Scenario of the child's birthday - around the world in one day. Scenario of the competitive - cognitive game "Travel around the world, history of the New Year tree"

Gardening 24.09.2019

Form of the event: quest game.

Age of participants: middle school, 5-6 class.

  • popularization of geography physical culture As scientific disciplines and school items, through an extracurricular event.
  • creating conditions for the implementation of the intellectual and creative potential of students.
  • stimulating the cognitive interest of students to the subjects "Geography", "Physical Culture" to increase interest in their study;
  • expand the connection of geography, physical culture with other school disciplines: mathematics, literature, history through creative tasks
  • cohesion of the school team
  • formation of an active life position of students.

The relevance of methodical development.

The game -one of the most important activities of the child, his self-expression, the way to improve it. In the process of the game, attention is developing, memory, imagination, the skills and habits are developed, the public experience is absorbed. The game is a recreation social relationship between people, their behavior and decision-making in the context of modeling real situations, public life. The game is of educational and educational and developing character, so it is widely used at present in the educational process.

By participating in the game, schoolchildren learn to enjoy the success of friends, experience because of their failures, to assist those who need it. Such an event splits the team, creates an atmosphere of emotional comfort, enthusiasm.

The game involves 2-3 teams of 6-10 people in the team. Teams need to pass 6 stages. The event is carried out in the premises of the school (several training books and a gym are involved). Quest game provides for the opportunity to find answers to questions on the Internet. This prepared information to help the students use when performing a quest-game. As a result on the search necessary information Requires less time

Time implementation educational sessions: 60 minutes.

Required resources: PCs that have access to the Internet.

Head, accompanying students: for timely assistance to them in the elimination of technical errors arising from PC and maintaining the working atmosphere.

The course of the game.

Hello, dear friends!

Today we will commit trip around the world. Your path will be difficult, but interesting. On the way you have to make a few stops to perform tasks. Performing tasks, you will receive tips that will indicate you the direction of your further movement, as well as one of the elements famous emblemwhich you have to gather in the last stage. This team will win, which will cope with all the tasks faster.

Any used traveler will tell you what a long journey can be full of all sorts of surprises and surprises. And in order to successfully cope with the difficulties, be attentive, friendly, bold, dexterous.

Conditions of the game

In order to travel, you need to divide the teams, come up with your team name and choose Captain. The journey will consist of 6 stages. You will need to perform tasks offered on each of them.

So, we poison on the road !!!

Century twenty first cool and complicated
He burns hot ..
But the apocalypse is postponed -
What, brothers, wait yet?
Come search in Bella Light
That place where we are not,
Twist the feet of the planet,
Which is many, many years.
Wrap over the ocean
There, where palm trees and warmth.
We will arrive in the dusk foggy
In the pirate city of Saint-little.
Yes, few places on this light,
Where we dreamed of visiting!
The world is too gray without traveling.
Let's start opening the road.


First hint.

You go to the office, where they speak in the language of Bairon, Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes.

I. stop. "Europe". Located in the English Cabinet.

We start our journey from the continent, which is often called old light. You probably guessed how our first stop is called.

II. Stop "Africa". Located in the library.

Hello, dear guys. We are glad to welcome you on our continent. Well, where did you get, try to guess. On the table lie cut sheets with a poem. It must be compiled. Who wrote this poem, as it is called. And where went the main character Saving sick animals?

"We live on Zanzibar,
In Kalahari and Sahara,
On the mountain Fernando-software
Where hippo walks
Broad Limpopo. "

When answering questions, you can take a hint: either find an answer on the Internet, or use the atlas.

  1. The biggest desert in the world? (Sahara)
  2. The largest monkeys in the world and where are they found? (Gorillas, Tropical Forests)
  3. The most lowest residents on the planet? (Pygmy)
  4. Animal with the longest neck? (giraffe)
  5. The biggest tree in Africa? (baobab)
  6. Navigator, first conceded Africa? (Vasco da Gama)
  7. The fastest animal, developing speeds up to 120 km / h (cheetah)
  8. One of ancient states Africa (Egypt)
  9. The longest river in the world? (Nile)
  10. What lake in Africa is the longest? (Tanganyika)
  11. The largest Peninsula Africa, in shape resembling a rhinoceros horn? (Somalia)
  12. Sea separating Africa and Asia. (Red)
  13. The biggest area is the country of Africa (Algeria)
  14. The largest relative of the pig? (hippopotamus)
  15. River on which Victoria Waterfall is? (Zambezi)

If all questions are solved correctly, they get a picture with the image of the Black Olympic Ring.

