How to spell the name Christina in different languages. What does the name Christina mean?

Landscaping and planning 25.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Brief and diminutive options: Christya, Khrystyukha, Khristonia, Khristyon, Khristosha, Khristyusha, Khrisya, Tina, Kristinka, Stina, Krestya, Chris, Kristyusha, Kristya, Kriska.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Christina, Kristina, Christiana; Belarusian Khrystsina, Khrystsina, Khrystyna, Krystyna, Krystsina; Bulgarian Christina, Christina, Khristiana, Christian, Christian, Christian, Hungarian Krisztina, Krisztiana; Finnish Kristiina, French Christine, Christiane.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport is Kristina.

Origin of the name "Christina"

The name Christina has Greek roots and translates as " dedicated to Christ"," Christian ". In the Russian language, this name came from Byzantium along with Christianity. During the Soviet era, the name Christina was not so common, and then its phonetically deformed form appeared altogether - Christina.

According to the calendar of the Catholic denomination, Christina celebrates the day of the angel in winter - February 19, in spring - March 26 and May 31, in summer - June 13, and also on August 6 and 18.

Once upon a time name Christina in Russian it was associated with ordinary people, peasants. However, those times are long gone, and the name, having returned again to Russia, began to bear the imprint of a certain elitism and aristocracy. Recently, the fashion for purely Russian names has returned, but the magic of European names is still strong and has not lost its strength, so parents who give the girl the name Christina assume from the very beginning that their child does not look like ordinary children, thereby emphasizing some of her chosenness and style.

However, it should be borne in mind that not always such a name, bearing the imprint of elitism, will be accepted favorably, so if Christina wants to maintain normal relationships in the team, she will have to justify the style of her name. She will need the ability, if necessary, to stand up for herself, and also to hold on, because it is possible that such a beautiful name can cause envy, and with it hostility. It often happens that Christina may not have the courage to live up to her name, then from childhood she becomes a timid, insecure person. However, this happens extremely rarely, since the general energy of the name Christina has a sufficient strength charge. If necessary, Kristinka can quite successfully snipe, thus putting the offender in his place.

Most likely, the owner of such a name will constantly feel the need to achieve a high position in society, in connection with which she will give preference to any fashionable profession, or she will simply strive to establish relationships with people more high rank. Even if Christina fails to fulfill her plans, and she becomes an ordinary housewife, such dreams will not stop visiting her. However, in this case, she will consider her life in vain and unsuccessful. Sad as it may seem, but behind such dreams, Christina can simply miss the usual human happiness, which, as she finds out later, no grandiose glory or success can replace.

Among the pros and cons of giving a child the name Christina, one can name the closed and complex nature of most of its owners. There are no other obvious shortcomings in it. Among the advantages, of course, is the excellent compatibility of the name Christina with Russian patronymics and surnames, as well as great opportunities choose diminutive and caressing forms and abbreviations to it more harmoniously.

If we focus on Christina's health, then she has an average: Christina tends to get sick often.

Amorous Christina is ready to move on to family relations already at the first stage of falling in love, however, since she cools down to the chosen one as quickly as she flares up, it may take her a long time before she starts a family. However, having married, Christina will moderate her ardor and settle down, because she needs a protector and patron, for the sake of which she is even ready to give in and soften her character. The owners of the name Christina are usually rather strict mothers, but they love their children very much.

In the professional field, Christina shows enviable diligence and perseverance. She will feel comfortable choosing the profession of a doctor, teacher, researcher, music teacher, diplomat, engineer, secretary or massage therapist.

Secrets of communicating with Christina: Very often, Christina can react painfully to comments received in her address, but compliments can completely melt her heart. However, it does not hurt her to be careful in this, since there will certainly be those who want to take advantage of such a weakness, hiding a cold calculation behind flattery.

Horoscope named "Christina"

Christina is patronized by Virgo, her planet is Saturn. Christina's lucky plants are cypress and myrtle, and her totem is a dove. Good luck to Christina brings orange or brown, steel-colored clothes. Her talismans are amber and jasper.

Name compatibility

A successful marriage awaits Christina if she connects her fate with Boris, Valery, Gleb, Dmitry, Cyril, Leo, Nikolai, Robert.

