Test competitions for students. Funny team games for the Student's Day (Tatiana's Day)

Encyclopedia of Plants 01.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Educator of the hostel GBOU RH SPO "U(T)OR"

Carle Larisa Ivanovna

Scenario of the holiday of dedication to the tenants of the hostel

"Let's Be Friends"

Target: Involvement of first-year students in the active organization of life and leisure in the hostel.


Preserve and strengthen the traditions of the hostel;

Contribute to strengthening the foundations of friendship and mutual understanding;

Develop Creative skills students;

To instill in students a culture of relaxation, a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

Event progress.

Presenter1 (V.) Good evening everyone!

IN 2 Hello Hello! We welcome all guests to our wonderful living room!

IN 1: Stop, stop! So things won't work. Why are you calling us guests? After all, everyone who is here, with the exception of our educators, lives here, which means they are not guests, but hosts!

IN 2: You're right. All these wonderful girls and guys really already live here, but so far we can not call all of them owners. Many of them joined our ranks recently, and although they have already settled into our hostel, they are not yet familiar with our traditions. And in general, the most talented, smart, friendly and disciplined people live here, but we don’t know these guys yet.

IN 1: Disagree. First of all, today we welcome our yesterday's entrants. Let those present in the hall help resolve our dispute (addressing freshmen):

Have you already familiarized yourself with our hostel and the existing procedures in it?

YES! (freshmen answers)

Well, can you prove it?


IN 2: So, now everyone will appreciate how the freshmen learned the rules of living in a hostel.

Chastushkas performed by first-year students sound.

Moved into the hostel

There is such grace here.

Is there where cook dinner,

There is now a place to sleep.

How will you come to our dorm

You will be sworn in

There are many rules to follow

For grace to be here.

Our Vitalka is friends with boxing,

loves volleyball,

For seven years he was in reserve,

And then he came to us.

Oh dear girls!

I already know everything here.

You accept me as a tenant,

I will be your king.

I thought here Lafa guys

It turned out to be wrong.

Need to wash dishes often

And make the bed.

Get up at seven, you believe us

It's very hard at times.

But if you want, so check

We get up like this every time.

In my hostel

The ringing goes on all day long

Because freshman

Will be dedicated soon.

IN 1: Thanks! We listened to you, and now we want to ask our old-timers, do you have any questions for freshmen?

St.: We challenge them to a competition. We want to check how they have self-service skills. So, we invite 6 first-year students and 6 senior residents to the stage. ( Each team is given a handkerchief.) Your task is to do the following in turn:

1st erase

2nd press

3rd hangs on a rope and secures with a clothespin. The relay continues until all participants have taken part.

IN 2: Thanks to everyone, now everyone knows that you really want to stay as residents of our hostel, our small country with its own laws, the house to which you will return throughout your studies.

IN 1: Meet Anastasia M., Yulia T., Zinaida N. with the song "The Little Prince" on the stage.

IN 2: The most beautiful, witty, athletic girls live, of course, with us. Sometimes such passions boil here that the educators are at a loss, what will happen next? ...

IN 1: Listen to a medley of famous songs performed by Katya S. and Olya D.

Everything froze again until dawn,

The door does not creak, no one screams.

Teacher in his office

Watch over us until midnight.

That will walk through the halls slowly,

Then he will look into the change houses again,

Apparently looking for smokers again

And he can't find it.

Eyebrows in expansion, windy bangs

Fire and ice, cheeky girl.

Then suddenly calls, then hangs up,

To spite me, she wears a miniskirt.

Two pieces of sausage

You were on the table

Don't tell me stories

I still don't believe you!

I beg you don't

Tell a lie,

I took everything off the table!

Now excuse me

I'll go to hell

Since I'm on a date now...

Let's live together in a hostel,

So that there are no reproaches and unnecessary quarrels.

So that educators are less upset,

And our hostel everywhere we glorified.

IN 2: Yes! Indeed, sometimes serious passions flare up in us. And in such cases, humor always helps. Meet…

To the general laughter, out of nowhere, a gypsy camp appears in the hall, one gypsy woman has a pipe in her hands, she sings in the gypsy manner “Oh, on ne-ne-ne-ne ...”, approaches the presenter

IN 1: Lady, I'm sorry, we don't smoke. (picks up the phone)

C.: Eh, dear, you are the boss, you set the rules, and I'll take care of my business!

(A song sounds on the motive “we say byaki-buki”)

We say byaki-buki

In our hostel

Give me some cards
Let's guess without embellishment!

Oh, la-la, oh, la-la

Let's guess without embellishment,

Oh, la-la, oh la-la. Eh-ma!

The card is black, bad

Drops out every time.

The educator is harmful again

Blames us for something.


I see the government house clearly

Helps you out a lot

There is no money, but there is a change house

We are cooking in it.

