How to remove midges from a flower pot. How to get rid of flies in flower pots

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

Indoor flowers are the joy of every housewife in the house. Thanks to them, comfort and harmony reign in the rooms. And the air is significantly enriched with oxygen. Even regular care of "green friends" does not guarantee that pests will not start in them. Almost every amateur grower in his life met with such a harmful insect as a flower midge - a small black bug with wings that always catches the eye and irritates with its obsession. If you have midges in indoor flowers you will learn how to get rid of them and what means are best to use from this article.

Varieties of midges in flowers and flower pots

Flower midges can be attributed to insects of the Diptera family. They number about 2000 subspecies. We list the most common ones.

White midges on flowers - whiteflies, scale insects

White midges called whiteflies or scale insects outwardly very similar to aphids. From houseplants in pots, soft fuchsia or begonia leaves are preferred.

White midges on house flowers are whiteflies, also called "scale insects"

Black midges in flowers - sciarids

Black midges on house flowers are called sciarids or mushroom mosquitoes.

Earthen fleas in flower pots - fools

White insects that are found in the soil of home flowers - podura or springtails

Why did small midges start up in indoor flowers?

It is important not to forget that overly moistened land is the best place for the existence and reproduction of midges. So, if you do not want to breed white bugs in the ground of indoor plants, then you should not neglect the attention to the soil in pots.

The secondary causes of the appearance of harmful insects include:

Ways to get rid of midges in house plants

First of all, upon discovery flower midges, it is necessary to remove the affected flower away from other plants.

Flower soil, in which insects have already settled, should be thrown away. The flower is removed from the pot, the root system is washed and the already treated plant is transplanted into disinfected soil. There is an option to replace the top layer of soil.

If it is not possible to change the affected soil, then it is recommended to treat it with an insecticide. More effective preparations for flower flies include Fitoverm, Aktara, tanrec. Insecticide flyeater, which is available in granules, is also effective in the fight against annoying earth midges.

If there are not too many pests yet, then flypaper from flies, hung next to flower pots, will help in catching them.

If there are already a lot of insects, then it is recommended to use aerosol preparations for destruction, such as raptor. Lightly spraying the product, window sills, shelves, walls near house plants are processed. Plus, and the soil in the flower pot, and its bottom. The result of processing will be the death of adults and their eggs laid in the ground.

Nevertheless, the best way to combat midges is to comply with all the rules for the care and maintenance of domestic plants.

Folk remedies for midges in flowers

Midges appeared in flowers - the problem arises of what means to use to rid your favorite plants of them without harm. One way to self-remove irritable insects is to use various folk remedies.

An effective folk remedy against flies - garlic. The smell of garlic has a detrimental effect on some insects, including flower midges. Only two procedures - and black midges completely perish. To prepare the desired solution, three heads of garlic are taken and crushed with the help of a garlic maker. The resulting mass is poured with one liter of boiled water. After 4 hours it is filtered. Leaves of plants are sprayed with this solution and the soil in a pot is cultivated.

When soil flies are found, it will help potassium permanganate solution. The soil is cultivated in a pot. Watering the damaged flower is recommended to be repeated after 2 days. In order not to harm the roots of the plant, the solution must be weak.

To destroy the flower fly in the soil of a houseplant, you can use soap. For this laundry soap(20g) you need to grate and pour it with 1 liter of water. The resulting soap solution processes the leaves and waters the soil in a pot.

You can also get rid of flower midges with the help of ordinary matches. In a pot with a flower, about five matches of sulfur should be deepened into the soil and lightly watered. Matches in flowers are replaced every day, as sulfur dissolves in the soil. A certain number of such procedures will save the plant from both midges and their larvae.

wood ash- no less effective folk remedy in the fight against insects on indoor flowers. The soil in the pot is simply covered with such ash and the midges will forever leave the flower they have chosen alone. Plus, wood ash is considered an excellent fertilizer that gives the plant strength.

Fighting insects helps to use tobacco. To prepare the tincture, 50 g of dried tobacco is taken and poured with one liter of water. Infused for 2 days. The resulting tincture is sprayed on the leaves of the flower. The disadvantage is that tobacco tincture has a detrimental effect only on adult insects, the larvae do not die from it.

Earth flies do not like the smell mint. The edge of the pot can be smeared with the well-known "Asterisk". This will help get rid of harmful insects.

