Game programs for children in the house of culture. Scenario of the game program "funny troubles"

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Game - a journey through the Planet of childhood for the younger school age

Game program with elements of a sports relay.

Scenario of the game "Journey to the Planet of Childhood" for primary school age.

author: Merinova Irina Vitalievna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD DTDiM, Topki.
Material description: Scenario game program... Can be conducted in an unfamiliar audience. Development can be useful for teachers primary grades, teachers, organizers, parents.
Target: Team building.
- involving children in game action;
- organization of leisure activities;
- creating conditions for self-affirmation.
Equipment: Balloons, sports equipment, tape recorder.
Event progress:
Music "where does childhood go"
Leading. Dear guys, today we invite everyone on a trip to the "Planet of Childhood". On this planet, you need to be able to fantasize, laugh and not be upset, play and have fun in general, have a great time.
First you need to get acquainted
Dating game "Say the name" whose name I will now name - he will carry out the task.
Tanya raised her hands up.
Oli, Vicki screamed.
Nastya, Sveti waved,
Natasha clapped her hands,
Misha, Sasha and Seryozha whistled,
And Marina all sat down,
Ksyusha, Dasha meowed together,
And the Maxims grunted a little.
Nikita, Danil and Anton - shout "Oh"
Lena, Julia and Andryusha - shout "Ay"
About whom I did not say
And today she was silent,
As one family
Let's shout together "I"!

(stand in a circle, pass the ball and wish each other a good journey)
Leading. Now we will pass the ball in a circle with these words
You fly balloon,
Quickly, quickly from hand to hand,
Who has the ball left-
He wishes everyone a happy journey.
Leading. Now I want to get to know you better.
The game "who loves to sing and play"(children answer questions)
Who likes to sing, play?
Who is missing lessons?
Who lives by routine?
Do we exercise in the morning?
Who protects clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?
Who among you doesn't like boredom?
Who's the jack of all trades here?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears both books and notebooks?
Who helps mom at home?
And who drives the bum?
Who doesn't offend friends?
Does he chase cats by their tails?

Who loves jelly?
Who is the carousel?
Who likes to swim?
In the bathroom?
In the sea?
In the shower?
In a puddle?
Who would like to become a pilot?
Driving an airplane?
To become a good driver?
Fly from the bed to the floor?
Which one of you, say it out loud,
Catching flies in class?
Which one of you is so good
Did you go to sunbathe in galoshes?
Who loves cake and candy?
Who are the hot cutlets?
Who Loves Apples and Pears?
Who among you doesn't wash your ears?
Leading. Now that we have met and learned a lot of interesting things about each other, we can go on a trip, but before that we will prepare the balloons on which we will fly. We split into two teams, and a show jumping is announced.
COMPETITION "FUNNY FRIENDS" relay race 5 people
For a certain amount of time, you need to draw a funny face on a balloon. (1- eye, 2- nose, 3- mouth, 4- eyebrows, 5- ears.)

(Music sounds) In flight, we will perform movements

And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island of the "most resourceful".

At the signal, the participants throw the ball up and try to hold it, stamping only with their nose. The winner is the one who keeps the ball in the air for the longest time.

-According to signal you need to throw the balloon as high as possible.
-And now, at my signal, you need to throw the ball forward. Whose ball will fly by.

COMPETITION "FIGHT WITH BALLS" choose the strongest
2 participants and 2 seconds are invited - they will count the blows inflicted on the opponent. Participants must not leave the boundaries of the ring.
COMPETITION "RUN WITH BALLS" choose the fastest team.
Keep the ball on the racket, run to the pin, and come back.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island of unusual animals... There are many strange and unusual animals on this island, I suggest you settle new inhabitants here.
Given long balloons, you need to make a figure of an animal or bird out of a balloon and come up with an interesting name for them.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island "Topotushkino"... On this island there are children who stomp the loudest. Do you want to compete with them? Boys stomp, girls stomp, and now all together. Well done!
Two participants from each team receive a ball, you need to put the ball on the floor and stomp on it, who will burst the ball faster.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the African island... There are many wild little monkeys living on this island. Say hello to them.
Relay between teams, hold the ball between the legs and jump to the pins, back to run and pass the ball to the next one.
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop at Fabulous Island. Guys, guess who lives on this island? Correctly fairy-tale heroes, and which we will now find out.
1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (Gingerbread man)
2. Who are they fairytale heroes I was very fond of the saying "One head is good, but three is better." (Dragon)
3. Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who got her nickname from her headdress. (Little Red Riding Hood)
4. What character was very fond of shoes and what was his nickname for that? (Puss in Boots)
(Music plays)
One, two - flew, (arms to the sides)
3.4 all squatted down, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, arms to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we hum all loudly "Ooh-ooh"
A coup in the air
The flight ends.

