Begonia drops flowers. Important nuances: why do buds and leaves fall off begonias, how to help the plant? Diseases and pests of begonia and plant care during this period

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Begonia is one of the most beautiful plants that adorns our squares, parks, gardens and apartments. The flower belongs to the huge Begoniev family. To date, this genus has about 900 full-fledged and 2000 hybrid species. For the first time, begonia was described back in 1690 by Michel Begon, and they began to use it for decorative purposes only 200 years ago.

From the history

The history of begonia began in the Antilles, where Michel Begon first described it. Subsequently, this flower was named after him. A few decades later, an ever-flowering begonia native to Brazil was described, even later, a royal begonia from the Hindustan peninsula and a tuberous subspecies from South America. It was from them that everything began modern varieties. After the widespread use of this flower for decorative purposes, begonia became incredibly popular: at first it was only a greenhouse flower, and then there were those that perfectly tolerate the surprises of the climate.

Today, all over the world, there are great amount hybrid forms and varieties of cultivated begonia.

All types of begonias are divided into groups according to their decorative qualities:

  • Decorative flowering;
  • Decorative and deciduous.

The most popular species is the tuberous begonia. She boasts incredible bright colors and, most importantly, they are very unpretentious in care.

The place of growth of begonias can be called the tropics and subtropics. They prefer shady and wet places, but are also found on the steep coasts of the sea at an altitude of 4000 meters, in the mountains and on arid slopes.

A variety of forms and types of begonias

Begonia is diverse not only in shape, but also in size and color. It can be like herbaceous plant, whose length is 3 cm, and may be a rather large shrub. Begonias are stemless, there are - with only one leaf. The leaves themselves have a color of any shade of green, the reverse side of the leaf is either plain or covered with multi-colored spots and patterns. Begonia flowers have a wide range of colors, mostly warm colors.

begonias- it houseplants, which can bloom not only in summer, but also in winter. Decorative flowering species are plants with large bright flowers, and decorative deciduous species have beautiful rich foliage, but their flowers are less attractive. The leaves themselves are covered with bright pubescence.


For begonias, it is very important that the light is bright. Flowering specimens are especially in need of this. In summer, it is best to shade the begonia from direct light, because otherwise sunburn. Decorative leafy begonias are suitable for diffused light; they are best placed on eastern or western windows.

Temperature regime

The most optimum temperature for given flower- 21-23 degrees in summer, and in winter not lower than 15-18.

Air humidity

Because of its origin, begonia loves high humidity, but it is not recommended to spray it. This is due to the fact that, getting on the leaves, water provokes the appearance of brown spots. In order for the plant not to suffer from excessive dryness of the air, you need to put the plant on an inverted tray, and after that the whole structure must be placed in an even larger tray. Expanded clay should be poured around the circumference, which needs to be moistened periodically. Evaporating, the water will maintain the moisture balance necessary for the begonia.


On hot summer days, begonias need to be watered very abundantly, but water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pan, and even more so in a pot. It should be watered with settled water when 1-1.5 cm of the earth has already dried up after the previous watering. Reduce watering in winter. Special attention pay attention to tuberous species: they hibernate for the winter, so they need to be placed in peat and watering should be completely excluded.

top dressing

You need to start feeding begonia 1 time in 2 weeks from the moment of flowering. Fertilizers with nitrogen should only be used for deciduous varieties, as they inhibit flowering, but improve leaf growth.

There are no special requirements for the soil for begonias. It can be purchased at a special store, or you can easily make it yourself. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, then you need to fill half the pot with leafy soil, and then add a mixture of peat and black soil in equal proportions. Don't forget to put some regular sand in the bottom of the pot. If you properly prepare the soil for begonia, then it will delight you with its active growth for a long time.

Transplant given plant needed as needed. Time passes from the previous transplant, and now the grown roots cannot fit in the old pot. That is why the plant needs to be placed in a more spacious pot. It is best to transplant in the very beginning of spring. The plant must be carefully removed from the pot, and the roots must be cleaned of old peat. After that, it is best to place the plant in water with potassium permanganate for a while. After the roots are cleared of sand, it will be necessary to cut off the rotten parts.

