How to make rolls and sushi at home. Features of cooking Japanese rolls

reservoirs 18.10.2019

Cooking delicious rolls “like in a restaurant” at home is a completely doable task if you have the right recipes (which we will pamper you with in the article) and a great desire to create a delicious dish.

The recipe, the calorie content of the dish and the cooking time - the three main components that excite every home cook, will be covered in detail and painted.

Choice of products: what does the roll consist of

To prepare a delicious Japanese delicacy, you need to buy a package of special sushi rice, rice vinegar, fish fillet, dried nori seaweed, the right number of sets of bamboo sticks for eating rolls, soy sauce, pickled ginger, wasabi and, of course, a bamboo mat (makisu) with which you will roll future rolls.

This is a standard set, which you will have to acquire in any case. But, for your information, there are already ready-made cooking kits on the shelves of supermarkets, which include all the necessary components.

It is up to you to decide whether to collect the necessary components separately or buy them all at once. It has been observed from experience that it is much cheaper to buy the necessary components indiscriminately.

Rice preparation

To begin with, it is worth saying that in stores you will be offered a special starchy rice structure, which is supposedly more suitable for sushi.

However, true professionals in their field claim that there is absolutely no difference from which rice to cook. Most importantly, buy coarse-grained rice. Take not standard packs of 250 gr., but buy by weight 1 kg.

In order for the rolls to be tasty, you need to cook the rice correctly. This is a key moment in preparation. Rice can be cooked in several ways. Not necessarily that one of them is better, and some is worse.

The result, if the instructions in the recipe are followed exactly, will be the same - delicious cooked rice. The main criterion for choosing a recipe is your personal convenience.

First recipe

Rinse the rice well, put it in a bowl and fill it with cold water, in which you also put a small piece of nori. Remove it before the water starts to boil. Do not open the lid until the end of the cooking process.

Cook the cereal over low heat until boiling. Then make the fire as low as possible and cook for about 15 minutes. During this period of time, rice should absorb water as much as possible. Extinguish the fire and remove the container from the stove, keep the lid closed for about 10 minutes.

The second recipe (cooking in a slow cooker)

Rinse rice with water. If you are using Japanese rice, then soak it for half an hour. If your choice fell on round-grained, cook it immediately, without soaking. Fill the cereal with water at the rate of 250 ml of water per 200 g of rice.

Turn on the "Rice" or "Baking" mode on the multicooker. The standard time for this mode is 10 minutes. Then turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 20-25 minutes.


Rice is an important component of the dish, but where without a delicious dressing? So, let's prepare the dressing.

Recipe 1

What you will need (based on 450 grams of rice):

How to cook:

Pour vinegar into a cooking container, add sugar and salt and stir the mass until completely dissolved over low heat.

Everything seems to be simple, but in fact, not all housewives will be able to find rice vinegar in their favorite stores. In this case, you can cook it yourself in your home kitchen.

Recipe 2


  • Grape vinegar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 3 tsp;
  • Sea salt - 1 tsp.

Combine all ingredients, cook over low heat and remove, without bringing the mixture to a boil.


As for the filling, just a few words. The main rule - do not be afraid to experiment and create unique combinations of products.

Standard products that can diversify the roll and definitely not spoil it include: crab sticks, strips of avocado, cucumber or cream cheese. For a more original taste sensation, you can try a special Japanese mayonnaise.

How to cook rolls without leaving home

For cooking you will need:

  • Rice - one and a half glasses;
  • Fish fillet (salmon or tuna) - 7 pcs.;
  • Rice vinegar - 4.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Pickled ginger - according to your taste preferences;
  • Soy sauce - according to your taste preferences;
  • Sugar, salt - according to your taste preferences.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

The number of calories - 175 kcal / 100 gr.

Place the hot rice in a wide bowl. Pour the finished dressing in a thin stream, while stirring the grits. Do not interfere with it with too sharp movements, try to ensure that each rice is saturated with dressing. Cover the container with a paper towel and let cool.

Next, take a sheet of nori, fold it in half and cut it. Place one piece on the mat with the rough side up. Rinse your hands with vinegar water. About 4 st. l. rice is evenly distributed over the surface of the nori, but we indent the top and bottom by about 1 cm. The rice layer should be about 5-7 mm high.

Cut the fish with a very sharp knife and in one clear movement. The main thing - do not engage in "sawing" fish.

Now we will equalize the edges of the seaweed and the rug, and holding the filling so that it does not fall out, we begin to carefully roll the roll.

One more left important nuance- cutting rolls It would seem that it could be simpler, but for many beginners, the filling simply falls out and it turns out to be “porridge”. To avoid such a fate, rinse the knife with vinegar. Masters from Japan advise cutting the “sausage” in half, and then dividing each half into three more parts.

How to cook sushi at home?

The main difference between sushi and rolls is that sushi is a lump of rice covered with fish, and rolls are a cut roll of rice wrapped in nori seaweed.

So how do you make sushi at home?

For cooking you will need:

  • Fish fillet;
  • Boiled rice;
  • Wasabi.

Cooking time - 25-30 minutes.

The number of calories - 230 kcal / 100 gr.