Stop on the island "Dance"
A dance marathon is announced between the teams, who will dance whom.
Summing up the game program.
Leading. Have fun don't be sad and take your time from the childhood planet. After all, childhood will never return to you. Stay children as long as possible.

→ Original> "url =" ">

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1 lead Hello dear friends! Today our festive program we dedicate to the Day of Cosmonautics.
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Scenario of the competition and game program for children "Day of Russian Fun"

This methodical development the event is designed to work with school-age children.

Target - activating children for joint activities.

Everyone is welcomed in the hallbuffoons :

Come in, honest people,

To the hall where many games are waiting for you!

Let's have some fun on a day of fun

Let's play and frolic!

Let's play together

Dance and have fun!

Buffoon 1: Hello dear guests, small and large!

Buffoon 2: Hello guests, you are welcome!

Buffoon 1:

Do you want to play

Show your prowess?

Buffoon 2 :

Why not play?

We are always happy to play!

Will there be awards?

Buffoon 1:

And the reward will be laughter

Perky and cheerful!


Times are different now

Like thoughts and deeds -

Russia has gone far

From the country that it was.

Smart, strong our people,

Look far ahead.

But the legends of antiquity

We must not forget.

Guys, what do you think, how did the people in Russia have fun and rest from work in the old days, when there were no televisions or computers ..? (children's answers)

Yes, people played. And it's fun to play not alone, but when there are many participants in the game!

To begin with, our buffoons will ask you "Heroic Riddles", because the Russian people always love fairy tales about heroes. And the jury and I (jury presentation) will test your ingenuity.

Game "Heroic Riddles" (riddles have a heroic specificity. First, simple and funny tasks are offered).

Heroic figure (three);

Not alone in the field (warrior);

Witch-fly (pomelo);

Patronymic Snake (Gorynych);

Well, now the riddles will go more complicated - old ones! Can you handle it?

5. Black seed is sown with hands, with mouth to collect (letters);

6. There are many teeth, but eats nothing (comb);

7. A secret pantry with all the new clothes: there are matches, tobacco, and a copper penny (pocket);

8. He was born in the forest, grew up in the forest, came to the house, gathered everyone around him (table);

9. Not a winged, but a bird, as it flies, it whistles, but sits, it is silent (arrow);

10. Pakhom sits on horseback, does not know letters, but reads (glasses).

Well done! We did it with dignity!

Let's remember once again about the heroes. Without whom the hero cannot go to distant lands to perform good deeds? (children's answers). That's right, a hero must have a good horse, which must also be strong and strong, ready for any trials.

Relay "Crossing Horse"

All participants are divided into two teams: some - "horses", others - "riders". The "riders" sit on the "horses" and form a circle. One of the "riders" is given a ball. The riders pass the ball in a circle in one direction or another, for example, to the right. And the ball needs to go through several circles, as agreed before the game. After that, the teams change places, but, as a rule, the game develops differently. If, during the throwing of the ball, he is on the ground, then the teams instantly change places: "horses" become "riders", and "riders" - "horses".

So we saw what riders and horses are in battle. Now let's put your agility and speed to the test!

Relay "Running in galoshes"

For the relay, size 45 galoshes are used. Players need to run to the specified place and, returning back, pass the baton to the next participant.

Buffoons: Now let us begin the battle of tongue twisters. Let someone speak quickly, I ask the others to be silent.

Listen, remember
Yes, foldable, repeat quickly.

* Three magpies-talkers
They chatted on the hill.

* We gave Klasha porridge with curdled milk.
Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

The next competition will show us the strength and agility of the participants.

"Fight of roosters"

Players, jumping on one leg, put their hands behind their backs and push not with their palms, but shoulder to shoulder. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or if the opponent stands on both feet. The winner is the team with large quantity individual victories.

