How to earn money by being able to fry pancakes. How to open a pancake shop from scratch in a small town

Landscaping and planning 12.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Delicious and appetizing pancakes have always been in consumer demand in catering establishments. different types. Thanks to such popularity among the population, Russian pancakes have become an excellent alternative to Western fast food. And today, despite a large number of outlets offering pancakes to customers, even a beginner in this business has every chance to start implementing his own project and achieve entrepreneurial success with it.

We will tell you how to open your own pancake shop in this review.

How to make money making pancakes

The ready-to-eat food business is one of the oldest ways to make money. Delicious food is a commodity that is always in demand. It can be sold from stalls, in small shops (kiosks), as well as in institutions Catering.

In order for prepared meals to sell well, they must be fresh, tasty, appetizing and safe.

If from this point of view we consider the question of what is needed to open a pancake shop, then the answer is obvious:

  • equipment that will make it possible to prepare fresh products in front of customers;
  • thoughtful recipe and menu;
  • reliable suppliers of products and semi-finished products;
  • competent marketing, designed for the average consumer;
  • qualified personnel.

And it's all. There are no special requirements for the format of a potentially successful pancake house. It can be like a mini-kiosk, where one or another pancake-based dish is prepared in the presence of a customer, or a full-fledged cafe with a special pancake menu.

Entrepreneurs who are interested in how to open a pancake shop from scratch, with a small budget at their disposal, can first try out the “pancake business” on small orders and without purchasing expensive equipment.

The mini-format can be implemented like this:

  • set up the production of a small number of pancakes with different fillings(can be cooked at home);
  • carry out packaging in several pieces and distribute ready-made meals in crowded places (near office centers, train stations, markets, etc.).

Having made a minimum investment, an entrepreneur will be able to raise money for the purchase of equipment for a pancake shop in a few months of active work. In addition, practical experience in this area will give an understanding of what product is in demand. This experience can be used as the basis for the marketing promotion of your own product on the market.

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Material and technical base for pancake

When there is money to open a pancake shop, and it remains only to decide where to start, we suggest that you immediately start looking for a place and suppliers. From good location pancake, as well as how high-quality products are used for cooking, the success of the future enterprise will largely depend.

Suitable conditions for installing a mini pancake machine on wheels:

  • away from the roadway;
  • near crowded places in the morning and lunch hours;
  • the presence of a nearby square or alleys with benches.

Favorable places for the location of a pancake cafe:

  • near active business centers or modern large playgrounds;
  • near educational institutions, state and municipal institutions;
  • near public transport stations.

Room area - from 40 to 60 sq.m.

Important! Pancake shops located in residential areas are not popular with customers, since during the evening hours the main visitors of catering establishments choose a completely different menu.

Equipment for mini pancake:

  • pancake maker (electric oven for two burners);
  • planetary mixer;
  • Desktop;
  • washing;
  • cooling counter;
  • chest freezer;
  • meat grinder
  • electric kettle and coffee machine;
  • kitchen dishes.

This is the basic set of equipment.

After obtaining the status of an entrepreneur and a taxpayer, you can purchase equipment, enter into lease agreements for premises and hire staff.

When the production base is ready and the staff is fully staffed, you should apply to state inspections for permission to conduct entrepreneurial activity in the field of catering. Submit extradition requests permits necessary in SES, Rospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

In order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities at the stage of opening a pancake shop, it is necessary to request a consultation on the requirements for such facilities even at the stage of creating a catering facility.

Also in each locality municipalities have a service to support small and medium-sized businesses, where you can get detailed information about what documents are needed to open a pancake shop.

How quickly will the costs pay off

The initial cost of a mini pancake shop in the format of a cafe on wheels or a kiosk will be about 600 thousand rubles. For the opening of a pancake cafe in the implementation of the business plan, it is necessary to lay at least 1.2 million rubles.