But with Anton, Arthur, Vladimir, Vladislav, George, Denis, Ivan, Oleg, Stanislav, Philip, Yuri, Jan and Yaroslav, Kristina will be disappointed, or the relationship will be very difficult.

Christina and pets

Christina is usually easy to find mutual language with animals, loves small fluffy dogs: lapdogs, scotch terriers, skye terriers, shelties, miniature schnauzers, chihuahuas. Nicknames go well with the name Christina: Zilli, Jenny, Susan, Silva, Jerol, Harold, Annie, Alice.

Meaning and origin: dedicated to Christ (Greek).

Energy and Karma: it is easy to see that the name Christina in Russian it sounds with some foreign connotation. Indeed, the times when it was this word - peasants - called everyone ordinary people, long gone, and now there is a huge gap between Christina and the peasant woman, despite the fact that the essence of the name is the same.

So, having returned to Russia again, the name Christina began to bear the imprint of some kind of aristocracy and elitism. Right now in last years, it seems that purely Russian names have begun to come into fashion again, however, even now the magic of European names has not completely lost its strength, so those parents who give their daughter a name Christina, already suggest in it dissimilarity to simple girls, emphasizing her certain chosenness and, as they say, style.

Secrets of communication: often Christina reacts very painfully to comments addressed to him, but from compliments he can completely melt. It would not be superfluous for her to remember caution, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: steel.
  • Talisman stone: amber, jasper.

The meaning of the name Christina option 2

1. Personality. Women with secrets.

2. Character. 85%.

3. Radiation. 78%.

4. Vibration. 63,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intelligence is activity.

7. Totem plant. Gentian.

8. Totem animal. Toad.

9. Sign. Virgo.

10. Type. They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat delayed reaction. Do nothing hastily, do not panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on ghostly dreams.

11. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, one gets the impression that they are angry about something, while they are just watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

12. Will. Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

13. Excitability. Below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. Weak, as well as excitability. Christina does not count on some extraordinary luck. They achieve success with perseverance and diligence, although it comes late.

15. Field of activity. They are attracted scientific activity. They can become scientists, electronics engineers or exemplary teachers. They should not interfere with their choice of profession.

16. Intuition. Not relying on inspiration alone Christina carefully plans his affairs and actions.

17. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mindset. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. Analytical mindset gives them the ability to patiently delve into the details.

18. Susceptibility. These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without much external manifestations. It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

19. Morality. Adhere to principles that many consider petty-bourgeois.

20. Health. Average, and it is necessary to follow it from childhood. They need a long stay fresh air, walks, sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

21. Sexuality. This is a secret area of ​​​​their nature, they cannot stand it when someone invades it. However, behind the impenetrability lies a stormy temperament ...

22. Activity. Such women need time to show their abilities.

23. Sociability. A few chosen friends are preferred. They like to make friendships look beautiful, they cannot stand shameless intrusions of friends. Christina appreciates the family, they make strict but fair mothers.

Conclusion. They need someone to rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and comfortable family hearth.

The meaning of the name Christina option 3

Christina- "Christian" (Greek)

She has a slow reaction, some inhibition in movement and emotions, phlegmatic. Does nothing in a hurry, never panics. He stands firmly on his feet and does not waste time on ghostly dreams.

It's not always clear what she's thinking. When she is silent, it may seem that she is upset about something, while Christina closely following what is going on. She seems timid, as if she lacks confidence, but she has a strong will and is fraught with great inner potential. A little lazy. Excitability is below average. She needs time to get to the bottom of the problem, and even more time to solve it. Very impressionable, closed. He does not count on an extraordinary miracle in life, he thinks realistically.

She likes order in everything that brings success, albeit a little late. She likes to engage in scientific activities - no matter in what area. You should not interfere with her in choosing a profession, but it is necessary to discuss her problems. Christina possesses the gift of intuition, but is guided only by reason. He carefully thinks and plans his actions in advance. The analytical way of thinking makes it possible to patiently delve into the details of the case. He gets used to the team well, in which he gives preference to men. It is easier for her to communicate with them. She belongs to a small number of women for whom friendship with a man really exists.

He will never show that he needs parental love, he will not stick with tenderness. She has the same relationship with her husband. Parents should give her more attention and warmth from childhood, not let her withdraw into herself. It is better for young people to avoid quarrels with this girl.

