Math tasks for preschool children. Exciting Math: Assignments and Exercises for Preschool Children

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Learning mathematics in a playful way develops and forms the child's cognitive interest. It is best to develop an interest in this science before teaching it in school.

This will help interesting and exciting tasks and exercises in mathematics for preschoolers.

Developmental tasks can instill in a child a number of useful qualities: perseverance, the ability to set goals and plan, follow the rules, the ability to analyze, weigh the result obtained, and give reasons.

The search for ways to solve non-standard problems helps to stimulate creative and research activity.

It is not at all difficult to work with developing math tasks, parents are quite capable of coping with it. But in order for the child to get the maximum benefit from the classes, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of their organization:

Tricky assignments help children understand that each potential challenge can be tricky or twofold. Finding the correct answer requires focusing and viewing the puzzle from different angles.

Before starting the task, it is necessary to give recommendations for its implementation:

  • Take into account the level of development and age characteristics of the child.
  • For example, the concentration of attention of preschoolers is lower than that of younger students. They can hold attention while doing an activity of interest for 30-50 minutes. If suddenly the baby's attention has faded away, there is no need to force him to continue studying.
  • Based on the interests of the child.
  • Do not overuse prompts.
  • If the child cannot find a solution to the problem, you do not need to say the correct answers every time, you need to encourage him to seek and show patience. To keep the child's interest, an adult can offer a partial hint. As a rule, a preschooler cannot complete all tasks the first time, but this has positive aspects - if the child is forced to do something several times, the volitional sphere develops.
  • Do not limit yourself to one type of exercise, but use a variety of material.
  • This will help diversify development. When organizing classes, attention should be paid to the training of spatial temporal relationships, skills of counting, imagination, logical thinking, etc.
  • Apply different forms of organizing classes: individual work, games in pairs or team competitions.
  • Based on the gradual complication of tasks.
  • Use visual means that will attract the child's attention: bright pictures or photographs, images of your favorite fairy-tale characters.
  • Do not skimp on praise if the baby deserves it.
  • Encourage self-reliance.

Work with your child comprehensively. Together in the development of mathematical abilities, develop reading skills. Find out from our article.

If your child is fidgety, let him run around orthopedic mat... Read about its benefits in ours.

Types of assignments in mathematics

Amusing math tasks include games, riddles, comic tasks, puzzles, exercises with geometric shapes. All of them are aimed at developing speed of reaction, logical and non-standard thinking, resourcefulness, imagination.

Since the preschool age is subdivided into younger and older, then the tasks should be selected taking into account the degree of complexity. The younger preschool age covers the age period of 3-4 years, and the older one - 5-7 years. Of course, the breakdown of tasks by age is conditional, since everything depends on the pace of development of the offspring, it is on them that you need to focus.

Math games

Mathematical games include tasks that are based on the analysis of logical relationships and patterns.

To find the answer, you need to analyze the conditions of the problem, familiarize yourself with its content and understand what needs to be done.

The search for a solution consists in the use of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

The game "Make a sequence of numbers"... The child is given mixed cards with numbers from 1 to 5 or 10, and he must lay them out in the correct sequence.

Exercise . The child receives a form with pictures with numbers next to them. It is necessary to count the objects in the picture and circle the corresponding number.

Exercise . It is necessary to draw the specified number of points on the body of the insect.

Games for older preschoolers

The game "Compare the number"... An adult invites the child to name a number, taking into account the conditions: it must be more than 5, less than 8. For each correct answer, you can give a sun or a flag.

Exercise . On a special form, there are series of pictures on the left, and examples on the right. It is necessary to choose a suitable example for the picture.

Tricky Math Problems

Puzzles are recommended for older preschool children. The most common are geometric problems with counting sticks. They are called geometric, because the task is based on the compilation, transformation of various shapes. To complete the task, you need to prepare counting sticks and table-schemes with images of figures.

It is necessary to try to choose problems with different conditions and solutions in order to stimulate the child's search activity.

Tasks for preschoolers

A picture with an image of an object is placed in front of the child. It can be a house, bench,. The child should, focusing on the sample, fold a similar object out of sticks. Subsequently, you can complicate the task by asking the child to fold the shown picture without having an example in front of his eyes, that is, from memory.