Monthly costs for a mini-cafe are:

  • 120 thousand rubles. - staff salaries;
  • 80 thousand rubles – maintenance of equipment and mandatory payments (including taxes);
  • 80 thousand rubles - purchase of products;
  • 10 thousand rubles - advertising.

In total, about 290 thousand rubles will be needed to maintain a pancake house per month.

With an average check of 250 rubles, a pancake shop can earn up to 15,000 rubles in an 8-hour shift. With a good commodity-money turnover, the cafe will pay off in 1-1.5 years.

The relatively quick payback and, at the same time, the constant relevance of opening a pancake shop deserve to be considered this business idea when choosing a type of activity for an entrepreneur. In addition, successful cafes have a good prospect of developing into a franchise network, and this is a completely different level of income.

The history of the development of the "pancake business" on the example of one of the largest Russian fast food brands in the following video:

What dishes of Russian national cuisine can you name right away? I think that more than half of the first will call pancakes. And they will be absolutely right, because pancakes, along with kvass and okroshka, are considered primordial Russian dishes. Despite the “dominance” of foreign dishes, Russian cuisine is finally beginning to enjoy wide popularity among its own people, and therefore the question: how to open a pancake from scratch becomes extremely relevant for novice businessmen.

Perhaps, it’s impossible to count how many fast food outlets are open in Russia, selling dishes of various cuisines of the world: oriental - shawarma, chebureks, samsa; western - pizza, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, and other "derivatives" of McDonald's. All this, of course, is very tasty (often to the detriment of the quality and usefulness of food) and inexpensive. Many businessmen acquire franchises of foreign fast food enterprises, open cafes with an "oriental slant", completely forgetting that our country has long had its own traditional, and no less tasty (and more healthy) food.

Pies with any filling, kulebyaki, pies, and, of course, pancakes. Russian pancakes were very popular in the old days, and it seems that people's interest in national cuisine is starting to revive. Therefore, everyone who is just starting to think about what kind of business he should organize, or how to expand an existing business, should think about how to open a pancake shop.

By the way, foreigners who come to Russia are more likely to visit pancake shops, rather than McDonald's, which are abroad, have already quite often been attacked by various interested organizations because of the negative quality of food sold in McDonald's. Pancakes, as fast food companies, have a huge potential for development, and I think that in the near future (especially in the light of recent political events) they will begin to create great "inconvenience" for their foreign competitors. Moreover, the bill went literally for months: whoever manages to be the first will last longer in this business.

Registering and registering your business

What package required documents you will need in order to open a pancake shop from scratch, you can read in the publication “How to open a children's cafe”, a set of permits is practically no different.

Looking for a place to open a pancake shop

An option for opening a pancake shop could be the idea of ​​an auto cafe, but this will create certain difficulties in attracting regular customers and in communicating with the sanitary and epidemiological service. Most practical choice- stationary room.

I think that it is not even worth talking about the fact that the opened pancake shop should be located in a busy crowded place. It could be a big crossroads lower floors the first line of houses in the business district of the city, a room in a shopping and entertainment center, or near such buildings, near educational institutions, at railway stations, bus stops, or near metro stations.

It is good if there is a park or square nearby. This will have a good effect on the summer income of your pancake, however, it is simply impossible to take into account all the criteria, so it will be great if at least two or three of these factors coincide.

Factors to consider when looking for a suitable location include:

  • Availability good ventilation, plumbing, sanitary facility, or the possibility of its equipment.
  • The room must have several rooms for the kitchen, food storage warehouse, staff room, visitor hall.
  • Presence near your pancake store competitive outlets, not necessarily your profile, but just fast food outlets.

By the way, the space for the kitchen can be significantly reduced if you purchase special pancake machines for making pancakes, which will facilitate human labor and minimize it.

Once the premise meets all necessary requirements, will be found, it needs to be properly repaired and finished. Interior decoration should meet the specifics of the institution, be "in tune" with the spirit of a real Russian pancake. Its attendance largely depends on the attractiveness of the establishment, so this point of your plan for how to open a pancake from scratch should be given close attention.