Boil the rice and put it in a convenient container. Take a small amount of rice in the palm of your hand and form a rectangle with soft edges. Squeeze the rice with your fingers, making a homogeneous mass of rice grains.

Then place a piece of fish on top and press down. You can also add some wasabi paste between rice and fish. Just don't overdo it. Another important point - cut the fish along the fibers. Ready!

Recipe for Philadelphia rolls at home


  • Nori;
  • Red fish (raw salmon);
  • Cream cheese.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

The number of calories in a homemade Philadelphia roll is 142 kcal / 100 gr.

When all the rice has been laid out on the mat, immediately spread the strips of cream cheese along the entire length.

If you use additional products, they should be laid out on the cheese.

The layout of products and the sequence of actions is the same as in the preparation of ordinary rolls.

Raw salmon is a classic Philadelphia fish, but can be substituted with trout or salmon if needed.

To diversify the taste sensations, try adding such foods: avocado, cucumber and apples.

How to make hot rolls at home


  • Salmon or salmon;
  • Nori;
  • Boiled pork or bacon;
  • Cucumber;
  • Cottage cheese

Cooking time - 45 minutes.

The number of calories in hot rolls is 205 kcal / 100 gr.

Product layout is standard.

First, boil the rice porridge. It must be sticky. To do this, fill the cereal with water in a ratio of 200 gr. rice for 250 gr. water. After the water boils, cook the rice for another 20 minutes over very low heat.

Put out the fire and let it brew. Add the prepared dressing to the rice. Lay the rice gently on half of the nori sheet, leaving the outermost corner blank. Spread curd cheese, strips of cucumber and meat on top.

Carefully roll up the roll and cut it in the same way as described above. Grind each piece with cheese and put in the microwave for 5-7 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Rolls "California" at home


Cooking time - 50 minutes.

Calorie roll "California" - 176 kcal / 100 gr.

Boil the cereal and make the filling. Add it to rice and let it infuse. Remove the skin and core from the cucumbers, cut into thin strips. Peel the avocado and cut it into slices.

Cut the crab sticks lengthwise into two, and cut the crab meat into strips. Fish fillet also cut into strips.

And now, according to the scenario already known to us, we begin to form our future roll. First lay out the rice, then distribute the tobiko caviar over it. Turn the roll over so that the caviar is on the bottom.

Put a sheet of nori on top and generously grease it with mayonnaise. We spread the whole filling - fish, avocado, and cucumber.

Cooking baked rolls at home


  • Nori;
  • Fish to your taste;
  • Cheese of your choice;
  • Capelin caviar or any other;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Sauce.

Cooking time - 35 minutes.

Calorie baked rolls - 199 kcal / 100 gr.

We cook rice according to a well-known recipe and let it soak in the sauce. Next, lay out all our stuffing on the nori, not forgetting to leave indents around the edges.

Roll up and cut into 8 pieces. After that, put them on a special surface and place in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Voila! Baked homemade rolls are ready to eat.

which can be prepared at any time. Have you tried this? Be sure to try.

Salad of canned pink salmon and potatoes. how to cook salads with fish.

On beef broth with peas, noodles, kharcho or minestrone. Read the most “nutritious” selection of first courses, as well as their benefits and calorie content.

Cooking secrets and tips for roll lovers

When choosing nori, be especially careful. You should not buy them at too high a price, because the structure is the same for both expensive varieties and cheap ones. Be sure to pay attention to the integrity and cleanliness of the packaging.

If the algae are raw, they will stick together, and even the best chef will not be able to prepare a beautiful and aesthetic dish to serve to guests.

Also know that wasabi is not so much an important addition to the dish, but just a precautionary measure. Earlier in Japan, such a pungent caustic seasoning was used to destroy microbes that are found in fresh fish.

Therefore, if you are not a fan of wasabi, then you should not even spend money on it.

For cooking rice, a small but deep pan with dense walls is better suited. Also, it should be filled with water only a third.

Ready rice should be mixed with a wooden spatula, and sauce should be poured along its edge in a thin stream.

It is important to cut all the constituent products for cooking sushi with a sharp knife and flat long strips.

If you want a roll with a pleasant flavor, you must adhere to the “no more than 5” rule. In other words, combine no more than 5 different products as a filling for a roll.

Ideally, the rice should be washed long enough until the water you drain is completely clean. Then put it in a colander and leave it in water for half an hour. And only after these procedures, you can start cooking cereals.

It is better to put boiled rice in a bowl made of clay or wood and add a small amount of vinegar there. Thanks to him, the rice will become more tasty and viscous, which is simply necessary for the rolls to succeed.

The recipe for a miracle marinade from professionals is as follows: you need to mix a small amount of soy sauce, regular and sweet sake and rice vinegar. Such a simple and such an irreplaceable recipe.

The majority of sushi players around the world are men. The basis of this unusual feature is just the whole body temperature. Indeed, in women it is slightly higher. And sushi needs to be cooked very quickly so that the body temperature does not have time to be transferred to the dish.

Traditionally, sushi is always washed down with the national Japanese drink - sake. It has a disinfecting effect, because raw fish should be consumed very carefully.

The main tradition of cooking sushi in Japan is to cook food right in front of the client. In our country, this practice is not too developed.