Answer: These are living beings. Next Station - Biology Cabinet

Third Stop "America"

Located in the Biology Cabinet

Creating potatoes with tomato, to smoke the world,
And with the Indian, as if with a brother, visit the pyramids ...
I managed Columbus at once, getting lost on the way.
Continent You call, to find on the globe ...

Next, students are offered pictures with the image of plants, animals and natural facilities Mainland South I. North America. If everything is guess right, they get a picture with the image of the Red Olympic Ring.

Fourth stop "Australia"

Located in the Cabinet of Geography.

Welcome to the most unusual continent of the planet.

It is located under us
There obviously go up legs
There inside out the previous year.
There bloom in October gardens.
There in December, and not in July summer.
There are rivers without water.
They proceed in the desert somewhere.
There in the thickets traces of fearless birds,
There are snake cats in food.
Born animals from eggs.
And there the dogs do not know how.

What kind of mainland says in the poem of Galina Ushna

Pupils are offered from cut-off slices of satin cards to fold the mainland Australia card. If the task is done correctly, the disciples get a picture with the image of the Green Olympic Ring.

You have to go to that office, where substances and their transformations are studied.

Fifth Stop "Asia"

Located in the Chemistry Cabinet.

One of the countries of this part of the world gave the world the great inventions that we use so far. On the table lie compass, paper, book. Your task can guess what country is we talking about, and in which part of the world we are.

Answer: China, Asia.

The task. I use Asia map, call, what useful fossils are produced there, and bring examples how they are used. Each combination: "Useful fossil - an example of use" - one score. In order to get a picture with a ring you need to dial 10 points. After completing the task, the command gets a yellow ring.

There is a lawn in our school,
And on it goats and horses.
We are tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school - horses and lawn?!
What a miracle, guess!



Six Stop "Olympic"

Located in the gym

We are glad to welcome you at the last stop. Our world journey is completed. And what is the name of our last stop, you can guess if you determine what the multicolored rings are in your hands. There are five of them, and they are all part of the famous emblem. Your task is to make this emblem and clarify what it means. As usual, you can use additional prompts.

What is a symbol Olympic Games? (five color rings)

What are they denoted? (five continents).

What continents denote rings? (Australia - Green, Asia - Yellow, Europe - Blue, Africa - Black, America - Red.)

What other Olympic characters do you know?

Where and when will the nearest Olympiad be held?

Tip 1.

Five rings, five circles -
Sign of five continents.
A sign that means
What sport like a common friend.
All nations invites
In your world - peaceful circle.

Tip 2.

What a ring which continent means, you can answer, if you remember which rings at which station you received.

Tip 3.

Leading: In Africa in ancient times, one of the favorite sports were jumping through the bull. In modern gymnastics there is a similar exercise: jumping through ............. (gymnastic goat).

Leading: The Indians who inhabited America were very loved to play the ball. Beating the ball was allowed to be elbow or knee. However, it was possible to immediately win if the ball flew through the ring set high above the site. 100 years ago in America was invented .......... (basketball).

Leading: Many modern species Sports originated in Europe, mainly in England. It was in Europe that competitions between the teams were organized and united rules were created. What kind of sports are we talking about? (Tennis, Football)

Leading: Australia inhabited tribes, the main means of the existence of which was hunting. Representatives of these tribes were magnificent arrows. So in sports competitions appeared ............... (Sports shooting).

This is a geographical birthday. To be honest, it requires a leading big preparation, is quite complicated, but the effect will be amazing and what is called for life.

This scenario of the holding children's Day birth involves the participation of children of junior and medium school age (those who are interested to listen to travel) .
Pre-on the walls you can hang not only ordinary decorations, but also pictures, travel photos, travelers, ships, exotic countries, etc., as well as map, wind rose and globe. The door is hanging on the door.
If there is time and desire, you can make clouds from pink, white or blue tones of foam rubber.