It is very important not to pour a full pot of earth when transplanting begonias. It is best to wait until the roots are completely dry, and then add some earth. A plant that has recently been transplanted needs to be watered very often. Also, begonias should not be placed immediately in the sun. Remember, now for a while you need to take care of the begonia more diligently. Usually the time of acclimation in a new place is about 1 month.

Reproduction of this wonderful plant can be done in three ways:

  • Leaf cuttings;
  • stems;
  • The division of the bush.

Each type of begonia has its own reproduction characteristics, and if you ignore them, the plant is not something that will not bloom, it will not take root.

To propagate tuberous begonias, you must have seeds or tubers.

Reproduction by tubers should be carried out as follows:

  • In the fall, get the tubers from the ground;
  • Trim begonia leaves;
  • Clear the roots from the ground;
  • Place peeled tubers in peat. You need to make sure that it does not dry out;
  • The temperature regime should be within 9-11 degrees.

In order for tuberous begonia to grow well after transplantation, it must be carried out between February and May. In order for begonias to germinate, they must be planted in pots filled with sandy soil and watered sparingly.

It is very important to remember that tuberous begonia germinates very slowly. The fact that the germination process has already begun, you will be informed by the roots and shoots that have appeared.

Begonia blooms very plentifully, and most importantly brightly. luxury flowers in their form they resemble roses, camellias, carnations, daffodils. The main advantage of such flowers is that they are able to bring the atmosphere of a holiday even to the darkest places. A variety of elegant flowers decorate summer gardens from early June until September, and in apartments they can please the eye from late spring until late autumn.

Diseases and pests of begonias

  • Quite often, the leaves and petioles of begonias are exposed to fungal diseases, most often - powdery mildew. For the most part, it is caused by an excess of moisture. Carefully monitor the condition of the core of the bush, as well as lower leaves to address the problem in time. It is these places that are the place where rot and powdery mildew appear. If, nevertheless, you have diagnosed this problem on your plant, you need to get rid of the damaged leaves, and then reduce watering. In this way, you will be able to avoid the reproduction of the fungus throughout the plant.
  • The most common begonia pests are red spider mites and aphids. To rid your plant of them, you need to abundantly spray the leaves with a solution of insecticides: Fitoverm, Intavir or Karbofos. After this treatment, you need to place the plant in a wet plastic bag to enhance the effect of the procedure. However, if you take good care of the begonia, you should not worry that such a problem will overtake you.

Why is the begonia not blooming?

Perhaps your begonia does not have enough light, the room has low humidity, the temperature is not suitable, it is located in a draft, or you just overdo it with fertilizers. Try to change something in her usual life: move it to another window, or to a room where the temperature is different from where your begonia is now. If, despite all your efforts, the begonia will wither, root a few roots. Perhaps she is going to say goodbye to you.

Why do begonias drop buds immediately after they appear?

There can be a huge number of reasons for this. The fault may be improper watering or even the location relative to the light. It is possible that the begonia lacks minerals, so it needs to be fed.

Why do begonia leaves turn yellow?

It is possible that the begonia leaves begin to turn yellow due to lack of moisture or soil depletion. It is possible that pests have bred in the soil that affect root system begonias. Therefore, we advise you to replace the soil, having previously cleaned the roots of sand and washed them in water with potassium permanganate.

Begonia care video at home

As you can see, begonia is beautiful, enough unpretentious plant. Therefore, in order for her to please the eye, you need to provide her with proper care, which is quite possible if you follow the recommendations written above.