She is vindictive and forgives nothing. Strictly honors the rules of morality.

Sex is a secret area of ​​​​her nature. She does not participate in conversations on this topic. However, behind the external equanimity lies a stormy temperament. But it must be taken into account that Christina inactive. She needs time to show her abilities.

Christina prefers to have a few loyal friends rather than numerous buddies. She is happy to receive guests and carefully prepares for this. Uninvited intrusions and surprises of this kind cannot stand. Loves family. She becomes a strict but fair mother. She needs a husband she can rely on.

Cristina's health must be monitored from childhood. She needs a long stay in the fresh air, sports. She is susceptible to viral diseases, predisposed to leukemia. She has weak lungs. In adulthood, osteochondrosis and dental disease are possible.

"Winter" Christina silent, serious, thoughtful.

"Autumn" - in addition to everything, she is also strict, patient, accurate, pedantic. Can work as a speech therapist, teacher, educator, music teacher. Her name is suitable for patronymics: Viktorovna, Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Glebovna, Sergeevna, Vladimirovna.

"Summer" - mysterious, charming, good-natured.

"Spring" - romantic, dreamer. This is a graphic designer, musician, fashion designer. The name is well suited to patronymics: Grigorievna, Anatolyevna, Efimovna, Petrovna, Lvovna, Svyatoslavovna.

The meaning of the name Christina option 4

CHRISTINA - a Christian dedicated to Christ (Greek).

August 6 - The Holy Martyr Christina, broke the idols in the house of her pagan father and died as a martyr for the faith of Christ (III century).

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • White color.
  • Auspicious tree - cypress.
  • Treasured plant - myrtle.
  • The patron of the name is a dove.
  • Talisman stone - diamond.


Christina mobile, quick-witted, sometimes unpredictable: she has an excellent memory. She is cheerful, does nothing in a hurry, does not panic. Christina gives the impression of being timid and shy, but in reality she observes, listens, and remembers everything. She has a very strong need for tenderness and love. Christina highly appreciates the external manifestations of these feelings: her outward restraint often hides a stormy temperament.

Starting from early childhood, he discovers a not at all simple personality. The mobile, cheerful, smart little girl never ceases to amaze her loved ones with her photographic memory. This female name periodically rises to the peak of popularity, after which it has been in the shadows for several years.

Accordingly, in order to compare the interpretation with the features of behavior specific person There will be no difficulty in finding an example.

origin of the name Christina

The name Christina is a Russian pronunciation female name Christina. The name Christina is derived from the Latin name Christianus, meaning "Christian". In the Greek version, the name already sounded like Christina. Also, this name is sometimes pronounced as Christian (Christian).

Previously, the word Christina in Russia, the peasants called ordinary people. Over time, it left the Russian language. Returning as a name, it began to carry a foreign connotation with a share of aristocracy. Despite the fact that native Russian names are becoming increasingly popular in Russia today, the name Christina has not gone out of fashion.

The diminutive treatment of Tina and Nana are also independent names, and the treatment of Anya is short form many names, both female (Floriana, Juliana, Androna, Anissia, Anfima, Diana, Kiriana, Liana, Viviana, Liliana, Rufiniana, Feliciana, Anna, Susanna, Juliania and others), and male (Angius, Fabian, Christian).

Christina's character resembles a mother's. She is a quick-witted, mobile girl, with a well-developed memory. She is very observant, although from the outside it seems that she is shy. Decisions are made thoughtfully. The owner of this name easily establishes contacts with strangers.

In her personal life, Christina is quite changeable. She feels the need for mutual feelings. At the same time, he quickly falls in love and is disappointed. Christina can be difficult to understand. She has a difficult inner world and violent temperament.

Many men pay attention to Christina. She doesn't like her friends to invade her privacy. Christina values ​​her family. Often she comes across a jealous husband. They can not always find mutual understanding with the mother-in-law. Winter Christines usually have girls.

The secret of the name Christina

Outwardly, Christina looks like her father. She is mobile and quick-witted, has an excellent memory. Christina loves life and never panics no matter what happens. This is a realistic woman who is not given to daydreaming.

Christina thinks about her every step, it is quite difficult for her to instantly respond to the task. Christina easily converges with strangers and quickly falls in love. But she also quickly becomes disillusioned with them. She needs tenderness and love. If she is not, Christina considers her life inferior.

