Virgo is a bad zodiac sign. The most jealous signs

The buildings 28.06.2020

Virgo is considered one of the difficult signs of the zodiac. She demands too much from others, and understands their essence through deduction, logic and constantly systematizing their actions. The character of the Virgo according to the horoscope is brightly colored by skepticism, distrust of everything that happens around them.

What is the character of Virgo men and women according to the horoscope

At the same time, most philosophers, pointing out their spiritual leaders, note that they belong to the zodiac sign - Virgo. After all, representatives of this sign are not inclined to exaggerate, they subject everything to a thorough analysis.

They are sure that they understand everything correctly and do not hesitate to criticize, in their opinion, wrong actions.

They tend to simplify everything, and at the same time they evaluate everything to the smallest detail, which is not entirely simple. Virgos, like cats, are torn between fear and curiosity.

Their sign is cats and all small animals. They are subject to frequent worries about the outcome of a particular case, so they try to consider all possible options.

Virgo is smart, brutally hardworking, reliable and can engage in any kind of activity. At the same time, she is reputed to be the greatest bore and a mediocre person, although this does not prevent her from being a brilliant thinker and philosopher.

We can say that Virgo has one of the most complex characters of all twelve signs of the astrological zodiac. And you will be absolutely right.

Virgos are very sensitive and serious about doing any job. Often they like to criticize, but sometimes they themselves are not averse to hearing criticism, but only from relatives or friends. They are still those lovers of praise and are not at all stingy with compliments.

People living according to such an astrological sign are friendly. They make good friends. They like to make surprises, although sometimes they themselves are not averse to receiving one or another gift from loved ones. In food, their taste buds are almost impossible to guess.

The nature of the Virgo zodiac sign can depend on the mood. Although it is very difficult to spoil the mood of this zodiac sign, bringing it to tears, do not expect mercy. They are accustomed to always stand up for themselves, although they are very sensitive to what is happening around.

In the company of the Virgo, it will never be boring. After all, the center of attention will always come to them.

Virgo Types of Greed

Very often, Virgo is considered a miser, because she is too economical and prudent. There are several different types of Virgo character according to the criteria of greed:

Virgo of this type is not able to solve the problem of greed. Representatives of this type of character are always extremely restrained and constrained. Such people exist in the sector of negative and positive extremes. They are maniacally pedantic in collecting the “ringing coin”, overly scrupulous and capable of constantly postponing spending money for tomorrow. These people make good collectors.

Virgos of the second type of greed reach a psychological breakdown at the mere thought of spending money. Sometimes they can also break down physically, thus expressing their disagreement and ultimatum protest. Such Virgos love power, suffer from a thirst for power and are very selfish. The behavior and character of Virgo of this type is often compared to Scorpio.

The third type is mixed. These Virgos fluctuate between the first and second types. They are able to generously bestow with one hand, and mercilessly take away with the other. People of this type are often sloppy, although Virgos are generally extremely clean. In the blink of an eye, a respectable citizen can turn into a violent beast.

The character of the Virgo is reflected in the manner of dressing. She reveres classic style, impeccable suits and outfits, is conservative in her views on clothes, but at the same time she takes care of all the details, even the smallest ones.

In general, the Virgo zodiac sign has a good character.

Character of women - Virgo

Girls are characterized by such character traits as perseverance and patience. Men, in turn, can be called "real knights." This is manifested not only in relation to the lady of the heart, but also in general to those around them. They are courageous and responsible.

Charming girls - Virgos, always look great, are often concerned about their appearance, but this only benefits them.

They are open to new acquaintances and even sometimes ready for adventure. This sign is very spontaneous. Maybe sitting somewhere in the office, you will suddenly want to think about a vacation: about a house near the sea. In general, spontaneous decisions are very characteristic of virgins, they often change their minds.

Character of men - Virgo

Courageous Virgo guys are not romantic at all, but they are capable of great deeds. Since childhood, they have a great love for reading non-fiction. A feature of their character, this is probably secrecy. They will never tell you about their problems, even about what has been worrying them for several weeks now. It should be noted that they know how to keep secrets like no other.

They are furious representatives of the "home owners", they love peace and comfort in the house.

A child born under the sign of Virgo is characterized by calmness and curiosity. The Kid always wants to know everything and everything. So, do not interfere with your baby to explore new spaces and it is possible that in the distant future, he will become a famous scientist.

