Rhodiola rosea Latin name. Golden root or Rhodiola rosea, medicinal properties and contraindications

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning


What is rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea (also known as golden root, pink root) (Rhodíola rósea) is a perennial herb; species of the genus Rhodiola of the Crassulaceae family. The plant received the name "golden root" by the rhizome, which has the color of bronze or old gilding with a mother-of-pearl sheen.

An alcoholic extract of rhodiola is used in Russian scientific medicine as a stimulant of the central nervous system, in asthenic and neurasthenic conditions, increased fatigue, decreased performance, vegetative-vascular dystonia, in psychiatry, in functional diseases of the nervous system, in the rehabilitation period after somatic and infectious diseases, as well as in practically healthy people with reduced performance [


Rhodiola rosea is one of the famous medicinal plants. But many people are more familiar with the popular names of Rhodiola - "golden root", "Siberian ginseng". Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herb. It grows in regions with a cold and temperate climate, including North America, Great Britain and Ireland, in alpine mountain meadows (in the Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians). In Russia - in Altai, the Urals, in the polar regions of Yakutia, in the mountainous regions of Eastern Siberia, Western Siberia and the Far East, on the coast of the White and Barents Seas. Rhodiola grows mainly at an altitude of 1500–2700 m above sea level, and the best conditions for plant growth are areas with flowing moisture, that is, valleys of mountain streams or rivers, rocky shores, lake shores, pebbles, and also wet meadows.

An old Altai belief says: the one who finds the golden root will be lucky and healthy until the end of his days, he will live for two centuries. Chinese emperors equipped special expeditions in search of a golden root. As the greatest value, this plant was secretly transported across the border by smugglers. The indigenous population of Altai carefully concealed the places of growth of the golden root. The methods of its use were surrounded by a secret that was passed from father to son, and sometimes went to the grave with the owner. Legends were created around the golden root.

Only in 1961, an expedition led by Professor G.V. Krylov found a golden root in the Altai taiga, at an altitude of 3000 m. With the beginning of a wide study of the golden root, when the “secret” of this legendary plant was revealed to people, the beginning of the mass procurement of precious raw materials also coincides. . Rhodiola grows very slowly, repeated harvesting in the same place is carried out only after 10 years. Previously, thickets of Rhodiola rosea in our country were very significant. However, unorganized and unsystematic collections, often simply barbarous destruction of this plant, led to the fact that natural reserves were greatly reduced or even disappeared altogether in some regions, especially in Altai. Now Rhodiola rosea is listed in the Red Book as a rare and endangered species.

What is Rhodiola Rosea, medicinal properties and contraindications of Rhodiola, are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. Here we will try to answer the questions of interest to this category of people.

Medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola is an adaptogen, that is, a tool that helps the body adapt to adverse environmental conditions. Preparations of Rhodiola rosea have a pronounced stimulating adaptogenic effect on the body. As a result of their use, physical and mental performance increases, as well as the body's resistance to various adverse factors: noise, pollution, stress, radiation. In terms of stimulating effect, it surpasses Eleutherococcus and is not inferior to it in terms of adaptogenic properties.

Under the influence of Rhodiola preparations attention, working capacity noticeably increase, memory improves. Like ginseng, rhodiola has antitoxic (reduces the effect of barbiturates, ether, the toxic effects of strychnine, aniline, chlorophos, sodium nitrite), antihypoxic action, significantly increases immunity to various diseases.

Rhodiola helps to restore the body: after operations, severe physical and nervous diseases, stress.

It is needed to raise the general tone of the body and immunity, increase efficiency and stimulate brain activity.

It supports the body with colds, tuberculosis, gallbladder diseases, metabolic disorders, diabetes, diarrhea, poor appetite, uterine, intestinal, gastric, pulmonary, nosebleeds, fractures.

Rhodiola preparations increase the body's resistance to infections, X-ray and ionizing radiation, and toxic chemicals.

Interest in psychostimulants has increased significantly in recent years, as in the context of the rapid development of technology, high automation of production, the requirements for such psychophysical qualities of a person as will, endurance, attention, mobilization of reserve resources of the body, the ability to switch and respond to an ever-increasing the flow of information from the external environment. The use of psychostimulants, usually limited by medical indications, becomes justified in practically healthy people to increase the efficiency and endurance of the body when performing long-term hard work in difficult weather conditions, heavy expeditionary transitions, intense training loads in some sports and under a number of other extreme conditions.

For more than 300 years, the rhizome of Rhodiola rosea has been one of the most popular tonic and stimulant remedies in folk medicine. Often it was used in the form of vodka tincture, as a means of increasing efficiency, reducing fatigue, especially with a breakdown in old age.

Until recently, Rhodiola was harvested, but then they stopped using it. More recently, it has been established that an alcoholic extract of underground organs has a pronounced tonic effect; allowed for use as a stimulant of the central nervous system and a stimulant for mental and physical fatigue, weakening of the body. In medicine, a liquid extract of Rhodiola is used for stimulation with increased fatigue, neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, it can be taken by practically healthy people with reduced performance. Under the influence of the "golden root" in patients with neurosis, the mobility of the inhibitory and excitatory processes is normalized.

Hydroalcoholic extract of Rhodiola has a positive effect in reducing addiction to narcotic drugs.

Rhodiola removes radionuclides, improves vision, hearing, memory, heart function and increases blood pressure, treats gout, dysmenorrhea, mastopathy, polycystic ovaries, early menopause, late puberty.

Also, the use of extract and tincture of Rhodiola rosea increase the body's resistance to infections, X-ray and ionizing radiation, toxic chemicals (gasoline, acetone, ethyl alcohol, chlorophos, medicines).