Despite the popularity of sushi diets and the usefulness of this dish, you should not lose weight on it. Such a diet can seriously damage your health.

Bon Appetit!

More recently, rolls in our country were considered exotic. Now you can buy them literally at every step. Moreover, you can make just one call and after a while, ready-made sushi will be delivered directly to your home. And, looking at these works of Japanese culinary, somehow few people think that rolls are not at all difficult to cook on their own at home.


  • Rice(not steamed) - 1 cup
  • fresh cucumber- 1 piece
  • nori sheets- 5-7 pieces
  • Red fish (slightly salted)- 200 grams
  • Processed curd cheese- 100 grams (1 jar)
  • Sesame
  • rice vinegar- 2 tbsp
  • Sugar- 1 tsp
  • Salt- 0.5 tsp
  • How to cook rice for rolls at home

    1. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to follow the cooking technology. Pour 1 cup of rice with 1.5 cups of cool water, cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling, (try to open the lid as little as possible, do not stir!) reduce the heat to a medium level (closer to the minimum) cook for 5 minutes. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and leave for another 12 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, do not open the lid for 15 minutes. Rice for rolls is ready. It will not boil, will not burn and will be quite sticky.

    . Next, you need to season the rice with a special filling. Pour 1 tbsp into a mug. l rice vinegar.

    3 . Add 1 tsp of sugar + half a teaspoon of salt. Stir until dissolved.

    . Now pour the rice in a thin line and mix it with the dressing. It may seem that this amount of filling is not enough, it is not.

    How to cook homemade rolls, option number 1

    . The mat can be wrapped with cling film, because in this version of homemade rolls, the rice is on the outer layer and can get stuck between the rods of the bamboo mat. If you don't have a mat, use a regular kitchen towel, also wrapped in cling film.

    . Place the nori sheet on the mat with the smooth, shiny side down. Depending on the size of the desired rolls, you can cut the sheet in half.

    . Spread the rice in a thin layer over the rough surface of the sheet, leaving a free edge of 1-1.5 cm. So that the rice does not stick strongly to the hands, we moisten the fingers with rice vinegar.

    . Then carefully take the edges of the nori sheet in the place where there is no rice and turn it over so that the smooth side of the seaweed is on top and the rice is on the bottom.

    . Lay out a thin strip of fresh cucumber. With dense cucumbers, you can not remove the peel and not remove the seeds. Just cut the cucumber into long strips in the form in which it is.

    . Then lay out the curd cheese (replacing Philadelphia cheese) with a strip near the cucumber.

    . On the other side of the cucumber, lay out a strip of red fish.

    . We twist the rolls, starting from the edge where there is no rice. Gradually, lifting the mat, we twist the nori sheet with the filling into a tight roll. You can make it round or square as you wish.

    . Roll the roll in sesame seeds. Cut into 6-8 pieces. It is important to cut the rolls beautifully, the knife must be very sharp. You can also pre-lubricate the blade with rice vinegar.

    Rolls at home, option number 2

    . Lay out the nori sheet smooth side down. Spread the rice by dipping your fingers in the rice vinegar. Leave the free edge of the sheet. From above, at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the rice, lay out the strips of cucumber and fish.

    . We turn the roll.

    . Top with cream cheese.

    . Then roll the roll in sesame seeds. Cut with a sharp knife into 6-8 pieces.

    Delicious homemade rolls are ready

    Bon Appetit!

    What are rolls made of?

    In Japan, the preparation of rolls has long been elevated to the rank of art. Every little thing counts here. But real masters are especially reverent in the choice of products. They should not only be fresh, but also complement each other well, creating a real harmony of taste in the mouth. So before you start cooking your own rolls, you need to choose the right ingredients.


    Not every type of rice is suitable for making rolls. In order not to bother too much, you can simply purchase special varieties of Japanese rice. Now they are sold in a specialized department of almost any chain store. Of course, such a product is not too cheap.

    In fact, ordinary rice is also suitable for rolls, which is much cheaper than special rice. The main thing is that the rice should be moderately sticky, but at the same time not too soft. Therefore, the best option is to buy round-grain varieties, and the best of them is ordinary Krasnodar round rice. What you really shouldn't do is buy clear and parboiled rice.


    What we have no problem with in our stores is wasabi. True, in our country you can only buy a cheap imitation of this seasoning. Real wasabi, even in their homeland, not every Japanese can afford. The main components of the imitation are horseradish and mustard, flavored with a few more ingredients. It's certainly not exactly wasabi, but it tastes very much like it.

    Immediately advice: it is better to buy seasoning in powder. Such wasabi just needs to be diluted with water and the seasoning is ready. Ready-made wasabi in tubes can also be used for rolls, but they are much more likely to contain various not-so-useful preservatives.

    rice vinegar

    To make the rolls tasty, you should not save on vinegar. For this dish, it is best to take Japanese rice vinegar, the so-called su. Unlike our sour and rather hot vinegar, su has a pleasant slightly sweet aftertaste. Plus, it's not sharp at all.


    An integral ingredient for rolls are sheets of seaweed or, in other words, nori. They are sold in the form of large dark sheets. Their size is different, but the most optimal width of such a sheet is 20 cm or so.