Virgo is the second sign of the earth element, personifying justice and purity. Virgo embodies the principle of order, the victory of reason over feelings, the ability to see the whole in detail. Virgo, more than other signs of the zodiac, strives for perfection in everything, studies all his life, but also teaches others. The desire for the best makes Virgo notice flaws in everything that surrounds her, which requires correction.

The nature of the mark

Virgo often has a beautiful appearance, is endowed with an ear for music and vocal abilities, has a good taste for things, and is selective in communication. Cautious in everything, so they try to monitor their health, they like to be treated and treated, they are often suspicious when it comes to their well-being. They look at life realistically, are economical, strive to insure themselves with savings. Virgo will demand cleanliness in clothes and speech from those around her. Virgo is very sensitive to aggression, avoids impulsive people, loves her habits and special "girl" daily routine. Virgo doesn't have stamina like Taurus or Capricorn. General well-being, general body tone, mood are subject to fluctuations. Sign moving cross, Virgo does not have a large supply of vitality and needs to recharge, rest from the emotions of others. It is important for Virgo to take a break in order to sort out her impressions, to put the facts and the order of events, to understand her attitude to the object as a whole. Virgo does not know how to passively rest. The most optimal type of rest is a change of activity.

Mercury, the ruler of this sign, endows Virgo with talent in trade and various crafts. The ability to use information correctly helps Virgo in any activity. Skillful designers, analysts, pianists and violinists, mathematicians and writers, doctors and military men, artists and sculptors, collectors and financiers. Proserpine, the second ruler of the Virgo sign, makes you strive for perfection, endows with worldly wisdom and quality an expert in any field. A passion for collecting, research is known, among Virgos there are many figures of science and culture. Observation and the desire to save the world make Virgo a natural comforter. In difficult times, Virgo will help you rely on simple things to cope with the most difficult grief.

Strengths and weaknesses of Virgo

Virgo strives for material prosperity, loves earthly goods, but often lives modestly. Often acts as a ruthless critic, meticulously collecting facts of negligence and inconsistency. The main thing for Virgo is to become a professional with a capital letter. They are usually hardworking, work hard and are an example of reliability and foresight. Patience is one of the best qualities of a real Virgo.

Due to a practical outlook on life, high demands and constant criticism of a partner, Virgo often tries to avoid marriage. Doesn't believe in extraordinary love. Relies on wealth and respectability. A pragmatic Virgo, when choosing a partner, necessarily takes into account the status and wealth, as well as the level of education. She will not give feelings indiscriminately. Sometimes envious and petty, if she has not found her calling in the profession. Not too sociable, if there is no practical interest.

Virgo Man

From an early age, strive to provide for himself and help his family. Independence, talent in business and art, the ability to handle finances is manifested in successful entrepreneurial activity. He does not love too much and knows how to show his emotions, he is sensitive to the beautiful and well-groomed appearance of his beloved, sometimes he is too thrifty, even if he is in love.

Virgo Woman

This is an exquisite decoration of the zodiac. Often a bright appearance and the ability to look spectacular gives popularity. Inaccessibility, special grace, innocence or naivety distinguish the representatives of this sign. Usually they act deliberately, they need protection and psychological support from the environment. Sensitive to flattery, easily deceived in love, then distrustful for a long time. Vulnerable, devoted and caring in close relationships. It is necessary to avoid nervous and physical overloads in order to preserve youth and health for a long time.

Virgo Child

A tireless researcher of a separate fragment of the surrounding world, a collector and a quiet person. Little Virgo needs a daily routine, it is advisable to make plans for the future together, because Virgo likes to be prepared and is very careful about everything new. Children are especially conservative compared to adults of this sign. At preschool age, there are many fears that have to be overcome. Virgo seeks an explanation for all the phenomena of nature and accurately notices the behavior of others. Almost always, the little Virgo has special preferences in food. It is important for Virgo to develop fine motor skills by sculpting, modeling, etc., as well as to train memory. It is good to give a Virgo child a musical education, the opportunity to take care of a pet. Responsive and shy, Virgos need approval and support from loved ones.

Sign health

Vulnerable place - the intestines, often need a special diet. Virgo is suitable for vegetarianism, separate meals. The nervous system is subject to overload, not physically strong enough. Therefore, it is desirable to maintain health by constant training, proper nutrition. Allergies are possible as a response to environmental pollution or emotional instability.