Thus, thanks to its constituent substances, Rhodiola contributes to:

- improvement of mental performance;

– improvement of the course of oxidative processes;

- maintaining a high level of the so-called energy potential of the brain;

- a beneficial effect on the functions of the hearing organs (especially with occupational hearing loss);

- a positive effect on the functions of such organs as the liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, sex glands;

- increasing the body's resistance to the influence of adverse chemical, biological and physical factors.

Rhodiola rosea contraindications

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Rhodiola rosea are the subject of interest of many people who care about their health. We have already figured out how useful this herb is. But can it do any harm?

Self-administration of adaptogens in high dosages is not allowed. Often people misdiagnose themselves, especially when it comes to mental illness. In particular, Rhodiola tincture will only be harmful in psychosis and bipolar disorder, but will be safe and effective in clinical depression.

It should be noted that exceeding the dose can significantly increase blood pressure, and cause such unpleasant symptoms as dry mouth, emotional overexcitation, and even impaired fine motor skills of the hands. Most often, the dosage is calculated on weight, but almost never take more than 600 mg / day. Concerning specific doses it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Rhodiola tincture may increase the side effects of other adaptogens. In particular, if taken together with echinacea, an increase in pressure and allergic reactions are possible. However, tinctures are often prescribed in pairs, but with a reduced dosage.

Sometimes the method of storage and preparation of plant materials violates its healing properties. In particular, you should not purchase whole dried Rhodiola root for self-preparation of tinctures. It contains very few nutrients. Usually, the root is cut into small pieces immediately after digging, and dried either in the sun, or in a dehydrator or a Russian oven at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.

Pharmacy alcohol tinctures of Rhodiola are not suitable for people with liver diseases and a tendency to alcoholism. In addition, the use of Rhodiola is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

In addition, it should be remembered that herbal treatment requires compliance with:

Golden root for men

The golden root, with the scientific name "Rhodiola rosea", is one of the best remedies for the treatment of impotence in men. It is believed that this plant is superior in its beneficial properties to ginseng. To improve the activity of the gonads, natural Rhodiola rosea is used: the beneficial properties for men and the effectiveness of the plant have been proven by laboratory studies.

  • 100 g of crushed roots of Rhodiola rosea are poured into 400 ml of 40-degree vodka. The tincture is placed in a dark place for 7-10 days. The remedy is taken 15 drops before eating, three times a day. It is impossible to take tincture for a long time, since an overdose can provoke the opposite effect of the remedy.
  • 20 g of crushed dry root of Rhodiola rosea is poured into 300 ml of 70% alcohol, infused for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally, then filtered. Tincture is taken 25 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 14 days. After a 10-day break, the course of treatment is repeated.
  • 2 parts of Rhodiola rosea root are poured with 10 parts of 40% alcohol (vodka), infused for 3-4 weeks, shaking occasionally, then filtered. The drug is taken 15 drops 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1 month. After a 30-40-day break, the course of treatment is repeated.
  • Daily drink carrot juice with honey and tincture of Rhodiola rosea root. The product is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 tbsp. spoon, adding 2 drops of Rhodiola rosea root tincture 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • Every day drink a mixture of vegetable juices - 500 ml. The following mixture of juices may be useful: carrot (3 parts), beetroot (1 part), cucumber (1 part), beetroot (1 part), lettuce juice (1 part). Add 10 drops of Rhodiola rosea root tincture to a glass of juice mixture.
  • Take the juice from the leaves and roots of the Siberian istod, adding 10 drops of tincture of the root of Rhodiola rosea, 1-2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals. It is recommended to add an equal amount of honey to the juice.

Golden root under reduced pressure

Hypotension is low blood pressure, 100/65 mm Hg. Art. for men and 95/60 mm Hg. Art. for women. Pressure drops due to vascular tone. Normally, the vessels, if necessary, should quickly narrow and expand, but in hypotensive patients, the reaction of the vessels is slowed down, so the blood ceases to flow to the organs and tissues in sufficient quantities. The meteorological sensitivity of hypotensive patients is quite understandable - the pressure reacts to air humidity, the influence of electromagnetic fields, and the radiation background. Women suffer from hypotension more often than men.

Apply alcohol (vodka) infusion of the root of Rhodiola rosea (golden root). The crushed root of Rhodiola rosea (50 g) is poured into 50 ml of vodka, insisted for 7 days in a dark place. After that, they filter. Store the tincture in a dark place. Start taking 10 drops mixed with water, adding 1 drop daily and bringing up to 40 drops, 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 1 month. The dose is selected individually. If 15-20 drops improve the general condition and normalize blood pressure, you should not increase the dose.

  • 10 g of dry root of Rhodiola rosea is poured into 500 ml of water, brought to a boil, cooled and drunk 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • For the treatment of hypotension, a tincture of the root of Rhodiola rosea is used, which is taken 30 drops 2 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, after a 10-day break, the treatment is repeated. If alcohol-containing preparations are contraindicated for the patient, then instead of tincture for the treatment of hypotension, honey-rhodiola jelly is used, which is taken in a third of a teaspoon 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals. In this case, the course of treatment should last for 2 months.
  • Such a remedy has proven itself well: brew 10 g of St.

Based on the book by Yu. Konstantinov “Rhodiola rosea, or the Golden Root. An affordable analogue of ginseng from a hundred diseases.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Rhodiola rosea has long been used in folk medicine as an excellent stimulant of the nervous system and an effective adaptogen that increases the resistance of the human body to various kinds of adverse effects. We will talk about the amazing properties of this plant and its use in medicine, cosmetology and sports in this article. In addition, on the pages of the article we will consider another type rhodiola, which is no less widely used in medical practice - we are talking about rhodiola quaternary .