    Ginger and soy sauce

    Rolls, of course, can be made without these two ingredients, but serving them at the table without pickled ginger (gari) and soy sauce is somehow wrong.

    As a rule, rolls are eaten dipped in soy sauce. By and large, there is not much difference which of the varieties of sauces to buy. The main thing is that it be a product of natural fermentation and that it be packaged in glass containers. In all other respects, you can completely rely on your taste.

    As for ginger, there is nothing complicated here either. You just need to make sure that the product is fresh. Yes, and one more thing. Ginger comes in white and pink. Fans of spicy food are better off taking pink ginger, and the rest - white. Although in fact the taste of ginger does not really matter. After all, it is eaten in order to remove the taste sensations from the just eaten roll before sending the next one to the mouth.

    Some subtleties

    There are subtleties in the preparation of rolls. Professional masters also have their own tricks. But at first, you can get by with standard rules, especially since there are not very many of them.

    How to cook rice properly

    About how to choose rice, it has already been written above. Now some of the nuances of preparing and cooking cereals.

    First, rinse the rice. First, you just need to fill it with water and shake your hands a little to clean it of debris and husks. Even if the rice is clean, the water will still take on a milky white hue. This water must be drained, and then again “squeeze” the grits with massaging movements, pour water over and repeat the entire operation. You need to do this 5-7 times. This will be quite enough for the water to remain clear after the procedure.

    Rice should be cooked in a fairly deep pan. Water should be poured at the rate of 1 part of rice 1.5 parts of water. Cook cereals should be on low heat. When the rice has absorbed all the water, the rice should be removed from the heat and left to infuse under a closed lid for about 15 minutes. Only after that, rice for rolls can be considered ready.

    Stuffing and dressing for rolls

    Cooking rice is half the battle. It still needs to be filled. For dressing, mix salt, sugar and vinegar. At the same time, su (rice vinegar) can be warmed up a little, then the seasonings dissolve faster.

    The rice that has not yet cooled down should be put in a fairly wide container. Gently, in a thin stream over a wooden spatula, add the resulting dressing mixture to the rice, constantly stirring with the same spatula. It is advisable to stir the rice with horizontal movements so that each grain is saturated with the dressing mixture. Then the container should be covered with a paper towel and left for a while.

    Now you can do the stuffing. Most often, fish is used as such in rolls, which is cut into thin and long slices. If other products will be used for the filling, then, as a rule, they must also be cut into strips.

    How to roll rolls?

    The simplest version of homemade rolls is hoso-maki or thin rolls. Of course, for their preparation it is necessary to acquire a special bamboo mat - makisu.

    First, place a mat on the table and prepare a bowl of water and vinegar to wet your hands. Place half a sheet of nori on the mat. Lay with the rough side up. Put four tablespoons of rice on the seaweed. Spoons should be full - with a slide. With hands moistened in water with vinegar, spread the rice over the surface of the nori sheet so that a free strip of about 10 mm wide remains on top, and about 5 mm on the bottom. The result should be a layer of rice about 7 mm thick.

    It makes no sense to talk about laying out the filling. It is simply laid out in layers or paths in fig. But then the fun begins - rolling the roll. To do this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First you need to align the bottom edge of the nori sheet with the edge of the mat. While holding the filling, lift the makisa and begin to roll the blank for the rolls with forward and upward movements. When the roll is rolled up to the end, the edges of the mat should be slightly bent and roll the roll back and forth a little. There is no need to put pressure on him. After this procedure, the workpiece can be considered finished.

    How to cut rolls?

    Cutting even rolls from a roll is also a kind of art. It is best to do this following the traditions of Japanese roll-making masters. First you need to moisten the knife with a mixture of water and vinegar. Such a kind of "lubrication" will allow the knife to pass through the rice, as if through butter. The prepared roll must be cut first in the middle, and then each part is divided into three or four equal rolls. Here, in fact, is the whole trick.

    Recipes of popular rolls

    There are many types of rolls. There are simple recipes, there are complex ones, there are popular ones, and there are unfamiliar ones. Basically, anything can be done at home. It is better to start with the simplest or, in extreme cases, the most popular varieties.

    Syake maki rolls

    Perhaps these are the simplest rolls that even a child can cook in Japan. All they need is rice, nori and salmon prepared according to the recipe described above. Sake Maki is incredibly easy to make. To do this, lay rice on half of the nori sheet with a layer 5-7 mm thick, stepping back from the edge of about 1 cm. In this case, it is understood that not the entire area of ​​​​the algae sheet is filled with rice, but only half of it. In the middle of the rice layer, a “path” is laid out of salmon cut into oblong pieces. After that, the workpiece is folded into a roll, and then cut into 8-16 rolls.

    By the way, according to the same principle, you can make rolls with shrimp or crab meat. The only caveat is that the peeled shrimp must first be fried in oil for 5 minutes, and then stewed with a small amount of soy sauce (you can add a little sherry) until the liquid is completely evaporated.

    Rolls "Philadelphia"

    The preparation of this type of rolls, of course, cannot do without rice, nori and rice vinegar. For the filling, you will need the following ingredients:

    • red fish;
    • cucumber;
    • cream cheese "Philadelphia" (you can take other similar cream cheese).