Oh, la-la, oh, la-la

Looks like it's time for me to go home

Oh, la-la, oh la-la.

Everything! Athas! Run friends!

IN 2: And how true she was! I almost believed her. But do not worry, friends, now the first-year students will delight us with their dance.

(dance is performed)

IN 1: Well, I think that the first-year students have shown today that they deserve to become members of our large and friendly team. Now I want to invite the old-timers of our hostel to the stage. They will give our freshmen some tips for surviving in the hostel.

(Senior students come out and take turns reading tips for freshmen)

TIP 1: If you are going to live in a hostel, you need to have a lot of patience. Learn to courageously and coldly endure troubles and hardships. They used your plate, left your frying pan unwashed - you should not declare war on everyone and play silent for several days or arrange a showdown. Sometimes just talking to your neighbors is enough.

TIP 2: Be yourself
Perhaps most importantly, NEVER show off, don't try to show off and don't try to look cool. Remember that a couple of minutes, and sometimes even seconds of a conversation is enough for people to understand who you really are and the one who goes too far for no reason will be severely punished

TIP 3: When conflicts arise, you need to speak openly with your opponent, do not harbor evil against him and. especially not to do dirty tricks on the sly.

TIP 4: You must remember that gossip and rumors spread in the hostel at a truly fantastic rate. Think twice before saying bad things about someone.

TIP 5: do not quarrel with the commandant and educators, believe me, they will still be useful to you.

TIP 6: You should make acquaintances with senior students in order to exchange positive experiences and notes.

TIP7: Happy life student hostel is addictive, do not forget to study. Otherwise, the whole carefree life will end with the beginning of the first session.

TIP 8: Student housing is a great school of life. You will learn to deal with any emergencies find an approach to different people, you will find many true and good friends. You need to walk this road with dignity and not lose yourself. Good luck freshmen!

IN 2: It's time to wrap up the evening. All the guys who came to us turned out to be very talented. They deserve to live in our hostel, and now we invite them to the stage to take the oath. We ask all freshmen to come up to the stage.

(The oath of the dormitory resident is read)

We swear to put our lives in the name of the prosperity of the hostel!

We swear to proudly bear the honorary title of a tenant of our hostel!

We swear to keep our hostel clean and tidy around the clock.

We swear to be the most charming and attractive dorm residents!

IN 1. And now I ask you to bring in a plate of "student cabbage." Try it and then you will become full-fledged residents of our hostel.

(A plate with cabbage and five spoons is brought in. The cabbage is cooked according to a special recipe: a lot of salt, pepper, vinegar, garlic and other strong spices.

Freshmen try cabbage.)

IN 2. Good luck students, you have your whole life ahead of you.

IN 1. Be positive and lucky.

IN 2. And now everyone to the disco, light the "pervaks".

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The classic scenario of a modern education program young man includes three stages: Kindergarten, school and university or college. Having passed all this “educational road”, young people admit that the most interesting time, filled with amazing events, jokes and jokes, fell precisely on the students. The most memorable event that happened to them immediately after entering the university was initiation into students. Yes, they most often remember not the most difficult sessions, not trips to potato fields, and not even entrance exams to the most prestigious institutions. Finishing the chosen educational institution, having received the desired profession, they gather at the home of one of their former classmates to have fun again and look into the album with photographs depicting scenes, competitions and tests of the initiation holiday.

Are you student. We will say out loud:

"That's right for you."

May you even be lucky

Smiling in his sleep.

At the university you are now in the capital.

Keep it up! And so hold on!

We wish you "excellent"

Pass the exams for life.

A cool scenario of initiation into students at the university

There is an opinion that freshmen begin to feel like real students only after the first session. At the same time, it does not matter whether the student passes it successfully or “flunks” - the first test is always very emotional. However, for many young people, initiation into students becomes a real test of strength. This ritual, which appeared in medieval France, at the Sorbonne, is held annually in most universities in Russia. According to the scenario of the holiday, young people, having completed a number of difficult, sometimes unpleasant tasks for them, take an oath. They give their word to always remain faithful to the student fraternity, support each other, not “give up” their comrades to formidable teachers, and help lagging students. The funniest moment of initiation is when freshmen complete cool tasks given to them by senior students.

Having traveled all the seas and continents,

Let the ethnographer put it in the book

Cheerful and special people!

It is very difficult to understand and study them.

Well, for example, you say when

All that is impossible for other people

How long can a person stay awake?

Well, a day, well, two ... and it's over! Breaks down!

A student can take a session,

Don't sleep for a week, don't quit chess

Yes, plus still manages to fall in love.

How much sleep is a person capable of?

Well, let him sleep for a day on his side,

Then, looking from under swollen eyelids,

He will sigh and say: - I can't do it anymore!

