Island "New Earth". Archipelago New Earth

Encyclopedia plants 13.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

The archipelago consists of two large islands - the northern and southern, separated by a narrow strait (2-3 km) Mushekin Ball and a plurality of relatively small islands, the largest of which is the interruption. The northeastern tip of the North Island - Cape Flissing - is the easiest point of Europe.

It stretches from southwest to the northeast by 925 km. The northernmost point of the new land is the eastern island of large orange islands, the southernmost islands of Pintukhovsky Archipelago, Western - Unnamed Cape on the Peninsula Guas Earth South Island, East - Cape Flissing Islands North. Area of \u200b\u200ball islands more than 83 thousand km?; The width of the North Island to 123 km, South - up to 143 km.

In the south, the Car Gate (50 km width) is separated from Vaigach Island.

The climate is arctic, harsh. Winter is long and cold, with strong winds (the speed of the catabathic (stock winds) reaches 40-50 m / s) and snowstorms, in connection with which the new land in the literature is sometimes taken to call the "country of winds". Frosts reach? 40 ° C. The average temperature of the warmer month is August - from 2.5 ° C in the north to 20 ° C in the south. In winter, the difference reaches 4.6 °. The difference in temperature conditions between the coasts of Barents and Kara Seas exceeds 5 °. Such a temperature asymmetry is due to the difference in the ice-mode of the specified seas. On the archipelago itself, many small lakes, under the rays of the sun, the temperature of the water in the southern regions can reach 18 ° C.

About half of the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Island occupy glaciers. On the territory of about 20 000 km? - solid ice cover, stretching almost 400 km long and up to 70-75 km wide. Ice power Over 300 m. In some places, the ice is descended into fjords or breaks into the open sea, forming ice barriers and giving the beginning of iceberg. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe glaciation of the new land is 29767 km?, Of these, about 92% of the coating glaciation and 7.9% mountain glaciers. On the South Island - the sections of the Arctic Tundra.

It is included in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia as an administrative area of \u200b\u200bthe new land and, within the framework of local government, in the status of the city district, a new land.

Geography and climate

The archipelago consists of two large islands - the northern and southern, separated by a narrow strait (2-3 km) Mushekin Ball and a plurality of relatively small islands, the largest of which is the interruption. The northeastern tip of the North Island - Cape Flissing - is the easiest point of Europe.

The archipelago stretches from southwest to the northeast of 925 km. The northernmost point of the new land is the eastern island of large orange islands, the southernmost islands of Pintukhovsky Archipelago, Western - Unnamed Cape on the Peninsula Guas Earth South Island, East - Cape Flissing Islands North. The area of \u200b\u200ball islands is more than 83 thousand km²; The width of the North Island to 123 km, South - up to 143 km.

On the South Island are known for manifestations of native copper and meditute sandstones.

All well-known ore fields require additional study, which is hampered by natural conditions, insufficient economic masters and the special status of the archipelago.

In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe seas, washing the archipelago, a number of geological structures were identified, promising for the search for oil and gas deposits.

An allegedly new land was discovered in the XII -XIII centuries Novgorod merchants, but no convincing historical and documentary confirmations are not available. Could not prove the championship in the opening of the archipelago and the ancient scandinals. In any case, the name of the island is a purely old Russian origin.

From Western Europeans, the first archipelago visited the English navigator Hugh Willobi in 1553, headed by the decree of King Edward VI (1547-1553) an expedition of the London "Moscow Company" for "finding the northeast passage" and establishing relations with the Russian state.

On the map of Flemish scientist Gerard Mercator 1595, the new land looks like a single island or even peninsula.

In the course of the third expedition, Barents in 1596 heated the northern tip of the new land and carried out wintering on the east coast of the North Islands in the Ice Harbor region (1597). In 1871, the Norwegian polar expedition of Elling Carlsen, in this place, the preserved Karzan hut was found, in which dishes, coins, wall clocks, weapons, navigation tools, and a writing report on wintering, hidden in a chimney were found.

The famous Dutch scientist-naturalist Nikolas Vitsen in the book "Northern and Eastern Tartaria" (1692) - the first scientific work on Siberia and the Russian north in Western Europe - reports that Peter first intended to build military fort on the new land.

