Pancake business plan with calculations. Opening a pancake shop

reservoirs 12.10.2019

If you are looking for a startup related to the food industry, then delve into the nuances of how to open a pancake shop. This is a simple business that even a beginner can handle.

♦ Capital investments – 1,100,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 1–1.5 years

Pancakes are one of the symbols of Russian cuisine.

This delicacy, adored by many, is easy to prepare both at home and in industrial conditions, never gets bored due to the abundance of toppings and is suitable for cooking, both as a snack that you can take with you, and for a magnificent banquet.

Also pancakes... great way make money, so if you are looking for a startup related to the food industry, then delve into the nuances of how to open a pancake.

This is a really simple business that does not require large capital investments and that even a beginner can handle.

Features of a pancake as a business

If you decide to open a pancake shop, then be sure to take an interest in all the features of a new business for yourself, so as not to suffer losses later.

Fortunately, owning a pancake shop is not a particularly difficult activity, so big problems with the launch of a startup, you should not have.

Pancakes are of several types:

  1. Full restaurants with tables and cozy interior, where you can taste not only pancakes with a variety of launches, but also other traditional Russian delicacies.
  2. , where they mainly prepare takeaway pancakes with fillings.
    You need to open such a pancake shop in crowded places: in squares, in parks, near markets.
    If the area allows, then you can put a few plastic tables and buy disposable tableware so that your customers can enjoy pancakes from the heat, from the heat.
  3. Stalls that buy ready-made pancakes and toppings, and then only collect the dish and heat it up.

All three business options have their own characteristics and require a different amount to open.

Based on the amount you have to open a pancake shop, draw up a business plan, taking into account the characteristics of the region in which you live.

5 reasons to open a pancake shop

  1. Interest in Russian cuisine continues to revive.
    Pancakes are a great alternative to hot dogs, hamburgers and other fast food items.
    This is a delicious and nutritious dish that allows you to show your patriotism.
  2. You have the opportunity to form a client base not only from compatriots, but also from foreigners, because tourists are very willing to feast on traditional dishes the country they are visiting.
    And if cabbage soup or pickled mushrooms may not appeal to everyone, then pancakes are without options.
  3. Depending on the amount you are willing to invest in starting a business, you can open an institution different types.
    If you have more money - open a cafe, less - a mobile stall.
  4. Pancakes are an easy-to-prepare dish that even not-too-handy housewives can handle, and they definitely won’t create problems for a cook with minimal experience.
    You don't have to put in start-up capital a huge amount for the chef's salary, you can safely hire even yesterday's college graduate Food Industry or a cook working in the dining room.
  5. As a business, pancake business is suitable even for people with a small fortune, because it does not require huge investments in equipment, interior or rent, especially if you decide to limit yourself to a stall.

How to open a pancake shop: advertising campaign

Interesting fact:
There is a belief in Russia: the more pancakes you eat at Maslenitsa, the more successful and profitable the year will be.

Any business related to the food industry requires a creative and effective advertising campaign, because how quickly you build your customer base depends on how quickly your pancake business becomes self-sustaining.

If you decide to open a pancake shop in the form of a stall with minimal investment, then you can get by:

  • distribution of leaflets in the area where your pancake shop opens;
  • painting your stall with bright colors and decorating it with drawings so that your establishment catches the eye from afar;
  • communication with potential clients in social networks and on the city forum.

If you're wondering how to open a pancake shop that could pass for a full-fledged beautiful interior, tables and a varied menu, then the city media should be connected to the advertising campaign.

So, in one day a lot of people will learn about your pancake.

If you decide to open a pancake shop, then do not forget to take care of competitive advantages

Today there are not many establishments on the market Catering, who would be engaged in the preparation of pancakes, so it's time to find your niche.

And yet, competition in the food industry is quite high, so you should take care of creating a competitive advantage immediately after you decide to open a pancake shop.