Presenter: Pass, place, sit down to the table. Today we go to a large, almost around the world in honor of our namemanship, which is performed ... (number of years, name, etc.)

Let's everyone wishes him something on the road: polls a few children, suggests everyone to wish anything original.

Host: Let's determine where our expedition starts will be given. (Ties the eyes of the birthday, twists the globe and offers to poke in the first place. Depending on the place where travelers got, the story begins) .
Host: So, we hit (in the ocean, on land, in the desert, etc.) Do you know the children what climate in this place?
(Listens to the answers, corrects, at the end offers to everyone to portray the wind, sand or something else)

Host: And let's now attract adults to our game!
(Adults are involved, the birthday girl turns the globe again and defines a new point) .
Host: For adults, the task is more complicated. You need to sing a song from this place on the globe (or related) . And children help singing!

Host: Now let's play the game.

Games should be somewhat, depending on the continent. For Europe, the streams are suitable or something like that, for Africa - a game on the drums, for Australia - drawings, for South America, you can offer quickly dressing up for a carnival, for the North - play or sing a English song. For Antarctica will go "Winter" options up to the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

In addition, for Australia, you can enter the game in the "kangaroo" when participants or jump by holding down the ball, or jump in bags.

After the first game, you can suggest to eat and at the table to make several geographic mysteries. 3-5 mysteries should be on the topic "Where is" and Suggest show on the map (prize - candy)
Riddles can be taken on the Internet, depending on the age of participants (there are many options) .
In addition, you can invite children to call as many animals of Africa or Australia, marine animals, or animals beginning with the same letter as the name of the celebration of the celebration.

After lunch, you can offer a complimination contest. The birthday boy sits on the chair, each in turn stops the globe and trying to say such compliments, as if they are residents of this country (who fell on the ocean can speak compliments on behalf of the fish)

In the meantime, you can tell some entertaining geographical facts from the history of discoveries or just the biology of the seas or animals of sushi. Similar stories are easy to find on the Internet and print in advance.

Host: Now the guys, let's split into two (three) Teams. And let's see who of you will fly faster, swallow or erupt the globe.
(Each team is awarded to a set of appropriate equipment that is collected without gluing) .
Those who do not want to glue, can at this point in drawing wild animals or the processing of metallized images (Where you need to scrape a black color. The corresponding sets are widely sold in stores, you only need to choose different animals - tigers, eagles, etc.)

Then everything made is given by the birthday man, the winners of the competition are determined.

Host: And finally, we will arrange a geographical tournament. Everyone is divided into two (three) teams and representative of each (in turn each) it comes out and makes the place on the map. Two other teams should find it. The first finder gets 2 points, the second is 1 point. If in five minutes there is no place, then everything is connected to the game, and then the first finding gets 5 points (except the author). The game should have a judge leading scores. The winner team is awarded candy or ice cream.

At the end of the holiday, children can be in memory geographic Maps or notepads of the corresponding symbolism.

The game is designed for 10-30 people, allowing adult help and their participation in team competitions. This is useful for increasing discipline and assistance in complex places.

Room decoration: balloons, children's drawings, world map or globe or homemade posters with names and continental illustrations (from postcards and magazines), multicolored clouds from foam rubber, wind rose, via marks.

Equipment: air balloons, Ball, Lotto "Beasts", target with balls, a set of soft toys, masks, prizes.
Cheat posters on the walls.
On the doors of the children's room, the inscription "Cabin Company".
Little travelers sit for their children's table. Lead says:
- Today in our cabin-company holiday. Famous traveler (Name) turned ... years! What do we wish him (her)?
Everyone in a circle says his wishes and congratulations.
- And you know guys, before Russia was noted in Russia, but the name day. Saint Day, in honor of which you got your name. Let's drive a loaf and call everyone full name: Ekaterina, Alexander, Ksenia, Ilya. You have very beautiful and glorious names. And I wonder how you know what you mean your names and in honor of what sains are you called?
Children cast a loaf. With the help of knowledgeable adults, you remember the value of your names. All the multicolored balls are distributed.
- Today we will bring around the world in the balloons.
Task for dad (mothers). Who inflates the ball faster so that it does not burst.
- Here you go. Falling devices are ready. Forward!
Everyone throws their balls into the air, playing music.
- We will visit the music tournament in Europe, we will fly over the Atlantic, in North America will hold a complimination contest, dance in the Latin American carnival, eat in Africa, and the green Olympiad in Australia will be waiting for us, the competition of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in Antarctica and the country of mystery - Asia .
In the course of the game, we show children on the map, the globe or poster of the mainland, on which they got. Focusing on age, tell something interesting about him.