Shape Transform... The task is carried out in 2 stages. First, an adult shows the child a figure and asks to make the same one out of sticks. Instructions for the second stage: it is necessary to determine which and how many sticks should be removed in order to get another shape.

The child needs to analyze the presented geometric shapes, imagine what the final result will look like and choose an answer.

The child is given an image of a complex geometric figure, consisting of many details, he must count how many triangles, rectangles, squares are in the figure.

Games for the reconstruction of figurative images from geometric shapes

Games with geometric shapes for drawing up various objects, animals are very useful for the development of analytical thinking, sensory skills. To conduct classes, you need to stock up on a set of figures: a circle, a triangle, a rectangle or a square.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Make a picture." The child is given a standard set of figures and simple pictures depicting various objects. Focusing on the sample, the child must fold the pictures.

Games for older preschoolers:

"Shape the silhouette of an animal or insect"... For the game, a circle is taken, which is divided by lines into smaller and more heterogeneous parts, and cut. Then, from the obtained parts of the circle, the children try to make a picture, and they are not given specific instructions - they must act according to their own plan.

"Objects from cubes". Looking at the image of the object, the preschooler builds the same from the blocks.

Riddles, comic tasks, entertaining questions

Riddles, comic tasks and entertaining questions are met by children with extraordinary enthusiasm. They are able to activate the child's mental activity, develop skills to notice the main and essential properties, separating them from the secondary ones.

Tasks related to this category are great for use at the beginning of the lesson to prepare the child for intellectual work, to conduct mental gymnastics.

Comic tasks are able to create a favorable emotional background, cheer up. As a rest and switch of attention, tasks can be used in the middle of the lesson.

Mathematical riddles are intricate questions or descriptions of an object, phenomena that the child must guess. Since the riddles are mathematical, then numbers will certainly appear in them, it will be necessary to perform computational operations.

Comic tasks are play tasks with a mathematical meaning, for the solution of which it is necessary to use ingenuity and resourcefulness, and in some cases have a sense of humor. They are recommended to study from senior preschool age. The content of the tasks is unusual, since, along with the main features, they include minor ones. It turns out that the search for an answer is, as it were, masked by other conditions.

Examples of comic tasks

  • 2 cars drove 5 km. How many kilometers did each car drive?
  • If the stork stands on one leg, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will the stork weigh when it stands on 2 legs?
  • Which is heavier: 1 kg of concrete or 1 kg of cotton wool?

Interesting questions

They are short questions with an urge to count something.

  • How many ears do three mice have?
  • You, yes I, yes we are. How many of us?

Games, math entertainment

Games and math fun are a great way to diversify your work. Choosing a game with two participants increases the child's interest in the spirit of competition.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Finish the drawing." The child is given a sheet of paper with geometric shapes depicted on it. The task is to draw a small drawing based on the desired geometric shape. For example, from a circle you can draw a snowman or a clock, from a square - a TV, a briefcase.

An example of a game for older preschoolers

"Houses". For this game you will need 20 images of houses with 10 windows. By the presence of curtains on the windows, one can judge the apartments. The essence of the game is to compare the houses with each other: how many residents must be filled so that all apartments are fully occupied, how many residents must be removed from the house so that the same number of apartments are occupied in it as in the fifth building.

Universal games

The older the child is, the more numbers can be.

Math books for preschoolers

  1. A. Boloshistaya "Mathematics around you". The workbook includes tasks for the formation of mathematical thinking. Designed for children 4-5 years old.
  2. K.V. Shevelev "Mathematics for Preschoolers". The workbook consists of developmental tasks for children 6-7 years old. Classes are designed to prepare you for school.
  3. L.G. Peterson "One is a step, two is a step." A series of manuals is designed to form a mathematical way of thinking, imagination, and the ability to analyze.
  4. M. Druzhinin "Big Book of Leisure". The book includes puzzles, riddles, puzzles. The tasks are designed to develop analytical thinking, broaden horizons, and activate imagination.
  5. O. Zhukova "Mathematics for Preschoolers". The coloring book contains game exercises that will teach a child to count to 10, help develop perception and logic.