Begonia - beautiful flower which delights lovers with a riot of colors. This plant has a lot and it is grown both in the apartment, as indoor, and in the garden. Few people know what amazing shape begonia leaves are called elephant or bear ear. Like any plant, begonia requires attention, care, love and proper care. Often flower growers themselves cannot solve the problems that arise in the process of growing a flower. The bush is naughty, withers, does not want to grow, the leaves curl, dry along the edge and fall off, the flowers turn black. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Reasons for indoor plants

  1. Plant finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. For example, with the onset of spring, vents and windows are opened in the apartments, a draft arises in the apartment, which the begonia does not like very much. Or, knowing that begonia is light-loving, they put it on the balcony, wanting to please the sun and warmth. And they get the opposite result. A plant that has received stress begins to rebel, the leaves dry up and wither. Solution: Return the flower pot to the usual conditions - to a lighted warm window sill.
  2. If leaves dry and turn yellow v winter period, then the fault is the begonia's love for a humid environment. Usually in room conditions grown on windowsills, under which there are steam heating radiators. The air in the apartment is dry. Solution: Put the flower pot in another place. If this is not possible, you can place a cup of water nearby. Regular spraying with water will also help.

    Humidify by spraying the air, trying not to get on the plant, especially on the buds.

  3. Micronutrient deficiencies. Solution: Pamper with regular top dressing with complex fertilizers. Or use potassium nitrate.

When choosing a complex fertilizer, pay attention to the nitrogen content. It should be as small as possible.

Reasons for garden plants

  1. Hot and dry weather insufficient irrigation.What to do: adjust the water supply. But there is a small nuance here. The roots do not like constant dampness, so you need to make sure that the earth is moist, but well ventilated and not constantly wet.


To prevent any disease, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Plant pots should stay away from each other.
  • Place for begonias should be bright, sunny, warm and without drafts.
  • The air around the begonia should be moist.
  • Follow watering regime. The ground should always be slightly damp, but not wet.
  • Timely feeding.
    Symptoms: Gray watery spots appear on the leaves. Flowers and stems gradually become slippery and slimy, the leaves dry up and begin to fall off. The reason is excessive moisture.

    Treatment: Spray with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or a copper-soap solution (a little tar soap, 20 g of copper per liter of water). Treat with benomyl.

  1. Powdery mildew - white coating Symptoms: spots with a white coating appear on the leaves. If no action is taken, they increase in size and gradually cover the entire leaf completely, gradually the leaves turn brown, curl and dry out.

    Treatment: Spray the plant with either 0.05% morestan, or 0.05-0.1% foundationazole. For prevention, spraying with a soap-copper liquid or a solution of colloidal sulfur is suitable.

  2. Symptoms: yellow-green spots or concentric lines appear on the leaves, they grow and turn into bronze spots. The cause is the so-called tomato virus, which is carried by sucking insects such as thrips or aphids.

    Prevention: Watch out for pests.

    Treatment: it is better to destroy the flower, as the treatment does not work.

  3. Spotting bacterial - brown spots Symptoms: small glassy watery spots form on the underside of the leaf. Gradually, they become brown and capture stems and buds.

    Prevention: Spray every two weeks with a 0.5% copper oxychloride solution.

    Treatment: It is not subject to treatment, the flower must be destroyed so as not to spread the infection, the pot must be thoroughly disinfected, it is better to throw the earth away and replace it with another one.

Darken (flowers turn black)

  1. Water gets on the flowers during watering.
    Solution: water under the root, avoiding drops on the buds and on the edges of the leaves.
  2. Lack of moisture for foliage and flowers, for example, in hot and dry summers or in winter on a warm windowsill. Solution:
    1. Set the flowerpot with a flower on wet expanded clay.
    2. With a sprayer humidify the air around the plant trying not to get water on the buds.

The flower does not develop the root system, fades

There are two types of begonia - root begonia and tuber begonia.

For both species, wilting of the root system occurs due to over watering. If water stagnates in the ground, and the roots and tubers begin to rot, the plant withers, the leaves fall off, in this case it is necessary to limit the amount of moisture supplied.

The second reason is the infection of the flower nematodes. Since it viral disease the plant dies.

And the third reason is that there are types of begonias that bloom only in summer, and in winter they need rest. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of drying. Just need cut off all leaves, stems and flowers, and place the tubers in a closed container with dry sand or soil and store in the cellar or on the loggia at a temperature of plus five to plus ten degrees.

Falling buds

Begonia - very tough plant. Buds can fall off for a variety of reasons:

  • Insufficient watering.
  • Excessive watering.
  • Dry air around the plant.
  • The buds got water.
  • Overfeeding.
  • Insufficient nutrition.
  • Moving a flower pot from place to place. Even turning a few degrees can cause the buds to drop.