But the student, if there is no test,

Saturday put on the bed

And he'll sleep until next Saturday

And getting up, he will also reproach someone:

Well, what the hell! They didn't let me sleep!

How much can a person not eat?

Well, a day, well, two ... and the body weakened ...

And now he can neither stand nor sit down,

And he won't remember what six six is,

But a student is a completely different matter.

If it happened "aground" to stay,

The student does not bow his head.

He will bravely eat air

Plus tap water!

What was a tailed man in the past -

Scientific fact, not belief.

But, leaving the tail on the trees for a long time,

He lives on earth for century after century.

And, proudly shaving the skin on the cheeks,

He doesn't repeat his ancestor in anything.

But a student, he happens to have a tail,

And even eat with two and three tails!

What does solid, male friendship mean?

We can easily answer this:

Students have friendship and such,

And there is another sometimes.

All the guys are perfectly divided,

And a friend will never let a friend down.

While one meets his beloved,

Another goes to take his test...

Dreaming of the nebulae of galaxies

And looking at the sea through the sights of prisms,

The student is always a desperate romantic!

Although it can pass on a deuce romanticism.

Yes, he lives cocky and difficult,

Almost never discouraged.

And what is impossible for other people

Student - do not care and nonsense!

And, arguing about poetry, about beauty,

He lives by his special destiny.

Here in grief only suffers, like everyone else,

Or maybe even a little sharper...

So let, bypassing all the continents,

The cracker ethnographer will bring his work.

What is such a nation - students,

Lively and wonderful people!

Asadov Eduard

Initiation into university students ―Examples of cool scenarios

Most often, the university hosts several celebrations of initiation into students at once. Each faculty has its own script. For example, "chemists" arrange for first-year students to test their knowledge of all the elements of the periodic table. They do this in a peculiar way, offering the children from the 1st year to smell, touch and even ... try the substances in the test tubes provided to them! Mathematicians solve long equations at speed, philologists compete in knowledge of rare Russian sayings and proverbs. Each test necessarily includes cool tasks - run with a "Newton's apple" on your head, quickly speak complex tongue twister to jokingly marry English-Russian dictionary. In a word, incredible things always happen at initiation!

An interesting scenario for the celebration of initiation into students at the institute

The scenario of initiation into students at the institute always depends on the profile of the university. The holiday itself, which begins as an official celebration with congratulations from the rector and deans, gradually turns into a series of trials that freshmen go through in order to obtain the proud title of “student”. It is interesting that every year the fun celebration takes place in different ways. At the same time, doctors always show the greatest, sometimes even sophisticated fantasy. They can easily force first-year students to carry the heaviest student on a stretcher, make a diagnosis with the most contradictory symptoms, translate from Latin sayings that are incomprehensible to many. The holiday always ends with the Hippocratic Oath given by 1st year students.

Examples of interesting student initiation scenarios - A fun holiday at the institute

In each university, undergraduates are happy to take on writing a script for initiation at the institute. They perfectly remember all the trials they had to go through in their first year. For example, journalists were “fed” with small pieces of newspaper, and biologists, trying different liquids from cups, determined by taste what was in each container. Lawyers were asked to "work" with Themis - to walk smoothly around the stage and descend from it with a bandage over their eyes and weights in their hands. In general, every year the freshman dedication turns into fun party the entire university.

University students for five years

That within the framework of a long life -

Just a short moment

Difficult, but not only.

Yes, studying is a heavy burden,

But you can definitely

Finish high school on time

Get on your feet firmly.

As a student

Don't lie sideways

Take advantage of the moment.

You are free from problems

And the worries of life

You are open to everyone

Have fun, laugh!

So that wild five years

Remember in retirement.

Not everyone is ready to become a student

You have to be a student at heart.

Examples of competitions and tests of initiation into college students

In autumn, in all educational institutions of Russia, a holiday of initiation into students is held. Participating in the most difficult competitions and trials, college freshmen compete for the right to become members of the student fraternity. At the end of the celebration, the children are given comic certificates and certificates.

Scenario and scenes of the holiday initiation into students

The annual celebration of initiation into students becomes the most anticipated event of the fall. According to a tradition that originated in Europe, first-year students perform the most difficult tasks given to them by senior students. In some universities, teachers also work on the initiation scenario. Together with the guys, they prepare funny scenes about life at an institute or university, compose lyrics for altered songs about their beloved Alma Mater, and come up with sophisticated tests for young people who have just entered the first year.

Holiday of initiation into students - Scenario and skits

Unusual scenario dedications to students can always be found on the Internet or thematic literature- Senior students only need to spend a little time. A few more days will be required in order to thoroughly rehearse the scenes for the holiday. The video posted on this page shows how fun and cool the celebration is.