It could be:

  1. Loyalty program for customers who eat with you constantly.
  2. Convenient location of your pancake shop: as close as possible to potential customers and away from direct competitors.
  3. Delicious pancakes at low prices.
  4. Diverse menu. For example, you offer pancakes not only with traditional fillings (meat, caviar, mushrooms, cottage cheese), but also with more exotic ones: with seafood, beans, smoked meats, berries, etc.
  5. Friendly staff who are ready to be attentive to the wishes of customers, know the menu impeccably and serve quickly.

How to open a pancake shop: calendar plan

After with specific calculations, you need to draw up a calendar plan in order to know how much time it will take to implement one or another stage.

This robot is especially relevant for those who are thinking about how to open a pancake shop from scratch and do not have great experience in business.

Since we are talking about opening a catering establishment, you will have to obtain many permits, primarily from the SES, and also go through the registration procedure.

All this will take about two to three months.

The deadline for the implementation of the remaining stages of opening a pancake shop: premises, equipment, staff, etc. depends on how serious a business you decide to open: launching a pancake restaurant requires at least six months, while a stall selling pancakes can open a business in 3-4 months after the idea was born.

The approximate calendar plan for opening a pancake shop looks like this:

Registration and permission
Rent and repair
Purchase of equipment

How to open a pancake shop: a business plan with calculations

In order for you to understand how much money you need to have to launch a startup and what the phased implementation of the idea consists of, we offer you a business plan for an imaginary pancake.

Suppose we decide to open a small (5-7 tables) pancake shop in one of the developed district centers, for example in:

  • Kirov Kaluga region(population - 31,000 people);
  • Rostov Yaroslavl region(population - almost 32,000 people);
  • Alekseevka, Belgorod region (population - over 38,000 people) and the like.

In addition to pancakes with 15 types of toppings (sweet and savory), our menu will include traditional Russian snacks (pickles, salads) and soft drinks (fruit drink, compote, kvass, tea, coffee, juices).

We will not sell alcohol, so as not to waste time and money on obtaining a license and not to delay the opening of a business.

Registration of a pancake as a business

We choose one of the proposed registration forms: LLC or IP.

It is better to register as a sole trader because it is easier and cheaper. The form of taxation in this case is UTII.

In addition to registering and registering with the Pension Fund, you need to bring the premises chosen for opening a pancake shop in accordance with the standards of the SES and the Fire Service and obtain permission to open from them.

Choosing an opening room for a pancake

Remember that successful and profitable in short terms a catering establishment can become only if you choose right place to open it in close proximity to its potential customers.

The main customers of the pancake shop are working people and students who want to have a bite to eat at lunch, so you need to open a business near educational institutions, office buildings, large government organizations etc.

To open our pancake shop, we will choose a room with a total area of ​​50 square meters, where there used to be a shop. We allocate 30 squares for the main hall, 10 for the kitchen, and the rest for the bathroom and change house.

We will make the interior of the dining room in the form of a Russian folk hut: a lot of wood, ethnographic elements, towels, etc.

Furniture - rough-hewn small wooden tables and chairs.

Let's say that our premises are in good condition, so we will spend no more than 100,000 rubles on its repair.

We buy equipment for opening a pancake shop

If you have not previously engaged in such a business, then you will have to purchase equipment from scratch.

Since the menu of our pancake house is very modest, we do not have main and first courses that are difficult to prepare, it is enough for us to purchase:

Item of expensesQtyPriceAmount (in rubles)
Total: 350 000 rub.
1 40 000 40 000
crepe maker
2 20 000 40 000
Food processor
1 30 000 30 000
coffee machine
1 20 000 20 000
Refrigerator in the kitchen
1 40 000 40 000
Refrigerator in the hall
1 30 000 30 000
Cash machine
1 10 000 10 000
Kitchen utensils (knives, cutting boards, bowls, etc.)
40 000 40 000
Air conditioner
1 30 000 30 000
1 20 000 20 000
Other 50 000

As for the furniture needed to open a pancake shop from scratch, you need to order:

Item of expensesQtyPriceAmount (in rubles)
Total: 200 000 rub.
9 5 000 30 000
15 2 000 30 000
bar counter
1 30 000 30 000
Kitchen surfaces
20 000
Shelving for the kitchen, bartender's workplace and change house
4 10 000 40 000
Other 50 000

In addition, to open a pancake shop from scratch, you need to allocate 200,000 rubles. on the:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:200 000 rub.
ventilation system
100 000
lighting system
50 000
Arrangement of a bathroom
20 000
Other30 000

That is, for the complete equipment of our pancake house, you need to have at least 750,000 rubles. If the indicated amount is too large for you, then you should think about how to open a pancake shop in the form of a stall for selling pancakes.

