Game program for the day of ecology for children. Ecological boarding - Cognitive and game program for younger and middle ages

garden equipment 01.10.2019


  1. Activate cognitive activity children.
  2. Show the importance of caring for the environment.
  3. Expand your horizons, develop Creative skills children.
  4. Contribute to team building.

Preliminary preparation:

  1. Preparation of drawings, exhibition design.
  2. Preparation of handouts for competitions
  3. Children come up with the names and motto of the teams, choose captains.
  4. Selection of musical accompaniment.

Materials and equipment:

  • tape recorder, cards with questions;
  • animal posters;
  • musical mallet for auction;
  • objects and pictures with animate and inanimate nature.


1. The logic of nature is the most accessible and
the most useful logic for kids. (K.D. Ushinsky)

2. Everyone is good in their own way:
Toadstool and hedgehog, frog and hedgehog!
There is no flower, no animal, no bush,
Wherever we meet beauty. (T.A. Pushkarev)

Lesson progress

Under a huge blue roof
The red sun lives
And at night among the starry clouds
Dancing star dance.

And the forest lives, under the blue sky,
And rain, and thunderstorms, and flowers,
And apple trees in the green garden,
Your family lives and you.

Big, huge this house,
Look how many birds, flowers in it and people,
We know everything (chorus) - NATURE!

Lead 1. Hello guys!

Lead 2. Hello! Today you are faced with the task of showing which of you is worthy of the title of an inhabitant of the planet Earth.

Lead 1. In fact, today we would like to make sure that the future of our planet is secure.

Lead 2. That endangered animal species will never become extinct species.

Lead 1. That now existing will never become endangered.

Lead 1. Here's a story that once happened. Hordes of caterpillars attacked the forest, near which the children's camp was located. Children have been coming to these places for years, and nothing like this has ever happened before. The forest was dying before our eyes. Nobody knew how to help him. And most importantly, no one knew why it happened.

The children were very upset. But if they were told that it was they who were to blame for the destruction of the forest, they would probably be surprised, and perhaps indignant.

And here's what happened. Every year the guys picked flowers. And around the forest, and in the forest clearings. They tore and blossomed flowers, and those on which there were still buds. In a word, everything. And they lived on flowers, fed on nectar flower flies- tahini. When the time came, the tahini would lay their eggs. Larvae emerged from the eggs, and it was these larvae that destroyed the caterpillars that were damaging the forest.

But then the flowers disappeared, and there was no takhin near the forest. And there was no one to destroy the caterpillars. The caterpillars attacked the forest, and it began to die. And all because the children, without knowing it themselves, upset the balance in this corner of nature, violated environmental laws.

Lead 2. Ecology is the science of how animals and plants, in general, all living organisms get along with each other, how they have adapted to each other and the surrounding nature.

All of us - people, animals, birds, plants, microorganisms - live on planet Earth. This is our common home. We all need to breathe, eat, drink, live somewhere, raise kids. For many thousands and even millions of years, all kinds of animals and plants have adapted to each other and the nature around them. And the balance has been established in nature. Like on the scales, when both bowls have the same weights. This balance is maintained as long as environmental laws are not violated. For example, this: there should always be more plants than animals that feed on them. And there should be more herbivorous animals than predators. Then there is enough food for everyone, and all kinds of plants and animals are preserved on Earth. If, however, one link in this chain is destroyed, for example, plants are destroyed, the entire chain will crumble. The balance will be broken. And even an ecological catastrophe can happen.

Lead 1. People didn't know about it for a long time. And they recklessly cut down forests, drained swamps, plowed up steppes. They did not at all think that in doing so they grossly violated the laws of nature. We recently realized this. And in order to still preserve nature, and at the same time to survive themselves (after all, man himself is a part of nature), people began to study the laws of living nature very seriously. This is how ecology was born. By the way, this word is made up of two Greek words: oikos - house and logos - science. So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common house and the laws by which we must live in it.

Lead 2. The group is divided into two teams. And so the first task! Each task is worth 5 points. Points can be removed for inaccuracy, incomplete assignment, etc. and add for activity.

I. Competition "Living and inanimate nature".

Each team receives a set of identical objects and pictures, which are spread out on two tables. Children need to separate objects of animate and inanimate nature. The correctness of the answer and speed are evaluated.

Objects and pictures: sand, flower, water, stone, mushrooms, hare, clay, bird, tree, sun, etc.

  1. Wildlife: flower, mushrooms, hare, bird, tree.
  2. Inanimate nature: sand, water, stone, clay, sun.

II. Competition "Animals".

From each team I ask for three people per stage. There are cards for you. Choose! The name of one animal is written on the card. This animal must be portrayed. And the teams must guess the name of this animal.

Cards: beaver, donkey, giraffe, tiger, horse, pig...

III. Competition "Erudite".

The teams showed their knowledge of animal habits. And now we will test your erudition. I will ask you questions, and your task is to give the correct answers. If the team finds it difficult to answer, then the opposing team helps it, which receives additional points for this.

  1. Name 10 pets.
  2. Name 10 animals starting with the letter A.
  3. Name 10 birds.
  4. Name 10 fish.
  5. Name 10 cat names that don't match human names.
  6. Name 10 wild animals living in Russia.

IV. Mystery Competition.

This competition is attended by 2 people from each team. As the riddles are voiced: 1st participant (from each team) finds a card - a guess and places it on the stand; The 2nd participant writes the answers on the board.


1. I saw: at the edge
The mushroom grows, it has freckles.
All as a choice.
So this is... (Fly agaric.)

2. Ah, the green braid…
Not a girl, but a beauty.
Only hiding in the dungeon
This red girl. (Carrot.)

3. Long tail and white side
And it crackles, so... (Magpie.)

4. He eats only grass,
He is friends with every goat,
Green all over, like a cucumber.
And his name is... (Grasshopper.)

5. He is toothy, gray, angry.
Don't stand in his way!
Chasing a rabbit.
Who is he called? (Wolf.)

6. Everything from flower to flower,
She will store the honey.
Her working day is long.
Who is that worker? (Bee.)

7. Who is in a hurry to join us in a round dance
Straight into the night underneath New Year?
Who is fluffy, in needles?
Well, of course it is... (Christmas tree.)

8. Who helps nature,
Who does not caress with rays,
Look in the window?
This is ours... (Sun.)

9. Who is ruddy and red-cheeked?
Who has a meaty barrel?
Who say that señor?
Well, of course, ... (Tomato.)

10. Everything under it will turn green,
He knows how to drink weed.
If you don't take an umbrella,
And it will wet you... (Rain.)

11. They love the sun very much
Pink eyes.
In a clearing in loose -
Like beads in a fairy tale.
Under the leaf, look -
Keeps up... (Strawberry.)

12. A singer sits by the water,
He tries very hard.
Of all her efforts
Qua-qua turns out. (Frog.)

13. As if embroidered with lace
Green shirt.
So scattered across the meadow
White... (Chamomile.)

V. Competition "Ecological".

Each team is given cards with questions.

