Natural environment and human health presentation. Presentation on the topic of the impact of the environment on human health

The buildings 14.08.2020

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Natural environment (nature) is a set of objects and systems of the material world in their natural state, which is not a product of human labor activity

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The biosphere is the shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms and transformed by them.

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MPC MPC is understood as such a maximum concentration of chemical elements and their compounds in the environment, which, under daily influence for a long time on the human body, does not cause pathological changes or diseases in any period of life of the present and subsequent generations.

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Atmospheric pollution The main sources of atmospheric pollution: enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, transport, industrial enterprises. In some cases, the air is polluted with gaseous impurities, in others - with suspended particles.

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Gaseous impurities: Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides, Sulfur oxides Hydrocarbons. Suspended particles are suspended solid particles of natural and artificial origin (ash, soot, soil dust). Breathable asbestos fibers

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Attention! Contamination with heavy metals is a particular hazard. Lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, vanadium are almost permanent components of the air in industrial centers. Over 250 thousand tons of lead annually in the world are emitted into the air with car exhaust gases.

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Soil pollution The main soil pollutants are metals and their compounds (mercury, lead), radioactive elements, fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture.

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Highway (1500 m on both sides of the soil contaminated with lead) Radioactive isotopes from soils enter plants and animal and human organisms, accumulating in them in certain tissues and organs: strontium-90 - in bones and teeth, cesium-137 - in muscles, iodine-131 - in the thyroid gland, etc.

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Water pollution 1. Oil and oil products; 2. Detergents - synthetic detergents; water flowing from the surface of cultivated agricultural and forest lands; 3. Discharge into water bodies of waste from manufacturers; 4. Losses during transportation and storage of pesticides

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It is necessary to form a different worldview and nurture a common culture in the field of life safety, which involves cultivating the following qualities in each person: a responsible attitude to the preservation of the natural environment; responsible attitude to personal health, both individual and social value; responsible attitude to ensuring personal security, the security of society and the state.

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Questions 1 How does human activity affect the environment? 2 What factors determine the environmental situation in the area where you live? 3 How does pollution of the atmosphere, soils and natural waters affect human health? 4 Why is the issue of protecting the environment so acute at the present time? 5 What qualities of a person characterize his general level of culture in the field of environmental safety?

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Pesticides are chemical and biological agents used to control pests and diseases of plants and weeds. Pesticides are generally toxic, many of which can accumulate in soil and enter the human body through the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes.

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MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KNYAZHINSKY SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL Work on ecology IMPACT OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON THE ORGANISM HUMAN Search and research work on the example of laboratory research on the territory of the Knyazhinsky secondary school. Purpose: to increase the ecological orientation of the content of biological knowledge (consideration of the issue of noise pollution of the atmosphere, soil and water pollution and their impact on the human body); continue the formation of skills to independently acquire knowledge in the process of search work. Purpose: to increase the ecological orientation of the content of biological knowledge (consideration of the issue of noise pollution of the atmosphere, soil and water pollution and their impact on the human body); continue the formation of skills to independently acquire knowledge in the process of search work. Tasks: 1) consider various types of environmental pollution. 2) to study the effect of noise, nitrate content, air pollution on the human body. 3) establish a link between environmental protection and human health protection. Content