In this case, the specified amount will decrease three times.

The staff you can't open a pancake shop without

Catering establishments should work seven days a week, so 2 shifts of employees should be formed immediately.

One shift should consist of a cook, his assistant, a waiter, a bartender-cashier and a cleaner.

Since there is no need for your pancake shop to work until late (you may well close it at 21.00-22.00), you will not have to worry about transporting people.

But it’s better to open a pancake shop early, for example, at 8.00, so that customers can have breakfast with you.

Salary expenses for pancake shop staff will be as follows:

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
Total: RUB 142,000
Bartender2 12 000 24 000
Cook2 25 000 50 000
cook assistant2 15 000 30 000
Waiter2 10 000 20 000
Cleaning woman2 9 000 18 000

Bartenders and waiters don't need to be paid much, because a tip will be a decent addition to their salary.

If you understand accounting and administrative matters, then you can not hire either an accountant or a manager, but take over their functions.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

Despite the fact that we are opening a small pancake shop with a very modest menu, in order to open a business we will need about 1 million rubles, which we will spend on:

We invite you to watch the video

about the work of a pancake shop, as well as how to make it successful:

Pancake as a business: possible profit

The earnings of a pancake shop depend not only on the number of customers, but also on the margin that you put on your products.

think well pricing policy his institution, because too low prices can bankrupt you, and too high can scare away customers.

NameCost (in rubles)Mark-up (in %)Selling price (in rubles)
Other drinks10 200 30
Pancakes with meat25 300 100
Pancakes with lightly salted fish and caviar40 300 160
Pancakes with cottage cheese20 300 80
Pancakes with mushrooms20 300 80
Pancakes with berries20 300 80
Pancakes with exotic fruits30 300 120
Salads20-40 300 80-160
Pickles10-20 300 40-80
Coffee20 200 60
Tea10 200 30
Juices packaged10 200 30

And now let's imagine that we have already managed to promote the business and acquire regular customers, so it is sold in our pancake shop in a day.

If you have been dreaming of your own restaurant all your life, but do not have enough funds to implement your plan or are not entirely sure of the success of your undertaking, try opening a pancake cafe first. In this way, you can check whether catering is really your calling. And if you try, you will also become the owner of a small, but profitable and profitable business.

Why exactly a pancake cafe, and not, say, a sausage or sandwich cafe? Yes, because pancakes are a national dish loved by everyone, but have recently become a rarity on our table. It's all about the pace modern life They leave no time to prepare this tasty and nutritious delicacy, the variety of which is unlimited thanks to the ability to use almost any filling and sauce as an addition. A fast food cafe solves this problem - there will always be visitors. And in order for the business to be profitable and pay for itself, you must first draw up a competent business plan for a pancake cafe. We bring to your attention the business plan "How to open a pancake shop from scratch?".

So, first of all, it is important to determine the target audience of the institution. Based on this, the range of products offered and the prices for it are selected.

Goals, tasks of the pancake shop, target audience

The main goal is to quickly, tasty, home-style feed the guests of your institution, to provide customers with the maximum possible range of pancakes. Everyone should get what they want. From traditional homemade pancakes with sweet fillings, meat or cottage cheese and sour cream to trendy ones borrowed from European cuisine, with ham, vegetables, fruits or even ice cream.