  1. What can be done to stop air pollution?
  2. If I were president, what laws would I pass to stop poaching?
  3. Imagine some rules that people must follow to avoid pollution.
  4. What are you doing to help endangered animals or what would you like to do to help them?

VI. Association Competition.

Well done, you are doing a great job. Now I will say the words, and you will name the animal with which this word is associated. And what interesting things can you say about this animal?

  1. Mushroom. (Fox.)
  2. Slacker. (Sloth.)
  3. Minibus. (Gazelle.)
  4. The monetary unit of Bulgaria. (A lion.)
  5. Warship. (Battleship.)
  6. Automobile. (Jaguar.)
  7. Chess. (Horse, elephant.)
  8. Computer manipulator. (Mouse.)
  9. Stowaway. (Hare.)
  10. Crosswalk. (Zebra.)
  11. River. (Tiger.)
  12. Trademark. (Puma.)
  13. Defensive fence. (Hedgehog.)
  14. Spikes for climbing poles. (Cats.)
  15. Animal dwelling. (Mink.)
  16. Symbol of Russia. (Bear.)

VII. Contest "Guess the animal"

  1. An animal that is one of the largest bulls in the world. Its height reaches 2 meters, weight reaches 1 ton. A powerful physique does not prevent him from being fast and agile in his movements. These animals keep in groups of 6-8 heads. (Bison)
  2. These little inhabitants of forests, steppes and deserts can snort, sneeze, grumble, snore and gnash their teeth like people. Who are they? (Hedgehogs.)
  3. There are 18 species of this bird, including: Brownie, Black-breasted, Saxaul, Field, Desert and even Red. Gorky and Yesenin, Prishvin and Bianki wrote about her. Who is this feathered resident of cities and villages? (Sparrow.)
  4. She is the namesake of some of the girls. It is often confused with another bird in the family to which it belongs. It cannot be said that she has a beautiful appearance, but therefore she does not complex about it at all. It can be found in the city, and in the forest, and in the gardens. And everywhere she behaves very confidently. What bird are you talking about? (Daw.).

VIII. Competition auction on the topic "Birds and animals".

The facilitator calls the first word, for example, "wolf". Then he points to a member of the team, and he pronounces a word that begins with the last letter of the previous one - “Goat”. The next one says "antelope", then "albatross", "owl", etc.

After each word, the host strikes with a musical mallet and says: "One, two, three." If after the word "three" none of the participants can offer a new word, then the team that was last wins.

Guys, today we learned a lot about nature. It gives us water and air, light and heat, and food. So can people live without nature, destroying it? Of course not. After all, man himself is a part of nature. So all of us, in order to live, we need to take care of nature and its inhabitants and protect them.

Let's listen to N. Zabolotsky's poem "Cranes".

Reader 1.

Leaving Africa in April
To the shores of the fatherland,
Flying in a long triangle
Drowning in the sky, cranes.
Stretching out silver wings
across the wide sky,
Led the leader to the valley of abundance
Your few people.

Reader 2.

But when under the wings flashed
Lake transparent through
Black shining muzzle
It rose from the bushes.
A ray of fire hit the bird's heart,
A quick flame flared up and went out,
And a particle of wondrous greatness
It fell on us from above.

Reader 3.

Two wings are like two huge sorrows,
Embraced the cold wave
And, echoing a sorrowful sob,
The cranes took off into the air.
Only where the lights move
In atonement for your own evil
Nature has given them back
What death took with it:

Reader 4.

Proud spirit, high aspiration,
The will to fight
Everything from the past generation
Passes, youth, to you.
And the leader in a shirt made of metal
Slowly sinking to the bottom
And the dawn formed over him
Golden glow spot.

Reader 5.

We sometimes avert our eyes with embarrassment,
Seeing a stray sad dog,
We convince ourselves that we are not to blame,
If kittens cry in our basement.
Just know: all animals dream
About the good owner, about his corner,
They dream of waiting for you at the door in the evening,
Rub against the feet of his mistress.
Cold and blizzard await them outside,
And in the house there is always a place for a friend.
If you are cramped in huge apartments,
You feed the homeless animals.

(G. Ulyanova)

Summary of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, the children share their impressions. The facilitator helps them with questions:

  1. Who do you think is our biggest connoisseur today?
  2. What did you learn new from our lesson?
  3. Why is it important to know a lot about nature?
  4. Whose performance did you like the most?


  1. extracurricular activities: 4th grade. /Aut.-Stat. O.E. Zhirenko, L.N. Yarovaya. - M.: VAKO, 2007. 272s. (Mosaic of children's recreation.)
  2. Extracurricular activities: 6th grade. /Aut.-Stat. O.G. Chernykh. - M.: VAKO, 2008. 256s. (Mosaic of children's recreation.)
  3. Extracurricular activities: Grade 7. /Aut.-Stat. L.L. Zagumenov. - M.: VAKO, 2008. 176s. (Mosaic of children's recreation.)
  4. cool watch on ethical and aesthetic education: 4-5 grades. - M.: VAKO, 2007. 208s. (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management.)
  5. School club: Scenarios of events and holidays: grades 5-6. - M.: VAKO, 2008. 288s. (Mosaic of children's recreation.)

Hello guys! Today our program is devoted to environmental issues. But what are environmental problems and what is ecology?

The guys try to answer these questions, the presenter helps.

Ecology is a science. Environmental scientists study how changes in environment affect the life of plants, animals and humans. Environmental problems arise most often due to human influence on nature. Today we will look at the most important of them. But before that, I will ask you to organize two teams of 6 people. The rules are simple: after each competition, the winning team takes one person from the losing team into captivity. The team with the most players left wins. The one who answers correctly large quantity questions will receive a special prize.

In the meantime - a warm-up for everyone, including the audience.

If it's smoky and foggy

So that you can't see your legs

This means the air is dirty.

That fog is called ... (Smog.)

Don't pick mushrooms here

And do not dry your herbarium.

The plant once stood here,

It suddenly happened on it ... (Accident.)

Around singing, knocking and roar -

Nothing comes to mind.

Know what's for a man

This one is very harmful... (Noise.)

If we don't feel sorry for something,

We take it to the landfill.

Pollute land, water

Household everything ... (Waste.)

But what is it? We've got telegrams!

Urgent! Here you go: “Urgent. From Baba Yaga. I'm lost, I'm dying. I broke my last bone leg on the rubbish that the tourists left.” Here is the first problem for you - pollution of the environment. Our tourists behave in the forest incorrectly. Who will tell you how to behave in the forest?

The guys answer the question. All respondents receive tokens. Teams participate in the relay "Who will clean the clearing faster." The first participant, blindfolded, searches for the team's prompts and picks up one of the scattered objects. Returning to the team, blindfolds the second player, who continues the search. After the end of the relay, the player from the losing team moves to the winning team.

Another telegram from a crow: “What is this being done, citizens? The native nest of the murderers ruined. They were left without a roof over their heads in their old age. Now I'm not turning out to be a crow, but a bum. Take urgent measures, otherwise I will reach the UN itself. You are such hooligans." So the crow can die! Therefore, the next environmental problem is a sharp reduction biodiversity on the planet. Now every year several species of animals and plants die in the world. Do you know what a wombat is? This is a marsupial rodent, lives in Australia, resembles a small brown bear cub. He has one feature - in 10 minutes he is able to gnaw a hole in a thick log wall. This animal has become rare. What other rare and endangered animals do you know?