  • Problems of human adaptation to the environment.
  • Soil is an important part of the biosphere.
  • Water is the basis of life processes in the biosphere.
  • Air pollution.
  • The influence of sounds on a person.
  • Weather and human well-being.
  • Man is part of the biosphere.
“I need to figure it out myself, and to figure it out myself, I need to think together.” B. Vasiliev We are small children of one big nature, We share with her good luck and adversity, One fate for us and for her. My planet is a human home But how can she live under a smoky hood, Where the gutter is the ocean Where all nature is caught in a trap?! Where there is no place for a stork or a lion, Where the grass moans: I can no longer! The connection between natural conditions and human health is obvious. From the quality of water, air, soil, climatic conditions depends on the state of human health, its ability to work and longevity. The connection between natural conditions and human health is obvious. From the quality of water, air, soil, climatic conditions depends on the state of human health, its ability to work and longevity. Problems of Human Adaptation to the Environment In the history of our planet (from the day of its formation to the present time) grandiose processes on a planetary scale have continuously occurred and are continuing to transform the face of the Earth. With the advent of a powerful factor - the human mind - a qualitatively new stage in the evolution of the organic world began. Due to the global nature of human interaction with the environment, it becomes the largest geological force. Man's production activity has an impact not only on the direction of the evolution of the biosphere, but also determines its own biological evolution. The specificity of the human environment lies in the most complex interweaving of social and natural factors. At the dawn of human history, natural factors played a decisive role in human evolution. The impact of natural factors on a modern person is largely neutralized by social factors. In new natural and industrial conditions, a person at present often experiences the influence of very unusual, and sometimes excessive and harsh environmental factors, for which he is not yet evolutionarily ready. The specificity of the human environment lies in the most complex interweaving of social and natural factors. At the dawn of human history, natural factors played a decisive role in human evolution. The impact of natural factors on a modern person is largely neutralized by social factors. In new natural and industrial conditions, a person at present often experiences the influence of very unusual, and sometimes excessive and harsh environmental factors, for which he is not yet evolutionarily ready. Man, like other types of living organisms, is able to adapt, that is, adapt to environmental conditions. Human adaptation to new natural and industrial conditions can be characterized as a set of socio-biological properties and characteristics necessary for the sustainable existence of an organism in a particular ecological environment. The life of each person can be seen as a constant adaptation, but our ability to do this has certain limits. Also, the ability to restore one's physical and mental strength for a person is not infinite. At present, a significant part of human diseases is associated with the deterioration of the ecological situation in our habitat: pollution of the atmosphere, water and soil, poor-quality food, and increased noise. At present, a significant part of human diseases is associated with the deterioration of the ecological situation in our habitat: pollution of the atmosphere, water and soil, poor-quality food, and increased noise. Adapting to adverse environmental conditions, the human body experiences a state of tension, fatigue. Tension is the mobilization of all mechanisms that provide certain activities of the human body. Depending on the magnitude of the load, the degree of preparation of the body, its functional, structural and energy resources, the ability of the organism to function at a given level decreases, that is, fatigue occurs. Depending on the magnitude of the load, the degree of preparation of the body, its functional, structural and energy resources, the ability of the organism to function at a given level decreases, that is, fatigue occurs. When a healthy person is tired, a redistribution of possible reserve functions of the body can occur, and after rest, strength will appear again. Humans are able to endure the harshest environmental conditions for relatively long periods of time. However, a person who is not accustomed to these conditions, entering them for the first time, turns out to be much less adapted to life in an unfamiliar environment than its permanent inhabitants. The ability to adapt to new conditions is not the same for different people. So, many people during long-haul flights with a quick crossing of time zones, as well as during shift work, experience such unfavorable symptoms as sleep disturbance, deterioration in well-being and mood, neurotic disorders, chronic diseases become aggravated, and working capacity decreases. Others adapt quickly. Soil is an important part of the biosphere. Soil pollution Soil is the top layer of land, formed under the influence of plants, animals, microorganisms and climate from the parent rocks on which it is located (see fig.). This is an important and complex component of the biosphere, closely related to its other parts. The following main components interact in a complex way in the soil: - mineral particles (sand, clay), water, air; - detritus - dead organic matter, the remains of vital activity of plants and animals; - many living organisms - from detritus-phagous to decomposers that decompose detritus from humus. Thus, the soil is a bioinert system based on the dynamic interaction between mineral components, detritus, detritus feeders, and soil organisms.

Soil components

Soil pollution Under normal natural conditions, all processes occurring in the soil are in balance. But often a person is to blame for the violation of the equilibrium state of the soil. As a result of the development of human economic activity, pollution, a change in the composition of the soil, and even its destruction occur. Currently, there is less than one hectare of arable land for every inhabitant of our planet. And these insignificant areas continue to shrink due to inept human activities. Enormous areas of fertile lands are lost during mining operations, during the construction of enterprises and cities. The destruction of forests and natural grass cover, repeated plowing of the land without observing the rules of agricultural technology leads to soil erosion - the destruction and washing away of the fertile layer by water and wind. Erosion has now become a worldwide evil. It is estimated that in the last century alone, as a result of water and wind erosion, 2 billion hectares of fertile lands of active agricultural use have been lost on the planet. One of the consequences of increased human production activity is the intense pollution of the soil cover. The main soil pollutants are metals and their compounds, radioactive elements, as well as fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture. One of the consequences of increased human production activity is the intense pollution of the soil cover. The main soil pollutants are metals and their compounds, radioactive elements, as well as fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture. The most dangerous soil pollutants are mercury and its compounds. Mercury enters the environment with pesticides, industrial waste containing metallic mercury and its various compounds. Lead contamination of soils is even more widespread and dangerous. It is known that during the smelting of one ton of lead, up to 25 kg of lead is released into the environment with waste. Lead compounds are used as additives to gasoline, so motor vehicles are a serious source of lead pollution. Especially a lot of lead in soils along major highways. Near large centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, soils are contaminated with iron, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel, aluminum and other metals. In many places, their concentration is tens of times higher than the MPC. Near large centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, soils are contaminated with iron, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel, aluminum and other metals. In many places, their concentration is tens of times higher than the MPC. Radioactive elements can get into the soil and accumulate in it as a result of precipitation from atomic explosions or during the removal of liquid and solid waste from industrial enterprises, nuclear power plants or research institutions associated with the study or use of atomic energy. Radioactive substances from soils get into plants, then into the organisms of animals and humans, accumulate in them. Modern agriculture, which widely uses fertilizers and various chemicals to control pests, weeds and plant diseases, has a significant impact on the chemical composition of soils. At present, the amount of substances involved in the circulation in the process of agricultural activity is approximately the same as in the process of industrial production. Modern agriculture, which widely uses fertilizers and various chemicals to control pests, weeds and plant diseases, has a significant impact on the chemical composition of soils. At present, the amount of substances involved in the circulation in the process of agricultural activity is approximately the same as in the process of industrial production. At the same time, the production and use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture is increasing every year. Inept and uncontrolled use of them leads to disruption of the circulation of substances in the biosphere. At the same time, the production and use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture is increasing every year. Inept and uncontrolled use of them leads to disruption of the circulation of substances in the biosphere. Of particular danger are persistent organic compounds used as pesticides. They accumulate in the soil, in water, bottom sediments of reservoirs. But most importantly, they are included in ecological food chains, they pass from soil and water into plants, then into animals, and eventually enter the human body with food.