Solution: Observing the plant, identify the cause, adjust watering and top dressing. In no case do not change the location of the flower. Flowers may not exist at all if you unknowingly acquired a plant that does not bloom.

stem rot

The reason again v improper watering . Excessive moisture and getting it on the outlet provokes stem rot.

It is necessary to cut the stem, remove the rotten part and place the stem for several days in water with Kornevin.

Begonia pests

There are two ways to deal with pests. Large pests - slugs, caterpillars - harvested by hand. small sprayed with insecticides or infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

leaf nematode

These are worms up to 1 mm in size. When a begonia is affected by a nematode, the leaves appear light green spots, the tops develop incorrectly, the plant gradually dies. For prevention, a solution of heterophos (0.005)% is used. If the lesion is extensive, the plant cannot be saved, it is better to destroy it.

Thrips greenhouse

Terrible in itself and as a pathogen, 1.5 mm long, develop well at high humidity and a temperature of about 30 degrees. The adult insect is dark brown in color, the young are orange. Plant stops growing, discolored, the leaves turn yellow.

For destruction regularly, every two weeks you need to spray with infusion of celandine or tobacco.

Greenhouse aphids

A tiny insect, 2 mm in size, which settles on the lower part of the leaf, covering it with sugary secretions.

They die at temperatures below zero or at high summer temperatures and drought. Sucks the sap from the plant, so the leaves curl and dry out.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the plant. If aphids are found, spray with an infusion of tobacco (100 g per liter of water) or green soap. From chemicals benzophosphate (0.1%), actelik (0.1%), selecron (0.05), kroneton (0.05-0.1%) are suitable

Summing up, we will formulate simple rules, following which, you can successfully grow begonias and constantly admire wonderful flowers.

  • The place for begonias should be bright and sunny.
  • Pots should not be very close to each other.
  • Begonia loves a humid environment around it, but does not like it when moisture gets on the buds and leaves.
  • The soil in the pot should be slightly damp, but not wet.
  • Regular inspection of the leaves, especially with inside will help in time to identify pests and destroy them.

Good luck, dear flower growers.

A friend gave me a beautiful blooming begonia for my birthday. But after it faded, new buds did not appear, but the deciduous part increased significantly in volume. Tell me why the begonia does not bloom, but gives only foliage?

Begonia attracts attention with unusual lush inflorescences, somewhat reminiscent of the queen of flowers - a rose. Despite the fact that begonia is not very demanding in care, to save lush flowering need to give it some attention. According to decorativeness, begonias are divided into deciduous and flowering plants. So, at improper care behind a flowering begonia, the plant will only give foliage and turn to a decorative look or start to hurt. The article will tell you what can be the reason why begonia does not bloom at home, but only gives foliage.

Incorrect identification of the plant species and too “young” age

As already mentioned, begonias are flowering and decorative. If with flowering varieties everything is clear, then decorative begonias will only please the eye unusual leaves. Deciduous varieties are also very beautiful, but if you got into the collection of flowers decorative look, to expect flowering from it is a useless exercise.

Experienced flower growers have long noticed that begonia blooms on its own only after at least 5 rings are formed on the main stem. When buying a young small plant, which already has inflorescences, it can be suspected that flowering is caused artificially by the introduction of special stimulating drugs. This means that it will be short and will not be repeated until the begonia reaches the required age.

lack of lighting

Begonia is a photophilous plant. If the flowerpot, standing on the northern windowsill, has ceased to bloom, it means that it lacks lighting. To correct the situation, it is enough to rearrange the pot in a well-lit place, but without fanaticism, since from a bright sunlight the plant will get burned. The ideal solution would be a southeast or southwest window sill.

Low humidity or improper watering

Dry air has a bad effect on begonia, the leaves begin to dry out at the edges and over time it will completely stop blooming. To increase humidity, you can put a jar of water on the windowsill, or hang a damp towel on the radiator.

And the plant will perfectly respond with flowering to an open aquarium standing nearby.

