Military ecology and ecological support of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Interaction of military facilities with the natural environment

Landscaping and planning 22.09.2019

Sources and types of pollution environment

Radiation space debris

A separate problem is radioactive space debris. Solar energy alone is not enough for the full operation of the spacecraft. In this regard, at the end of the last century, attempts were made to use alternative sources energy for spacecraft. Several dozen spacecraft were launched into near-Earth orbits with nuclear sources energy, the time of ballistic existence of which is many hundreds of years. Scientific research showed that in the event of the destruction of these devices, some radioactive debris can enter the upper atmosphere in a few years.

Radiation space objects consist of different components, which can be divided into three main groups:

Fragments of nuclear power plants;

Individual spacecraft with nuclear power plants (NPPs) that have completed their operating cycle;

Operating spacecraft, on board of which there are certain nuclear installations that pose a potential danger due to the probability of their destruction due to collision with elements of ordinary space debris or meteoroids.

Radioactive elements of each of the three groups have radiation characteristics. First of all, this is the total flux and energy spectrum of gamma-neutron radiation. The study of these characteristics makes it possible to determine the type of radioactive fragments of space debris, analyze the dynamics of their further state, and also evaluate their contribution to the general radiation environment.

Spacecraft with a nuclear power plant on board, launched into a circular near-Earth orbit with a height of 800-900 km, should enter the upper atmosphere after many hundreds of years, no longer posing a danger of radioactive contamination of the atmosphere. But in the event of destruction (for example, from a collision with space debris or a meteoroid) fragments can be formed that can enter the atmosphere in a few years.

Chapter 7 The impact of the armed forces of the Russian Federation on the environment

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has a multifaceted field of activity that affects the ecological situation of the country's territories. The military units have big number potentially environmentally hazardous military installations, such as nuclear launchers, storage facilities for liquid rocket fuels, storage facilities and depots for ammunition, weapons, military equipment, and fuel and lubricants. During their operation, there is constant pollution of the natural environment - atmospheric air, soil, surface and groundwater, flora and fauna. In addition, accidents can occur at these facilities, leading to more serious, possibly irreparable, environmental consequences.

Sources of environmental pollution at military facilities are usually:

Objects of public utility purposes;

Life support facilities;

Areas and places of combat training;

Armament and military equipment.

The objects of the first two of these types refer to sources of pollution common to all military units. The next two types of objects may have significant specifics - depending on their belonging to various types Armed Forces and military branches.

Sources of pollution common to all military units (regardless of belonging to a particular type of Armed Forces and branch of service) can be named:

barracks and housing stock;

Boiler rooms, catering units, first-aid posts, bath and laundry facilities;

Sewerage systems, treatment facilities;

Subsistence farms;

General purpose vehicles;

Items Maintenance and repair Vehicle and special equipment;

Gas stations, battery charging points, compressor stations;

Warehouses for fuel and lubricants;

Places for collecting household waste and garbage.

These are sources that operate constantly and are not associated with the belonging of a military unit (military facility). Therefore, they can be conditionally attributed to military household sources. They differ little from similar sources of civilian departments. At the same time, these sources should be classified as the most unfavorable in terms of the frequency of their violations of environmental legislation.

The reason for this phenomenon lies in the low ecological culture of the service personnel and all military personnel, which is manifested in the lack of proper attention of the leadership to the creation and maintenance of environmental and environmental protection structures at military facilities - on the one hand, and in violations of environmental requirements by subordinates in everyday life, during the operation and maintenance of equipment, in field exercises and exercises - on the other hand.

Military facilities, special equipment and residential camps of military units represent from an environmental point of view complex systems using, on the one hand, Natural resources to ensure their activities and, on the other hand, they are sources of various harmful effects on the environment, mainly pollution.