Musical tournament
1 version of the competition - home.
- Guys, we call adult music tournament.
Who is remembering. 1 Song singing children, then adults and so in turn. The presenter can give the topic of the song. We had a birthday in Catherine. Many songs associated with this name. Songs about the birthday, about winter. Friendship won.
Option 2. More dynamic. In the cafe.
We play in the stream and sing your favorite songs.
A new song begins the one who chooses a pair in the stream.
Host: And now we will take our place in the cabin company. And while flying over the Atlantic Ocean, you can eat.
During flights, children play balls and treat.

North America
Competition compliments
Host: I fly Polmir and fell to another continent. A visit to be polite and good interlocutors. Let's see if you can talk compliments.
Everyone in turn sits in the chair or on a high chair. Everyone is trying to tell him something pleasant. If children learn in language school, you can hold a contest for english language. For the best compliment - the prize.

South America
Latin American carnival
Turn on the music. Children choose their costume attributes - masks, shawls, hats. Everyone is dancing. For the best dance compositions - prizes.

We play the lotto "Beasts". In the Making Arrow - we throw in the target of the balls. We call animals and birds living in Africa.

Competition of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Play in a pair. Two friends of frosts (Snow Maiden) in turn quickly give lungs safe gifts: stuffed Toys, balls, balls ... their task - keep in your hands as you can more items, do not drop. Falling out of the game chorus sing a song about New Year. Chief Santa Claus and Snow Maiden give all gifts-prizes. Pope can participate in the competition.

Green Olympiad.
Ostrich egg. One ball is put on another so that the ball-egg does not fall and did not crash. Kangaroo. Keep the ball and jump with him a short distance. Older children can jump with junior kenguryats. Or all the steam room. All Olympians are chocolate medals.

"Chernogorsk special (correctional) boarding school"

Holiday script



Subject: Birthday "Around the World"

Purpose: Cohesion of the children's team. Creating conditions for the formation of a moralized personality that can focus on the modern socio-cultural conditions in the post-trial period.

Tasks: Replenish and clarify the vocabulary; Correction of mental processes: memory, thinking, attention, imagination; expand the horizons; develop creative opportunities, artistry; form a culture of communication; Contribute to cohesion of the collective.

Equipment:the screen on which slides or photographs are projected in accordance with the material are projected; Balloons ; basketball balls;

Event flow:

I.Organizing time.

Children are sitting around.

Guys, take quietly by hand. Feel the warmth of your hands. Smile to each other!


1. (Musical Screensaver. After the music. Screensavers include two clowns.)

2. Slide: "Happy Birthday"

Clowns (together): Hello!

Name: My name is Name!

Congratolkin: I am congratulations!

Im-ka: Our favorite holiday is a birthday!

Late Cine: And therefore, together with this holiday you have, dear guys, visiting.

Im-ka: And you know guys, before Rossi noted not a birthday, but the name day. Saint Day, in honor of which you got your name. The name is given to a person at birth and accompanies all his life. This is the most favorite and pleasant word for a person. You have repeatedly felt joy and tenderness in the shower when you were called like gentle. You always need respect to the name that your parents gave you at birth. It will protect you throughout life.

Im-ka: Name Day is nice!

Late Cine: It's wonderful and funny!

Im-ka: Congratulations to take.

Late Cine: And gifts to receive.

Im-ka: Guys, where are our birthday boy?

Late Cine: So that here to call him, you need to clap!

(The melody "Song of Crocodile Gena" sounds, under the applause in the hall included a birthday party).

