Black spots on indoor plants. Causes of diseases

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Flowers are living beings and therefore susceptible to disease. And even if there are no pests in the house where they are located, it is not always possible to prevent flower diseases.

Conventionally, all flower diseases can be divided into groups:

  • caused by fungi;
  • caused by viruses
  • caused by bacteria.

Fungal diseases of indoor plants

powdery mildew- occurs often, the first signs: the appearance of whitish spots, which, after removal, reappear, already bigger size and grayish tint.

A white coating appears on the leaves of plants, they wither, dry and fall, growth stops. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to remove the parts of the plant damaged by the fungus, and then treat the flower with specially designed preparations.

To prevent the defeat of this disease, it is advisable to treat the flowers with sulfur at least 3 times in the summer, always ventilate the room. When using fertilizers, it is important to follow the recommendations without overfeeding the flowers with nitrogenous fertilizers.

downy mildew
(peronosporosis) outwardly resembles powdery mildew, but in this case, in addition to leaves, flowers and stems are affected.

From above on the leaves arise grayish yellow spots with an indistinct contour, at the bottom on the affected areas a light gray coating is the mycelium of the fungus.

Over time, if you do not take action, the plaque becomes darker, the leaves look corrugated, begin to dry out.

For treatment you need to remove diseased leaves, treat the flower with Bordeaux liquid (1% solution).

You need to repeat the treatment at least five times for 7-10 days.

To prevent disease, you need to ventilate the room, do not allow high humidity, more often remove dried parts of plants, disinfect the soil.

Viral diseases of plants

It is difficult to establish that a flower is damaged by a virus.

Main signs: plant growth slows down, it is often believed that this is the result of improper care and malnutrition. It is possible to determine that the disease is caused by a virus based on characteristic signs.

mosaic disease- you can observe areas where light or dark spots appear, as well as stripes colored white or yellowish, since the chloroplast is disintegrating in the cells.

On the spots you can find a mosaic pattern.

The leaves of the flower are deformed, become wrinkled. In most cases, mosaic disease affects pelargoniums, begonias, primroses.

"Jaundice"- also a virus, the leaves of the plant have a yellow-green or yellow color.

Sometimes they show a pattern that looks like concentric circles.

Flower growth may slow down, fragility of the stems is observed due to the high content of starch in the cells.

leaf curl is the result of a virus attack. The leaves are covered in large numbers with small spots, their size is about 2 mm, then they dry out.

The leaves are very wrinkled and become curly, and flowers begin to deform. With this disease, the formation of stripes and spots of light yellow or gray can be observed. white color. More often than others, pelargoniums, poinsettias, and primroses are affected.

How to deal with viruses on indoor plants?

Areas infected with the virus remove and destroy and wash your hands well with soap.

Viruses are hard to deal with, even if you use chemicals for this, so it's easier to prevent its occurrence.

It is important to destroy insects that carry pathogens, use cuttings only from healthy plants, since a flower can be infected in a greenhouse if its stem is accidentally damaged.

In summer, the flower should be sprayed more often and kept in the shade.


There are a number of diseases indoor flowers, the cause of which can be both fungi and bacteria - they are called "spotting".

Main symptoms- the presence of stains Brown they may be dry or weepy. With the development of the disease, the growth of neoplasms is observed, uniting, they capture the entire leaf.

At first, spotting is not particularly dangerous, but if the stem is damaged, the flower may die.

The most common of this group of diseases:

  • anthracnose;
  • ascochitosis;
  • red burn;
  • septoria;
  • phyllostictosis.

Anthracnose- more often affects palm trees, first brown stripes appear on the leaves, at their tips - blurring of a dark brown color.

Sometimes there are small spots that have a reddish or brown color with a gray border, gradually they begin to increase.

They are most often found in the middle of the leaf, but can be shifted to the edge.

Ascochitosis characterized by the presence of small spots, their color is brown or reddish with a brown rim. Plants from the Compositae family are more susceptible.