Therefore, an obligatory component of the environmental support of the daily activities of the troops is the protection of the natural environment, which provides for:

Organization of environmentally safe water use;

Cleaning of household and operational (industrial) Wastewater;

Reduction of volumes and neutralization of gas emissions containing combustion products of fuels;

Collection and disposal of solid operational and household waste;

Protection of the environment from harmful energy pollution;

Restoration of the quality of environmental components disturbed as a result of the daily activities of the troops.

In recent years, among environmental measures, more and more attention has been paid to the environmental safety of the elimination of weapons, military equipment and, in general, military facilities.

Military facilities are called troops and forces under the legal responsibility of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, weapons and military equipment, training fields, shooting ranges, training grounds, tankodromes and autodromes, part of the territory, water areas and airspace with control facilities located on them, enterprises, military training institutions, military garrisons and camps intended for the implementation of all types of military activities.

The interaction of military facilities with the environment is carried out in several ways. First, any object consumes natural resources to maintain the combat capability and combat readiness of troops. Secondly, it negatively affects the environment by polluting it with waste and initiating various deliberate changes. And, thirdly, he himself is exposed to environmental factors that arise as a response to the processes of development and pollution of the environment.

The problems of the rational use of natural resources are associated with the high material and resource intensity of military facilities, the complexity of the disposal of products, equipment and structures that have served their useful life, and the insufficient volumes of use of the secondary resources released in this case. The modern army is characterized by a rapid change of models of weapons and military equipment, the use of materials and technologies that have an adverse effect on the environment.

The total area of ​​land allocated for the daily activities of troops in Russia is 0.2% of the country's land fund. Environmental pollution is associated with the generation of waste and emissions as a result of the daily operation of weapons and military equipment, vehicles, life support systems of military facilities. Sources of possible environmental pollution in a military unit are quite numerous. Depending on the features, they are divided into types. Organized sources of pollution are called sources that are equipped with engineering devices for the release of pollutants into the environment. An example of such sources is a jet engine nozzle, a sewer outlet, ventilation deflectors, etc. Accordingly, in the absence of special devices, the sources will be considered unorganized. These include construction sites, landfills, railway stations, field pipelines, and many other facilities. According to the mode of operation of a military facility, pollution sources are divided into continuous and permanent ones. At one military facility there can be dozens of single and group, point and area, stationary and mobile sources of pollution. Area sources of pollution include fleet bases, launch sites of cosmodromes, airfields, car parks, service buildings and structures, barracks and residential towns. At each source of pollution there is a node, device, element - the source of the formation of pollutants.

Common and most typical sources of pollution for all military installations are boiler houses, catering facilities, medical institutions, bath and laundry facilities, general purpose vehicles, fuel and lubricants warehouses, places for collecting household waste.

The direct impact of the source of pollution on the environment is carried out through emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, discharges into water bodies and disposal of waste in the soil. Accordingly, emissions are gaseous pollution and aerosols, soot and dust generated during the transportation and storage of fuel, as a result of fuel combustion in boiler houses, vehicle engines and other installations, the operation of construction mechanisms and industries. Discharges are domestic and industrial wastewater coming from service points for military equipment and technological facilities, from barracks, hospitals, residential and public buildings, treatment facilities. Waste is understood as solid polluting materials and substances generated during the operation of military installations, in the residential area of ​​military camps and at public catering establishments.

Many of these wastes are toxic. Others contain disease-causing bacteria that cause bacteriological contamination. When waste decomposes in the environment, new pollutants, sometimes more toxic than the original ones, can be formed, causing secondary pollution. An example is the release of organophosphorus compounds and dioxins during the combustion of household waste, acid rain.

Depending on the severity of the consequences of environmental conflicts, environmental emergencies, environmental disasters and catastrophes are distinguished.

Environmental emergencies are manifested in sustainable negative changes in the natural environment, the state of natural ecological systems, genetic funds of plants and animals. An objective sign of an environmental emergency is a stable change in the qualitative parameters of the environment in relation to normal values, which, as a rule, are the result of anthropogenic impacts. Emergencies for the most part lead to chemical, radiation and biological contamination of territories, to the deterioration of living conditions for people, significant social consequences, environmental and economic damage.