The guys answer, get tokens. It is held for teams "Who will name wild animals more". The losing team loses one player.

A telegram arrived from polar bear from Antarctica: “Urgent. Help! Icebergs are melting. Soon there will be nothing to swim on.” Here is the next problem - Greenhouse effect". And what is it?

The children answer. Those who answer receive tokens.

The gradual increase in temperature throughout the Earth leads to climate change and to the melting of glaciers, and therefore to an increase in water levels throughout the world. In glaciers, water is, as it were, "in reserve", because they only have fresh water.

The Save Water contest istransferring with a spoon of water from a full container, standing at a distance, into an empty glass, installed at the start. Team members take turns running until the first container is empty. The team with the highest water level in the glass wins. A player from the losing team goes to the winning team.

Telegram from Little Red Riding Hood: “In my grandmother's garden, the sun burned all the cabbage. Nothing to make pies with. Help! We are starving." Why did grandmother's cabbage burn? The ozone layer has broken over the garden. What is the ozone layer and where is it located?

Children answer that ozone accumulates at an altitude of 15-60 km, forms a protectivea screen that saves us from ultraviolet rays and get tokens.

If ozone becomes scarce, then an “ozone hole” appears, caused by aerosols. What are aerosols?

Those who answer receive tokens.

These are the cans from which we spray paint, hairspray, air fresheners, etc. These cans contain substances that deplete the ozone layer. But the ozone layer is able to recover. Have you noticed how easy it is to breathe after a thunderstorm in a pine forest? Now let's see which of you often walks in the forest after a thunderstorm.

Teams are given the samethe number of balloons to inflate quickly. The team that has inflated balloons will bigger size. The losing team loses one player.

A telegram from a squirrel: “After the rain, all the cones from the trees fell, I can’t find them, help!” Why did the cones fall after the rain?

Children offer their options, receive tokens.

Here is another environmental problem - acid rain. All of you saw in the summer after the rain in the puddles a yellow film, after such rains cucumbers in the beds usually turn yellow. Where does acid rain come from?

The guys answer, get tokens.

Acid rain occurs after emissions or accidents in factories. For example, after emissions from the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter, plants and animals die in the district. Let's return to our squirrel, we need to help her look for bumps.

Teams receive sheets of paper with a contour image of cones and felt-tip pens. It is necessary to quickly and accurately outline the contours of the drawings. The losing team loses one player.

And now a question for the most attentive. How environmental issues did we review today?

The one who called the number five and listed the problems receives a token.

All these problems arise under the influence of man. Never has man had such an influence on the nature around him as now, never has this influence been so diverse and so strong.

Summing up team play, the guys who received a lot of tokens are awarded the medals "Honorary Ecologist".

Scenario of the educational game program "Defenders of nature!"

Prepared by: Yakovleva N.M., teacher additional education
Material Description: I offer you a script for the educational game program "Defenders of Nature" for children aged 10-17. This material will be useful class teachers, teachers of additional education. This is a scenario of a program aimed at expanding and deepening children's knowledge of nature, its laws, it teaches respect for nature, responsibility for one's actions in the natural world.
Scenario of the educational game program "Defenders of nature!"
Target: to develop students' ideas about the rational interaction of man with nature - permissible and unacceptable actions in nature, environmental protection activities.
- expand and deepen children's knowledge of wildlife.
- to teach children to take care of animals and the world around us in general;
- develop interest in wildlife and curiosity;
- to form the ability to evaluate the results of the interaction of people with nature (interaction is harmful, or harmless, or useful);
- educate a respectful, attentive attitude towards nature.
Requisites: a set of colored circles (red, yellow, green) for each student, presentations, contours of children's hands, a box containing a slingshot, pens, paper, a magnetic board, the Red Book of Russia, medals.
Age audience: children of middle and high school age.
Preliminary preparation: talk about rare endangered animals.
Event progress.
The hall is decorated with pictures depicting animals. The leader enters.
The song "A dog can bite" sounds.

Leading: Hello guys! Our event is called "We value nature!" Look around, look at the pictures around us, look at these words: “To cherish nature, love it and preserve it, you need to know it!
To know the most elementary rules of “communication” with nature!” What do you think about what will be discussed now?

Leading: Guys, why do you think we are here today?
The answers of the students are listened to, the facilitator, if necessary, supplements them.
Leading: A person decides for himself what he should be: callous or sensitive, cruel or kind, lazy or hardworking. In the end, we choose our own life path, your position in life. The world is facing a real threat of ecological catastrophe. The fate of the Earth is in your hands.
If you care about the future of our planet, if you want to live long, breathe clean air, drink clean water, sleep peacefully, not being afraid of a nuclear catastrophe and many things that today really threaten our existence, you must take a position of creation and bring good to the world.
You take care of us!

And suddenly he sighed, as if alive!
And the continents whisper to me:
You take care of us, take care!
In the anxiety of groves and forests,
Dew on the grass, like a tear.
And the springs quietly ask:
"You take care of us, take care!"
The deep river is sad
Their own, losing their shores,
And I hear the voice of the river:
"You take care of us, take care!"
The deer stopped his run:
"Be a man, man!
We believe in you, don't lie
You take care of us, take care!
I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,
So beautiful and dear
And lips whisper: "I won't lie,
I will save you, I will save you!
Nature gives man its untold riches, but in return it requires a careful attitude. Unfortunately, not everyone remembers this.
Our program "Defenders of nature!" dedicated to environmental issues.
Today we will try, where as a joke, where seriously to touch on these problems, we will try to learn how to behave correctly in nature.
So, guys, our first competition is called "Erudite". Look at the screen. (The whole event is illustrated with a presentation).
Slide number "2 slide from the presentation "We value nature."

Guys, the task is this: explain the following proverbs from the position of ecology:

"Without a master - an orphan's house"
Competition "Erudite"
Leading: Our next contest is called the “Water is not water” contest. This is a mindfulness game.
A word is called if the named word means something that contains water - you must stand up if an object or phenomenon is indirectly related to water (a boat, a fish) - you raise your hands if an object or phenomenon is called that has no connection with water (wind , stone) - you clap your hands: color, wind, puddle, cloud, stone, waterfall, fish, river, bridge, book, stream, window, chalk, tea, basin.
Leading: Okay, guys, well done, and now the next Connoisseurs of Nature competition!
Task: to love nature, you need to know it. Solve riddles.
Alena is standing - a green scarf, a thin camp, a white sundress. (Birch)
Who walks in the cold cold winter, angry, hungry. (Wolf)
Slide #3
There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking (Sea)
It flies - is silent, lies - is silent, when it dies, then it will roar. (Snow)
Slide #4
Falls like peas, jumps along the paths. (grad)
Slide #5
There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees. (Hedgehog)
There is such a beast in the world: he does not eat what is not washed, he will rinse everything in the river, but he is called ... (raccoon)
Slide #6
Who is above us upside down? (Fly)
A painted yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)
Slide number 7
For each answer, a slide from the presentation “We value nature” is shown.
Leading: And now the competition "Read the proverb by the first letters of the pictures." Guys, here's a piece of paper and a pencil. By the first letters of the pictures you must read the proverb. Attention to the screen. Begin.
Competition "Read the proverb by first letters"
Slides 8,9,10,11 slide from the presentation “We value nature”.