Red burn- in most cases, hippeastrums are susceptible to it, narrow red spots are visible on the leaves, bulb and peduncles, and spore-bearing crusts appear over time.

Flowers and leaves are deformed, flowering stops, the bulbs rot.

Septoria characterized by the formation of spots of dark gray or dark brown color with a yellow border, in some cases - small dots that have a reddish or reddish-yellow color, with time the size of the spots increases. Frequent.

In the center, the spots turn black - they contain fungal spores that can remain on the leaves all winter, despite the frost, and continue to spread in the spring.

manifested by the presence of spots that have an oval or rounded shape and a dark border on a line with a healthy part of the leaf.

Damaged tissue sometimes falls out, and holes form in the sheet.

Fusarium- represents a great danger to plants, affects flowers regardless of age.

Fusarium fungus lives in the soil, with it and through the existing wounds enters the plants.

In young flowers, the process begins with rotting of the roots, the leaves turn yellow, the stem becomes thin, the tops wither, the disease captures the entire plant. Weakened flowers are more prone to being affected by this disease.

The disease is acute (the flower dies in 5-7 days) and chronic.

Running cases don't have effective ways treatment- the flower is destroyed with roots and earth, the pots are disinfected with a 5% solution of copper sulfate.

In the initial stage of the disease, you can treat with "Benomyl" or "Vectra", and to save the plant, you can cut off the top cutting and transplant it into another pot.

To prevent the appearance of fusarium, you need to regularly ventilate the room, loosen upper layer soil, disinfect the soil.

- a disease characterized by the appearance of tubercles of orange-brown color of the tubercles. Pimple-shaped formations, round or oval, are visible on the leaves on the reverse side.

With the course of the disease spots turn into stripes, leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

For the purpose of prevention, it is important not to allow the humidity in the room to be high. If the plant is damaged, it is necessary to remove diseased leaves, treat the flower with Vectra preparations, Bordeaux mixture. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.

Treatment for spotting carried out by removing and burning diseased leaves, followed by treatment with fungicides (Vectra, Abiga-peak, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate). Processing is carried out twice in 7-10 days.

At the same time as reducing watering, stop spraying, as moisture helps the spread of the fungus. To avoid spotting in the future on flowers, it is important not to create conditions with high humidity, crowding of plants.

Flower diseases caused by bacteria

Spotting when affected by bacteria is characterized by the death of individual sections of the leaf, but the spots have blurry edges. The patches may be glassy or oily, quickly increase in size, the leaves turn yellow, dry up and die. Bacteria multiply faster in heat and high humidity.

- also the result of a bacterial infection, the tissues of the plant soften, gradually die off, instead a liquid rotten mass with an unpleasant odor is formed.

More often flowers with fleshy leaves and stems are affected, as well as bulbous and tuberous, often rotten. The rot affects leaves, roots, peduncles.

Contribute to the development of infection over watering, low temperature, overfeeding with nitrogenous fertilizers.

A diseased plant should be stopped spraying, remove affected tissues from small areas healthy, treat the plant with preparations containing copper or Bordeaux mixture.

If the treatment does not work, the plant will have to be destroyed.

There are an incredible number of different viruses, bacteria, and diseases that can infect houseplants.

Main types


There is no single symptom of a viral disease. Basically, the growth of the plant noticeably slows down, the stems begin to bend, the appearance of dull green and yellow dots or spots on the leaves. On flowers that are colored, white stripes may appear. Shortly before the houseplant goes on the market, it can be subject to infection, which is often carried by insects or it is infected while still in the greenhouse. Measures to combat viral disease doesn't exist yet. When the diagnosis is 100%, the flower must be discarded.


The appearance of dark spots on the leaves of ficuses, palm trees and some other indoor plants, which are also susceptible to the disease. Dark brown streaks may appear at the ends of the leaves. The disease develops in humid and warm conditions, so it often appears on flowers in greenhouses, greenhouses, and not in living rooms or apartments. Remove and burn the leaves that are affected by the disease, treat the infected houseplant with a fungicide, reduce watering within 10-15 days and spray the leaves less often.


