How to inflate a gel balloon. How to inflate balloons with helium at home

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

The colorful balloons floating in the air are very popular. The disadvantage of this entertainment is only that air balloons fly only when filled with helium. However, a balloon with this gas costs a little more. Fortunately, there are several ways to make it yourself and avoid high costs. So, how to make a helium balloon at home?

How to make a helium balloon yourself: basic aspects

Helium is a non-toxic and non-flammable gas that is lighter than air. For this reason, it is used to fill balloons. Helium available in cylinders various sizes and packaging. The smallest commercial container is a disposable bottle of helium gas. With this amount of gas, you can inflate 8-10 round helium balloons with a diameter of about 25 cm, and this pleasure will cost from 1500 to 1700 rubles.

However, as already mentioned, we can make flying balls on our own and with minimal cost. True, to inflate the balloon, we will not use helium, since its synthesis requires very low temperatures, which can only be achieved in laboratory conditions. In our case, the balloons will fly as a result of chemical reactions using available and inexpensive substances, so it makes sense to say that the balloons will be like helium.

About what chemical reactions is it about? In order for the balloon to fly, we need a gas that is lighter than air. Since helium cannot be synthesized in one's pantry, one more more accessible gas remains - hydrogen. Moreover, it is much lighter not only than air, but also helium, so balloons with hydrogen inside will soar up much faster. By the way, earlier with the help of this gas airships and balloons were lifted into the air.

Hydrogen can be obtained in the conditions of home cooking with the help of such available materials, how:

  • table vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • aluminum foil or wire;
  • salt;
  • copper sulfate;
  • drinking water.

Making a flying ball: master classes

Well, as they say, less words, more action. First, consider a simpler and less costly way to inflate a balloon with hydrogen.

Acid and sodium bicarbonate

Necessary materials:

  • 150 g sodium bicarbonate or soda;
  • table vinegar - 500 ml;
  • plastic bottle;
  • balloon.

Process description:

Copper sulfate and salt

Necessary materials:

  • medical dropper;
  • a bottle with a capacity of one liter (preferably glass, since heat will be generated during the reaction and the plastic may melt);
  • copper sulfate - 100 g;
  • table salt - 100-150 g;
  • aluminum, preferably in the form of a wire up to 2 m long;
  • tap water - 0.7 l;
  • Balloon.

Process description:

Thus, the balloon will be inflated without helium to fly, and the whole process will take you about 20 minutes.

What determines the duration of the flight of helium balloons?

The flight time of balloons filled with gas depends on the type of material used. In ordinary balloons helium rapidly escapes from the pores of the shell material. That is why special latex balloons of the traditional round shape or any other.

Round helium balloons normal conditions environment fly up to 10 hours. Balls made of special foil keep gas much longer - up to several days. In addition, they are reusable and can always be supplemented with gas or air.

During the holidays, helium balloons are often in demand. Usually, they are bought ready-made (inflated) and brought to the holiday. Or, they invite specialists who come and inflate the balloons on the spot. However, it is not always convenient, and, most importantly, it is not very cheap. In order to significantly save money and not depend on strangers, you can inflate balloons with helium yourself. It is quite possible.

In order to inflate a balloon with helium, you will need a helium tank, balloons and a ribbon that is needed to tie the balloons.

Helium cylinders

Almost all companies that offer wholesale and small wholesale balloons (and they are in every major city) offer helium cylinders for rent, i.e. for rent. The practice is as follows: the buyer pays for the gas stored in the cylinder, pays a deposit for the cost of the gas cylinder (it is equal to the cost of the cylinder itself) and takes the cylinder with him. Then, after use, the buyer returns the cylinder, takes back the deposit, from which the cost of rent is deducted. For a couple of days, rent is quite inexpensive.

Distribution received large cylinders (40 l) and small (10 l). If we talk about normal balloons, 12" in size, which are inflated to a diameter of 28 - 30 cm, then about 400 pieces can be inflated from a large balloon, and about 100 pieces from a small one. For a home party or wedding, 100 pieces of large helium There are more than enough balloons, which is why citizens rent just such balloons, especially since small balloons are light (13 - 16 kg) and can be easily transported in any car.

You can read more about cylinders, their labeling, the rules for their safe handling, and how to move and transport them in this article.


In the same place where they give a balloon for rent, you can buy latex balloons in packs of 100, 50 and 25 pcs. You can choose from just multi-colored balloons (assorted colors), as well as balloons with a thematic pattern.

If there is a choice, then for outdoor use it is recommended to buy balloons manufactured by Sempertex (Colombia), and for indoor use it is recommended to use Latex Occidentl (Mexico). These balls are rounded and pleasant to work with.

It is not recommended to buy retail balloons by the piece, especially those balloons that are sold in non-specialized places. As a rule, Chinese-made products are sold there, which are of unpredictable quality.

The main thing to remember is that from one balloon of 10 liters, you can inflate about a hundred large latex balloons.