Appropriate drinks should be offered for pancakes: tea, coffee, juices, milkshakes. Alcohol in such establishments, as a rule, is not served, the maximum is beer. Later, you can expand the menu, introduce soups, salads and desserts. Important service (fast, high quality), friendly staff, cleanliness and pleasant, cozy atmosphere.

The target audience are students, young people, middle-class businessmen who want to hastily have a snack with something hot and satisfying, and perhaps take it with you. Their incomes are small, so the prices must be set accordingly. Remember that families with small children like to come to such cafes on weekends and holidays - there should be a menu for them too. Not bad if you can arrange a play area for the youngest guests of your institution and invite animators to children's parties.

Market analysis, relevance

Choose a direction for your own business- a responsible step, because you don’t want to invest a certain amount of money, time and effort in the enterprise, and as a result, become bankrupt in debts and loans. This is what market analysis is for: what is most in demand for this moment why, what is the competition, and what are the forecasts for the next few years.

In today's unstable economic conditions domestic business is gaining momentum every month. One of its varieties is the "dumpling" type of business ....

There are a lot of various eateries and fast foods now - everyone knows this. A pancake cafe wins in comparison with burger clubs, because this is a more familiar food for our population. It is more natural, although the cooking process itself is a little more complicated, and to develop own recipe tasty, fluffy dough is indispensable in order to rise above the competition and get a good customer base.

There are not so many pancake eateries yet, not counting the capital and large regional centers, so if you do not save on quality, there will always be demand for your products.

On the other hand, pancakes different fillings at cost, they will be cheaper than buying semi-finished products for a burger, therefore, prices in your cafe can be made lower than in other fast foods.

Another advantage: pancakes are known all over the country, people feel nostalgia and an invariable appetite at the sight of this pastry, so you do not have to spend money on advertising, promotions, tastings, etc.

And, finally, the last advantage: everyone can quickly learn how to bake pancakes in a special apparatus, even without special education and cooking skills, just like how to operate a coffee maker, kettle and juicer.

Registration, documentation and taxation

From the point of view of the law, the opening of a pancake cafe is characterized as. So it should be registered. FROM according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, witha special license for the production and sale of such products is not required.

You will have to pay regularly only one tax - a single one. But be sure to enlist the support of the service fire safety and sanitation stations.

How to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Choice of premises (location, area, requirements)

A cafe offering pancakes on the spot or to take away should be opened where there are many offices, organizations, educational institutions, etc. If you live in a small town, you can place a cafe near the highway - drivers will be happy to stop at your place for a bite to eat. And do not be afraid of competition - it will be everywhere.

There is no point in hiding in back streets and sleeping areas, you must be in sight. Shopping and entertainment centers with high traffic are also well suited for this.

What size should the room be? It all depends on how many customers at the same time you expect to feed. For 15-20 seats, you will need a hall with an area of ​​​​70-100 square meters. meters. At the same time, do not forget to install a counter and snack tables without chairs so as not to lose those visitors who are left without a seated position.

It is desirable that the premises be located on the ground floor and have two exits for visitors and one for staff and delivery.

The following areas are expected:

  • hall for visitors;
  • utility room for staff;
  • kitchen and dishwasher;
  • pantry;
  • office.

Sewerage, cold and hot water, electricity and heating.

Purchase of furniture and equipment for a pancake shop

Necessary furniture in the hall:

  • tables and chairs for clients;
  • rack-distribution and showcase;
  • hangers for outerwear;
  • several children's tables and stools;

Kitchen minimum:

  • ovens, stoves, etc.;
  • refrigerator and freezer;
  • pancake machine - with its help you will significantly speed up the process of baking pancakes;
  • mixer, food processor, coffee makers and electric kettles;
  • various kitchenware and utensils.

You can save a little if you buy not a new, but a used pancake machine or rent it.


For a pancake cafe, you need two teams that will work alternately. One team should consist of an administrator who meets and seated guests, maintains order in the hall, three waiters (and no less), one assistant cook, one kitchen worker, one cleaner. You will also need a chef to create menus and specialties, and an accountant.

You can recruit staff yourself, through acquaintances, through advertisements in newspapers and the Internet, or through an agency.