Leading: Great guys! And now the quiz! I will read the text to you, and you have to guess what animal (bird) it is. Who knows the answer, raises his hand. Ready?
After each answer, the facilitator gives brief reference about an animal and shows a picture of this animal from the Animals presentation.
Leading: 1st question. There are 18 species of this bird, including: brownie, black-breasted, field, desert and even red. Gorky and Yesenin, Prishvin and Bianki, Barto and Sasha Cherny wrote about him. Who is this feathered resident of cities and villages? (Sparrow.)
Children's responses are heard.
Slide number 1, 2 from the presentation "Animals".
Leading: Sparrows are widespread throughout the world. Their body length is 12-15 cm. In males of many species, on the throat black spot. Almost all are flocking, and during the nesting period - colonial birds. Some members of the genus damage crops. The desert sparrow is guarded.
Slide number 3,4 from the presentation "Animals".

2nd question. She is the namesake of some girls. It is often confused with another bird in the family to which it belongs. It cannot be said that her appearance is beautiful. In this regard, she has no complexes. It can be found in the city, and in the forest, and in the gardens. And everywhere she behaves very confidently. (Daw.)
Children's responses are heard.
Slide number 5, 6 from the presentation "Animals".

Leading: Of course, this is a jackdaw. In size, it is noticeably smaller than a rook and a crow; its body length is about 30 cm, and its weight is 130-225 g. The plumage is black, on the head, tail and wings - with a purple-blue metallic sheen. The neck is gray above and laterally.
It feeds chicks with earthworms, spiders, beetles, orthoptera, flies, caterpillars of butterflies. The destruction of insect pests jackdaw brings undoubted benefits to agriculture.
3rd question. Black box item. Here lies something that birds are always afraid of, but some boys like to make. This object serves them as entertainment, and gives the birds a lot of grief.
Children's responses are heard.
Leading: Guys, why does the slingshot give a lot of grief to the birds? Can it be used against birds?
Slide 7, from the presentation "Animals".
Children's responses are heard.

Leading: 4th question. This animal was domesticated in Asia about 5-6 thousand years ago. In the Age of the Great geographical discoveries they were introduced to North America and New Zealand, where feral animals were called mustangs. (Horses.
Children's responses are heard.
Slide №8,9, 10 from the presentation "Animals".

Leading: Horses are a genus of artiodactyl mammals of the equine family, it includes several wild species, including: kulan, Przewalski's horse, wild donkey, steppe tarpan, several species of zebras. In addition, over 200 breeds of domestic horses belong to horses. Although some researchers consider zebras and donkeys to be separate genera. The body length of the horses is up to 2.8 m, the height is up to 1.6 m. The hair fits snugly to the body. A mane and tail are developed on the neck, with long hair. Horses are common in Asia and Africa. Attention guys! In Europe, wild horses are exterminated.
5th question. What do a human smile and a dog's tail have in common? (express emotions)_.
Children's responses are heard.

Slide number 11, 12 from the presentation "Animals".

Leading: Dogs can't laugh and talk. But they have a tail! They express their emotions to them. Your four-legged friend saw a familiar spaniel and wagged his tail. So he says: "Hi, I'm glad to see you." It is customary for dogs to greet their friends and members of their pack. For your pet, you are also a member of his pack, which is why he wags his tail like that when you come home. This is how he expresses his pleasure and joy, which a person can express with words and a smile.
6th question. We just talked about the smile of a person and the tail of a dog that does not smile, but expresses its positive emotions by wagging its tail. But crocodiles and alligators are unlikely to experience joyful emotions from meeting a person, but some of them are able to smile. Our question is: is it possible to distinguish by a smile who is in front of us - a crocodile or an alligator? And, in general, how to distinguish them, although at a meeting this is unlikely to be the main thing. (A crocodile shows all its teeth, even if its mouth is closed.)
Children's responses are heard.
Slide №13,14 from the presentation "Animals".

Leading: There is a river in Australia called the Alligator. It is full of toothy, green and tailed. By the name of the river, they got their name - alligators. Therefore, the birthplace of alligators is Australia, and real alligators are indigenous Australians. The main difference between a crocodile and an alligator is in the smile. If a green friend's mouth is closed, but you can clearly see all his teeth, you should know that this is a crocodile. But the alligator shows its teeth only when it opens its mouth wide. If you meet a critter in salt water - do not hesitate and call him "crocodile". Alligators live only in fresh water.
7th question. If you watch the ants, you can see: one ant runs calmly, while the other moves strangely, as if every minute it crouches. Explain why the second ant moves like this? (He marks his trail.)
Children's responses are heard.
Slide number 15, 16 from the presentation "Animals".

Leading: Ants have special glands on their abdomens that secrete an odorous substance. Pressing the abdomen to the ground, the ant marks the path with this odorous liquid. It means that he found something and will soon come running back with reinforcements - apparently, one cannot carry away the prey. And in order to find the way to the find, the ant leaves an odorous trail.
8th question. Have you ever wondered why the bees pounce on almost the whole family if a person approaches the hive? Indeed, many of them did not even see his approach and, nevertheless, instantly appear in the right place. How do they know about the danger? (By the smell that a bee stings an enemy.)
Children's responses are heard.
Slide number 17, 18 from the presentation "Animals".

Leading: It turns out that when a bee stings, along with the poison, it releases a substance that signals with its smell: “Danger, enemy!” Having received such a message in the language of smells, the rest of the bees immediately rush to the attack. The sting of the bee is serrated, so it remains in the skin of the enemy. Together with the sting, both the entire stinging apparatus and the gland that releases an odorous substance come off. The bee dies, but the enemy is already marked by its smell, he has nowhere to go. And if he runs, the bees will follow him.
9th question. Rarely whose singing can be heard in winter. And this bird loves winter. He even loves winter swimming. Who is she? (Dipper, or water sparrow.)
Children's responses are heard.
Slide number 19, 20 from the presentation "Animals".

Leading: Dipper - a genus of passerine birds; includes 4-5 species, including common and brown.
Length 14-20 cm. Characteristics: short rounded wings, rather long tail, strong legs. beak straight, medium size The nostrils are covered with a leathery membrane. The ear holes have a leather flap. The plumage is dense, close to the body. The singing is melodious, loud, it can be heard on sunny days and in winter.
It lives along the banks of mountain, less often spring plain streams and rivers in Eurasia, Africa and in the west of America; can swim, dive and run along the bottom of the reservoir in search of food: small aquatic insects and invertebrates.
10th question. She has a very high rank - admiral. They gave this title not in vain, but for the red stripes on the wings. They look like admiral's stripes and ribbons that admirals once wore over their shoulders in the old days. Who is she? (Butterfly Admiral.)
Children's responses are heard.
Slide #21, 22 from the Animals presentation.