For tying inflated balloons, a narrow decorative polypropylene tape (width 5 mm) is used, which is sold in coils of 250 m (metallized) and 500 m (regular). For adult holidays, the standard end of the braid has a length of 1.5 m. children's holidays, use longer ends of the braid, 2 - 2.5 m long (depending on the height of the ceilings). In any case, if you use a 10 l balloon, one spool of tape is enough for all the balls. The braid is cut with ordinary scissors, as the balloons are inflated.

Inflating balloons with helium

The process of inflating and tying is shown in detail in the video instructions:

Let's note a few important points:

  • The position of the balloon must be such that the person is opposite side from an inflated balloon. The direction of the gas jet coming out of the cylinder must not be directed towards people or pets. The fact is that when the balloon bursts, most of the pieces of latex fly towards the inflation of the gar.
  • A latex balloon consists of a neck and a balloon. The neck is used to tie the balloon, and the balloon is used to inflate with gas. As soon as the balloon begins to be fully inflated, and the gas supply continues, the neck of the balloon already begins to inflate. A ball whose neck is already inflated is considered to be inflated. In professional terms, when the ball begins to "grow a leg" (inflation of the neck of the ball becomes noticeable), then the ball must be stopped inflating the ball. An overinflated ball (a ball with a leg) is not only ugly, but it also has very thin walls, which is why it bursts.
  • The life time of balloons inflated with helium (we are talking about balloons of known quality: Colombian, Mexican) is 8 - 10 hours. After that, they begin to noticeably decrease in size, and then fall to the floor. This should be taken into account when planning a holiday. There are ways to increase the life span of helium balloons, but more on that next time.

All the best and happy holidays!

Multi-colored balloons always give good mood. However, helium balloons are an expensive pleasure, so the question of how to make a helium balloon at home is often relevant.

Helium is a non-toxic monatomic gas, which is the second number in periodic table Mendeleev. It is a colorless and odorless gas, much lighter than oxygen and carbon dioxide. Helium has a molecular weight of 4, while oxygen has 32 and carbon dioxide has 44. That's how light helium is! Therefore, balls filled with this monatomic gas can fly, while the mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide makes the ball heavier, causing it to fall. The lighter the contents of the balloon, the more likely it is to take off.

Where can I get helium balloons

Helium is obtained by deep cooling of natural gases. Helium balloons are sold in circuses and specialty stores. To inflate such a balloon at home, purchase a special helium balloon. You can find out about the cost of the balloon on the Internet. Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain helium experimentally chemically at home, so you will have to spend an impressive amount. But with balls you can spend many others interesting experiences and at the same time gain new knowledge in chemistry.

Balloon inflated with baking soda and vinegar

Known chemical fact: the reaction of soda (NaHCO₃) and vinegar (CH₃COOH) is accompanied by an abundant release of carbon dioxide. A balloon filled with carbon dioxide, of course, will not fly due to its large atomic mass. But this experiment is very interesting, and the desired solution can be prepared at home.

balloons filled with carbon dioxide

Show such a trick to children to instill in them a love of chemistry: by inflating a balloon with a bottle, they will show an interest in science, and perhaps little fidgets will make discoveries in the future.

What we need:

    acetic acid, which is in everyone's kitchen (there is different types vinegar, but almost any will do);

    baking soda;

    an empty bottle or flask with a volume of 1.5 liters;


Such a home trick is very easy to perform, even a child can do it. However, it is worth working rubber gloves, since vinegar, especially strong, has an unpleasant effect on the skin: at best, a slight burn may occur. If nevertheless this happened, you need to know that treatment with soda or soap neutralizes acids. Therefore, all experiments with dangerous chemical It is better for children to carry out by calling an adult for help.

So, we need to add soda to the ball (2 teaspoons per 1 ball), and pour half a glass into the bottle acetic acid. Don't rush to add too much soda. We put the ball on the bottle: the soda from the ball will pour into it, and a violent reaction will begin with an intense release of CO₂. Therefore, the balloon is inflated. If the reaction is weak and the balloon does not inflate, add more vinegar and soda, but do not shake the solution. This method is convenient for those who find it difficult to inflate balloons.

What experience will make a balloon take off without helium

This method will tell you how to make the balloon fly. The experiment works, but keep in mind that this simple experiment is a fire hazard, so conduct it outside. You will also need goggles, a gown and gloves.

For experience you will need:

    aluminium foil;

    water at room temperature;

  • pure sodium hydroxide;

    glass flask.

You may also need the help of a partner. Pure sodium hydroxide is on the shelves hardware store. For example, the Mister Muscle pipe cleaner contains the substance needed for the experiment in its pure form. Try to use other products with a similar composition.

First, take the foil and roll ten small balls out of it, which will pass into the hole in the flask. Pour the pipe cleaner into the flask and fill the substance with water. One sachet will require half a liter of water. Next, add all the balloons you've made to a container of water and detergent. Do not shake the resulting solution, because a strong reaction will begin. The balloon, of course, will inflate, but it will contain condensate from the evaporation of gas, which will make it heavier. Therefore, the ball will not fly.