Initiation into students, the most interesting and cool holiday, held in universities and colleges, is always perceived by freshmen with a bang. Despite the complexity of many competitions and tests, young people are looking forward to them with particular impatience. The scenario of the event and skits are written taking into account the specifics of the university or secondary educational institution.

What worries yesterday's schoolchildren and today's applicants most of all at the beginning of a new academic year? Difficult lectures? Hard sessions? Hungry weekdays in a hostel? No! The main thing is initiation into students, and only then everything else. After all, freshmen do not know what to expect from the holiday: official speeches by the rector and deans, funny scenes from undergraduates, tests and competitions or dances and rework songs. Or maybe the anthem of the faculty, a solemn oath and parting words will run like a red thread through the whole concert? It is not known exactly. Each university, institute and college has its own initiation scenario with different "zest" and "tricks".

How to spend an interesting holiday "initiation into students": a script for college

Entering the university, thousands of children are looking forward to becoming students, today this interesting holiday held in colleges, institutes and universities with a solemn part, humorous digressions and all kinds of entertainment. But a few centuries ago, in certain European countries, applicants had to endure a lot of trials and torments in order to eventually receive the title of full-fledged members of the student society. Even in Western-style youth films, the process of "initiation" looks like an exciting, adrenaline-filled, and sometimes even creepy spectacle. Fortunately, in our country everything is much simpler. In order to hold an interesting holiday "initiation into students", the script for the college is filled exclusively with official ceremonies and entertaining numbers for young people.

Principles of organization and selection of a student initiation scenario for a college

Depending on the preferences and traditions of a particular university, initiation into students is carried out either at the beginning of the academic year (September-October), or after overcoming the first session (in January-February). The event usually consists of two halves: the official part with congratulations from the professors and the presentation of student documents, as well as an unofficial continuation with various performances, concert numbers, tests, competitions.

In addition to the scheme of holding and filling the holiday, beginners are concerned about the time and place of its holding. In most cases, the official part takes place in the assembly hall of the educational (sometimes central) building, in local house culture or a rented banquet hall. The first-year students choose the place for the continuation of the celebration on their own, if the graduates did not take care of this before. Sometimes senior students take on the mission of organizing and conducting the informal part of the dedication, preparing everything necessary in advance: from the script of the holiday to the decor of the hall and musical arrangement.

Scenarios of the unofficial part of initiation into a student are always different, even within the same university. But the official half of the celebration in most cases consists of the same elements:

  • Congratulatory speech of representatives of the university;
  • Parting words of senior students;
  • The response word of freshmen;
  • Competitions and concert numbers;
  • Oath of students, delivery of documents and key;

Already at the solemn part, the newcomers begin to prove that "they are not born with a bast." Having rehearsed several numbers in advance (songs, skits, dances, etc.), the guys perform at their first student concert. And then follows the continuation of the holiday - the unofficial part. Most often, it is held in a rented cafe hall, a nightclub, a city square or a hostel assembly hall. There, all the most interesting tests for undergraduate students begin.

Initiation into students: a cool script for an institute and a university

They say that you become a real student only after successfully passing the first session. But it was not there! Sometimes, for initiation into students, they choose such extraordinary scenarios with cool tests that only after passing them to the end you can become a full-fledged member of the student fraternity of an institute or university. Most often, such holidays are divided into two traditional parts and are fully equipped with everything you need: microphones, speakers, amplifiers, light music, photo and video equipment, the necessary props for skits, competitions and more. At the official part, in addition to the heroes of the occasion, there is the administration of the university, professorial staff, relatives of freshmen and graduates. In the second half of the evening, only students and part of the teachers participate.

How to write a cool student initiation script for an institute and a university

For such a youth event as initiation into students, a script that is cool for an institute and university should not be replete with officialdom and overly solemn congratulations. It's tiring and boring for most of the audience in the audience. One sincere congratulation from the rector, if the dedication is university-wide, or from the dean, if it is optional, is quite enough.

Of course, a well-written scenario of the event should include the traditions familiar to a particular university. Among them:

  • solemn oath of freshmen;
  • hymn of students (university or faculty);
  • presentation of a student card, key, etc.;

But 2-3 required elements quite enough to streamline the holiday and at the same time not make it unbearably boring and old-fashioned. For the rest, it is better to give preference to the concert numbers of the first-year students themselves - song performances, choreographic productions, humorous skits, reworked songs, ditties.

The unofficial part of the script should be as close as possible to student life: with lively impromptu humor, cool tests for beginners, tasks with tricks, survival contests, an abundance of music, alcoholic drinks and unhealthy snacks.

If teachers are present at the second act of the holiday, you can also get them to participate in competitions from undergraduates. So, it is worth offering teachers to pass the exam with real tickets and no less real questions. A brave professor will certainly not refuse to show off her knowledge. True, the questions in such tickets should be somewhat different:

  • How to live up to a scholarship for 2 weeks if there are 100 r in your wallet?
  • What are 12 ways to cook "Dosherak"?
  • How to darn a single pair of socks before a date with a girl, if only a cactus has needles in the dorm room?