A black fungus that appears in sweetish secretions that aphids leave on the leaves, mealybug and whitefly. For a plant, plaque, which is not particularly attractive in appearance, is actually very dangerous, but it clogs the stomata and blocks the light of the leaf surface, as a result of which the plant weakens and growth slows down. Sooty deposits must be washed off damp cloth, after the flower wash with clean and warm water. Precautions and control measures: in time to spray houseplants from insects that can form viscous secretions.


Especially in pelargonium, the disease of stem cuttings is manifested. As a result of infection with the well-known fungus Botryris, the base of the cutting darkens. It is advisable to quickly remove the affected stalk. The development of this indoor plant disease is mainly promoted by very high humidity or too dense soil, which prevents good drainage. The next time you plant cuttings, try to make sure that the soil that is in the pot is not excessively wet. It is not advisable to cover the cuttings with polyethylene or glass.

Root (tuber) rot

A very serious defeat, which succulents, saintpaulia, and are predominantly exposed to. Cacti have stems, the rest of the representatives have leaves, wither and turn yellow, then darken, then pets begin to die. The cause is a fungal disease of the plant root, which occurs as a result of waterlogging of the soil. It is possible to save a beloved child only at the initial stage of diagnosing the disease.

stem rot

Some part of the stem of a houseplant rots or becomes soft. The base of the stem may also be affected. As practice has shown, the fungus that causes disease spreads quickly, killing the specimen. If it has undergone a disease, it is usually thrown away with a pot. If you try to remove all the affected areas, then at the beginning of the disease you can save. It is necessary to monitor the water level in the pot and avoid excessive watering, often ventilating the room and avoiding low air temperatures.

powdery mildew

Fungal disease, which can be seen on the leaves in the form of a white coating. Diseases are quite rare, affecting the plant not so much, but reduce the decorative effect, spreading to flowers and stems. Leaves affected by dew should be removed, the plant should be sprayed with a systemic fungicide or dinocap. The second way is permanent access fresh air and pollination of leaves with sulfur.

leaf spot

The appearance of weeping brown spots on the leaves of citrus, dieffenbachia and other plants. Small spots begin to grow and begin to merge with each other, with a strong lesion, completely affecting the leaf. The disease can be of two types: bacterial and fungal. It is necessary to remove the affected leaves, which are better to burn, spray with a systemic fungicide, reduce watering for a couple of weeks and stop spraying the leaves.

Lodging of seedlings

Fungi that infect the base of the stem and the roots of seedlings. Plants fall and plant stems begin to rot and shrivel at soil level. When planting seeds, you must follow the following rules: sow seeds less often and exclusively in sterilized soil, do not overmoisten it. At the initial stage of the manifestations of the fungus, it is necessary to remove the seedlings affected by the disease, ventilate the room more often and transfer it to a fairly cool room.


The disease is very rare for ornamental plants, only pelargonium is exposed to it. The disease is round brown spots appearing from the bottom of the leaf. It is very difficult to fight the disease - the affected leaves are recommended to be removed and burned, airing the room and spraying with mancozeb. A diseased houseplant should not be propagated.

Gray rot

It looks like a fluffy gray mold, which, in stagnant air, too humid and cold conditions, can cover any part of the plant: stems, flowers, buds or leaves. Diseases are exposed to all plants that have succulent leaves. Begonias, saintpaulia and gloxinia are especially exposed to rot. It is necessary to cut and burn the affected areas of the houseplant. Get rid of moldy soil. Treat with a systemic fungicide. Significantly reduce watering and spraying. Ventilate rooms as often as possible.


The formation of hard cork growths mainly on the lower part of the leaves. This disease is not caused by bacteria or fungus - it is a consequence of too wet soil in poor lighting. Affected leaves must be removed. If the houseplant is moved to a sufficiently illuminated place, and watering is also reduced, then after a certain period it will grow young healthy leaves.