Leading : Now guess this riddle:

There is a stove in this house,

It doesn't smoke every day.

There is also a broom, that's the problem -

He never sweeps.

They respect the heat in the house,

And the owner of the house is steam.


Competition "Russian Bath"

Who wants to take a steam bath

Who respects the steam room

Come soon-

There is a broom and water,

Broom in hand and, as of old,

The opponent himself is a pair.

Only the one wins

Who will quickly hit the broom!

(Two people are "steaming" with brooms from the newspaper)

The competition is held under musical accompaniment - the song "Russian Bath"

Tug of war game

Buffoon: All the guys, guys, girls

Calling to the rope.

Ten to the left, ten to the right

Only muscles are cracking!

(Children stand on both sides of the rope; upon a signal, they begin to pull in different sides... The team that manages to pull the rope over the line wins).

Playing with the whole audience.

I will tell you in turn the beginning of the proverb, and you will answer me the end of it.

1. Measure seven times.(cut once).

2. Easy.(you can't get a fish out of the pond).

3. A gift horse.(don't look in the teeth).

4. One in the field.(not a warrior).

5. With whom you will lead.(from this you will gain).

6. The word is not a sparrow.(you can't catch it).

7. Better tit in hand.(Than pie in the sky).

8. Don't have a hundred rubles.(and have a hundred friends).

9. Do you like to ride.(love to carry sleighs).

10. You are in a hurry.(make people laugh).

We continue our competition. Next competition-Russian folk game "Jumping".

To play, you need to outline a line, this will be the starting line. Players take turns standing long jump. The representative of the first team jumps from the start line, the place where he lands is marked. The representative of the second team must jump from the mark line at opposite side... And so on until all the players jump. Whose team wins depends on the jump of the last player. If a player lands behind the start line, then the team to which this player belongs wins, if the player does not jump to the start line and lands in front of it, then his team loses.

Now tell me what kind of shoe is business card Rus? (bast shoes). Right!

Competition "Lapti".

Participants take off their shoes from one foot and take them to the indicated place. Then everyone line up in columns, and the leader mixes the shoes. At the start signal, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who know how to put on shoes quickly win!

Relay "At Salokhi"

Competition based on the famous work of N. V. Gogol. Saloha "packs" all his fans in bags so that the bag reaches the waist, and one hand holds it. Participants must take turns jumping to the specified place and, returning back, pass the baton to the next one.

"Throw an object at the target"
This is enough old game, it traditionally uses an object that children may have never seen before.
You can replace the clothespin with a coin, candy, or other small item.
Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw a small object (which you choose to play) into a box or basket.
Whoever was able to place the most items in the basket wins.
If candy is used in the game, the child at the end of the game takes whatever is in the basket as a prize.

Playing with the hall "Floor, nose, ceiling"

This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.
With your right hand, point to the floor and say, "Paul."
Then point to the nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: "Nose", and then raise your hand up and say: "Ceiling."
Do this slowly.
Let the guys show with you, and you will call.
Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: "Nose", and show yourself at this time at the ceiling. Guys should listen carefully and show correctly.
Well, if you can cheerfully comment on what is happening: “I see someone's nose fell to the floor and lies there. Let's help find the fallen off nose. "
The game can be repeated many times at a faster pace.
At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of "the world's tallest nose" to the stage.

Captains competition: Manual wrestling
The players stand opposite each other, feet shoulder-width apart, the right leg of one participant is next to the right foot of the second participant.
They then squeeze their right hands and, upon a signal, start pushing or pulling each other, trying to make the other lose balance.
Whoever was the first to move from the original position lost.

Competition "Get an apple"
A large bowl of water is required to play.
Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.

The jury sums up the results.

While the jury is summing up the results, I invite everyone to play Russian folk game"Stream"

This game was known and loved by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. She doesn't need to be strong, nimble, or fast. This game of a different kind is emotional, it creates a mood that is cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after the other in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, hold hands and hold them high above their heads. From the clasped hands it turns out long corridor... The player, who did not get a pair, goes to the “source” of the brook and, passing under the clasped hands, looks for a pair for himself. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose pair was defeated goes to the beginning of the "stream". And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the "trickle" moves - the more participants there are, the more fun the game is, especially fun to play with music.
Not a single holiday in the old days was complete for young people without this game. Here you have a struggle for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch to the hand of the chosen one. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful.