Rhodiola rosea plant

Rhodiola rosea(Popularly, this plant is also called the golden root) in terms of its stimulating effect, it belongs to the ginseng group. This plant reaches 50 - 70 cm in height, and is distinguished by golden roots on the outside, which are white at the break. The roots have a bitter-astringent taste. The smell of the dug fresh rhizome is similar to that of a rose.

The plant got its name "golden root" due to the rhizome, which has the color of bronze.

The plant does not require a large amount of heat and light, but moisture and flowing moisture are extremely necessary for it.

Where does Rhodiola rosea grow?

Rhodiola grows mainly at an altitude of 1500 - 2700 m above sea level, and the best conditions for plant growth are areas with flowing moisture, that is, valleys of mountain streams or rivers, rocky shores, lake shores, pebbles, and also wet meadows.

Collection and storage

For medical purposes, the roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola are used, the harvesting of which is carried out no earlier than three to four years after sowing. Raw materials are collected from August to September.

Rhizomes and roots are dug up and cleaned from the ground, washed thoroughly in running water, and then dried in the shade. Next, the raw material is cut into strips 2–5 cm long, and placed in a dryer, the temperature in which should be about 50–60 degrees. It is advisable not to dry raw materials in the sun.

Important! Properly dried medicinal raw materials at the break have a white or pinkish color. If the fracture acquires a brown tint, it is unsuitable, since it loses its healing properties.

The dried raw materials are stored in canvas bags in a dry, and necessarily dark place.

Dried roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola 3 years old are suitable for use.

Rhodiola treatment

In folk and traditional medicine, Rhodiola preparations are indicated as a stimulant for:
  • mental and physical overwork;
  • hypotension;
  • various forms of neurosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • women's diseases;
  • anemia.
Rhodiola rosea is also recommended for patients undergoing rehabilitation after severe chronic diseases.


  • High degree of efficiency;
  • low toxicity;
  • a large therapeutic range of effects on the body;
  • no side effects provided the correct dosage is taken;
  • lack of habit.


  • Improving mental performance;
  • improvement of the course of oxidative processes;
  • maintaining the so-called energy potential of the brain at a high level;
  • beneficial effect on the functions of the hearing organs (especially with occupational hearing loss);
  • a positive effect on the functions of organs such as the liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, sex glands;
  • increasing the body's resistance to the influence of adverse chemical, biological and physical factors.

Roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea

Both rhizomes and roots of Rhodiola in scientific medicine are used in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • neuroses;
  • overwork;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • disruption of the CNS.
Preparations from the roots of Rhodiola provide the brain with energy, contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

It is thanks to the golden root that resistance to extreme situations increases, which prevents adrenal exhaustion, provoked by stress. Rhodiola prevents the weakening of the thymus gland.

Composition of Rhodiola Rosea


They have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, as they have both cumulative and cardiotonic properties. In addition, glycosides have a diuretic and sedative effect.


The benefits of flavonoids:
  • reduce the permeability of blood vessels, making them more flexible and elastic;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • balance the heart rate
  • reduce intraocular pressure;
  • take part in the process of bile formation;
  • regulate the production of urine;
  • stimulate the adrenal cortex.


Substances of this group change the structure of the protein, resulting in the formation of a protective albuminate film, which has a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms. Preparations containing tannins have astringent properties, and therefore are used externally in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, wounds and burns. Inside, taking drugs with tannins is prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders.


Strengthen the immune system, helping not only the formation of cells, but also their restoration. Anthraquinones also have a laxative effect.

Essential oils

They have the following range of action:
  • bactericidal;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • wound healing;
  • painkiller.
In addition, essential oils have a calming effect on the nervous system, and consequently, the emotional and mental health of a person.


Properties of coumarins:
  • antitumor (affect the genetic apparatus of the neoplasm, provoking the breakdown of chromosomes and inhibiting the ability of tumor cells to metastasize);
  • anticoagulant;
  • anticoagulant.

Thus, coumarins inhibit tumor growth, due to which they are widely used in the treatment of cancer.

organic acids

Oxalic acid:
  • increases the secretion of the stomach and pancreas;
  • participates in hematopoiesis, supplying the body with iron, potassium and magnesium;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating a sluggish intestine.
Apple acid:
  • helps to cope with constipation;
  • contributes to the normalization of digestion;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • strengthens eyesight;
  • stimulates the formation of red blood cells;
  • improves metabolism;
  • stimulates the breakdown of both fats and carbohydrates, effectively fighting extra pounds.
Succinic acid :
  • stimulates energy production;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • neutralizes free radicals;
  • reduces the negative impact of long-term medication;
  • reduces the level of uric acid, due to which joint mobility is restored in a short time;
  • increases efficiency;
  • has a relaxing effect on the nervous system;
  • improves coronary circulation;
  • stimulates the natural production of insulin, thereby reducing blood sugar;
  • normalizes intestinal flora;
  • improves reproductive functions.
Lemon acid:
  • increases appetite;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • breaks down fats;
  • removes toxins;
  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • strengthens the immune system.


These substances not only strengthen, but also protect the circulatory system, protecting blood vessels from constriction. Phenol also prevents the oxidation of cholesterol.


The main source of energy for a person, with the help of which metabolic processes occur, and therefore, the work of all body systems is normalized.

A vegetable-based sugar substitute that normalizes blood sugar levels and strengthens the immune system.