The first two were held at the station small carmarkets on the island of South, which was then the only Russian settlement on the archipelago. His liquidation could lead to loss of control by Russia over the islands and the seizure of their Norwegians.

Arriving on the coast of the Gulf of Moller on June 19, 1887, K. D. Vlylov settled in the house of the Sports Sports Society on Waters. Together with the priest, the father of Iona, the commaed Arkhangelsk diocese, sailors and several self-seeds, he restored the Orthodox chapel damaged by Hurricane, which contributed to the island of Russian industrialists from Arkhangelsk. During these wintering, K. D. Vlylov explored the coast of the island himself and crossed his mountain range, local flora and fauna, directions of animal migration, and also studied the language and domestic culture of Samoyed family families.

The third wintering of K. D. Varlova in -1891 took place on the shore of the Masytkin ball, where he founded the first meteorological station on the archipelago.

New Earth. View from space.

From March 27, 1927, a new land, like the other islands of the Northern Ocean Ocean, was managed by the special position of the DVC and SNK RSFSR. In 1929, they moved into direct maintenance of the Executive Committee of the Northern Territory.

After evicting the Nenets on the Mainland, the decision of the Executive Committee of the Arkhangelsk Regional Council of Deputies of the Workers dated July 15, 1957 from August 1, 1957 was abolished by the Novomel Island Council in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 764 of August 27, 1956.

From 1988 to 2014, the archipelago employs a maritime arctic integrated expedition (MCC) of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage. D. S. Lihachev under the supervision and scientific leadership of P. V. Boyarsky.

In 2015, the formation of seven seats and four straits was recorded in the Northern Fleet hydrographs, nine islands in the Russian part of the Arctic were opened.


Flora and fauna

The main role in the formation of phytocenoses belongs to MCHM and lichens. The latter are represented by the types of complain, the height of which does not exceed 3-4 cm.

A significant role is also played by arctic herbaceous annuals. Characteristic for the meager flora of the islands plants are peeling species, such as Iva creeping ( Salix Polaris.), stamping contrary ( SaxiFraga Oppositifolia.), Mountain lichen and others. The vegetation in the southern part is in most dwarf birch, moss and low grass, in areas near rivers, lakes and bays are growing many mushrooms: freight, lump, etc.

On the archipelago, the new land, on the united data of various authors, identified 6 types of bumblebees. On the island of the southern archipelago, 6 types of day butterflies were found. The seaside position of the districts can significantly limit the number of types in local fauna of butterflies due to adverse climatic conditions. Time of Bulavoy Czesheeks is usually very short and falls on the warmer period, while the timeline can be significantly shifted depending on weather conditions.

Springs, lemming, white partridges, as well as reindeer are common from animals. White bears come to the southern regions with the onset of cold weather, representing a threat to local residents. From marine animals there are Greenland seal, nerpe, sea hare, walru, whales.

Nuclear polygon

However, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the creation of a landfill on a new earth, the head of the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency, Alexander Rumyantsev, said that Russia intends to continue to develop a landfill and maintain it in working condition. At the same time, Russia is not going to conduct nuclear tests on the archipelago, but intends to carry out non-nuclear experiments to ensure reliability, combat capability and security of the storage of its nuclear ammunition.

The burial of radioactive waste

In addition to testing nuclear weapons, the territory of the new land (and more precisely, adjacent to its eastern coast of the water area) in 1957-1992 was used for the disposal of liquid and solid radioactive waste (RAO). Basically, these were containers with exhaust nuclear fuel (and in some cases and reactor installations of the whole) from the submarine and surface ships of the Northern Fleet of the Navy of the USSR and Russia, as well as icebreakers with atomic power plants.

Topics of the burial of RAO are the bays of the archipelago: the Gulf of Sedov, the Bay of the Og, the bay of the tsivol, the bay of the steppe, the Bay of Abrosimova, the Bay of Welfare, the bay of the flows, as well as a number of points in the newly of the archipelago of Novoemel Wpadin. As a result of such activities, many underwater potentially dangerous objects (PPO) were formed at the bottom of the Kara Sea and the bays of the new land. Among them: Fallen atomic submarine "K-27" (1981, steppe bay), reactor compartments and assemblies of a number of other submarines, reactor compartment of the atomic icebreaker "Lenin" (1967, tsivol bay).

