Trade in plastic windows. How to open your store

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Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

I want to tell you my story. I am Maxim Tereshkov, producer plastic windows in Saratov. I decided to create my own business, as I am well versed in this production. As an office, I bought a room on the first floor of a local supermarket, which used to be a mobile phone shop. And the production itself is located in a rented workshop in the industrial zone.

We create a business plan for the production and installation of plastic windows

Creating a window business, I already knew exactly what would come of it. I used to work for a PVC window company myself. I started from the very bottom - handing out leaflets advertising the company where I worked at the time.

Then I started installing windows for customers, but my ambitions simply tore me apart. And so after 3 years I decided to open my own business. After all, the moment has come when plastic windows were gaining popularity, plus this is real income and you are no longer a simple worker, but the owner of a company.

At that time, I knew only superficially about the production of windows. In addition to a huge desire and ambition, I had nothing else. I knew for sure that in order to build a business correctly and not be at a loss, you need a good business plan.

Without it, a novice entrepreneur is simply nowhere. Without a business plan, you don’t know how much money you need to start, how much material you need to purchase, what criteria to choose personnel, what equipment should be in production, and many other little things for business that I didn’t know about before.

During modern technologies, it will not be difficult to download a ready-made business plan from the Internet. Which is what I did, by the way. I downloaded six business plans.

Firstly, it is worth noting that not all of them are the first freshness, which means that they are not accurate in the calculations today. Secondly, I found a lot of errors and inconsistencies, after which I concluded that free cheese is only in mousetraps.

What to do? After all, ordering a ready-made business plan from a specialist, at that time, was a very expensive pleasure for me.

Buying a working business plan is really not very cheap.

And even more so if it is made to order. The only option left was to buy a business plan template for the production of plastic windows. The best argument was that a business plan template would cost me only a couple of hundred rubles.

Naturally, I had to work on the template.

In order to save money, I decided to do everything myself. First of all, I recalculated all the calculations, putting down today's prices to the corresponding items in the template.

Changed the item of expenses, as the office building had already been purchased.

I got the final result with the help of my wife, she is an economist by education and knows a little about business plans. That's it, you're done!

For an individual business plan, you don’t need so much: buy a business plan template for a “ridiculous” price, correct some data, not without outside help, and get a ready-made business plan.

And now my business is booming. I have a team of real experts at my disposal. If we talk about numbers, then the average monthly turnover of the enterprise is 2 million rubles.

Excluding all expenses, I receive 300 thousand rubles a month. It’s even scary to imagine what could have happened to my enterprise if I hadn’t bought a business plan template that helped me so much in developing production.

Production of PVC windows

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the plastic windows business plan:

Inexpensive business plan for the production of plastic windows

Let's get acquainted with the business plan of the enterprise for the production and operation of plastic windows. To create a full-fledged and developing company, you need initial capital in the amount of 9,410,000 rubles, which you will receive by applying for a loan. The project will be implemented over 2 years.

The company produces window and door structures and also provides a range of services. This is the manufacture and installation of windows, the production of glazing for balconies, wholesale and retail sales, Finishing work and much more. Usually the company has a lot of offers, this is due to high competition.

Starting a business and documents

To get started, you will need: legal registration of the company, premises for office and production, sketches of the products you are going to manufacture, suppliers of the material needed for your products, personnel and a good marketing company.

The premises of the working workshop must be at least 200 square meters, without fail equipped with all necessary communications. Make up detailed description windows, doors and other manufactured products.

Create price lists for easy ordering. Provide appropriate programs for computers in your office.

For each type of product, there is a % of waste that must be taken into account in preliminary calculations. It is worth planning production volumes based on existing orders, or on sales volumes in previous quarters.

All materials, as a rule, are supplied by 3 firms. A company that manufactures double-glazed windows, a company that imports the plastic profile itself and a company that supplies fittings.

Costs for equipment, advertising and more

The company must be ready to fixed costs: materials, electrical, utilities, advertising, taxes, and wage workers.

The staff must be selected very scrupulously. It is desirable that your employees already have experience in this field. Qualified staff is the key to the success of the company!

Based on research data, the number of window manufacturing enterprises per consumer market is constantly growing, the customer base has remained the same. This indicates the need to conduct a high-quality and effective advertising campaign. Advertising can find its place on television, on the Internet, newspapers and magazines, billboards, booklets and the like.