Useful information for those who decide to open a fast food restaurant with minimum investment, i.e. by franchise:

Financial plan

  • rent of premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • furniture and equipment - another 250 thousand;
  • products - at least 300 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 200 thousand rubles;
  • utility payments - about 30 thousand;
  • advertising - 20 thousand;
  • petty waste - 20-50 thousand.

In total, about 1 million rubles should be invested in a pancake cafe. Don't forget to pay taxes.

Crepe Cafe Promotion

  • Advertising on big boards, television, radio, posters. There should be a lot of them in the most crowded places: let as many residents and guests of your city or district as possible find out that just about, very soon they will have the opportunity to taste real Russian, lush pancakes with fillings for every taste at very nice prices. Don't forget to indicate the exact date opening and address of the institution.
  • Promotions. People love all sorts of gifts and bonuses. Arrange a small promotion in honor of the opening of a cafe, for example, buy two pancakes - the third one is free. Or come up with a combination menu at a bargain price: a pancake plus tea for only a nominal 300 rubles.

All the time to sell your products cheaply and with discounts, just to keep visitors - a bad move in business and will not bring much income. To survive among competitors, the emphasis should be on the quality of pancakes and assortment.

Constantly update the menu of the pancake cafe, try new recipes, keep an eye on what is offered in the neighborhood. Have a week national cuisine: along with Russian pancakes, offer Armenian lavash, French thin pancakes, mexican burritos, Japanese rolls from rice noodles. The main thing is that it is tasty and affordable.

Do not forget about discount cards, prize drawings, bonuses for regular visitors.

Profitability of the "pancake" business

The profitability of a pancake cafe is quite simple to determine. Based on our calculations, all costs will cost approximately 1 million rubles. Now we need to calculate the profit. If each visitor spends on average about 500 rubles per visit on a normal day and about 800 rubles per visit on a weekend or holiday, then your monthly profit will be an average of 190 thousand rubles - provided that you provide the establishment with at least an average occupancy .

Bottom line: in about one and a half to two years, your investment will fully pay off and you will begin to receive only profit from the cafe.

That's all you need to know for anyone who has decided to try his hand as a small business owner in the food service industry. A pancake business idea is perfect even for beginner businessmen. To achieve a result, you will first have to work hard - as in any business. But then you will admire your brainchild with pride and pleasure, because a pancake cafe not only brings you profit, but also makes people full and cheerful.

Pancakes are popular and easy to prepare in bulk, and are also a versatile dish from dessert to a full breakfast (dinner). A variety of toppings and sauces allows you to create a wide range with little effort. How to open a pancake shop so that it becomes a source of stable income?

Such establishments always have visitors, but you need to decide on the pancake format, assortment and other issues. In the article you will find a business plan with business case the attractiveness of a pancake shop as a business, as well as a step-by-step strategy for organizing it.

Collection of documents and registration

Before you open a pancake shop, you need to find a room and get approval from all authorities. For any catering establishments, sanitary services put forward certain rules and norms (SanPiN).

Step-by-step description of how to open a pancake shop:

  • register an IP;
  • register with the tax office, OKVED code 55.30;
  • choose a taxation system of 6% of income or 15% of income minus expenses;
  • register with the Pension Fund;
  • conclude contracts for disinfestation, removal of solid waste and food waste(for SES), as well as for maintenance fire alarm(for the Ministry of Emergency Situations);
  • obtain permits from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Service ( normative documents SanPin 42-123-5777, SanPin 42-123-4117, МВТ 5061, GOST 12.1.004, SNiP P-4, SNiP

You need to make sure that all products have quality certificates.

Room for a pancake

All items of expenses for launching a pancake project depend on the format of the future institution. Pancakes on wheels are very popular and cost-effective. This is a kind of kiosk on wheels, which, if desired, can be moved to more crowded and profitable places.


Good location options for a pancake shop:

  • Near educational institutions, office centers or administrative buildings.
  • Close to train station, metro and transport stops.