The areas of finding PPE from 2002 are subject to annual monitoring from the EMERCOM of Russia. In 1992-1994, international expeditions were held (with the participation of specialists from Norway) to assess the degree of pollution of the environment, since 2012 the activities of such expeditions are resumed.

see also


  1. Regional Law of September 23, 2009 N 65-5-OZ "On the administrative-territorial device of the Arkhangelsk region"
  2. Charter of the Arkhangelsk region
  3. Knipovich N. M., Shokalsky Yu. M. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  4. Labyrinth
  5. New Earth. Book 2. Part 1. Under total. ed. P. V. Boyarsky. M., 1998.
  6. Unknown Arctic // Novozel news, Friday, December 6, 2013. № 49 (417)
  7. Charnock, Richard Stephen. Local Etymology: A Derivative Dictionary of Geographical Names. - London: Houlston and Wright, 1859. - P. 192.
  8. Alexandrova V. D., Zubkov A. I. Physico-geographical essay on the new earth.
  9. Georges Blond. The Great Hour of Oceans. Polar seas. - M., 1984. - P. 22.
  10. Tsiporukha M. I. Seas of Russian Arctic
  11. Pierre Martin de Lamartiner. Travel to Northern Countries
  12. All about the archipelago New Earth. Mastering a new land
  13. All about the archipelago New Earth. Settlement of new land
  14. Sosnovsky I.V. The All-Advanced Report on the state of the Arkhangelsk province for 1909. Arkhangelsk, 1911. (Neopr.) . Project "The Electronic Memory of the Arctic". Checked January 30, 2013. Archived on February 1, 2013.
  15. Nature and People, 1912, № 21
  16. About the municipality
  17. Boyarsky P. "Russian Arctic" is unique (Neopr.) . // Internet edition (June 27, 2009). Checked 23 April 2016.
  18. Don, Catherine. Adventurer in the Arctic. How the romance has grown a unique scientist // Arguments and Facts. - 2014. - № 9 (1738) for February 26. - P. 62. (Checked 23 April 2016)
  19. Northern Fleet hydrographs opened the island in the area of \u200b\u200bthe New Earth (Rus.), Tass. Checked October 12, 2017.
  20. New Earth - history of settlement (Neopr.) . Checked January 30, 2013. Archived on February 1, 2013.

The new land archipelago is located in the Arctic Ocean between Kara and. It consists of two islands - northern and southern, - separated by the sheds of the Motokkin ball. North Island more than half is covered with glaciers.

History opening

Orange Islands - the northernmost in the archipelago - were opened in 1594 by the Expedition of the Barents, and their name was received in honor of the Dutch prince Moritz Orange. On the islands there is a major frying fry.

New Earth during the times of great geographical discoveries was the place of wintering expeditions, failing to break through the ice fields.
Back in the XII-XV centuries. In the new land there were temporary settlements of Pomorov, who were moved to the archipelago for fishing, hunting. They took with them everything you need to wintering on the islands - from wood to the building material for the His. Over time, the islands formed a peculiar culture of Pomeranian hunters.
Opening of a new land by Europeans in the XVI century. It was associated with the search for the northeastern sea route to India as an alternative to southern routes controlled by Spain and Portugal. The path was very difficult, the ice was blocked for the new land, so many seafarers had to winter in the harsh conditions of the archipelago; There were those who were never destined to return home.
One of the expeditions to the northeast passage was headed by the navigator Villem Barents, who went on the road in the summer of 1594. The first attempt to find a trading route was unsuccessful, and in 1596 a new expedition was equipped. During the next grueling journey, the team was forced to be overreed on the new land, since the Mercury ship turned out to be ice in the Bay of the Ice Harbor on the northeastern tip of the North Island as part of the archipelago. Only on June 14, 1957, the Barents team managed to continue the path, but the northwester himself died in the northwestern tip of the archipelago.
Later, already in 1608, the English navigator Henry Hudson visited the new land, which also tried to find the northeast passage. In the middle of the XVII century. With similar goals of the new land, the ships of the Danish expedition were reached.
At the same time, Russian expeditions began to be sent to the new land, as the Russian Empire was interested in exploration of new sources of silver and copper ore. However, at first they all ended the death of most of their participants. One of the first successful travels to the archipelago was performed by Savva Hoshkin in 1760-1761: Then he was able to overcome the way along the east coast of the New Earth.
The traveler, who posted the beginning of the scientific research of the new land, became Fedor Minks (mind. 1771). On July 10, 1768, he went with his team from Arkhangelsk to the new land and achieved a month later. Here I concerned about the search for mineral deposits, meteorological and geodesic studies.
In addition, he was an inventory of the Syatkin Ball Strait.
Until the XIX century The archipelago remained uninhabited, it was used as a transshipment point and a place for fishing and hunting. However, to minimize the risks of seizing low-underground lands, by the end of the century began the gradual population of the islands, the truth, mostly by the families of the Nenets.
At the beginning of the XX century. There were still many white spots on the map of the new land, so research expeditions constantly worked on the archipelago islands. In particular, the Novoemel Expedition of 1911 is known, as a result of which old abandoned Pomoros settlements were discovered.