Organization of production

For window production special equipment and tools. For example: several types of saws for different materials, face milling machine, automatic screwdriver, drill, milling machine, plastic welding, stripping machine, compressor, etc.

Usually, replacement parts are included with new devices. From additional tools tables and racks, carts, suction cups for glass, special clothing for staff, office equipment, a couple of trucks and other small tools that will be needed in the work will come in handy.

In spite of high level risk, your turnover will be 115484204.4 rubles. Monthly expenses are equal to 565545 rubles. Total net income is 72180310.61 rubles. Due to the demand for products, the company is promising and profitable.

Format: Word (RAR) Volume: 35 pages

Business plan

Reviews (4)

In the presented business plan for the production of plastic windows, you will find good advice and mathematical calculations, you can familiarize yourself with marketing plan and evaluate the risks of the undertaking. Window manufacturing is still a mobile and growing business that still has room for small companies. A variety of fittings, metal-plastic, double-glazed windows - all these window components should still be properly assembled and installed window structure. At correct installation, the window can last up to 50 years, while the wind will not penetrate into the cracks, and the double-glazed windows will protect from the cold.

Quality document on the organization of production pvc windows will allow to establish the work of the enterprise where windows will be manufactured or assembled. Austrian, German, French manufacturers have already conquered the market of fittings and metal-plastic for a long time. By taking components from well-known brands, and creating a quality product, you can make a tangible profit. AT small towns the population is just switching to metal-plastic window structures, this is a large sales market. At the same time, you should think not only about the manufacture of windows, but also about their installation for customers.

AT this document you will find a variety of advice and recommendations from specialists in organizing the sale of plastic windows, evaluate the profitability and payback period of the enterprise. You will need a staff of workers: assemblers, fitters, often you even need the services of industrial mountaineering specialists. But the final result is worth careful preparation, because excellent windows not only become the eyes of the house, they also protect their owners, and they look visually attractive. Metal-plastic structures are quite easy to maintain and wash, it is only necessary to call specialists once a year to check the fasteners. And this is an occasion to think about launching an additional unit, whose specialists will be able to carry out repair work further.

The development and profitability of the window business depends on many nuances, and not the last place in this series is the problem of sales. finished products. It is one thing to produce windows, but it is much more important to realize them. The promotion of products such as plastic windows has its own characteristics, which are important to consider when creating a new company.

Entering this sector of the market, one should not forget about the pronounced seasonality of this type of business. In winter, for the business associated with plastic windows, there comes an almost dead season. And, no matter how hard you try, what money you spend on advertising, the output will be minimal. The period of active sales begins around mid-spring and lasts until mid-autumn. It is for this season that the full load of production should fall.

Even if the window business is related to you, it is not recommended to slow down such an issue as product sales. The production costs of windows are extremely high, and only a competent sales strategy can pay for them.

Only with a stable load will production be profitable - any entrepreneur understands this. But in order to avoid downtime, it is important to sell products in a timely manner. It is the right marketing that is the key to your success. And you should not spare money for this direction.

For most window companies, the main source of orders is the Internet. According to experts, this type of advertising is much more effective than placing ads in print media, although this method should not be completely neglected either. A successful example of an advertisement for high-quality plastic windows can attract enough a large number of buyers. In order to advertise your activities on the network, you need to get your own website, promote it, fill it with interesting texts so that potential customers can get all necessary information, and if you wish, place an order directly on the site. In addition, the site must contain photos of samples. plastic windows produced in your production.

Another source of orders is the direct acquaintance of people with the products of the enterprise, which can be exhibited in shopping malls, building stores, at specialized exhibitions. In order to become noticeable against the background of numerous competitors, the company must have a catchy and memorable name, as well as a logo. Samples of logos of window companies are best ordered by experienced specialists, since only professionals can take into account all your wishes.

Lack of experience encourages novice businessmen to study various specialized forums, someone is looking for answers in magazines dedicated to the window business. But the best source of information for an entrepreneur is professional business plan production of plastic windows, in which the mass is concentrated useful information. After studying and analyzing it, you will understand what the window business is and what you can expect from the current season.

The window business does not tolerate amateurism, so an entrepreneur who decides to take such a responsible step needs to carefully prepare. First of all, you should study the situation on the window production market in a particular region, get acquainted with the existing technologies, find out how window blocks what are their characteristics. In addition, it is important to analyze the range of products that your potential competitors offer.

In this businessman will be greatly assisted by the Internet, where you can find a lot of useful information on specialized window sites. For a window business, an entrepreneur will need a solid initial capital. If there are some problems with finances, then it is recommended to start on a smaller scale, for example, focus on intermediary services.