It is rather difficult to penetrate Christina's inner world, she hides her feelings. Such women always have male attention and many lovers. Christina's husband is very jealous. Christina appreciates her family, does not let other people into it.

  • Zodiac: Gemini
  • Name color: silver
  • Radiation: 97%
  • Planets: Jupiter
  • Talisman Stone: Andalusite
  • plant: cypress
  • Spirit animal: elephant
  • Main character traits: will, intuition, excitability

Numerology Of The Name Christina

Owners of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. "Sixes" value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more valuable than momentary benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path.

"Sixes" are no different leadership qualities, however, are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied "sixes", but for most of them the main guideline in life is the family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Christina

To- endurance, derived from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life's credo "all or nothing."
R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
With- common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
T- intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
And- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
H- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
BUT- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Translated from Greek - "Christian".

Christina outwardly looks very much like her father, but her character is maternal: she, like her mother, is mobile, quick-witted, sometimes unpredictable, and has an excellent memory. This is a cheerful woman who does nothing in a hurry, does not panic.

She stands firmly on the ground and does not waste time building castles in the air. Christina does not have an instant reaction, it usually takes her some time to make a decision. While giving the impression of being shy, even timid, in fact, Christina simply observes, listens and remembers everything.

In society, these women quickly converge with strangers, but prefer a few selected friends. They fall in love quickly and are just as quickly disappointed.

Such women feel a constant need for tenderness and love with the corresponding external manifestations. It is difficult to penetrate into their inner world, it is not always possible to understand what they are thinking about.

However, behind the external impenetrability of Christine, a stormy temperament is often hidden. These women are not bypassed by male attention, and they come across jealous husbands ... Christina loves friendships to look beautiful, she cannot stand shameless intrusions into her life. Appreciates the family, but does not get along well with the mother-in-law.

Winter Christinas are married twice, they have daughters and very rarely sons. The family life of autumn Christines is the most successful - they tend to avoid open conflicts and yield to their husbands in everything.

These women always need someone to rely on - a person who would help them create a reliable and comfortable family hearth.

Character: 85%

Radiation: 78%

Vibration: 63,000 vibrations/s

Colour: yellow.

Main traits: intelligence - activity.

Type: women named Christina are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat delayed reaction. Do nothing hastily, do not panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on ghostly dreams.

Psyche: It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, one gets the impression that they are angry about something, while they are just watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

Will: strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

Excitability: below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

Speed ​​reaction: weak, as well as excitability. They do not count on some extraordinary luck: They achieve success with perseverance and diligence, although it comes too late.

Activity: such women need time to show their abilities.

Intuition: not relying on inspiration alone, they carefully plan their affairs and actions.

Intelligence: they have a rather masculine mindset. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. Analytical mindset gives them the ability to patiently delve into the details.

Susceptibility: these are not those girls who pester their parents with the question: "Do you love me?" They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations. It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

Moral: Adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

Health: the average and it is necessary to follow it from childhood. They need a long stay in the fresh air, walks, sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

Sexuality: this is a secret area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir nature, they can not stand it when someone invades it. However, behind the impenetrability hides a stormy temperament.

Field activities: they are attracted by scientific activity. They can become scientists, electronics engineers or exemplary teachers. They should not interfere with their choice of profession.

Sociability: Prefer a few selected friends. They like to make friendships look beautiful, they cannot stand shameless intrusions of friends.

Additionally: they value the family, they make strict but fair mothers. They need someone to rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and comfortable family hearth.

Christina has sufficient firmness of character. It is characterized by aristocracy and even elitism, chosenness and, as they say, style.

Negative traits of the name

Christina's ambitiousness and arrogance worsen the situation. Christina has to constantly defend her positions, views and beliefs. She knows how to stand up for herself if necessary, she can successfully snipe, which often offends people.

If parents in childhood do not develop her natural inclinations, then she can turn into a timid, notorious person.

Choosing a profession by name

Most likely, a woman with that name will feel the need to achieve a high position in society, for which she can choose any fashionable profession, or she will seek to establish communication with people from high circles.

Even if she fails and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will not leave Christina. Just in this case, she will consider her life unsuccessful and in vain.