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powdery mildew(first photo). Prevention measures are spraying the plant with sulfur in the summer 3-5 times, feeding the plant with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, frequent ventilation, and avoiding sudden changes in temperature. Affected powdery mildew leaves and flowers must be removed.

To combat the lesion, spraying the plant with potassium permanganate (diluted in a ratio of 2 g of powder per ten liters of water), 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride, 1% solution of colloidal sulfur, a mixture of soap and soda (dissolve fifty grams of soda and soap in ten liters of water). Of the special biological products, you can use Topaz, Vectra, Skor.

To prevent the disease, you need to resort to frequent airing, changing bushes, disinfection, and avoid high humidity.

Control measures: removal of lightly affected leaves, spraying with Bordeaux liquid - 1% solution. Of the biological preparations, Oxyhom, Kuproksat are used. It is better to start treatment when the initial signs of damage occur. Carefully processing the underside of the sheet.

Avoid excessive watering, high humidity - the main preventive measures with this lesion. If, however, the disease has affected the plant, then it is necessary to cut off the affected parts of the plants. Spray with Topaz, Vectra, Strobi, Kuproksat. Spraying is carried out four times in ten days.

Prevention measures: frequent ventilation, disinfection of tools and pots before planting, loosening the earth. To combat the disease, the destruction of the affected plant along with the earth is used. For disinfection of pots, copper sulphate, bleach is used. If an insignificant part of the plant is affected, then they resort to treating it with Vectra and Benomyl.

Prevention: avoid high humidity, sudden changes in temperature, excessive accumulation of plants, excessive watering, darkened rooms.

Fight against defeat: cutting off the affected part of the leaf with the capture of healthy tissue, and then burning the cut leaves.

Use the following preparations for spraying: Vectra (add three ml of product in water, 10 l volume), Storby (use 4 g of product in ten liters of water), Abiga-Peak (dilute running water, with a volume of ten liters 40 - 50 g of the substance). Also, Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur, and copper sulfate help in the fight against mycosis. The treatment must be repeated after seven to ten days.

Avoid over-watering the plant, be sure to disinfect inventory and pots when working with plants susceptible to late blight (violets).

Protection measures: with a slight damage to the plant, it is removed and sprinkled with charcoal. If phytophthora is affected most of plants, it is better to burn it. You can try to treat with Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or cuproxate.

Of course, indoor plants are less likely to suffer from diseases and pests than their garden relatives, as they usually are under more scrutiny. But if they are nevertheless damaged by insects or exposed to infection, it is much more difficult to treat them, because “green pets” are more pampered and capricious, they react worse to outside interference and, especially, to the use of chemicals. Wrong location (very dark, too sunny, too cold, too warm, low humidity) improper care(too much water, lack of moisture, wrong fertilizer, unsuitable substrate) can cause bad condition plants. Unskilled care also contributes to the damage of indoor flowers by pests and diseases, the plants refuse to bloom, wither, and, in the end, die. Enemies, as they say, you need to know in person. Therefore, check out the photos and names of diseases and pests of indoor plants, learn about the causes of damage and how to get rid of these insects and infections.

Diseases of indoor flowers: photos, causes and methods of struggle

In this section of the article, you will learn how to deal with some houseplant diseases and see what the symptoms look like.

Brown edges of leaves

Causes: excess or lack of water, excess soil that has lost its suitability, dry air. Control measures: optimize care, increase air humidity.

twisted leaves

Causes: low air humidity, dry land. Root damage can also cause this plant disease. Control measures: optimize care, if necessary.

Pale leaves (chlorosis)

In plants that prefer acidic soil, such as azalea and spurge. The leaf veins are still green. Causes: hard water, iron deficiency. Control measures: soften the water, add an iron preparation to the water.