Tincture from celandine(100g celandine per 1l boiled water) also gets rid of annoying insects. Treated by spraying the leaves of plants.

You can also destroy insects in house plants with the help of ammonia. In addition, it improves plant growth. The solution can be prepared by taking 50 ml of ammonia and diluting it in 4 liters of water.

orange peel also help to get rid of harmful insects attacking indoor flowers. The citrus smell is annoying. It is recommended to cover the flower pot with such crusts or deepen them directly into the soil. Pests will be blown away by the wind.

Or maybe just dry the soil. Too great way control of flower midges. Until the soil is completely dry, it is not advisable to water the “green friend”. Then fill the ground with roasted sand from above and spill it with weak potassium permanganate.

Treatment of infected plants folk remedies considered the most in a safe way compared to the use of chemicals.

Effective insecticides to control midges

It is best to opt for safe drugs. When processing plants, be sure to use personal protective equipment.

The liquid and safest insecticides include " Agravertin», « Fitoverm», « Fufanon», « Aktara», « Inta-vir". These chemicals are allowed to be used at home. The course of treatment is carried out within two weeks. Watering the plant is done once a week. After the plant has been watered with an insecticide, it is not advisable to water it with clean water for 5 days.

Hazardous liquid insecticides include " Actellik”, which has a very high toxicity. Its use is prohibited in residential areas.

Granular insecticides include " Bazudin», « Thunder-2», « flyeater". The main thing is to mix the granules with the topsoil, and not just scatter them on top of the ground. These insecticides will not work as quickly, but they are as effective as liquid ones.

Remember, absolutely all chemicals are toxic. When processing plants, it is necessary to wear gloves, goggles and a respirator. After work, be sure to ventilate the room.

No less effective are aerosol insecticides ( Bona Forte), which in an instant can paralyze flying pests. The aerosol consists of substances that are harmless to humans and environment.

Prevention of the appearance of midges in indoor flowers

To ensure that midges never disturb your indoor plants, it is recommended that you perform the most simple rules flower care:

Adhering to the most basic preventive plant care measures will help keep your favorite flowers safe from the possibility of flower gnats on them.

Good day to all readers!

All lovers of indoor plants at least once in their lives have encountered the appearance of midges in flower pots. And of course, they asked - how to get rid of them? It seems that there is no particular harm from midges, but it is very unpleasant when they scatter during watering and caring for a flower.

Often midges appear in pots with violets, but other houseplants are also subject to such misfortune. It is better to immediately start fighting insects at the first appearance so that pests do not have time to move to other flower pots.

Why are midges in a flower pot and how to get rid of them?

Most often, midges appear from waterlogging of the earth. And it usually happens in winter time when the earth does not dry out for a long time and the earth is wet after watering. This is the main reason for the appearance of midges - they breed, laying eggs, only in moist soil.

Also, midges are very fond of fertile soil: with the addition of humus, coffee and tea top dressing. If you pamper your plants with such "goodies", then you feed midges at the same time.

Infected soil can be another reason for the appearance of uninvited guests in flowers.

What midges are on home flowers?

Frequent guests are rocks or springtails (white midges). They can be seen with the naked eye on the surface of wet soil or near the pallet. The size of the ore is not more than one mm, usually white or brown.

Rocks or springtails - white midges

They do not sit still, always jumping on the leaves of the plant. Their larvae can severely damage the roots of plants. Most often, springtails appear in winter and spring in flooded flowers. During this time, the water slowly dries up.

Another familiar flower grower - sciarids - black midges. it small insects, constantly flying near the flower, which strive to get into a plate or a mug of tea. They are not so harmless - a large number of larvae can damage the roots of flowers. The soil during the accumulation of larvae becomes dense and depleted in oxygen. The larvae look like translucent two-millimeter worms with a black dot at the end.

Black midges - sciarids

Different midges have their own tastes. Whites are more common on begonias, fuchsias are more common on plants. soft leaves. And black midges prefer denser leaves - violets, azaleas, ficuses.

How to get rid of flower midges in pots?

There are different ways to fight - choose the one that suits you best.