From the very birth, the child learns the world, he studies what surrounds him. Parents play an important role in the education and formation of their child. Teaching mathematics to preschoolers is an interesting and uncomplicated process, parents can easily cope with it. Develop the child's attention.

Math exercises for preschoolers

Work with your child in a relaxed environment for 25 to 30 minutes every day. If you see that the child is tired, stop the activity. Do not scold the child, praise him, even if he does not succeed. With your severity and discontent, you will discourage your child's desire to learn and learn something new.

Teach your child math in the form of games and interesting exercises, math assignments for preschoolers, while playing the child quickly learns.

A child 5-6 years old must:

    Be able to determine the location of objects: right, left, middle, top, bottom, back and front.

    Know and distinguish colors: red, blue, green, yellow, gray, white, black, blue, orange.

    Be able to arrange numbers in order from 1 to 5 and in reverse order from 5 to 1.

    Know the basic shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, polygon.

    To be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

    The child learns to write numbers.

1. Determine the location of objects

It is very important to form a spatial representation in children, not only in real life, but also in mathematics, physical education, and music classes. Preschoolers 5 - 6 years old should know the location of objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

Consider the following picture.

The picture shows a house. To the left of the house is a drawing of a tree, a fence, and two jugs. A tree and a fence are drawn to the right of the house.

Above is a drawing of a roof and an antenna on the roof. Below the house is the earth. Grass is drawn in front, a cat is sitting on the grass. You can't see anything behind the house.

Exercise 1

Look at the picture carefully and tell the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

What is drawn to the left of the house?

What is drawn to the right of the house?

What's on the front?

What's on the back?

What's on the bottom?

Exercise 2

Look at the picture carefully and answer the following questions.

Which toy is shown in the front?

Which toy is the back?

What toys are shown on the right?

Exercise # 3

Look at the picture carefully and tell the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back. Answer the following questions.

Who is drawn on the left in this picture?

Who is drawn on the right in this picture?

Who is the picture above?

What's on the bottom?

What toys are shown on the left?

What are the items on the right?

2. Learning colors

A child can learn all colors by visually studying different objects. Any information is easily assimilated in a playful way.

Red color

Look at each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is red. The picture shows a red apple. The picture shows a red flower. The picture shows a red tomato. The picture shows a red car. The picture shows a red ball. The picture shows a red pyramid.

Blue color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is blue.

A blue bow is drawn in the picture.

The picture shows a blue bucket.

The picture shows a blue dolphin.

The picture shows blue boots.

The picture shows a blue bird.

The picture shows a blue umbrella.


Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is yellow.

The picture shows a yellow umbrella.

A yellow star is drawn in the picture.

The picture shows a yellow banana.

The picture shows a yellow lamp.

The picture shows yellow flippers.

The picture shows a yellow lemon.

Green color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is green.

The picture shows a green watermelon.

The picture shows a green frog.

The picture shows a green hat.

The picture shows green leaves.

The picture shows a green sharpener.

The picture shows a green pea pod.

Orange color

Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is orange.

The picture shows an orange pumpkin.

The picture shows an orange fish.

The picture shows an orange carrot.

The picture shows an orange mug and an orange saucer.

The picture shows an orange ball.

The picture shows an orange cake.

Brown color

Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is brown.

The picture shows a brown cookie.

The picture shows a brown hen.

The picture shows a brown briefcase.

The picture shows a brown pot.

The picture shows a brown bear.

Grey colour

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is gray.

The picture shows a gray wolf.

The picture shows a gray mouse.

The picture shows a gray camera.

The picture shows a gray cap.

The picture shows a gray mouse from a computer.


Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is blue.

The picture shows a blue cage.

The picture shows a blue teapot.

The picture shows a blue stapler.

The picture shows blue underpants.

The picture shows a blue saucepan.

The picture shows a blue salt shaker.

White color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is white.

The picture shows a white bunny.

A white circle is drawn in the picture.

The picture shows a white bird.

The picture shows a white dress.

The picture shows a white bow.

Black color

Consider each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is black.

The picture shows a black teapot.

The picture shows a black notebook.

The picture shows a black computer.