Light spots on the leaves

Causes: temperature fluctuations, too cold or too warm water. Humidification in the sun (for example, in the uzambar violet). Control measures: change location, optimize care, water from below.

powdery mildew

Symptoms: powdery coating from white to dirty brown on both sides of the leaves. Causes: fungus spores. As you can see in the photo, you can fight this disease of indoor plants with the help of fungicides:

Control measures: for prevention, spray with infusion of horsetail. Remove diseased leaves.

gray mold

Symptoms: gray-brown coating on leaves, petioles or flowers. Causes: unsuitable for spraying or cold water too high humidity. Control measures: remove diseased parts of the plant, reduce air humidity, put in a brighter place.

Bacteria and viruses

Bacterial soft rot occurs in alpine violet and house calla. Symptoms: rot at the base of the stem. As shown in the photo, with this disease of indoor flowers, if there is no proper treatment, the rot spreads throughout the plant:

Control measures: No.

mosaic virus

First of all, it affects orchids, gloxinia, hippeastrum. Symptoms: light green and dark green spots. Control measures: No. Reset of the kidneys is most often caused by a violation water balance. Either the plant has experienced a lack of moisture, or, as a result of excessive use, the roots are so damaged that they cannot absorb and transport a sufficient amount of moisture. Some plants, such as stephanotis or camellia, shed their buds even when the location changes dramatically. Premature shedding of flowers is also a consequence of a change in place of growth and is especially evident when the plant is not hardened enough. Inactive flowering may be due to genetic factors (some varieties bloom less than others) or a lack of phosphorus, a violation of the dormant period, or improper wintering. Cracked pedicels are considered the result of irregular watering. This can lead to tension in the tissues and rupture of the shoots. Rotting flowers or buds indicate gray mold infestation. These photos show the symptoms of some indoor plant diseases:

Pests of indoor plants: photos, causes and control measures

The most favorable time for pests of indoor flowers is the end of the heating period. Lack of light and dry air in a heated room put plants at risk of pest damage. During this period, spider mites and aphids appear especially often on plants. Summer and autumn are the season for whiteflies. The best prevention is care that meets the needs of plants. Choose the most suitable locations. In addition, you should devote more time to observing plants. First of all, pay attention to the underside of the leaves. In this case, it is often possible to detect a disease or pests in the initial stage of the lesion. Sick plants should be isolated to avoid spreading the infection to other specimens.

Spider mites

Symptoms: cobwebs under and between leaves. Causes: too dry air. Control measures: increase air humidity, use a warm shower, add predatory mites. Also, special preparations are used to combat these pests of indoor flowers.

soft-bodied mites

Symptoms: twisted leaves, cessation of growth. Causes: infection, which is promoted by heat and high humidity. Control measures: reduce temperature and humidity. Parts of indoor plants affected by this pest must be removed and destroyed.


Symptoms: silvery strokes on the leaves. Look at the photo - when indoor flowers are affected by this pest, brownish traces of the introduction of sucking insects appear on the underside of the leaves:

Causes: dry air. Control measures: warm shower. Traps for insects, predatory mites, insecticides.


Symptoms: small white flies on the underside of the leaves. Causes: infection from other plants. Control measures: lower the temperature, since the tropical insect does not tolerate coolness. Also, traps, riders and insecticides are used to combat this pest of indoor plants.

Symptoms: sticky leaves, leaf deformation. Causes: draft, open windows spring, too dry air. Control measures: warm shower, golden eyes, predatory gall midges, ichneumons, insecticides.


Symptoms: brown shields under which insects sit. Pay attention to the photo - indoor plants affected by these pests shed their leaves:

Causes: too dry and warm air. Pest control measures: put indoor plants in a cooler and brighter place. Remove shields. To get rid of these indoor plant pests as quickly as possible, you need to use insecticides. For hard-leaved home crops, use white mineral oil or leaf shine spray.

Felt and mealybugs

Symptoms: cotton-like formations, especially in the axils and on the underside of the leaves. Bad growth. Causes: too dry air. Control measures with these insect pests of indoor plants are the same as in the fight against scale insects.