We compose the menu

How many types of pancakes can you list without thinking? Try it and then test yourself with me: sweet and salty, fresh and yeasty, custard and buckwheat, thick pancakes and thin pancakes. What about the filling? Meat, fish, cottage cheese, honey, condensed milk, fruits, berries, mushrooms, caviar - everything from which you can make stuffing for pancakes is simply tired of listing. In addition, you can come up with your own toppings and surprise your visitors with the unusual taste of a traditional dish.

In addition to pancakes, of course, you can organize the production of other Russian dishes. I am sure that all the dishes that I have already listed above will diverge perfectly: pie, pies, pies, pancakes. You can enter the menu and the famous okroshka.

Although pancakes should be eaten hot, they should be sold "to take away". That is, purchase special plastic containers, plates, napkins, etc. Of course, there should also be drinks “in the theme” of the institution”: Russian kvass, kissel, sbiten, herbal teas, fruit drinks, etc., also with the possibility of taking them out of the pancake room.

We buy the necessary equipment

In addition to kitchen appliances and equipment, you will need furniture and interior items for the hall. It is also necessary to equip places where visitors could hang their outerwear. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. The room can be furnished with traditional tables and chairs, you can buy high tables, or make long stands around the perimeter and in the center of the hall, or equip something else.

In addition to the already mentioned pancake machines, you definitely need equipment for the “manual” production of pancakes:

  • electric stove (or even several),
  • pans,
  • pots,
  • ovens,
  • and other equipment designed not only for baking pancakes, but also for preparing other dishes from the range offered.

Recruiting staff

The final number of employees will depend on the area of ​​the pancake shop and its attendance. But even at the initial stage, when your establishment has not yet gained momentum, you will need at least two cooks and two waiters, a cleaning lady, and a dishwasher.

The duties of an accountant, manager, and administrator can be handled independently. However, if financial opportunities allow, then experienced specialists can be hired for these positions. Staff working directly with visitors should be sociable, friendly, with an attractive appearance. By the way, all employees of the pancake shop can be dressed in a uniform, again corresponding to the theme of the establishment.

We advertise our establishment

If you are determined to open a pancake shop and are sure that the upcoming difficulties will not stop you, then it is better to start an advertising campaign long before the opening of your establishment. It could be something like this: “Traditional Russian pancakes. Opening of a pancake shop soon” with the obligatory indication of the location of your food point.

When opening a pancake shop, keep in mind that your competitors are not only other pancake shops, but the entire catering sector within a radius of 200-300 m. These are fast food points: chebureks, patties, hot dogs, shawarma. Cafes and restaurants are also direct competitors. Some will prefer to pay an extra 70-100 rubles and order a full-fledged business lunch than to eat a pancake for 50 rubles. Also, you can not discount McDonald's, pizzerias, sushi bars ...

The pancake business is attractive to many, first of all, as an entrance ticket to the business. In fact, you can open your own pancake kiosk with an amount of 300-500 thousand rubles. There are no problems with the acquisition of equipment, technology and personnel. The main difficulty is to find a suitable place to place a retail outlet.

The place decides

Good location - 50% of business success. Traditionally, the best places public transport stops, universities, office centers, bus and railway stations are considered to be the location of the pancake cafe. Any place where people need a hearty and quick bite to eat is suitable here.

To accommodate a kiosk, an area of ​​​​5-8 square meters will be required. m. For rent land plot for a pancake kiosk, which is state-owned, you should contact the local government (KUGI). Renting such a plot will cost a little, but the terms of the conclusion of the contract may be delayed for several months. And in general, getting municipal plots is not so easy. Private space is rented much faster, but it also costs two to three times more.