There is another option that allows you to reduce the cost of creating a window selling business - dealership. In the window business, the representation of such firms is the most numerous.

In the metalwork window business, you don't have to start out on a large scale right away. As a rule, many start-up entrepreneurs simply do not have enough money for this. One of the options for entering the window business is to provide intermediary services, for example, installation work. To start this activity, an entrepreneur will only need 500-700 dollars, which will be required to purchase Supplies and tools. But the profitability of this type of business can be questioned, since many PVC window manufacturers also provide installation services.

But if you are determined to open your first window factory in the future, then it is better to become a dealer. The main income of the entrepreneur in this case consists of discounts on bulk orders, which is approximately 20%. The business of dealership today is home to tens of thousands of small firms, many of which then grow into full-scale window manufacturing.

There are several even smaller areas, such as the restoration of old windows, as well as the delivery of metal-plastic structures. It is possible to make money in such niches, but with the development of the business it will be much more difficult. Whichever way you decide to go, you cannot do without a competent business plan for the production of plastic windows. The advice of experienced professionals will help a businessman understand where to start a window business. This document contains the maximum Full description window production. You will learn how important it is to make a competent comparison window profiles how to open a business on windows without making embarrassing mistakes.

There are several options for getting into a window business. If you plan to get by with minimal initial investment, then it would be more appropriate to engage in intermediary services. Such a business as the production of full-cycle PVC windows will cost a much more substantial amount - at least $100,000. Most of the major players in this sector of the market started as a small business, providing dealer services, gradually developing and growing into a full-fledged manufacturing company.

Before organizing the production of windows, you should decide which models you will focus on, since it directly depends on what equipment you will need for your plastic window production workshops. Some entrepreneurs prefer to master the production of PVC and aluminum windows, which are more familiar to the consumer, while others plan to do business on wooden windows. There is also a direction that is quite exotic for our country - the manufacture of fiberglass windows.

Each of these industries can be found both certain advantages and obvious disadvantages. And what exactly you will be guided by depends not only on the amount of initial capital, but also on the goals that you set for yourself.

The purchase of a minimum set of equipment necessary for the manufacture of plastic windows will require an amount of 20-25 thousand dollars. Organize your production of windows from pvc is better just start in the winter, so that with the onset of warm days, you can already be active. In this case, you will be able to recoup the invested funds to the maximum short time. It is important to correctly choose a supplier of equipment, the most famous of which are German and Italian companies.

There is no reason to save here, since the quality of the final product directly depends on the quality of the machines.

When organizing the work of such a business as window production, it must be borne in mind that this type of activity requires obtaining an appropriate license, as well as certificates for all products that will be produced in your workshops. This will require additional costs, but by ignoring these requirements, you risk losing much more.

Is it profitable or not to open your own business for the manufacture of window metal structures - this question worries every novice entrepreneur. And it is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since many factors influence the final result. The advantage is on the side of those entrepreneurs who do not neglect such a document as a professional business plan for the production of plastic windows.

Only after studying this most important financial document, a businessman will be able to understand how important it is to determine the characteristics of consumer behavior in the window systems market.

In this article:

Today, not a single construction of new facilities is complete without PVC windows, in addition, all more people want to replace old wooden windows with metal-plastic structures. Due to the high demand for products, more and more entrepreneurs want to organize their own production of PVC windows. Such companies can benefit from competitors who offer products from leading manufacturers, but fulfill orders within long terms. Therefore, in this material, we will carry out the calculation of economic feasibility for a small enterprise for the production of plastic windows.

Organization of an enterprise for the manufacture of PVC windows

When opening an enterprise for the production of PVC windows, it is necessary to submit an application to the USRIP, in which you need to indicate the main OKVED codes:

  • 25.23 - Manufacture of plastic products that are used in construction;
  • 45.42 - Production of joinery and carpentry;
  • 51.53.24 – Wholesale building materials;
  • 45.44.1 - Production of glass works.

After registering OKVED codes, you need to submit an application to the tax office to register a UTII payer. Therefore, the activity for the production of metal-plastic structures will be common system taxation, and the entrepreneur will need to accrue and pay personal income tax and VAT. During pre-production, all certification tests must be carried out. They will confirm the high quality of products, the possibility of its use in certain climatic conditions.

