Message on the topic of viral diseases of animals. Encyclopedia of diseases

Engineering systems 30.06.2020

Diseases transmitted from animal people are called zooanthroponomoses.

During the entire territory of the Russian Federation several dozen dangerous diseases fabric family who dangerous and for man . Moreover diseases of dogs also can be transmitted man and vice versa . A person can infect zoanthroponosis when contacting both wild and pets.

Among the many dangerous diseases (zooanthroponoses), such diseases can be distinguished as: rabies, deck, helminthiasis, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, parvivirus enteritis, pastellosis, tuberculosis, tularemia, ersiniosis, lemaryiosis.

Remember that you, as the owner of your favorite, are responsible not only for your health and health of your pet, but also for the health of the people around. Do not forget that the prevention of hazardous zooanthroponoses is the timely vaccination of pets.

One of the very common and extremely dangerous diseases is rabies.

Rabies (Rabies)

Rabies (hydrophobia, Rabies) - This is a disease of viral nature, resulting from bite in contaminated animals, characterized by severe damage to the nervous system and leading to death.
The virus is resistant to low temperatures, but unstable to high. Sensitive to ultraviolet and direct sunlight, as well as to many disinfectants.

Risk of rabies

Up to 80, the XVIII century, a person had no reliable means of protection against rabies. Each mad animal bored animal was doomed to death. Currently, drugs from this disease also not found, but there is a means that significantly reduces risk of infection with rabies. Annual pet vaccination will protect you, your pets, as well as your relatives and loved ones.

Methods of infection


In nature, they are sick, first of all, wild animals (foxes, wolves, etc.). Pets (dogs, cats, ferrets) are infected from wildlife bite or ingress of saliva infected animal on a damaged skin area.The virus is at the point of deployment for some time, then penetrates the spinal and brain. Symptoms begin to manifest only after the virus spread throughout the body. The manifestation of the clinical picture is preceded by a hidden (incubation) period. Animal at this time is also dangerous. Most often, the incubation period lasts 10 - 14 days, a person can flow up to the year.Your non-vaccinated animal has powdered on the street homeless dog, and you contact the veterinary clinic to help a pet? However, since the animal is suspected of infection with rabies, since the stray animal can be a carrier of the virus, the veterinary doctor is obliged to call a special service for the premises of your favorite on quarantine.Quarantine is not a sanatorium. During quarantine, the animal is isolated from people and other animals for 10-14 days, before the manifestation of clinical symptoms. Sometimes quarantine can last up to 60 days. At the same time, there is no possibility to give an animal.In the event of the death of the animal during the period of finding a quarantine - the veterinary station is not responsible.

Clinical picture of rabies


Veterinary doctors highlight three forms of rabies manifestation - brown, quiet and atypical.
The violent form proceeds into several stages:
1. In the first stage, the animal avoids people, hides in a dark place or vice versa is very friendly. At the same time, it is possible to the manifestation of itching at the site of the bite;
2. In the second stage, aggression appears. Anxiety is growing, a hoarse bark, a tendency to eating foreign objects, an attack on other animals and even on the owner. An animal cannot swallow water;

Paralysis of the limbs

3. At the third stage, convulsions appear, and progresses paralysis. An animal almost constantly lies and eventually dies in a comatose state.
A quiet form is characterized by the development of paralysis, salivation, the inability to eat. After 2 - 4 days, the animal dies.
An atypical form (complex in diagnostics) - can last up to 3 months or even more. Initially, diarrhea or vice versa of the bowel aton, depression, may be manifested, and then temporary improvements can occur.
The posthumous diagnosis is established by the detection of specific inclusions - the Taurus of Babez-Negri with histological examination of the brain.

Fear of man

The manifestation of rabies is also divided into 3 stages.
In the first stage, there is general ailment, headaches, an increase in temperature, throat pain, a decrease in appetite. An unpleasant sensation appear in the bite. The patient has inexplicable fear, anxiety, depression, insomnia.
In the second stage (after 1 to 3 days), excitement appears. Attacks of water fear. When you try to adopt liquids, spasms of the throat muscles appear. Breathing is accompanied by pain, convulsions.
At the third stage (for 4-5 days day), the soothing is characterized, the waterwork disappears, a false hope appears on recovery. The limbs will develop, violation of consciousness, convulsions.
Death comes from the paralysis of the breath and stop the heart.
It is important to remember - methods of treatment, as such - no, and if you start the disease at least to the first stage, then a different outcome than lethal, most likely there will be no longer.

If you were bitten by an animal with rabies

If you were bitten by an animal, suspicious by rabies disease, it is necessary to immediately apply to the trauma. Prior to that, you can wash the place of bite with soap solution within 10 minutes. Further, by appointment, the doctor is carried out vaccination, only 6 injections on 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 90 days. During vaccination, you must carefully follow your health. The antibodies after vaccinations appear only after 12 to 14 days, with the bite of dangerous localization (head, neck, hands) prophylaxis begin with the introduction (Gamma - Anti-Glama Globulin). The incubation period in humans can continue until the year, the further bite from the head, the incubation period longer.
The duration of the disease rarely exceeds the week. A person contains isolated from external stimuli. The treatment is symptomatic, directed primarily on the removal of convulsive syndrome.

Frying - Diseasehaving importance all over the world. The source of infection can be home and wild animals. When bite, the virus falls into the tissue, from where it migrates to the CNS in the peripheral nerves. Incubation period of the disease from 12 days to 1 year, but is usually 4-6 weeks. It is reduced at a large concentration of the virus and when bite in the neck or head. The treatment of rabies does not exist, with the appearance of clinical symptoms, there is always a deadly outcome!

Vaccination - Effective method for the prevention of rabies and is required for all dogs and cats. Vaccination is carried out annually. For the prevention of infection of human rabies, veterinarian doctors recommend:
1. In the time to instill its pets from diseases
2. Try to avoid any contact with wild beasts
3. Conduct regular deratization in private homes
4. Try not to take out your pets into unfavorable areas of rabies.


Dermatomycosis (ringing deprived) - the general name of the zooanthroponous diseases caused by microscopic pathogenic fungi and characterized mainly by lesion of the skin and coarse cover. The most common diseases of fungal origin, the pathogens of the disease - fungi of two species: tricofitosis and microsporum, and in general there are 18 types of pathogenic fungi, causing dermatomycosis in animals. Diseases in cats are manifested by the occurrence of rounded irregular shape of the bald sections on the skin. More often such sites are located on the muzzle, ears, but can be in other places throughout the body. The affected places can be red and peel. The hairs in this place and on the border with healthy wool brittle, the base has a whitish case. The flow of trihophysia and microsporia is similar, but tricoephyts proceeds with abundant exudation and the formation of grayish-white crusts in the place of lesion. Cats are infected from each other and other animals with direct contact. A person also infects with close contact with a sick animal. For laboratory confirmation of the analysis, wool is taken on the border of the affected and healthy sections. Prevention measure is therapeutic and prophylactic vaccination, for example, Vakderm vaccine.To date, the microsporia is easily treated with antifungal drugs.Remember that you, as the owner of your favorite, are responsible not only for your health and health of your pet, but also for the health of the people around.Do not forget that the prevention of hazardous zooanthroponoses is the timely vaccination of pets.


For the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis, it is necessary:
1. Comply with personal hygiene
2. Conduct anti-shine processing itself and its pets (every 3 months)
3. To carry out thermal processing of meat products used for feeding pets.


Leptospirosisa sharp disease of mammals, as well as a person. The disease can be transmitted with direct contact with the urine infected animals or through contaminated environmental objects, especially with high humidity or in places where there is standing water. Leptospiirs can penetrate the mucous membranes and damaged skin. They multiply in the blood, the epithelium of the kidney tubes and the liver - leading to damage to many organs, especially the kidneys and liver.

For specific prophylaxis of leptospirosis in dogs, a number of associated vaccines have been developed. For passive immunization, hyperimmune serums are used, which are protected from infection within two weeks. For the prevention of infection with leptospirosis of a person, the doctors of the veterinary center call recommended:
1. Visit your pets from diseases
2. As soon as possible to start treatment if the animal is ill
3. Observe personal hygiene measures when communicating with a sick dog

In the case of identifying a confirmed laboratory (serology) of leptospirosis at your pet, do not fall into a panic - please contact the help of well-proven veterinary centers, today this diagnosis is no longer a sentence.



Chlamydia - Chronic infection of cats respiration, characterized by conjunctivitis with moderate signs of lesion of the upper respiratory tract. Chlamydia is the most frequent causative agent of sharp and chronic conjunctivitis in cats, is able to persist in homes for a long time, which contains several animals transmitting each other infection. Most often, the disease is observed in kittens (aged 5 weeks to 9 months), although adult cats can also become infected. At the initial stage of the disease, one-sided conjunctivitis is noted, with serous expirations from the eye, light-friendly, blefarospasm, hyperemia and edema of conjunctiva. Ultimately, two-way conjunctivitis develops, and the nature of the expirations may change to purulent. The incubation period of the disease lasts 7-10 days.
Infection of conjunctiva leads to the release of microorganism through the urinary or gastrointestinal tract. The damage to the gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital system in cats remains asymptomatic, but other animals (for example, dogs) chlamydia can have signs of gastroenteritis or accompanied by miscarriages. The urinary and gastrointestinal paths can be a source of infection for other cats, especially when using one tray.
Cats are capable of becoming constant asymptomatic carriers.

Chlamydia Differentiate from viral rinotracheit of cats (double-sided conjunctivitis, severe sneezing), catchaivirus infection of cats (ulcerative stomatitis, pneumonia) and bronchial pneumonia.
The treatment is carried out outpatient. Infected cats should not have contacts with other animals. A long antibiotic therapy is prescribed. The disease does not require supporting therapy, if not complicated by another infection.
Vaccination gives protection against clinical manifestations of the disease, but does not prevent infection and excretion of pathogen or carriage.
For people, the risk to infect very low. It is advisable to observe simple hygienic measures (washing the hands after communication with a cat and toilet cleaning). For people with a weakened immunity, the risk of illness is higher.

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs

Parvovirus enteritis Parvovirus Enteritis) - Highly contagious virus disease of dogs, characterized mainly by acute hemorrhagic enteritis, dehydrating the body, leukopenia and myocarditis. The disease is caused by the DNA virus of the Parvoviridae family. The most susceptible animals of cultural and decorative rocks. From patients with healthy disease is transmitted upon contact.