Fructose does not release intestinal hormones that stimulate insulin production, as a result of which it is used in dietary products intended for people who have diabetes.


Sterol properties:
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • increased immunity;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Sterols of plant origin affect the number and functioning of helper cells that protect the body from various autoimmune reactions.


Alkaloids have analgesic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, sedative, and hypotensive effects.

trace elements

  • Participates in the formation of bone and connective tissues;
  • normalizes the work of the female genital organs in particular and the reproductive system as a whole;
  • restores lipid metabolism;
  • accelerates the absorption of carbohydrates;
  • normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Provides protein metabolism;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • participates in the process of bone formation;
  • promotes the synthesis and absorption of insulin;
  • promotes rapid healing of internal and external wounds;
  • normalizes the reproductive system;
  • reduces allergic reactions.
Copper properties:
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiseptic;
  • emetic;
  • astringent.


Strengthen the peristalsis of the colon, thereby exerting a laxative effect.

Properties of Rhodiola Rosea

  • Antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • neuroprotective (lowers the level of anxiety);
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • adaptogenic;
  • wound healing;
  • painkiller;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • laxative;
  • antiviral;
  • stimulating;
  • anticancer;
  • cardioprotective;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-drug;
  • tonic;
  • antimetastatic.


This medicinal plant, which is an adaptogen, is used as an external agent (lotions, compresses, ointment) in the treatment of:
  • skin diseases;
  • abscesses;
  • jaundice (as a wound cleanser).
Inside, preparations of Rhodiola rosea are taken for cardiovascular, gastric and intestinal diseases, for pulmonary tuberculosis, impotence, chronic fatigue, and bone fractures.

Indications for the use of Rhodiola rosea

Impotence in men and diseases of the female reproductive system
Preparations of Rhodiola rosea enhance the activity of the gonads and stimulate the functioning of the ovaries, due to which they are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and early menopause. This plant helps to increase potency, and its effectiveness exceeds the action of ginseng root.

Rhodiola rosea is used in the treatment of such diseases and conditions:

  • oligospermia, characterized by a reduced release of sperm;
  • late puberty;
  • primary and secondary amenorrhea;
  • adnexitis;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
Immunity Boost
Rhodiola rosea significantly increases the body's resistance to viral and bacterial diseases. In addition, the intake of this medicinal plant is indicated in the postoperative period, as well as during recovery from severe illnesses.

Chronic fatigue
Rhodiola (due to its psychostimulating and adaptogenic properties) is recommended for people prone to asthenia, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • decrease in working capacity;
  • difficulty falling asleep at night;
  • sleepiness during the day;
  • headache.
Rhodiola rosea preparations affect the body in the following way:
  • increase mental and physical activity;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • increase the bioelectric activity directly of the cerebral cortex;
  • normalize the work of the central nervous system.
Rhodiola rosea has been proven to increase blood pressure.

Thyroid disease
The root of the plant activates the thyroid gland.

Rhodiola tincture reduces blood sugar, which is why it is indicated for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Tumors and metastases
Rhodiola rosea enhances the activity of cytostatics that provoke necrosis of cancer cells, as a result of which the shell, nucleus and other components of the cell are damaged, which leads to its death.

Neuropsychiatric diseases and insomnia
Rhodiola rosea is used in psychiatry for the treatment of functional diseases of the nervous system.

Action of Rhodiola:

  • normalization of higher nervous activity;
  • elimination of feelings of anxiety;
  • elimination of irritability;
  • weakening of unpleasant sensations localized in the region of the heart;
  • sleep improvement.
It should be noted that the use of Rhodiola rosea preparations increases the body's resistance not only to various infections, but also to the effects of X-ray and ionizing radiation, not to mention the negative impact on the body of toxic chemicals, including gasoline and acetone, chlorophos and some medicines.

Features of the use of Rhodiola rosea - video

How to take Rhodiola rosea?

A single dose of a tincture, extract or decoction of Rhodiola has a fairly strong adaptogenic, anti-stress, antipsychotic, and also a stimulating effect in acute stress. With long-term use of Rhodiola rosea preparations (for example, with a course designed for 6 weeks), the symptoms of chronic stress can be eliminated.

I must say that it is not recommended to take Rhodiola preparations daily - after all, the body's forces are still not infinite, and therefore it is impossible to constantly stimulate them (even with herbal preparations). Stimulant drugs are recommended to be taken when there is really an urgent need to maintain the tone of the body. However, after 5 days of constant use, they can cause the opposite effect. For this reason, it is advisable to take a week break every five days of taking Rhodiola rosea.

In any case, the selection of the dosage of Rhodiola rosea preparations and the scheme for their use should be carried out exclusively by a doctor who will take into account the history, severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Preparation of preparations of Rhodiola rosea


It has the strongest stimulating effect of the central nervous system, which in its strength surpasses the effect of Ceylon, Georgian and Indian tea containing caffeine, as well as the effect of coffee. For this reason, taking such a decoction (or tea) is not recommended daily, but only in case of urgent need.

To prepare such a tonic drink, you need 1 tsp. finely chopped Rhodiola rosea root pour 1 liter of water, and then boil the broth for 10 minutes, after which the drink is infused for another 40 minutes and drunk two to three glasses a day. If desired, you can add sugar or honey to the broth.


It will help to cope with fatigue, pulmonary tuberculosis, impotence, female diseases.

50 g of carefully crushed rhizomes are placed in a half-liter container, into which vodka is poured up to the very neck. The container is firmly closed and set to infuse for 20 days in a dark, but not very cold place. After 20 days, the tincture can be consumed 15-20 drops twice a day, and the rhizomes are not removed from the container until the tincture is over. The tincture is stored in the refrigerator.