The first step that you should take in the direction of finding a room for a pancake shop is to decide whether it will be a cafe or a stall:

  • For a small format cafe, there is enough room on the ground floor with an area of ​​40-50 m2, of which 1/3 is reserved for the kitchen. The cost of rent is from 30 thousand rubles, depending on the city.
  • For a stall, you need to purchase a special trailer 8 m2 (2mx4m), which is already fully equipped for a pancake shop with a price of about 150 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

A set of equipment for a pancake is simple and easy to use. initial stage you can get by with mixers instead of a dough mixer. It is necessary to purchase the main equipment - electric pancake makers. The equipment for the stall and cafe differs in quantity and set, in addition, the stalls are equipped with refrigerators, showcases and air conditioners.

Table. Necessary equipment

Equipment name Price For cafe, piece For a stall, pcs

Kitchen equipment

12 000 4 2
Fridge 25 000 1 0
Freezer 50 000 1 0
Planetary mixer 6 000 1 1
Microwave 4 000 1 1
Plate 18 000 1 1
Electric kettle 1 000 1 1
Stainless steel sink 3 000 1 1
Stainless steel tables 4 000 2 1
Stainless steel dryer 4 500 1 1
Hood 6 000 1 1
Cafe inventory and utensils 20 000 1 1
Inventory and utensils for the stall 10 000 1 1

Hall equipment

Air conditioner 25 000 1 0
Television 15 000 1 0
bar counter 35 000 1 0
Refrigerated counter 45 000 1 0
Tables for visitors 2 500 5 0
Chairs for visitors 1 000 15 0
Total for the amount 351 000 100 500

To save up to 30%, you can use used equipment.

pancake assortment

To open a pancake shop that will satisfy the tastes of all consumers, you need to have at least 20 varieties of pancakes.

Filling options:

  • with chicken meat;
  • with liver and potatoes;
  • with red fish;
  • with greens;
  • with red caviar;
  • with ham;
  • with fruits;
  • with cottage cheese;
  • with chocolate, etc.

Sauces should be sour cream, condensed milk, chocolate and other sauces.

Your pancake shop should offer one or more signature pancake recipes.

In addition to the pancake menu, there should be tea, coffee, drinks, juices and water. It is also desirable to include sandwiches, buns, ice cream, etc. in the menu. The business plan of a pancake stall involves the preparation of pancakes, everything else must be purchased from suppliers. A pancake cafe can afford to cook mashed potatoes, soups, cereals and other dishes.


Depending on the chosen format, the institution depends on the hiring of employees.

Cafe pancake

To open a pancake shop from scratch, you need the following staff:

  • manager - 1 person;
  • cook - 1 person;
  • assistant cook (in shifts) - 2 people;
  • waiters (in shifts) - 2 people;
  • bartender - 1 person;
  • cleaner - 1 person

Fund wages 100 thousand rubles.

The chef must have experience in such establishments - the success of the company depends on his skill. Accounting work can be done by a manager, so you need to hire a person who is knowledgeable in this area. The owner of a pancake shop can act as a manager, reducing labor costs.

Pancake stand on wheels

For such an institution, the work of 2 people with a payroll of 25 thousand rubles is quite enough.

Pancake business plans: cafe and stall format

Before starting real purchases, you need to study the pancake business plan with a detailed calculation of the formulas and choose the appropriate format. The pancake cafe has a larger assortment and turnover, but its monthly costs are also high.

Table. Attachments by format

Let's calculate the income-expenditure part under the condition of an average check of a cafe of 400 rubles and a daily number of visitors of 40 people. In a pancake stall, visitors will take a check for three times less, especially in a small town.

Table. Example

To finally decide, you need to evaluate the profitability and payback of the business.

Table. Profitability and payback

With the same payback period, the profitability of the stall is greater due to the lack of the need to pay rent.

Advertising strategy

For cafe big city it is advisable to advertise on TV, radio, and banners. A banner is enough for a mobile stall.

A good idea for development is to create an Internet site where you can view the menu and order food with delivery.