Environmental impact of field cultivation

Human life directly depends on the ecological environment. From the external environment, harmful substances enter the human body through the skin, lungs and with food. Harmful substances easily get into food from soil, water and air. Some of them are able to accumulate or form in edible plants, animals, fish. More than 300,000 pesticides are currently used in agriculture. Some of them end up in plants consumed by humans as food. Permissible levels of their content have been established in Russia and other countries of the world, and some of them are not allowed at all in food products due to severe toxicity. Sometimes the same pesticides found in products are allowed in some products and not in others. Human life directly depends on the ecological environment. From the external environment, harmful substances enter the human body through the skin, lungs and with food. Harmful substances easily get into food from soil, water and air. Some of them are able to accumulate or form in edible plants, animals, fish. More than 300,000 pesticides are currently used in agriculture. Some of them end up in plants consumed by humans as food. Permissible levels of their content have been established in Russia and other countries of the world, and some of them are not allowed at all in food products due to severe toxicity. Sometimes the same pesticides found in products are allowed in some products and not in others. The accumulation of nitrates (salts of nitric acid) from the soil is characteristic of many edible plants. They are present in potatoes, white cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, table beets, onions. In addition, nitrates both in the environment and in our bodies are reduced to nitrites. It is known that nitrites are used as additives in the production of meat and fish products. Apparently, therefore, most nitrosamines were found in smoked meat products and sausages - up to 80 μg / kg, in salted and smoked fish - up to 110 μg / kg. Among dairy products, nitrosamines are found mainly in smoked cheeses. From vegetable products, nitrosamines are found in salted pickled products, and from drinks in beer, where their content can reach 12 mcg / l. It is known that nitrites are used as additives in the production of meat and fish products. Apparently, therefore, most nitrosamines were found in smoked meat products and sausages - up to 80 μg / kg, in salted and smoked fish - up to 110 μg / kg. Among dairy products, nitrosamines are found mainly in smoked cheeses. From vegetable products, nitrosamines are found in salted pickled products, and from drinks in beer, where their content can reach 12 mcg / l. The permissible daily dose of nitrates for humans is 312.5 mg. Permissible levels in fruits and vegetables range from 50 to 3000 microns/kg, depending on the type of agricultural product and soil type. The group of substances harmful to human health includes mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, copper, zinc, iron, tin, antimony, nickel, selenium, chromium, aluminum, fluorine and iodine. The most dangerous of them due to their strong toxic effects are mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium. Maximum allowable concentrations in water are (mg/l): lead - 0.03; cadmium - 0.001; mercury - 0.0005; arsenic - 0.01; zinc - 1; copper - 1; tin - 2. Phenols are present in almost all plants, among which flavonols should be noted, they have mutagenic activity. In the gastrointestinal tract, nitrates are converted into salts of nitrous acid - nitrites, they reduce a person's performance, cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness, the content of lactic acid and cholesterol in the blood increases, the amount of proteins decreases, and hemoglobin is blocked. Now there is a new danger - chemical contamination of food. A new concept has also appeared - environmentally friendly products. Now there is a new danger - chemical contamination of food. A new concept has also appeared - environmentally friendly products. Obviously, each of you had to buy large, beautiful vegetables and fruits in the market or in the store. But, having tried them, you found out with chagrin that they are watery and completely tasteless. This usually happens when crops are grown with the use of large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides. Such agricultural products can not only taste bad, but be hazardous to health. You know that nitrogen is an integral part of compounds that are vital for plants, as well as for animal organisms, such as proteins. Lab Topic: Detection of nitrates in plants Goals: familiarize yourself with the methods for detecting nitrates in various plant organs. To establish the independence of the nitrate content from localization in the plant organ and environmental conditions. Equipment: studied plants, 1% solution of diphenylamine (0.1 g of diphenylamine is dissolved in 10 ml of strong sulfuric acid), mortar and pestle, scissors, glass rod, glass of water, glass slide. Progress of work Progress of work