Interesting countries: Japan, Czech Republic, Germany, North Korea, Turkey, Switzerland, Chile, Baltic countries

Significant cities: Paris, Baghdad, Jerusalem, Heidelberg, Los Angeles, Chicago

Celebrities born under the sign of Virgo: Igor Petrenko, Paulo Coelho, Blake Lively, Tim Burton, Claudia Schiffer, Zemfira, Faina Ranevskaya, Mother Teresa, Ingrid Bergman, Michael Jackson, Cameron Diaz, Alexander Lukashenko, Richard Gere, Salma Hayek, Keanu Reeves, Beyonce, Yanka Diaghileva, Freddie Mercury, Keti Topuria, Leo Tolstoy, Larisa Dolina, Alexander Revva, Guy Ritchie, Fedor Dobronravov, Iosif Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Dmitry Medvedev, Amy Winehouse, Agatha Christie, Mickey Rourke, Bianca, Vladimir Menshov, Anna Netrebko, Greta Garbo, Ilya Glinnikov, Sophia Loren, Stephen King, Bill Murray

The first thing you should know about Virgo is that their intelligence, diligence, selflessness, professionalism - big big lie! As professionals, Virgos are not even suitable for the position of ordinary cleaners: they will take revenge for half a week, but they won’t sweep it all. Virgo's best job in your office is the role of an office plant: standing, smiling, just for, like, "beauty."

The motto of this sign - "I analyze" - is a false motto promoted by mountain astrologers. The same ignoramuses as the Virgo herself. Virgos have nothing to analyze. God did not give them brains for analysis. It just so happened. The most that Virgos can master in the field of knowledge is to read the press and surf the Internet. Creating the appearance of a smart and all-knowing person, they will begin to diligently steam your brains. It is to steam, because when you finally see the light, you will see a frail creature next to you, capable only of the role of a bathhouse attendant with a whisk. Steamer.

The real karmic destiny of the Virgin, and all real astrologers know this, is to be a servant. Serve, serve and serve again. More specifically, learn to serve. Because they don't know how to do that.

From now on, in order to illustrate the correctness of our presentation, we will sometimes begin to cite cases in the text from the life of the most “brilliant” people on Earth, who call themselves Jews. And the life of this people is described in a little book called the Bible. Why is that? Because it is the Jews as a nation born under the sign of Virgo.

So here is the first illustration. The Jews in Egypt were just slaves. In principle, everything was normal for them. But they decided to leave that land. And they forgot that they don't have their own. So they began to wander through the deserts.

Of course, this entire article will be more relevant to Virgo men than to Virgo women, because Virgo women are generally wonderful creatures, but not as much as Virgo men who have a destructive effect on the environment. Below, a separate part of the article will be devoted to Virgo women.

Virgo men

The result of their action on women is terrible: they deprive princesses of happiness.

Virgo men are terrible creatures, all of whose activities are aimed only at how to put together a bigger pile of gold under them. And by this they accept any methods. (See example) And to achieve the best result for themselves, they use the most terrible methods. The girls do not even notice that the Serpent-Virgo has crept up to them and is already choking them with his ass-licking tongue.

What do they take

The first thing a girl sees in front of her, the future victim of a Virgo man, is his strange eyes. They have something. Something beckons her. What exactly, not everyone will immediately understand. But this “something” is the eyes of death. Dead, not sparing, sparkling with ice, indifferent, unemotional. Kind of mysterious...

In the astrological classification, the sign Virgo means psychopathic killer.

It is these eyes that beckon the victim, like a snake's hypnosis beckons a mouse. A snake that swallows a mouse whole. Alive.

This is exactly how the girls of the snake-man-Virgo swallow the soul. Whole. Live.

It is a pity for the girls who fell under the hypnosis of such a psychopath.

But after all, you can’t say to everyone: “Shy away from the Virgins, dear! Run away as fast and as far as you can!"

The second thing that is revealed to the victim girl is the highest helpfulness of the Virgo man. But how could it be otherwise: their karmic essence is to be a servant!

He cooks himself, and does the laundry himself, and cleans himself, and goes to the store himself, and does everything else himself. “And you sleep, dear, rest,” he says to his frowning darling. And she melts, lying on a bed prepared for love.