As for watering, with a lack of water or an excess of moisture, the begonia dies. You can try to save at least a few branches: cut off the still living stems and put them in water. After rooting, they are planted.

Non-compliance with the temperature regime and cold air

V summer time comfortable temperature for begonias is 22 degrees, and in winter 15 degrees of heat. An increase or decrease in the temperature in the room or its sharp fluctuations will lead the begonia to a stressful state in which flowering is impossible. To prevent this, the pot must be placed in a room with a constant climate.

The reason for the refusal to bloom is also the presence of drafts in the habitat of begonias.

Violation of the terms of the rest period

Like every plant, begonias need a period of rest, during which it will rest before the next flowering. If it was not there at all or the begonia woke up ahead of schedule, it will not have the strength to bloom again. Need help setting a schedule. At abundant flowering in winter, summer three months are left for rest. With the advent of summer, move the pot to a cool place in the shade with a temperature of no more than 17 degrees and reduce watering. Also reduce the daylight hours to 7 hours and cover the begonia from above after this time has elapsed.

Bring the flower out of hibernation also gradually - increase the duration of daylight hours and watering, increase the temperature.

Lack or excess of vitamins and fertilizers

If begonias lack vitamins for lush flowering, you need to transplant the plant, completely changing the soil to special soil for planting begonias. If you transplant a flower into new ground there is no way, it must at least be fed. But you should be careful, as an excessive amount of fertilizer will burn the root system or redirect the power of the begonia into growing leaves.

Presence of pests

If indoor begonia is put outside for the summer, it is carefully examined for pests when transported back to the house. If aphids, spider mites and other harmful insects are found that take the strength necessary for flowering, immediately treat the begonia with special means.

How to care for begonia so that it blooms more often, the video will show

Begonia is a beautiful and bright representative of the Begonia family, which is the most popular plant among flower growers and has a large number of annuals and perennial species herbs, shrubs and shrubs.

The first to describe begonia was a botanist, a Frenchman by origin, Charles Plumier, who was part of an expedition organized to the Antilles in the 16th century by Michel Begon.

It was in honor of this organizer that the plant got its name - begonia.

The plant is often used in traditional medicine It is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Features of growing begonias at home

Important Points proper cultivation begonias at home:

Begonia, grown at home, prefers to do without any neighborhood with other flowers, as it loves space (for example, on the windowsill) and does not tolerate when someone or something touches, hurts, or disturbs it - it touchy!

Begonia requires a room with high humidity air.

It is better to water the begonia with settled water, but so that moisture does not linger in the drainage hole.

The soil for begonias should be loosened more often, and the plant should be fed with a balanced fertilizer and watered with warm water.

Begonia: home care - plant species and propagation

Begonias grown at home are purely symbolically divided into two groups - flowering and deciduous plant varieties.

Deciduous varieties are distinguished by their unusual shape and original leaf color.

Flowering specimens are divided into categories of tuberous, evergreen and bushy plants.

The most popular types of begonias:

Tuberous variety- has simple and double petals of flowers of various colors from bright white to red and orange color. Petals can combine two colors or be framed with a border. The sizes of the inflorescences range from 5 to 18 centimeters, and the shape is very reminiscent of roses, peonies or carnations.

Everblooming variety- the most common specimen related to bushy plants. This variety is grown as garden culture, and planted at home in room conditions. At home, this begonia variety can bloom all year round, delighting their household with glossy leaves of red and Green colour. This homely beauty blooms small flowers in bright colors - red, pink and white.

royal variety- refers to deciduous specimens of begonia and has a bright difference in the form of leaves of various colors, shaped like a heart and reaching a length of 30 centimeters. The green, brown and red tones of the leaves of this variety delight and surprise at the same time.

Ampelous subspecies tuberous begonia - similar to ivy, which is strewn with small flowers that have white, yellow, ruby ​​​​and orange hues. The hanging garlands of this begonia provide gardeners with flowers throughout the growing season.

Elatior- tuberous begonia hybrid, which is grown only at home. This species begins to bloom in autumn. Flower petals come in a variety of colors. It has shiny green leaves of a rounded shape.