Leading: Butterfly wings are covered with tiny multi-colored scales. They form a bright and complex pattern.
Guys, have you learned a lot of interesting things about the world of animals? It turns out that it is not so simple! Everything in it is arranged very, very wisely! And we must respect, protect and protect this world in order to preserve its beauty and singularity!
Guys, what is this in my hands now? What is it for?
The host holds the Red Book of Russia in his hands. Children's responses are heard.
Leading: Guys, I think everyone knows that you need to protect animals. Why do you think the animals we have named have become endangered species?
The answers of the children are listened to, if necessary, supplemented.
Our last competition is called "Evaluate a person's deed."
I will read out a description of a person's act in nature and a corresponding drawing is shown. Cups in front of you three colors: red, yellow, green. You must evaluate this act by raising the appropriate signal circle:

green - the action is allowed. Ready? Begin.
1. We found an anthill in the forest and decided to find out how it works by stirring it up with a twig. We are real trackers.
2. We found a bird's nest, but did not touch it.
3. We brought pieces of moss home from the forest to make a green corner.
4. We found a large mushroom and began to tear the moss around it to find small mushrooms.
5. We found an unextinguished fire in the forest and put it out.
6. In school classrooms, corridors, students grow indoor plants.
7. Every winter, the students conduct Operation Bird Canteen.
8. Every spring on the school site is planted a large number of colors.
Leading: Today, nature needs protection and care, I will give you the contours of children's hands and suggest writing on them what you would do to protect the environment. And then, guys, you will read what they wrote on the outline and arrange them on the board in a circle, in the form of a flower.
The children are doing the task.
Leading: Guys, look, with your own hands you raised such beautiful flower. May flowers bloom forever on our land and delight us.
Leading: So our program has come to an end. Did you like her? What do you remember the most?
Children's responses are heard.
Leading: And now I would like to present to all of you the Medals of Defenders of Nature, because I really hope that, after today's event, you will make every effort to help animals and nature.
The song "Does not sing to birds without heaven" sounds.
Children are awarded medals.

Leading: Us at any time of the year
Wise nature teaches.
Birds learn to sing.
Spider - patience,
Bees in the field and garden
They teach us how to work.
Nature all year round
Need to be trained.
Us trees of all kinds,
They teach strong friendship.

Let's save the PLANET.
There is no other like it in the world!
Summing up our program, I would like to say that you are all great and know a lot about animals and nature. Today you learned a lot of new and interesting things. Treat nature with care and love! Goodbye, guys!

Terms of the competition "Erudite"

It is necessary to explain the following proverbs from the position of ecology:
"Thrift is the best wealth"
"As it comes around, it will respond"
"Without a master - an orphan's house"
Terms of the competition "Water is not water"
Mindfulness game.
A word is called if the named word means something that contains water - children should stand up if the object or phenomenon is indirectly related to water (boat, fish) - children raise their hands if an object or phenomenon is called that has no connection with water (wind , stone) - children clap their hands: color, wind, puddle, cloud, stone, waterfall, fish, river, bridge, book, stream, window, chalk, tea, basin.
The conditions of the competition "Read the proverb by the first letters of the pictures."
Children should make proverbs according to the first letters of the pictures.
Don't follow a mosquito with an axe.
A frightened hare and hemp are afraid.
Conditions of the competition "Evaluate the act of a person."
Descriptions of human actions in nature are read out and the corresponding drawing is shown. Children should evaluate this act by raising the appropriate signal circle:
red - the action is prohibited, the environment is harmed;
yellow - a warning about caution in order to do less harm to nature;
green - the action is allowed.
Terms of the game "Name the animal".
Children take turns naming the animals that they think are disappearing. If the answer is correct, the animal is shown on the pages of the Red Book.

Environmental competitive game program

"This mysterious nature»

Kudrovets Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher primary school

State Educational Establishment "Esmon Educational and Pedagogical Complex

Kindergarten-Secondary School of Belynichi District"


Education for love native land respect for nature.

Competition progress


There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding pulling hands
To meet the sun and winds.
He is the light at any time of the day,
Open for us in the heat and chill,
Come in here, be a sensitive heart,
Do not desecrate her shrines!

Leading: At all times, people never cease to admire nature. Throughout his life, a person is connected with it by thousands of invisible threads. He, and all living things, are part of it. Nature feeds and waters, pleases and excites, disturbs and soothes. Beautiful nature, unique and many-sided. And today I invite you to competitive game"This mysterious nature." Two teams will participate in our tournament. The jury will judge the correctness of the answers and the fulfillment of the tasks. (Jury presentation.)

Round 1. "Representation of teams"
Leading: We will start our game with the introduction of teams. In this competition, the name, which must be ecological, the emblem, the representation of the team will be evaluated. So, according to the lot, we invite 1 team to the stage.

The second team is invited to the stage.

While the jury is evaluating the competition, the team members are getting used to the stage, I suggest you listen to the poem “There is so much beauty in nature!” (V. Chizhov), which will be read by Tamara Kolocheva.

So much beauty in nature
Take a look and you'll understand
Why dew bushes
Envelops shivers.

Where, murmuring, the stream runs,
More transparent than glass
What about in the evening, in a field of rye,
Quail sing...
Let it become your heart
Bird speech is understandable -
And you will learn
How to keep it all.

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

Round 2 "Warm-up"

Leading: Each team is given four clues in turn. If the team answered with 1 hint, it gets 4 points, if with 2 - 3, if with 3 - 2, if with 4 - 1 point. If the team did not answer the question, but the other team answered, they get 1 point.

1. It can live up to 2000 thousand years.
2. The trunk does not rot in water, but only turns black and becomes stronger.
3. Barrels and parquet are made from it.
4. Pushkin wrote that a mermaid is sitting there. (Oak)

1. Stringed musical instruments are made from it.
2. In winter, birds build nests on it and hatch chicks.
3. It is shade tolerant. In such a forest it is always dark and damp. There are many lichens there.
4. It is always green or blue. (Spruce)

1. It releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria.
2. Many useful things are made from its bark.
3. Most of it the best firewood.

4. This is the most favorite Russian tree. (Birch)

1. Its leaves are green on top and velvety and silvery below.
2. It "sucks" negative energy, so it is useful for sick people to stand under it.
3. Beavers love it and prepare it for the winter.
4. Its leaves tremble even in calm weather. (Aspen)

1. It is good to eat berries with honey, but after frosts it is tasty on its own.
2. There are many songs about her.
3. The bark of healing berries.
4. She has a relative with shiny black fruits - a town. (Kalina)

1. Blooms in summer and is very fragrant.
2. A decoction of flowers is not replaceable for a cold.
3. From its flowers the best honey.
4. Spoons and bast shoes are made from it. (Linden)

Leading: While the jury is summing up, I invite all viewers to remember folk omens and answer, why these signs?

1. A crow hides its nose under its wing - (to frost).

2. When two or three rainbows appear, (there is a prolonged warm rain).

3. If the water lily flower does not rise at all from the water, (there will be a prolonged downpour or a cold snap will come).