Business registration

Best for pancake kiosk organizational form in the form of individual entrepreneurship. An individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax office at the place of residence. Entity(LLC) it is advisable to register if you open a business for several persons (for example, with a friend) or you create a network of kiosks.

The most suitable OKVED for a pancake shop is 55.30 “Activity of restaurants and cafes”. As a taxation system, the simplified tax system is most often used: 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.

Mobile kiosk - pancake shop on wheels

One of the best options for the organization of a pancake shop is the purchase of a mobile kiosk (trailer). And it is better if it is a branded kiosk, from a specific manufacturer. The fact is that such stores on wheels are designed according to SES requirements and fire supervision, and have everything necessary equipment: sink, salad bar, refrigerator, stove, etc. This avoids additional problems with regulatory authorities. The area of ​​the kiosk can be from 4 to 12 square meters. m.: for one or two sellers.

One of the well-known manufacturers of such mobile kiosks is the Kupava company (do not take it for advertising). Kiosk-pancake "Kupava" can be purchased in the amount of 300 thousand rubles:

The kiosk-trailer package includes a ROLLER GRIL pancake cooker, a glass transom with a dispensing window and glass showcase, household refrigerator"VESTFROST", salad bar, sink with water heater and two water canisters, wardrobe. This is a kind of turnkey mini pancake business. You just have to find a trading place to set up a kiosk. Well, buy other equipment: Electric kettle, microwave, air conditioning.

The advantage of a trailer is that it can be moved to a new point of sale without difficulty and damage to the structure. As a tractor, you can use an ordinary SUV.

If you are not satisfied with the performance of standard equipment, you can buy a professional pancake machine. For example, the pancake machine Sikom RK-2.1. Such equipment allows you to put pancakes on stream: the machine fries pancake blanks from unleavened dough in a continuous mode. "Sicom RK-2.1" automatically forms, bakes and stacks pancake blanks into which it remains only to put the filling. By changing copiers, you can bake square, round and rectangular pancakes. The price of the machine starts from 170 thousand rubles.

We form an assortment

With technology and raw materials for making pancakes, everything is quite simple. The main thing the organizer will need is to find a supplier yeast-free dough. Such dough is brought to the point in gastronorm containers or in vacuum packs and is perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

Classic assortment of any pancake shop includes meat and fish pancakes, pancakes with minced meat and liver, salmon and red caviar, with jam and jam, cheese and vegetables. In addition to pancakes, customers are also offered hot tea and coffee, soft drinks, kvass, juices, ice cream and so on.

Pancake shop business plan

Fixed monthly expenses:

  • lease of a land plot - 20 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills (electricity) - 15 thousand rubles;
  • wage+ insurance contributions (2 people) - 55 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 110 thousand rubles.

Pancake house income:

  • the average price of one pancake (minus the cost) - 50 rubles;
  • number of sales per day - 150;
  • revenue per day - 7.5 thousand rubles. (excluding additional income from the sale of drinks);
  • revenue per month - 225 thousand rubles.

Profit of a pancake kiosk: 225,000 - 110,000 = 115,000 rubles per month.


Russian National cuisine just overflowing with various recipes cooking. They appeal to the Slavs themselves, to all guests of the post-Soviet states.

One of the most favorite dishes of Russian cuisine are pancakes, the recipes of which exist. great amount. You can make a good business with a stable income on this, so many novice businessmen are interested in the question: how to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Pancakes are considered a universal dish served both for breakfast and dinner. It all depends on the imagination of the hostess of the house.

Often, for a number of reasons, people do not have the opportunity to eat at home, so they use the services of restaurants, cafeterias, and various eateries. Pancake establishments are also always filled with visitors who want to taste a unique dish with a wide variety of fillings.

Entrepreneurs who once ventured to invest their own money in a pancake shop have long been satisfied with this choice. The opening of this institution is a fairly good option for people who have little capital to organize their own business.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pancake cafe

How to open a pancake house?