If the solution is not shaken, the reaction will proceed quietly. You can also do this: wait an additional time for the condensate inside the ball to stack back into the flask. Therefore, in order for the experiment to succeed, attention and patience are needed. The result will not keep you waiting: your balloon will fly no worse than helium!

balloon filled with hydrogen

Thus, we will get the desired effect. The released substance from the resulting solution contains explosive hydrogen. Therefore, it is necessary not only to do the experiment on the street, but it is dangerous to keep the balloons themselves at home: if there is a spark nearby, the hydrogen will explode. You can find out what experiments with hydrogen can be done at home. During the experiment, you also need to be careful: if you add a lot of foil and funds or start shaking the contents, you can burn yourself with a flask. Do not inhale escaping gas.


Purchase or rent a helium tank and stand from a specialized agency to make it more convenient for you to work. You will also need tools such as interchangeable nozzles and a pressure gauge that controls how much gas is left in the tank.

Put the ball on the nozzle opening and open the cylinder valve. Fill balloon with helium right size and close the valve. If you need a large number of the same size, then make a simple device - a sizer - that allows you to adjust the size of the balls filled with gas.

A sizer is a sheet of cardboard or plastic with a hole of a certain diameter cut into it. Fitting the balls to one size is as follows: the ball is inflated and inserted into the sizer hole, thus determining whether it is necessary to add volume or, on the contrary, reduce it by releasing a certain amount from the ball.

Pre-fill the balloon with air and deflate it, and then fill it with helium - this will allow you to spread the balloon well, as well as make sure it is intact. Inflate the latex balloon with helium until it begins to take on a pear shape. A fully inflated balloon will fly much longer.

Helium balloons deflate very quickly compared to air balloons. To increase the life of a balloon inflated with helium up to 5 days, use a special compound that covers the porous surface of the balloon with a thin layer of plastic and makes it impenetrable. Inject this composition into the balloon in a small amount before inflating.

There is a faster (but also more easily soiled) option for applying this liquid to outer surface ball. Put the uninflated ball tightly on the pencil and lower it into the composition to the level of the tail, preventing liquid from getting inside. It is necessary to cover the entire ball completely - straighten all the wrinkles and moisten the untreated areas. Let the ball dry for a couple of minutes. Inflate the still wet balloon with helium.

Tie the tail of the finished ball with a knot. If you used a special composition to increase the flight time of the balloons, then keep them for about two hours in a room with low humidity so that the liquid inside the balloons dries faster.

Able to decorate any birthday. Most people don't know how to make a gel balloon at home. Nevertheless, this skill will be very useful, because you never know where "air toys" will come in handy.

Every parent tries to make their child's birthday special. For this baked or bought beautiful cake, gifts are being prepared, friends are invited. How sometimes you want to decorate the room so that it matches the celebration! But parents often remember this on the eve of the holiday, when the shops are closed and there is no way to purchase even elementary paper garlands. This is where knowledge of how to make gel balls at home comes in handy.

Ball inflation options

There are several ways to decorate a home. The first step is to inflate the balloons. This can be done using three algorithms:

1. If you are interested in how to make a gel balloon at home, then you can not reinvent the wheel, but use the proven method - buy helium. It is sold in special small bottles. For those who like to look for an alternative, we want to clarify: there are other ways.

2. Hydrogen. This chemical element lighter than air. Therefore, if you pump up an inflatable toy with it, it will soar under the ceiling. But where to get it? Let's remember the lessons of chemistry. Enough simple reaction occurs if copper sulfate and aluminum are added to a test tube with water. For those who know the essence of this reaction, it will not be difficult to answer the question of how to make a gel ball. It is possible at home. Although in this case free hydrogen will be used instead of helium. So, for this experiment we need:


A plastic bottle with a cap;

Copper wire or thread;

Aluminum rod;

food salt;

Ordinary sealant;


We make a couple of holes in the lid: for the syringe and for the hose, which we insert and fix with sealant. Next, on the other side of this hose, insert the plug into the place where the ball is attached. We attach to the syringe piston to which we attach an aluminum wire. This will allow the piston to adjust the location of the reagent. Pour vitriol and edible salt inside the bottle, fill the mixture with water and wait for complete dissolution. We put a ball on the cork and close the cap on the bottle. At the same time, let's go inside. As a result of these actions, a reaction will occur and the balloon will begin to inflate.

Make sure that the bottle does not overheat: put it in a bowl of cold water.

Now you know how to make a gel balloon without helium. Another plus of such gas inside an inflatable toy is the ability to arrange a fire show. If you put a ball in a fire, it will ignite.

3. For those who want to go the simplest way, there are components that allow you to answer the question of how to make a gel ball. At home, this can be done with baking soda and vinegar. The violent reaction of these two substances is no secret to anyone. To do this, do the following:

Pour two teaspoons of soda inside the ball;

Pour a glass of vinegar into the bottle (approximately 200 grams);

As a result of the resulting effervescent mass, gas will be released and fill the ball.

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