Source of infection there may be sick dogs, dog-virus carriers, rodents, insects, and also man. Enteritis in dogs in vivo appears mainly through feed and water, as well as contact - when sniffing and licking directly to patients or infected with them of the external environment. In addition, the virus can be transmitted through the objects of care and litter. For the occurrence of parvivirus enteritis dogs, the presence of predisposing factors is of great importance: poor care, content and feeding, stressful situations - the change of owner, operations, plain invasion, tendency to gastrointestinal disorders.
Diseases are subject to dogs of any age, but the most susceptible to the disease puppies aged 2 to 16 weeks.
The incubation period in parvivirus enteritis is usually from 4 to 10 days. The selection of the virus in feces begins after 3-5 days when infected through food and water infection and lasts about 12 days, rarely 25 days. Other discharge can also be contagable.
Parvovirus enteritis in dogs is accompanied by exhausting vomiting, profuse diarrhea and severe dehydration of the body. Intensive reproduction of bacteria in the blood enriched with blood, leads to intoxicating the body. Due to frequent vomiting in a sharp period of illness, the animal is not able to take food and quickly loses weight in weight.
With a decrease in immunity, a viral infection is complicated by secondary bacterial diseases and glytic invasions of the tract.
The death of patients with parvulovirus enterite puppies usually occurs as a result of an irreversible loss of the damaged intestinal mucosa of osmoregulation, complications of the disease of the disease by bacterial sepsis.
The mortality rate ranges between 1 and 10%, on time from 6 weeks to 6 months, mostly old dogs dying.
In the case of irreversible disorders of homeostasis, animals die 2-4 days after the start of the disease. With a longer course of the disease (subacted form) and proper treatment, the probability of recovery increases. Under the ultra-shaped form of the disease, mortality among puppies during group content can reach 80-95%, with individual (room) - 50-60%, and with acute form, respectively, 30-50% and 20-30%.
Depending on the degree of severity of clinical signs, the three main forms of the disease are conditionally divided: heart, intestinal and mixed.

Cardiac form (myocardial) Characterized primarily by acute myocardial lesions (viral myocarditis) and is observed, as a rule, in puppies aged 2 to 8 weeks

Intestinal form (intestinal) - The most typical form of parvivirus enteritis. It is usually in acute, sometimes in the subacute form. The main signs of the disease are long and non-corrosive vomiting (80% of cases), repeated many times for several days, a complete refusal of feed and water.

Mixed (combined) The form of the disease is characterized by various lesions of cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems of the body. It is observed in animals with a weakened immune system, in puppies derived from non-vaccinated bitches, as well as in the presence of associated infections (adeno-, crown, rotavirus, etc.). Clinical signs of the disease are very diverse.
In the acute flow of infection, the enteritis in dogs can lead to death within 1-6 days after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. Mortality is very high - 40-60% of sick puppies die without treatment. But even intensive therapy does not guarantee recovery. When conducting effective treatment, recovery occurs within 1-1, 5 weeks, which is largely determined by the dynamics of development in a patient of animal immunity.
A preliminary diagnosis of parvivirus enteritis in dogs is based on clinical results or, in the case of death, pathologists, and the final - according to the results of laboratory diagnostic methods aimed at detecting the pathogen, its DNA or its antigens.
In adults of the swollen dogs, a largely long immunity is formed. However, immunodeficient states may arise from the insufficient immunological maturity of the body. In this regard, the annual vaccination of animals is necessary.
Before vaccination is carried out mandatory degelmintion. Since the melting invasion reduces the immune status of the animal, in connection with which the risk of such a phenomenon as a "breakthrough of vaccines", when the dog may get sick after an adhesion. The most popular angelminics preparations include: Cests, Seva Santa Ex; Dronal and Dronal Junior, Bayer, and others.

Leptospirosis in dogs

Leptospirosis - Bacterial infectious disease predominantly dogs, quite common in our country. The source of infection is the environment, especially well this bacterium is maintained in a humid environment, in puddles, reservoirs with standing water. Also, dogs can be infected with rodent contacts. Cat leptospirosis is described, but clinically meets extremely rarely. The person is also susceptible to leptospirosis. The disease occurs hard, sometimes fatal. But as practice shows, pets, patients with leptospirosis, rarely become a source of human infection. Much more often the disease is transmitted through contact with the same rodents, through water in infected reservoirs, etc.
The disease is manifested by a standard set of symptoms characteristic of any infection: anorexia (rejection of feed), lethargy, low-effectiveness, an increase in body temperature, acute lesion of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, sometimes with blood impurity). The disease can also be accompanied by muscle soreness, which is clinically manifested by a disruption of loosening, gait acidity, etc.
Spinning in the blood, bacterium can hit the kidney and liver. Therefore, it is very important to immediately pass, in addition to special analyzes for infections, biochemistry of blood for monitoring the indicators of these bodies.
The diagnosis is confirmed by the serological examination of the blood: the definition of antibodies to various serotypes (species) leptospir. In this sense, the vaccination history of the patient of the animal is very important, since a vaccinated animal will also have some number of these antibodies. It is also worth considering that the standard vaccine includes only the two most common serotype of leptospir, and in fact they are much more. That is, it may even be sick and a vaccinated animal correctly and timely.
Already before obtaining a positive result on leptospirosis, it is necessary to begin symptomatic treatment: the antibiotics of a wide range of action, vitamins, immunomodulators, hepatoprotectors, drip infusions. After performing an accurate diagnosis, a special antibiotic is added effectively against leptospira. If leptospirosis is confirmed for the first time - 2 days of clinical signs, it is possible to apply serum against leptospirosis.
The most effective prophylaxis against leptospirosis is the restriction of dog bathing in suspicious reservoirs, the destruction of rodents, as well as vaccination. The vaccine against leptospirosis is desirable to introduce more often than once a year, for example, once in 8 - 9 months, since already at this time the immunity becomes less strained.


Pastelez - infectious disease of many animal and human species caused by Pasteurella Multocida (there are 5 more species), and manifests with inflammatory hemorrhagic processes in internal organs, serous, mucous membranes and skin, as well as septicemia. The disease is relatively rare. Cats as Pastell carriers can infect a person when biteing and applying scratches. In the place of deployment of the pathogen (damaged skin section) appear swelling and soreness, bubbles are formed, extensive swelling (skin shape) may develop. Spinning at the place of implementation, Pastelelas fall into the blood and lymph, are striking capillaries and cause inflammatory-degenerative processes in the internal organs and the musculoser. The disease is extremely rare, is well diagnosed and is quite successfully treated.


Tuberculosis - infectious, mainly chronically occurring diseases of many types of animals (mammals and cold-blooded), with the formation of tuberculus (specific nodules) in various organs (with the exception of horny), prone to curly decay. The pathogen is mycobacteria - include 49 species, the most pathogenic: myc.tuberculosis, myc.bovis and myc.avium. The pathogenicity of the individual types of pathogen of tuberculosis for various types of animals and man is not the same. So, the cats are also susceptible to the pathogen of the human type. The cats and man are sensitive to the causative agent, but the birds are immune. A bird view is sensitive to birds, and other mammals and man are very rarely infected with them. If the cat has lethargy, the impermanence of appetite, gradual exhaustion, cough, sneezing, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, characteristic novels with the rushing content in the head and neck area, that is, the reason to contact the clinic. Infection of cats and people often occurs through the digestive tract by swallowing mycobacteria with sputum, expirations from the nose, milk and meat of sick animals, but the aerogenic transmission path is not excluded. Most often, tuberculosis flows chronically without pronounced symptoms. The diagnosis confirms bacteriological research. A very rare disease in cats.


Tularemia - Acute infectious bacterial (Francisella Tularensis) disease characterized by fever, intoxication, stomatitis, hepatitis, splenomegaly, abscesses and lesions of lymph nodes, natural focal disease. Clinical symptoms in humans and cat are similar. The causative agent of Tularemia penetrates the body through the skin, the mucous membranes of the eyes, the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract. Entrance doors determine the clinical form of the disease. From the site of the introduction of bacteria fall into regional lymph nodes, causing the development of primary lymphadenitis. The pathogen and its toxins penetrate the blood, which leads to the generalization of the process, the damage to various organs and lymph nodes (secondary lymphadenitis) with the formation of infectious granulomes in them. Diagnosed laboratory by highlighting the pathogen. Female cases are very rare.


Yersiniosis - acute infectious disease caused by three main types of enseeration: Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, y.enterolitica and y.pestis. The person appears in chills, headache, malaise, weakness, pain in the muscles and joints, insomnia, throat, decline in appetite. The body temperature is slightly increased, sometimes grows up to 38-40 ° C. Along with the symptoms of general intoxication, there are often signs of lesion of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). The skin is dry, sometimes finely melted and point rash appears. Justice skin painting and scler appears. The liver dimensions increase. A man is infected with direct contact with a cat, patient with an essiniosis. Cats basically does not cause clinical signs. Syersinia pseudotuberculosis causes pseudotuberculosis - also an infectious disease of wild and domestic animals, characterized by the formation of tubercles in the internal organs similar to tuberculosis. In cats, the disease proceeds sharply with signs of gastroenteritis and septicemia, because The lesions are most often localized in the intestines.


Liseriosis - human infectious disease (a special danger is for pregnant women) and animals, the pathogen Listeria Monocytogenes. The main reservoir of the pathogen in nature is many types of rodents, also the pathogen is detected in wild animals and birds. Even parrots and canary can be soles, detected l


"Veterinary Virology"

Specific factors Antiviralimmunity

The specific immunity system has its own central (bone marrow, Timus, Fabrichiyeva Birds in birds, liver in mammals) and peripheral organs (spleen, lymph nodes, lymphoid tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as blood and lymph, which come and continuously in them All immunocompetent cells circulate).

The immunity organ is a lymphoid fabric, and its main performers - m.acrophages(as well as other antigen-representing cells), various populationand subpopulation T- I.In lymphocytes.

The main target of the action of the immune system is antigens, the overwhelming majority of which has a protein nature. Lymphocytes are represented by two large populations - both T-cells, which are responsible for specific antigens recognition. Arriving from the overall source, so-called stem cell, and passing the appropriate differentiation in the central organs of the immune system, and in-lymphocytes are acquired by immunocompetence, it is possible to circulate and continuously circulate according to the body, performing the role of its effective defenders.

T-lymphocytes provide cellular type of immune reactions, and in lymphocytes - a humoral type of immune response.

The differentiation of the predecessors of T-lymphocytes to immunocompetent cells ("training") occurs in Timus under the influence of humoral factors secreted by Timus; Ripening in lymphocytes - in birds in Bursa, in mammals first in the liver of the fetus, and after birth in the bone marrow.

Mature V- and T-lymphocytes acquire the ability to recognize alien antigens. They leave the bone marrow and thymus and populate the spleen, lymph nodes and other clusters of lymphatic cells. The overwhelming majority of T- and B lymphocytes circulates in the blood and lymph. Such a constant circulation ensures contact as much as possible of the corresponding lymphocytes with an antigen (virus).

Each B cell is genetically programmed to antibody synthesis to one specific antigen. Having encountered and recognizing this antigen, B cells multiply and differentiate into active plasma cells, secreting antibodies on this antigen. Another part of B-lymphocytes, passing 2-3 division cycles, turns into memory cells that are not capable of developing antibodies. They can live for many months and even years in the division base, circulating between blood and secondary lymphoid bodies. The antigen is quickly recognized when it is re-admitted to the body, after which the memory cells acquire the ability to divide and convert into plasma cells - secreting antibodies.

In the same way, the cells of memory from T-lymphocytes are formed. This can be called "reserve" of immunocompetent cells.

Memory cells determine the duration of the acquired immunity. When repeated contact with this antigen, they quickly turn into cells-effectors. At the same time, the in-memory cells provide antibody synthesis in a shorter period, more and mostly IgG. It is established that there are T-helpers that determine the switching of immunoglobulin classes.