    There is no point in describing the preparation of rice in this case. This has been discussed in sufficient detail in the previous sections.

    Place a halved sheet of nori on a bamboo mat, and spread a thin layer of rice (about 4 tablespoons) on it. Help yourself with a mat to turn the nori rice down and lay it on the mat again. Lubricate the shiny side of the seaweed leaf with Philadelphia cheese, and put thin slices of cucumber on it. After that, you need to roll the roll in the above way.

    Put the roll blank on the edge of the mat, and put a layer of thinly sliced ​​red fish in front of it. In width, it should correspond to the resulting roll, and in length be such as to cover all the rice. Using a rug, “wrap” the roll blank with red fish and roll it lightly.

    It remains to cut the roll first in half, and then each of the parts into another 3 or 4 parts. Philadelphia rolls are ready.

    Rolls "California"

    The birthplace of this variety of rolls is not Japan, but the United States. In principle, that is why they are called "California". To prepare them, you will need a lot of additional components, in addition to rice, vinegar and algae leaves:

    • trout;
    • avocado;
    • cucumber;
    • curd cheese;
    • flying fish caviar (tobiko). If you couldn’t find tobiko in the supermarket, then you can take cod or pollock caviar. True, the taste of such rolls will differ from the real California.

    The cooking technology of "California" is in many ways similar to that used when working with "Philadelphia". After all, both varieties of rolls are turned inside out, i.e. in finished products, nori is not outside, but inside the mini-roll.

    To begin with, rice is laid out on a half sheet of algae. A thin layer of caviar is placed on top of it. Now the nori sheet with the stuffing laid out should be turned upside down, and its smooth surface should be greased with a thin layer of cheese. Next, lay out thin slices of avocado, cucumber and trout. After that, the workpiece can be rolled up into a roll, give it a more square shape with a rug and cut into 6 or 8 rolls.

    These rolls can be slightly modified by using mayonnaise sauce instead of cheese (preferably Japanese) and crab meat instead of trout or together with it.

    Hot Tempura rolls

    Rolls can be served not only in the "raw" form. Even in Japan, this dish is often fried or baked. Rice for such rolls is prepared in the same way as for all other varieties. And besides him and nori for Tempura you will need:

    • cream cheese;
    • salmon or lightly salted salmon;
    • cucumber;
    • flying fish caviar;
    • egg;
    • tempura flour;
    • breadcrumbs.

    Spread the rice on top of the nori and brush generously with cream cheese. Spread the flying fish roe evenly on top and lay out the fish and cucumber cut into strips. Roll the workpiece into a roll.

    Now you need to prepare the batter by mixing the egg with tempura flour in a long rectangular container. The last product can be bought, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, mix wheat and rice flour, starch, garlic powder, black pepper and baking powder.

    The prepared roll should be dipped in batter, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried on all sides in vegetable oil heated in a frying pan. Only after that cut the workpiece into 6 pieces and serve immediately.


    That's actually all. Of course, there are countless varieties and recipes of rolls in the world. But they are all done according to the principles that were described above. Well, you can experiment with the fillings, adding those ingredients that you like best. Bon Appetit!

    Video recipes

    We are so used to ordering rolls in a restaurant that it seems that making rolls at home is absolutely unrealistic. However, Japanese cuisine, it turns out, is not so incomprehensible. The right set of products, a drop of patience, a few workouts and you will successfully master the lesson of making sushi at home. Usually those who have tried delicious rolls more than once and want to repeat it at home are taken to cooking sushi. This sushi recipe is just right for home cooking.

    What do you need to make rolls?

    The list of what you need is quite long. But there is nothing special about it. Nori (seaweed sheets) is now a favorite in any major supermarket. Bamboo rugs are sold in kitchenware and hardware stores.

    For rolls:

    • rice - 100g (round or long);
    • nori - 1 sheet;
    • bamboo rug.
    • shrimp - 20 pcs.;
    • avocado - ¼ pcs.;
    • cucumber - ¼ pcs.;
    • wasabi - 3g.


    • water - 20 ml;
    • apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 0.5 tsp;
    • salt - 0.25 tsp;
    • lemon juice - 0.25 tsp.

    For submission:

    • soy sauce;
    • pickled ginger;
    • wasabi;
    • sticks.

    How to cook rice for rolls

    Having bought everything you need, we start cooking. You need to start with rice. Those who make their own sushi for the first time are wondering how to cook rice for sushi. In fact, rolls are made not only from special varieties of rice, but also from the most ordinary long or round rice, from which we often cook classic pilaf, cereals, soups, etc. Boil it in the usual way. Those. first, rinse the rice well, about 5-6 times, so that the water becomes clean and transparent, then pour it into boiling water, which should be 2 times more (that is, two cups of boiling water per glass of rice). Cook until cooked for 10-15 minutes over low heat, do not add salt.

    How to make vinegar for rolls

    You can fill the rice only after it has completely cooled down. It is not at all necessary to use special vinegar to impregnate rice. Vinegar-based dressing for rolls can be prepared by yourself. To do this, mix the indicated amount of water, vinegar, sugar, salt and lemon juice in one container, mix well until the grains of sugar and salt dissolve. Then pour this dressing into rice, mix with your hands or with a spoon. You can first pour in half the dressing, mix and taste the rice, you also need to look at its consistency, it should not be “liquid”, but on the contrary, it is better if it is sticky.