Nuclear polygon

On the new land in Soviet times, a nuclear landfill was opened, and since then access to the archipelago is limited.
Currently, the new land is a closed administrative-territorial education as part of the Arkhangelsk region. In order to visit the archipelago, a special pass is required. This practice has been preserved since Soviet times, when the villages on the new land were closed for security reasons and were not known about their existence.
On September 17, 1954, the Soviet nuclear landfill was opened on the new land, which included three sites: "Black Lip", "Dry Nose" and "Motokkin Ball" (underground tests were held on the latter). Almost all the Nenets population was expelled from the archipelago, military and specialists who worked at the landfill were posted in the villages.
After in August 1963, the USSR and the United States signed an agreement on banning nuclear tests in the atmosphere, under water and in space, on the "Black Guba" sites and the "dry nose" experiments were discontinued. However, underground explosions in the "Motokin Shara" area were carried out until 1990.


The main settlement of the archipelago - Belushya Guba - was founded in 1897 with the opening of a nuclear landfill in its history, a completely new page was opened, since he was appointed administrative center of this experimental complex. Nowadays, the village retains its status, as the polygon continues to operate. It holds experiments, including to ensure safe storage of nuclear weapons. In addition, the villager is located in the village.
However, the legacy of the Cold War is not limited to the nuclear landfill. In some bays of the new land there are burials of nuclear waste. In order to avoid leakage of hazardous substances, they are constantly monitored by both Russian services and European specialists.
The second most important and population point is the Point of New Earth - the village of Rogachevo on the peninsula of the goose land. On the archipelago there are other villages, but there are no permanent population. Among them - the village of Mutokkin The ball, which has a seasonal commercial value.


New Earth - the region of harsh nature. More than half of the territory of the archipelago is covered with glaciers, mostly it is a covert, and not a mountain glaciation.

On the new land, natural peace reigns for Arctic lands with a variety of bird species and fish. First of all, the archipelago is famous for very large bird bazaars: here you can see the chaps, Kair, deadlock. On the shore of Lake Gusin on the peninsula, goose land, very rich in fish, a lot of geese is going to the molting period.

The archipelago preserved relatively thermal-loving plants, usually not found in conditions of such a harsh climate. Among them are cloudberry, blueberries, lingonberry, some kinds of sorrel, Ivan tea and other plants. In addition, there are vote plants on the islands, including several types of flames, clover. Seeds fell into local ground with expeditions, commercial ships.

A man on a new earth is constantly in contact with wildlife. A greater threat to the local population represents white bears, which with the onset of cold weather in search of food are sent to the villages. There are often cases of attacking these predators on people.

general information

Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.
Location: between the Barents and Kara Seas.

Administrative belonging: Russian Federation.
Administrative Center for New Earth: Belushye lip - 2308 people. (2015).

Status: Closed administrative and territorial education.
Russian language.
Ethnic composition: Russian.
Religion: Orthodoxy


Area: 83 000 km 2.
Population: 2429 people. (2010).
The highest point: 1547 m.
Length: length - 925 km, width - from 32 to 144 km.