Symptoms: glassy or brown spots limited by leaf veins. Dropping leaves. Causes: infection promoted by moisture on the leaves. Control measures: remove diseased leaves and destroy. Keep the leaves dry. Here you can see photos of the main diseases and pests of indoor plants:

Changes that occur with the leaves of plants indicate the presence of pests, diseases or care errors. healthy leaf durable, with flawless edges and tip. Pay attention to metamorphoses and take action. Leaves are the life nerve of a plant and are therefore the best indicator of the presence of pests and diseases. Sometimes buds and flowers are also damaged. The main causes of such damage should be known. Pale colors of flowers indicate an excess sunlight. Deformed or broken flowers indicate the presence of pests, such as aphids.

How to get rid of indoor plant pests: flower protection methods

There are several ways to deal with houseplant pests. Some of the most effective are mechanical protection, biotechnical methods and the use of chemicals. How to get rid of pests on indoor plants using mechanical protection:
  • Carry out the removal of the affected parts of the plant.
  • Carry out pest removal, including washing them in the shower.
  • Immerse the above-ground parts of the affected plant in warm water with a small amount detergent. The pot must first be placed in a plastic bag and tied on top.
Biological methods of control are the use of beneficial insects, For example:
  • Riders against whiteflies,
  • Predatory mites against spider mites and fringe-winged,
  • Predatory gall midges, golden eyes or riders against aphids.
Beneficial insects are the most effective tool when hit a large number of plants, and the air is not too warm and dry. The ideal is considered to be a temperature of about 20 ° C, and at 27 ° C and above, success is in question. Biotechnical control methods use the natural reactions of pests to physical or chemical stimuli:
  • The yellow plates are glue-covered insect traps that attract with their bright color mining flies, whiteflies, sciarids and other flying pests.
  • In the “plant bath”, due to the very high humidity of the air, spider mites are destroyed. To do this, water the plant well and place it in a transparent plastic bag. Beware, rot! Plants with soft leaves such processing is not tolerated.
  • Oily products such as white oil clog Airways insects. Sprays for leaf shine work in a similar way.
Do not take pesticides right away. In many cases, the same effect can be obtained using completely harmless means. Chemicals should only be used as a last resort. If you have to use chemicals, then the following rules must be observed:
  • Follow the directions for use and dosage on the package.
  • Follow recommended spray intervals to eliminate new generations of pests.
  • Do not use sprays that are harmful to the environment.
  • Treat plants only outdoors.
  • Wear gloves and do not inhale sprays.
  • Store plant protection products in the closed original packaging, out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Don't keep leftovers chemicals, their effectiveness is quickly lost. Do not dispose of chemicals with normal household waste, but take them to special waste collection points.

There are a variety of diseases of indoor flowers, some of them are complex, requiring a special approach in treatment and preventive measures in the future. Rust - a disease of indoor plants - a rare, but dangerous, capable of destroying a flower. The name of this flower disease is explained appearance lesions: red and brown spots appear on the leaves of domestic plants, slightly convex and as if fleecy. Actually, it's a fungus. Treatment of home flowers affected by it is long and complicated. Be sure to reconsider the conditions in which the plant is located, and the scheme of care.

Ficus, completely infected with rust, is very difficult to cure.

Rust on plants is not so difficult to recognize, the signs of this disease are specific, they cannot be confused or missed.

  1. First, rust appears on the leaves and on the stems of house flowers. It looks like yellow-brown or red-brown raised spots. various sizes and forms.
  2. The spots increase in size, swell and form pustules. The leaves of diseased plants evaporate moisture intensively, the pustules quickly dry out, crack and burst. A “rusty” powder is poured out of them, which poses a serious threat to neighboring healthy plants. These are fungal spores that quickly spread through the air throughout the flower garden.
  3. Then the spores completely cover the entire surface of the leaf and stems, appear on the flowers. Plants change color, become brown or brown.
  4. Then indoor flowers begin to dry and lose leaves, if treatment is not started, the plants will die.