The picture shows a black umbrella.

Strengthening exercises

After learning and repeating all the colors, watch and do the following exercises. Your child can reinforce their new knowledge. After studying the colors, play with your child visually. Here, the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention.

Exercise 1

Review the following picture and answer the questions.

What color is the house drawn?

What color is the roof of the house painted?

What color is the pipe on the roof painted?

What color are the windows drawn?

What color are the doors painted?

What color is the grass painted?

Exercise 2

Look closely at the picture and answer the following questions.

What color is the ball drawn?

What color are the stripes on the ball?

Exercise # 3

What color is the tree trunk?

What color are the leaves on the tree?

What is the color of the berries on the tree?

Exercise 4

Look closely at the following picture. Three cars are drawn here. Please answer the following questions carefully.

What colors are there on the police car?

What color is the flasher on the police car?

What colors are on the ambulance?

What color is the ambulance wheel?

What colors are on the fire truck?

What color is the fire engine flasher?

Exercise # 5

Take a look at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What flower is in the picture?

What color are the leaves painted?

What color are the petals drawn?

What color is the core of the flower drawn?

3. Learn numbers

What is the number?

How many balls?

What is the number?

How many cubes?

What is the number?

How many balls?

What is the number?

How many cars?

What is the number?

How many apples?

What is the number?

How many pears?

What is the number?

How many nesting dolls?

What is the number?

How many dolls?

What is the number?

How many flowers?

What is the number?

How many watermelons?

What is the number?

How many carrots?

Strengthening exercises

After this exercise, your child can strengthen their new knowledge. After studying the numbers, watch the following exercises and play with your child visually. Here, the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention.

Exercise 1

Find all the fruits that are drawn one by one.

Find all the fruits that are drawn by two.

Find all the fruits that are drawn in three pieces.

Does this picture have four marbles?

Are there five daisies in this picture?

How many nuts are there in this picture?

Does this picture have 9 balls?

How many bananas are there in this picture?

How many ducklings are in this picture?

Exercise 2

Look closely at the number and draw the same number of balls.

Look at this number and draw apples in red.

Look closely at this number and draw the balls in blue.

Exercise # 3

Look at the number next to the picture and color in the same number of objects.

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the picture, there are many houses drawn on it. Now we need to answer a few questions.

How many houses are in the picture?

How many windows are there in the second house?

How many red roofs are there on the houses?

How many windows are there in the last house?

How many doors are there in the smallest house?

Exercise # 5

Look closely at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What's in this picture?

How many objects are drawn in this picture?

How many cars are red?

How many cars are blue?

How many cars are gray?

How many cars are yellow?

Exercise 6

How many vegetables are painted in blue?

How many fruits are painted green?

How many bananas are drawn in gray?

Exercise 7

Take a close look at the next picture.

How many fruits are shown in this picture?

How many vegetables are shown in this picture?

How many objects are drawn in yellow?

How many items are painted in red?

How many apples are there in this picture?

How many melons are in this picture?

4. Learn to count from 1 to 5 and back from 5 to 1

Exercise 1

Connect the numbers in order.

Connect the numbers in reverse order.

5.Interactive game - learning shapes

It is very important for a preschooler 5-6 years old to know the figures. Many children by this age know what a square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, polygon and rhombus are. Consider all the figures and practice the exercises.




A circle




After examining the figures, watch the following exercises and play with the child visually. Here, the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention, let's add counting.

Exercise 1

In this exercise, you are given shapes, look at them carefully, and answer the following questions.

How many rectangles are shown?

How many figures are shown in total?

Which figure is shown in yellow?

How many shapes are red?

Which figure is shown in blue?

How many shapes are green?

Exercise 2

Look at the next figure and answer the following questions.

What shape is shown in the picture?

How many squares are there?

How many yellow triangles are there?

How many green triangles are there?

What color are the other triangles?

How many different colors are there in this picture?

How many red pieces?

Exercise # 3

Look at the following picture there are many different shapes. Consider them carefully and answer the following questions.

How many triangles are in this picture?

How many red pieces are there?

How many squares are drawn in this picture?

How many yellow pieces are there?

How many rectangles are drawn in blue?