There are two embodiments of an immune response in the form of antibody biosynthesis:

Primary answer - after the first meeting of the body with an antigen;

Secondary response - when repeated contact with the antigen, after 2-3 weeks.

They differ in the following indicators: the duration of the latent period; The rate of increasing the titer of antibodies, the total number of antibodies synthesized; The sequence of the synthesis of immunoglobulins of various classes. The cellular mechanisms of primary and secondary immune responses are also different.

With a primary immune response, mark:

The biosynthesis of antibodies after the latent period lasts 3-5 days;

The synthesis rate of antibodies is relatively small;

The titer of antibodies does not reach maximum values;

Igm is first synthesized, then IgG and later IGA and IGE.

The secondary immune response is characterized by:

Latent period - within a few hours;

The synthesis rate of antibodies has a logarithmic character;

The titer of antibodies reaches maximum values;

It is synthesized at once IgG.

The secondary immune response is due to immune memory cells.

T-cells have several populations with different functions. Some interact with B-cells, helping them to multiply, ripening and forming antibodies, and also activate macrophages - helper T-cells (TX); Others depress immune reactions - Suppressor T-cells (TC); The third population of T cells is destruction of the cells of the body infected with viruses or other agents. This type of activity is called cytotoxicity, and the cells themselves are cytotoxic T cells (TC) or T-killers (TC).

Since T-helpers and T-suppressors act as immune response regulators, these two types of T-lymphocytes are called T-cell regulators.

An essential factor in antiviral immunity is macrophages. They do not just destroy alien antigens, but also provide antigenic determinants to launch the chain of immune reactions (present). The antigens absorbed by macrophages are split into short fragments (antigenic determinants), which are binding to the protein molecules of the main histocompatibility complex (GKGS I, II) and are transported to the surface of macrophages, where they are recognized by T-lymphocytes (TX, TK) and in lymphocytes, which leads to their activation and reproduction.

T-helpers, activating, synthesize factors (mediators) for stimulation of V- and T-lymphocytes. Activated T-killers multiply and the pool of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes are formed, capable of ensuring the death of target cells, i.e. Cells infected with the virus. Activated B-lymphocytes multiply and differentiated into plasma cells that synthesize and secrete the appropriate class antibodies (IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, IGE).

The coordinated interaction of macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes at a meeting with an antigen provides both humoral and cellular immune response. For all forms of immune response, consistent interaction of the main factors of the immune system are required: macrophages, T-, B-Lim-Focytes, NK cells, interferon systems, complement, main histocompatibility system. The interaction between them is carried out using a variety of synthesized and secreted mediators.

The mediators produced by the cells of the immune system and participating in the regulation of its activity received the common name of cytokines (from Greek. Cytos - Cell and Kineo - to move). They are divided by monoki.s- mediators produced by monocytes and macrophages; lymphokins- mediators secreted by activated lymphocytes; lymphocinswhich are chemically identified and obtained in pure form. In 1979 it was suggested to call them interleukins.They are denoted by numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. The interleukin family is replenished with new representatives who carry out the interregulation of immune, nervous and endocrine systems. All immunocompetent cells on their membranes carry unique receptors, with which they recognize and perceive signals from other immune cells, rebuild their metabolism, synthesize or eliminate their own receptors. Due to this, all cells of the immune system operate as a well-established system.

The early stage of infection, as a rule, is in the configuration of the virus with protective systems of the host organism. The very first protective barrier is the skin and mucous membranes of the body. In case of violation of their integrity, emergency non-specific protection mechanisms (the factors of congenital immunity) are engaged. Among them, the antiviral activity of interferon, the EC cells (natural killers) and macrophages are highlighted.

Interferon Antiviral Action. Cell infection with a virus causes interferon synthesis. Under its action, protective mechanisms of neighboring cells are activated, ensuring their resistance to viral infection. Interferon induces the synthesis of two enzymes: proteinkenesis, which leads to the suppression of the synthesis of viral proteins, and 2 ", 5" -oligoenetxinthasis activating an endonuclease, which destroys viral and RNA. In addition, interferon strongly activates macrophages and ek cells.

Antiviral action of EC cells and macrophages. Active EC cells appear in two days after infection by the host organism by the virus. Ek cells and macrophages destroy infected cells. Mainly the EC cells carry out the reaction of antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (AZPC).

If the virus manages to overcome the barriers of congenital protection, it causes the development of a specific immune response with the appearance of T-killers, T-helpers and antiviral antibodies. The main role in the immune response is removed by antibodies and T-killers. The main mechanisms of antiviral immunity are reduced to the blockade of the propagation of viral particles and the destruction of the cells infected with the virus, i.e. Cells that are actually "factories" for the production of new viruses.

The spread of the virus in the body is blocked mainly antibodies. In the process of developing specific immunity, antibodies are synthesized to most virus antigens. However, it is believed that viral infection is constrained mainly antibodies to surface glycoproteins. These antigens, often referred to as protective, are localized on the surface of the virions or are expressed on the membrane infected cell virus. The mechanisms of humoral antiviral immunity can be different. The method of eliminating the infectiousness of viral particles depends on their localization - extracellular or intracellular.

Antibodies, adsorbing on the surface of the virions, block its vital functions. First of all, it is a blockade of attachment to the host cell, penetration into it, stripping the virus. The adsorption of antibodies on the capsid proteins does not allow some viruses (the plague virus of carnivorous, measles, etc.) penetrate the cell into the cell by merging them. In addition, it is believed that antibodies, activating the complement system, cause damage to the shell of some viruses and block cell receptors for viruses. However, this process is currently not considered essential in antiviral protection.

The effect of antibodies, in addition to neutralizing extracellular viruses, is that they cause the destruction of cell infected with viruses by activating the complement system. The second mechanism of the action of antibodies to the intracellular virus is the reaction of antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity, carried out by EC cells. Antibodies, fixed on the membrane by a virus-affected cell, are in contact with EC cells (via an IgG FC fragment) that kill infected cells using perforins and grazes.

In immunity to viral infections, T cells perform a variety of functions. T-helpers play an important role in the formation of antibodies in response to antigens, in addition, these cells are helped in induction of T-killers, as well as in attracting macrophages and e-cells into a focus of viral infection and in their activation. T-killers carry out antiviral immunological supervision, and they act very efficiently and selectively, destroying cell viruses infected with perforins and grazes. Penetrating the target cells, and endonucleaseases through the cascade of reactions are activated. This enzyme contributes to the breaking of the DNA chains and the development of apoptosis (programmed cell death).

The mechanisms of "care" of viruses from immune supervision of the host organism. Viruses have a variety of properties of protection against their antibodies:

the most effectively this is the change of antigens: in viral proteins there is a change in immunition communities. Antigenic variability is observed in human immunodeficiency viruses and influenza viruses. So, in the influenza virus, it is called antigen "drift" (gradual changes) and "chiffs" (sharp changes). Gumoral immunity to these viral infections is maintained only before the appearance of a new Serisant of the causative agent, which does not allow for the long-term effect of vaccination;

antibodies can remove viral antigens with plasma membrane cell by capping (aggregation of the cell surface molecules). Thus, herpesviruses encode glycoproteins that bind antibodies through a FC fragment, while the activation of the complement is disturbed and the action of antiviral antibodies is blocked;

a number of viruses (cytomegalo, adenoviruses, etc.) induce the production of proteins that suppress the expression of the GKGS class molecules on the membrane of affected cells. This gives the virus an advantage, helping to avoid recognition of these individual viruses (herpesviruses) have genetas of proteins, homologous cytokine receptors. As a result, these "soluble" receptors as "traps" bind cytokines and neutralize their actions;

some viruses (Epstein - Barra virus, adenoviruses) are able to counteract the effect of interferons - they produce short cuts of RNA, which somehow suppress the activation of protein kinase;

many viruses are able to cause macrophages to develop suppressing cytokines that overwhelm the development of an immune response.

Virus infectious bronchitis birds

Infectious bronchitis (IB) - a highly contagious disease manifested in chickens with respiratory and uremic syndrome, and in chickens - the lesion of the germinative organs and the decrease in egg production.

The disease is distributed in all countries with developed industrial poultry farming. Deals huge economic damage, consisting in reducing meat and egg productivity by 50-60%, the death of the first month of life is up to 30%, the chickening of up to 60% of the bird in the chronic course of the disease with complications of bacterial infections.

In natural conditions, susceptible chickens of all age groups; The most susceptible to the disease of the chickens to a 30-day age. A person moves with light signs of defeat of the upper respiratory tract.

Characteristics of the pathogen.

The causative agent of IB is a RNA-containing virus belonging to the Coronaviridae family. The virions of its isometric shape, the size of 70-120 nm, are concluded in a supercapsid shell with rare mace-shaped protrusions resembling a solar crown.

All IB virus strains are very sensitive to UV irradiation, for three minutes neutralized with 1% phenol solutions, cresol, formalin, 70% ethyl alcohol solution. In the allantomic fluid, with minus 25 ° C, they retain activity up to 537 days.

Virus is inherent in significant antigenic variability. 7 serotypes are defined. The strains allocated in our country belong to Massachusetts and Connecticut serotypes. The release of field isolates, differing from the antigenic composition from these serotypes, forces to work on creating a new vaccine.

Antigenic structure. Virus proteins differ in tissue tropism. The pathogenicity of the strains of the virus is associated with the isoelectric points of their proteins. The classification of proteins based on isoelectric points allows you to identify highly pathogenic and persistent strains. On the surface of the virus, five agglutinins were found: A, B, C, D, E, of which the first four are responsible for the neutralization of the virus. From 16 monoclonal antibodies, everything was reacting with proteins of pemoners, and one type of antibody neutralized infectiousness and suppressed the hemagglutinating activity of the virus.

Bowling birds is accompanied by the formation of antihemagglutinating, virus-neutralizing antibodies and almost lifelong immunity to homologous type of virus. In the river reconstructives, the virus ethmolizing antibodies found 482 days. Precipitating antibodies appeared in serum after 2-3 weeks, but disappeared earlier than the virus-radiating antibodies. In the blood of river reconstructives, complement-binding antibodies were found.

Virus cultivation. The virus can be cultivated on chicken embryos when infected into the allantomic cavity, Amnion or Hao. Signs of breeding of the virus in the chicken embryo - the "dwelking effect" (growth slowdown), mummification, a spherical shape of the embryo and death on the 3-6th day after infection. A significant number of virus strains is multiplied in the culture of chicken embryo cells and VCK-21 to form a CPD.

In most strains of the virus and b it is not observed. Connecticut strain capable of agglutinating chic chip red blood cells, the strain of Massachusetts exhibits such activity only after treatment with trypsin or phospholipase C.

There are three clinical disease syndrome: respiratory, nephrosis and frozen and reproductive.

Respiratory syndrome manifests itself more often in chickens to 1 month and characterized by cough, tracheal wheezes, nasal expirations, difficult breathing, conjunctivitis, sinusitis and high death. Chickens of 1-2 month old, the disease occurs chronically with colibacteriosis and mycoplasmosis.

Nephron-jade syndrome is observed in chickens to a 2-week age in dealing with their nephrotropic strains of the virus. Diarrhea appears, dies up to 70% of chickens.