Indicated in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, malaria, nervous disorders, high blood pressure. In addition, the infusion of rhodiola contributes to the conservation of brain energy by increasing the glucose content directly in the blood, which ensures brain activity in conditions of prolonged physical exertion.

To prepare the infusion, pour 10 g of the roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola into 200 ml of boiling water, and then insist the remedy for 4 hours, then strain it and use it two to three times a day, 150 to 200 ml each.

This form of the drug is widely used externally as an effective wound healing agent for lubricating wounds and cuts, as well as for rinsing the mouth with sore throat.

Extract (drops)

Pharmaceutical extract of Rhodiola rosea is prescribed as a stimulant and adaptogenic agent to increase mental and physical activity. The extract is taken 10 drops, no more than three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is contraindicated in:
  • pronounced symptoms of increased nervous excitability;
  • depletion of cortical cells;
  • fever
  • individual intolerance;
  • postinfluenza encephalitis.
It is recommended to take Rhodiola preparations 4 to 5 hours before going to bed, which will help to avoid problems with falling asleep.

With strong emotional arousal, you should also not take Rhodiola, which can aggravate the condition. It is better to sleep for a few hours, and only then take 5 - 10 drops of Rhodiola rosea tincture, or 100 - 150 ml of decoction.

Since Rhodiola has a high biological activity, it should not be taken in case of gross organic diseases (we are talking about severe cardiovascular diseases and serious disorders of the central nervous system).

Side effects

When using preparations of Rhodiola rosea, the side effects listed below are extremely rare (their main reason is an overdose):
  • excitation;
  • increased irritability;
  • discomfort in the region of the heart;
In patients suffering from hypotension, provoked by vegetative-vascular dystonia, menopause or diencephalitis, Rhodiola preparations can sharply lower or, conversely, increase blood pressure, which leads to a deterioration in general well-being. In such cases, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately.

Rhodiola rosea for children

All forms of preparations of pink rhodiola and fees, which include this plant, are not recommended for children under 12 years of age. In them, the plant can provoke the appearance of a skin rash, nausea, vomiting.

Rhodiola rosea in cosmetology

Rhodiola rosea has been clinically proven to have a positive effect on sensitive as well as aging skin, thanks to which this plant has found wide application in cosmetology. Rhodiola is an ingredient in many anti-wrinkle creams today.

And the thing is that Rhodiola rosea has a stimulating and adaptogenic effect, which affects the skin as follows:

  • slow down the aging process of the skin;
  • increase the resistance of the body as a whole, and the skin in particular, to various external adverse environmental factors;
  • stimulate metabolic processes directly in the tissues;
  • restore skin cells and tone it;
  • deeply moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • improve cellular respiration;
  • provide tissue regeneration;
  • smoothes wrinkles, preventing their re-formation;
  • neutralize the action of free radicals;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • contribute to the restoration of the physiological properties of the skin.
Rhodiola creams are especially effective for overwork and stress, which negatively affect the skin, causing irritation, wrinkles, and acne. Creams with Rhodiola rosea normalize metabolic processes, thereby improving energy metabolism, which significantly speeds up the process of skin regeneration. In addition, cosmetic products with Rhodiola rosea reduce transepidermal water loss, thereby increasing the protective functions of the skin, which is moisturized and rejuvenated.

It cannot be said that Rhodiola rosea preparations have a warming effect: for example, by raising the temperature of the skin, Rhodiola prevents hypothermia. The undeniable advantage of Rhodiola is that (unlike many warming preparations) this plant does not dilate blood vessels, so it is part of the products that protect the skin from frost.

Rhodiola rosea in sports

Rhodiola rosea has been used by professional athletes for many years as a safe non-steroidal agent that increases physical endurance and activity, as well as speeds up the recovery process after serious physical exertion.

Rhodiola rosea preparations improve both mental and physical functions, mobilize and maintain muscle energy reserves.

The main properties of the plant:
1. Increasing the body's endurance during peak loads.
2. Acceleration of the processes of restoration of cardiovascular, as well as muscle energy.
3. anabolic activity.

Based on the studies conducted, in which professional athletes took part, the following effect of Rhodiola preparations on the body was established:

  • improvement in heart rate;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increase in muscle strength of the back;
  • increase in arm muscle endurance during static stress;
  • improved coordination of movements;
  • improving recovery capabilities;
  • fatigue reduction.
It is also important that preparations of Rhodiola rosea (subject to compliance with the dosage) do not cause side effects. So, in the course of the studies, no deviations were noted in the functioning of the adrenal cortex, as well as the endocrine glands. Thus, Rhodiola rosea, which has the properties of synthetic anabolic steroids, does not adversely affect the body.

Rhodiola preparations help to maintain high performance even during periods of low physical activity that precede the competition.

Recipes with Rhodiola Rosea

Tincture for anemia and female diseases

100 g of crushed roots of Rhodiola rosea are poured into 400 ml of 40-degree vodka. The tincture is placed in a dark place for 7-10 days. The remedy is taken 15 drops before eating, three times a day. It is impossible to take tincture for a long time, since an overdose can provoke the opposite effect of the remedy.

This tincture is also indicated for such conditions and diseases:

  • senile decline;
  • impotence;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • liver disease;
  • diabetes.

Collection from colds and gastrointestinal disorders

Ingredients (taken in equal parts):
  • rhodiola rosea;
  • badan (black leaves);
  • strawberry leaves;
  • blackberry leaves;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • blackcurrant leaves;
  • Hypericum flowers;
  • flowers of cinquefoil shrub;
3 tbsp dry collection pour 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for an hour. In such herbal tea, you can add honey or sugar to taste.