These tests can be carried out both in Russia - for compliance with the requirements of the Building Code, GOST and SNiP standards, and in Germany - for compliance with DIN and color palette RAL.

Obtaining a certificate of conformity for plastic windows from 2010 to 2011 was a mandatory procedure. It was carried out in order to confirm the quality of windows to the requirements GOST 30674-99.

This procedure has now been replaced declaration. Certification tests are still carried out, but in accordance with the mandatory clauses of regulatory documentation.

Also, in order to sell PVC windows, an entrepreneur must obtain Gosstroy license and sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

PVC window production technology

The production process for the manufacture of plastic windows includes the following steps:

1. Profile cutting

At this stage, it performs cutting of metal profile and PVC rods. The quality of the finished product largely depends on the level of execution of this operation, therefore, close attention should be paid to observing the cutting plane and the location of the profile whips. Cutting of blanks is carried out in accordance with the order form and taking into account the margin for welding (5-6 mm). - cutting of plastic profile. The frame and sash profiles are cut with a saw at an angle of 45°. Bay windows, stand profiles, imports are cut at an angle of 90 °, taking into account the reserves on each side (2.5-6 mm). - cutting of the reinforcing profile is carried out on a special saw at an angle of 90°.

2. Milling drainage channels

To compensate for wind pressure and remove excess moisture drainage holes are made in the sash, impost and frame. The location of these holes should be in accordance with the profile supplier's recommendations.

The holes should be oblong and made with a special tool or on a drainage machine.

3. Fixing a metal profile in a plastic one

We place a metal profile in a special chamber for the plastic profile blank and fix it with self-tapping screws. This operation can be carried out using a manual screwdriver or an automatic screwdriver.

4. Milling holes for the lock of the main constipation and for the handle

To install the fittings, you must first make the appropriate holes. This operation is carried out on a copy-milling machine.

5. Milling the ends of the mullion

To install the impost in a frame or sash, it is necessary to properly process the edges of the workpiece. This action is performed on a face milling machine. Further, the impost is attached to the sash or frame using mechanical connectors.

6. Welding PVC windows.

During welding, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the temperature of the welded knife should be 230-250°;
  • carefully treat the surface of the knife;
  • seam heating time - from 25 to 40 seconds;
  • seam welding time - from 25 to 40 sec.

Before placing the workpieces on the welding machine, it is necessary to make sure that they are clean, as dust, metal shavings or PVC impair the quality of welding. After the completion of this operation, a visual quality control of the weld is carried out.

7. Cleaning corners of metal-plastic products - removal of weld overlay

This operation can be performed manually or special machine. The automatic machine cuts the overlap from the front surface of the profile with special knives, then the cutter cleans the end surface of the profile.

A special cutter is selected for each type of profile!

8. Installation of sealing rubber

The immersion of the sealing rubber into the groove must be started from the middle of the upper crossbar. Rubber is manually placed in the groove so that it does not stretch. It is necessary to dock the seal using a special glue.

9. Window structure assembly operations include installation of mullions and fittings

After installing the fittings, it is necessary to place the sash on the frame and insert the rebate inserts, gaskets under the double-glazed window.

10. Cutting glazing beads

A glazing bead is a contour that is needed to fasten a double-glazed window in a sash or frame. Actions for cutting glazing beads are carried out on a special saw, sometimes on a pendulum saw.

At the end of the production process, you need to put a double-glazed window into the sash or frame, and hammer the glazing beads into special grooves. This operation can be carried out on a glazing stand. After that, the window is ready for installation.

The largest factories in Russia have automated PVC window production line, on which full cycle production. For example, in a factory Kaleva There is not only an assembly shop and a complex of production equipment, but also an extrusion line.

PVC window production equipment

Since today PVC windows are in demand and are presented in a wide variety, there is no shortage of equipment supply. Turkish lines are in the greatest demand in the equipment market. trademarks- Yilmaz, NISSAN, KABAN and Nikmak, as well as machine tools and tools of domestic manufacturers.

The list of equipment for the manufacture of plastic windows includes:

  • Single and double head slicing saws PVC profiles and reinforcement;
  • roller tables;
  • PVC welding machines;
  • Copy-milling machines;
  • Saws for cutting a reinforcing profile;
  • Corner cleaning machines;
  • Machines for milling the end face of the impost;
  • Saws for cutting glazing beads;
  • Punching saws;
  • Bending machines;
  • Glazing stands;
  • Hoods;
  • washing machines;
  • Extruders;
  • Demineralizers;
  • Mounting lifting devices.