  • Rub a piece of a plant object (leaf, petiole) with a pestle in a mortar.
  • 2. Place a drop of vegetable juice obtained on a glass slide. 3. Add 2 drops of diphenylamine solution. The nitrate content of the plant is judged by the change in color. (Diphenylamine in the presence of nitrates gives a blue aniline color). 4. Assess the intensity of the blue color after 1.5-2 minutes (the color may change in the future). 5. Examine 3-4 different types of plants. Record the results in a table, evaluating the plants on a five-point scale. In the absence of nitrates, the vegetable juice does not change color, with a large amount of nitrates, a dark blue color appears.
The content of nitrates in plants Conclusion: in the course of laboratory studies, it was found that in plants taken from the school area there is a weak intensity of blue staining. In the studied samples, the content of nitrates was within the normal range. Water is the basis of life processes in the biosphere Water is the most common inorganic compound on our planet. Water is the basis of life processes, the only source of oxygen in the main driving process on Earth - photosynthesis. Water is present throughout the biosphere: not only in water bodies, but also in the air, and in the soil, and in all living beings. The latter contain up to 80%-90% water in their biomass. Losses of 10-20% of water by living organisms lead to their death. In its natural state, water is never free from impurities. Various gases and salts are dissolved in it, there are suspended solid particles. 1 liter of fresh water can contain up to 1 g of salts. Most of the water is concentrated in the seas and oceans. Fresh water accounts for only 2%. Most of the fresh water (85%) is concentrated in the ice of the polar zones and glaciers. Renewal of fresh water occurs as a result of the water cycle. With the advent of life on Earth, the water cycle became relatively complex, since the simple phenomenon of physical evaporation (turning water into steam) added more complex processes associated with the vital activity of living organisms. In addition, the role of man, as he develops, becomes more and more significant in this cycle. Today, water is becoming one of the most scarce materials for people. For economic activity, a person uses mainly fresh water, the total reserves of which are only 2% of the total volume. According to the sanitary and epidemiological supervision, almost a third of tap water samples taken in various regions do not meet the standards for sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators. With the advent of life on Earth, the water cycle became relatively complex, since the simple phenomenon of physical evaporation (turning water into steam) added more complex processes associated with the vital activity of living organisms. In addition, the role of man, as he develops, becomes more and more significant in this cycle. Today, water is becoming one of the most scarce materials for people. For economic activity, a person uses mainly fresh water, the total reserves of which are only 2% of the total volume. According to the sanitary and epidemiological supervision, almost a third of tap water samples taken in various regions do not meet the standards for sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators. Therefore, water must be subjected to special treatment before being supplied to consumers. Laboratory work Topic: Characteristics of the quality of tap water. Objectives: to get acquainted with the methods of water purification, to characterize the quality of tap water at school. Equipment: tap water, cylinder, test tubes, flasks, paper filter. Progress. Settling method.
  • Filled the cylinder with water from the faucet. He poured water into a test tube and left it to settle for one day.
  • A day later, I compared the test tube with a test tube just filled with tap water (control tube).
1. Evaluate the quantity and quality of sediment, if any, note the color. 1. Evaluate the quantity and quality of sediment, if any, note the color. 2. The results will be entered in the table. Filter method Filter method
  • Fill the cylinder with water from the faucet.
  • Let's pass the taken water through a paper filter.
  • There is sediment on the walls of the filter.
  • Conclusion: as a result of the research, it was found that the settling method and the filtration method are effective methods of water purification. The water from the faucet in the Knyazhinsky secondary school meets the requirements for water quality.
Laboratory work. Laboratory work. METHODS FOR CLEANING AND DISINFECTING WATER IN HOME AND FIELD CONDITIONS. Goals: Goals: to acquaint students with the most accessible and reliable methods of water purification and disinfection at home and in the field. Equipment: for the 1st part of the work: a saucepan, a jar (2-3 liters), tap water (3 liters), a freezer, a watch. For the 2nd part of the work: a tin can, a screwdriver, 10-15 small pebbles, the same number of pieces of coal (stone), 100 g of clean sand, a wide container (pot, bucket), several layers of fabric (chintz, cotton fabric), jar, polyethylene film. For these experiments, river or sea water is needed. Progress Progress Part 1. Methods for cleaning and disinfecting water at home 1. Take a saucepan and fill it with tap water. 2. Put the saucepan in the freezer of the refrigerator for 15 minutes. 3. After 15 minutes, when it starts to freeze, I will remove the top crust of ice. Throw it away, it contains a large amount of harmful substances. 4. Put the saucepan back in the freezer, but for 25-30 minutes. 5. During this time, the water will freeze by half. Salt the remaining liquid, it is also saturated with salts of heavy metals, harmful microorganisms. 6. I will put the ice in a saucepan and let it melt. 7. I have appeared, not only clean, but also healthy water. Part 2. Methods for cleaning and disinfecting water in the field (on a hike) A. The simplest filter: 1. Take a tin can and carefully punch a lot of holes in its bottom, this can be done with an opener or a screwdriver, a nail. 2. Lay out the bottom with clean pebbles (1-1.5 layers). 3. Put a row of coals on top of the pebbles. 