It so happened that pancakes have always been a popular product in Russia, which is prepared both for dessert and as a second course. The demand for pancakes is due to their satiety, easy recipe and inexpensive ingredients. This dish has become a symbol of Maslenitsa, it is associated with many Russian traditions, so the opening of a pancake shop where delicious pancakes in assortment, can be a very profitable investment, because there will always be interest in the dish.

At first glance, business is subject to economic impact, because during a crisis, for example, people will not spend money on trips to establishments. At the same time, if you set democratic prices for pancakes, customers will not be able to deny themselves the pleasure of going to your cafe. Such formats in a crisis, as a rule, only win. In addition, the market does not a large number of players, which means that you can always stand out and be the first in your region.

People will be attracted by a wide range of favorite dishes, fast cooking speed, affordable prices for the product.

In million-plus cities with a population of up to 4 million people, up to 30 such pancake houses can be opened.

The amount of initial investment is 954 800 rubles.

The break-even point is reached on the third month of work.

Payback period 10 months.

Average net profit: 158 870 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Possible options for opening a pancake:

Standalone facility with own production, which offers visitors a wide range of takeaway products;

A stand-alone establishment that includes the sale of products + a mini-cafe in which visitors can taste products at tables;

Crepe in mall where you can have a bite to eat for all visitors and stock up on products for tea drinking at home.

This business plan will consider the option of opening a pancake shop with its own production in a separate building in the cafe format. Dishes are ordered at the checkout, the client can pick them up as soon as they are ready, so there is no need for waiters in this format of the institution.

The range includes: different kinds spring rolls, sweet types of pancakes, drinks.

Thus, the pancake shop offers a wide range of products that you can have for breakfast, refresh yourself instead of lunch, and buy home after work. The business is not subject to pronounced seasonality, however, in the winter and autumn months, people go to pancakes more often.

Pancake shop hours: 10:00-20:00 daily for trading floor and 9:00 to 19:00 h for the kitchen.

3. Description of the market

Since pancake products are not essential goods, the buyers are people with average and above average incomes. They can afford to dine in a cafe, take pancakes as a treat on the table, such people appreciate the speed of work, individual packaging, healthy ingredients, unique taste and are willing to pay for it.

The target audience can be divided into two geographical segments: 70% of customers are residents of the nearest houses, and 30% are casual passers-by and regular customers.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full payroll calculation for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

According to calculations, the average monthly profit is 158,870 rubles, provided that the pancake shop is located in a passable and lively place. The project will pay off within 10 months after opening, which is quite fast for the catering industry. The calculation of sales takes into account the sale of products in three areas: pancakes with filling, sweet pancakes, drinks, revenue is calculated based on average prices in the market. The return on sales of the business is 32%. In addition, after the successful launch of this project, you can expand the network of pancakes in your city, so the potential profit can be much higher.

8. Risk factors

As in any other type of business, opening a pancake shop is associated with certain risks, such as:

  • Product spoilage due to low sales. You can arrange promotions and sell products at a discount (for example, in the evening). It is also recommended to analyze current sales to be able to predict demand;
  • Risk of breakage of the pancake machine and other equipment. You need to buy equipment from trusted suppliers, as well as monitor its proper operation;
  • A large number of players in the market. To reduce this risk, identify your competitive advantages, follow the offers of other pancake houses, introduce new promotions;
  • Decrease in demand. It is necessary to analyze the reason for the decline in sales, add additional products to the assortment, collect customer reviews, and adjust the price level.

A truly beloved, national dish of Russian cuisine is fragrant pancakes. The taste of pancakes is reminiscent of childhood with its carelessness. Surely everyone has tried pancakes, many cook them according to family recipe and eat with your favorite toppings. The variety of recipes and toppings is impressive. Sweet pancakes with strawberry jam, cottage cheese, honey, hearty with meat, original with caviar. Each person can choose the filling for pancakes to their liking and enjoy this amazing dish.

We draw up a business plan for a pancake

Is it profitable to open a pancake shop?