  1. A prerequisite for getting rid of midges soon is to limit watering.. This is the main recommendation for preventing the occurrence of midges in flowers. It is not necessary to dry the flowers - water them only after the top layer of the earth has completely dried to a depth of 3 cm. Midge larvae die in a dry environment very quickly, and multiply only in wet soil. Well helps loosening the soil after watering.
  2. Water the flowers with soft settled water- its quality also affects the appearance of midges. Watering decoctions of vegetables, water after boiling eggs, helps midges thrive in your flower pots. It is better to stop using such plant nutrition if you want to get rid of pests.
  3. Can pour the earth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, just do not overdo it, otherwise you can burn the roots of plants.
  4. Wash the flower with soapy water from ordinary household black soap. And periodically water until getting rid of insects.
  5. Can spray plants with garlic infusion. To prepare, chop 3 garlic and pour a liter of water, after 4 days strain the infusion and pour over the ground in a pot, and spray the leaves.
  6. by the most effective means will apply chemical insecticides . This is the usual dichlorvos or the preparations "Fly Eater", "Intavir", "Aktara", "Fitorporin" (biological product) and others. Although I do not like to use chemistry, but if there are a lot of midges, then this is the most effective way get rid of both them and the larvae in the ground. You need to use these products only according to the instructions - it is usually on the package. Carry out the processing of plants in the absence of children and animals. And do not forget to take protective measures yourself - gloves, mask, gown.
  7. If you do not want to use chemistry, and there are few midges, then you can just delete upper layer land replaced with new soil. And for midges, hang sticky tape from flies.
  8. Checked on own experience that at the beginning of the appearance of midges, matches help. You need to stick them with sulfur heads into the ground. Sulfur gradually disappears into the ground, and midges disappear.
  9. If a there are a lot of midges, and nothing helps, then such a flower needs to be transplanted. Moreover, completely throw out the old earth and rinse all the roots, if they have damage from the larvae, cut them off. new land you need to fry in the oven for disinfection, and wash the pot with soap and treat with boiling water.

A lot of popular folk methods to fight mosquitoes.

Even following all the rules of care indoor plants, you run the risk of encountering midges in flower pots. These pests appear gradually, so you may not notice them right away. But once they have appeared, it will not be so easy to remove them.

Reasons for the appearance of midges

As soon as you notice the appearance of insects near your indoor flower, it is necessary to identify the cause of their occurrence. Often, pests start due to improper care behind a plant, less often you buy an already infected flower or soil. So, flies in flowers can start for the following reasons:

  • the plant is watered (fed) with tea, coffee, sugar and other improvised means (this creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of insects);
  • the soil was already infected, and it was not disinfected before planting;
  • the flower is watered too abundantly;
  • many plants are close to each other, and the room is not ventilated;
  • abuse of organic fertilizers;
  • high humidity in the apartment.

Types of pests

Midges, unlike other pests, you can see naked eye . Flies that start in flower pots can be divided into two groups: white (springtails) and black (sciarids).

Springtails - small flies white or yellowish brown. They start, as a rule, in winter or spring, when the evaporation of moisture is weak. Nailtails are also called ground fleas, because their distinguishing feature is quick jumps when you try to touch them. White midges are more common than black ones, they can be seen on the soil and at the foot of the flower pot. The flies themselves are not harmful, however, their larvae bring significant harm to the plant.

sciarids larger than springtails. These insects are up to three millimeters in size black. Like white midges, they do not harm a person, but the plant may suffer. Black midges may appear due to watering the plant with tea decoction or other improvised means.

Sciarid midges, or as they are also called, mushroom mosquitoes, can be a real disaster for an amateur grower. They appear on indoor plants always suddenly and immediately in in large numbers because adults reproduce very quickly. For this reason, you need to take action as soon as possible and get rid of midges in flowers, indoor insects can be destroyed as chemicals, and more sparing folk remedies.

Sciarid midges - what is known about them?

Sciarids are tiny, no more than 4 mm mosquitoes, have an elongated body gray color and a round dark head. Most often occur when adverse conditions plant maintenance, when the grower regularly excessively waterlogs the soil. The situation is exacerbated if the room is hot enough. It is this warm and humid microclimate that is ideal conditions for the life and reproduction of midges. Mosquitoes themselves are not dangerous for flowers, but their larvae that live in the soil can cause irreparable harm to the plant. Finding larvae in the substrate is quite easy, you just need to dig the top layer of soil by 2-3 cm, small whitish worms will immediately be noticeable. Often their body is translucent, and the head is black, the length of the larvae is from 3 to 5 mm. They feed on the juice of the roots of the plant, as a result of which it stops growing, withers and soon dies.

Prevention of the appearance of midges in indoor flowers

Many people want to know how to get rid of midges in flowers, but so that after a course of treatment it does not reappear, it should be given Special attention prevention.