4. Top it off with clean sand. 5. Pass water through this filter. But be sure to boil it. B. An even simpler but less reliable filter: 1. Fold the fabric (chintz, cotton) in several layers (at least 6). Pass water through this "filter". 2. Boil water. B. Homemade distiller: 1. Take a bucket, a bowler hat. Pour dirty or sea water into it. 2. In the middle of the container, strengthen the jar, mug, wrapped with a cloth on top. 3. Cover the bucket tightly with plastic wrap and tie around the edges. 4. Put a pebble in the center - just above the jar. In the sun, water will evaporate, settle on the film and drain into a jar. The atmosphere is the outer shell of the biosphere. Atmospheric pollution The mass of the atmosphere of our planet is negligible - only one millionth of the mass of the Earth. However, its role in the natural processes of the biosphere is enormous. The presence of the atmosphere around the globe determines the general thermal regime of the surface of our planet, protects it from harmful cosmic and ultraviolet radiation. Atmospheric circulation has an impact on local climatic conditions, and through them - on the regime of rivers, soil and vegetation cover and on the processes of relief formation. The modern gas composition of the atmosphere is the result of a long historical development of the globe. It is mainly a gas mixture of two components - nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). Normally, it also contains argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and small amounts of inert gases (neon, helium, krypton, xenon), ammonia, methane, ozone, sulfur dioxide and other gases. Along with gases, the atmosphere contains solid particles coming from the Earth's surface (for example, products of combustion, volcanic activity, soil particles) and from space (cosmic dust), as well as various products of plant, animal or microbial origin. In addition, water vapor plays an important role in the atmosphere. Various negative changes in the Earth's atmosphere are mainly associated with changes in the concentration of minor components of atmospheric air. Various negative changes in the Earth's atmosphere are mainly associated with changes in the concentration of minor components of atmospheric air. There are two main sources of air pollution: natural and anthropogenic. The natural source is volcanoes, dust storms, weathering, forest fires, the processes of decomposition of plants and animals. The main anthropogenic sources of air pollution include enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, transport, and various machine-building enterprises. According to scientists, every year in the world as a result of human activity, 25.5 billion tons of carbon oxides, 190 million tons of sulfur oxides, 65 million tons of nitrogen oxides, 1.4 million tons of chlorofluorocarbons (freons), organic lead compounds, hydrocarbons, including carcinogenic (causing cancer). In addition to gaseous pollutants, a large amount of particulate matter enters the atmosphere. These are dust, soot and soot. Contamination of the natural environment with heavy metals poses a great danger. Lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, vanadium have become almost constant components of the air in industrial centers. The problem of air pollution with lead is particularly acute. In addition to gaseous pollutants, a large amount of particulate matter enters the atmosphere. These are dust, soot and soot. Contamination of the natural environment with heavy metals poses a great danger. Lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, vanadium have become almost constant components of the air in industrial centers. The problem of air pollution with lead is particularly acute. Global air pollution affects the state of natural ecosystems, especially the green cover of our planet. Observation of the quality of precipitation Great damage to the environment is caused by chemical industries that emit a huge amount of harmful gases into the atmosphere (sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide). These substances are absorbed by atmospheric moisture, which falls on the ground in the form of precipitation - “acid rain” or “acid snow”. Laboratory work. Laboratory work. The study of precipitation. Objectives: to study the quality of precipitation, to determine the degree of environmental pollution by various anthropogenic toxins. Equipment and reagents: A conical flask, a cup, a funnel, a crystallizer spatula, indicator paper with a pH scale, a test tube stand, test tubes, a spirit lamp, a glass (2 pcs.), A knife, a piece of clean cloth, hydrochloric acid (1: 2), potassium permanganate (0 , 1% solution), lead acetate (5%), definilamine solution in concentrated sulfuric acid, distilled water. Progress
  • Taking samples of atmospheric precipitation
  • Rainwater. Collect rainwater in a flask with a wide funnel as soon as it starts to rain. Snow. Collect the falling snow in a crystallizer or cup, and then let it melt. Ice. Take some ice cubes, put them on a clean cloth and scrape them all over with a knife. Place the resulting clean pieces in a 250 ml glass and leave for 5-10 minutes to melt the ice. Salt the melted water, rinse the pieces of ice with distilled water, and then transfer them to another glass and let them finally melt at room temperature.
2. Carrying out qualitative reactions. 2. Carrying out qualitative reactions. The reactions are carried out in test tubes, filling them with test water to one third of the height. pH determination
  • Moisten a strip of universal indicator paper with the test water.
  • Determine the pH of the water under study on a scale.
  • Conclusion: pH was determined using universal litmus paper, pH-7 Determination of nitrate ions Add 2 drops of diphenylamine solution to a test tube with test water. Conclusion: the solution did not turn blue, which means that there are no nitrate ions in the test water. Determination of sulfite ions Add 2 drops of a solution of potassium permanganate to a test tube with test water. Conclusion: sulfites were not found in the studied water, the water remained colored.