It is worth talking about the profitability of the project only after studying in detail the competition in the region, the demand for a service or product, and the complexity of implementing a business idea. As for the pancake, such establishments are quite popular, low cost and high taste qualities attract customers. The fragrant smell of pancakes beckons and involuntarily makes you visit the institution in order to enjoy delicious hot pancakes with your favorite toppings.

Competition. In the field of public catering, the competition is quite serious, as these establishments are in great demand and bring a stable income to their owners. But still worth a try. Despite the competition, there are not so many decent establishments with good cuisine in the city, so there are always chances to earn the trust of visitors.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

The question of how much it costs and what you need to open a pancake shop is asked by many. It is impossible to name the exact amount of expenses for opening a pancake shop. It all depends on the region, equipment prices, rental costs and many other important factors that significantly affect the cost of opening a catering establishment.

How to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Any of us is well aware that opening an institution requires a certain amount of money, which will be spent on renting a room, purchasing equipment, and an advertising campaign. In addition, you need to make a lot of physical effort in order to succeed in business.

If you don’t have the money to open a business, then you should turn to investors. Investors are people who invest their money in the promotion of profitable projects. If you are lucky enough to find such a person, you can count on opening a pancake shop from scratch. To attract the attention of an investor, you need to draw up a competent business plan that can interest a person to invest a certain amount of money in your project.

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The format of the pancake and its location

First of all, you need to decide on the format of the institution. There are two options: opening a stationary pancake shop or a mobile one.

How to open a pancake shop on wheels?

A mobile tent is an economical business option that is more suitable for beginners. In this case, you can move from place to place, thereby choosing the most good location for your tent. You need to open a pancake kiosk in a crowded part of the city with high traffic. It is also desirable that there are no competitors nearby.

Opening of a stationary cafe-pancake shop. In this case, you will need to initially correctly choose the location for your future institution, because your profit will depend on it. To open a pancake cafe, of course, you need to have a large amount of money. Renting premises, buying equipment, maintenance personnel - all this requires financial resources.

Room rental. The cost of rent will depend on the area of ​​the city, in the center, of course, it will be much more expensive to open a cafe than in a residential area of ​​the city. Therefore, in this case, focus on your financial capabilities.

Business registration

In order to start an activity, it is necessary to register with the local government and the tax service as individual entrepreneur or limited liability companies.

The next step is to obtain permission from the local administration to install or open a retail outlet. Also, you can not do without checking and conclusions from the sanitary and fire service.

If you are not well versed in legal intricacies, then it is best to entrust this matter to an experienced, qualified lawyer who, in short time complete the entire package of documents.

Pancake Equipment

Buying equipment is the most expensive part, but it’s not worth saving at this stage. The quality of the equipment will depend on the taste and general form dishes.

List of necessary equipment for pancake:

  1. Refrigerator for food storage;
  2. Several crepes for baking pancakes;
  3. Dough mixer;
  4. Counter for storing ready meals;
  5. Kitchen utensils (knife, spatulas, cutting board etc.);
  6. Cafe furniture (tables, chairs);
  7. Crockery (plates, cups, cutlery).

Hired staff to work in a pancake cafe

If you plan to open a stationary pancake shop, then you need to hire required amount staff to serve visitors. First of all, you will need a professional chef. You will also need cook assistants, waiters, a bartender, a cleaning lady.

The success of your business will directly depend on the well-coordinated work of employees. Therefore, be very responsible in the selection of personnel. For the position of cook, invite a person with experience and good reviews. Waiters must be attentive, competent, responsible, always take into account the wishes of customers.

Attracting customers to the pancake shop

A well-designed advertising concept to attract customers will allow you to get the desired result in a short time. It is logical that people need to be informed about the newly opened institution. How to do it? With the help of advertising that needs to be placed around the city. Highly effective way- distribution of leaflets with the address of the opened institution.

Promotions and discounts. A variety of promotional offers always attract people's attention. At the initial stage and in the future, carry out such activities. This will allow you to get more customers, and therefore more profit.

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