Sounding of the competition results by the jury.

Buffoon 1:

We rested wonderfully

All won by right.

Have frolic, played enough,

Everyone remained in the mood!


1 "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" -O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva. Study guide 2006.

2 "Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR" edited by T.I. Osokina 1988

3 "Reader for older children preschool age"- compilers: NP Ilchuk, VV Gerbova, LN Eliseeva, NP Baburova. 1998

4 "Musical palette" -№7. 2010

For organizing children's leisure at school extracurricular activities and in summer health centers and recreation camps, a variety of entertainment and, because children just love to play, will be very useful. It is especially good if these programs are devoted to a specific topic - it is more exciting and informative. We offer a new script of the game program for children "Merry Broom", written by a wonderful author and experienced leading children's parties A. Zaitsev.

Scenario of the game program "Merry Broom".

(Music sounds - - the presenter comes out in the guise of a janitor, he has a broom and a bucket. He sweeps, notices the audience.)

Street cleaner (leading ): I have a question for you: twisted, tied, impaled, and dancing around the yard. Think what or who is it? I give three options: a victim of a maniac, a violent ballerina, a broomstick. Those who thought it was a broom are right. But you, it seems to me, thought the loudest!

Broom Relatives Auction

Street cleaner(To one of the viewers): Can you name the items that are "relatives" of the broom, so to speak - representatives of the "clan of purity"?

(The player offers his options... For example, a broom, a mop, a vacuum cleaner, a lazy person ... The winner is the one who remembers and names the last option or the one who calls them the most.

Music plays in the background - the janitor hands over the prize to the winner of the auction.)

Cheerful competition "Defile on a broomstick"

Street cleaner: The broom is not only an assistant in the struggle for cleanliness, but also significant subject in Russians folk tales... In particular, one of the heroines of these tales, Baba Yaga, actively used a broom as a means of transportation.

(addresses the audience) If it's not difficult for you, remember which other literary hero flew on a broomstick?

(Viewers Answers: Margarita, Solokha, Harry Potter, fabulous witches ... The janitor invites the quiz participants to come up to him and demonstrate the defile with a broom, musical melodies sound in the background, for each exit - its own.)

Relay "Team Flight"

Street cleaner: Let me tell you a secret: a certain technology is used in the manufacture of flying panicles. There are family-class brooms, sport brooms, racing brooms, toy brooms and taxi brooms.

Family whiskers prioritize convenience and safety.

For sports - agility and speed.

Taxi drivers have several seats. It is this type of panicles that I propose to you to saddle and make an exclusive team flight.

(The janitor divides the players into two teams and arranges a relay race between them.)

Street cleaner: The relay conditions are simple. The first competitor sits on a broomstick and flies from me to the buckets and back. Then the second player of the team sits down to him, together they move along the same trajectory. Then a third player joins in. The first crew to finish is the winner.

(A relay race passes, cheerful music sounds in the background. Rewarding: bagels for winners, drying for losers.

Street cleaner: I think each of you will be able to tell me: how many parts does the broom have?

(Viewers' responses.)

Street cleaner: So, together we found out that the broom consists of three parts: a sweeping broom - a bunch, a holding broom - a handle and an attachment - a string.

Relay - Chistopheta

Street cleaner: According to legends, a broom cannot be kept at home, it must be left on the street, and, with the handle down, then it helps to attract wealth. Whether this is really so - I do not know, but the fact that sometimes while cleaning the yard I find money is for sure. I suggest you try your luck too. Let's arrange a baton - a cleanser. Who found the coins on the street? And who threw them in good weather?

(The reaction of the guys. Two teams of three people are recruited. The teams are given a broom, a scoop and a bucket.)

Street cleaner: Get organized with these simple tools. But first, distribute them to your teams.

(The janitor throws fake banknotes on the playground.)

Street cleaner: I ask the participants in the relay - the cleaners to be distributed across our territory: players with buckets stand at the finish line, players with brooms at the starting line, and players with scoops between them - in the center of the site.

(The players take their places.)

Street cleaner: Now music will sound for two minutes. During this time, the teams are invited to clear the area from the scattered bills. This should be done using the brigade method: the first participant sweeps a bill with a broom up to the scoop of the second player, who runs to the bucket, which is in the hands of the third team member. You need to collect one bill at a time. The team that has collected the most money gets a bonus. Let's start!