During the event, all those who took part and won the competition are recommended to be awarded with small gifts with humorous overtones: a roll of toilet paper, a pack of salt, a spare pen, a box of matches, etc.

Tests and competitions for freshmen for initiation into students

The rector spoke, the deans had their say, the fifth-year students gave parting words, the newcomers answered and promised not to discredit the honor of the university ... And now, when the official part of the holiday is over, it's time for the unofficial stage of initiation. At this time, the attention of the audience is completely captured by an experienced, cheerful and sociable host-older student or a young teacher, who will take on the function of announcing the numbers of the concert program and conducting all kinds of "initiation". At the stage of entertaining initiation into students, yesterday's applicants will have to go through a lot of tests and competitions for freshmen. We have collected the best of them for your scenario in our selection.

A selection of cool contests and tests for the holiday "initiation into students"

Tests and competitions for first-year students for initiation into students are an integral part of the entire procession. You can't do without funny humorous tasks. It is important to write the script in such a way that fun entertainment occupied at least a third of the evening.

  1. The fate of the faculty

The facilitator calls one representative from each faculty onto the stage. From the props - three stools located in a triangle (opposite each other). On the first, a thick reference book; on the second, a beer mug; on the third, pictures or a photograph of a young girl. Participants are blindfolded, placed in the center between stools and unwound. The representative must determine the fate of his faculty by approaching one of the props. If the participant chooses a stool with a book, students will be excellent students and nerds. The choice falls on a stool with a beer mug - the whole faculty will revel from session to session. If the representative comes across a chair with a "girl", students will devote more time to their personal lives than to their studies.

According to the rules of the competition, and just for humor, during the "determination of fate" stools are rearranged from hour to hour. To play a trick on individual representatives, a beer mug can be replaced with an army cap or something similar.

  1. Knowledge through tears.

All first-year students of a particular faculty (stream, group) participate in this test. The host invites the children to learn how hard it is to gnaw on the granite of science, and how bitter tears are during the session. Assistant brings to the stage walnut and a glass of salted water for each participant. Tests will pass only those who will be able to crack the nut and drink "tears" to the bottom.

  1. To a new path.

Applicants who have received the honorary status of first-year students begin new life, open the next stage of development, go on a long journey through higher sciences. So, it is necessary to cut the ribbon, which will be followed by all these undertakings. And it would be better if this ribbon was not simple, but fun, original.

During the competition, the presenter invites freshmen to cut an unusual ribbon with some uncomfortable object. For example: insulating tape big saw, magnetic tape with a kitchen cutter, led strip a nail file, a bandage ribbon with a blunt scalpel, etc. Let the selection of materials fully correspond to the specifics of the university. Fun and spectacular!

Initiation into students: scene script and song-alteration

You can supplement and even complete the concert script on the occasion of initiation into students with an excellent scene or a song-alteration according to the profile of the faculty. already exists today whole list the most frequent compositions that are subjected to musical caricature. These include: "Airplanes First", "Autumn" DDT, "I'm tired" Quest Pistols, "Five Minutes" from the popular HF, "My Baby" Hands up and others. But we offer you something new and not yet boring:

  • Law students

  • Economics students

  • Philology students

  • Welding students

  • medical students

Scenarios for the celebration of initiation into students

Concerts in honor of the dedication of applicants to students change from year to year. It makes no sense to describe these or those numbers, because outdated ditties, practical jokes and KVN performances are being replaced by more creative and modern flash mobs, tests with jokes, video presentations. Although these numbers will eventually be replaced by something even more new and unusual. But there is still a classical element of the concert, unchanged for decades. This is about humorous scenes on student topics. It is they who help the “seniors” to acquaint freshmen with all the important aspects of student life: the educational process, preparation for exams, work practice, life in a hostel, relations between graduates and newcomers. Obviously, skits and songs-alterations play a significant role in initiation into students. Therefore, the choice of material should be approached responsibly.

See the most original, fun and creative scene scenarios below.

"The educational process through the eyes of students"

All students sit quietly, eyes on the floor. The teacher enters with a bang.

Teacher: Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Two for inattention! (a student from the third desk sat down and got up at the wrong time)

Teacher: Who is not?

Student: And... and... And...

Teacher: Ivanov is not there? Two for Ivanov!

Student: And... And... And...

Teacher: There is no needle?! Two Needles!

Student: And... And... And...

Teacher: And you're two, so you don't stutter! Who is the headman of the stream?! (student gets up) Well, erysipelas! Two! Checking homework. Here you are, blonde, solved one hundred and twenty control tasks?!