    How to make rolls at home

    To prepare homemade rolls, place a sheet of nori on a board or bamboo mat with the smooth side down. If you bought large sheets, cut them in half or into thirds. Then, with wet hands, we take the seasoned rice and distribute it over the surface of the nori, leaving a small gap (about 0.5-1 cm) on both sides. Place a thin strip of wasabi in the middle of the rice. By the way, you can buy wasabi powder (it must be diluted in equal amounts with water) or ready-made, liquid in tubes.

    Making shrimp rolls

    Now we need to work on the filling. Basically, eel, red fish, a special omelet, crab sticks, etc. are used for sushi. We will tell you how to cook shrimp rolls. As a vegetable supplement, take avocado and cucumber. Peel the avocado, cut into thin long strips. Cucumber can not be peeled if its skin is not bitter, also cut into thin strips.

    Put the avocado and cucumber in the middle.

    Peel the shrimp (by the way, provided that they are boiled, raw must first be boiled), put on top of the cucumbers.

    Now, probably, the most crucial moment is to twist the roll. It is best if you do this with a bamboo rug. First, connect the ends with your hands, and then lift the edge of the rug and twist the roll with gentle movements, you can press it lightly with the rug. If you do not have such a rug, you can use parchment, foil or even a towel, in a word, you can adapt.

    Don't be alarmed if the roll doesn't turn out perfectly round at first. Small irregularities do not affect the taste. And in order to learn something, you need to practice properly. Make rolls at home more often, and then you will be able to quickly twist very neat round rolls.

    Cut the finished roll with shrimp into 4-6 pieces. This must be done with a wet sharp knife, otherwise the rice will be smeared on the nori, and the rolls will not look very neat.

    Rolls should be served immediately after preparation. The serving must be complemented with pickled ginger (it cleans the mouth), wasabi (Japanese mustard is designed to kill microbes that can be found in seafood) and soy sauce, which goes well with rice and emphasizes its taste. They eat rolls or sushi with special chopsticks.

    Bon appetite!

    Victoria Panasyuk

    Whether you know how to cook gourmet dishes or struggle to cook store-bought dumplings, you can always please your soul mate with a surprise in the form of cooking the now extremely popular and very tasty Japanese dish - rolls.

    Rolls, in fact, are just cooking rice with a variety of additives, wrapped in seaweed. There is nothing complicated in the process of making rolls.


    You can easily guess that when cooking rolls, you will probably need a saucepan for cooking rice. And you will be right. Next, you need to get a good cutting board, and - almost most importantly - a sharply sharpened knife. If the knife is blunt, then the whole idea will turn to dust, because the rolls will simply flatten out under its onslaught. For the preparation of rolls with rice outside, food-grade plastic wrap is useful.

    From special devices, you need to purchase a small makisu bamboo mat, which, in fact, will help you make a roll from everything that you are going to fit into it. And, of course, in the end, you will need chopsticks for eating rolls and soy sauce trays. Cymbals can be ordinary, or they can fully match the entourage of the moment and be with Japanese patterns.


    It is impossible to cook rolls without rice. Rice is better to take a special, special variety that provides its best grip. It is sold in shops of the corresponding direction or "Japanese" corners of large supermarkets. This rice is sold either in smaller packages than usual, or in portioned perforated bags for ease of preparation. Some, however, use ordinary round-grain rice for rolls. This is also not forbidden, just the rolls are a little rougher due to its larger grains.

    Rice needs vinegar, a special mitsukan rice vinegar, which will provide a decent bunch of rice grains into a single whole. This is necessary so that your rolls remain rolls in any situation (both in sticks and in soy sauce), otherwise your rolls will simply fall apart when you try to eat them.

    Don't forget nori, dried seaweed. It is they who will help you roll the structure into a roll shape and keep it in this form until it is eaten.

    Classic soy sauce and ginger are suitable as seasoning. Soy sauce is better to buy good, cheap will be more like water.

    Pickled ginger is now sold in any decent grocery store, so getting it will not be difficult either. Initially, this product was used in the process of eating rolls to refresh the taste sensations between their different types, but our compatriots eat it together with rolls.

    Wasabi, also known as “green mustard” or “green horseradish”, is a spicy seasoning for sushi, which is just supposed to be eaten with them. But we often add it directly to soy sauce.

    You can't do without stuffing. In essence, you can put absolutely everything that your creative nature desires into rolls. Of course, there are certain classic ingredients that are usually put in rolls in Russia (although, as a rule, they have little in common with Japanese rolls). This includes salted or smoked fish - salmon, tuna or eel, cucumbers and avocados, Philadelphia cream cheese, crabs, sometimes scrambled eggs and small fish caviar. However, with due imagination and opportunities, you can vary this list at your own discretion. Some even make rolls from potatoes with herring or pickles, which is not without national flavor.

    Rolls are both quite high-calorie and dietary (including vegetarian). You can even make them sweet, if instead of a nori sheet you use ordinary thin homemade pancakes, and put fruit filling inside. Just don't eat this type of sushi with soy sauce.