(The relay race passes. Cheerful music sounds in the background)

Street cleaner: The relay is over. The brigade of young janitors who wins the relay race - clean-room will be awarded with prizes!

(Awards are in progress. Tush or fanfare sounds in the background)

Street cleaner: The team that won the second prize will also be awarded a prize if they determine by eye at least five times how much money they have collected.

Street cleaner: You see: they put the yard in order and competed.

How amazing is the word "janitor". How many single-root words he has: courtyard, courtyard, backyard, nobleman, palace, butler, composer Dvorak, mongrel - "courtyard terrier" ...

And also "wipers" are on cars, they are responsible for the cleanliness of the glasses.

Broom Hockey Game

Street cleaner: And in winter, my broom turns into sports equipment. It happens, as you hit it on the ice. Why aren't you a hockey stick?

(Addresses one of the audience.) Ever played hockey? Well, get up, spread your legs wider to make a gate.

(The janitor takes a wad of paper out of his pocket and imitates a game of hockey. The song "A coward does not play hockey" is played in the background.)

Now you try to do the same.

(The janitor and the player switch roles. Music plays in the background)

Well done!

(Presenting the prize.)

Auction "Rhyme"

Street cleaner: Here I have what a broom - a broom, nimble as a bee. O! Rhyme! Can you rhyme with the word "whisk"?

(Auction "Rhyme" is going on: tree, coffee grinder, shelf, bangs, yarmulke, T-shirt ...)

Game "The transformation of the broom"

Street cleaner: I praise this subject, in the world of things it has no equal!

It works like a bee, its name is ... a whisk! You can also turn my broom into a guitar. (Depicts guitar playing. Guitar sounds in the background) Try turning the broom into something else.

(The game “Broom Transformations” is played: guitar, shovel, tightrope walker pole, ninja pole, barbell, gun, cue, fishing rod ... The corresponding music sounds in the background for each exit.)

Competition "The most agile"

Street cleaner: With the help of a broom, you can find out who is the most agile in our company. I ask those who wish to stand in a line and remember how dexterity is tested.

(The janitor sets the broom upright, releases it, scrolls in place 360 ​​degrees and catches the broom.)

Let's try ?!

(The game is playing, music is playing in the background.)

Competition "Most Flexible"

Street cleaner: Those who are not tired can test their flexibility. But first you need to stand to my left in a column, one after the other.

(Children carry out the task. The facilitator holds the broom parallel to the floor.)

Street cleaner: Try, bending back, walk one after another under the stick, which I will slowly lower down.

(The game is playing. A funny melody sounds in the background)

Catch the whisk game

Street cleaner: Anyone can participate in the next game. It's called Catch the Whisk. All stand in a circle, calculated in numerical order.

(Players complete the task.)

Street cleaner: Remember your numbers! I will stand in the center of the circle and place the broom upright. I'll tell you the number, the one whose number is - runs out and catches a broom. If caught - becomes the leader, if not caught - rides on a broomstick in a circle and returns to its place.

(The game passes, funny melodies sound in the background)

Game "Ghost"

Street cleaner: And now I offer you one more game. It's called The Ghost. Music will sound for twenty seconds, and during this time you turn into ghosts: you disappear from this platform

and appear in your seats. Time has gone.

(Music sounds - the guys return to their seats.)

Street cleaner: It's time for me to get on with my work. There are still many things to do in the yard. And you do not forget to greet the janitors in your courtyards. Bye!

(The final melody sounds, the host leaves.)

Natalia Khatenovich
Scenario of a game entertainment program for children "In the country of childhood"

Purpose of the event: acquaintance children with new games for them, development of the emotional sphere, imagination, attention, speech children; skills of constructive communication.

Game program can be held in the hall or on fresh air... Children sit in a large semicircle. The melody of Yu. Nikolaev's song "Little the country".

Leading: Guys, today I invite you to go on a trip to childhood country to have fun and interesting time, chat with each other, play. In order to go there, we purchase tickets.

Game "Tickets". Those who play in pairs, face each other, forming two circles. The inner circle is "tickets", the outer one is "passengers". In the center there is a free-rider - a "hare". The host submits command: "Go!". The circles begin to spin in different directions. The command "Controller!" Sounds.