PVC window production business plan

Features of the choice of premises

The area of ​​the premises directly depends on the volume of production. The company plans to produce standard double-leaf windows with dimensions of 1400*1200. To open a workshop for the production of PVC windows, which will produce 20 structures per shift, a room of 200 sq. m. It is worth remembering that the ceiling height must be more than 3 meters.

Nearby there should be a warehouse of finished products.

Machine tools for the manufacture of metal-plastic structures will not be able to work without electricity. The supply voltage must be 380V/50Hz. Optimum temperature indoors - 18 ° C, otherwise the production technology may be violated.

Also in the room should be created good system ventilation. Special attention should be given to the creation of a lighting system. Throughout the workshop is done general lighting, and for some areas - local "light".


To organize a small enterprise for the production of PVC windows, you need to hire about 10 people and install a special program.

Such a program, with the least errors, will calculate the cost of metal-plastic structures and provide all the information necessary for production.


The production process must be controlled production manager, and the chief technologist will be able to check whether the finished product meets the generally accepted standards and customer requirements? He must also distribute tasks between workers and control the technological process.

The enterprise must have engineer who will monitor the operation of the equipment and, if necessary, eliminate breakdowns. The staff of workers must be hired at least 7 people, of which one must be a storekeeper who receives or sends goods. Optimal scheme organizations production line and the composition of production sites are displayed below.

Capital expenditures

To open a PVC window factory with a capacity of 20 finished products for the shift it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • Double-head saw with frontal drive of the disk - 372,000 rubles;
  • Corner cleaning machine (Yilmaz CA) -225,000 rubles;
  • Face milling machine (Yilmaz km-212) - 30,000 rubles;
  • Two-head welding machine - 411,600 rubles;
  • Equipment for cutting reinforcement - 9000 rubles;
  • Copy-milling machine (Yilmaz FR-225) - 106,400 rubles;
  • Remezza compressor - 26,000 rubles;
  • Machine for creating drainage holes - 86,000 rubles;
  • Automatic saw for cutting plastic glazing beads - 99,600 rubles;

Total cost complete set equipment is 1,365,000 rubles.

The cost of delivery and installation of equipment - 50,000 rubles;

Other expenses (for obtaining a license, certificates) - 50,000 rubles.

Total capital costs: 1,465,000 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of materials for the production of PVC windows

The cost of materials that are necessary for the manufacture of double-glazed windows

Consumption rate, unit cost of materials, financial expenses(rub.) based on 1 square. production meter:

  • Glass (C-300 rubles/sq.m.): cost rate - 2 sq.m. m; cost of consumption - 600 rubles;
  • Shell (S-100 rub./m): cost rate - 4 m; cost of consumption - 400 rubles;
  • Butyl (C-35 rubles / kg): cost rate - 0.1 kg / sq. m; cost of consumption - 3.5 rubles;
  • Other consumables per 1 sq. meter of production - 200 rubles.

Total production costs for 1 sq. meters of double-glazed windows - 1203.5 rubles.

The cost of materials that are needed to create a metal-plastic structure:

  • PVC profile (S-1000 rubles / m): cost rate - 0.5 m / sq. m; cost of consumption - 500 rubles;
  • Rolled metal (С-582.5 rubles / m): cost rate - 1 m / sq. m; cost of consumption - 582.5 rubles;
  • Accessories and other consumables - 2000 rubles.

Total: 3082.5 rubles/sq. m.

The total cost of materials for the manufacture of 1 square. meters of products - 4,286 rubles.

Material costs per month: 22 shifts * 20 finished products * 1.68 sq. m * 4,286 rubles = 3,168,000 rubles.

Monthly income for the month (including the price of the finished product - 9,500 rubles): 22 shifts * 20 units of finished products * 9,500 rubles = 4,180,000 rubles

Fixed monthly costs

  • Rent production premises and warehouse - 50,000 rubles;
  • Utility payments - 25,000 rubles;
  • Salary of workers (10 people) - 100,000 rubles;
  • The cost of materials and components for production - 3,168,000 rubles.

Total costs per month: 3,343,000 rubles.

Income tax (20%) - 167,400 rubles.

Total expenses: 3,510,400 rubles.

Profitability and profit

Net profit: 4,180,000 - 3,510,400 \u003d 669,600 rubles.

The profitability of the enterprise for the production of PVC windows will be 19.07%.