  • Frequent and prolonged waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed, it is necessary to make it a rule to water the plant at such intervals that between procedures the top layer of soil has time to dry by 1.5 cm. This is especially true in the cold season, when most plants are at rest and to maintain them life requires much less moisture than in the spring and summer.
  • Many flowers require light and loose soil, so too dense and heavy substrates should be avoided. The drainage layer is equally important, ideally it should occupy at least 25% of the total volume of the pot. In order to ensure good aeration, you need to loosen the soil more often; midges will not take root in such land.
  • To never wonder how to get rid of midges in flowers, you should not experiment by fertilizing the plant with sleeping tea or water in which fresh meat was washed. From such top dressing, flowers grow much faster, but this contributes to the development of harmful insects. It's better to prioritize organic fertilizers available for sale. For example, a composition made on the basis of waste products of earthworms has proven itself well.
  • Most often, midges get into an apartment with a new plant and fresh soil. Before transplanting flowers, it is recommended to ignite the soil in a water bath.
  • The midge will not be able to lay eggs in dry soil, so expanded clay can be poured onto the surface of the earth, after watering it dries quickly, leaving no chance for insects to reproduce.

We fight midges on flowers with folk remedies

If you managed to notice the pest in time, then you can get rid of midges in indoor flowers safe methods, the effectiveness of which has been tested in practice by many flower growers.

  1. Sulfur. This substance is detrimental to the larvae, therefore it is a good remedy and, most importantly, affordable, because there are matches in every home. Depending on the size of the pot, you should take 4–8 matches and immerse the sulfur heads in the soil to a depth of 1.5–2 cm, evenly distributing them over the entire surface. Then you need to slightly moisten the soil. The next few days, you need to periodically remove the matches and inspect, as soon as the sulfur disappears, they must be replaced with new ones. On average, the course of treatment involves replacing matches 4 times.
  2. A solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to prepare a solution for irrigation so that its color is light pink, a higher concentration can kill not only midges, but also the plant.
  3. Garlic. The first way is to prepare garlic tincture. It will take 3 medium-sized cloves, preferably a fresh crop, they must be carefully chopped and poured with a liter of boiling water. Water must be infused for at least 4 hours. Spraying plants and watering the soil with such an infusion helps well to get rid of midges in indoor flowers, but it should be noted that after this a heavy, persistent smell of garlic will remain in the room. The second method is more "humane" for the grower's nose. It is necessary to cut a few cloves into thin slices and spread over the entire surface of the soil. The main thing is to make sure that the soil is in contact with the cut, and not with the outer part.
  4. Orange. Essential oils orange peels also have negative impact on a moth. Small pieces of fresh peel need to be immersed in the soil, the denser they are laid, the better.
  5. Wood ash. This method can be used as an additional measure. After all, often when the soil is waterlogged, it turns sour, and the ash has an alkaline environment and when it is introduced into the soil, the acid is neutralized. Some flower growers recommend adding tobacco dust to the ashes, which is used in the fight against many insects.

Chemical preparations (insecticides), as the most effective means to combat midges

Sometimes folk remedies only temporarily destroy insects and under certain conditions they return again. To forget forever what midges in flowers are, how to get rid of them, you need to buy 1 time chemical agent. On sale are both solutions intended for watering and spraying, as well as granules that need to be mixed with the topsoil.

Among the liquid compositions, the most popular among flower growers are Agravertin, Aktara, Fitoverm, Aktellik. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, it should be watered once every 7 days. After making the solution, it is not recommended to water the flower with clean water for 4–5 days.

Granules that must be applied to the soil: "Flycat", "Thunder-2", "Bazudin". It is important not only to pour the contents onto the surface, but to mix with the top layer of the earth. The action of these drugs is slower, but no less effective.

Attention! All insecticides are toxic, treatment should be carried out with gloves, a respirator and goggles, and after the procedure, ventilate the room. Less toxic drug "Fitoverm", made on the basis of natural ingredients.

Plant transplantation is an extreme measure to get rid of midges

Sometimes it is not possible to get rid of midges in indoor flowers and you have to completely replant the plants. The old soil must be destroyed, and the new soil must be disinfected in a water bath or poured with a solution of potassium permanganate, but then be sure to let it dry. The roots of the plant should be cleaned as much as possible from the substrate and also washed with a weak, light pink solution of potassium permanganate, trying not to burn them. To destroy flying adults, it is necessary to disinfect the premises with dichlorvos.