Such a decoction, which has tonic properties, restores metabolism in a short time.

collection for immunity

  • Rhodiola root - 20 g;
  • lure roots - 20 g;
  • fruit

Latin name

Folk names

golden root, rose root


Perennial herbaceous plant with a thickened bronze, lemon-yellow inside rhizome, with the smell of rose oil and a bitter-astringent taste. The stems are straight, unbranched, up to 70 cm (sometimes up to 1 m) tall in favorable conditions and up to 10 cm in oppressed ones. The leaves are light green, tender, fleshy, oval-ovate, often with serrated edges. The flowers are small, unisexual, dicotyledonous, four-lobed corollas, golden yellow, reddening when ripe, collected in a corymbose inflorescence at the tops of the stems. Blooms in June-first half of July.


It grows in Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. It grows most often in damp meadows, along the rocky banks of mountain rivers and in the tundra. Industrial blanks are carried out in Altai.

Used part

For medical purposes, the tuberous rhizomes of the plant are used. The roots and rhizomes of the plant contain tannins of the pyrogallic group, anthraglycosides, essential oil, organic acids (oxalic, citric, malic, gallic, succinic), a significant amount of sugars, proteins, fats, waxes, sterols, tertiary alcohols, unsaturated compounds, phenolic substances , glycosides, flavonoids and a large amount of manganese

Collection and preparation

The roots of flowering plants are collected in the second half of July and the first half of August. The rhizome is cleaned from the ground, dried in the shade, and then in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, previously cut into pieces.


Rhodiola preparations have a pronounced stimulating property, significantly increase the volume of dynamic and static work. Working capacity is especially noticeably increased when using drugs against the background of fatigue and when performing heavy physical work. At the same time, the golden root normalizes metabolic processes, promotes the economic use of energy resources, improves energy metabolism in muscles and the brain due to oxidative processes.

Rhodiola preparations have a stimulating effect on the mental performance of a person, somewhat improve memory and attention.

Preparations of Rhodiola rosea, like representatives of the ginseng group, have adaptogenic properties. Rhodiola rosea extract was used in patients with neuroses, hypotension, vegetative-vascular dystopias and schizophrenia with asthenic remission. The drug was prescribed 5-25 drops 3 times a day for 15-30 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment ranged from 10 days to 4 months.

In a clinical trial, it was found that Rhodiola rosea extract gave good results in these diseases.

In folk medicine, vodka tincture of rhizome (1:10) has been used for over 400 years for diseases of the stomach, malaria, nervous diseases, impotence, loss of strength, overwork and as a tonic and tonic

The golden root is indicated for functional diseases of the nervous system - asthenic conditions, insomnia, increased irritability, various neuroses, hypotension, nervous and physical exhaustion, with increased mental work. Externally, the extract is used as a highly effective wound healing agent for lubrication for pyorrhea, small cuts and for rinsing with sore throat (diluted in water).


    Rhodiola liquid extract is administered orally 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day for 4-7 hours before meals. The course of treatment is 10-20 days.


The golden root is contraindicated in case of pronounced symptoms of nervous diseases and exhaustion of cortical cells.

In folk medicine of Altai, Rhodiola roots have long been used as one of the most popular remedies that relieve fatigue and increase efficiency. An old Altai belief says: "He who finds the golden root will be lucky and healthy until the end of his days, he will live for two centuries." To this day, the custom has been preserved to give a golden root along with a deer horn as a wedding gift to the groom for "multiplication of the family."

For several centuries, Chinese emperors equipped special expeditions in search of a golden root. And the population of Altai carefully concealed the places of growth of Rhodiola. The ways of consuming this plant were also surrounded by a secret that was passed down from father to son, and sometimes went to the grave with the owner.

Rhodiola rosea- This is a healing plant, which is known not only in Russia, but also in continental America, Greece and Tibet. In the Scandinavian countries and in the Alps. Useful properties and application of this plant is quite common in non-traditional medical practice, in pharmaceuticals, and in industry.

Botanical description

Rhodiola rosea (Siberian ginseng) is a perennial herbal plant. It has massive bronze-brown rhizomes and thin roots in appendages. The trunk is erect, does not branch. The taste of the rhizome is bitter-astringent. The leaves are oval, entire, with sparse teeth. The petals have a characteristic rose scent. The inflorescence consists of many small yellow flowers, consisting of five and four parts. Fruit - combined - from several leaflets-fruits of a brown-olive hue. Plant height - 50 - 60 cm.

plant taxonomy

Department - angiosperms; bipartite class. Order - saxifrageous; family - Crassulaceae (crassula).

plant geography

Siberian ginseng grows in Russia: in the northern European regions, in western and eastern Siberia, in the Altai Territory and in the Far Eastern regions (Magadan Region, Sakha Republic). And also in the mountains of Western Europe and Scandinavia, China and Mongolia. In the northern regions of the United States and Canada.

Chemical composition

Rhodiola rosea is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains:

  • Phenolic compounds (phenol alcohol, tyrosol - 0.75%, rhodioloside (salidroside glycoside - up to 1%);
  • Phenylcarboxylic acids;
  • Flavonoids (derivatives of herbacetin, tricine and kaempferol);
  • Brown alcohol glycosides (rosavin - ≃0.5-2.8%, rosarin, rhodiolgin);
  • Monoterpenes (rosiridiol, rosiridin);
  • Carbohydrates;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • lactones;
  • Tannins of the pyrogall series - ≃21.5%;
  • Inorganic compounds in the ash (manganese, copper, iron, potassium, etc.) - up to 3%.