The ecological disaster is associated with deep, irreversible changes in the environment, which led to a significant deterioration in the health of the population, a violation of the natural balance, the destruction of natural ecological systems, and the degradation of flora and fauna. Ecologists judge the depth of ecological contradictions by changing integral indicators, such as ecological diversity, morbidity, life expectancy, etc.

An environmental catastrophe is usually called the consequences of natural anomalies (drought, flood, space disasters, etc.) or accidents

technical devices that led to large-scale acutely unfavorable changes in the environment, mass death of people and

living organisms. Environmental disasters in broad sense associated with the onset of irreversible changes in the environment, incompatible with the existence of previously established life forms. Examples of events of this kind in the history of the earth are ice ages, the formation and advance of deserts, the drying up of the seas, the sinking and rising of land relative to the level of the world's oceans, and possible consequences global thermonuclear war, if it happens. In the military field, many activities are environmentally hazardous.

The total effect of the impact of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the natural environment in peacetime, according to some estimates, is comparable to the impact of one of the medium-sized industries.

The military sphere covers and large group industrial sectors engaged in the production of means of armed struggle. They are characterized by high technology, good organization of production, constant monitoring by environmental authorities, which generally allows to ensure an appropriate level of environmental safety. Despite the large volumes of production and the location of enterprises mainly in large industrialized centers with an acute environmental situation, the contribution of the defense industry to air pollution is about 1% of the total emissions of industrial sources in the country.

Despite the complexity and existing problems in ensuring the environmental safety of various types of military activities, the environmental situation in the army and navy cannot be considered hopeless. The environmental training and professionalism of the personnel of the Armed Forces, the high quality of weapons and military equipment, the completeness and timeliness of environmental protection measures aimed at preserving natural resources underlie the principles of rational environmental management.

Environmental requirements represent a set of restrictions on the parameters of products, materials and technological processes used in military affairs, as well as the limit values ​​of their qualitative characteristics, composition and conditions of hazardous waste emissions, which ensure the environmental safety of military activities.

Environmental requirements must take into account all the environmental features of a military facility and the possible adverse consequences of its operation and mere existence for the natural environment. Requirements are set during the development of weapons models, they are fulfilled and controlled in the process of their manufacture and operation through a system of quality indicators. Traditionally, the quality of man-made objects was defined as a set of properties that are useful from the point of view of their intended purpose.

To prevent emergency environmental situations, it is necessary that the real levels of all types of possible impacts of the object on

the environment did not exceed scientifically justified allowable limits.

Therefore, the maximum permissible levels of harmful effects are an integral part of the environmental requirements for any man-made object.

In practice, the degree of environmental safety of an object is most often judged by the actual emissions of pollution. From an economic point of view, the environmental safety of an object is characterized by the share of the costs of eliminating the environmental consequences of its operation of the total operating costs.

The list of basic environmental requirements for the most hazardous types of industrial activities includes:

  • - mandatory planning and implementation of comprehensive measures to protect soils, water bodies, forests, flora and fauna from the side effects of the use of complex military equipment, special materials and substances; rational use of land, preservation of the fertile soil layer, economical water consumption, protection of natural resources from depletion;
  • - improving the efficiency of energy use of all types and the development of energy-saving technologies;
  • - ensuring complete radiation safety;
  • - compliance with the rules of storage, transportation and use chemical substances, explosive and hazardous materials;
  • - creating the most favorable conditions for life, work and recreation of personnel and population;
  • - preservation of monuments of nature, history and culture;
  • - informing the authorities responsible for ensuring radiation and environmental safety about all cases of exceeding the permissible environmental impact standards;

Complete and immediate elimination of the environmental consequences of man-made accidents.

During operation, the basis for ensuring the environmental safety of military installations should be based on a deep knowledge by the personnel of the environmental requirements and features of weapons and military equipment, strict observance rules and technologies for the operation and maintenance of military equipment, organization of environmental monitoring and control.