Student: No

Teacher: Two! What about you, brunette?

Student: Yes

Teacher: You're lying! I wrote it off from him!

Points to the student on the last desk

Teacher: And now I will ask you! Shut up, bandits! Here you are, from the last desk, to the board!

The student, trembling, comes out, stands up to the board, spreads his legs, and raises his hands up.

Teacher: Are there cheat sheets?!

Student: No

Teacher: Maybe there is?

Student: No

Teacher: Or is there?

Student: No

Teacher: So, I didn’t prepare! Two!!! There are ten seconds left until the end of the lesson. Let's spend a big test. Whoever solves twenty out of ten problems will receive three. The rest are two! Hand out leaflets! Collect leaves! Get up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up, bandits! And if this happens again, then everyone in the dean's office, and without! Ste! Pen! Di! AND!

By syllables, students sit down. On the last syllable, the student from the back of the desk falls to the floor.

Teacher: You need to shoot such people!

"Learning process through the eyes of a teacher"

On stage, seven students go about their business. The teacher enters cautiously.

Instructor: Heh heh

Students zero attention

Teacher: Good afternoon! It's me, your teacher, Semyon Semyonovich.

Students: (in chorus) Ah, Semyon Semyonitch...

Teacher: Where is our magazine?

Students: (in chorus) We don't have a magazine...

Teacher: Oh, what is this?

The student pulls out a magazine from under her and slaps it in front of the professor's nose.

Teacher: Oh, thanks! Who's not here today?

Students: (in chorus) Many are missing today

Teacher: Where are they?

Students: (in chorus) Went to the cinema

Teacher: Why didn't you go?

Students: (in chorus) We've already seen this movie.

Teacher: Then, let's check your homework.

Students: (in chorus) Wu-u-u... No-e-e

Teacher: Okay, okay. Let me ask you a little

Student from the third desk: Oh, you rascal!

On the third desk they play cards, and one of the students runs into another

Teacher: I'm wildly sorry, but could you wake up the young man at the last desk.

A student from the third desk turns around and punches him in the forehead. The student from the last desk wakes up and wants to fight back.

Teacher: It's me, Semyon Semenych, I'm disturbing you

Student: Ah, Semenych...

Teacher: Tell me, how much is 250 plus 250?

Student: (thinking) Half liter! (answers after prompt)

Teacher: Wow, alcoholic jokers! Sit down, I give you "good".

Student from the third desk: And me?

Teacher: You are fine too.

Students from the first desk: (in chorus) What about us!!?

Teacher: And you girls are “excellent”. There are 44 minutes left until the end of the lesson. I'll let you go a little early today. Only tiptoe past the dean's office.

A high-quality scenario of initiation into students is the key to a successful celebration. Fill it with funny and provocative tests, competitions, skits, songs-alterations - and a bright event will forever remain in the memory of freshmen of a college, institute, university.

Students' Day is a wonderful occasion to relax and take a break from passing exams, and each university and even each faculty has its own traditions of holding it, which are passed down from generation to generation. Often this holiday is combined with the holiday of initiation into freshmen students, often this is the day when the laws of student equality and fraternity reign everywhere.

AT game programs dedicated to this holiday, this is expressed in various team competitions and in which both students and teachers perform together. We offer funny team games for Students' Day.

1. Team competition for the Student's Day - Perestroika "Students"

Two teams are created, each with 8 people, and two sets of large cards with the letters are prepared in advance: “C”, “T”, “U”, “D”, “E”, “N”, “T”, “Y”, each participant receives one card and holds it in front of him. After the presenter guesses a riddle, the team needs to quickly orient themselves and make up an answer from the letters (participants with the necessary letters stand forward and write the answer from left to right), At the next riddle, they reorganize. From stage to stage, points are counted, which are awarded to the team that gave the answer first. (Thanks to the author of this wonderful idea)

1. Warm at lectures, and at breaks

Educational institution relatives ... .(Walls)

2. For solidity and for special beauty,

Lush young students wear ... .(Mustache)

3. For clarity, your experiment,

Will add a photo and put it on ... (Stand)

4. More scary than hunger and cold

Received by the student in the session.. (Unsuccessful)

5. You need to put a tick or a cross,

If the teacher conducts... (Test)

6. If you take a tarpaulin to nature,

That will cover from the rain stretched ... (Tent)

7. Remember only the best moments,

The real ones never give up... (Students)

Khoroshilova Olga Vladimirovna,
Lecturer, SBEI SPO "Volgograd Technical College"

College- this is not only an educational institution in which children receive knowledge. A college is a team in which an important part of life for an emerging person takes place. The problem of adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of training in college is one of important issues. Student life begins with the first year and, therefore, the successful adaptation of a freshman to life and study in college is the key further development each student as a person and a future specialist. The holiday "Dedications to students" takes place in two stages. During the first stage (“The Path to Success”), senior students conduct various tests for groups (“cobweb”, “minefield”, “crocodile”, “figures”, etc.), aimed at uniting the group and identifying leaders. The second stage is held in the assembly hall in a solemn atmosphere.