But where did you see Dev love? Only cold calculation! Only he!

For girls, there is only one advice about Virgo men - shy away from them as quickly and as far as possible. However, this advice does not always work. Virgo men are very courteous and very womanizing: they will lick their buttocks to a shine, they will go over their ears with a multi-ton skating rink. And now the young beauty has already melted. And ended up in bed with him. "How are you?" "Don't know. Wanted something. Got something!"

And he took it with just that ass-licking and riding on the ears: all so courteous and attentive. And he will wash the dishes himself: take care of your little hands, dear. And he will cook himself: do not bother, dear. And goes to the store. And he will leave the house. And he will wash. AND…

Get some sleep, dear. Go to sleep…

And dear, having slept, wants to taste his male power. And, damn it, it's not enough. And the dear one is getting grayer and grayer every day: she does not receive “love”, but she cannot refuse the servant.

These moral freaks pull the best girls out of the orbit of happiness. They cripple their souls with their servant mentality. They take them away from loved ones, steaming them with caring words.

And then - they spit out the remnants of the overcooked beauty, just as the snake that dined on it spits out the skin of a mouse.

woman's dream

I asked one of my women a question, describing the type of Virgo man: “How do you like him?”

She replied, rolling her charming eyes in bliss, that this is the dream of any woman.

Yes, of course, a dream.

And why is this dream like this: fleeting, obscenely remembered, crippling, often changing, etc.

The true face of the Virgo man

“If I had a little more money, I would take a younger wife,” a Virgo man I knew told me.

Everything would be fine. And, of course, everyone who reads these lines will think: "What's wrong with that?"

But the thing is that this Virgo man already has a fourth wife. Who is twenty years younger than him. Fourth! And they were all loved in their time. He cherished and cherished everyone. All were rewarded with children. Homeless now.

But something did not work out with each of them.

In Virgo men, the women with whom he consistently broke up are always to blame in these cases. One didn't know how to cook, the other was a slob, the third didn't know how to wash...

Stop, stop! But this is precisely what the Virgo man takes his victims. After all, he does everything himself!?

So why, when he breaks up, does he blame women for not doing his laundry, cooking, etc.?

Falsity is the basis of all the feelings of the Virgo man.

Beauties, greedy for flattery, are pulled apart under his licking tongue and let his poisonous teeth into their very heart, into their very soul. Having taken a dose of poison, they declare with a stone face: “Everything suits me!”

Of course it suits! Who would doubt that?!

But, you see, a couple of years have passed, and the beauty is no longer recognizable - a black-and-gray monster, vaguely reminiscent of the previously beautiful princess. This monster sees you and says: “Don’t you recognize me!?”

Yes, I know. I recognize her by her eyes. By the familiar sparks in them, still barely gleaming. But what should she answer? Did not recognize? Did you know?

Did not recognize! Why? Because a lot has changed in these two years. For better or for worse? If it were better, then the one that I liked earlier and became even better should have attracted even more of my attention. And I almost passed. For the worse? Of course. But it's very hard for her to say...

Therefore, girls who are under the influence of the poison of the Virgo man, know that when your former man passes by you, you should not ask him stupid questions. You are spoiled. Frightened.

But back to his method: "If I had a little more money, I would take a younger wife."

From this statement, from the fact of observing that Virgo men, as a rule, have time to change two or three or four wives in a lifetime, we can conclude the following: a Virgo man has a new wife whenever he receives a promotion.

Therefore, girls who are married to Virgos, get ready: as soon as your husband overcomes the next step in the career ladder, he will overcome both you and his “love” for you. And you will become the second, third, fourth... And, of course, guilty...

Girls who have gone through Virgo men say one thing: like a man - shit (sorry), sucks out energy, like a vampire - to the very last drop. And, when you are already empty-sucked and cannot keep yourself in a normal shape, he just throws you. At the same time, claims are being poured into your address: you are ugly, I need a princess, etc. He brought it himself, he sucked it out - and the claims will be against you.

Having devoured you, the Virgo man goes with a clear conscience to look for a new victim. Which he will say about you: she did not match my ideals. After that, licking where necessary, and showering with caring compliments, he will spoil and this beauty.

None of the girls I interviewed said a kind word about their "chosen one" Virgo man. But how much was the mat! Hate! Anger!