    How to cook

    To cook classic norimaki rolls (that is, seaweed rolls outward), you need to lay out a makisu mat in front of you, turning it away from you. Place a sheet of nori on top of the mat. It looks brittle and tough, but under the influence of wet rice will quickly become elastic enough to roll up.

    Top the nori with boiled and slightly flavored with mitsukan rice. Just leave a small free longitudinal strip along the bottom edge of the seaweed to secure the roll after folding. On the opposite end of this strip, lay out your filling, for example, slices of cucumbers, slices of fish and a little Philadelphia cheese. Then start rolling the future roll into a tube, starting from the edge with the filling. A mat will help you with this, which you can lift over the edge, thereby wrapping the structure. Make sure the roll is even and tight enough so that it doesn't fall apart when you cut it. When you have cooked this sausage, seal the edge with the remaining free strip so that the rice does not spill out. Your roll is ready, it remains only to cut it with a very sharp knife into portioned pieces of the size you need.

    If you decide to cook inside-out rolls or uramaki, the principle of operation changes somewhat: a cling film is spread on the makisu mat, rice is placed on it, and the filling you need is placed on the rice. Then the scheme is the same: we roll the roll with a flexible mat and dexterous hands, then cut it into portions.

    Ready-made rolls can be flavored with small caviar (flying fish or capelin, hardly anyone will notice the difference) or thinly sliced ​​​​and fried fish pieces.

    Whatever rolls you decide to cook, remember: you can quite cope with the preparation of this already not very exotic, but still delicious dish.

    Sushi is a Japanese dish that is now experiencing the peak of its popularity, especially in Russia. You can find all the ingredients on the supermarket shelves, and follow these step-by-step recipes to cook sushi at home. In fact, it is not difficult at all, the result will exceed all expectations, and besides, the dish will cost much less.

    Sushi at home - general principles of preparation

    Not all varieties of rice are suitable for sushi. You can buy special Japanese rice, there is a mark on the package. But it is not always on sale or the price is unreasonably high. That is why more and more recipes indicate simply round or Krasnodar rice. In terms of composition, grain size and other characteristics, it is excellent.

    What else do you need to make sushi:

    rice vinegar;

    Salt, sugar;

    nori sheets;

    Soy sauce, ginger and wasabi for serving.

    Of course, there is no sushi without toppings. Here you can show all your imagination and choose your favorite products. Usually they use fish and seafood, fresh vegetables, avocados, crab sticks. For a combination, you can take well-known recipes as a basis or come up with something of your own.

    A special mat is used to roll sushi. In order not to stain anything and everything turned out, the rug is wrapped with cling film. Sushi is prepared in small quantities, as it is not recommended to store a Japanese dish.

    How to cook rice for sushi at home: a step by step recipe

    Good rice is the basis of the dish. And it is very important to prepare it correctly. Sushi without rice is found, but most often in some diet recipes, cottage cheese, egg scrambled eggs and other products are wrapped in nori. These options have nothing to do with Japanese cuisine.


    1 st. rice

    0.5 tsp salt;

    50 ml of vinegar;

    0.5 st. l. Sahara;

    1.5 st. water.

    Cooking method

    1. Wash rice thoroughly, pour into a saucepan. We choose a vessel with a thick bottom and it is very desirable that it has a tight lid.

    2. Pour water. We measure strictly according to the recipe, do not add excess liquid. If there is not enough water, then the rice will come out hard and dry.

    3. Bring to a boil, cover and cook for exactly 15 minutes. Do not cook rice for more than 20 minutes.

    4. Turn off the stove, let the rice stand for another 10 minutes, so that the remaining moisture is evenly distributed inside.

    5. While the rice is infused, combine rice vinegar with salt and sugar, put on the stove, heat over low heat until all the grains are dissolved.

    6. Pour vinegar dressing into rice, stir quickly, cool to a warm state.

    Sushi at home: Hosomaki step by step recipe

    Easy homemade sushi. The step-by-step recipe uses slightly salted salmon, but you can also use other red fish of your choice.


    390 grams of boiled rice;

    3 nori sheets;

    150 grams of salmon;

    Some wasabi.

    Cooking method

    1. Place a sheet of nori on the mat in front of you, rough side up.

    2. Put 130 grams of boiled sushi rice, spread with your hands in an even layer, leaving a small empty strip on the opposite side. So that the rice does not stick to the hands, they need to be moistened. You can use plain water, but more often it is mixed with rice vinegar.

    3. Apply a drop of wasabi with a strip where the fish will be located.

    4. Cut the salmon into cubes. Lay out in a strip along the entire length of the sheet.

    5. Raise the edge of the rug, carefully twist the roll. Cover with a rug and, pressing tightly with your hands, give the correct shape.

    6. Transfer the workpiece to the cutting board. Moisten a large and sharp knife, cut the roll in half, then each part in half and again. You should get 8 identical pieces.

    7. Transfer the sushi to a plate, place cut side up, add wasabi, pickled ginger, serve soy sauce in a small bowl.

    Sushi at Home: Philadelphia Step by Step Recipe

    Philadelphia sushi is another very popular option that is easy to make at home. The amount of filling is for 1 cup of dry rice. We cook it according to the step-by-step recipe, which is given above.