The impact of the name on business

Christina is unlikely to need money. She can secure a stable financial position for herself.

The impact of the name on health

Name psychology

Often Christina reacts very painfully to comments addressed to her, but from compliments she can completely melt away. It would be useful for her to remember caution, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Christina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Christa, Christie, Christinka, Christina, Christia, Christina, Chrisya.
  • Declination of the name - Christina, Christina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Khrestina.

The meaning of the name not only affects the character, but often predetermines fate. Having learned the secret of the name Christina, you will also learn how the owner of this name can become happy.

The meaning and origin of the name Christina

The name Christina comes from latin root meaning "Christian". Therefore, earlier it could sound like both Christina and Christina (or even Christian and Christian).

In the old days in Russia, this was the name given mainly to girls in the families of commoners. Then the name went out of use for a long time, but returned in a different way, bringing with it a shade of foreign or even aristocratic sound. Today it is quite popular, and a girl named Christina is no longer a rarity.

From the same root man's name Christian (or Christian), but, unlike its female counterpart, it has not become widespread in Russia.

The fate and character of Christina

The owner of the name Christina is characterized by firmness in her convictions and the desire to defend her positions to the end. It is important for her to remain herself and be true, first of all, to her ideals. Such a position in life often goes sideways for her: for example, she can be known as a disputer, successfully sarcastically in response to an attack by an ill-wisher. At the same time, Christina does not like to engage in empty conversations. It is characterized by the desire to behave with dignity, craving for aristocratic self-control. In this art, Christina can achieve success - however, while acquiring the image of an arrogant person, although in reality she simply takes control of her violent emotions and feelings.

Christina rarely has serious problems finding a circle of friends or in a work team, because she knows how to emphasize her advantages. She understands people well enough to use their weaknesses for her own purposes. It is very, very difficult to manipulate Christina herself. True, she loves compliments and praise very much, and she treats criticism very negatively, so this weakness of hers can cause mistakes and misjudgments about people.

Most often, Christina connects her fate with a profession that she herself considers prestigious. She strives for high status and recognition, knows how to make useful contacts and make profitable deals. All this makes of Christina good entrepreneur, but passionate nature can be useful in the creative field. In this case, Christina can simply become both a writer and a literary agent for herself - that is, combine business with pleasure.

In marriage, Christina is happy with a man whom she can fully rely on. At the same time, Christina herself does not lose her ambitions and is ready to have a business with her husband, help him in his projects or have her own business. exchange high paying job it is very difficult for her to make family happiness: finding herself in such a situation, Christina will try to get out and not make such a difficult and unprofitable choice for her. Christina is rarely a convinced housewife, but if life goes like this, she will either day and night dream of a different, secular and brilliant life, or sooner or later she will use her talents in a different way: for example, she will open a photo studio or a manicure room at home.

With jealous man Christina is not on her way, and it's not even that she loves freedom of action. Suspicion will offend her, and she will not be able to cherish such a marriage.

The meaning of the name Christina for a child

From an early childhood Christina is smart and resourceful. As a rule, she loves puzzles and riddles, she is easily given puzzles. She has a penchant for natural sciences and wants to know everything about the world.

Little Christina is also shy, although she can hide her shyness behind bravado. Children's complexes remain with her for a long time, so when choosing the name Christina for a girl, parents need to be more careful with her vulnerable self-esteem, without criticizing or overpraising her.

Growing up, Christina becomes independent, and this quality helps her not to do stupid things by listening to the advice of her friends. Christina does not allow her friends to interfere in her life. As she ages, she looks more and more like her mother.

Diminutive names play a special role. Christina is often called only one way and nothing else, which makes her more mature and reasonable. However, this name can be shortened - Tina, Nana or Chris, in the English manner.

Name characteristic

Name energy: quick-tempered, catchy and bright, but impulsive - this can do harm if you do not take control of it in time. Often, Christina is balanced by the energy of her husband or father - thanks to her last name or patronymic.

Surname: this name goes well with patronymics Arturovna, Stanislavovna, Artemovna, Anatolyevna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Glebovna, Sergeevna, Denisovna, Georgievna.

Name day: February 19, March 26, June 13, August 6 and 18. Interestingly, in Europe, Christina the Miraculous, the patroness of medicine and doctors, is especially revered. It is believed that it helps with mental disorders.

