his shoulder; we want to express friendship affectionately stroking the head (ready? Then let's start. " the teacher unfolds games arbitrarily making sure that the children do not talk to each other.

"Good Elves"

We seat the children in a circle. "Once upon a time, people, struggling for survival. Worked day and night. They were very tired. The elves took pity on them and from the onset of night they began to fly to the people and gently stroking them, tenderly lulling kind words... And people fell asleep. And in the morning. full of energy began to work. Now we will play a trick on ancient people and elves. ”A wordless action is played out.

We seat the children in a free order. The teacher talks about how chicks are born. As they pierce the shell with their beak, they come out. For them, everything is new - and the smell of flowers, and grass, and flowers. Then I show the children what I have told. Chicks do not know how to speak, but only squeak.

"Animated toys"

The teacher seats the children in a circle. Educator: "Do you know that when night comes, then all the toys come to life. Close your eyes and imagine your favorite toy, imagine what she, waking up, does at night. Imagine? Then I suggest you play the role of your favorite toy and get acquainted with the rest of the toys. Just silently. so as not to wake up the elders. let's try to guess the games who portrayed what toy "

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