The reproductive syndrome is usually registered by the smokers older BRES; It is characterized by a sharp decrease in egg production, irregular shape of the eggs. In 20-25% of nuclei chuckles, IB at an early age, noted the underdevelopment of the egg follicle.

During the opening, serous catarrhal and caseous exudate in the trachea and bronchi (in respiratory syndrome) damage to the kidneys and ureters (with nephrisous-jade syndrome), the underdevelopment of egg follicles (with reproductive syndrome) is detected.

In the first two weeks, the virus is adsorbed on the cells of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and multiply in them. The development of the infectious process is accompanied by viremia with virus localization in leukocytes and red blood cells within a few weeks after infection. With blood, the virus enters the kidneys, light, ovaries and eggs, in the cells of which multiplied and causes the pathological process. It is also possible to detect it also in the spleen (up to 49 days), in the kidneys (up to 35 days), in Cloake (up to 45 days).

A virus is distinguished with expirations of eyes and nose, as well as with feces, roosters - with sperm within 20 days after infection. With the contents of eggs from sick chickens, the virus is allocated to 6 weeks after their infection.

The main source of infection - patients and silent chickens and chickens. Recovered birds remain virus monasters, and the farm has a number of years considered unfavorable due to the disease. The virus is transmitted to aerogenic, alimentary, direct and indirect contact, as well as talkative .

The diagnosis is based on epizootological data, clinical signs of disease, pathologists and laboratory studies.

Laboratory diagnostics. Pathological material for laboratory studies serve wasches from larynx, trachea from sick birds and scraps from corpses, pieces of lungs, kidneys, and from adult birds - kidneys and eggs.

The detection of viral nucleic acid in the pathological material is carried out using PCR. The antigen of the virus can be quickly detected in the RDP and reef. The use of group-drug-specific monoclonal antibodies or hyperimmune serum in reef allows you to immediately carry out serotypes.

An active IB virus is detected by biological. The most efficiently conducting it on chickens of 10-25-day ages from farms, prosperous in respiratory diseases. The suspension obtained from pathological material infects chickens intrachetically and after 1-5 days there are appearance of respiratory symptoms and pathologists characteristic of IB.

To form a bioprobe on 8-10-day chicken embryos, it is necessary to carry out 6-8 "blind" passages. In the process of passing the field isolate, the virus is adapted to chicken embryos, and they begin to manifest themselves typical for IB pathological changes. The culture of cells for bioprobes is not used, since in it the virus can cause CSD only after adapting to chicken embryos.

Identification. The material obtained as a result of the biofrobo contains a virus that needs to be identified in the RDP, RNG and RIF, and the standard affiliation is determined in the pH on chicken embryos and in RTGA.

Sericical research is allowed faster.

Serodiagnosticit is based on the identification of antibodies in pH, RNG and ELISA in patients and silent birds. Moreover, if the pH determines the accumulation of antibodies in the body in the period from the 10th to the 36th day of the disease, then Ring - from the 2nd to the 14th day, IFA from the 3rd day.

It has been established that serological data does not allow to judge the resistance of a particular bird livestock for infection with the virus and B, since the level of antibodies correlates with resistance. In the latter case, the local fabric immunity of respiratory tracheite play an important role.

It should be borne in mind that IB is similar to infectious laryngotracy, Newcastle disease and influenza birds. Differential diagnosis of these diseases are carried out by laboratory methods.

The poultry resistant to infection with a homologous strain of the virus for 5-6 months. The difficulty of ensuring the specific prevention of infectious bronchitis of chickens is due to the large antigenic and immunological variability of field strains of the virus.

For the prevention of infection, both alive and inactivated vaccines are used. Maternal antibodies from immune chicken hens are transmitted through the egg chickens and protect them in the first 2-4 weeks of life. The most pronounced immune response was obtained at vaccination in 3-4 weeks of living vaccine, and in a 16-week-inactivated one. Given the fact of formation of local tissue immunity in the respiratory tract, living vaccines are used orally (with drinking water) or by instilcing into the nose.

Virus Foxhra

The lush is an ominous high-flowagious disease of the man-fated, manifested by fever, vesicular lesion of the mucous membranes of the mouth, the skin of the whine and udder, in young animals - the lesion of myocardium and skeletal muscles. Lushcore is registered in many countries of the world.

In vivo, domestic and wilder-and wilderflower are susceptible to Virus. They can become infected and asymptomatic to pass the dogs and cats. A person is rarely infected with the use of underacted milk from sick animals.

Resistance to physicochemical influences. Virus of FMD is resistant to Efira, chloroform, freon. Quickly inactivated in medium with pH 6.0 and below. The most stable at pH 7.0-7.5. Chlorine lime, Creilin, Crezol, phenol kill the virus only after a few hours. Alkali solutions (2%) inactivate it in 10 minutes. The virus is resistant to the influence of environmental factors; Aphtose lymph containing the virus is inactivated at 31 ° C in 24 hours, in milk at a temperature of from 66 to 78 ° C, the virus dies after 1 min. Low temperatures can be preserved: with minus 40 - minus 70 ° C retains biological properties for several years. In the wastewater, the virus survives up to 103 days. A good preservative is a 50% glycerol solution on phosphate buffer, in it at 4-8 ° C, the virus is saved for 40 days. The best disinfectants - 2- or 3% hot sodium bicarbonate solutions and a 1% solution of formaldehyde.

In the virus-containing suspension there are infectious inspection viral particles: 140s - complete virions; 5S - capsids without RNA; 12S-14S - protein subunits and VIA-Chatigen, which is in infected cells, but is not an integral part of the virion. All the above components have antigenic properties, but only 140s and 755 particles are immunogenic. Only HOS particles (complete virions) have infectiousness.

Antigenic variability.

Currently, 7 antigenic types of FMD virus are known: A, O, C, SAT-1, SAT-2, SAT-3 and Asia-1. Inside the main types there are options, or subtypes that differ from each other. Type A has 32 options, type O - 11 options, type C -5, type of SAT-1 -7 options, type of SAT-2 - 3 variants, type SAT-3 - 4 options and type of Asia-1 - 2 options. Antigenic types and options installed in RSK differ and immunologically. Personal animals acquire pronounced immunity to a homologous virus. Consequently, for the specific prevention of naughty, each type of virus should be a vaccine.

In the body of naturally susceptible animals, the virus induces the formation of virus-solid, complement-binding and precipitating antibodies.

The virus is cultivated on naturally susceptible and laboratory animals: newborn mice and rabbits, hamsters of 60 days of age, adult guinea pigs. Well multiply in the culture of cells of kidney susceptible animals, in the culture of the epithelial epithelial of cattle and in some translated cell lines (VNK-21, SPEV, etc.) with a pronounced cytopathic effect.

Experimental infection. It is easily reproduced by applining the virus-containing material into the scarified surface of the mucous membrane, gums of cattle, sheep and pigs (in Piglet), as well as with subcutaneous inoculation of the virus with newborn mies or rabbits and intradermal.

The incubation period lasts 1-3 days, sometimes up to 7-10 days. The most characteristic feature of this disease in animals is the vesicular lesion of the mucous mouth, the skin of the whisk and udder. In cattle and pigs, the lush flows acutely, in adult animals, as a rule, benign. The disease spreads very quickly. Initially, the deterioration of appetite, increased savory, increase body temperature (up to 40.5-41.5 ° C). On the 2-3rd day on the inner surface of the lips and the language appear AFTs. In some animals, AFTs are formed on udder. The disease of the limbs is accompanied by chromota. After a day, the AFTU is broken and erosion is formed. After 2-3 weeks. Erosions are healing and animals are recovering. In pigs, sheep and goats, the defeat is observed more often on the limbs and less often on the mucous membranes of the mouth. Quite often amazed udder. The young people usually flows malignantly (death - 80% or more), AFT is usually not.

Pathoanatomic changes.

In the opening of fallen young animals, hemorrhagic intestinal inflammation and degenerative changes in the muscles of the heart ("Tiger" heart) are noted, similar changes are found in skeletal muscles.

Localization virus. From patients with animals, the virus can be identified already in the incubation period from milk, sperm, saliva (4-7 days before clinical signs). The greatest amount of virus is contained in the epithelium and fluid vesicles (up to 108ID / g). Exploshes and secrets of sick animals infectious over 10 days. A virus is distinguished and with exhaled air. The crossing may be accompanied by a long virusism. About 50% of cattle can highlight the virus for 8 months, and some up to two years. Pigs of persistent carriage of the virus is not installed. In flocks of buffaloes, infection has been supported by viruses and animals with a hidden course of infection.

Source of infection sick animals and virosters serve. The epizootological role of wild man-fated is very significant. The virus is very contagious, so the disease quickly spreads among susceptible animals. In the spread of the FMD, the products and raw materials of animal origin play a serious role, as well as objects of care, manure and feed contaminated by the discharge of patient cattle. Animals (dogs, cats, horses and birds) can be irrespected to infection.

The diagnosis on the lush is based on epizootological data (high contagiousness and selective lesions of only man-fated), clinical signs (vesicular damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, leather, limbs and udder), pathoanatomic changes (with the death of young - the defeat of the intestine and muscles of the heart) and the results of laboratory Research.

Diagnose the lush on clinical features is quite easy, but it is important for a doctrine farm to know what type of virus is caused by the disease to apply the appropriate vaccine. The type of virus is determined in the laboratory.

Taking and preparing the material. For laboratory studies from 2-3 patients with animals, not less than 5 g of walls and the contents of AFC on the mucous membrane of the language (in cattle), on the patch (in pigs), on the skin of the bunny and the interpalic gap (in large and small cattle, pigs, camels, etc.). In the absence of AFT, the blood of animals take the blood of animals at the time of the temperature reaction, from the corpses of young animals of all kinds - the lymph nodes of the head and the palm rings of the pancreas and the muscle of the heart. For the study for virons, they take esophageal-pharyngeal mucus (special probe).

The material must be obtained so as to prevent the removal of the virus outside the dysfunctional focus and laboratory, protect the personnel working with infectious material.

For this:

a) the branch of the farm must have certain skills to take material from patients with animals;

b) It is necessary to prepare everything for the selection of material - tweezers, scissors, napkins, thick-walled vials, leukoplasty, rubber plugs, 50% sterile glycerol solution on a sodium chloride isotonic solution, a thermos with a cooling mixture, a deeschor - 2% NaOH solution or 1% solution of acetic or lactic acid; Overalls - bathrobes, overalls, jams or hats, masks, rubber boots, gloves, etc. Everything you need is placed in the container and go to a dysfunctional focus, where, before entering the room with patients with animals, change clothes; c) after taking the material from sick animals tools, a mask, gloves are immersed in deeschor; The outer surface of the bottles and thermos is treated with deeschor. In the SanPropuscan, remove all the clothes and take a shower.

In the nasal cavity in people, people are experiencing up to 7 days, therefore, during this time, after visiting the disadvantaged farm, contact with healthy man-fate animals is unwanted.