These substances have found application in the preparation of liquid medicinal extracts from Rhodiola rosea, which have a pronounced stimulating and tonic effect.

Useful properties, the use of Rhodiola rosea

Beneficial features, the use of the plant is today recognized as official medicine and is widely used in pharmacology. Namely: Rhodiola rosea has a multilateral adaptogenic and restorative effect, significantly exceeding the properties of ginseng, aralia and eleutherococcus, according to research conducted in 2014 by scientists at Peking University. It improves:

  • Brain nutrition - memory, concentration and speed of information processing, relieves dizziness and migraine;
  • The work of the nervous system - accelerates the formation of nerve connections, relieves nervous exhaustion and depression, helps relieve pain in neuralgia;
  • The work of the autonomic nervous system - relieves somatic manifestations of VVD;
  • Hypotonic state - raises blood pressure;
  • Menstrual cycle;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • Production and restoration of liver parenchyma cells;
  • Metabolic processes in the body - helps to reduce high blood sugar levels, get rid of excess weight;
  • The work of the coronary arteries, heart muscle;
  • Blood and lymph circulation;
  • Endurance of the body;
  • The work of the immune system;
  • The work of the endocrine system;
  • Improves the work of the male genital organs - helps with impotence, reduced sexual desire;
  • Appetite.

Unlike most energy tonics, Rhodiola rosea has a mild effect: salidroside glycoside as part of a useful plant, it prevents the metabolic manifestations of the stress reaction, strengthens the body. Therefore, preparations from it are indicated for those who experience constant psychological and physical stress, suffer from excessive irritability.

Flavonoids in Rhodiola - biologically active substances that are involved in fermentation and regeneration, improve vascular permeability, eliminate their fragility and fragility. Flavonoids also have sedative properties. Monoterpenes in Rhodiola rosea activate bile secretion, are powerful antihistamines, anti-allergens, and anti-carcinogens.

Glycosides produce energy in myocardial cells. They reduce the frequency of heart rhythms, increase the tone of the heart muscle, relieve hypoxia. Act as a decongestant.

lactones, found in Rhodiola rosea, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood and lymph circulation. Help to get rid of potency. They nourish blood vessels and protect against the formation of blood clots. Lactones fight the action of free radicals. Helps to get rid of wastes and toxins accumulated in the body. A number of healing properties of Rhodiola rosea are explained by the presence of organic (carboxylic) acids in it, which normalize the acid-base balance in the body, produce ATP, and also help reduce the level of sugar and salts in the body.

mineral complex contained in the ashes are the most important components of biological electrolytes. Without it, the muscles lose their ability to normal contraction, there is a breakdown. The mineral complex of Rhodiola rosea will help restore vitality, promotes the production of hemoglobin. Helps restore endocrine disorders.

In pharmacology, Rhodiola is used in the form of an extract and dietary supplements (Terra-Plant Rhodiola and Phyto-tea Rhodiola Rosea). It has a psychostimulating, tonic effect in diseases of the central nervous system and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is used for vegetovascular dystonia, as well as for the prevention of chronic neurotic crises.

Useful properties of individual plant elements

The main medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea are found in the roots and rhizome (Rhizoma et radix Rhodiolae roseae). They are described in detail in the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR (11th edition) and are used in medicines. It is from the rhizome that a biologically active extract for medicinal preparations is extracted.


According to laboratory studies, the essential oil in the roots of Rhodiola rosea ranges from 0.03% - 0.2%, which is of undoubted interest for cosmetology. This component of the plant starts the processes of regeneration of the epidermis, moisturizing the skin and maintaining its elasticity.

The rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea are rich in tannins and have an antitumor and bactericidal effect, so they will perfectly cope with inflammation.


The leaves and stems of this plant are used fresh as a salad. Rhodiola rosea rhizomes accumulate carbohydrates - various sugars that are used to make jelly, marshmallows and other sweets. Strongly brewed root of the plant is an excellent non-alcoholic stimulating and tonic drink - a healthy alternative to coffee and tea.


Rhodiola rosea is used in alternative medicine. Medicinal extracts, decoctions and infusions for treatment are prepared from the rhizome of the plant:

  • Hypotension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diathesis;
  • scrofula;
  • Amenoria;
  • Cardiovascular disease;
  • Sexual impotence;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • Lack of hemoglobin;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • Failures in the immune system;
  • Infectious diseases (tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza).

With an increased level of sugar in the blood, healers prepared an infusion: they took 50 g of dried rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea, poured 0.5 liters. purified alcohol and insisted for 14 days. The tincture was used 20-30 drops half an hour before a meal.

With high blood pressure: 50 g of crushed rhizomes and roots pour 0.2 liters. hot water (about 80-90 degrees) and leave for about 4 hours. Drink ½ cup, regardless of the meal.

With angina, it is necessary to prepare an alcohol infusion: pour 50 g of the root into 0.5 liters. purified alcohol and insist 14 days. Then dilute a teaspoon of tincture with a glass of hot water. Gargle with the resulting liquid throat for about 10-12 minutes.


Due to the outstanding adaptogenic properties of rhodiol - antistress and antioxidant agent No. 1. Helps to get rid of signs of fatigue. Tones and nourishes dry, depleted and thinned skin, stimulates regeneration, improves metabolic processes at the cellular level. Thus, it slows down the aging process in mature and aging skin.

Aging is often caused by increased oxidation, which accelerates the inflammatory process. Therefore, in composition of anti-aging products it is recommended to use the components of Rhodiola rosea - salidroside and tyrosol, which fight inflammation.