  • To acquaint students with the history of the educational institution;
  • To develop in students a sense of pride in their educational institution and the chosen specialty;
  • Develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste;
Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop.

Props: Large student card, key to knowledge, Fire of Knowledge lamp, red balloons, Student God costume,

Visual range: college history video, Professions Parade presentation

Music line: Fanfares, phonograms.


Fanfare sounds

Leading out

Lead 1. Hello! We're glad to welcome you!

Lead 2. Hello! Accept a gift from us!

Lead 1.

and realize the solemnity of the moment!
To all those who joined us this summer,
today we dedicate to students!

Lead 2.

We are glad that you came to these walls!
May they be your home!
We want you to be a worthy change,
Let only red diplomas await you!

Two couples dance a waltz, a girl sings
college song (to the music of "ALEXANDER")

Not everything worked out right away.
Moscow was not built in a day,
And our technical college
Didn't get up right away.
Changed their names
He got recognition
Here is the path to the heights of knowledge
For many it has begun!

Look, look
how comfortable it is in this room,
new set groups
gathered here today.
Dreamed of becoming students
Dedications have been waiting for a long time,
and today, and today finally waited!

Lead 1.

Fanfare sounds

Lead 2. The floor is given to the Deputy Director for educational work ****

Music. Teacher's word

Watch a video about the history of the college (5 minutes)

Lead 1.

We are very pleased with the groups of the new recruitment,
And so that the evening was interesting to them
Let for them a solemn parade
Our seven professions will walk across the stage!

Lead 2.

So the parade begins!
The accountant opens the account boldly
This is quite a tricky business.
Debit, credit, act, balance,
Profit, contract, advance,
Leasing, turnover, budget
Here is the accountant's answer!

Song ("Pretty woman") and dance of accounting girls

You are an accountant! You don't sleep until dawn.
You are an accountant! You are sitting on the report.
Get things in order
And you will reduce the debit with the credit.
"Mani-mani" ABBA sings again.
"Money-mani" love money account.
Well, I suddenly lost count
Lawyer is your best friend!
Debit, credit, act, balance,
Profit, contract, advance,
Leasing, turnover, budget
Here is our answer!
If you know the money account,
Come to bookkeeping!
Here girls are a dime a dozen
You come!

Lead 1.

Here the jurists march together.
Of course, you need to know the laws.
Remember, student, that ignorance of the laws
You will not be spared from punishment!
Song of lawyers (to the motive "a coward does not play hockey")

So that the law in our country is not violated,
The lawyer must be very careful.
As Comrade Bender once told us,
-Our criminal code everyone should honor
The lawyer fights crime mercilessly
It's better not to have problems with the law at all
As Zheglov said in our favorite film:
The criminal must sit!!
The criminal will sit!!

Lead 2.

But the land surveyors are coming, now they will arrange this for you!
Here come the land surveyors
Land reform leaders!
Lease issues are resolved and even
The issue of land purchase - sale!
From Stolypin to the present day
There is nothing more important than land!

song of land surveyors (to the tune of "three tankers")
Wide is my native land,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
And of course the land surveyor
The most important person in the world!! (2 times)
So that the land in the country is not plundered,
Everyone is happy to support the reform,
With level and theodolite
Land surveyors are standing! (2 times)

Lead 1.

Our mechanics are coming! Look at their courageous, weather-beaten faces!
The mechanic knows the design of the tractor,
He is a master of excellence
Depends on this important factor
Efficient operation!

Song of mechanics (to the motive of the song "Farmer")
How I wanted to be a mechanic
I hear the sound of the engine
I close my eyes and here it is again
I see a cute tractor in a dream.

I know my tractor to the nut,
I hear a heart of steel beating,
I will sit in the tractor comfortably and with a breeze
In the Settlement they will take me away!
I'll get up early
I sit at the lamb
I'll start the engine
And now through space
My tractor is racing at full speed!!
I'll get up early
I sit at the lamb
100 roads are waiting for us
And over the threshold
to practice, to the farm!!

Lead 2.

Refrigerators are coming!
Long live our refrigerators! The coolest refrigerators in the world!
So that the country of hunger does not know,
For the country to eat ice cream,
They are dry ice and cold
They make as much as they want!!!

Song (based on Whitney Houston) and dance of snowflakes with ribbons
Cool down
products at the moment!
And freon
He needs
And the compressor is included in the system!
Is always
Here is a kingdom of ice
Cold ice....

Lead 1.

The submachine gunners are following the refrigerators!

Lead 2.