Samples of material without signs of decomposition are placed in vagaons with screwing or fit plugs and frozen, and in the absence of freezing conditions, the preservative liquid is poured (50% sterile glycerol solution on an NACI isotonic solution). There are labels on the bottle, indicating the type of animals, the name of the material, its number, the dates of the selection and the address of the sender. The bottles put in an impenetrable metal container, sealed and placed in a thermos with ice, which is also sealed. The material is attached to the supporting letter signed by the doctor, which indicates: the date of the taking of the material, from the animals of which type and which material is taken, report the epizootic atmosphere in the foothrum in the farm, the name of the doctor. Material is sent with pressure. To work with the FCM virus in the laboratory, they allocate a separate room (Boxing with a preset), where necessary equipment and materials for diagnostic work should be (preparation of the material, the production of RSK, bioprobes, etc.). When working in boxing, overalls and shoes are fully replaced, rubber gloves and a mask. After work, nothing is not neutralized from boxing it is impossible. The dishes and tools are boiled, the workwear is immersed in a container for autoclaving; Tables, floor, walls are treated with a disinfecting solution, followed by the exposure of UV rays.

In the laboratory, there are strict accounting of the received material and its consumption with an accuracy of 1 mg. The material entered the laboratory is stored before the study and during the period of use in a closed key and a sealed refrigerator. At the end of the work, they make an act on the destruction of the material and animals remaining from the study after bioprob.

Laboratory studies on the lush include:

Detection and identification of the antigen of the FMD virus in RCK (defining its typical and variable accessories);

The detection and titration of antibodies to the enemy's virus in the passing animals (reconvalued) in the reaction of radial immunodiffusion (RRID) and an indirect immunofluorescence reaction (vigilant).

Detection and identification of the antigen of the FMD virus with RCK. Reaction components: antigens tests from epizootic strains of virus from ill animals; serum pigs, hyperimmunized by standard typical and variant stamps of FMD virus (biofabric production); Antigens of control - from typical and variant strains of the FMD virus (biofabric production); Complement - Fresh or dry normal serum of guinea pigs; Gemolysin of biofabric production; Barne erythrocytes - in the form of a 2% suspension on saline; 0.85% solution of chemically pure sodium chloride on distilled water; A set of specific sera and antigens to other viruses causing vesicular lesions.

RSK is put in various volumes: in a total volume of 1 ml - taking 0.2 ml of each component, in a total volume of 0.5 ml - they take 0.1 ml of each component or the micrometeode - the total volume is 0.125 ml, and each component is 0.025 ml .

Cooking Antigen Virus Fox .

The Walls of the AFT from sick animals are laundered from the preservative fluid with a physiological solution of pH 7.4-7.6, dried with filter paper, weighed, crushed and thoroughly rub in a porcelain mortar with sterile bit neutral glass until a homogeneous mass is added to which double with respect to The mass of the AFT is the amount of physiological solution, i.e. per 1 g of AFT -2 ml of solution. The resulting 33% suspension is extracted at room temperature for 2 hours, with minus 10-20s for 5-18 hours after defrosting, it is centrifuged for 15-30 minutes at 3000-5000 min-1. The supernatant is inactivated at 58 ° С 40 min. After inactivation, if flakes remain in the liquid, it is centrifuged again 10-15 minutes at 3000 min-1 and then used as an antigen to RSK.

Stages settings RSK.

Titration of hemolysin. Conducted when receiving a new series according to the generally accepted technique. In the main experience take hemolyasing in a 4-fold concentration from its limit titer (working breeding).

Preparation of the hemolytic system (gemsystem). To do this, hemolyasing is mixed in working breeding with an equal amount of 2% of the suspension of ram erythrocytes.

Complement titration. They are carried out in the hemolytic system on the day of the statement of the main experience according to the generally accepted technique. For the main experience, RSK complement is taken with a surcharge of 1% of its titer in the Gemsystem. The correctly taken working dose of complement is the indispensable condition for the normal course of the reaction, which ensures the accuracy of the results.

Preparation of working dilution of type-specific sera. To the main experience to determine the type of emotor virus, serums are used in a doubled titer (from the limiting titer), for example, if the serum limit timer is 1:40, then the working titer will be 1: 20.

Preparation of working breeding of type-specific antigens. Antigens are also used in double-bearing credits, for example, if the limiting titer is 1: 6, the working titer will be 1: 3.

The test antigen in the reaction is investigated by a solid (33% suspension) and in dilutions 1: 2, 1: 4 and 1: 8.

Note. According to the results presented, all standard antigens and serum are active and type-specific. The test antigen refers to type A.

Recovery accounting in 5-10 minutes after water bath, and the final result is obtained after 10 - 12 hours. The degree of hemolysis delay is estimated in the crosses: (++++) - 100% hemolysis delay; (+++) - 75%; (++) - 50%; (+) - 25% hemolysis delay; (-) - Full hemolysis.

If the test antigen is homologous to specific antibodies, then the delay of hemolysis and the reaction will be positive; If homologous antibodies are absent, the reaction is negative and complete hemolysis is observed.

In the production necessity, after determining the standard accessory of the FMD virus, it is set to its subtype (option). To do this, they put RSK on the same technique, but variable serums and variable antigen-type antigens are used. Moreover, variable serums are used in the limiting titer, and antigens in double. The antigen (studied) refers to the option, with the serum of which it gives a positive reaction in higher dilutions.

When the virus material delivered from the farm is not enough to study in RSK, it is carried out its breakdown on cell culture or on 3-6-day sausage mice, or on adult guinea pigs. The squeezes under study are injected subcutaneously in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back at a dose of 0.1-0.2 ml, guinea pigs - intradermal in the pads of both rear limbs in a dose of 0.2-0.5 ml. Animals are watching 5-7 days.

In the event of death, the mice from their carcasses are prepared by an antigen for RSK. The guinea pigs in positive cases on the paws are formed AFTs; Walls AFT and their contents are used in RSK. If necessary, conduct 2-3 "blind" passages. The sample of the material under study is considered negative, if the cells and the case of white mice will not be seen in the third passage, and during the study of the suspensions obtained from them in RCK will not be discovered antigen of the FMD virus.

Retrospective diagnostics.

The material for studying for the presence of antibodies to the enemy's virus is serums of animals suspected of disguised by a lush or other vesicular diseases. The serum should be taken at no earlier than 7 days from the moment of the appearance of the animals of the vesicular disease. The study should be directed 5-10 samples of serum from animals of each age group. In case of questionable results of the primary study, it is necessary to select blood again from the same animals after 7-10 days.

Serum obtained by the generally accepted method can be preserved by antibiotics (500 units / ml of penicillin and streptomycin) or frozen at minus 20 ° C. The study is sent from each animal at least 5 ml of serum in a thermos with ice.

In the laboratory, serum is investigated by the reaction of radial immunodiffusion (RRID) and the reaction of indirect immunofluorescence (viforous).

Rrid.The essence of the reaction consists in the formation of the zone of specific precipitation of viral antigens by antibodies included in the agar gel. RRID TYPOSPECTION.

To form a reaction, the melted 2% agar is mixed with an equal volume heated to 50-55 ° C of test serum in dilutions 1: 5.1: 10.1: 20, etc. Up to 1: 320 and apply 4 ml on the slide glass. In the frozen agar, the wells are cut out (with a diameter of 4-7.7 mm), which are filled with reference typical antigens. Then the glasses are placed in a humid chamber at a temperature of 37 ° C. The results are taken into account after 6-7 hours and finally after 18 hours.

A positive reaction is characterized by the formation of a precipitation ring in the form of a opalescent zone around the holes with an antigen, a homologous pathogen that caused the disease.

The antibodies found in the test serum sample refer to that serotype, with the antigen of which they gave a positive reaction. The maximum breeding of the test serum, with which a positive reaction is observed.

After crossing animals, antibody titers usually exceed 1: 160.

Vigra.This reaction is based on the fact that the presence of antibodies in the blood serum of passing animals reveals a specific glow (complex of antigen + antibody), and when using sera of vaccinated animals, the complex of the complex is not observed.

The technique of performing is as follows. On the drug from the culture of Cells of VNK-21, PECs, PES, infected with a virus of the FMD of any type, apply the test serum in dilution 1:10 and 1:20; incubated in a wet chamber at 37 ° C 30 min; laundered unrelated antibodies; dried in air and stained with a mixture of working dilutions of fluorescent anti-livery serum and bovine albumin labeled by rhodamine; Incubated in a wet chamber at 37 ° C 30 min; launder; They are dried and viewed under a luminescent microscope (lens x40, eyepiece x4 or x5). A positive reaction is characterized by green or from ore-green luminescence of cell cytoplasm.

The diagnostic result is considered positive when a specific glow is detected at least in one of 5-10 sera sent from this farm.

To determine the level of antibodies detected in this way, its titration is carried out in the test serum. For this, the test serum is divorced from 1: 40 to 1: 1280, and a deliberately infected drug is treated by each breeding, as mentioned above. The titer of post-infectious antibodies in serum is judged by its limiting breeding, which is capable of presenting a positive voyage. The presence of a specific glow in preparations treated with test serum in dilutions 1:10, 1:20 and 1:40, suggests that the serum was obtained during the period of acute crossing of the animal by the Lush region, i.e. From the moment of its disease, about 7 days passed, and the presence of a specific glow in dilutions of 1: 80 and above is that the serum is taken from the reconvalued animal.

The results of the study on the lush are drawn up in the form of a protocol, which indicates the date of the study, the name of the economy, material, brief epizosological data, etc. And necessarily the name of the components used in the study, the characteristic of the control.

It should be noted that there are many other methods, such as PCR, Ring, ELFA, method of cross-immunity, etc, and typing; To detect and typing antibodies - pH, rland, the reaction of the serocation on sickens, and others.

Differential diagnosis. It is necessary to exclude other animal diseases with vesicular syndrome, such as VD, IRT, vesicular stomatitis, pigs - vesicular disease, vesicular examination, and sheep - catarrhal fever.

Immunity and specific prophylaxis.

The duration of immunity in animals by the lush is 8-12 months, pigs - 10-12, in sheep - 18 months. With a very tense immunity, some resistance to infection with a heterologous type of virus may be observed. With FMD, fabric and humoral immunities occur. The main importance in the protection of animals from the disease belongs to humoral immunity factors. Inactivated vaccines are used for the specific prevention of emptyer. The following 3 vaccines have been widely used in our country: Lapinized hydro-oxuminum saponin-democluccin, which is prepared from a virus reproduced in the body of newborns rabbits; Hydrochocaaluminum saponin-democluccin from a virus cultivated in the tissue of the mucous membrane of the language sheath.

For pigs, an opponent emulsified vaccine of a lapinized virus is used.

Immunity after vaccination in adult animals lasts 4-6 months. After revaccination, immunity is more intense and long.

The young, born from immune animals, receives passively antibodies with a colostrum. Antibodies in calves are preserved for 5 months, although passive protection continues up to 3-4 months.

Inactivated vaccines can be mono- or polyvalent, i.e. contain antigens of one or many types and variants of the virus. Live vaccines against the foot and amender are not designed. Studies on the design and use of synthetic vaccines, as well as molecular vaccines obtained using genetic engineering methods are carried out.

Culiviro.viruses in cell culture

Cell cultures and tissues are pieces of organs and tissues grown in a nutrient medium outside the body, preserve viability, and some multiply.