It is more expedient to carry out seed propagation of begonias at the end of the year, or rather, in December. Begonia seeds are tender and sensitive, as a result of which no substrates need to be used when planting them in the ground. After half a month, the seeds planted in the soil will sprout. During maturation and growth, shoots must be dived and slowly accustomed to the sun's rays.

Also, begonia, grown at home with ease, can be propagated by cuttings of stems or leaves. To do this, it will be necessary to pick up a strong and healthy specimen of the plant, from 10 centimeters in size and plant it in moist soil from sand or peat. For better rooting of begonias, you can resort to the use of phytohormones.

Important! In order for the seedling not to rot, the plant must be planted in such a way as to completely exclude its contact with the ground.

Begonia: home care - soil, lighting, the necessary environment for flowering

Soil and lighting needed for begonias

The choice of soil for begonia must be approached with all seriousness, since this plant has a fibrous rhizome with a decent amount of thin and vulnerable roots.

When choosing a soil, consider:

Slight acidity.

Lightness and looseness of the soil.

The ideal combination to obtain the required soil composition would be mixed proportions of 1: 2 - sand and peat with an admixture of leafy soil, as well as manure from a cow.

To plant begonias in a pot, it is necessary to fill three-quarters of the container with leafy soil, as well as 1: 1 black soil and peat. In this case, you must not forget and add sand to the above components.

Important to remember, that if, in accordance with all the rules, prepare the soil for room begonia, it will grow well and please the eye.

If there is such a need and the begonia needs to be transplanted, for example, its root system has become cramped in a pot, then you need to do this in accordance with all the existing rules:

The plant must be removed from the pot and the root system must be cleaned of the old earth.

For a while, begonia should be placed in a container with potassium permanganate.

Clean the begonia rhizome from all rotten or moldy parts.

Pour the required soil composition into a new pot by ¾, no more, and plant a begonia. Subsequently, when the rhizome of the plant gets stronger and grows, you can add more land.

The transplanted plant needs regular and frequent watering, as well as safety from exposure to direct sunlight.

Most better lighting for begonias, this is daylight with diffused sunlight. It is recommended to place begonias on window sills, the windows of which face east or west. Lighting should exclude direct sunlight. Some penumbra is better for begonias, but, and in winter for good development and plant growth, of course, additional lighting.

It is important to know that begonia does not respond well to changes in the brightness of lighting - it may even get burns or the plant may die completely.


On home window sills, begonia blooms with great intensity and brightness. But this is if the plant is provided with the necessary and proper care. Then, in gratitude, the begonia will delight its household with flowering from spring to the very autumn frosts.

In order to extend the flowering time in the initial stage of plant development, it is necessary to remove the female flowers.

Begonia flowers are similar in shape to other types of flowers - carnations, roses, daffodils and others. The bright colors of the petals during flowering can decorate any room and cheer up its owners.

If the begonia does not bloom, then you need to change the conditions of the plant and plant the flower in a new soil and pot. Another lack of flowering may indicate that the begonia needs to be rejuvenated.

Begonia: home care - feeding and watering

How to properly water begonias?


In order for watering to be correct, two particularly important factors must be taken into account:

Good soil moisture.

Lack of stagnation of water in pots with a plant.

In summer, the begonia should be irrigated so abundantly that excess water completely flows out of the drainage hole, and after some time it is necessary to permanently remove unnecessary liquid from the pan.

It is best for your pet to set a certain watering regime and irrigate it at the same time. In summer, begonias are recommended to be watered at least a couple of times a week, and if the weather is hot, then it is necessary to irrigate it as the soil dries.

V autumn period you need to water the plant less often, and with the onset of winter, when the begonia is in dormant mode, watering should be reduced to a minimum.

With the advent of warm days and spring, the plant must be taken out of dormancy, thereby increasing the dose and frequency of watering.

Important to remember, that abundant watering can lead to the appearance of powdery mildew, which can kill the plant.

Watering is best done with settled and warm water, you can boil it.

In addition, many types of begonias do not perceive direct contact with water on the trunk or leaves of the plant when spraying, this may cause brown spots in some specimens, which indicate burns from the liquid.

top dressing

Once on such a luxurious ornamental plant, as begonia buds appear, this will mean one thing - it's time to feed.