Moreover, the evil done by Virgo men is even more enormous due to the fact that they want to see in the ranks of their chosen ones exclusively the most beautiful, most charming, kindest, affectionate.

Virgo men, without a shadow of embarrassment, without a drop of pity, unnecessarily kick beauties out of the orbit of happiness. They spoil them. Take them away from loved ones. It is a crime.

All girls should know and remember about this crime.

That is why the vast majority of Virgo men are married for the third and fourth times: everyone is looking for their ideal (having ruined their previous lives!?). Moreover, they sometimes continue to try to maintain relations with old wives. They spoil women, give birth to homeless children, and they themselves broadcast with mournful mines: something is not lucky for me, I still can’t find it. They need to cut off the eggs.

Sex with Virgo men


Other than that, I don't even want to write anything.

None of the women I interviewed were able to squeeze out anything resembling praise or even something positive.

Those who have already gotten rid of cohabitation with Virgo men usually swear a lot, for a long time and obscenities in response to the question: “Well, how is sex with them?”

Those who are still in cohabitation with Virgo men thoughtfully answer: “Everything suits me ...”

One Taurus girl, 31 years old, married to a Virgo man, from normal sex with her husband came to an obsession with one thought: “I want a huge cock!”

A strange desire when everything suits. Is not it? And her friends, who have already spat on the Virgo man, are trying to convince Telushka that happiness is not in size. And in a man. But she is faithful. And she - everything is fine ... Therefore, she wants a huge penis.

Another Cancer girl, 33 years old, married to a Virgo man, has already crossed the line of normality. Military husband. She lives with him in the garrison. Virgo-husband probably did everything right. But after a certain number of married years that the Cancer wife spent in fidelity, apparently she became unbearable from normality. She was raped by almost the entire garrison. She received the next rank and, accordingly, shoulder straps for her husband instead of him, going to the general “on business”.

By the way, Virgo-husband accepted the promotion with dignity - well, the profit in the family.

Another Virgo girl, 34 years old, married to her Virgo husband, told me in plain text: “Besides him, I need more.” I didn't even ask my own question. Because I saw this second one in the mirror in the old days.

Another Aquarius woman who is married to a Virgo man did not tell me anything about sex with her husband. But, when she was 35 years old, she performed the role of a brownie with great success - she walked around the house frighteningly and frightened the cat.

Another Pisces girl, 33 years old, lived in a civil marriage with a Virgo man. I remember her cheerful, greedy for lovemaking, which is something to call sex and the language did not turn. Kind, smart, active. In the third year of marriage, her Virgo man "jumped" out the window. To death. Everything in the apartment was stabbed and covered in blood. I don't know who was third in the room. But the Virgo man somehow strongly inherited before he committed suicide.

Of course, it can be stated that all women are b.

But many of these I knew personally. No - not b.

But then what unites them all?

The answer is unequivocal: the Virgo man.

With whom sex is so exhausting and annoying that it forces women to take extreme measures, to commit the most unprincipled acts.

Most women just leave such men.

Crying of the Virgo man

“Something I’m not lucky with women, with wives,” is the usual cry of a Virgo man.

Interesting howl, isn't it?

Such an all good man, downright a woman’s dream, but for some reason two or three or four women in a row and, mind you, every time, after an average of two years of being in this dream, they refuse it.

Who's out of luck? Virgo man? Or is it still the women gnawed by him?

Who will run away from their happiness? What woman would turn her back on her dreams?

And is this muck a dream?

Isn't this a monster, from which the beauties, frightened "from happiness", turn away?

On the courtesy of Virgo men

By the way, the fact that Virgo men cook, wash, care is for the time being. After a certain milestone, they usually beat the girl, and, moreover, hard, in all places. After that, already "beloved" is engaged in washing, cleaning and ironing. With bruises on his face.

Virgo is the astrological sign of the Psychopath Killer. It is a fact. And this fact was perfectly shown by M. Douglas in the film, when he was going home, and someone wrongly angered him. Douglas brought a lot of problems to people. By the way, this actor is also a Virgo. That's why he played so convincingly.

One of my friends told me this story. The Virgo man, affectionate, attentive, lavish, was “friends” with her and her two other colleagues, working in the same office. And, so that nothing was revealed, he simply pitted them against each other. The girls confronted him and themselves with all three of them. After her, he smiled and returned to live with his ex-wife. Which he rinsed before in all possible ways, confessing to each of the three in pure and tender love.