To destroy weapons and military equipment withdrawn from service, technologies should be used that have received a positive conclusion from the State Ecological Expertise at the development stage and are safe for the environment, personnel and the population. Destruction technologies should be low-waste, material- and resource-saving, with minimal impact on the environment. In the areas of destruction of weapons and military equipment samples containing toxic and radioactive substances, monitoring of the state of the environment should be organized in order to control its possible changes.

General concepts of ecology, ecosystems, environmental factors and environmental pollution.

As an independent science, ecology was formed in the 20th century, although the facts that make up its content have attracted human attention since ancient times. V modern form Ecology covers an extremely wide range of issues and is closely intertwined with a number of related sciences: biology, geology, physics, chemistry, genetics, etc.

Ecology- is the science of the relationship of plant and animal organisms or their communities with each other and with the environment.

The term "ecology", formed from two Greek words: oikos - house, dwelling, homeland and logos - science, was proposed by the German biologist E. Haeckel in 1869 and literally means "study own house', or 'science of habitat'.

Ecology is closely related to other biological sciences- zoology and botany. During the formation of these sciences, the main attention of researchers was focused on the systematics and structure of living organisms. But already in the first works on flora, the description of each type of plant began to be accompanied by an indication of the places of its growth. In the course of fauna research, scientists also came to the conclusion that the lifestyle of an animal and its habitat are interconnected. It is obvious that most of the information from these areas is simultaneously the subject of study of ecology.

Environmental factors
The habitat of organisms is characterized by conditions and resources.

The concept of "environmental conditions" in ecology is replaced and defined by the concept of "environmental factors". Environmental factors have a decisive influence on life activity and geographical distribution.

understanding of living organisms.
Environmental factor- this is any element of the environment that is not further divided and capable of exerting a direct or indirect effect on a living organism at least during one of the stages of its individual development, or, in other words, from the environmental conditions to which the organism responds with adaptive reactions.
Environmental factors are very diverse both in nature and in their impact on living organisms. They can be roughly divided into three main groups:

  • abiotic,
  • biotic
  • anthropogenic.

Environmental pollution can be physical and chemical. Physical (energy) pollution includes noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation of radioactive substances, thermal radiation resulting from anthropogenic activity.

The continuing increase in the number and variety of new industrial enterprises, chemical production, various vehicles, chemicalization Agriculture lead to increasing environmental pollution with all kinds of chemicals (xenobiotics) that enter it with gaseous, liquid and solid emissions and waste.

The ecological situation that has been created today is extraordinary and dangerous. Currently, the annual emissions of industrial enterprises and transport in Russia amount to about 25 million tons. Currently, there are more than 24 thousand enterprises that pollute the environment in the country. According to official data, more than 65 million people living in 187 cities are exposed to pollutants whose average annual concentrations exceed the maximum allowable limits. Every tenth city in Russia has high level environmental pollution.

Significant air pollution in them is caused by stationary sources. Most of the pollutants are gaseous and liquid substances and a much smaller part - for solid impurities. The total emission of harmful gaseous substances into the atmosphere is significantly increased by vehicles. The share of road transport in total emissions is on average 35–40% in the Russian Federation, and in large cities it reaches 80–90%. Exhaust gases emitted by motor vehicles contain more than 200 harmful substances and connections. The most well-known air pollutants are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, aldehydes, hydrocarbons, lead, etc. Some air pollutants have carcinogenic properties (benzpyrene).

Environmental Compliance

natural environment

Atmospheric air is one of critical components habitat. The main sources of air pollution are thermal power plants and heating plants burning fossil fuels; motor transport; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy; mechanical engineering; chemical production; extraction and processing of mineral raw materials; open sources (extraction of agricultural production, construction).

V modern conditions more than 400 million tons of particles of ash, soot, dust and various kinds of waste and building materials enter the atmosphere. In addition to the above substances, other, more toxic substances are emitted into the atmosphere: vapors of mineral acids (sulphuric, chromic, etc.), organic solvents etc. Currently, there are more than 500 harmful substances polluting the atmosphere.

Sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere
impurities main sources Average concentration in the air mg / m 3
Natural Angropogenic
Dust Volcanic eruptions, dust storms, forest fires Fuel combustion in industrial and living conditions in cities 0.04 - 0.4
sulphur dioxide Volcanic eruptions, oxidation of sulfur and sulfates dispersed into the sea Combustion of fuel in industrial and domestic installations in cities up to 1.0
nitrogen oxides Forest fires Industry, transport, thermal power plants In areas with developed industry up to 0.2
Oxides of carbon
Volatile hydrocarbons Forest fires, natural methane Motor transport, evaporation of oil products In areas with developed industry up to 0.3
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - Motor transport, chemical and oil refineries In areas with developed industry up to 0.01

Many branches of energy and industry form not only maximum amount harmful emissions, but also create environmentally unfavorable living conditions for residents of both large and medium-sized cities. Emissions toxic substances lead, as a rule, to an increase in the current concentrations of substances above maximum allowable concentrations(MPC).

MPC of harmful substances in the atmospheric air of populated areas- these are the maximum concentrations related to a certain averaging period (30 minutes, 24 hours, 1 month, 1 year) and not having, with a regulated probability of their occurrence, either direct or indirect harmful effects on the human body, including long-term consequences for the present and subsequent generations that do not reduce the working capacity of a person and do not worsen his well-being.

Hydrosphere pollution

Water, like air, is a vital source for all known organisms. Russia is one of the countries most provided with water. However, the state of its reservoirs cannot be called satisfactory. Anthropogenic activity leads to pollution of both surface and underground water sources.

The main sources of pollution of the hydrosphere are discharged wastewater generated during the operation of energy, industrial, chemical, medical, defense, housing and communal and other enterprises and facilities; disposal of radioactive waste in containers and tanks that lose their tightness after a certain period of time; accidents and catastrophes occurring on land and in water spaces; atmospheric air polluted by various substances and others.

surface sources drinking water annually and increasingly are exposed to pollution by xenobiotics of various nature, therefore, the supply of drinking water to the population from surface sources is an increasing danger. About 50% of Russians are forced to use drinking water that does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements for a number of indicators. The water quality of 75% of water bodies in Russia does not meet regulatory requirements.

More than 600 billion tons of energy, industrial, household and other waste waters are annually discharged into the hydrosphere. More than 20–30 million tons of oil and products of its processing, phenols, easily oxidizable organic substances, copper and zinc compounds enter the water spaces. Unsustainable agriculture also contributes to the pollution of water sources. Residues of fertilizers and pesticides washed out of the soil enter water bodies and pollute them. Many pollutants of the hydrosphere are able to enter into chemical reactions and form more harmful complexes.

Water pollution leads to the suppression of ecosystem functions, slows down natural biological treatment processes fresh water and also contributes to the change chemical composition food and the human body.

Hygienic and technical requirements to water supply sources and the rules for their selection in the interests of public health are regulated by GOST 2761-84 “Sources of centralized domestic drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules”; SanPiN “Requirements for water quality of non-centralized water supply. Sanitary protection of springs”; GN “Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPC) of Chemical Substances in the Water of Water Bodies of Domestic Drinking and Cultural Water Supply”, etc.

Hygienic requirements for the quality of drinking water of centralized drinking water supply systems are specified in sanitary rules and regulations. The rules are set for the following parameters waters of reservoirs: the content of impurities and suspended particles, taste, color, turbidity and temperature of water, pH, composition and concentration of mineral impurities and oxygen dissolved in water, MPCv of chemicals and pathogenic bacteria. MPCv is the maximum allowable pollution of water in reservoirs, at which safety for human health and normal conditions for water use are maintained. For example, for benzene MPCv is 0.5 mg/l.