How many triangles are drawn in yellow?

How many blue figures are there?

How many squares are blue?

How many polygons are in this picture?

Exercise 4

Look at the following picture, there are many different shapes drawn on it. Look at them carefully and tell me what you can build from the following shapes?

Exercise # 5

Look at the following pictures, they are made up of shapes. In this exercise, you will color in these shapes. Be careful.

Color any 6 triangles in red.

Rectangles in blue.

Color the five triangles with gray.

Two squares in yellow.

Seven triangles in green.

Color the five triangles in light blue.

Are the figures beautiful? Look at them and count them.

Color the rest of the shapes yellow.

What shapes are used here?

6. Learning to compare more, less and equally

Preschoolers aged 5-6 should be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

Let's take two apples and one apple separately. Look closely at the two pictures, where are the more apples? Where there are two apples, there are more, and where there is one apple there is less.

In this picture of apples, two apples are drawn equally on the left and two apples are drawn on the right.

Let's add one apple to the smaller number of apples.

The fewer apples on the left are one apple. Most of the apples on the right are four apples.

Let's add one apple to the smaller number of apples. We get two apples. More apples became one less apple, we get three apples.

Consider the following pictures and compare which objects are more in this picture, which objects are fewer, and which equally.

Exercise 1

How many birds are shown in the picture on the left?

How many birds are shown in the picture on the right?

Which picture has more birds on the right or left?

Exercise 2

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many fish are shown in the picture on the right?

How many fish are shown in the picture on the left?

Which picture has more fish on the right or left?

Are there equal numbers of fish in the first and second pictures?

Exercise # 3

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many cubes are shown in the first picture?

How many cubes are shown in the second picture?

Which picture shows more cubes on the right or on the left?

Exercise 4

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many cars are shown in the left picture?

How many cars are shown in the right picture?

Which picture shows more cars?

How many cars are there in the right picture if you add another car there?

Exercise # 5

Consider the following picture carefully and answer the following questions.

How many bunnies are in the first picture?

How many bunnies are in the second picture?

Which picture has more bunnies?

Are there equal numbers of bunnies in these two pictures?

7. Learn to write numbers

Look carefully at the numbers there are arrows, these arrows show how to write each number correctly. Practice every day and your child will be able to write easily, beautifully and quickly.

Math games for preschoolers

These games will help your child learn math in the most interesting and exciting way, because kids love to play. Educational games are great for this.

Game "Quick Counting"

A quick score game will help you improve your thinking... The essence of the game is that in the picture presented to you, you will need to choose the answer "yes" or "no" to the question "are there 5 identical fruits?" Follow your goal, and this game will help you with this.

Piggy bank game

I can’t resist not to recommend you the game "Piggy bank" from the same site on which you need to register, specifying only your E-mail and password. This game will be able to suit you fitness for the brain and rest for the body. The essence of the game is to indicate 1 of 4 boxes in which the amount of coins is the highest. Will you be able to show an excellent result? We are waiting for you!

Numeric Reach: Revolution Game

An interesting and useful game "Numeric Reach: Revolution", which will help you improve and develop memory... The essence of the game is that the monitor will display numbers in order, one by one, which you should remember and then reproduce. Such strings will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points can you score in this game?

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

A wonderful game with which you can relax your body and tense your brain. The screenshot shows an example of this game, in which there will be a question associated with a picture, and you will need to answer. Time is limited. How many can you answer?

Airport game

The game "Airport" is an interesting game, the purpose of which is to show where the blue plane is flying and where the red plane is from. This exercise will help develop such qualities as: quick wits, attention, speed of thought, speed of reaction. How many points can you score at the end of the game? Let's check!

Brain fitness secrets, train memory, attention, thinking, counting

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Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

How to improve memory and develop attention

Free practice session from advance.