Another friend of mine told the same story. Her friend had a Virgo roommate. He cooked porridge, washed his underpants and socks. Cleaned the toilet. After two years of such a paradise, the girl ended up in the hospital with severe beatings. And on discharge, she already cooked porridge and cleaned the toilet. But that's not all. This honest and shy Virgo man, a champion of justice and the triumph of truth, once robbed the apartment of my storyteller (with whom he was friends with “families”). And that is not all. It turned out that he "worked" at night as a burglar (robbed apartments). And that is not all. For some reason, so gentle and affectionate, he ended his life being thrown out the window (yes, yes, exactly the one described above). Is it gratitude for attentiveness, love and affection?

Another story. My friend. Together with him, the Virgo guy, famous for his honesty, served in the army. But after serving in the army, it turned out that it was he who stole the demobilized piece of fabric from his comrade. Everyone was in shock. But they didn’t have time to fill the face. Demobilized - Virgo.

Another story from my friend. She had a childhood friend - also Virgo. All the time he walked about ten meters behind the whole company. Like, this dog runs, it's late. He's kind of weird all the time. Nobody really liked him. But he didn't drive. And at the door of my girlfriend (model), he almost every day "kept watch." Wanted! Lip no fool!

She, when she argued with me that, they say, the Virgins are all so thoughtful, they have everything according to plan, she said that it’s good when a man is a Virgo. To which I answered her: did he plan to kill him for some reason? By the way, for some reason this “good, attentive, kind, reasonable” was also killed ...

Why do they cripple

The Virgo man by nature cannot do anything. Can't create anything. But he can, as it seems to him, correctly manage and manage what has already been acquired, already created. Moreover, it also seems to him that the better the product falls into his hands, the more competently the Virgo man will dispose of it.

So the Virgo man takes the most beautiful girls into his twisted paws.

But, in order for them to become so beautiful and better, someone has already worked on them, someone has bothered to puzzle these girls with plans, horizons that need to be achieved and that need to be strived for. It is after solving the tasks set that the girl becomes the one that everyone calls “Cool!”: she will receive an education, learn a lot of things.

And this finished product goes to the Virgo man: they say, he will dispose of it correctly.

But the Virgo man cannot do this.

The product, like any flower, needs to be dealt with. Beauties must go! To not languish in the stables. And the Virgo man does not know how to do it. He does not even know where to drive them, beauties, what goal to set for them. So he says to them: “Sleep, lie down, dear!”

And by this he ruins what the girl has achieved - any lying stone is overgrown with moss.

Beauty has to be worked on.

By the way

That girl - a former model - did not get along for long with a Virgo man. ... Now, no one believes and will never believe that she was a model ... Except that the pictures remained.

The Virgo man is not easy to understand. He is practical and laconic. But under the outer coldness hides an amorous and vulnerable heart. Let's look at Virgo in marriage and life closer.

He considers all of you, girls and women, ideal, but he is prevented by uncertainty and timidity in front of you. Take a closer look, have patience, and the reward for your love will be the sincere tenderness and devotion of the Virgo man.

How to understand a Virgo man?

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09) is an earth sign, and therefore behaves reasonably. It is unlikely that you will notice him in the club. He is wearing discreet clothes, there is no fiery searching look, veal enthusiasm in flirting and passion in dancing. The Virgo man does not have the talent to do anything - he is rarely the conqueror of women's hearts. Most likely, you appreciated it at work or in a small company. Perhaps you learned from friends that he likes you? Anyway, you have a date. And what? Maybe not even kisses. Rather, conversations, the maximum that he can say: "I like you (or you)." The stage of courtship is the most difficult for them: Virgo guys are constrained, feel awkward and fear of humiliation. Such meetings can go on for a long time, with breaks, digressions, and new insistence, but without an offer. And you are already starting to think: “How boring, and what is all this for?”. Why is this happening? Even if you "hooked" him, he will go into cover to think. Passion seems to Virgo a disease of the soul. They analyze their feelings, under the guise of closeness or ridicule, and try to prove their affection with deeds, not words of love. Virgos are not just calm, but very prudent and careful. They make demands on a partner in accordance with their ideal: they pay attention to how you behave, how you look, look at you, how polite you are. They rely on moral honesty, chastity, affection, and similar goals: work, intellectual interests, and so on. Sex is not the tool to keep them. In addition, Virgos are afraid of getting infected and almost never enter into casual relationships.