For cultivation is necessary:

Source material (Embryo fabric, kidney cells, leather, spleen). Must compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics;

Temperature should be 36 -38 degrees Celsius;

Nutrient medium that should have buffered and isotonicity, i.e. include NA, K, CA, MG, CL, phosphates, carbonates;

The pH of the medium should be 7.2 - 7.4 units;

All nutrient elements, especially glucose, which is responsible for energy exchange;

Amino acids;

Vitamins that are co-enzymes.

Mediums are two species:

1. Natural or natural (blood, amniotic fluid);

2. Synthetic and semi-synthetic (from chemicals, saline solutions - Erla solution and Hanks solution)

Methodik comes down to the following:

1. selection of cell culture;

2. obtaining a virus - containing material;

3. preparation for infection;

4. Cell infection with virus-containing material;

5. Cultivation of virus in cells;

6. Indications of the virus in the culture of cells;

7. The collection of culture fluid and identifying the virus in it.

Selection of cell cultures. Not every cell is sensitive to any virus. The virus to primary culture is usually successfully adapted, provided that the culture is obtained from an animal organs, naturally susceptible to this virus. However, the adaptation of the virus to the translated cells is more complex, and in some cases fail. For the cultivation of some viruses, no cell system is still unknown. For virus cultivation, usually use young cells, i.e. On the first day of the formation of monolayer, and in some cases (for pigviruses of pigs), the cells are infected with their crops, since the virus intensively multiply in the presence of dividing cells (when they are in the stages of logarithmic growth).

Cell infection.

To do this, the test tubes (or mattresses) are taken with a solid cellular monolayer, viewing them under a small increase in the microscope. The growth nutrient medium is drained, cells 1-2 times washed with a Henks solution to remove serum antibodies and inhibitors. In each test tube, 0.1-0.2 ml of the virus-containing material and swaying are distributed evenly through the cell layer. In this form, the test tubes (mattresses) are left from 1 to 2 h at 22 or 37c for adsorption of the virus on the cell surface. The virus-containing material is then removed from the tubes (mattresses) and poured the supporting medium (in 1-2 ml tube, about 10% of its volume). When the virus is selected from the pathological material, some samples (feces, etc.) can have a toxic effect on the cells, therefore, after adsorption of the virus of the monolayer cells, 1-2 times is laundered with a Henks (or a nutrient medium) solution and then poured the supporting medium.

Virus cultivation.

The tubes (mattresses) are closed with hermetically rubber plugs and put on incubation into a thermostat at 37 ° C. The most widely used inpatient incubation. At the same time, the mattresses are placed in a horizontal position, test tubes - at an angle of 5 ° so that the monolayer cells are under the nutritional medium (drawing up). In a number of laboratories, infected cell cultures are incubated on the rotating system - Roller. Using this method, it is possible to obtain a large output of a virus having a higher infectious titer than in fixed cultivation.

For each sample of the material, at least 4-10 tubes with cell culture are usually used. For control, there are 4-6 tubes with an unreleased culture of cells in which they replace the growth environment for supporting.

In the cultures of cells infected with the virus, the nutrient medium can be not changed for 7 days, and the pH of the medium (6.9-7.4) is maintained using a 7.5% sodium bicarbonate solution. With longer cultivation of infected cells (adenoviruses, etc.), the medium change.

All tubes (mattresses) after cell infection daily investigate under a small increase in the microscope, comparing the cell cultures infected with the virus with the control.

In the thermostat, viral particles adsorbed on cells penetrate them inside and their reproduction begins. New viral particles leave (in whole or in part) the cells in which they were formed, penetrate into unaffected cells, reproduced in them, go to new cells and affect them. So continues until there are lively intact cells. As a result of this process, almost all cells in the mattress or test tube are affected by the virus, although absolutely everyone is almost never amazed.

The virus accumulates mainly in the culture fluid, but part of the virions can remain inside the cells not destroyed by the virus. In order for the virus that remains in the cells, the cells are carefully destroyed or multiple freezing - thawing (2-3 times), or using ultrasound.

Indication (detection) of the virus in cell culture.

There are the following basic methods for indicating the virus in cell culture: by cytopathic effect, or cytopathic effect (CPE, CPD); on the positive reaction of hematorsbition (RGAD); on the formation of plaques; to detect intracellular inclusions; to identify viruses in the immunofluorescence reaction (reef); to detect virus interference; to suppress cell metabolism (color sample); electron microscopy, etc.

The most widely and often on the reproduction of the virus in cell culture is judged by the cytopathic effect, or cytopathic effect. The CPD is called any cell changes under the influence of a virus breeding in the culture. The physiological changes of the cells are quite difficult to establish, and morphological changes are detected quite easily. To do this, it is enough to put a test tube or mattress of the microscope with a layer of cells up and using a small increase (lens x8-10, eyepiece x7-10), view the layer. It is useful to compare cells infected with the virus with the same cells in the test tube that did not subjected to infection. In this case, almost any differences in the contaminated culture of cells from the control can be considered a manifestation of the CPD. These differences can capture the entire monolayer or marked only in the form of small devils of altered cells in the layer of normal cells. The intensity of the CPD is expressed by which part of the cell monolayer is changed by the virus. Although there is no generally accepted system for estimating the intensity of the CPD, it is often rated in crosses or points. So, if the change (compared to the control) was subjected to the entire monolayer in a test tube or mattress, the CPD is estimated for four cross, if 3/4 is 3 cross, if 1/2 is 2 cross, 1/4 - one cross. But these estimates are still very conditional.

The Forms of the CPD depend on the biological properties of the virus, the type of cells, the dose of infection, the conditions of cultivation, etc. Some viruses show CPD after 2-3 days. After infection (enteroviruses), others - after 1-2 weeks. (adenoviruses).

Fragmentation - the destruction of cells into separate fragments, which are separated from the glass and switch to the culture fluid in the form of cellular daddy (vesicular stomatitis virus).

Rounding - loss by cells the ability to attach to the glass, as a result of which cells, usually molten on glass, take a spherical shape, separated from glass and freely float in the culture fluid, where they die (enteroviruses, adenoviruses, etc.).

Symplastovation - dissolution of cell membranes, as a result of which the cytoplasm of adjacent cells merge, forming one integer, in which they are located (mainly in the periphery) of the cell nucleus. Such formations from the cytoplasmic mass with many cell coders are called symplasts (gigantic multi-core cells). Their education is explained in two ways: violation of the cell division process under the influence of the virus or the fact that some viruses contain an enzyme (lecithinase), which dissolves the cell membranes, as a result of the cytoplasm of the cells of the cells are merged. The CPD in the cell culture can cause most viruses, so this method of indicating viruses in cell culture is used very widely. However, there are viruses that, multiplying in cell culture, the CPD does not cause (rabies viruses, classical pigs, some strains of a variety of cattle diarrheses, etc.). Cells remain viable, but the intensity of cell division decreases, and their morphology changes over time.

In the neoplastic transformation of the affected cells, the monolayer is formed by dense focuses of transformation of various magnitudes and shapes, white (Raus sarcoma virus).

The lack of the CPD in the first passage does not yet indicate the absence of a virus that does not always multiply so quickly to cause a pronounced CPD. Therefore, they resort to "blind" passages. It is necessary to carry out at least three "blind" passages before judging the presence of a virus in the material under study.


1. R.V. Belousova, E.A. Preobrazhensky, I.V. Tretyakova "Veterinary Virology" - M.: Colossus, 2007

2. V.N. Surin, R.V. Belousova, I.V. Fomina "Veterinary Virology" - M.: Agropromizdat, 1991

3. R.V. Belousova, N.I. Trocenko, E.A. Preobrazhenskaya "Workshop on veterinary virology" - M.: Colossus, 2006

Two weeks after the ownership of the owners, the dog drew attention to the change of her behavior: the dog reacted inadequately to sharp sounds, fell into rage, after a few minutes her behavior changed dramatically, the voice appeared, the dog has changed, the dog clicked his teeth, as if caught flies . For three days the dog fell.

The pathologist - anatomical autopsy of the fallen dog did not spend

Preliminary diagnosis: rabies; AueSi disease; Female carnivorous.

The selection of pathmetter for research on rabies is sent to the laboratory fresh corpses of small animals entirely, and from large and medium animals - a head with two first cervical vertebrae. The corpses of small animals before sending to the study are treated with insecticides.

Pathological material is packaged into plastic bags, put into tightly closed boxes with moisture-absorbing gasket impregnated with disinfectant. The material and the accompanying letter in which the sender and its address, the view of the animal, anamnestic data and the rationale for the suspected animal disease with rabies, the date and signature of the doctor, are sent with pressure.

Laboratory diagnostics includes: Detection of viral antigen in reef and RDP, Babezha - Negro Taurus and biological on white mice.

REEF. For this reaction, the biophytracy produces fluorescent anti-liberate U-globulin.

Thin prints or strokes from various brain sections of the left and right side (ammonov horn, cortish seisphanie, cerebellum and an oblong brain) are prepared on low-fat slot glasses. Preparing at least two drugs of each brain department. You can also explore the spinal cord sublimatic salivary glands. For control make drugs from the brain of a healthy animal (usually white mouse).

Preparations are dried in air, fixed in cooled acetone (minus 15--20 ° C) from 4 to 12 hours, dried in air, a specific fluorescent M-globulin is applied, placed in a wet chamber at 37 ° C by 25--30 min. Then, it is thoroughly washed with a physiological solution or phosphate buffer with a pH of 7.4, rinsed with distilled water, dried in air, they are applied to the neulorevating immersion oil and viewed under the luminescent microscope. In preparations containing rabies virus antigen, there are different magnitudes and form fluorescent yellow-green granules in neurons, but more often outside the cells. In control of this glow should not be, the nervous fabric usually glows dimly grayish or greenish color. The intensity of the glow is estimated in the crosses. Negative consider the result in the absence of a specific fluorescence.

Material from animals vaccinated against rabies cannot be explored in reef 3 months after vaccination, since there may be fluorescence of the antigen vaccine virus.

The reef is not subject to a study of tissue canned by glycerin, formalin, alcohol, etc., as well as material having signs of even minor posting.

RDP in agar gel. The method is based on the property of antibodies and antigens to diffuse in the agar gel and at a meeting to form visible visual precipitation lines (the complex antigen + + antibody). It is used to detect an antigen in the animal brain that have fallen from the street virus of rabies, or at an experimental infection (biological).

The reaction is made on the slide glasses, which poured 2.5--3 ml of the molten 1.5% solution of agar.

After the frozen in the agar, the holes on a stencil with a diameter of 4--5 mm, placed under the slide glass with the agar. Agaric columns take out a student pen.

From large animals, all the departments of the brain (left and right side) are investigated, from medium (rats, hamsters, etc.) - any three parts of the brain, the mice is the whole brain. With the help of a brain tweezers prepare a pasty mass, which is placed in the corresponding wells.

Controls with positive and negative antigens put on a separate glass on the same stencil.

After filling the wells in the components, the preparations are placed in a wet chamber and put in a thermostat at 37 ° C for 6 hours, then leaving at room temperature for 18 hours. Accounting results are carried out within 48 hours.