Atmospheric precipitation falling in the area of ​​the school does not contain harmful substances. Atmospheric precipitation falling in the area of ​​the school does not contain harmful substances. Study of Atmospheric Ecology Atmospheric pollution is caused by the ingress or formation of physical and chemical agents and substances in it due to natural and anthropogenic factors. In recent decades, anthropogenic factors of atmospheric pollution have begun to exceed natural ones in scale, acquiring a global character. A significant proportion of atmospheric air pollution, especially in cities and urban-type settlements, is brought by transport, which negatively affects human health. Specific data on this is presented in the reference material. Health Effects of Automobile Exhaust Carbon monoxide interferes with the absorption of oxygen into the blood, which impairs thinking ability, slows reflexes, causes drowsiness, and can cause loss of consciousness and death. Lead affects the circulatory, nervous, genitourinary systems, causes a decrease in mental abilities in children, is deposited in bones and other tissues, and therefore is dangerous for a long time. Nitrogen oxides can increase the body's susceptibility to viral diseases (such as influenza), irritate the lungs, cause bronchitis and pneumonia. Ozone irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, causes coughing, disrupts the functioning of the lungs, reduces resistance to colds, can exacerbate chronic heart disease, and also cause asthma and bronchitis. Toxic emissions (heavy metals) cause cancer, reproductive disorders and birth defects. Toxic emissions (heavy metals) cause cancer, reproductive disorders and birth defects. The most powerful carcinogens are substances that cause cancerous tumors - asbestos and benzopyrene, which is part of exhaust gases and tobacco smoke. Practical work Topic: assessment of the dust content of the air with car exhaust gases. Objectives: to determine the approximate amount of exhaust gases from motor vehicles entering the atmosphere. Equipment: notebooks, pencil. Progress of work Topic: assessment of the dust content of the air with car exhaust gases. Topic: assessment of air dustiness by vehicle exhaust gases. Objectives: to determine the approximate amount of exhaust gases from motor vehicles entering the atmosphere. Equipment: notebooks, pencil. Progress
  • Calculate the number of cars passing through the nearby freeway in one hour.
  • Determine approximately how much exhaust gases from a car enter the atmosphere of the study area per day, if it is known that one car during the day emits up to 1 kg of exhaust gases, which include about 30 g of carbon monoxide, 6 g of nitrogen oxides, compounds lead, sulfur and other pollutants.
The influence of sounds on a person. Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound is called such mechanical vibrations of the external environment, which are perceived by the hearing aid (from 16 to 2000 vibrations per second). Higher frequency vibrations are called ultrasound, lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise - loud sounds that have merged into a discordant sound. For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences. In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans time to assess their nature and form a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works. The quiet rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, a light splash of water and the sound of the surf are always pleasant to a person. They calm him, relieve stress. This is used in medical institutions, in psychological relief rooms. But the natural sounds of the voices of Nature are becoming more and more rare, they disappear completely or are drowned out by industrial, transport and other noises. In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans time to assess their nature and form a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works. The quiet rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, a light splash of water and the sound of the surf are always pleasant to a person. They calm him, relieve stress. This is used in medical institutions, in psychological relief rooms. But the natural sounds of the voices of Nature are becoming more and more rare, they disappear completely or are drowned out by industrial, transport and other noises. Prolonged noise adversely affects the organ of hearing, reducing the sensitivity to sound. It leads to a breakdown in the activity of the heart, liver, to exhaustion and overstrain of nerve cells. Weakened cells of the nervous system cannot clearly coordinate the work of various body systems. The first complaints about noise that have come down to us can be found in the Roman satirist Juvenal. According to him, it was difficult to fall asleep in the capital - the creak, the rumble of carts in the narrow streets, the scolding of the drivers interfered with sleep, irritated. “Most of the sick,” he wrote, “are dying in Rome from insomnia.” But still these noises were more or less tolerable for the human ear, and only now the problem of noise has declared itself in full voice. Prolonged noise adversely affects the organ of hearing, reducing the sensitivity to sound. It leads to a breakdown in the activity of the heart, liver, to exhaustion and overstrain of nerve cells. Weakened cells of the nervous system cannot clearly coordinate the work of various body systems. The first complaints about noise that have come down to us can be found in the Roman satirist Juvenal. According to him, it was difficult to fall asleep in the capital - the creak, the rumble of carts in the narrow streets, the scolding of the drivers interfered with sleep, irritated. “Most of the sick,” he wrote, “are dying in Rome from insomnia.” But still these noises were more or less tolerable for the human ear, and only now the problem of noise has declared itself in full voice. The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels. This pressure is not perceived indefinitely. The noise level of 20-30 decibels (dB) is practically harmless to humans, this is a natural background noise. As for loud sounds, here the permissible limit is approximately 80 decibels. A sound of 130 decibels already causes a painful sensation in a person, and 150 becomes unbearable for him. Not without reason in the Middle Ages there was an execution "under the bell". The hum of the bell ringing tormented and slowly killed the condemned