    150 grams of Philadelphia cheese;

    300 grams of salted salmon;

    Rice is ready;

    1 avocado;

    1.5 sheets of nori.

    Cooking method

    1. Avocado for sushi is better to use slightly unripe so that it does not fall apart. Cut it into strips, remove the skin from each.

    2. Cut the noria sheet in half, you need 3 halves.

    3. We cover a special rug with a film. This is very important as Philadelphia sushi is cooked with rice on the outside.

    4. Put a sheet of algae on the film, or rather half of it. The rough side should be on top.

    5. We spread the rice with moistened hands, but not just like that. From below you need to leave empty algae. We make a strip of about two centimeters. From above we lay out a couple of centimeters on the film above the noria sheet. Carefully level, press the rice.

    6. Cover the unfolded rice with the unused side of the mat. Flip over to expose the seaweed.

    7. Put the cheese on the seaweed, then the avocado pieces. Roll carefully.

    8. Arrange thin slices of salmon on the film. Lay out so that there are no gaps between them.

    9. Put an open roll on the salmon, cut off the pieces of salmon that will go beyond the edge.

    10. Fold the edges of the mat and roll gently to give the sushi the correct shape.

    11. Cut the roll into pieces, transfer to a serving dish.

    Sushi at home: a step-by-step recipe with cucumber and crab sticks

    A simple step by step recipe for sushi at home with an inexpensive topping. It is advisable to take a cucumber young or remove large seeds.


    130 grams of cooked rice;

    1 sheet of algae;

    30 grams of cucumber;

    20 grams of cream cheese;

    3 sticks (crab).

    Cooking method

    1. Put a sheet of algae on the mat.

    2. Apply an even layer of rice on the rough side, leaving 1.5-2 centimeters from the opposite end.

    3. Now you need to apply a strip of cream cheese. We do this at a distance of about five centimeters from the side closest to us.

    4. A few drops of wasabi can be applied to cream cheese. It's to taste.

    5. Cut the cucumber into strips, put on the cheese.

    6. Put crab sticks on top. If they are long, then two pieces are enough. If the sticks are short, then put a piece from the third thing.

    7. Raise the edge, gently roll the roll. Cover with a rug, smooth, giving a square shape.

    8. Cut into 8 parts, transfer to a plate.

    Sushi at home: a step by step recipe with eel

    There are several options for stuffing with eel. It is difficult to say which one is worse or better, it all depends on personal taste. Here is a step by step recipe for sushi at home with eel and cucumber, sesame seeds (Unagi maki).


    Rice for sushi (ready);

    260 grams of smoked eel;

    3 nori sheets;

    2 cucumbers;

    Raw sesame;

    Wasabi, ginger, soy sauce.

    Cooking method

    1. Cut the eel into long strips. If initially the piece is a little short, then it will be possible to stack several things.

    2. Cut the cucumber into thin strips.

    3. Sushi with eel is made thin here. Therefore, each sheet of algae must be cut in half.

    4. Prepare a bowl of cold water. You can add a little vinegar to it or squeeze lemon juice.

    5. Wetting your hands, apply a layer of rice to the seaweed.

    6. Lay out the eel strips and chopped cucumber.

    7. Sprinkle toppings with sesame seeds. You don't need much, it should take about a teaspoon without a slide for one roll.

    8. Roll up. Align with a rug, cut with a sharp knife dipped in the same water with vinegar.

    Sushi at home: a step by step recipe with flying fish caviar

    Sushi with small caviar looks very elegant, they are original and unusual. But at the same time, they are easy to make at home, you just need to get all the necessary ingredients. Additionally, you will need crab sticks for the filling, you can replace eel or shrimp, salmon at your discretion, or simply cook sushi with cucumber.


    nori sheets;

    1 large cucumber;

    boiled rice;

    1 jar of caviar;

    1 pack of sticks (crab).

    Cooking method

    1. Boil rice according to all the rules, there is a detailed recipe above. You will need 2 cups of dry cereal. After cooking, season with vinegar, cool.

    2. Cut a long cucumber into strips, peel the sticks from the film, just open the jar of caviar. Cut seaweed sheets in half.

    3. Cover the mat with a film, put a piece of seaweed, apply a layer of rice, coming out from the opposite side 2 cm above the film.

    4. Immediately apply a layer of flying fish roe to the rice. Cover with the free side of the rug, smooth and turn over.

    5. Put sticks and cucumber on foxes. You can take other stuffing. For more juiciness, you can add a little melted cheese.

    6. Twist the roll, give it the correct shape with a rug, cut into pieces.

    When cooking rice, no spices should be added to the pan. But it is recommended to put a small piece of nori, hold it for a while and take it out. The algae will give their flavor to the rice.

    No need to try to make big sushi, save seaweed sheets or your time. Such sushi will turn out not very tasty, besides, they are inconvenient to eat.

    Sushi or rolls? In fact, there are differences between these dishes, but in Russia they are called differently, which is not prohibited.

    In order for the opposite side of the sheet to stick together normally, an empty strip of algae is left. For a stronger connection, you can lightly lubricate it with water. But you need to do this immediately before twisting.

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