Collection of documents

Any business begins with the preparation of the necessary documents, its registration, and the preparation of a business plan. To register a pancake, you can take legal form both sole proprietors and LLCs.

If the issue with the premises of the cafe has already been resolved, then you can collect documents for obtaining permission to carry out trading activities for SES, fire inspection.

If you have money, but do not have the desire and time to deal with paperwork, you can turn to a specialized agency for help, whose employees will collect the necessary package of documents in the shortest possible time.

Room selection

Where to begin?

  • The selection of premises for a pancake cafe is a rather serious undertaking, which must be taken with the utmost responsibility. The profitability of the business will depend on its location.
  • The most favorable places for organizing pancake establishments are city parks, railway, bus stations, streets with high traffic, etc.
  • You can open a mobile pancake shop. To do this, you need a car with a trailer equipped with all the required equipment.
  • Businessmen who have a sufficiently large investment fund may well consider creating their own stationary cafe, which will have a hall with tables for eating, a fairly extensive range of dishes on offer.
  • The area of ​​a pancake shop with the possibility of simultaneously serving 15 customers must be at least 40 squares.
  • If the opportunity presents itself, it would be very original to build a small gazebo near the reservoir.


For the kitchen to work, you will need to purchase special equipment. Depending on the range of dishes that will subsequently be sold in a pancake establishment, you may need the following equipment:

  • Crepe makers are the main element of equipment for this type of cafe, on which it is not recommended to save. The product itself will depend on the quality of the equipment, respectively, the sales volumes, and the profitability of the cafeteria. It is best to buy inventory from foreign manufacturers.
  • To prepare dough for pancakes, you will need a professional mixer. In this case, quality is also important! Preference for foreign manufacturers!
  • Coffee machines.
  • Blender.
  • Refrigerators.
  • To store ready meals, you need to purchase a special counter.
  • Kitchen furniture: tables, sinks, shelves must be made of stainless steel.
  • Kitchen utensils - cutting boards, knives, etc.
  • Furniture in the client room.

Most high-traffic pancake cafes automate the production of pancakes. For this, special machines are used, with the help of which about 350 pancakes can be produced in one hour.

Many today are interested in the question: How to open a pancake shop from scratch and how much will it cost? If you do not take into account the costs of renting, buying premises, the cost of which differs significantly in different regions, cities, processing the necessary documentation, then to organize this type of business you need to have about 1.5 million rubles. This amount will be enough to purchase all the necessary equipment and furniture for the pancake cafeteria. If you initially purchase used equipment, then the costs will be significantly reduced.

pancake assortment

Of course, you can at first because of the lack of a sufficient amount Money use various free advertising platforms, which sometimes also work very effectively!

If the location of the establishment is chosen well, then the matter will depend on the quality of the prepared pancakes, as well as the dishes offered by the owner of the cafe in parallel. In this case, much attention should be paid to the preparation of pancake dough and filling.

A wide variety of fillings can be added to traditional pancakes, of which there are more than thirty types today. Therefore, in your own cafeteria, you need to use them as much as possible, since each person has their own tastes, food preferences. If the pancake shop has a sufficient area, then it is worth offering additional cold snacks to customers, etc.


Every woman can learn how to make pancakes, you just need to learn how to use a pancake maker.

A couple of workers will be enough to make pancakes, coffee in a small stall. If you plan to offer additional dishes in parallel with pancakes, then it is recommended to hire a cook with vocational education. For effective work pancake cafe will be enough for 3-4 employees.

Capital investment

Average cafe staff, staff salary:

  • Cook - 22 thousand rubles
  • Assistant cook - 17 thousand rubles.
  • Waiter - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Dishwasher - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Cleaning lady - 10 thousand rubles

Monthly expenses for staff work - 72 thousand rubles.


  • Capital investments - about 3.5 million rubles.
  • Monthly revenue - about 1.5 million rubles.
  • Net profit - about 175 thousand rubles.
  • Payback - about 2 years.

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