Climate and weather

The duration of the polar day: 90 days.
Polar Night Duration: 70 days.
The average temperature of January: -14.2 ° С.
The average temperature of July: + 6.9 ° C.
The average annual amount of precipitation: 419.3 mm.


Fishing, hunting.



    It is assumed that the members of the Barents team became one of the first Europeans who saw the White Bear.

    On October 30, 1961, on the nuclear polygon "Dry nose" in the south-west of the island of the North, the test of the most powerful explosive device passed in the entire history of mankind - thermonuclear aviation "tsar-bomb".

    Cape of desire received its name for a curious reason: on the Barents map he was marked as desired, however, because of the inaccuracies in the translation of the Russian-speaking tradition, the cape of desire was called.

The archipelago consists of two large islands - the northern and southern, separated by a narrow strait (2-3 km) Mushekin Ball, and a plurality of relatively small, the largest of which is the island of Mezar. The northeastern tip of the North Island - Cape Flissing - is the easiest point of Europe. It stretches from southwest to the northeast by 925 km. The northernmost point of the new land is the East Islands Islands Islands island, the most south is the islands of Pintukhovsky Archipelago, Western - the Unnamed Cape on the Peninsula Guas Earth South Island, East - Cape Flissing Islands North. Area of \u200b\u200ball islands more than 83 thousand km?; The width of the North Island to 123 km, South - up to 143 km. Kli ...

The archipelago consists of two large islands - the northern and southern, separated by a narrow strait (2-3 km) Mushekin Ball, and a plurality of relatively small, the largest of which is the island of Mezar. The northeastern tip of the North Island - Cape Flissing - is the easiest point of Europe. It stretches from southwest to the northeast by 925 km. The northernmost point of the new land is the East Islands Islands Islands island, the most south is the islands of Pintukhovsky Archipelago, Western - the Unnamed Cape on the Peninsula Guas Earth South Island, East - Cape Flissing Islands North. Area of \u200b\u200ball islands more than 83 thousand km?; The width of the North Island to 123 km, South - up to 143 km. The climate is arctic, harsh. Winter is long and cold, with strong winds (the speed of the catabathic (stock winds) reaches 40-50 m / s) and snowstorms, in connection with which the new land in the literature is sometimes taken to call the "country of winds". Frosts reach? 40 ° C. The average temperature of the warm month is August - from 2.5 ° C in the north to 6.5 ° C in the south. In winter, the difference reaches 4.6 °. The difference in temperature conditions between the coasts of Barents and Kara Seas exceeds 5 °. Such a temperature asymmetry is due to the difference in the ice-mode of the specified seas. On the archipelago itself, many small lakes, under the rays of the sun, the temperature of the water in the southern regions can reach 18 ° C. About half of the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Island occupy glaciers. On the territory of about 20,000 km-solid ice cover, extending almost 400 km long and up to 70-75 km wide. Ice power Over 300 m. In some places, the ice is descended into fjords or breaks into the open sea, forming ice barriers and giving the beginning of iceberg. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe glaciation of the new land is 29767 km?, Of these, about 92% of the coating glaciation and 7.9% mountain glaciers. On the South Island - the sections of the Arctic Tundra. Characteristic of the scanty flora of the islands plants are peeling species, such as Iva Creeps (SALIX Polaris), SAXIFRAGA Oppositifolia (SaxiFraga Oppositifolia), Mountain Lichen and others. The vegetation in the southern part is in most dwarf birch, moss and low grass, in areas near rivers, lakes and bays grows many mushrooms: freight, woven, etc. The biggest lake is a goose. It contains freshwater fish, in particular the Halts. Springs, lemming, white partridges, as well as reindeer are common from animals. White bears come to the southern areas with the onset of cold weather, being a threat to local residents. From marine animals there are Greenland seal, nerpe, sea hare, walru, whales. On the Islands of the Archipelago, you can find the largest bird bars in the Russian area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic. Here will be treated Cayra, deadlocks, seagulls. On September 17, 1954, the Soviet nuclear landfill with the center in the White Libery was opened on the new land. The polygon includes three sites: black lip - used mainly in 1955-1962. Mastecin ball - underground tests in 1964-1990 D-II Sipnz on the peninsula Dry nose - terrestrial tests 1957-1962. In addition, the explosions were made at other points (the official territory of the landfill occupied over half of the entire island area). From September 21, 1955 to October 24, 1990 (the official date of the announcement of the moratorium on nuclear tests) at the landfill, 135 nuclear explosions were produced: 87 in the atmosphere (84 of them, 1 ground, 2 windows), 3 underwater and 42 underground explosions. Among experiments were very powerful megaton tests of nuclear charges, carried out in the atmosphere over the archipelago. On the new land in 1961, a hydrogen bomb was blown up in the history of mankind - a 58-megaton tsar-bomb on the platform of the D-II "Dry Nose". The shock wave, which arose as a result of the explosion, triggered the globe three times, and on the island of Dickson (800 kilometers), the blast wave knocked out the window in the houses. Only a new land by a showing lesson convinced to live not in vain, but with the mind and the proc. From the poem VGAmazov.