4. If the clover folds its leaves, (then this is a sign of an impending storm).

5. If the sonorous song of a green grasshopper is heard for a long time late in the evening, (the morning will be quiet, sunny).

6. Ravens walking on the ground - (to warmth).

7. Frogs croaked in the evening - (clear weather is “planned” for the whole day).

8. If it is raining and the poultry is not hiding - (it will clear up soon).

9. Sparrows huddled in flocks and fly between trees - (to dry days).

10. The cuckoo has been cuckooing incessantly since morning - (to warming).

11. In the morning, crows croak (to rain).

12. The hares' hair turned white - (winter is coming).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

Round 3. "The story of Baba - Yaga"

Leading: Let's move on to the third round.

Appearance of Baba Yaga. (B.Ya. appears on a broomstick)

B.Ya. Hello, here I am.

Leading: What is this miracle, and where did it come from?
B.Ya. You yourself are a miracle! I'm a beauty! Or something you don't like! And guess where it came from. Now I will give you a riddle.
Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts. (Forest)
B.Ya. Of course I came to you from the forest. And you came because your guys recently visited us and violated many rules of behavior in nature. Now the teams have to find these errors and highlight them. Whoever finds the most mistakes wins. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. In the meantime, I'll play with the audience. So so!

Now I will call the month as our ancestors called it, and you must name the name of this month according to the Gregorian calendar, that is, the way we used to call this month.

1. Zimets - January.

2. Bokogrey-February.

3 Protalnik - March.

4. Flowering - April.

5. Traven - May.

6. Lipen - June

7. Senostav - July.

8. Serpen - August.

9. Khmuren -September.

10. Gryaznik-October.

11. Half winter - November.

12. Wolf-December.

(Teams submit their work to the jury)

B.Ya. : While the jury will sum up the results, we will sing with you.

Game with spectators. "Sing songs about birds."

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

Round 4. "Collect a proverb"

Leading: Assignment to teams. You need to collect the cut proverb and stick it on the sheet, then they will be read out in turn. (The teams are given envelopes with cut proverbs). And we will listen to Vladimir Shainsky's song "Clouds" performed by primary school students.


    Lots of snow, lots of bread..

    Magpie on the tail brought.

Leading: While the jury is working, we will play a game "Is it true..". you must answer "Yes" or "No".

1. Can crocodiles climb trees? (Yes)
2. Snakes can jump up to a meter in height. (Yes)
3. Do swifts even sleep on the fly? (Yes)
4. Do blue roses only grow in China? (No, they don't exist at all).
5. Green potatoes are so poisonous that they can kill a child? (Yes)

6. Popular rumor called the stork the guardian of treasures and the wisest of earthly birds. (No. Owl)

7. The cuckoo was considered a bird among the Slavs of things, was dedicated to the goddess of spring and predicted the beginning of thunderstorms and rains. (Yes)
8. Butterflies only live for one day? (No)
9. Is it true that medicine is made from lily of the valley to treat the heart? (Yes)

10. Is it true that rose hips are rich in vitamin C? (Yes)

11. Is it true that plantain heals abrasions and wounds? (Yes)

12. Can a snake swallow prey larger than its head? (Yes)

13. Does hissing in snakes occur due to the friction of the scales against each other? (Yes)

14. Does the tail play the role of the rudder in birds? (Yes)

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

TOUR 6. "And we sing"
Leading: Each team prepared a homework song. Let's see how they handled it. .(Teams perform songs)

Leading: While the jury is deliberating, listen to the poem Save the Earth.

So that joy tomorrow

Could you feel

Must be a clean land

And the sky be clear.

And this Earth, not sparing,

Tormented century after century

And he took everything only for himself

"Reasonable person.

Now rushed to save

« natural environment»,

But why are we so late

Did you feel trouble?

Through factories and plants smoke

It's hard for us to see

All the suffering that the earth

We have to endure.

How long will we have enough water?

If poison is dissolved in it?

How long will those forests last

Where are the axes knocking?

Save fields, forests, meadows

You can only

Reasonable person!

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

Round 7. "Live letter"

Leading: Teams line up in two columns. (At a distance from the teams, sheets with tables on different letters). The competition is held on the basis of a relay race. On a signal, the first two participants with markers instead of baton run to the tables and write down the name of a flower, tree, insect, fish, bird, beast (for example, M: Daisy, ant, bear, etc.) and pass the marker to the next participants. The first team to complete the table wins.






The beast

Leading: While the jury is working, we will play Confusion. Concepts are confused in the poems. It is necessary to unravel the poem, insert the words correctly.
1. I walked around the zoo.
Passed by the cells.
Suddenly, I look, sitting on a branch
All green... crocodile.
2. I won’t fall asleep late at night, -
Someone is howling at the moon!
He has a terrible temper
And his name is ... giraffe.
3. It smells sweet of ripe strawberries,
The rays of the sun play on the grass.
The tops of the trees touch the clouds -
This place is called... a river.
4. That sits on a tree,
The way an airplane flies.
Black, croaks - surprise,
Let's say together: this is ... foxes.
5. He has a big mane,
Guys, he's a beautiful beast.
He has a big bowl
Caution: it's... a pussy.
A lion.

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

Final part. Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.



Scarlet dawn rose under the autumn sky.

And a flock flew across the sky wild swans.

And where are they so early with the first bell ringing.

They fly away in the sky, melt away from people in a gray flock.

Who waved a handkerchief after them, who dropped a tear into the wind.

They saw off and met them with ponds and trees.

Flowers were whispered after them, as usual in the world.

Come back to your native islands as soon as possible.


Yes, yes, ships sailed from the seashore.

Yes, not in joy, not in grief, the swans flew away.

The southern winds were calling to crazy expanses.

Through the abyss and mountains, the swans flew away.

The sun rose higher, the breeze tore off the leaves.

Autumn went on and on, changing color on the ground.

A flock flew away into the distance, the birds turned into dots.

And whether they will return back, no one will give me an answer.



Whether in joy or in sorrow

Lands in a headdress

Gray hair by the sea.

Only wanders alone

Like a little crane

white boat on the ice.

Where did you stay

How did you get away from yours?

The flock in the south has long been yours.

I know my mother would ask

Gather strength son

Fly to me soon

I know my mother would ask

Gather strength son

Fly to me soon


You swim, sail the boat

You fly, fly crane

Stop at the edge of the earth

Soon the clouds will melt

In the sea they will reach the sky

Soon the clouds will melt

In the sea they will reach the sky

You will understand what this life means

I know it's hard to be apart

Day after day it's a mess

Just get on the road

What White snow will melt

You will see your flock,

That the white snow will melt

You will see your flock,

You swear this to me with your heart.

"Who built the rainbow »

1. Who built the rainbow

In the sky above the earth

Seven colors, seven bridges

And bent an arc

2. How I would like to know

Who with a mighty hand

Fairytale castle in the sky

Sculpted from the clouds

It's, it's, it's raining.

He is a bit of an architect

And a little artist (2 times)

3. Who are the spring meadows

Planted with flowers

Now I'm thinking

Guessed it yourself

It's, it's, it's raining.