Im-ka: Dear, our birthday, Alexander, you are the main hero of our holiday. You have become older for a year, has grown, it has so much! And how old is he, we want to know!

Late Cine: Now our birthday boy, clashes as many times as he turned himself, and you dear guests Must count carefully and answer. And so start! (The birthday girl claps. Guests answer.)

Im-ka:And what do we wish our birthday?

Angela g.: Let more joy

Holiday will bring

Entertainment, sweets

Will be all year round!

The holiday begins

Birthday man - You

Let them come true

All your dreams.

Vera M.: Happy Birthday Congratulations came

With him as a gift balls brought

In red bowls of love,

We have now brought them with them.

Friendship, love this flame sign.

We brought it in our hearts.

Maxim M.: In Blue Balls - Blue Dreams,

All your dreams come true.

Let all wonders for you

Today happen

And every day you have friends

Good come!

Vera P.: In the ball, Green Hope lives,

In the fact that happy will be a year

Wonderful waiting for adventure!

Everything on a festive day - for you

Let them be around the entertainment

And joyful laughter, and friends!

Sergey P.: Far Lands, Sea, Oceans,

And wild jungle, and even volcanoes -

All this with friends wish to go!

All: Hurray! Happy Birthday! Good luck on the way!

III.Traveling on the mainland.

Late Cine: Today we will take a world tour of the balloons.

(Balloons are heard all)

We will visit the music tournament in Europe, we will fly over the Atlantic, in America will hold a contest of compliments and see with their own eyes the Latin American dances will enjoy in Africa, and the Olympics in Australia, contests in Antarctica and the country of mysteries in Asia are waiting for you.

Falling devices are ready. Forward!

(Everyone throws balls into the air, playing music)

Slide: "Europe"

Im-ka: And so dear travelers we fell into Europe. Europe - Part of the light, forming with Asia Mainland Eurasia. Square, which is about 10 million km. There are 44 states in Europe. The largest states are: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Ukraine, Spain, Poland. In Europe, there are various contests, festivals. And right from the International Festival came to congratulate our birthday famous artist Penet Sergey with the song "Dear Good".

(Sergey performs the song "Happy Birthday")

Late Cine: And now it's more convenient. Our cabin company continues his journey. And while flying over the Atlantic Ocean, you must abide by silence. Carefully plane makes landing in America.

Slide: "America"

America is part of the world in the Western Hemisphere of the Earth, to which 2 continents include North America and South America, as well as adjacent islands. America is considered all the lands west of Atlantic Ocean To the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

Im-ka: We are flying polim. A visit to be polite and good interlocutors. Let's see if you can talk compliments. Let's say our birthday compliments, because he has a wonderful day today - this is his birthday!

(Exercise "Tell compliment")

Late Cine: We continue our journey through America. When we have snow, in the hot sunny summer Latin America It starts to the carnavalov. The whirlwind of merry madness rushes on this day over all countries of the continent. So we hit the festival of Latin American dances. And the group of girls under the leadership gives our birthday wonderful Latin American dance.

(group of girls performs Latin American dance)

Im-ka: Thanks to our American friends for a great gift. And we continue on our journey. Cash-company is ready? (Yes!)

Attention! We fly over the mainland called Africa.

Slide: "Africa"

Africa is the second largest mainland. This is the hottest continent, throughout the year T ° above + 20 ° C. There is no winter. It is located the greatest Sugar desert in the world. Rich and diverse animal and vegetable world mainland: elephants, rhinos, hippos, lions, monkeys, ostriches; Palms, acacia, ficuses and others. Residents of Africa have always been considered strong, hardy, fast, dexterous. Many Africans participate in the Olympic competitions and become prize.

And you guys fast and debris? We will check it now.

Game "fast and deft"

Chairs are put in a circle. Participants of the game, standing in a circle from the outside, at the leader's signal run to the right, they try to take a place on a chair on a whistle. But since chairs are less, one player remains without a place. He drops out, and one chair is removed from the circle.

Late Cine: In Africa, we played a little with you, they hit. And now take all your places in the cabin company. We continue our journey.

Something cold became, we landed in Antarctica.