Our submachine gunners are not afraid of the Colt
On the scale of the tester - 220 volts
Machine gunners can do it the first time
Put your hand in the hole
The one in which the phase!

Automation song to the motive "and I love girls"

We boldly automate the process,
We overtake technological progress!
We can many systems
We build without problems
With the use of supernova computers!
Machine gunners not without reason we are with you,
We can quickly fix any device,
So that technological progress does not stall and does not disappear
The submachine gunner is desperately needed everywhere!!!
The submachine gunner is an ace
The submachine gunner is just a class
To see this, take a look at us!!

Lead 2.

And now we will welcome our glorious honors students.
Song and scene
You, as usual, know exactly the schedule,
You always do your homework
And we will give praise to your knowledge!
rather let me write off
We need to hurry
We also want 5
To study!!!
Where are you?
Our beloved excellent student,
What are you passing by?
let me write it down!
give me a notebook!
Where are you?
we will hand over all the credits
we will write papers
we will give everything for 5!!

Lead 1.

We kindly ask you to take care of your excellent students!!

Lead 2.

If we had only excellent students, then our life would be a complete boredom!

Lead 1.

But everything changes when THEY come!

comic dance

Lead 2.

And now for all the excellent students and those who are just going to become them, he sings ******

Lead 1.

And now attention! Our teachers are coming! Song of teachers (city 312 "I will stay")

At the end of the study, a diploma awaits -
Go to him
Now think about it
What lies ahead.
Try to find the right one
To all the answer.
Let there be difficulties along the way
After all, you came here to study ....
Learn to think and dream
Learn to seek the truth.
Learn to lead by example!
Learn student while you're here
study while you can
study, student, we believe in you! We believe!

Lead 1.

Now let's take a break and have a little quiz "Do you know the college?"

Lead 2.

Rules: if you know the answer to question asked(it is desirable that it be correct), then you raise your hand and our assistant comes to you.

Lead 1.

The questions are mostly observational. Prizes await the winners.

Lead 2.

Question one. How old is our college this year?

Lead 1.

Question two. Who was the first director?

Lead 2.

Question three. What is the address of the college? For those who don't know this yet, listen carefully!!

So you went to college
And it will be difficult at times.
But we are proud to announce -
You can't go astray from the path
Lenin will show the way with his hand,
And we can be proud of this -
Our address today is


Lead 1.

We congratulate the winners of the quiz and start the DEDIRATION CEREMONY!!!

Lead 2.

During solemn ceremonies, it is customary to take an oath!

Lead 1.

WE, students of the new recruitment, today on the day of initiation solemnly swear:

  • Never go to college (with lessons not learned)
  • Never open textbooks (with dirty hands)
  • Never say hello to teachers (filling your mouth with gum)
  • Never listen to teachers (half ear)
  • Never finish a semester (with bad grades)
We swear! We swear! We swear!

Student card and key to: knowledge is given to:
People's Teacher of the Russian Federation
Professor of the International Slavic Institute
Director of the Volgograd Technical College
Nazarov Yuri Alexandrovich
director's speech

Lead 1.

Solemn rite I continue
And I ask attention - now
I dedicate the first course to students
And I will light the fire of knowledge for you!
May his light not fade for many days!
Burn, fire! Chief among the lights!

kindles the fire of knowledge, slowly leaves, girls with sparks of fire appear. (red balls)

Song (to the tune of "The Little Prince")
We kindled it, Knowledge Fire!
You stretch your hand gently to him,
flames of hot rays are bright,
bright sparks you gently touch.
let this light of knowledge shine in your life!
may he protect you from worries and troubles!
let the exams, life exams
will give you the only correct answer!
let you remember your student days,
they give you the joy of discovery,
this flame, bright flame
save a small spark in your heart!

Lead 1.

Lead 2.

We wish you less absenteeism, more excellent grades and a fun student life!


The “Initiation to Students” holiday according to this scenario has been held in our college for ten years already. Only the music and lyrics are changed to the most popular and modern ones. Senior students are happy to participate in the selection of music and writing the script. So, for example, the song "WWW.Volgograd VTK.RU" was written by Alexander Dulin, a student of the SA-1-02 group, and still has not lost popularity. The holiday combines elements of a solemn meeting and comic numbers, solemn ceremonies and comic oaths, therefore it is easily and warmly perceived by the children.


  1. Afanasiev, Sergei P. First bell: What to do at school 1 Sept. : Method. allowance Sergei Afanasiev. Method.center "Variant". - Kostroma: RC NIT "Eureka-M", 2000. 111 p. twenty.
  2. Afanasiev, Sergei Pavlovich Last call. How to organize a holiday for graduates: a methodological guide.
  3. Method.center "Variant". - Kostroma: RC NIT "Eureka-M", 2000. - 112p.-5 ill.
  4. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/612144/

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