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Speed ​​reading in 30 days

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  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading fast
  3. Math games are well-readable. At the same time, the child naturally forms abstract thinking of numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Familiar characters, colorful design and clear examples from life teach the kid the basics of analysis, juxtaposition and comparison of objects in mathematics. And the words count, addition, subtraction and multiplication will never scare your child again.
    Much knowledge in preschool age is not easy for a child. But, perhaps, it is especially difficult to teach a kid to play math games. Since this happens for a child with certain difficulties, it is important not to scare him away from mathematics at all. This means that acquaintance with the queen of sciences “mathematics” should take place in a fascinating format.
    Psychologists know: you can interest and captivate everyone, even the most restless child. For example, special educational mathematical games for preschoolers 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 years old will help create a positive atmosphere of such an acquaintance. Spending time with them, the child will, without noticing it, get acquainted with numbers, simple techniques of operating with numbers, will begin to clearly navigate the concept of "more or less".
    Solving arithmetic problems, the kid is motivated by the fact that he wants to find the right answer. Every right decision is a small victory, so it is a reward in itself. For him, this is a habitual play activity, during which new knowledge is unconsciously deposited. Information is received latently, in an entertaining format. This means that the child does not need to be forced to learn new material. And this applies not only specifically to mathematical knowledge. A young explorer is born in whom natural curiosity will not be stifled.
    The free section "Math Games" is perfect for your child if you want to improve his knowledge of mathematics. These games are aimed at knowing numbers. This educational section in the form of educational games will definitely please your child.
    In the section "Math games online" the child will be able to learn how to count to 10, correctly name the numbers, and will also be able to solve some mathematical examples: addition, subtraction, or even multiplication and division. In the examples, several answer options will be given, from which he will have to choose the correct one.
    The games in this section are aimed primarily at teaching the child. You will not find entertaining games here. We advise you to combine educational games with entertainment. After each completed material, include something for him to relax, so he will not get bored and will work much harder with educational games. Teaching numbers is not an easy process, so your little one may need help or guidance at a certain level of difficulty. Do not be lazy and sit with your child solving these math problems. This will greatly help your child to master the numbers much faster. Also, do not let the child sit at the computer for too long, this also applies to the learning process, with the help of special games. The child should take a break of ten minutes after every 40 minutes of class.

    Beginning to learn the basics of mathematics at home is the key to the child's further successful studies. By entering first grade, he or she will already be familiar with the basics and will easily master deeper knowledge. Today we will talk about which math assignments are suitable for preschoolers, and how parents can properly organize this cognitive time.

    How to organize a lesson

    Why is this preparation necessary? It is important for parents to prepare the cognitive process in such a way that the child has an interest in new knowledge, and in the future this interest could develop and grow. After all, it so often happens that the baby caught fire with something at the beginning, and gradually the interest in the game or some process disappears. So how do you prepare?

    • Each child is individual, so you need to take into account what stage of development he is at, and select the appropriate exercises.
    • Remember that it is difficult for many children to keep their attention for 50 minutes, therefore, when choosing a program, take this factor into account. Also, there is no need to force the child to continue learning if he is tired, otherwise he may lose interest in further studies.
    • Be sure to select a training program taking into account the interests of your baby.
    • It is very important to give the preschooler to think, and not immediately give the correct answer. If you overuse prompts, the child will not strive to think. Invite him or her to look at the problem from different angles, suggest solutions. The child should not be afraid to make mistakes, so do not scold him for incorrect answers, but encourage and invite him to think well again.

    • Try to diversify each lesson with something interesting, use various math games for preschoolers, children really like this. You can also use pictures, interesting and educational videos and other various visual media.
    • If you see that the baby already knows a certain level well enough, complicate the tasks, gradual development should take place.
    • Do not break knowledge and life, the kid must understand that everything you offer him will be useful to him, because we use this knowledge every day. You can even choose the appropriate tasks and exercises.
    • Instill in your baby such a quality as independence. Let him try to figure out the condition and possible solution for himself.
    • Support and praise. This is so necessary, because everyone is pleased when he is praised, especially children.

    Types of classes in mathematics

    Today you can find a huge variety of activities that will help your child master such an interesting and necessary science. These are math problems for preschoolers, various games, funny puzzles, exercises with figures and counting. All this should contribute to:

    • Development of a quick response;
    • Formation of logical thinking;
    • Formation of non-standard solutions and resourcefulness in the child;
    • Development of imagination.

    And of course, do not forget that you need to select exercises based on the level of development of your baby.