Due to the rich content of organic acids, Rhodiola is used in antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing preparations. for damaged skin(abscesses, cuts and other physical injuries, acne). Essential oils contained in rhodiola penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and prevent disorders that contribute to the formation of fatty deposits in the hypodermis.

Concerning perfumery, then for this area of ​​​​interest is geraniol - a component of Rhodiola, giving it a similarity with the smell of a rose.

Other applications

In the northern regions, the plant is used as food for deer. In ancient times, Rhodiola rosea, due to its high content of tannins, was used for tanning natural leather. As well as dried and crushed root - as a drilling dye with a brightly cast bronze tint.

Research scientists

Useful properties, the use of Rhodiola rosea extract has been widely studied by Russian biologists. The pharmacological composition of the plant and its effect on the human body to this day is of great interest to researchers.

The first studies were carried out in the early 60s - expeditions led by G.V. Krylov to the Altai. The plant was found and identified with the legendary "golden root".

Laboratory studies of Tomsk scientists A. S. Saratikov and E. A. Krasnov were devoted to the biochemical composition of Rhodiola rosea. In the extract of the plant and in its shoots, carboxylic and phenylcarboxylic acids, monoterpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids and various trace elements were found.

Thanks to the research of Tomsk scientists, an extract from Rhodiola rosea was introduced into pharmacology as a stimulant, tonic and tonic.

In laboratory studies by A. S. Salnikov and S. G. Cherdyntsev, intramuscular injection of an extract of Rhodiola rosea reduces the level of lactic acid during prolonged physical exertion. Normalizes oxidative processes in the brain and reduces glycolysis in cells.

In the studies of foreign colleagues, in particular the Chinese scientist G. Mao, the UV-protective property of salidroside glycoside in the composition of Rhodiola rosea extract was proved. The work of C. Calcabrini proved the antioxidant activity of salidroside and tyrosol, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of Rhodiola rosea for the care of aging skin, including preventing the formation of glycation - the deposition of glycosylation products (sugar aging).

In the studies of O. L. Kulagin, V. A. Kurkin and others, it is noted that the use of Rhodiola rosea extract gives a powerful hepatoprotective action, which prevents the destruction of cell membranes and stimulates the restoration of liver parenchyma cells.

A huge number of domestic works are devoted to the effect of this plant on the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system and brain function. According to recent research, Rhodiola extract links bioelectrical signals between nerve cells in the brain. Recovery in BEA stimulates an increase in vitality, also improves memory, concentration and speed of thinking.

As reported in the works of R. Brown and P. Herbard, the use of Rhodiola rosea extract has the most distinct therapeutic effect on the phenomena of parkinsonism, asthenia, acquired neuroses, etc.

Thus, Rhodiola rosea is a plant with a whole range of pharmacological properties. It continues to be actively explored. It is possible that new research on the properties of the plant will expand the area of ​​application of Rhodiola rosea extract.

Growing at home

The plant is cultivated. For many years, Rhodiola rosea has been grown in central Russia in suburban areas. It is best suited for adapting to light sandy soil or normal soil with good drainage.

How to care for a plant

The bed on which Rhodiola rosea is planted must be flavored with manure or compost, adding to the top dressing:

  • Ammonium nitrate - 0.15 l.;
  • Potassium salt - 0.2 kg;
  • Superphosphate in granules - 0.23 kg;
  • Lime - 0.3 kg.

A bed of Rhodiola rosea should be well lit by the sun. From time to time it is necessary to pour sand into the soil. Loosen the soil and water abundantly several times a season.


In general, the plant has low toxicity and does not accumulate in the body. Proper use of Rhodiola rosea extract does not promise side effects. It is necessary to take in the morning, so as not to provoke insomnia. With an overdose of Rhodiola rosea extract, a mirror effect occurs - pressure drops, irresistible drowsiness and a general energy crisis appear.

Useful properties, the use of Rhodiola rosea extract affect the increase in blood pressure, so it is contraindicated for chronic hypertensive patients to be treated with it. In addition, it is not recommended to take it in a state of strong psycho-emotional arousal.

If signs of individual intolerance or allergic manifestations appear, it is necessary to stop using Rhodiola rosea extract. You can not take the "golden root" along with other energy tonics, so as not to provoke intoxication of the body or excessive emotional arousal.

Its influence on the body of a pregnant and lactating mother has not been studied. Therefore, the use of Rhodiola rosea during this period is strictly contraindicated.

Rhodiola rosea is an extremely adaptive plant within its ecorange. Under conditions of a sharp change in environmental conditions, it changes its biological, biochemical and physiological properties. Due to such plastic acclimatization, it survives even under severe weather conditions. Due to the fact that Rhodiola rosea began to be mined on an industrial scale in the 20th century, it was included in the Red Book of the Murmansk and Tyumen regions as a specially protected natural object.

The healing properties of the extract of Rhodiola rosea have been used by the inhabitants of the Altai Mountains for the treatment of various ailments since ancient times. There was a belief among the people that the one who finds Rhodiola rosea will live for more than a hundred years without pain and in prosperity.

Lamas of Ancient Tibet and Chinese healers wrote about the use of Rhodiola rosea extract to cure ailments. It was in ancient China that the plant was nicknamed the "golden root" because of the excellent healing properties of Rhodiola rosea. It was hunted by smugglers who sold the plant for the price of gold. And also equipped with entire expeditions of Chinese healers. Another name for Rhodiola is known - Siberian or Altai ginseng, which also represents tracing paper from the Chinese language.

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