Frequent quarrels





Noise is insidious, its harmful effect on the body is invisibly, imperceptibly. Violations in the body are not detected immediately. In addition, the human body is practically defenseless against noise. Noise is insidious, its harmful effect on the body is invisibly, imperceptibly. Violations in the body are not detected immediately. In addition, the human body is practically defenseless against noise. Currently, doctors are talking about noise disease, which develops as a result of exposure to noise with a primary lesion of hearing and the nervous system. Weather and human well-being. Weather and human well-being. A few decades ago, it never occurred to anyone to connect their performance, their emotional state and well-being with the activity of the Sun, with the phases of the Moon, with magnetic storms and other cosmic phenomena. In any natural phenomenon that surrounds us, there is a strict repetition of processes: day and night, high tide and low tide, winter and summer. Rhythm is observed not only in the motion of the Earth, Sun, Moon and stars, but is also an integral and universal property of living matter, a property penetrating into all life phenomena - from the molecular level to the level of the whole organism. In the course of historical development, a person has adapted to a certain rhythm of life, due to rhythmic changes in the natural environment and the energy dynamics of metabolic processes. In the course of historical development, a person has adapted to a certain rhythm of life, due to rhythmic changes in the natural environment and the energy dynamics of metabolic processes. Currently, there are many rhythmic processes in the body, called biorhythms. These include the rhythms of the heart, breathing, bioelectric activity of the brain. Our whole life is a constant change of rest and activity, sleep and wakefulness, fatigue from hard work and rest. In the body of every person, like the tides of the sea, a great rhythm eternally reigns, arising from the connection of life phenomena with the rhythm of the Universe and symbolizing the unity of the world. The central place among all rhythmic processes is occupied by circadian rhythms, which are of the greatest importance for the organism. The body's response to any impact depends on the phase of the circadian rhythm (i.e., on the time of day). These values ​​caused the development of new directions in medicine - chronodiagnostics, chronotherapy, chronopharmacology. They are based on the position that the same remedy at different hours of the day has a different, sometimes directly opposite, effect on the body. Therefore, in order to obtain a greater effect, it is important to indicate not only the dose, but also the exact time of taking the medication. The central place among all rhythmic processes is occupied by circadian rhythms, which are of the greatest importance for the organism. The body's response to any impact depends on the phase of the circadian rhythm (i.e., on the time of day). These values ​​caused the development of new directions in medicine - chronodiagnostics, chronotherapy, chronopharmacology. They are based on the position that the same remedy at different hours of the day has a different, sometimes directly opposite, effect on the body. Therefore, in order to obtain a greater effect, it is important to indicate not only the dose, but also the exact time of taking the medication. It turned out that the study of changes in circadian rhythms makes it possible to detect the occurrence of certain diseases at the earliest stages. The climate also has a serious impact on the well-being of a person, affecting him through weather factors. Weather conditions include a complex of physical conditions: atmospheric pressure, humidity, air movement, oxygen concentration, the degree of disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field, the level of atmospheric pollution. So far, it has not yet been possible to fully establish the mechanisms of the reactions of the human body to changing weather conditions. And she often makes herself felt by violations of cardiac activity, nervous disorders. With a sharp change in the weather, physical and mental performance decreases, diseases become aggravated, the number of errors, accidents and even deaths increases. So far, it has not yet been possible to fully establish the mechanisms of the reactions of the human body to changing weather conditions. And she often makes herself felt by violations of cardiac activity, nervous disorders. With a sharp change in the weather, physical and mental performance decreases, diseases become aggravated, the number of errors, accidents and even deaths increases. Man is a part of the biosphere, and the deterioration of its condition is dangerous for him. Chemical, biological, noise and other types of pollution of the biosphere have a harmful effect on the human body. Unfavorable environmental conditions cause various disorders in the body, as a result of which a person can get sick and even die. Man is a part of the biosphere, and the deterioration of its condition is dangerous for him. Chemical, biological, noise and other types of pollution of the biosphere have a harmful effect on the human body. Unfavorable environmental conditions cause various disorders in the body, as a result of which a person can get sick and even die. It is very important to study your environment in order to improve its ecological conditions.) ) If we are destined to breathe the same air, Let us all unite forever. Let's save our souls. Then we on Earth will save ourselves!(N. Starshinov) Literature

  • Davidenko I.V. The land is your home. M., Nedra. 1984
  • Ivin M. To live. M, Children's literature, 1974.
  • Ivanova TV Ecological education of rural schoolchildren. Smolensk 2001
  • Kriksunov E. A. Ecology. Bustard 1995
  • Biology at school No. 7, No. 5 2000
  • Biology at school No. 1 2001, No. 6 1999
  • Geography at school №3 1998
  • Researches of sanitary and hygienic laboratory the city of Pochinok.
The project was made by

Mikhalchenkov K. O.

10th grade student

Mikhalchenkova L. N.

Geography teacher

Skopinova N. N.


For centuries, man has sought not to adapt to the natural
environment, but to make it comfortable for its existence. now we
realized that any human activity has an impact on
environment, and the deterioration of the biosphere is dangerous for everyone
living beings, including humans.


Chemical pollution of the environment and human health

Various chemical
substances in
waste, falling into the soil,
air or water, pass
on ecological links
from one chain to another
eventually getting into
human organism.

Depending on your
nature, concentration,
time of action on the body
human harmful substances
may cause various
adverse consequences.
Short-term exposure to small
concentrations of such substances can cause
dizziness, nausea, sore throat, cough.
Entry into the human body
concentrations of toxic substances can lead to
loss of consciousness, acute poisoning and even death.

The body's response to pollution depends on
individual characteristics: age, gender, condition
health. Generally, children, the elderly and
elderly, sick people.

With systematic or periodic admission to
the body of relatively small amounts of toxic substances
chronic poisoning occurs.
Signs of chronic poisoning are a violation
normal behavior, habits, as well as neuropsychic
deviations: rapid fatigue or a feeling of constant
fatigue, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, apathy,
impaired attention, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, strong
mood swings.
In chronic poisoning, the same substances in different people
can cause various damage to the kidneys, hematopoietic organs,
nervous system, liver.
Similar symptoms are also observed in
radioactive contamination of the environment

Physicians have established a direct link between
an increase in the number of people suffering from
allergies, bronchial asthma, cancer,
and environmental degradation
in this region. authentically
found that such waste
production like chrome, nickel,
beryllium, asbestos, many pesticides,
are carcinogens, that is
causing cancer.
As a result of pollution,
new, previously unknown diseases.