And the new land is the Arctic,
He goes the Arctic with a chance.
Y. Visbor. New Earth. 1970.

In the development of many remote territories of our country, the military played a leading role. In some places, in the Far North and the Far East, garrisons to this day are the main type of settlements. True, in the post-Soviet time the number of such garrisons and the population in them decreased sharply. However, until now, our geography textbooks on "military" mastering do not write anything even in cases if it is no longer a secret. This is a little surprising, because for many and old-axis districts, and the regions of the new development of part of different power departments perform the functions of the city-forming enterprises.

New Earth (area 83 thousand km 2) shares the Barents and Kara Sea. This is one of the oldest, in the opening time of the islands of the Arctic Ocean. The exact time of discoveries, the islands is unknown, most likely, this happened during the independence times of Veliky Novgorod. The antiquity of the opening of the new land is also indicated by its old name, uterus. Hence the name of the Strait Mushekkin Ball. Apparently, this name happened from the Finno-Ugric word Matka - the path. Franz Joseph's land was opened at the end of the XIX century. The Austro-Hungarian expedition, which sent in 1872 in search of the northeast passage, and maybe to achieve the North Pole and in 1873, pressed by ice to the shores of the left-known land, named after the then Emperor of Austria-Hungary. Z.F.I., as it is usually called in the north, has an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 16 thousand km 2 and consists of 191 island.

The first permanent settlement on the new Earth appeared in 1877. It is called small carmarkets. In 1896, a hydrometeorological station existing to this day and being the oldest polar station in Russia was created in small carmaculas.

As the islands are developed, all new bays opened and new settlements were built. One of these settlements was the current "capital" of the New Earth of the village of Belushya Luba, founded in 1897. In addition to the whiskey lips and small carmaculus, a few more settlements were created on the revolution before the revolution, they all have long disappeared.

Years of the Civil War New Earth survived hard. Since its development before the revolution went to public funds, and their receipt in 1917-1919. It stopped, the population of the islands fell into a very difficult position.

In the 20s, the creation of new settlements and polar stations continued. For example, on the shore of the black lip, it is built in becoming beautiful, the remains of which are preserved to the present. In the 1930s, polar stations are being built at the cape of desire, in the Russian harbor, on the coast of Motokkina Bowl (Cape Pillars). At the same time, polar stations are created at Z.F., in 1928, officially proclaimed part of the territory of the USSR.

In 1942, German submarines begin to penetrate the shores of the new land and land of Franz Joseph. And not only penetrate, but also to stand here. On the shores of the new land, the Germans were placed automatic hydrometeorological station, and a polar station was built on Earth (Aleksandra). The remains of this station were discovered in the 50s.

To combat the German fleet in 1942, a Novoemel naval base (VBM), which had the status of temporary was created. The database included almost all the settlements and polar stations that existed by this time. The headquarters of the Novoemel VBM was located in the Belouchy Gup. The base was transferred to two configurations of guard ships, several batteries and coastal defense semi-batars, as well as anti-aircraft artillery batteries. 12 km from Blueuchea Lips was built by the Rogachevo airfield.