He is a bit of an architect

And a little artist (2 times)


Past the white apple of the moon

Past the red apple of the sunset

Clouds from an unknown land

They rush to us and again run somewhere


Clouds white-maned horses

Clouds that you rush without looking back

We will rush into the sky-high distance

Past the fading stars in the sky

A star will fall silently to us

And the chamomile will remain in the palm of your hand


Please don't look down

And clouds will roll us across the sky

The story of Baba Yaga.

With merry music we announced the forest - we arrived. The days were hot, but the heat in the forest was not so felt. A familiar path led us to a birch grove. On the way, we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. Leshy and I pulled mushrooms out of the ground for distillation. All the mushrooms that we did not know were knocked down with sticks. Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and went on.

Before leaving, Leshy and I had a competition to see who would throw empty cans and plastic bags the farthest. And that, all the same, microbes will destroy them. The burning coals of the fire winked at us in farewell. In the bushes we found a bird's nest. They held the warm bluish testicles and put them back. The sun rose above the horizon. It was getting hotter. At the edge of the forest we found little hedgehog. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with him, maybe it will come in handy.

We're pretty tired already. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Goblin decided to show how formic acid is mined. He planed sticks and began to pierce the whole anthill with them. After a few minutes, we were already happily sucking on the ant sticks.

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it began to get dark, lightning flashed, thunder rumbled. It started raining quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely standing tree and hide under it. With armfuls of meadow and forest flowers, we returned to our forest. It was a fun day.

So much beauty in nature
Take a look and you'll understand
Why dew bushes
Envelops shivers.

Where, murmuring, the stream runs,
More transparent than glass
What about in the evening, in a field of rye,
Quail sing...

Let it become your heart
Bird speech is understandable -
And you will learn
How to keep it all.


    Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

    What is a birch, such is the process.

    The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends.

    Lots of snow, lots of bread..

    The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

    That's why the pike in the sea, so that the crucian does not doze off.

    Groves and forests - the beauty of the whole world.

    Today it does not melt, but tomorrow who knows.

    Magpie on the tail brought.

    What is born in the summer will fit in the winter.

    January starts and December ends


    Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

    What is a birch, such is the process.

    The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends.

    Lots of snow, lots of bread..

    The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

    That's why the pike in the sea, so that the crucian does not doze off.

    Groves and forests - the beauty of the whole world.

    Today it does not melt, but tomorrow who knows.

    Magpie on the tail brought.

    What is born in the summer will fit in the winter.

    January starts and December ends

So that the joy of tomorrow

Could you feel

Must be a clean land

And the sky be clear.

And this Earth, not sparing,

Tormented century after century

And he took everything only for himself

"Reasonable person.

Now rushed to save

"natural environment"

But why are we so late

Did you feel trouble?

Through factories and plants smoke

It's hard for us to see

All the suffering that the earth

We have to endure.

How long will we have enough water?

If poison is dissolved in it?

How long will those forests last

Where are the axes knocking?

Save fields, forests, meadows

And the clean surface of the rivers - the whole Earth

You can only

Reasonable person!

Ecological competitive game program

"Earth is our common home"

The program runs under the motto:

“We want to protect all nature from man”

Location: auditorium

Time spending: 1 hour


Illustrations depicting medicinal plants, animals, birds;

audio recording "Sounds of Nature";

fragments of songs from cartoons about animals and birds;

presentation on the topic "Prohibition signs";

cards with prohibition signs;

commandments of a young ecologist;

colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paper;

colored napkins, scissors, glue.

announcement, puzzles on the topic of medicinal plants, signs with the word "answer",


    The hall is decorated with posters and statements.

    Exhibition of books on ecology.

    Red Book.

Program progress

Introduction:(music "Sounds of nature" sounds)

Presenter 1:

You, man, loving nature,
Though sometimes feel sorry for her;
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields;
In the station hustle of the century
You hurry to evaluate it:
She is your old
good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it down.
And do not exhaust to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth:
We are many, but she is one. V. Shefner

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon girls and boys! Good afternoon, dear adults! I am glad to welcome you to the competitive game program “All this is called nature”.

We are all inhabitants of the Earth. We have stepped into the 21st century, having many achievements in the field of technology, science, art, and education. But along with the achievements of mankind, there were also big problems. Environmental issues are among the most worrying.

Host 2:

In order to preserve nature, and at the same time to survive themselves, people began to study the laws of wildlife very seriously. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is composed of two Greek words: "oikos" - "house" and "logos" - "science". So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common home and the laws by which we must live in it.

Remember the commandments of the young ecologist:

    not only look, but observe,

    do not make noise, but listen and understand

    do not offend, do not interfere, but help our smaller brothers - insects, birds, animals.

Whoever fulfills these commandments will become a young ecologist, that is, a protector of nature.

Presenter 1:

We all owe our lives to our planet - the beautiful Earth, groaning in pain, crying out for help. Today, every person should know what we owe to plants and animals and how to preserve all life on Earth.

I hope that the competitive game program " The earth is our common home, will help us to think once again about our common home and that this home should be loved and protected.

In order to start our program, I would like to introduce our esteemed jury.

Ahead of us are competitions and entertainment for teams.

So, let's begin!

4 teams will play. Now we will get to know them.

Command presentation. The teams take their place at the table.

Host 2:

Today we will make a trip together with a train from Romashkovo. We learn a lot of interesting and informative! So, are we going on a trip? Then go!

Station 1 "Natural First Aid Kit"

Host 2:

Be careful, now you will be asked riddles. Teams will answer in turn. If a team cannot give a correct answer, the next team can answer.

    Ah, don't touch me, I'll burn you without fire. (Nettle)

    The golden mean and the rays go around.

It could be a painting

Is the sun in the blue sky? (chamomile)

    All dressed in a white dress

In earrings in lace foliage,

Meet the hot summer

She is at the edge of the forest. (Birch)

    Whoever touches, clings to him,

Attaching and prickly, needles sticking around (burdock, or burdock)

    We smell the freshness of the forest

Brings in late spring

The flower is fragrant, tender,

From a white brush. (lily of the valley)

    A thin stalk by the path,

At the end of his earring.

On the ground are leaves - small burdocks.

He is like us good friend,

Heals wounds of the legs and arms. (plantain)

    Growing green bush

angel flowers,

Devil's claws

You will bite. (rose hip)

    A mod like this one

The earth has not yet seen

He loves very much in the summer

Show off in a downy hat. (dandelion)

After the riddles, the teams are given a puzzle about medicinal plants.

Contest for fans "Medicinal Plant"

While the team members are solving puzzles, the fans of each team are given an image medicinal plant(dandelion), which must be collected from blanks. Which cheerleading team is faster?

For a correctly collected dandelion and the speed of "their" team, additional points are added. Well, everything is fine, everyone coped with the tasks at the 1st station! And we're off to the next station!

Station 2 "Musical"

Presenter 1:

At this station, teams need to guess the melody from famous songs about natural phenomena, plants, animals, etc. The team that first raises the “Answer” sign answers, if the team does not give the correct answer, the next team can answer. Everything is great, everyone coped with the tasks at the 2nd station! And we're off to the next one!