Biological pollution and human health

In the natural environment there are biological
pollutants that cause various
diseases. These are pathogenic microorganisms
viruses, helminths, protozoa. They can
be in the atmosphere, water, soil, in the body of others
living organisms, including humans.

Often the source
infection is soil,
in which constantly
pathogens live
tetanus, botulism,
gas gangrene,
some fungal
In the human body, they can
get damaged
skin, with unwashed
foodstuffs, with
violation of hygiene rules.
Pathogenic microorganisms can
penetrate the groundwater and become
cause of infectious diseases

Landscape and human health

Various factors associated with growth
cities, in one way or another affect
the formation of a person, on his health.
In the cities, a man invents thousands
tricks for the convenience of his life - hot
water, telephone, various modes of transport,
roads, services and entertainment.
However, in large cities, especially
shortcomings of life are also manifested - housing and
traffic problems, increasing the level

Green spaces
are integral
part of the complex
protection measures and
The urban landscape is
should be uniform
stone desert. V
the architecture of the city should
strive for harmony
combination of aspects
social (buildings,
roads, transport,
communications) and
biological (green
arrays, parks, squares).

The modern city should be considered as an ecosystem, in
which created the most favorable conditions for life
person. Consequently, these are not only comfortable dwellings, transport,
diverse service industry. It is conducive to life and
health environment; clean air and green city

Noise pollution and human health

For all living organisms, including humans,
sound is one of the influences of the environment
Sounds and noises of high power affect the auditory
apparatus, nerve centers, can cause pain
feelings and shock. This is how noise works

The quiet rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, a light splash
water and the sound of the surf are always pleasant to man. They comfort him
relieve stress. But the natural sounds of the voices of Nature
become more and more rare, disappear completely or are drowned out
industrial traffic and other noise.
Prolonged noise adversely affects the organ of hearing,
reducing sensitivity to sound.

Noise causes tangible harm
human health, but
absolute silence is scary
and oppresses him.
perceives noise differently. Much depends
age, temperament,
health conditions,
surrounding conditions.
Constant exposure
strong noise may not
only negative
affect hearing, but
cause other harmful
consequences - ringing in the ears,
dizziness, headache
pain, increase
fatigue. Very noisy
modern music also
dulls the hearing
nervous diseases.

Weather and human health

In any phenomenon around us
nature there is a strict
repeatability of processes: day and night,
ebb and flow, winter and summer. Rhythm
observed not only in the motion of the Earth,
sun, moon and stars, but also is
inalienable and universal
property of living matter, property,
penetrating into all life phenomena - from
molecular level to whole

In the course of historical development, man has adapted to
a certain rhythm of life, due to rhythmic
changes in the natural environment and energy dynamics
metabolic processes.
Currently, many rhythmic processes are known
in the body, called biorhythms. These include the rhythms
work of the heart, respiration, bioelectrical activity of the brain. All
our life is a constant change of rest and active
activity, sleep and wakefulness, fatigue from intense
labor and rest.

Central to all
rhythmic processes take
circadian rhythms that
highest value for
organism. Body reaction
any impact depends on
phases of the circadian rhythm (i.e.
from time of day).
The climate has a serious
Weather conditions include
impact on well-being
complex of physical conditions:
person by influencing
atmospheric pressure, humidity,
through weather factors.
air movement, concentration
oxygen, degree of disturbance
Earth's magnetic field, level
atmospheric pollution.
With a sudden change in weather
decreased physical and mental
performance, escalate
diseases, an increase
mistakes, unfortunate and even mortal

Nutrition and human health

Throughout life in the body
a person is constantly exchanged
substances and energy. source
necessary building blocks for the body
materials and energy are nutritious
substances from the external environment
mostly with food.
We often eat what
delicious that can be prepared quickly, and not
we think a lot about usefulness and
the quality of the used

A new danger has emerged - chemical
food contamination. Appeared and
new concept - environmentally friendly products.
Nitrogen is an integral part of vital for plants, and
also for animal organisms compounds, such as proteins.
In plants, nitrogen comes from the soil, and then through
food and fodder crops fall into
animal and human organisms. Now agricultural
crops almost completely receive mineral nitrogen
from chemical fertilizers, as some organic
fertilizers are not enough for nitrogen-depleted soils. However, in
difference from organic fertilizers in chemical fertilizers
there is no free release in natural conditions

Plants are capable of storing
almost all harmful substances. That's why
agricultural products are especially dangerous,
grown near industrial plants and
major highways.

The world around us and our body is
whole, all emissions and pollution
entering the habitat is damage
our health. unity of nature and
person must match
unity of knowledge about nature and man.
If we try like
more positive
do for the environment
this is how we prolong our lives
and heal your body.
And you can't help but agree
words that everything in this world
interconnected, nothing
disappears and nothing appears
out of nowhere.

Our environment is ours
body to protect the environment
we protect our environment
Health is not only the absence
diseases, but also physical
mental and social
human well-being.
Health is a capital given to us
not only by nature from birth,
but also the conditions in which we
we live and create.

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