The reaction is considered positive when the brain suspension and anti-liberate Globulin, one or two or three lines of precipitation of any intensity.

Bacterial contamination and brain rotation do not prevent its use for RDP.

Material canned by glycerin, formalin and other means is not suitable for RDP.

Detection Taurus Babesh - Negri. On the slide glass make fine strokes or prints from all brain departments (as for reef), at least two drugs from each brain department, and color one of the methods (by Sellers, Muromseva, Manna, Lenza, etc.)

Description of the color of the Sellers: on the fresh, low drug is applied dye, covering them the entire drug, withstand 10--30 C and wash off with phosphate buffer (pH 7.0--7,5), dried in a vertical position at room temperature (in darkened place) and browsed under a microscope with oil immersion.

The positive result is the presence of the Babezha-- Negro-defined oval or oblong granular formations of pink-red color, located in the cytoplasm of cells or outside them.

This method has a diagnostic value only when typical specific inclusions are detected.

Biokeroby. It is more effective compared to all methods specified above. It is put in obtaining negative results by previous methods and in doubtful cases.

For bioprobitis, white mice weighing 16--20 g. Nervous fabrics of all brain departments are triturated into a mortar with sterile sand, a saline is added to a 10% suspension, defend 30--40 min and use the supernatant fluid to infection mice. . In suspected bacterial contamination, 1 ml of suspension of 500 pieces of penicillin and streptomycin is added and withstand 30--40 min at room temperature. It is infected with a single biocrustment of 10 - 12 mice: half intracerebrally 0.03 ml, half subcutaneously into the spout area or in the upper lip of 0.1--0.2 ml.

Infected mice are placed in glass jars (better aquariums) and are watching them for 30 days, leading daily registration. The death of mice for 48 hours is considered non-specific and do not take into account the results assessment. In the presence of rabies virus in the pathological material from the 7-10th day after infection, the following symptoms are observed: a wool lattice, a peculiar hobbiness, a violation of coordination of movements, rear paralysis, then the front limbs and death. In the fallen mice of the brain examine in Reef, the Babesh - Negri is on the discovery of the Taurus - Negri and put RDP.

The biocrillment of rabies is considered positive if the Babeshe Babeshe can be found in the preparations from the brain of contaminated mice or detect the antigen by reef or RDP methods. Negative diagnosis - the absence of death is mice for 30 days.

Recommended for early diagnostics by biofrobes (especially it is important when the animal studied has bitten a person) to use for infection not 10--12, and 20--30 mice, and from the third day after infection to score 1-2 silence every day to study their head Brain in reef. This allows (in positive cases) to reduce the study of the study for several days.

In laboratory practice, the method of the so-called specific bioprob is sometimes put. Its essence is that mice are muffled in infecting the cerebral tissue with the rabies of animals and do not ill, if this cloth is pre-treated (10 min at 37 ° C) anti-cancer serum.

Usually in the laboratory carry out a study in the following sequence: strokes-prints are made from the brain for reef and the detection of the Babeza Taurus - Negri, they put RDP, when receiving negative results, make a biological.

With highly qualified execution, the reef is obtained by 99-300% of coincidence with biological. Babesha's Taurus - Negri detect only 65--85% of rabies, in RDP - from 45 to 70%.

Specific prophylaxis. Currently, inactivated and live vaccines are used to prevent rabies. Conditionally vaccines can be divided:

on the first generation vaccines that are prepared from the animal brain infected with a fixed rabies virus;

second-generation vaccines that are prepared from rabies virus strains adapted to cell culture;

third generation vaccines that are obtained using genetically engineering methods.

Abroad developed in some countries a recombinant vaccine is successfully used, which contains a recombinant osse virus, carrying the main glycoprotein of the rabies virus shell.

The development has been started and the possibility of using DNA vaccines for rabies prevention. In Russia and the CIS, the inactivated vaccine from the Schelkovo-51 strain is widely used, which is prepared using the culture of CC-21 cells.

Achievements of science on oral vaccination of foxes in natural conditions of nature represent a significant milestone in the fight against natural foci of infection.

The cause of viral diseases of agricultural animals is penetrating inside the organism of pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms. The main way to combat viral diseases is their prevention, i.e. a warning.

Prevention of viral diseases is built, in general, on the same principles as the prevention of other infectious diseases. It is held in two main destinations:

nonspecific prevention includes a complex of sanitary and hygienic measures (disinfection, disinsection, deratization, fencing of farms, disables, etc.), aimed at preventing the infection of animals, and zoogigenic measures (full feeding, optimal conditions for animal content, etc.), aimed at raising the protective capabilities of the body;

specific prophylaxis is to use vaccines, hyperimmune sera and immunoglobulins that create specific immunity to a certain infection.

Consider in more detail the complex of sanitary and hygienic measures (non-specific prevention).

One of the most important measures to prevent infectious diseases is the prevention of the cause of the causative agent of the disease. To do this, purchasing animals to replenish the herd or tribal purposes, it is necessary to make sure that they are derived in a prosperous economy and are investigated for chronic diseases such as leukemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc. This should be recorded in the veterinary certificate.

The acquired animal must be kept insulated within 30 days. During the preventive quarantine, veterinary specialists conduct clinical and other studies for the presence of latent (hidden) infections, as well as if necessary, prophylactic vaccinations are carried out.

If necessary, the acquisition of feed can be purchased only in prosperous farms in relation to infectious diseases. It is necessary to show special care when acquiring feed animal feed and food industry waste on meat-plants, dairy products, oilseava products, dining, etc., since the meatflower flour, fragrance, dairy serum, extended by-products, etc. may contain causative agents of hazardous diseases.

The carriers of the pathogens of disease are often stray and wild animals - foxes, rats, mice, homeless dogs and cats. Therefore, the protection against access to farms and livestock complexes of these carriers has essential importance in prevention.

Rodents, carriers and carriers of many pathogens of disease can be in warehouses of feed, indoors for animal content. The systematic and constant struggle against rodents is one of the important preventive measures.

Foreign people can also be on the farm of pathogens, so the access of foreign people into the farm territory, the farms should be limited. Personnel, caring for animals, should be ensured by shoes and overalls. All farm workers must undergo a medical examination and strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene. Of great importance in the prevention of diseases has the presence in the household of the insulator, the maternity departments, the pre-selection site, the navigation, the biothermal pit, the warehouse for storing feed and the warehouse for storing livestock products.

The system of measures aimed at preventing diseases in a prosperous economy provides for an increase in the overall immunoreactivity and the natural sustainability of animals with simultaneous environmental sanitation, as well as conducting specific immunoprophylaxis.

Improving immunoreactivity and natural animal resistance is achieved by the following ways:

full-fledged nutrients and trace elements, macroelements and vitamins feeding;

providing animals with high-quality water;

compliance with the zoogigenic requirements of the care and maintenance of animals;

fighting rodents and insects;

timely cleaning and disinfection of manure and biological waste; disinfection.

For disinfection, the following substances are used:

chlorine lime;

chloramine b;

haired lime;

alkali (caustic soda, caustic natter);

phenol (carbolovic acid);

formaldehyde, etc.

Bleaching powder

Chlorine lime is a gray-white hygroscopic powder with a sharp smell of chlorine. It has an antmicrobial and deodorizing effect. For disinfection, a solution with a 2-5% chlorine content is used.

The method of preparation of a 2% solution of active chlorine:

For the preparation of a 2% solution, it is necessary to take 8 kg of lime and dissolve them in 98 liters of water.

The method of preparation of a 5% solution of active chlorine:

To prepare a 5% solution, it is necessary to take 20 kg of lime and dissolve them in 95 liters of water.

In order to increase the antimicrobial activity of the solution, a 10% sodium solution of chlorine is added to it (soda salt). Solutions are prepared in a wooden barrel.

When disinfection, the solution is strongly irritating the mucous membranes of the eyes and the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, with disinfection of animals, it is necessary to remove from the room. Due to the high aggressiveness of the drug, it is impossible to disinfect cotton fabrics and metal products. Chlorine lime and other chemicals containing chlorine are used for disinfection in the following infectious diseases:

ryzh and plague plague;



comic pativity;



aueseci disease;


disease rabbits;

washing horses, etc.

Store chlorine lime is necessary in a hermetically closed wooden container. It is prohibited to store it in bulk due to possible self-burning and explosion. It is impossible to store explosive and lightly visible substances in one warehouse with chlorine lime.

Chloramine B.

Chloramine B is a white, slightly yellowish crystalline powder with a weak smell of chlorine. Well dissolved in water. Used to disinfect any objects in the form of 1-10% solutions.

Slaked lime

For disinfection and blots of walls, ceilings, feeders, troughs, nippers, cells, fences, machine tools, etc., use a 20% suspension of hazed lime by three-time spins with an interval of 2 hours. Drug consumption: 1 l per 1 sq. M.

Alkali (caustic soda, caustic nat

For disinfection, a crude caustic soda is used - caustic soda. In 3-4% concentrations, the drug is used in viral infections at FMD, pigs, Paragrippe-3, flu, and others.

The solution is used hot (80 degrees Celsius) with an exposure of three hours. A 10% hot solution with the addition of a small amount of a 10% solution of the cook salt is used for disinfection in a Siberian ulcer.

A mixture of a 3% solution of caustic soda and a 3% formaldehyde solution in a 1: 1 ratio is used for tuberculosis and fungal infections.

Working with caustic, it is necessary to strictly comply with safety and be very careful. If the skin gets into the skin causes a deep burn. If the drug gets into the inside, poisoning occurs, which is accompanied by vomiting, bloody diarrhea, strong pain, difficult urination. To prevent eye damage, it is necessary to work in protective glasses.

Antipode serve as weak organic acids, for example, 1-2% boric acid solution.

Phenol (carbolic acid)

Phenol is a colorless hygroscopic crystal, with a specific smell. Crystals are soluble in water, alcohol and oil. Under the action of air and light, crystals are pink.

Apply a 3-5% solution of phenol for disinfection of animal beds, wastewater, animal care objects. Use phenol and its preparations (cresol, creosote, creature, etc.) in rooms, where dairy cows and animals are contained, it is impossible, since milk and meat remains unpleasant smell for a long time.


2-4% solution is used for disinfection with the following infectious diseases: lush, pigs, pigs, sneezing, pastellosis, salmonellosis, Coulping chickens, opp sheep, as well as with tuberculosis, dermintosis, etc.

The room temperature in disinfection should be 25-30 degrees Celsius, humidity 95 - 100%. The solution consumption is 100-200 ml per 1 cc. With an excerpt of 10-24 hours. For refueling of the disables, a mixture of a 3% solution of formaldehyde and a 3% solution of caustic soda is used.

In addition to formaldehyde, other formaldehyde preparations are used for disinfection: paraforms, lysoform, tiazon, metaphor, phospar, etc. In case of bacterial, dispute, fungal, viral infections are glutar aldehyde, which is a light yellow liquid with a characteristic odor. For prophylactic disinfection, it is used as a 0.3% solution at the rate of 1 l per 1 l square meter.

0.5% solution at the rate of 0.5 l per 1 sq. M. Glutar aldehyde is used for the following infectious diseases:

plague plague;





lush, etc.