With an abstract approach, all environmental problems can be reduced to a person, to say that any negative impact on the environment comes from a person - a business entity, producer, consumer, carrier of technical progress, and simply an inhabitant of the planet. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze some aspects of human activity that have a particularly harmful impact on the environment, including production, transport, consumption, use modern technology, urbanization, etc. as the main sources of pollution and environmental degradation. This approach makes it possible to single out those areas of human activity that harm or pose a threat to the environment, to outline ways to correct or prevent them.

Basic rules for preventing the occurrence of emergencies with environmental consequences

The main tasks in environmental protection are pollution prevention her harmful products human activity and cleaning environment-forming natural components from emissions and discharges, if pollution has already taken place.

Priority must certainly be given to the fulfillment of the first task: to prevent pollution of one's own habitat.

Unfortunately, the satisfaction of the material needs of society, at least at the present time, cannot be carried out without causing some damage to the environment. However, this damage should be as minimal as possible, since the existence of man as a biological species depends on the preservation of the habitat. Each of us should try to find such opportunities to satisfy our needs that would not harm nature, but, on the contrary, would help maintain ecological balance and help its sustainable development.

The Armed Forces cannot stand aside from solving such a complex and urgent task, especially since it is they who have a colossal nature-destroying potential capable of destroying the Earth's existing ecosystems in the event of armed conflicts.

Prevention (warning) pollution of the environment is necessary both in emergency situations at military facilities and during their normal operation, when for one reason or another the values ​​of established permissible emissions, discharges and waste disposal limits are exceeded.

Prevention (prevention) of environmental pollution due to the activities of military installations can be carried out to a large extent by measures of both an organizational and technical nature.

TO technical measures include engineering methods and methods for cleaning emissions and discharges from operating energy, industrial, municipal facilities and systems from harmful components before they enter the environment.
To clean them, mechanical, physicochemical, chemical, biochemical, thermal methods and various means are used.

For the purification and neutralization of waste gases, a variety of technical devices and installations: "dry" and "wet" mechanical dust collectors, filtration plants, dust settling chambers, centrifugal structures, foam gas cleaners, dust collectors of shock-flushing action, ultrasonic devices, inertial dust collectors.

For the treatment of waste and sewage water the following technical devices are used: water settling tanks, screen-strainers, sand traps, oil traps, drum-vacuum filtering plants, centrifugal structures, dispersed plants, foam separators, ultraviolet plants, degassers for the removal of dissolved gases, oxidizing plants.

Prevention of pollution of soils and lands at military facilities is carried out in the following areas:

destruction, neutralization and utilization of solid and liquid household waste;

destruction, neutralization and utilization of waste from agricultural enterprises;

land reclamation.

For the destruction of solid waste mechanical and thermal methods are used. Main technical means at the same time there are mechanical crushers and special furnaces. Liquid waste is usually disposed of in so-called plowing fields.

Land reclamation involves leveling soil damage and sowing it with plant crops, laying productive new soil on damaged areas.

The nature of the impact on the environment of various military installations, which differ in their purpose, the type of tasks performed and other characteristics, is not the same.
The most environmentally hazardous are potentially dangerous military installations.

These objects include:

radiation hazardous - power nuclear installations; warehouses and bases with elements of nuclear weapons; nuclear research reactors; storage facilities for liquid radioactive waste; storage facilities for solid radioactive waste; spent nuclear fuel storage facilities; radioactive waste disposal sites;

chemically hazardous - storage facilities and warehouses for chemicals, including chemical munitions(cassettes) with chemical warfare agents; storage facilities and warehouses for military chemicals; places of destruction and burial of chemical warfare agents; storage facilities and warehouses for rocket fuel components;

explosive and flammable - bases, arsenals, storages and warehouses of various types of ammunition, weapons and military equipment; storages, warehouses and bases of fuel and lubricants, aggressive liquids, volumes of compressed air.

Soil pollution

The soil- the habitat of numerous lower animals and microorganisms, including bacteria, mold fungi, viruses, etc.

The soil is a source of infection with anthrax, gas gangrene, tetanus, botulism.