Slide: "Antarctica"

Before you the coldest mainland. The temperature even in the summer is -30 ° C. For most of the mainland there are no plants or animals. Lifeless shores Antarctica revive penguins. The largest of them are imperial - reach a height of 1m 2 cm. All animal life is associated with the ocean. We are with you on this mainland expect puzzles.

Solving rebus

Im-ka: From a cold mainland, we go to the smallest mainland of the globe - Australia.

Slide: "Australia"

Astonishing animal world Australia. This is the kingdom of the sample animals: Kuala's sumparal bear, kangaroo, sample proteins, rats.

If on this mainland the kingdom of sample animals let's play the game "Kangaroo".

Kangaroo is a silent animal living in Australia. A distinctive feature of the kangaroo is a high jumping. Due to its strong paws, the kangaroo makes long jumps.

Game "Kangaroo"

Hold down balloon And jump with him a distance to the chair and back.

Late Cine:We continue our journey. And here we landed on the mainland called Asia.

Slide: "Asia"

The ancient word "Asia" means "East". Asia - SAMIA most of Light, forms with Europe Mainland Eurasia. Area - about 44 million km². Located mainly in the eastern hemisphere. Residents of the East are the first to meet the sunrise, which means a new day. The world of plants and animals amazes wealth and diversity. Inhabitants of these places will help you find out your email. And so you carefully listen to the riddle and give the correct answer.

Riddles on animals

Fluffy tail
Golden fur,
In the forest lives,
In the village of chickens stealing.

The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the worker
Sleeping snow in the hut.

A rope is winding, on the end - head.

On the river floats the log.
Oh and frowning it!
Those who got in the river
The nose will break off ...

Lives calmly, not in a hurry,
Just in case wears a shield.
Under it, not knowing fear,
Walks ...

This beast has a huge height,
Behind the beast - a small tail,
Front at the beast - the tail is large
Who is it? Who is it? Who it?
Well, of course, it is he!
Well, of course, this ...

Im-ka: Our cabin company returns from around the world to our native Khakassia. You are all very tired. While the plane did not land, let's a little rest.


Stand so that around each of you was enough free space. Shake your hands, now they have to work a little.

Imagine that a large apple tree grows in front of you with wonderful big apples. Apples hang straight above the head, but without difficulty to get them not possible. Look at me: I'll show you how they can be disrupted. See, faith, on the right, hanging a big apple. Pull up right hand As high as possible, raise the tiptoe and take a deep breath. Now tear the apple. This is good. Fix and put an apple in a basket that stands on Earth. Exhale slowly.

Straighten and look left, up. Two apples hang there. First, reach there with your right hand, climb the tiptoe, breathe and make one apple. Then lift as above left And raise another apple. Now lean forward, put both apples in the basket standing in front of you and exhale ...

IV.Summing up

Take all your places in the cabin company. We made a world tour today. Learned a lot of new and interesting things about the mainland.

Retained riddles, rebuses, played, competed and congratulated our dear birthday. But our holiday comes to an end. The plane commits a landing in the city of Chernogorsk.

Guys, tell me what continents did you visit today?

What was interesting, what did you particularly like?

And we want to wish Alexander to wish for goodbye:

In your holiday smile

Gifts get

Have friends having fun

Shumi, frolic, play.

Together: Happy Birthday!

(Music clip)

Integrated leisure script summary for children prepared to school group "Around the World in One day"

Amounted to and spent:

Music leader

Rocky Natalia Alexandrovna

Purpose: Acquire children to successfully interact with society through the solution of the following tasks:

1. To introduce children with Russian culture, its traditions, customs, folk dances and games.

2. To introduce children with traditions, language, culture of people of other nationalities.

3. Develop personal qualities Children.

4. Brief feelings of love and respect for his nation, self-esteem as a representative of his people.

5. Develop in children a positive attitude and a sense of sympathy for all races and peoples.

6. Teach children to live in a world with themselves and other people.

7. Rise a tolerant attitude to representatives of other nationalities.

Priority education area: "Music".

Integrating educational areas:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Communication
  3. Socialization
  4. Hood creation
  5. Phys. Culture
  6. Health

Attributes: Seven flowers, costumes of different nations Mira, 3 Wara, Kastagnayt, Millia Fire, Russian flag.