In July 1942, several ships of the infamous convoy PQ-17 approached the new land. Polar stations, vessels and settlements on the new land were fired by German submarines.

In the autumn of 1942, German aircraft were bombed with a white lip. In the spring of 1943, fighters "I-15BIS" were posted at the Rogachevo airfield. The first military pilots on the new land lived in tents all year round. Only having visited the islands in winter, you can estimate the feat of these people.

In 1946, the Novoemel naval base was abolished. The ships of the Navy left the islands, the guns of artillery batteries were taken. The years of existence of the base, however, gave a powerful impetus to the development of whitening lips. The Rogachevo airfield provides the settlement of the position of the "Capital Islands". In 1947, the first airfield of Nurstian on the land of Alexandra, which is part of Franz Joseph Land.
Belushi lip ("Belushka").

In the 50s, the Arctic begins to be considered the USSR and the United States as a likely the theater of hostilities, since the shortest path for strategic aviation between two then superpowers runs through the North Pole. The newly created air defense troops (military air defense troops) are interested in creating positions on the Arctic Islands, including on the new land. The new land and land of Franz Joseph begin to be considered as a kind of "umbrella", covered with the European part of the USSR from the north.

In 1949, the first atomic explosion was produced in the USSR at the Semipalatinsky landfill. The decision to create a second, naval, landfill is adopted in 1953 the reasons why the new land became the place of its placement, several. The paths to the islands were well known, the coast is more or less mastered, the pier and airfield are built. However, at the same time there were extensive unoccupied territories.

In 1954, work on the creation of a landfill. The first place for testing atomic weapons was chosen Black Lip, where on September 21, 1955, an underwater atomic explosion was produced. In 1957, a terrestrial explosion was performed here the only land. In the 80s, the shores of the Black Lip were littered with armored vehicles - tanks, BMP, BTR, on which, apparently, the impact of atomic explosions was checked. The tester settlement is built near the black lip, in the lip of the shoe. The territory between the black and shoe lips is built up of various types of facilities, the purpose of which is not always guess. But their number, and often the dimensions amaze. In those places it is very easy to understand, in which the planet would turn into the case if the "products" found on the new land found their combat use.

Apparently, the village on the shore of the lips was left in 1969, when the radioactive gas release occurred after testing in limestones. In this village, everyone is traces of hasty flight, even a mortar left from an unfinished brick wall. In the center of the village in the 1980s, there was still a monument with the inscription "Memory of our dead comrades" (the text will reproduce the memory, I saw once, and more than twenty years ago). The monument to the fallen comrades in the center of the dead village produces a strong impression. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Black and Scotch lips subsequently became referred to as the "southern zone" of the landfill, after the release of 1969 and the evacuation of the Test village was not held here.

The official date of creation of a landfill on a new land is considered to be September 17, 1954, when, in accordance with the Directive of the Main Staff of the Navy, the landfill was labeled as the military unit 77510. The number of the military unit is maintained and now, although the polygon itself is no longer subject to the Navy, but directly to the Ministry of Defense. This day, September 17, 1954, is considered the official day of the founding of the village of Belushya Luba. To the thirty years of this directive, in 1984, a monument to the founders of the garrison was delivered to the White Lip. 1954-1984. "

The navy creates a system of divisions that follow the movement of ships in the area of \u200b\u200bthe New Earth. These units are placed mainly at the former polar stations, although some of these stations (for example, small carmaculas, Cape Desire and Cape Menshikova) continue to act in the "civil" mode. Attempts have been made to resume the basing on the new earth of warships, but these attempts were unsuccessful. For nine months a year, when the newosel coast has ice, the use of these ships was impossible.