1% solution of 1 l per 1 l square meter. Upon excerpt, 4 hours are used for tuberculosis;

2% solution of 1.5 liters per 1 m square. Upon excerpt, 3 hours are used in Siberia twice;

4% solution of 1 l per 1 l square meter. And the excerpt of 24 hours is used with a ringless deck and aspergillosis.

Used for disinfection of infectious diseases, glutaraldehydes - iron and iron of C.

The vaccine is a biological preparation prepared from causative agents of infection, deprived of pathogenic properties, but preserved immunogenic properties. The introduction into the body of the vaccine leads to the activation of immunity factors, including the formation of antibodies against the causative agent, from which the vaccine was cooked. Vaccine is a biological preparation designed to create active immunity.

The founder of vaccination consider E. Jenner's English doctor (1749--1823). It should be noted that at that time nothing knew about viruses. E. Jenner for many years analyzed the observations of the immunity of people who had a cow's impregnation, to the natural OPP of man and came to the conclusion about the possibility of preventing the natural hospital by vaccinations with the virus of the cow's cow. In 1796, he conducted the first experiment by making the boy by vaccinating the contents of the pustules of the cow's smallpox, and then twice (a few months after vaccination) introduced him a natural sieves virus, the boy did not get sick.

Currently, more than 80% of all infectious diseases of animals, including fur animals and birds, are caused by viruses. Events to combat viral diseases are usually integrated, but their success largely depends on the availability and effectiveness of specific prophylaxis. Through the use of scientific achievements in the field of virology, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetic engineering and biotechnology, new biological drugs are constantly being improved and created for the prevention of viral diseases.

In the manufacture of vaccines to obtain a virus-containing material, live biological systems that are sensitive to viruses are used: animals, chicken embryos, cell cultures.

Depending on the biological system used to cultivate the vaccine strain of the virus, the tissue, associated, culture vaccines differ.

Tissue vaccines are based on any animal fabric in which the vaccine virus has grimitized and accumulated. For example, a vaccine against rabies was prepared from the brain fabric of sheep infected with the Pasteur fix-fix virus fixes, a lapinized vaccine against FMD - from the tissues of rabbit, infected with the vaccine strain adapted to them. The number of tissue vaccines is gradually reduced.

Avinisated vaccines are prepared from embryonic fluids and tissues of developing bird embryos infected with vaccine strain.

Most often for these purposes, the embryos of chickens are used, less often ducks and Japanese quails, for example, to obtain vaccines against bird flu, Newcastle disease, hepatitis dyks, etc.

Cultural vaccines are prepared from infected cell cultures or experiencing tissues, while apply roller (use rotating bottles) or suspension (deep - use reactors) cell culture methods and tissues. This is the most promising and progressive method of obtaining vaccines. Such a method is prepared, for example, vaccines against infectious rinotracheita, paragrippa-3 cattle, emptyland, cattle plague, etc.

Depending on the species affiliation of the vaccine strain, homologous and heterological antiviral vaccines are distinguished.

Homological vaccines are prepared from the type of virus against which the immunity is supposed to create, for example, vaccines against viral diarrhea, cattle, rabies, etc. Most viral vaccines are homologous.

Heterological vaccines are prepared from viruses of another species, but in their composition similar antigens and having cross-immunogenicity. For example, a vaccine against chip pieces is prepared from the pigeons of pieces of pigeons, the herpes virus is used to protect chickens from Marek's disease, measles virus - to protect dogs from the plague of carnivores, etc.

Depending on the number of types or species of pathogens included in the vaccine, distinguishes monovalent, polyvalent, associated and mixed vaccines.

Monovalent vaccines contain antigens of one type (view) of the virus.

Polyvalent vaccines (bivalent, trivalent, etc.) are prepared from several types of one virus. For example, a trivalent antician vaccine is obtained from three types of FMD virus - A, O and C.

Associated vaccines contain antigens of pathogens of various species, for example, Bivak vaccine - against infectious rinotracheita and paragrippa-3 cattle, tetrapak - against plague, adenovirosis, infectious hepatitis and parvivirus enterita dogs.

Mixed vaccines are a mixture of viral and bacterial antigens, such as a vaccine against the plague of carnivorous, botulism and viral enterita of dogs.

Depending on the viability (ability to reproduce) a virus that is part of the vaccine, all antiviral vaccines are divided into lively and inactivated.

Live vaccines contain lively selected weakened (attenuated) virus strains.

Inactivated vaccines contain inactivated virus strains. More often for this purpose, epizootic strains are used, which inactivate (neutralize) by physical or chemical methods.

All vaccine preparations can be divided into two large groups: solid and component. It includes both alive and inactivated vaccines. Component include all vaccines that are not included in the column of solid-divine vaccines, i.e., split-vaccines, subunit and synthetic vaccines, as well as vaccines obtained by genetically engineering methods. Unfortunately, there is no generally accepted scientifically based vaccine classification.

Emergency situations caused by infectious diseases of agricultural and wild animals

Infectious animal diseases - A group of diseases that have such general signs as the presence of a specific pathogen, cyclical development, the ability to transmit from an infected animal to healthy and taking epizootic distribution. Caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, rickettsies.

Infectious disease - form of expression of a complex of protective and adaptive reactions of the body for an infection. Many animal infectious diseases, such as brucellosis, Siberian ulcers, rabies, etc., are transmitted to man.

All infectious animal diseases are divided into five groups:

Alimentary infections affecting the organs of the digestive system. Transmitted through the soil, feed, water. These include Siberian ulcers, lush, sap, etc.;

Respiratory infections that lead to the affix of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and lungs. The main transfer path is airborne. These include: paragripp, enzootic pneumonia, sheep and goat ispa, carbon monoxide;

Transmissive infections that are transmitted using blood-grazing arthropods. These include: Encephalomyelitis, Tulyarai, infectious anemia of horses;

Infections, whose pathogens are transmitted through external covers without the participation of carriers. These include tetanus, rabies, pieces of cows;

Infections with unexplained infection paths.

The propagation of infectious diseases of animals occurs in the form of enzootia, epizootia and poleotic.

Enzootic - the simultaneous distribution of infectious disease among farm animals in a certain area, economy or paragraph, natural and economic conditions of which are excluded by the widespread spread of this disease.

Epizooty - Simultaneous progressive in time and space within a certain region, the spread of infectious disease among a large number of one or many types of farm animals, significantly exceeding the incidence of incidence in this territory.

Panzoo - mass simultaneous spread of infectious diseases of farm animals with a high level of morbidity in a huge territory with coverage of entire regions, several countries and continents.

The main most dangerous infectious diseases of animals

Rabies - acute infectious disease that causes a virus penetrating the wound and reaching the central nervous system. Increased susceptibility to rabies possess: dogs, horses, cattle.

Symptoms of the disease: In cattle, rabies manifests itself in a quiet form: there is no aggressiveness, saliva, hoarse soap, rapidly develop paralysis of pharynx, lower jaw, hind limbs, lack of appetite, forced movements, shaky gait. An animal in a comatose state dies.

Prevention measures: Patients of animals do not treat, but isolate and when confirmed the diagnosis is killed. Dogs are often vaccinated. Animals, bitten people or other animals, are observed 10 days. Absoed people vaccinate and a complex of their treatment is carried out.

Cattle plague - Dangerous infectious disease. Symptoms of disease and prevention measures proceed similarly as a person.

OSP - acute infectious disease. The disease is striking man and all kinds of animals.

Symptoms: flow in one of the shapes - absorbed or difteric. In various parts of the body in birds, especially in the field of crest and chin, on the skin of the eyelids, the limbs appear pale yellow stains in the form of tubercles, they dry and disappear. If there is no complications, the animals are recovered.

Prevention measures: animals contain in quarantine and vaccinate. Dead animals burn.

Lakes of cattle - Chronic infectious disease. Caused by a virus and amazes animals with immunological failure. It is characterized by a change in blood composition.

Symptoms: manifests in the form of lymphocytosis and malignant formations in organs and tissues. It is observed in an increase in lymph nodes without a temperature reaction, anemia, weakening of cardiac activity, disorder of digestion.

Prevention measures: regular livestock examination with clinical and other methods. Destruction of fallen animals.

Lush - viral disease of man-fate animals. Spread the bird's disease. It is characterized by fever and auto lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, skin, udder and limbs. Sources of FMD - Patients Animals. The virus is transmitted with milk, urine and feces. Transmitted to man when contacting the sick animal and its products. When pasteurization of milk, the virus dies in 30 minutes, when boiling - after 5 minutes.

Symptoms: an increase in temperature to 41 s, the salivation of the mouth is increasing, bubbles filled with liquid in the language, lips, nose wings, the hoofs appear.

Prevention measures: mass cattle vaccination, goats, sheep, pigs.

Tech disease - Pig infectious disease. The disease is often manifested in spring and autumn the development of encephalitis or encephalomyelitis. It is characterized by an increase in temperature to 41 ° C, causes convulsions, paralysis of the limbs.

Pseudochuma birds - Viral disease of birds from chicken squad. It is characterized by the defeat of the respiratory, digestion, the central nervous system. Sources of illness - patients and poultry birds excreasing viruses through all discharge, with eggs and exhaled air. The incubation period is 24 hours. Infection more often occurs through feed, water, air, as a rule, in the autumn-summer period. Mortality is 60-90%.

Ornithosis - Infectious natural focal disease of many birds, including room, as well as mammals and humans. It is characterized by atypical pneumonia, fibrous peritonitis, encephalitis.

Symptoms: runny nose, birds sneeze and rub the wings about the surface of the objects, paralysis of the limbs of the wings.

Prevention measures: sick birds destroy.

Newcastle bird disease It is more commonly found among the representatives of the chicken squad. Passive carrier can be a person.

Symptoms: there is a lethargy, an unfaithfulness, low decommability of chickens, wheezing, the cessation of egg laying, cyanosis crest and earrings, breathing difficult, wings will unscrew.

Prevention measures: birds vaccinate. When identifying the disease, viruses typify.

Infectious hepatitis - viral disease of dogs and other carnivorous (sands, foxes, wolves). It is characterized by fever, inflammation of mucous membranes and liver damage.

Symptoms: weakened immune system, oppressed state, hyperthermia up to 40-41 ° C, manifestation of acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea, manifestation of the disintegration of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Prevention measures: the use of associated (polyvalent) sera of foreign and domestic production

Tick-borne encephalitis - Naturally focal transmissive (transmitted by ticks) viral infection, characterized by the preferably defeat of the central nervous system.

Symptoms: regardless of clinical form, patients have common infectious manifestations of diseases characterized by fever and other signs of syndrome with general infectious intoxication. The incubation period of tick-borne encephalitis lasts an average of 7-14 days with fluctuations from one day to 30 days. There is a weakness, indisposition, drierness; Light pain in the field of muscles of the neck and shoulder belt, lumbar lumbays and a feeling of numbness, headache are noted.

Prevention measures: When visiting forests, use properly selected clothes. In the case of a sucking tick, it is necessary to capture with tweezers or fingers, wrapped marks, and remove slow, smooth movements from the skin, so that the proboscis does not break.

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