With a net profit of 669,600 rubles per month, the payback period will be 1 year and 9 months. But, these calculations are indicative and a novice entrepreneur must remember that with high competition, it will be necessary to increase costs and include an additional item - the cost of an advertising campaign. As a result, the payback period may increase.

Even though many have already replaced the old windows in their apartments with new ones (often relatively inexpensive PVC plastic windows, less often - high-quality wooden euro-windows), even more of those who have not done this yet. In addition, in almost all regions, the construction boom is reviving, which means that every new house or apartment will require window installation.

That is why the opening of a private firm or company for window installation- a great and very promising idea for a business.

It is worth noting that opening a company for the production and installation of windows is not an easy and rather capital-intensive business. First, you need to have sufficient start-up capital, as the equipment for the production of double-glazed windows is quite expensive. Secondly, the level of competition in this market segment is quite high.

Before start a window installation company, you need to carefully study the situation in the market and draw up a competent business plan. Below we offer typical business plan window manufacturing companies.

Proposed window installation business plan is type specimen finished business plan and can be used by you in the future to develop own business plan for the production and installation of PVC windows and wooden windows.

Typical business plan for a window installation company

Overview section
This business plan involves the creation of a company for the installation of plastic and wooden windows.
Organizational and legal form of business organization - individual entrepreneur. This will help to minimize taxes and simplify the conduct of business, since private individuals will be the main customers. However, if you plan to work with legal entities, it is recommended to register a limited liability company.
The degree of success of the project is assessed as quite high, since, despite the high level of competition in the window production and installation segment, there are also quite a lot of potential customers.

Description of the enterprise
It is assumed that the company will be engaged in the manufacture, sale and installation of plastic windows, balcony modules, as well as other prefabricated plastic structures.

Description of services
The company will carry out the installation, installation and maintenance of plastic and wooden windows, balcony modules, plastic structures, as well as other additional services.

Market analysis
In this section, it is necessary to give a detailed description of the market for the sale and installation of plastic and wooden windows of your locality. You should identify possible mistakes and shortcomings in the business of your competitors in order to avoid them later. In addition, it is necessary to develop a strategy for promoting your product (service, brand).

Production plan
The first step in organizing a window installation company is to find or build suitable premises for its operation.
The main one is the production shop. If you plan to build a room, build it taking into account the possible expansion of the business. If you plan to rent a room, choose the area based on your immediate needs.
The second room is the sales office, where contracts will be concluded and services will be sold. The sales office should be located in as crowded a place as possible, while production shops can be taken out of town.
The next step will be the purchase of equipment for the manufacture of plastic profiles. To date, there are a lot of manufacturers and suppliers of such equipment, so the choice should be made based on availability and the ratio "price - quality".
The cost of equipment ranges from 150 thousand to 1.5 million rubles, depending on the performance and configuration (there are, however, more expensive huge lines).
After purchasing and installing the equipment, you will need to hire staff to work in workshops and offices. For stable work you will need:
- line maintenance workers - 4-8 people
- measurers, installers of finished products - 4-8 people
- drivers - 2 people
- office-manager-receiver of orders - 2 people
- accountant - 1 person
The next step in the development of the company will be an advertising company to promote its services to the market. Here you can resort to the services of specialists or develop and conduct an advertising campaign on your own.
By the way, one of the interesting and working solutions in this area is advertising on structures already installed by your company (balconies, windows, pavilions, etc.).

Sales plan
Sales of finished products are planned to be carried out through our own sales office, as well as by attracting customers and partners through various advertising media (including the Internet). In order to sell services via the Internet and improve the company's image, the company's own website for the production and installation of windows will be created.

Window installation company financial plan
In this section, it is necessary to give a clear description of the company's income and expenses. Sample financial plan:
- rent of premises for the workshop (250.000 rubles per year)
- sales office rental (100,000 rubles per year)
- purchase of equipment (1.500.000 rubles)
- staff salary (2.000.000 rubles per year)
- cars (500.000 rubles)
- advertising company (100.000 rubles)
- purchase of consumables (1.000.000 rubles)
Total: 5.450.000 rubles of expenses for the first year of operation.
- installation and sale of windows - 2.500.000 rubles per year
- sale of balcony modules - 2.800.000 rubles per year
- sale and installation of plastic structures - 3.000.000 rubles per year
Total: 8.300.000 rubles in the first year of work.

As seen from financial plan, the payback of a window production and installation company is less than one year, however, it should be remembered that this business still requires sufficient start-up capital.

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