Simultaneously with the parts of the Navy on the new land, the part of the country's air defense troops begin to unfold. The headquarters of the 4th division air defense, as well as the headquarters of the landfill, was located in the White Lip. It included radio engineering, anti-aircraft missile and fighter aircraft shelves, located on the new land, the northeast of the European part of the USSR and in Yamal. On the new land and land of Franz Joseph are deployed by the divisions of the 3rd Radiotechnical Shelf (RTP). The southernmost "point" of the 3rd RTP was located at Cape Menshikov. The most northern "points" was placed on the Earth Franz Joseph - Grem-Bell and Nurstskaya, and in the second half of the 1980s, the "point" was deployed on the island of Victoria, located between Z.F. and Spitsbergen. The "points" of the 3rd RTP on the Earth Franz Joseph and the island of Victoria were the most northern military union forces. The anti-aircraft missile regiment covered her lip and horns, the fighter aviation regiment was based on the Rogachevo airfield and was also intended mainly to protect the newest land.

Somewhat later on the new land and Z.F. The deployment of parts and units of other generics of troops and species of the Armed Forces begins. There were parts of the strategic rocket troops here, which followed the test launches of missiles and the launch of spacecraft from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Military-building units ("Building") are deployed in the Blue Lip. At the Earth, Alexandra in the 70s was established a border shop "Nurstaya", which became the most northern border stamping of the Soviet Union and the current Russia. This border shop exists now.

On the island of Graym-Bell, which is part of Franz Joseph, there was a separate airlinatura that supported the ice airfield in the working condition capable of taking and heavy aircraft.

In 1956, the creation of the "northern zone" of the landfill in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Syatkin Ball Strait area began. The western entrance to the shed from the south is the village of North, where the main tests of the 60-70s were carried out. If the "southern zone" of the landfill was created for the tests of atomic weapons, the initial goal of the creation of the Northern Zone was the tests of nuclear weapons, which in power multiplies atomic. The main tests of nuclear weapons (hydrogen bombs) were carried out on a new land.

In 1957, all the local population is evicted from the islands and the military becomes its shared owners. No economic functions from this time new land does not perform. From the period of the "civilian" development of the new land in the Belouchie Lip, there are only a few wooden buildings in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pierce, on one of which is (or was there?) A wooden memorial plaque with the inscription: "The Novoemel Island Council of the Workers' Deputies, the permanent chairman of which was Ilya (Tyko) CLINK. " A total of 298 people were resettled from the new land.

From 1957 to 1999, no "civilian" power in this part of the country did not exist, the highest power on the new land was the commander of the military unit 77510. In fact, the new land and land of Franz Joseph were out of the grid of administrative-territorial division of the USSR, obeying Directly Moscow.

The most powerful "product", which was tested above the new land, was a bomb of 500 megatons of the Ttrotil Equivalent. This test was carried out on October 30, 1961 over the North Island. In 1962, atomic tests in the air, on Earth and under water are terminated. From this time, only underground tests carried out mainly in the northern zone of the landfill. The number of these tests is sharply reduced: if in 1962 there were 36, then all subsequent years - mostly 1-2 per year, maximum 4 (1975). These tests were conducted from 1963 to 1984, in 1985 and 1986 they were not carried out, then resumed, and radioactive gas release occurred on the tests of 1987. The last tests of nuclear weapons on the new land were produced on October 24, 1990. Since then, only explosions of non-nuclear ammunition are produced in the Northern Polygon, mainly to maintain the technical condition of the landfill.

In the first decades of the "military" mastering of the new land, the testes of atomic weapons and the defenders of the northern air borders lived in conditions that would correctly be called terrible. Residential homes and barracks were mostly wooden and for the most part were barracks that did not have a water supply or sewage. More or less sustainable water can be adjusted only where there were large lakes with drinking water. In all other places, we had to be content with water obtained as a result of the melting of snow. Only in the 70s and the 80s, capital buildings are built in the White Lip and Rogachevo, during the construction of which "Northern" standards were taken into account - high ceilings, triple glazing, etc.

However, at points built in the second half of the 50s, residential conditions until the end of their existence (beginning of the 90s) were mainly preserved. For the inhabitants of the Points of the White Lip and Rogachevo, they were indeed "capitals", the service at the points was inhumanly severe. No "Northern Romance", as some might think, there was no in such a service. If the officers received a double-triple salary and a year after two years, then the soldiers did not receive anything. The cutoff from a large land was aggravated by a long stay in a very small team, where all relationships are exacerbated to the limit, and the "grandfather", which here, as in all armed forces, flourished. There were cases of escape "to nowhere", because it is impossible to leave new land.

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