How to win a Virgo man?

There is one way to activate such a man - this is to convince him that he is doing you a favor. He will want to show you how well he will serve you. With flattery and admiration, you can inspire him to do anything. He will demonstrate passion, even if it is not. In sex, Virgos are quite skillful and can satisfy any taste, but most of all, a woman is struck by tenderness that other men are not capable of. However, they always remember their behavior in bed and the behavior of their partner, notice the details of the body: skin color, shape of toes, smells, and if they don’t like something, they can turn away forever. An observant and critical mind, pickiness and even snobbery often make them lonely for a long time, and sometimes misanthropes, inveterate skeptics and drug addicts. Among them there are also sexual vagabonds with a penchant for pornography, changing women one after another when the heart is completely cold.

Virgo men in marriage

Virgins usually enter into marriage after a long courtship, subjecting their beloved to many trials, after which they fall in love with her forever. Virgos in marriage require their partners and children to live in discipline. In the family, everything is assigned the exact time and place, everything should be in a “virgin” order, but they themselves give their all. After all, such a man chose you to serve you. He provides for the family perfectly and will be faithful. The betrayal of his wife can turn his character around, and the thirst for love will turn into a thirst for revenge. Provided that the wife is attentive to him and friendly, he becomes a wonderful family man.

Male Virgo Compatibility

All three earth signs: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn in their youth behave passively, but their goals coincide, and their connections are honest. They suit each other because they are strict, patient and organized in the pursuit of professionalism and material stability. But, having reached the age of 30, Virgos weaken their strictness, obsession with work and are now compatible with Scorpios and Cancers, which help them free themselves from restrictions and feel the taste of life. But Virgo's rationalism hurts Cancer's sensitivity. With Scorpios, Virgos can be happy, but they look at life too differently. Alliances with Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer often fall apart. By the age of 42, Virgos have already developed enough to appreciate the intelligence and activity of Sagittarius. But for marriage, Sagittarius is not suitable for Virgo. He should also avoid Aries. With Libra, frequent conflicts are possible. No sign has more bachelors than Virgo, because they are very indecisive at the stage of courtship and in choosing. For this sign, it is better to draw up a separate horoscope for compatibility with a partner and fateful bindings.

They are known as "perfectionists". They have a delicate feminine personality - gentle and caring. Let's find out about other features of Virgo!

1. Analytic

Virgos usually appear calm on the outside, but their minds never rest. They have a thousand thoughts. Their thinking mind always makes them analyze every aspect of a situation or person. They rarely make mistakes in their judgments. Their analytical approach helps them succeed in life.

2. Reality

Virgos can come up with the best solutions for any problem because their thoughts are based on reality, not imagination. The Virgo does not live in a fantasy world, she keeps to the ground in her reality.

3. Organization

Virgos are extremely organized. They don't like mess. They love to plan events and then implement them into reality.

4. Sincerity

If a Virgo tells you something, he/she is definitely not lying to you. They expect the same from you. They are honest and sincere friends and partners. They don't trust people right away, but once they find their perfect partner, they will do anything for them.

5. Modesty

Virgos are quiet and modest. They don't like to be the center of attention all the time. It is difficult to find a loud and noisy Virgo. They need time to let others get close to them.

6. Caring

In fact, they are only attached to those they love. They really take care of them. Virgos are compassionate and enjoy helping people. Virgo loves to be helpful, to support her partner.

7. Diligence

Virgos do all their tasks. Talent, hard work and discipline make them successful in their careers. They will continue to work towards their goals. Virgos are the best employees in the world.

8. Perfectionism

Virgos are known to be perfectionists. They strive for everything to be perfect. This can be both a strength and a weakness. On the positive side, this forces the Virgo to set high standards for themselves. They value sophistication.

9. Self-sufficiency

Virgo has high standards. Virgo has no problem being alone for long periods of time. They feel better knowing that they have become successful on their own.

10. Reliability

Virgos are really great friends. They are reliable and always fulfill their obligations. If you are stuck in a dead end, call your friend Virgo, she will be happy to help. Helping others gives them great joy and they strive for the greater good.

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