For domestic flowering beauties, it is advisable to feed in the form of a liquid complex fertilizer. It is necessary to introduce this fertilizer along with some water when watering once every fortnight.

As soon as the plant has faded, the feeding process must be stopped. And in winter, when the plant is resting, it is generally impossible to feed it.

Begonia: at home - why she dies

Wrong care, ignorance, mistakes in growing and maintaining such a flower as begonia lead to the fact that favorite plant falls ill, sheds leaves and buds, or even dies altogether.

For his pupil, so to speak, you need an eye and an eye. It is necessary to take a closer look at begonias with all your attention:

If the leaves of the plant turn brown in places and begin to fall, this can only mean one thing - the begonia lacks water and air humidity.

If the leaves become faded, this means that the plant does not have enough light.

Excessive moisture and low temperatures lead to the appearance of a fungus on the plant that affects the leaves and shoots of begonias. With such a misfortune, it is necessary to immediately treat the begonia with fungicides.

Dry air and temperature changes are an excellent environment for the appearance of powdery mildew on the plant. She is in the form white coating destroys the plant. Therefore, a diseased begonia should be immediately treated with colloidal sulfur.

The main pests of begonias are organisms such as mites (spider webs) and aphids. They are located on the back of the begonia leaf and take all the juices from it. You can destroy the tick by resorting to spraying with a solution of soap and tobacco. Aphids are destroyed special preparations such as feverfew, for example.

Take care of the begonia and provide it with decent and proper care, then the plant will definitely repay good for it. With its excellent property of purifying the air from different kind pollution, toxins, chemicals and dust - the begonia will make the home of its amateur florist clean and safe.

Improper conditions of detention are the most common reason why begonias dry and fall buds. The natural habitat of this plant is tropical rainforests and subtropics, and home air is too dry. So that the begonia does not get sick and pleases with flowers all year round, it must be moistened, and this is a whole science.

Water should not be allowed to fall on the leaves, growing point, and even more so flowers. You can humidify the air only by spraying water near the flower. Also, do not allow stagnation of water in the pan - this can rot the roots. Begonia should be watered often, but without fanaticism, pouring water along the edge of the pot so that the root does not rot, as is often the case with tuberous begonia.

As for heat and lighting, begonias are contraindicated in direct Sun rays. From exposure to the sun on the foliage, a burn and redness may appear. The best place for the plant are the southeast and southwest window sills, and then in hot weather they should be shaded. Comfortable temperature is 20–22 °C, in winter - 16–18 °C. In hotter conditions, the begonia flowers dry, the leaves wither, and their color turns red.

Lack of minerals

Indoor begonia grows rapidly and eventually begins to lack nutrients. The ideal soil for this plant is a mixture consisting of the same parts of sod, coniferous and leafy soil with the addition of sand and peat. This substrate promotes good flowering. If the flower has become weak, the leaves have brightened, and the buds are falling off, this is a sign that the soil is depleted.

You can correct the situation by applying complex mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira Lux. During the flowering period, fertilizers are applied 1 time in 2 weeks, in winter - 1 time in 1-2 months. It is desirable to alternate mineral mixtures with organic matter (biohumus, mullein). In order for flowering to be plentiful, nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided, as they contribute to the growth of foliage and inhibit the formation of buds. blooming begonias need more phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

The most common diseases leading to dropping flowers are gray rot and powdery mildew.

The rot appears as light watery spots on the tops of the shoots, leaves and buds. Against the background of a general weakening of the plant, flower stalks are the first to fall off at the points of attachment to the branch. If only the inflorescences break off, and the pedicels remain, then most likely the begonia is sick powdery mildew. This can be judged by the condition of the lower leaves - it is there that a characteristic plaque begins to appear.

Timely treatment of begonias with a copper-containing fungicide (Bordeaux mixture) or a solution consisting of copper sulfate (2 g) and laundry soap (20 g) dissolved in 1 liter of water helps to stop this process. If the disease progresses, the plant is sprayed with a 1% solution of "Fundazol".

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