    Math games

    Mathematical games should be designed in such a way that the preschooler can learn to analyze what is offered to him in the condition and think logically.
    Here are some examples of very simple but powerful math exercises for preschoolers.

    • "Determine the sequence of numbers." To do this, you need small cards with numbers from 1 to 10. They just need to be mixed, laid out and offered to the child so that he adds the proposed numbers in order.
    • "Count items"... The kid is offered cards, which depict animals and other objects in different quantities and several numbers are offered next to them. He or she needs to count how many things are drawn and circle the correct number. Such tasks also develop attention.

    • There is another very interesting game. The child is offered pictures showing "ladybugs" that have lost their spots. A number is written next to each picture, this is the number of spots that need to be drawn on the back of the insect. The kid can be offered multi-colored pencils, pens or felt-tip pens and the knowledge of the basics of mathematics will turn into a very interesting lesson. Instead of "ladybirds", you can use other pictures that need to be supplemented with some elements.

    For older preschoolers, you can use the following assignment options.

    • « Comparisons ". The prospective first grader is offered two numbers, and he must compare them (which is more and which is less).
    • Examples. The child is given forms on which various objects and corresponding examples are drawn. He must find the correct example for each picture.

    Tricky Tasks

    Such exercises are offered to older preschool children, and tasks with geometric shapes are considered the most common. The child is offered figures made of special sticks and he must transform them into other geometric shapes.

    The following tasks can be used

    • "Folding objects according to the picture"... The preschooler is given sticks and special forms on which various objects are drawn, for example, a house, a flag, a star, etc. Guided by these pictures, he must collect the corresponding figures from the sticks.

    • "Transformations". Such a task is to offer the child a certain figure from the sticks, and he must get another figure or object from it, by removing the sticks or changing their places.

    • Count the figures. The preschooler is offered an image with complex shapes and he needs to determine how many triangles, circles or other shapes in the picture that make up the proposed option.

    Recreational exercises

    • Activities of this kind are perfect for warm-up, i.e. before the start of the lesson. Such mental gymnastics prepares the child for the upcoming work and is interesting. You can use math riddles, joke problems, or interesting and fun questions.

    Helpful information

    • Pick up colorful and unusual material that would interest your baby's attention.
    • Reward your little ones for the correct answers and do not scold them for the wrong ones. There are no big victories without mistakes.
    • Try for the child to try to find the answer himself, he must learn to think.
    • Actively participate with him in this fascinating learning process, discuss each lesson passed and be attentive to what your genius is most interested in.

    Entertaining math for preschoolers - video

    We bring to your attention an interesting video, which presents math assignments for preschoolers, aged 5, 6, 7 years. Such tasks will help not only to learn how to count, but the child will also be able to get acquainted with the basic shapes and colors.

    Additional Information

    There are a huge number of different programs, thanks to which the baby can easily learn to count and think logically.

    • is considered a progressive teaching method, with which many children are already familiar, so we invite you to also familiarize yourself with such interesting information.
    • Curious parents can also learn about and analyze what your baby is getting, and what needs more attention.

    How is your kid doing with math? What learning methods did you use. Share your stories in the comments and write tips that could help other mums organize the learning process for their baby. And be sure to leave your feedback on the information received.

    If your child is already familiar with numbers, can call them, seeing in the pictures, and knows how to write them, then it's time to teach him how to count. The ability to count is necessary for any person, and the earlier the child masters counting, the better. Colorful pictures will help you learn. But if you start learning with numbers, then this can cause some difficulties for the baby.

    The fact is that a figure for an adult is something abstract. An adult does not associate a specific number with any object, he perceives it separately. A small child cannot do that. For him, the easiest way is to perceive numbers by associating them with any specific subject.

    Here are six cards to help your child learn to count. Three of them are devoted to addition, three to subtraction. Images of objects, animals, cartoon characters, flowers, etc. are used as objects for addition and subtraction. Such classes will be much more interesting than classes with regular numbers. With the help of these simple cards, the child will quickly master the count from 1 to 10. For classes, you can use a game form. For example, you tell your child that there were 5 sweets on the table, but a hedgehog treated a bunny to one. How many sweets does the hedgehog have left?

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