The jury evaluates the competition, makes marks.

Station 3. "Mysteries from the Earth"

Host 2:

Be careful, now you will be guessed interesting riddles. The team that first raises the “Answer” sign answers. If a team does not give a correct answer, the next team can answer.

    Very durable and resilient, builders - a reliable friend.

Houses, steps, pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable. (Granite.)

    If you meet on the road, your legs will get stuck a lot.

And to make a bowl or a vase - you will need it right away. (Clay.)

    Mom has a great helper in the kitchen,

It blooms with a blue flower from a match. ( Natural gas.)

    The kids really need him, he is on the paths in the yard,

He is at a construction site, and on the beach, and he is even melted in glass. (Sand.)

    Without it, the car will not even pass a kilometer,

Planes, helicopters won't fly

The rocket will not rise. Guess what it is? (Oil.)

    Plants grew in the swamp ... And now it is fuel and fertilizers. (Peat.)

    She cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,

So that later they would make scissors and keys for us. ( Iron ore.)

    Well, take off your hat!
    I am the daughter of space dad.
    And omnipresent and light, -
    I am ice, I am sweat, I am clouds.
    I am frost, tea, broth, fog,
    River, stream and ocean.
    When I get angry, I boil;
    And from the cold - I freeze. (Water)

Everything is great, everyone coped with the riddles at the 3rd station! And we're off to the next Ecological Signs station!

Station 4 "Environmental Signs"

Presenter 1:

We have the right to use natural resources. This right is enshrined in the constitution of the Russian Federation, but many people still do not know how or do not want to take care of nature! Pay attention to the prohibition signs on the screen. What do you think they mean?

Host 2:

Think about what you do not allow people to do so as not to destroy nature. Draw your prohibition sign of nature. (Teams are given paper and felt-tip pens)

In the meantime, the teams are fulfilling the task, I want to draw the attention of the fans to the facts and figures.

The text "Do you know ..." is read out, which is placed on the board. Teams provide and protect their badges. Pin them to the board. The moderator comments. Everything is great, everyone coped with the tasks at the 4th station! And we're off to the next station!

The jury evaluates the competition, makes marks.

Station 5 "Decipher the cryptogram"

Presenter 1:

Each team will receive a code. It needs to be decrypted. Each letter brings you closer to the final phrase that was encrypted.

The jury evaluates the competition, gives marks and sums up the preliminary results. The jury evaluates the competition, makes marks.

Game with fans

Everyone gets a card with a picture of an animal. Players need to unite in groups, but you need to determine on what basis, you need to gather in a group. Everything is fine, everyone coped with the tasks at the 5th station! And we're off to the next station!

Station 6 "Complaint"

Host 2: I suggest that you draw out one of the cards with the text "complaint" of an animal or plant and determine who it is about and what benefit it brings.

Complaint #1.

I know that I am not beautiful. If I show myself, many will shy away, otherwise they will throw a stone or kick me. For what? After all, they came up with the idea that there are warts on my hands. Some nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful!

And the benefit from me to people is great.

Toad. One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms. If there are cockroaches in the house, bring a toad and they will disappear.

Complaint #2

On the the globe there is, perhaps, no such creature about which so many legends and fables would be told, as about us. I don’t like that we love darkness, that we don’t look like ordinary birds and animals. But we, the same friends of man, not enemies. What do we do? After all, that's how we were born. We love hanging upside down. And they offend us undeservedly.

Bat. She hunts only at night, but the benefits of her are enormous. She destroys insects.

Complaint #3

“Oh, and people don’t like me. They don't like my voice, you see, and my eyes say they're ugly. They think I bring trouble. Is that so?
If it were not for me, some would have to sit without bread. During the day I sleep, and at night I fly out to hunt.

Answer: Owl.

The owl has been under state protection since 1964. One owl catches 1000 mice during the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain.

Complaint #4

Oh, how hard it is for me sometimes. Everyone bypasses me, offends me. They say that I am angry and burning, they call me a weed. And from me, after all, you can cook soup, and cook a salad. And How medicine I am irreplaceable so that my hair is thick and beautiful, and the decoction of me is good remedy cough and good for the stomach. Answer: nettle

Everything is fine, everyone coped with the tasks at the 6th station! And we're off to the next station! The jury evaluates the competition, makes marks.

Station 7 Bird Market

Presenter 1:

You know that with the advent of autumn, many birds fly south to survive the cold and starvation. And only in spring they can please us with their singing and sonorous chirping when they fly back to build nests and hatch chicks. And only a few stay with us to while away the long winter. I suggest you guess the bird by its voice. Now we will see how attentive and observant you are, how well you know the voices of birds!

Everything is fine, everyone coped with the task at the 7th station! And we're off to the next station! The jury evaluates the competition, makes marks.

Station 8 "Captains"

Host 2:

At this station we invite captains from each team. The task of the captains: to name as many as possible migratory birds. They stand at the same distance from the jury and take turns calling the birds, taking a step forward. The first person to reach the jury table wins. Everything is fine, everyone coped with the task at the 8th station! And we're off to the next station! The jury evaluates the competition, marks it and distributes tokens.

Station 9 "Unscramble the Phrase"

Presenter 1:

Each team receives a phrase that needs to be deciphered.


Host 2:

Not only people have the gift of speech. Books also speak. There is a book that not only speaks, it screams, but not everyone hears it. This is a RED BOOK. Its pages contain the names of endangered animals and plants. Red color is a prohibition signal, understandable to people all over the world: stop, man! Think about why every day there are fewer animals and plants on the planet! Leave behind not a pile of garbage, but a planted tree, a clean river, a rescued bird. Hear those who call for help. The RED BOOK will help you with this.

The jury evaluates the competition, makes marks. The jury sums up the final results. The winning team is announced and awarded.

Presenter 1:

Friends! So our competitive game program "Earth is our common home" has come to the final. I hope that it will help us to think once again about our common home and that this home should be loved and protected.

Nature is our wealth, to preserve this wealth for future generations is our task and duty.

Think about the content of the call to you by the writer Mikhail Prishvin. “Fish need clean water – we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Host 2:

We want the birds to sing

To make noise around the forest,

To have blue skies

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries!

We want the sun to warm

And the birch is green

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.

For the squirrel to jump

To make the rainbow sparkle

May it rain cheerfully in the summer!

Presenter 1:

Let's save the planet!

There is no more beautiful in the whole universe,

She is the only one in the universe

What will she do without us!

Final song with all teams!


We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,

To have blue skies.

So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics

And on the berries the dew sparkled with crystal.

We want the sun to warm, and the birch to turn green,

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,

For the squirrel to jump, for the rainbow to sparkle,

To make a cheerful golden rain pour in the summer.


Task at station No. 5 “Decipher the cryptogram”


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________

Using the cipher, find the words hidden behind these numbers. Write it down.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________

Using the cipher, find the words hidden behind these numbers. Write it down.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________

Using the cipher, find the words hidden behind these numbers. Write it down.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________

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