Having planted the plant again, the grower should henceforth be more careful, regularly inspect his "pets" and avoid situations that provoke the appearance of midges and other pests.

Video: how to get rid of midges in indoor plants

Probably, there is not a single apartment, house or office in which there would be no indoor plants. Blooming violets in small flowerpots, curly green flowers, powerful ficuses - everyone chooses plants to their taste.

Green leaves perfectly absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and beautiful flowers and leaves decorate the interior. Indoor plants are for the most part unpretentious and, with minimal care, please their owners for a long time.

But unfortunately, sometimes trouble happens with plants - small midges begin to fly over them. This is an unpleasant sight. In addition, it can lead to the death of the plant. Why do midges start up in flowers and what to do if they start up? Read the answers to these questions below.

Why do midges start in flowers

There are three main reasons why midges start in flowers:

  1. Excessive soil moisture. Most often, this problem occurs in winter, when the flowers require less watering, and their owners continue to water them daily. As a result, the soil becomes a favorable breeding ground for midges, and the owners have to think about how to get rid of midges in indoor flowers.
  2. Poor soil quality. A fairly common situation: a flower in a pot is bought in a store, and after a while you notice small midges. The reason is that the soil was initially infected, and now you need to look for ways to get rid of midges in flowers, which quickly multiplied in the heat of the apartment.
  3. Fertilizing the soil with folk remedies: tea leaves, meat, coffee water and other similar substances. Often without consulting with experts and without reading anything in the literature about the usefulness and consequences of using such products, the owners themselves create an environment for the reproduction of midges. And when they notice that small midges have started up in the flowers, you have to look for ways to get them out.

White and black midges

There are two types of midges in pots with indoor plants: black and white. Black midges appear in flower pots, which are watered with tea leaves and other folk fertilizers. Due to their coloration, black midges are inconspicuous, and you can sometimes notice them only when there are enough of them and they begin to fly over pots of flowers.

White midges are very mobile, and their larvae can seriously damage root system plants. White flies are easy to spot.

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers

As soon as midges are noticed, you need to immediately start fighting them, otherwise they will move to neighboring pots and, in the end, infect all the plants in the room.

The most effective way to remove midges in indoor flowers is to change the soil in a pot. At the same time, the roots of the plant must be washed, the pot should be disinfected. But such a procedure injures the roots of the plant, so it’s better to first try to get rid of midges in another way, including you can try to get rid of midges in indoor flowers with folk remedies (more on that below).

And if, nevertheless, other methods do not help, then you need to change the land.

To the question “what to do when midges are wound up in indoor flowers”, the answer is chemical industry. Specialized stores offer a fairly wide range of means for the destruction of midges.

For example, Thunder-2, Aktaru, Inta-vir, Fitoverm, Bazudin. Having decided to use such means, it is necessary to study the instructions and follow them strictly, otherwise you can harm the flowers.

Folk remedies for midges in indoor flowers

Folk remedies for midges in indoor flowers are based on the use of simple but effective substances. Here are a few of them:

  • Water the flowers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Here you need to be very careful, you can easily burn the roots of the plant.
  • Water the flowers with mild soapy water. Use laundry soap for this.
  • Chopped garlic pour boiling water, leave for 3 hours, water the flowers with this infusion.
  • Spread the garlic cloves cut in half on the surface of the soil, cut side down. The method is suitable for those who are not afraid of the smell of garlic.
  • Spread over the surface of the soil fresh orange peels, slightly digging them.
  • Stick 4 gray matches down into the soil. Periodically remove the matches, monitor the state of sulfur, when the sulfur has dissolved, replace the matches with new ones. 4 match changes are enough.

What to do so that midges in flowers do not start

In order not to think about how to get rid of midges in flowers, you need to make every effort to prevent their appearance.

Most importantly, you can not water the flowers with questionable liquids. The best for these purposes is settled water at room temperature.

You need to carefully monitor the degree of soil moisture. It's better to underfill a little than overfill. Before the next watering, the soil should have time to dry by 1-1.5 cm.

Periodically loosen the topsoil.

A purchased or donated flower must be immediately checked by unfolding the ground slightly. If in doubt, treat immediately using one of the methods described above. In this way, you will prevent other plants from infecting and you will not have to think about how to get rid of midges in indoor plants in the future!

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