However, even if you start taking action, it is not always possible to save indoor plants from the disease. Therefore, it is better not to allow its appearance and development.

It is important to know: at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees above zero, the incubation period of the disease lasts up to 20 days. If the temperature is above 18 degrees, then the incubation period is reduced to 7-14 days.

Reasons for the appearance

Rust is a fungal disease, and the fungus, as you know, loves to settle where it is humid, warm and dark. From this we can conclude that rust appears on plants if they are watered too often and abundantly, not ventilated and kept in the shade, away from direct sun rays or phytolamps.

It is especially dangerous to fill houseplants with water in winter period. Many flowers in the cold season fall into a dormant state until spring, they do not need frequent watering, as well as mineral supplements. If, in addition to this, the pot is near the battery, you should not be surprised at the appearance of such a plant disease.

Over-watering houseplants can lead to rust infestation.

Also, the development of the fungus can provoke the abuse of mineral fertilizers rich in nitrogen. In winter, they are not needed at all. And during the growing season and flowering of plants, you should strictly follow the instructions and do not make too high a concentration of fertilizer.

If the plant pots are on outdoor terrace, veranda or on the balcony, then the spores of the fungus can be carried by the wind or insects. Sometimes seeds are already infected with rust. It is difficult to recognize this, often impossible at all. This is one of the reasons why the seeds should be treated with potassium permanganate before sowing. As well as containers with soil in which they will land.

Which indoor plants are affected more often than others?

In principle, rust can appear on houseplants of any kind. But certain varieties of fungus love more than others. In addition, there are house flowers that are more sensitive to fungus spores and are unable to fight it. The following ornamental crops should be protected from moisture and overheating with special care:

  • camellia;
  • fuchsia;
  • Carnation;
  • cyclamen;
  • pelargonium;
  • the Rose;
  • geranium;
  • chrysanthemum.

A cameo sheet damaged by rust is no longer subject to treatment.

This fungus loves to settle on such horticultural crops, like asparagus and citrus shrubs, it often infects palms of various species.

Treat and prevent disease

In most cases, the flower garden suffers from rust due to the fault of the owners themselves - this means that they do not properly care for their plants. In order to prevent the formation and spread of the fungus in the spring, all flowers should be treated with a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture.

What to do if a fungus nevertheless settled on the plant and its leaves began to rust? First of all, it is important to prevent infection of neighboring plants, even if the diseased flower can no longer be saved. Therefore, a sick flower must be immediately taken to a hotel room. Affected leaves break off every single one, even if there are only a few small specks of rust on them. Then they need to be burned away from the flower garden.

Bordeaux mixture is used to control rust on indoor and garden plants.

The flower itself can be treated with the same Bordeaux mixture. Or use sulfur dust. You can also prepare such a disinfectant mixture yourself:

  • heat 5 liters of purified water;
  • dissolve 200 g of green soap in water;
  • add 15 g of copper sulfate.

The room in which the potted plant is located must be well ventilated several times a day, and it is better to keep the window open at all times. Neither dry air nor high humidity should be allowed.

It is important to water the plant properly. The liquid should be added to the pan or to the ground, but so that the water gets under the root, and not on the leaves and flowers of the plant. If top dressing is used, then preference should be given to preparations containing potassium and phosphorus.

Copper sulfate is a component of a spray preparation that you can prepare yourself.

Beginner gardeners often confuse rust with any red spots on plant leaves and start spraying the flower garden with various fungicides. As a result, many plants die from an improperly applied remedy. Therefore, if there is a suspicion that a plant is affected by a fungus, you should either familiarize yourself with high-quality photos of the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, or invite a knowledgeable person to inspect the plants and diagnose.

At different colors and crops, rust can also manifest itself in different ways. On some flowers, it develops faster, on others it grows very slowly, for weeks and months. In any case, you need to treat the plant, the most important points in this process - ensuring a constant supply of fresh air and removing the affected parts of the flower. Treatment with a disinfectant solution is recommended to be repeated 10-12 days after the first spraying.

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