Zodiac sign: the name Christina is well suited for a girl born under the sign of Virgo, Scorpio or Aries.

Lucky number: 6.

Name element: Earth, which will balance its energy. Fire is suitable for the opposite purpose.

Charm stones: amber and jasper, and from precious minerals - diamond.

Metal: aluminum.

Colour: grey-silver, the color of silver or metal.

Heavenly patron: giant planet Saturn.

Totem animal: the bird of the world is the dove; Talismans with a similar image give Christina harmony.

Charm plant: graceful cypress.

Famous Representatives: Christina Maria Aguilera ( American singer, actress, producer, also involved in charity), Kristina Shmigun-Vyahi (Estonian, skier, two-time world champion), Kristen Stewart (actress, known for the popular vampire saga "Twilight"), Kristina Karhelskaya (Polish, ethnographer, poetess who participated in Resistance), Cristina de Kirchner (55th President of Argentina, the first female president to become such in the elections).

Numerology of the female name Christina

Six is ​​an ambiguous number named after Christina. And it so happened that it is it that determines the life of this person, directs, gives strength and sets new goals. Christina can achieve anything she wants. With one "but" - if he is not lazy. Laziness for her is like a stop for a shark - there is no movement, which means there is no life. And it is important for her not only self-development, but also the desire to win ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

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Career, business and money

Christina is a true workaholic. Her ambition allows her to achieve professional heights in the field of a diplomat, doctor, politician, teacher, engineer. Work should bring her real pleasure, success should amuse pride.

In building a career, Christina adheres to a clear plan; there is no place for emotions in her work. A woman never asks or listens to the advice of others. Failures do not frighten her, but inspire her to go to the top with redoubled strength. Christina is an excellent leader, requiring her subordinates to strictly comply with her orders.

She doesn't have to go to work for someone. Analytical mindset, determination and assertiveness will allow her to become a successful entrepreneur. For profitable business she doesn't need partners. She knows a lot and is ready to deal with everything unknown in the process. Difficulties do not frighten a woman, she is used to handling money carefully, but she is not afraid to lose it.

The family budget is completely in her hands. Usually she earns more than her husband, but she will not stoop to reproach him in case of a quarrel.

Marriage and family

The house is an indestructible fortress. This expression fully reflects Christina's attitude to the family. For the arrangement of the "fortress" she spares neither physical nor mental strength. Strangers are not welcome in your home.

Christina is a woman who is excellent at combining household and building a successful career. She demands identical organization and dedication from her husband. If this is not the case, conflicts will not be avoided. Divorce for a woman with that name is an extraordinary decision. She is ready to compromise in almost any situation. Only treason is considered unacceptable. He brings up children in strictness, from early childhood he teaches them to be independent and responsible.

Sex and love

Christina is a wise girl beyond her years. She evaluates each potential contender for her location in terms of prospects. To create a couple with Christina, a young man must have potential. For the sake of perspective, she is ready to forgive the chosen one for minor flaws in appearance and character. In a relationship with a man, sometimes he becomes a tough manipulator. She always has a lot of fans, Christina is not indifferent to compliments, but she cannot always recognize flattery.

Behind the coldness and restraint of a woman with that name lies incredible sensuality and tenderness. To sexual relations she treats with care, throughout her life they remain a sacrament for her. Christina will show her sensual nature only to her lawful husband and only after she realizes that he is worthy of her complete trust. If troubles begin in a relationship, Christina instantly retreats. She should always feel that her partner needs her. This woman will definitely not run after anyone, she values ​​\u200b\u200band loves herself above all else.


In early childhood, she often suffers from colds. In adolescence, parents are advised to pay attention to the respiratory organs of their daughter, she may have problems with her lungs. The best prevention is daily walks in the fresh air.

Sedentary work is not suitable for a girl, because with age there will be a predisposition to joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Throughout life, you need to pay attention to your teeth - this is one of the weakest areas.

Interests and hobbies

In Christina's life, two hobbies are family and work. If you perform labor obligations she is interested, she can devote the maximum of the available time to them.

In establishing a comfortable life, she has no equal, for this she is ready to master all the girl's hobbies: from embroidery to alteration of old furniture.

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