Along with the natural uneven distribution of certain chemical elements in modern conditions, their artificial redistribution is also taking place on a huge scale. Emissions from industrial enterprises and agricultural facilities, dispersing over considerable distances and getting into the soil, create new combinations of chemical elements. From the soil, these substances, as a result of various migration processes, can enter the human body (soil - plants - man, soil - atmospheric air - man, soil - water - man, etc.). All kinds of metals (iron, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc) and other chemical pollutants enter the soil with industrial solid waste.

The soil has the ability to store radioactive substances entering it with radioactive waste and atmospheric radioactive fallout after nuclear tests. Radioactive substances are included in food chains and affect living organisms.

Soil polluting chemicals include carcinogens - carcinogens that play a significant role in the occurrence of tumor diseases. The main sources of soil pollution carcinogens are the exhaust gases of vehicles, emissions from industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, etc. Carcinogens enter the soil from the atmosphere together with coarse and medium-dispersed dust particles, when oil or products of its processing leak, etc. The main danger of soil pollution is associated with global pollution atmosphere.

Rationing chemical pollution soils is carried out according to the maximum allowable concentrations of MPC in accordance with GN 6229-91 “List of maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) and approximate allowable amounts of chemicals in the soil”.

Any military formation - from a separate unit to an operational-strategic association - can be considered as a specific ecological system, the main elements of which are personnel(with weapons and military equipment) and the environment of points (regions) of deployment. A distinctive feature of the activity of such an ecological system is the clear priority of combat training and combat operations, which is quite difficult to combine with environmental protection measures. And at the same time, there are ways to solve this difficult problem.



military facility- these are troops located in areas of deployment, concentration, on the march, at initial firing and launching positions, airfields, naval bases, warships and transports, command posts, communication centers, radio-technical systems for detecting guidance and controlling weapons, rear services, enterprises, institutions, and organizations of the Armed Forces and other troops, as well as other facilities that are the place of their military activities.

^ military ecological system - this is a natural-anthropogenic (disturbed) system, including personnel, weapons and military equipment, military installations of troops and forces and their environment in areas and points of permanent or temporary deployment and the performance of training, combat and other tasks.

The military ecological system also includes the territory on which military installations are located, troops operate, natural objects are located and the local population lives.

When organizing and implementing environmental measures in the troops, as a ground unit (initial element) for ensuring environmental safety, they take military City- as a stationary military facility or any military formation - as a moving (mobile) object.

^ Military town- this is a certain territory with buildings and structures located on it, designed to accommodate one or more military units, one or more institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises of the Armed Forces.

Usually a military camp consists of service barracks, technical and residential zones. Headquarters, barracks, classrooms, guard rooms, soldiers' canteens, clubs, first-aid posts are located in the service-barracks zone. In the technical zone there are parks with military and special equipment, warehouses, workshops and other special facilities. In the residential area - houses for officers, ensigns, civilian personnel and members of their families, as well as consumer services. Training fields, shooting ranges, ranges, tankodromes, autodromes, as a rule, are located outside the territory of a military camp.

Thus, the residential and working areas are quite clearly distinguished in the military camp. Both of them pollute the environment in one way or another. The first is a source of household pollution, and the second is a source environmental pollution all types. But it is in working area most days the personnel of military installations is located and operates. And since the preservation of people's health is a priority task of ensuring environmental safety, then, therefore, the main efforts should be directed to creating normal living conditions for them within the framework of military facilities (while eliminating or reducing their own harmful effects of a military facility on the environment), as well as to protect both man and nature from harmful technogenic loads.



A source of environmental pollution is an object that emits (discharges) pollutants, energy emissions and information into the environment.

Sources of pollution at military facilities in the general case are:

  • pollutant release point (pipe, building skylight, ventilation device, etc.);

  • economic or natural object producing pollutant;

  • the region from which the pollutants originate.
Sources of environmental pollution at military facilities are usually:

  • public utility facilities;

  • life support facilities;

  • areas and places of combat training;

  • weapons and military equipment.
The objects of the first two of these types refer to sources of pollution common to all military units. The next two types of objects may have significant specifics - depending on their belonging to different branches of the Armed Forces and combat arms.