"Tickets" remain in their seats, and "passengers" must quickly find a new pair. The "hare" quickly grabs the "ticket" that he liked. A "passenger" who is left without a "ticket" becomes a driver - a "hare". When meeting "passenger" and "ticket" get acquainted.

Leading: So we arrived at childhood country... Now tell us about yourself, how good are you? This is the name of our first game. I will ask questions, and you can agree with me or not. Just be careful.

Are you brave? - Yes!

Skillful? - Yes!

Lazy? - No!

Beautiful? - Yes!

Noisy? - Not!

Funny? - Yes!

Lovely? - Yes!

Obedient? - Yes!

Fugitive? - Not!

Happy? - Yes!

That's how good we are here. Let's shake hands with the neighbor on the right, shake hands with the neighbor on the left.

The phone rings.

Leading: Hello! Hello! (There is laughter on the phone.)... Guys! This is my friend Petrushka! He loves to have fun. Let's invite him to a party!

(Speaks into the telephone receiver) Parsley! We have a very fun party! The guys invite you to have some fun!

Parsley appears.

Parsley: Hello kids, girls and boys! And what kind of holiday is this? (Children answer)... Holidays! I really love vacations. This is the time when you can only have fun and relax. (Notices balloons with wings in the hands of the host)... And here are the fabulous balls, they have wings! Guys! Do you know the flying balls game? (He takes a ribbon with flags from his pocket and gives it to two children who are difficult to use in the game.)

Hold this tape firmly with your hands,

We are playing a game with balloons!

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given 3 balls.

So guys, as long as the music plays loud,

Balls must be quickly thrown over the tape.

Once the melody is all played

The balls cannot be touched with your hands anymore!

And where you have fewer balls,

Those, therefore, will win this time!

And before the start, amicably let's say: "1,2,3,4,5 - let's play fun!"

The game is played to the music. The music stops at the moment when both teams again have the same number of balls.

Parsley: Both teams played with dignity and amicably. Sing a song about friendship!

Children perform the song "True Friend".

Leading: The next game is called Boys and Girls. It is necessary to finish the poetic lines within the meaning, and for this we loudly say "boys" or "girls".

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave ...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in the pocket of ...

Skates on the ice drew arrows.

Hockey is played only ...

Silk, lace and toe rings.

Go out to walk ...

They chat for an hour without respite

In colorful dresses ...

Measure your strength in front of everyone

Do not mind always alone ...

Panties are afraid of the dark -

Of course, only….

Parsley: I propose to check the attention and endurance of our players... Game "Take the Prize".

Invites from 4 to 8 participants in the game, puts them at the same distance from the chair on which the prize lies. Explains the conditions of the game.

Parsley: Loudly repeat our motto: "1,2,3,4,5, - let's play fun!"

I'll tell you a story

In a dozen phrases.

As soon as I say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike,

Gutted, but inside

We saw small fish,

Yes, not one, but as many as ... two!

The hardened boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don't be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command: one, two, ... march!

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better ... five!

Recently train at the train station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,

When there was an opportunity to take!

Leading: It was time to play

Now let's dance!

Have you guys ever seen a centipede dance? Such a long caterpillar, which has only 2 paws and 40 legs? Let's stand one behind the other with a string, put our hands on the belt of the one in front and ourselves become a cheerful dancing centipede.

Our motto: "1,2,3,4,5, - let's start dancing!"

Children dance to cheerful music, repeating simple movements after the presenter and Petrushka.

Parsley: Oh, you turned out to be a real super-centipede! And now is the hardest task. The game is called "40 seconds". In 40 seconds, you need to complete all the actions that are listed on the task sheet. Players are given sheets... The game starts at a signal from Petrushka.

Task sheet.

1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump on your left leg 5 times.

3. Raise both arms up 2 times.

4. Read the entire assignment carefully.

5. Shout your name out loud.

6. Meow twice loudly.

7. Rotate around your axis 3 times.

8. Laugh at the host of the game.

9. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

10. Jump on your right leg 5 times.

11. After you have read all the tasks, complete only tasks number 12 and number 13.

12. Squat down.

13. Give the sheet to the leader of the game.

Leading: At the end of our holiday, we will give each other good mood... Bubbles game.

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