Registration: The hall is decorated with children's drawings on the topic, on the central wall - earth, flags of different countries.

The course of entertainment.

Introduction: Dear guests, we begin our unusual journey "around the world in one day." Today we will visit different continents, as well as in different countries. You will find a very exciting journey, where you will learn about the traditions and customs of other countries, about national features and you will have unique opportunity For 1 day to visit different parts of the world! Are you ready for such a journey? Then we start! Meet our foreign guests!

Song sounds "You, I, he, she ..." Children enter the hall and searge on chairs .

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We are very glad to see you in this room, at this hour!

Our planet is generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields,
With her, all our guys are familiar,
This planet is land.
She is all the most painful on the planets - sisters,
We will talk about her today.
Her forests, gardens - like a miracle,
Seas and rivers - hard to count,
And wherever there were, we meet everywhere
People capable of creating!

A girl with a globe in his hands comes to the hall.

Girl: (turns the globe) a lot in the light of countries of different, wonderful, it was interesting to me!

Leading: Here is a TV, turn on and see.

Girl: Not interested in your TV.

I want to learn crafts
Custom games and dancing to know.
Wait for reluctance when you become an adult.
Now I want to embody the dream.


And wait and not worth
You only need to have a holiday
Our now to visit
And I promise you can really
Everyone learn and learn a lot.

Girl: I agree, I agree! And it will not be dangerous?

Leading: Not!

Girl: Then we wonder the time to lose time. It's time to start a holiday!



Sound, rhythms louder, fun,
It's time for us to start our carnival!
Bresh, friends, get up in the circle faster
We will have fun and dance!


Touch your hands tight
And in countries disappear.
In a good way, friends, ahead!
In a fascinating campaign!

Children get up semicircle and performed "Friendly Song"

Children sit down to the seats.

Guys, I invite you to go on a journey around the world! I have a flower with multicolored petals in my hands,

Do not grieve, Alice! I will help you. There is in our garden amazing flower. And his name is his seven-family flowers. He is magic!

Children surround-semi-sewing flowers and Performed by the song "Flowery-Semichetics"

Children get to the places (except the girl and the lead)

Girl: Why different color Everyone shines the petal?

Leading: Seven colors, seven petals,
Rainbow paints,
And find such a flower
You can only in a fairy tale.
Let my flower be with you
He will fulfill all the desire.

The first sheet we will tear up, the journey will start!

Fly, fly, petal,
West east,
North, south,
Come back by making a circle.
Just touch you land -
in Japan!

Girls are published by Japanese, poetry tell and execute "Japanese dance", sit in place.

Leading and girl come out.

Girl: Oh, what beautiful Japanese, what a wonderful dance! But I want to visit somewhere else!

Leading: The second sheet we tear off, you open your secret.

(The girl takes off the petal, says words).

Fly, fly, petal,
West east,
North, south,
Come back by making a circle.
Just touch you land -
To be in my opinion. Led me now to be in Scotland!

Scots are published, poetry tell, execute "Scottish dance", Sit to seats.

Leading and girl come out.

Girl:That's lovely!…..

Leading: The third sheet we tear off, and your concert continue.

(The girl takes off the petal, says words).

Fly, fly, petal,
West east,
North, south,
Come back by making a circle.
Just touch you land -
To be in my opinion. Led me now to be in Spain!

Spaniards come out, poetry tell, execute "Spanish dance - Pasadobl", Sit to seats.

Leading and girl come out.

Girl:That's lovely!…..

Leading: The fourth sheet is open, the dance is fast start.

(The girl takes off the petal, says words).

Fly, fly, petal,
West east,
North, south,
Come back by making a circle.
Just touch you land -
To be in my opinion. Led me now to be in Africa!

Papuars come out, poetry tell, execute "African dance - Chumba E", Sit to seats.

Leading and girl come out.

Girl: …..

Leading:The fifth flew leaves across the West east.

(The girl takes off the petal, says words).

Fly, fly, petal,
West east,
North, south,
Come back by making a circle.
Just touch you land -
To be in my opinion. Led me now to be in England!

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