Sources of pollution common to all military units (regardless of belonging to a particular type of Armed Forces and branch of service) can be named:

  • barracks and housing stock;

  • boiler rooms, catering units, first-aid posts, bath and laundry facilities;

  • sewerage systems, treatment facilities;

  • subsidiary farms;

  • general purpose vehicles;

  • points of maintenance and repair of vehicles and special equipment;

  • gas stations, battery charging points, compressor stations;

  • warehouses of fuel and lubricants;

  • places for collection of household waste and garbage.
These are sources that operate constantly and are not associated with the belonging of a military unit (military facility). Therefore, they can be conditionally named military household sources. They differ little from similar sources of civilian departments. At the same time, these sources should be classified as the most unfavorable in terms of the frequency of their violations of environmental legislation.

The reason for this phenomenon lies in the low ecological culture of the service personnel and all military personnel, which is manifested in the lack of proper attention of the leadership to the creation and maintenance of environmental and environmental protection structures at military facilities - on the one hand, and in violations of environmental requirements by subordinates in everyday life, during the operation and maintenance of equipment, in field exercises and exercises - on the other hand.

It should be noted that violations of the requirements of environmental legislation can be eliminated to a large extent by educational measures. They are mainly allowed not out of malicious intent, but due to the lack of relevant knowledge, skills and habits. Undoubtedly, the purification of exhaust gases, waste water, recycling water supply, etc., require certain financial and material costs, without which, in principle, environmental protection structures cannot be created during the construction and modernization of military facilities.

It will be much more difficult to solve the problem with specific impact factors (by environmental impact factors here we mean any abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic impact that affects processes, phenomena or the state of this environment), characteristic only of military facilities.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are one of the major environmental users. In accordance with the law "On Defense", lands, forests, waters and other natural resources provided to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies are in federal ownership.

Lands, forests, waters and other natural resources owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, in private ownership may be withdrawn for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies only in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A serious source of environmental pollution is the rocket and space activities of the Armed Forces. For many years of operation of test sites in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, pockets of pollution have formed from the fall of separating parts of rockets with the remnants of components of liquid rocket fuel.

The radiation and environmental situation in the areas where the Northern and Pacific fleets are based and in the seas washing the northern and Far Eastern coasts of the country remains difficult as a result of the activities of the nuclear fleet and the operation nuclear reactors, dumping and disposal of radioactive waste in the sea. At present, a large amount of spent nuclear fuel, solid and liquid radioactive waste, submarines and surface ships with nuclear and power plants that have been decommissioned have accumulated at the coastal technical bases of the Navy.

An acute problem for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is pollution of the environment by oil products. About 50% of warehouses and their equipment are outdated. As a result of leakage, oil products enter into surface water and into underground horizons, where they form lenses. A lens of oil products has been formed and requires elimination in the garrisons of Mirny, Kotlas, Bologoye, Teikovo, Kostroma, Yoshkar-Ola, and others.

Due to the lack of bilge and ballast water collectors, as well as coastal (floating) stations for their processing, the level of sea pollution at the fleet bases remains high (5-10 MPC).

A serious problem is the state of waste treatment facilities in military garrisons. Approximately 28 million cubic meters are being treated. m of sewage discharged by objects of the Ministry of Defense. Planned tasks for commissioning treatment facilities in the garrisons are not fulfilled from year to year.

Due to the saturation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with radio equipment, the problem of protecting the population from electromagnetic radiation has arisen.

At present, a particularly acute problem for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the elimination and disposal of a large number of nuclear and chemical weapons, weapons and military equipment, carried out under international treaties and agreements. The complexity of solving these problems is determined by the lack of optimal recycling technologies that would fully take into account the requirements of environmental safety.

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